Five Talks About Trains

Christian Lawson-Perfect

start (L 100, L 100, L 100, L 100, S 400, L 100, L 100, L 100, L 100, S 400) (follow continuous forwards 0)
Thomas the Tank Engine wearing an FFP2 mask

Trains are Turing complete

end (S 600, R 100, S 200, L 100) end (S 1000) start (S 500) (follow continuous forwards [0,2]) (wait 900, follow continuous backwards [0,2]) (wait 2000, follow continuous forwards [1,2]) (wait 3000, follow continuous backwards [1,2])

Train Sets - Adam Chalcraft and Michael Greene

Excellent explanation by Guy Walker

Topological railway oddities

start (S 1200, L 100, L 100, S 100, L 100, L 100, S 700, L 100, L 100, S 500) (follow continuous forwards 0)

Metro rings and loops

Lost luggage on a train!

via David Cushing

Brio Algebra

start (L, R, L, R, L, L, L, L, R, L, L, R, L, L, R, L, L, L) (follow stopstart forwards [0], wait 600)

The shunting yard algorithm


Clothoid corners

start (S 300, C 360 1200) (follow continuous forwards [0], wait 600)

Railway corners are clothoids.

Clothoid corners

start (S 300, C 360 1200) (follow continuous forwards [0], wait 600)

Railway corners are clothoids.