Something or other, whatever!

Christian Lawson-Perfect's homepage

The MathsJam website

This repository contains the source files to generate the MathsJam website.

Changing something

Organisation of the repository

Information about each city is stored in a file in the cities folder.

Other pages are generated from .md files in the repository. The front page is generated from

To add a city

Create a file cities/, following this template:


layout: city
city_name: CityName local_jam_type: MathsJam (for jams in the US this is "MathJam") jam_name: CityName MathsJam email: twitter: CityNameMathsJam facebook: organiser: name: Organiser's name email: location: group: england/rest-of-uk/north-america/rest-of-world pub_name: "Ye Pub" description: " on X Street" url: lon: 1.00000000 (get the lat and long from google maps) lat: 50.0000000 hiatus: False (change to True if the Jam is not currently running) hiatus_months: (add this field if the Jam doesn't run for one or two months) - 2016-01 - 2016-02 changed_dates: (add this field if the Jam is running on a different day one month - give the date the Jam will happen) - 2015-03-23 - 2016-09-28 jam_date_rule: second-last Tuesday december_jam_date_rule: third-last Tuesday start_time: 7pm in the evening lang: language code (for British jams, this is "en_GB") poster_text: | Some custom body text for the poster (Only if you want) Maximum seven lines.


All the data from this file will be used to create the page for the Jam, and all other references to the city throughout the site.

If your Jam doesn't meet on the second-last Tuesday of the month, you can add a line for 'jam_date_rule' and follow the convention of 'first/second/third/fourth(-last) Weekday', e.g. fourth Thursday, third-last Saturday. If you can't work out how to word it, do your best and we can fix it before merging.

Most Jams run on a different date in December to avoid Christmas, so there's a separate december_jam_date_rule line, with a default of 'third-last Tuesday'.

If you need to put your MathsJam on hiatus for a single month, this is also possible - add the 'hiatus_months' field, and then on successive lines add the months for which you won't be meeting, in the format YYYY-MM, as in the example above. This will automatically add a note to the site and remove it again afterwards. A similar procedure is available using the 'changed_dates' field for if your MathsJam is running on a different date for one particular month.

If you want your poster to be in a different language, set the lang and poster_text fields.

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