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Christian Lawson-Perfect's homepage

Unicode math normalization

Data for normalizing mathematical expressions written in Unicode

Unicode is the standard encoding for text. There are thousands of glyphs, representing letters, characters, symbols and marks from a huge variety of scripts and contexts.

There are many repeated, variant or combined characters. These can be normalized to a subset of characters, using standard normalization algorithms.

These algorithms are generic: when used in a mathematical context, they might not apply an equivalence between two characters, or omit some information that would be useful.

So this project aims to compile a dictionary of mappings from less-common Unicode characters to the symbols conventionally used in linear mathematical expressions.

The motivation is to support more characters in the JME language used by Numbas. The JME grammar has the following kinds of token:

Any string of letter characters is acceptable for name tokens, but there are many equivalences that should be applied:

Digit symbols should be normalized to the ASCII digits 0-9, where possible. Non-European scripts for representing numbers would need to be dealt with individually.

There are lots of varieties of brackets, which should normalize to the ASCII parentheses (), square brackets [] and curly brackets {}.

Contents of this repository

There is a Jupyter notebook, unicode-math-mapping.ipynb, which contains code for working through subsets of Unicode and producing mapping dictionaries.

There are some mappings that can be produced automatically, and some that had to be written out manually - these are defined by the .tsv files in the root of this repository.

Using the data

The mapping information is stored in .json files in the final_data directory. Each of these files contains a single dictionary mapping single Unicode characters to an equivalent string, and an array of annotations, which are themselves ASCII strings. For example, this is the entry in final_data/symbols.json for 𝒚, "MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL Y":

"\ud835\udc9a": [ "y", [ "BOLD", "ITALIC" ] ],

There are five files:

The mappings must be applied as part of the tokenisation step when parsing a mathematical expression.

It is not correct to do a global substitution of characters before parsing: for example, in the expression α = "α", the second occurrence of α should be preserved because it's inside a string literal.

You will have to come up with a way of applying the produced mappings to a particular computer algebra system.

Contributing to this project

There were many decisions to make in producing the mapping of characters. I omitted most symbols relating to operations that are very unlikely to be used in an undergraduate maths course.

The function names for mappings were sometimes chosen arbitrarily - there might be standard names for these in some computer algebra systems.

If you use these mappings, please tell me!