I've just spotted this question in an Edexcel GCSE maths paper (1MA1/3H from June 2017).
If the table showed 'penis length' v 'number of men', what would your first thought be?

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In reply to @christianp

oh, and the range of lengths is between, let's say 5 and 7 inches

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In reply to @christianp

elsewhere in the paper:
* 'Daniel' bakes 420 cakes.
* We compare the amount spent on holiday by males and females, and decide if 'Chris' is correct to say "female students spend more money than the male students"
* 'Naoby' invests £6000
* 'Jeff' is choosing plants for his garden

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In reply to @christianp

* 'Jake' makes an incorrect assumption about measuring the length of a train track

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