In reply to @k_houston_math

@k_houston_math @_jcken @stecks It's very good for self-service formative use, and doesn't need anything installed to use. We're doing all sorts to support online teaching here, but early next week I should have a simple LTI solution which doesn't need installation but allows reporting score back to your VLE

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In reply to @christianp

@k_houston_math @_jcken @stecks VLEs with built in SCORM players such as Moodle and Blackboard (but BB is full of bugs) can also put scores from Numbas directly into their grade books without any software setup.

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In reply to @christianp

@k_houston_math @_jcken @stecks On the subject of exams: we're still thinking this through ourselves. Exams could happen in Numbas, but because everything has to be auto-marked, you're a bit limited in what you can ask. Randomisation reduces the efficiency of copying answers, though.

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In reply to @christianp

@k_houston_math @_jcken @stecks You can set questions creatively to test student understanding of concepts, but you can't ask for a proof. So, good for things like service courses and applied subjects, but less so for pure maths

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In reply to @christianp

@k_houston_math @_jcken @stecks One feature of Numbas' design will come in very handy: it runs entirely on the client, so not affected by poor Internet connections when submitting answers or rendering maths.

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