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Programming extension for Numbas

Programming extension for Numbas

This extension adds a code editor input method, and the ability to run code.

There is built-in support for running:

There is a custom part type in code.npt, which marks code entered by the student by evaluating unit tests.

Running code

The extension provides a JME function run_code. Because the code might take a long time to run, it runs asynchronously; the function returns a promise value.

In order to use the results in marking, call run_code from the part's pre_submit note. The rest of the marking algorithm will run once the code has finished running.

Here's an example:

pre_submit: [ run_code( "pyodide", [ studentAnswer, "'x' in locals()", "x==1" ] ) ]

The code editor input method

The extension provides the Ace editor as an input method for custom part types. It has three options:

JME functions


Run some blocks of code and return the results in a promise.

The blocks are run one after the other, in the same global scope, so variables assigned in one block are available in subsequent blocks.

When run in the pre_submit note, this task adds an entry code_result, a list containing the results of each of the code blocks. The result of a code block is represented in a dictionary of the following form:

variables_as_code(language, variables)

Produce a block of code which assigns a series of variables in the given language. The variables argument is a dictionary mapping variable names to values.


Display some code in a syntax-highlighted code area.

The options argument is an optional dictionary of options, or just the name of the language to use for syntax highlighting. The following options can be set:


Return the name of the language corresponding to the given runner.

"pyodide" returns "python"; "webr" returns "r".

Marking functions

There are a few functions to produce common marking tests:

Validation functions

There are a few functions to produce common validation tests:

Adding another language

The class Numbas.extensions.programming.CodeRunner contains methods for running code in a particular language. To add a new language, define a new class extending this one, implementing the run_code method.

Then call Numbas.extensions.programming.register_language_runner(name, runner) with the name of the runner and the class. Only one instance of the class will ever be created.

See the PyodideRunner and WebRRunner classes in this extension for examples of how to implement a runner.

Functions specific to R


Read the contents of the given files and return the result in a promise, to be used by a pre-submit task.

When run in the pre_submit note, this task adds an entry r_files, a list containing information about each of the files:

At the moment, only PDF files are recognised as binary. You can register other file types as binary by adding an entry to the JavaScript object Numbas.extensions.programming.mime_types.