This morning: investigating Blackboard Test. Currently: no idea what to do with this error message

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In reply to @christianp

BB test export stores MathML in an XML attribute by replacing <> with «» and double quotes with ¨ (that's a diaresis). WHAT COULD GO WRONG

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In reply to @christianp

I assume more than one person was involved in designing and implementing this, so it's astonishing that none of them had heard of CDATA

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In reply to @christianp

when you upload questions in their stupid plaintext format, they recommend "at most 500" questions, to avoid timeouts. WHO WROTE THIS?

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In reply to @christianp

Adventures in Mindlessly Copying and Pasting: Blackboard Docs Edition

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In reply to @christianp

I think whoever wrote this document got bored: none of the last 3 question types' descriptions come close to matching how they actually work

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