Unicode scroll
toysAnother iteration in my ongoing exploration of the Unicode character set.
Christian Lawson-Perfect's homepage
My name is Christian Lawson-Perfect. This site exists to link to all my doings around the web.
If you want to email me, you can! My email address is christian@lawson-perfect.uk. Like most people, I am especially open to receiving friendly emails.
There are 269 things here!
Here are the 5 most recent things I've made.
Another iteration in my ongoing exploration of the Unicode character set.
A tool to plot the votes for each Big Internet Math-Off match, over time
I'm working on writing display code for Numbas in Elm. This page shows a demo exam.
A simple spinner using the SVG animate tag
Shows how to add a TeX comand to MathJax 3, which parses its (non-TeX) input and returns TeX code to go be substituted for the macro.