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Graph theory extension for Numbas

Graph theory extension for Numbas

This extension provides some functions for working with and drawing graphs in Numbas.

JME functions

Many of these functions take an adjacency matrix as an argument. A value of 0 in position [i][j] means that there is no edge from vertex i to j; a positive value means that there is an edge, with any value less than 1 being drawn as a dashed line, and a value of 1 being drawn as a solid line.


Given a list of edges, in the form [v1,v2], where v1 and v2 are indices of vertices, produce an adjacency matrix for the graph with those edges and no extra vertices.

draw_graph_from_adjacency(adjacency, labels)

Given an adjacency matrix and an optional list of string labels for the vertices, produce a drawing of a graph.

draw_graph(adjacency, vertices, labels)

Given an adjacency matrix, a list of vectors giving the positions of the vertices, and an optional list of string labels for the vertices, produce a drawing of a graph.


Given an adjacency matrix, lay the graph out, trying to separate vertices reasonably and avoid crossing edges.

Returns a list of vectors giving the positions of the vertices.


Given an adjacency matrix, return a list giving the degree of each vertex.


Given adjacency matrices a and b, return an adjacency matrix representing the union of the two graphs.


Given adjacency matrices a and b, return an adjacency matrix representing the cartesian product of the two graphs.


Given adjacency matrices a and b, return an adjacency matrix representing the direct product of the two graphs.


Given a permutation p (produced by the permutations extension) and an adjacency matrix m, return an adjacency matrix representing the graph with the vertices permuted according to p.


Given a permutation p (produced by the permutations extension) and an adjacency matrix m, return true if p is an isomorphism of the graph represented by m, and false otherwise.

JavaScript functions

All JavaScript functions are available under Numbas.extensions['graph-theory'].

Many of these functions take an adjacency matrix as an argument. An adjacency matrix is a 2D array (an array of arrays), with added integer properties rows and columns giving the number. A value of 0 in position [i][j] means that there is no edge from vertex i to j; a positive value means that there is an edge, with any value less than 1 being drawn as a dashed line, and a value of 1 being drawn as a solid line.


Given an adjacency matrix, find the connected components. Returns a list of components, each represented as a list of the indices of the vertices in that component.


Return true if the graph represented by the given adjacency matrix has a single connected component.


Given a graph represented by an adjacency matrix, and a list of indices of vertices, return the adjacency matrix of the subgraph containing only those vertices.

largest_connected_component(adjacency, labels)

Given a graph represented as an adjacency matrix, and a list of labels for the vertices, return the largest connected component of the graph and the labels of its vertices.

Returns an object {adjacency, labels}.

(I'm not sure if this function is needed)


Given a list of edges, produce the corresponding adjacency matrix.

edges is a list of values [v1,v2], where v1 and v2 are indices of vertices.

If directed is true, then the adjacency matrix will be made symmetric about its diagonal. So for an undirected edge between vertices i and j, you only need to include [i,j] in edges.

If directed is false, then [i,j] and [j,i] are different directed edges.


Given an adjacency matrix, return lists of vertices and edges, to be used by the cola layout engine.

Returns an object {vertices, edges}.


graph is an object {vertices, adjacency, labels}.

Returns an SVG element containing a drawing of the graph.


graph is an object {vertices, edges}.

Returns a list of positions for the vertices, as objects {x,y}.


Given a graph represented as an adjacency matrix, return a list giving the degree of each vertex.

graph_union(m1, m2, ...)

Given arbitrarily many adjacency matrices representing graphs, return an adjacency matrix representing the union of those graphs.

cartesian_product(m1, m2, ...)

Given arbitrarily many adjacency matrices representing graphs, return an adjacency matrix representing the cartesian product of those graphs.

direct_product(m1, m2, ...)

Given arbitrarily many adjacency matrices representing graphs, return an adjacency matrix representing the direct product of those graphs.

adjacency permutation(p,m)

Apply the given permutation p, represented as a list where p[i] gives the image of i under p, to the vertices of the graph represented by the adjacency matrix m.

Returns an adjacency matrix.


Returns true if the permutation p is an isomorphism of the graph represented by the adjacency matrix m.


weights is a 2D array, where weights[i][j] gives the weight of the edge between vertices i and j, or -1 if there's no edge.

Returns a list of edges represented as objects {from, to, weight}.


Find a minimum spanning forest of the graph represented by weights, using Kruskal's algorithm.

weights is a 2D array representing the weights of edges in a graph, which will be passed to edges_from_weight_matrix to produce a list of edges.

Returns a list of edges, each represented by an object {from, to, weight}.


Find a minimum spanning tree of the graph represented by weights, using Prim's algorithm. The graph must be connected.

weights is a 2D array representing the weights of edges in a graph, which will be passed to edges_from_weight_matrix to produce a list of edges.

Returns a list of edges, each represented by an object {from, to, weight}.