Terry Tao,
The cat's miaow,
Resolves a conjecture
Before every lecture.


4 favourites 5 retweets

Kurt Gödel
Always wore a girdle,
He was very insistent;
At the least, he was consistent.

1 favourite 2 retweets

Sir Humphry Davy
Abominated gravy
He had to live with the odium
Of having discovered sodium

#clerihew twitter.com/royalsociety/s…

2 favourites 0 retweets

Theresa May
Wanted to stay
But all the other Tories
Were sick of her stories

4 favourites 1 retweet

A #clerihew:

Theresa May
Ran through fields of hay
Everything else she did was wronger
So she's PM no longer