Tiny Elvis
Tiny Elvis in JavaScript
Christian Lawson-Perfect (https://somethingorotherwhatever.com, christian@lawson-perfect.uk), 2024, based on the original by Matthew T. Smith for Pegasus Development, 1994.
Tiny Elvis was a Windows 3.1 program written by Matthew T. Smith. It placed a tiny pixel-art Elvis on your desktop, who would occasionally comment on the enormity of the things around him.
I've recreated Tiny Elvis as a web page, using the original art and sounds. The README says the program is in the public domain, but asks us to only distribute the original files without disassembling the executable. There's a vague bit saying it's OK to extract the icons.
I think that extracting the picture files 30 years later is probably OK,
but to be safe the git repository only includes the files from the original
zip package, along with a Makefile to extract the art and convert it to png
format, using wrestool
and imagemagick's convert
I didn't do anything with the Easter Egg messages which you could activate in the original by double-clicking the E icon in the "About Tiny Elvis" dialog.
To recreate the files after cloning the repository, run make extract_icons
and then make default resources