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Christian Lawson-Perfect's homepage

QTI to Numbas

QTI to Numbas

A tool to convert QTI packages to Numbas exams.

This is an ambitious goal! At the moment, it can convert the following kinds of packages:

It could be expanded to support more of the QTI specification.

There is no real error handling: packages containing unsupported items will fail.

I (Christian Lawson-Perfect) don't have access to Blackboard, so if you have a QTI package that doesn't work, please send it to me and I'll try to work out how to support it.


This is a Python 3 script which requires a couple of packages to be installed.

To install the packages, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt


To convert a package called, run:


A .exam file containing all of the questions in the question bank will be created in the current directory. You can upload this file to the Numbas editor.

To do