Accessible teaching for Maths, Stats and Physics
workGuidance on accessible teaching maths, stats and physics

Christian Lawson-Perfect's homepage
My name is Christian Lawson-Perfect. This site exists to link to all my doings around the web.
If you want to email me, you can! My email address is Like most people, I am especially open to receiving friendly emails.
There are 297 things here!
Here are the 5 most recent things I've made.
Guidance on accessible teaching maths, stats and physics
Made for Matt Parker. A visualisation of the Thomson problem - distributing points on a sphere to minimise the repulsion energy.
A few variations on sorting things in space. I made this for Helen but she didn't like it.
Material made to support an event I ran at Newcastle University.
A page to browse through all the fonts available on, and to fiddle with the variable axes.