Something or other, whatever!

Christian Lawson-Perfect's homepage


I work in the school of mathematics, statistics and physics at Newcastle University, where my job title is "Senior learning software engineer (skilled)". The (skilled) is worth a couple more points on the pay scale, apparently.

Most of my job involves writing the maths e-assessment system, Numbas. My other interests include accessibility of technology for staff and students.

I have a separate work homepage.

The MathJax URL

From the time when I needed it lots, and the main MathJax site didn't make it easy to find, I made this page with just the URL to load MathJax.

Download scores report for Moodle SCORM

This report provides buttons to download a spreadsheet of scores for a SCORM package. It differs from the basic report by giving the total score in raw marks and percentage, as well as scores for each SCORM objective (called "question").


Alas, this doesn't work any more!

An algebra parsing, evaluation and simplification system written entirely in JavaScript.


Numbas is an open-source e-assessment tool aimed at mathematical disciplines. It's what I spend most of my work time on.