so far, I am spending a statistically significant percentage of 2012 listening to kpop…
@standupmaths nine days?
Walking on frozen sand is a lovely feeling
@mathshistory established Greenwich AT the location of the prime meridian?!
that was my least successful shave ever. #basicallystillhairy
@Andrew_Taylor precisely for that reason.
@Andrew_Taylor doesn't that make sense?
my supervisor and I have got to the "vicious back-and-forth comments" stage of editing this paper
on a related note: I don't like people who use a fixed line-width in TeX documents. I'm prepared to get into a big twitter fight about this
@EliotBall lines are max. 80 characters long.
@EliotBall yep
@enchamade I mean in the source .tex, not the compiled document
"Enthusiastic network marketer - born again pagan - I'm collecting cashback with Cashbackcard - are you?" - worst twitter bio? I felt sick.
@peterrowlett the "born again pagan" bit worries - another symptom of poor critical thinking, or of a willingness to do anything for money?
@ellenirites I beg to differ: it was quite a popular middle name in 1911, viz.…
@ellenirites in 1861 there was a Ms Peyton Luff of London
@ellenirites unlikely names are somewhat an interest of mine…
Watch in amazement as I completely fail to notice my tripod is falling over!…
@peterrowlett can you do it in any base? the @MathsBusking person who showed me said she couldn't. I was making a video to show how.
@peterrowlett alright, I'll just go and make one then.
@peterrowlett once the person upstairs has finished hoovering, of course...
@peterrowlett sound insulation == be far away from objects making sounds. Right?
any idea why my video is only uploading at 10k/s to vimeo?
@AdrenalGBR is it ok to post your 3x3 grid puzzle on my blog as part fo the december recap? I may be asking more questions as I forgot lots
thanks to @aperfect, is my new email address. Next step: arXiv contact information!
@Electrokittie snaggly frown :<
similarly alluring addresses are available to sufficiently-hot mathematicians (contrapositive: not having one => not a hot mathematician)
@Electrokittie well, I didn't need to see that! Yeesh.
@ColinTheMathmo of course I assume that, given the opportunity to have such a winning address, any hot mathematician will accept instantly
@Electrokittie second-class Oxford degree. Borderline.
@ColinTheMathmo don't quite understand what you want, so have you seen maybe ask him where he gets his data?
I've made a video: The Ace of Base (-three numbers) trick -
@jjsanderson that's considerably more than I drove mine, I think.
@peterrowlett @SallyRobin I was staring at this like mad last night, but then it clicked: (rot 13 code:) snpgbevny vf n hanel bcrengvba
@AdrenalGBR what was the name of your friend from Warwick?
I had my legs crossed for too long and now they are dead! At some point soon I'll have to get up to make dinner oh me oh my what a to-do
I've finally written up December's Newcastle @MathsJam:…
@stecks there are MORE?!!! I thought the quicksort was the only one!
@gingerbeardman sadly, this particular instance of quantum levitation is fake…
@numberloving Simon Tatham's puzzle collection has a slitherlink game (called Loopy) that can do loads of shapes:…
@Andrew_Taylor twitter automatically sends links through these days
@Andrew_Taylor oh, but I see you meant "why does twitter do this?"
@peterrowlett if you're not going to link to those dancers I will in the Aperiodical
@peterrowlett it's deliberate spam not scattershot spam. If it was email it would be one message with many BCC. Only looks bad bc of twitter
@peterrowlett but yeah, TEDx is a scourge
@standupmaths write pi in base 24; assign digits to moves. Will the cube be solved at some point? Doesn't follow from normality of pi.
some interesting comments on my December MathsJam recap post…
@peterrowlett I've made a bajillion edits to my reply to your reply, in case you've already looked at it
@JSlayerUK what's the essay on?
@JSlayerUK and what's the title?
@JSlayerUK do you have opinions on the matter?
@JSlayerUK is that an essay's worth of opinion? I think so. Get cracking!
@RANIELDANSON fines go up the more times you get caught, so this isn't a sustainable strategy
somebody run at me with a knife while reciting the definition of plutôt, please
interesting name, interesting guy!…
more interesting Victorians news: I'm reconsidering my opinion of Alexander Graham Bell…
@naomzzb it's impossible to be cynical about that program
@ellenirites carry your DS at all times, in case we run into each other. I've heard Professor Layton has some very interesting maths puzzles
@stecks so does the reception team appear just as you're checking out?
@stecks so inconvenient! and I suppose if I wanted to convene a meeting that would also cause hilarious problems
@aperfect google news alerts?
Why oh why wasn't Zen recommissioned? I did so love his sexy crime-solving capers
The research station at the south pole has a copy of The Thing... on Betamax -…
does there exist a decent free-ish or cheap-ish video editor for windows?
@ellenirites The Asda Delivery Man Always Knocks Twice (then eats your yoghurts on the way back to the depot)
just submitted a new @gaussfacts.It's that kind of day.
@charliesgames I approve!
@standupmaths potential bonus-heckle re the podcast: "billion" was invented in 1475, but Greeks were talking about "myriads" well before
@standupmaths said heckle only valid if you were talking about people starting to think about big numbers, not just about the term "billion"
the people at brume must be wondering why I order a new blackboard wall sticker every six months
@ellenirites with hollandaise sauce?
learn how to speak cross-discipline with p257 of this excellent document:…
What a long apple!
@brittneybean my dad does. He still runs his own Microsoft Exchange Servers in his garage though, so he might not have the best judgement.
Ok @MathsJam, if nobody else is going to do it, I will. Can I have a list of requested locations, so I can make a map?
@peterrowlett I assumed @stecks would see that tweet, plus anyone else who's had enquiries. She knows how to contact me!
@peterrowlett patience, Rowlett! It's the morning
@stecks super! @peterrowlett : poor show, your page on doesn't say where you meet. Where is it?
A map of current and potential @MathsJam locations: (cc @stecks @peterrowlett)
Stopped at Wetherby services. Leo is having topological issues with his jumper.
@AdamJackzon yes, I did. An oldie AND a goodie!
I have reached the South and I have updated the @MathsJam map with Nottingham, Melbourne and Portsmouth
@RANIELDANSON that's the kind of completely equivocal recommendation I can really appreciate!
@peterrowlett @stecks ok, I've added a bit to the bio saying to email or tweet @MathsJam
@christianp @peterrowlett @stecks @MathsJam hah, see how "bio" has come to mean "bumf at the top of the page" in my mind!
mathemategwyr Cymraeg and mathematoryon kernewek: there is a MathsJam-shaped hole where you live. Get on it!
@peterrowlett 80 news: my nana was 80 yesterday. She'd love a math/maths shoutout
Just been told the place for nana's 80th party today has a flock of alpacas in the grounds. Considerably more excited now.
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen to be very clear: I'm requesting a cp-ancestor mention. My policy on hearing my own name remains unchanged
@elinoroberts some of these puns are pretty hock-neyed
@jcoglan shave your moustache first, then sideburns, and beard last. #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice
@jcoglan it's as if I spent the last year setting that joke up!
Have found myself wedged under a table. Need to move out without pushing the table. Curse you, Newton!!!
@Samuel_Hansen you scoundrel! For a few glorious moments I thought you were both genuinely trying to avoid mentioning me.
@elinoroberts ohh, don't you find that place a little bit creepy?
Just passed an Austrian tourbus emblazoned with the slogan "Beat the Street". Do you think they meant "hit the road"?
Whenever I see a full moon partially obscured by clouds, only four words and a guitar riff come to mind: TEENAGE! MUTANT! NINJA! TURTLES!
@Rosalot disagree. They were ninjas more than heroes, and the tory-era ban on nunchuks in the media was so ridiculous of won't perpetuate it
@christianp @Rosalot *I* won't perpetuate it
@pkrautz you now have 100 followers. Congratulations!
@Rosalot there was a moral panic about ninjas, hence "hero turtles". All the really cool kids knew the real name.…
@Rosalot PS my full signature book from universal studios, even with scary Casey Jones, hints that I am a bugger fan than you
@Rosalot ha! Bigger fan! Autocomplete hates me twice!
what voodoo is this!… like Microsoft's math input panel but over the web
@alexbellos did you watch Sherlock last night? Thee floors in the secret lab were negative numbers followed by a B at the bottom
@trackinthebox your 404 error page has an error. You're either meta geniuses or you didn't mean to forget the word "one"
please make: a Civ-like game called "TORY QUEST" where it is your job to impede progress as much as possible (cc @PeterMolydeux)
I've had just about enough of these Whigs and their stranglehold on longplay strategy paradigms
Clothes collection chuggers: putting two bagsthrough our front door because we have two buzzers is almost Panglossian in its optimism
MathsJammers: ideas for readily-available materials I can use to make a set of lominoes?
High tension in PHD2 as Cushing attempts to fix the last couple of squares of the sudoku cube
@stecks I do not know what they are! Could you provide diagrams?
@stecks I don't understand that. It seems to leave everything unchanged.
Solvèd! Thanks @stecks!
I've added some good stuff to my Interesting Esoterica collection recently:…
@TylerClark12 good!
what's the opposite of a SQL injection? I clicked a button and this intranet site filled the page with the query it should have executed
I like theorem statements beginning, "Suppose $P_1, P_2, ..., P_n$ want to play poker."
well, I've ruined my landlady's wall and my blackboard sticker has bubbles behind it. That's just about the worst that could have happened.
I hope this was worthwhile
@Electrokittie what were you showing us?
you're damn right the LaTeX I used in my tweet earlier gets properly typeset on my blog
@Electrokittie hahaha that is excellent!
@ben_nuttall re poles on trains: I almost gave some kids a lesson in rotational inertia - jump and hold on to the pole when the train stops
ok Dyson, when are you going to invent a bagless bin?
@nulibsage the only freely-available definition of Fibonacci p-codes I can find is at… in Section III
Tempted to use my phone's barcode scanner on this dudes neck to find out exactly what consumer product he felt was so important
@Samuel_Hansen have you seen the draft? I'm trying to marshall the energy to finish it. I have loads of links
@Samuel_Hansen can you get on Skype? Is it a reasonable time where you are?
@peterrowlett an interesting email should currently be at the top of your inbox
@stecks good point, I'll send it to you too.
@stecks by publicly twittering peter, I was actually prompting people like you to remind me of should have included them
I do wish my phone would stop rewriting 'I' to 'of'
@peterrowlett as far as I'm concerned, that other email was responded to at mathsjam. I wouldn't mind if you *do* reply to it though...
today I learned that at least one French mathematician thinks "Soazig" is a good name for a human baby
I've done another Internet Maths Aperiodical. This one's a corker.…
@alexbellos I did not think there needed to be another book on the subject after "the geometry of pasta"
@RANIELDANSON I'll ask just in case: are you getting all your tax credits?
4music: come for Nicki Minaj, stay for the advert with women shaving their moustaches
@standupmaths quesclamation sounds like what dinosaurs did to reproduce
@RANIELDANSON can't hurt to have a go at the questionnaire:…
@standupmaths best you can do is 379. 379,397,739,9638 prime but 793, 973 not. Answers with repeated digits: 113, 199
@christianp @standupmaths well of course I meant 963 not 9638
my 1177th prime birthday is the day after my 26th real birthday! Double festivities!
@christianp and I should read my computer better: 149 also has 4 prime permutations
@standupmaths my method (in Python, of course!):
@jcoglan ctrl+shift+v
@jcoglan I think the behaviour has just changed to formatted-by-default recently. It's been annoying me too.
@elinoroberts <~~ little poke about maths making?
the difference between 'condescend' and 'patronise': to 'condescend' is to act haughtily; 'patronise' is what you should do to Deli Bar One
spend five minutes checking something works in a Python shell before realising your app is written in Ruby
@HilariousCow haha, saying "I'm always in trouble" while riding a skateboard is so massively 90s
@stecks could my MathsJam map go somewhere on the website?
hey, one header in this Word document inexplicably written in Consolas - you're my favourite
@brittneybean I'm curating last night's dinner in a hot new venue.
Further adventures with poorly-chosen tripod positions…
@acmescience do you read Cabinet too? My love for it is unbounded.
@alexbellos I did a similar bit of computation-with-a-dictionary:…
made chilli. Don't have any sour cream. If I don't make it through tonight, tell Janelle Monae I love her.
@Tony_Mann don't you mean Nature Valley 3, then?
@jcoglan because when you ask that question you end up with…
@CloudoidLtd could well be. They certainly offer both boxes and sandwiches
I think this guy would like to know if anyone is looking at his site:
I don't want to be awake now!
@peterrowlett well, that's still data
Today I am (I think) wearing pink on yellow. Do I need style advice or am I a Fashion Maverick?
@brittneybean @trackinthebox so happy birthday from me too!
Changed his mind.
@stecks don't make me go to hobbycraft! That is a slippery slope I wish to remain at the top of!
@plusmathsorg if you're going to explode, do it on one side of the Atlantic and not in-between. They frown on that sort of thing
I'm an evil genius: I have decided to make a rubik's cube with ratchets in, so each face can only turn one way
@EliotBall yes, but the look on someone's face when they first encounter it will be priceless
@EliotBall or: can you think of a set of interlocking ratchets that restrict the number of positions the cube can be in?
David claims that this is a tetrahedron
@RachaelBailes the only job title where a prefix of "she-" is acceptable is "Hulk"
ok, bake caking time
I hardly ever do #ff, but I will today because his blog is pretty interesting: Twitter, please pay attention to @outofthenorm2
@mathshistory I baked a cake today for my birthday tomorrow! I missed a golden opportunity to make a Menger sponge! Woe!!!
dear Newcastle ISS: this is not acceptable content for your root apps site:
ahh, I forgot to tweet this yesterday: yesterday's date was a palindrome in base-13
@aperfect I want examples
@Samuel_Hansen aww, you deleted the crazy man's comment on the blog :(
@Samuel_Hansen is this a network q: how long should it take a service to have most things you'd want on it? Eg wikipedia, youtube, the web
@Samuel_Hansen indeed. It feels like something that would be fun to work out a methodology for.
Never change, Nana.
Oh my god, I've just looked inside:
The Christiansmas festivities are off to a fine start with the traditional goose parade…
Remember to check your programme so you don't miss out on any of the fabulous Christiansmas activites throughout the day
I've gone a bit silly with old age.
@ellenirites you look wide-awake to me
@Rosalot would you like a lecture on queuing theory? It's very interesting, I could go on for ages
@Rosalot there is an optimum queue length they want to maintain at all times. So they change the staff levels as incoming call rate changes
@standupmaths @TimandraHarknes you're not going above Harrogate? I was about to drum up some PhDs to see you!
@TimandraHarknes @standupmaths one of the aforementioned PhDs is also a standup. I will enquire.
I just thought to try j/k to scroll through tweets. It's a @Christiansmas miracle!
@Andrew_Taylor @standupmaths @pixie359 well, @peterrowlett did basically that in his Travels in a Mathematical World podcast
@pixie359 but he got his facts from numbergossip. So listen to his podcasts anyway, just not for this reason.
I'm going to sell savoury pastries under the name Quiche Thegwin.
my Gauss fact got on the site!
Did anyone else feel physical pain trying to parse this "graph" in the Observer New Review today?
In happier news, this is what my mum got me for my birthday. Trust me, I have a plan.
@jjsanderson forget pens, the first writing implement I would import would be Hagoromo "Fulltouch" chalk:…
@peterrowlett stop tricking me into clicking on your old posts!
@RANIELDANSON *discreetly unfollowed*
@RANIELDANSON its not that I don't think you can kick the habit, but just to be safe...
@RANIELDANSON cold hard science
@peterrowlett while I've got you - do you have any thoughts about that thing?
@karenshancock I have been wondering exactly the same thing
some nice 3d-printed models by Rinus Roelofs:…
@ellenirites are you going mad with instagram again?
Baaanach-Tarski (thanks @ellenirites and @Bishnavitch)
@standupmaths I used to think I did, but since I moved away from home and kept the same detergent, it cleared up
@peterrowlett there's a chat window and comment boxes. I'm in there now.
@plusmathsorg subjects of the British Empire do not have a terrifically good record with world domination plans that begin in Massachusetts
@Nathan1123 the thing I'm making has to support IE
@Nathan1123 your tweet arrived simultaneously with me fixing the bug. Hooray for a coincidence!
@Nathan1123 I've been working on this for two years. This is just the latest bug.
just now, while sat at home, about eight miles from the university, my computer told me "more information is needed to connect to eduroam"
This is a fun sundial. A fundial.…
@haggismaths could you add the things on your trail to ?
@standupmaths my activities are not uniformly distributed throughout the year
reading wikipedia like a boss. Finally A-Level French is paying off!
@pkrautz (@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen) do one this week. I still haven't "hung out", so I'll look in. Why math/maths, not your own thing?
@JSlayerUK your correction was about my MP!
ahhh this algorithm would be so much easier in Haskell but I'm working in javascript and I just want monads why is life so hard :( :( :(
oh hello, cutting-edge web-based exposition:…
@Tony_Mann @peterrowlett however, I found Newton's college notebooks that were put online quite readable.
@peterrowlett @Tony_Mann the Cambridge one, I think. Whichever one @acmescience linked to.
@acmescience @Samuel_Hansen your two accounts' profile pics are facing each other. It looks like you're having a conversation with yourself
@trackinthebox when you redesign, could there be a way of listening to all the last week's tracks without clicking between pages?
@brittneybean I think that's the first tweet I've sent you whose response didn't match the regexp /@christianp (ha)+!*/
@alexbellos at the very least it's in PSPACE
Midday. Poo and a shower, then clothes. #livingthedream
@peterrowlett before I read that, can I just say how nice it is to have a project report site with no design rubbish on the page
@HilariousCow I don't know, and please don't RT the answer because I don't want to know
@AdrenalGBR go on then. Are you sure it's difficult?
@AdrenalGBR oof, that's not a programming problem, I don't think. Is it OK if I retweet from the MathsJam account?
@AdrenalGBR also, I want to fix your notation but I'm doing something else at the moment
6 hours of concentrated thinking = lambda operations in my algebra system while preserving implicit multiplication. Need a lot of drinks now
These are the fiercest waves I've ever seen here. Where are the surfers? Are these waves TOO fierce?
@Bishnavitch what what?
@elinoroberts I'm a tall man, as you know. For a moment I considered the possibility that I might get blown out to sea.
@daveowhite @mathsinthecity I would replace my Ampelmann umbrella with a Maths Dave one in an instant
@skrivr I've just got an invitation and started a blog. Page loads and sync seems to be failing. Are you under heavy load?
@skrivr ok. Is there any reason why that would make the settings pages or even the 404 page not load fully?
@skrivr and does the fact you know that mean you can look in my entire dropbox folder?
@acmescience I did not know you were doing this! It alone has made relatively prime worth the money.
@acmescience then I'm glad I gave you so little money. I got an excellent deal!
@stevieb How have we not bumped into each other at conferences? Thought you got a job after your MMath, had no idea you were doing research
@skrivr yes, it looks like it's working now, thanks
@HilariousCow this just in: women also shave.
@stevieb I'm doing more jobs than would fit in a tweet, plus a PhD on group theory / computability
@stevieb somewhere in the middle. I'm self-funding and part-time, so no idea when I'll finish
@mike_geogebra @davidobrador lets you draw the character you're after.
@danaernst it's very flakey, which is why it's still in beta, I suppose.
@danaernst I don't really have a need for it, because I've got my own proper wordpress blog and for quick notes
@danaernst yes, I have - I just signed up to help Theron get MathJax going, really
@danaernst . My workflow is to write stuff on (instant TeX preview!) then copy it straight into wordpress
new year's resolution: get over my infatuation with clever domain names. will be my last one, promise.
when did I download this album? It's pretty fun! It's by The South Trio.
This summer in cinemas: Iron Man, the Iron Giant and the Iron Lady are... STEEL TEAM SIX
Sorry, I couldn't think of three more metallic neocapitalists/destroyers of industry
@aPaulTaylor could your game be rewritten in javascript?
Yavalath, a computer-designed board game: (via @outofthenorm2, whom you should #ff)
@peterrowlett you have a doppelganger at Newcastle University! Aaa that freaked me out!
@stecks @aPaulTaylor is that the co-op membership form? I remember it had an exhaustive list of titles
@Bishnavitch soon, Muthurangu, soon.
@outofthenorm2 the hairy ball theorem is an excellent choice for a barber
there is a name for the happiest mode of transport:
"90-95% of indigenous peoples were decimated by European diseases" - a scholar of the humanities on BBC4
Arg, this is a bad documentary about a really interesting subject!
@ellenirites there's a way of preventing that... #unhelpfulnonsmokeradvice
@peterrowlett Gowers is rallying people to boycott Elsevier, and the traffic to his blog is spilling over to mine a bit…
@peterrowlett oh man, that's what I get for replying before reading all the way up my twitter feed
@peterrowlett because he has a link to my MathJax bookmarklet on the sidebar :P
@peterrowlett better than being just "a tool"
Missed my mouth, got toothpaste on my face. #dyspraxia!
Whoah, that Ben & Jerry's van up at Cullercoats is a bit optimistic.
@EliotBall the Chrome developer tools are very good
@EliotBall good stuff. Do you know about prototypes in javascript?
@EliotBall it's just a good idea to declare methods in the prototype rather than in the constructor
Rrgrgrggg, Flash music download widget!! Share my outrage, @brittneybean!
@brittneybean wasn't even the audio. I just wanted to middle-click the provider's logo to see who they were.
@EliotBall I've just added some explanation at the top of the file
I look at the publications list of someone like Zeilberger or Svante Janson and I think, what's the point. Let them discover all the facts.
why is copying text from PDFs such a hassle? Can't the information about, for example, where the spaces between words are, be kept?
@Andrew_Taylor It's a problem pretty much unique to PDFs. Most of these files are generated by LaTeX, from the looks of them.
@Andrew_Taylor I *think* that the reader program has to infer the presence of spaces from the positions of glyphs on the page.
@Andrew_Taylor the problem is that a pdf is just a list of where to put symbols on a page, not a coherent representation of the text
@stecks could the link to my MathsJam posts on the Newcastle MathsJam page be changed to the category listing?…
@christianp @stecks actually, I've realised that category has non-recap posts in it. This one, please:…
I'm trying something a bit ambitious on my blog: a summation of my interesting esoterica collection…
@acmescience do you know that none of the links from the C&P Classic RSS feed work?
@CloudoidLtd I don't think I have! You should post a comment with a link to it.
I can see really faint aurora stood on the point at the bottom of longsands beach
Man, the people in that plane must be getting a good view
@jjsanderson should've stayed in Tynemouth! I got out just as it was reaching its peak.
@Samuel_Hansen can I just say what an excellent job you did on the podcast this week, in my opinion.
@acmescience haha, that's an excellent idea
to do a global find and replace on a file and have it compile correctly immediately afterwards is a sublime joy.
@Samuel_Hansen that's a mighty short post on your blog there, Samuel. Ephemeral, I'd even go so far as to say. Not that it's a bad post...
today's grand insight: $x - y = x + (-y)$. I'm a good PhD student.
@ellenirites Old age is pretty fun. You can walk into a place like you know what you're doing with your life and nobody calls you out on it.
@standupmaths please, get some MathJax on that blog!
@standupmaths also, use the <code> tag (the wordpress editor has a button for it) around your Python code so indentation is preserved
@standupmaths & finally, wp-footnotes is a good plugin. It makes footnotes which link back to the relevant bit of text.…
@standupmaths I can email you the code if you'd like. It literally takes two minutes to paste it into your header file from the admin page.
@standupmaths also, @danaernst and others are planning a mailing list for mathematicians with WP blogs. I'll tweet it when it exists.
@Gelada @standupmaths @danaernst well that sounds like we have a quorum. @pkrautz is keen as well.
@mattybeardsmith how many people work there? Not sure you've spotted a trend there
@acmescience top stuff!
Milton Jones is a Brilliant Mathematician:…
I got a present for ya!
@mathsinthecity we should publish a picture book of the times we manage to look stylish while carrying unstylish things.
Getting familiar with Lominoes. I will be trying to build a ziggurat at tonight's @MathsJam
is it just that twitter search is bad or are old tweets actually forgotten after a while?
@outofthenorm2 is that problem related to Golomb rulers?…
@aperfect so I should be saving my tweets somewhere in case I want to refer back to them?
@lizmallard the creator will sell you some if you email him:
This dude's talk would be a lot easier to understand if I could see laser pointers
@pkrautz failed hard. But it would've been easier, if not objectively easy
new game in the office: get to my blog with an unlikely google query. Current leader: "the esoteric turtle and the carrots"
@pkrautz yep
new winner in mathem-o-blog quest: "the irrational rubik's cube at mardi gras"
or: "the case of sherlock holmes and the esoteric lego egg"
@peterrowlett you'd better check your registration status!
Off for a cheeky Micky D's before @MathsJam
@pkrautz they've reverted to the old one, so depending on cookies and caches, it'll either appear or not for a while
@stecks are you getting much done in Manchester? A write-up of our night would just be, "we played with Lominoes then went home"
@peterrowlett @MathsJam or it's a double-bluff, and the answer is no for a surprising reason
too many computer scientists named Philip.
@ellenirites @sadiestrong I will eat something similar! Good idea!
I took 7 pages of notes at last night's MathsJam. Durham students are too keen.
Linguistics fact: Jèrriais, the Norman French spoken on Jersey, sounds like normal French spoken by someone you want to punch in the face
these clouds are gathering, like, Storm-from-the-X-Men-fast.
@GhostMutt what's going on there?
women of twitter: do you also get "female" spambots following you, or male ones? Or none? Is sexism rife in the evil spammer fraternity?
The wind turbine is 120! That's 2pi/3 in radians. On 25/1/1892 James Blyth presented his new invention - the wind turbine (via @nulibsage)
@GhostMutt PHP's an odd choice. Is there some syntax you're comfortable with only in PHP?
@GhostMutt javascript, dude. paper.js is a good simple library for doing graphics
@brittneybean their about page reads like what a 9-year-old girl who isn't yet aware of feminism would imagine she'd write when she grows up
@aperfect @kenfodder @brittneybean @moomerman I'm having burgers tonight too! Except they're homemade and I'm putting plastic cheese on top
@jcoglan hidden semantics yeaaaaaah! It's like how the RT button doesn't just stick RT in front of a tweet any more
hello, new Belgian followers! Why are there so many of you?
Listening to Clare and the Reasons unapologetically. Ain't no apologies forthcoming.
@enoFsamohT Cantonaftershave
@clareandreasons nope!
Yeah, is fine, but how about I know 7's dark secret.
@ellenirites @RANIELDANSON you're both wrong. "Yourself" as a subject pronoun makes me very very angry indeed.
Mathematicians with Wordpress blogs (in particular @standupmaths): ask questions about blogging maths on wp4sci!forum/…
@ellenirites @ranieldanson "Would yourself like anything else?"
@ellenirites @RANIELDANSON on the internet, nobody knows you've got a posh voice, like wot I does.
@ellenirites @RANIELDANSON and I fully accept that that previous sentence was nothing other than hateful
@RANIELDANSON @ellenirites time to break out some Greek: Heteroglossia…
@ben_nuttall sorry…
@Rosalot that is a hilarious name for a blog
@Htbaa you might find Champernowne's constant interesting
seriously good fish from Marshall's tonight
failing to make a ziggurat of Lominoes:
@standupmaths on that subject, I'm going to share a google document with you. You might have some thoughts about it.
@Bishnavitch Metal Gear Cosby…
@brittneybean oh wow, n+1 doesn't look like J. Wellington Wimpy's Geocities page any more!
@mathsinthecity I'm looking at the site for the first time in ages. Is there a way of getting a list of all sites, sorted by date added?
@mathsinthecity EXCELLENT!!!
@mathsinthecity you might even be able to tempt me down south with such a trendy accessory
@daveowhite I ask my uni's systems the same. It doesn't let me log off until I delete things, so I think the former is empirically true.
just discovered that / starts search-as-you-type in SumatraPDF, just like in vim.
there should be an annual Mathematicians' Rounds where we go to other departments and point out what they've reinvented with worse notation
(reading a computer science paper which spends ages defining "2-to-1 functions", which are just binary relations)
update on my little survey: seems everyone gets female spambot followers, regardless of their own gender identity.
Trying to attract undergrads to @MathsJam with @stecks's postcards.
no, the entire point of LaTeX is that you don't do the spacing manually. (editing someone else's text)
@TimandraHarknes but it costs some unlikely combination of change, or you have to get a token off someone and it's a hassle, so why bother?
just a little bit tired of Chrome pasting text with formatting included by default.
how do I get to a position in life where it's my job to watch this video all day?…
@standupmaths you say that as if it isn't something you do regularly :S
How to get beautifully typeset maths on your blog:…
@peterrowlett I would appreciate it if you mentioned my MathJax post on #mathmaths. My mathematical week: declaring LaTeX jihad!
@standupmaths unless Google is just one person - "qoud vos, Google"
Might be time for a new Dr Robotnik. He's gone blind and most of his wires are wonky.
@rockhyrax midnight slug espionage!
@rockhyrax they clean up after themselves in the sink. It's the perfect crime!
@JSlayerUK I would patronise that establishment for both my tort[e] needs.
@Andrew_Taylor @standupmaths but the snowflake obstacle in the Wipeout zone has the correct symmetries
@OddballDave twitter seems to have forgotten I'm following you. Well, it's a quiet Saturday night, I'll buy your game now.
@JSlayerUK or less, if he continues ruining the company the way he is currently
why is nobody using something TeX-ish, i.e. a macro language with minimal syntax, as a template language for the web?
man, I'd probably hate heroin. The noises I make when I haven't had any chocolate in a while are bad enough.
@EliotBall no, it doesn't have macros
@EliotBall macros are new commands you can define in the text to abstract out common patterns.
@EliotBall yes, well, I was asking why nobody had done that
@EliotBall the usual reasons people want templating languages
@Bishnavitch sad/happy times
Today, Christian Perfect is: CRINKLY MAN.
If someone you are meeting for the first time describes themselves as "old and fat", does etiquette demand that you fail to recognise them?
@ben_nuttall Greggs pasty. That's a rough approximation to a pie.
@peterrowlett arg I need to write up Newcastle MathsJam and I have so much other stuff to do!
@peterrowlett massive pedantry on the solution page: the singular form is 'tetrahedron'.
@peterrowlett although it is quite fun spending an evening doing the writeup, and it gets a lot of hits and discussion
@jcoglan like having a gun in the home, I'm much more worried that I'll forget my own master password than that hackers will crack it.
Does there exist a CCD which sees light in the bit of the spectrum used by wifi? Do human bodies reflect it or are they just opaque to it?
@Electrokittie can and should
@mike_geogebra is there a timetable for the html5 implementation?
@mike_geogebra is most of the performance lost in the computation, rather than rendering?
@mike_geogebra I've been staring at the .js files thinking there's no way that's enough code, then I remembered you used GWT!
@daveowhite twitter seems to be doing an excellent job of forgetting for me
@daveowhite losing old tweets is the biggest problem
@standupmaths "kids say the most quantifiable things"
@peterrowlett I wither under the heat of your mad social media cross-promotion skillz
Not sure why I misread Leonhard Pfeifer as Leonhard Euler but that's the most excited I've been about a John Lewis window display in a while
@stecks look at the end of this video… - I'd love to see them do more of those orbits you talked about at mathsjam
@daveowhite well, the argument could be made that Google's IPO changed how they work considerably
@ben_nuttall the Euler characteristic is actually a design motif
I dislike bug reports written in the passive voice.
somebody called Jon with a rich baritone should open a bookshop in Hay-on-Wye called Jon Tomes
my blog is in a coma :(
my blog has arisen from its coma! Thanks, @aperfect!
new @MathsJam organisers might like this big collection of really interesting puzzles and games
I've rejoined the Coincidentally Colour Coordinated Clothing Corps with a brown t-shirt and this rather fetching mustard yellow jumper
spambots have excellent names. Mignon Bonifont, Melania Griffiths, Telma Fabry: I wish you were real people!
Note to me: apple juice benefits from being shaken. Apples do not.
@PeterMolydeux you're just repeating plots from Round the Twist now
Decided I was going to take three steps at once but that thought didn't get down to my legs in time.
@peterrowlett I'm perfectly fine. Thanks to my height, I had enough thinking time to rectify the mistake
and my blog is ill again :(
@RANIELDANSON one day your loyal #FFing of me every week will be rewarded. Not today, though.
@peterrowlett so should #gausslies be true? @gaussfacts are mainly false.
@standupmaths have you been in one of those ones that moves continuously and loops round at the top? They scare me.
I've got a really quite enormous lumpen spot in that little crevice behind my ear. Worried it's like a boll weevil or something.
@Electrokittie hah, those are totally Auntie Sheila shoes. Aunties of other names need not apply.
@Electrokittie come on though, you can do better than that. Sheila's Heels.
@standupmaths google has helped my memory! They're called paternosters and Leicester Uni has one…
@standupmaths big in Germany, of course, where people can be expected to behave themselves…
@standupmaths @Our_Frank @thought4day2 @jonny_nichols @charlotteyoung wow, loads more than I thought! Someone update
@mathpuzzle it's been a long time since you last updated the site!
someone called exactly as an album finished playing. I like that.
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett what about Erdos's enormous collection of left shoes stolen from his collaborators?
@chaosdynamics @jeffemanuel especkley? ekspecially?
the set of universes in which Cibelle is correctly classified as "country music" has measure zero. Stupid emusic.
@chaosdynamics that's hilarious. Remind me never to visit Boston or I might get fisticuffsome.
@stecks you're in Newcastle tomorrow, yes? Coffee and Lominoes?
@stecks as you're tourists, I suggest the Baltic. Alternatively, heading into town, there's Blakes or Cafe Royal
How is it possible for a man of 26 to make this much mess eating soup? #dyspraxia!
nearly at the end of my notes on January's @MathsJam. This recap post is going to happen, people!
@madcaptenor I think it does.
Finally! The Newcastle @MathsJam January 2012 Recap:…
stop looking, we've found the free-energy source:… "in addition it reflects in the dark"
@ellenirites Cheer up! Dog with silly boots!…
@mariondov pi is defined in terms of the properties it has. Series representations are often derived from trig functions with known values.
@mariondov but there now exists a formula for individual digits of pi without working out the previous ones, so calculations can be checked
Oh man, you really don't want to see a spelling error on a sign in a tattooist's window.
Got in a good round of blue plaque bagging. Got 9 plaques around the quayside, Byker and Heaton. Now it's snowing so I'm going home.
Pay homage to the Sun King! Documentary on Louis XIV starting on BBC HD now.
oh no never mind, it's awful
to the author of this article: you've saved neither space nor time by rounding the price up the first time it appears…
@TraineeGeek email Alan Schoen:
Frozen sand! Best sand!
Wahey!! (I may have cheated a little bit) #lominoes
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen superbowl maths puzzle: explain how a 60-minute game takes FOUR HOURS to finish
@standupmaths @qikipedia I worked out how big the bucket would be so no. atoms in bucket = buckets of water on earth…
The plot thickens in my mathematical investigation, with the inestimable assistance of PI Pi.
because it's Sunday and I've run out of things to do: a blog post about atoms of water…
@lizmallard its just over a teaspoon if you're counting molecules.
EXCELLENT. Just did a yawn exactly like Peter Ustinov in Disney's Robin Hood. #vibrato
I love how if you leave a TV on these days the only thing that gets burnt out is the planet.
@ellenirites we were having a discussion in the maths department about the practicality of storing soup in tupperware. I see where you stand
@ellenirites can't really remember, but empirical evidence of expected spillage was sought in the staff kitchen.
oh wow, the Proceedings of the FUN with Algorithms conference is treasure trove of excellent paper titles…
@ellenirites ah, but we were discussing it as a means of getting soup into work
@ellenirites PS "soup into work" is a policy to be announced at the next Tory Party conference
way more pictures of old carrots than you need, but nowhere near as many as you want…
@Electrokittie for the record: Lana del Rey is not hot. That top lip is an automatic disqualification.
Arg, Neil Cowley's new album is too beautiful! I am an emotional turtle flipped on its soppy back, feelers all waving in the air helplessly
I'm so emotional that I'm looking at curta calculators on ebay. This is my equivalent of drunk-dialling.
@Electrokittie word on the street is that so is her entire face
@ellenirites what is that salad doing there?!
@ellenirites eugh. Reconsidering whether I should follow you.
Walking down stairs takes a lot longer when you take them one step at a time. I don't know how you short people don't go mad with boredom
you have permission to rock out while reading these papers:…
@AdrenalGBR true recollection of events
@ben_nuttall Resources tab. Click on Frames -> (myfile.htm) -> myfile.htm. Tada!
@ben_nuttall oh no, that's only got new selectors in it.
@ben_nuttall though if you do make changes, the stylesheet in the resource tab is changed to reflect them, and the original is underneath
I'm editing a WordPress plugin. I hate PHP so much!
@ben_nuttall we're (some people you've heard of) collecting our individual blogs on one site. We've got a plugin which imports our posts...
@ben_nuttall but it needed changing so imported posts have the same publication date as the version on the original blog.
@ben_nuttall not quite
getting some burgers out of the freezer. If they're thawed by dinner time, bonza. Otherwiser it's carbohydrate bumholes, aka tortellini
@mathsinthecity ooerr, tiny fame. @standupmaths has since informed me that London's circle line now has the same topological property :(
@mathsinthecity it's OK, this is how Science! is done. I'm going to start petitioning the council for a loop-the-loop in the Metro, though.
@mathsinthecity every time I go to IKEA, I forget to take a pic of the store map as an example of fractional dimension for the website
@mathsinthecity can you send an undergrad to take one? You have that kind of power, right?
it isn't even funny how long my body takes to recover from just walking for a couple of hours. Day 4...
@mathsinthecity incredible. And I've just discovered that google maps has enormous difficulty searching for ikea
there are only 18 IKEA shops in the whole UK?! I feel like a Byzantine discovering the Western Roman Empire collapsed 600 years ago.
@aperfect really though?
NVDA read "résumé" as "resume" and "resume" as "résumé". The mind boggles.
@enoFsamohT it's funny because now I'm thinking about you handling your own poo
@standupmaths is this a marginal utility of tea thing, or would the consumption of tea always have negative utility for you?
@jcsteh probably microsoft. I've been switching between the two
@jcsteh while I've got you - how well can NVDA read MathML?
@stecks @peterrowlett *cough* blog post please *cough*
@charliesgames how much fun maths was involved in the pathfinding? Could you do a mobius strip, for example?
@charliesgames so if they're diametrically opposite the player they won't move at all?
@charliesgames mobius strip: take a strip of paper. Put a twist in it. Glue two ends together.
@plusmathsorg have they really made a Turing machine? They've made two two-state FSAs, which aren't Turing-complete.
it is enormously annoying that has disappeared off the face of the internet
@plusmathsorg my tut remains. Don't pull a New Scientist.
@RachaelBailes your badge and your gun. You're not quite there yet
@Samuel_Hansen I reckon I've got another Internet Maths Aperiodical for you, when I find some time and energy to write it up
@Samuel_Hansen huh, I suppose. Not sure how long until it's ready
can anyone explain to me which way is up in this product photo?…
@ellenirites is it a sequel to creepy 18th-C abuse-of-trust-fest The Woman in White?
Dear Diary, Today everyone found my colourblindness hilarious. Sigh. #gotthepurples
@laurareeshughes @numberloving but the golden ratio doesn't really have much to do with beauty - see….
@laurareeshughes @numberloving however, @SparksMaths has a very nice Geogebra applet about a real application of phi - sunflower heads
@standupmaths as you're seemingly in the maths jewellery business now: how about Gibonacci bracelets?…
@JPickford does the second M in ISMMTTM stand for Monkey or for Mate?
so far tonight I have found three different, contradicting, definitions of "Gibonacci" sequences. Can anyone think of any more?
going to see if I can put in a requisition order for a couple of these to go in the school reception:…
@HoeJodgkiss you mean this?…
@peterrowlett @mathblogging aw man I thought I was in for certain this week. I'll beat you next time, Rowlett!
oh no, I made toast like 30 minutes ago. Now it's cold and brown! There is no rescuing this toast! #woe
@TraineeGeek gosh! That's quite a few of us have bought Lominoes now.
@peterrowlett mathmo.
@peterrowlett make it so! It's pretty clear what it means.
@peterrowlett @xabl if it's good enough for @ColinTheMathmo it's good enough for me
@Electrokittie @Bishnavitch I'd love it if you changed "phenomena" to "phenomenon"
@xabl @peterrowlett @Gelada something something reappropriation of a derogatory term
@peterrowlett I'm classically trained in the art of rhetoric
@pkrautz Jan's mathsjam recap was the biggest yet… and I wrote instructions on MathJax blogging…
Been thinking hard all day. Squash and chocolate time.
@standupmaths I think some of your thief traffic is spilling over into the princess/castle problem and finding me on google for the solution
Mathmos, in particular analysts: is there any sensible definition of exponentiation on matrices that copes with real-valued exponents?
@ColinTheMathmo why have you got the band being stretched instantaneously in 1m increments? Ease of exposition, again?
@ColinTheMathmo Righto. We did the continuous one at NCL mathsjam, and we'd all forgotten how to spot an integrating factor problem.
@aperfect in CoffeeScript, whitespace is more significant than a raised eyebrow across a room
@pkrautz yeah, I was mainly teasing @peterrowlett
@JSlayerUK Il faut cultiver son jardin
I've written a lot of work emails today that have to be signed "Christian", not "cp". Not happy.
syntax error on line 1337! y u no like me, c0mpilr?!?!
@jcoglan do you ever use it on windows? It throws up modal IE javascript error dialogs every now and then, caused by crashed adverts.
@peterrowlett is #prdayoff the hashtag for your day of liberated mayhem?
@peterrowlett @mathsinthecity break into the Science Museum and steal their Curta calculator for me
Blog post: MATH PROBLEMS?… (following @mathsinthecity's tweet of that flyer earlier)
@mathsinthecity well, I wasted my afternoon solving that:…
@peterrowlett my mathematical week: I just solved a flyer…
Eurg. #dyspraxia!
this might be the hardest Loopy puzzle I've ever seen
Unexpected massive bonus koala!
FINALLY. That 3 in the middle right was done! I hadn't noticed!
Everyone else finds Norman really creepy. Philistines.
@Andrew_Taylor I'll guess "psychology research grant"
@alexbellos your blog is down
@mariondov We know the definition of pi. You can work out the value, or series expansions, from that by pure logic.
Gnarly thumbwound is coming in handy (ha!)
It expressed my frustration at being panne d'essence for all of 1000 bornes
@mariondov this pi book looks good:…
@elinoroberts it's either that or the Sunday Service, so go for it
@standupmaths that gives me the idea of designing a (finite state? pushdown?) automaton which recognises all coffee orders
@Electrokittie my studies of Rose Byrne's features have not yet got below her chin, never mind her feet. Maybe others start from the bottom?
@Electrokittie I will conjecture that every part of her is good-looking, so maybe these people have a point.
@jcoglan ok, now you need to make an audio filter that tries to shift any singing towards an ethereal whispering of the words "WHAT AM I"
I've blogged again about the additions to my interesting esoterica mendeley group. There's some properly fun stuff!…
@peterrowlett ♫ Peter and George, sitting in a tree, doing a double integral on a closed curve ♫
@MathsJam I've just noticed that Feb MathsJam coincides with pancake day? What are we to do? I take pancake day very seriously
@HilariousCow I have so many issues with the maths on that page. Mainly, the use of the percent sign when percentages are not being used
@stecks @Andrew_Taylor is this one of those PR things or a real thing?
@mathsinthecity @phillyg1990 people who attend the tour might like to join @MathsJam in the evening
@mathsinthecity @peterrowlett Peter is as northern as I am Australian
going to open a cupcake shop called Zorn's. (you'll have trouble picking just one)
@peterrowlett nice, but no RSS! I was thinking it could get brought in to the new site somehow
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie @ellenirites @mattybeardsmith pancakes, my house, next Monday. Yes?
@outofthenorm2 I once had to do those calculations while driving a friend to the pizza place. Very hard to concentrate on the road.
@elinoroberts the *second* bounce? It has a coefficient of restitution greater than 1?!
@brittneybean anything by Cornelius
I love saying "that's a weight off my mind!" to my barber. Not sure if he appreciates it.
@standupmaths Get Surrey sounds like a a really boring gangster film. Or maybe the big-screen adaptation of Midsomer Murders.
@TraineeGeek shouldn't that be second-last tuesdays? Or are you doing your own thing?
David's new game: take turns choosing edges. First to pick a cycle loses. What happens when it's played properly?
reconsidering my ambition to one day be a German…
@GhostMutt crumbs! Where have you read that?
@GhostMutt got a link? I need more context because it's a complicated topic
@GhostMutt ok, it's a bit of an unusual phrasing. "Limits" usually involve seeing what happens as a parameter tends to infinity.
@GhostMutt e.g. "the limit of 1/x as x tends to infinity" is 0 because the difference between 1/x and 0 gets smaller as x increases.
@GhostMutt on searching, "passage to the limit" seems to be popular with Russians. I would use "take the limit".
@GhostMutt Right. Because it doesn't settle on any one value.
hah, any paper downloaded from ScienceDirect is called "science.pdf". I want an exclamation mark in there!
also in re ScienceDirect: those poppy-uppy headers and footers with the 1000ms delay are really quite annoying.
time and motion planning is great except when it results in all the toilets in the building being cleaned at once
@mathsinthecity I don't know how you do things in Oxford but we're a little more civilised up here.
@FakeElsevier I can only hope I never meet someone who read that and took it to heart
@JSlayerUK… - Loopy; choose the "Cairo" type
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie
at home with a cold today, so I'm listening to The Department and taking a panadol every time @hellobuglers says "testify!"
My dad brought me this back from London. Have no patience for this kind of thing but Kurt is making a compelling case.
points against: 1) maths isn't just equations; 2) physics is; 3) most of these are physics equations; 4) mug is wider than it is tall
@Bishnavitch I'm ill! Apparently you called me 7 times. I love you too dude but after four you can assume I'm asleep.
@Bishnavitch I say no, I'm ill.
@KSCMaths @standupmaths oh you know it. χ²
This is the most beautifully unhelpful diagrams I've ever seen in a maths textbook (Papy's "Groups")
I forgot to celebrate this book's 200th birthday! It is my oldest possession.
The things you find at the back of a bookshelf...
My original Creatures disc!
@peterrowlett I've been going through my bookshelves and found some cracking maths books, including one 201 years old (see tweets passim)
does it annoy anyone else when undergrads use "we" when they actually mean "I"? eg, "we can't solve this equation by the usual method"
in fact, I'm against the use of "we" pretty much anywhere outside a group report.
@NoelAnn yes, that would be better.
@peterrowlett yeah, but I don't like being implicated in my student's inadequacies
@peterrowlett @NoelAnn oh I did! I'm thinking of stuff like "we prove that ..."
@NoelAnn @peterrowlett at NCL we don't encourage anything - apart from occasional comments on homework, we give no training on writing maths
@ellenirites @Electrokittie @Bishnavitch @mattybeardsmith (plus several mathematicians)
my mouse has decided not to scroll when the cursor is in a narrow band 20% from the left of the screen. Trackpad works fine. WHAT.
reminder: Feb's @MathsJam is this Tuesday, the 21st. At NCL, I intend to discuss spambots and abelian card games.
The milk bounced off my Frosties and on to the kitchen surface. So I'm not dyspraxic, I just live in a slapstick movie.
aww yisss that was my 4000th tweet and it was a good one!
@peterrowlett this withering satire considered too short or too inflammatory for second rate minds?
my mad scrolling problems were being caused by Facebook messenger. I am at a loss.
@ellenirites @Electrokittie nobody has ever been sectioned for hallucinating sausage dogs.
@standupmaths I'll blame the torygraph's copy editors for the fact question 1 asks you to find a pair of numbers which has 6 different sums
feel sort of bad for making @Electrokittie and @ellenirites flip pancakes against their will but those are the Rules of Pancakes
@peterrowlett I just checked and I'm coming up for five years on twitter! Has it even been around that long?
@madeupstats the average pancake is successfully flipped 0.8 times
@peterrowlett I hope you won't be liveblogging the crime I asked you to commit
@peterrowlett I don't know. Maybe ask those two guys with the camera?
it's too hot! I'm melting!
@standupmaths I'm meeting my friend for dinner before mathsjam again if you'd like to join us
@standupmaths ah! 7 is when the pub stops serving food and when I need to be in the pub to start MathsJam. A conundrum!
@standupmaths and I was alarmed to notice the Melbourne @MathsJam was already underway when I got up this morning!
I dreamt I'd been put in charge of a baby orangutan! It was beautiful!
for those who don't have access to a pack of cards or some friends: I've made the game Mad Abel in python -
@standupmaths is it OK if I use your photos from last night in my recap post?
@standupmaths couldn't hurt!
The letter H is the eighth letter and sounds a bit like "eight" when you say it. That's a little bit interesting.
argrgrw why is flickr upload on android+htc so rubbish?
I had so much fun at last night's @MathsJam that I've written it up straight away:…
@ScienceFest could you slow down that slideshow on the front page a bit? I'm a fast reader and I struggled to keep up
@ellenirites I read that as #wetgirlproblems. Wasn't wrong.
Mad Abel is also a good solitaire game. I just finished a round with an enormous 9-card smash
@ellenirites it's surprisingly tame
@kirkpatricke homeless! When they're back on their feet they can help look after the sick kids and the brain injured
just realised that in vim you can name the buffer you want to change to, instead of remembering numbers!
look, @Samuel_Hansen has posted a really properly interesting video on his blog…
@Samuel_Hansen yeah, I dunno...
And now a nosebleed. My body is not performing well at the moment.
This seagull is laughing like Jimmy Carr. Or, Jimmy Carr has climbed onto my neighbour's roof.
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett you could pass the time by playing Desert Bus
@ellenirites proof that the adjective "inviting" doesn't always apply to invitations
@Samuel_Hansen we like all the same things, why must we be so far apart?
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen series 2 finished on Five here just before series 3 finished in the US. Series 1 on dvd is highly recommended!
@peterrowlett don't confuse Sam further with the class system. Though I enjoy both the Archers and Archer, so where does that put me?
interesting - somebody's using pandoc to generate both posts and LaTeX PDFs at the same time (with maths!)…
I think my boss just made a satirical commit message. Trying to work out if I'm its target.
@stecks @Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett and they often read verbatim from government pamphlets about soil management during conversations
@MathsJam why doesn''t n=7, s=2 work?
@MathsJam then I don't understand what you're doing
@MathsJam Ahh, yes I do!
please help me twitter: is it possible to improvise bubblebath? I have a bar of soap and a bottle of vosene shampoo
@charliesgames I have some from-scratch quaternion code I can answer questions about, if you'd like
@mathsinthecity just remembered that I took a picture of an IKEA floor plan a year ago! I've added a site to the site:…
my ear popped in the shower and filled up with water and now all I can hear is glub glub glub glub
This dude has the kind of idiot laugh that's surely so cliché that idiots would self-consciously avoid using it, lest they appear idiotic.
not to hot, not too bright, not too noisy: we can have any two in my office, but never all three at once.
@aperfect is there a service which will air-courier food from posh London restaurants up to me for my lunch?
@peterrowlett how kind, thank you
BBC Sport headline generator: <driver for mid-field F1 team> sets pace in <Spanish city>
now playing Mad Abel on $D_6 \times \mathbb{Z}_4$. It's surprisingly not-impossible!
@Gelada you got the spelling of 'noble' wrong in your post about being wrong.
@peterrowlett I'm torn. It's an admirable idea, but the execution is off. My thoughts don't fit in any of the things the survey asks.
@mathsinthecity I wouldn't know about that. Are they saving space on corridors so they can have more rooms? Does that make sense? Not sure.
@Andrew_Taylor is that snowman warm-blooded?
@peterrowlett what do you think are the chances of the new site having over 100 posts before it even starts?
Warhammer 40K is 25 years old today! Let's take some time to think about all the nice things we could've bought instead of miniatures.
I have the coolest friends: we're doing exercises from the 1811 arithmetic textbook on my coffee table blackboard.
@pkrautz thanks!
@Samuel_Hansen is complimentary therapy the kind of thing where you go into a little room and everyone tells you how great you are?
This is a bit odd
it looks like @Samuel_Hansen is riding the crest of a wave…
@alexbellos please use your mastery of the English language to coin a name for puzzles I've seen before but have forgotten the solution to
@alexbellos because I've seen that one before and I want to use a word with lots of plosives in it to describe my frustration
could this be easier? "All proposals must be completed using the MS Word template from the site, converted to PDF and uploaded to EasyChair"
@Bishnavitch that is an amazing advance in the field of Internet cat pictures. Twelve gold stars and three thumbs up
@standupmaths I'd say 8 is an over-generous score for a kettle with no nearby power outlet
@standupmaths wordpress magic: instead of taking screenshots of tweets, write [twitter URL]; get the URL by clicking on "embed this tweet"
@standupmaths actually, that feature is in the next version of wordpress! Never mind.
@standupmaths well then, could you set the image's alt text to the tweet's content so that it's screen-readable?
ARG I was going to put my dinner on an hour ago so it'd be ready when I was hungry but I didn't and now I'm hungry and ARG
@peterrowlett a celebration of British culture
how closely do your shopping lists match brand names? Mine: "washy; bath squish; squash; scrubbers..."
Unilever: I will use your brand names on my shopping list for a small consideration
@JSlayerUK never mind the sexism, that burger looks completely rank
@RANIELDANSON what happened to the sunshine warming your mood?
@pkrautz mega-gimmicky. They never say why a Penrose tiling is suitable. They certainly don't make use of aperiodicity.
@stecks @MathsJam does MK have a meeting-place or organiser? I'll update the map when they do
@outofthenorm2 according to who?
@pkrautz @Gelada yeah, opposite - think of how many ways you can put squares next to each other. Penrose tiles deliberately have fewer ways
@pkrautz @Gelada they're not using anywhere near enough tiles to get the Penrose effect - might as well use any shape with acute angles.
My blog recently passed 4000 all-time hits. That isn't very many!
@peterrowlett October last year. But I got a negligible number of hits before then.
@peterrowlett yeah, it's alright. My mum told me at the weekend in a worried voice that I am very ambitious.
data on every character in unicode. @standupmaths might just lose his reason over this:
@brittneybean I've been avoiding thatt because I had an issue of Cabinet to read. Finished that on the metro today. Oh dear.
@standupmaths I've made a Python script to do the happification graph up to 1000.
@standupmaths I'm redoing it so the edges don't overlap, but that apparently takes FOREVER in graphviz. Maybe it'll be done when I get home
@walkingrandomly I think our economists use it. They use it because it's what they were taught and they are incurious beings
@outofthenorm2 good point
@Andrew_Taylor has one proposed to you?
@peterrowlett you're extremely close to your 8888th tweet. I suggest you make it something in Chinese about the virtues of palindromes
I've been followed by a spambot with a not completely unreasonable picture (though still a pretty girl). Beginning to doubt reality.
@Graphviz @standupmaths here you go:…
@peterrowlett you total rapscallion
@Graphviz @standupmaths behold! I think this took my laptop just over 50 minutes:
@stecks ow that was hard to parse. I have brain cramp.
@Bishnavitch this brings up a good question! Where do your farts go?
@peterrowlett @SpencerTHughes Spencer Hughes, you've made an enemy.
this has been me recently:…
@RANIELDANSON anagram: Faster Mech. That would be loads better.
images des mathématiques has posted a very good (and long) summary of recent maths news… (cc @peterrowlett @stecks)
@ColinTheMathmo your cafe-based generosity is increasing at an amazing rate. I must make sure to be in the same city as you at some point.
@Samuel_Hansen that song is part of a trio of creepy girl songs. The other two: "I'll Kill Her" by Soko, "Boyfriend" by Best Coast.
@Samuel_Hansen she has just released an album which I'm undecided about. "I'll Kill Her" is a modern classic, though.
just had my first Newcastle undergrad email to ask about MathsJam. There is hope for this institution yet!
@alexbellos write 1 in cell A1. In cell A2, write "=A1+1". Selected cells A2:A1000. Press Ctrl+D
just read a comment by someone saying IE has excellent developer tools. I agreed so much my computer went out the window.
@Electrokittie @ellenirites also to stop tweeting about "tactical whiteys". As a teetotaller, I'd rather not even know that exists.
@outofthenorm2 my first year number theory lecturer used to do these tricks with stats from the end of Doom levels
@Electrokittie that is the opposite of what will happen
@outofthenorm2 oh! except he used continued fractions to get the answer a lot quicker
@jjsanderson @standupmaths I was amazed last night that I could still see it as far south as Peterlee
@daveowhite how bad? early 3dfx cards, or even PowerVR?
aw, this is a lovely idea
@daveowhite ouch. Suggest you use the Rumble Pak.
@E_I_W what time will you be in the pub?
@E_I_W excellent, that's when I finish at maths-aid. Mind if I join you?
@E_I_W well that sounds sinister!
@HilariousCow hey! That looks just like the original NPRQuake!
@E_I_W I'm on my way. There in five minutes
@peterrowlett almost exclusively wikipedia. Mathworld when I want a second opinion
@Gelada @haggismaths is this inverse kinematics + control theory?
@peterrowlett @stecks hooray! The site that doesn't exist yet has 100 posts. I'm itching to get started.
@Gelada @haggismaths all of them confusing to me. I would be a games programmer now if I'd been able to get my head round it
WHY DO I ALWAYS FORGET GUACAMOLE NEEDS LIME?!?! Now I have to go to the shops.
it's not like there's a catchy song with the recipe or anything…
85% homemade hippy-dippy fajitas. Definitely put enough chillies in.
if I am elected, I pledge an end to the boom-and-bust weather systems of the current Tory government
It's March the Turd! The day when people try to do a poo while walking. I love old English traditions.
@standupmaths missing a trick, dude: leave your front door clopen. Burglars will be unable to break in, because there is no "in".
Be broadband is down! O woe, I will have to go outside and enjoy the beach.
Caught out in the rain! Where's my @mathsinthecity umbrella?
@enoFsamohT like all traditions, it's as real as you make it
Physicists: this (double!) rainbow is slightly bigger than my camera's field of view. Moving won't help, right?
@peterrowlett oi, I am expecting an email from you about talk dates
@peterrowlett hey, it worked, didn't it?
@jjsanderson I couldn't see it. Is it because I'm colourblind?
@Talithin gosh, am I famous?
@Talithin if you download that file again, you'll get the finished thing. It was my 4th year project
@Talithin oof, you're doing proper maths.
@Bishnavitch I can give you a lift after the film I'm seeing tonight
@Bishnavitch but you'd have to get the metro back
I wish this was a real article that had been edited and had references and no unsupported claims…
@aperfect alfa rofail. alfail romeo. awful romeo. alfa roamy-no. alfa roh-me-oh-my. half-a romeo.
@benkenyon it's certainly better than the awful French narration / poetry
this film is excellent. I saw it at the Lumiere museum in Lyon. Each frame was hand-coloured.…
To some, programming can be addictive, like a drug. That's why I use Haskell.
@Htbaa no side-effects. It is a terrible pun.
@stecks my speakers were too loud! you are echoey all the way through
@HEAcademy clicking on the "book on this event" button for my event (…) gives a big long database error
@HEAcademy to wit (abbrv): Drivers error '80004005'
SQL Server does not exist or access denied
/LM/W3SVC/1956424472/Root/global.asa, line 27
sometimes jQuery is too helpful and I worry it will one day demand its pound of flesh
My cousin answered one of those facebook trick-arithmetic questions wrong. Disinherited.
What's the most efficient way to cut parallelograms out of a square?
A maths lecturer's best-of clips:…
@WhiteGroupMaths good enough. Have you seen MathJax ( - get typeset maths on your page without using images.
@somerandomdude what attribution text do you want for the Iconic set? I can't find a set phrase on the site.
I've spent too long photographing a bookcase. Please at least agree with me about how excellent my taste is…
I've updated my "How to get MathJax on your blog" post with instructions on getting MathJax to work with Disqus:…
has anyone read "Euclid in the Rainforest"?… @nulibsage has just acquired it, I might take it out
@standupmaths the headline "Back on the sheep's back" is not doing your homeland any favours.
@eAssess and me and @NclNumbas !
Currently rewriting this crime against typists into more friendly language.
We're gonna need a bigger brace
@Bishnavitch my friend @Samuel_Hansen has just interviewed him!…
@aperfect aw man I just lost the scone game. Now I want one too.
I miss the old Pukka Pad paper. You can hardly ever get a clean tear from the new kind.
Just fell over. All this thinking seems to have drained the blood out of my legs. Clearly not match-fit.
@peterrowlett shockingly, I don't have one in my esoterica collection! Appalled at myself.
@Samuel_Hansen you're getting faster, not slower like I was expecting. I thought you'd turn up on a canal boat next.
this video is ENORMOUSLY pleasing.…
Pourquoi devient-on mathématicienne?… and she seems to be a geometric group theorist!
@JSlayerUK the universe wants you to sit and twiddle your thumbs for a bit
@elinoroberts that's a very Pocahontas attitude
too clever, google! Search for "zip file mime type". I thought this kind of categorical expert system was abandoned in the 90s?
@brittneybean adverts? Ticketmaster handling fee for the Christmas party?
@brittneybean hey, at least if those catch on they'll be accurate. Look what the mackems are trying to promote:
@brittneybean hahahahaha I've just looked at their twitter and it's full of events happening in Newcastle
@ellenirites a lion tamer. Isn't it obvious?
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett let me try. Is this your interview with Neil deGrasser Tyson?…
@christianp @Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett who is Neil deGrasser Tyson? Maybe a relative of F Scott Snitchgerald
Wow, hmv still exists! And there are people inside! And they're not *all* old women buying presents!
it's taken 26 years, but I think I'm ready to start loving mustard
You don't have to have a smile on your face to work here, but these piggies can fix that
@GhostMutt not going near it
yazoo is basically brown water. What's the point?
@stecks how did you get on with the video? Should I do it?
wherein @stecks uses a zero-knowledge protocol to prove she's better at sudoku than I am:…
@stecks windows live movie maker is a blunt instrument. At least we know what to do next time
iphone/wordpress people: is there a way to send a link from the browser or twitter directly to a wordpress blog as a draft post?
the spambots have outwitted twitter by changing their names to /x(firstname)\d{4}/ instead of /(firstname)X\d{4}/. Modern-day Einsteins!
@RANIELDANSON smart trousers too! Is Ranson going up in the world?
@JSlayerUK did you watch that thing on bbc four, then?
I reject this applause-sound completely. There is no way that many people wanted to attend a recording of Brain of Britain.
@pkrautz @danaernst it's CC, not open-source.
@danaernst @pkrautz there are mathematica notebook versions of the chapters on the wiki, so maybe they're the source, but I can't load them
@brittneybean is this something to do with conspicuously throwing out your LPs of next year's hot new pop act?
@brittneybean sorry, I'm trying to write an entertaining maths article. My mind is jammed in "try too hard" mode.
@GPRPichot @pkrautz @stecks @mathblogging sorry, try going straight to youtube:… - my blog has occasional DNS problems
@Andrew_Taylor yeah, word order: "up to 16 killed by soldier" is less ambiguous
@RichardWiseman consider it an affirmation of your respect for your heritage. He'll like that.
@GPRPichot thanks. NP just says a solution can be checked quite quickly - being able to check at all is enough for random guessing to work
@monsoon0 does it work well? We have a similar thing called MAGIC but it's pretty much universally disliked
@GPRPichot twitter doesn't really have enough space to get into the subtleties of it.
@EliotBall I'm skeptical. Is it by design?
The Aperiodical is back! Brit-aping, useless formulae, arts and crafts, interactive proof and parking constants:…
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen chalk up another win for ol' cp. #mathmaths
A trail of sweets on the pavement. I'm tempted to follow it, but I know there'll just be a messy child at the end of it
@gingerbeardman implying a spammer somewhere died at their keyboard. What a sad thought!
@trackinthebox "Happy Soup" isn't upcoming: it already upcame -…
@nulibsage I met one of the photographers in that book while out looking for the aurora at tynemouth! I don't know his name, though.
"we relabel the $i$th letter $w_k$." Does nobody check PhD theses?
@peterrowlett what news?
@peterrowlett ah, Durham's joined. My mind: not blown.
@gingerbeardman great, now my google adverts are going to be full of that Ruark radio for the next month. So expensive!
@aperiodical well, that didn't work, whoever posted that
forget about Pi Day tomorrow, today is March's first Unambiguous Day: While 12/3 could be 12th Mar or 3rd Dec, 13/3 can only be today!
@standupmaths is "avoid all things which increase risk of death" a good strategy? A greedy algorithm, if you will.
this BLT is way more than the sum of its parts, or even the product of its parts. This BLT is more than the tetration of its parts!
@TimandraHarknes @standupmaths could I outsource the worrying, and blindly accept the advice of a third party?
it is very cruel of Mai Lan to release this excellent demo and have nothing downloadable!…
3 in 20 women are on a FTSE 100 board: "The percentage of women on the boards of the UK's 100 largest firms has risen to a record 15.6%"
@aperfect yes, it is good
I had a huge BLT and a litre of fruit (I think that's how big my bowl is) for lunch. How am I still hungry?
@brittneybean what happened to It's serving all sorts of nonsense now
@HoeJodgkiss you only said that so somebody could call you a PDF-phile, right?
@outofthenorm2 I'm going to make a comment, but I also have editorial comments; where would you like those? email?
@standupmaths oh my god, is that a temple of NOD?
Yes!!! We've reached the future! Let's invade mars!…
@alexbellos quite interesting. It reminded me of the way the computer/girl Max spoke in Monday's Dirk Gently.
tomorrow: Hypatia (she stoned to death by the monks for the thinking-while-being-a-woman) explains astronomy in London:…
sorry, most of the last tweet was inaccurate: Hypatia flayed alive by lay Christians; astronomers explain Rachel Weisz as Hypatia in "Agora"
@peterrowlett @SecondRateMinds oh no! image maths! eesh!
@peterrowlett @SecondRateMinds and some of the things there were new to me: can you add citations?
@plusmathsorg oh, bravo! What a genteel, well-mannered pun.
@brittneybean I believe California has some experience with the concept of the "company town", yes.
@peterrowlett the desk calculator used by Ferguson
@peterrowlett nooooo way! Shanks was from where I'm from!…
Is the world path-connected?
@peterrowlett maybe, but to follow through logically I should do it on the wrong day
@charliesgames first thought: quaternions are what you want. I have code at…. Busy at the moment.
@charliesgames but this kind of thing is exactly what hardware T&L is meant to do, I think. Ask an OpenGL person.
@sciencefest is there a way to link to a single event on the website? Trying to tell my mum about the gaze aversion talk tomorrow
@ScienceFest but that doesn't have the description!
@charliesgames can't you use opengl's rotation functions?…
@charliesgames then I'm stumped, sorry. I'm no good at optimisations, we don't do those in real maths :)
@charliesgames oh! Is this all happening in 2d?
@charliesgames right. I am very busy at the moment, but remind me this evening if you're still having trouble
a roguelike on hyperbolic space! (via @haggismaths)
@MathsJam a link to just came up in the "sponsored links" section of my gmail. How odd! Surely nobody is buying adwords
@standupmaths you should get into sage notebook: I'll see if I can do that plot after talk+cakes afternoon here at NCL
@outofthenorm2 @standupmaths that chart, with a log-10 vertical axis, might show no. of digits correct better
oh! just noticed @peterrowlett linked digits of pi to the first person to calculate them in his post…
@yomcat @peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen honestly, MathJax is dead dead easy. There's a wordpress plugin.…
@standupmaths I prefer to write pi in base-26^9 and write the first digit as "christian"
@standupmaths gosh, I had an odd moment of tweet-blindness where I thought you said to look for your name. Same method works, anyway
I'm so enormously happy with myself for remembering to put the garlic bread in the oven. For once, pasta night is proper!
@RachaelBailes you should hear the outrageous things my colleague has to say about the humanities
wahey, 304 followers! See if you can get that up to 314 before pi day is over
I'm watching videos of animals embarrassing themselves. So far I've watched two dolphins collide mid-air and a hippo with terrible diarrhoea
@peterrowlett nobody is going to misinterpret 3/14 as referring to the 3rd of Mega-February
@PatParslow @peterrowlett @timtfj that's it, I'm measuring dates using radians from now on. I will celebrate pi day halfway through July 1st
@timtfj @PatParslow @peterrowlett um.. why?
yes!! thank you windows update! my bluetooth chip works again! now the speakers I bought to replace my unusable speakers are usable again!
how many chocolate traybakes can I prevent myself from cooking before the one I have to make next wednesday? Chocobrain has been activated
artsters: can any of you explain the current fad for geometric shapes?
amazon reviewer trying very hard with his first three sentences to come across as the kind of person I don't like:…
the closest shop selling an avocado after 5 is not in walking distance. I thought Tynemouth was meant to be posh?
@brittneybean at least we're not being referred to as "matériel" yet
now I know for definite that licking the spoon you measured the cayenne pepper with is a bad idea
@outofthenorm2 great stuff!
@Bishnavitch archer series 3: Wednesday, 10pm, 5*.
@ColinTheMathmo yeesh. We're a long way from my campaign for 0 to be a natural number to gain any traction, then.
$\int_0^e \left( e^{e^{e^{e^{e^x}}}}.e^{e^{e^{e^x}}}.e^{e^{e^x}}.e^{e^x}.e^x \right) dx = ^6e - ^5e$. Why?
(sorry, took me a while to get the TeX right there)
@outofthenorm2 fun fact
how is this "Lost Cities of the Ancients" programme on bbc four? It's barely good enough for channel five.
@peterrowlett you missed out Katie's Manchester MathsJam recap from the math/maths show notes!…
2^10 comments on my blog! Only 89.8% of which are spam!
@elinoroberts which printer?
@ben_nuttall so their servers can literally be taken down by The Man?
@peterrowlett that looks like a very good booklet
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm, the Charles Grey.… @peterrowlett will be joining us, so look smart!
@brittneybean that is lacking a lot of nuance
@brittneybean argrgrsgr, the more I read about that visualisation, the more angry it makes me
this visualisation of the wrong data has made me angry:…. Typing with clenched fists is hard so no thanks @brittneybean
@aperfect @brittneybean precisely.…
@peterrowlett it's practically summer up here. Hope you packed shorts! Dragons currently in Sunderland, so you'll be fine.
This might not be very healthy
@standupmaths should I be updating the MathsJams map with your van's coordinates?
@TuringSunflower can you explain the link between Turing and sunflowers please? Is it to do with reaction-diffusion and that sort of thing?
@MathsJam GLA: we meant you need only one of the first two steps, ie 2332 is a solution
@christianp @MathsJam or even 3223 would make more sense to you! Forgot which way round you had it
I like this a big lot:…
@HESTEM thanks! I should've given @peterrowlett some in a doggy bag, there's loads left over (turns out we didn't need TWO kilos of cake)
plan for tomorrow: sit in pyjamas and write code until all my problems are solved
@trackinthebox why don't your URLs have the date in them? Isn't that sort of the idiom within which your site operates?
@brittneybean but if it was in the url I'd be able to tell if a link is to today's track or an old one.
we are running a workshop on creating maths OER on April the 10th, for which places are still available:…
@charliesgames and that is why I don't play shmups. Did you sort out your rotation thing?
Oh no! It's the Simpsons episode with the Run Lola Run spoof but I missed that bit. Truly life is not worth living!
Dinner tonight: a traditional Mexican dish, "throw all one's spices and vegetables at a few bowls"
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
@stecks oh! I get it now!
@stecks can we make a script which takes arxiv papers and replaces every proof with "Left as an exercise for the reader"?
I wanted to live by the sea, not in it!
@peterrowlett @aperiodical ahh, I thought I fixed that! I wonder where the correct version is
@peterrowlett @aperiodical should be fixed now
@RANIELDANSON I wondered this, because my (southern, manchester) flatmates had never heard of it. I thought it was used everywhere
Bison! In Sedgefield! At Farnless Farm Park.
more bison pictures at…
Gosh, @peterrowlett has been doing a very good job writing up news stories for our new site today.
@peterrowlett I added a bit of mathematical detail in a comment to the topic-based vector space story.
a clever way of switching between markup and its display, including with LaTeX:…
A page from an old notebook. When was I good at drawing?!
yeesh. I've just discovered a library that makes my instant-preview-above-TeX editor a squillion times simpler:
today has started with a good photo
please buy my new range of plates featuring images of the abyss, a navel, the circle of life and the night sky: "ContemPlates"
other ill-considered crockery: the Grand Bowl Opry, Dish is The End, Camilla Finger-Bowls
@peterrowlett time to forward you all those funny cat pictures I've been saving
@jcoglan a first attempt: dict['a'] = dict.get('a',0). I feel there's a slightly more obvious way though
@christianp @jcoglan in fact, two lines lower in the docs: dict.setdefault('foo',0).…
@jcoglan that's what setdefault does. get doesn't set it.
@jcoglan oh, I see what you mean. Never mind.
windows 7 non-powershell command line: is there a way to pipe a wildcard selection of files through to a command?
@PencilBloke it's the best kind of correct: technically correct
@jcoglan this (neckbeardy) command just occurred to me: ``` python -c "help(dict)" | grep default ```
@jjsanderson eduroam is an agreement between universities so visitors can use their home institution account info to get wifi anywhere
@stecks "Blackboard Bold" is an excellent name for a column
This is just excellent: "The mate-in-n problem of infinite chess is decidable"… (via @mathblogging)
@jcoglan I tried to cross "inception!" with "examination" but all I got was "incemination!" and that is another kind of dream entirely
Using inline SVG in HTML is an enormous faff. Am I missing something?
Matt's code loves him!
@fumbleweeds wow, you would *not* get on well in the UK
The new metro trains have a space for wheelchair users which this wheelchair user is not using because her carer can't sit next to her.
@monsoon0 there seems to be a circle going round. I've been added by lots of people recently too. Watching it happen is like epidemiology.
On hot days like today, the air in Tynemouth is 50% barbecue smoke
@RANIELDANSON it could be worse: a new person could appear who is just as annoying as Ben Elton, and Ben Elton would also be still extant
@peterrowlett kick's 'self
@Skweeky then you'd better render unto Caesar what is Caesar's
@stecks youtube showed me an advert for Fosters before that Guinness world records video. Wasted effort, I don't booze!
@mathshistory you had an extra character left there. "when" could've been "whence" and then it would've been grammatically perfect
@peterrowlett yes!
@peterrowlett what's the name of that Law of the Universe about correcting people?
idea for the next @MathsJam: do something like Drunk History but with mathematical proofs
@pkrautz @peterrowlett collecting all our blogging efforts together, plus news and pieces by other people who don't have their own blogs
@pkrautz not quite a blog network! Lots of stuff goes straight on the Aperiodical
@KathrynHTaylor buying them with money is preferred
@DavidHopper88 @Bishnavitch tiny Crying Game fact: it's a spoonerist remake of a 1950s public information film
@stecks @aPaulTaylor I like the waterfall puzzle a lot. I think that's the first puzzlebomb puzzle I've solved
@stecks @aPaulTaylor and the space filling crossword makes two!
@Electrokittie journalism question for a friend: if someone writes to their MP, is it OK to publish the response in full on their blog?
@PickfordBros did you ever play my Blitz game "poption"? It was a bit like MB but with a broom instead of a cue. It was loads of fun
@ben_nuttall @stecks @standupmaths JLS Love Self-reference is my favourite one
waiting for someone to file an issue on github so I can include its number in the message of the commit that fixes it. #productivity!
New blog post: slides about the princess in a castle puzzle…
@peterrowlett how long will it take me to get from the train station to wherever your workshop is on the 16th?
@EliotBall oh dear! Not sure what could cause that
THE BEST! RT @aperiodical: Post: Turing-Tape Games: A Challenge in Algorithmic Problem Solving…
@sgravn let me know when you have your first one and I'll add you to the map
today's weather is a sensible continuation of yesterday's, yes.
@peterrowlett am I correct in assuming you avoid google talk for work-overload reasons? I want to ask when I should arrive in Birmingham
@jcoglan put me down for five quid on "cease and desist"
The author of this proof seems to hate whitespace so much he's even reduced the line-height. Man that's dense maths!
yet again I have managed to drown all the notes in my bag. This time it was with Pepsi, so I will have to wash the bag.
@standupmaths but but but… Unicode SMS can only have 70 characters! What are twitter doing? Someone might not get all of your tweet!
problem: food must be bought up to a week in advance because the shops are a long way away. Solution: pneumatic grocery delivery tubes
I honestly think that if the edwardians had invented pneumatic food delivery to the home, we'd consider it a human right today.
@pkrautz did you link to my princess-castle slides from the "mathjax in use" page? Could you also link to my maths-on-your-blog post please?
@jjsanderson ah! thanks for reminding me I also need to book train tickets
It seems my little brother is not content to kill himself just with cigarettes
@ben_nuttall I think it was coffee once
@JanvierUK *he* is!
#ff @CarnivalOfMath because I suppose I have obligations as a host now. No. 85, out this week at… is very good though
nice! Poincare disc tiling coasters:…
@Talithin maybe later. I'm trying to work out how to write a hyperbolic orienteering game that was suggested at Newcastle @MathsJam
@Talithin maybe. Just trying to find stuff in hyperbolic space, to see how people navigate. For example, are landmarks useful?
how is "problem X is undecidable" a positive result? I'd ask if something *is* decidable.
Writing haskell again. This is my brain's happy place. Everything is soft and bounces back only so very slightly when you push it.
my hotmail was hacked again! Sorry to anyone who received very enthusiastic emails from me about enlargement
canonic n = tail . map snd $ scanl (\(x,d) y -> if x>=y then (x-y,1) else (x,0)) (n,0) (reverse $ takeWhile (<= n) (tail fibs))
that tweet brought to you by Haskell, God's Own Programming Language
@Electrokittie I would say a "girl next door" typically has a bit more meat on her
does BT throttle downloads of PDFs? I'm at my mum's house and they're taking ages, while everything else, even on the same sites, is fast
@for_the_winn use gist
depressed I have no local maths hero. @peterrowlett has George Green, of "Green's Theorem" fame. I have William Shanks, who got π wrong.
I've summed up some more Interesting Esoterica. There are some corkers!…
@natachitas EXCELLENT profile picture! Where is it from?
@ellenirites I wish I was! My mum's roast is still at least half an hour away
@outofthenorm2 have the courage of your convictions! Either you believe it's worthwhile or you don't
this is fun
dear windows team: why does it take fully 30 seconds to open the control panel for a bluetooth headset?
@CloudoidLtd beautiful
This was underappreciated: interesting esoterica 3 - orange peels, homophonic quotient groups, nomograms and word death…
@Electrokittie I have a friend who is very good and a nice chap. Could ask him which class he runs
hah, people are already getting to my site by searching for the solutions to the puzzles in the Dara O'Briain adverts. Sorry to disappoint!
Flawless dismount by my beard. 6.0s all round, even from the Russian judge. A great prospect for #london2012
@brittneybean languages can be objectively bad:
@brittneybean the fact people use PHP doesn't make it not a bad language. But I shouldn't engage with Jeff Atwood, it only encourages him
@brittneybean which I disagree with, but I want twitter to be a happy place so I'll stop there
Is there something like google (search for haskell functions by type signature) for units of measurement?
hooray! my quiet suggestion to the postgrad events organiser to use the bcc field has worked: no more 3mb headers in emails!
@Htbaa sorry, I meant hoogle not google. That does the haskell search thing.
@badmachinery hydraulic, not pneumatic? I don't want your pipe leaking fluids in my house
I picked exactly the wrong moment to leave the office.
@peterrowlett April @MathsJam is next week?! Crikey. Going to have to give up on writing up March then. Good idea to include the photos link
@standupmaths it's excellent that we live so far in the future that a retro games shop exists
@walkingrandomly could you add that as a snapshot on please?
Kickstarter idea: fund a documentary crew to follow me in my search for someone who doesn't like The Big Lebowski. Target: $2 million
@mathsinthecity I could really do with one at the moment! It's tipping it down up here
@Electrokittie @ellenirites I've just googled her. You are quite mistaken about her face
A nice Penrose tiling generator (via…)
@DanielColquitt I find Bill Evans "Peace Piece" soothes me when code doesn't work
Tom Lehrer is still alive. This is a good world, the one we live in.
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett how much of an effect do they have though? I've never used tags on my blog and I have very good google rankings
a cool dude to follow on google+: olivier gerard -…
@AdrenalGBR congratulations! I will buy you a drink at MathsJam
@eassessscotland the link to join the e-assessment association ( is broken
@eassessscotland and is there a reason you have your own copyright notice instead of CC BY-NC, which is effectively the same licence?
@brittneybean @songdropapp curses, now what twitter name will I use for my fansite for the avant-garde Transdniestrian artist, Songdro Papp?
@hornmaths ask @stecks, she's in charge of the email and website
Erdos: a web interface to the google GraphViz API -…
@pkrautz but isn't google how people search for things these days? I can't remember the last time I searched for anything using tags
@ColinTheMathmo @walkingrandomly @ben_nuttall is there a well-known place to download infinite sequences such as primes, digits of p, etc?
@ColinTheMathmo @walkingrandomly @ben_nuttall if not, would it be worth setting one up? eg keep sending sequence elements until you stop it
@ben_nuttall @ColinTheMathmo @walkingrandomly maybe something like… would give you 1000 digits of pi in a plain file
40 posts in, I'm beginning to regret deciding to retag all of the posts on the @aperiodical
@outofthenorm2 @aperiodical works for me. What do you get? The links on names are just to their google+ profiles, thought it was polite.
@outofthenorm2 @aperiodical ahh, it's set to limited visibility. Seems the original post is also hidden. Not sure if I should just quote it
@walkingrandomly @ColinTheMathmo @ben_nuttall not necessarily. It's definitely quick to just download a list, if that's all you need
@walkingrandomly @ColinTheMathmo @ben_nuttall and especially if you don't have Mathematica (or Maple or whatever)
@walkingrandomly I can install that on my home PC... but if I'm just writing a quicky python script, feeding a file in is more convenient
@Electrokittie only three spokes, so the only potential outraged party is the residents of the Isle of Man
@christianp @Electrokittie why did I only see three spokes there? I might be having neurological problems. Eesh.
I don't think @stecks promoted this when she posted it, so I will: her experience of presenting at Science Showoff…
I've been thinking about hyperbolic space lately, so this grabbed my attention: Hyperbolic Buckyballs:
@outofthenorm2 I've edited the post, quoting Rongmin. This journalism thing's hard.
Does anyone know a good, non-chain, pizza place that delivers to Tynemouth?
I agree that switching off escalators saves energy, @My_Metro, but please make sure the train uses the platform where they're still running
The yachts on the Tyne are all mine all mine, the yachts on the Tyne are all mine. #geordieoligarch
Any player linked to NUFC by the Chronicle, I will buy. #geordieoligarch
Greggs is now free at the point of service, just like the NHS. #geordieoligarch
Behold the 100-foot sculpture of a raised middle finger I have erected off the coast at Sunderland. #geordieoligarch
@standupmaths can you tile a sphere in H3 with hexagons? Zero curvature - negative curvature = positive curvature, right? #badatgeometry
No better than the soviets: @Electrokittie has divided Catan in half
@mathpunk according to etymonline, no…
excellent! every ipad owner should have one:…
@elinoroberts I've been considering getting a bike. Days like this are the reason I defer my decision
@elinoroberts so, in summary, the wuss vote says "stay indoors"
phew! Every post on the @aperiodical is now retagged sensibly.
I left an entire hour to get the metro in to central station. Looks like I will be using all of that plus or minus 2 minutes
Reader, I arrived with 15 minutes to spare. And just behind the mechanics, who are here to fix my train, which has apparently broken down.
arrived in Birmingham. This room is so hot even my tweets are m͇͔͉͖̪e̙͔̟̜͇̮l͖̤͖̪̲̫̗͓t̫̞͔i̭̭̖̠̻͉̯n͉̞̝g̭
I like the way Ian Agol writes his slides.… Talking of which, I need to write mine for tomorrow morning's #hestemsoc
Two years ago, I started collecting interesting maths esoterica. Today, I have found its platonic ideal:
My view of the sink. But wait, what's that reflected in the tap?
Why, it's a warning sign, for midgets' eyes only!
Similarly: where is the keyhole? Was this place designed for children?
.@standupmaths oh, Weng Weng! I know him!…
@peterrowlett I'm going to wander around campus for an hour. Anything I should see, or are you around?
@peterrowlett going to the Lapworth museum because it's the only one open. It might ROCK my world?
Basking like an iguana in the warm midlands sun.
Brummies: I'm currently in the bullring with an hour to spare. Does your city contain anything interesting?
@peterrowlett managed to write some code to do the thing you want while sitting in the train waiting room, but forgot one thing! Arg!
lawks a mercy! @Andrew_Taylor's Grime Dice and voting essay on the @aperiodical has really seized the popular imagination.
@eddequincey thanks!
Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight! 7pm at the Charles Grey pub. Bring a friend, bring some maths.
Oh man, I just forgot to add the outstandingly witty postscript I was planning for this commit message. I make a sad face now :(
oh my god, there is an anti-dog-racing group called Greyt Exploitations. Inappropriate pun time!
@jamesgrime I've only ever found it irritating but plenty of people love it, so it must be a personality type thing.
@Simon_Woodhead the card game Mad Abel is good. Princess in a Castle puzzle also very good. All on my blog
@jamesgrime you're only 6 years older than me! That doesn't seem like an insurmountable deficit. And: is there a Little Professor fan club?
@peterrowlett @stecks I've stopped tumblring because they don't get tweeted. I'll tumblr afterwards.
@peterrowlett @stecks phone, tweeting does seem to just work now. I apologise for the forthcoming torrent of duplicate tweets
Getting my new staff email and smartcard and everything has been suspiciously easy
@aperfect UP????
@rockhyrax seen this? BBC News - The rock hyrax surprises with syntax skills"
it doesn't always pay to kill your siblings: ……) (found via
Who loves butter chicken? CP loves butter chicken! Is it true? Yes I do I do I do I do-ooo!
Ah! So that headache was a symptom of curry withdrawal.
two kinds of people go to bed before 9: children and WINNERS. #yawn
@nulibsage that's the most transparently rewritten-press-release story I've ever seen on BBC tech news. Shameful!
google chrome's auto translate should also do "this recipe is in stupid American units. Would you like to see it in metric?"
cropped this scan of Durer's melancholia to 666x666. SECRET CODES‽‽ #danbrown
I now have a favourite comic book, in case comic books fans ever corner me and ask for an opinion about spider/bat/super/whateverman
and that comic book is: COW PUNCHER…
Once again, the metro has pulled in to St James at the platform where the escalators are turned off.
This mad old women has taken the opportunity to walk down what is normally the up escalator.
Tiny fact: Alan Turing's Erdős number is 5 --…
@aPaulTaylor make a javascript version! javascript is so much nicer for writing little maths things in than java
@stecks due to a lack of foresight tonight's chicken empanadas are now tomorrow's chicken empanadas and I'm eating ready-meal crispy duck :(
made for @aPaulTaylor, who wanted an easy way to screengrab just some maths: a MathJax applet called "make big maths":…
have fallen instantly in love with the continuity announcer on film4.
@RANIELDANSON is it my mum? Can't watch, too busy eating fast food
!!!… (warning: bare naked manchests and future-giggles)
@standupmaths @theredroaster very nice, but what's hyperbolic about it?
@Andrew_Taylor @stecks @markstaylor a robust is what fembots have. #OED2332AD
Finally, here's what happened at March's @MathsJam, reconstructed out of a haze of tiredness.… April's recap is imminent
every time I read this, panel 6 is as if I've never read it before…
Shakingly tired. Empanada failure doubtless a factor.
the onion's autistic news reporter is brilliant yet again…
thanks @ajk_44, @SparksMaths and whoever runs Cardiff Maths Jam for your photos
@AdrenalGBR I've forgotten how that integer partitions grid you showed at MathsJam works. Do you think you could write something about it?
I'm not comfortable with Newcastle doing so well.
In English, "first" and "second" have nothing lexically to do with "one" and "two"...
...We just need one more word to go between "second" and "third" and we can finally start counting from 0 like civilised human beings.
I suggest "first, second, twird, third, ..."
"twird" a homophone of "turd", of course.
@pkrautz isn't that how "third" is pronounced by ze Chermans?
considering writing my new, correct, ordinals into the @aperiodical's style book.
@pkrautz ah, jetzt verstehe ich! As is traditional, English mathematics is a step behind the Germans.
@pkrautz aw, now you've got me looking in the book of numbers to see if anyone does do it my way
Wait a minute. What?
@pkrautz difficult. We have separate author/category feeds, which might be best. Certainly don't aggregate the news.
@pkrautz maybe just aggregate the "features" feed?…
@pkrautz gosh, well, it'd certainly bulk out that news section, wouldn't it? Time to cc @peterrowlett and @stecks and see what they think
Here's April's Newcastle @MathsJam recap:… Subtitle: Wine tasters on a (hyperbolic) plane!
have developed a very expensive cloudy apple juice habit
@Samuel_Hansen you've been quiet lately. Are you hard at work making my relatively prime investment worthwhile?
@Samuel_Hansen for a less gregarious personage than yourself, that would be. Never mind, I'll get by with however much Hansen is going.
@christianp @Samuel_Hansen I think I meant, "that would *not be quiet*". I've confused myself. Eugh.
@ben_nuttall I bet it's something stupid like the calculation only being fired on the keydown event
gonna have a glass of milk! Ain't none of you can stop me! You're all miles away and the milk is very very close
"You can now enjoy free John Lewis wifi here." - If google doesn't have what I want, will they order it in for me?
two unit tests into my expected suite of hundreds, I have found a bug. Super.
@stecks @aPaulTaylor Newcastle are doing appallingly at the melbourne puzzle hunt. We just looked at your stats and did a sad face
@jcoglan I am, and I want to know if using QUnit is a bad idea. Writing my first unit tests today.
@jcoglan super! Thanks. I'll give that article a good read before carrying on
@stecks they've called themselves "team badger". I'm avoiding involvement
@PinkLaneCoffee my colourblind eyes can't see the word "Pink" in that logo
WOW changing options in Pagelines is hard if you don't have the paid-for version. What a business model!
@aPaulTaylor @stecks I need to find more people who will play german games with me. I have catan, need to play agricola and carcassonne
@stecks I'm not a great conference-goer. I'm sure I'll have a reason to visit Manchester eventually though
@HilariousCow you've seen how many people appear on the forums for those tools asking for help making an MMORPG, right?
@stecks or: you could visit Newcastle, and it would be Catandemonium
can anyone think of a boolean expression that would confirm that != and = have equal precedence and left-associate?
this looks like a fun thing for @MathsJam:… (from @maanow)
@monsoon0 pertinently, we're launching a new maths magazine/blog today, The Aperiodical. Please have a look and RT
@monsoon0 thanks. What prompted your question about maths sites? Were you thinking of something similar to us?
@divbyzero a few of us are launching a new maths blog, The @aperiodical,
with Klein's birthday goodies. Please RT?
@undunc a few of us are launching a new maths blog, The @aperiodical,
with Klein's birthday goodies. Please RT?
@alexbellos a few of us are launching a new maths blog, The @aperiodical,
with Klein's birthday goodies. Please RT?
@nrichmaths a few of us are launching a new maths blog, The @aperiodical,
with Klein's birthday goodies. Please RT?
@danaernst a few of us are launching a new maths blog, The @aperiodical,
with Klein's birthday goodies. Please RT?
(anyone also following the people I just mass-tweeted, I can only apologise. I'll never do it again)
@monsoon0 like, Serious Maths? Or maths in general, as part of the culture?
@JanvierUK or open a guillotine factory
@nulibsage don't suppose you could help a NCL student out and RT a link to my new maths magazine/blog, @aperiodical:
@nulibsage thanks!
@Bishnavitch well now I know where you're going on holiday this summer
Well, today is going about as well as it possibly can.
@outofthenorm2 those notes are lovely! They make me miss my Tablet PC
@walkingrandomly trying to update my JScript exponential function to be accurate on complex^(int) and fast on (complex)^(complex). Ideas?
@walkingrandomly the current code:… (floating-point errors abound!)
@walkingrandomly ah, good idea. Thanks!
@Gelada @peterrowlett I said, "I would suggest not tweeting that kind of thing"
wow! Thanks for the hugely positive response to the @aperiodical. Today has been amazing.
@peterrowlett @ben_nuttall you're welcome to rewrite it, but I reckon "has a beard" is definitely in the top 3 Peter facts
@peterrowlett I don't know how you had the energy to write up all those news stories last night. Bravo.
@standupmaths umbrella husbandry should be part of every school's citizenship lessons
least awful desktop/chrome twitter client which supports multiple accounts? I don't like TweetDeck
@DanielColquitt preliminary findings: twimbow only allows max 3 accounts, hootsuite abhorrent in every way
@hornmaths maybe this?…
can anyone help me with doing maths on complex numbers in javascript?… (cc @walkingrandomly)
we've decided to send Cushing to Iraq as a safety precaution. Abdul has been telling us about the excellent swimming lessons he was given
my nana has expressed an interest in twitter. Be good, people, or I will unleash her on you.
stop underestimating your audience, Hollywood! "the pirates! in an adventure with scientists" is "the pirates: band of misfits" in the US
@CardColm What would the minimum score for a question be? Allowing 0 would punish errors enormously
@ColinTheMathmo thanks for submitting that @aperiodical story to HN. We'll see how it goes this time round.
burning a CD-R like it's 1999
server still down, will be for at least another hour or so. Those dying to see the popular post can use coral mirror:…
how middle class am I? I've installed a minecraft mod where AIs do the mining for me and I take what they produce. #marxcraft
@ColinTheMathmo yes, caching is on now. Thanks again for sharing it. Good job this only happened on day 2
As a mathematician, I think I'm qualified to extrapolate from these data.
@outofthenorm2 nice, but what's non-obvious there? I couldn't see an example that shocked me
@Andrew_Taylor for Balrogs, it's more of a commuter village than a town. No shared civic space. They had trouble getting past planning.
@Electrokittie ...yes, coincidence. That's why they don't think being a criminal depends on the shape of your head any more
@ColinTheMathmo 7749 yesterday, 3403 so far today
right, I'm finally going to record this fibonacci grids video. Just you see if I don't.
@peterrowlett ha! on a serious note: visitors from HN don't click around. Hits on launch day had a much bigger spread round the site
@peterrowlett very, very few. Beware that the referrers breakdown doesn't accurately catch everybody
@peterrowlett umm... don't know.
My second ever #ff is for @aperiodical, my new maths magazine/blog I started with a couple of friends. Please have a look!
@ColinTheMathmo they dropped off a couple of hours ago. Seems only the top 10 or so links on the front page get any attention
the smallest measurable quantity of waste is the time between you placing your foot on the opposite pavement and the green man lighting up
@ColinTheMathmo not sure if I do. If you'd asked me before...
@ColinTheMathmo ah yes, I do! Will email when I get home
@jcoglan I used deck.js recently. Didn't have any trouble
Dear Nature: would it kill you to run your old (1997!) articles through OCR? And cite survey data properly?
@kenjilamb very interesting! I'll have to look into this later.
twice today I've been thwarted by paywalls hiding academic research reported in the news, despite having access to my uni library!
@Talithin way ahead of you dude:… (but thanks!)
trying to find a discount code for something. Google ad said 40% off, page said 30% off, code says 20% off. #deflationaryspiral
just recorded the first Aperiodcast with @peterrowlett and @stecks. Out soon at the @aperiodical
must stop accidentally following back people from this account instead of my various others
hwo did I have D.A.N.C.E. in my head before turning on Radio Nova? Am I receiving it through my fillings now?
@Tony_Mann @jamesgrime contrapositive is "if this isn't a new, detailed talk, then you haven't seen me talk before"
@Tony_Mann @jamesgrime my gut says no. I was hoping the contrapositive would say something funny, but it didn't
I'm all for challenging stereotypes but I don't think this ad has been placed particularly well.
although, I suppose they might be going for the up-all-night-trying-to-do-a-calculation-on-wolfram-alpha demographic
full disclosure: I have no idea what that product is meant to do
@standupmaths would you like to promote those with a post on @aperiodical?
I could've saved myself half an hour if I'd written the tests for the sin function before the ones for the gamma function.
@Tony_Mann an amount on a different order of magnitude
@Tony_Mann I see your pedantry and raise you: looks like five things to me
@mike_geogebra excellent! I was just trying to show someone the web version a few weeks ago and couldn't find the page
@mike_geogebra do you want a post on the @aperiodical about this, or is it too early?
@mike_geogebra let's wait until June, then
@standupmaths now you've only got another ~200 Reuleaux mechanisms to reproduce:…
@outofthenorm2 ... no?
@outofthenorm2 @standupmaths arg, stupid cookies! Terrible URL scheme. Try this:…
@walkingrandomly I bet if you posted that as a comment on… good things would happen
"Amending to your basket". I hate you, whoever you are.
@JanvierUK nope!
aargrgagrg what is the point in only releasing your EP on iTunes?
@MarcusduSautoy @Kit_Yates_Maths wasn't that famously used by a famous mathematician?
this month's emusicsmas has been so barren I'm going to download the new Sebastien Tellier without even listening to it
This girl's makeup has made her just staggeringly ugly, like a Hogarth caricature or a grown-up from an edgy mid-evening Nicktoon.
Yes yes the male gaze etc etc, but I can't fathom what look she's going for. "Groucho Marx crossed with the Infanta of Castile"?
Was given a free travel mug at Olive and Bean. Much like cash ISAs, this is free stuff just for being middle class and I now feel guilty
@brittneybean wow indeed! This is the first google result for "Lord Ashtar":…
Both I and the tramp who smells of wee think this woman flirting very loudly on the phone is the most annoying thing on the train
@kenfodder what happens if you bing
@kenfodder ah no, I cleverly reversed the letters
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MarcusduSautoy maybe I'm thinking of Smullyan:… (can't believe I just googled "smullyan pickup lines")
@mathpunk that's the kind of logic that leads to things like…
Those who liked the prime factorisation jumper (…) can now buy their own -… (via @ColinTheMathmo)
@pkrautz I do not! I've always been trying to prod my boss to look at European collaboration.
@HoeJodgkiss where's that from?
I think every mathematician aspires to leave a grave as excellent as Boltzmann's:…
@matheknitician just spotted your Aperiodical thread on ravelry. Thanks!
Instead of starting words with tw- because you're on twitter, change words normally starting with tw- to something else in normal speech
if I can just get pelve people to join my campaign it'll be worth it. Until then, I'll be piddling my thumbs and peaking my panger
there are enough Paris streets named after mathematicians to fill a Monopoly board. Let's do this.…
@brittneybean they won't stop finding new ways to assault our senses until teenagers can text Lynx at each other on the train.
this is why chemists should be discouraged…
A probability distribution in the flesh! Like a naturally-occurring Galton board
oh my god, that guy who was in Doctors five years ago is still in Doctors! Is that long enough for a missing persons report?
I finally have some time to catch up on a few weeks' worth of @trackinthebox. This week's picks look good.
@brittneybean can you remember when everyone set up their own front for microsoft's catalogue? It was ridiculous.
having an emotional moment about how useful is.
@haggismaths snarks could be the solutions to a 4-player edge-colouring game?
@JanvierUK yes, just imagine if he'd had an awkwardly long name like Kenneth
why does ctrl-0 set the zoom to 125% in IE? Just... why?
I had a dream last night that I received an awkward amount of change after paying for something with a note. What could it possibly mean?
@standupmaths recommendations for mathsy toys for a toddler? You bought some for your nephew, didn't you?
Boo! RT @NTCouncilTeam: Conservatives hold Cullercoats, St Mary's, Tynemouth & Monkseaton North
this means the tedious parking permit campaign will continue. Get over it, selfish tories!
It's 2012. Why is copying text out of a PDF still so hard? Surely someone's written a PhD on inferring capitalisation, at least?
@danaernst is… the canonical version of your futurama talk?
@danaernst ta!
@danaernst what happened to the Sage Notebook bit, for trying out permutations?
@danaernst well, sagenb is being very slow for me on something else at the moment, so I'd guess not
@ColinTheMathmo "why are there infinitely many infinities, and why are N and R not the same one?"
emusic only has jazz these days, so my library fills with jazz, so recommends more jazz. Help I'm stuck in a loop with a smooth beat
@CardColm @ColinTheMathmo video or it isn't true!
@Gelada @ColinTheMathmo what mathematician doesn't know about groups? Applied? It was in year 2 of my bachelor's.
@Gelada @ColinTheMathmo well, they're on the IGCSE and being talked about for GCSE, so hopefully that won't last much longer
@zetta3pt14face @Kit_Yates_Maths @MarcusduSautoy so I suppose on Absolute Radio pop is bigger?
why do the previews on emusic take 10 seconds to fade up to full volume? They're only 30 seconds long!
@Gelada I think if GCSE maths got split into "functional" and "pure" bits, someone wanted (permutation) group theory in the pure bit.
is this the one yahoo! answers page that excuses the rest?…
I love an opportunity to visit Ian's Shoelace Site - #valueadded @FakeElsevier
@peterrowlett @MouldS it does say 1.2g of salt per portion in very small text just above...
@peterrowlett ah! Now I have parsed your sentence differently and see you knew that
Start then learning young. Might have been outmathsed at this birthday party :(
Nerd cred restored: out of all the mathematicians at the party, one kid said I looked the geekiest.
just drew a perfect 400x400px box freehand. #touchme
@monsoon0 another nice example is that the continued fraction (2,3,5,7,11,13,...) *almost* agrees with one of Renyi's parking constants
@stecks I have coloured in my Word Split. What am I looking at?
compound noun required: the moment when you finally pick up a screwdriver to fix that thing that's been annoying you for months
The Atlantic on Blow - the missing copy…
@standupmaths people like you are the reason so few trains these days have a dedicated record store carriage. Buy local!
Google Reader 0. Forget all you inbox zero types, this is a way bigger achievement.
out now in the BBC Shop: the Today programme baiting people to shout at each other about nonsense topics at 8:58am - the complete collection
@MarcusduSautoy no MC Escher pose? Surely they'll let you pick it up if it's for art.
Microsoft's advice on writing fast javascript or, in other words, "we're not as clever as the v8 people. You fix it." -…
brb, flagellating myself in penance for that design decision causing 1000x slowdown. Stand by my comments about IE's javascript though.
help, I'm watching Austrian folk music videos on youtube and I can't stop. Every video is worse than the last!
@RANIELDANSON can't work out if that's brilliant or stupid
the contagion is spreading!… How are there so many Dutch songs about skiing?
I take it all back! When I have offspring, I will enforce singing of this on all car trips:… EVEN THE SCHOOL RUN
@RANIELDANSON never before has a tweet led to so much happiness
@JanvierUK learnt : learned :: meant : meaned. America : wrong :: UK : right.
@MathWhizz @aperiodical @lostinrecursion oh, thanks! I'm pretty pleased with it myself.
@JanvierUK the argument could be made that they went months without *a* government but they had plenty of others to keep things ticking over
@mathsinthecity The Field Guide to Math on the National Mall -… - from @maanow
I've added a cuboctahedron made of curler units (…) to the touchy-feely zone
I'm open to claims that it isn't a cuboctahedron, by the way. Not sure the symmetries are right.
@pkrautz what's prompted this?
@aperfect GCSE maths fail: equal area on the graph should represent equal measure. 1 year for new team looks bigger than for an older one.
@mathpunk sum(i=1 to 2000, log i). Approximate with an integral if you wish.
@mathpunk so precise answer from Python is 13,206.5. Integral approximation on paper gave 13,202.8.
@mathpunk sorry!! that was base e. Precise: 5735.5; approx: 5733.9
@CardColm I tried that a while ago with our resident card trick fanatic (and a big fan of yours!) We got the angles hilariously wrong.
@RANIELDANSON I always make a point of sitting next to him if I can. Everyone else steers clear, so I get plenty of space.
@RANIELDANSON I am... acquainted... with the smell of old urine, yes.
when I grow up I want to be one of these skeletons…
What's the equivalent of "snail mail" for printed literature like books? I can't think of anything equally cheesy and rhyming.
@Samuel_Hansen fortunately, there seems to be one, and you're part of it.
@pkrautz oh, I suppose there's that. I sort of hate it, though. The beautiful thing about "snail mail" is the mollusk non-sequitur.
@pkrautz @Samuel_Hansen I dunno, we've done pretty well for the last ~3000 years, despite various systems of patronage coming and going
an hour ago, I decided to get up to turn the heating on. Still hasn't happened. Can I actually stand the cold, or might my legs fall off?
@pkrautz yeah, but the uncommunicative mathematician isn't a recent invention.
this might just be it - RT @rmehigan: @christianp e-mail vs snail-mail, e-books vs .....tree-books ?
@pkrautz I think this has boiled down to a question that requires a few years' scholarship and library-usage to answer. So not for twitter.
@CardColm @alexbellos shameless!
@IanMulvany the interface is so bad I'm now using tweetdeck. So, very bad.
@Samuel_Hansen @pkrautz oh absolutely. I'm just not worried about pure maths disappearing due to lack of communication.
Shelf discipline has completely collapsed in this cupboard. No idea where anything is any more. Considering joining the Foreign Legion.
@GPRPichot @pkrautz @Samuel_Hansen Cedric Villani is excellent!
@Samuel_Hansen @pkrautz and I'm not worried that that won't happen. Man, I'm bad at articulating opinions.
@Samuel_Hansen @pkrautz so what I mean is: pure mathmos on the whole are uncommunicative, but there are enough evangelisers to balance out
My prime factorisation t-shirt by @jgrahamc has arrived!…
@aperiodical @Gelada @pkrautz @Samuel_Hansen a point-counterpoint might be fun. Can I find a serious mathematician to back my side, though?
@Samuel_Hansen well, I'm still just a postgrad and my PhD has sort of stalled, so my opinions don't really have the weight of experience
@peterrowlett nooooo! I still have things to do tonight!
why does it take five seconds to paste plain text into windows live mail? Why is there no better free mail client for windows? AGRSGSGFDSAF
@HoeJodgkiss very nice!
@DanielColquitt I really disagree. I've never liked thunderbird.
making myself stay up so there'll be a good program on the radio to fall asleep to later. Feels like bad logic.
The seagulls are either very upset or very excited about this chap fixing the roof they normally sit on
@HoeJodgkiss this might be good reference material for you if you're still mathsing:
@peterrowlett @pkrautz double retweet! Proudest man in Britain?
why would the PDF version of an article cost money while the HTML version is free? HTML is more convenient.
@komiga no, not complaining. Just confused. Maybe I'm missing something.
@peterrowlett it gives you the citation with page numbers in the HTML.
@peterrowlett although, as the HTML is freely-available, I'd cite it with a DOI
@peterrowlett they've put markers for the page numbers on the side of the HTML
oh! Might have solved it! It's possible I loaded the HTML version of the article while at uni, but now I'm back at home. Doiii
I've recorded a pretty OK 10 minutes of maths exposition but video editing on windows is either expensive or doesn't work. Suggestions?
@IanMulvany That looks dire! Are those breadcrumbs?
@aperfect thank god Jayce is at the end of that cavalcade of humdrum. But no Ulysses?!
Made with one cut! (and a lot of folds)
@jurieongames @danielpunkass well, now I know what our US version is going to be called
@Samuel_Hansen less tweeting! more editing! Hyaaa!
@Samuel_Hansen want to know what I did today? 5 games of Company of Heroes and a kirigami butterfly.
@Samuel_Hansen oh, I forgot the enchiladas. I made some OK enchiladas.
@Samuel_Hansen then I must admit defeat.
@haggismaths that would make a good Snapshot on @mathsinthecity
@RANIELDANSON we should envy these people for their ability to enjoy such tedious lives
the documentation for Asymptote is so poor! raaaaaaage!!!
.@CardColm is cooking up something really nice for the @aperiodical. Should be out on Monday. Be there or be square! (or is that circle?)
@jcoglan yes! This is what puts me off using Ruby! You have put it into words which I agree with!
@outofthenorm2 great post! Like appearances of Elvis, appearances of the Fibonacci sequence are massively more satisfying when based in fact
Hamilton is an anagram of "math lion". Didn't help him calculated his fuel yesterday though!
mysteriously, several days later, Windows Movie Maker is now able to open this file. Really need to buy a better program.
You're through to the reality helpdesk. An operator will assist you with your paradox shortly. Please hold.…
@pkrautz umm, apropos what? Getting npm on windows is hard (or was, haven't looked recently) so I haven't done much with node.
@pkrautz thought so. Is this to do with the people who want pre-rendered SVG?
in just before the bell: today is May's first unambiguous date! Join hands with me, America! We can understand each other for 18 more days!
@HoeJodgkiss get it as a tattoo. Can't rely on the t-shirt still being there when it's relevant.
Another Aperiodcast, covering the last almost-fortnight on the @aperiodical, with @stecks and @peterrowlett:…
@Andrew_Taylor your non-transitive dice article has been picked up by Information Week:…
hah! That article available selectively in HTML (tweets passim) is now PDF only. What am I doing wrong, PNAS?
Domino's, Imma let you finish, but Piccante make the best damn takeaway pizza on Tyneside!
I recorded a video about the recent flat torus embedding. It features tori of both the Slinky and plasticine varieties:
@hornmaths at a guess: first one plot y^2 against x, and second one plot 1/y against x
@walkingrandomly @aperiodical we have, and I thought it was in the news queue, but apparently not. I'm no CAS person: why Octave over Sage?
@walkingrandomly as I don't know enough to make an informed decision, would you like your post reposted verbatim on the aperiodical?
@jcoglan *certain* Android browsers don't support it. My Transformer does, but my Desire HD doesn't.
Newcastle @MathsJam is next Tuesday, the 22nd! Charles Grey pub, 7pm. Yaaaaaaay!
.@aperiodical yo dawg I heard I like adding, so I added adding to my adding so I can add while I add... #sorry
@walkingrandomly email
this is the best defence of Nikola Tesla I've ever seen:
discrete and discreet - any more #anagrhomophones?
Yahoo! Answers, you have redeemed yourself:… @MathsJam
I nominate you, woman on the opposite platform, for Best Dressed Person Today. Sartorial excellence deserves to be recognised!
Dude is sitting in his car. Listening to panpipe music. Waiting for his wife to come out of Boots. Silently hating everything.
@walkingrandomly I'm expecting an email from you so I can set you up as a post author on the site
@NoelAnn @IMAmaths it can't, really. There is a project called JSXGraph which does (and uses MathJax for notation):
@NoelAnn @IMAmaths but broadly speaking there isn't a perfect solution for drawing graphs like there is for displaying mathematical notation
dear IE's developer tools: who does '{...}' help? I know it's an object! Literally everything in javascript is!
@ben_nuttall hey, those Pennines aren't going to cross themselves
@elinoroberts I had the same thought in pretty much the same place this afternoon
Thinking "hey, I should shazam this song so I can download it". Realising that I'm listening to my own music. #excellenttaste
@EliotBall nice pictures! Were they made in Mathematica?
@EliotBall I don't have Mathematica. Coming to realise with my recent blogging efforts that I should pick a CAS to learn.
@CardColm very clever!
@EliotBall Look North makes Look North look like a joke
@peterrowlett yes, mission complete. All in favour of closing the site?
@CuriousatLife there's a typo in your bio: "exercice"
I was not sensible with chillies tonight. It's not that they're too hot, it's that I seem to have got them all over my face. #painmoustache
@Plattsc I know! I'm really desperate though!
very nice fact about fibonacci numbers!…
I know the NYT is pretty fruity about house style, but "1 in 3 Americans _are_ obese"?
Amount I am unhappy about the new version of pagelines losing all my widgets: 15 kilofuries.
The fury is defined as the amount of anger required to boil 1g of water just by glaring at it.
@EliotBall fury does not diminish with distance, as evidenced by Nikita Khrushchev's volcanic wobbly thrown during the Cuban missile crisis.
@mathsinthecity larger subway networks tend to a common topology:…
@alexbellos so if P=NP, does that mean we're all diminutive Belgian detectives?
I apparently dropped my payslip on the metro latest week. The driver has posted it back to me! @My_Metro, give J Leigh a pay rise!
@My_Metro or, congratulate yourselves for running such good customer service.
Cushing's evil doppelganger is stalking the halls
@gingerbeardman who are the users? We've just given up on textile because it wasn't worthwhile for the hassle it causes with whitespace
@jamesgrime aww, I printed it out but my non-Pringles tube is *just* too big
@peterrowlett oh, she changed her name! Thanks for pointing that out
@standupmaths yet again, the North East eschews nerdy comedy. We've got a ruddy Science City!
@franklinheath @jamesgrime mine was as big as it could be. I just had a very wide tube. Going to try with avreal pringles tube today
eesh, pagelines needs upgrading AGAIN. Blame me if the @aperiodical disappears for a bit.
wow, it worked! Now watch as I blitz the news queue. Steady yourselves, this might be more maths news than you can comfortably handle.
man, if I had a pound for every time someone has asked me this:…
do you ever get confused about which way an email is going and write your own name in the To: box?
Man, I wish I had the kind of autism that leaves you with the mental ability of a child. This dude is ENJOYING the stairs.
@Samuel_Hansen just remembered I need to arrange those maths communication questions! They're back on the imaginary to-do list.
@alexbellos do you know Philipp Legner? The site does look great but very ambitious for one person!
Dust omelette! It just occurred to me that I've never cleaned my tumble dryer's filter
@JanvierUK because that is what you perceive it to be.
SPACE CORTÉS: a game where the aliens are well-organised and technologically superior, but massively outnumbered by you, the puny humans.
@jamesgrime @franklinheath I'm on attempt no. 3. Turns out my printer needs "borderless printing", not just "normal-size printing", I think.
@Bishnavitch I've just noticed the sound on this maths-aid video is completely out of sync
@GhostMutt excellent quests!
@elinoroberts I have a planetarium question! A colleague was asked to provide JPEGs for a show, not something lossless. Is that normal?
this is how you sell paintbrushes!…
These buffalo burgers smell like cleaning product. I'm very confused.
@standupmaths take lots of pictures for @mathsinthecity!
I earned my PhD in discredited theories at the University of Derby Discarded Learning Centre
Group theory is *not* abstract nonsense, so stop saying it is.
have decided to be the change I want to see in the world and draw some maths to go on the walls of the department. Ideas?
@pkrautz is the new @MathJax https CDN address official yet? It still says cloudfront in the docs…
Tomorrow at Newcastle @MathsJam I will be making some maths propaganda posters to decorate my department's uninspiring walls.
@nulibsage when? Where? I might be able to not miss it this time
@nulibsage well then! Perhaps you can work in a plug for tonight's @MathsJam as a social media science thing
Reminder: Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight, 7pm, at the Charles Grey. I have a paper enigma machine, some fibonacci facts and a lot of puzzles
Danger: mathematicians at work
@nulibsage it has now:!/christianp/…
@hornmaths you might also like to try curler units:…
@MathsJam to CAM: but the deck is still shuffled, right?
@monsoon0 see…. Should end up looking like…
This is pretty excellent…
The uni has put a table tennis table outside my building. I don't think I'm ever going to do any work again.
@peterrowlett I can only think that's the case. Don't mind though.
Tynemouth Knobbly Knee Brigade out on manoeuvres. Visitors are warned that socks may be worn with sandals without warning.
@gingerbeardman yep. The net makes a satisfying CLANG when you hit it
I love the summer so much!…
defenestrating furniture until PHP gets its act together
PHP hate: staring at innocuous-looking lines of code to see if they have any side effects, or if they're exactly as stupid as they appear
@Htbaa the what what now? There's only one way to order parameters, isn't there?
...and now I've found an eval statement in this module's javascript. That's it. Prepare the napalm: this code is going to burn.
@stecks I am with a founder of the Melbourne puzzle hunt!
@HoeJodgkiss that exists? How do I watch it?
going to go down to the beach tomorrow and write the next @aperiodical round up. It's going to be good.
@jamesgrime @numberphile oh no, either you've scooped us or inadvertent synergies are happening. @aperiodical has a similar post brewing.
@jamesgrime @numberphile @aperiodical and we were all scooped by Conway and Guy 14 years ago.
@stecks it was Maurice Chiodo. He's a group theorist now.
@jamesgrime @numberphile & I'm a tiny bit disappointed you didn't fit in a "crore, what a palaver!" joke. Maybe that can be my contribution
New businesses: "It's Rude To Stair" (elevators); "Ply Captain and the World of Tomorrow" (origami)
@MathsJam who presented the folded-paper heart in a single cut at last year's big MathsJam? I'm having a total brain-blank
@stecks thanks!
pretty annoyed that I seem to have lost an entire post's worth of research, on a really interesting subject.
@NTWH @NorthEastNT "deadheading, edging and weeding" sound like the latest ways of wasting youth. eg "I lost my junkie son to deadheading".
and for my next trick, the news queue!
It's the last square day of the year. Previous square days: 16/4, 9/3, 4/2, 1/1.
@sjccmaths 3rd of September? That's the first day of school usually, isn't it?
rainbow origami street art…
@hornmaths it's well worth doing if you're physicsy, anyway.
Tynemouth is eerily empty.
@standupmaths I'm going to the Henry Moore thing at the science museum tomorrow. Are you by any chance around?
Weeping a little tear for unloved maths: the guides at the science museum had never heard of the Henry Moore exhibition in the maths hall
Oh. Maybe this is why: this is the whole exhibit
How recent? #disappointment
@peterrowlett still not clear enough. I reckon "@aperiodical triumvirand" would be better. #lahahahatin
@peterrowlett ...but wikipedia tells me it's just "triumvir". Well, I know what my bio will say, never mind yours.
For the first time in just over five years, my twitter bio has changed.
@peterrowlett @rmathematicus @Talithin I've spent half an hour looking for any information on what he did, and it seems none is available
@peterrowlett I like the "decoding tabloid news" tag
@standupmaths Unhelpful headline territory, right?
@peterrowlett should I comment on that?
mathematicians: how do you add a prime in LaTeX to denote, for example, function derivatives?…
@Nathan1123 it can, but is that an equilibrium solution?
@gingerbeardman I bet there's a sad story behind that lot all being in the charity shop at the same time
@standupmaths I look forward to the Betamax of your contemporary dance interpretation
@standupmaths wouldn't that be a cone?
Had a nice day at Kingston university giving a workshop on @NclNumbas. Now walking along the Thames back to the station.
@stecks that reminds me that I must get round to making a rhythmomachy board
@stevieb don't think so. Bill is probably going, though.
Finally listening to this week's #mathmaths. I hope Sam didn't say anything bad about me.
@monsoon0 it's in French! That's your problem.
@stecks that's the title of our post on the anti-Turingpalooza backlash.
@peterrowlett thanks for plugging the call for the interesting research. Nathan says still no submissions though :(
Bouncy little foals / running round telegraph poles / in a field near Stow-on-the-Wold.
Oh my god, Diana is on the front page of the Express. WHO IS STILL BUYING IT FOR THAT?
WANTED: reordering of the alphabet with the most contiguous words in it
@alexbellos would you like a new random number, or the same one? Because the one I put in before was, I believe, the most random.
Wolf moon sweater: check. Bag with 80s song lyrics scrawled on: check. Face full of contempt for life's bounty: yep. Sort of hate this guy!
A variety of geometric shapes each made with just one HTML element and a lot of CSS:…
@alexbellos whoops, that came from the wrong account! It was me! I've submitted another random number, anyway.
@rob_botch strictly contiguous. So SCAT has SCAT & CAT, but CART doesn't get CAT
I just don't have it in me to write a limerick. I just can't get the rhythm right in my head
@rob_botch not necessarily.
the link between a journal's impact factor and no. of citations of its papers is decreasing: (via Timothy Gowers on g+)
the word in the English language containing the most smaller words has 13 letters and 16 subwords, but is too rude for twitter!
sorry, that's the word with no repeated letters, containing the most contiguous subwords
@CardColm of words which use letters at most once, I have found the one which contains the most contiguous subwords, but it's very rudge
@CardColm I mean rude
Problems with the Mathematical Gazette: costs £99 a year; articles available online only as low-res scanned-in Word documents
Problems cont.: submissions by post only: two typed copies or floppy disk (surely not any more!); no online index of articles past 2008.
@stecks robot makes screen wall, sings happy song while doing so:
Estimated readership of the Mathematical Gazette: 7,000. Unique readers of the @aperiodical this month: >25,000. Apples and oranges, but...
@matheknitician @haggismaths ooh! A knitted version of this interpretation of the hilbert curve would look good:…
@MarcusduSautoy have you got links for the other two? I'll write a post on the @aperiodical about them
@CardColm not sure what you're talking about
@CardColm ah, I wasn't sure what to make of that, because it looked like you were still editing it
If this woman stopped gurning, maybe her train would arrive. #worthatry
@peterrowlett @stecks 1.2million HTTP requests on the aperiodical this month. My analysis tool needs beefing up...
@jfgregg I can assure you that isn't the policy. We've turned down a few things.
starting BlitzMax for the first time in forever. The impulse to create games has reappeared
it is now my life's goal to devalue the US dollar until I can afford one of these…
sumatrapdf opens postscript files on windows! Goodbye, rubbish GhostView! I hope to never see you again!
@Tony_Mann you're going! Excellent! Please write something about it afterwards, I'm so annoyed I can't go.
@monsoon0 not for the purposes of my post about Hay Festival, but if you'd like to say more about what you do, we have a forum for you.
@monsoon0 would you like to write a longer post for the aperiodical about it? And did anything ever come of your Aus maths site idea?
@mickybullock @SparksMaths keep an eye on…
@stecks my brother has some goslings too! We paid them a visit last weekend… (he also has a silly-expensive camera)
@OddballDave I didn't make much progress. I've put it online at if you want to have a look.
@JanvierUK never cancel a barbecue. That's how the weather wins.
Kimya Dawson on a furniture advert. Wasn't expecting that ever.
My greatest challenge as a mathematician is explaining the UK's car licence numbering scheme to my mum. 09,59,10,60,11,... WHAT IS SO HARD
We had to break out diagrams, but she claims to have got it now. #codingtheoryformothers
@icecolbeveridge I just go with "add 50 for the second half of the year"
@haggismaths remind me to send in a photo of princesses being captured by finite state automota living on graphs when it's a work day again
now taking orders for my new range of Provencal crockery, S'il te Plate.
Trying to explain to the dog that he is too old and stupid to be in charge of when he goes out for a poo.
Wow, the @aperiodical blasted past its 300th published post last week. Thanks for reading!
Newcastle Review of the London Review of Books: very good, but sometimes the reviewers don't bother to review the books they're reviewing
now measuring the passage of time in Watts-yawns: the 30-60 seconds at the start of a Reggie Watts track when he sets up his loops
@qikipedia Yo dawg...…
@peterrowlett @MoMath1 now we need to find a wealthy benefactor who will send one of us (me) to New York for opening day.
@acmescience excuse me where is your @aperiodical employee smart card? No, I think the only solution is to send me, expenses paid.
@acmescience I believe that trips to New York, and its associated eateries and museums of math, require the steady hand of an Editor.
@acmescience ...steady hand and healthy appetite of an Editor. Oh well, twitter's enforced brevity enforced the delivery of half a quip!
@SecondRateMinds @Samuel_Hansen best post yet on that blog.
Information Age: searching a PDF of a long article for a keyword. Idiot Age: your keyword contains a digraph for which TeX uses a ligature
@standupmaths I'm finding the progress of your beard much more interesting. Is it chilly up there?
@GeorgeBray @gingerbeardman "In contrast, in Britain many children get to know authority through their social workers." - teLOLograph
@standupmaths for pre-emptively answering that question with a question-begging question, do I get some Nordic tat?
@GeorgeBray @gingerbeardman for a much better essay about Japanese "shame" culture:…
@peterrowlett let's give that a little prod...
@ColinTheMathmo @standupmaths so glad this turned out OK. I was worried Colin was getting prize-crazy.
@standupmaths is #whereML sustainable? You're like parents looking for souvenirs for your kids, but your kids are everyone on the internet
Jessie Ware's songs are nice to listen to, but only when not accompanied by video. Is it her face? That is not a nice thought.
I think I want figure 20(a) of this paper on a t-shirt…
@mike_geogebra wow, what a lot of progress! It seems loads faster - how did that happen?
emailed a mathematician to ask for permission to use one of their figures in a blog post. Got some fantastic 5000x5000px images back. Happy!
@jcoglan but as it's deterministic, storing the program is functionally similar to storing encrypted passwords
@Gelada sort of, but is also keeping up with technology and has all of Sage behind it.
@jcoglan aha! Good point.
The barber's on Eldon Square has closed! But I am like a shaggy ram left out on a hilltop too long! O woe!
I love reading @nulibsage's RSS feed of newly acquired maths books. Lots of interesting ones today:…
just looked down at the prime factorisation t-shirt I'm wearing and decoded a number. It works! (…)
Sat outside Spy wearing a maths t-shirt. Never felt so uncool.
it seems that in wordpress's image insertion interface, the thumbnails are just the original images resized. This is bad when they are 5Kx5K
In final training for the Beard Growing event at the Olympics. Almost there, but my dismount still needs a little work.
@kenfodder particularly markdown parsers
@HELIUM_HEED is this one of those trick statements where it's that you're having an out of body experience?
secure: logging into your terminal with an SSH key. insecure: forgetting that happens, and typing your password into the shell.
does anyone still play Red Dead Redemption on the xbox? Do any of those people fancy a quick round of shooties?
@qikipedia that's assuming that all vampires successfully feed
@jcoglan I take it it's too much effort to write a regexp -> FSA algorithm, then take random walks on that?
@jcoglan something like this, slightly too long for a tweet:
@jcoglan probably not, since nobody says things like "at MOST n uppercase letters".
@jcoglan basically: I'm a mathematician, so I immediately looked for the strings Vault can't generate, never mind if they're not needed.
@jcoglan with loads of zero-width lookahead. eg:…. Better models of computation exist, but regexps are easy to write out
.@FakeElsevier who let Xzibit pimp sciencedirect? What's the deal with the hydraulic header & footer when you scroll? #addedvalue?
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon yes! And I'm having the day off work today, so I'll definitely still have enough energy to play this evening
had a little panic yesterday when I forgot what my favourite number was. It's 3435, because 3^3+4^4+3^3+5^5 = 3435.
@JamesMoosh exactly. 3435 is improbable.
give me $\cos(\arcsin(\sqrt{-3}))$ good reasons why I shouldn't extend the domain of these functions to the complex plane
"part time" and "no fixed hours" are a terrible combination of words in an employment contract.
@icecolbeveridge that was exactly the joke
@icecolbeveridge because cos(arcsin(sqrt(-3))) = 2.
Classless dudes with more Paul Smith shirts than hairs on their heads impeding my progress down Front Street.
@JanvierUK I'll guess the former, since I have no idea what you're talking about
eeee!!!! SO CUTE…
facebook: how am I meant to click the "developers" link at the bottom of the page when infinite scroll keeps punting it downwards?
I've just spent LITERALLY AN HOUR recording myself proving a pretty simple fact about fibonacci numbers. Online later, if youtube can cope.
Seeking investors for my 18th century pleasure palace/hot chocolate bar, "Rococoa".
Talking of which, the co-op's hot chocolate is pretty decent
GRzczxagggg just ruined the grand prix by loading bbc news! Poo!
just blogged some problems I've posed myself but haven't thought very much about. Any input appreciated:…
@standupmaths I bought a very nice winter coat for not very much money in the week that was hot. Inadvertent planning!
wherein CP spends almost an entire hour proving a moderately interesting fact about fibonacci numbers:…
@Nathan1123 does that mean you watched my video all the way through?!
@Nathan1123 wow, jolly good! Another fun fib fact: Fn divides Fm iff n divides m
Sandwich shop: I can have choritzo but they're out of djalapeenos. Crossiants still available. Glad they're better at cooking than spelling
@brittneybean that's either a low number of females for a conference or a very high number for a singles tennis match
If it could stay exactly this temperature and humidity for a while that would be excellent.
No, fewer signatures is more powerful! "@johnnysofhayle: fans of homeopathy - gvnt is trying to restrict it, so please sign this petition"
@jcoglan I can help with this, but on my phone at the moment. Email if you want to work through it
@jcoglan idea which worked on the train does not work when in front of a blackboard. Might email later if I sort it out
@jcoglan ok, I have working python code! Going to write an explanation then send it to you
@plusmathsorg you're doing a frankly unreasonable number of great things. I can barely keep on top of the news queue at the aperiodical!
@jcoglan here you go: I wrote it up on my blog so everyone can benefit -…
not sure what time Marshall's closes. Fear it may be in the past. #chishandfips
@jgrahamc it's an exponential series, but growing more gently than powers of two. That might be why it looks good.
have at you, @aperiodical news queue! en garde!
there is an "Athena SWAN" award for promoting recruitment of women in higher ed. Would the male equivalent be "Rambo GORILLA"? #terriblename
dear Manchester: fairly sure you weren't that far inland last time I looked. Please move back.
I wish windows media player would just quit without me having to drive a stake through its wicked heart every single time.
@jcoglan how were you generating characters before? Using Math.random() and rounding, or what?
If this dude's name isn't Wilfred I will have to report back to my home planet that I have learned nothing of humanity's ways
@jcoglan can make one in 15 minutes when I get into work. A reference implementation in haskell would look great, actually
@jcoglan but really, statistics should verify your implementation, not comparison with my potentially-also-broken version
@jcoglan I've updated the gist with some sample output
have just eaten a very nice spiced cumberland pork pie from the posh pork pie stall in the market at monument
@Bishnavitch not sure. I asked the lady what was in it and she just told me the price. Very confused.
working through these testing reports is going to kill me
@eAssess but that isn't really a blog, because that post doesn't have a unique link. Where will it go when the next article appears?
@stevenstrogatz I wrote up your UK map redrawing paper for @aperiodical but couldn't find what "modularity" means. Is it somewhere in there?
@CardColm yes I did! Thanks.
Am appalled at how good our first year mathematicians' handwriting is. Though volunteers for a UX test might not be a representative sample
@aperfect but then you've made two mistakes
@stevenstrogatz thanks, but [16] refers to [15] and [15] is closed access. Can you give a handwavey description of what it measures?
@stevenstrogatz never mind, got access through VPN to my uni. Would "it's a measure of how much better than random the division is" be fair?
@stevenstrogatz ah, super! It didn't even occur to me to try wikipedia
this album is completely superb: Floreat by Mara Carlyle…:
looking for angel funding for my lactose-free milkshake bar, "Whey Out West"
@peterrowlett at that point I would just forget the whole HT/MT/xT paradigm and have a "via <firstdude>, <seconddude>" at the end
@ben_nuttall 90s road trip! Hope you've got your three quarter-lengths on and a walkman in your pocket.
@CardColm @peterrowlett I couldn't possibly say
@Bishnavitch ehhh, which one's that? Yes provisionally.
@Bishnavitch at 10! No way!
Sprained my knee playing table tennis. I hope it doesn't swell up or do anything more painful than it currently is
@jcoglan four twitter accounts was my limit for finally switching to tweetdeck. I hate it, but it's the easiest option
arg! The next @MathsJam is next week! Where did June go?
wordpress 3.4 does twitter oEmbed, finally!
hahahahahahhaha I've just seen the cover of Catwoman 0 hahahahahahahaaaaa
@sotnasaras secondary challenge: do it in a foreign country. Tried it once on a girl in a Flunch in Brussels. She just handed my coins back.
@jcoglan he's right though, using his name in phrases is fun: "Cameron Up The Khyber", "Cameron Obscura", etc. ad infinitum
@jcoglan I haven't yet! There's some interesting discussion of methods in the comments on my blog, if you want to pass some time.
@jcoglan ok, I might have some time to look in a few hours
@jcoglan I've been meaning to say - did you just copy my code to compute stats? Because mine was very wrong.
@jcoglan good! Because my original code calculated num. samples/num. characters. Was on the verge of handing my degree back when I noticed.
@mathsinthecity only one math? Is the supply running low?
@plusmathsorg I would DM you if you were following me
@plusmathsorg have you got the princess in a castle puzzle already? @standupmaths did a video after I told it to him:…
Day 2 of my knee's separation from its socket. Have brought in Archbishop Desmond Tutu for reconciliation talks.
If that fails, I have a roll of tubigrip. It's a tense moment. (I WISH! do you see what I did there?!?!)
@jcoglan oh, I was exaggerating. It's not too bad, more of a sprain. It happens all the time because I have really weak ligaments.
Eldon Square is a mixed bag: all neatly cut lawns and teenagers giving themselves cancer until their peers love them.
@sotnasaras or International Wechsel. (does 'wechsel' rhyme with 'rescue'? Close enough)
@JanvierUK suppose I wish "cakes" to be a euphemism for something. Which account should I follow?
wanted: indicator, chemical or mechanical or whatever, that I have forgotten to shake a bottle of orangina before taking a swig
Targetted advertising in the Newcastle University student union: we don't have a physics department
I'm sure I catch my site's hit counter on palindromes more often than chance would allow
@mathpunk no. Paste it into or try JSON.parse(document.getElementsByTagName('pre')[0].innerText) in your browser
@mathpunk you need square brackets around the "keywords" array
@ColinTheMathmo wow, defined in terms of circumference not radius! Did that rule start as "must complete a full roll before being touched"?
@nulibsage oh, it's you who's taking over our office! You'll be glad to hear it now gets wifi signal, which wasn't the case last month
@mathpunk but if you're doing this by hand, can I suggest YAML instead of JSON:
@ColinTheMathmo "a full roll" is probably an easier rule to explain, though, don't you think?
@ColinTheMathmo how interesting!
there is a a cure for ebola! Booking my tickets to the Congo straight away.
aaag wordpress! Restored everything in an autosave except the changed permalink
Bad idea: normal users can't submit bug reports to Blackboard. Only administrators can. Maybe that's why there are still so many!
@Bishnavitch we've still got a box of your brother's first edition miniatures somewhere
have found a mega-bizarre @MathJax bug: calling $('*').find('anything') knacks MathJax spacing. Trying to boil down simplest exemplar now.
@elinoroberts I've had the heating on all week.
Trying to convince myself that even though the top and bottom halves of my leg are splitting up, it doesn't mean they don't both love me
R plots can't or don't use LaTeX for labels. Rubbish.
oh my god it has its own nutjob syntax:… Is R the PHP of maths languages?
Blew my mind: NASA has a page with the latest data received from Voyager…
Mum is preaching the gospel of this kipper she just ate at Irvine's on North Shields fish quay
I think today is a day for Interesting Esoterica
I basically can't stop playing this Mara Carlyle album
she knows how to work a dental plosive to her advantage, is all I'm saying.
man, you try and drop some phonetics and then you look on wikipedia and see you meant an alveolar plosive.
I hereby resign my membership of the knows-good-words club
cor, my aunty's photos of her resident giraffe falling in her swimming pool have got online and have 4 million views!
@Bishnavitch well, it lives on her safari park. She showed us those photos last time she was over here.
@Bishnavitch yes, that's her, but she's in Tanzania now.
to clarify: I'm not sure if my aunty took the photos, but they're from her safari park. She's also just a family friend, not a real aunty.
@Rosalot somewhere near Arusha in Tanzania. I've forgotten the name of the company she works for
@elinoroberts can you do mine? I'm colourblind and only realised recently that you can buy socks with patterns on
@elinoroberts one day, I'd like there to be a machine which will make up cotton socks with an arbitrary pattern on
Dinner dilemma: fajitas (tastier) or caesar salad (less effort)?
@Bishnavitch oh, I'm sorry, is chicken and bacon, lathered in puréed anchovies, oil and parmesan not rich enough for you?
@Bishnavitch how about if I remove the lettuce?
@Bishnavitch pasta and cream is for girls and Italians
@Bishnavitch carbs are for people with insecurities. Lettuce is for men who just don't give a damn
can't believe how many people are wrong about dinner choices.
That is how you turn a game of Civilization around!
The secret to my success: a firm policy of appeasing the Germans
electrotelethermometer is the English word with the most Es in it (7)
@jcoglan because Steve Jobs never installed a program that wasn't made by Apple
A huggermuggering nonannouncement of an overinvolved knickknack, or an alliterationist's dream:…
@lizmallard indeed! By the way, you're on the Newcastle mathsjam list, aren't you? Are you going to come on Tuesday?
@lizmallard then there are multiple mathematically-minded Liz Hansons!
@lizmallard well, she's on the list but she's never come!
A round of applause for @peterrowlett, who took on the @aperiodical news queue and won.
@Bishnavitch I refuse to watch that episode now, in case 1) it makes me cry, or worse, 2) I become desensitised to it
I'm hosting the Carnival of Maths this month, so please send in any good maths blogging you've seen:…
@jgrahamc are you aware of the book Making Mathematics with Needlework? I've got it, it's very good…
why do so many journal/scholarly literature sites make it so hard to find the link to go from an abstract to the full paper?
@jcoglan well done keeping that hashtag alive
A sequence with a simple elementary definition which only produces prime numbers
@standupmaths replacing iphone screens is only to be attempted by teams of nanobots or infinitely patient monks. Not sure which Apple have.
@standupmaths and I think £60 probably won't buy you the bits for a new screen
@haggismaths ah, it might be too late! My princesses got hijacked by less serious mathematicians.
@haggismaths relatedly: are you aware of Etienne Ghys told me about it when he visited last week
@LeedsMathsJam I'll have one at Newcastle, and I think @stecks will have one at Manchester. Prepare some secret messages!
@jcoglan echh, no. And got a very busy week.
@jcoglan where was your data?
@ben_nuttall @tgandrews what is Haskell doing in there with PROLOG and FORTRAN? This is an outrage!
@haggismaths waiting until tomorrow, when the student in control of the blackboard next to the white one has his viva and passes it on to me
basically every ingredient in this pizza went off at least a week ago. It's OK once it's cooked though, right?
also: jalapenos have antiseptic properties, don't they? Because I've just checked and those are in date.
there's a lot more sadness in my life since I started playing minecraft on hardcore. Sitting wondering what I could have done to survive
There's a Mongolian throat-singing rap album called Back Tuva Future. You can go to sleep now, today is over.…
@standupmaths @Dr_Lucie you've got the entire McBain movie to look forward to:…
Played the game and lost. It's tipping it down and I'm in just a t-shirt. Must check webcams before coming in to town from Tynemouth
I have an HTML demo page for a project on Github Pages. What do I add to the YAML bit at the start to get syntax highlighting CSS?
I've written a jQuery plugin that gives you an instant @MathJax preview of any LaTeX you write in input boxes:
@mathieuruellan What do you mean?
@pkrautz I've just fixed a bug with IE. See if that was your problem too.
just made a load of maths worked example videos with the legendary Prof Robin Johnson publicly available on vimeo…
I'm going to be late for Newcastle @MathsJam due to a friend's overlong viva. At the very least, Sarah should be there from 7
@mathieuruellan but then you have to solve the reverse problem of turning screen coords into caret position.
@jamesgrime @standupmaths @penguat @KSCMaths @MathsJam Grime Bice? That gives you a colour scheme, too.
@elinoroberts @jjsanderson whatever you're doing: have you worked in a reference to the tidal effects on the LHC? That filled me with awe.
I've made a wordpress plugin which applies my instant LaTeX preview thing to the comment box under posts.…
I'm thinking of doing a piece for the @aperiodical on people's relationships with LaTeX. Do you have a horror story or moment of brilliance?
I'm particularly interested in mathematicians who don't use LaTeX: what's your excuse, you heretics?
@St_Sebas do you write maths often? If so, what do you use?
@CardColm can you say a bit more about how it changed your life?
@pkrautz should do. Can you point me to a site with disqus comments?
@pkrautz no, just with disqus. Never mind, found one of mine!
@danaernst @pkrautz @disqus should work straight away. Disqus just provides a textarea.
@danaernst @pkrautz no, my plugin loads mathjax if it isn't already there. But you should be using Sam's plugin anyway.
@pkrautz @danaernst oh, disqus' textarea is inside an iframe, so I need to add a line to my plugin.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss is it any good?
@danaernst @pkrautz…. Wait a mo while I make it work with disqus though. (unexpectedly complicated!)
@danaernst unzip in your wp-content/plugins directory. Activate in the admin plugins page.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss your excellent argument has convinced me. Yours at 7.30?
@danaernst @pkrautz @disqus revising my earlier opinion: I can't do anything with disqus because of cross-site scripting restrictions
sitting in a hot office waiting for windows to finish unzipping a 500kb file. Truly these are my salad days.
"no, the other 90 degrees!" isn't quite as bad as "no, the other left!", but it's close.
@Bishnavitch Britain's most successful hoover comedian
@Bishnavitch by which I mean two things: 1) Henry is a brand of vacuum cleaner. 2) Lenny Henry sucks.
@EliotBall thanks!
@MuseGarden @Nathan1123 pronounced "secky"?
Another LaTeX question: is there a package that you use but nobody else does? What does it do?
Thanks to @plusmathsorg for these rather fetching mathematical card holders. Wasn't expecting 3!
@disqushelp yeah, I'm running chrome. Trying jQuery selector $('.dsq-textarea-wrapper').find('iframe').contents()
@ma1cal when does the teaching take place? A compulsory module?
@ColinTheMathmo MiKTeX on windows, I assume?
@jcoglan challenge: arrange your finances so that your tax bill is a solution to a 3-SAT problem encoded in your annual earnings
jcoglan can you get your base-whatever hash test data in a plain text file of the form <bits>\n<base>\n<output>?
lunch and then I battle the Stupid Bug Mountain.
@jcoglan commas, spaces, whatever.
@jcoglan my results.txt is now in the same format, at We differ, and I'm pretty sure the error is with you
@jcoglan in base 10, we agree until the subsequence (...,9,8,9,5,3,1,0), and you have an extra digit in your output
@jcoglan sorting this out might be better over IM of some sort
@jcoglan ok, just added you
@pkrautz @aperiodical (answering as myself now) I think I might have seen it before. More grant money being ineffectively spent!
@pkrautz funded by Munich Re, so at least it isn't EU money
@jgrahamc you need more than two data points to conjecture exponential growth
has anyone ever seen IE run an object's constructor function before attaching its prototype? Because I think that just happened to me.
@Samuel_Hansen I can't see what that's a reply to, but if it's about the carnival of maths: you're submitting to me, so send in loads
@haggismaths oh, you know there's been a paper on that…
@ColinTheMathmo man, you have so much more trouble with computers than I do. Did you do something to offend them?
It's Turingsmas Eve! Remember to put your programs on the mantelpiece tonight, and maybe tomorrow morning you'll wake up to a proof it halts
Remember to leave out a pad of paper and a pen for Alan, and a pile of punch cards for his team of hunky computer operators
@PumphreysMaths mathscard looked decent when I tried it:…
@PumphreysMaths and wolfram alpha is, of course, excellent
@Electrokittie really?…
am I to understand that it's raining in less excellent parts of the country? I'm going out for a walk on the beach
And lo, did the Lord God see cp's braggadocio and verily did He send forth innumerable drizzles
@icecolbeveridge what was the other one?
@icecolbeveridge but there've been plenty of big real maths stories: Agol's Virtual Haken proof, Goldbach progress, potential ABC proof...
how odd: @standupmaths's radio 4 documentary on Turing is still on iplayer, but can't be found using the search.
@icecolbeveridge there really wouldn't be much point in the mainstream press reporting those stories.
@icecolbeveridge I disagree completely.
two games of Risk and *then* writing our big Turing post was never a good plan. Moody's has just downgraded it to a Very Bad Plan Indeed
I've collected together some of the best Turing coverage for the @aperiodical at….
what's the easiest way to run a node.js server on a server that uses Apache? Modern app-deployment techniques baffle me
Looking forward to the river of fire along the Thames tonight. A great way to celebrate Turing's centenary and it's never been done before.
@treasa just spent 10 minutes not finding the clip on youtube. I'm sure it used to be there. Anyway, it's an old joke from Broken News
just went round the google sign-in loop four times with my mum on @TripIt. She's given up trying to register.
Looking at the @aperiodical's stats, it seems Shouryya Ray is twice as popular as Alan Turing. Disheartening.
@standupmaths EXCELLENT. Have you seen the description of railway junction logic gates? I saw it when I was 17 but can't remember the author
@standupmaths if you can make use of someone in the Far North East, I'm in.
@standupmaths not emailing because a) I'm too cool for school and b) I have a woman on the inside of your operation, Parker.
@ben_nuttall you must be really mad that Prince William uses that title despite not having been awarded it by the Roman Emperor
@standupmaths my PhD is in computability and exactly this kind of thing, so I can help with design
@goddent83 I think it was two Cambridge postgrads, circa 2003/4, reported in a paper but not sure which. Junction boxes work as logic gates
@goddent83 I have googled long and hard and turned up nothing but people making external, electronic, logic gates for model railways.
@outofthenorm2 @goddent83 @standupmaths that is precisely it! Thank you!
@HilariousCow already done: Prince of Persia refusing to walk off ledges.
@HilariousCow unlike walking into walls, where the character has no mind of his own, in PoP he's visibly struggling against your command
@HilariousCow for a while I've wanted a platformer where "your" actions don't need to be coherently displayed (transition animations etc)...
@HilariousCow ... but the character follows a tiny bit behind, properly animated because the game knows in advance what it's going to do
@HilariousCow yeah. You've got to fiddle things so the character never gets affected by something you don't, breaking the illusion.
@HilariousCow a single-agent Portal-ish environment would do, with you playing the character's "mind's eye"
@HilariousCow yes! Got to make that now!
None of the doors in the student union make sense. There's every combination of handle/button/automatic/signage.
@peterrowlett oh dear! Is that the teaching, or something like what you've done this year?
Wearing my "maths is easy" t-shirt to an interdepartmental meeting.
@ajk_44 thats some serious chutzpah on the part of the Tories, trying to reuse the phrase "back to basics"
crikey o'reilly this is some needlessly cryptic code
"I've just discovered multiline var declarations and lazy evaluation of booleans. Let's write my entire program and logic in one of those!"
@standupmaths is the quiet coach not the naughty coach? People complaining about bad passengers are hardly ever not in the quiet coach.
"lion" is the only English word ending in -ion which is still a word when you swap the I and O.
emusic, why does the "your session has expired so you need to log in" page now redirect to the signup page? That's enormously annoying!
@IanMulvany I have a hashtag I use on occasions like that: #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice
@aperfect my name is extremely common in Catholic countries, particularly the Philippines. I win.
@Sdfahey @mathsinthecity only one face? Which one? Anyway, I'd just say it's a twisted prism:…
@Sdfahey no, it isn't an antiprism because the sides aren't flat faces - they're curved.
@Sdfahey actually, just looked at your picture again and they are. Whoops!
Publishing minified code without a source map is pretty unhelpful.
@dmh10 sadly not. Anyway, my brilliant mental deobfuscation skills have allowed me to find the corresponding point in the source
@FOTSN at my phone's highest volume I can barely hear the podcast. Could you sacrifice some of your glorious hi fidelity and enlouden it?
Twitteraticians: how do you write $\mathbb{Z}$? I've been told I don't follow convention.
follow-up question: how about $\mathbb{N}$? Rotate previous pic 90° anti-clockwise for mine v apparently conventional styles.
@peterrowlett @standupmaths hearing that the weather's better somewhere else is one of those little things that make life less bearable
@aPaulTaylor that's a mega-tenuous reason! My reason is that it can't be mistaken for a really badly drawn mathematical X
The first crazy person outs himself RT @panlepan: I'm crazy! RT @christianp: how do you write $\mathbb{Z}$?
@Talithin @Samuel_Hansen zeds should always have a line through them!
@Samuel_Hansen @Talithin I used to think it was Continental Frippery until I started actually writing maths for a living.
@panlepan alors, il faut que vous demandiez á vos collègues comment ils l'écrivent (how's my French?)
we have patient no. 2 for the Z Madness. There must be more: I know you're out there, you loons!
@ProfNoodlearms do you see Serious People write the other version very often? (ps when did you change your twitter name? It's excellent)
@Talithin so your second stroke is a single line?
@Talithin it actually looks decent.
does anyone else do it this way? RT @Talithin: @christianp By the way, here's mine…
@jgrahamc I now want to book a ticket from Poole to Bagshot.
@MouldS you've assumed that very few of the people who look like you are ticket inspectors. This notice is dispelling that notion.
TIL that Chebyshev's (he of the inequality) first name was Pafnuty.
@axnicho @peterrowlett is this a pun I see before me?
managed to maximise my savings inefficiency at Sainsbury's: every item I bought is part of a multibuy offer, but no two are in the same one
@jcoglan I thought ahead and used the self-service
like voting for the Greens, while it was against my immediate self-interest, I made the statistics register the way I want the world to be
@Samuel_Hansen football! I forgot about the football! O WOE!
not on my nelly bot on my belly dot on my delhi jot on my jelly pot on my pele tot on my telly what on my welly #isthatallofthem
Going on holiday on Friday, leaving these beauties sitting in the queue at the @aperiodical:
@MarcusduSautoy this is relevant to my interests
I believe I am owed some presents. RT @MarcusduSautoy: Happy Perfect Day! 28/6 A number is perfect if it is the sum of its proper divisors.
@jcoglan only module needed: a Turing machine which can simulate all other modules. #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice
@helenarney ahh, I would go if I wasn't setting off on holiday early tomorrow morning
this is a happy little integer sequence: undulating palindromic primes
..which has led me to this magnum opus -… - more top ten lists than you can shake a at!
@aPaulTaylor no - undulating primes are at - includes two-digit non-palindromes
@seanhandley Pancho Villa's on the Royal Mile is excellent
9876543210 followed by 2002 zeroes and then a 1 is prime
@aPaulTaylor now I'm trying to think how to find the most needlessly complicated OEIS definition
just watched a fly spontaneously generate on my wall. Aristotle was right! (or the fly was hiding)
Problem: one could avoid the hateful facebook->guardian login thing by copying and googling the title. Solution: forbid selecting text
@HELIUM_HEED no, I'm going to dissolve! I'd hoped to observe you humans a while longer but now I must return to alka-seltzer-man home planet
I picked a bad day to renounce all gods
@pkrautz @peterrowlett @stecks I know a bit. Email me.
@mathsinthecity I managed to get out just before too many roads closed. My seaside abode is untroubled by mere rain! Thanks for asking
@mathsinthecity no, I live at Tynemouth but today I'm setting off for the Loire valley for my jollies
A glacier would reverse into that space faster. And it wouldn't come out to straighten up three times either.
@mathsinthecity the council has done a brilliant job up here but I'm hearing bad things about the Midlands. But that's nothing new, right?
@ehauke htc desire hd played through sennheiser mm100 headphones. It's lots quieter than other podcasts.
@Samuel_Hansen a follow on google+ has about as much value as a turkish lira
@Samuel_Hansen wow, I picked the wrong kind of lira. Let's go with Italian lira
@ehauke all the episodes have been the same
Gosh, the new google+ app is good! I'm still tweeting this thought though.
Slough: it's not worth the effort
Not sure how I feel about this video tribute to Turing…
@ipnosimmia the backing music's a bit weird
I have internet! Here's a picture of some fabulous French cuisine. We have so much to learn from them.
@monsoon0 have you seen… ? Or do you want to use textmode LaTeX too?
Il fait chaud, fo' sho'.
Me and four bishops in a nissan micra, driving France's autoroutes and reviewing the service stations. Title of the book: Aires and Graces
Koala! Happy day!
And if you want to see a panda, don't even bother going to Edinburgh: come to Beauval, you can get right up to them
@manytypesoftea yes, we can only assume it's an accurate translation given the picture. Excellent twitter avatar, by the way
@MEIMaths @peterrowlett it's in the queue for my next open access round up. Could well merit its own post, though.
@Andrew_Taylor well, you've _got_ to register and fill it with comic sans maths now.
@alexbellos @haggismaths looks like autocorrect has got the right ideas
@jcoglan Turing would be all about the #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice.
Goodbye, France! No thanks to DFDS Seaways, who were an hour late out of port. Watched three P&O ones come and go while we waited.
@stecks yes, δmaths/δt (britain,now) > 0
@stecks and I will be gratified if you notice my correct identification of a partial differential
@standupmaths Matt's Unvirtual Mersenne Prime Search, or #MUMPS
@standupmaths and I've just noticed your twitter username is a pun on your real name when pronounced in a French accent. A reason to move?
Almost everyone on this ferry is reading the Daily Mail. Hypocrites.
Forget meditation, if you want to get in harmony with the world around you just do a wee on a boat. (Men and adventurous ladies only)
it's the world's funniest child!…
Now I can be like @standupmaths and tweet maths symbols ∵ ∃ a character map app for android!…
...but they aren't displayed properly on my PC. Willy poo bums.
.@univofstandrews did you check with Dr Nacenta before writing that tweet? Pie charts represent proportion; "Fatfonts" show arrays of data
where do I sign up to kick the people who wrote TinyMCE? I assume there's already a list.
@helenarney @djfbus @standupmaths @FOTSN I made a video a while ago explaining what's going on in that picture:
One for all and all for 0! #mathspuns
Looks like the metal pushing pad on this door isn't at the right height for anybody else either
if you want a poster of a famous mathematician and don't have working colour vision, this is the site for you!…
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett just listened to m/ms 104. Re economic centre of gravity: how do you average points on a sphere?
@standupmaths similarly: the University of Derby Discarded Learning Centre… doesn't work. does. When Oxford was a waste and Cambridge a bog... Durham set up their DNS.
and hilariously, twitter shortens them both to just
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen I've just read the appendix of the report. It's exactly as rigorous as you'd expect.
misleading infographic news, now:
reaction-diffusion whiz-boffins: please make some stripy paint.
is there a good reason javascript's ternary if assignment goes `b?x:y` instead of something readable like `x if b else y`?
@Nathan1123 yes yes, I get that, but all I did in my better version (python's) was replace the symbols with words
@Nathan1123 oh hang on, I thought that's what I did but I switched b and x. Whoops.
@Nathan1123 I think what I originally wanted was something like `if(b) x else y` as an acceptable expression in an assignment
@icecolbeveridge yes, that's what I was getting at. Quite annoying!
is Ohio the international twitter spam nexus or am I just very popular with people from middling states?
can someone with working colour vision, either skype or gtalk, and 10 minutes to spare help me with a colour scheme please?
Dear Microsoft Word, Thank you so much for noticing how wide my screen is, but I don't actually want you to zoom in so the page fills it.
while I'm pretending to write letters: Dear VMWare, Why does your one-click unsubscribe link go to a page I need to click on two more times?
I don't tweet boring work things much, but the PENS import by @SCORMCloud is amazing!
@JanvierUK that's pretty close to your height as well, isn't it? #everyoneistinytome
I wish right guard would stop changing the names of their deodorants. What's the big idea?
I've said "what rot" so many times in the last 10 minutes browsing this conference's programme that the words have lost all meaning
@stecks I demand less boring tweets! Or fewer boring tweets!
@stecks @diffractionman I am. Why?
@stecks yes, I'll do a talk on something, probably princess/castle. Definitely do aperiodical something. Hosting slides is a good idea.
@stecks though really, should be doing that.
@stecks I worry with the big mathsjam that Colin wants it to be a private party and reporting from it might ruin it a bit.
@Electrokittie you just apply directly to the institution
@HilariousCow manicheanima.
@HilariousCow a portmanteau of manicheanism and machinima?
@HilariousCow it describes basically Peter Molyneux's entire oeuvre
The screen reader JAWS costs $895. Because blind people get the same grants as people who need, like, new doorways built for them.
which makes it hard for me to test, since I don't know any blind people, and don't have $895 lying around to enrich a profiteer with.
@jcoglan so do I fill my HD with noise to make a point, or with "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" so it doesn't look random?
AAAAA I only work part-time that is too many issues AAAAAA
I have an almost uncontrollable urge to write a story about the Mormon grammarian P. Dan Tick
apparently Newcastle University has 4321 postgrads. That's a nice number!
@brittneybean I wouldn't be surprised if you said you were visiting a walmart that had an army base.
@madcaptenor you're mistaken. These enlightened individuals are correcting their wicked foreign ways.
@nulibsage I look at my diary for next week. It is a vast empty nothingness. Except for that exact hour. Typical.
@mendeley_com what's the point of attaching files to my library if it always says "we don't have permission to make this file downloadable"?
@jcoglan just add more classes and rules, then freely-reduce the resulting inheritance tree. #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice
@jcoglan sorry, I meant directed acyclic graph, not tree. Because that would be too simple.
there is a layer of bacon-smelling air about three feet off the floor of my flat. Dare I follow it to its source?
@Nathan1123 a bad programmer would just hack over it until it looks like it works. You're on the right track
deleted the blitzbasic forums from my bookmarks. There's hardly ever anything interesting there any more
It's finally here! After literally a quarter of a year, here's a load more interesting maths esoterica…
@ColinTheMathmo I asked Katie but she's AWOL, so: do you have a picture of last year's MathsJam we can use for an @aperiodical post?
Can't think of a single good reason why Smash wasn't instead called Packet Jotato.
@HoeJodgkiss the aristocrats!
@stecks it isn't great - Colin's all blurred. I'll ask on the @MathsJam twitter
has anyone got a photo of last year's @MathsJam conference that they wouldn't mind being used in a post on the @aperiodical?
@stecks oui
@peterrowlett yep, it can go whenever.
the Irish one from My Life In Film is in everything now. Must have got a better agent.
was Dead Boss given that weird inappropriate piano theme tune just because it was written by women?
or, if the writers specifically asked for that theme: what were you thinking?
It's a lovely sunny day in Tynemouth! Is anyone else out here enjoying the festival?
@peterrowlett it went OK, then? No bugs?
@peterrowlett hah! Excellent.
@acmescience much better!
@ben_nuttall @stecks @aPaulTaylor that's more of a combinatorics and designs problem, surely
TIL that facebook thinks Newcastle University is in New Delhi…
@alexbellos why's it only got one number? You could do that to a normal die. The joke with a mobius one is you can't decide which face is up
@Calibrand do you actually, though? The sentiment is cheapened by your tweet history. I'm now going to make an effort to avoid you.
mathematicians: does anyone else find the misuse of "hence" in a proof really annoying?
@aPaulTaylor I think you mean "no, hence now I am paranoid that..."
@peterrowlett I think we need to submit it to be reviewed by a person. There's a link somewhere in the webmaster tools
duoliteral, juloidea, muroidea, muscoidea, pulmonifera, quodlibetal, subcontinental, subhyoidean, uncomplimentary, uncontinental
.@WWMGT @stevenstrogatz @Wrangler314 see my previous tweet for all words I could find with vowels in reverse order. Excluded "unnoticeably".
also "fulgoroidea" and "uncoincidental" if you allow repeats of vowels.
can't find any words with all vowels + Y in forwards or reverse order. Another reason Y is not a vowel
Omg, just realised Tynemouth Sainsbury's is in walking distance. #sixandtwotwelves
@CardColm gosh! My word list must be missing a lot of words
@CardColm oh hang on, that's in forwards order. Panic over!
@CardColm ah! I see now. Currently walking to the shops so can't check my sums
Ok, further corrections will be ignored unless told facetiously. Clearly I made an error
And that shortcut was more like a six v two 3.1s. My brainwaves are a bubbly froth. Time for dinner.
ok, regexp fixed. adventitiously and pareciously
the usefulness of useless knowledge… cc @peterrowlett
I thank @Samuel_Hansen from the bottom of my heart for introducing me to my new religion…
@Tony_Mann you're wrong, @peterrowlett has always been at war with Eastasia
well punned! Radius of the Lost Arc - a maths game for kids…
Is this white fiat 500 doing really quick laps of the village or does everyone own a white fiat 500 now?
How long do you think I can mingle with the World Congress of Accounting Historians? I need some fun accounting history facts
#accountinghistory "double book-keeping" was originally a euphemism for workplace drunkenness.
#accountinghistory in the Crimean war, the Battle of Balaclava was written off as a clothing expense
@Bishnavitch I'd have to see Dark Knight between now and then
@rmehigan and sadly the last in my series of monodigital time tweets for today
@rmehigan I did not. No Sky!
@Andrew_Taylor to do exactly that and no more, add these to your path
@Andrew_Taylor or you could do it properly on Linux with adventure shell:
Just attended a workshop where I did a SWOT! I've become you!
Oh no. For the first time ever, I tweeted what was meant to be a text. It was a long workshop.
@pkrautz I think not: cross-site scripting problems.
@pkrautz a chrome extension would probably be able to do it
@elinoroberts write it underneath the header "Things for other people to do"
@standupmaths @numberphile or… might give you some ideas
@jcoglan no votes for 'look around'? Dangerously risky behaviour from the go-northers
Descending into the pits of the @aperiodical post queue to hew some maths news from the living rock. Got my undecidability canary with me.
@jcoglan score
@icecolbeveridge well, that's an idea for a new twitter bot. Sadly, @undecidabilitycanary is too long to be a twitter username
today's programming challenge: write a prime number generator in Hindi
@peterrowlett you said you had some big mathsjam photos. Prod.
@TeXtip or, with MathJax magic, you can use one I made:…^{i%20\pi}+1=0
@outofthenorm2 argg, I was looking for a tweet about your new post and misread "blogpast" as "blogpost"! Bumbleshpitz
@outofthenorm2 we considered "blogpast" for the Aperiodical's tweets and rejected it for exactly that reason
living the rugged independent lifestyle of a Solo Dude is a nightmare from a home economics perspective.
maths fact: over the past two years, Cedric Villani has spent as long as three hours not in front of a camera
@EliotBall haha, that's crazy! Unregistered domains go to a page saying "DNS Error!"
rhinoeceros, assemble!
very very clever: computer-generated pareidolia using genetic algorithms and face detection
guess who just tweeted from the wrong account! That guy! (Also this guy)
@plusmathsorg @mathsinthecity I tried the "best not to collapse it into an observable state just yet" excuse with my thesis
@Bishnavitch no thanks. Unenthused.
pretty bummed that seems to be a site selling English lessons in Japanese
@jcoglan is it possible to just cover one's ears and hum until ECMAScript 6 is widespread?
chrome, you are using 200mb of memory with one blank tab open. Explain yourself.
the manufacturers of this chilli have rated it "HOT HOT HOT". Maybe if you were raised on an exclusive diet of milk and yoghurt. Weak.
a more accurate label would be: "This sauce was produced in a factory where chillies are handled"
it has the consistency of puppy sick. I think this'll be the end of bad chilli news.
oh no I discovered the programmable turtle in tekkit
At least be consistent, guy's! (excellent farm, though)
@standupmaths good decision: "standupengineering" is pretty much a tautology. And are you implying you're under-employed?
@jcoglan I use the cursor keys all the time. Because sometimes neckbeards are just wrong.
my little brother hasn't even been to Akbar's. It's like I don't know him any more.
oh my god Wrong Sign Language is the BEST game
@arowx @GreyAlien you are correct to disclaim those claims. If you're coming this far up, might as well go across the Tyne to a REAL place.
@GreyAlien @arowx yeah fine, keep believing that. Just going out for a stroll on the award-winning beach, back later
windows is saving an 8mb bitmap version of my wallpaper to my uni network profile. That'd be fine if I didn't have a tiny allowance of 60mb
@sxpmaths as far as I know, @TraineeGeek organises the Portsmouth MathsJam. She's friendly!
@sxpmaths I think you might be talking about what I called the "worst series in the world" - near the bottom of…
wanted: rich benefactor to fund the acquisition of this fantastic kitchen appliance…
@stecks I would be entirely happy with being a trophy husband who stays at home and bakes with expensive Kenwood appliances all day
@stecks but I don't think I'm up for the silicone pec implants trophy husbandship would entail
@BenTormey you're following the wrong women, dude
@stecks wow, A had almost completely passed from my memory.
@amazingradio re chilli dogs: the diner in Fenwick's does a mean chilli dog
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7.30pm in the Charles Grey pub. New people very welcome.
Oh good, someone's realised the Olympic Security Sand outside the stadium shouldn't block access to the metro station
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett I had the MAA link for flatland 2! Did I forget to use it? Bums.
@peterrowlett yes, I just put it in
@peterrowlett the most I'll commit to is that at least occasionally @Samuel_Hansen tells the truth
it's far too late for the seagulls to be up and about. Can they even see where they're going?
watch my brilliantly-edited holiday video, featuring lots of animals…
@Samuel_Hansen I see your inappropriate twitter comments kickstarter was funded
@Samuel_Hansen and also, other twitterists inform me she was gay, so, probably wasn't gonna happen, buddy
@brittneybean after verifying my email on songdrop and logging in, I got a 404 for /info/dropitbtn&verify=success?cb=1343115078
so does Pearson own the concept of education now? Is there anything they haven't bought?
if I'm responsible for making sure the companies I buy services from pay their tax, I'd better cancel my vodafone subscription
@nulibsage you'll get that tweet right eventually!
@FOTSN challenge: explain to an innumerate friend how big a pizza with twice as much meat would have to be while driving in a one-way system
@stecks we have a problem for tonight: pub has no wifi!
@stecks that might actually be more authentic
@jcoglan I have that all the time with algebraic data types and any language that isn't haskell
not sure what madness caused me to say MathsJam starts at 7.30. It starts at 7. Maybe I'll be alone for half an hour.
@MathsJam NCL->MAN we're having trouble decoding your message
@outofthenorm2 @MathsJam yes, and it's not a bad game. A good mental workout
@FOTSN for the safety of my fellow road-users, I did not account for crusts. Or the fact no pizza technician distributes toppings uniformly.
@FOTSN stuffed crusts introduce another problem - they only accrete linearly with pizza size.
Sportsmen: teammates congratulating you in unwelcome places? Try Matt Parker's Pat Marker. New from Spooner, the Contrivance Company.
@jcoglan do any of the JS module frameworks have relative import paths and namespacing? Or an equivalent of python's `import module as x`?
@jcoglan yes, just looking at the docs now. So the global state you're complaining about is just in naming dependencies?
pretty stoked about how much of my CPU this set of slides is using. Stopping my other programs running means it gets my full attention!
@jcoglan is there any need for global module names? Why not make every `define` anonymous?
@jcoglan I assumed that if you require 'sub/mod', then anything required by `sub/mod.js` would be found relative to `sub/`. Apparently not!
@jcoglan here you go: I'm sure it must be possible. It's mad otherwise.
@jcoglan ah, I didn't try ./ ! Makes sense.
@daveinstpaul @MathsJam what do you mean by "level"?
@daveinstpaul @MathsJam oh never mind, got it now. Good. I thought there'd be a simple solution like that.
@acmescience I see your site. Dude's probably got malware
oh lovely, I just noticed someone's written a nice blog post about my rambling fibonacci grids video:…
well, that was uncomfortable. Followed a women home down a darkened street. Turns out she's my next door neighbour.
@GeoffBath @ColinTheMathmo hence the mathketeers' rallying cry, "one for all and all for 0!"
@daveinstpaul very nice!
I can basically inhale a mcdonalds burger. Watching my Nana eat one is like water torture.
@plusmathsorg it can lead to many an odd phenomenon DOO DOO DE DOO DOO
one day I expect to hear Pearson have bought the times tables. We got a spam at the @aperiodical from a subsidiary offering "maths links"
the first email didn't identify them as from TutorVista (owned by Pearson), but the reply to my email saying "no thanks, I'm not stupid" did
The @aperiodical is listed on google! Finally! cc @peterrowlett @stecks
@madcaptenor it's **. There might be a good reason for that, but there probably isn't.
"as" as a synonym for "because" - pro or con? I'm as con as the conceptual condominium congress of Conrad Black and Martha Stewart
dude just walked past my house with the blingest zimmer frame I've ever seen. Actually, he's still walking past my house.
Dear Jim, Can you fix it for me so my javascript fails in even crazier ways than normal?
two hours ago, I had a really clear idea of what I was going to cook for dinner. Now, nothing. Might starve.
What the actual what.
The only Nelson I want to hear from tonight has one arm and an unbeaten record against the French.
Trevor Nelson hasn't once looked at the right camera during this whole ceremony. Old habits die hard.
You've noticed there are no boys carrying those petal things. Well, mcdonalds picked them, and they delegated to their cattle farmers
@jcoglan oh I forgot about Muse. THANKS A LOT JAMES
Who gardens in a blue shirt and chinos? My mum's gardeners, apparently.
Ah, Teesside. Putting the rough in Middlesbrough.
Rocking my pac a mac in a sac at Stockton
I'll put a snapshot of Stockton's infinity bridge on @mathsinthecity later. It's a nice bridge!
An octagonal church in Yarm...
...sadly, no amount of enthusiasm for octagons can make them tile the plane, so they had to make do with hexagons
Back in Stockton, where the bus shelters haven't had new adverts put up since the release of "Lesbian Vampire Killers"
@Gelada they're methodists. I think they'd frown on that sort of thing.
so I suppose the $171/year registration fee is the reason that doesn't exist. I'm mightily tempted by bonapart.ism too
I of course meant
@icecolbeveridge very good! It could be a mirroring site.
nerds, geeks, and all other categories of poindexters: you've failed me and you've failed the internet. is unregistered
@Gelada just prepend any word ending in -gon in my tweets with "regular"
@Gelada ...meh. I don't care to think that much about it. Saw an octagonal church with a hexagonal tiled pavement.
@Gelada and, the more we discuss this, the more @hexagonbot retweets me
Having some trouble selling my account of a former Newcastle goalie's ascent through the ranks of freemasonry, "Fifty Grades of Shay"
@mathsinthecity if I want to link to another picture on flickr from a MitC snapshot, is that OK? The description field doesn't look HTMLy
@songdropapp There is no jazz category. boo.
me too! (it's the same one) RT @stecks: I did a video! RT @aperiodical: Post: Maths Jam July 2012 - Paper Enigma…
@mathsinthecity thanks. I remembered after uploading that I took some better pics with my nana's camera.
@mathsinthecity because I have a camera obscurer
I've helped Cushing make a pretty excellent card trick using a de Bruijn sequence and a full 52-card deck. Going to do a video tomorrow.
@jcoglan sounds like a pretty compelling argument for a fork of bash
@aperfect where "no Internet" means "copious abuse of a 3g dongle"
I've just remembered I've got chocolate puddings in the fridge. Bonanza!
@CardColm did you see we've reconstructed Diaconis's 6-card de Bruijn red/black trick with all 52 cards? Do you know any better versions?
oh, excellent…
@CardColm we're going to record a video today. Cards as 6-digit binary strings - first 4 face, last 2 suit. Take 64-bit de bruijn sequence..
@CardColm ..take first 52 strings in that sequence, and swap invalid ones (face>12) with valid ones at the end.
@CardColm .. so you only need to remember the rule to generate the de bruijn sequence and 6 6-digit string pairs to swap
@CardColm so is that Diaconis's trick? David reckons Diaconis said there was no easy trick with exactly 52 cards
@stecks best thing about Scotland: they still sell those boxes of cadbury's chocolate milk in corner shops.
@stecks worst thing about Scotland: dirty sheep-stealing Scots.
@stecks no, because they know real money when they see it
@CardColm Cushing is running across to the uni library to get it now
999999999999999934463: the largest integer Chrome doesn't use scientific notation to display
why 999999999999999934463? It's 10^21 - 2^16 - 1.
@ColinTheMathmo press F12 to get the javascript console up. Enter the number. It gets repeated back to you. That number plus 1 gives '1e21'
@ColinTheMathmo actually, to be precise it gets rounded to something a bit lower, but scientific notation isn't used; that's the point
@ColinTheMathmo yes. Of course, chrome can display any number you write in html....
How many people from different departments can sit down in this room before two exchange words, or even eye contact? Current lower bound: 4
@ColinTheMathmo it's for my javascript algebra/eassessment system.
@jcoglan isn't that just a subset of all programmers, though? I've seen plenty of people in many languages that just don't get abstraction
@jcoglan maybe it's more apparent in javascript because it's missing so much due to the lack of a stdlib.
@brittneybean trust the American to go to the event with guns
@icecolbeveridge do you mean an unsolved one?
the letter I is not a separator. The pipe character | is just about acceptable. There is a difference with serif fonts.
@icecolbeveridge oh BRAVO
Oh no, the krankiesque woman who can't stop talking is on the train
Wander Wednesday: have a look at a nice maths blog on a variety of subjects run by @laurentduval passwords can only be 16 chars long, so I had to truncate my hotmail one when signing in. It worked. Paging @jcoglan!
@My_Metro does the "no problems" tweet go out automatically each morning? That's a pretty bad idea.
@My_Metro you tweeted that trains were delayed, then that there were no problems, then another apology for the delays. Why?
@My_Metro ah no, the one I replied to was 8 hours ago
@My_Metro OK. *That* is a bad idea. I have deja vu. Have I complained about this before?
@jcoglan yes
@jcoglan well... "good". Quotes decidedly necessary.
@jcoglan given how often my account has been hacked, I guess the latter
@mathsinthecity can you do some Oxford sleuthing for me? Does Peter Bryant work at your Dept of Education and does he have a web page?
gosh the maths olympiad has a nice logo
google now has a button at the top to turn off personalised results! Mirabile die!
@peterrowlett @Tony_Mann another reason to move to wordpress soon *cough cough*
@KSCMaths go on! Cave to temptation! We can publish it on the aperiodical.
an enjoyable day of thrashing the @aperiodical news queue with @peterrowlett. Some of these stories are so old they're in Roman numerals!
@mathsinthecity never mind, successfully navigated the department's website now. Sleuth-hats off, please.
@peterrowlett @aperiodical my day is basically over by lunchtime, typically.
@peterrowlett I'm very much a morning person. A good six hours before lunch, then my brain switches off when I eat
@qikipedia it's uncopyrightable, which is troublemaking because I could do with earning a few bob.
@qikipedia and if you want a one-tweet Python command to get it: sorted([w for w in words if len(set(w))==len(w)],key=len)[-1]
pretty pleased with this Python for the longest word with no repeated letters: sorted([w for w in words if len(set(w))==len(w)],key=len)[-1]
@ben_nuttall like, ("fizz" if x%7 else "buzz" for x in count()) ?
@ben_nuttall I'm not happy with [(x if x%5 else 'buzz') if x%3 else 'fizz' if x%5 else 'fizzbuzz' for x in count()]
@ColinTheMathmo @icecolbeveridge either they were automatically truncating it and then hashing before, or they never hashed
13:37 - time for clothes! Today wasn't meant to be one of those days.
@qikipedia oi, what about 'troublemaking'?
@HilariousCow <16mb memory, 120 enemies... you haven't just made space invaders again, have you?
@ben_nuttall I spent a while dithering on whether constructing 'fizzbuzz' by concatenation was shorter
oh, the reason "google maps" is always trending on google+ is because it counts people posting links to places. #embedallthemediaitllbefine
@icecolbeveridge @ColinTheMathmo no, because then that's just an encryption: you can recover H(x) for each letter x.
@peterrowlett @mathematicsprof I can't see what distinction you're making, Peter
@jgrahamc what's the other 9%?
@Htbaa to start with
This looks like a lot of fun… @stecks
A light bulb just popped. Hang on...
@CardColm Can you be our Man in Madison? Take lots of pictures and notes and so on.
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon mmyeeeeeeesss.
@mathblogging how is it that vi hart's videos from way in the past are always at the top of your "by date" page?
@mathblogging oh wow, and they're not setting the publication dates properly
@CardColm done
@CardColm ooh! My video with the de Bruijn trick is (secretly) on youtube. Writing words to go with it now but watch at…
@standupmaths @jjsanderson @elinoroberts watch out, if you come to Tynemouth I might trap you and make you write for the aperiodical
@standupmaths our thirst for mathematical witticisms can not be slaked!
@monsoon0 7m! I'd better bump "become an FRS" up my list of ambitions
@peterrowlett @notonlyahatrack @aperiodical @jamesgrime yeesh! I took a quick glance at our twitter avatar, that's all.
@peterrowlett @notonlyahatrack @aperiodical @jamesgrime consider it a special case of the lemma being portrayed.
@IBLMath @maanow the PDF is 8mb! That's a tiny bit inconvenient.
@monsoon0 well, I thought FAA was a bit out of reach for me so I picked the local equivalent
@monsoon0 alright, that's a deal: get me FAA, and I'll visit Australia to collect.
waiting for the MAA MathFest programme to download so I can advertise today's talks. Not sure it'll get here in time: 1400 BYTES per second!
Good golly, the water at Tynemouth is positively warm! So long and thanks for all the icecaps.
@peterrowlett crumbs, that doesn't sound like it was much fun to do
@matthen2 ooh, do all the tricolores cancel each other out? And I expect a strongish ghost of a Union flag in the top-left corner.
Haskell to generate the de Bruijn sequence (6,2): d = 0:0:0:0:0:1:zipWith (\ x y -> (x+y) `mod` 2) d (tail d)
I mean *a* de Bruijn sequence (6,2)
@ColinTheMathmo they're not pegasi, silly!
A long time ago, a young boy called Christian bought a box of pop tarts. The boy grew up and eventually forgot about the pop tarts...
... UNTIL TODAY! I found that box of pop tarts, and I am eating them like a chocoholic Jacquard machine
@Nathan1123 clopen your exercise book!
@elinoroberts so, I suppose that valley's quite hard to refer to when you're speaking Welsh
@haggismaths there's a statue of Desperate Dan somewhere in the town centre that I was gutted to hear about only as I was leaving
@MrHonner likewise!
@Andrew_Taylor Broken News! Somebody else watched it! Let us exchange quotes.
@danaernst finally! Great news.
@IBLMath finally they're doing something about blogging
We need to raise 11 men in complete isolation from society, so they reach adulthood not knowing that England can't win on penalties.
*just* missed! Disheartening
@ben_nuttall @peterrowlett what a quick turnaround! I reckon we've got a shot at the podium in the 4x400 words reportage
@brittneybean's called NAS, and quite a few people already do it? But it's more of a hassle than signing up for google, so most don't?
@brittneybean ok. Searching for "home cloud" turns up a few nice-looking things
@icecolbeveridge nope. Looks Japanese to me!
top tip: use your paper wallet as a damper for your phone so it doesn't make a nasty rattle when it vibrates on your desk.
seeking funders for my new-Romantic fireworks show, "Sturm und Bang".
Writing docs for @NclNumbas on on @pkrautz's recommendation. It looks pretty good so far!
Cushing is busily concocting odd searches to find @aperiodical. Example: "fibonacci went to the friend zone in the least efficient carnival"
@peterrowlett @aperiodical another from Cushing: "fermat's last theorem is precisely the physicist's viewpoint of a hot dog"
@jgrahamc I think it's more a product of a desire to have more flexibility in their stock control, which isn't a bad thing
@peterrowlett yes, I think so.
@peterrowlett Cushing says yours are too long
@peterrowlett I worry that directly asking people to search for the site might incur google's wrath though.
@peterrowlett those are good! David likes fruit dancing robots.
Beating a hasty retreat to my coastal redoubt before Newcastle gets washed away completely
If you're going on holiday in Europe this summer, have a look at the fantastic Turismo Matemático (@mathsinthecity)
my regexp would have worked perfectly if the person who wrote this code last summer hadn't occasionally used tabs to separate words
the tab in question was in such a position that it only produced a one character gap anyway, so I only noticed it when I changed tabwidth
can't stop watching the fractal juggler…
@jamesgrime and instead of moving south he stays up north
@gingerbeardman I'll go with: if you're thinking about that, you've already wasted too much time
the dept has been given a second-hand blackboard on wheels but it won't fit in any of our rooms. Can you think of an imaginative use for it?
@stecks I was thinking along those lines, but weatherproofing is an issue
@panlepan yes, I have several at home, but this one is over 2m tall!
Pythonistas: is it possible to write a file-like object to a ZipFile object without doing zip.writestr(
@panlepan alas, it's a rolly-round one. We've considered cutting off the blackboard material and covering the walls with it.
@acmescience you explicitly asked for more cranks
oh super, the @aperiodical has been slashdotted! Thankfully, nobody reads /. any more so the server is coping fine
number of people who read the proof before speculating wildly: 0. Never change, slashdot! (for balance, reddit is doing equally poorly)
@brittneybean @aperfect Northumberland: also featuring a millennium-old herd of completely inbred super-cattle.
@ColinTheMathmo this one:… (/. thread:…)
has anyone considered town planning as a data structures problem?
@kenfodder I was thinking that quadtrees would allow everyone to pack into a small space, leaving lots of green countryside
@mathsinthecity we've been weighing up whether to report that on @aperiodical because it sounds so fishy. Russia Today isn't a great source
@elinoroberts just looked out the window. Correct.
@MathJax oh, I thought it already was. Here you go:…
@jamesgrime this calls for a public awareness campaign! Can we make a ribbon with a big symmetry group?
@brucel @ben_nuttall wow. Why would they release that with their name attached? It's as bad an advert as a grocer putting out mouldy fruit
@IMAmaths those would look a lot nicer with @MathJax maths.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie yes!
Newcastle Uni is disabling its SOCKS proxy. The 90s are finally over!
Trying ubuntu again: how are you meant to get the proprietary wireless driver so you can connect to the net to download the wireless driver?
it's SIGGRAPH time! I love SIGGRAPH.
cyber panto horse!… I'M HACKING THE GIBSON
@DanielColquitt that's what I normally do, but it's annoying. And free drivers don't work
this lady wants to get where she's going a lot faster than her dog does.
Jeera could give me less curry for the same money, leaving me equally happy *and* less of a porker.
@jsnortheast is there going to be a meeting this month? I've just found out about you
@ben_nuttall but, like the four-billion-and-first coin flip after four billion heads, that's no reason to say you're also going to succeed
Usain Bolt fact: Bolt often gets dirt in his eyes, so at home he's hired a personal eyebath attendant from Grenada Mote-Away Services.
Olympic stats time: who is failing to win the most?…
hypothesis: something really, really bad happens to North Koreans if they get bronze or silver.
oh man, Team GB has moved up the not-winning table after today's sailors, boxers and hockists choked…
(Canada still sits comfortably at the top of the table though. I think that level of almost-achievement will be hard to match)
looking through blogger's javascript for @MathJax integration, it seems blogger has more easter eggs than real features
Moving furniture. Apparently "quaternions don't commute!" is not helpful input when trying to get an armchair through a doorway.
@monsoon0 what's your favourite chalk?
unexpected CP presence at the start of this week's math/maths. You win again, Hansen!
@jcoglan wow! That's like #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice: The Twitter Feed.
@stecks and then your PGP key was in the last place you looked, right?
@stecks toys? I think we're doing mathsjam wrong
just remembered that Sainsbury's was playing Creedence yesterday. I wholeheartedly approve.
I'm watching The Red Shoes. As a keen fan of balletic megacamp, I wish to express my desire that it gets better. Not hopeful so far.
Inability to see the colour red might be hampering my ability to enjoy this film
how is it that nobody has remade Netstorm as a free to play facebook game?
@Andrew_Taylor answer: they do not work
@icecolbeveridge if you put the source to that on github I'll add some nice MathJax to it
@DanielColquitt whence came this thought?
@benkenyon I can do one better: they were playing Alt-J in a mcdonald's I was in last week
@peterrowlett I make it 27. What am I missing? Note Northampton and Birmingham appear twice in the menus
@icecolbeveridge @peterrowlett ........ oh, boo to that! Sit on the naughty chair!
gosh knitting's complicated
@peterrowlett @MathsJam apparently so! Which is why I started the map
@peterrowlett what does that second sentence mean? I can't parse it. Have another go
@peterrowlett I've discussed that @stecks. I think she convinced me she had a good reason not to do that.
@E_I_W are you going to mathsjam tomorrow? I'm off work with exhaustion so probably won't go. Not sure if anyone else is around,
@stecks @peterrowlett by forgetting to type the word "with", I invented new language! Hooray, I'm Shakespeare!
a pox on your house, dictate2us! Not sure why your emails are being let through by the uni's spam filters
@jjaron @aperiodical the dude who posted it claimed he did it by hand:…
@jjaron are you setting up a "but it's only made of points" pun there?
@mathsinthecity far more interestingly: there's a town called Collegeville!
@mathsinthecity then you might do badly up here - we have lots of villages called things like "No Place" and "Pity Me"
@mathsinthecity it's grim up here, you know.
@HELIUM_HEED it's uni resits fortnight
Woke up covered in cuts. I'm worried my house might be infested with Tories.
@CardColm I have a couple in my office, but 1) I'm not there today, and 2) they're not very neat
@CardColm unless by "completed" you meant "all of the hyperbolic plane", in which case I don't have one
@Electrokittie oh man now I want doughnuts too
Email isn't an interactive medium with @peterrowlett. It's more like leaving messages in a time capsule for the benefit of later generations
do I know anyone in academia who runs a programming club for their department or faculty?
looking for angel investors for my new estate agency specialising in flipping run-down urban homes: Quain't.
@outofthenorm2 probability it stops after N goes, or what?
@acmescience what, another one?
@acmescience us?
@outofthenorm2 there's always a chance it will stop, so expected number of rounds until it stops might be better
@peterrowlett yes, it's a result of how much email you receive rather than how much you read
@bucharesttutor @icecolbeveridge I've always had a couple of problems with that, starting with the letter x. There is a best way; use it!
@bucharesttutor @icecolbeveridge no, I mean the x on that page isn't the best.
@bucharesttutor @icecolbeveridge in fact, the X there is how I would write a Greek letter Xi
@bucharesttutor that's the same letter. Don't tell me we have different ways of spelling letters!
@bucharesttutor oh man, it's me who's wrong. Whoops!
@icecolbeveridge @bucharesttutor I think this calls for another #twittorthography survey
@MitchKeller @peterrowlett @aperiodical that's what I was thinking of. So what's common in the US? Surely not no. 1?
@MitchKeller interesting! Does 3 look bad to you, or does the thinking behind it make sense?
@plusmathsorg which one of you tweeted that? I've never known how you do twitter. Anyway: did they try to get you to do 3 at school?
@MitchKeller the thinking is that it looks completely unlike any other x, and especially not like the multiplication symbol.
@pkrautz I have several of these saved in posts on for if I ever get round to writing them up.
@pkrautz though I'll try storify; it's just that every time I've looked at it it's scared me off
@MrHonner @icecolbeveridge @aperiodical @plusmathsorg they should be. Blame my cack-handedness
"@MitchKeller: Once you start using x there is no longer a need for a symbol for multiplication" Vector multiplication:
@MrHonner @icecolbeveridge @aperiodical hang on! I've looked again and they are touching. It just looks like they aren't because of chalk
@MitchKeller handwritten ones, yes. What do you do?
@MitchKeller but arrows take so long! And a hat is for a unit vector.
@icecolbeveridge @MrHonner @aperiodical precisely! Handwriting is different because it's hard to consistently replicate symbols
@jjaron @aperiodical *and* for general writing?! Why?
going to do a reverse-zoolander and write DO SHAVE on my bathroom door so I remember tomorrow morning before my shower
Just had a superb veg samosa chilli chaat from Dabbawal at the mini-mela on Grainger Street. Shockingly, no other takers
@jgrahamc I have a really sturdy Staedtler one. Good ones are normally listed under "architect's supplies"
can anyone explain why this snail was hanging on to the top of a stalk in strong wind?…
The Mad Metal Mosquito of Tynemouth, finally captured and pacified in 1967. Behind, you can see its victims' graves
argggg I *just* missed the hit counter on going past 66,666. I'll have to wait ages for another chance like that!
@Samuel_Hansen re skype video recording: I use SuperTintin, which can do 720p into separate files for each stream.
@nilium yes, I have that book, but what do you need it for? It's not good for learning new things
@nilium look past the title and get this… - it's really good.
Today I am Robin to Robin's Batman. Learning how to deliver lectures from the incumbent champion.
The Mark Wallinger exhibit at the Baltic in Gateshead has a couple of great pieces about randomness and ordering. cc @mathsinthecity
... One is a wall of shuffled, numbered bricks. The other is 2^16 pebbles laid out on chessboards and categorised with a binary code.
@profkeithdevlin I've encountered a similarly annoying Scottish academic who uses "does anyone remember the quadratic formula?" the same way
How annoying. The edit page for the @Storify story I had saved gives a 404 error.
and the wordpress jetpack twitter embedding doesn't seem to be working either. Aaaaa everything is going wrong and I was going to do things!
and now the @Storify link is working. Complaining worked! Or, it didn't not work!
"proud christian livin evry day like its my last YOLO" - you might have misunderstood some core tenets of your faith, dude
"during the closure there will be no trains in both directions" - rats! I use superpositioned trains as the basis of my quantum computer
*golf clap* RT @CardColm: @christianp surely you meant quantum commuter?
5555 messages in my inbox. Take that, you obsessive inbox zero types!
@walkingrandomly oh, these are all read. Might have maybe deliberately by accident forgotten to mention that
@icecolbeveridge if you've got $3m you can see this one in a bit more detail…
@icecolbeveridge (fairly sure there's a legitimate source for that somewhere. Trying to find it now)
@icecolbeveridge ooh, have you found a good example in Newton's notebooks?
@icecolbeveridge I consider that the same as 3. Going for the same shape, in one less stroke
@icecolbeveridge can you post that link as a comment on the post please?
I've made web-compatible versions of the Computer Modern typefaces (the ones LaTeX uses)
@JanvierUK very important, and it's the kind of thing you can't be told. Glad you're feeling OK
@pkrautz I did not. I'll look now.
@FontSquirrel how does the kit generator's backend work? I'm converting 60+ fonts so I'd like to spare your server and my patience...
@FontSquirrel ... by doing the conversion locally, if possible.
@md267 @bluecombats @NoelAnn @peterrowlett well, wikia is popular, and could probably be convinced to do mathjax. See…
@Samuel_Hansen what bands are you already listening to?
@FontSquirrel thought as much. Oh well! I'll sit here pushing fonts through for a while. Thanks for replying.
Sorry dudes, but I just made the best tweet ever from the @aperiodical account. Unless you're RTing it, there's no point using twitter now.
@MrHonner I won't lie, your tweet did prompt mine. But I am pulling muscles patting myself on the back, so I am deaf to your complaints
to anyone who balked at my Computer Modern webfonts because they're too heavy: I've recompiled them to be <100k each
@Samuel_Hansen Alt-J, Becca Stevenson, Django Django, Lianne La Havas, Little Dragon, Sirius Mo, Jhameel, Flight Facilities, Neil Cowley
@disqushelp @pkrautz @ryanvalentin When did Disqus 2012 happen? We're trying to get MathJax to work inside comments. Same-Origin blocks it.
@mathsinthecity if you wear the t-shirt and meet some*one*, that doesn't necessarily mean the t-shirt significantly improved your chances
@mathsinthecity meeting that special dozen or so people would start looking convincing, but correlation is not causation!
@icecolbeveridge famously not!
Brr gosh it's cold!
I didn't expect to hear the "Chinese Healthy Living Choir" singing Edelweiss when I emerged from monument station
#eas2012 are any mathematical types also wandering around Dundee this afternoon?
Whoops, apparently the hashtag is #eas12. So again: are any mathematical types also wandering round Dundee this afternoon?
@stecks I think I've seen very similar words before
@peterrowlett @stecks I've arrived in Dundee. 7 would be best for me.
Dundee has some very nice buildings!
@icecolbeveridge yes!
@stecks @peterrowlett I have dinner booked for 8! Later?
Dundee also has lots of unapologetically mediocre shopping centres
Euclid street!
The vajazzling shop I noticed last year has closed. It seems not even gaudy nethers are safe from the double-dip recession
*and* a wealth of pleasing sculpture? Dundovingians, you're doing OK!
Oh wow, aforementioned bits-blinging shop was on Nethergate! How did it fail?
Dundevarians? Dundorks? Dundeebriates? What are you called?
@Rathematician is this where that "furry boots are comfy?" joke comes from?
@stecks @peterrowlett 9? Hard to say
Gotta be Dapper Dan!
Henry's coffee house just made me an extremely nice hot chocolate
@aperfect as I often say, lonely fun is the only fun
@maanow @plusmathsorg a case of nominative determinism?
@stecks you should be in Dundee!
@geogebra did you tell us about this? Sorry if I forgot to write it up
@geogebra the ipad kickstarter. Looks like twitter didn't realise that's what I was replying to
man, that shower was like being dribbled on by a dehydrated pensioner. 4/10, at least the temperature was consistent.
and the towel smelled like abandoned popcorn
@HilariousCow 0/0 is not infinity. Or, if it is, it's plus or minus infinity
@EIMathematical @peterrowlett @stecks hint taken, it'll be on the Aperiodical shortly I'm sure
@monsoon0 there's probably quite a bit of selection bias
@mathalicious are the weekly videos on youtube the product of the math52 kickstarter? Trying to write you something nice on @aperiodical
@monsoon0 I mean, there was probably a lot of rubbish published in the 1800s that you haven't looked at
@monsoon0 ok, if we're being honest, I also prefer old maths to new. One of my most treasured possessions is an 1811 arithmetic textbook
@monsoon0 "the late William Tinwell" (not an anachronism: it's the sixth edition). "A treatise on practical arithmetic and book-keeping"
@monsoon0 it has a completely different set of concerns to new books, e.g. it tells you how to convert Edinburgh bushels to Newcastle ones
@monsoon0 it's fascinating as a record of how life used to be, and how important arithmetic used to be
Bad tropes in the @EIMathematical weekly challenge video: opens with a cloud of mathsy symbols; people are "obsessed" with the subject.
I nominate @peterrowlett for best sentence on the site this month, for the opener to this post…
going into the database to edit a quip made in an uneditable comment: ultimo sadness. And what I'm currently doing
gdamnsk: just had two ideas. By the time I'd written the first one down, I'd forgotten the second.
I think it's fair to say I'm currently in the "manic" phase
forget Professional White Background, this installer's going for Professional Impact Font on Button Labels.
@Andrew_Taylor that's my favourite one so far
@mathalicious @aperiodical cool. I think they're really really good. Especially when compared with something else we're writing about
@ColinTheMathmo Bart Simpson used to say it weekly on BBC2
tyne tunnel permit topup site has introduced 6-digit passcodes as extra security. If you don't have one, it lets you make one up on login...
but if you've already done that, it lets you log in with just your password and make a new one anyway. Secure!
@standupmaths @UsrBinPRL and it's combinations, not permutations
@standupmaths would it surprise you to learn Mastermind is NP-complete?
@UsrBinPRL yeah, ok.
@LargeCardinal @standupmaths huh?
@BenTormey sometimes people who do that look like they feel it's what society requires of them.
Your suggestions for what CSF could stand for on this dude's bumper sticker. So far I have "Cornish Society of Falkirk"... #csf
... "Carolingian Sovereignty Fund". "Congress of Sweaty Fishermen". "Comfortable Sofa Fortnightly" #csf
Cookie Solicitation Front. That's a #csf I might start myself
oh wow, the interface is actually really nice. I'm using it to send an email for the first time since they switched.
@peterrowlett @stecks hooray, we're popular in the South
@jamesgrime in what way?
oh my god this vim plugin is amazing…
ever so sorry, forgot my #unbearablecodinghipster tag there
this spider has 10 seconds to comply
@standupmaths hey, we had assembly every morning in my primary school.
@DanielColquitt aaaaaa I'd forgotten about sciencedirect's mental scrolling behaviour. Well done, though.
actually, left knee, I'm fairly sure I *didn't* just dislocate you, so buck your ideas up
Kickstarter if I could be bothered: Rubik's cube with internal circuitry.that goes PING when you solve it
More difficult: Rubik's cube that announces number of moves to solution at each step (now that we know God's number it's easy, right?)
on the pinging Rubik's cube idea: would a Hilbert curve through the blocks work, so the circuit is only complete in the initial position?
@jamesgrime excellent cartoon. Remind me to high-five you at the big MathsJam
@jamesgrime yes I was. Young Indie is live-action, isn't it? Not very good, either.
@jamesgrime hmm, hard to decide. How about: you can attempt to high-five me, but I'm at least a foot taller than you, so difficulty: hard
@jamesgrime (I say "at least" in the "I have a rough memory of how tall you are, which time has exaggerated" sense)
@jamesgrime only a few inches off! I never got into Batman: the animated series. I bow before your mid-90s TV expertise
I've really enjoyed sitting in for this Amazon delivery. It's given me time to reevaluate my priorities in life.
mencap chuggers: my face might be blank because I have one of the illnesses your charity helps with. Laughing is not the correct response
@brittneybean like, just a grid to put numbers in?
@brittneybean maybe BC Spreadsheet…
well, my parcel failed to arrive. I could've spent the day on the beach!
@KSCMaths person number 5 went for pi, but the editor chose not to put it in bold
I hate HDNL so much. They've updated the tracking page overnight to say they left me a card at 5:30 yesterday. I've complained to Amazon
@mathsinthecity if you're using a calculator for anything that precise, you're doing it wrong. It's a fun story of international standards!
@mathsinthecity a somewhat interesting intro to floating-point troubles here:…
excellent paper title: "How Java’s Floating-Point Hurts Everyone Everywhere"…
@mathsinthecity really? It's the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon!
@mathsinthecity one of my favourite jokes.
@BenTormey escalators are my cardio exercise. #lazyboy
@BenTormey man, not even
today: was going to continue rewriting @NclNumbas with knockout. Instead: getting it to do pretty things with d3.js
so I've missed the day again, waiting in for this package. "Any time between 8am and 9pm" isn't very precise
This is ridiculous! It's now 48 hours since I last stepped outside the house. And the courier might not come until 9pm!
Fresh air! The parcel has finally arrived so I can leave the house yippeeeee!
@DanielColquitt yeah, but they didn't leave a card yesterday so they sent a courier today
Carrot and houmous club! Who's with me today?
@Bishnavitch get the bus straight back to town. Carrots and houmous is an excellent combination
chrike on a bist this code is badly written
@CardColm the source for that is available online:…
@FOTSN trufax.
@peterrowlett Located under "arts" for the same reason it's "maths" instead of "math"
programming in PHP is like giving instructions to a psychotic 6-year-old who hates you
@peterrowlett sort of, yeah. I was getting at that "mathematics" used to mean the liberal arts
@peterrowlett but on googling, it seems I was wrong to think that
ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! #dyspraxia
@peterrowlett oh man the trouble I get from a tiny quip
A 96-year-old man sat down next to me at the station and told me all about the old times. What a dude.
Say goodbye to pensioner misery with Uncurmudge, new from CPCo! Patented inflatable grandchild can listen for hours on just 2 AA BATTERIES!
@haggismaths rats! I've been saving that for my next Aperiodical Roundup!
following "are scientists...", here's "are mathematicians...". I think "sometimes" answers all four.
there are some pretty science-fiction sounds happening outside. The Venusians might be invading via Tynemouth.
@icecolbeveridge almost a clever joke, but monopoly is non-deterministic
@icecolbeveridge yes, given a stream of dice rolls I can tell you if the corresponding game ends
@icecolbeveridge or maybe I can't! Instant doubt sown.
@mathsinthecity do I recognise the dude on the right of that photo?
@MB_Whitworth @mathsinthecity aha, that's probably it! I'll see you in November
@mathsinthecity never minds caps, I'm still waiting for my umbrella
why are regional tourism websites universally terrible to navigate?
Jesmond Dene hooray! Gonna go grab a gander at the Golden Guernsey goats!
new series of 7 day sunday!…
Podcast with @peterrowlett and @stecks for the @aperiodical. @standupmaths makes a largely inaudible guest appearance.…
@hornmaths what system is it?
A013916: Numbers n such that the sum of the first n primes is prime.
@plusmathsorg I like how Gömböc was de-umlauted for the URL: goumlmboumlc. I'll call it that from now on
@GreyAlien you only have one in space, but you might have several in time
@stecks you could while away the time designing an interlocking pieces puzzle and call it Aburrdeen
@mathsinthecity in tropical arithmetic it's 1, so I assume it's the philosophers who take the conventional view.
@eAssess there's no comments section!
@AMSGradBlog that site has died! It's throwing a PHP error in statpress.php
@AMSGradBlog yes
@AMSGradBlog you've probably got it cached, in fact
@AMSGradBlog yes, working now
@icecolbeveridge it said yesterday that he was leaning out of the car to pick up a parking ticket. Oddly no mention of that now.
@peterrowlett you're a real autodidact!
I think the spiders outnumber me in this flat not just by headcount but also by total body mass
@BrianGonzalez__ thanks, but I'm on windows and I've already done it
@monsoon0 visit mathcentre and tell them to give their tech guy a kick up the backside for me, please
the ADL SCORM test suites are distributed exclusively in a windows installer .exe, for no good reason. They're just static files!
@monsoon0 it isn't!
@Samuel_Hansen I had the thought before that now might be a good time to do the "are there enough maths communicators" idea from a while ago
@Samuel_Hansen man, you were asking for people to interview you, and you say there aren't enough in your press release, so...
@Samuel_Hansen ok. I'm going to email you a short list of stupid questions and we'll see where that goes
@aperfect @LWigelsworth hello that is a very nice biscuit tin back there yes it is mmhmm
@standupmaths (it's really 27, because midlands towns are in both the North and South lists)
@icecolbeveridge ah, then my map is out of date, and Katie decided which side of the border two towns lie on
@icecolbeveridge @standupmaths some python BeautifulSouping later, I agree with you. I don't have Baltimore or Norwich. Is Baltimore real?
@stecks interested to hear your reasons for putting Norwich in the "N England" list on
@icecolbeveridge yes, but does it happen? I've never heard anything from them
@stecks @standupmaths half the towns in "N England" are in the midlands. Don't they deserve their own list now? Or could it be "N&Central"?
@stecks yes!
@stecks girl, ain't need no JS no more! CSS got yo back
@stecks gtalk me when you've got time
@elinoroberts so it isn't just me who has trouble with that trip!
an end to the north/south divide! All English @MathsJams are now under the same menu on
and I recoded the nav menus while I was there
I am weeping as I eat this guacamole, because I know soon it will be just a memory.
created a tortilla shrine around the remaining guacamole. Then committed instant sacrilege by eating it all.
the guacamole's life was short but beautiful. It will live forever in my heart.
@peterrowlett @MathsJam @stecks hm! Works on my phone. I wonder why iphones don't do hover properly. I've added tabindexes, does that work?
@peterrowlett @MathsJam @stecks ok, I'll find someone in the department with an iphone and commandeer it for a bit
@peterrowlett @stecks got hold of an iphone and sorted it. Should be working now, if you'd like to test it
@standupmaths you're on in Stockton! my friend has just moved to Stockton, so I now have two reasons to go there! I may see @FOTSN yet!
.@alexbellos I just tried to send you a dm, but I think tweetdeck would rather I communicated telepathically
@alexbellos and it turns out you're not following me. Oh well.
ended a mathematical yo mamma argument with "yo mamma was too wide to fit in the margin"
@peterrowlett @stecks I think it's half what it used to be. I'll make it shorter. It's only there to copy the old look
@standupmaths @Duncan_Destruct cuboid walks into bar. Barman says, "why the long face?"
@velvlol @burnsidemaths yep, you've got me there. Joke isn't funny any more because it's based on an absurd premise. I have so much to learn
type (some) TeX and (sometimes) get equivalent unicode, for pasting into things like tweets
All these terrible people coming out to Tynemouth to alcoholise themselves
The "oh, who even cares" burger, x2. Mayo, tomato, buffalo, buffala, gherkin, batavia. Not inedible.
@christianp I forgot another B: bacon!
@christianp and bufala has one f. That tweet went about as well as tonight's meal-planning
In Chinatown looking for premises for my new laser hair removal business, Singe-A-Pore
put food in oven. (time passes) remember to put timer on.
Trying to find something to watch while eating my dinner, just heard Robert Webb claim "clopen" isn't a word. Tut tut.
Standing at the start of the great North run, watching everyone gets ready. Best costume so far: a Rubik's cube
Everyone's run through now. Bananas beat Scooby Doos 6-5. Very defensive play from both sides this year. Ostriches out in force
@elinoroberts I very much am not. Going home for a hot cocoa now
I keep noticing people using "this" and "these" instead of "it" and "they" in writing. Have I missed a grammar rule?
@HoeJodgkiss did you retune on the 12th like ALL THE BILLBOARDS IN THE CITY told you?
@HoeJodgkiss truth. There's one literally outside your flat.
@HELIUM_HEED I've missed this entire thing. Is there a krispy kreme shop in town or something?
@raj7desai I've just noticed your name is an anagram of "ideas jar". A nice fit with Maths Jam :)
@kenjilamb hash-sash?
@jgrahamc I don't recognise it now, and I have CDs bought from Tower Records. Did people have trouble opening them?
Knackered myself sprinting for the metro, further validating my decision made at an early age not to become a running back.
@jgrahamc ah! Yes, that would've been useful
here's a fun IE bug: on alternate presses of Ctrl+R to reload the page, font-faces don't load. F5 works fine. #aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@LexicalAnalysis @haggismaths @aperiodical I think things will change pretty soon. For one thing, non-research teachers can be cheaper
@stecks @peterrowlett you do *one* little thing, and from then on... I'll see if I get round to it this afternoon
@ColinTheMathmo @stecks @peterrowlett ha! Did we just fix it at exactly the same time?
@ColinTheMathmo @stecks @peterrowlett then, go team redundant effort!
@aPaulTaylor did you see this comment on your "words to fill space" post?…
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm at the Charles Grey pub. All welcome. I'll be making things with rhombi, and I might have some puzzles
@HELIUM_HEED what if his palsy palsy was caused by too many cigarettes! Karma negated!
@ColinTheMathmo you might be able to start here:
Cushing has been anagramming my name: fish-car intercept; "nice craft, hipster"; first cheap cretin; fit hipster cancer; erect rapist finch.
IE and Chrome regexes disagree about what counts as whitespace. #hateIE
maths modelling with Cushing before MathsJam: what if killing other prisoners got their sentence taken off yours?
message for my last git commit: "More commas for the comma god!"
@peterrowlett can I turn off the "share posts on twitter" option for the mathsjamphotos tumblr? About to upload my pics from last night
@peterrowlett just discovered there's a button to turn tweeting on/off per post, so we can both be happy
@peterrowlett I think it does work on my phone, I just forget to use it.
@peterrowlett and of course I would forget to press the button on the second one
doing with generator expressions in python what should be done with monads in haskell.
The 4-cards-to-24 problem from @MathsJam last night annoyed me, so I brute-forced it with Python:…
it's just occurred to me that that script solves the numbers game on Countdown, too.
@icecolbeveridge it should use all four cards, yes. What numbers did you have?
whoops, my script doesn't rearrange the numbers. Doh
@icecolbeveridge oh right, you mean with your script. Yes, mine insists on all four.
@icecolbeveridge you can get 24.2857, if you don't mind fractions...
stones at various stages of erosion in Tynemouth Priory:…………
(well done to the chap who chose Hardy Basalt for his grave stone)
@CardColm similarly: this on my blog,…, prompted by a tweet by @qikipedia
@CardColm @peterrowlett @MathsJam Ji claimed you can do it "most of the time".
@ColinTheMathmo @CardColm @peterrowlett @MathsJam factorial wasn't part of the game!
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen and it isn't impossible that most of us are listening to relprime in our bombproof hyperbaric chambers
@maanow interesting notation in the solution: (12)(3) instead of 12x3 or 12.3. Is this a US thing, or peculiar to the question setter?
guess which browser didn't parse "\v" as ASCII character 11 until version 9!
PS #hateIE
hoy Platonists, here's a zen koan for you: if nobody agrees with a true statement, is it still true?
@aPaulTaylor did you forget your login for I can reset it if you want.
@aPaulTaylor ah, yes. My sympathies.
@TeaKayB yes
Alice Arnold reading out funny tweets on the radio4 morning news briefing. What have we become?
What happens if you disagree with the sentiment in the Prayer for the Day? Do you spend the rest of the day with an unscratched prayer itch?
@dmh10 ah, that's not the same, god isn't listening.
@MathsCareers they'd look even more beautiful, and be more legible to blind potential mathematicians, if you used MathJax on that page
@peterrowlett anything involving making rectangles
@peterrowlett mega-pedantry?
@peterrowlett I hope so. I was thinking more of of carpentry and landscaping though.
my git repository has a development branch that I get to check out for about 5 minutes each day before another IE bug appears in master.
@kirkpatricke if the multiplication is on quaternions, that might not be nonsense (it is though)
I'm office-naked, which means I've taken my glasses and my shoes off
@mathsinthecity @naomifantabulus here's mine: second shelf from the top…
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett division by zero isn't infinity, it's undefined! #saddestpedant
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett ok, one cooked dinner to whoever comes up with the best golden ratio / email nonsense fact
@nulibrs @nulibsage happy hooray!
@jcoglan yes, it opens my browser.
@mathpunk @qikipedia but you can enumerate the rationals, so the argument works the same way. The reals are where it breaks.
@mathsinthecity could you ask your Devonian followers to take a picture of this window in Great Torrington?…
@divbyzero is it bad that I made a simulation so I could say "right to left"?
there's nothing I enjoy more than writing the Aperiodical Round Up. Could it maybe be my job? Who will pay me to do it?
Pre-dinner: zippy, whip-bang, straight-to-the-point prose. Post-dinner: yawnful, meandering, superfluously florid murbles. Better stop soon.
@vickytnz this is my cool side-project. Thanks to my magnificently stingy part-time contract, I never do proper work on Fridays
@vickytnz CFP?
WANTED: combination slide rule / slide whistle
Finally, Aperiodical Round Up 7! Featuring ternary timesers, timbres, Tuvans, togas, trefoils and tons t'more.…
@wppwah @mathpunk no, but there's one that comes first in the order, and that'll do
@jcoglan where is this marvellous thread?
And then at Cabosse in Warkworth I had this frankly pornographic hot chocolate. It was indecent. Still coming down now!
I've had a lovely day out along the coast. At Barter Books I found some new activities for @MathsJam...
@missradders it's near the back left, first shelf after fiction. I have so many good books from there, including one by an ancestor Perfect!
@missradders better leave it a while. I've pretty much cleared it out.
@missradders another very very good shop for maths books is Westwood Books in Sedburgh
@standupmaths @ajk_44 glad to hear you're not Cowed by punappreciative types
@EliotBall ahh, but they minimise flammability per unit buying power
@wppwah @mathpunk I won't disagree with that, because I don't think "smallest uninteresting number" is an interesting property anyway
my mum is being asked to report statistics as percentages, from a population of size 3. Oh no!
I'm watching Doctor Who, just like a real person! And I might watch the X Factor later. Just watch me watch it.
@Talithin @peterrowlett might it be a DNS problem? works for me. Try
Unplanned impact of pure maths: Joseph Whitworth decided to standardise screw threads after helping Babbage build the Difference Engine
I know how the NAS can raise more money than it will ever be able to spend: show this video… #tankengines! #squeeee!
@monsoon0 we are! But I suppose it's hard to persuade people to move to Australia.
@monsoon0 correct: Australia is too hot.
@monsoon0 where are you at the moment? Are you still in the UK?
@monsoon0 isn't it glorious? Make sure you visit the countryside while you're here (preferably leave Yorkshire. Norther is better)
@pkrautz thanks. Not sure I would've used the word "linkspam" though...
a bloseneed! how annoying!
Progress on my Wieringa roof continues apace. Only another all of it to go!
@vickytnz my grandma brought it back from your homeland. The label (worn out) says something like "©Fromiva"
@vickytnz after some discussion in the office, we now think it says "Frokiwi"
ok IE, which ones are the real ones? #hateIE
unique Scrabble scores: pizazzy(39), oxyphenbutazone(41), pizzazz(45), pizzazzes(47), razzmatazz(48), razzmatazzes(50), razzamatazzes(51)
(I used the complete word list from
Most popular score: 13 (15492 words)
@aPaulTaylor oh man, I didn't think of that! I will recompute
@aPaulTaylor so is oxyphenbutazone's 41 the only unique score?
@aPaulTaylor that's already happened up here. Still marginally cheaper per litre than Sainsbury's own brand, but not by much
If you replace every letter in a word with its Scrabble score, the most common string is '3111111', shared by 1263 words.
@dmh10 the "complete word list" from
@dmh10 do you know where I can get SOWPODS?
@dmh10 404, dude! I tried that before.
my Scrabble score statistifying Python code:
@ColinTheMathmo you should also record an album with someone, so you can have an Erdos-Bacon-Sabbath number
Cushing and I celebrated 16.16pm, aka square-square o'clock, with a high-twenty-five.
@haggismaths that fact is my favourite fact about fibonacci numbers. There's a nice easy proof by induction.
@peterrowlett @aperiodical hah, so I'm the "silly twitter questions guy" now? I'll give it a go.
@mathsinthecity you have palindromically many followers!
@mathsinthecity hahaha, of course two people had to unfollow you while I was writing that...
@mathsinthecity good news! Either they've seen the error of their ways, or some replacements have picked up the slack
@Bishnavitch sorry, going to see Marcus Brigstocke in durham
@vickytnz is it alright if I use this picture in my mathsjam recap blogpost?
@vickytnz cor, that was quick! I noticed you retweeted something of mine before the timer had moved past "now" recently, too!
I've written up last week's Newcastle @MathsJam, just like I used to do:…
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. 25 years ago you killed my father. Prepare to die.…
@Andrew_Taylor but sunshine is not in its preimage. BAD ANALOGY
Best Mitt Romney tumblr? I think so.
@CardColm *you want to write a review for the aperiodical* *wavy jedi fingers*
@peterrowlett @stecks @MathsJam that sounds sort of sordid when you say it that way
12:12! Why do I keep noticing these times? I've almost covered each hour over the past week. WHAT IS GOING ON WITH MY BRAIN
Tomorrow, 27/9, cancels down to an integer. Is that an interesting fact?
@nrichmaths my immediate reaction on seeing the new site: please please use something other than colour to differentiate the house icons
late arrival at the category theorists' ball: Mr and Mrs O'Morphism and their son, End O'Morphism
... and Jack O'Bian, and Adam Ards-Pace, and Kat O'Gory, and all the rest
@elinoroberts that has put a big smile on my face
@elinoroberts is it still here? I thought it was moving to Manchester
@elinoroberts gosh. Well, Maker Faire usually coincides with me getting a completely heinous flu...
@jcoglan wouldn't a pull request mentioning the issue solve that, by alerting both the original author and issue creator that there's a fix?
@jcoglan "fixes lazydude/repo#42" would do it.
@Andrew_Taylor If someone shares something only with their circles, you need to be in their circles. My posts are public by default. I love you, you are my bestest friend
@standupmaths hey, at least you're not one of those self-hating comedians
incredible. The BBC Magazine has led me to a blog I enjoyed reading. Not One-Off Britishisms:
BBC News is doing very well today…
hang on, I've just realised that my… does the same thing as, but with more symbols and instantly
@haggismaths you ate it so quickly you didn't even see what it was? What a pig! And now I want to know what it was too.
12.12! I have a disease, I'm sure!
@icecolbeveridge yes I can. It's called "Simple MathJax"
@ProfKinyon @DanielColquitt I think \( \) can delimit inline maths, or that might only be in some dialects
"one of the region's fastest-growing companies... has gone from 4 staff to 6" - bad percentages on Look North
Sorry, have slandered Look North. It's ITV News.
@EliotBall NI is an anti-punch: it pays for punches to be made better should you receive any later in life
14.14! I saw 12.13 and 13.12 before so I thought I was cured, but it seems it was just a temporary reprieve. O woe!
@icecolbeveridge @standupmaths dude, you need to move to our a PDE and impose a boundary condition v(Leicester square,t) = 0.
You could call my clock-related worries... The Baader-TIMEhof phenomenon! #cleverestmanontwitter
That's it. I'm just going to have to go round the corner and buy a Gareth James brownie. There's no other option.
Good news: I have established Rapport with the girl in the chocolate shop. Said "I'm here for my usual" and she understood.
Bad news: I have a usual in a chocolate shop
"Timothy Gowers" is a phonetic anagram (anaphone?) of "Gimme the towers". The Prof must be a big fan of DotA.
@mayr2 radio watch, in sync with the atomic clock. I definitely have a problem.
@nulibsage I can't work out if Elsevier's 2013 price list for maths matches their claim to go under $11 per article. Do you know if it does?
is there a greasemonkey script that destroys those INSANELY annoying sliding toolbars on ScienceDirect? Or redirects article pages to PDFs?
@Bishnavitch TGI Friday! That is something like poetic justice, or dramatic irony.
@mayr2 anyway, no matter how far ahead or behind my watch is, it only shows xy:xy once per hour
wanted: quick-witted historicalists to help with my 6-minute recreation of WW2, between 19:39 and 19:45 each evening.
@peterrowlett lols. Where's that?
Hilariously, Elsevier has an ethics site.
@peterrowlett it can go wrong if they're using a self-hosted or old version, or if the page does funny things when loading.
@peterrowlett PS I have some hot invective in the post queue that I would love you to publish
guess which one of us left his freezer door open for 15 minutes while his dinner was in the oven
Tragedy #251: shunned by the rest for flaunting math skills instead of pretty plumage…
@brittneybean it isn't one of those tortured euphemism pieces the British press has to put out because of our libel laws, is it?
@jcoglan change to another tab, right click on looping tab, close it. I think chrome chucks in a very rare event check even for running code
I have an inner Charlie Chaplin and he comes out when I'm tired. After baking brownies, I am covered in an amusing amount of chocolate
@peterrowlett @stecks ping! Are you both available?
@peterrowlett @stecks we weren't sure if you were going to appear, so we didn't record. Tomorrow?
I've caught freshers flu AGAIN. They should have to go in quarantine before they're allowed on campus.
@Samuel_Hansen could you hide the smiley stats counter image on It's in the Jetpack Stats settings.
@CardColm reminds me of the cover of this Bayesian stats textbook…
dying of ill.
@outofthenorm2 looks like the OCR is misrecognising "Spain"
@haggismaths I always resented my supervisor telling me to be less conversational.
Who has two thumbs and can't raise them to point at himself because he's so ill? And on what medium does this joke not work anyway?
oh wow, Jamie Lee Curtis has three men's names. Now on a quest to find the standup routine from the 80s that made that observation
is there a way for me to pay money to watch Community online legally while I am waiting out my final hours? Not a fan of skeezy pirate sites
@jjaron that sounds unfair. They're really nice. (I posted the tweet from @aperiodical)
@monsoon0 @MrHonner youtube has a speed setting. That dance is pretty great at 2x playback.
unfortunate that the woman presumably about to have an abortion in the stock photo looks just like the expert beneath…
Just discovered that @nclmathsoc's netball team is called the Denominatrixes. Points deducted for incorrect plural, but A+++ otherwise!
@FOTSN @geekandgoddess Should've remembered e instead of pi. e is more romantic because it's <3. (hope the date went well anyway!)
Are there loads more spiders than normal this year or have they just started following me around?
A reason this is not the best timeline: things are not delivered to my house by pneumatic tube.
Aaaaaaaa Moodle has so much hidden state it's so terrible aaaaaaaaaaaaa
@Andrew_Taylor alas, it doesn't work the other way! Disappointing.…
BEST THING EVER for us Daltonists: a colour picker which names your colour
@divbyzero ooh, it's like a mathematicians-only optical illusion! That's egregious! How did it ever get in print?
@divbyzero ooh, his "Five sculptures (1972)" is about the same thing but is less disagreeable because it demonstrates the problem
The problem with Excellent Fajita Club is it comes with automatic enrolment in Long Stay Toilet Club
I hope BBC News give up on their mad six-word limit for front-page headlines. English grammar is pretty flexible, but not *that* flexible!
Ex 1: "No kitchens 'risk school meals'" turns out not to be the negation of "some kitchens risk school meals".
Ace! Two thumbs up. RT @nulibsage: Power in the palm of your hands - Press Office - Newcastle University…
mixed messages from ISS. Suppose I should've emailed webmaster before tweeting it...
just submitted my talk abstract for the big @MathsJam in November. Won't be anything new to followers of my blog, but it's my fave puzzle
The LMS isn't on Twitter. That's sort of bad, isn't it?
@mathsinthecity -0 is really important in floating point arithmetic (computer number representation) -- see p13 of…
@EliotBall life on the edge, yes, but the long edge or the short edge?
@mathsinthecity is that deliberately a 404?
@mathsinthecity oh, now I can! It's good to be recognised for your work.
to cure my palindromic-time-noticing illness, I've searched for a rarer set of interesting times. Two-way prime-times:
(I do realise there are more of those than palindromic times. Still trying to find a suitable property)
@JanvierUK there are loads here:
I've just worked out why my cakes always come out wonky: my oven is on a tilt
@stecks OR: my asymmetric designs will take the art-baking world by storm
@TimandraHarknes @stecks OK, so, that's what I'm doing, and I usually try rotation, but it doesn't feel right, icing-wise.
@stecks Ratzenberger!
@monsoon0 absolutely! In the past we've written on the Aperiodical about Amazonian studies into the number line and counting systems
@monsoon0 or, some people in my department have a project modelling migration patterns in India
@monsoon0 number line:…, counting:…
@katebook @MathsJam @stecks @standupmaths hint: let n=p_1^a_1*p_2^a_2*...*p_k^a_k. Can you write expr for no. factors in terms of the a_i?
This is a great sequence on the OEIS. So many serious and so many silly representations!
@jjaron You're a writer, so coin one!
David has suggested an excellent sequence: a(n) is the first number in the nth OEIS sequence.
I suggested 1+ the nth number in the nth sequence, to ensure we make a novel sequence, but some of them are finite so it doesn't work
previous tweet is total lies. Of course any number is different from no number, so we're still unique
.@jjaron of course there is! David found it:
@aPaulTaylor paradox klaxon!
@aPaulTaylor (assuming it gets into the OEIS)
@katebook yes, no. of factors is (a_1+1)*(a_2+1)*...*(a_k+1). It's called the tau function, or the divisor function:…
@JanvierUK I died in a dream once! Does that mean I really died? Am I Haley-Joel Osment?
My friend David has started a blog. He's posted an interesting limits fact: …
I was 2 minutes late to get my car out of the car park! Rrrrrr!
checking the social plugin on @aperiodical doesn't pick up this tweet as a comment…
In which @stecks makes me feel unexpectedly positive about the @aperiodical:…
I've got a backpack in my backpack. Amazingly, Xzibit was not involved.
It looks like the "MATH PROBLEMS?" image is going round facebook again. I had 350 hits on my "solution" post today…
I don't know whether or not to feel sad when I find a clearly insane person's time-cube-ish pseudoscience rantings.
Dragging Chrome tabs to the side of the screen snaps them to half-width, as if they were real windows all along! When did they put that in?
@Htbaa yes, that's been there, but they also now snap to edges, which they didn't do before.
how much more broken stuff can I throw in this cupboard before I need to move house?
The Penrose magnets kickstarter has 11 days to go and still needs $1000. Back them so I can be mildly amused for a bit!…
@SellaTheChemist @peterrowlett I haven't seen any. I assume the places that do have dart-and-kite floors had the tiles custom-made
@SellaTheChemist @peterrowlett one dude's written up his experience (and jig-construction diagrams!) in this word doc:…
M&S uninterested in my song praising their "Cool & Fresh" line of boxers. Shame. Dudes: buy some, and get ready to feel comfortable.
Google Reader 0! I have read the entire internet! I suppose I've *got* to clean my flat now.
The Red Bull Stratos livestream is amazing, but the imperial units are putting me off. How can you do science these days not in metric?
oh no, they're not just using imperial! Pressures in psi, but oxygen flow in litres/minute.
@treasa it's pretty scientific extreme sports. They've taken Red Bull sponsorship so they can do their experiment, not the other way round
@treasa the sponsors are Austrian; the space company is American. At least Red Bull insisted on having metric translations of measurements
REDUCING THE DISTANCE TO THE SUN?!?!?! I wish they'd got a narrator with half a clue
I love this jumper. It is my Grey Woollenwear of +1 Snugness
@mathsinthecity that "tetrahedral" church looks more like a prism to me
@mathsinthecity not really, because they're all joined together, and every polyhedron can be decomposed into tetrahedra
@qikipedia does the 1,227 count include the fact that the book contains 1,227 facts?
Mine and Cushing's desk animals are having a stare-off.
@monsoon0 just noticed another maths/anthropology paper in my Mendeley library:…
Welcome @TweetsofCushing to Twitter! Fittingly, he's my 444th follower.
@standupmaths I'm still waiting for someone to shout that on Masterchef
For #adalovelaceday, big up to Hazel Perfect who did group theory, like I do!
I just want to sleep! Stupid tooth.
I wish real people had names as excellent as those used by spammers. Kalervo Whaphams just created an account on the aperiodical.
@icecolbeveridge @jamesgrime good point. We need to go into business making mid-90s nostalgia drinks, as Perfect-Grime-Beveridge.
@icecolbeveridge @jamesgrime PS: Whaphams would take 1st place and you know it.
"Rhabdomancy is a type of divination by means of any rod, wand, staff, stick, arrow, or the like." #goodword
A glimpse of the glamorous life of @TweetsofCushing: "I saw a square today." ……
@outofthenorm2 oh, did that happen? I haven't paid attention to the Nobels. By all means write something if you want to.
Christian Perfect: unable to stick finger in own nose on first attempt. #adventuresinsnotmedication
Hooray! The Penrose fridge magnets kickstarter reached their goal!…
@aperiodical @peterrowlett whoops, replied from the aperiodical account! Tweetdeck is hard.
Seeing so many people smoking on Northumberland Street has reassured me that I'm not living so unhealthily after all.
@Nathan1123 5318008, surely?
22kg of steel, 9 digits of precision, 1 arithmetic operation: it's Ramón Verea's direct multiplier, built in 1878.…
Well I know exactly what I'm going to do today.…
Bachelaxity (n): lessening of attention paid to use-by dates, caused by living alone for a prolonged period of time
I've never walked so briskly in my life! Goodbye, left knee, you sacrificed yourself when I really knee-ded you.
@CardColm @stecks I'm editing it now. Should be up soon.
It's so foggy at the coast! Worried this train might lose its way
@ben_nuttall that's very reassuring, thanks. Sitting at the back anyway, just in case
Foghorn guided us safely into Tynemouth station. Slaughtered a pigeon on the platform as a votive
@elinoroberts really? I went a couple of years ago and it was awful. Has it changed hands?
Yeah, I think I'm going to use that indicator bulb replacement as my entry for Manliest Man this year.
@aPaulTaylor you do? My sympathies to @stecks
@DrMathS the images on don't load
@Thalesdisciple @MrHonner with two words it's called a googlewhack. Never heard of using three words
Koala hospital! That's a thing!… Get better poorly koalas ♥ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ♥
@vickytnz we were just discussing this in the maths dept this week! The pro-B^F3 lobby was surprisingly strong. I say there are only 2 films
@aperfect mum's just given me my tintin t-shirt. Thanks!
Mega unfortunate copy in the latest Living North
having dinner with my good friend Maghetti Speatball
@jjsanderson @MikeTonge yeah, I've never had any trouble in Chrome
@danaernst @MathJax I think Markdown turned your ' characters into the more-correct-for-prose apostrophe character. Try ^{\prime} instead
@danaernst @MathJax oh, it's switched to right quotes, not two apostrophes. I still blame markdown, anyway.
@elinoroberts I think he's done a few. He's just got a nice voice, hasn't he?
everyone-else-is-getting-off-the-train-panic. #germanemotions
I've just had to put on the emergency clean jumper I keep at work. Too proud of my sensible preparedness to feel shame
Instant payback shame: paid £5.14 instead of £3 for fruit at M&S because I mixed clementines with satsumas
@Samuel_Hansen I'm really enjoying the Erdos episode. Worth my kickstarter money on its own. Thanks for collecting these stories
For the first time ever, I'm giving a talk on a subject I can't just talk about off the top of my head on Wednesday. Worrying.
Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight, 7pm,upstairs at the Charles Grey pub. I have polynesian knots, SKI calculus cards and a really hard puzzle
Kids sitting on the metro with his warhammer carry cases. That could've been me, if I'd been more outgoing when I was young. #respect
Aw man autocorrect why do you gotta ruin it all by taking the longest possible word I could've written instead of the one I did
@manytypesoftea hey, I remember you! Wow, you're still following me. I congratulated you last time you tweeted well and I'm doing it again
Can't tell if the stallholder selling sports bras under a banner advertising space hoppers is being satirical
@MathsJam @standupmaths hint: logs and integrals
@C_J_Smith there are no exceptions to fresher's flu!
@MathsJam -> MAN re pascal triangles: poor show not writing down numbers mod n
How is your research useful?…
This javascript function disappears as soon as you call it with anything other than itself: `a = function(b){return a=b}`
@Bishnavitch sorry, too busy
for m'colleague sitting opposite: what's the best way to make "Case N" headers/sections for a proof by cases in LaTeX? \theoremstyle? email is so nice to use. Can't quite bring myself to switch from gmail though.
@Nathan1123 oh no no, it's very different from the outlook web access that institutions use
@vickytnz are you planning on coming to another mathsjam in the future? I think you'd've liked the string patterns we were doing last night
@vickytnz EXCELLENT
buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo paintings…
gosh these slides are good-lookin'. deck.js + mathjax + computer modern bright = mmhmm!
@danaernst in an hour or so once I've given the talk!
There is no classical music octet called Baroquetagon. REMEDY YOURSELVES, MUSICIANS
Slides from a talk about zero-knowledge protocols…
@stecks interesting! They're on the server...
@stecks ah! got the capitals wrong. Rubbish windows case-insensitivity
Right so, 1/0 isn't defined, but is |1/0| ?
@DanielColquitt yes
revelation: ctrl+alt+vowel gives puts an acute accent on in windows 7. There must be something similar for grave, but what is it?
@komiga tried that. It doesn't work. ctrl+alt+` produces ¦ for me.
when you enter the second minute of saying "ummm", it's fair to say you've lost your train of thought
@stecks me too!
Ha. @stecks and I are writing pseud waffle in parallel on a google doc. Too earnest!
@stecks 80s laser noises!
@stecks oh god, and now we're pseuding on twitter too.
It's cho'clockolate!
@alexbellos nope, nope and definitely nope. I was *enormously* annoyed to find this out the hard way
@alexbellos and if you're thinking of doing the "gardens" visit instead: it's OK, but not amazing. Go only if you're already in Granada
@haggismaths run them through…
The site I run with @peterrowlett and @stecks, the @aperiodical, is half a year old today. Cor!…
Sat in the dental hospital waiting to be seen. If it turns out they need to do anything, this afternoon's Maths Aid is going to be fun.
Hah, my phone's picked up the university wifi at the dental hospital. Fantastic.
Let's take a trip straight back to the 90s! I just checked, and still exists. I used to think it was the funniest.
@standupmaths amazon says a cube in its packaging is 5.6 ounces / 150g……
@peterrowlett um....? Really furious chalk-holding?
@standupmaths would I be spending too many pedant points if I raised the question of whether it's "the Rubik's cube" or just "Rubik's cube"?
@Bishnavitch just had a root canal done, so best not
Person I'm sharing this office with has started laughing very loudly at the internet. I think she wants to chat to break the silence...
... but I find her monumentally tedious. Hoping she'll eventually give up.
I'm getting nostalgic for this morning with the nice dental student doing my root canal
North Shields smells really strongly of weed again. I hope they realise "stonefish" isn't just made by getting normal fish stoned.
@DanielColquitt no replies apart from yours. I think you're right.
Watching the latest @numberphile video. It seems @standupmaths used to be able to write ∞ properly, but then he took an arrow to the knee
My mum has just discovered TODAY, AT THE AGE OF 56, that there is such a thing as a pause button. #themindboggles
Her defence: "I've never had cause... to pause. Hey, tweet that!"
Seriously men-dudes, buy some M&S Cool&Fresh pants. Anything else feels like sackcloth now and I will not allow it to touch my bottom.
@standupmaths @apontzen does #lll\_ work as a hashtag?
@HoeJodgkiss the cheap ones are very middling, but nowhere near as bad as tablets can be. Be prepared to be underwhelmed, but they're useful
Wow, the person who presents Money Box looks even more boring than I could have dared imagine
in other radio gripes: why wasn't my list of favourite programmes from the old radio iplayer carried over to the new one?
and another one! Why can't I sort programmes in a category by broadcast date any more? IT'S A RUDDY LIBERTY
today's Geometry Daily is nice…
Beginning to see the favourable aspects of Dorothy Dandridge's Cow Cow Boogie….
Your response, Ella Mae Morse?… #nevermind
@Dr_Lucie @standupmaths so the #domputer has a bandwidth of ~0.0000000004 mbit/s. ALMOST AS SLOW AS AOL AMIRIGHT
@jgrahamc I'm writing a quicky news piece about Plan 28 for @aperiodical. Can I email you some questions?
@icecolbeveridge actually, you're already registered on the site - if you log in to the admin page, can you see the "anyone can edit" posts?
@jgrahamc I don't know your address. Can you dm me?
Nothing fills me with existential dread like the final half-hour of Radio 4 each night. And Something Understood trebles it.
Shine, cosh, than, ar-cosh, arc-shine, arc-than. #letscallthewholethanoff
oh, and sesh, cosesh, coth, of course. #letscallthewholethanoff
@DanaKazim Dangerous Knowledge is very good…
@peterrowlett @KSCMaths @aperiodical aw but I was quite pleased with my hashtag
just realised I could've gone with #thesinhing instead of #letscallthewholethanoff. Maybe we need a #hyperbolicpuns hashtag as well.
"I know what each of those words means individually..." is the response 9/10 times one mathematician describes his work to another
the building manager has taken down the sign which used the word 'egress'. Victory!
Moodle's DB abstraction is terrible, and its SCORM module is even worse. ~600 DB queries each time a student submits an answer!
aaaaaa big mathsjam is less than 3 weeks away aaaaa I haven't prepared anything aaaaaaaa
@hornmaths yes. Frames are layers; put (1000ms) at the end of layer names to set display time. Sth like Plugins->Animation->Play to preview
@Qunchuy @KSCMaths @aperiodical @Shamoquinn oh, rats!
Every time the site gets 386 views in a day I do a tiny smile.
There were 2 ships called MS Windoc and they both hit bridges on the Welland Canal, 60 years apart……
Today's Tynemouth hipster winner is the dude wearing a gendarme cap. Truly didn't expect to see a member of the Foreign Legion today
Difficult for anyone to challenge him now. Only someone having moved out of Tynemouth a year ago because it's gone too mainstream could try.
(standing on the metro platform looking out for just such a person to look down their nose out the window as their train goes past)
now standing on the train listening to Breakbot (it's good to listen to the oldies occasionally) and tweeting about hipsters. #awinnerisme!
ahahahahahahah RT @Kit_Yates_Maths: This article "proves" a link between maths and nature.
moodle's SCORM module: 70 instances of eval() in the JS; ~600 DB queries per save; custom AJAX calls instead of YUI's; ETC AD INFINITUM
Solved a Fresnel integral while peeling my lunchtime clementine. Pretty chuffed.
More food calculus: evaluating double integrals is like picking strawberries; triple integrals are like picking strawberries in a chopper
While discussing what we'd do with our last half-hour of sight, we found "Last of the Brazilians" is not an extant porno spoof. Disappointed
The maths behind my Fresnel integral peel:
@maanow this says it's no longer attributed to Franklin:
#hateie #hateie #hateie #hateie
Just won a vicious maths battle with @TweetsofCushing. Matt has a Russian textbook with ALL the questions in
doing some top githubbing today…
Pretty happy with how my evening's going
@vickytnz I was recently told I have too much tintin merchandise. Impossible!
@DanaKazim Pure: python or Haskell. Applied: MATLAB or maybe Mathematica. Stats: R.
@vickytnz the Tintin Shop in London is the place that makes it all, and well worth a visit. My bro bought me an ace t-shirt for £10 recently
@DanaKazim much nicer syntax, easier to write what you mean without fiddling about with language stuff. If you want speed, haskell is fast.
@DanaKazim python, by far. Try… and
Is anyone interested in taking part in a v casual "recreational maths seminar" g+ hangout? We'd look at papers from my esoterica collection
@icecolbeveridge have you got a bit of time to test the idea now?
@icecolbeveridge ok, ping me when you're ready and I'll start a hangout
In order to be blinded by paintballs, PJ had to be shot in both eyes simultaneously. Ladies and gentlemen, Byker Grove was an inside job!
I'm down the rabbit hole now. Everyone is involved. Where was that fat man from The Machine Gunners on the day PJ was shot?
That went rather well. I think the recreational maths seminar is a goer. Thanks to @icecolbeveridge for sparing time and brainpower.
@TweetsofCushing 874 -
oh no my mind's started pronouncing 'skeleton' as if it's a kind of fundamental particle. Now I can't stop thinking about boogly death rays
arXiv submitters: I love it when you use your home-made LaTeX macros in your abstracts. Deciphering two-character names is my fave hobby
I pledge my patronage to the first clothes shop to put out an advert backed by the song "Jumpers", to the tune of Dizzee Rascal's "Bonkers"
Spent the morning baking instead of working. Can't baking be my job?
Terrified that children will knock on my door and I'll have to give away these choco crinkles before I can give them to my grownup friends
Fenwicks window! Fenwicks window! Winwicks fendow! Fendow wenwicks!
@hornmaths no, more like a cookie crossed with a brownie
I have learnt from the master RT @TweetsofCushing: @christianp is now a fellow aces up master after my tutoring
@Bishnavitch saw it on Sunday, and I'm at a Halloween party tonight, sorry. Pizza on Friday?
@Bishnavitch Ahh, peanuts to you then
it's wednesday and I've just realised I haven't read any comics this week. Not even Dinosaur comics! Re-re-re-rectify!
Why is the new iPlayer radio so totally worse than the old one? They've stripped out loads of useful information and views
Facebook suggests I might like the page for Rethink Mental Illness. Man, I wish I could just reconsider my decision to be mentally ill.
(I'm sure Rethink Mental Illness does good work and I'm going to look at it so thanks Facebook, but I am compelled to misinterpret the name)
Oh no I'm still Gove!
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who turns up for maths-aid on time. (I am)
TIL the symbol produced by \cdot is called an interpunct. More dottery:…
@TweetsofCushing NO WAY
oh man, I copied my local copy's address instead of the one on the web! #meganoob
can someone test a little cellular automaton for me please?
@MuseGarden thanks. I'm not really using d3 properly, or for anything that wouldn't be easier in jquery. Changed what I was doing halfway!
@MuseGarden I will engithub it forthwith
Everyone should talk like Aisling Bea.… That would be just wonderful.
@MuseGarden yeah, Cell.update
@walkingrandomly less of a generalisation and more of an analogue, if you'll excuse the excellent pun
errors caused by whitespace are the hardest errors to find
everyone pick an offensive foreign stereotype card from this old Happy Families pack!… I'm going to be Mr Jham Jhar
If you're interested in taking part in my google+ recreational maths seminar, please tell me what times would suit you:…
@icecolbeveridge can you add +The Aperiodical on google+ so I can add you back, and then mention you in a post?
@TweetsofCushing NO WAY!!! Mine ends in 5 :(
@TweetsofCushing there are quite a few LaTeX errors in your post
INSPIRED!… (but you shouldn't dock tails)
I feel left out with everyone saying their phone number is prime. My mobile number ends in a 5 :(
What's the deal with Americans writing numbers like "one (1)" on forms? Do a significant number of Americans not learn how to read numbers?
hooray slow internet hooraaaaaaaaay
@LargeCardinal would you like to write something about Wow-Cards for @aperiodical? I don't really get the idea, but it's symmetry, right?
well I'm not going to not use the Bourbaki dangerous symbol now I know about it…
Are attitudes to presenting proofs different between France and UK? I've seen lots of French authors point out tricky parts; none in English
@standupmaths they even had a reference to copy on the window next to it!
Oi! Lagabouts and dragalarks, upload your photos of last month's MathsJam to or ELSE
Is it a coincidence that a deck of playing cards is the same size as two alphabets?
@icecolbeveridge ahh, so that's the secret to podcasting success: mention each listener by name. So simple!
@CardColm As I typed: not going to not use. It's very simple, Colm!
@HoeJodgkiss and start a bootleg record label called Ruff Trade
Newcastle MathsJam October 2012 Recap…
@n1vux @peterrowlett @reflectivemaths very interesting!
@peterrowlett @aperiodical hahahaha! If I ever need you to turn your phone off I know what to do
@aperfect Ahh, now I do too!
How the religious manage to listen to Sunday on radio 4 every week and manage not to be bored into apostasy is a real mystery to me.
@peterrowlett what time are you recording? I'm going to post in a bit saying rec. math. seminar will be Sunday 6pm, but need to pick a paper
@peterrowlett (first one next Sunday, not this one, but I'd like you to announce it on mathmaths)
@alexbellos worse: in a woeful display of subediting, they capitalised 'maths'. Hang 'em from lampposts!
@LargeCardinal @aperiodical an intro to what they are and why they're mathematically interesting would be good. Could be text+pics or video
@Samuel_Hansen has anyone else complained about the download for the latest ep of relprime cutting out halfway through?
@Samuel_Hansen would you believe that the 10th attempt, started after I tweeted, has worked?
Please join in with my recreational maths seminar on google+ next Sunday!…
All you haters can do one, Emacs Hart is the best at making maths videos.
@peterrowlett whoops, forgot I had two links!
@BenTormey do have some of that ice cream though. It's amazing
@jcoglan yo dawg, I heard you like writing code while you write code, so switch to python, where you don't need to do that
@jcoglan you seem to be complaining about ruby's module system a lot lately. Python's had a working one since the start.
@LargeCardinal email and I'll send you the "how to write for us" doc. Any length is fine.
watching the tracker for a thing I ordered from the US. How does it take a week to get from Maryland to New York? They're like 4 hours apart
@TweetsofCushing aaaaaaaa it was 08:08 when I read that tweet!
@hornmaths oh yes! I completely forgot
have been re-appraised of the situation vis a vis hurricanes on the east coast of the US. Well done USPS for holding on to my package! #fnar
I've made a huge mistake
@ben_nuttall I need IE for testing!
what was wrong with right-click menus popping up where the mouse is? I quite liked that. It meant I didn't get RSI.
I'm well impressed with how often the interface freezes so far. Gives me time to gather my thoughts.
I've worked out how to close programs! Happy dance!
@gingerbeardman pretty terribly so far. They weren't kidding about metro not being adapted for desktops. No keyboard shortcuts!
oh I give up. I'm going in to work. That's how bad windows 8 is.
Dell "Express Service Tags" out by 1 digit correspond to different PCs. Did nobody teach you Hamming codes, Dell? #angerday
@matthen2 what do tides look like if the moon's orbiting fast enough to be 10m above sea level? Do waves have time to fall?
Following much whinging by @TweetsofCushing, I've edited my MathsJam recap to credit him for more things.…
@vickytnz there are so many other nice coffee places in the city centre!
@alexbellos I interviewed the director for The Aperiodical:…
Congratulations to the family with the bonfire 6 feet from their front door and 3 feet from the public footpath.
hooray, graphics! My mining and crafting days are not yet over
@wormboyslim @aperfect worse: I installed windows 8 on my laptop
@stecks do you have a copy?
Ordering a very particular kind of toothpaste from amazon. #autismlife
@Samuel_Hansen you didn't vote for Nimrod Y.U. Allen, III! Bad voting
@stecks re free time: I play minecraft to clear my mind. I suppose other people would take a nap.
#hateIE #hateIE #hateIE #hateVML #hateIE
potatoes-which-have-been-boiling-for-fifteen-minutes-are-unpeeled-realisation. #germanemotions
@icecolbeveridge what was that idea for an aperiodical post you had last week?
@icecolbeveridge both good ideas
@treasa crumbs! I just about remember that. Were they really that old?
@treasa ahhh, you mean these!…
@treasa that's a good prompt for me to save it in mendeley
@DanielColquitt that's actually a pretty good ratio for proofreading
@vickytnz don't do it! They're all on 4od for free!
No matter how you kern it, reads like a terrible description of what the product does
@aperfect your mission: find this stellated dodecahedron in the church of San Pantalon…
eugh, the raphael.js API is yucky
raphael.js: why is paper.path('a stupid string for stupid people') better than path.move(x,y).line(x,y)... ?
@maanow The solution is rounded incorrectly (or just down to 3 dp).
@robrolfemaths @maanow I was trying to avoid giving the answer in a tweet. Anyway, 30/31 is more like 0.9677419...
@ajk_44 are you familiar with Simon Tatham's portable puzzle collection?
suddenly-remembering-you-do-have-chocolate-hidden-somewhere-after-all-exultation. #germanemotions
aaurggg what's this madness? I had no idea minstrels were coated in hard icing
Decided my walls need some new posters. This Gauss went a bit wrong, but I think I'm on the right track.
Take 2: Turing!
@peterrowlett how are you getting on with Numbas? Have your students handed in that assignment?
@stecks all in good time
The PM has a new app which constantly scans twitter. So let's get "short-term populism is no way to run a country, Mr Cameron" trending.
@peterrowlett just checking up on it!
@peterrowlett another question for the tiny-maths-surveys site I really need to make one day
(actually though, stick some significance figures on the aggregated data and it's a decent idea)
@jgrahamc thank you! My feelings exactly. The end had the structure of a Marvel superhero movie
@KSCMaths that's a rather obtuse 65 degrees!
just computing the volume of the Earth in pecks, nothing crazy.…--
@ajk_44 one of the newest ones, called "Pearl", is very good
@KSCMaths best pun! And since it's a wrong angle, not a length, "not conformal" would be a better disclaimer. I'll stop being pedantic now
@haggismaths ahh, I had a really good one yesterday but I came in today to find the board wiped because of A Scandal.
@aperfect prima!
@Samuel_Hansen I would if your server could stay on task for more than a minute!
@haggismaths alas not.
@standupmaths not even going to email you. Newcastle MathSoc -
@standupmaths while I have your attention: will you be around for drinks before or after the Stockton show on Saturday?
Would it be profitable to set up as a bounty hunter tracking down skiving contract workers? I'd call it A la Recherche des Temps Perdus
@vickytnz Denksführer!
ok, who's going to buy me one of these?…
@JPickford time for me to get back into game dev!
@aPaulTaylor if you haven't already sorted it: can you post the sequence of numbers of lights? It's hard to tell from the video
The marimba solo in the Fenwicks window song is driving me to violence
Does anyone want to do something mathematical with me? RT @ScienceFest: The call for UK Maker Faire is NOW OPEN
@peterrowlett whatever twitter client you're using to send stuff into aperiodical is messing up the URLs since they got rid of the #! bit
has anyone heard of IE, on first loading a page, calling JS object constructors before attaching their prototypes? Doesn't happen on refresh
I also have a problem with the last text node attached to a VML diagram with raphael.js not showing up
PS: in case it wasn't clear, #hateie #hateie #hateie #hateie
@tanurai I've added Sheffield to the MathsJams map:…
wow, vodafone make it cartoonishly hard to leave them.
perfect timing. My phone's screen has just died.
A little reminder: tomorrow at 7pm GMT I'll be hosting the first recreational maths seminar on google+.…
@Dr_Lucie @standupmaths cutting-edge Teesside style. They need something to distract from the industrial horrors out the window
notifications in windows used to be in the bottom-left, where no mission-critical buttons live. Now they're in the top-right, where Close is
@fumbleweeds you'd love England. It's 46F here (if I've done the conversion right) and people think it's warm enough to go surfing.
I have set up a little minecraft server for me and my bro. Twitterists, you can be my bro from another mo! DM me if you'd like to play
Well, the Recreational Maths Seminar was fun! So glad the idea worked. Video up on the @aperiodical soon. Thanks to those who took part.
@Htbaa I meant bottom-right, yes.
today's bug was caused by my stupid brain and not IE's. So, for a one-time only showing, I am obliged to use the tag #hateSelf
@Rosalot you're married? Congratulations!
A big metal box in the lunch room marked "Health and Safety" is beeping. Twitter, should I run away?
@jgrahamc in 3rd form Latin I remember reading about a dude who was pretty pleased with central heating
@HilariousCow Guile theme!… I blame you for the fact I'll have this in my head the rest of the day
New @TweetsofCushing phone number braggadocio: how many square numbers does your phone number have? Best in the office is 3625, which has 3
Trying to get Fearne Cotton to endorse my new back scratcher design. I'll call it the Fearne Itcher.
Why do computer scientists only ever get to second base?
Productive day in the office. I think we've covered all possible π puns.
@jcoglan lamely attempting to join in with a twitter joke as a service
@Sa3eedo reaching sixteenth base sounds like a fun time
Discussing whether the set of yo mama jokes is countable. If I can make one about each of @TweetsofCushing's mum's ex-lovers, it isn't.
(that was yo mama joke ω+1)
@standupmaths did you make your venue bookings through Easyjet? Was Stockton sold as "Newcastle South"?
Does the IRS have an Erdős number of 1?
what do you call the dude in a rap song who fills in the gaps with uh-huhs and aww-yeahs? There is a word for it I know
@HoeJodgkiss I think it might be on the red button
@HoeJodgkiss (but I'm going to bed now so I don't even care if I'm lying)
Woman and her mother, made up like panto dames, facing the wrong door to get off the train. "It's behind you!", I almost shout.
talking to tech support for a phone company is like character generation in an RPG: keep rerolling until you get a good guy
@jjaron now I want to play probabilistic quantum golf and get a hole-in-one-in-four
maths: basically magic.…
@aperfect haha, it's like sixth form all over again
Just sent out the reminder email for Newcastle @MathsJam. (this is the reminder for other MathsJam organisers to send out theirs)
@ColinTheMathmo Asking the University of Waterloo is out of the question?
@ColinTheMathmo coincidentally, I gave a talk on zero-knowledge protocols recently which used three-colouring graphs as an example
@ColinTheMathmo here:… (warning - posh modern browser-based slides which you might have trouble with)
@plusmathsorg the brackets on the last equation aren't balanced.
Unexpectedly vegetarian dinner after I forgot to cook any of the three kinds of meat I just bought
This'll be right up @standupmaths' street: a book about snowflakes, with accurate diagrams, from 1863.…
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen top tagging.
@Samuel_Hansen I assume that signing that as a foreigner would be counter-productive.
@Samuel_Hansen oh. I thought I could remember foreigners being encouraged to sign the open access one.
Dear Diary, I made terrible nachos today. Tonight I'll dream about the nachos I could've made. And it'll make me sad.
So that's what windows 8's BSOD looks like. Wasn't expecting to see it so soon.
@CardColm @pickover did you see it was mentioned on the last episode of QI?
@sfh10 my opinion on STEP maths: I would've loved some proper help with it when I did it.
@CardColm oh, I thought you would've heard of it at least. It's a *fantastic* comedy panel show presented by Stephen Fry
@vickytnz nope. Nope nope nope. No way no how.
@madcaptenor it isn't even our first one. @MarcusduSautoy presented one a while ago. I've forgotten what it was called.
@madcaptenor you've made me go to IMDB now. It was called "Mind Games", and wasn't just maths.…
Already in @MathsJam mode. Students wanting numeracy help tomorrow might learn about woollen applications of group theory instead.
@ajk_44 @samholloway I would follow Sam, but he's following exactly as many people as he's being followed by, and it's a triangular number!
Today's the day when everyone's @-replies end with "will you be at MathsJam tomorrow?"
@mathsinthecity numbergossip says it's evil, deficient, and untouchable.
@DanielColquitt "Lagrange Multiplier" has always sounded to me like a combo move in Maths: The Game
@icecolbeveridge ok, Monday, but I don't get the reference
There's a petition to sign if you think the elected PCCs are a bad idea:
I did not know about this! Multiple user profiles for debugging in Chrome…
@stecks Pudsey's fundraising powers don't stem from his injuries! And even if there's a link, it hasn't been shown to be monotic increasing!
@stecks oh bum. I thought I was so clever getting that in exactly 140 characters and I missed two from "monotonic".
@bluecombats a pair of scissors usually comes in handy.
looking up names for a randomised question. "Blossom. Meaning: Flower Blossom"; "Bluebell. Meaning: Grateful". WAAAAAA?!
@stecks @aperiodical @SciencePunk what to call it?
@SciencePunk @stecks @aperiodical Twiterator? @ccumulator?
Talking about education resources conversation template: "Well, (organisation X) were doing good stuff, but they've been bought by Pearson)"
Did you know that the very first MathsJam took place in Holland in 1690?…
@mathsatschool oooh, glue, I didn't think of that! I do have cards and string though, so the union of our packs probably covers everything
OK, #mathsjam, what have I forgotten? Most of what I own is in this bag.
Right then. To Crewe! #mathsjam
@MathsJam what's yellow and equivalent to the axiom of choice? #mathsjam
Why is the contour integral around western Europe zero? #mathsjam
there aren't many dirty logicians: “Kleeneliness is next to Gödeliness” #mathsjam
@charliesgames you should have a dental hospital nearby
An easy way to get mathematical symbols to paste into tweets: #mathsjam
I had no idea mcdonalds got so busy on Sunday evenings
I'm back at my home. MathsJam was great.
Allen Knutson used to have a webcam pointed at a whiteboard in his office. Its last image is of his hand taking it away…
@standupmaths one of the Bernoullis has created a mechanism to help you draw the infinity symbol properly…
@samholloway not too many records on sale these days. It's a fairly even split between chintzy vintage and semi-professional photographers
@monsoon0 Mockus, mayor of Bogota, is my hero:…
@nulibsage that statistic doesn't make any sense.
@nulibsage more likely a hard-working press officer. I have a collection of gloriously overstated research press releases
@nulibsage actually, I have a question for you! Yesterday I was told of the existence of the Wallis collection. How do I see it?
@icecolbeveridge just putting that at the end of the URL… works
I'm thinking of starting a series on badly overstated popular maths. I would call it poopular maths. Today's example:…
1) claims animals "solve" maths problem. 2) describes problem as "wildly complex", but not in the technical meaning of the phrase.
3) claims mathematicians "discovered" basic fact about graphs. 4) repeats decade-old press release claiming a human has "solved" TSP.
5)finally and worst of all, gives no hint that "hard" for mathematicians has a very different meaning to "hard" for regular people (or bees)
A person called Dana and a person called Daina have favourited my last tweet. I assume one is the imaginary complement of the other.
@icecolbeveridge yes please. Put it in the system!
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm at the Charles Grey pub (outside Monument metro station). All welcome, just bring your brain!
did everyone suddenly agree that the past participle of "lead" is no longer "led"? What's going on?
@monsoon0 I saw "lead" in a newspaper (though I think it might have been the Grauniad) recently, and I've seen it in several articles since
@TweetsofCushing where? The top post is still the prisoners
@TweetsofCushing now so do I. Most peculiar. Gavin says you might be ill. Are you?
@hornmaths 'lead'
@C_J_Smith it's WHAT?! I'm not prepared! HOW WILL I DO ANYTHING ELSE TODAY?
I've lost my rather expensive bluetooth headphones. I'm quite displeased.
'...the use
of "percision" as defined in the SQL specification can be confussing.' I agree, SCORM spec. I am very confussed.
@samholloway there's a hill in Cambridge?
seeds in clementines: basically the worst experience in food
picked my nose, unleashed a pint of blood. Will never pick my nose again.
Helpful definition of notation from the SCORM 1.2 spec: "If not preceded by a minus sign, the number is presumed to be positive."
No mention of required precision, base system, or which character should be used for the decimal point. Hooray!
Found this little curio hiding in the school library. Unfortunate surname, though.
@standupmaths so what does 2,000 Rubik's Cubes being solved at once sound like?
Some lovely geometric wallpapers designed for iPads… (note: many other devices are capable of displaying bitmaps)
The @aperiodical is looking dangerously well-organised at the moment.
@mathsinthecity @icecolbeveridge to paraphrase JFK, we have nothing to fear but vier itself, so 4 should be the sole terrifying number.
"I genuinely love Internet Explorer's debugging tools. They always help me quickly get to the bottom of any problem." - nobody, ever.
@mjdominus oh well. Three letter President: close enough.
Testify! RT @HilariousCow: While there are no Americans around to see this, I'm just gonna say it: I hate America's freedom. Repatriate!
@haggismaths thank that person from me. Typewritten maths is a terrible artefact of the mid-20th century.
@peterrowlett is it constructive to rant about someone's mistakes at length? I think twitter is ok because it's ephemeral
@peterrowlett I also meant "permanently"
@BenTormey Get a pair of boxfresh. They last so much longer than Converse.
@elinoroberts top idea! For lunch, or breakfast?
@standupmaths I was planning on using "Chum-in-Chief" but @stecks wrote the article. Which do you prefer?
@elinoroberts ahhh, I need to get the metro at 11, but you've stirred beachy feelings in me. Mind if I join you?
@peterrowlett @icecolbeveridge @standupmaths would you believe I was literally about to tweet that myself before I saw Col got there first?
Either chewing bubblegum in an otherwise quiet office should be illegal, or it should be a valid extenuating circumstance in murder cases
@altweet_pet what's the record he's attempting to set?
Telling me there's nothing to watch on telly.. I have watched Hot Shots! enough minus infinity times.
Our table number is "a snowman doing a painting".
@helenarney @standupmaths is that Matt's snowfake-fighting superhero costume?
getting back to sleep is exceedingly hard with this hipster nonsense on Peter Day's World Service programme.
Does anyone else own Running with Rifles? It's a good game:…
@AdamCreen really? How so?
@AdamCreen oh, you mean there are 11 more prime minuteses. I use "twin prime" to mean two primes (n,n+2)
@daveowhite if you apply yourself, you can give back 60,000 portions as an Easter present (we did the sums a while ago)…
@daveowhite we didn't dare work that out. Not much longer.
@jjsanderson @elinoroberts well, if you live in Tynemouth, this is what happens. You'll have opinions about on-street parking next
@jjsanderson @elinoroberts depends. Which way round the metro do you go? If you go via Gosforth, it's already too late
Using bootstrap. I give up. Web design is not for me.
@monsoon0 do they have any of that special chalk that is incredibly hard to get outside Japan?
They're selling what now? Coming soon: Epistemologue, your one-stop-shop for mail-order trivialities.
This is a bit iffy, isn't it?…
Anyway, don't buy a theorem or a symmetry group, get yourself a bespoke artisanal hand-crafted integer for free
And lo, with a lightning-quick "works for me" did he smite the bug report, banishing it forever to the cursed land of Won't Fix.
@DanielColquitt nah, sorted it out.
@numberphile now do base 4!…
@jcoglan stacked Unicode diacritics.…
@jcoglan sad, because as yet there's no
@standupmaths @MathsJam do we have MathsJams sufficiently far apart to do some geometrical calculations?
When I close my front door I can either turn left for the metro station or right for the beach. Sometimes it's very hard to turn left.
Thought I had more eggs. Sad little omelette :(
omelette saved with god's own ingredients: bacon and paprika!
@HoeJodgkiss that's the most coherent Newcastle transfer punditry I've ever seen. You should work for the Chronicle, you should.
"Works at: Team Leader at Brewers Fayre". "Works at: cannabis farm lol". I'm not sure which of my mid-range relatives is more underwhelming
Newcastle @MathsJam November 2012 Recap:…
suddenly my flat smells really strongly of eggs. Where is it coming from? Am I in danger? Aaaaaaa going to be killed by Chuckie Egg aaaaaaaa
oh HANG ON, I just ate an omelette. Panic over.
and why did I go for Chuckie Egg instead of Dizzy? Have I ever even played Chuckie Egg? How do I know about it? EGGSTERNAL INFLUENCES
@jcoglan in something like `<a href="[%=str%]">`, where am I asserting that `str` is a URL, or is that not what you're getting at?
@ColinTheMathmo yeah, I thought that was it, but I couldn't remember if Ji had given a different variation
Soupremum. Simpleggs. Identitea. All on the menu at my new mathematical bistrho.
@jcoglan establishing context in arbitrary environments: "parse ALL the strings?"
@elinoroberts yes! Do it!
@MathsJam Newcastle is not happening in December
@Bishnavitch yeah, but the hologram Compaq at CES last year was quite crass. #notoriousbigblue
@jjaron @igblan trace a line from the bit of the hook socket facing you, along the surface. You end up on the other side.
@jjaron @igblan yep, I had the same problem
This nexus 4's screen is so beautiful, I'm going to weep openly
put cocoa in milk before milk was hot. Hyperfailure.
@helenarney that's not my mane!
@helenarney unless you were already going for that double-pun, in which case I apologise
@helenarney @andy_tea that's OK, I know when to swallow my pride.
cooking for slimming world dieters tonight. The recipe they have given me is like a real recipe, minus the ingredients.
@pkrautz my German isn't good enough. It looks fairly innocuous; what's wrong?
@monsoon0 but all chalk is made of ground-up shells!
@standupmaths @Dr_Lucie trees are old hat. I'm going with a Christmas treap this year
I'm hosting another recreational maths seminar tonight, about "seven staggering sequences". 7pm GMT, Google+:…
@outofthenorm2 ooh, that'll go nicely with something I've got saved for the next aperiodical round up. Ta!
@elinoroberts @gjchocolatier it makes me sad to think of all the time you haven't known that. Have you tried the brownie?
Join me in 5 minutes on google+ for the @aperiodical recreational maths seminar:…
With a puzzle by me, CP! RT @aperiodical: Post: Puzzlebomb - December 2012
Oh no, youtube has remembered that day I spent watching Oesch's die Dritten videos. My recommendations page is nonstop yodels.
After posting basically nothing all last week, I fear we may have overdone it with "sort your mess out Monday" at the @aperiodical.
If I see the Newcastle University Login Gateway one more time...
@StudentsNCL @NU_ITservice I don't think there's anything wrong, I just have to go through it each time I go to any of the many sites I use
David filled in a questionnaire online and it turns out I'm the best dad in the office. Ladies.
@jcoglan not a WordPress apologist, but it'll be a plugin causing the crashes. Because of the unique way php works, that's possible!
@jcoglan some combination of turning plugins on and off, and turning on PHP debug logging. Prepare to go back to 90s debugging methods
@jcoglan there might be a plugin that adds a "don't show comments" flag to posts and modifies the get-post-comments function
Just had a filling done. My cheek is still numb, but my tooth absolutely knacks. Do I need to go back?
@TweetsofCushing don't you dare
aaargrggrg python why is installing pip on windows still such a hassle? Just include it with the standard distribution!
Today @TweetsofCushing is looking for the person with the most of one letter in their name. Currently top: Reece Burgess-Creen with 6 Es
where's the GIF for when someone does a test with string operations instead of writing a proper routine to do what they mean?
Useful javascript library implemented as a jquery method. My anger level has risen to 32 milli-@jcoglan.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie Sightseers tomorrow?
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie that would also be a good choice for me, but it doesn't star Alice Lowe, so...
@TweetsofCushing !!!
Trawling amazon for hours looking for a replacement for the lost headphones you spent hours choosing last time. #autismproblems
there's some pretty lovely music on @laRadioNova at the moment
oh great, so they put some 80s nonsense on just after I said that.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie sightseers 2020
If 100 people star JSXGraph on github, it can be hosted on CDNJS:…
@jamesgrime first thing I noticed on audible was this Car Talk compilation, I assume of the puzzles they often pose…
@ajk_44 I don't know how you should celebrate, but you should do it at ten to nine.
Well I'm *trying* to write a really good post for the @aperiodical today but the uni wifi isn't helping
Eureka! Santa only visits one house on Christmas Eve, but infinitely many universes, each containing a different Santa, collapse at midnight
Is it a special autism superpower to spot typos in a page of text at a glance, or does it happen to everyone?
Because I've been editing a very long post and spotting typos in very unusual words just as I scroll past them, not even looking for them
@helenarney yes yes very funny, intentionally misunderstood. Now where's this bar? I'm a huge sporks fan.
If there isn't already a travelator company called Thousand Yard Stairs then I am going straight to Companies House first thing tomorrow
the address of the University of Athens' maths department is Because they couldn't name a Greek mathematician?
@alexbellos whoops, we both made 3d-printing christmas present posts today
There's a version of HyperRogue for android!… FRABJOUS DAY! via @mathpuzzle
@Nathan1123 @MuseGarden I used that page once when in a beds shop with a friend who didn't know what size his bed was!
@Nathan1123 to be fair, he'd just moved in to a rented flat and British bed size names are mental.
Thanks, textbooks!
@My_Metro I'm on one of the new trains, and the lights on the wrong side of the carriage lit up when we stopped. Better look into that!
@elinoroberts the first shop to produce an app which puts your shopping list in order for a shortest traversal will earn my patronage.
@matheknitician posted! Thanks for letting me know
Tonight, we dine... quite well!
@stecks @aPaulTaylor you know, I wasn't going to have it but then I thought since I'm tweeting it someone might complain if it wasn't there
Step 1: cook double meal, so you can have leftovers tomorrow. Step 2: forget you finished the cling film yesterday. Step 3: food bags!!!!
@DanielColquitt @ben_nuttall it's the real thing - pause it, maximise, and draw a pattern
@MouldS @dan_physio @standupmaths hey, that's just the first few digits! "Approximation to pi pie" doesn't sound very appetising
Going to Tynemouth market to look for a secret Santa present. Must make a big effort not to buy anything too ironic
Worst trendy name so far: "Gosforth bakehaus".
Alas, the pewter cowboy hat chip'n'dip tray is outside my budget
youtube's algorithm to make a video unshaky leaves it looking really trippy instead
There was a horrific animatronic koala for sale at the market today. I should've bought it. I didn't. Got to live with that.
@Bishnavitch I didn't dare. I was scared of a Ringu type situation
@Bishnavitch I'll see if it's there again tomorrow
@outofthenorm2 haha, what are you thinking?
@outofthenorm2 go for it
@HilariousCow do a flamboyant loop on the letter O
The internet has taught me to love humanity. Giant Pants of the '30s:
Went back for the eldritch koala. It's been sold! Life is not worth living any more ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
@stecks are The Sinks a new fraternal society, like the masons or the rotary club?
@jcoglan pandoc turns most things into most things
@jcoglan though if you're writing a book, learn LaTeX.
@jcoglan pdflatex comes with any latex distribution. On ubuntu, try tex-live
@jcoglan all these variants exist because almost everyone, after using TeX for a while, thinks "I can do it better!"
@jcoglan the stuff they have in common is basically all you need, so just stick with TeX-live and don't try to be clever with it
@jcoglan TeX is like the English language: nobody uses it perfectly, there are a million ways to say anything, ...
@jcoglan and far too many people who should know better hold very strong opinions about tiny aspects of usage
@Bishnavitch true facts
haha hooray!…
@DainaTaimina I think that's actionable libel
@divbyzero oh man, I need to get into control systems! There could be a "Perfect timing" algorithm
@Dr_Lucie 197th.
general lazy evaluation was too beautiful a dream for someone as uninterested in proper type analysis as I. Oh well...
@standupmaths not impossible: the other hemisphere could be really crazy
@peterrowlett @standupmaths I don't get it
Can't decide if I'm wasting my life or living it exactly how I want.…
@WWMGT c) a quart of pounds
So, ladies and gentlemen of the Academy, in summary: PHP is just the worst and I propose that we throw it into the Sun
Hooray, futurama's on! Oh no, it's Jurassic Bark. Sad evening :'(
@sxpmaths someone else's code I depend on was using '!empty($x–>p)' to test if $x->p is set. Which fails when it's the string "0".
Please tell me I'm not the only one who gets angry about adverts recorded in NTSC
oh snap! Today's Dinosaur Comic says Santa collapses realities to deliver presents!… The evidence mounts!
Favourite picture of the day!…
@jhylmb haven't tested it, but it should be possible
Oh god! All these Top 50 Tracks of 2012 lists mean I have to listen to Gotye again. #whyhastthouforsakenme
@henryseg were you paid for that article? It would cost me £30 to read if I didn't have a uni account
@henryseg super! It's a good article.
@aperfect fog on the Thames is all them's all them's, fog on the Thames is all them's.
@aperfect oh em gee I am going to start a faux-ironic hipster band called Londisfarne. We will gig exclusively in corner shops
@Electrokittie good intel. I will wrap up warm when I head in from the balmy coast
whaaaaaaat. Ctrl+Alt+Tab in windows shows the switchy-window thing even after you let go of the keys.
hey guys it's 10:10. Duodecimalists gonna hate.
I felt quite bad about the @aperiodical's visitor numbers until I looked at the Mathematical Intelligencer's circulation figures
@jamesgrime true fact. I got a good one of you a while ago from the @numberphile Rubik's Cube video:…
@jcoglan CET was the 12th time zone to have 12:12:12 12/12/12. Germans are the chosen people after all!
@outofthenorm2 oh, you could've said! I'll have a look
@ben_nuttall "Although braggadocio doesn't come naturally to most computer programmers, ..."
No chocolate in the kitchen. Spend 10 minutes checking the Secret Chocolate Locations, or go to the shops?
Right. Let's do some things to things until there's food to eat. #homecookin
@outofthenorm2 oh, NOW I get that pun! Sorry for changing the title to an inferior one
@elinoroberts accidentally swallowing a pea is big trouble: you have to swallow a fly to get it, then a frog to catch the fly, ad infinitum
Having a little rage about the Moodle SCORM module. Not a single line of the code is good.
@vickytnz it's free, which is good, and open-source, so I can see *why* it's buggy. We're on Moodle because BB has broken SCORM support
@vickytnz Moodle 2 is considerably less bad than old Moodle. It's barely tolerable now, but still lots of really annoying and bad things
@vickytnz yeah well, it's for academics :P
"Hm, how shall I implement this hierarchical data structure, with well-defined elements and values? I know! Strings and regexps!" #hate
I don't know how it's possible to write this much bad code without Nature itself reacting violently against you.
If a student handed this in as homework I wouldn't mark it wrong. I'd encourage them to join al qaeda or the communist party or something
1) they'd make MI6's job much easier; 2) no self-respecting terrorist would want to be associated with them, and would lay down their arms
@peterrowlett just remembered your Numbas email. Will do that later today.
A scotch egg and a frijj. I operate on the frontiers of cuisine.
Please support the kickstarter for my self-published transvestite medieval epic, "The Song of Roland's Dirndl"
Trying to synopsise that Jim Carrey film where he's a pet detective, but every time I try I get the plot "farce about Ace"
well! Since nobody wants to go christmas shopping with me, I think I'll go for a walk round Tynemouth instead
@treasa believe it
Off to seek my fortune in the tatatoria of Newcastle upon Tyne.
If you spoonerise "Hooke and Wren" the number of bird names increases from one to two. I'm pleased by this but don't know what to do with it
a Kinect physics game where you stack boxes but it's two-player and you each control the other's arms
@standupmaths you are this guy…
This is why I keep trying to introduce German as a second language in the department…
I keep forgetting it's the office christmas lunch today and making plans for work to do and food to eat.
@brittneybean if you keep calling that a biscuit Ed Miliband might try to integrate you
@brittneybean but it does look VERY tasty. What's going on there?
@TweetsofCushing I told you I don't have a suit
@TweetsofCushing I even forgot to wash my jumper so I'm going to look extra scruffy
@TweetsofCushing proving to whom?
@TweetsofCushing that reminds me - I tried to prove the same facts to your momma but she kept asking me if there are any even primes
@JPickford "The games has jumped".
Who hates standing on the metro? CP hates standing on the metro. Is it true? I do I do I do-oo!
@helenarney or you're living in Newcastle 6 years ago
Go ahead. Spell it "chaise lounge". Make my day.
Your reminder that there's no Newcastle @MathsJam tonight.
@HilariousCow just play Just Cause 2 instead.
@HilariousCow I played it on the xbox, so don't know about that.
@jcoglan #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice?
@jcoglan but the problem with instagram isn't 'we own the servers', it's 'you're not the one paying our salaries'.
That sneeze crept up on me completely unnoticed but now it's over, I feel like I've needed to do a sneeze that big for a long time.
@amazingradio I am very much enjoying "Tyrannosaurus Rex For Christmas". It's my new favourite Christmas song.
it's 12:36! Dance about like you've got all your divisors within easy reach.
We're making good use of our last proper work day by playing LAZA KNITEZ
"Cost-per-gigabyte is down more than 300% in three years".… #what
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MathsWorldUK I meant to catch someone at big mathsjam - would anyone like to write about the plans for @aperiodical?
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MathsWorldUK yes! It would be good just to get the name out, wouldn't it?
@jcoglan I'll go with: generics work on objects, and ints aren't objects.
@madcaptenor order a single box of chalk. I haven't dared to do it yet and I've had prime for years
Buying stock for my new kids' clothing shop, Newcastle upon Tiny.
@jamesgrime they're very different films, but I agree.
@peterrowlett quick! Make a Klein bottle!
Watched a video from the ISS. Moved to poetry: I love the Earth / and all the people on it. / You could even say / it's my favourite plonet
@aperfect which company is it?
@aperfect that isn't even a real company.
@aperfect hah, their homepage has a megabyte of stock images
@mutedestro @MathsJam sadly it looks like there isn't one near you -…. Nothing to stop you starting one!
Last night I dreamt about a really fast slug! Is today the day we rethink our metaphors?
@standupmaths so clearly we need to start a campaign to register Unicode codepoints for common English words
This Christmas card's so charming I wish I could send it to myself.
@daveowhite Monetize your front window. Monetize your beard. Monetize smalltalk.
@GhostMutt which cards do you have turned on? I just have the weather and football scores. Is there something more to it I'm missing?
@TweetsofCushing proof or it isn't true!
@TweetsofCushing and by "quintics" do you mean fifth powers?
This is how I roll
Pick a natural number N. Find p_N, the first prime which is the difference of Nth powers. $\ln(p_53)/53 = \ln(p_59)/59$, to 10 dp
@C_J_Smith ternary decimal?
@C_J_Smith next question: 0,1,2 or +,-,0 ?
@C_J_Smith my least favourite ternary representation
-.. .- ... .... -.. --- - -.. --- -/-.. --- - -.. .- ... ..../-.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- -/-.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- -
@DanaKazim did I get it right?
@DanaKazim fantastic
gosh it's grim outside!
It's pretty ridiculous how long it take windows 8 to show the task manager
I'm playing my "justify my obnoxious prejudices with pop psychology I read in a non-scientific outlet" card.…
Whenever I hear about economics, I think of this scene from futurama…
"a third of Men will get their Christmas presents from a service station" - according to a study in a service station on Dec 24th last year?
Pretty much certain you can do better, Woman's Hour
Sorry, it's You and Yours, not Woman's Hour. Disappointment levels back to normal, and I need to look at my watch
The only paper I could find to pad this present with was pages from the LRB. #truestoriesfromupmyownbumhole
I think this year I can do my present wrapping in two or fewer ragequits
@jcoglan isn't it weird how when the economy's good the poor suddenly start trying harder?
@HilariousCow did you have a gravis gamepad? When I saw the graphic of it in the wolf3d options I wondered how it could ever be suitable
Today I learned that a <redacted> needs about 3cm more wrapping paper than you think.
@outofthenorm2 Please finish your bees post!
You don't wrap presents with the wrapping paper you want, you wrap presents with the wrapping paper you've got. - Donald Rumsfeld
oh, so Big Society was always meant to be a pejorative, like Big Tobacco or Big Pharma.
why do journal publishers think it's a good idea to make supplementary material a separate PDF from the article?
Need to eat all the food in the flat before going home for Christmas. My stomach is being marvellously cooperative
Remember, HE KNOWS…
I'm pretty pleased with my Christmas cards this year…
I think Father Christmas might be my favourite thing to draw
@DanielColquitt you've completely inverted the "go away and read a book while your computer is doing something" meme
In case you haven't experienced windows 8 yet, this guy explains what's wrong:…
I've owned for a year and done nothing with it. It expires in 3 days. Has anyone got any ideas?
(The original idea was to have, so my arXiv submission could be from the "Institute of Hot Mathematicians")
@ColinTheMathmo but why? I'm not doing research any more, so no opportunities to use it forthcoming
@ColinTheMathmo selling unused domain names is on my list of Terrible Internet Behaviours. If I let it expire, whoever wants it can have it
@walkingrandomly I thought that was a good idea and then I saw it was by Stardock. I've learnt my lesson with them
@walkingrandomly what I'm doing is: close eyes, press windows key, type program name, press enter, open eyes. It's almost the same
@vickytnz were you around when it was Belle and Herb's? Times were better then
@peterrowlett literally LOL
Leo says I have no neck. Vicious fibs.
I'm in Windsor! The air smells funny down here
Such pleasant people down here
There isn't a craft supplies shop in Windsor?! Surely I'm mistaken.
@apontzen @standupmaths did you work that out by hand, or did you use a script like this: ?
I'm pretty ecstatic about how this 80k file won't upload to my ftp server over this flat's wifi
Let's see if giffgaff throttle ftp connections as well...
hahahaha my phone's connection is so much ridiculously quicker than this Zen broadband
I've added a question to The Aperiodical's Very Important Mathematical Survey about how you eat corn on the cob:…
@alimcg86 chin up, McGlen!
WHERE ARE ALL THE FILMS? I don't want to watch Open All Hours, I want a film!
@standupmaths @Dr_Lucie the dog started melting when he was near the fire. That's way closer to physical realism than I was expecting
@samholloway there definitely used to be one!
@monsoon0 mega jealous!
Pretty unexpectedly radical present
I'm going to see Scrooged! Channel 4 now. I'll have depleted my Christmas film to-watch list by at least one this year.
Round 2. Nobody else wants leg! Excellent crimblus
Scouting for locations for my new concept café with a chess board at every table, "En Croissant".
Try saying "tuna mayo jacket potato". It's wonderful, like the start of a beat poem about my favourite foods.
Congrats to @TweetsofCushing for getting his first integer sequence accepted by the OEIS:…
@standupmaths you can keep going with Step 4: work out how many different patterns you can make by swapping pieces of the same shape
Hiring bar staff for my new underground opera hall, "Grotto Voce"
@JohnAllenPaulos it's a vanity publisher, not a real journal!
@jcoglan there's probably an emacs command 'Cmd-a-t untweet cheap pun'
Beginning to fear I've been trafficked to Slough. Will I ever see my beloved Northumberland again?
What a lovely book…
I can't decide if Planet 51 (channel 4 right now) is alright or terrible
@Rosalot I'm having trouble accepting Dwayne 'the Rock' Johnson as a cowardly ginger man
Etymonline's etymology of 'omelette' is basically to wave the "nobody knows" card:…
A marvel of the last age of austerity - one of the last concrete lampposts in Slough.
The proportion of films on the telly that nana has misidentified as The Gruffalo this Christmas is rapidly approaching Legendre's constant.
Forget about convergence. If a million specific gadgets for each conceivable task was good enough for 60s Batman, it's good enough for me
Wow, sky captain and the world of tomorrow hasn't aged well at all
@standupmaths I've held the patent on that idea since I was 12
@ajk_44 @samholloway how long are you two up North for? I've just arrived back from Slough
@Samuel_Hansen just when I thought I had all your many show formats clear in my head...
wikipedia's picture for the King of the Belgians is ace…
@jcoglan the problem is probably with your router (or OSX's drivers, depending on perspective). OSX takes exception to some brands of router
@jcoglan yeah, it's OSX's problem, but its problem is with the router.
@standupmaths nine days?
Walking on frozen sand is a lovely feeling
@mathshistory established Greenwich AT the location of the prime meridian?!
that was my least successful shave ever. #basicallystillhairy
@Andrew_Taylor precisely for that reason.
@Andrew_Taylor doesn't that make sense?
my supervisor and I have got to the "vicious back-and-forth comments" stage of editing this paper
on a related note: I don't like people who use a fixed line-width in TeX documents. I'm prepared to get into a big twitter fight about this
@EliotBall lines are max. 80 characters long.
@EliotBall yep
@enchamade I mean in the source .tex, not the compiled document
"Enthusiastic network marketer - born again pagan - I'm collecting cashback with Cashbackcard - are you?" - worst twitter bio? I felt sick.
@peterrowlett the "born again pagan" bit worries - another symptom of poor critical thinking, or of a willingness to do anything for money?
@ellenirites I beg to differ: it was quite a popular middle name in 1911, viz.…
@ellenirites in 1861 there was a Ms Peyton Luff of London
@ellenirites unlikely names are somewhat an interest of mine…
Watch in amazement as I completely fail to notice my tripod is falling over!…
@peterrowlett can you do it in any base? the @MathsBusking person who showed me said she couldn't. I was making a video to show how.
@peterrowlett alright, I'll just go and make one then.
@peterrowlett once the person upstairs has finished hoovering, of course...
@peterrowlett sound insulation == be far away from objects making sounds. Right?
any idea why my video is only uploading at 10k/s to vimeo?
@AdrenalGBR is it ok to post your 3x3 grid puzzle on my blog as part fo the december recap? I may be asking more questions as I forgot lots
thanks to @aperfect, is my new email address. Next step: arXiv contact information!
@Electrokittie snaggly frown :<
similarly alluring addresses are available to sufficiently-hot mathematicians (contrapositive: not having one => not a hot mathematician)
@Electrokittie well, I didn't need to see that! Yeesh.
@ColinTheMathmo of course I assume that, given the opportunity to have such a winning address, any hot mathematician will accept instantly
@Electrokittie second-class Oxford degree. Borderline.
@ColinTheMathmo don't quite understand what you want, so have you seen maybe ask him where he gets his data?
I've made a video: The Ace of Base (-three numbers) trick -
@jjsanderson that's considerably more than I drove mine, I think.
@peterrowlett @SallyRobin I was staring at this like mad last night, but then it clicked: (rot 13 code:) snpgbevny vf n hanel bcrengvba
@AdrenalGBR what was the name of your friend from Warwick?
I had my legs crossed for too long and now they are dead! At some point soon I'll have to get up to make dinner oh me oh my what a to-do
I've finally written up December's Newcastle @MathsJam:…
@stecks there are MORE?!!! I thought the quicksort was the only one!
@gingerbeardman sadly, this particular instance of quantum levitation is fake…
@numberloving Simon Tatham's puzzle collection has a slitherlink game (called Loopy) that can do loads of shapes:…
@Andrew_Taylor twitter automatically sends links through these days
@Andrew_Taylor oh, but I see you meant "why does twitter do this?"
@peterrowlett if you're not going to link to those dancers I will in the Aperiodical
@peterrowlett it's deliberate spam not scattershot spam. If it was email it would be one message with many BCC. Only looks bad bc of twitter
@peterrowlett but yeah, TEDx is a scourge
@standupmaths write pi in base 24; assign digits to moves. Will the cube be solved at some point? Doesn't follow from normality of pi.
some interesting comments on my December MathsJam recap post…
@peterrowlett I've made a bajillion edits to my reply to your reply, in case you've already looked at it
@JSlayerUK what's the essay on?
@JSlayerUK and what's the title?
@JSlayerUK do you have opinions on the matter?
@JSlayerUK is that an essay's worth of opinion? I think so. Get cracking!
@RANIELDANSON fines go up the more times you get caught, so this isn't a sustainable strategy
somebody run at me with a knife while reciting the definition of plutôt, please
interesting name, interesting guy!…
more interesting Victorians news: I'm reconsidering my opinion of Alexander Graham Bell…
@naomzzb it's impossible to be cynical about that program
@ellenirites carry your DS at all times, in case we run into each other. I've heard Professor Layton has some very interesting maths puzzles
@stecks so does the reception team appear just as you're checking out?
@stecks so inconvenient! and I suppose if I wanted to convene a meeting that would also cause hilarious problems
@aperfect google news alerts?
Why oh why wasn't Zen recommissioned? I did so love his sexy crime-solving capers
The research station at the south pole has a copy of The Thing... on Betamax -…
does there exist a decent free-ish or cheap-ish video editor for windows?
@ellenirites The Asda Delivery Man Always Knocks Twice (then eats your yoghurts on the way back to the depot)
just submitted a new @gaussfacts.It's that kind of day.
@charliesgames I approve!
@standupmaths potential bonus-heckle re the podcast: "billion" was invented in 1475, but Greeks were talking about "myriads" well before
@standupmaths said heckle only valid if you were talking about people starting to think about big numbers, not just about the term "billion"
the people at brume must be wondering why I order a new blackboard wall sticker every six months
@ellenirites with hollandaise sauce?
learn how to speak cross-discipline with p257 of this excellent document:…
What a long apple!
@brittneybean my dad does. He still runs his own Microsoft Exchange Servers in his garage though, so he might not have the best judgement.
Ok @MathsJam, if nobody else is going to do it, I will. Can I have a list of requested locations, so I can make a map?
@peterrowlett I assumed @stecks would see that tweet, plus anyone else who's had enquiries. She knows how to contact me!
@peterrowlett patience, Rowlett! It's the morning
@stecks super! @peterrowlett : poor show, your page on doesn't say where you meet. Where is it?
A map of current and potential @MathsJam locations: (cc @stecks @peterrowlett)
Stopped at Wetherby services. Leo is having topological issues with his jumper.
@AdamJackzon yes, I did. An oldie AND a goodie!
I have reached the South and I have updated the @MathsJam map with Nottingham, Melbourne and Portsmouth
@RANIELDANSON that's the kind of completely equivocal recommendation I can really appreciate!
@peterrowlett @stecks ok, I've added a bit to the bio saying to email or tweet @MathsJam
@christianp @peterrowlett @stecks @MathsJam hah, see how "bio" has come to mean "bumf at the top of the page" in my mind!
mathemategwyr Cymraeg and mathematoryon kernewek: there is a MathsJam-shaped hole where you live. Get on it!
@peterrowlett 80 news: my nana was 80 yesterday. She'd love a math/maths shoutout
Just been told the place for nana's 80th party today has a flock of alpacas in the grounds. Considerably more excited now.
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen to be very clear: I'm requesting a cp-ancestor mention. My policy on hearing my own name remains unchanged
@elinoroberts some of these puns are pretty hock-neyed
@jcoglan shave your moustache first, then sideburns, and beard last. #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice
@jcoglan it's as if I spent the last year setting that joke up!
Have found myself wedged under a table. Need to move out without pushing the table. Curse you, Newton!!!
@Samuel_Hansen you scoundrel! For a few glorious moments I thought you were both genuinely trying to avoid mentioning me.
@elinoroberts ohh, don't you find that place a little bit creepy?
Just passed an Austrian tourbus emblazoned with the slogan "Beat the Street". Do you think they meant "hit the road"?
Whenever I see a full moon partially obscured by clouds, only four words and a guitar riff come to mind: TEENAGE! MUTANT! NINJA! TURTLES!
@Rosalot disagree. They were ninjas more than heroes, and the tory-era ban on nunchuks in the media was so ridiculous of won't perpetuate it
@christianp @Rosalot *I* won't perpetuate it
@pkrautz you now have 100 followers. Congratulations!
@Rosalot there was a moral panic about ninjas, hence "hero turtles". All the really cool kids knew the real name.…
@Rosalot PS my full signature book from universal studios, even with scary Casey Jones, hints that I am a bugger fan than you
@Rosalot ha! Bigger fan! Autocomplete hates me twice!
what voodoo is this!… like Microsoft's math input panel but over the web
@alexbellos did you watch Sherlock last night? Thee floors in the secret lab were negative numbers followed by a B at the bottom
@trackinthebox your 404 error page has an error. You're either meta geniuses or you didn't mean to forget the word "one"
please make: a Civ-like game called "TORY QUEST" where it is your job to impede progress as much as possible (cc @PeterMolydeux)
I've had just about enough of these Whigs and their stranglehold on longplay strategy paradigms
Clothes collection chuggers: putting two bagsthrough our front door because we have two buzzers is almost Panglossian in its optimism
MathsJammers: ideas for readily-available materials I can use to make a set of lominoes?
High tension in PHD2 as Cushing attempts to fix the last couple of squares of the sudoku cube
@stecks I do not know what they are! Could you provide diagrams?
@stecks I don't understand that. It seems to leave everything unchanged.
Solvèd! Thanks @stecks!
I've added some good stuff to my Interesting Esoterica collection recently:…
@TylerClark12 good!
what's the opposite of a SQL injection? I clicked a button and this intranet site filled the page with the query it should have executed
I like theorem statements beginning, "Suppose $P_1, P_2, ..., P_n$ want to play poker."
well, I've ruined my landlady's wall and my blackboard sticker has bubbles behind it. That's just about the worst that could have happened.
I hope this was worthwhile
@Electrokittie what were you showing us?
you're damn right the LaTeX I used in my tweet earlier gets properly typeset on my blog
@Electrokittie hahaha that is excellent!
@ben_nuttall re poles on trains: I almost gave some kids a lesson in rotational inertia - jump and hold on to the pole when the train stops
ok Dyson, when are you going to invent a bagless bin?
@nulibsage the only freely-available definition of Fibonacci p-codes I can find is at… in Section III
Tempted to use my phone's barcode scanner on this dudes neck to find out exactly what consumer product he felt was so important
@Samuel_Hansen have you seen the draft? I'm trying to marshall the energy to finish it. I have loads of links
@Samuel_Hansen can you get on Skype? Is it a reasonable time where you are?
@peterrowlett an interesting email should currently be at the top of your inbox
@stecks good point, I'll send it to you too.
@stecks by publicly twittering peter, I was actually prompting people like you to remind me of should have included them
I do wish my phone would stop rewriting 'I' to 'of'
@peterrowlett as far as I'm concerned, that other email was responded to at mathsjam. I wouldn't mind if you *do* reply to it though...
today I learned that at least one French mathematician thinks "Soazig" is a good name for a human baby
I've done another Internet Maths Aperiodical. This one's a corker.…
@alexbellos I did not think there needed to be another book on the subject after "the geometry of pasta"
@RANIELDANSON I'll ask just in case: are you getting all your tax credits?
4music: come for Nicki Minaj, stay for the advert with women shaving their moustaches
@standupmaths quesclamation sounds like what dinosaurs did to reproduce
@RANIELDANSON can't hurt to have a go at the questionnaire:…
@standupmaths best you can do is 379. 379,397,739,9638 prime but 793, 973 not. Answers with repeated digits: 113, 199
@christianp @standupmaths well of course I meant 963 not 9638
my 1177th prime birthday is the day after my 26th real birthday! Double festivities!
@christianp and I should read my computer better: 149 also has 4 prime permutations
@standupmaths my method (in Python, of course!):
@jcoglan ctrl+shift+v
@jcoglan I think the behaviour has just changed to formatted-by-default recently. It's been annoying me too.
@elinoroberts <~~ little poke about maths making?
the difference between 'condescend' and 'patronise': to 'condescend' is to act haughtily; 'patronise' is what you should do to Deli Bar One
spend five minutes checking something works in a Python shell before realising your app is written in Ruby
@HilariousCow haha, saying "I'm always in trouble" while riding a skateboard is so massively 90s
@stecks could my MathsJam map go somewhere on the website?
hey, one header in this Word document inexplicably written in Consolas - you're my favourite
@brittneybean I'm curating last night's dinner in a hot new venue.
Further adventures with poorly-chosen tripod positions…
@acmescience do you read Cabinet too? My love for it is unbounded.
@alexbellos I did a similar bit of computation-with-a-dictionary:…
made chilli. Don't have any sour cream. If I don't make it through tonight, tell Janelle Monae I love her.
@Tony_Mann don't you mean Nature Valley 3, then?
@jcoglan because when you ask that question you end up with…
@CloudoidLtd could well be. They certainly offer both boxes and sandwiches
I think this guy would like to know if anyone is looking at his site:
I don't want to be awake now!
@peterrowlett well, that's still data
Today I am (I think) wearing pink on yellow. Do I need style advice or am I a Fashion Maverick?
@brittneybean @trackinthebox so happy birthday from me too!
Changed his mind.
@stecks don't make me go to hobbycraft! That is a slippery slope I wish to remain at the top of!
@plusmathsorg if you're going to explode, do it on one side of the Atlantic and not in-between. They frown on that sort of thing
I'm an evil genius: I have decided to make a rubik's cube with ratchets in, so each face can only turn one way
@EliotBall yes, but the look on someone's face when they first encounter it will be priceless
@EliotBall or: can you think of a set of interlocking ratchets that restrict the number of positions the cube can be in?
David claims that this is a tetrahedron
@RachaelBailes the only job title where a prefix of "she-" is acceptable is "Hulk"
ok, bake caking time
I hardly ever do #ff, but I will today because his blog is pretty interesting: Twitter, please pay attention to @outofthenorm2
@mathshistory I baked a cake today for my birthday tomorrow! I missed a golden opportunity to make a Menger sponge! Woe!!!
dear Newcastle ISS: this is not acceptable content for your root apps site:
ahh, I forgot to tweet this yesterday: yesterday's date was a palindrome in base-13
@aperfect I want examples
@Samuel_Hansen aww, you deleted the crazy man's comment on the blog :(
@Samuel_Hansen is this a network q: how long should it take a service to have most things you'd want on it? Eg wikipedia, youtube, the web
@Samuel_Hansen indeed. It feels like something that would be fun to work out a methodology for.
Never change, Nana.
Oh my god, I've just looked inside:
The Christiansmas festivities are off to a fine start with the traditional goose parade…
Remember to check your programme so you don't miss out on any of the fabulous Christiansmas activites throughout the day
I've gone a bit silly with old age.
@ellenirites you look wide-awake to me
@Rosalot would you like a lecture on queuing theory? It's very interesting, I could go on for ages
@Rosalot there is an optimum queue length they want to maintain at all times. So they change the staff levels as incoming call rate changes
@standupmaths @TimandraHarknes you're not going above Harrogate? I was about to drum up some PhDs to see you!
@TimandraHarknes @standupmaths one of the aforementioned PhDs is also a standup. I will enquire.
I just thought to try j/k to scroll through tweets. It's a @Christiansmas miracle!
@Andrew_Taylor @standupmaths @pixie359 well, @peterrowlett did basically that in his Travels in a Mathematical World podcast
@pixie359 but he got his facts from numbergossip. So listen to his podcasts anyway, just not for this reason.
I'm going to sell savoury pastries under the name Quiche Thegwin.
my Gauss fact got on the site!
Did anyone else feel physical pain trying to parse this "graph" in the Observer New Review today?
In happier news, this is what my mum got me for my birthday. Trust me, I have a plan.
@jjsanderson forget pens, the first writing implement I would import would be Hagoromo "Fulltouch" chalk:…
@peterrowlett stop tricking me into clicking on your old posts!
@RANIELDANSON *discreetly unfollowed*
@RANIELDANSON its not that I don't think you can kick the habit, but just to be safe...
@RANIELDANSON cold hard science
@peterrowlett while I've got you - do you have any thoughts about that thing?
@karenshancock I have been wondering exactly the same thing
some nice 3d-printed models by Rinus Roelofs:…
@ellenirites are you going mad with instagram again?
Baaanach-Tarski (thanks @ellenirites and @Bishnavitch)
@standupmaths I used to think I did, but since I moved away from home and kept the same detergent, it cleared up
@peterrowlett there's a chat window and comment boxes. I'm in there now.
@plusmathsorg subjects of the British Empire do not have a terrifically good record with world domination plans that begin in Massachusetts
@Nathan1123 the thing I'm making has to support IE
@Nathan1123 your tweet arrived simultaneously with me fixing the bug. Hooray for a coincidence!
@Nathan1123 I've been working on this for two years. This is just the latest bug.
just now, while sat at home, about eight miles from the university, my computer told me "more information is needed to connect to eduroam"
This is a fun sundial. A fundial.…
@haggismaths could you add the things on your trail to ?
@standupmaths my activities are not uniformly distributed throughout the year
reading wikipedia like a boss. Finally A-Level French is paying off!
@pkrautz (@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen) do one this week. I still haven't "hung out", so I'll look in. Why math/maths, not your own thing?
@JSlayerUK your correction was about my MP!
ahhh this algorithm would be so much easier in Haskell but I'm working in javascript and I just want monads why is life so hard :( :( :(
oh hello, cutting-edge web-based exposition:…
@Tony_Mann @peterrowlett however, I found Newton's college notebooks that were put online quite readable.
@peterrowlett @Tony_Mann the Cambridge one, I think. Whichever one @acmescience linked to.
@acmescience @Samuel_Hansen your two accounts' profile pics are facing each other. It looks like you're having a conversation with yourself
@trackinthebox when you redesign, could there be a way of listening to all the last week's tracks without clicking between pages?
@brittneybean I think that's the first tweet I've sent you whose response didn't match the regexp /@christianp (ha)+!*/
@alexbellos at the very least it's in PSPACE
Midday. Poo and a shower, then clothes. #livingthedream
@peterrowlett before I read that, can I just say how nice it is to have a project report site with no design rubbish on the page
@HilariousCow I don't know, and please don't RT the answer because I don't want to know
@AdrenalGBR go on then. Are you sure it's difficult?
@AdrenalGBR oof, that's not a programming problem, I don't think. Is it OK if I retweet from the MathsJam account?
@AdrenalGBR also, I want to fix your notation but I'm doing something else at the moment
6 hours of concentrated thinking = lambda operations in my algebra system while preserving implicit multiplication. Need a lot of drinks now
These are the fiercest waves I've ever seen here. Where are the surfers? Are these waves TOO fierce?
@Bishnavitch what what?
@elinoroberts I'm a tall man, as you know. For a moment I considered the possibility that I might get blown out to sea.
@daveowhite @mathsinthecity I would replace my Ampelmann umbrella with a Maths Dave one in an instant
@skrivr I've just got an invitation and started a blog. Page loads and sync seems to be failing. Are you under heavy load?
@skrivr ok. Is there any reason why that would make the settings pages or even the 404 page not load fully?
@skrivr and does the fact you know that mean you can look in my entire dropbox folder?
@acmescience I did not know you were doing this! It alone has made relatively prime worth the money.
@acmescience then I'm glad I gave you so little money. I got an excellent deal!
@stevieb How have we not bumped into each other at conferences? Thought you got a job after your MMath, had no idea you were doing research
@skrivr yes, it looks like it's working now, thanks
@HilariousCow this just in: women also shave.
@stevieb I'm doing more jobs than would fit in a tweet, plus a PhD on group theory / computability
@stevieb somewhere in the middle. I'm self-funding and part-time, so no idea when I'll finish
@mike_geogebra @davidobrador lets you draw the character you're after.
@danaernst it's very flakey, which is why it's still in beta, I suppose.
@danaernst I don't really have a need for it, because I've got my own proper wordpress blog and for quick notes
@danaernst yes, I have - I just signed up to help Theron get MathJax going, really
@danaernst . My workflow is to write stuff on (instant TeX preview!) then copy it straight into wordpress
new year's resolution: get over my infatuation with clever domain names. will be my last one, promise.
when did I download this album? It's pretty fun! It's by The South Trio.
This summer in cinemas: Iron Man, the Iron Giant and the Iron Lady are... STEEL TEAM SIX
Sorry, I couldn't think of three more metallic neocapitalists/destroyers of industry
@aPaulTaylor could your game be rewritten in javascript?
Yavalath, a computer-designed board game: (via @outofthenorm2, whom you should #ff)
@peterrowlett you have a doppelganger at Newcastle University! Aaa that freaked me out!
@stecks @aPaulTaylor is that the co-op membership form? I remember it had an exhaustive list of titles
@Bishnavitch soon, Muthurangu, soon.
@outofthenorm2 the hairy ball theorem is an excellent choice for a barber
there is a name for the happiest mode of transport:
"90-95% of indigenous peoples were decimated by European diseases" - a scholar of the humanities on BBC4
Arg, this is a bad documentary about a really interesting subject!
@ellenirites there's a way of preventing that... #unhelpfulnonsmokeradvice
@peterrowlett Gowers is rallying people to boycott Elsevier, and the traffic to his blog is spilling over to mine a bit…
@peterrowlett oh man, that's what I get for replying before reading all the way up my twitter feed
@peterrowlett because he has a link to my MathJax bookmarklet on the sidebar :P
@peterrowlett better than being just "a tool"
Missed my mouth, got toothpaste on my face. #dyspraxia!
Whoah, that Ben & Jerry's van up at Cullercoats is a bit optimistic.
@EliotBall the Chrome developer tools are very good
@EliotBall good stuff. Do you know about prototypes in javascript?
@EliotBall it's just a good idea to declare methods in the prototype rather than in the constructor
Rrgrgrggg, Flash music download widget!! Share my outrage, @brittneybean!
@brittneybean wasn't even the audio. I just wanted to middle-click the provider's logo to see who they were.
@EliotBall I've just added some explanation at the top of the file
I look at the publications list of someone like Zeilberger or Svante Janson and I think, what's the point. Let them discover all the facts.
why is copying text from PDFs such a hassle? Can't the information about, for example, where the spaces between words are, be kept?
@Andrew_Taylor It's a problem pretty much unique to PDFs. Most of these files are generated by LaTeX, from the looks of them.
@Andrew_Taylor I *think* that the reader program has to infer the presence of spaces from the positions of glyphs on the page.
@Andrew_Taylor the problem is that a pdf is just a list of where to put symbols on a page, not a coherent representation of the text
@stecks could the link to my MathsJam posts on the Newcastle MathsJam page be changed to the category listing?…
@christianp @stecks actually, I've realised that category has non-recap posts in it. This one, please:…
I'm trying something a bit ambitious on my blog: a summation of my interesting esoterica collection…
@acmescience do you know that none of the links from the C&P Classic RSS feed work?
@CloudoidLtd I don't think I have! You should post a comment with a link to it.
I can see really faint aurora stood on the point at the bottom of longsands beach
Man, the people in that plane must be getting a good view
@jjsanderson should've stayed in Tynemouth! I got out just as it was reaching its peak.
@Samuel_Hansen can I just say what an excellent job you did on the podcast this week, in my opinion.
@acmescience haha, that's an excellent idea
to do a global find and replace on a file and have it compile correctly immediately afterwards is a sublime joy.
@Samuel_Hansen that's a mighty short post on your blog there, Samuel. Ephemeral, I'd even go so far as to say. Not that it's a bad post...
today's grand insight: $x - y = x + (-y)$. I'm a good PhD student.
@ellenirites Old age is pretty fun. You can walk into a place like you know what you're doing with your life and nobody calls you out on it.
@standupmaths please, get some MathJax on that blog!
@standupmaths also, use the <code> tag (the wordpress editor has a button for it) around your Python code so indentation is preserved
@standupmaths & finally, wp-footnotes is a good plugin. It makes footnotes which link back to the relevant bit of text.…
@standupmaths I can email you the code if you'd like. It literally takes two minutes to paste it into your header file from the admin page.
@standupmaths also, @danaernst and others are planning a mailing list for mathematicians with WP blogs. I'll tweet it when it exists.
@Gelada @standupmaths @danaernst well that sounds like we have a quorum. @pkrautz is keen as well.
@mattybeardsmith how many people work there? Not sure you've spotted a trend there
@acmescience top stuff!
Milton Jones is a Brilliant Mathematician:…
I got a present for ya!
@mathsinthecity we should publish a picture book of the times we manage to look stylish while carrying unstylish things.
Getting familiar with Lominoes. I will be trying to build a ziggurat at tonight's @MathsJam
is it just that twitter search is bad or are old tweets actually forgotten after a while?
@outofthenorm2 is that problem related to Golomb rulers?…
@aperfect so I should be saving my tweets somewhere in case I want to refer back to them?
@lizmallard the creator will sell you some if you email him:
This dude's talk would be a lot easier to understand if I could see laser pointers
@pkrautz failed hard. But it would've been easier, if not objectively easy
new game in the office: get to my blog with an unlikely google query. Current leader: "the esoteric turtle and the carrots"
@pkrautz yep
new winner in mathem-o-blog quest: "the irrational rubik's cube at mardi gras"
or: "the case of sherlock holmes and the esoteric lego egg"
@peterrowlett you'd better check your registration status!
Off for a cheeky Micky D's before @MathsJam
@pkrautz they've reverted to the old one, so depending on cookies and caches, it'll either appear or not for a while
@stecks are you getting much done in Manchester? A write-up of our night would just be, "we played with Lominoes then went home"
@peterrowlett @MathsJam or it's a double-bluff, and the answer is no for a surprising reason
too many computer scientists named Philip.
@ellenirites @sadiestrong I will eat something similar! Good idea!
I took 7 pages of notes at last night's MathsJam. Durham students are too keen.
Linguistics fact: Jèrriais, the Norman French spoken on Jersey, sounds like normal French spoken by someone you want to punch in the face
these clouds are gathering, like, Storm-from-the-X-Men-fast.
@GhostMutt what's going on there?
women of twitter: do you also get "female" spambots following you, or male ones? Or none? Is sexism rife in the evil spammer fraternity?
The wind turbine is 120! That's 2pi/3 in radians. On 25/1/1892 James Blyth presented his new invention - the wind turbine (via @nulibsage)
@GhostMutt PHP's an odd choice. Is there some syntax you're comfortable with only in PHP?
@GhostMutt javascript, dude. paper.js is a good simple library for doing graphics
@brittneybean their about page reads like what a 9-year-old girl who isn't yet aware of feminism would imagine she'd write when she grows up
@aperfect @kenfodder @brittneybean @moomerman I'm having burgers tonight too! Except they're homemade and I'm putting plastic cheese on top
@jcoglan hidden semantics yeaaaaaah! It's like how the RT button doesn't just stick RT in front of a tweet any more
hello, new Belgian followers! Why are there so many of you?
Listening to Clare and the Reasons unapologetically. Ain't no apologies forthcoming.
@enoFsamohT Cantonaftershave
@clareandreasons nope!
Yeah, is fine, but how about I know 7's dark secret.
@ellenirites @RANIELDANSON you're both wrong. "Yourself" as a subject pronoun makes me very very angry indeed.
Mathematicians with Wordpress blogs (in particular @standupmaths): ask questions about blogging maths on wp4sci!forum/…
@ellenirites @ranieldanson "Would yourself like anything else?"
@ellenirites @RANIELDANSON on the internet, nobody knows you've got a posh voice, like wot I does.
@ellenirites @RANIELDANSON and I fully accept that that previous sentence was nothing other than hateful
@RANIELDANSON @ellenirites time to break out some Greek: Heteroglossia…
@ben_nuttall sorry…
@Rosalot that is a hilarious name for a blog
@Htbaa you might find Champernowne's constant interesting
seriously good fish from Marshall's tonight
failing to make a ziggurat of Lominoes:
@standupmaths on that subject, I'm going to share a google document with you. You might have some thoughts about it.
@Bishnavitch Metal Gear Cosby…
@brittneybean oh wow, n+1 doesn't look like J. Wellington Wimpy's Geocities page any more!
@mathsinthecity I'm looking at the site for the first time in ages. Is there a way of getting a list of all sites, sorted by date added?
@mathsinthecity EXCELLENT!!!
@mathsinthecity you might even be able to tempt me down south with such a trendy accessory
@daveowhite I ask my uni's systems the same. It doesn't let me log off until I delete things, so I think the former is empirically true.
just discovered that / starts search-as-you-type in SumatraPDF, just like in vim.
there should be an annual Mathematicians' Rounds where we go to other departments and point out what they've reinvented with worse notation
(reading a computer science paper which spends ages defining "2-to-1 functions", which are just binary relations)
update on my little survey: seems everyone gets female spambot followers, regardless of their own gender identity.
Trying to attract undergrads to @MathsJam with @stecks's postcards.
no, the entire point of LaTeX is that you don't do the spacing manually. (editing someone else's text)
@TimandraHarknes but it costs some unlikely combination of change, or you have to get a token off someone and it's a hassle, so why bother?
just a little bit tired of Chrome pasting text with formatting included by default.
how do I get to a position in life where it's my job to watch this video all day?…
@standupmaths you say that as if it isn't something you do regularly :S
How to get beautifully typeset maths on your blog:…
@peterrowlett I would appreciate it if you mentioned my MathJax post on #mathmaths. My mathematical week: declaring LaTeX jihad!
@standupmaths unless Google is just one person - "qoud vos, Google"
Might be time for a new Dr Robotnik. He's gone blind and most of his wires are wonky.
@rockhyrax midnight slug espionage!
@rockhyrax they clean up after themselves in the sink. It's the perfect crime!
@JSlayerUK I would patronise that establishment for both my tort[e] needs.
@Andrew_Taylor @standupmaths but the snowflake obstacle in the Wipeout zone has the correct symmetries
@OddballDave twitter seems to have forgotten I'm following you. Well, it's a quiet Saturday night, I'll buy your game now.
@JSlayerUK or less, if he continues ruining the company the way he is currently
why is nobody using something TeX-ish, i.e. a macro language with minimal syntax, as a template language for the web?
man, I'd probably hate heroin. The noises I make when I haven't had any chocolate in a while are bad enough.
@EliotBall no, it doesn't have macros
@EliotBall macros are new commands you can define in the text to abstract out common patterns.
@EliotBall yes, well, I was asking why nobody had done that
@EliotBall the usual reasons people want templating languages
@Bishnavitch sad/happy times
Today, Christian Perfect is: CRINKLY MAN.
If someone you are meeting for the first time describes themselves as "old and fat", does etiquette demand that you fail to recognise them?
@ben_nuttall Greggs pasty. That's a rough approximation to a pie.
@peterrowlett arg I need to write up Newcastle MathsJam and I have so much other stuff to do!
@peterrowlett massive pedantry on the solution page: the singular form is 'tetrahedron'.
@peterrowlett although it is quite fun spending an evening doing the writeup, and it gets a lot of hits and discussion
@jcoglan like having a gun in the home, I'm much more worried that I'll forget my own master password than that hackers will crack it.
Does there exist a CCD which sees light in the bit of the spectrum used by wifi? Do human bodies reflect it or are they just opaque to it?
@Electrokittie can and should
@mike_geogebra is there a timetable for the html5 implementation?
@mike_geogebra is most of the performance lost in the computation, rather than rendering?
@mike_geogebra I've been staring at the .js files thinking there's no way that's enough code, then I remembered you used GWT!
@daveowhite twitter seems to be doing an excellent job of forgetting for me
@daveowhite losing old tweets is the biggest problem
@standupmaths "kids say the most quantifiable things"
@peterrowlett I wither under the heat of your mad social media cross-promotion skillz
Not sure why I misread Leonhard Pfeifer as Leonhard Euler but that's the most excited I've been about a John Lewis window display in a while
@stecks look at the end of this video… - I'd love to see them do more of those orbits you talked about at mathsjam
@daveowhite well, the argument could be made that Google's IPO changed how they work considerably
@ben_nuttall the Euler characteristic is actually a design motif
I dislike bug reports written in the passive voice.
somebody called Jon with a rich baritone should open a bookshop in Hay-on-Wye called Jon Tomes
my blog is in a coma :(
my blog has arisen from its coma! Thanks, @aperfect!
new @MathsJam organisers might like this big collection of really interesting puzzles and games
I've rejoined the Coincidentally Colour Coordinated Clothing Corps with a brown t-shirt and this rather fetching mustard yellow jumper
spambots have excellent names. Mignon Bonifont, Melania Griffiths, Telma Fabry: I wish you were real people!
Note to me: apple juice benefits from being shaken. Apples do not.
@PeterMolydeux you're just repeating plots from Round the Twist now
Decided I was going to take three steps at once but that thought didn't get down to my legs in time.
@peterrowlett I'm perfectly fine. Thanks to my height, I had enough thinking time to rectify the mistake
and my blog is ill again :(
@RANIELDANSON one day your loyal #FFing of me every week will be rewarded. Not today, though.
@peterrowlett so should #gausslies be true? @gaussfacts are mainly false.
@standupmaths have you been in one of those ones that moves continuously and loops round at the top? They scare me.
I've got a really quite enormous lumpen spot in that little crevice behind my ear. Worried it's like a boll weevil or something.
@Electrokittie hah, those are totally Auntie Sheila shoes. Aunties of other names need not apply.
@Electrokittie come on though, you can do better than that. Sheila's Heels.
@standupmaths google has helped my memory! They're called paternosters and Leicester Uni has one…
@standupmaths big in Germany, of course, where people can be expected to behave themselves…
@standupmaths @Our_Frank @thought4day2 @jonny_nichols @charlotteyoung wow, loads more than I thought! Someone update
@mathpuzzle it's been a long time since you last updated the site!
someone called exactly as an album finished playing. I like that.
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett what about Erdos's enormous collection of left shoes stolen from his collaborators?
@chaosdynamics @jeffemanuel especkley? ekspecially?
the set of universes in which Cibelle is correctly classified as "country music" has measure zero. Stupid emusic.
@chaosdynamics that's hilarious. Remind me never to visit Boston or I might get fisticuffsome.
@stecks you're in Newcastle tomorrow, yes? Coffee and Lominoes?
@stecks as you're tourists, I suggest the Baltic. Alternatively, heading into town, there's Blakes or Cafe Royal
How is it possible for a man of 26 to make this much mess eating soup? #dyspraxia!
nearly at the end of my notes on January's @MathsJam. This recap post is going to happen, people!
@madcaptenor I think it does.
Finally! The Newcastle @MathsJam January 2012 Recap:…
stop looking, we've found the free-energy source:… "in addition it reflects in the dark"
@ellenirites Cheer up! Dog with silly boots!…
@mariondov pi is defined in terms of the properties it has. Series representations are often derived from trig functions with known values.
@mariondov but there now exists a formula for individual digits of pi without working out the previous ones, so calculations can be checked
Oh man, you really don't want to see a spelling error on a sign in a tattooist's window.
Got in a good round of blue plaque bagging. Got 9 plaques around the quayside, Byker and Heaton. Now it's snowing so I'm going home.
Pay homage to the Sun King! Documentary on Louis XIV starting on BBC HD now.
oh no never mind, it's awful
to the author of this article: you've saved neither space nor time by rounding the price up the first time it appears…
@TraineeGeek email Alan Schoen:
Frozen sand! Best sand!
Wahey!! (I may have cheated a little bit) #lominoes
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen superbowl maths puzzle: explain how a 60-minute game takes FOUR HOURS to finish
@standupmaths @qikipedia I worked out how big the bucket would be so no. atoms in bucket = buckets of water on earth…
The plot thickens in my mathematical investigation, with the inestimable assistance of PI Pi.
because it's Sunday and I've run out of things to do: a blog post about atoms of water…
@lizmallard its just over a teaspoon if you're counting molecules.
EXCELLENT. Just did a yawn exactly like Peter Ustinov in Disney's Robin Hood. #vibrato
I love how if you leave a TV on these days the only thing that gets burnt out is the planet.
@ellenirites we were having a discussion in the maths department about the practicality of storing soup in tupperware. I see where you stand
@ellenirites can't really remember, but empirical evidence of expected spillage was sought in the staff kitchen.
oh wow, the Proceedings of the FUN with Algorithms conference is treasure trove of excellent paper titles…
@ellenirites ah, but we were discussing it as a means of getting soup into work
@ellenirites PS "soup into work" is a policy to be announced at the next Tory Party conference
way more pictures of old carrots than you need, but nowhere near as many as you want…
@Electrokittie for the record: Lana del Rey is not hot. That top lip is an automatic disqualification.
Arg, Neil Cowley's new album is too beautiful! I am an emotional turtle flipped on its soppy back, feelers all waving in the air helplessly
I'm so emotional that I'm looking at curta calculators on ebay. This is my equivalent of drunk-dialling.
@Electrokittie word on the street is that so is her entire face
@ellenirites what is that salad doing there?!
@ellenirites eugh. Reconsidering whether I should follow you.
Walking down stairs takes a lot longer when you take them one step at a time. I don't know how you short people don't go mad with boredom
you have permission to rock out while reading these papers:…
@AdrenalGBR true recollection of events
@ben_nuttall Resources tab. Click on Frames -> (myfile.htm) -> myfile.htm. Tada!
@ben_nuttall oh no, that's only got new selectors in it.
@ben_nuttall though if you do make changes, the stylesheet in the resource tab is changed to reflect them, and the original is underneath
I'm editing a WordPress plugin. I hate PHP so much!
@ben_nuttall we're (some people you've heard of) collecting our individual blogs on one site. We've got a plugin which imports our posts...
@ben_nuttall but it needed changing so imported posts have the same publication date as the version on the original blog.
@ben_nuttall not quite
getting some burgers out of the freezer. If they're thawed by dinner time, bonza. Otherwiser it's carbohydrate bumholes, aka tortellini
@mathsinthecity ooerr, tiny fame. @standupmaths has since informed me that London's circle line now has the same topological property :(
@mathsinthecity it's OK, this is how Science! is done. I'm going to start petitioning the council for a loop-the-loop in the Metro, though.
@mathsinthecity every time I go to IKEA, I forget to take a pic of the store map as an example of fractional dimension for the website
@mathsinthecity can you send an undergrad to take one? You have that kind of power, right?
it isn't even funny how long my body takes to recover from just walking for a couple of hours. Day 4...
@mathsinthecity incredible. And I've just discovered that google maps has enormous difficulty searching for ikea
there are only 18 IKEA shops in the whole UK?! I feel like a Byzantine discovering the Western Roman Empire collapsed 600 years ago.
@aperfect really though?
NVDA read "résumé" as "resume" and "resume" as "résumé". The mind boggles.
@enoFsamohT it's funny because now I'm thinking about you handling your own poo
@standupmaths is this a marginal utility of tea thing, or would the consumption of tea always have negative utility for you?
@jcsteh probably microsoft. I've been switching between the two
@jcsteh while I've got you - how well can NVDA read MathML?
@stecks @peterrowlett *cough* blog post please *cough*
@charliesgames how much fun maths was involved in the pathfinding? Could you do a mobius strip, for example?
@charliesgames so if they're diametrically opposite the player they won't move at all?
@charliesgames mobius strip: take a strip of paper. Put a twist in it. Glue two ends together.
@plusmathsorg have they really made a Turing machine? They've made two two-state FSAs, which aren't Turing-complete.
it is enormously annoying that has disappeared off the face of the internet
@plusmathsorg my tut remains. Don't pull a New Scientist.
@RachaelBailes your badge and your gun. You're not quite there yet
@Samuel_Hansen I reckon I've got another Internet Maths Aperiodical for you, when I find some time and energy to write it up
@Samuel_Hansen huh, I suppose. Not sure how long until it's ready
can anyone explain to me which way is up in this product photo?…
@ellenirites is it a sequel to creepy 18th-C abuse-of-trust-fest The Woman in White?
Dear Diary, Today everyone found my colourblindness hilarious. Sigh. #gotthepurples
@laurareeshughes @numberloving but the golden ratio doesn't really have much to do with beauty - see….
@laurareeshughes @numberloving however, @SparksMaths has a very nice Geogebra applet about a real application of phi - sunflower heads
@standupmaths as you're seemingly in the maths jewellery business now: how about Gibonacci bracelets?…
@JPickford does the second M in ISMMTTM stand for Monkey or for Mate?
so far tonight I have found three different, contradicting, definitions of "Gibonacci" sequences. Can anyone think of any more?
going to see if I can put in a requisition order for a couple of these to go in the school reception:…
@HoeJodgkiss you mean this?…
@peterrowlett @mathblogging aw man I thought I was in for certain this week. I'll beat you next time, Rowlett!
oh no, I made toast like 30 minutes ago. Now it's cold and brown! There is no rescuing this toast! #woe
@TraineeGeek gosh! That's quite a few of us have bought Lominoes now.
@peterrowlett mathmo.
@peterrowlett make it so! It's pretty clear what it means.
@peterrowlett @xabl if it's good enough for @ColinTheMathmo it's good enough for me
@Electrokittie @Bishnavitch I'd love it if you changed "phenomena" to "phenomenon"
@xabl @peterrowlett @Gelada something something reappropriation of a derogatory term
@peterrowlett I'm classically trained in the art of rhetoric
@pkrautz Jan's mathsjam recap was the biggest yet… and I wrote instructions on MathJax blogging…
Been thinking hard all day. Squash and chocolate time.
@standupmaths I think some of your thief traffic is spilling over into the princess/castle problem and finding me on google for the solution
Mathmos, in particular analysts: is there any sensible definition of exponentiation on matrices that copes with real-valued exponents?
@ColinTheMathmo why have you got the band being stretched instantaneously in 1m increments? Ease of exposition, again?
@ColinTheMathmo Righto. We did the continuous one at NCL mathsjam, and we'd all forgotten how to spot an integrating factor problem.
@aperfect in CoffeeScript, whitespace is more significant than a raised eyebrow across a room
@pkrautz yeah, I was mainly teasing @peterrowlett
@JSlayerUK Il faut cultiver son jardin
I've written a lot of work emails today that have to be signed "Christian", not "cp". Not happy.
syntax error on line 1337! y u no like me, c0mpilr?!?!
@jcoglan do you ever use it on windows? It throws up modal IE javascript error dialogs every now and then, caused by crashed adverts.
@peterrowlett is #prdayoff the hashtag for your day of liberated mayhem?
@peterrowlett @mathsinthecity break into the Science Museum and steal their Curta calculator for me
Blog post: MATH PROBLEMS?… (following @mathsinthecity's tweet of that flyer earlier)
@mathsinthecity well, I wasted my afternoon solving that:…
@peterrowlett my mathematical week: I just solved a flyer…
Eurg. #dyspraxia!
this might be the hardest Loopy puzzle I've ever seen
Unexpected massive bonus koala!
FINALLY. That 3 in the middle right was done! I hadn't noticed!
Everyone else finds Norman really creepy. Philistines.
@Andrew_Taylor I'll guess "psychology research grant"
@alexbellos your blog is down
@mariondov We know the definition of pi. You can work out the value, or series expansions, from that by pure logic.
Gnarly thumbwound is coming in handy (ha!)
It expressed my frustration at being panne d'essence for all of 1000 bornes
@mariondov this pi book looks good:…
@elinoroberts it's either that or the Sunday Service, so go for it
@standupmaths that gives me the idea of designing a (finite state? pushdown?) automaton which recognises all coffee orders
@Electrokittie my studies of Rose Byrne's features have not yet got below her chin, never mind her feet. Maybe others start from the bottom?
@Electrokittie I will conjecture that every part of her is good-looking, so maybe these people have a point.
@jcoglan ok, now you need to make an audio filter that tries to shift any singing towards an ethereal whispering of the words "WHAT AM I"
I've blogged again about the additions to my interesting esoterica mendeley group. There's some properly fun stuff!…
@peterrowlett ♫ Peter and George, sitting in a tree, doing a double integral on a closed curve ♫
@MathsJam I've just noticed that Feb MathsJam coincides with pancake day? What are we to do? I take pancake day very seriously
@HilariousCow I have so many issues with the maths on that page. Mainly, the use of the percent sign when percentages are not being used
@stecks @Andrew_Taylor is this one of those PR things or a real thing?
@mathsinthecity @phillyg1990 people who attend the tour might like to join @MathsJam in the evening
@mathsinthecity @peterrowlett Peter is as northern as I am Australian
going to open a cupcake shop called Zorn's. (you'll have trouble picking just one)
@peterrowlett nice, but no RSS! I was thinking it could get brought in to the new site somehow
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie @ellenirites @mattybeardsmith pancakes, my house, next Monday. Yes?
@outofthenorm2 I once had to do those calculations while driving a friend to the pizza place. Very hard to concentrate on the road.
@elinoroberts the *second* bounce? It has a coefficient of restitution greater than 1?!
@brittneybean anything by Cornelius
I love saying "that's a weight off my mind!" to my barber. Not sure if he appreciates it.
@standupmaths Get Surrey sounds like a a really boring gangster film. Or maybe the big-screen adaptation of Midsomer Murders.
@TraineeGeek shouldn't that be second-last tuesdays? Or are you doing your own thing?
David's new game: take turns choosing edges. First to pick a cycle loses. What happens when it's played properly?
reconsidering my ambition to one day be a German…
@GhostMutt crumbs! Where have you read that?
@GhostMutt got a link? I need more context because it's a complicated topic
@GhostMutt ok, it's a bit of an unusual phrasing. "Limits" usually involve seeing what happens as a parameter tends to infinity.
@GhostMutt e.g. "the limit of 1/x as x tends to infinity" is 0 because the difference between 1/x and 0 gets smaller as x increases.
@GhostMutt on searching, "passage to the limit" seems to be popular with Russians. I would use "take the limit".
@GhostMutt Right. Because it doesn't settle on any one value.
hah, any paper downloaded from ScienceDirect is called "science.pdf". I want an exclamation mark in there!
also in re ScienceDirect: those poppy-uppy headers and footers with the 1000ms delay are really quite annoying.
time and motion planning is great except when it results in all the toilets in the building being cleaned at once
@mathsinthecity I don't know how you do things in Oxford but we're a little more civilised up here.
@FakeElsevier I can only hope I never meet someone who read that and took it to heart
@JSlayerUK… - Loopy; choose the "Cairo" type
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie
at home with a cold today, so I'm listening to The Department and taking a panadol every time @hellobuglers says "testify!"
My dad brought me this back from London. Have no patience for this kind of thing but Kurt is making a compelling case.
points against: 1) maths isn't just equations; 2) physics is; 3) most of these are physics equations; 4) mug is wider than it is tall
@Bishnavitch I'm ill! Apparently you called me 7 times. I love you too dude but after four you can assume I'm asleep.
@Bishnavitch I say no, I'm ill.
@KSCMaths @standupmaths oh you know it. χ²
This is the most beautifully unhelpful diagrams I've ever seen in a maths textbook (Papy's "Groups")
I forgot to celebrate this book's 200th birthday! It is my oldest possession.
The things you find at the back of a bookshelf...
My original Creatures disc!
@peterrowlett I've been going through my bookshelves and found some cracking maths books, including one 201 years old (see tweets passim)
does it annoy anyone else when undergrads use "we" when they actually mean "I"? eg, "we can't solve this equation by the usual method"
in fact, I'm against the use of "we" pretty much anywhere outside a group report.
@NoelAnn yes, that would be better.
@peterrowlett yeah, but I don't like being implicated in my student's inadequacies
@peterrowlett @NoelAnn oh I did! I'm thinking of stuff like "we prove that ..."
@NoelAnn @peterrowlett at NCL we don't encourage anything - apart from occasional comments on homework, we give no training on writing maths
@ellenirites @Electrokittie @Bishnavitch @mattybeardsmith (plus several mathematicians)
my mouse has decided not to scroll when the cursor is in a narrow band 20% from the left of the screen. Trackpad works fine. WHAT.
reminder: Feb's @MathsJam is this Tuesday, the 21st. At NCL, I intend to discuss spambots and abelian card games.
The milk bounced off my Frosties and on to the kitchen surface. So I'm not dyspraxic, I just live in a slapstick movie.
aww yisss that was my 4000th tweet and it was a good one!
@peterrowlett this withering satire considered too short or too inflammatory for second rate minds?
my mad scrolling problems were being caused by Facebook messenger. I am at a loss.
@ellenirites @Electrokittie nobody has ever been sectioned for hallucinating sausage dogs.
@standupmaths I'll blame the torygraph's copy editors for the fact question 1 asks you to find a pair of numbers which has 6 different sums
feel sort of bad for making @Electrokittie and @ellenirites flip pancakes against their will but those are the Rules of Pancakes
@peterrowlett I just checked and I'm coming up for five years on twitter! Has it even been around that long?
@madeupstats the average pancake is successfully flipped 0.8 times
@peterrowlett I hope you won't be liveblogging the crime I asked you to commit
@peterrowlett I don't know. Maybe ask those two guys with the camera?
it's too hot! I'm melting!
@standupmaths I'm meeting my friend for dinner before mathsjam again if you'd like to join us
@standupmaths ah! 7 is when the pub stops serving food and when I need to be in the pub to start MathsJam. A conundrum!
@standupmaths and I was alarmed to notice the Melbourne @MathsJam was already underway when I got up this morning!
I dreamt I'd been put in charge of a baby orangutan! It was beautiful!
for those who don't have access to a pack of cards or some friends: I've made the game Mad Abel in python -
@standupmaths is it OK if I use your photos from last night in my recap post?
@standupmaths couldn't hurt!
The letter H is the eighth letter and sounds a bit like "eight" when you say it. That's a little bit interesting.
argrgrw why is flickr upload on android+htc so rubbish?
I had so much fun at last night's @MathsJam that I've written it up straight away:…
@ScienceFest could you slow down that slideshow on the front page a bit? I'm a fast reader and I struggled to keep up
@ellenirites I read that as #wetgirlproblems. Wasn't wrong.
Mad Abel is also a good solitaire game. I just finished a round with an enormous 9-card smash
@ellenirites it's surprisingly tame
@kirkpatricke homeless! When they're back on their feet they can help look after the sick kids and the brain injured
just realised that in vim you can name the buffer you want to change to, instead of remembering numbers!
look, @Samuel_Hansen has posted a really properly interesting video on his blog…
@Samuel_Hansen yeah, I dunno...
And now a nosebleed. My body is not performing well at the moment.
This seagull is laughing like Jimmy Carr. Or, Jimmy Carr has climbed onto my neighbour's roof.
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett you could pass the time by playing Desert Bus
@ellenirites proof that the adjective "inviting" doesn't always apply to invitations
@Samuel_Hansen we like all the same things, why must we be so far apart?
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen series 2 finished on Five here just before series 3 finished in the US. Series 1 on dvd is highly recommended!
@peterrowlett don't confuse Sam further with the class system. Though I enjoy both the Archers and Archer, so where does that put me?
interesting - somebody's using pandoc to generate both posts and LaTeX PDFs at the same time (with maths!)…
I think my boss just made a satirical commit message. Trying to work out if I'm its target.
@stecks @Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett and they often read verbatim from government pamphlets about soil management during conversations
@MathsJam why doesn''t n=7, s=2 work?
@MathsJam then I don't understand what you're doing
@MathsJam Ahh, yes I do!
please help me twitter: is it possible to improvise bubblebath? I have a bar of soap and a bottle of vosene shampoo
@charliesgames I have some from-scratch quaternion code I can answer questions about, if you'd like
@mathsinthecity just remembered that I took a picture of an IKEA floor plan a year ago! I've added a site to the site:…
my ear popped in the shower and filled up with water and now all I can hear is glub glub glub glub
This dude has the kind of idiot laugh that's surely so cliché that idiots would self-consciously avoid using it, lest they appear idiotic.
not to hot, not too bright, not too noisy: we can have any two in my office, but never all three at once.
@aperfect is there a service which will air-courier food from posh London restaurants up to me for my lunch?
@peterrowlett how kind, thank you
BBC Sport headline generator: <driver for mid-field F1 team> sets pace in <Spanish city>
now playing Mad Abel on $D_6 \times \mathbb{Z}_4$. It's surprisingly not-impossible!
@Gelada you got the spelling of 'noble' wrong in your post about being wrong.
@peterrowlett I'm torn. It's an admirable idea, but the execution is off. My thoughts don't fit in any of the things the survey asks.
@mathsinthecity I wouldn't know about that. Are they saving space on corridors so they can have more rooms? Does that make sense? Not sure.
@Andrew_Taylor is that snowman warm-blooded?
@peterrowlett what do you think are the chances of the new site having over 100 posts before it even starts?
Warhammer 40K is 25 years old today! Let's take some time to think about all the nice things we could've bought instead of miniatures.
I have the coolest friends: we're doing exercises from the 1811 arithmetic textbook on my coffee table blackboard.
@pkrautz thanks!
@Samuel_Hansen is complimentary therapy the kind of thing where you go into a little room and everyone tells you how great you are?
This is a bit odd
it looks like @Samuel_Hansen is riding the crest of a wave…
@alexbellos please use your mastery of the English language to coin a name for puzzles I've seen before but have forgotten the solution to
@alexbellos because I've seen that one before and I want to use a word with lots of plosives in it to describe my frustration
could this be easier? "All proposals must be completed using the MS Word template from the site, converted to PDF and uploaded to EasyChair"
@Bishnavitch that is an amazing advance in the field of Internet cat pictures. Twelve gold stars and three thumbs up
@standupmaths I'd say 8 is an over-generous score for a kettle with no nearby power outlet
@standupmaths wordpress magic: instead of taking screenshots of tweets, write [twitter URL]; get the URL by clicking on "embed this tweet"
@standupmaths actually, that feature is in the next version of wordpress! Never mind.
@standupmaths well then, could you set the image's alt text to the tweet's content so that it's screen-readable?
ARG I was going to put my dinner on an hour ago so it'd be ready when I was hungry but I didn't and now I'm hungry and ARG
@peterrowlett a celebration of British culture
how closely do your shopping lists match brand names? Mine: "washy; bath squish; squash; scrubbers..."
Unilever: I will use your brand names on my shopping list for a small consideration
@JSlayerUK never mind the sexism, that burger looks completely rank
@RANIELDANSON what happened to the sunshine warming your mood?
@pkrautz mega-gimmicky. They never say why a Penrose tiling is suitable. They certainly don't make use of aperiodicity.
@stecks @MathsJam does MK have a meeting-place or organiser? I'll update the map when they do
@outofthenorm2 according to who?
@pkrautz @Gelada yeah, opposite - think of how many ways you can put squares next to each other. Penrose tiles deliberately have fewer ways
@pkrautz @Gelada they're not using anywhere near enough tiles to get the Penrose effect - might as well use any shape with acute angles.
My blog recently passed 4000 all-time hits. That isn't very many!
@peterrowlett October last year. But I got a negligible number of hits before then.
@peterrowlett yeah, it's alright. My mum told me at the weekend in a worried voice that I am very ambitious.
data on every character in unicode. @standupmaths might just lose his reason over this:
@brittneybean I've been avoiding thatt because I had an issue of Cabinet to read. Finished that on the metro today. Oh dear.
@standupmaths I've made a Python script to do the happification graph up to 1000.
@standupmaths I'm redoing it so the edges don't overlap, but that apparently takes FOREVER in graphviz. Maybe it'll be done when I get home
@walkingrandomly I think our economists use it. They use it because it's what they were taught and they are incurious beings
@outofthenorm2 good point
@Andrew_Taylor has one proposed to you?
@peterrowlett you're extremely close to your 8888th tweet. I suggest you make it something in Chinese about the virtues of palindromes
I've been followed by a spambot with a not completely unreasonable picture (though still a pretty girl). Beginning to doubt reality.
@Graphviz @standupmaths here you go:…
@peterrowlett you total rapscallion
@Graphviz @standupmaths behold! I think this took my laptop just over 50 minutes:
@stecks ow that was hard to parse. I have brain cramp.
@Bishnavitch this brings up a good question! Where do your farts go?
@peterrowlett @SpencerTHughes Spencer Hughes, you've made an enemy.
this has been me recently:…
@RANIELDANSON anagram: Faster Mech. That would be loads better.
images des mathématiques has posted a very good (and long) summary of recent maths news… (cc @peterrowlett @stecks)
@ColinTheMathmo your cafe-based generosity is increasing at an amazing rate. I must make sure to be in the same city as you at some point.
@Samuel_Hansen that song is part of a trio of creepy girl songs. The other two: "I'll Kill Her" by Soko, "Boyfriend" by Best Coast.
@Samuel_Hansen she has just released an album which I'm undecided about. "I'll Kill Her" is a modern classic, though.
just had my first Newcastle undergrad email to ask about MathsJam. There is hope for this institution yet!
@alexbellos write 1 in cell A1. In cell A2, write "=A1+1". Selected cells A2:A1000. Press Ctrl+D
just read a comment by someone saying IE has excellent developer tools. I agreed so much my computer went out the window.
@Electrokittie @ellenirites also to stop tweeting about "tactical whiteys". As a teetotaller, I'd rather not even know that exists.
@outofthenorm2 my first year number theory lecturer used to do these tricks with stats from the end of Doom levels
@Electrokittie that is the opposite of what will happen
@outofthenorm2 oh! except he used continued fractions to get the answer a lot quicker
@jjsanderson @standupmaths I was amazed last night that I could still see it as far south as Peterlee
@daveowhite how bad? early 3dfx cards, or even PowerVR?
aw, this is a lovely idea
@daveowhite ouch. Suggest you use the Rumble Pak.
@E_I_W what time will you be in the pub?
@E_I_W excellent, that's when I finish at maths-aid. Mind if I join you?
@E_I_W well that sounds sinister!
@HilariousCow hey! That looks just like the original NPRQuake!
@E_I_W I'm on my way. There in five minutes
@peterrowlett almost exclusively wikipedia. Mathworld when I want a second opinion
@Gelada @haggismaths is this inverse kinematics + control theory?
@peterrowlett @stecks hooray! The site that doesn't exist yet has 100 posts. I'm itching to get started.
@Gelada @haggismaths all of them confusing to me. I would be a games programmer now if I'd been able to get my head round it
WHY DO I ALWAYS FORGET GUACAMOLE NEEDS LIME?!?! Now I have to go to the shops.
it's not like there's a catchy song with the recipe or anything…
85% homemade hippy-dippy fajitas. Definitely put enough chillies in.
if I am elected, I pledge an end to the boom-and-bust weather systems of the current Tory government
It's March the Turd! The day when people try to do a poo while walking. I love old English traditions.
@standupmaths missing a trick, dude: leave your front door clopen. Burglars will be unable to break in, because there is no "in".
Be broadband is down! O woe, I will have to go outside and enjoy the beach.
Caught out in the rain! Where's my @mathsinthecity umbrella?
@enoFsamohT like all traditions, it's as real as you make it
Physicists: this (double!) rainbow is slightly bigger than my camera's field of view. Moving won't help, right?
@peterrowlett oi, I am expecting an email from you about talk dates
@peterrowlett hey, it worked, didn't it?
@jjsanderson I couldn't see it. Is it because I'm colourblind?
@Talithin gosh, am I famous?
@Talithin if you download that file again, you'll get the finished thing. It was my 4th year project
@Talithin oof, you're doing proper maths.
@Bishnavitch I can give you a lift after the film I'm seeing tonight
@Bishnavitch but you'd have to get the metro back
I wish this was a real article that had been edited and had references and no unsupported claims…
@aperfect alfa rofail. alfail romeo. awful romeo. alfa roamy-no. alfa roh-me-oh-my. half-a romeo.
@benkenyon it's certainly better than the awful French narration / poetry
this film is excellent. I saw it at the Lumiere museum in Lyon. Each frame was hand-coloured.…
To some, programming can be addictive, like a drug. That's why I use Haskell.
@Htbaa no side-effects. It is a terrible pun.
@stecks my speakers were too loud! you are echoey all the way through
@HEAcademy clicking on the "book on this event" button for my event (…) gives a big long database error
@HEAcademy to wit (abbrv): Drivers error '80004005'
SQL Server does not exist or access denied
/LM/W3SVC/1956424472/Root/global.asa, line 27
sometimes jQuery is too helpful and I worry it will one day demand its pound of flesh
My cousin answered one of those facebook trick-arithmetic questions wrong. Disinherited.
What's the most efficient way to cut parallelograms out of a square?
A maths lecturer's best-of clips:…
@WhiteGroupMaths good enough. Have you seen MathJax ( - get typeset maths on your page without using images.
@somerandomdude what attribution text do you want for the Iconic set? I can't find a set phrase on the site.
I've spent too long photographing a bookcase. Please at least agree with me about how excellent my taste is…
I've updated my "How to get MathJax on your blog" post with instructions on getting MathJax to work with Disqus:…
has anyone read "Euclid in the Rainforest"?… @nulibsage has just acquired it, I might take it out
@standupmaths the headline "Back on the sheep's back" is not doing your homeland any favours.
@eAssess and me and @NclNumbas !
Currently rewriting this crime against typists into more friendly language.
We're gonna need a bigger brace
@Bishnavitch my friend @Samuel_Hansen has just interviewed him!…
@aperfect aw man I just lost the scone game. Now I want one too.
I miss the old Pukka Pad paper. You can hardly ever get a clean tear from the new kind.
Just fell over. All this thinking seems to have drained the blood out of my legs. Clearly not match-fit.
@peterrowlett shockingly, I don't have one in my esoterica collection! Appalled at myself.
@Samuel_Hansen you're getting faster, not slower like I was expecting. I thought you'd turn up on a canal boat next.
this video is ENORMOUSLY pleasing.…
Pourquoi devient-on mathématicienne?… and she seems to be a geometric group theorist!
@JSlayerUK the universe wants you to sit and twiddle your thumbs for a bit
@elinoroberts that's a very Pocahontas attitude
too clever, google! Search for "zip file mime type". I thought this kind of categorical expert system was abandoned in the 90s?
@brittneybean adverts? Ticketmaster handling fee for the Christmas party?
@brittneybean hey, at least if those catch on they'll be accurate. Look what the mackems are trying to promote:
@brittneybean hahahahaha I've just looked at their twitter and it's full of events happening in Newcastle
@ellenirites a lion tamer. Isn't it obvious?
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett let me try. Is this your interview with Neil deGrasser Tyson?…
@christianp @Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett who is Neil deGrasser Tyson? Maybe a relative of F Scott Snitchgerald
Wow, hmv still exists! And there are people inside! And they're not *all* old women buying presents!
it's taken 26 years, but I think I'm ready to start loving mustard
You don't have to have a smile on your face to work here, but these piggies can fix that
@GhostMutt not going near it
yazoo is basically brown water. What's the point?
@stecks how did you get on with the video? Should I do it?
wherein @stecks uses a zero-knowledge protocol to prove she's better at sudoku than I am:…
@stecks windows live movie maker is a blunt instrument. At least we know what to do next time
iphone/wordpress people: is there a way to send a link from the browser or twitter directly to a wordpress blog as a draft post?
the spambots have outwitted twitter by changing their names to /x(firstname)\d{4}/ instead of /(firstname)X\d{4}/. Modern-day Einsteins!
@RANIELDANSON smart trousers too! Is Ranson going up in the world?
@JSlayerUK did you watch that thing on bbc four, then?
I reject this applause-sound completely. There is no way that many people wanted to attend a recording of Brain of Britain.
@pkrautz @danaernst it's CC, not open-source.
@danaernst @pkrautz there are mathematica notebook versions of the chapters on the wiki, so maybe they're the source, but I can't load them
@brittneybean is this something to do with conspicuously throwing out your LPs of next year's hot new pop act?
@brittneybean sorry, I'm trying to write an entertaining maths article. My mind is jammed in "try too hard" mode.
@GPRPichot @pkrautz @stecks @mathblogging sorry, try going straight to youtube:… - my blog has occasional DNS problems
@Andrew_Taylor yeah, word order: "up to 16 killed by soldier" is less ambiguous
@RichardWiseman consider it an affirmation of your respect for your heritage. He'll like that.
@GPRPichot thanks. NP just says a solution can be checked quite quickly - being able to check at all is enough for random guessing to work
@monsoon0 does it work well? We have a similar thing called MAGIC but it's pretty much universally disliked
@GPRPichot twitter doesn't really have enough space to get into the subtleties of it.
@EliotBall I'm skeptical. Is it by design?
The Aperiodical is back! Brit-aping, useless formulae, arts and crafts, interactive proof and parking constants:…
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen chalk up another win for ol' cp. #mathmaths
A trail of sweets on the pavement. I'm tempted to follow it, but I know there'll just be a messy child at the end of it
@gingerbeardman implying a spammer somewhere died at their keyboard. What a sad thought!
@trackinthebox "Happy Soup" isn't upcoming: it already upcame -…
@nulibsage I met one of the photographers in that book while out looking for the aurora at tynemouth! I don't know his name, though.
"we relabel the $i$th letter $w_k$." Does nobody check PhD theses?
@peterrowlett what news?
@peterrowlett ah, Durham's joined. My mind: not blown.
@gingerbeardman great, now my google adverts are going to be full of that Ruark radio for the next month. So expensive!
@aperiodical well, that didn't work, whoever posted that
forget about Pi Day tomorrow, today is March's first Unambiguous Day: While 12/3 could be 12th Mar or 3rd Dec, 13/3 can only be today!
@standupmaths is "avoid all things which increase risk of death" a good strategy? A greedy algorithm, if you will.
this BLT is way more than the sum of its parts, or even the product of its parts. This BLT is more than the tetration of its parts!
@TimandraHarknes @standupmaths could I outsource the worrying, and blindly accept the advice of a third party?
it is very cruel of Mai Lan to release this excellent demo and have nothing downloadable!…
3 in 20 women are on a FTSE 100 board: "The percentage of women on the boards of the UK's 100 largest firms has risen to a record 15.6%"
@aperfect yes, it is good
I had a huge BLT and a litre of fruit (I think that's how big my bowl is) for lunch. How am I still hungry?
@brittneybean what happened to It's serving all sorts of nonsense now
@HoeJodgkiss you only said that so somebody could call you a PDF-phile, right?
@outofthenorm2 I'm going to make a comment, but I also have editorial comments; where would you like those? email?
@standupmaths oh my god, is that a temple of NOD?
Yes!!! We've reached the future! Let's invade mars!…
@alexbellos quite interesting. It reminded me of the way the computer/girl Max spoke in Monday's Dirk Gently.
tomorrow: Hypatia (she stoned to death by the monks for the thinking-while-being-a-woman) explains astronomy in London:…
sorry, most of the last tweet was inaccurate: Hypatia flayed alive by lay Christians; astronomers explain Rachel Weisz as Hypatia in "Agora"
@peterrowlett @SecondRateMinds oh no! image maths! eesh!
@peterrowlett @SecondRateMinds and some of the things there were new to me: can you add citations?
@plusmathsorg oh, bravo! What a genteel, well-mannered pun.
@brittneybean I believe California has some experience with the concept of the "company town", yes.
@peterrowlett the desk calculator used by Ferguson
@peterrowlett nooooo way! Shanks was from where I'm from!…
Is the world path-connected?
@peterrowlett maybe, but to follow through logically I should do it on the wrong day
@charliesgames first thought: quaternions are what you want. I have code at…. Busy at the moment.
@charliesgames but this kind of thing is exactly what hardware T&L is meant to do, I think. Ask an OpenGL person.
@sciencefest is there a way to link to a single event on the website? Trying to tell my mum about the gaze aversion talk tomorrow
@ScienceFest but that doesn't have the description!
@charliesgames can't you use opengl's rotation functions?…
@charliesgames then I'm stumped, sorry. I'm no good at optimisations, we don't do those in real maths :)
@charliesgames oh! Is this all happening in 2d?
@charliesgames right. I am very busy at the moment, but remind me this evening if you're still having trouble
a roguelike on hyperbolic space! (via @haggismaths)
@MathsJam a link to just came up in the "sponsored links" section of my gmail. How odd! Surely nobody is buying adwords
@standupmaths you should get into sage notebook: I'll see if I can do that plot after talk+cakes afternoon here at NCL
@outofthenorm2 @standupmaths that chart, with a log-10 vertical axis, might show no. of digits correct better
oh! just noticed @peterrowlett linked digits of pi to the first person to calculate them in his post…
@yomcat @peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen honestly, MathJax is dead dead easy. There's a wordpress plugin.…
@standupmaths I prefer to write pi in base-26^9 and write the first digit as "christian"
@standupmaths gosh, I had an odd moment of tweet-blindness where I thought you said to look for your name. Same method works, anyway
I'm so enormously happy with myself for remembering to put the garlic bread in the oven. For once, pasta night is proper!
@RachaelBailes you should hear the outrageous things my colleague has to say about the humanities
wahey, 304 followers! See if you can get that up to 314 before pi day is over
I'm watching videos of animals embarrassing themselves. So far I've watched two dolphins collide mid-air and a hippo with terrible diarrhoea
@peterrowlett nobody is going to misinterpret 3/14 as referring to the 3rd of Mega-February
@PatParslow @peterrowlett @timtfj that's it, I'm measuring dates using radians from now on. I will celebrate pi day halfway through July 1st
@timtfj @PatParslow @peterrowlett um.. why?
yes!! thank you windows update! my bluetooth chip works again! now the speakers I bought to replace my unusable speakers are usable again!
how many chocolate traybakes can I prevent myself from cooking before the one I have to make next wednesday? Chocobrain has been activated
artsters: can any of you explain the current fad for geometric shapes?
amazon reviewer trying very hard with his first three sentences to come across as the kind of person I don't like:…
the closest shop selling an avocado after 5 is not in walking distance. I thought Tynemouth was meant to be posh?
@brittneybean at least we're not being referred to as "matériel" yet
now I know for definite that licking the spoon you measured the cayenne pepper with is a bad idea
@outofthenorm2 great stuff!
@Bishnavitch archer series 3: Wednesday, 10pm, 5*.
@ColinTheMathmo yeesh. We're a long way from my campaign for 0 to be a natural number to gain any traction, then.
$\int_0^e \left( e^{e^{e^{e^{e^x}}}}.e^{e^{e^{e^x}}}.e^{e^{e^x}}.e^{e^x}.e^x \right) dx = ^6e - ^5e$. Why?
(sorry, took me a while to get the TeX right there)
@outofthenorm2 fun fact
how is this "Lost Cities of the Ancients" programme on bbc four? It's barely good enough for channel five.
@peterrowlett you missed out Katie's Manchester MathsJam recap from the math/maths show notes!…
2^10 comments on my blog! Only 89.8% of which are spam!
@elinoroberts which printer?
@ben_nuttall so their servers can literally be taken down by The Man?
@peterrowlett that looks like a very good booklet
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm, the Charles Grey.… @peterrowlett will be joining us, so look smart!
@brittneybean that is lacking a lot of nuance
@brittneybean argrgrsgr, the more I read about that visualisation, the more angry it makes me
this visualisation of the wrong data has made me angry:…. Typing with clenched fists is hard so no thanks @brittneybean
@aperfect @brittneybean precisely.…
@peterrowlett it's practically summer up here. Hope you packed shorts! Dragons currently in Sunderland, so you'll be fine.
This might not be very healthy
@standupmaths should I be updating the MathsJams map with your van's coordinates?
@TuringSunflower can you explain the link between Turing and sunflowers please? Is it to do with reaction-diffusion and that sort of thing?
@MathsJam GLA: we meant you need only one of the first two steps, ie 2332 is a solution
@christianp @MathsJam or even 3223 would make more sense to you! Forgot which way round you had it
I like this a big lot:…
@HESTEM thanks! I should've given @peterrowlett some in a doggy bag, there's loads left over (turns out we didn't need TWO kilos of cake)
plan for tomorrow: sit in pyjamas and write code until all my problems are solved
@trackinthebox why don't your URLs have the date in them? Isn't that sort of the idiom within which your site operates?
@brittneybean but if it was in the url I'd be able to tell if a link is to today's track or an old one.
we are running a workshop on creating maths OER on April the 10th, for which places are still available:…
@charliesgames and that is why I don't play shmups. Did you sort out your rotation thing?
Oh no! It's the Simpsons episode with the Run Lola Run spoof but I missed that bit. Truly life is not worth living!
Dinner tonight: a traditional Mexican dish, "throw all one's spices and vegetables at a few bowls"
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
@stecks oh! I get it now!
@stecks can we make a script which takes arxiv papers and replaces every proof with "Left as an exercise for the reader"?
I wanted to live by the sea, not in it!
@peterrowlett @aperiodical ahh, I thought I fixed that! I wonder where the correct version is
@peterrowlett @aperiodical should be fixed now
@RANIELDANSON I wondered this, because my (southern, manchester) flatmates had never heard of it. I thought it was used everywhere
Bison! In Sedgefield! At Farnless Farm Park.
more bison pictures at…
Gosh, @peterrowlett has been doing a very good job writing up news stories for our new site today.
@peterrowlett I added a bit of mathematical detail in a comment to the topic-based vector space story.
a clever way of switching between markup and its display, including with LaTeX:…
A page from an old notebook. When was I good at drawing?!
yeesh. I've just discovered a library that makes my instant-preview-above-TeX editor a squillion times simpler:
today has started with a good photo
please buy my new range of plates featuring images of the abyss, a navel, the circle of life and the night sky: "ContemPlates"
other ill-considered crockery: the Grand Bowl Opry, Dish is The End, Camilla Finger-Bowls
@peterrowlett time to forward you all those funny cat pictures I've been saving
@jcoglan a first attempt: dict['a'] = dict.get('a',0). I feel there's a slightly more obvious way though
@christianp @jcoglan in fact, two lines lower in the docs: dict.setdefault('foo',0).…
@jcoglan that's what setdefault does. get doesn't set it.
@jcoglan oh, I see what you mean. Never mind.
windows 7 non-powershell command line: is there a way to pipe a wildcard selection of files through to a command?
@PencilBloke it's the best kind of correct: technically correct
@jcoglan this (neckbeardy) command just occurred to me: ``` python -c "help(dict)" | grep default ```
@jjsanderson eduroam is an agreement between universities so visitors can use their home institution account info to get wifi anywhere
@stecks "Blackboard Bold" is an excellent name for a column
This is just excellent: "The mate-in-n problem of infinite chess is decidable"… (via @mathblogging)
@jcoglan I tried to cross "inception!" with "examination" but all I got was "incemination!" and that is another kind of dream entirely
Using inline SVG in HTML is an enormous faff. Am I missing something?
Matt's code loves him!
@fumbleweeds wow, you would *not* get on well in the UK
The new metro trains have a space for wheelchair users which this wheelchair user is not using because her carer can't sit next to her.
@monsoon0 there seems to be a circle going round. I've been added by lots of people recently too. Watching it happen is like epidemiology.
On hot days like today, the air in Tynemouth is 50% barbecue smoke
@RANIELDANSON it could be worse: a new person could appear who is just as annoying as Ben Elton, and Ben Elton would also be still extant
@peterrowlett kick's 'self
@Skweeky then you'd better render unto Caesar what is Caesar's
@stecks youtube showed me an advert for Fosters before that Guinness world records video. Wasted effort, I don't booze!
@mathshistory you had an extra character left there. "when" could've been "whence" and then it would've been grammatically perfect
@peterrowlett yes!
@peterrowlett what's the name of that Law of the Universe about correcting people?
idea for the next @MathsJam: do something like Drunk History but with mathematical proofs
@pkrautz @peterrowlett collecting all our blogging efforts together, plus news and pieces by other people who don't have their own blogs
@pkrautz not quite a blog network! Lots of stuff goes straight on the Aperiodical
@KathrynHTaylor buying them with money is preferred
@DavidHopper88 @Bishnavitch tiny Crying Game fact: it's a spoonerist remake of a 1950s public information film
@stecks @aPaulTaylor I like the waterfall puzzle a lot. I think that's the first puzzlebomb puzzle I've solved
@stecks @aPaulTaylor and the space filling crossword makes two!
@Electrokittie journalism question for a friend: if someone writes to their MP, is it OK to publish the response in full on their blog?
@PickfordBros did you ever play my Blitz game "poption"? It was a bit like MB but with a broom instead of a cue. It was loads of fun
@ben_nuttall @stecks @standupmaths JLS Love Self-reference is my favourite one
waiting for someone to file an issue on github so I can include its number in the message of the commit that fixes it. #productivity!
New blog post: slides about the princess in a castle puzzle…
@peterrowlett how long will it take me to get from the train station to wherever your workshop is on the 16th?
@EliotBall oh dear! Not sure what could cause that
THE BEST! RT @aperiodical: Post: Turing-Tape Games: A Challenge in Algorithmic Problem Solving…
@sgravn let me know when you have your first one and I'll add you to the map
today's weather is a sensible continuation of yesterday's, yes.
@peterrowlett am I correct in assuming you avoid google talk for work-overload reasons? I want to ask when I should arrive in Birmingham
@jcoglan put me down for five quid on "cease and desist"
The author of this proof seems to hate whitespace so much he's even reduced the line-height. Man that's dense maths!
yet again I have managed to drown all the notes in my bag. This time it was with Pepsi, so I will have to wash the bag.
@standupmaths but but but… Unicode SMS can only have 70 characters! What are twitter doing? Someone might not get all of your tweet!
problem: food must be bought up to a week in advance because the shops are a long way away. Solution: pneumatic grocery delivery tubes
I honestly think that if the edwardians had invented pneumatic food delivery to the home, we'd consider it a human right today.
@pkrautz did you link to my princess-castle slides from the "mathjax in use" page? Could you also link to my maths-on-your-blog post please?
@jjsanderson ah! thanks for reminding me I also need to book train tickets
It seems my little brother is not content to kill himself just with cigarettes
@ben_nuttall I think it was coffee once
@JanvierUK *he* is!
#ff @CarnivalOfMath because I suppose I have obligations as a host now. No. 85, out this week at… is very good though
nice! Poincare disc tiling coasters:…
@Talithin maybe later. I'm trying to work out how to write a hyperbolic orienteering game that was suggested at Newcastle @MathsJam
@Talithin maybe. Just trying to find stuff in hyperbolic space, to see how people navigate. For example, are landmarks useful?
how is "problem X is undecidable" a positive result? I'd ask if something *is* decidable.
Writing haskell again. This is my brain's happy place. Everything is soft and bounces back only so very slightly when you push it.
my hotmail was hacked again! Sorry to anyone who received very enthusiastic emails from me about enlargement
canonic n = tail . map snd $ scanl (\(x,d) y -> if x>=y then (x-y,1) else (x,0)) (n,0) (reverse $ takeWhile (<= n) (tail fibs))
that tweet brought to you by Haskell, God's Own Programming Language
@Electrokittie I would say a "girl next door" typically has a bit more meat on her
does BT throttle downloads of PDFs? I'm at my mum's house and they're taking ages, while everything else, even on the same sites, is fast
@for_the_winn use gist
depressed I have no local maths hero. @peterrowlett has George Green, of "Green's Theorem" fame. I have William Shanks, who got π wrong.
I've summed up some more Interesting Esoterica. There are some corkers!…
@natachitas EXCELLENT profile picture! Where is it from?
@ellenirites I wish I was! My mum's roast is still at least half an hour away
@outofthenorm2 have the courage of your convictions! Either you believe it's worthwhile or you don't
this is fun
dear windows team: why does it take fully 30 seconds to open the control panel for a bluetooth headset?
@CloudoidLtd beautiful
This was underappreciated: interesting esoterica 3 - orange peels, homophonic quotient groups, nomograms and word death…
@Electrokittie I have a friend who is very good and a nice chap. Could ask him which class he runs
hah, people are already getting to my site by searching for the solutions to the puzzles in the Dara O'Briain adverts. Sorry to disappoint!
Flawless dismount by my beard. 6.0s all round, even from the Russian judge. A great prospect for #london2012
@brittneybean languages can be objectively bad:
@brittneybean the fact people use PHP doesn't make it not a bad language. But I shouldn't engage with Jeff Atwood, it only encourages him
@brittneybean which I disagree with, but I want twitter to be a happy place so I'll stop there
Is there something like google (search for haskell functions by type signature) for units of measurement?
hooray! my quiet suggestion to the postgrad events organiser to use the bcc field has worked: no more 3mb headers in emails!
@Htbaa sorry, I meant hoogle not google. That does the haskell search thing.
@badmachinery hydraulic, not pneumatic? I don't want your pipe leaking fluids in my house
I picked exactly the wrong moment to leave the office.
@peterrowlett April @MathsJam is next week?! Crikey. Going to have to give up on writing up March then. Good idea to include the photos link
@standupmaths it's excellent that we live so far in the future that a retro games shop exists
@walkingrandomly could you add that as a snapshot on please?
Kickstarter idea: fund a documentary crew to follow me in my search for someone who doesn't like The Big Lebowski. Target: $2 million
@mathsinthecity I could really do with one at the moment! It's tipping it down up here
@Electrokittie @ellenirites I've just googled her. You are quite mistaken about her face
A nice Penrose tiling generator (via…)
@DanielColquitt I find Bill Evans "Peace Piece" soothes me when code doesn't work
Tom Lehrer is still alive. This is a good world, the one we live in.
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett how much of an effect do they have though? I've never used tags on my blog and I have very good google rankings
a cool dude to follow on google+: olivier gerard -…
@AdrenalGBR congratulations! I will buy you a drink at MathsJam
@eassessscotland the link to join the e-assessment association ( is broken
@eassessscotland and is there a reason you have your own copyright notice instead of CC BY-NC, which is effectively the same licence?
@brittneybean @songdropapp curses, now what twitter name will I use for my fansite for the avant-garde Transdniestrian artist, Songdro Papp?
@hornmaths ask @stecks, she's in charge of the email and website
Erdos: a web interface to the google GraphViz API -…
@pkrautz but isn't google how people search for things these days? I can't remember the last time I searched for anything using tags
@ColinTheMathmo @walkingrandomly @ben_nuttall is there a well-known place to download infinite sequences such as primes, digits of p, etc?
@ColinTheMathmo @walkingrandomly @ben_nuttall if not, would it be worth setting one up? eg keep sending sequence elements until you stop it
@ben_nuttall @ColinTheMathmo @walkingrandomly maybe something like… would give you 1000 digits of pi in a plain file
40 posts in, I'm beginning to regret deciding to retag all of the posts on the @aperiodical
@outofthenorm2 @aperiodical works for me. What do you get? The links on names are just to their google+ profiles, thought it was polite.
@outofthenorm2 @aperiodical ahh, it's set to limited visibility. Seems the original post is also hidden. Not sure if I should just quote it
@walkingrandomly @ColinTheMathmo @ben_nuttall not necessarily. It's definitely quick to just download a list, if that's all you need
@walkingrandomly @ColinTheMathmo @ben_nuttall and especially if you don't have Mathematica (or Maple or whatever)
@walkingrandomly I can install that on my home PC... but if I'm just writing a quicky python script, feeding a file in is more convenient
@Electrokittie only three spokes, so the only potential outraged party is the residents of the Isle of Man
@christianp @Electrokittie why did I only see three spokes there? I might be having neurological problems. Eesh.
I don't think @stecks promoted this when she posted it, so I will: her experience of presenting at Science Showoff…
I've been thinking about hyperbolic space lately, so this grabbed my attention: Hyperbolic Buckyballs:
@outofthenorm2 I've edited the post, quoting Rongmin. This journalism thing's hard.
Does anyone know a good, non-chain, pizza place that delivers to Tynemouth?
I agree that switching off escalators saves energy, @My_Metro, but please make sure the train uses the platform where they're still running
The yachts on the Tyne are all mine all mine, the yachts on the Tyne are all mine. #geordieoligarch
Any player linked to NUFC by the Chronicle, I will buy. #geordieoligarch
Greggs is now free at the point of service, just like the NHS. #geordieoligarch
Behold the 100-foot sculpture of a raised middle finger I have erected off the coast at Sunderland. #geordieoligarch
@standupmaths can you tile a sphere in H3 with hexagons? Zero curvature - negative curvature = positive curvature, right? #badatgeometry
No better than the soviets: @Electrokittie has divided Catan in half
@mathpunk according to etymonline, no…
excellent! every ipad owner should have one:…
@elinoroberts I've been considering getting a bike. Days like this are the reason I defer my decision
@elinoroberts so, in summary, the wuss vote says "stay indoors"
phew! Every post on the @aperiodical is now retagged sensibly.
I left an entire hour to get the metro in to central station. Looks like I will be using all of that plus or minus 2 minutes
Reader, I arrived with 15 minutes to spare. And just behind the mechanics, who are here to fix my train, which has apparently broken down.
arrived in Birmingham. This room is so hot even my tweets are m͇͔͉͖̪e̙͔̟̜͇̮l͖̤͖̪̲̫̗͓t̫̞͔i̭̭̖̠̻͉̯n͉̞̝g̭
I like the way Ian Agol writes his slides.… Talking of which, I need to write mine for tomorrow morning's #hestemsoc
Two years ago, I started collecting interesting maths esoterica. Today, I have found its platonic ideal:
My view of the sink. But wait, what's that reflected in the tap?
Why, it's a warning sign, for midgets' eyes only!
Similarly: where is the keyhole? Was this place designed for children?
.@standupmaths oh, Weng Weng! I know him!…
@peterrowlett I'm going to wander around campus for an hour. Anything I should see, or are you around?
@peterrowlett going to the Lapworth museum because it's the only one open. It might ROCK my world?
Basking like an iguana in the warm midlands sun.
Brummies: I'm currently in the bullring with an hour to spare. Does your city contain anything interesting?
@peterrowlett managed to write some code to do the thing you want while sitting in the train waiting room, but forgot one thing! Arg!
lawks a mercy! @Andrew_Taylor's Grime Dice and voting essay on the @aperiodical has really seized the popular imagination.
@eddequincey thanks!
Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight! 7pm at the Charles Grey pub. Bring a friend, bring some maths.
Oh man, I just forgot to add the outstandingly witty postscript I was planning for this commit message. I make a sad face now :(
oh my god, there is an anti-dog-racing group called Greyt Exploitations. Inappropriate pun time!
@jamesgrime I've only ever found it irritating but plenty of people love it, so it must be a personality type thing.
@Simon_Woodhead the card game Mad Abel is good. Princess in a Castle puzzle also very good. All on my blog
@jamesgrime you're only 6 years older than me! That doesn't seem like an insurmountable deficit. And: is there a Little Professor fan club?
@peterrowlett @stecks I've stopped tumblring because they don't get tweeted. I'll tumblr afterwards.
@peterrowlett @stecks phone, tweeting does seem to just work now. I apologise for the forthcoming torrent of duplicate tweets
Getting my new staff email and smartcard and everything has been suspiciously easy
@aperfect UP????
@rockhyrax seen this? BBC News - The rock hyrax surprises with syntax skills"
it doesn't always pay to kill your siblings: ……) (found via
Who loves butter chicken? CP loves butter chicken! Is it true? Yes I do I do I do I do-ooo!
Ah! So that headache was a symptom of curry withdrawal.
two kinds of people go to bed before 9: children and WINNERS. #yawn
@nulibsage that's the most transparently rewritten-press-release story I've ever seen on BBC tech news. Shameful!
google chrome's auto translate should also do "this recipe is in stupid American units. Would you like to see it in metric?"
cropped this scan of Durer's melancholia to 666x666. SECRET CODES‽‽ #danbrown
I now have a favourite comic book, in case comic books fans ever corner me and ask for an opinion about spider/bat/super/whateverman
and that comic book is: COW PUNCHER…
Once again, the metro has pulled in to St James at the platform where the escalators are turned off.
This mad old women has taken the opportunity to walk down what is normally the up escalator.
Tiny fact: Alan Turing's Erdős number is 5 --…
@aPaulTaylor make a javascript version! javascript is so much nicer for writing little maths things in than java
@stecks due to a lack of foresight tonight's chicken empanadas are now tomorrow's chicken empanadas and I'm eating ready-meal crispy duck :(
made for @aPaulTaylor, who wanted an easy way to screengrab just some maths: a MathJax applet called "make big maths":…
have fallen instantly in love with the continuity announcer on film4.
@RANIELDANSON is it my mum? Can't watch, too busy eating fast food
!!!… (warning: bare naked manchests and future-giggles)
@standupmaths @theredroaster very nice, but what's hyperbolic about it?
@Andrew_Taylor @stecks @markstaylor a robust is what fembots have. #OED2332AD
Finally, here's what happened at March's @MathsJam, reconstructed out of a haze of tiredness.… April's recap is imminent
every time I read this, panel 6 is as if I've never read it before…
Shakingly tired. Empanada failure doubtless a factor.
the onion's autistic news reporter is brilliant yet again…
thanks @ajk_44, @SparksMaths and whoever runs Cardiff Maths Jam for your photos
@AdrenalGBR I've forgotten how that integer partitions grid you showed at MathsJam works. Do you think you could write something about it?
I'm not comfortable with Newcastle doing so well.
In English, "first" and "second" have nothing lexically to do with "one" and "two"...
...We just need one more word to go between "second" and "third" and we can finally start counting from 0 like civilised human beings.
I suggest "first, second, twird, third, ..."
"twird" a homophone of "turd", of course.
@pkrautz isn't that how "third" is pronounced by ze Chermans?
considering writing my new, correct, ordinals into the @aperiodical's style book.
@pkrautz ah, jetzt verstehe ich! As is traditional, English mathematics is a step behind the Germans.
@pkrautz aw, now you've got me looking in the book of numbers to see if anyone does do it my way
Wait a minute. What?
@pkrautz difficult. We have separate author/category feeds, which might be best. Certainly don't aggregate the news.
@pkrautz maybe just aggregate the "features" feed?…
@pkrautz gosh, well, it'd certainly bulk out that news section, wouldn't it? Time to cc @peterrowlett and @stecks and see what they think
Here's April's Newcastle @MathsJam recap:… Subtitle: Wine tasters on a (hyperbolic) plane!
have developed a very expensive cloudy apple juice habit
@Samuel_Hansen you've been quiet lately. Are you hard at work making my relatively prime investment worthwhile?
@Samuel_Hansen for a less gregarious personage than yourself, that would be. Never mind, I'll get by with however much Hansen is going.
@christianp @Samuel_Hansen I think I meant, "that would *not be quiet*". I've confused myself. Eugh.
@ben_nuttall I bet it's something stupid like the calculation only being fired on the keydown event
gonna have a glass of milk! Ain't none of you can stop me! You're all miles away and the milk is very very close
"You can now enjoy free John Lewis wifi here." - If google doesn't have what I want, will they order it in for me?
two unit tests into my expected suite of hundreds, I have found a bug. Super.
@stecks @aPaulTaylor Newcastle are doing appallingly at the melbourne puzzle hunt. We just looked at your stats and did a sad face
@jcoglan I am, and I want to know if using QUnit is a bad idea. Writing my first unit tests today.
@jcoglan super! Thanks. I'll give that article a good read before carrying on
@stecks they've called themselves "team badger". I'm avoiding involvement
@PinkLaneCoffee my colourblind eyes can't see the word "Pink" in that logo
WOW changing options in Pagelines is hard if you don't have the paid-for version. What a business model!
@aPaulTaylor @stecks I need to find more people who will play german games with me. I have catan, need to play agricola and carcassonne
@stecks I'm not a great conference-goer. I'm sure I'll have a reason to visit Manchester eventually though
@HilariousCow you've seen how many people appear on the forums for those tools asking for help making an MMORPG, right?
@stecks or: you could visit Newcastle, and it would be Catandemonium
can anyone think of a boolean expression that would confirm that != and = have equal precedence and left-associate?
this looks like a fun thing for @MathsJam:… (from @maanow)
@monsoon0 pertinently, we're launching a new maths magazine/blog today, The Aperiodical. Please have a look and RT
@monsoon0 thanks. What prompted your question about maths sites? Were you thinking of something similar to us?
@divbyzero a few of us are launching a new maths blog, The @aperiodical,
with Klein's birthday goodies. Please RT?
@undunc a few of us are launching a new maths blog, The @aperiodical,
with Klein's birthday goodies. Please RT?
@alexbellos a few of us are launching a new maths blog, The @aperiodical,
with Klein's birthday goodies. Please RT?
@nrichmaths a few of us are launching a new maths blog, The @aperiodical,
with Klein's birthday goodies. Please RT?
@danaernst a few of us are launching a new maths blog, The @aperiodical,
with Klein's birthday goodies. Please RT?
(anyone also following the people I just mass-tweeted, I can only apologise. I'll never do it again)
@monsoon0 like, Serious Maths? Or maths in general, as part of the culture?
@JanvierUK or open a guillotine factory
@nulibsage don't suppose you could help a NCL student out and RT a link to my new maths magazine/blog, @aperiodical:
@nulibsage thanks!
@Bishnavitch well now I know where you're going on holiday this summer
Well, today is going about as well as it possibly can.
@outofthenorm2 those notes are lovely! They make me miss my Tablet PC
@walkingrandomly trying to update my JScript exponential function to be accurate on complex^(int) and fast on (complex)^(complex). Ideas?
@walkingrandomly the current code:… (floating-point errors abound!)
@walkingrandomly ah, good idea. Thanks!
@Gelada @peterrowlett I said, "I would suggest not tweeting that kind of thing"
wow! Thanks for the hugely positive response to the @aperiodical. Today has been amazing.
@peterrowlett @ben_nuttall you're welcome to rewrite it, but I reckon "has a beard" is definitely in the top 3 Peter facts
@peterrowlett I don't know how you had the energy to write up all those news stories last night. Bravo.
@standupmaths umbrella husbandry should be part of every school's citizenship lessons
least awful desktop/chrome twitter client which supports multiple accounts? I don't like TweetDeck
@DanielColquitt preliminary findings: twimbow only allows max 3 accounts, hootsuite abhorrent in every way
@hornmaths maybe this?…
can anyone help me with doing maths on complex numbers in javascript?… (cc @walkingrandomly)
we've decided to send Cushing to Iraq as a safety precaution. Abdul has been telling us about the excellent swimming lessons he was given
my nana has expressed an interest in twitter. Be good, people, or I will unleash her on you.
stop underestimating your audience, Hollywood! "the pirates! in an adventure with scientists" is "the pirates: band of misfits" in the US
@CardColm What would the minimum score for a question be? Allowing 0 would punish errors enormously
@ColinTheMathmo thanks for submitting that @aperiodical story to HN. We'll see how it goes this time round.
burning a CD-R like it's 1999
server still down, will be for at least another hour or so. Those dying to see the popular post can use coral mirror:…
how middle class am I? I've installed a minecraft mod where AIs do the mining for me and I take what they produce. #marxcraft
@ColinTheMathmo yes, caching is on now. Thanks again for sharing it. Good job this only happened on day 2
As a mathematician, I think I'm qualified to extrapolate from these data.
@outofthenorm2 nice, but what's non-obvious there? I couldn't see an example that shocked me
@Andrew_Taylor for Balrogs, it's more of a commuter village than a town. No shared civic space. They had trouble getting past planning.
@Electrokittie ...yes, coincidence. That's why they don't think being a criminal depends on the shape of your head any more
@ColinTheMathmo 7749 yesterday, 3403 so far today
right, I'm finally going to record this fibonacci grids video. Just you see if I don't.
@peterrowlett ha! on a serious note: visitors from HN don't click around. Hits on launch day had a much bigger spread round the site
@peterrowlett very, very few. Beware that the referrers breakdown doesn't accurately catch everybody
@peterrowlett umm... don't know.
My second ever #ff is for @aperiodical, my new maths magazine/blog I started with a couple of friends. Please have a look!
@ColinTheMathmo they dropped off a couple of hours ago. Seems only the top 10 or so links on the front page get any attention
the smallest measurable quantity of waste is the time between you placing your foot on the opposite pavement and the green man lighting up
@ColinTheMathmo not sure if I do. If you'd asked me before...
@ColinTheMathmo ah yes, I do! Will email when I get home
@jcoglan I used deck.js recently. Didn't have any trouble
Dear Nature: would it kill you to run your old (1997!) articles through OCR? And cite survey data properly?
@kenjilamb very interesting! I'll have to look into this later.
twice today I've been thwarted by paywalls hiding academic research reported in the news, despite having access to my uni library!
@Talithin way ahead of you dude:… (but thanks!)
trying to find a discount code for something. Google ad said 40% off, page said 30% off, code says 20% off. #deflationaryspiral
just recorded the first Aperiodcast with @peterrowlett and @stecks. Out soon at the @aperiodical
must stop accidentally following back people from this account instead of my various others
hwo did I have D.A.N.C.E. in my head before turning on Radio Nova? Am I receiving it through my fillings now?
@Tony_Mann @jamesgrime contrapositive is "if this isn't a new, detailed talk, then you haven't seen me talk before"
@Tony_Mann @jamesgrime my gut says no. I was hoping the contrapositive would say something funny, but it didn't
I'm all for challenging stereotypes but I don't think this ad has been placed particularly well.
although, I suppose they might be going for the up-all-night-trying-to-do-a-calculation-on-wolfram-alpha demographic
full disclosure: I have no idea what that product is meant to do
@standupmaths would you like to promote those with a post on @aperiodical?
I could've saved myself half an hour if I'd written the tests for the sin function before the ones for the gamma function.
@Tony_Mann an amount on a different order of magnitude
@Tony_Mann I see your pedantry and raise you: looks like five things to me
@mike_geogebra excellent! I was just trying to show someone the web version a few weeks ago and couldn't find the page
@mike_geogebra do you want a post on the @aperiodical about this, or is it too early?
@mike_geogebra let's wait until June, then
@standupmaths now you've only got another ~200 Reuleaux mechanisms to reproduce:…
@outofthenorm2 ... no?
@outofthenorm2 @standupmaths arg, stupid cookies! Terrible URL scheme. Try this:…
@walkingrandomly I bet if you posted that as a comment on… good things would happen
"Amending to your basket". I hate you, whoever you are.
@JanvierUK nope!
aargrgagrg what is the point in only releasing your EP on iTunes?
@MarcusduSautoy @Kit_Yates_Maths wasn't that famously used by a famous mathematician?
this month's emusicsmas has been so barren I'm going to download the new Sebastien Tellier without even listening to it
This girl's makeup has made her just staggeringly ugly, like a Hogarth caricature or a grown-up from an edgy mid-evening Nicktoon.
Yes yes the male gaze etc etc, but I can't fathom what look she's going for. "Groucho Marx crossed with the Infanta of Castile"?
Was given a free travel mug at Olive and Bean. Much like cash ISAs, this is free stuff just for being middle class and I now feel guilty
@brittneybean wow indeed! This is the first google result for "Lord Ashtar":…
Both I and the tramp who smells of wee think this woman flirting very loudly on the phone is the most annoying thing on the train
@kenfodder what happens if you bing
@kenfodder ah no, I cleverly reversed the letters
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MarcusduSautoy maybe I'm thinking of Smullyan:… (can't believe I just googled "smullyan pickup lines")
@mathpunk that's the kind of logic that leads to things like…
Those who liked the prime factorisation jumper (…) can now buy their own -… (via @ColinTheMathmo)
@pkrautz I do not! I've always been trying to prod my boss to look at European collaboration.
@HoeJodgkiss where's that from?
I think every mathematician aspires to leave a grave as excellent as Boltzmann's:…
@matheknitician just spotted your Aperiodical thread on ravelry. Thanks!
Instead of starting words with tw- because you're on twitter, change words normally starting with tw- to something else in normal speech
if I can just get pelve people to join my campaign it'll be worth it. Until then, I'll be piddling my thumbs and peaking my panger
there are enough Paris streets named after mathematicians to fill a Monopoly board. Let's do this.…
@brittneybean they won't stop finding new ways to assault our senses until teenagers can text Lynx at each other on the train.
this is why chemists should be discouraged…
A probability distribution in the flesh! Like a naturally-occurring Galton board
oh my god, that guy who was in Doctors five years ago is still in Doctors! Is that long enough for a missing persons report?
I finally have some time to catch up on a few weeks' worth of @trackinthebox. This week's picks look good.
@brittneybean can you remember when everyone set up their own front for microsoft's catalogue? It was ridiculous.
having an emotional moment about how useful is.
@haggismaths snarks could be the solutions to a 4-player edge-colouring game?
@JanvierUK yes, just imagine if he'd had an awkwardly long name like Kenneth
why does ctrl-0 set the zoom to 125% in IE? Just... why?
I had a dream last night that I received an awkward amount of change after paying for something with a note. What could it possibly mean?
@standupmaths recommendations for mathsy toys for a toddler? You bought some for your nephew, didn't you?
Boo! RT @NTCouncilTeam: Conservatives hold Cullercoats, St Mary's, Tynemouth & Monkseaton North
this means the tedious parking permit campaign will continue. Get over it, selfish tories!
It's 2012. Why is copying text out of a PDF still so hard? Surely someone's written a PhD on inferring capitalisation, at least?
@danaernst is… the canonical version of your futurama talk?
@danaernst ta!
@danaernst what happened to the Sage Notebook bit, for trying out permutations?
@danaernst well, sagenb is being very slow for me on something else at the moment, so I'd guess not
@ColinTheMathmo "why are there infinitely many infinities, and why are N and R not the same one?"
emusic only has jazz these days, so my library fills with jazz, so recommends more jazz. Help I'm stuck in a loop with a smooth beat
@CardColm @ColinTheMathmo video or it isn't true!
@Gelada @ColinTheMathmo what mathematician doesn't know about groups? Applied? It was in year 2 of my bachelor's.
@Gelada @ColinTheMathmo well, they're on the IGCSE and being talked about for GCSE, so hopefully that won't last much longer
@zetta3pt14face @Kit_Yates_Maths @MarcusduSautoy so I suppose on Absolute Radio pop is bigger?
why do the previews on emusic take 10 seconds to fade up to full volume? They're only 30 seconds long!
@Gelada I think if GCSE maths got split into "functional" and "pure" bits, someone wanted (permutation) group theory in the pure bit.
is this the one yahoo! answers page that excuses the rest?…
I love an opportunity to visit Ian's Shoelace Site - #valueadded @FakeElsevier
@peterrowlett @MouldS it does say 1.2g of salt per portion in very small text just above...
@peterrowlett ah! Now I have parsed your sentence differently and see you knew that
Start then learning young. Might have been outmathsed at this birthday party :(
Nerd cred restored: out of all the mathematicians at the party, one kid said I looked the geekiest.
just drew a perfect 400x400px box freehand. #touchme
@monsoon0 another nice example is that the continued fraction (2,3,5,7,11,13,...) *almost* agrees with one of Renyi's parking constants
@stecks I have coloured in my Word Split. What am I looking at?
compound noun required: the moment when you finally pick up a screwdriver to fix that thing that's been annoying you for months
The Atlantic on Blow - the missing copy…
@standupmaths people like you are the reason so few trains these days have a dedicated record store carriage. Buy local!
Google Reader 0. Forget all you inbox zero types, this is a way bigger achievement.
out now in the BBC Shop: the Today programme baiting people to shout at each other about nonsense topics at 8:58am - the complete collection
@MarcusduSautoy no MC Escher pose? Surely they'll let you pick it up if it's for art.
Microsoft's advice on writing fast javascript or, in other words, "we're not as clever as the v8 people. You fix it." -…
brb, flagellating myself in penance for that design decision causing 1000x slowdown. Stand by my comments about IE's javascript though.
help, I'm watching Austrian folk music videos on youtube and I can't stop. Every video is worse than the last!
@RANIELDANSON can't work out if that's brilliant or stupid
the contagion is spreading!… How are there so many Dutch songs about skiing?
I take it all back! When I have offspring, I will enforce singing of this on all car trips:… EVEN THE SCHOOL RUN
@RANIELDANSON never before has a tweet led to so much happiness
@JanvierUK learnt : learned :: meant : meaned. America : wrong :: UK : right.
@MathWhizz @aperiodical @lostinrecursion oh, thanks! I'm pretty pleased with it myself.
@JanvierUK the argument could be made that they went months without *a* government but they had plenty of others to keep things ticking over
@mathsinthecity The Field Guide to Math on the National Mall -… - from @maanow
I've added a cuboctahedron made of curler units (…) to the touchy-feely zone
I'm open to claims that it isn't a cuboctahedron, by the way. Not sure the symmetries are right.
@pkrautz what's prompted this?
@aperfect GCSE maths fail: equal area on the graph should represent equal measure. 1 year for new team looks bigger than for an older one.
@mathpunk sum(i=1 to 2000, log i). Approximate with an integral if you wish.
@mathpunk so precise answer from Python is 13,206.5. Integral approximation on paper gave 13,202.8.
@mathpunk sorry!! that was base e. Precise: 5735.5; approx: 5733.9
@CardColm I tried that a while ago with our resident card trick fanatic (and a big fan of yours!) We got the angles hilariously wrong.
@RANIELDANSON I always make a point of sitting next to him if I can. Everyone else steers clear, so I get plenty of space.
@RANIELDANSON I am... acquainted... with the smell of old urine, yes.
when I grow up I want to be one of these skeletons…
What's the equivalent of "snail mail" for printed literature like books? I can't think of anything equally cheesy and rhyming.
@Samuel_Hansen fortunately, there seems to be one, and you're part of it.
@pkrautz oh, I suppose there's that. I sort of hate it, though. The beautiful thing about "snail mail" is the mollusk non-sequitur.
@pkrautz @Samuel_Hansen I dunno, we've done pretty well for the last ~3000 years, despite various systems of patronage coming and going
an hour ago, I decided to get up to turn the heating on. Still hasn't happened. Can I actually stand the cold, or might my legs fall off?
@pkrautz yeah, but the uncommunicative mathematician isn't a recent invention.
this might just be it - RT @rmehigan: @christianp e-mail vs snail-mail, e-books vs .....tree-books ?
@pkrautz I think this has boiled down to a question that requires a few years' scholarship and library-usage to answer. So not for twitter.
@CardColm @alexbellos shameless!
@IanMulvany the interface is so bad I'm now using tweetdeck. So, very bad.
@Samuel_Hansen @pkrautz oh absolutely. I'm just not worried about pure maths disappearing due to lack of communication.
Shelf discipline has completely collapsed in this cupboard. No idea where anything is any more. Considering joining the Foreign Legion.
@GPRPichot @pkrautz @Samuel_Hansen Cedric Villani is excellent!
@Samuel_Hansen @pkrautz and I'm not worried that that won't happen. Man, I'm bad at articulating opinions.
@Samuel_Hansen @pkrautz so what I mean is: pure mathmos on the whole are uncommunicative, but there are enough evangelisers to balance out
My prime factorisation t-shirt by @jgrahamc has arrived!…
@aperiodical @Gelada @pkrautz @Samuel_Hansen a point-counterpoint might be fun. Can I find a serious mathematician to back my side, though?
@Samuel_Hansen well, I'm still just a postgrad and my PhD has sort of stalled, so my opinions don't really have the weight of experience
@peterrowlett nooooo! I still have things to do tonight!
why does it take five seconds to paste plain text into windows live mail? Why is there no better free mail client for windows? AGRSGSGFDSAF
@HoeJodgkiss very nice!
@DanielColquitt I really disagree. I've never liked thunderbird.
making myself stay up so there'll be a good program on the radio to fall asleep to later. Feels like bad logic.
The seagulls are either very upset or very excited about this chap fixing the roof they normally sit on
@HoeJodgkiss this might be good reference material for you if you're still mathsing:
@peterrowlett @pkrautz double retweet! Proudest man in Britain?
why would the PDF version of an article cost money while the HTML version is free? HTML is more convenient.
@komiga no, not complaining. Just confused. Maybe I'm missing something.
@peterrowlett it gives you the citation with page numbers in the HTML.
@peterrowlett although, as the HTML is freely-available, I'd cite it with a DOI
@peterrowlett they've put markers for the page numbers on the side of the HTML
oh! Might have solved it! It's possible I loaded the HTML version of the article while at uni, but now I'm back at home. Doiii
I've recorded a pretty OK 10 minutes of maths exposition but video editing on windows is either expensive or doesn't work. Suggestions?
@IanMulvany That looks dire! Are those breadcrumbs?
@aperfect thank god Jayce is at the end of that cavalcade of humdrum. But no Ulysses?!
Made with one cut! (and a lot of folds)
@jurieongames @danielpunkass well, now I know what our US version is going to be called
@Samuel_Hansen less tweeting! more editing! Hyaaa!
@Samuel_Hansen want to know what I did today? 5 games of Company of Heroes and a kirigami butterfly.
@Samuel_Hansen oh, I forgot the enchiladas. I made some OK enchiladas.
@Samuel_Hansen then I must admit defeat.
@haggismaths that would make a good Snapshot on @mathsinthecity
@RANIELDANSON we should envy these people for their ability to enjoy such tedious lives
the documentation for Asymptote is so poor! raaaaaaage!!!
.@CardColm is cooking up something really nice for the @aperiodical. Should be out on Monday. Be there or be square! (or is that circle?)
@jcoglan yes! This is what puts me off using Ruby! You have put it into words which I agree with!
@outofthenorm2 great post! Like appearances of Elvis, appearances of the Fibonacci sequence are massively more satisfying when based in fact
Hamilton is an anagram of "math lion". Didn't help him calculated his fuel yesterday though!
mysteriously, several days later, Windows Movie Maker is now able to open this file. Really need to buy a better program.
You're through to the reality helpdesk. An operator will assist you with your paradox shortly. Please hold.…
@pkrautz umm, apropos what? Getting npm on windows is hard (or was, haven't looked recently) so I haven't done much with node.
@pkrautz thought so. Is this to do with the people who want pre-rendered SVG?
in just before the bell: today is May's first unambiguous date! Join hands with me, America! We can understand each other for 18 more days!
@HoeJodgkiss get it as a tattoo. Can't rely on the t-shirt still being there when it's relevant.
Another Aperiodcast, covering the last almost-fortnight on the @aperiodical, with @stecks and @peterrowlett:…
@Andrew_Taylor your non-transitive dice article has been picked up by Information Week:…
hah! That article available selectively in HTML (tweets passim) is now PDF only. What am I doing wrong, PNAS?
Domino's, Imma let you finish, but Piccante make the best damn takeaway pizza on Tyneside!
I recorded a video about the recent flat torus embedding. It features tori of both the Slinky and plasticine varieties:
@hornmaths at a guess: first one plot y^2 against x, and second one plot 1/y against x
@walkingrandomly @aperiodical we have, and I thought it was in the news queue, but apparently not. I'm no CAS person: why Octave over Sage?
@walkingrandomly as I don't know enough to make an informed decision, would you like your post reposted verbatim on the aperiodical?
@jcoglan *certain* Android browsers don't support it. My Transformer does, but my Desire HD doesn't.
Newcastle @MathsJam is next Tuesday, the 22nd! Charles Grey pub, 7pm. Yaaaaaaay!
.@aperiodical yo dawg I heard I like adding, so I added adding to my adding so I can add while I add... #sorry
@walkingrandomly email
this is the best defence of Nikola Tesla I've ever seen:
discrete and discreet - any more #anagrhomophones?
Yahoo! Answers, you have redeemed yourself:… @MathsJam
I nominate you, woman on the opposite platform, for Best Dressed Person Today. Sartorial excellence deserves to be recognised!
Dude is sitting in his car. Listening to panpipe music. Waiting for his wife to come out of Boots. Silently hating everything.
@walkingrandomly I'm expecting an email from you so I can set you up as a post author on the site
@NoelAnn @IMAmaths it can't, really. There is a project called JSXGraph which does (and uses MathJax for notation):
@NoelAnn @IMAmaths but broadly speaking there isn't a perfect solution for drawing graphs like there is for displaying mathematical notation
dear IE's developer tools: who does '{...}' help? I know it's an object! Literally everything in javascript is!
@ben_nuttall hey, those Pennines aren't going to cross themselves
@elinoroberts I had the same thought in pretty much the same place this afternoon
Thinking "hey, I should shazam this song so I can download it". Realising that I'm listening to my own music. #excellenttaste
@EliotBall nice pictures! Were they made in Mathematica?
@EliotBall I don't have Mathematica. Coming to realise with my recent blogging efforts that I should pick a CAS to learn.
@CardColm very clever!
@EliotBall Look North makes Look North look like a joke
@peterrowlett yes, mission complete. All in favour of closing the site?
@CuriousatLife there's a typo in your bio: "exercice"
I was not sensible with chillies tonight. It's not that they're too hot, it's that I seem to have got them all over my face. #painmoustache
@Plattsc I know! I'm really desperate though!
very nice fact about fibonacci numbers!…
I know the NYT is pretty fruity about house style, but "1 in 3 Americans _are_ obese"?
Amount I am unhappy about the new version of pagelines losing all my widgets: 15 kilofuries.
The fury is defined as the amount of anger required to boil 1g of water just by glaring at it.
@EliotBall fury does not diminish with distance, as evidenced by Nikita Khrushchev's volcanic wobbly thrown during the Cuban missile crisis.
@mathsinthecity larger subway networks tend to a common topology:…
@alexbellos so if P=NP, does that mean we're all diminutive Belgian detectives?
I apparently dropped my payslip on the metro latest week. The driver has posted it back to me! @My_Metro, give J Leigh a pay rise!
@My_Metro or, congratulate yourselves for running such good customer service.
Cushing's evil doppelganger is stalking the halls
@gingerbeardman who are the users? We've just given up on textile because it wasn't worthwhile for the hassle it causes with whitespace
@jamesgrime aww, I printed it out but my non-Pringles tube is *just* too big
@peterrowlett oh, she changed her name! Thanks for pointing that out
@standupmaths yet again, the North East eschews nerdy comedy. We've got a ruddy Science City!
@franklinheath @jamesgrime mine was as big as it could be. I just had a very wide tube. Going to try with avreal pringles tube today
eesh, pagelines needs upgrading AGAIN. Blame me if the @aperiodical disappears for a bit.
wow, it worked! Now watch as I blitz the news queue. Steady yourselves, this might be more maths news than you can comfortably handle.
man, if I had a pound for every time someone has asked me this:…
do you ever get confused about which way an email is going and write your own name in the To: box?
Man, I wish I had the kind of autism that leaves you with the mental ability of a child. This dude is ENJOYING the stairs.
@Samuel_Hansen just remembered I need to arrange those maths communication questions! They're back on the imaginary to-do list.
@alexbellos do you know Philipp Legner? The site does look great but very ambitious for one person!
Dust omelette! It just occurred to me that I've never cleaned my tumble dryer's filter
@JanvierUK because that is what you perceive it to be.
SPACE CORTÉS: a game where the aliens are well-organised and technologically superior, but massively outnumbered by you, the puny humans.
@jamesgrime @franklinheath I'm on attempt no. 3. Turns out my printer needs "borderless printing", not just "normal-size printing", I think.
@Bishnavitch I've just noticed the sound on this maths-aid video is completely out of sync
@GhostMutt excellent quests!
@elinoroberts I have a planetarium question! A colleague was asked to provide JPEGs for a show, not something lossless. Is that normal?
this is how you sell paintbrushes!…
These buffalo burgers smell like cleaning product. I'm very confused.
@standupmaths take lots of pictures for @mathsinthecity!
I earned my PhD in discredited theories at the University of Derby Discarded Learning Centre
Group theory is *not* abstract nonsense, so stop saying it is.
have decided to be the change I want to see in the world and draw some maths to go on the walls of the department. Ideas?
@pkrautz is the new @MathJax https CDN address official yet? It still says cloudfront in the docs…
Tomorrow at Newcastle @MathsJam I will be making some maths propaganda posters to decorate my department's uninspiring walls.
@nulibsage when? Where? I might be able to not miss it this time
@nulibsage well then! Perhaps you can work in a plug for tonight's @MathsJam as a social media science thing
Reminder: Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight, 7pm, at the Charles Grey. I have a paper enigma machine, some fibonacci facts and a lot of puzzles
Danger: mathematicians at work
@nulibsage it has now:!/christianp/…
@hornmaths you might also like to try curler units:…
@MathsJam to CAM: but the deck is still shuffled, right?
@monsoon0 see…. Should end up looking like…
This is pretty excellent…
The uni has put a table tennis table outside my building. I don't think I'm ever going to do any work again.
@peterrowlett I can only think that's the case. Don't mind though.
Tynemouth Knobbly Knee Brigade out on manoeuvres. Visitors are warned that socks may be worn with sandals without warning.
@gingerbeardman yep. The net makes a satisfying CLANG when you hit it
I love the summer so much!…
defenestrating furniture until PHP gets its act together
PHP hate: staring at innocuous-looking lines of code to see if they have any side effects, or if they're exactly as stupid as they appear
@Htbaa the what what now? There's only one way to order parameters, isn't there?
...and now I've found an eval statement in this module's javascript. That's it. Prepare the napalm: this code is going to burn.
@stecks I am with a founder of the Melbourne puzzle hunt!
@HoeJodgkiss that exists? How do I watch it?
going to go down to the beach tomorrow and write the next @aperiodical round up. It's going to be good.
@jamesgrime @numberphile oh no, either you've scooped us or inadvertent synergies are happening. @aperiodical has a similar post brewing.
@jamesgrime @numberphile @aperiodical and we were all scooped by Conway and Guy 14 years ago.
@stecks it was Maurice Chiodo. He's a group theorist now.
@jamesgrime @numberphile & I'm a tiny bit disappointed you didn't fit in a "crore, what a palaver!" joke. Maybe that can be my contribution
New businesses: "It's Rude To Stair" (elevators); "Ply Captain and the World of Tomorrow" (origami)
@MathsJam who presented the folded-paper heart in a single cut at last year's big MathsJam? I'm having a total brain-blank
@stecks thanks!
pretty annoyed that I seem to have lost an entire post's worth of research, on a really interesting subject.
@NTWH @NorthEastNT "deadheading, edging and weeding" sound like the latest ways of wasting youth. eg "I lost my junkie son to deadheading".
and for my next trick, the news queue!
It's the last square day of the year. Previous square days: 16/4, 9/3, 4/2, 1/1.
@sjccmaths 3rd of September? That's the first day of school usually, isn't it?
rainbow origami street art…
@hornmaths it's well worth doing if you're physicsy, anyway.
Tynemouth is eerily empty.
@standupmaths I'm going to the Henry Moore thing at the science museum tomorrow. Are you by any chance around?
Weeping a little tear for unloved maths: the guides at the science museum had never heard of the Henry Moore exhibition in the maths hall
Oh. Maybe this is why: this is the whole exhibit
How recent? #disappointment
@peterrowlett still not clear enough. I reckon "@aperiodical triumvirand" would be better. #lahahahatin
@peterrowlett ...but wikipedia tells me it's just "triumvir". Well, I know what my bio will say, never mind yours.
For the first time in just over five years, my twitter bio has changed.
@peterrowlett @rmathematicus @Talithin I've spent half an hour looking for any information on what he did, and it seems none is available
@peterrowlett I like the "decoding tabloid news" tag
@standupmaths Unhelpful headline territory, right?
@peterrowlett should I comment on that?
mathematicians: how do you add a prime in LaTeX to denote, for example, function derivatives?…
@Nathan1123 it can, but is that an equilibrium solution?
@gingerbeardman I bet there's a sad story behind that lot all being in the charity shop at the same time
@standupmaths I look forward to the Betamax of your contemporary dance interpretation
@standupmaths wouldn't that be a cone?
Had a nice day at Kingston university giving a workshop on @NclNumbas. Now walking along the Thames back to the station.
@stecks that reminds me that I must get round to making a rhythmomachy board
@stevieb don't think so. Bill is probably going, though.
Finally listening to this week's #mathmaths. I hope Sam didn't say anything bad about me.
@monsoon0 it's in French! That's your problem.
@stecks that's the title of our post on the anti-Turingpalooza backlash.
@peterrowlett thanks for plugging the call for the interesting research. Nathan says still no submissions though :(
Bouncy little foals / running round telegraph poles / in a field near Stow-on-the-Wold.
Oh my god, Diana is on the front page of the Express. WHO IS STILL BUYING IT FOR THAT?
WANTED: reordering of the alphabet with the most contiguous words in it
@alexbellos would you like a new random number, or the same one? Because the one I put in before was, I believe, the most random.
Wolf moon sweater: check. Bag with 80s song lyrics scrawled on: check. Face full of contempt for life's bounty: yep. Sort of hate this guy!
A variety of geometric shapes each made with just one HTML element and a lot of CSS:…
@alexbellos whoops, that came from the wrong account! It was me! I've submitted another random number, anyway.
@rob_botch strictly contiguous. So SCAT has SCAT & CAT, but CART doesn't get CAT
I just don't have it in me to write a limerick. I just can't get the rhythm right in my head
@rob_botch not necessarily.
the link between a journal's impact factor and no. of citations of its papers is decreasing: (via Timothy Gowers on g+)
the word in the English language containing the most smaller words has 13 letters and 16 subwords, but is too rude for twitter!
sorry, that's the word with no repeated letters, containing the most contiguous subwords
@CardColm of words which use letters at most once, I have found the one which contains the most contiguous subwords, but it's very rudge
@CardColm I mean rude
Problems with the Mathematical Gazette: costs £99 a year; articles available online only as low-res scanned-in Word documents
Problems cont.: submissions by post only: two typed copies or floppy disk (surely not any more!); no online index of articles past 2008.
@stecks robot makes screen wall, sings happy song while doing so:
Estimated readership of the Mathematical Gazette: 7,000. Unique readers of the @aperiodical this month: >25,000. Apples and oranges, but...
@matheknitician @haggismaths ooh! A knitted version of this interpretation of the hilbert curve would look good:…
@MarcusduSautoy have you got links for the other two? I'll write a post on the @aperiodical about them
@CardColm not sure what you're talking about
@CardColm ah, I wasn't sure what to make of that, because it looked like you were still editing it
If this woman stopped gurning, maybe her train would arrive. #worthatry
@peterrowlett @stecks 1.2million HTTP requests on the aperiodical this month. My analysis tool needs beefing up...
@jfgregg I can assure you that isn't the policy. We've turned down a few things.
starting BlitzMax for the first time in forever. The impulse to create games has reappeared
it is now my life's goal to devalue the US dollar until I can afford one of these…
sumatrapdf opens postscript files on windows! Goodbye, rubbish GhostView! I hope to never see you again!
@Tony_Mann you're going! Excellent! Please write something about it afterwards, I'm so annoyed I can't go.
@monsoon0 not for the purposes of my post about Hay Festival, but if you'd like to say more about what you do, we have a forum for you.
@monsoon0 would you like to write a longer post for the aperiodical about it? And did anything ever come of your Aus maths site idea?
@mickybullock @SparksMaths keep an eye on…
@stecks my brother has some goslings too! We paid them a visit last weekend… (he also has a silly-expensive camera)
@OddballDave I didn't make much progress. I've put it online at if you want to have a look.
@JanvierUK never cancel a barbecue. That's how the weather wins.
Kimya Dawson on a furniture advert. Wasn't expecting that ever.
My greatest challenge as a mathematician is explaining the UK's car licence numbering scheme to my mum. 09,59,10,60,11,... WHAT IS SO HARD
We had to break out diagrams, but she claims to have got it now. #codingtheoryformothers
@icecolbeveridge I just go with "add 50 for the second half of the year"
@haggismaths remind me to send in a photo of princesses being captured by finite state automota living on graphs when it's a work day again
now taking orders for my new range of Provencal crockery, S'il te Plate.
Trying to explain to the dog that he is too old and stupid to be in charge of when he goes out for a poo.
Wow, the @aperiodical blasted past its 300th published post last week. Thanks for reading!
Newcastle Review of the London Review of Books: very good, but sometimes the reviewers don't bother to review the books they're reviewing
now measuring the passage of time in Watts-yawns: the 30-60 seconds at the start of a Reggie Watts track when he sets up his loops
@qikipedia Yo dawg...…
@peterrowlett @MoMath1 now we need to find a wealthy benefactor who will send one of us (me) to New York for opening day.
@acmescience excuse me where is your @aperiodical employee smart card? No, I think the only solution is to send me, expenses paid.
@acmescience I believe that trips to New York, and its associated eateries and museums of math, require the steady hand of an Editor.
@acmescience ...steady hand and healthy appetite of an Editor. Oh well, twitter's enforced brevity enforced the delivery of half a quip!
@SecondRateMinds @Samuel_Hansen best post yet on that blog.
Information Age: searching a PDF of a long article for a keyword. Idiot Age: your keyword contains a digraph for which TeX uses a ligature
@standupmaths I'm finding the progress of your beard much more interesting. Is it chilly up there?
@GeorgeBray @gingerbeardman "In contrast, in Britain many children get to know authority through their social workers." - teLOLograph
@standupmaths for pre-emptively answering that question with a question-begging question, do I get some Nordic tat?
@GeorgeBray @gingerbeardman for a much better essay about Japanese "shame" culture:…
@peterrowlett let's give that a little prod...
@ColinTheMathmo @standupmaths so glad this turned out OK. I was worried Colin was getting prize-crazy.
@standupmaths is #whereML sustainable? You're like parents looking for souvenirs for your kids, but your kids are everyone on the internet
Jessie Ware's songs are nice to listen to, but only when not accompanied by video. Is it her face? That is not a nice thought.
I think I want figure 20(a) of this paper on a t-shirt…
@mike_geogebra wow, what a lot of progress! It seems loads faster - how did that happen?
emailed a mathematician to ask for permission to use one of their figures in a blog post. Got some fantastic 5000x5000px images back. Happy!
@jcoglan but as it's deterministic, storing the program is functionally similar to storing encrypted passwords
@Gelada sort of, but is also keeping up with technology and has all of Sage behind it.
@jcoglan aha! Good point.
The barber's on Eldon Square has closed! But I am like a shaggy ram left out on a hilltop too long! O woe!
I love reading @nulibsage's RSS feed of newly acquired maths books. Lots of interesting ones today:…
just looked down at the prime factorisation t-shirt I'm wearing and decoded a number. It works! (…)
Sat outside Spy wearing a maths t-shirt. Never felt so uncool.
it seems that in wordpress's image insertion interface, the thumbnails are just the original images resized. This is bad when they are 5Kx5K
In final training for the Beard Growing event at the Olympics. Almost there, but my dismount still needs a little work.
@kenfodder particularly markdown parsers
@HELIUM_HEED is this one of those trick statements where it's that you're having an out of body experience?
secure: logging into your terminal with an SSH key. insecure: forgetting that happens, and typing your password into the shell.
does anyone still play Red Dead Redemption on the xbox? Do any of those people fancy a quick round of shooties?
@qikipedia that's assuming that all vampires successfully feed
@jcoglan I take it it's too much effort to write a regexp -> FSA algorithm, then take random walks on that?
@jcoglan something like this, slightly too long for a tweet:
@jcoglan probably not, since nobody says things like "at MOST n uppercase letters".
@jcoglan basically: I'm a mathematician, so I immediately looked for the strings Vault can't generate, never mind if they're not needed.
@jcoglan with loads of zero-width lookahead. eg:…. Better models of computation exist, but regexps are easy to write out
.@FakeElsevier who let Xzibit pimp sciencedirect? What's the deal with the hydraulic header & footer when you scroll? #addedvalue?
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon yes! And I'm having the day off work today, so I'll definitely still have enough energy to play this evening
had a little panic yesterday when I forgot what my favourite number was. It's 3435, because 3^3+4^4+3^3+5^5 = 3435.
@JamesMoosh exactly. 3435 is improbable.
give me $\cos(\arcsin(\sqrt{-3}))$ good reasons why I shouldn't extend the domain of these functions to the complex plane
"part time" and "no fixed hours" are a terrible combination of words in an employment contract.
@icecolbeveridge that was exactly the joke
@icecolbeveridge because cos(arcsin(sqrt(-3))) = 2.
Classless dudes with more Paul Smith shirts than hairs on their heads impeding my progress down Front Street.
@JanvierUK I'll guess the former, since I have no idea what you're talking about
eeee!!!! SO CUTE…
facebook: how am I meant to click the "developers" link at the bottom of the page when infinite scroll keeps punting it downwards?
I've just spent LITERALLY AN HOUR recording myself proving a pretty simple fact about fibonacci numbers. Online later, if youtube can cope.
Seeking investors for my 18th century pleasure palace/hot chocolate bar, "Rococoa".
Talking of which, the co-op's hot chocolate is pretty decent
GRzczxagggg just ruined the grand prix by loading bbc news! Poo!
just blogged some problems I've posed myself but haven't thought very much about. Any input appreciated:…
@standupmaths I bought a very nice winter coat for not very much money in the week that was hot. Inadvertent planning!
wherein CP spends almost an entire hour proving a moderately interesting fact about fibonacci numbers:…
@Nathan1123 does that mean you watched my video all the way through?!
@Nathan1123 wow, jolly good! Another fun fib fact: Fn divides Fm iff n divides m
Sandwich shop: I can have choritzo but they're out of djalapeenos. Crossiants still available. Glad they're better at cooking than spelling
@brittneybean that's either a low number of females for a conference or a very high number for a singles tennis match
If it could stay exactly this temperature and humidity for a while that would be excellent.
No, fewer signatures is more powerful! "@johnnysofhayle: fans of homeopathy - gvnt is trying to restrict it, so please sign this petition"
@jcoglan I can help with this, but on my phone at the moment. Email if you want to work through it
@jcoglan idea which worked on the train does not work when in front of a blackboard. Might email later if I sort it out
@jcoglan ok, I have working python code! Going to write an explanation then send it to you
@plusmathsorg you're doing a frankly unreasonable number of great things. I can barely keep on top of the news queue at the aperiodical!
@jcoglan here you go: I wrote it up on my blog so everyone can benefit -…
not sure what time Marshall's closes. Fear it may be in the past. #chishandfips
@jgrahamc it's an exponential series, but growing more gently than powers of two. That might be why it looks good.
have at you, @aperiodical news queue! en garde!
there is an "Athena SWAN" award for promoting recruitment of women in higher ed. Would the male equivalent be "Rambo GORILLA"? #terriblename
dear Manchester: fairly sure you weren't that far inland last time I looked. Please move back.
I wish windows media player would just quit without me having to drive a stake through its wicked heart every single time.
@jcoglan how were you generating characters before? Using Math.random() and rounding, or what?
If this dude's name isn't Wilfred I will have to report back to my home planet that I have learned nothing of humanity's ways
@jcoglan can make one in 15 minutes when I get into work. A reference implementation in haskell would look great, actually
@jcoglan but really, statistics should verify your implementation, not comparison with my potentially-also-broken version
@jcoglan I've updated the gist with some sample output
have just eaten a very nice spiced cumberland pork pie from the posh pork pie stall in the market at monument
@Bishnavitch not sure. I asked the lady what was in it and she just told me the price. Very confused.
working through these testing reports is going to kill me
@eAssess but that isn't really a blog, because that post doesn't have a unique link. Where will it go when the next article appears?
@stevenstrogatz I wrote up your UK map redrawing paper for @aperiodical but couldn't find what "modularity" means. Is it somewhere in there?
@CardColm yes I did! Thanks.
Am appalled at how good our first year mathematicians' handwriting is. Though volunteers for a UX test might not be a representative sample
@aperfect but then you've made two mistakes
@stevenstrogatz thanks, but [16] refers to [15] and [15] is closed access. Can you give a handwavey description of what it measures?
@stevenstrogatz never mind, got access through VPN to my uni. Would "it's a measure of how much better than random the division is" be fair?
@stevenstrogatz ah, super! It didn't even occur to me to try wikipedia
this album is completely superb: Floreat by Mara Carlyle…:
looking for angel funding for my lactose-free milkshake bar, "Whey Out West"
@peterrowlett at that point I would just forget the whole HT/MT/xT paradigm and have a "via <firstdude>, <seconddude>" at the end
@ben_nuttall 90s road trip! Hope you've got your three quarter-lengths on and a walkman in your pocket.
@CardColm @peterrowlett I couldn't possibly say
@Bishnavitch ehhh, which one's that? Yes provisionally.
@Bishnavitch at 10! No way!
Sprained my knee playing table tennis. I hope it doesn't swell up or do anything more painful than it currently is
@jcoglan four twitter accounts was my limit for finally switching to tweetdeck. I hate it, but it's the easiest option
arg! The next @MathsJam is next week! Where did June go?
wordpress 3.4 does twitter oEmbed, finally!
hahahahahahhaha I've just seen the cover of Catwoman 0 hahahahahahahaaaaa
@sotnasaras secondary challenge: do it in a foreign country. Tried it once on a girl in a Flunch in Brussels. She just handed my coins back.
@jcoglan he's right though, using his name in phrases is fun: "Cameron Up The Khyber", "Cameron Obscura", etc. ad infinitum
@jcoglan I haven't yet! There's some interesting discussion of methods in the comments on my blog, if you want to pass some time.
@jcoglan ok, I might have some time to look in a few hours
@jcoglan I've been meaning to say - did you just copy my code to compute stats? Because mine was very wrong.
@jcoglan good! Because my original code calculated num. samples/num. characters. Was on the verge of handing my degree back when I noticed.
@mathsinthecity only one math? Is the supply running low?
@plusmathsorg I would DM you if you were following me
@plusmathsorg have you got the princess in a castle puzzle already? @standupmaths did a video after I told it to him:…
Day 2 of my knee's separation from its socket. Have brought in Archbishop Desmond Tutu for reconciliation talks.
If that fails, I have a roll of tubigrip. It's a tense moment. (I WISH! do you see what I did there?!?!)
@jcoglan oh, I was exaggerating. It's not too bad, more of a sprain. It happens all the time because I have really weak ligaments.
Eldon Square is a mixed bag: all neatly cut lawns and teenagers giving themselves cancer until their peers love them.
@sotnasaras or International Wechsel. (does 'wechsel' rhyme with 'rescue'? Close enough)
@JanvierUK suppose I wish "cakes" to be a euphemism for something. Which account should I follow?
wanted: indicator, chemical or mechanical or whatever, that I have forgotten to shake a bottle of orangina before taking a swig
Targetted advertising in the Newcastle University student union: we don't have a physics department
I'm sure I catch my site's hit counter on palindromes more often than chance would allow
@mathpunk no. Paste it into or try JSON.parse(document.getElementsByTagName('pre')[0].innerText) in your browser
@mathpunk you need square brackets around the "keywords" array
@ColinTheMathmo wow, defined in terms of circumference not radius! Did that rule start as "must complete a full roll before being touched"?
@nulibsage oh, it's you who's taking over our office! You'll be glad to hear it now gets wifi signal, which wasn't the case last month
@mathpunk but if you're doing this by hand, can I suggest YAML instead of JSON:
@ColinTheMathmo "a full roll" is probably an easier rule to explain, though, don't you think?
@ColinTheMathmo how interesting!
there is a a cure for ebola! Booking my tickets to the Congo straight away.
aaag wordpress! Restored everything in an autosave except the changed permalink
Bad idea: normal users can't submit bug reports to Blackboard. Only administrators can. Maybe that's why there are still so many!
@Bishnavitch we've still got a box of your brother's first edition miniatures somewhere
have found a mega-bizarre @MathJax bug: calling $('*').find('anything') knacks MathJax spacing. Trying to boil down simplest exemplar now.
@elinoroberts I've had the heating on all week.
Trying to convince myself that even though the top and bottom halves of my leg are splitting up, it doesn't mean they don't both love me
R plots can't or don't use LaTeX for labels. Rubbish.
oh my god it has its own nutjob syntax:… Is R the PHP of maths languages?
Blew my mind: NASA has a page with the latest data received from Voyager…
Mum is preaching the gospel of this kipper she just ate at Irvine's on North Shields fish quay
I think today is a day for Interesting Esoterica
I basically can't stop playing this Mara Carlyle album
she knows how to work a dental plosive to her advantage, is all I'm saying.
man, you try and drop some phonetics and then you look on wikipedia and see you meant an alveolar plosive.
I hereby resign my membership of the knows-good-words club
cor, my aunty's photos of her resident giraffe falling in her swimming pool have got online and have 4 million views!
@Bishnavitch well, it lives on her safari park. She showed us those photos last time she was over here.
@Bishnavitch yes, that's her, but she's in Tanzania now.
to clarify: I'm not sure if my aunty took the photos, but they're from her safari park. She's also just a family friend, not a real aunty.
@Rosalot somewhere near Arusha in Tanzania. I've forgotten the name of the company she works for
@elinoroberts can you do mine? I'm colourblind and only realised recently that you can buy socks with patterns on
@elinoroberts one day, I'd like there to be a machine which will make up cotton socks with an arbitrary pattern on
Dinner dilemma: fajitas (tastier) or caesar salad (less effort)?
@Bishnavitch oh, I'm sorry, is chicken and bacon, lathered in puréed anchovies, oil and parmesan not rich enough for you?
@Bishnavitch how about if I remove the lettuce?
@Bishnavitch pasta and cream is for girls and Italians
@Bishnavitch carbs are for people with insecurities. Lettuce is for men who just don't give a damn
can't believe how many people are wrong about dinner choices.
That is how you turn a game of Civilization around!
The secret to my success: a firm policy of appeasing the Germans
electrotelethermometer is the English word with the most Es in it (7)
@jcoglan because Steve Jobs never installed a program that wasn't made by Apple
A huggermuggering nonannouncement of an overinvolved knickknack, or an alliterationist's dream:…
@lizmallard indeed! By the way, you're on the Newcastle mathsjam list, aren't you? Are you going to come on Tuesday?
@lizmallard then there are multiple mathematically-minded Liz Hansons!
@lizmallard well, she's on the list but she's never come!
A round of applause for @peterrowlett, who took on the @aperiodical news queue and won.
@Bishnavitch I refuse to watch that episode now, in case 1) it makes me cry, or worse, 2) I become desensitised to it
I'm hosting the Carnival of Maths this month, so please send in any good maths blogging you've seen:…
@jgrahamc are you aware of the book Making Mathematics with Needlework? I've got it, it's very good…
why do so many journal/scholarly literature sites make it so hard to find the link to go from an abstract to the full paper?
@jcoglan well done keeping that hashtag alive
A sequence with a simple elementary definition which only produces prime numbers
@standupmaths replacing iphone screens is only to be attempted by teams of nanobots or infinitely patient monks. Not sure which Apple have.
@standupmaths and I think £60 probably won't buy you the bits for a new screen
@haggismaths ah, it might be too late! My princesses got hijacked by less serious mathematicians.
@haggismaths relatedly: are you aware of Etienne Ghys told me about it when he visited last week
@LeedsMathsJam I'll have one at Newcastle, and I think @stecks will have one at Manchester. Prepare some secret messages!
@jcoglan echh, no. And got a very busy week.
@jcoglan where was your data?
@ben_nuttall @tgandrews what is Haskell doing in there with PROLOG and FORTRAN? This is an outrage!
@haggismaths waiting until tomorrow, when the student in control of the blackboard next to the white one has his viva and passes it on to me
basically every ingredient in this pizza went off at least a week ago. It's OK once it's cooked though, right?
also: jalapenos have antiseptic properties, don't they? Because I've just checked and those are in date.
there's a lot more sadness in my life since I started playing minecraft on hardcore. Sitting wondering what I could have done to survive
There's a Mongolian throat-singing rap album called Back Tuva Future. You can go to sleep now, today is over.…
@standupmaths @Dr_Lucie you've got the entire McBain movie to look forward to:…
Played the game and lost. It's tipping it down and I'm in just a t-shirt. Must check webcams before coming in to town from Tynemouth
I have an HTML demo page for a project on Github Pages. What do I add to the YAML bit at the start to get syntax highlighting CSS?
I've written a jQuery plugin that gives you an instant @MathJax preview of any LaTeX you write in input boxes:
@mathieuruellan What do you mean?
@pkrautz I've just fixed a bug with IE. See if that was your problem too.
just made a load of maths worked example videos with the legendary Prof Robin Johnson publicly available on vimeo…
I'm going to be late for Newcastle @MathsJam due to a friend's overlong viva. At the very least, Sarah should be there from 7
@mathieuruellan but then you have to solve the reverse problem of turning screen coords into caret position.
@jamesgrime @standupmaths @penguat @KSCMaths @MathsJam Grime Bice? That gives you a colour scheme, too.
@elinoroberts @jjsanderson whatever you're doing: have you worked in a reference to the tidal effects on the LHC? That filled me with awe.
I've made a wordpress plugin which applies my instant LaTeX preview thing to the comment box under posts.…
I'm thinking of doing a piece for the @aperiodical on people's relationships with LaTeX. Do you have a horror story or moment of brilliance?
I'm particularly interested in mathematicians who don't use LaTeX: what's your excuse, you heretics?
@St_Sebas do you write maths often? If so, what do you use?
@CardColm can you say a bit more about how it changed your life?
@pkrautz should do. Can you point me to a site with disqus comments?
@pkrautz no, just with disqus. Never mind, found one of mine!
@danaernst @pkrautz @disqus should work straight away. Disqus just provides a textarea.
@danaernst @pkrautz no, my plugin loads mathjax if it isn't already there. But you should be using Sam's plugin anyway.
@pkrautz @danaernst oh, disqus' textarea is inside an iframe, so I need to add a line to my plugin.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss is it any good?
@danaernst @pkrautz…. Wait a mo while I make it work with disqus though. (unexpectedly complicated!)
@danaernst unzip in your wp-content/plugins directory. Activate in the admin plugins page.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss your excellent argument has convinced me. Yours at 7.30?
@danaernst @pkrautz @disqus revising my earlier opinion: I can't do anything with disqus because of cross-site scripting restrictions
sitting in a hot office waiting for windows to finish unzipping a 500kb file. Truly these are my salad days.
"no, the other 90 degrees!" isn't quite as bad as "no, the other left!", but it's close.
@Bishnavitch Britain's most successful hoover comedian
@Bishnavitch by which I mean two things: 1) Henry is a brand of vacuum cleaner. 2) Lenny Henry sucks.
@EliotBall thanks!
@MuseGarden @Nathan1123 pronounced "secky"?
Another LaTeX question: is there a package that you use but nobody else does? What does it do?
Thanks to @plusmathsorg for these rather fetching mathematical card holders. Wasn't expecting 3!
@disqushelp yeah, I'm running chrome. Trying jQuery selector $('.dsq-textarea-wrapper').find('iframe').contents()
@ma1cal when does the teaching take place? A compulsory module?
@ColinTheMathmo MiKTeX on windows, I assume?
@jcoglan challenge: arrange your finances so that your tax bill is a solution to a 3-SAT problem encoded in your annual earnings
jcoglan can you get your base-whatever hash test data in a plain text file of the form <bits>\n<base>\n<output>?
lunch and then I battle the Stupid Bug Mountain.
@jcoglan commas, spaces, whatever.
@jcoglan my results.txt is now in the same format, at We differ, and I'm pretty sure the error is with you
@jcoglan in base 10, we agree until the subsequence (...,9,8,9,5,3,1,0), and you have an extra digit in your output
@jcoglan sorting this out might be better over IM of some sort
@jcoglan ok, just added you
@pkrautz @aperiodical (answering as myself now) I think I might have seen it before. More grant money being ineffectively spent!
@pkrautz funded by Munich Re, so at least it isn't EU money
@jgrahamc you need more than two data points to conjecture exponential growth
has anyone ever seen IE run an object's constructor function before attaching its prototype? Because I think that just happened to me.
@Samuel_Hansen I can't see what that's a reply to, but if it's about the carnival of maths: you're submitting to me, so send in loads
@haggismaths oh, you know there's been a paper on that…
@ColinTheMathmo man, you have so much more trouble with computers than I do. Did you do something to offend them?
It's Turingsmas Eve! Remember to put your programs on the mantelpiece tonight, and maybe tomorrow morning you'll wake up to a proof it halts
Remember to leave out a pad of paper and a pen for Alan, and a pile of punch cards for his team of hunky computer operators
@PumphreysMaths mathscard looked decent when I tried it:…
@PumphreysMaths and wolfram alpha is, of course, excellent
@Electrokittie really?…
am I to understand that it's raining in less excellent parts of the country? I'm going out for a walk on the beach
And lo, did the Lord God see cp's braggadocio and verily did He send forth innumerable drizzles
@icecolbeveridge what was the other one?
@icecolbeveridge but there've been plenty of big real maths stories: Agol's Virtual Haken proof, Goldbach progress, potential ABC proof...
how odd: @standupmaths's radio 4 documentary on Turing is still on iplayer, but can't be found using the search.
@icecolbeveridge there really wouldn't be much point in the mainstream press reporting those stories.
@icecolbeveridge I disagree completely.
two games of Risk and *then* writing our big Turing post was never a good plan. Moody's has just downgraded it to a Very Bad Plan Indeed
I've collected together some of the best Turing coverage for the @aperiodical at….
what's the easiest way to run a node.js server on a server that uses Apache? Modern app-deployment techniques baffle me
Looking forward to the river of fire along the Thames tonight. A great way to celebrate Turing's centenary and it's never been done before.
@treasa just spent 10 minutes not finding the clip on youtube. I'm sure it used to be there. Anyway, it's an old joke from Broken News
just went round the google sign-in loop four times with my mum on @TripIt. She's given up trying to register.
Looking at the @aperiodical's stats, it seems Shouryya Ray is twice as popular as Alan Turing. Disheartening.
@standupmaths EXCELLENT. Have you seen the description of railway junction logic gates? I saw it when I was 17 but can't remember the author
@standupmaths if you can make use of someone in the Far North East, I'm in.
@standupmaths not emailing because a) I'm too cool for school and b) I have a woman on the inside of your operation, Parker.
@ben_nuttall you must be really mad that Prince William uses that title despite not having been awarded it by the Roman Emperor
@standupmaths my PhD is in computability and exactly this kind of thing, so I can help with design
@goddent83 I think it was two Cambridge postgrads, circa 2003/4, reported in a paper but not sure which. Junction boxes work as logic gates
@goddent83 I have googled long and hard and turned up nothing but people making external, electronic, logic gates for model railways.
@outofthenorm2 @goddent83 @standupmaths that is precisely it! Thank you!
@HilariousCow already done: Prince of Persia refusing to walk off ledges.
@HilariousCow unlike walking into walls, where the character has no mind of his own, in PoP he's visibly struggling against your command
@HilariousCow for a while I've wanted a platformer where "your" actions don't need to be coherently displayed (transition animations etc)...
@HilariousCow ... but the character follows a tiny bit behind, properly animated because the game knows in advance what it's going to do
@HilariousCow yeah. You've got to fiddle things so the character never gets affected by something you don't, breaking the illusion.
@HilariousCow a single-agent Portal-ish environment would do, with you playing the character's "mind's eye"
@HilariousCow yes! Got to make that now!
None of the doors in the student union make sense. There's every combination of handle/button/automatic/signage.
@peterrowlett oh dear! Is that the teaching, or something like what you've done this year?
Wearing my "maths is easy" t-shirt to an interdepartmental meeting.
@ajk_44 thats some serious chutzpah on the part of the Tories, trying to reuse the phrase "back to basics"
crikey o'reilly this is some needlessly cryptic code
"I've just discovered multiline var declarations and lazy evaluation of booleans. Let's write my entire program and logic in one of those!"
@standupmaths is the quiet coach not the naughty coach? People complaining about bad passengers are hardly ever not in the quiet coach.
"lion" is the only English word ending in -ion which is still a word when you swap the I and O.
emusic, why does the "your session has expired so you need to log in" page now redirect to the signup page? That's enormously annoying!
@IanMulvany I have a hashtag I use on occasions like that: #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice
@aperfect my name is extremely common in Catholic countries, particularly the Philippines. I win.
@Sdfahey @mathsinthecity only one face? Which one? Anyway, I'd just say it's a twisted prism:…
@Sdfahey no, it isn't an antiprism because the sides aren't flat faces - they're curved.
@Sdfahey actually, just looked at your picture again and they are. Whoops!
Publishing minified code without a source map is pretty unhelpful.
@dmh10 sadly not. Anyway, my brilliant mental deobfuscation skills have allowed me to find the corresponding point in the source
@FOTSN at my phone's highest volume I can barely hear the podcast. Could you sacrifice some of your glorious hi fidelity and enlouden it?
Twitteraticians: how do you write $\mathbb{Z}$? I've been told I don't follow convention.
follow-up question: how about $\mathbb{N}$? Rotate previous pic 90° anti-clockwise for mine v apparently conventional styles.
@peterrowlett @standupmaths hearing that the weather's better somewhere else is one of those little things that make life less bearable
@aPaulTaylor that's a mega-tenuous reason! My reason is that it can't be mistaken for a really badly drawn mathematical X
The first crazy person outs himself RT @panlepan: I'm crazy! RT @christianp: how do you write $\mathbb{Z}$?
@Talithin @Samuel_Hansen zeds should always have a line through them!
@Samuel_Hansen @Talithin I used to think it was Continental Frippery until I started actually writing maths for a living.
@panlepan alors, il faut que vous demandiez á vos collègues comment ils l'écrivent (how's my French?)
we have patient no. 2 for the Z Madness. There must be more: I know you're out there, you loons!
@ProfNoodlearms do you see Serious People write the other version very often? (ps when did you change your twitter name? It's excellent)
@Talithin so your second stroke is a single line?
@Talithin it actually looks decent.
does anyone else do it this way? RT @Talithin: @christianp By the way, here's mine…
@jgrahamc I now want to book a ticket from Poole to Bagshot.
@MouldS you've assumed that very few of the people who look like you are ticket inspectors. This notice is dispelling that notion.
TIL that Chebyshev's (he of the inequality) first name was Pafnuty.
@axnicho @peterrowlett is this a pun I see before me?
managed to maximise my savings inefficiency at Sainsbury's: every item I bought is part of a multibuy offer, but no two are in the same one
@jcoglan I thought ahead and used the self-service
like voting for the Greens, while it was against my immediate self-interest, I made the statistics register the way I want the world to be
@Samuel_Hansen football! I forgot about the football! O WOE!
not on my nelly bot on my belly dot on my delhi jot on my jelly pot on my pele tot on my telly what on my welly #isthatallofthem
Going on holiday on Friday, leaving these beauties sitting in the queue at the @aperiodical:
@MarcusduSautoy this is relevant to my interests
I believe I am owed some presents. RT @MarcusduSautoy: Happy Perfect Day! 28/6 A number is perfect if it is the sum of its proper divisors.
@jcoglan only module needed: a Turing machine which can simulate all other modules. #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice
@helenarney ahh, I would go if I wasn't setting off on holiday early tomorrow morning
this is a happy little integer sequence: undulating palindromic primes
..which has led me to this magnum opus -… - more top ten lists than you can shake a at!
@aPaulTaylor no - undulating primes are at - includes two-digit non-palindromes
@seanhandley Pancho Villa's on the Royal Mile is excellent
9876543210 followed by 2002 zeroes and then a 1 is prime
@aPaulTaylor now I'm trying to think how to find the most needlessly complicated OEIS definition
just watched a fly spontaneously generate on my wall. Aristotle was right! (or the fly was hiding)
Problem: one could avoid the hateful facebook->guardian login thing by copying and googling the title. Solution: forbid selecting text
@HELIUM_HEED no, I'm going to dissolve! I'd hoped to observe you humans a while longer but now I must return to alka-seltzer-man home planet
I picked a bad day to renounce all gods
@pkrautz @peterrowlett @stecks I know a bit. Email me.
@mathsinthecity I managed to get out just before too many roads closed. My seaside abode is untroubled by mere rain! Thanks for asking
@mathsinthecity no, I live at Tynemouth but today I'm setting off for the Loire valley for my jollies
A glacier would reverse into that space faster. And it wouldn't come out to straighten up three times either.
@mathsinthecity the council has done a brilliant job up here but I'm hearing bad things about the Midlands. But that's nothing new, right?
@ehauke htc desire hd played through sennheiser mm100 headphones. It's lots quieter than other podcasts.
@Samuel_Hansen a follow on google+ has about as much value as a turkish lira
@Samuel_Hansen wow, I picked the wrong kind of lira. Let's go with Italian lira
@ehauke all the episodes have been the same
Gosh, the new google+ app is good! I'm still tweeting this thought though.
Slough: it's not worth the effort
Not sure how I feel about this video tribute to Turing…
@ipnosimmia the backing music's a bit weird
I have internet! Here's a picture of some fabulous French cuisine. We have so much to learn from them.
@monsoon0 have you seen… ? Or do you want to use textmode LaTeX too?
Il fait chaud, fo' sho'.
Me and four bishops in a nissan micra, driving France's autoroutes and reviewing the service stations. Title of the book: Aires and Graces
Koala! Happy day!
And if you want to see a panda, don't even bother going to Edinburgh: come to Beauval, you can get right up to them
@manytypesoftea yes, we can only assume it's an accurate translation given the picture. Excellent twitter avatar, by the way
@MEIMaths @peterrowlett it's in the queue for my next open access round up. Could well merit its own post, though.
@Andrew_Taylor well, you've _got_ to register and fill it with comic sans maths now.
@alexbellos @haggismaths looks like autocorrect has got the right ideas
@jcoglan Turing would be all about the #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice.
Goodbye, France! No thanks to DFDS Seaways, who were an hour late out of port. Watched three P&O ones come and go while we waited.
@stecks yes, δmaths/δt (britain,now) > 0
@stecks and I will be gratified if you notice my correct identification of a partial differential
@standupmaths Matt's Unvirtual Mersenne Prime Search, or #MUMPS
@standupmaths and I've just noticed your twitter username is a pun on your real name when pronounced in a French accent. A reason to move?
Almost everyone on this ferry is reading the Daily Mail. Hypocrites.
Forget meditation, if you want to get in harmony with the world around you just do a wee on a boat. (Men and adventurous ladies only)
it's the world's funniest child!…
Now I can be like @standupmaths and tweet maths symbols ∵ ∃ a character map app for android!…
...but they aren't displayed properly on my PC. Willy poo bums.
.@univofstandrews did you check with Dr Nacenta before writing that tweet? Pie charts represent proportion; "Fatfonts" show arrays of data
where do I sign up to kick the people who wrote TinyMCE? I assume there's already a list.
@helenarney @djfbus @standupmaths @FOTSN I made a video a while ago explaining what's going on in that picture:
One for all and all for 0! #mathspuns
Looks like the metal pushing pad on this door isn't at the right height for anybody else either
if you want a poster of a famous mathematician and don't have working colour vision, this is the site for you!…
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett just listened to m/ms 104. Re economic centre of gravity: how do you average points on a sphere?
@standupmaths similarly: the University of Derby Discarded Learning Centre… doesn't work. does. When Oxford was a waste and Cambridge a bog... Durham set up their DNS.
and hilariously, twitter shortens them both to just
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen I've just read the appendix of the report. It's exactly as rigorous as you'd expect.
misleading infographic news, now:
reaction-diffusion whiz-boffins: please make some stripy paint.
is there a good reason javascript's ternary if assignment goes `b?x:y` instead of something readable like `x if b else y`?
@Nathan1123 yes yes, I get that, but all I did in my better version (python's) was replace the symbols with words
@Nathan1123 oh hang on, I thought that's what I did but I switched b and x. Whoops.
@Nathan1123 I think what I originally wanted was something like `if(b) x else y` as an acceptable expression in an assignment
@icecolbeveridge yes, that's what I was getting at. Quite annoying!
is Ohio the international twitter spam nexus or am I just very popular with people from middling states?
can someone with working colour vision, either skype or gtalk, and 10 minutes to spare help me with a colour scheme please?
Dear Microsoft Word, Thank you so much for noticing how wide my screen is, but I don't actually want you to zoom in so the page fills it.
while I'm pretending to write letters: Dear VMWare, Why does your one-click unsubscribe link go to a page I need to click on two more times?
I don't tweet boring work things much, but the PENS import by @SCORMCloud is amazing!
@JanvierUK that's pretty close to your height as well, isn't it? #everyoneistinytome
I wish right guard would stop changing the names of their deodorants. What's the big idea?
I've said "what rot" so many times in the last 10 minutes browsing this conference's programme that the words have lost all meaning
@stecks I demand less boring tweets! Or fewer boring tweets!
@stecks @diffractionman I am. Why?
@stecks yes, I'll do a talk on something, probably princess/castle. Definitely do aperiodical something. Hosting slides is a good idea.
@stecks though really, should be doing that.
@stecks I worry with the big mathsjam that Colin wants it to be a private party and reporting from it might ruin it a bit.
@Electrokittie you just apply directly to the institution
@HilariousCow manicheanima.
@HilariousCow a portmanteau of manicheanism and machinima?
@HilariousCow it describes basically Peter Molyneux's entire oeuvre
The screen reader JAWS costs $895. Because blind people get the same grants as people who need, like, new doorways built for them.
which makes it hard for me to test, since I don't know any blind people, and don't have $895 lying around to enrich a profiteer with.
@jcoglan so do I fill my HD with noise to make a point, or with "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" so it doesn't look random?
AAAAA I only work part-time that is too many issues AAAAAA
I have an almost uncontrollable urge to write a story about the Mormon grammarian P. Dan Tick
apparently Newcastle University has 4321 postgrads. That's a nice number!
@brittneybean I wouldn't be surprised if you said you were visiting a walmart that had an army base.
@madcaptenor you're mistaken. These enlightened individuals are correcting their wicked foreign ways.
@nulibsage I look at my diary for next week. It is a vast empty nothingness. Except for that exact hour. Typical.
@mendeley_com what's the point of attaching files to my library if it always says "we don't have permission to make this file downloadable"?
@jcoglan just add more classes and rules, then freely-reduce the resulting inheritance tree. #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice
@jcoglan sorry, I meant directed acyclic graph, not tree. Because that would be too simple.
there is a layer of bacon-smelling air about three feet off the floor of my flat. Dare I follow it to its source?
@Nathan1123 a bad programmer would just hack over it until it looks like it works. You're on the right track
deleted the blitzbasic forums from my bookmarks. There's hardly ever anything interesting there any more
It's finally here! After literally a quarter of a year, here's a load more interesting maths esoterica…
@ColinTheMathmo I asked Katie but she's AWOL, so: do you have a picture of last year's MathsJam we can use for an @aperiodical post?
Can't think of a single good reason why Smash wasn't instead called Packet Jotato.
@HoeJodgkiss the aristocrats!
@stecks it isn't great - Colin's all blurred. I'll ask on the @MathsJam twitter
has anyone got a photo of last year's @MathsJam conference that they wouldn't mind being used in a post on the @aperiodical?
@stecks oui
@peterrowlett yep, it can go whenever.
the Irish one from My Life In Film is in everything now. Must have got a better agent.
was Dead Boss given that weird inappropriate piano theme tune just because it was written by women?
or, if the writers specifically asked for that theme: what were you thinking?
It's a lovely sunny day in Tynemouth! Is anyone else out here enjoying the festival?
@peterrowlett it went OK, then? No bugs?
@peterrowlett hah! Excellent.
@acmescience much better!
@ben_nuttall @stecks @aPaulTaylor that's more of a combinatorics and designs problem, surely
TIL that facebook thinks Newcastle University is in New Delhi…
@alexbellos why's it only got one number? You could do that to a normal die. The joke with a mobius one is you can't decide which face is up
@Calibrand do you actually, though? The sentiment is cheapened by your tweet history. I'm now going to make an effort to avoid you.
mathematicians: does anyone else find the misuse of "hence" in a proof really annoying?
@aPaulTaylor I think you mean "no, hence now I am paranoid that..."
@peterrowlett I think we need to submit it to be reviewed by a person. There's a link somewhere in the webmaster tools
duoliteral, juloidea, muroidea, muscoidea, pulmonifera, quodlibetal, subcontinental, subhyoidean, uncomplimentary, uncontinental
.@WWMGT @stevenstrogatz @Wrangler314 see my previous tweet for all words I could find with vowels in reverse order. Excluded "unnoticeably".
also "fulgoroidea" and "uncoincidental" if you allow repeats of vowels.
can't find any words with all vowels + Y in forwards or reverse order. Another reason Y is not a vowel
Omg, just realised Tynemouth Sainsbury's is in walking distance. #sixandtwotwelves
@CardColm gosh! My word list must be missing a lot of words
@CardColm oh hang on, that's in forwards order. Panic over!
@CardColm ah! I see now. Currently walking to the shops so can't check my sums
Ok, further corrections will be ignored unless told facetiously. Clearly I made an error
And that shortcut was more like a six v two 3.1s. My brainwaves are a bubbly froth. Time for dinner.
ok, regexp fixed. adventitiously and pareciously
the usefulness of useless knowledge… cc @peterrowlett
I thank @Samuel_Hansen from the bottom of my heart for introducing me to my new religion…
@Tony_Mann you're wrong, @peterrowlett has always been at war with Eastasia
well punned! Radius of the Lost Arc - a maths game for kids…
Is this white fiat 500 doing really quick laps of the village or does everyone own a white fiat 500 now?
How long do you think I can mingle with the World Congress of Accounting Historians? I need some fun accounting history facts
#accountinghistory "double book-keeping" was originally a euphemism for workplace drunkenness.
#accountinghistory in the Crimean war, the Battle of Balaclava was written off as a clothing expense
@Bishnavitch I'd have to see Dark Knight between now and then
@rmehigan and sadly the last in my series of monodigital time tweets for today
@rmehigan I did not. No Sky!
@Andrew_Taylor to do exactly that and no more, add these to your path
@Andrew_Taylor or you could do it properly on Linux with adventure shell:
Just attended a workshop where I did a SWOT! I've become you!
Oh no. For the first time ever, I tweeted what was meant to be a text. It was a long workshop.
@pkrautz I think not: cross-site scripting problems.
@pkrautz a chrome extension would probably be able to do it
@elinoroberts write it underneath the header "Things for other people to do"
@standupmaths @numberphile or… might give you some ideas
@jcoglan no votes for 'look around'? Dangerously risky behaviour from the go-northers
Descending into the pits of the @aperiodical post queue to hew some maths news from the living rock. Got my undecidability canary with me.
@jcoglan score
@icecolbeveridge well, that's an idea for a new twitter bot. Sadly, @undecidabilitycanary is too long to be a twitter username
today's programming challenge: write a prime number generator in Hindi
@peterrowlett you said you had some big mathsjam photos. Prod.
@TeXtip or, with MathJax magic, you can use one I made:…^{i%20\pi}+1=0
@outofthenorm2 argg, I was looking for a tweet about your new post and misread "blogpast" as "blogpost"! Bumbleshpitz
@outofthenorm2 we considered "blogpast" for the Aperiodical's tweets and rejected it for exactly that reason
living the rugged independent lifestyle of a Solo Dude is a nightmare from a home economics perspective.
maths fact: over the past two years, Cedric Villani has spent as long as three hours not in front of a camera
@EliotBall haha, that's crazy! Unregistered domains go to a page saying "DNS Error!"
rhinoeceros, assemble!
very very clever: computer-generated pareidolia using genetic algorithms and face detection
guess who just tweeted from the wrong account! That guy! (Also this guy)
@plusmathsorg @mathsinthecity I tried the "best not to collapse it into an observable state just yet" excuse with my thesis
@Bishnavitch no thanks. Unenthused.
pretty bummed that seems to be a site selling English lessons in Japanese
@jcoglan is it possible to just cover one's ears and hum until ECMAScript 6 is widespread?
chrome, you are using 200mb of memory with one blank tab open. Explain yourself.
the manufacturers of this chilli have rated it "HOT HOT HOT". Maybe if you were raised on an exclusive diet of milk and yoghurt. Weak.
a more accurate label would be: "This sauce was produced in a factory where chillies are handled"
it has the consistency of puppy sick. I think this'll be the end of bad chilli news.
oh no I discovered the programmable turtle in tekkit
At least be consistent, guy's! (excellent farm, though)
@standupmaths good decision: "standupengineering" is pretty much a tautology. And are you implying you're under-employed?
@jcoglan I use the cursor keys all the time. Because sometimes neckbeards are just wrong.
my little brother hasn't even been to Akbar's. It's like I don't know him any more.
oh my god Wrong Sign Language is the BEST game
@arowx @GreyAlien you are correct to disclaim those claims. If you're coming this far up, might as well go across the Tyne to a REAL place.
@GreyAlien @arowx yeah fine, keep believing that. Just going out for a stroll on the award-winning beach, back later
windows is saving an 8mb bitmap version of my wallpaper to my uni network profile. That'd be fine if I didn't have a tiny allowance of 60mb
@sxpmaths as far as I know, @TraineeGeek organises the Portsmouth MathsJam. She's friendly!
@sxpmaths I think you might be talking about what I called the "worst series in the world" - near the bottom of…
wanted: rich benefactor to fund the acquisition of this fantastic kitchen appliance…
@stecks I would be entirely happy with being a trophy husband who stays at home and bakes with expensive Kenwood appliances all day
@stecks but I don't think I'm up for the silicone pec implants trophy husbandship would entail
@BenTormey you're following the wrong women, dude
@stecks wow, A had almost completely passed from my memory.
@amazingradio re chilli dogs: the diner in Fenwick's does a mean chilli dog
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7.30pm in the Charles Grey pub. New people very welcome.
Oh good, someone's realised the Olympic Security Sand outside the stadium shouldn't block access to the metro station
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett I had the MAA link for flatland 2! Did I forget to use it? Bums.
@peterrowlett yes, I just put it in
@peterrowlett the most I'll commit to is that at least occasionally @Samuel_Hansen tells the truth
it's far too late for the seagulls to be up and about. Can they even see where they're going?
watch my brilliantly-edited holiday video, featuring lots of animals…
@Samuel_Hansen I see your inappropriate twitter comments kickstarter was funded
@Samuel_Hansen and also, other twitterists inform me she was gay, so, probably wasn't gonna happen, buddy
@brittneybean after verifying my email on songdrop and logging in, I got a 404 for /info/dropitbtn&verify=success?cb=1343115078
so does Pearson own the concept of education now? Is there anything they haven't bought?
if I'm responsible for making sure the companies I buy services from pay their tax, I'd better cancel my vodafone subscription
@nulibsage you'll get that tweet right eventually!
@FOTSN challenge: explain to an innumerate friend how big a pizza with twice as much meat would have to be while driving in a one-way system
@stecks we have a problem for tonight: pub has no wifi!
@stecks that might actually be more authentic
@jcoglan I have that all the time with algebraic data types and any language that isn't haskell
not sure what madness caused me to say MathsJam starts at 7.30. It starts at 7. Maybe I'll be alone for half an hour.
@MathsJam NCL->MAN we're having trouble decoding your message
@outofthenorm2 @MathsJam yes, and it's not a bad game. A good mental workout
@FOTSN for the safety of my fellow road-users, I did not account for crusts. Or the fact no pizza technician distributes toppings uniformly.
@FOTSN stuffed crusts introduce another problem - they only accrete linearly with pizza size.
Sportsmen: teammates congratulating you in unwelcome places? Try Matt Parker's Pat Marker. New from Spooner, the Contrivance Company.
@jcoglan do any of the JS module frameworks have relative import paths and namespacing? Or an equivalent of python's `import module as x`?
@jcoglan yes, just looking at the docs now. So the global state you're complaining about is just in naming dependencies?
pretty stoked about how much of my CPU this set of slides is using. Stopping my other programs running means it gets my full attention!
@jcoglan is there any need for global module names? Why not make every `define` anonymous?
@jcoglan I assumed that if you require 'sub/mod', then anything required by `sub/mod.js` would be found relative to `sub/`. Apparently not!
@jcoglan here you go: I'm sure it must be possible. It's mad otherwise.
@jcoglan ah, I didn't try ./ ! Makes sense.
@daveinstpaul @MathsJam what do you mean by "level"?
@daveinstpaul @MathsJam oh never mind, got it now. Good. I thought there'd be a simple solution like that.
@acmescience I see your site. Dude's probably got malware
oh lovely, I just noticed someone's written a nice blog post about my rambling fibonacci grids video:…
well, that was uncomfortable. Followed a women home down a darkened street. Turns out she's my next door neighbour.
@GeoffBath @ColinTheMathmo hence the mathketeers' rallying cry, "one for all and all for 0!"
@daveinstpaul very nice!
I can basically inhale a mcdonalds burger. Watching my Nana eat one is like water torture.
@plusmathsorg it can lead to many an odd phenomenon DOO DOO DE DOO DOO
one day I expect to hear Pearson have bought the times tables. We got a spam at the @aperiodical from a subsidiary offering "maths links"
the first email didn't identify them as from TutorVista (owned by Pearson), but the reply to my email saying "no thanks, I'm not stupid" did
The @aperiodical is listed on google! Finally! cc @peterrowlett @stecks
@madcaptenor it's **. There might be a good reason for that, but there probably isn't.
"as" as a synonym for "because" - pro or con? I'm as con as the conceptual condominium congress of Conrad Black and Martha Stewart
dude just walked past my house with the blingest zimmer frame I've ever seen. Actually, he's still walking past my house.
Dear Jim, Can you fix it for me so my javascript fails in even crazier ways than normal?
two hours ago, I had a really clear idea of what I was going to cook for dinner. Now, nothing. Might starve.
What the actual what.
The only Nelson I want to hear from tonight has one arm and an unbeaten record against the French.
Trevor Nelson hasn't once looked at the right camera during this whole ceremony. Old habits die hard.
You've noticed there are no boys carrying those petal things. Well, mcdonalds picked them, and they delegated to their cattle farmers
@jcoglan oh I forgot about Muse. THANKS A LOT JAMES
Who gardens in a blue shirt and chinos? My mum's gardeners, apparently.
Ah, Teesside. Putting the rough in Middlesbrough.
Rocking my pac a mac in a sac at Stockton
I'll put a snapshot of Stockton's infinity bridge on @mathsinthecity later. It's a nice bridge!
An octagonal church in Yarm...
...sadly, no amount of enthusiasm for octagons can make them tile the plane, so they had to make do with hexagons
Back in Stockton, where the bus shelters haven't had new adverts put up since the release of "Lesbian Vampire Killers"
@Gelada they're methodists. I think they'd frown on that sort of thing.
so I suppose the $171/year registration fee is the reason that doesn't exist. I'm mightily tempted by bonapart.ism too
I of course meant
@icecolbeveridge very good! It could be a mirroring site.
nerds, geeks, and all other categories of poindexters: you've failed me and you've failed the internet. is unregistered
@Gelada just prepend any word ending in -gon in my tweets with "regular"
@Gelada ...meh. I don't care to think that much about it. Saw an octagonal church with a hexagonal tiled pavement.
@Gelada and, the more we discuss this, the more @hexagonbot retweets me
Having some trouble selling my account of a former Newcastle goalie's ascent through the ranks of freemasonry, "Fifty Grades of Shay"
@mathsinthecity if I want to link to another picture on flickr from a MitC snapshot, is that OK? The description field doesn't look HTMLy
@songdropapp There is no jazz category. boo.
me too! (it's the same one) RT @stecks: I did a video! RT @aperiodical: Post: Maths Jam July 2012 - Paper Enigma…
@mathsinthecity thanks. I remembered after uploading that I took some better pics with my nana's camera.
@mathsinthecity because I have a camera obscurer
I've helped Cushing make a pretty excellent card trick using a de Bruijn sequence and a full 52-card deck. Going to do a video tomorrow.
@jcoglan sounds like a pretty compelling argument for a fork of bash
@aperfect where "no Internet" means "copious abuse of a 3g dongle"
I've just remembered I've got chocolate puddings in the fridge. Bonanza!
@CardColm did you see we've reconstructed Diaconis's 6-card de Bruijn red/black trick with all 52 cards? Do you know any better versions?
oh, excellent…
@CardColm we're going to record a video today. Cards as 6-digit binary strings - first 4 face, last 2 suit. Take 64-bit de bruijn sequence..
@CardColm ..take first 52 strings in that sequence, and swap invalid ones (face>12) with valid ones at the end.
@CardColm .. so you only need to remember the rule to generate the de bruijn sequence and 6 6-digit string pairs to swap
@CardColm so is that Diaconis's trick? David reckons Diaconis said there was no easy trick with exactly 52 cards
@stecks best thing about Scotland: they still sell those boxes of cadbury's chocolate milk in corner shops.
@stecks worst thing about Scotland: dirty sheep-stealing Scots.
@stecks no, because they know real money when they see it
@CardColm Cushing is running across to the uni library to get it now
999999999999999934463: the largest integer Chrome doesn't use scientific notation to display
why 999999999999999934463? It's 10^21 - 2^16 - 1.
@ColinTheMathmo press F12 to get the javascript console up. Enter the number. It gets repeated back to you. That number plus 1 gives '1e21'
@ColinTheMathmo actually, to be precise it gets rounded to something a bit lower, but scientific notation isn't used; that's the point
@ColinTheMathmo yes. Of course, chrome can display any number you write in html....
How many people from different departments can sit down in this room before two exchange words, or even eye contact? Current lower bound: 4
@ColinTheMathmo it's for my javascript algebra/eassessment system.
@jcoglan isn't that just a subset of all programmers, though? I've seen plenty of people in many languages that just don't get abstraction
@jcoglan maybe it's more apparent in javascript because it's missing so much due to the lack of a stdlib.
@brittneybean trust the American to go to the event with guns
@icecolbeveridge do you mean an unsolved one?
the letter I is not a separator. The pipe character | is just about acceptable. There is a difference with serif fonts.
@icecolbeveridge oh BRAVO
Oh no, the krankiesque woman who can't stop talking is on the train
Wander Wednesday: have a look at a nice maths blog on a variety of subjects run by @laurentduval passwords can only be 16 chars long, so I had to truncate my hotmail one when signing in. It worked. Paging @jcoglan!
@My_Metro does the "no problems" tweet go out automatically each morning? That's a pretty bad idea.
@My_Metro you tweeted that trains were delayed, then that there were no problems, then another apology for the delays. Why?
@My_Metro ah no, the one I replied to was 8 hours ago
@My_Metro OK. *That* is a bad idea. I have deja vu. Have I complained about this before?
@jcoglan yes
@jcoglan well... "good". Quotes decidedly necessary.
@jcoglan given how often my account has been hacked, I guess the latter
@mathsinthecity can you do some Oxford sleuthing for me? Does Peter Bryant work at your Dept of Education and does he have a web page?
gosh the maths olympiad has a nice logo
google now has a button at the top to turn off personalised results! Mirabile die!
@peterrowlett @Tony_Mann another reason to move to wordpress soon *cough cough*
@KSCMaths go on! Cave to temptation! We can publish it on the aperiodical.
an enjoyable day of thrashing the @aperiodical news queue with @peterrowlett. Some of these stories are so old they're in Roman numerals!
@mathsinthecity never mind, successfully navigated the department's website now. Sleuth-hats off, please.
@peterrowlett @aperiodical my day is basically over by lunchtime, typically.
@peterrowlett I'm very much a morning person. A good six hours before lunch, then my brain switches off when I eat
@qikipedia it's uncopyrightable, which is troublemaking because I could do with earning a few bob.
@qikipedia and if you want a one-tweet Python command to get it: sorted([w for w in words if len(set(w))==len(w)],key=len)[-1]
pretty pleased with this Python for the longest word with no repeated letters: sorted([w for w in words if len(set(w))==len(w)],key=len)[-1]
@ben_nuttall like, ("fizz" if x%7 else "buzz" for x in count()) ?
@ben_nuttall I'm not happy with [(x if x%5 else 'buzz') if x%3 else 'fizz' if x%5 else 'fizzbuzz' for x in count()]
@ColinTheMathmo @icecolbeveridge either they were automatically truncating it and then hashing before, or they never hashed
13:37 - time for clothes! Today wasn't meant to be one of those days.
@qikipedia oi, what about 'troublemaking'?
@HilariousCow <16mb memory, 120 enemies... you haven't just made space invaders again, have you?
@ben_nuttall I spent a while dithering on whether constructing 'fizzbuzz' by concatenation was shorter
oh, the reason "google maps" is always trending on google+ is because it counts people posting links to places. #embedallthemediaitllbefine
@icecolbeveridge @ColinTheMathmo no, because then that's just an encryption: you can recover H(x) for each letter x.
@peterrowlett @mathematicsprof I can't see what distinction you're making, Peter
@jgrahamc what's the other 9%?
@Htbaa to start with
This looks like a lot of fun… @stecks
A light bulb just popped. Hang on...
@CardColm Can you be our Man in Madison? Take lots of pictures and notes and so on.
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon mmyeeeeeeesss.
@mathblogging how is it that vi hart's videos from way in the past are always at the top of your "by date" page?
@mathblogging oh wow, and they're not setting the publication dates properly
@CardColm done
@CardColm ooh! My video with the de Bruijn trick is (secretly) on youtube. Writing words to go with it now but watch at…
@standupmaths @jjsanderson @elinoroberts watch out, if you come to Tynemouth I might trap you and make you write for the aperiodical
@standupmaths our thirst for mathematical witticisms can not be slaked!
@monsoon0 7m! I'd better bump "become an FRS" up my list of ambitions
@peterrowlett @notonlyahatrack @aperiodical @jamesgrime yeesh! I took a quick glance at our twitter avatar, that's all.
@peterrowlett @notonlyahatrack @aperiodical @jamesgrime consider it a special case of the lemma being portrayed.
@IBLMath @maanow the PDF is 8mb! That's a tiny bit inconvenient.
@monsoon0 well, I thought FAA was a bit out of reach for me so I picked the local equivalent
@monsoon0 alright, that's a deal: get me FAA, and I'll visit Australia to collect.
waiting for the MAA MathFest programme to download so I can advertise today's talks. Not sure it'll get here in time: 1400 BYTES per second!
Good golly, the water at Tynemouth is positively warm! So long and thanks for all the icecaps.
@peterrowlett crumbs, that doesn't sound like it was much fun to do
@matthen2 ooh, do all the tricolores cancel each other out? And I expect a strongish ghost of a Union flag in the top-left corner.
Haskell to generate the de Bruijn sequence (6,2): d = 0:0:0:0:0:1:zipWith (\ x y -> (x+y) `mod` 2) d (tail d)
I mean *a* de Bruijn sequence (6,2)
@ColinTheMathmo they're not pegasi, silly!
A long time ago, a young boy called Christian bought a box of pop tarts. The boy grew up and eventually forgot about the pop tarts...
... UNTIL TODAY! I found that box of pop tarts, and I am eating them like a chocoholic Jacquard machine
@Nathan1123 clopen your exercise book!
@elinoroberts so, I suppose that valley's quite hard to refer to when you're speaking Welsh
@haggismaths there's a statue of Desperate Dan somewhere in the town centre that I was gutted to hear about only as I was leaving
@MrHonner likewise!
@Andrew_Taylor Broken News! Somebody else watched it! Let us exchange quotes.
@danaernst finally! Great news.
@IBLMath finally they're doing something about blogging
We need to raise 11 men in complete isolation from society, so they reach adulthood not knowing that England can't win on penalties.
*just* missed! Disheartening
@ben_nuttall @peterrowlett what a quick turnaround! I reckon we've got a shot at the podium in the 4x400 words reportage
@brittneybean's called NAS, and quite a few people already do it? But it's more of a hassle than signing up for google, so most don't?
@brittneybean ok. Searching for "home cloud" turns up a few nice-looking things
@icecolbeveridge nope. Looks Japanese to me!
top tip: use your paper wallet as a damper for your phone so it doesn't make a nasty rattle when it vibrates on your desk.
seeking funders for my new-Romantic fireworks show, "Sturm und Bang".
Writing docs for @NclNumbas on on @pkrautz's recommendation. It looks pretty good so far!
Cushing is busily concocting odd searches to find @aperiodical. Example: "fibonacci went to the friend zone in the least efficient carnival"
@peterrowlett @aperiodical another from Cushing: "fermat's last theorem is precisely the physicist's viewpoint of a hot dog"
@jgrahamc I think it's more a product of a desire to have more flexibility in their stock control, which isn't a bad thing
@peterrowlett yes, I think so.
@peterrowlett Cushing says yours are too long
@peterrowlett I worry that directly asking people to search for the site might incur google's wrath though.
@peterrowlett those are good! David likes fruit dancing robots.
Beating a hasty retreat to my coastal redoubt before Newcastle gets washed away completely
If you're going on holiday in Europe this summer, have a look at the fantastic Turismo Matemático (@mathsinthecity)
my regexp would have worked perfectly if the person who wrote this code last summer hadn't occasionally used tabs to separate words
the tab in question was in such a position that it only produced a one character gap anyway, so I only noticed it when I changed tabwidth
can't stop watching the fractal juggler…
@jamesgrime and instead of moving south he stays up north
@gingerbeardman I'll go with: if you're thinking about that, you've already wasted too much time
the dept has been given a second-hand blackboard on wheels but it won't fit in any of our rooms. Can you think of an imaginative use for it?
@stecks I was thinking along those lines, but weatherproofing is an issue
@panlepan yes, I have several at home, but this one is over 2m tall!
Pythonistas: is it possible to write a file-like object to a ZipFile object without doing zip.writestr(
@panlepan alas, it's a rolly-round one. We've considered cutting off the blackboard material and covering the walls with it.
@acmescience you explicitly asked for more cranks
oh super, the @aperiodical has been slashdotted! Thankfully, nobody reads /. any more so the server is coping fine
number of people who read the proof before speculating wildly: 0. Never change, slashdot! (for balance, reddit is doing equally poorly)
@brittneybean @aperfect Northumberland: also featuring a millennium-old herd of completely inbred super-cattle.
@ColinTheMathmo this one:… (/. thread:…)
has anyone considered town planning as a data structures problem?
@kenfodder I was thinking that quadtrees would allow everyone to pack into a small space, leaving lots of green countryside
@mathsinthecity we've been weighing up whether to report that on @aperiodical because it sounds so fishy. Russia Today isn't a great source
@elinoroberts just looked out the window. Correct.
@MathJax oh, I thought it already was. Here you go:…
@jamesgrime this calls for a public awareness campaign! Can we make a ribbon with a big symmetry group?
@brucel @ben_nuttall wow. Why would they release that with their name attached? It's as bad an advert as a grocer putting out mouldy fruit
@IMAmaths those would look a lot nicer with @MathJax maths.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie yes!
Newcastle Uni is disabling its SOCKS proxy. The 90s are finally over!
Trying ubuntu again: how are you meant to get the proprietary wireless driver so you can connect to the net to download the wireless driver?
it's SIGGRAPH time! I love SIGGRAPH.
cyber panto horse!… I'M HACKING THE GIBSON
@DanielColquitt that's what I normally do, but it's annoying. And free drivers don't work
this lady wants to get where she's going a lot faster than her dog does.
Jeera could give me less curry for the same money, leaving me equally happy *and* less of a porker.
@jsnortheast is there going to be a meeting this month? I've just found out about you
@ben_nuttall but, like the four-billion-and-first coin flip after four billion heads, that's no reason to say you're also going to succeed
Usain Bolt fact: Bolt often gets dirt in his eyes, so at home he's hired a personal eyebath attendant from Grenada Mote-Away Services.
Olympic stats time: who is failing to win the most?…
hypothesis: something really, really bad happens to North Koreans if they get bronze or silver.
oh man, Team GB has moved up the not-winning table after today's sailors, boxers and hockists choked…
(Canada still sits comfortably at the top of the table though. I think that level of almost-achievement will be hard to match)
looking through blogger's javascript for @MathJax integration, it seems blogger has more easter eggs than real features
Moving furniture. Apparently "quaternions don't commute!" is not helpful input when trying to get an armchair through a doorway.
@monsoon0 what's your favourite chalk?
unexpected CP presence at the start of this week's math/maths. You win again, Hansen!
@jcoglan wow! That's like #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice: The Twitter Feed.
@stecks and then your PGP key was in the last place you looked, right?
@stecks toys? I think we're doing mathsjam wrong
just remembered that Sainsbury's was playing Creedence yesterday. I wholeheartedly approve.
I'm watching The Red Shoes. As a keen fan of balletic megacamp, I wish to express my desire that it gets better. Not hopeful so far.
Inability to see the colour red might be hampering my ability to enjoy this film
how is it that nobody has remade Netstorm as a free to play facebook game?
@Andrew_Taylor answer: they do not work
@icecolbeveridge if you put the source to that on github I'll add some nice MathJax to it
@DanielColquitt whence came this thought?
@benkenyon I can do one better: they were playing Alt-J in a mcdonald's I was in last week
@peterrowlett I make it 27. What am I missing? Note Northampton and Birmingham appear twice in the menus
@icecolbeveridge @peterrowlett ........ oh, boo to that! Sit on the naughty chair!
gosh knitting's complicated
@peterrowlett @MathsJam apparently so! Which is why I started the map
@peterrowlett what does that second sentence mean? I can't parse it. Have another go
@peterrowlett I've discussed that @stecks. I think she convinced me she had a good reason not to do that.
@E_I_W are you going to mathsjam tomorrow? I'm off work with exhaustion so probably won't go. Not sure if anyone else is around,
@stecks @peterrowlett by forgetting to type the word "with", I invented new language! Hooray, I'm Shakespeare!
a pox on your house, dictate2us! Not sure why your emails are being let through by the uni's spam filters
@jjaron @aperiodical the dude who posted it claimed he did it by hand:…
@jjaron are you setting up a "but it's only made of points" pun there?
@mathsinthecity far more interestingly: there's a town called Collegeville!
@mathsinthecity then you might do badly up here - we have lots of villages called things like "No Place" and "Pity Me"
@mathsinthecity it's grim up here, you know.
@HELIUM_HEED it's uni resits fortnight
Woke up covered in cuts. I'm worried my house might be infested with Tories.
@CardColm I have a couple in my office, but 1) I'm not there today, and 2) they're not very neat
@CardColm unless by "completed" you meant "all of the hyperbolic plane", in which case I don't have one
@Electrokittie oh man now I want doughnuts too
Email isn't an interactive medium with @peterrowlett. It's more like leaving messages in a time capsule for the benefit of later generations
do I know anyone in academia who runs a programming club for their department or faculty?
looking for angel investors for my new estate agency specialising in flipping run-down urban homes: Quain't.
@outofthenorm2 probability it stops after N goes, or what?
@acmescience what, another one?
@acmescience us?
@outofthenorm2 there's always a chance it will stop, so expected number of rounds until it stops might be better
@peterrowlett yes, it's a result of how much email you receive rather than how much you read
@bucharesttutor @icecolbeveridge I've always had a couple of problems with that, starting with the letter x. There is a best way; use it!
@bucharesttutor @icecolbeveridge no, I mean the x on that page isn't the best.
@bucharesttutor @icecolbeveridge in fact, the X there is how I would write a Greek letter Xi
@bucharesttutor that's the same letter. Don't tell me we have different ways of spelling letters!
@bucharesttutor oh man, it's me who's wrong. Whoops!
@icecolbeveridge @bucharesttutor I think this calls for another #twittorthography survey
@MitchKeller @peterrowlett @aperiodical that's what I was thinking of. So what's common in the US? Surely not no. 1?
@MitchKeller interesting! Does 3 look bad to you, or does the thinking behind it make sense?
@plusmathsorg which one of you tweeted that? I've never known how you do twitter. Anyway: did they try to get you to do 3 at school?
@MitchKeller the thinking is that it looks completely unlike any other x, and especially not like the multiplication symbol.
@pkrautz I have several of these saved in posts on for if I ever get round to writing them up.
@pkrautz though I'll try storify; it's just that every time I've looked at it it's scared me off
@MrHonner @icecolbeveridge @aperiodical @plusmathsorg they should be. Blame my cack-handedness
"@MitchKeller: Once you start using x there is no longer a need for a symbol for multiplication" Vector multiplication:
@MrHonner @icecolbeveridge @aperiodical hang on! I've looked again and they are touching. It just looks like they aren't because of chalk
@MitchKeller handwritten ones, yes. What do you do?
@MitchKeller but arrows take so long! And a hat is for a unit vector.
@icecolbeveridge @MrHonner @aperiodical precisely! Handwriting is different because it's hard to consistently replicate symbols
@jjaron @aperiodical *and* for general writing?! Why?
going to do a reverse-zoolander and write DO SHAVE on my bathroom door so I remember tomorrow morning before my shower
Just had a superb veg samosa chilli chaat from Dabbawal at the mini-mela on Grainger Street. Shockingly, no other takers
@jgrahamc I have a really sturdy Staedtler one. Good ones are normally listed under "architect's supplies"
can anyone explain why this snail was hanging on to the top of a stalk in strong wind?…
The Mad Metal Mosquito of Tynemouth, finally captured and pacified in 1967. Behind, you can see its victims' graves
argggg I *just* missed the hit counter on going past 66,666. I'll have to wait ages for another chance like that!
@Samuel_Hansen re skype video recording: I use SuperTintin, which can do 720p into separate files for each stream.
@nilium yes, I have that book, but what do you need it for? It's not good for learning new things
@nilium look past the title and get this… - it's really good.
Today I am Robin to Robin's Batman. Learning how to deliver lectures from the incumbent champion.
The Mark Wallinger exhibit at the Baltic in Gateshead has a couple of great pieces about randomness and ordering. cc @mathsinthecity
... One is a wall of shuffled, numbered bricks. The other is 2^16 pebbles laid out on chessboards and categorised with a binary code.
@profkeithdevlin I've encountered a similarly annoying Scottish academic who uses "does anyone remember the quadratic formula?" the same way
How annoying. The edit page for the @Storify story I had saved gives a 404 error.
and the wordpress jetpack twitter embedding doesn't seem to be working either. Aaaaa everything is going wrong and I was going to do things!
and now the @Storify link is working. Complaining worked! Or, it didn't not work!
"proud christian livin evry day like its my last YOLO" - you might have misunderstood some core tenets of your faith, dude
"during the closure there will be no trains in both directions" - rats! I use superpositioned trains as the basis of my quantum computer
*golf clap* RT @CardColm: @christianp surely you meant quantum commuter?
5555 messages in my inbox. Take that, you obsessive inbox zero types!
@walkingrandomly oh, these are all read. Might have maybe deliberately by accident forgotten to mention that
@icecolbeveridge if you've got $3m you can see this one in a bit more detail…
@icecolbeveridge (fairly sure there's a legitimate source for that somewhere. Trying to find it now)
@icecolbeveridge ooh, have you found a good example in Newton's notebooks?
@icecolbeveridge I consider that the same as 3. Going for the same shape, in one less stroke
@icecolbeveridge can you post that link as a comment on the post please?
I've made web-compatible versions of the Computer Modern typefaces (the ones LaTeX uses)
@JanvierUK very important, and it's the kind of thing you can't be told. Glad you're feeling OK
@pkrautz I did not. I'll look now.
@FontSquirrel how does the kit generator's backend work? I'm converting 60+ fonts so I'd like to spare your server and my patience...
@FontSquirrel ... by doing the conversion locally, if possible.
@md267 @bluecombats @NoelAnn @peterrowlett well, wikia is popular, and could probably be convinced to do mathjax. See…
@Samuel_Hansen what bands are you already listening to?
@FontSquirrel thought as much. Oh well! I'll sit here pushing fonts through for a while. Thanks for replying.
Sorry dudes, but I just made the best tweet ever from the @aperiodical account. Unless you're RTing it, there's no point using twitter now.
@MrHonner I won't lie, your tweet did prompt mine. But I am pulling muscles patting myself on the back, so I am deaf to your complaints
to anyone who balked at my Computer Modern webfonts because they're too heavy: I've recompiled them to be <100k each
@Samuel_Hansen Alt-J, Becca Stevenson, Django Django, Lianne La Havas, Little Dragon, Sirius Mo, Jhameel, Flight Facilities, Neil Cowley
@disqushelp @pkrautz @ryanvalentin When did Disqus 2012 happen? We're trying to get MathJax to work inside comments. Same-Origin blocks it.
@mathsinthecity if you wear the t-shirt and meet some*one*, that doesn't necessarily mean the t-shirt significantly improved your chances
@mathsinthecity meeting that special dozen or so people would start looking convincing, but correlation is not causation!
@icecolbeveridge famously not!
Brr gosh it's cold!
I didn't expect to hear the "Chinese Healthy Living Choir" singing Edelweiss when I emerged from monument station
#eas2012 are any mathematical types also wandering around Dundee this afternoon?
Whoops, apparently the hashtag is #eas12. So again: are any mathematical types also wandering round Dundee this afternoon?
@stecks I think I've seen very similar words before
@peterrowlett @stecks I've arrived in Dundee. 7 would be best for me.
Dundee has some very nice buildings!
@icecolbeveridge yes!
@stecks @peterrowlett I have dinner booked for 8! Later?
Dundee also has lots of unapologetically mediocre shopping centres
Euclid street!
The vajazzling shop I noticed last year has closed. It seems not even gaudy nethers are safe from the double-dip recession
*and* a wealth of pleasing sculpture? Dundovingians, you're doing OK!
Oh wow, aforementioned bits-blinging shop was on Nethergate! How did it fail?
Dundevarians? Dundorks? Dundeebriates? What are you called?
@Rathematician is this where that "furry boots are comfy?" joke comes from?
@stecks @peterrowlett 9? Hard to say
Gotta be Dapper Dan!
Henry's coffee house just made me an extremely nice hot chocolate
@aperfect as I often say, lonely fun is the only fun
@maanow @plusmathsorg a case of nominative determinism?
@stecks you should be in Dundee!
@geogebra did you tell us about this? Sorry if I forgot to write it up
@geogebra the ipad kickstarter. Looks like twitter didn't realise that's what I was replying to
man, that shower was like being dribbled on by a dehydrated pensioner. 4/10, at least the temperature was consistent.
and the towel smelled like abandoned popcorn
@HilariousCow 0/0 is not infinity. Or, if it is, it's plus or minus infinity
@EIMathematical @peterrowlett @stecks hint taken, it'll be on the Aperiodical shortly I'm sure
@monsoon0 there's probably quite a bit of selection bias
@mathalicious are the weekly videos on youtube the product of the math52 kickstarter? Trying to write you something nice on @aperiodical
@monsoon0 I mean, there was probably a lot of rubbish published in the 1800s that you haven't looked at
@monsoon0 ok, if we're being honest, I also prefer old maths to new. One of my most treasured possessions is an 1811 arithmetic textbook
@monsoon0 "the late William Tinwell" (not an anachronism: it's the sixth edition). "A treatise on practical arithmetic and book-keeping"
@monsoon0 it has a completely different set of concerns to new books, e.g. it tells you how to convert Edinburgh bushels to Newcastle ones
@monsoon0 it's fascinating as a record of how life used to be, and how important arithmetic used to be
Bad tropes in the @EIMathematical weekly challenge video: opens with a cloud of mathsy symbols; people are "obsessed" with the subject.
I nominate @peterrowlett for best sentence on the site this month, for the opener to this post…
going into the database to edit a quip made in an uneditable comment: ultimo sadness. And what I'm currently doing
gdamnsk: just had two ideas. By the time I'd written the first one down, I'd forgotten the second.
I think it's fair to say I'm currently in the "manic" phase
forget Professional White Background, this installer's going for Professional Impact Font on Button Labels.
@Andrew_Taylor that's my favourite one so far
@mathalicious @aperiodical cool. I think they're really really good. Especially when compared with something else we're writing about
@ColinTheMathmo Bart Simpson used to say it weekly on BBC2
tyne tunnel permit topup site has introduced 6-digit passcodes as extra security. If you don't have one, it lets you make one up on login...
but if you've already done that, it lets you log in with just your password and make a new one anyway. Secure!
@standupmaths @UsrBinPRL and it's combinations, not permutations
@standupmaths would it surprise you to learn Mastermind is NP-complete?
@UsrBinPRL yeah, ok.
@LargeCardinal @standupmaths huh?
@BenTormey sometimes people who do that look like they feel it's what society requires of them.
Your suggestions for what CSF could stand for on this dude's bumper sticker. So far I have "Cornish Society of Falkirk"... #csf
... "Carolingian Sovereignty Fund". "Congress of Sweaty Fishermen". "Comfortable Sofa Fortnightly" #csf
Cookie Solicitation Front. That's a #csf I might start myself
oh wow, the interface is actually really nice. I'm using it to send an email for the first time since they switched.
@peterrowlett @stecks hooray, we're popular in the South
@jamesgrime in what way?
oh my god this vim plugin is amazing…
ever so sorry, forgot my #unbearablecodinghipster tag there
this spider has 10 seconds to comply
@standupmaths hey, we had assembly every morning in my primary school.
@DanielColquitt aaaaaa I'd forgotten about sciencedirect's mental scrolling behaviour. Well done, though.
actually, left knee, I'm fairly sure I *didn't* just dislocate you, so buck your ideas up
Kickstarter if I could be bothered: Rubik's cube with internal circuitry.that goes PING when you solve it
More difficult: Rubik's cube that announces number of moves to solution at each step (now that we know God's number it's easy, right?)
on the pinging Rubik's cube idea: would a Hilbert curve through the blocks work, so the circuit is only complete in the initial position?
@jamesgrime excellent cartoon. Remind me to high-five you at the big MathsJam
@jamesgrime yes I was. Young Indie is live-action, isn't it? Not very good, either.
@jamesgrime hmm, hard to decide. How about: you can attempt to high-five me, but I'm at least a foot taller than you, so difficulty: hard
@jamesgrime (I say "at least" in the "I have a rough memory of how tall you are, which time has exaggerated" sense)
@jamesgrime only a few inches off! I never got into Batman: the animated series. I bow before your mid-90s TV expertise
I've really enjoyed sitting in for this Amazon delivery. It's given me time to reevaluate my priorities in life.
mencap chuggers: my face might be blank because I have one of the illnesses your charity helps with. Laughing is not the correct response
@brittneybean like, just a grid to put numbers in?
@brittneybean maybe BC Spreadsheet…
well, my parcel failed to arrive. I could've spent the day on the beach!
@KSCMaths person number 5 went for pi, but the editor chose not to put it in bold
I hate HDNL so much. They've updated the tracking page overnight to say they left me a card at 5:30 yesterday. I've complained to Amazon
@mathsinthecity if you're using a calculator for anything that precise, you're doing it wrong. It's a fun story of international standards!
@mathsinthecity a somewhat interesting intro to floating-point troubles here:…
excellent paper title: "How Java’s Floating-Point Hurts Everyone Everywhere"…
@mathsinthecity really? It's the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon!
@mathsinthecity one of my favourite jokes.
@BenTormey escalators are my cardio exercise. #lazyboy
@BenTormey man, not even
today: was going to continue rewriting @NclNumbas with knockout. Instead: getting it to do pretty things with d3.js
so I've missed the day again, waiting in for this package. "Any time between 8am and 9pm" isn't very precise
This is ridiculous! It's now 48 hours since I last stepped outside the house. And the courier might not come until 9pm!
Fresh air! The parcel has finally arrived so I can leave the house yippeeeee!
@DanielColquitt yeah, but they didn't leave a card yesterday so they sent a courier today
Carrot and houmous club! Who's with me today?
@Bishnavitch get the bus straight back to town. Carrots and houmous is an excellent combination
chrike on a bist this code is badly written
@CardColm the source for that is available online:…
@FOTSN trufax.
@peterrowlett Located under "arts" for the same reason it's "maths" instead of "math"
programming in PHP is like giving instructions to a psychotic 6-year-old who hates you
@peterrowlett sort of, yeah. I was getting at that "mathematics" used to mean the liberal arts
@peterrowlett but on googling, it seems I was wrong to think that
ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! #dyspraxia
@peterrowlett oh man the trouble I get from a tiny quip
A 96-year-old man sat down next to me at the station and told me all about the old times. What a dude.
Say goodbye to pensioner misery with Uncurmudge, new from CPCo! Patented inflatable grandchild can listen for hours on just 2 AA BATTERIES!
@haggismaths rats! I've been saving that for my next Aperiodical Roundup!
following "are scientists...", here's "are mathematicians...". I think "sometimes" answers all four.
there are some pretty science-fiction sounds happening outside. The Venusians might be invading via Tynemouth.
@icecolbeveridge almost a clever joke, but monopoly is non-deterministic
@icecolbeveridge yes, given a stream of dice rolls I can tell you if the corresponding game ends
@icecolbeveridge or maybe I can't! Instant doubt sown.
@mathsinthecity do I recognise the dude on the right of that photo?
@MB_Whitworth @mathsinthecity aha, that's probably it! I'll see you in November
@mathsinthecity never minds caps, I'm still waiting for my umbrella
why are regional tourism websites universally terrible to navigate?
Jesmond Dene hooray! Gonna go grab a gander at the Golden Guernsey goats!
new series of 7 day sunday!…
Podcast with @peterrowlett and @stecks for the @aperiodical. @standupmaths makes a largely inaudible guest appearance.…
@hornmaths what system is it?
A013916: Numbers n such that the sum of the first n primes is prime.
@plusmathsorg I like how Gömböc was de-umlauted for the URL: goumlmboumlc. I'll call it that from now on
@GreyAlien you only have one in space, but you might have several in time
@stecks you could while away the time designing an interlocking pieces puzzle and call it Aburrdeen
@mathsinthecity in tropical arithmetic it's 1, so I assume it's the philosophers who take the conventional view.
@eAssess there's no comments section!
@AMSGradBlog that site has died! It's throwing a PHP error in statpress.php
@AMSGradBlog yes
@AMSGradBlog you've probably got it cached, in fact
@AMSGradBlog yes, working now
@icecolbeveridge it said yesterday that he was leaning out of the car to pick up a parking ticket. Oddly no mention of that now.
@peterrowlett you're a real autodidact!
I think the spiders outnumber me in this flat not just by headcount but also by total body mass
@BrianGonzalez__ thanks, but I'm on windows and I've already done it
@monsoon0 visit mathcentre and tell them to give their tech guy a kick up the backside for me, please
the ADL SCORM test suites are distributed exclusively in a windows installer .exe, for no good reason. They're just static files!
@monsoon0 it isn't!
@Samuel_Hansen I had the thought before that now might be a good time to do the "are there enough maths communicators" idea from a while ago
@Samuel_Hansen man, you were asking for people to interview you, and you say there aren't enough in your press release, so...
@Samuel_Hansen ok. I'm going to email you a short list of stupid questions and we'll see where that goes
@aperfect @LWigelsworth hello that is a very nice biscuit tin back there yes it is mmhmm
@standupmaths (it's really 27, because midlands towns are in both the North and South lists)
@icecolbeveridge ah, then my map is out of date, and Katie decided which side of the border two towns lie on
@icecolbeveridge @standupmaths some python BeautifulSouping later, I agree with you. I don't have Baltimore or Norwich. Is Baltimore real?
@stecks interested to hear your reasons for putting Norwich in the "N England" list on
@icecolbeveridge yes, but does it happen? I've never heard anything from them
@stecks @standupmaths half the towns in "N England" are in the midlands. Don't they deserve their own list now? Or could it be "N&Central"?
@stecks yes!
@stecks girl, ain't need no JS no more! CSS got yo back
@stecks gtalk me when you've got time
@elinoroberts so it isn't just me who has trouble with that trip!
an end to the north/south divide! All English @MathsJams are now under the same menu on
and I recoded the nav menus while I was there
I am weeping as I eat this guacamole, because I know soon it will be just a memory.
created a tortilla shrine around the remaining guacamole. Then committed instant sacrilege by eating it all.
the guacamole's life was short but beautiful. It will live forever in my heart.
@peterrowlett @MathsJam @stecks hm! Works on my phone. I wonder why iphones don't do hover properly. I've added tabindexes, does that work?
@peterrowlett @MathsJam @stecks ok, I'll find someone in the department with an iphone and commandeer it for a bit
@peterrowlett @stecks got hold of an iphone and sorted it. Should be working now, if you'd like to test it
@standupmaths you're on in Stockton! my friend has just moved to Stockton, so I now have two reasons to go there! I may see @FOTSN yet!
.@alexbellos I just tried to send you a dm, but I think tweetdeck would rather I communicated telepathically
@alexbellos and it turns out you're not following me. Oh well.
ended a mathematical yo mamma argument with "yo mamma was too wide to fit in the margin"
@peterrowlett @stecks I think it's half what it used to be. I'll make it shorter. It's only there to copy the old look
@standupmaths @Duncan_Destruct cuboid walks into bar. Barman says, "why the long face?"
@velvlol @burnsidemaths yep, you've got me there. Joke isn't funny any more because it's based on an absurd premise. I have so much to learn
type (some) TeX and (sometimes) get equivalent unicode, for pasting into things like tweets
All these terrible people coming out to Tynemouth to alcoholise themselves
The "oh, who even cares" burger, x2. Mayo, tomato, buffalo, buffala, gherkin, batavia. Not inedible.
@christianp I forgot another B: bacon!
@christianp and bufala has one f. That tweet went about as well as tonight's meal-planning
In Chinatown looking for premises for my new laser hair removal business, Singe-A-Pore
put food in oven. (time passes) remember to put timer on.
Trying to find something to watch while eating my dinner, just heard Robert Webb claim "clopen" isn't a word. Tut tut.
Standing at the start of the great North run, watching everyone gets ready. Best costume so far: a Rubik's cube
Everyone's run through now. Bananas beat Scooby Doos 6-5. Very defensive play from both sides this year. Ostriches out in force
@elinoroberts I very much am not. Going home for a hot cocoa now
I keep noticing people using "this" and "these" instead of "it" and "they" in writing. Have I missed a grammar rule?
@HoeJodgkiss did you retune on the 12th like ALL THE BILLBOARDS IN THE CITY told you?
@HoeJodgkiss truth. There's one literally outside your flat.
@HELIUM_HEED I've missed this entire thing. Is there a krispy kreme shop in town or something?
@raj7desai I've just noticed your name is an anagram of "ideas jar". A nice fit with Maths Jam :)
@kenjilamb hash-sash?
@jgrahamc I don't recognise it now, and I have CDs bought from Tower Records. Did people have trouble opening them?
Knackered myself sprinting for the metro, further validating my decision made at an early age not to become a running back.
@jgrahamc ah! Yes, that would've been useful
here's a fun IE bug: on alternate presses of Ctrl+R to reload the page, font-faces don't load. F5 works fine. #aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@LexicalAnalysis @haggismaths @aperiodical I think things will change pretty soon. For one thing, non-research teachers can be cheaper
@stecks @peterrowlett you do *one* little thing, and from then on... I'll see if I get round to it this afternoon
@ColinTheMathmo @stecks @peterrowlett ha! Did we just fix it at exactly the same time?
@ColinTheMathmo @stecks @peterrowlett then, go team redundant effort!
@aPaulTaylor did you see this comment on your "words to fill space" post?…
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm at the Charles Grey pub. All welcome. I'll be making things with rhombi, and I might have some puzzles
@HELIUM_HEED what if his palsy palsy was caused by too many cigarettes! Karma negated!
@ColinTheMathmo you might be able to start here:
Cushing has been anagramming my name: fish-car intercept; "nice craft, hipster"; first cheap cretin; fit hipster cancer; erect rapist finch.
IE and Chrome regexes disagree about what counts as whitespace. #hateIE
maths modelling with Cushing before MathsJam: what if killing other prisoners got their sentence taken off yours?
message for my last git commit: "More commas for the comma god!"
@peterrowlett can I turn off the "share posts on twitter" option for the mathsjamphotos tumblr? About to upload my pics from last night
@peterrowlett just discovered there's a button to turn tweeting on/off per post, so we can both be happy
@peterrowlett I think it does work on my phone, I just forget to use it.
@peterrowlett and of course I would forget to press the button on the second one
doing with generator expressions in python what should be done with monads in haskell.
The 4-cards-to-24 problem from @MathsJam last night annoyed me, so I brute-forced it with Python:…
it's just occurred to me that that script solves the numbers game on Countdown, too.
@icecolbeveridge it should use all four cards, yes. What numbers did you have?
whoops, my script doesn't rearrange the numbers. Doh
@icecolbeveridge oh right, you mean with your script. Yes, mine insists on all four.
@icecolbeveridge you can get 24.2857, if you don't mind fractions...
stones at various stages of erosion in Tynemouth Priory:…………
(well done to the chap who chose Hardy Basalt for his grave stone)
@CardColm similarly: this on my blog,…, prompted by a tweet by @qikipedia
@CardColm @peterrowlett @MathsJam Ji claimed you can do it "most of the time".
@ColinTheMathmo @CardColm @peterrowlett @MathsJam factorial wasn't part of the game!
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen and it isn't impossible that most of us are listening to relprime in our bombproof hyperbaric chambers
@maanow interesting notation in the solution: (12)(3) instead of 12x3 or 12.3. Is this a US thing, or peculiar to the question setter?
guess which browser didn't parse "\v" as ASCII character 11 until version 9!
PS #hateIE
hoy Platonists, here's a zen koan for you: if nobody agrees with a true statement, is it still true?
@aPaulTaylor did you forget your login for I can reset it if you want.
@aPaulTaylor ah, yes. My sympathies.
@TeaKayB yes
Alice Arnold reading out funny tweets on the radio4 morning news briefing. What have we become?
What happens if you disagree with the sentiment in the Prayer for the Day? Do you spend the rest of the day with an unscratched prayer itch?
@dmh10 ah, that's not the same, god isn't listening.
@MathsCareers they'd look even more beautiful, and be more legible to blind potential mathematicians, if you used MathJax on that page
@peterrowlett anything involving making rectangles
@peterrowlett mega-pedantry?
@peterrowlett I hope so. I was thinking more of of carpentry and landscaping though.
my git repository has a development branch that I get to check out for about 5 minutes each day before another IE bug appears in master.
@kirkpatricke if the multiplication is on quaternions, that might not be nonsense (it is though)
I'm office-naked, which means I've taken my glasses and my shoes off
@mathsinthecity @naomifantabulus here's mine: second shelf from the top…
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett division by zero isn't infinity, it's undefined! #saddestpedant
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett ok, one cooked dinner to whoever comes up with the best golden ratio / email nonsense fact
@nulibrs @nulibsage happy hooray!
@jcoglan yes, it opens my browser.
@mathpunk @qikipedia but you can enumerate the rationals, so the argument works the same way. The reals are where it breaks.
@mathsinthecity could you ask your Devonian followers to take a picture of this window in Great Torrington?…
@divbyzero is it bad that I made a simulation so I could say "right to left"?
there's nothing I enjoy more than writing the Aperiodical Round Up. Could it maybe be my job? Who will pay me to do it?
Pre-dinner: zippy, whip-bang, straight-to-the-point prose. Post-dinner: yawnful, meandering, superfluously florid murbles. Better stop soon.
@vickytnz this is my cool side-project. Thanks to my magnificently stingy part-time contract, I never do proper work on Fridays
@vickytnz CFP?
WANTED: combination slide rule / slide whistle
Finally, Aperiodical Round Up 7! Featuring ternary timesers, timbres, Tuvans, togas, trefoils and tons t'more.…
@wppwah @mathpunk no, but there's one that comes first in the order, and that'll do
@jcoglan where is this marvellous thread?
And then at Cabosse in Warkworth I had this frankly pornographic hot chocolate. It was indecent. Still coming down now!
I've had a lovely day out along the coast. At Barter Books I found some new activities for @MathsJam...
@missradders it's near the back left, first shelf after fiction. I have so many good books from there, including one by an ancestor Perfect!
@missradders better leave it a while. I've pretty much cleared it out.
@missradders another very very good shop for maths books is Westwood Books in Sedburgh
@standupmaths @ajk_44 glad to hear you're not Cowed by punappreciative types
@EliotBall ahh, but they minimise flammability per unit buying power
@wppwah @mathpunk I won't disagree with that, because I don't think "smallest uninteresting number" is an interesting property anyway
my mum is being asked to report statistics as percentages, from a population of size 3. Oh no!
I'm watching Doctor Who, just like a real person! And I might watch the X Factor later. Just watch me watch it.
@Talithin @peterrowlett might it be a DNS problem? works for me. Try
Unplanned impact of pure maths: Joseph Whitworth decided to standardise screw threads after helping Babbage build the Difference Engine
I know how the NAS can raise more money than it will ever be able to spend: show this video… #tankengines! #squeeee!
@monsoon0 we are! But I suppose it's hard to persuade people to move to Australia.
@monsoon0 correct: Australia is too hot.
@monsoon0 where are you at the moment? Are you still in the UK?
@monsoon0 isn't it glorious? Make sure you visit the countryside while you're here (preferably leave Yorkshire. Norther is better)
@pkrautz thanks. Not sure I would've used the word "linkspam" though...
a bloseneed! how annoying!
Progress on my Wieringa roof continues apace. Only another all of it to go!
@vickytnz my grandma brought it back from your homeland. The label (worn out) says something like "©Fromiva"
@vickytnz after some discussion in the office, we now think it says "Frokiwi"
ok IE, which ones are the real ones? #hateIE
unique Scrabble scores: pizazzy(39), oxyphenbutazone(41), pizzazz(45), pizzazzes(47), razzmatazz(48), razzmatazzes(50), razzamatazzes(51)
(I used the complete word list from
Most popular score: 13 (15492 words)
@aPaulTaylor oh man, I didn't think of that! I will recompute
@aPaulTaylor so is oxyphenbutazone's 41 the only unique score?
@aPaulTaylor that's already happened up here. Still marginally cheaper per litre than Sainsbury's own brand, but not by much
If you replace every letter in a word with its Scrabble score, the most common string is '3111111', shared by 1263 words.
@dmh10 the "complete word list" from
@dmh10 do you know where I can get SOWPODS?
@dmh10 404, dude! I tried that before.
my Scrabble score statistifying Python code:
@ColinTheMathmo you should also record an album with someone, so you can have an Erdos-Bacon-Sabbath number
Cushing and I celebrated 16.16pm, aka square-square o'clock, with a high-twenty-five.
@haggismaths that fact is my favourite fact about fibonacci numbers. There's a nice easy proof by induction.
@peterrowlett @aperiodical hah, so I'm the "silly twitter questions guy" now? I'll give it a go.
@mathsinthecity you have palindromically many followers!
@mathsinthecity hahaha, of course two people had to unfollow you while I was writing that...
@mathsinthecity good news! Either they've seen the error of their ways, or some replacements have picked up the slack
@Bishnavitch sorry, going to see Marcus Brigstocke in durham
@vickytnz is it alright if I use this picture in my mathsjam recap blogpost?
@vickytnz cor, that was quick! I noticed you retweeted something of mine before the timer had moved past "now" recently, too!
I've written up last week's Newcastle @MathsJam, just like I used to do:…
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. 25 years ago you killed my father. Prepare to die.…
@Andrew_Taylor but sunshine is not in its preimage. BAD ANALOGY
Best Mitt Romney tumblr? I think so.
@CardColm *you want to write a review for the aperiodical* *wavy jedi fingers*
@peterrowlett @stecks @MathsJam that sounds sort of sordid when you say it that way
12:12! Why do I keep noticing these times? I've almost covered each hour over the past week. WHAT IS GOING ON WITH MY BRAIN
Tomorrow, 27/9, cancels down to an integer. Is that an interesting fact?
@nrichmaths my immediate reaction on seeing the new site: please please use something other than colour to differentiate the house icons
late arrival at the category theorists' ball: Mr and Mrs O'Morphism and their son, End O'Morphism
... and Jack O'Bian, and Adam Ards-Pace, and Kat O'Gory, and all the rest
@elinoroberts that has put a big smile on my face
@elinoroberts is it still here? I thought it was moving to Manchester
@elinoroberts gosh. Well, Maker Faire usually coincides with me getting a completely heinous flu...
@jcoglan wouldn't a pull request mentioning the issue solve that, by alerting both the original author and issue creator that there's a fix?
@jcoglan "fixes lazydude/repo#42" would do it.
@Andrew_Taylor If someone shares something only with their circles, you need to be in their circles. My posts are public by default. I love you, you are my bestest friend
@standupmaths hey, at least you're not one of those self-hating comedians
incredible. The BBC Magazine has led me to a blog I enjoyed reading. Not One-Off Britishisms:
BBC News is doing very well today…
hang on, I've just realised that my… does the same thing as, but with more symbols and instantly
@haggismaths you ate it so quickly you didn't even see what it was? What a pig! And now I want to know what it was too.
12.12! I have a disease, I'm sure!
@icecolbeveridge yes I can. It's called "Simple MathJax"
@ProfKinyon @DanielColquitt I think \( \) can delimit inline maths, or that might only be in some dialects
"one of the region's fastest-growing companies... has gone from 4 staff to 6" - bad percentages on Look North
Sorry, have slandered Look North. It's ITV News.
@EliotBall NI is an anti-punch: it pays for punches to be made better should you receive any later in life
14.14! I saw 12.13 and 13.12 before so I thought I was cured, but it seems it was just a temporary reprieve. O woe!
@icecolbeveridge @standupmaths dude, you need to move to our a PDE and impose a boundary condition v(Leicester square,t) = 0.
You could call my clock-related worries... The Baader-TIMEhof phenomenon! #cleverestmanontwitter
That's it. I'm just going to have to go round the corner and buy a Gareth James brownie. There's no other option.
Good news: I have established Rapport with the girl in the chocolate shop. Said "I'm here for my usual" and she understood.
Bad news: I have a usual in a chocolate shop
"Timothy Gowers" is a phonetic anagram (anaphone?) of "Gimme the towers". The Prof must be a big fan of DotA.
@mayr2 radio watch, in sync with the atomic clock. I definitely have a problem.
@nulibsage I can't work out if Elsevier's 2013 price list for maths matches their claim to go under $11 per article. Do you know if it does?
is there a greasemonkey script that destroys those INSANELY annoying sliding toolbars on ScienceDirect? Or redirects article pages to PDFs?
@Bishnavitch TGI Friday! That is something like poetic justice, or dramatic irony.
@mayr2 anyway, no matter how far ahead or behind my watch is, it only shows xy:xy once per hour
wanted: quick-witted historicalists to help with my 6-minute recreation of WW2, between 19:39 and 19:45 each evening.
@peterrowlett lols. Where's that?
Hilariously, Elsevier has an ethics site.
@peterrowlett it can go wrong if they're using a self-hosted or old version, or if the page does funny things when loading.
@peterrowlett PS I have some hot invective in the post queue that I would love you to publish
guess which one of us left his freezer door open for 15 minutes while his dinner was in the oven
Tragedy #251: shunned by the rest for flaunting math skills instead of pretty plumage…
@brittneybean it isn't one of those tortured euphemism pieces the British press has to put out because of our libel laws, is it?
@jcoglan change to another tab, right click on looping tab, close it. I think chrome chucks in a very rare event check even for running code
I have an inner Charlie Chaplin and he comes out when I'm tired. After baking brownies, I am covered in an amusing amount of chocolate
@peterrowlett @stecks ping! Are you both available?
@peterrowlett @stecks we weren't sure if you were going to appear, so we didn't record. Tomorrow?
I've caught freshers flu AGAIN. They should have to go in quarantine before they're allowed on campus.
@Samuel_Hansen could you hide the smiley stats counter image on It's in the Jetpack Stats settings.
@CardColm reminds me of the cover of this Bayesian stats textbook…
dying of ill.
@outofthenorm2 looks like the OCR is misrecognising "Spain"
@haggismaths I always resented my supervisor telling me to be less conversational.
Who has two thumbs and can't raise them to point at himself because he's so ill? And on what medium does this joke not work anyway?
oh wow, Jamie Lee Curtis has three men's names. Now on a quest to find the standup routine from the 80s that made that observation
is there a way for me to pay money to watch Community online legally while I am waiting out my final hours? Not a fan of skeezy pirate sites
@jjaron that sounds unfair. They're really nice. (I posted the tweet from @aperiodical)
@monsoon0 @MrHonner youtube has a speed setting. That dance is pretty great at 2x playback.
unfortunate that the woman presumably about to have an abortion in the stock photo looks just like the expert beneath…
Just discovered that @nclmathsoc's netball team is called the Denominatrixes. Points deducted for incorrect plural, but A+++ otherwise!
@FOTSN @geekandgoddess Should've remembered e instead of pi. e is more romantic because it's <3. (hope the date went well anyway!)
Are there loads more spiders than normal this year or have they just started following me around?
A reason this is not the best timeline: things are not delivered to my house by pneumatic tube.
Aaaaaaaa Moodle has so much hidden state it's so terrible aaaaaaaaaaaaa
@Andrew_Taylor alas, it doesn't work the other way! Disappointing.…
BEST THING EVER for us Daltonists: a colour picker which names your colour
@divbyzero ooh, it's like a mathematicians-only optical illusion! That's egregious! How did it ever get in print?
@divbyzero ooh, his "Five sculptures (1972)" is about the same thing but is less disagreeable because it demonstrates the problem
The problem with Excellent Fajita Club is it comes with automatic enrolment in Long Stay Toilet Club
I hope BBC News give up on their mad six-word limit for front-page headlines. English grammar is pretty flexible, but not *that* flexible!
Ex 1: "No kitchens 'risk school meals'" turns out not to be the negation of "some kitchens risk school meals".
Ace! Two thumbs up. RT @nulibsage: Power in the palm of your hands - Press Office - Newcastle University…
mixed messages from ISS. Suppose I should've emailed webmaster before tweeting it...
just submitted my talk abstract for the big @MathsJam in November. Won't be anything new to followers of my blog, but it's my fave puzzle
The LMS isn't on Twitter. That's sort of bad, isn't it?
@mathsinthecity -0 is really important in floating point arithmetic (computer number representation) -- see p13 of…
@EliotBall life on the edge, yes, but the long edge or the short edge?
@mathsinthecity is that deliberately a 404?
@mathsinthecity oh, now I can! It's good to be recognised for your work.
to cure my palindromic-time-noticing illness, I've searched for a rarer set of interesting times. Two-way prime-times:
(I do realise there are more of those than palindromic times. Still trying to find a suitable property)
@JanvierUK there are loads here:
I've just worked out why my cakes always come out wonky: my oven is on a tilt
@stecks OR: my asymmetric designs will take the art-baking world by storm
@TimandraHarknes @stecks OK, so, that's what I'm doing, and I usually try rotation, but it doesn't feel right, icing-wise.
@stecks Ratzenberger!
@monsoon0 absolutely! In the past we've written on the Aperiodical about Amazonian studies into the number line and counting systems
@monsoon0 or, some people in my department have a project modelling migration patterns in India
@monsoon0 number line:…, counting:…
@katebook @MathsJam @stecks @standupmaths hint: let n=p_1^a_1*p_2^a_2*...*p_k^a_k. Can you write expr for no. factors in terms of the a_i?
This is a great sequence on the OEIS. So many serious and so many silly representations!
@jjaron You're a writer, so coin one!
David has suggested an excellent sequence: a(n) is the first number in the nth OEIS sequence.
I suggested 1+ the nth number in the nth sequence, to ensure we make a novel sequence, but some of them are finite so it doesn't work
previous tweet is total lies. Of course any number is different from no number, so we're still unique
.@jjaron of course there is! David found it:
@aPaulTaylor paradox klaxon!
@aPaulTaylor (assuming it gets into the OEIS)
@katebook yes, no. of factors is (a_1+1)*(a_2+1)*...*(a_k+1). It's called the tau function, or the divisor function:…
@JanvierUK I died in a dream once! Does that mean I really died? Am I Haley-Joel Osment?
My friend David has started a blog. He's posted an interesting limits fact: …
I was 2 minutes late to get my car out of the car park! Rrrrrr!
checking the social plugin on @aperiodical doesn't pick up this tweet as a comment…
In which @stecks makes me feel unexpectedly positive about the @aperiodical:…
I've got a backpack in my backpack. Amazingly, Xzibit was not involved.
It looks like the "MATH PROBLEMS?" image is going round facebook again. I had 350 hits on my "solution" post today…
I don't know whether or not to feel sad when I find a clearly insane person's time-cube-ish pseudoscience rantings.
Dragging Chrome tabs to the side of the screen snaps them to half-width, as if they were real windows all along! When did they put that in?
@Htbaa yes, that's been there, but they also now snap to edges, which they didn't do before.
how much more broken stuff can I throw in this cupboard before I need to move house?
The Penrose magnets kickstarter has 11 days to go and still needs $1000. Back them so I can be mildly amused for a bit!…
@SellaTheChemist @peterrowlett I haven't seen any. I assume the places that do have dart-and-kite floors had the tiles custom-made
@SellaTheChemist @peterrowlett one dude's written up his experience (and jig-construction diagrams!) in this word doc:…
M&S uninterested in my song praising their "Cool & Fresh" line of boxers. Shame. Dudes: buy some, and get ready to feel comfortable.
Google Reader 0! I have read the entire internet! I suppose I've *got* to clean my flat now.
The Red Bull Stratos livestream is amazing, but the imperial units are putting me off. How can you do science these days not in metric?
oh no, they're not just using imperial! Pressures in psi, but oxygen flow in litres/minute.
@treasa it's pretty scientific extreme sports. They've taken Red Bull sponsorship so they can do their experiment, not the other way round
@treasa the sponsors are Austrian; the space company is American. At least Red Bull insisted on having metric translations of measurements
REDUCING THE DISTANCE TO THE SUN?!?!?! I wish they'd got a narrator with half a clue
I love this jumper. It is my Grey Woollenwear of +1 Snugness
@mathsinthecity that "tetrahedral" church looks more like a prism to me
@mathsinthecity not really, because they're all joined together, and every polyhedron can be decomposed into tetrahedra
@qikipedia does the 1,227 count include the fact that the book contains 1,227 facts?
Mine and Cushing's desk animals are having a stare-off.
@monsoon0 just noticed another maths/anthropology paper in my Mendeley library:…
Welcome @TweetsofCushing to Twitter! Fittingly, he's my 444th follower.
@standupmaths I'm still waiting for someone to shout that on Masterchef
For #adalovelaceday, big up to Hazel Perfect who did group theory, like I do!
I just want to sleep! Stupid tooth.
I wish real people had names as excellent as those used by spammers. Kalervo Whaphams just created an account on the aperiodical.
@icecolbeveridge @jamesgrime good point. We need to go into business making mid-90s nostalgia drinks, as Perfect-Grime-Beveridge.
@icecolbeveridge @jamesgrime PS: Whaphams would take 1st place and you know it.
"Rhabdomancy is a type of divination by means of any rod, wand, staff, stick, arrow, or the like." #goodword
A glimpse of the glamorous life of @TweetsofCushing: "I saw a square today." ……
@outofthenorm2 oh, did that happen? I haven't paid attention to the Nobels. By all means write something if you want to.
Christian Perfect: unable to stick finger in own nose on first attempt. #adventuresinsnotmedication
Hooray! The Penrose fridge magnets kickstarter reached their goal!…
@aperiodical @peterrowlett whoops, replied from the aperiodical account! Tweetdeck is hard.
Seeing so many people smoking on Northumberland Street has reassured me that I'm not living so unhealthily after all.
@Nathan1123 5318008, surely?
22kg of steel, 9 digits of precision, 1 arithmetic operation: it's Ramón Verea's direct multiplier, built in 1878.…
Well I know exactly what I'm going to do today.…
Bachelaxity (n): lessening of attention paid to use-by dates, caused by living alone for a prolonged period of time
I've never walked so briskly in my life! Goodbye, left knee, you sacrificed yourself when I really knee-ded you.
@CardColm @stecks I'm editing it now. Should be up soon.
It's so foggy at the coast! Worried this train might lose its way
@ben_nuttall that's very reassuring, thanks. Sitting at the back anyway, just in case
Foghorn guided us safely into Tynemouth station. Slaughtered a pigeon on the platform as a votive
@elinoroberts really? I went a couple of years ago and it was awful. Has it changed hands?
Yeah, I think I'm going to use that indicator bulb replacement as my entry for Manliest Man this year.
@aPaulTaylor you do? My sympathies to @stecks
@DrMathS the images on don't load
@Thalesdisciple @MrHonner with two words it's called a googlewhack. Never heard of using three words
Koala hospital! That's a thing!… Get better poorly koalas ♥ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ♥
@vickytnz we were just discussing this in the maths dept this week! The pro-B^F3 lobby was surprisingly strong. I say there are only 2 films
@aperfect mum's just given me my tintin t-shirt. Thanks!
Mega unfortunate copy in the latest Living North
having dinner with my good friend Maghetti Speatball
@jjsanderson @MikeTonge yeah, I've never had any trouble in Chrome
@danaernst @MathJax I think Markdown turned your ' characters into the more-correct-for-prose apostrophe character. Try ^{\prime} instead
@danaernst @MathJax oh, it's switched to right quotes, not two apostrophes. I still blame markdown, anyway.
@elinoroberts I think he's done a few. He's just got a nice voice, hasn't he?
everyone-else-is-getting-off-the-train-panic. #germanemotions
I've just had to put on the emergency clean jumper I keep at work. Too proud of my sensible preparedness to feel shame
Instant payback shame: paid £5.14 instead of £3 for fruit at M&S because I mixed clementines with satsumas
@Samuel_Hansen I'm really enjoying the Erdos episode. Worth my kickstarter money on its own. Thanks for collecting these stories
For the first time ever, I'm giving a talk on a subject I can't just talk about off the top of my head on Wednesday. Worrying.
Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight, 7pm,upstairs at the Charles Grey pub. I have polynesian knots, SKI calculus cards and a really hard puzzle
Kids sitting on the metro with his warhammer carry cases. That could've been me, if I'd been more outgoing when I was young. #respect
Aw man autocorrect why do you gotta ruin it all by taking the longest possible word I could've written instead of the one I did
@manytypesoftea hey, I remember you! Wow, you're still following me. I congratulated you last time you tweeted well and I'm doing it again
Can't tell if the stallholder selling sports bras under a banner advertising space hoppers is being satirical
@MathsJam @standupmaths hint: logs and integrals
@C_J_Smith there are no exceptions to fresher's flu!
@MathsJam -> MAN re pascal triangles: poor show not writing down numbers mod n
How is your research useful?…
This javascript function disappears as soon as you call it with anything other than itself: `a = function(b){return a=b}`
@Bishnavitch sorry, too busy
for m'colleague sitting opposite: what's the best way to make "Case N" headers/sections for a proof by cases in LaTeX? \theoremstyle? email is so nice to use. Can't quite bring myself to switch from gmail though.
@Nathan1123 oh no no, it's very different from the outlook web access that institutions use
@vickytnz are you planning on coming to another mathsjam in the future? I think you'd've liked the string patterns we were doing last night
@vickytnz EXCELLENT
buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo paintings…
gosh these slides are good-lookin'. deck.js + mathjax + computer modern bright = mmhmm!
@danaernst in an hour or so once I've given the talk!
There is no classical music octet called Baroquetagon. REMEDY YOURSELVES, MUSICIANS
Slides from a talk about zero-knowledge protocols…
@stecks interesting! They're on the server...
@stecks ah! got the capitals wrong. Rubbish windows case-insensitivity
Right so, 1/0 isn't defined, but is |1/0| ?
@DanielColquitt yes
revelation: ctrl+alt+vowel gives puts an acute accent on in windows 7. There must be something similar for grave, but what is it?
@komiga tried that. It doesn't work. ctrl+alt+` produces ¦ for me.
when you enter the second minute of saying "ummm", it's fair to say you've lost your train of thought
@stecks me too!
Ha. @stecks and I are writing pseud waffle in parallel on a google doc. Too earnest!
@stecks 80s laser noises!
@stecks oh god, and now we're pseuding on twitter too.
It's cho'clockolate!
@alexbellos nope, nope and definitely nope. I was *enormously* annoyed to find this out the hard way
@alexbellos and if you're thinking of doing the "gardens" visit instead: it's OK, but not amazing. Go only if you're already in Granada
@haggismaths run them through…
The site I run with @peterrowlett and @stecks, the @aperiodical, is half a year old today. Cor!…
Sat in the dental hospital waiting to be seen. If it turns out they need to do anything, this afternoon's Maths Aid is going to be fun.
Hah, my phone's picked up the university wifi at the dental hospital. Fantastic.
Let's take a trip straight back to the 90s! I just checked, and still exists. I used to think it was the funniest.
@standupmaths amazon says a cube in its packaging is 5.6 ounces / 150g……
@peterrowlett um....? Really furious chalk-holding?
@standupmaths would I be spending too many pedant points if I raised the question of whether it's "the Rubik's cube" or just "Rubik's cube"?
@Bishnavitch just had a root canal done, so best not
Person I'm sharing this office with has started laughing very loudly at the internet. I think she wants to chat to break the silence...
... but I find her monumentally tedious. Hoping she'll eventually give up.
I'm getting nostalgic for this morning with the nice dental student doing my root canal
North Shields smells really strongly of weed again. I hope they realise "stonefish" isn't just made by getting normal fish stoned.
@DanielColquitt no replies apart from yours. I think you're right.
Watching the latest @numberphile video. It seems @standupmaths used to be able to write ∞ properly, but then he took an arrow to the knee
My mum has just discovered TODAY, AT THE AGE OF 56, that there is such a thing as a pause button. #themindboggles
Her defence: "I've never had cause... to pause. Hey, tweet that!"
Seriously men-dudes, buy some M&S Cool&Fresh pants. Anything else feels like sackcloth now and I will not allow it to touch my bottom.
@standupmaths @apontzen does #lll\_ work as a hashtag?
@HoeJodgkiss the cheap ones are very middling, but nowhere near as bad as tablets can be. Be prepared to be underwhelmed, but they're useful
Wow, the person who presents Money Box looks even more boring than I could have dared imagine
in other radio gripes: why wasn't my list of favourite programmes from the old radio iplayer carried over to the new one?
and another one! Why can't I sort programmes in a category by broadcast date any more? IT'S A RUDDY LIBERTY
today's Geometry Daily is nice…
Beginning to see the favourable aspects of Dorothy Dandridge's Cow Cow Boogie….
Your response, Ella Mae Morse?… #nevermind
@Dr_Lucie @standupmaths so the #domputer has a bandwidth of ~0.0000000004 mbit/s. ALMOST AS SLOW AS AOL AMIRIGHT
@jgrahamc I'm writing a quicky news piece about Plan 28 for @aperiodical. Can I email you some questions?
@icecolbeveridge actually, you're already registered on the site - if you log in to the admin page, can you see the "anyone can edit" posts?
@jgrahamc I don't know your address. Can you dm me?
Nothing fills me with existential dread like the final half-hour of Radio 4 each night. And Something Understood trebles it.
Shine, cosh, than, ar-cosh, arc-shine, arc-than. #letscallthewholethanoff
oh, and sesh, cosesh, coth, of course. #letscallthewholethanoff
@DanaKazim Dangerous Knowledge is very good…
@peterrowlett @KSCMaths @aperiodical aw but I was quite pleased with my hashtag
just realised I could've gone with #thesinhing instead of #letscallthewholethanoff. Maybe we need a #hyperbolicpuns hashtag as well.
"I know what each of those words means individually..." is the response 9/10 times one mathematician describes his work to another
the building manager has taken down the sign which used the word 'egress'. Victory!
Moodle's DB abstraction is terrible, and its SCORM module is even worse. ~600 DB queries each time a student submits an answer!
aaaaaa big mathsjam is less than 3 weeks away aaaaa I haven't prepared anything aaaaaaaa
@hornmaths yes. Frames are layers; put (1000ms) at the end of layer names to set display time. Sth like Plugins->Animation->Play to preview
@Qunchuy @KSCMaths @aperiodical @Shamoquinn oh, rats!
Every time the site gets 386 views in a day I do a tiny smile.
There were 2 ships called MS Windoc and they both hit bridges on the Welland Canal, 60 years apart……
Today's Tynemouth hipster winner is the dude wearing a gendarme cap. Truly didn't expect to see a member of the Foreign Legion today
Difficult for anyone to challenge him now. Only someone having moved out of Tynemouth a year ago because it's gone too mainstream could try.
(standing on the metro platform looking out for just such a person to look down their nose out the window as their train goes past)
now standing on the train listening to Breakbot (it's good to listen to the oldies occasionally) and tweeting about hipsters. #awinnerisme!
ahahahahahahah RT @Kit_Yates_Maths: This article "proves" a link between maths and nature.
moodle's SCORM module: 70 instances of eval() in the JS; ~600 DB queries per save; custom AJAX calls instead of YUI's; ETC AD INFINITUM
Solved a Fresnel integral while peeling my lunchtime clementine. Pretty chuffed.
More food calculus: evaluating double integrals is like picking strawberries; triple integrals are like picking strawberries in a chopper
While discussing what we'd do with our last half-hour of sight, we found "Last of the Brazilians" is not an extant porno spoof. Disappointed
The maths behind my Fresnel integral peel:
@maanow this says it's no longer attributed to Franklin:
#hateie #hateie #hateie #hateie
Just won a vicious maths battle with @TweetsofCushing. Matt has a Russian textbook with ALL the questions in
doing some top githubbing today…
Pretty happy with how my evening's going
@vickytnz I was recently told I have too much tintin merchandise. Impossible!
@DanaKazim Pure: python or Haskell. Applied: MATLAB or maybe Mathematica. Stats: R.
@vickytnz the Tintin Shop in London is the place that makes it all, and well worth a visit. My bro bought me an ace t-shirt for £10 recently
@DanaKazim much nicer syntax, easier to write what you mean without fiddling about with language stuff. If you want speed, haskell is fast.
@DanaKazim python, by far. Try… and
Is anyone interested in taking part in a v casual "recreational maths seminar" g+ hangout? We'd look at papers from my esoterica collection
@icecolbeveridge have you got a bit of time to test the idea now?
@icecolbeveridge ok, ping me when you're ready and I'll start a hangout
In order to be blinded by paintballs, PJ had to be shot in both eyes simultaneously. Ladies and gentlemen, Byker Grove was an inside job!
I'm down the rabbit hole now. Everyone is involved. Where was that fat man from The Machine Gunners on the day PJ was shot?
That went rather well. I think the recreational maths seminar is a goer. Thanks to @icecolbeveridge for sparing time and brainpower.
@TweetsofCushing 874 -
oh no my mind's started pronouncing 'skeleton' as if it's a kind of fundamental particle. Now I can't stop thinking about boogly death rays
arXiv submitters: I love it when you use your home-made LaTeX macros in your abstracts. Deciphering two-character names is my fave hobby
I pledge my patronage to the first clothes shop to put out an advert backed by the song "Jumpers", to the tune of Dizzee Rascal's "Bonkers"
Spent the morning baking instead of working. Can't baking be my job?
Terrified that children will knock on my door and I'll have to give away these choco crinkles before I can give them to my grownup friends
Fenwicks window! Fenwicks window! Winwicks fendow! Fendow wenwicks!
@hornmaths no, more like a cookie crossed with a brownie
I have learnt from the master RT @TweetsofCushing: @christianp is now a fellow aces up master after my tutoring
@Bishnavitch saw it on Sunday, and I'm at a Halloween party tonight, sorry. Pizza on Friday?
@Bishnavitch Ahh, peanuts to you then
it's wednesday and I've just realised I haven't read any comics this week. Not even Dinosaur comics! Re-re-re-rectify!
Why is the new iPlayer radio so totally worse than the old one? They've stripped out loads of useful information and views
Facebook suggests I might like the page for Rethink Mental Illness. Man, I wish I could just reconsider my decision to be mentally ill.
(I'm sure Rethink Mental Illness does good work and I'm going to look at it so thanks Facebook, but I am compelled to misinterpret the name)
Oh no I'm still Gove!
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who turns up for maths-aid on time. (I am)
TIL the symbol produced by \cdot is called an interpunct. More dottery:…
@TweetsofCushing NO WAY
oh man, I copied my local copy's address instead of the one on the web! #meganoob
can someone test a little cellular automaton for me please?
@MuseGarden thanks. I'm not really using d3 properly, or for anything that wouldn't be easier in jquery. Changed what I was doing halfway!
@MuseGarden I will engithub it forthwith
Everyone should talk like Aisling Bea.… That would be just wonderful.
@MuseGarden yeah, Cell.update
@walkingrandomly less of a generalisation and more of an analogue, if you'll excuse the excellent pun
errors caused by whitespace are the hardest errors to find
everyone pick an offensive foreign stereotype card from this old Happy Families pack!… I'm going to be Mr Jham Jhar
If you're interested in taking part in my google+ recreational maths seminar, please tell me what times would suit you:…
@icecolbeveridge can you add +The Aperiodical on google+ so I can add you back, and then mention you in a post?
@TweetsofCushing NO WAY!!! Mine ends in 5 :(
@TweetsofCushing there are quite a few LaTeX errors in your post
INSPIRED!… (but you shouldn't dock tails)
I feel left out with everyone saying their phone number is prime. My mobile number ends in a 5 :(
What's the deal with Americans writing numbers like "one (1)" on forms? Do a significant number of Americans not learn how to read numbers?
hooray slow internet hooraaaaaaaaay
@LargeCardinal would you like to write something about Wow-Cards for @aperiodical? I don't really get the idea, but it's symmetry, right?
well I'm not going to not use the Bourbaki dangerous symbol now I know about it…
Are attitudes to presenting proofs different between France and UK? I've seen lots of French authors point out tricky parts; none in English
@standupmaths they even had a reference to copy on the window next to it!
Oi! Lagabouts and dragalarks, upload your photos of last month's MathsJam to or ELSE
Is it a coincidence that a deck of playing cards is the same size as two alphabets?
@icecolbeveridge ahh, so that's the secret to podcasting success: mention each listener by name. So simple!
@CardColm As I typed: not going to not use. It's very simple, Colm!
@HoeJodgkiss and start a bootleg record label called Ruff Trade
Newcastle MathsJam October 2012 Recap…
@n1vux @peterrowlett @reflectivemaths very interesting!
@peterrowlett @aperiodical hahahaha! If I ever need you to turn your phone off I know what to do
@aperfect Ahh, now I do too!
How the religious manage to listen to Sunday on radio 4 every week and manage not to be bored into apostasy is a real mystery to me.
@peterrowlett what time are you recording? I'm going to post in a bit saying rec. math. seminar will be Sunday 6pm, but need to pick a paper
@peterrowlett (first one next Sunday, not this one, but I'd like you to announce it on mathmaths)
@alexbellos worse: in a woeful display of subediting, they capitalised 'maths'. Hang 'em from lampposts!
@LargeCardinal @aperiodical an intro to what they are and why they're mathematically interesting would be good. Could be text+pics or video
@Samuel_Hansen has anyone else complained about the download for the latest ep of relprime cutting out halfway through?
@Samuel_Hansen would you believe that the 10th attempt, started after I tweeted, has worked?
Please join in with my recreational maths seminar on google+ next Sunday!…
All you haters can do one, Emacs Hart is the best at making maths videos.
@peterrowlett whoops, forgot I had two links!
@BenTormey do have some of that ice cream though. It's amazing
@jcoglan yo dawg, I heard you like writing code while you write code, so switch to python, where you don't need to do that
@jcoglan you seem to be complaining about ruby's module system a lot lately. Python's had a working one since the start.
@LargeCardinal email and I'll send you the "how to write for us" doc. Any length is fine.
watching the tracker for a thing I ordered from the US. How does it take a week to get from Maryland to New York? They're like 4 hours apart
@TweetsofCushing aaaaaaaa it was 08:08 when I read that tweet!
@hornmaths oh yes! I completely forgot
have been re-appraised of the situation vis a vis hurricanes on the east coast of the US. Well done USPS for holding on to my package! #fnar
I've made a huge mistake
@ben_nuttall I need IE for testing!
what was wrong with right-click menus popping up where the mouse is? I quite liked that. It meant I didn't get RSI.
I'm well impressed with how often the interface freezes so far. Gives me time to gather my thoughts.
I've worked out how to close programs! Happy dance!
@gingerbeardman pretty terribly so far. They weren't kidding about metro not being adapted for desktops. No keyboard shortcuts!
oh I give up. I'm going in to work. That's how bad windows 8 is.
Dell "Express Service Tags" out by 1 digit correspond to different PCs. Did nobody teach you Hamming codes, Dell? #angerday
@matthen2 what do tides look like if the moon's orbiting fast enough to be 10m above sea level? Do waves have time to fall?
Following much whinging by @TweetsofCushing, I've edited my MathsJam recap to credit him for more things.…
@vickytnz there are so many other nice coffee places in the city centre!
@alexbellos I interviewed the director for The Aperiodical:…
Congratulations to the family with the bonfire 6 feet from their front door and 3 feet from the public footpath.
hooray, graphics! My mining and crafting days are not yet over
@wormboyslim @aperfect worse: I installed windows 8 on my laptop
@stecks do you have a copy?
Ordering a very particular kind of toothpaste from amazon. #autismlife
@Samuel_Hansen you didn't vote for Nimrod Y.U. Allen, III! Bad voting
@stecks re free time: I play minecraft to clear my mind. I suppose other people would take a nap.
#hateIE #hateIE #hateIE #hateVML #hateIE
potatoes-which-have-been-boiling-for-fifteen-minutes-are-unpeeled-realisation. #germanemotions
@icecolbeveridge what was that idea for an aperiodical post you had last week?
@icecolbeveridge both good ideas
@treasa crumbs! I just about remember that. Were they really that old?
@treasa ahhh, you mean these!…
@treasa that's a good prompt for me to save it in mendeley
@DanielColquitt that's actually a pretty good ratio for proofreading
@vickytnz don't do it! They're all on 4od for free!
No matter how you kern it, reads like a terrible description of what the product does
@aperfect your mission: find this stellated dodecahedron in the church of San Pantalon…
eugh, the raphael.js API is yucky
raphael.js: why is paper.path('a stupid string for stupid people') better than path.move(x,y).line(x,y)... ?
@maanow The solution is rounded incorrectly (or just down to 3 dp).
@robrolfemaths @maanow I was trying to avoid giving the answer in a tweet. Anyway, 30/31 is more like 0.9677419...
@ajk_44 are you familiar with Simon Tatham's portable puzzle collection?
suddenly-remembering-you-do-have-chocolate-hidden-somewhere-after-all-exultation. #germanemotions
aaurggg what's this madness? I had no idea minstrels were coated in hard icing
Decided my walls need some new posters. This Gauss went a bit wrong, but I think I'm on the right track.
Take 2: Turing!
@peterrowlett how are you getting on with Numbas? Have your students handed in that assignment?
@stecks all in good time
The PM has a new app which constantly scans twitter. So let's get "short-term populism is no way to run a country, Mr Cameron" trending.
@peterrowlett just checking up on it!
@peterrowlett another question for the tiny-maths-surveys site I really need to make one day
(actually though, stick some significance figures on the aggregated data and it's a decent idea)
@jgrahamc thank you! My feelings exactly. The end had the structure of a Marvel superhero movie
@KSCMaths that's a rather obtuse 65 degrees!
just computing the volume of the Earth in pecks, nothing crazy.…--
@ajk_44 one of the newest ones, called "Pearl", is very good
@KSCMaths best pun! And since it's a wrong angle, not a length, "not conformal" would be a better disclaimer. I'll stop being pedantic now
@haggismaths ahh, I had a really good one yesterday but I came in today to find the board wiped because of A Scandal.
@aperfect prima!
@Samuel_Hansen I would if your server could stay on task for more than a minute!
@haggismaths alas not.
@standupmaths not even going to email you. Newcastle MathSoc -
@standupmaths while I have your attention: will you be around for drinks before or after the Stockton show on Saturday?
Would it be profitable to set up as a bounty hunter tracking down skiving contract workers? I'd call it A la Recherche des Temps Perdus
@vickytnz Denksführer!
ok, who's going to buy me one of these?…
@JPickford time for me to get back into game dev!
@aPaulTaylor if you haven't already sorted it: can you post the sequence of numbers of lights? It's hard to tell from the video
The marimba solo in the Fenwicks window song is driving me to violence
Does anyone want to do something mathematical with me? RT @ScienceFest: The call for UK Maker Faire is NOW OPEN
@peterrowlett whatever twitter client you're using to send stuff into aperiodical is messing up the URLs since they got rid of the #! bit
has anyone heard of IE, on first loading a page, calling JS object constructors before attaching their prototypes? Doesn't happen on refresh
I also have a problem with the last text node attached to a VML diagram with raphael.js not showing up
PS: in case it wasn't clear, #hateie #hateie #hateie #hateie
@tanurai I've added Sheffield to the MathsJams map:…
wow, vodafone make it cartoonishly hard to leave them.
perfect timing. My phone's screen has just died.
A little reminder: tomorrow at 7pm GMT I'll be hosting the first recreational maths seminar on google+.…
@Dr_Lucie @standupmaths cutting-edge Teesside style. They need something to distract from the industrial horrors out the window
notifications in windows used to be in the bottom-left, where no mission-critical buttons live. Now they're in the top-right, where Close is
@fumbleweeds you'd love England. It's 46F here (if I've done the conversion right) and people think it's warm enough to go surfing.
I have set up a little minecraft server for me and my bro. Twitterists, you can be my bro from another mo! DM me if you'd like to play
Well, the Recreational Maths Seminar was fun! So glad the idea worked. Video up on the @aperiodical soon. Thanks to those who took part.
@Htbaa I meant bottom-right, yes.
today's bug was caused by my stupid brain and not IE's. So, for a one-time only showing, I am obliged to use the tag #hateSelf
@Rosalot you're married? Congratulations!
A big metal box in the lunch room marked "Health and Safety" is beeping. Twitter, should I run away?
@jgrahamc in 3rd form Latin I remember reading about a dude who was pretty pleased with central heating
@HilariousCow Guile theme!… I blame you for the fact I'll have this in my head the rest of the day
New @TweetsofCushing phone number braggadocio: how many square numbers does your phone number have? Best in the office is 3625, which has 3
Trying to get Fearne Cotton to endorse my new back scratcher design. I'll call it the Fearne Itcher.
Why do computer scientists only ever get to second base?
Productive day in the office. I think we've covered all possible π puns.
@jcoglan lamely attempting to join in with a twitter joke as a service
@Sa3eedo reaching sixteenth base sounds like a fun time
Discussing whether the set of yo mama jokes is countable. If I can make one about each of @TweetsofCushing's mum's ex-lovers, it isn't.
(that was yo mama joke ω+1)
@standupmaths did you make your venue bookings through Easyjet? Was Stockton sold as "Newcastle South"?
Does the IRS have an Erdős number of 1?
what do you call the dude in a rap song who fills in the gaps with uh-huhs and aww-yeahs? There is a word for it I know
@HoeJodgkiss I think it might be on the red button
@HoeJodgkiss (but I'm going to bed now so I don't even care if I'm lying)
Woman and her mother, made up like panto dames, facing the wrong door to get off the train. "It's behind you!", I almost shout.
talking to tech support for a phone company is like character generation in an RPG: keep rerolling until you get a good guy
@jjaron now I want to play probabilistic quantum golf and get a hole-in-one-in-four
maths: basically magic.…
@aperfect haha, it's like sixth form all over again
Just sent out the reminder email for Newcastle @MathsJam. (this is the reminder for other MathsJam organisers to send out theirs)
@ColinTheMathmo Asking the University of Waterloo is out of the question?
@ColinTheMathmo coincidentally, I gave a talk on zero-knowledge protocols recently which used three-colouring graphs as an example
@ColinTheMathmo here:… (warning - posh modern browser-based slides which you might have trouble with)
@plusmathsorg the brackets on the last equation aren't balanced.
Unexpectedly vegetarian dinner after I forgot to cook any of the three kinds of meat I just bought
This'll be right up @standupmaths' street: a book about snowflakes, with accurate diagrams, from 1863.…
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen top tagging.
@Samuel_Hansen I assume that signing that as a foreigner would be counter-productive.
@Samuel_Hansen oh. I thought I could remember foreigners being encouraged to sign the open access one.
Dear Diary, I made terrible nachos today. Tonight I'll dream about the nachos I could've made. And it'll make me sad.
So that's what windows 8's BSOD looks like. Wasn't expecting to see it so soon.
@CardColm @pickover did you see it was mentioned on the last episode of QI?
@sfh10 my opinion on STEP maths: I would've loved some proper help with it when I did it.
@CardColm oh, I thought you would've heard of it at least. It's a *fantastic* comedy panel show presented by Stephen Fry
@vickytnz nope. Nope nope nope. No way no how.
@madcaptenor it isn't even our first one. @MarcusduSautoy presented one a while ago. I've forgotten what it was called.
@madcaptenor you've made me go to IMDB now. It was called "Mind Games", and wasn't just maths.…
Already in @MathsJam mode. Students wanting numeracy help tomorrow might learn about woollen applications of group theory instead.
@ajk_44 @samholloway I would follow Sam, but he's following exactly as many people as he's being followed by, and it's a triangular number!
Today's the day when everyone's @-replies end with "will you be at MathsJam tomorrow?"
@mathsinthecity numbergossip says it's evil, deficient, and untouchable.
@DanielColquitt "Lagrange Multiplier" has always sounded to me like a combo move in Maths: The Game
@icecolbeveridge ok, Monday, but I don't get the reference
There's a petition to sign if you think the elected PCCs are a bad idea:
I did not know about this! Multiple user profiles for debugging in Chrome…
@stecks Pudsey's fundraising powers don't stem from his injuries! And even if there's a link, it hasn't been shown to be monotic increasing!
@stecks oh bum. I thought I was so clever getting that in exactly 140 characters and I missed two from "monotonic".
@bluecombats a pair of scissors usually comes in handy.
looking up names for a randomised question. "Blossom. Meaning: Flower Blossom"; "Bluebell. Meaning: Grateful". WAAAAAA?!
@stecks @aperiodical @SciencePunk what to call it?
@SciencePunk @stecks @aperiodical Twiterator? @ccumulator?
Talking about education resources conversation template: "Well, (organisation X) were doing good stuff, but they've been bought by Pearson)"
Did you know that the very first MathsJam took place in Holland in 1690?…
@mathsatschool oooh, glue, I didn't think of that! I do have cards and string though, so the union of our packs probably covers everything
OK, #mathsjam, what have I forgotten? Most of what I own is in this bag.
Right then. To Crewe! #mathsjam
@MathsJam what's yellow and equivalent to the axiom of choice? #mathsjam
Why is the contour integral around western Europe zero? #mathsjam
there aren't many dirty logicians: “Kleeneliness is next to Gödeliness” #mathsjam
@charliesgames you should have a dental hospital nearby
An easy way to get mathematical symbols to paste into tweets: #mathsjam
I had no idea mcdonalds got so busy on Sunday evenings
I'm back at my home. MathsJam was great.
Allen Knutson used to have a webcam pointed at a whiteboard in his office. Its last image is of his hand taking it away…
@standupmaths one of the Bernoullis has created a mechanism to help you draw the infinity symbol properly…
@samholloway not too many records on sale these days. It's a fairly even split between chintzy vintage and semi-professional photographers
@monsoon0 Mockus, mayor of Bogota, is my hero:…
@nulibsage that statistic doesn't make any sense.
@nulibsage more likely a hard-working press officer. I have a collection of gloriously overstated research press releases
@nulibsage actually, I have a question for you! Yesterday I was told of the existence of the Wallis collection. How do I see it?
@icecolbeveridge just putting that at the end of the URL… works
I'm thinking of starting a series on badly overstated popular maths. I would call it poopular maths. Today's example:…
1) claims animals "solve" maths problem. 2) describes problem as "wildly complex", but not in the technical meaning of the phrase.
3) claims mathematicians "discovered" basic fact about graphs. 4) repeats decade-old press release claiming a human has "solved" TSP.
5)finally and worst of all, gives no hint that "hard" for mathematicians has a very different meaning to "hard" for regular people (or bees)
A person called Dana and a person called Daina have favourited my last tweet. I assume one is the imaginary complement of the other.
@icecolbeveridge yes please. Put it in the system!
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm at the Charles Grey pub (outside Monument metro station). All welcome, just bring your brain!
did everyone suddenly agree that the past participle of "lead" is no longer "led"? What's going on?
@monsoon0 I saw "lead" in a newspaper (though I think it might have been the Grauniad) recently, and I've seen it in several articles since
@TweetsofCushing where? The top post is still the prisoners
@TweetsofCushing now so do I. Most peculiar. Gavin says you might be ill. Are you?
@hornmaths 'lead'
@C_J_Smith it's WHAT?! I'm not prepared! HOW WILL I DO ANYTHING ELSE TODAY?
I've lost my rather expensive bluetooth headphones. I'm quite displeased.
'...the use
of "percision" as defined in the SQL specification can be confussing.' I agree, SCORM spec. I am very confussed.
@samholloway there's a hill in Cambridge?
seeds in clementines: basically the worst experience in food
picked my nose, unleashed a pint of blood. Will never pick my nose again.
Helpful definition of notation from the SCORM 1.2 spec: "If not preceded by a minus sign, the number is presumed to be positive."
No mention of required precision, base system, or which character should be used for the decimal point. Hooray!
Found this little curio hiding in the school library. Unfortunate surname, though.
@standupmaths so what does 2,000 Rubik's Cubes being solved at once sound like?
Some lovely geometric wallpapers designed for iPads… (note: many other devices are capable of displaying bitmaps)
The @aperiodical is looking dangerously well-organised at the moment.
@mathsinthecity @icecolbeveridge to paraphrase JFK, we have nothing to fear but vier itself, so 4 should be the sole terrifying number.
"I genuinely love Internet Explorer's debugging tools. They always help me quickly get to the bottom of any problem." - nobody, ever.
@mjdominus oh well. Three letter President: close enough.
Testify! RT @HilariousCow: While there are no Americans around to see this, I'm just gonna say it: I hate America's freedom. Repatriate!
@haggismaths thank that person from me. Typewritten maths is a terrible artefact of the mid-20th century.
@peterrowlett is it constructive to rant about someone's mistakes at length? I think twitter is ok because it's ephemeral
@peterrowlett I also meant "permanently"
@BenTormey Get a pair of boxfresh. They last so much longer than Converse.
@elinoroberts top idea! For lunch, or breakfast?
@standupmaths I was planning on using "Chum-in-Chief" but @stecks wrote the article. Which do you prefer?
@elinoroberts ahhh, I need to get the metro at 11, but you've stirred beachy feelings in me. Mind if I join you?
@peterrowlett @icecolbeveridge @standupmaths would you believe I was literally about to tweet that myself before I saw Col got there first?
Either chewing bubblegum in an otherwise quiet office should be illegal, or it should be a valid extenuating circumstance in murder cases
@altweet_pet what's the record he's attempting to set?
Telling me there's nothing to watch on telly.. I have watched Hot Shots! enough minus infinity times.
Our table number is "a snowman doing a painting".
@helenarney @standupmaths is that Matt's snowfake-fighting superhero costume?
getting back to sleep is exceedingly hard with this hipster nonsense on Peter Day's World Service programme.
Does anyone else own Running with Rifles? It's a good game:…
@AdamCreen really? How so?
@AdamCreen oh, you mean there are 11 more prime minuteses. I use "twin prime" to mean two primes (n,n+2)
@daveowhite if you apply yourself, you can give back 60,000 portions as an Easter present (we did the sums a while ago)…
@daveowhite we didn't dare work that out. Not much longer.
@jjsanderson @elinoroberts well, if you live in Tynemouth, this is what happens. You'll have opinions about on-street parking next
@jjsanderson @elinoroberts depends. Which way round the metro do you go? If you go via Gosforth, it's already too late
Using bootstrap. I give up. Web design is not for me.
@monsoon0 do they have any of that special chalk that is incredibly hard to get outside Japan?
They're selling what now? Coming soon: Epistemologue, your one-stop-shop for mail-order trivialities.
This is a bit iffy, isn't it?…
Anyway, don't buy a theorem or a symmetry group, get yourself a bespoke artisanal hand-crafted integer for free
And lo, with a lightning-quick "works for me" did he smite the bug report, banishing it forever to the cursed land of Won't Fix.
@DanielColquitt nah, sorted it out.
@numberphile now do base 4!…
@jcoglan stacked Unicode diacritics.…
@jcoglan sad, because as yet there's no
@standupmaths @MathsJam do we have MathsJams sufficiently far apart to do some geometrical calculations?
When I close my front door I can either turn left for the metro station or right for the beach. Sometimes it's very hard to turn left.
Thought I had more eggs. Sad little omelette :(
omelette saved with god's own ingredients: bacon and paprika!
@HoeJodgkiss that's the most coherent Newcastle transfer punditry I've ever seen. You should work for the Chronicle, you should.
"Works at: Team Leader at Brewers Fayre". "Works at: cannabis farm lol". I'm not sure which of my mid-range relatives is more underwhelming
Newcastle @MathsJam November 2012 Recap:…
suddenly my flat smells really strongly of eggs. Where is it coming from? Am I in danger? Aaaaaaa going to be killed by Chuckie Egg aaaaaaaa
oh HANG ON, I just ate an omelette. Panic over.
and why did I go for Chuckie Egg instead of Dizzy? Have I ever even played Chuckie Egg? How do I know about it? EGGSTERNAL INFLUENCES
@jcoglan in something like `<a href="[%=str%]">`, where am I asserting that `str` is a URL, or is that not what you're getting at?
@ColinTheMathmo yeah, I thought that was it, but I couldn't remember if Ji had given a different variation
Soupremum. Simpleggs. Identitea. All on the menu at my new mathematical bistrho.
@jcoglan establishing context in arbitrary environments: "parse ALL the strings?"
@elinoroberts yes! Do it!
@MathsJam Newcastle is not happening in December
@Bishnavitch yeah, but the hologram Compaq at CES last year was quite crass. #notoriousbigblue
@jjaron @igblan trace a line from the bit of the hook socket facing you, along the surface. You end up on the other side.
@jjaron @igblan yep, I had the same problem
This nexus 4's screen is so beautiful, I'm going to weep openly
put cocoa in milk before milk was hot. Hyperfailure.
@helenarney that's not my mane!
@helenarney unless you were already going for that double-pun, in which case I apologise
@helenarney @andy_tea that's OK, I know when to swallow my pride.
cooking for slimming world dieters tonight. The recipe they have given me is like a real recipe, minus the ingredients.
@pkrautz my German isn't good enough. It looks fairly innocuous; what's wrong?
@monsoon0 but all chalk is made of ground-up shells!
@standupmaths @Dr_Lucie trees are old hat. I'm going with a Christmas treap this year
I'm hosting another recreational maths seminar tonight, about "seven staggering sequences". 7pm GMT, Google+:…
@outofthenorm2 ooh, that'll go nicely with something I've got saved for the next aperiodical round up. Ta!
@elinoroberts @gjchocolatier it makes me sad to think of all the time you haven't known that. Have you tried the brownie?
Join me in 5 minutes on google+ for the @aperiodical recreational maths seminar:…
With a puzzle by me, CP! RT @aperiodical: Post: Puzzlebomb - December 2012
Oh no, youtube has remembered that day I spent watching Oesch's die Dritten videos. My recommendations page is nonstop yodels.
After posting basically nothing all last week, I fear we may have overdone it with "sort your mess out Monday" at the @aperiodical.
If I see the Newcastle University Login Gateway one more time...
@StudentsNCL @NU_ITservice I don't think there's anything wrong, I just have to go through it each time I go to any of the many sites I use
David filled in a questionnaire online and it turns out I'm the best dad in the office. Ladies.
@jcoglan not a WordPress apologist, but it'll be a plugin causing the crashes. Because of the unique way php works, that's possible!
@jcoglan some combination of turning plugins on and off, and turning on PHP debug logging. Prepare to go back to 90s debugging methods
@jcoglan there might be a plugin that adds a "don't show comments" flag to posts and modifies the get-post-comments function
Just had a filling done. My cheek is still numb, but my tooth absolutely knacks. Do I need to go back?
@TweetsofCushing don't you dare
aaargrggrg python why is installing pip on windows still such a hassle? Just include it with the standard distribution!
Today @TweetsofCushing is looking for the person with the most of one letter in their name. Currently top: Reece Burgess-Creen with 6 Es
where's the GIF for when someone does a test with string operations instead of writing a proper routine to do what they mean?
Useful javascript library implemented as a jquery method. My anger level has risen to 32 milli-@jcoglan.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie Sightseers tomorrow?
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie that would also be a good choice for me, but it doesn't star Alice Lowe, so...
@TweetsofCushing !!!
Trawling amazon for hours looking for a replacement for the lost headphones you spent hours choosing last time. #autismproblems
there's some pretty lovely music on @laRadioNova at the moment
oh great, so they put some 80s nonsense on just after I said that.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie sightseers 2020
If 100 people star JSXGraph on github, it can be hosted on CDNJS:…
@jamesgrime first thing I noticed on audible was this Car Talk compilation, I assume of the puzzles they often pose…
@ajk_44 I don't know how you should celebrate, but you should do it at ten to nine.
Well I'm *trying* to write a really good post for the @aperiodical today but the uni wifi isn't helping
Eureka! Santa only visits one house on Christmas Eve, but infinitely many universes, each containing a different Santa, collapse at midnight
Is it a special autism superpower to spot typos in a page of text at a glance, or does it happen to everyone?
Because I've been editing a very long post and spotting typos in very unusual words just as I scroll past them, not even looking for them
@helenarney yes yes very funny, intentionally misunderstood. Now where's this bar? I'm a huge sporks fan.
If there isn't already a travelator company called Thousand Yard Stairs then I am going straight to Companies House first thing tomorrow
the address of the University of Athens' maths department is Because they couldn't name a Greek mathematician?
@alexbellos whoops, we both made 3d-printing christmas present posts today
There's a version of HyperRogue for android!… FRABJOUS DAY! via @mathpuzzle
@Nathan1123 @MuseGarden I used that page once when in a beds shop with a friend who didn't know what size his bed was!
@Nathan1123 to be fair, he'd just moved in to a rented flat and British bed size names are mental.
Thanks, textbooks!
@My_Metro I'm on one of the new trains, and the lights on the wrong side of the carriage lit up when we stopped. Better look into that!
@elinoroberts the first shop to produce an app which puts your shopping list in order for a shortest traversal will earn my patronage.
@matheknitician posted! Thanks for letting me know
Tonight, we dine... quite well!
@stecks @aPaulTaylor you know, I wasn't going to have it but then I thought since I'm tweeting it someone might complain if it wasn't there
Step 1: cook double meal, so you can have leftovers tomorrow. Step 2: forget you finished the cling film yesterday. Step 3: food bags!!!!
@DanielColquitt @ben_nuttall it's the real thing - pause it, maximise, and draw a pattern
@MouldS @dan_physio @standupmaths hey, that's just the first few digits! "Approximation to pi pie" doesn't sound very appetising
Going to Tynemouth market to look for a secret Santa present. Must make a big effort not to buy anything too ironic
Worst trendy name so far: "Gosforth bakehaus".
Alas, the pewter cowboy hat chip'n'dip tray is outside my budget
youtube's algorithm to make a video unshaky leaves it looking really trippy instead
There was a horrific animatronic koala for sale at the market today. I should've bought it. I didn't. Got to live with that.
@Bishnavitch I didn't dare. I was scared of a Ringu type situation
@Bishnavitch I'll see if it's there again tomorrow
@outofthenorm2 haha, what are you thinking?
@outofthenorm2 go for it
@HilariousCow do a flamboyant loop on the letter O
The internet has taught me to love humanity. Giant Pants of the '30s:
Went back for the eldritch koala. It's been sold! Life is not worth living any more ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
@stecks are The Sinks a new fraternal society, like the masons or the rotary club?
@jcoglan pandoc turns most things into most things
@jcoglan though if you're writing a book, learn LaTeX.
@jcoglan pdflatex comes with any latex distribution. On ubuntu, try tex-live
@jcoglan all these variants exist because almost everyone, after using TeX for a while, thinks "I can do it better!"
@jcoglan the stuff they have in common is basically all you need, so just stick with TeX-live and don't try to be clever with it
@jcoglan TeX is like the English language: nobody uses it perfectly, there are a million ways to say anything, ...
@jcoglan and far too many people who should know better hold very strong opinions about tiny aspects of usage
@Bishnavitch true facts
haha hooray!…
@DainaTaimina I think that's actionable libel
@divbyzero oh man, I need to get into control systems! There could be a "Perfect timing" algorithm
@Dr_Lucie 197th.
general lazy evaluation was too beautiful a dream for someone as uninterested in proper type analysis as I. Oh well...
@standupmaths not impossible: the other hemisphere could be really crazy
@peterrowlett @standupmaths I don't get it
Can't decide if I'm wasting my life or living it exactly how I want.…
@WWMGT c) a quart of pounds
So, ladies and gentlemen of the Academy, in summary: PHP is just the worst and I propose that we throw it into the Sun
Hooray, futurama's on! Oh no, it's Jurassic Bark. Sad evening :'(
@sxpmaths someone else's code I depend on was using '!empty($x–>p)' to test if $x->p is set. Which fails when it's the string "0".
Please tell me I'm not the only one who gets angry about adverts recorded in NTSC
oh snap! Today's Dinosaur Comic says Santa collapses realities to deliver presents!… The evidence mounts!
Favourite picture of the day!…
@jhylmb haven't tested it, but it should be possible
Oh god! All these Top 50 Tracks of 2012 lists mean I have to listen to Gotye again. #whyhastthouforsakenme
@henryseg were you paid for that article? It would cost me £30 to read if I didn't have a uni account
@henryseg super! It's a good article.
@aperfect fog on the Thames is all them's all them's, fog on the Thames is all them's.
@aperfect oh em gee I am going to start a faux-ironic hipster band called Londisfarne. We will gig exclusively in corner shops
@Electrokittie good intel. I will wrap up warm when I head in from the balmy coast
whaaaaaaat. Ctrl+Alt+Tab in windows shows the switchy-window thing even after you let go of the keys.
hey guys it's 10:10. Duodecimalists gonna hate.
I felt quite bad about the @aperiodical's visitor numbers until I looked at the Mathematical Intelligencer's circulation figures
@jamesgrime true fact. I got a good one of you a while ago from the @numberphile Rubik's Cube video:…
@jcoglan CET was the 12th time zone to have 12:12:12 12/12/12. Germans are the chosen people after all!
@outofthenorm2 oh, you could've said! I'll have a look
@ben_nuttall "Although braggadocio doesn't come naturally to most computer programmers, ..."
No chocolate in the kitchen. Spend 10 minutes checking the Secret Chocolate Locations, or go to the shops?
Right. Let's do some things to things until there's food to eat. #homecookin
@outofthenorm2 oh, NOW I get that pun! Sorry for changing the title to an inferior one
@elinoroberts accidentally swallowing a pea is big trouble: you have to swallow a fly to get it, then a frog to catch the fly, ad infinitum
Having a little rage about the Moodle SCORM module. Not a single line of the code is good.
@vickytnz it's free, which is good, and open-source, so I can see *why* it's buggy. We're on Moodle because BB has broken SCORM support
@vickytnz Moodle 2 is considerably less bad than old Moodle. It's barely tolerable now, but still lots of really annoying and bad things
@vickytnz yeah well, it's for academics :P
"Hm, how shall I implement this hierarchical data structure, with well-defined elements and values? I know! Strings and regexps!" #hate
I don't know how it's possible to write this much bad code without Nature itself reacting violently against you.
If a student handed this in as homework I wouldn't mark it wrong. I'd encourage them to join al qaeda or the communist party or something
1) they'd make MI6's job much easier; 2) no self-respecting terrorist would want to be associated with them, and would lay down their arms
@peterrowlett just remembered your Numbas email. Will do that later today.
A scotch egg and a frijj. I operate on the frontiers of cuisine.
Please support the kickstarter for my self-published transvestite medieval epic, "The Song of Roland's Dirndl"
Trying to synopsise that Jim Carrey film where he's a pet detective, but every time I try I get the plot "farce about Ace"
well! Since nobody wants to go christmas shopping with me, I think I'll go for a walk round Tynemouth instead
@treasa believe it
Off to seek my fortune in the tatatoria of Newcastle upon Tyne.
If you spoonerise "Hooke and Wren" the number of bird names increases from one to two. I'm pleased by this but don't know what to do with it
a Kinect physics game where you stack boxes but it's two-player and you each control the other's arms
@standupmaths you are this guy…
This is why I keep trying to introduce German as a second language in the department…
I keep forgetting it's the office christmas lunch today and making plans for work to do and food to eat.
@brittneybean if you keep calling that a biscuit Ed Miliband might try to integrate you
@brittneybean but it does look VERY tasty. What's going on there?
@TweetsofCushing I told you I don't have a suit
@TweetsofCushing I even forgot to wash my jumper so I'm going to look extra scruffy
@TweetsofCushing proving to whom?
@TweetsofCushing that reminds me - I tried to prove the same facts to your momma but she kept asking me if there are any even primes
@JPickford "The games has jumped".
Who hates standing on the metro? CP hates standing on the metro. Is it true? I do I do I do-oo!
@helenarney or you're living in Newcastle 6 years ago
Go ahead. Spell it "chaise lounge". Make my day.
Your reminder that there's no Newcastle @MathsJam tonight.
@HilariousCow just play Just Cause 2 instead.
@HilariousCow I played it on the xbox, so don't know about that.
@jcoglan #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice?
@jcoglan but the problem with instagram isn't 'we own the servers', it's 'you're not the one paying our salaries'.
That sneeze crept up on me completely unnoticed but now it's over, I feel like I've needed to do a sneeze that big for a long time.
@amazingradio I am very much enjoying "Tyrannosaurus Rex For Christmas". It's my new favourite Christmas song.
it's 12:36! Dance about like you've got all your divisors within easy reach.
We're making good use of our last proper work day by playing LAZA KNITEZ
"Cost-per-gigabyte is down more than 300% in three years".… #what
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MathsWorldUK I meant to catch someone at big mathsjam - would anyone like to write about the plans for @aperiodical?
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MathsWorldUK yes! It would be good just to get the name out, wouldn't it?
@jcoglan I'll go with: generics work on objects, and ints aren't objects.
@madcaptenor order a single box of chalk. I haven't dared to do it yet and I've had prime for years
Buying stock for my new kids' clothing shop, Newcastle upon Tiny.
@jamesgrime they're very different films, but I agree.
@peterrowlett quick! Make a Klein bottle!
Watched a video from the ISS. Moved to poetry: I love the Earth / and all the people on it. / You could even say / it's my favourite plonet
@aperfect which company is it?
@aperfect that isn't even a real company.
@aperfect hah, their homepage has a megabyte of stock images
@mutedestro @MathsJam sadly it looks like there isn't one near you -…. Nothing to stop you starting one!
Last night I dreamt about a really fast slug! Is today the day we rethink our metaphors?
@standupmaths so clearly we need to start a campaign to register Unicode codepoints for common English words
This Christmas card's so charming I wish I could send it to myself.
@daveowhite Monetize your front window. Monetize your beard. Monetize smalltalk.
@GhostMutt which cards do you have turned on? I just have the weather and football scores. Is there something more to it I'm missing?
@TweetsofCushing proof or it isn't true!
@TweetsofCushing and by "quintics" do you mean fifth powers?
This is how I roll
Pick a natural number N. Find p_N, the first prime which is the difference of Nth powers. $\ln(p_53)/53 = \ln(p_59)/59$, to 10 dp
@C_J_Smith ternary decimal?
@C_J_Smith next question: 0,1,2 or +,-,0 ?
@C_J_Smith my least favourite ternary representation
-.. .- ... .... -.. --- - -.. --- -/-.. --- - -.. .- ... ..../-.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- -/-.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- -
@DanaKazim did I get it right?
@DanaKazim fantastic
gosh it's grim outside!
It's pretty ridiculous how long it take windows 8 to show the task manager
I'm playing my "justify my obnoxious prejudices with pop psychology I read in a non-scientific outlet" card.…
Whenever I hear about economics, I think of this scene from futurama…
"a third of Men will get their Christmas presents from a service station" - according to a study in a service station on Dec 24th last year?
Pretty much certain you can do better, Woman's Hour
Sorry, it's You and Yours, not Woman's Hour. Disappointment levels back to normal, and I need to look at my watch
The only paper I could find to pad this present with was pages from the LRB. #truestoriesfromupmyownbumhole
I think this year I can do my present wrapping in two or fewer ragequits
@jcoglan isn't it weird how when the economy's good the poor suddenly start trying harder?
@HilariousCow did you have a gravis gamepad? When I saw the graphic of it in the wolf3d options I wondered how it could ever be suitable
Today I learned that a <redacted> needs about 3cm more wrapping paper than you think.
@outofthenorm2 Please finish your bees post!
You don't wrap presents with the wrapping paper you want, you wrap presents with the wrapping paper you've got. - Donald Rumsfeld
oh, so Big Society was always meant to be a pejorative, like Big Tobacco or Big Pharma.
why do journal publishers think it's a good idea to make supplementary material a separate PDF from the article?
Need to eat all the food in the flat before going home for Christmas. My stomach is being marvellously cooperative
Remember, HE KNOWS…
I'm pretty pleased with my Christmas cards this year…
I think Father Christmas might be my favourite thing to draw
@DanielColquitt you've completely inverted the "go away and read a book while your computer is doing something" meme
In case you haven't experienced windows 8 yet, this guy explains what's wrong:…
I've owned for a year and done nothing with it. It expires in 3 days. Has anyone got any ideas?
(The original idea was to have, so my arXiv submission could be from the "Institute of Hot Mathematicians")
@ColinTheMathmo but why? I'm not doing research any more, so no opportunities to use it forthcoming
@ColinTheMathmo selling unused domain names is on my list of Terrible Internet Behaviours. If I let it expire, whoever wants it can have it
@walkingrandomly I thought that was a good idea and then I saw it was by Stardock. I've learnt my lesson with them
@walkingrandomly what I'm doing is: close eyes, press windows key, type program name, press enter, open eyes. It's almost the same
@vickytnz were you around when it was Belle and Herb's? Times were better then
@peterrowlett literally LOL
Leo says I have no neck. Vicious fibs.
I'm in Windsor! The air smells funny down here
Such pleasant people down here
There isn't a craft supplies shop in Windsor?! Surely I'm mistaken.
@apontzen @standupmaths did you work that out by hand, or did you use a script like this: ?
I'm pretty ecstatic about how this 80k file won't upload to my ftp server over this flat's wifi
Let's see if giffgaff throttle ftp connections as well...
hahahaha my phone's connection is so much ridiculously quicker than this Zen broadband
I've added a question to The Aperiodical's Very Important Mathematical Survey about how you eat corn on the cob:…
@alimcg86 chin up, McGlen!
WHERE ARE ALL THE FILMS? I don't want to watch Open All Hours, I want a film!
@standupmaths @Dr_Lucie the dog started melting when he was near the fire. That's way closer to physical realism than I was expecting
@samholloway there definitely used to be one!
@monsoon0 mega jealous!
Pretty unexpectedly radical present
I'm going to see Scrooged! Channel 4 now. I'll have depleted my Christmas film to-watch list by at least one this year.
Round 2. Nobody else wants leg! Excellent crimblus
Scouting for locations for my new concept café with a chess board at every table, "En Croissant".
Try saying "tuna mayo jacket potato". It's wonderful, like the start of a beat poem about my favourite foods.
Congrats to @TweetsofCushing for getting his first integer sequence accepted by the OEIS:…
@standupmaths you can keep going with Step 4: work out how many different patterns you can make by swapping pieces of the same shape
Hiring bar staff for my new underground opera hall, "Grotto Voce"
@JohnAllenPaulos it's a vanity publisher, not a real journal!
@jcoglan there's probably an emacs command 'Cmd-a-t untweet cheap pun'
Beginning to fear I've been trafficked to Slough. Will I ever see my beloved Northumberland again?
What a lovely book…
I can't decide if Planet 51 (channel 4 right now) is alright or terrible
@Rosalot I'm having trouble accepting Dwayne 'the Rock' Johnson as a cowardly ginger man
Etymonline's etymology of 'omelette' is basically to wave the "nobody knows" card:…
A marvel of the last age of austerity - one of the last concrete lampposts in Slough.
The proportion of films on the telly that nana has misidentified as The Gruffalo this Christmas is rapidly approaching Legendre's constant.
Forget about convergence. If a million specific gadgets for each conceivable task was good enough for 60s Batman, it's good enough for me
Wow, sky captain and the world of tomorrow hasn't aged well at all
@standupmaths I've held the patent on that idea since I was 12
@ajk_44 @samholloway how long are you two up North for? I've just arrived back from Slough
@Samuel_Hansen just when I thought I had all your many show formats clear in my head...
wikipedia's picture for the King of the Belgians is ace…
@jcoglan the problem is probably with your router (or OSX's drivers, depending on perspective). OSX takes exception to some brands of router
@jcoglan yeah, it's OSX's problem, but its problem is with the router.
images des mathématiques has posted a very good (and long) summary of recent maths news… (cc @peterrowlett @stecks)
@ColinTheMathmo your cafe-based generosity is increasing at an amazing rate. I must make sure to be in the same city as you at some point.
@Samuel_Hansen that song is part of a trio of creepy girl songs. The other two: "I'll Kill Her" by Soko, "Boyfriend" by Best Coast.
@Samuel_Hansen she has just released an album which I'm undecided about. "I'll Kill Her" is a modern classic, though.
just had my first Newcastle undergrad email to ask about MathsJam. There is hope for this institution yet!
@alexbellos write 1 in cell A1. In cell A2, write "=A1+1". Selected cells A2:A1000. Press Ctrl+D
just read a comment by someone saying IE has excellent developer tools. I agreed so much my computer went out the window.
@Electrokittie @ellenirites also to stop tweeting about "tactical whiteys". As a teetotaller, I'd rather not even know that exists.
@outofthenorm2 my first year number theory lecturer used to do these tricks with stats from the end of Doom levels
@Electrokittie that is the opposite of what will happen
@outofthenorm2 oh! except he used continued fractions to get the answer a lot quicker
@jjsanderson @standupmaths I was amazed last night that I could still see it as far south as Peterlee
@daveowhite how bad? early 3dfx cards, or even PowerVR?
aw, this is a lovely idea
@daveowhite ouch. Suggest you use the Rumble Pak.
@E_I_W what time will you be in the pub?
@E_I_W excellent, that's when I finish at maths-aid. Mind if I join you?
@E_I_W well that sounds sinister!
@HilariousCow hey! That looks just like the original NPRQuake!
@E_I_W I'm on my way. There in five minutes
@peterrowlett almost exclusively wikipedia. Mathworld when I want a second opinion
@Gelada @haggismaths is this inverse kinematics + control theory?
@peterrowlett @stecks hooray! The site that doesn't exist yet has 100 posts. I'm itching to get started.
@Gelada @haggismaths all of them confusing to me. I would be a games programmer now if I'd been able to get my head round it
WHY DO I ALWAYS FORGET GUACAMOLE NEEDS LIME?!?! Now I have to go to the shops.
it's not like there's a catchy song with the recipe or anything…
85% homemade hippy-dippy fajitas. Definitely put enough chillies in.
if I am elected, I pledge an end to the boom-and-bust weather systems of the current Tory government
It's March the Turd! The day when people try to do a poo while walking. I love old English traditions.
@standupmaths missing a trick, dude: leave your front door clopen. Burglars will be unable to break in, because there is no "in".
Be broadband is down! O woe, I will have to go outside and enjoy the beach.
Caught out in the rain! Where's my @mathsinthecity umbrella?
@enoFsamohT like all traditions, it's as real as you make it
Physicists: this (double!) rainbow is slightly bigger than my camera's field of view. Moving won't help, right?
@peterrowlett oi, I am expecting an email from you about talk dates
@peterrowlett hey, it worked, didn't it?
@jjsanderson I couldn't see it. Is it because I'm colourblind?
@Talithin gosh, am I famous?
@Talithin if you download that file again, you'll get the finished thing. It was my 4th year project
@Talithin oof, you're doing proper maths.
@Bishnavitch I can give you a lift after the film I'm seeing tonight
@Bishnavitch but you'd have to get the metro back
I wish this was a real article that had been edited and had references and no unsupported claims…
@aperfect alfa rofail. alfail romeo. awful romeo. alfa roamy-no. alfa roh-me-oh-my. half-a romeo.
@benkenyon it's certainly better than the awful French narration / poetry
this film is excellent. I saw it at the Lumiere museum in Lyon. Each frame was hand-coloured.…
To some, programming can be addictive, like a drug. That's why I use Haskell.
@Htbaa no side-effects. It is a terrible pun.
@stecks my speakers were too loud! you are echoey all the way through
@HEAcademy clicking on the "book on this event" button for my event (…) gives a big long database error
@HEAcademy to wit (abbrv): Drivers error '80004005'
SQL Server does not exist or access denied
/LM/W3SVC/1956424472/Root/global.asa, line 27
sometimes jQuery is too helpful and I worry it will one day demand its pound of flesh
My cousin answered one of those facebook trick-arithmetic questions wrong. Disinherited.
What's the most efficient way to cut parallelograms out of a square?
A maths lecturer's best-of clips:…
@WhiteGroupMaths good enough. Have you seen MathJax ( - get typeset maths on your page without using images.
@somerandomdude what attribution text do you want for the Iconic set? I can't find a set phrase on the site.
I've spent too long photographing a bookcase. Please at least agree with me about how excellent my taste is…
I've updated my "How to get MathJax on your blog" post with instructions on getting MathJax to work with Disqus:…
has anyone read "Euclid in the Rainforest"?… @nulibsage has just acquired it, I might take it out
@standupmaths the headline "Back on the sheep's back" is not doing your homeland any favours.
@eAssess and me and @NclNumbas !
Currently rewriting this crime against typists into more friendly language.
We're gonna need a bigger brace
@Bishnavitch my friend @Samuel_Hansen has just interviewed him!…
@aperfect aw man I just lost the scone game. Now I want one too.
I miss the old Pukka Pad paper. You can hardly ever get a clean tear from the new kind.
Just fell over. All this thinking seems to have drained the blood out of my legs. Clearly not match-fit.
@peterrowlett shockingly, I don't have one in my esoterica collection! Appalled at myself.
@Samuel_Hansen you're getting faster, not slower like I was expecting. I thought you'd turn up on a canal boat next.
this video is ENORMOUSLY pleasing.…
Pourquoi devient-on mathématicienne?… and she seems to be a geometric group theorist!
@JSlayerUK the universe wants you to sit and twiddle your thumbs for a bit
@elinoroberts that's a very Pocahontas attitude
too clever, google! Search for "zip file mime type". I thought this kind of categorical expert system was abandoned in the 90s?
@brittneybean adverts? Ticketmaster handling fee for the Christmas party?
@brittneybean hey, at least if those catch on they'll be accurate. Look what the mackems are trying to promote:
@brittneybean hahahahaha I've just looked at their twitter and it's full of events happening in Newcastle
@ellenirites a lion tamer. Isn't it obvious?
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett let me try. Is this your interview with Neil deGrasser Tyson?…
@christianp @Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett who is Neil deGrasser Tyson? Maybe a relative of F Scott Snitchgerald
Wow, hmv still exists! And there are people inside! And they're not *all* old women buying presents!
it's taken 26 years, but I think I'm ready to start loving mustard
You don't have to have a smile on your face to work here, but these piggies can fix that
@GhostMutt not going near it
yazoo is basically brown water. What's the point?
@stecks how did you get on with the video? Should I do it?
wherein @stecks uses a zero-knowledge protocol to prove she's better at sudoku than I am:…
@stecks windows live movie maker is a blunt instrument. At least we know what to do next time
iphone/wordpress people: is there a way to send a link from the browser or twitter directly to a wordpress blog as a draft post?
the spambots have outwitted twitter by changing their names to /x(firstname)\d{4}/ instead of /(firstname)X\d{4}/. Modern-day Einsteins!
@RANIELDANSON smart trousers too! Is Ranson going up in the world?
@JSlayerUK did you watch that thing on bbc four, then?
I reject this applause-sound completely. There is no way that many people wanted to attend a recording of Brain of Britain.
@pkrautz @danaernst it's CC, not open-source.
@danaernst @pkrautz there are mathematica notebook versions of the chapters on the wiki, so maybe they're the source, but I can't load them
@brittneybean is this something to do with conspicuously throwing out your LPs of next year's hot new pop act?
@brittneybean sorry, I'm trying to write an entertaining maths article. My mind is jammed in "try too hard" mode.
@GPRPichot @pkrautz @stecks @mathblogging sorry, try going straight to youtube:… - my blog has occasional DNS problems
@Andrew_Taylor yeah, word order: "up to 16 killed by soldier" is less ambiguous
@RichardWiseman consider it an affirmation of your respect for your heritage. He'll like that.
@GPRPichot thanks. NP just says a solution can be checked quite quickly - being able to check at all is enough for random guessing to work
@monsoon0 does it work well? We have a similar thing called MAGIC but it's pretty much universally disliked
@GPRPichot twitter doesn't really have enough space to get into the subtleties of it.
@EliotBall I'm skeptical. Is it by design?
The Aperiodical is back! Brit-aping, useless formulae, arts and crafts, interactive proof and parking constants:…
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen chalk up another win for ol' cp. #mathmaths
A trail of sweets on the pavement. I'm tempted to follow it, but I know there'll just be a messy child at the end of it
@gingerbeardman implying a spammer somewhere died at their keyboard. What a sad thought!
@trackinthebox "Happy Soup" isn't upcoming: it already upcame -…
@nulibsage I met one of the photographers in that book while out looking for the aurora at tynemouth! I don't know his name, though.
"we relabel the $i$th letter $w_k$." Does nobody check PhD theses?
@peterrowlett what news?
@peterrowlett ah, Durham's joined. My mind: not blown.
@gingerbeardman great, now my google adverts are going to be full of that Ruark radio for the next month. So expensive!
@aperiodical well, that didn't work, whoever posted that
forget about Pi Day tomorrow, today is March's first Unambiguous Day: While 12/3 could be 12th Mar or 3rd Dec, 13/3 can only be today!
@standupmaths is "avoid all things which increase risk of death" a good strategy? A greedy algorithm, if you will.
this BLT is way more than the sum of its parts, or even the product of its parts. This BLT is more than the tetration of its parts!
@TimandraHarknes @standupmaths could I outsource the worrying, and blindly accept the advice of a third party?
it is very cruel of Mai Lan to release this excellent demo and have nothing downloadable!…
3 in 20 women are on a FTSE 100 board: "The percentage of women on the boards of the UK's 100 largest firms has risen to a record 15.6%"
@aperfect yes, it is good
I had a huge BLT and a litre of fruit (I think that's how big my bowl is) for lunch. How am I still hungry?
@brittneybean what happened to It's serving all sorts of nonsense now
@HoeJodgkiss you only said that so somebody could call you a PDF-phile, right?
@outofthenorm2 I'm going to make a comment, but I also have editorial comments; where would you like those? email?
@standupmaths oh my god, is that a temple of NOD?
Yes!!! We've reached the future! Let's invade mars!…
@alexbellos quite interesting. It reminded me of the way the computer/girl Max spoke in Monday's Dirk Gently.
tomorrow: Hypatia (she stoned to death by the monks for the thinking-while-being-a-woman) explains astronomy in London:…
sorry, most of the last tweet was inaccurate: Hypatia flayed alive by lay Christians; astronomers explain Rachel Weisz as Hypatia in "Agora"
@peterrowlett @SecondRateMinds oh no! image maths! eesh!
@peterrowlett @SecondRateMinds and some of the things there were new to me: can you add citations?
@plusmathsorg oh, bravo! What a genteel, well-mannered pun.
@brittneybean I believe California has some experience with the concept of the "company town", yes.
@peterrowlett the desk calculator used by Ferguson
@peterrowlett nooooo way! Shanks was from where I'm from!…
Is the world path-connected?
@peterrowlett maybe, but to follow through logically I should do it on the wrong day
@charliesgames first thought: quaternions are what you want. I have code at…. Busy at the moment.
@charliesgames but this kind of thing is exactly what hardware T&L is meant to do, I think. Ask an OpenGL person.
@sciencefest is there a way to link to a single event on the website? Trying to tell my mum about the gaze aversion talk tomorrow
@ScienceFest but that doesn't have the description!
@charliesgames can't you use opengl's rotation functions?…
@charliesgames then I'm stumped, sorry. I'm no good at optimisations, we don't do those in real maths :)
@charliesgames oh! Is this all happening in 2d?
@charliesgames right. I am very busy at the moment, but remind me this evening if you're still having trouble
a roguelike on hyperbolic space! (via @haggismaths)
@MathsJam a link to just came up in the "sponsored links" section of my gmail. How odd! Surely nobody is buying adwords
@standupmaths you should get into sage notebook: I'll see if I can do that plot after talk+cakes afternoon here at NCL
@outofthenorm2 @standupmaths that chart, with a log-10 vertical axis, might show no. of digits correct better
oh! just noticed @peterrowlett linked digits of pi to the first person to calculate them in his post…
@yomcat @peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen honestly, MathJax is dead dead easy. There's a wordpress plugin.…
@standupmaths I prefer to write pi in base-26^9 and write the first digit as "christian"
@standupmaths gosh, I had an odd moment of tweet-blindness where I thought you said to look for your name. Same method works, anyway
I'm so enormously happy with myself for remembering to put the garlic bread in the oven. For once, pasta night is proper!
@RachaelBailes you should hear the outrageous things my colleague has to say about the humanities
wahey, 304 followers! See if you can get that up to 314 before pi day is over
I'm watching videos of animals embarrassing themselves. So far I've watched two dolphins collide mid-air and a hippo with terrible diarrhoea
@peterrowlett nobody is going to misinterpret 3/14 as referring to the 3rd of Mega-February
@PatParslow @peterrowlett @timtfj that's it, I'm measuring dates using radians from now on. I will celebrate pi day halfway through July 1st
@timtfj @PatParslow @peterrowlett um.. why?
yes!! thank you windows update! my bluetooth chip works again! now the speakers I bought to replace my unusable speakers are usable again!
how many chocolate traybakes can I prevent myself from cooking before the one I have to make next wednesday? Chocobrain has been activated
artsters: can any of you explain the current fad for geometric shapes?
amazon reviewer trying very hard with his first three sentences to come across as the kind of person I don't like:…
the closest shop selling an avocado after 5 is not in walking distance. I thought Tynemouth was meant to be posh?
@brittneybean at least we're not being referred to as "matériel" yet
now I know for definite that licking the spoon you measured the cayenne pepper with is a bad idea
@outofthenorm2 great stuff!
@Bishnavitch archer series 3: Wednesday, 10pm, 5*.
@ColinTheMathmo yeesh. We're a long way from my campaign for 0 to be a natural number to gain any traction, then.
$\int_0^e \left( e^{e^{e^{e^{e^x}}}}.e^{e^{e^{e^x}}}.e^{e^{e^x}}.e^{e^x}.e^x \right) dx = ^6e - ^5e$. Why?
(sorry, took me a while to get the TeX right there)
@outofthenorm2 fun fact
how is this "Lost Cities of the Ancients" programme on bbc four? It's barely good enough for channel five.
@peterrowlett you missed out Katie's Manchester MathsJam recap from the math/maths show notes!…
2^10 comments on my blog! Only 89.8% of which are spam!
@elinoroberts which printer?
@ben_nuttall so their servers can literally be taken down by The Man?
@peterrowlett that looks like a very good booklet
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm, the Charles Grey.… @peterrowlett will be joining us, so look smart!
@brittneybean that is lacking a lot of nuance
@brittneybean argrgrsgr, the more I read about that visualisation, the more angry it makes me
this visualisation of the wrong data has made me angry:…. Typing with clenched fists is hard so no thanks @brittneybean
@aperfect @brittneybean precisely.…
@peterrowlett it's practically summer up here. Hope you packed shorts! Dragons currently in Sunderland, so you'll be fine.
This might not be very healthy
@standupmaths should I be updating the MathsJams map with your van's coordinates?
@TuringSunflower can you explain the link between Turing and sunflowers please? Is it to do with reaction-diffusion and that sort of thing?
@MathsJam GLA: we meant you need only one of the first two steps, ie 2332 is a solution
@christianp @MathsJam or even 3223 would make more sense to you! Forgot which way round you had it
I like this a big lot:…
@HESTEM thanks! I should've given @peterrowlett some in a doggy bag, there's loads left over (turns out we didn't need TWO kilos of cake)
plan for tomorrow: sit in pyjamas and write code until all my problems are solved
@trackinthebox why don't your URLs have the date in them? Isn't that sort of the idiom within which your site operates?
@brittneybean but if it was in the url I'd be able to tell if a link is to today's track or an old one.
we are running a workshop on creating maths OER on April the 10th, for which places are still available:…
@charliesgames and that is why I don't play shmups. Did you sort out your rotation thing?
Oh no! It's the Simpsons episode with the Run Lola Run spoof but I missed that bit. Truly life is not worth living!
Dinner tonight: a traditional Mexican dish, "throw all one's spices and vegetables at a few bowls"
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
@stecks oh! I get it now!
@stecks can we make a script which takes arxiv papers and replaces every proof with "Left as an exercise for the reader"?
I wanted to live by the sea, not in it!
@peterrowlett @aperiodical ahh, I thought I fixed that! I wonder where the correct version is
@peterrowlett @aperiodical should be fixed now
@RANIELDANSON I wondered this, because my (southern, manchester) flatmates had never heard of it. I thought it was used everywhere
Bison! In Sedgefield! At Farnless Farm Park.
more bison pictures at…
Gosh, @peterrowlett has been doing a very good job writing up news stories for our new site today.
@peterrowlett I added a bit of mathematical detail in a comment to the topic-based vector space story.
a clever way of switching between markup and its display, including with LaTeX:…
A page from an old notebook. When was I good at drawing?!
yeesh. I've just discovered a library that makes my instant-preview-above-TeX editor a squillion times simpler:
today has started with a good photo
please buy my new range of plates featuring images of the abyss, a navel, the circle of life and the night sky: "ContemPlates"
other ill-considered crockery: the Grand Bowl Opry, Dish is The End, Camilla Finger-Bowls
@peterrowlett time to forward you all those funny cat pictures I've been saving
@jcoglan a first attempt: dict['a'] = dict.get('a',0). I feel there's a slightly more obvious way though
@christianp @jcoglan in fact, two lines lower in the docs: dict.setdefault('foo',0).…
@jcoglan that's what setdefault does. get doesn't set it.
@jcoglan oh, I see what you mean. Never mind.
windows 7 non-powershell command line: is there a way to pipe a wildcard selection of files through to a command?
@PencilBloke it's the best kind of correct: technically correct
@jcoglan this (neckbeardy) command just occurred to me: ``` python -c "help(dict)" | grep default ```
@jjsanderson eduroam is an agreement between universities so visitors can use their home institution account info to get wifi anywhere
@stecks "Blackboard Bold" is an excellent name for a column
This is just excellent: "The mate-in-n problem of infinite chess is decidable"… (via @mathblogging)
@jcoglan I tried to cross "inception!" with "examination" but all I got was "incemination!" and that is another kind of dream entirely
Using inline SVG in HTML is an enormous faff. Am I missing something?
Matt's code loves him!
@fumbleweeds wow, you would *not* get on well in the UK
The new metro trains have a space for wheelchair users which this wheelchair user is not using because her carer can't sit next to her.
@monsoon0 there seems to be a circle going round. I've been added by lots of people recently too. Watching it happen is like epidemiology.
On hot days like today, the air in Tynemouth is 50% barbecue smoke
@RANIELDANSON it could be worse: a new person could appear who is just as annoying as Ben Elton, and Ben Elton would also be still extant
@peterrowlett kick's 'self
@Skweeky then you'd better render unto Caesar what is Caesar's
@stecks youtube showed me an advert for Fosters before that Guinness world records video. Wasted effort, I don't booze!
@mathshistory you had an extra character left there. "when" could've been "whence" and then it would've been grammatically perfect
@peterrowlett yes!
@peterrowlett what's the name of that Law of the Universe about correcting people?
idea for the next @MathsJam: do something like Drunk History but with mathematical proofs
@pkrautz @peterrowlett collecting all our blogging efforts together, plus news and pieces by other people who don't have their own blogs
@pkrautz not quite a blog network! Lots of stuff goes straight on the Aperiodical
@KathrynHTaylor buying them with money is preferred
@DavidHopper88 @Bishnavitch tiny Crying Game fact: it's a spoonerist remake of a 1950s public information film
@stecks @aPaulTaylor I like the waterfall puzzle a lot. I think that's the first puzzlebomb puzzle I've solved
@stecks @aPaulTaylor and the space filling crossword makes two!
@Electrokittie journalism question for a friend: if someone writes to their MP, is it OK to publish the response in full on their blog?
@PickfordBros did you ever play my Blitz game "poption"? It was a bit like MB but with a broom instead of a cue. It was loads of fun
@ben_nuttall @stecks @standupmaths JLS Love Self-reference is my favourite one
waiting for someone to file an issue on github so I can include its number in the message of the commit that fixes it. #productivity!
New blog post: slides about the princess in a castle puzzle…
@peterrowlett how long will it take me to get from the train station to wherever your workshop is on the 16th?
@EliotBall oh dear! Not sure what could cause that
THE BEST! RT @aperiodical: Post: Turing-Tape Games: A Challenge in Algorithmic Problem Solving…
@sgravn let me know when you have your first one and I'll add you to the map
today's weather is a sensible continuation of yesterday's, yes.
@peterrowlett am I correct in assuming you avoid google talk for work-overload reasons? I want to ask when I should arrive in Birmingham
@jcoglan put me down for five quid on "cease and desist"
The author of this proof seems to hate whitespace so much he's even reduced the line-height. Man that's dense maths!
yet again I have managed to drown all the notes in my bag. This time it was with Pepsi, so I will have to wash the bag.
@standupmaths but but but… Unicode SMS can only have 70 characters! What are twitter doing? Someone might not get all of your tweet!
problem: food must be bought up to a week in advance because the shops are a long way away. Solution: pneumatic grocery delivery tubes
I honestly think that if the edwardians had invented pneumatic food delivery to the home, we'd consider it a human right today.
@pkrautz did you link to my princess-castle slides from the "mathjax in use" page? Could you also link to my maths-on-your-blog post please?
@jjsanderson ah! thanks for reminding me I also need to book train tickets
It seems my little brother is not content to kill himself just with cigarettes
@ben_nuttall I think it was coffee once
@JanvierUK *he* is!
#ff @CarnivalOfMath because I suppose I have obligations as a host now. No. 85, out this week at… is very good though
nice! Poincare disc tiling coasters:…
@Talithin maybe later. I'm trying to work out how to write a hyperbolic orienteering game that was suggested at Newcastle @MathsJam
@Talithin maybe. Just trying to find stuff in hyperbolic space, to see how people navigate. For example, are landmarks useful?
how is "problem X is undecidable" a positive result? I'd ask if something *is* decidable.
Writing haskell again. This is my brain's happy place. Everything is soft and bounces back only so very slightly when you push it.
my hotmail was hacked again! Sorry to anyone who received very enthusiastic emails from me about enlargement
canonic n = tail . map snd $ scanl (\(x,d) y -> if x>=y then (x-y,1) else (x,0)) (n,0) (reverse $ takeWhile (<= n) (tail fibs))
that tweet brought to you by Haskell, God's Own Programming Language
@Electrokittie I would say a "girl next door" typically has a bit more meat on her
does BT throttle downloads of PDFs? I'm at my mum's house and they're taking ages, while everything else, even on the same sites, is fast
@for_the_winn use gist
depressed I have no local maths hero. @peterrowlett has George Green, of "Green's Theorem" fame. I have William Shanks, who got π wrong.
I've summed up some more Interesting Esoterica. There are some corkers!…
@natachitas EXCELLENT profile picture! Where is it from?
@ellenirites I wish I was! My mum's roast is still at least half an hour away
@outofthenorm2 have the courage of your convictions! Either you believe it's worthwhile or you don't
this is fun
dear windows team: why does it take fully 30 seconds to open the control panel for a bluetooth headset?
@CloudoidLtd beautiful
This was underappreciated: interesting esoterica 3 - orange peels, homophonic quotient groups, nomograms and word death…
@Electrokittie I have a friend who is very good and a nice chap. Could ask him which class he runs
hah, people are already getting to my site by searching for the solutions to the puzzles in the Dara O'Briain adverts. Sorry to disappoint!
Flawless dismount by my beard. 6.0s all round, even from the Russian judge. A great prospect for #london2012
@brittneybean languages can be objectively bad:
@brittneybean the fact people use PHP doesn't make it not a bad language. But I shouldn't engage with Jeff Atwood, it only encourages him
@brittneybean which I disagree with, but I want twitter to be a happy place so I'll stop there
Is there something like google (search for haskell functions by type signature) for units of measurement?
hooray! my quiet suggestion to the postgrad events organiser to use the bcc field has worked: no more 3mb headers in emails!
@Htbaa sorry, I meant hoogle not google. That does the haskell search thing.
@badmachinery hydraulic, not pneumatic? I don't want your pipe leaking fluids in my house
I picked exactly the wrong moment to leave the office.
@peterrowlett April @MathsJam is next week?! Crikey. Going to have to give up on writing up March then. Good idea to include the photos link
@standupmaths it's excellent that we live so far in the future that a retro games shop exists
@walkingrandomly could you add that as a snapshot on please?
Kickstarter idea: fund a documentary crew to follow me in my search for someone who doesn't like The Big Lebowski. Target: $2 million
@mathsinthecity I could really do with one at the moment! It's tipping it down up here
@Electrokittie @ellenirites I've just googled her. You are quite mistaken about her face
A nice Penrose tiling generator (via…)
@DanielColquitt I find Bill Evans "Peace Piece" soothes me when code doesn't work
Tom Lehrer is still alive. This is a good world, the one we live in.
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett how much of an effect do they have though? I've never used tags on my blog and I have very good google rankings
a cool dude to follow on google+: olivier gerard -…
@AdrenalGBR congratulations! I will buy you a drink at MathsJam
@eassessscotland the link to join the e-assessment association ( is broken
@eassessscotland and is there a reason you have your own copyright notice instead of CC BY-NC, which is effectively the same licence?
@brittneybean @songdropapp curses, now what twitter name will I use for my fansite for the avant-garde Transdniestrian artist, Songdro Papp?
@hornmaths ask @stecks, she's in charge of the email and website
Erdos: a web interface to the google GraphViz API -…
@pkrautz but isn't google how people search for things these days? I can't remember the last time I searched for anything using tags
@ColinTheMathmo @walkingrandomly @ben_nuttall is there a well-known place to download infinite sequences such as primes, digits of p, etc?
@ColinTheMathmo @walkingrandomly @ben_nuttall if not, would it be worth setting one up? eg keep sending sequence elements until you stop it
@ben_nuttall @ColinTheMathmo @walkingrandomly maybe something like… would give you 1000 digits of pi in a plain file
40 posts in, I'm beginning to regret deciding to retag all of the posts on the @aperiodical
@outofthenorm2 @aperiodical works for me. What do you get? The links on names are just to their google+ profiles, thought it was polite.
@outofthenorm2 @aperiodical ahh, it's set to limited visibility. Seems the original post is also hidden. Not sure if I should just quote it
@walkingrandomly @ColinTheMathmo @ben_nuttall not necessarily. It's definitely quick to just download a list, if that's all you need
@walkingrandomly @ColinTheMathmo @ben_nuttall and especially if you don't have Mathematica (or Maple or whatever)
@walkingrandomly I can install that on my home PC... but if I'm just writing a quicky python script, feeding a file in is more convenient
@Electrokittie only three spokes, so the only potential outraged party is the residents of the Isle of Man
@christianp @Electrokittie why did I only see three spokes there? I might be having neurological problems. Eesh.
I don't think @stecks promoted this when she posted it, so I will: her experience of presenting at Science Showoff…
I've been thinking about hyperbolic space lately, so this grabbed my attention: Hyperbolic Buckyballs:
@outofthenorm2 I've edited the post, quoting Rongmin. This journalism thing's hard.
Does anyone know a good, non-chain, pizza place that delivers to Tynemouth?
I agree that switching off escalators saves energy, @My_Metro, but please make sure the train uses the platform where they're still running
The yachts on the Tyne are all mine all mine, the yachts on the Tyne are all mine. #geordieoligarch
Any player linked to NUFC by the Chronicle, I will buy. #geordieoligarch
Greggs is now free at the point of service, just like the NHS. #geordieoligarch
Behold the 100-foot sculpture of a raised middle finger I have erected off the coast at Sunderland. #geordieoligarch
@standupmaths can you tile a sphere in H3 with hexagons? Zero curvature - negative curvature = positive curvature, right? #badatgeometry
No better than the soviets: @Electrokittie has divided Catan in half
@mathpunk according to etymonline, no…
excellent! every ipad owner should have one:…
@elinoroberts I've been considering getting a bike. Days like this are the reason I defer my decision
@elinoroberts so, in summary, the wuss vote says "stay indoors"
phew! Every post on the @aperiodical is now retagged sensibly.
I left an entire hour to get the metro in to central station. Looks like I will be using all of that plus or minus 2 minutes
Reader, I arrived with 15 minutes to spare. And just behind the mechanics, who are here to fix my train, which has apparently broken down.
arrived in Birmingham. This room is so hot even my tweets are m͇͔͉͖̪e̙͔̟̜͇̮l͖̤͖̪̲̫̗͓t̫̞͔i̭̭̖̠̻͉̯n͉̞̝g̭
I like the way Ian Agol writes his slides.… Talking of which, I need to write mine for tomorrow morning's #hestemsoc
Two years ago, I started collecting interesting maths esoterica. Today, I have found its platonic ideal:
My view of the sink. But wait, what's that reflected in the tap?
Why, it's a warning sign, for midgets' eyes only!
Similarly: where is the keyhole? Was this place designed for children?
.@standupmaths oh, Weng Weng! I know him!…
@peterrowlett I'm going to wander around campus for an hour. Anything I should see, or are you around?
@peterrowlett going to the Lapworth museum because it's the only one open. It might ROCK my world?
Basking like an iguana in the warm midlands sun.
Brummies: I'm currently in the bullring with an hour to spare. Does your city contain anything interesting?
@peterrowlett managed to write some code to do the thing you want while sitting in the train waiting room, but forgot one thing! Arg!
lawks a mercy! @Andrew_Taylor's Grime Dice and voting essay on the @aperiodical has really seized the popular imagination.
@eddequincey thanks!
Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight! 7pm at the Charles Grey pub. Bring a friend, bring some maths.
Oh man, I just forgot to add the outstandingly witty postscript I was planning for this commit message. I make a sad face now :(
oh my god, there is an anti-dog-racing group called Greyt Exploitations. Inappropriate pun time!
@jamesgrime I've only ever found it irritating but plenty of people love it, so it must be a personality type thing.
@Simon_Woodhead the card game Mad Abel is good. Princess in a Castle puzzle also very good. All on my blog
@jamesgrime you're only 6 years older than me! That doesn't seem like an insurmountable deficit. And: is there a Little Professor fan club?
@peterrowlett @stecks I've stopped tumblring because they don't get tweeted. I'll tumblr afterwards.
@peterrowlett @stecks phone, tweeting does seem to just work now. I apologise for the forthcoming torrent of duplicate tweets
Getting my new staff email and smartcard and everything has been suspiciously easy
@aperfect UP????
@rockhyrax seen this? BBC News - The rock hyrax surprises with syntax skills"
it doesn't always pay to kill your siblings: ……) (found via
Who loves butter chicken? CP loves butter chicken! Is it true? Yes I do I do I do I do-ooo!
Ah! So that headache was a symptom of curry withdrawal.
two kinds of people go to bed before 9: children and WINNERS. #yawn
@nulibsage that's the most transparently rewritten-press-release story I've ever seen on BBC tech news. Shameful!
google chrome's auto translate should also do "this recipe is in stupid American units. Would you like to see it in metric?"
cropped this scan of Durer's melancholia to 666x666. SECRET CODES‽‽ #danbrown
I now have a favourite comic book, in case comic books fans ever corner me and ask for an opinion about spider/bat/super/whateverman
and that comic book is: COW PUNCHER…
Once again, the metro has pulled in to St James at the platform where the escalators are turned off.
This mad old women has taken the opportunity to walk down what is normally the up escalator.
Tiny fact: Alan Turing's Erdős number is 5 --…
@aPaulTaylor make a javascript version! javascript is so much nicer for writing little maths things in than java
@stecks due to a lack of foresight tonight's chicken empanadas are now tomorrow's chicken empanadas and I'm eating ready-meal crispy duck :(
made for @aPaulTaylor, who wanted an easy way to screengrab just some maths: a MathJax applet called "make big maths":…
have fallen instantly in love with the continuity announcer on film4.
@RANIELDANSON is it my mum? Can't watch, too busy eating fast food
!!!… (warning: bare naked manchests and future-giggles)
@standupmaths @theredroaster very nice, but what's hyperbolic about it?
@Andrew_Taylor @stecks @markstaylor a robust is what fembots have. #OED2332AD
Finally, here's what happened at March's @MathsJam, reconstructed out of a haze of tiredness.… April's recap is imminent
every time I read this, panel 6 is as if I've never read it before…
Shakingly tired. Empanada failure doubtless a factor.
the onion's autistic news reporter is brilliant yet again…
thanks @ajk_44, @SparksMaths and whoever runs Cardiff Maths Jam for your photos
@AdrenalGBR I've forgotten how that integer partitions grid you showed at MathsJam works. Do you think you could write something about it?
I'm not comfortable with Newcastle doing so well.
In English, "first" and "second" have nothing lexically to do with "one" and "two"...
...We just need one more word to go between "second" and "third" and we can finally start counting from 0 like civilised human beings.
I suggest "first, second, twird, third, ..."
"twird" a homophone of "turd", of course.
@pkrautz isn't that how "third" is pronounced by ze Chermans?
considering writing my new, correct, ordinals into the @aperiodical's style book.
@pkrautz ah, jetzt verstehe ich! As is traditional, English mathematics is a step behind the Germans.
@pkrautz aw, now you've got me looking in the book of numbers to see if anyone does do it my way
Wait a minute. What?
@pkrautz difficult. We have separate author/category feeds, which might be best. Certainly don't aggregate the news.
@pkrautz maybe just aggregate the "features" feed?…
@pkrautz gosh, well, it'd certainly bulk out that news section, wouldn't it? Time to cc @peterrowlett and @stecks and see what they think
Here's April's Newcastle @MathsJam recap:… Subtitle: Wine tasters on a (hyperbolic) plane!
have developed a very expensive cloudy apple juice habit
@Samuel_Hansen you've been quiet lately. Are you hard at work making my relatively prime investment worthwhile?
@Samuel_Hansen for a less gregarious personage than yourself, that would be. Never mind, I'll get by with however much Hansen is going.
@christianp @Samuel_Hansen I think I meant, "that would *not be quiet*". I've confused myself. Eugh.
@ben_nuttall I bet it's something stupid like the calculation only being fired on the keydown event
gonna have a glass of milk! Ain't none of you can stop me! You're all miles away and the milk is very very close
"You can now enjoy free John Lewis wifi here." - If google doesn't have what I want, will they order it in for me?
two unit tests into my expected suite of hundreds, I have found a bug. Super.
@stecks @aPaulTaylor Newcastle are doing appallingly at the melbourne puzzle hunt. We just looked at your stats and did a sad face
@jcoglan I am, and I want to know if using QUnit is a bad idea. Writing my first unit tests today.
@jcoglan super! Thanks. I'll give that article a good read before carrying on
@stecks they've called themselves "team badger". I'm avoiding involvement
@PinkLaneCoffee my colourblind eyes can't see the word "Pink" in that logo
WOW changing options in Pagelines is hard if you don't have the paid-for version. What a business model!
@aPaulTaylor @stecks I need to find more people who will play german games with me. I have catan, need to play agricola and carcassonne
@stecks I'm not a great conference-goer. I'm sure I'll have a reason to visit Manchester eventually though
@HilariousCow you've seen how many people appear on the forums for those tools asking for help making an MMORPG, right?
@stecks or: you could visit Newcastle, and it would be Catandemonium
can anyone think of a boolean expression that would confirm that != and = have equal precedence and left-associate?
this looks like a fun thing for @MathsJam:… (from @maanow)
@monsoon0 pertinently, we're launching a new maths magazine/blog today, The Aperiodical. Please have a look and RT
@monsoon0 thanks. What prompted your question about maths sites? Were you thinking of something similar to us?
@divbyzero a few of us are launching a new maths blog, The @aperiodical,
with Klein's birthday goodies. Please RT?
@undunc a few of us are launching a new maths blog, The @aperiodical,
with Klein's birthday goodies. Please RT?
@alexbellos a few of us are launching a new maths blog, The @aperiodical,
with Klein's birthday goodies. Please RT?
@nrichmaths a few of us are launching a new maths blog, The @aperiodical,
with Klein's birthday goodies. Please RT?
@danaernst a few of us are launching a new maths blog, The @aperiodical,
with Klein's birthday goodies. Please RT?
(anyone also following the people I just mass-tweeted, I can only apologise. I'll never do it again)
@monsoon0 like, Serious Maths? Or maths in general, as part of the culture?
@JanvierUK or open a guillotine factory
@nulibsage don't suppose you could help a NCL student out and RT a link to my new maths magazine/blog, @aperiodical:
@nulibsage thanks!
@Bishnavitch well now I know where you're going on holiday this summer
Well, today is going about as well as it possibly can.
@outofthenorm2 those notes are lovely! They make me miss my Tablet PC
@walkingrandomly trying to update my JScript exponential function to be accurate on complex^(int) and fast on (complex)^(complex). Ideas?
@walkingrandomly the current code:… (floating-point errors abound!)
@walkingrandomly ah, good idea. Thanks!
@Gelada @peterrowlett I said, "I would suggest not tweeting that kind of thing"
wow! Thanks for the hugely positive response to the @aperiodical. Today has been amazing.
@peterrowlett @ben_nuttall you're welcome to rewrite it, but I reckon "has a beard" is definitely in the top 3 Peter facts
@peterrowlett I don't know how you had the energy to write up all those news stories last night. Bravo.
@standupmaths umbrella husbandry should be part of every school's citizenship lessons
least awful desktop/chrome twitter client which supports multiple accounts? I don't like TweetDeck
@DanielColquitt preliminary findings: twimbow only allows max 3 accounts, hootsuite abhorrent in every way
@hornmaths maybe this?…
can anyone help me with doing maths on complex numbers in javascript?… (cc @walkingrandomly)
we've decided to send Cushing to Iraq as a safety precaution. Abdul has been telling us about the excellent swimming lessons he was given
my nana has expressed an interest in twitter. Be good, people, or I will unleash her on you.
stop underestimating your audience, Hollywood! "the pirates! in an adventure with scientists" is "the pirates: band of misfits" in the US
@CardColm What would the minimum score for a question be? Allowing 0 would punish errors enormously
@ColinTheMathmo thanks for submitting that @aperiodical story to HN. We'll see how it goes this time round.
burning a CD-R like it's 1999
server still down, will be for at least another hour or so. Those dying to see the popular post can use coral mirror:…
how middle class am I? I've installed a minecraft mod where AIs do the mining for me and I take what they produce. #marxcraft
@ColinTheMathmo yes, caching is on now. Thanks again for sharing it. Good job this only happened on day 2
As a mathematician, I think I'm qualified to extrapolate from these data.
@outofthenorm2 nice, but what's non-obvious there? I couldn't see an example that shocked me
@Andrew_Taylor for Balrogs, it's more of a commuter village than a town. No shared civic space. They had trouble getting past planning.
@Electrokittie ...yes, coincidence. That's why they don't think being a criminal depends on the shape of your head any more
@ColinTheMathmo 7749 yesterday, 3403 so far today
right, I'm finally going to record this fibonacci grids video. Just you see if I don't.
@peterrowlett ha! on a serious note: visitors from HN don't click around. Hits on launch day had a much bigger spread round the site
@peterrowlett very, very few. Beware that the referrers breakdown doesn't accurately catch everybody
@peterrowlett umm... don't know.
My second ever #ff is for @aperiodical, my new maths magazine/blog I started with a couple of friends. Please have a look!
@ColinTheMathmo they dropped off a couple of hours ago. Seems only the top 10 or so links on the front page get any attention
the smallest measurable quantity of waste is the time between you placing your foot on the opposite pavement and the green man lighting up
@ColinTheMathmo not sure if I do. If you'd asked me before...
@ColinTheMathmo ah yes, I do! Will email when I get home
@jcoglan I used deck.js recently. Didn't have any trouble
Dear Nature: would it kill you to run your old (1997!) articles through OCR? And cite survey data properly?
@kenjilamb very interesting! I'll have to look into this later.
twice today I've been thwarted by paywalls hiding academic research reported in the news, despite having access to my uni library!
@Talithin way ahead of you dude:… (but thanks!)
trying to find a discount code for something. Google ad said 40% off, page said 30% off, code says 20% off. #deflationaryspiral
just recorded the first Aperiodcast with @peterrowlett and @stecks. Out soon at the @aperiodical
must stop accidentally following back people from this account instead of my various others
hwo did I have D.A.N.C.E. in my head before turning on Radio Nova? Am I receiving it through my fillings now?
@Tony_Mann @jamesgrime contrapositive is "if this isn't a new, detailed talk, then you haven't seen me talk before"
@Tony_Mann @jamesgrime my gut says no. I was hoping the contrapositive would say something funny, but it didn't
I'm all for challenging stereotypes but I don't think this ad has been placed particularly well.
although, I suppose they might be going for the up-all-night-trying-to-do-a-calculation-on-wolfram-alpha demographic
full disclosure: I have no idea what that product is meant to do
@standupmaths would you like to promote those with a post on @aperiodical?
I could've saved myself half an hour if I'd written the tests for the sin function before the ones for the gamma function.
@Tony_Mann an amount on a different order of magnitude
@Tony_Mann I see your pedantry and raise you: looks like five things to me
@mike_geogebra excellent! I was just trying to show someone the web version a few weeks ago and couldn't find the page
@mike_geogebra do you want a post on the @aperiodical about this, or is it too early?
@mike_geogebra let's wait until June, then
@standupmaths now you've only got another ~200 Reuleaux mechanisms to reproduce:…
@outofthenorm2 ... no?
@outofthenorm2 @standupmaths arg, stupid cookies! Terrible URL scheme. Try this:…
@walkingrandomly I bet if you posted that as a comment on… good things would happen
"Amending to your basket". I hate you, whoever you are.
@JanvierUK nope!
aargrgagrg what is the point in only releasing your EP on iTunes?
@MarcusduSautoy @Kit_Yates_Maths wasn't that famously used by a famous mathematician?
this month's emusicsmas has been so barren I'm going to download the new Sebastien Tellier without even listening to it
This girl's makeup has made her just staggeringly ugly, like a Hogarth caricature or a grown-up from an edgy mid-evening Nicktoon.
Yes yes the male gaze etc etc, but I can't fathom what look she's going for. "Groucho Marx crossed with the Infanta of Castile"?
Was given a free travel mug at Olive and Bean. Much like cash ISAs, this is free stuff just for being middle class and I now feel guilty
@brittneybean wow indeed! This is the first google result for "Lord Ashtar":…
Both I and the tramp who smells of wee think this woman flirting very loudly on the phone is the most annoying thing on the train
@kenfodder what happens if you bing
@kenfodder ah no, I cleverly reversed the letters
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MarcusduSautoy maybe I'm thinking of Smullyan:… (can't believe I just googled "smullyan pickup lines")
@mathpunk that's the kind of logic that leads to things like…
Those who liked the prime factorisation jumper (…) can now buy their own -… (via @ColinTheMathmo)
@pkrautz I do not! I've always been trying to prod my boss to look at European collaboration.
@HoeJodgkiss where's that from?
I think every mathematician aspires to leave a grave as excellent as Boltzmann's:…
@matheknitician just spotted your Aperiodical thread on ravelry. Thanks!
Instead of starting words with tw- because you're on twitter, change words normally starting with tw- to something else in normal speech
if I can just get pelve people to join my campaign it'll be worth it. Until then, I'll be piddling my thumbs and peaking my panger
there are enough Paris streets named after mathematicians to fill a Monopoly board. Let's do this.…
@brittneybean they won't stop finding new ways to assault our senses until teenagers can text Lynx at each other on the train.
this is why chemists should be discouraged…
A probability distribution in the flesh! Like a naturally-occurring Galton board
oh my god, that guy who was in Doctors five years ago is still in Doctors! Is that long enough for a missing persons report?
I finally have some time to catch up on a few weeks' worth of @trackinthebox. This week's picks look good.
@brittneybean can you remember when everyone set up their own front for microsoft's catalogue? It was ridiculous.
having an emotional moment about how useful is.
@haggismaths snarks could be the solutions to a 4-player edge-colouring game?
@JanvierUK yes, just imagine if he'd had an awkwardly long name like Kenneth
why does ctrl-0 set the zoom to 125% in IE? Just... why?
I had a dream last night that I received an awkward amount of change after paying for something with a note. What could it possibly mean?
@standupmaths recommendations for mathsy toys for a toddler? You bought some for your nephew, didn't you?
Boo! RT @NTCouncilTeam: Conservatives hold Cullercoats, St Mary's, Tynemouth & Monkseaton North
this means the tedious parking permit campaign will continue. Get over it, selfish tories!
It's 2012. Why is copying text out of a PDF still so hard? Surely someone's written a PhD on inferring capitalisation, at least?
@danaernst is… the canonical version of your futurama talk?
@danaernst ta!
@danaernst what happened to the Sage Notebook bit, for trying out permutations?
@danaernst well, sagenb is being very slow for me on something else at the moment, so I'd guess not
@ColinTheMathmo "why are there infinitely many infinities, and why are N and R not the same one?"
emusic only has jazz these days, so my library fills with jazz, so recommends more jazz. Help I'm stuck in a loop with a smooth beat
@CardColm @ColinTheMathmo video or it isn't true!
@Gelada @ColinTheMathmo what mathematician doesn't know about groups? Applied? It was in year 2 of my bachelor's.
@Gelada @ColinTheMathmo well, they're on the IGCSE and being talked about for GCSE, so hopefully that won't last much longer
@zetta3pt14face @Kit_Yates_Maths @MarcusduSautoy so I suppose on Absolute Radio pop is bigger?
why do the previews on emusic take 10 seconds to fade up to full volume? They're only 30 seconds long!
@Gelada I think if GCSE maths got split into "functional" and "pure" bits, someone wanted (permutation) group theory in the pure bit.
is this the one yahoo! answers page that excuses the rest?…
I love an opportunity to visit Ian's Shoelace Site - #valueadded @FakeElsevier
@peterrowlett @MouldS it does say 1.2g of salt per portion in very small text just above...
@peterrowlett ah! Now I have parsed your sentence differently and see you knew that
Start then learning young. Might have been outmathsed at this birthday party :(
Nerd cred restored: out of all the mathematicians at the party, one kid said I looked the geekiest.
just drew a perfect 400x400px box freehand. #touchme
@monsoon0 another nice example is that the continued fraction (2,3,5,7,11,13,...) *almost* agrees with one of Renyi's parking constants
@stecks I have coloured in my Word Split. What am I looking at?
compound noun required: the moment when you finally pick up a screwdriver to fix that thing that's been annoying you for months
The Atlantic on Blow - the missing copy…
@standupmaths people like you are the reason so few trains these days have a dedicated record store carriage. Buy local!
Google Reader 0. Forget all you inbox zero types, this is a way bigger achievement.
out now in the BBC Shop: the Today programme baiting people to shout at each other about nonsense topics at 8:58am - the complete collection
@MarcusduSautoy no MC Escher pose? Surely they'll let you pick it up if it's for art.
Microsoft's advice on writing fast javascript or, in other words, "we're not as clever as the v8 people. You fix it." -…
brb, flagellating myself in penance for that design decision causing 1000x slowdown. Stand by my comments about IE's javascript though.
help, I'm watching Austrian folk music videos on youtube and I can't stop. Every video is worse than the last!
@RANIELDANSON can't work out if that's brilliant or stupid
the contagion is spreading!… How are there so many Dutch songs about skiing?
I take it all back! When I have offspring, I will enforce singing of this on all car trips:… EVEN THE SCHOOL RUN
@RANIELDANSON never before has a tweet led to so much happiness
@JanvierUK learnt : learned :: meant : meaned. America : wrong :: UK : right.
@MathWhizz @aperiodical @lostinrecursion oh, thanks! I'm pretty pleased with it myself.
@JanvierUK the argument could be made that they went months without *a* government but they had plenty of others to keep things ticking over
@mathsinthecity The Field Guide to Math on the National Mall -… - from @maanow
I've added a cuboctahedron made of curler units (…) to the touchy-feely zone
I'm open to claims that it isn't a cuboctahedron, by the way. Not sure the symmetries are right.
@pkrautz what's prompted this?
@aperfect GCSE maths fail: equal area on the graph should represent equal measure. 1 year for new team looks bigger than for an older one.
@mathpunk sum(i=1 to 2000, log i). Approximate with an integral if you wish.
@mathpunk so precise answer from Python is 13,206.5. Integral approximation on paper gave 13,202.8.
@mathpunk sorry!! that was base e. Precise: 5735.5; approx: 5733.9
@CardColm I tried that a while ago with our resident card trick fanatic (and a big fan of yours!) We got the angles hilariously wrong.
@RANIELDANSON I always make a point of sitting next to him if I can. Everyone else steers clear, so I get plenty of space.
@RANIELDANSON I am... acquainted... with the smell of old urine, yes.
when I grow up I want to be one of these skeletons…
What's the equivalent of "snail mail" for printed literature like books? I can't think of anything equally cheesy and rhyming.
@Samuel_Hansen fortunately, there seems to be one, and you're part of it.
@pkrautz oh, I suppose there's that. I sort of hate it, though. The beautiful thing about "snail mail" is the mollusk non-sequitur.
@pkrautz @Samuel_Hansen I dunno, we've done pretty well for the last ~3000 years, despite various systems of patronage coming and going
an hour ago, I decided to get up to turn the heating on. Still hasn't happened. Can I actually stand the cold, or might my legs fall off?
@pkrautz yeah, but the uncommunicative mathematician isn't a recent invention.
this might just be it - RT @rmehigan: @christianp e-mail vs snail-mail, e-books vs .....tree-books ?
@pkrautz I think this has boiled down to a question that requires a few years' scholarship and library-usage to answer. So not for twitter.
@CardColm @alexbellos shameless!
@IanMulvany the interface is so bad I'm now using tweetdeck. So, very bad.
@Samuel_Hansen @pkrautz oh absolutely. I'm just not worried about pure maths disappearing due to lack of communication.
Shelf discipline has completely collapsed in this cupboard. No idea where anything is any more. Considering joining the Foreign Legion.
@GPRPichot @pkrautz @Samuel_Hansen Cedric Villani is excellent!
@Samuel_Hansen @pkrautz and I'm not worried that that won't happen. Man, I'm bad at articulating opinions.
@Samuel_Hansen @pkrautz so what I mean is: pure mathmos on the whole are uncommunicative, but there are enough evangelisers to balance out
My prime factorisation t-shirt by @jgrahamc has arrived!…
@aperiodical @Gelada @pkrautz @Samuel_Hansen a point-counterpoint might be fun. Can I find a serious mathematician to back my side, though?
@Samuel_Hansen well, I'm still just a postgrad and my PhD has sort of stalled, so my opinions don't really have the weight of experience
@peterrowlett nooooo! I still have things to do tonight!
why does it take five seconds to paste plain text into windows live mail? Why is there no better free mail client for windows? AGRSGSGFDSAF
@HoeJodgkiss very nice!
@DanielColquitt I really disagree. I've never liked thunderbird.
making myself stay up so there'll be a good program on the radio to fall asleep to later. Feels like bad logic.
The seagulls are either very upset or very excited about this chap fixing the roof they normally sit on
@HoeJodgkiss this might be good reference material for you if you're still mathsing:
@peterrowlett @pkrautz double retweet! Proudest man in Britain?
why would the PDF version of an article cost money while the HTML version is free? HTML is more convenient.
@komiga no, not complaining. Just confused. Maybe I'm missing something.
@peterrowlett it gives you the citation with page numbers in the HTML.
@peterrowlett although, as the HTML is freely-available, I'd cite it with a DOI
@peterrowlett they've put markers for the page numbers on the side of the HTML
oh! Might have solved it! It's possible I loaded the HTML version of the article while at uni, but now I'm back at home. Doiii
I've recorded a pretty OK 10 minutes of maths exposition but video editing on windows is either expensive or doesn't work. Suggestions?
@IanMulvany That looks dire! Are those breadcrumbs?
@aperfect thank god Jayce is at the end of that cavalcade of humdrum. But no Ulysses?!
Made with one cut! (and a lot of folds)
@jurieongames @danielpunkass well, now I know what our US version is going to be called
@Samuel_Hansen less tweeting! more editing! Hyaaa!
@Samuel_Hansen want to know what I did today? 5 games of Company of Heroes and a kirigami butterfly.
@Samuel_Hansen oh, I forgot the enchiladas. I made some OK enchiladas.
@Samuel_Hansen then I must admit defeat.
@haggismaths that would make a good Snapshot on @mathsinthecity
@RANIELDANSON we should envy these people for their ability to enjoy such tedious lives
the documentation for Asymptote is so poor! raaaaaaage!!!
.@CardColm is cooking up something really nice for the @aperiodical. Should be out on Monday. Be there or be square! (or is that circle?)
@jcoglan yes! This is what puts me off using Ruby! You have put it into words which I agree with!
@outofthenorm2 great post! Like appearances of Elvis, appearances of the Fibonacci sequence are massively more satisfying when based in fact
Hamilton is an anagram of "math lion". Didn't help him calculated his fuel yesterday though!
mysteriously, several days later, Windows Movie Maker is now able to open this file. Really need to buy a better program.
You're through to the reality helpdesk. An operator will assist you with your paradox shortly. Please hold.…
@pkrautz umm, apropos what? Getting npm on windows is hard (or was, haven't looked recently) so I haven't done much with node.
@pkrautz thought so. Is this to do with the people who want pre-rendered SVG?
in just before the bell: today is May's first unambiguous date! Join hands with me, America! We can understand each other for 18 more days!
@HoeJodgkiss get it as a tattoo. Can't rely on the t-shirt still being there when it's relevant.
Another Aperiodcast, covering the last almost-fortnight on the @aperiodical, with @stecks and @peterrowlett:…
@Andrew_Taylor your non-transitive dice article has been picked up by Information Week:…
hah! That article available selectively in HTML (tweets passim) is now PDF only. What am I doing wrong, PNAS?
Domino's, Imma let you finish, but Piccante make the best damn takeaway pizza on Tyneside!
I recorded a video about the recent flat torus embedding. It features tori of both the Slinky and plasticine varieties:
@hornmaths at a guess: first one plot y^2 against x, and second one plot 1/y against x
@walkingrandomly @aperiodical we have, and I thought it was in the news queue, but apparently not. I'm no CAS person: why Octave over Sage?
@walkingrandomly as I don't know enough to make an informed decision, would you like your post reposted verbatim on the aperiodical?
@jcoglan *certain* Android browsers don't support it. My Transformer does, but my Desire HD doesn't.
Newcastle @MathsJam is next Tuesday, the 22nd! Charles Grey pub, 7pm. Yaaaaaaay!
.@aperiodical yo dawg I heard I like adding, so I added adding to my adding so I can add while I add... #sorry
@walkingrandomly email
this is the best defence of Nikola Tesla I've ever seen:
discrete and discreet - any more #anagrhomophones?
Yahoo! Answers, you have redeemed yourself:… @MathsJam
I nominate you, woman on the opposite platform, for Best Dressed Person Today. Sartorial excellence deserves to be recognised!
Dude is sitting in his car. Listening to panpipe music. Waiting for his wife to come out of Boots. Silently hating everything.
@walkingrandomly I'm expecting an email from you so I can set you up as a post author on the site
@NoelAnn @IMAmaths it can't, really. There is a project called JSXGraph which does (and uses MathJax for notation):
@NoelAnn @IMAmaths but broadly speaking there isn't a perfect solution for drawing graphs like there is for displaying mathematical notation
dear IE's developer tools: who does '{...}' help? I know it's an object! Literally everything in javascript is!
@ben_nuttall hey, those Pennines aren't going to cross themselves
@elinoroberts I had the same thought in pretty much the same place this afternoon
Thinking "hey, I should shazam this song so I can download it". Realising that I'm listening to my own music. #excellenttaste
@EliotBall nice pictures! Were they made in Mathematica?
@EliotBall I don't have Mathematica. Coming to realise with my recent blogging efforts that I should pick a CAS to learn.
@CardColm very clever!
@EliotBall Look North makes Look North look like a joke
@peterrowlett yes, mission complete. All in favour of closing the site?
@CuriousatLife there's a typo in your bio: "exercice"
I was not sensible with chillies tonight. It's not that they're too hot, it's that I seem to have got them all over my face. #painmoustache
@Plattsc I know! I'm really desperate though!
very nice fact about fibonacci numbers!…
I know the NYT is pretty fruity about house style, but "1 in 3 Americans _are_ obese"?
Amount I am unhappy about the new version of pagelines losing all my widgets: 15 kilofuries.
The fury is defined as the amount of anger required to boil 1g of water just by glaring at it.
@EliotBall fury does not diminish with distance, as evidenced by Nikita Khrushchev's volcanic wobbly thrown during the Cuban missile crisis.
@mathsinthecity larger subway networks tend to a common topology:…
@alexbellos so if P=NP, does that mean we're all diminutive Belgian detectives?
I apparently dropped my payslip on the metro latest week. The driver has posted it back to me! @My_Metro, give J Leigh a pay rise!
@My_Metro or, congratulate yourselves for running such good customer service.
Cushing's evil doppelganger is stalking the halls
@gingerbeardman who are the users? We've just given up on textile because it wasn't worthwhile for the hassle it causes with whitespace
@jamesgrime aww, I printed it out but my non-Pringles tube is *just* too big
@peterrowlett oh, she changed her name! Thanks for pointing that out
@standupmaths yet again, the North East eschews nerdy comedy. We've got a ruddy Science City!
@franklinheath @jamesgrime mine was as big as it could be. I just had a very wide tube. Going to try with avreal pringles tube today
eesh, pagelines needs upgrading AGAIN. Blame me if the @aperiodical disappears for a bit.
wow, it worked! Now watch as I blitz the news queue. Steady yourselves, this might be more maths news than you can comfortably handle.
man, if I had a pound for every time someone has asked me this:…
do you ever get confused about which way an email is going and write your own name in the To: box?
Man, I wish I had the kind of autism that leaves you with the mental ability of a child. This dude is ENJOYING the stairs.
@Samuel_Hansen just remembered I need to arrange those maths communication questions! They're back on the imaginary to-do list.
@alexbellos do you know Philipp Legner? The site does look great but very ambitious for one person!
Dust omelette! It just occurred to me that I've never cleaned my tumble dryer's filter
@JanvierUK because that is what you perceive it to be.
SPACE CORTÉS: a game where the aliens are well-organised and technologically superior, but massively outnumbered by you, the puny humans.
@jamesgrime @franklinheath I'm on attempt no. 3. Turns out my printer needs "borderless printing", not just "normal-size printing", I think.
@Bishnavitch I've just noticed the sound on this maths-aid video is completely out of sync
@GhostMutt excellent quests!
@elinoroberts I have a planetarium question! A colleague was asked to provide JPEGs for a show, not something lossless. Is that normal?
this is how you sell paintbrushes!…
These buffalo burgers smell like cleaning product. I'm very confused.
@standupmaths take lots of pictures for @mathsinthecity!
I earned my PhD in discredited theories at the University of Derby Discarded Learning Centre
Group theory is *not* abstract nonsense, so stop saying it is.
have decided to be the change I want to see in the world and draw some maths to go on the walls of the department. Ideas?
@pkrautz is the new @MathJax https CDN address official yet? It still says cloudfront in the docs…
Tomorrow at Newcastle @MathsJam I will be making some maths propaganda posters to decorate my department's uninspiring walls.
@nulibsage when? Where? I might be able to not miss it this time
@nulibsage well then! Perhaps you can work in a plug for tonight's @MathsJam as a social media science thing
Reminder: Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight, 7pm, at the Charles Grey. I have a paper enigma machine, some fibonacci facts and a lot of puzzles
Danger: mathematicians at work
@nulibsage it has now:!/christianp/…
@hornmaths you might also like to try curler units:…
@MathsJam to CAM: but the deck is still shuffled, right?
@monsoon0 see…. Should end up looking like…
This is pretty excellent…
The uni has put a table tennis table outside my building. I don't think I'm ever going to do any work again.
@peterrowlett I can only think that's the case. Don't mind though.
Tynemouth Knobbly Knee Brigade out on manoeuvres. Visitors are warned that socks may be worn with sandals without warning.
@gingerbeardman yep. The net makes a satisfying CLANG when you hit it
I love the summer so much!…
defenestrating furniture until PHP gets its act together
PHP hate: staring at innocuous-looking lines of code to see if they have any side effects, or if they're exactly as stupid as they appear
@Htbaa the what what now? There's only one way to order parameters, isn't there?
...and now I've found an eval statement in this module's javascript. That's it. Prepare the napalm: this code is going to burn.
@stecks I am with a founder of the Melbourne puzzle hunt!
@HoeJodgkiss that exists? How do I watch it?
going to go down to the beach tomorrow and write the next @aperiodical round up. It's going to be good.
@jamesgrime @numberphile oh no, either you've scooped us or inadvertent synergies are happening. @aperiodical has a similar post brewing.
@jamesgrime @numberphile @aperiodical and we were all scooped by Conway and Guy 14 years ago.
@stecks it was Maurice Chiodo. He's a group theorist now.
@jamesgrime @numberphile & I'm a tiny bit disappointed you didn't fit in a "crore, what a palaver!" joke. Maybe that can be my contribution
New businesses: "It's Rude To Stair" (elevators); "Ply Captain and the World of Tomorrow" (origami)
@MathsJam who presented the folded-paper heart in a single cut at last year's big MathsJam? I'm having a total brain-blank
@stecks thanks!
pretty annoyed that I seem to have lost an entire post's worth of research, on a really interesting subject.
@NTWH @NorthEastNT "deadheading, edging and weeding" sound like the latest ways of wasting youth. eg "I lost my junkie son to deadheading".
and for my next trick, the news queue!
It's the last square day of the year. Previous square days: 16/4, 9/3, 4/2, 1/1.
@sjccmaths 3rd of September? That's the first day of school usually, isn't it?
rainbow origami street art…
@hornmaths it's well worth doing if you're physicsy, anyway.
Tynemouth is eerily empty.
@standupmaths I'm going to the Henry Moore thing at the science museum tomorrow. Are you by any chance around?
Weeping a little tear for unloved maths: the guides at the science museum had never heard of the Henry Moore exhibition in the maths hall
Oh. Maybe this is why: this is the whole exhibit
How recent? #disappointment
@peterrowlett still not clear enough. I reckon "@aperiodical triumvirand" would be better. #lahahahatin
@peterrowlett ...but wikipedia tells me it's just "triumvir". Well, I know what my bio will say, never mind yours.
For the first time in just over five years, my twitter bio has changed.
@peterrowlett @rmathematicus @Talithin I've spent half an hour looking for any information on what he did, and it seems none is available
@peterrowlett I like the "decoding tabloid news" tag
@standupmaths Unhelpful headline territory, right?
@peterrowlett should I comment on that?
mathematicians: how do you add a prime in LaTeX to denote, for example, function derivatives?…
@Nathan1123 it can, but is that an equilibrium solution?
@gingerbeardman I bet there's a sad story behind that lot all being in the charity shop at the same time
@standupmaths I look forward to the Betamax of your contemporary dance interpretation
@standupmaths wouldn't that be a cone?
Had a nice day at Kingston university giving a workshop on @NclNumbas. Now walking along the Thames back to the station.
@stecks that reminds me that I must get round to making a rhythmomachy board
@stevieb don't think so. Bill is probably going, though.
Finally listening to this week's #mathmaths. I hope Sam didn't say anything bad about me.
@monsoon0 it's in French! That's your problem.
@stecks that's the title of our post on the anti-Turingpalooza backlash.
@peterrowlett thanks for plugging the call for the interesting research. Nathan says still no submissions though :(
Bouncy little foals / running round telegraph poles / in a field near Stow-on-the-Wold.
Oh my god, Diana is on the front page of the Express. WHO IS STILL BUYING IT FOR THAT?
WANTED: reordering of the alphabet with the most contiguous words in it
@alexbellos would you like a new random number, or the same one? Because the one I put in before was, I believe, the most random.
Wolf moon sweater: check. Bag with 80s song lyrics scrawled on: check. Face full of contempt for life's bounty: yep. Sort of hate this guy!
A variety of geometric shapes each made with just one HTML element and a lot of CSS:…
@alexbellos whoops, that came from the wrong account! It was me! I've submitted another random number, anyway.
@rob_botch strictly contiguous. So SCAT has SCAT & CAT, but CART doesn't get CAT
I just don't have it in me to write a limerick. I just can't get the rhythm right in my head
@rob_botch not necessarily.
the link between a journal's impact factor and no. of citations of its papers is decreasing: (via Timothy Gowers on g+)
the word in the English language containing the most smaller words has 13 letters and 16 subwords, but is too rude for twitter!
sorry, that's the word with no repeated letters, containing the most contiguous subwords
@CardColm of words which use letters at most once, I have found the one which contains the most contiguous subwords, but it's very rudge
@CardColm I mean rude
Problems with the Mathematical Gazette: costs £99 a year; articles available online only as low-res scanned-in Word documents
Problems cont.: submissions by post only: two typed copies or floppy disk (surely not any more!); no online index of articles past 2008.
@stecks robot makes screen wall, sings happy song while doing so:
Estimated readership of the Mathematical Gazette: 7,000. Unique readers of the @aperiodical this month: >25,000. Apples and oranges, but...
@matheknitician @haggismaths ooh! A knitted version of this interpretation of the hilbert curve would look good:…
@MarcusduSautoy have you got links for the other two? I'll write a post on the @aperiodical about them
@CardColm not sure what you're talking about
@CardColm ah, I wasn't sure what to make of that, because it looked like you were still editing it
If this woman stopped gurning, maybe her train would arrive. #worthatry
@peterrowlett @stecks 1.2million HTTP requests on the aperiodical this month. My analysis tool needs beefing up...
@jfgregg I can assure you that isn't the policy. We've turned down a few things.
starting BlitzMax for the first time in forever. The impulse to create games has reappeared
it is now my life's goal to devalue the US dollar until I can afford one of these…
sumatrapdf opens postscript files on windows! Goodbye, rubbish GhostView! I hope to never see you again!
@Tony_Mann you're going! Excellent! Please write something about it afterwards, I'm so annoyed I can't go.
@monsoon0 not for the purposes of my post about Hay Festival, but if you'd like to say more about what you do, we have a forum for you.
@monsoon0 would you like to write a longer post for the aperiodical about it? And did anything ever come of your Aus maths site idea?
@mickybullock @SparksMaths keep an eye on…
@stecks my brother has some goslings too! We paid them a visit last weekend… (he also has a silly-expensive camera)
@OddballDave I didn't make much progress. I've put it online at if you want to have a look.
@JanvierUK never cancel a barbecue. That's how the weather wins.
Kimya Dawson on a furniture advert. Wasn't expecting that ever.
My greatest challenge as a mathematician is explaining the UK's car licence numbering scheme to my mum. 09,59,10,60,11,... WHAT IS SO HARD
We had to break out diagrams, but she claims to have got it now. #codingtheoryformothers
@icecolbeveridge I just go with "add 50 for the second half of the year"
@haggismaths remind me to send in a photo of princesses being captured by finite state automota living on graphs when it's a work day again
now taking orders for my new range of Provencal crockery, S'il te Plate.
Trying to explain to the dog that he is too old and stupid to be in charge of when he goes out for a poo.
Wow, the @aperiodical blasted past its 300th published post last week. Thanks for reading!
Newcastle Review of the London Review of Books: very good, but sometimes the reviewers don't bother to review the books they're reviewing
now measuring the passage of time in Watts-yawns: the 30-60 seconds at the start of a Reggie Watts track when he sets up his loops
@qikipedia Yo dawg...…
@peterrowlett @MoMath1 now we need to find a wealthy benefactor who will send one of us (me) to New York for opening day.
@acmescience excuse me where is your @aperiodical employee smart card? No, I think the only solution is to send me, expenses paid.
@acmescience I believe that trips to New York, and its associated eateries and museums of math, require the steady hand of an Editor.
@acmescience ...steady hand and healthy appetite of an Editor. Oh well, twitter's enforced brevity enforced the delivery of half a quip!
@SecondRateMinds @Samuel_Hansen best post yet on that blog.
Information Age: searching a PDF of a long article for a keyword. Idiot Age: your keyword contains a digraph for which TeX uses a ligature
@standupmaths I'm finding the progress of your beard much more interesting. Is it chilly up there?
@GeorgeBray @gingerbeardman "In contrast, in Britain many children get to know authority through their social workers." - teLOLograph
@standupmaths for pre-emptively answering that question with a question-begging question, do I get some Nordic tat?
@GeorgeBray @gingerbeardman for a much better essay about Japanese "shame" culture:…
@peterrowlett let's give that a little prod...
@ColinTheMathmo @standupmaths so glad this turned out OK. I was worried Colin was getting prize-crazy.
@standupmaths is #whereML sustainable? You're like parents looking for souvenirs for your kids, but your kids are everyone on the internet
Jessie Ware's songs are nice to listen to, but only when not accompanied by video. Is it her face? That is not a nice thought.
I think I want figure 20(a) of this paper on a t-shirt…
@mike_geogebra wow, what a lot of progress! It seems loads faster - how did that happen?
emailed a mathematician to ask for permission to use one of their figures in a blog post. Got some fantastic 5000x5000px images back. Happy!
@jcoglan but as it's deterministic, storing the program is functionally similar to storing encrypted passwords
@Gelada sort of, but is also keeping up with technology and has all of Sage behind it.
@jcoglan aha! Good point.
The barber's on Eldon Square has closed! But I am like a shaggy ram left out on a hilltop too long! O woe!
I love reading @nulibsage's RSS feed of newly acquired maths books. Lots of interesting ones today:…
just looked down at the prime factorisation t-shirt I'm wearing and decoded a number. It works! (…)
Sat outside Spy wearing a maths t-shirt. Never felt so uncool.
it seems that in wordpress's image insertion interface, the thumbnails are just the original images resized. This is bad when they are 5Kx5K
In final training for the Beard Growing event at the Olympics. Almost there, but my dismount still needs a little work.
@kenfodder particularly markdown parsers
@HELIUM_HEED is this one of those trick statements where it's that you're having an out of body experience?
secure: logging into your terminal with an SSH key. insecure: forgetting that happens, and typing your password into the shell.
does anyone still play Red Dead Redemption on the xbox? Do any of those people fancy a quick round of shooties?
@qikipedia that's assuming that all vampires successfully feed
@jcoglan I take it it's too much effort to write a regexp -> FSA algorithm, then take random walks on that?
@jcoglan something like this, slightly too long for a tweet:
@jcoglan probably not, since nobody says things like "at MOST n uppercase letters".
@jcoglan basically: I'm a mathematician, so I immediately looked for the strings Vault can't generate, never mind if they're not needed.
@jcoglan with loads of zero-width lookahead. eg:…. Better models of computation exist, but regexps are easy to write out
.@FakeElsevier who let Xzibit pimp sciencedirect? What's the deal with the hydraulic header & footer when you scroll? #addedvalue?
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon yes! And I'm having the day off work today, so I'll definitely still have enough energy to play this evening
had a little panic yesterday when I forgot what my favourite number was. It's 3435, because 3^3+4^4+3^3+5^5 = 3435.
@JamesMoosh exactly. 3435 is improbable.
give me $\cos(\arcsin(\sqrt{-3}))$ good reasons why I shouldn't extend the domain of these functions to the complex plane
"part time" and "no fixed hours" are a terrible combination of words in an employment contract.
@icecolbeveridge that was exactly the joke
@icecolbeveridge because cos(arcsin(sqrt(-3))) = 2.
Classless dudes with more Paul Smith shirts than hairs on their heads impeding my progress down Front Street.
@JanvierUK I'll guess the former, since I have no idea what you're talking about
eeee!!!! SO CUTE…
facebook: how am I meant to click the "developers" link at the bottom of the page when infinite scroll keeps punting it downwards?
I've just spent LITERALLY AN HOUR recording myself proving a pretty simple fact about fibonacci numbers. Online later, if youtube can cope.
Seeking investors for my 18th century pleasure palace/hot chocolate bar, "Rococoa".
Talking of which, the co-op's hot chocolate is pretty decent
GRzczxagggg just ruined the grand prix by loading bbc news! Poo!
just blogged some problems I've posed myself but haven't thought very much about. Any input appreciated:…
@standupmaths I bought a very nice winter coat for not very much money in the week that was hot. Inadvertent planning!
wherein CP spends almost an entire hour proving a moderately interesting fact about fibonacci numbers:…
@Nathan1123 does that mean you watched my video all the way through?!
@Nathan1123 wow, jolly good! Another fun fib fact: Fn divides Fm iff n divides m
Sandwich shop: I can have choritzo but they're out of djalapeenos. Crossiants still available. Glad they're better at cooking than spelling
@brittneybean that's either a low number of females for a conference or a very high number for a singles tennis match
If it could stay exactly this temperature and humidity for a while that would be excellent.
No, fewer signatures is more powerful! "@johnnysofhayle: fans of homeopathy - gvnt is trying to restrict it, so please sign this petition"
@jcoglan I can help with this, but on my phone at the moment. Email if you want to work through it
@jcoglan idea which worked on the train does not work when in front of a blackboard. Might email later if I sort it out
@jcoglan ok, I have working python code! Going to write an explanation then send it to you
@plusmathsorg you're doing a frankly unreasonable number of great things. I can barely keep on top of the news queue at the aperiodical!
@jcoglan here you go: I wrote it up on my blog so everyone can benefit -…
not sure what time Marshall's closes. Fear it may be in the past. #chishandfips
@jgrahamc it's an exponential series, but growing more gently than powers of two. That might be why it looks good.
have at you, @aperiodical news queue! en garde!
there is an "Athena SWAN" award for promoting recruitment of women in higher ed. Would the male equivalent be "Rambo GORILLA"? #terriblename
dear Manchester: fairly sure you weren't that far inland last time I looked. Please move back.
I wish windows media player would just quit without me having to drive a stake through its wicked heart every single time.
@jcoglan how were you generating characters before? Using Math.random() and rounding, or what?
If this dude's name isn't Wilfred I will have to report back to my home planet that I have learned nothing of humanity's ways
@jcoglan can make one in 15 minutes when I get into work. A reference implementation in haskell would look great, actually
@jcoglan but really, statistics should verify your implementation, not comparison with my potentially-also-broken version
@jcoglan I've updated the gist with some sample output
have just eaten a very nice spiced cumberland pork pie from the posh pork pie stall in the market at monument
@Bishnavitch not sure. I asked the lady what was in it and she just told me the price. Very confused.
working through these testing reports is going to kill me
@eAssess but that isn't really a blog, because that post doesn't have a unique link. Where will it go when the next article appears?
@stevenstrogatz I wrote up your UK map redrawing paper for @aperiodical but couldn't find what "modularity" means. Is it somewhere in there?
@CardColm yes I did! Thanks.
Am appalled at how good our first year mathematicians' handwriting is. Though volunteers for a UX test might not be a representative sample
@aperfect but then you've made two mistakes
@stevenstrogatz thanks, but [16] refers to [15] and [15] is closed access. Can you give a handwavey description of what it measures?
@stevenstrogatz never mind, got access through VPN to my uni. Would "it's a measure of how much better than random the division is" be fair?
@stevenstrogatz ah, super! It didn't even occur to me to try wikipedia
this album is completely superb: Floreat by Mara Carlyle…:
looking for angel funding for my lactose-free milkshake bar, "Whey Out West"
@peterrowlett at that point I would just forget the whole HT/MT/xT paradigm and have a "via <firstdude>, <seconddude>" at the end
@ben_nuttall 90s road trip! Hope you've got your three quarter-lengths on and a walkman in your pocket.
@CardColm @peterrowlett I couldn't possibly say
@Bishnavitch ehhh, which one's that? Yes provisionally.
@Bishnavitch at 10! No way!
Sprained my knee playing table tennis. I hope it doesn't swell up or do anything more painful than it currently is
@jcoglan four twitter accounts was my limit for finally switching to tweetdeck. I hate it, but it's the easiest option
arg! The next @MathsJam is next week! Where did June go?
wordpress 3.4 does twitter oEmbed, finally!
hahahahahahhaha I've just seen the cover of Catwoman 0 hahahahahahahaaaaa
@sotnasaras secondary challenge: do it in a foreign country. Tried it once on a girl in a Flunch in Brussels. She just handed my coins back.
@jcoglan he's right though, using his name in phrases is fun: "Cameron Up The Khyber", "Cameron Obscura", etc. ad infinitum
@jcoglan I haven't yet! There's some interesting discussion of methods in the comments on my blog, if you want to pass some time.
@jcoglan ok, I might have some time to look in a few hours
@jcoglan I've been meaning to say - did you just copy my code to compute stats? Because mine was very wrong.
@jcoglan good! Because my original code calculated num. samples/num. characters. Was on the verge of handing my degree back when I noticed.
@mathsinthecity only one math? Is the supply running low?
@plusmathsorg I would DM you if you were following me
@plusmathsorg have you got the princess in a castle puzzle already? @standupmaths did a video after I told it to him:…
Day 2 of my knee's separation from its socket. Have brought in Archbishop Desmond Tutu for reconciliation talks.
If that fails, I have a roll of tubigrip. It's a tense moment. (I WISH! do you see what I did there?!?!)
@jcoglan oh, I was exaggerating. It's not too bad, more of a sprain. It happens all the time because I have really weak ligaments.
Eldon Square is a mixed bag: all neatly cut lawns and teenagers giving themselves cancer until their peers love them.
@sotnasaras or International Wechsel. (does 'wechsel' rhyme with 'rescue'? Close enough)
@JanvierUK suppose I wish "cakes" to be a euphemism for something. Which account should I follow?
wanted: indicator, chemical or mechanical or whatever, that I have forgotten to shake a bottle of orangina before taking a swig
Targetted advertising in the Newcastle University student union: we don't have a physics department
I'm sure I catch my site's hit counter on palindromes more often than chance would allow
@mathpunk no. Paste it into or try JSON.parse(document.getElementsByTagName('pre')[0].innerText) in your browser
@mathpunk you need square brackets around the "keywords" array
@ColinTheMathmo wow, defined in terms of circumference not radius! Did that rule start as "must complete a full roll before being touched"?
@nulibsage oh, it's you who's taking over our office! You'll be glad to hear it now gets wifi signal, which wasn't the case last month
@mathpunk but if you're doing this by hand, can I suggest YAML instead of JSON:
@ColinTheMathmo "a full roll" is probably an easier rule to explain, though, don't you think?
@ColinTheMathmo how interesting!
there is a a cure for ebola! Booking my tickets to the Congo straight away.
aaag wordpress! Restored everything in an autosave except the changed permalink
Bad idea: normal users can't submit bug reports to Blackboard. Only administrators can. Maybe that's why there are still so many!
@Bishnavitch we've still got a box of your brother's first edition miniatures somewhere
have found a mega-bizarre @MathJax bug: calling $('*').find('anything') knacks MathJax spacing. Trying to boil down simplest exemplar now.
@elinoroberts I've had the heating on all week.
Trying to convince myself that even though the top and bottom halves of my leg are splitting up, it doesn't mean they don't both love me
R plots can't or don't use LaTeX for labels. Rubbish.
oh my god it has its own nutjob syntax:… Is R the PHP of maths languages?
Blew my mind: NASA has a page with the latest data received from Voyager…
Mum is preaching the gospel of this kipper she just ate at Irvine's on North Shields fish quay
I think today is a day for Interesting Esoterica
I basically can't stop playing this Mara Carlyle album
she knows how to work a dental plosive to her advantage, is all I'm saying.
man, you try and drop some phonetics and then you look on wikipedia and see you meant an alveolar plosive.
I hereby resign my membership of the knows-good-words club
cor, my aunty's photos of her resident giraffe falling in her swimming pool have got online and have 4 million views!
@Bishnavitch well, it lives on her safari park. She showed us those photos last time she was over here.
@Bishnavitch yes, that's her, but she's in Tanzania now.
to clarify: I'm not sure if my aunty took the photos, but they're from her safari park. She's also just a family friend, not a real aunty.
@Rosalot somewhere near Arusha in Tanzania. I've forgotten the name of the company she works for
@elinoroberts can you do mine? I'm colourblind and only realised recently that you can buy socks with patterns on
@elinoroberts one day, I'd like there to be a machine which will make up cotton socks with an arbitrary pattern on
Dinner dilemma: fajitas (tastier) or caesar salad (less effort)?
@Bishnavitch oh, I'm sorry, is chicken and bacon, lathered in puréed anchovies, oil and parmesan not rich enough for you?
@Bishnavitch how about if I remove the lettuce?
@Bishnavitch pasta and cream is for girls and Italians
@Bishnavitch carbs are for people with insecurities. Lettuce is for men who just don't give a damn
can't believe how many people are wrong about dinner choices.
That is how you turn a game of Civilization around!
The secret to my success: a firm policy of appeasing the Germans
electrotelethermometer is the English word with the most Es in it (7)
@jcoglan because Steve Jobs never installed a program that wasn't made by Apple
A huggermuggering nonannouncement of an overinvolved knickknack, or an alliterationist's dream:…
@lizmallard indeed! By the way, you're on the Newcastle mathsjam list, aren't you? Are you going to come on Tuesday?
@lizmallard then there are multiple mathematically-minded Liz Hansons!
@lizmallard well, she's on the list but she's never come!
A round of applause for @peterrowlett, who took on the @aperiodical news queue and won.
@Bishnavitch I refuse to watch that episode now, in case 1) it makes me cry, or worse, 2) I become desensitised to it
I'm hosting the Carnival of Maths this month, so please send in any good maths blogging you've seen:…
@jgrahamc are you aware of the book Making Mathematics with Needlework? I've got it, it's very good…
why do so many journal/scholarly literature sites make it so hard to find the link to go from an abstract to the full paper?
@jcoglan well done keeping that hashtag alive
A sequence with a simple elementary definition which only produces prime numbers
@standupmaths replacing iphone screens is only to be attempted by teams of nanobots or infinitely patient monks. Not sure which Apple have.
@standupmaths and I think £60 probably won't buy you the bits for a new screen
@haggismaths ah, it might be too late! My princesses got hijacked by less serious mathematicians.
@haggismaths relatedly: are you aware of Etienne Ghys told me about it when he visited last week
@LeedsMathsJam I'll have one at Newcastle, and I think @stecks will have one at Manchester. Prepare some secret messages!
@jcoglan echh, no. And got a very busy week.
@jcoglan where was your data?
@ben_nuttall @tgandrews what is Haskell doing in there with PROLOG and FORTRAN? This is an outrage!
@haggismaths waiting until tomorrow, when the student in control of the blackboard next to the white one has his viva and passes it on to me
basically every ingredient in this pizza went off at least a week ago. It's OK once it's cooked though, right?
also: jalapenos have antiseptic properties, don't they? Because I've just checked and those are in date.
there's a lot more sadness in my life since I started playing minecraft on hardcore. Sitting wondering what I could have done to survive
There's a Mongolian throat-singing rap album called Back Tuva Future. You can go to sleep now, today is over.…
@standupmaths @Dr_Lucie you've got the entire McBain movie to look forward to:…
Played the game and lost. It's tipping it down and I'm in just a t-shirt. Must check webcams before coming in to town from Tynemouth
I have an HTML demo page for a project on Github Pages. What do I add to the YAML bit at the start to get syntax highlighting CSS?
I've written a jQuery plugin that gives you an instant @MathJax preview of any LaTeX you write in input boxes:
@mathieuruellan What do you mean?
@pkrautz I've just fixed a bug with IE. See if that was your problem too.
just made a load of maths worked example videos with the legendary Prof Robin Johnson publicly available on vimeo…
I'm going to be late for Newcastle @MathsJam due to a friend's overlong viva. At the very least, Sarah should be there from 7
@mathieuruellan but then you have to solve the reverse problem of turning screen coords into caret position.
@jamesgrime @standupmaths @penguat @KSCMaths @MathsJam Grime Bice? That gives you a colour scheme, too.
@elinoroberts @jjsanderson whatever you're doing: have you worked in a reference to the tidal effects on the LHC? That filled me with awe.
I've made a wordpress plugin which applies my instant LaTeX preview thing to the comment box under posts.…
I'm thinking of doing a piece for the @aperiodical on people's relationships with LaTeX. Do you have a horror story or moment of brilliance?
I'm particularly interested in mathematicians who don't use LaTeX: what's your excuse, you heretics?
@St_Sebas do you write maths often? If so, what do you use?
@CardColm can you say a bit more about how it changed your life?
@pkrautz should do. Can you point me to a site with disqus comments?
@pkrautz no, just with disqus. Never mind, found one of mine!
@danaernst @pkrautz @disqus should work straight away. Disqus just provides a textarea.
@danaernst @pkrautz no, my plugin loads mathjax if it isn't already there. But you should be using Sam's plugin anyway.
@pkrautz @danaernst oh, disqus' textarea is inside an iframe, so I need to add a line to my plugin.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss is it any good?
@danaernst @pkrautz…. Wait a mo while I make it work with disqus though. (unexpectedly complicated!)
@danaernst unzip in your wp-content/plugins directory. Activate in the admin plugins page.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss your excellent argument has convinced me. Yours at 7.30?
@danaernst @pkrautz @disqus revising my earlier opinion: I can't do anything with disqus because of cross-site scripting restrictions
sitting in a hot office waiting for windows to finish unzipping a 500kb file. Truly these are my salad days.
"no, the other 90 degrees!" isn't quite as bad as "no, the other left!", but it's close.
@Bishnavitch Britain's most successful hoover comedian
@Bishnavitch by which I mean two things: 1) Henry is a brand of vacuum cleaner. 2) Lenny Henry sucks.
@EliotBall thanks!
@MuseGarden @Nathan1123 pronounced "secky"?
Another LaTeX question: is there a package that you use but nobody else does? What does it do?
Thanks to @plusmathsorg for these rather fetching mathematical card holders. Wasn't expecting 3!
@disqushelp yeah, I'm running chrome. Trying jQuery selector $('.dsq-textarea-wrapper').find('iframe').contents()
@ma1cal when does the teaching take place? A compulsory module?
@ColinTheMathmo MiKTeX on windows, I assume?
@jcoglan challenge: arrange your finances so that your tax bill is a solution to a 3-SAT problem encoded in your annual earnings
jcoglan can you get your base-whatever hash test data in a plain text file of the form <bits>\n<base>\n<output>?
lunch and then I battle the Stupid Bug Mountain.
@jcoglan commas, spaces, whatever.
@jcoglan my results.txt is now in the same format, at We differ, and I'm pretty sure the error is with you
@jcoglan in base 10, we agree until the subsequence (...,9,8,9,5,3,1,0), and you have an extra digit in your output
@jcoglan sorting this out might be better over IM of some sort
@jcoglan ok, just added you
@pkrautz @aperiodical (answering as myself now) I think I might have seen it before. More grant money being ineffectively spent!
@pkrautz funded by Munich Re, so at least it isn't EU money
@jgrahamc you need more than two data points to conjecture exponential growth
has anyone ever seen IE run an object's constructor function before attaching its prototype? Because I think that just happened to me.
@Samuel_Hansen I can't see what that's a reply to, but if it's about the carnival of maths: you're submitting to me, so send in loads
@haggismaths oh, you know there's been a paper on that…
@ColinTheMathmo man, you have so much more trouble with computers than I do. Did you do something to offend them?
It's Turingsmas Eve! Remember to put your programs on the mantelpiece tonight, and maybe tomorrow morning you'll wake up to a proof it halts
Remember to leave out a pad of paper and a pen for Alan, and a pile of punch cards for his team of hunky computer operators
@PumphreysMaths mathscard looked decent when I tried it:…
@PumphreysMaths and wolfram alpha is, of course, excellent
@Electrokittie really?…
am I to understand that it's raining in less excellent parts of the country? I'm going out for a walk on the beach
And lo, did the Lord God see cp's braggadocio and verily did He send forth innumerable drizzles
@icecolbeveridge what was the other one?
@icecolbeveridge but there've been plenty of big real maths stories: Agol's Virtual Haken proof, Goldbach progress, potential ABC proof...
how odd: @standupmaths's radio 4 documentary on Turing is still on iplayer, but can't be found using the search.
@icecolbeveridge there really wouldn't be much point in the mainstream press reporting those stories.
@icecolbeveridge I disagree completely.
two games of Risk and *then* writing our big Turing post was never a good plan. Moody's has just downgraded it to a Very Bad Plan Indeed
I've collected together some of the best Turing coverage for the @aperiodical at….
what's the easiest way to run a node.js server on a server that uses Apache? Modern app-deployment techniques baffle me
Looking forward to the river of fire along the Thames tonight. A great way to celebrate Turing's centenary and it's never been done before.
@treasa just spent 10 minutes not finding the clip on youtube. I'm sure it used to be there. Anyway, it's an old joke from Broken News
just went round the google sign-in loop four times with my mum on @TripIt. She's given up trying to register.
Looking at the @aperiodical's stats, it seems Shouryya Ray is twice as popular as Alan Turing. Disheartening.
@standupmaths EXCELLENT. Have you seen the description of railway junction logic gates? I saw it when I was 17 but can't remember the author
@standupmaths if you can make use of someone in the Far North East, I'm in.
@standupmaths not emailing because a) I'm too cool for school and b) I have a woman on the inside of your operation, Parker.
@ben_nuttall you must be really mad that Prince William uses that title despite not having been awarded it by the Roman Emperor
@standupmaths my PhD is in computability and exactly this kind of thing, so I can help with design
@goddent83 I think it was two Cambridge postgrads, circa 2003/4, reported in a paper but not sure which. Junction boxes work as logic gates
@goddent83 I have googled long and hard and turned up nothing but people making external, electronic, logic gates for model railways.
@outofthenorm2 @goddent83 @standupmaths that is precisely it! Thank you!
@HilariousCow already done: Prince of Persia refusing to walk off ledges.
@HilariousCow unlike walking into walls, where the character has no mind of his own, in PoP he's visibly struggling against your command
@HilariousCow for a while I've wanted a platformer where "your" actions don't need to be coherently displayed (transition animations etc)...
@HilariousCow ... but the character follows a tiny bit behind, properly animated because the game knows in advance what it's going to do
@HilariousCow yeah. You've got to fiddle things so the character never gets affected by something you don't, breaking the illusion.
@HilariousCow a single-agent Portal-ish environment would do, with you playing the character's "mind's eye"
@HilariousCow yes! Got to make that now!
None of the doors in the student union make sense. There's every combination of handle/button/automatic/signage.
@peterrowlett oh dear! Is that the teaching, or something like what you've done this year?
Wearing my "maths is easy" t-shirt to an interdepartmental meeting.
@ajk_44 thats some serious chutzpah on the part of the Tories, trying to reuse the phrase "back to basics"
crikey o'reilly this is some needlessly cryptic code
"I've just discovered multiline var declarations and lazy evaluation of booleans. Let's write my entire program and logic in one of those!"
@standupmaths is the quiet coach not the naughty coach? People complaining about bad passengers are hardly ever not in the quiet coach.
"lion" is the only English word ending in -ion which is still a word when you swap the I and O.
emusic, why does the "your session has expired so you need to log in" page now redirect to the signup page? That's enormously annoying!
@IanMulvany I have a hashtag I use on occasions like that: #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice
@aperfect my name is extremely common in Catholic countries, particularly the Philippines. I win.
@Sdfahey @mathsinthecity only one face? Which one? Anyway, I'd just say it's a twisted prism:…
@Sdfahey no, it isn't an antiprism because the sides aren't flat faces - they're curved.
@Sdfahey actually, just looked at your picture again and they are. Whoops!
Publishing minified code without a source map is pretty unhelpful.
@dmh10 sadly not. Anyway, my brilliant mental deobfuscation skills have allowed me to find the corresponding point in the source
@FOTSN at my phone's highest volume I can barely hear the podcast. Could you sacrifice some of your glorious hi fidelity and enlouden it?
Twitteraticians: how do you write $\mathbb{Z}$? I've been told I don't follow convention.
follow-up question: how about $\mathbb{N}$? Rotate previous pic 90° anti-clockwise for mine v apparently conventional styles.
@peterrowlett @standupmaths hearing that the weather's better somewhere else is one of those little things that make life less bearable
@aPaulTaylor that's a mega-tenuous reason! My reason is that it can't be mistaken for a really badly drawn mathematical X
The first crazy person outs himself RT @panlepan: I'm crazy! RT @christianp: how do you write $\mathbb{Z}$?
@Talithin @Samuel_Hansen zeds should always have a line through them!
@Samuel_Hansen @Talithin I used to think it was Continental Frippery until I started actually writing maths for a living.
@panlepan alors, il faut que vous demandiez á vos collègues comment ils l'écrivent (how's my French?)
we have patient no. 2 for the Z Madness. There must be more: I know you're out there, you loons!
@ProfNoodlearms do you see Serious People write the other version very often? (ps when did you change your twitter name? It's excellent)
@Talithin so your second stroke is a single line?
@Talithin it actually looks decent.
does anyone else do it this way? RT @Talithin: @christianp By the way, here's mine…
@jgrahamc I now want to book a ticket from Poole to Bagshot.
@MouldS you've assumed that very few of the people who look like you are ticket inspectors. This notice is dispelling that notion.
TIL that Chebyshev's (he of the inequality) first name was Pafnuty.
@axnicho @peterrowlett is this a pun I see before me?
managed to maximise my savings inefficiency at Sainsbury's: every item I bought is part of a multibuy offer, but no two are in the same one
@jcoglan I thought ahead and used the self-service
like voting for the Greens, while it was against my immediate self-interest, I made the statistics register the way I want the world to be
@Samuel_Hansen football! I forgot about the football! O WOE!
not on my nelly bot on my belly dot on my delhi jot on my jelly pot on my pele tot on my telly what on my welly #isthatallofthem
Going on holiday on Friday, leaving these beauties sitting in the queue at the @aperiodical:
@MarcusduSautoy this is relevant to my interests
I believe I am owed some presents. RT @MarcusduSautoy: Happy Perfect Day! 28/6 A number is perfect if it is the sum of its proper divisors.
@jcoglan only module needed: a Turing machine which can simulate all other modules. #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice
@helenarney ahh, I would go if I wasn't setting off on holiday early tomorrow morning
this is a happy little integer sequence: undulating palindromic primes
..which has led me to this magnum opus -… - more top ten lists than you can shake a at!
@aPaulTaylor no - undulating primes are at - includes two-digit non-palindromes
@seanhandley Pancho Villa's on the Royal Mile is excellent
9876543210 followed by 2002 zeroes and then a 1 is prime
@aPaulTaylor now I'm trying to think how to find the most needlessly complicated OEIS definition
just watched a fly spontaneously generate on my wall. Aristotle was right! (or the fly was hiding)
Problem: one could avoid the hateful facebook->guardian login thing by copying and googling the title. Solution: forbid selecting text
@HELIUM_HEED no, I'm going to dissolve! I'd hoped to observe you humans a while longer but now I must return to alka-seltzer-man home planet
I picked a bad day to renounce all gods
@pkrautz @peterrowlett @stecks I know a bit. Email me.
@mathsinthecity I managed to get out just before too many roads closed. My seaside abode is untroubled by mere rain! Thanks for asking
@mathsinthecity no, I live at Tynemouth but today I'm setting off for the Loire valley for my jollies
A glacier would reverse into that space faster. And it wouldn't come out to straighten up three times either.
@mathsinthecity the council has done a brilliant job up here but I'm hearing bad things about the Midlands. But that's nothing new, right?
@ehauke htc desire hd played through sennheiser mm100 headphones. It's lots quieter than other podcasts.
@Samuel_Hansen a follow on google+ has about as much value as a turkish lira
@Samuel_Hansen wow, I picked the wrong kind of lira. Let's go with Italian lira
@ehauke all the episodes have been the same
Gosh, the new google+ app is good! I'm still tweeting this thought though.
Slough: it's not worth the effort
Not sure how I feel about this video tribute to Turing…
@ipnosimmia the backing music's a bit weird
I have internet! Here's a picture of some fabulous French cuisine. We have so much to learn from them.
@monsoon0 have you seen… ? Or do you want to use textmode LaTeX too?
Il fait chaud, fo' sho'.
Me and four bishops in a nissan micra, driving France's autoroutes and reviewing the service stations. Title of the book: Aires and Graces
Koala! Happy day!
And if you want to see a panda, don't even bother going to Edinburgh: come to Beauval, you can get right up to them
@manytypesoftea yes, we can only assume it's an accurate translation given the picture. Excellent twitter avatar, by the way
@MEIMaths @peterrowlett it's in the queue for my next open access round up. Could well merit its own post, though.
@Andrew_Taylor well, you've _got_ to register and fill it with comic sans maths now.
@alexbellos @haggismaths looks like autocorrect has got the right ideas
@jcoglan Turing would be all about the #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice.
Goodbye, France! No thanks to DFDS Seaways, who were an hour late out of port. Watched three P&O ones come and go while we waited.
@stecks yes, δmaths/δt (britain,now) > 0
@stecks and I will be gratified if you notice my correct identification of a partial differential
@standupmaths Matt's Unvirtual Mersenne Prime Search, or #MUMPS
@standupmaths and I've just noticed your twitter username is a pun on your real name when pronounced in a French accent. A reason to move?
Almost everyone on this ferry is reading the Daily Mail. Hypocrites.
Forget meditation, if you want to get in harmony with the world around you just do a wee on a boat. (Men and adventurous ladies only)
it's the world's funniest child!…
Now I can be like @standupmaths and tweet maths symbols ∵ ∃ a character map app for android!…
...but they aren't displayed properly on my PC. Willy poo bums.
.@univofstandrews did you check with Dr Nacenta before writing that tweet? Pie charts represent proportion; "Fatfonts" show arrays of data
where do I sign up to kick the people who wrote TinyMCE? I assume there's already a list.
@helenarney @djfbus @standupmaths @FOTSN I made a video a while ago explaining what's going on in that picture:
One for all and all for 0! #mathspuns
Looks like the metal pushing pad on this door isn't at the right height for anybody else either
if you want a poster of a famous mathematician and don't have working colour vision, this is the site for you!…
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett just listened to m/ms 104. Re economic centre of gravity: how do you average points on a sphere?
@standupmaths similarly: the University of Derby Discarded Learning Centre… doesn't work. does. When Oxford was a waste and Cambridge a bog... Durham set up their DNS.
and hilariously, twitter shortens them both to just
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen I've just read the appendix of the report. It's exactly as rigorous as you'd expect.
misleading infographic news, now:
reaction-diffusion whiz-boffins: please make some stripy paint.
is there a good reason javascript's ternary if assignment goes `b?x:y` instead of something readable like `x if b else y`?
@Nathan1123 yes yes, I get that, but all I did in my better version (python's) was replace the symbols with words
@Nathan1123 oh hang on, I thought that's what I did but I switched b and x. Whoops.
@Nathan1123 I think what I originally wanted was something like `if(b) x else y` as an acceptable expression in an assignment
@icecolbeveridge yes, that's what I was getting at. Quite annoying!
is Ohio the international twitter spam nexus or am I just very popular with people from middling states?
can someone with working colour vision, either skype or gtalk, and 10 minutes to spare help me with a colour scheme please?
Dear Microsoft Word, Thank you so much for noticing how wide my screen is, but I don't actually want you to zoom in so the page fills it.
while I'm pretending to write letters: Dear VMWare, Why does your one-click unsubscribe link go to a page I need to click on two more times?
I don't tweet boring work things much, but the PENS import by @SCORMCloud is amazing!
@JanvierUK that's pretty close to your height as well, isn't it? #everyoneistinytome
I wish right guard would stop changing the names of their deodorants. What's the big idea?
I've said "what rot" so many times in the last 10 minutes browsing this conference's programme that the words have lost all meaning
@stecks I demand less boring tweets! Or fewer boring tweets!
@stecks @diffractionman I am. Why?
@stecks yes, I'll do a talk on something, probably princess/castle. Definitely do aperiodical something. Hosting slides is a good idea.
@stecks though really, should be doing that.
@stecks I worry with the big mathsjam that Colin wants it to be a private party and reporting from it might ruin it a bit.
@Electrokittie you just apply directly to the institution
@HilariousCow manicheanima.
@HilariousCow a portmanteau of manicheanism and machinima?
@HilariousCow it describes basically Peter Molyneux's entire oeuvre
The screen reader JAWS costs $895. Because blind people get the same grants as people who need, like, new doorways built for them.
which makes it hard for me to test, since I don't know any blind people, and don't have $895 lying around to enrich a profiteer with.
@jcoglan so do I fill my HD with noise to make a point, or with "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" so it doesn't look random?
AAAAA I only work part-time that is too many issues AAAAAA
I have an almost uncontrollable urge to write a story about the Mormon grammarian P. Dan Tick
apparently Newcastle University has 4321 postgrads. That's a nice number!
@brittneybean I wouldn't be surprised if you said you were visiting a walmart that had an army base.
@madcaptenor you're mistaken. These enlightened individuals are correcting their wicked foreign ways.
@nulibsage I look at my diary for next week. It is a vast empty nothingness. Except for that exact hour. Typical.
@mendeley_com what's the point of attaching files to my library if it always says "we don't have permission to make this file downloadable"?
@jcoglan just add more classes and rules, then freely-reduce the resulting inheritance tree. #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice
@jcoglan sorry, I meant directed acyclic graph, not tree. Because that would be too simple.
there is a layer of bacon-smelling air about three feet off the floor of my flat. Dare I follow it to its source?
@Nathan1123 a bad programmer would just hack over it until it looks like it works. You're on the right track
deleted the blitzbasic forums from my bookmarks. There's hardly ever anything interesting there any more
It's finally here! After literally a quarter of a year, here's a load more interesting maths esoterica…
@ColinTheMathmo I asked Katie but she's AWOL, so: do you have a picture of last year's MathsJam we can use for an @aperiodical post?
Can't think of a single good reason why Smash wasn't instead called Packet Jotato.
@HoeJodgkiss the aristocrats!
@stecks it isn't great - Colin's all blurred. I'll ask on the @MathsJam twitter
has anyone got a photo of last year's @MathsJam conference that they wouldn't mind being used in a post on the @aperiodical?
@stecks oui
@peterrowlett yep, it can go whenever.
the Irish one from My Life In Film is in everything now. Must have got a better agent.
was Dead Boss given that weird inappropriate piano theme tune just because it was written by women?
or, if the writers specifically asked for that theme: what were you thinking?
It's a lovely sunny day in Tynemouth! Is anyone else out here enjoying the festival?
@peterrowlett it went OK, then? No bugs?
@peterrowlett hah! Excellent.
@acmescience much better!
@ben_nuttall @stecks @aPaulTaylor that's more of a combinatorics and designs problem, surely
TIL that facebook thinks Newcastle University is in New Delhi…
@alexbellos why's it only got one number? You could do that to a normal die. The joke with a mobius one is you can't decide which face is up
@Calibrand do you actually, though? The sentiment is cheapened by your tweet history. I'm now going to make an effort to avoid you.
mathematicians: does anyone else find the misuse of "hence" in a proof really annoying?
@aPaulTaylor I think you mean "no, hence now I am paranoid that..."
@peterrowlett I think we need to submit it to be reviewed by a person. There's a link somewhere in the webmaster tools
duoliteral, juloidea, muroidea, muscoidea, pulmonifera, quodlibetal, subcontinental, subhyoidean, uncomplimentary, uncontinental
.@WWMGT @stevenstrogatz @Wrangler314 see my previous tweet for all words I could find with vowels in reverse order. Excluded "unnoticeably".
also "fulgoroidea" and "uncoincidental" if you allow repeats of vowels.
can't find any words with all vowels + Y in forwards or reverse order. Another reason Y is not a vowel
Omg, just realised Tynemouth Sainsbury's is in walking distance. #sixandtwotwelves
@CardColm gosh! My word list must be missing a lot of words
@CardColm oh hang on, that's in forwards order. Panic over!
@CardColm ah! I see now. Currently walking to the shops so can't check my sums
Ok, further corrections will be ignored unless told facetiously. Clearly I made an error
And that shortcut was more like a six v two 3.1s. My brainwaves are a bubbly froth. Time for dinner.
ok, regexp fixed. adventitiously and pareciously
the usefulness of useless knowledge… cc @peterrowlett
I thank @Samuel_Hansen from the bottom of my heart for introducing me to my new religion…
@Tony_Mann you're wrong, @peterrowlett has always been at war with Eastasia
well punned! Radius of the Lost Arc - a maths game for kids…
Is this white fiat 500 doing really quick laps of the village or does everyone own a white fiat 500 now?
How long do you think I can mingle with the World Congress of Accounting Historians? I need some fun accounting history facts
#accountinghistory "double book-keeping" was originally a euphemism for workplace drunkenness.
#accountinghistory in the Crimean war, the Battle of Balaclava was written off as a clothing expense
@Bishnavitch I'd have to see Dark Knight between now and then
@rmehigan and sadly the last in my series of monodigital time tweets for today
@rmehigan I did not. No Sky!
@Andrew_Taylor to do exactly that and no more, add these to your path
@Andrew_Taylor or you could do it properly on Linux with adventure shell:
Just attended a workshop where I did a SWOT! I've become you!
Oh no. For the first time ever, I tweeted what was meant to be a text. It was a long workshop.
@pkrautz I think not: cross-site scripting problems.
@pkrautz a chrome extension would probably be able to do it
@elinoroberts write it underneath the header "Things for other people to do"
@standupmaths @numberphile or… might give you some ideas
@jcoglan no votes for 'look around'? Dangerously risky behaviour from the go-northers
Descending into the pits of the @aperiodical post queue to hew some maths news from the living rock. Got my undecidability canary with me.
@jcoglan score
@icecolbeveridge well, that's an idea for a new twitter bot. Sadly, @undecidabilitycanary is too long to be a twitter username
today's programming challenge: write a prime number generator in Hindi
@peterrowlett you said you had some big mathsjam photos. Prod.
@TeXtip or, with MathJax magic, you can use one I made:…^{i%20\pi}+1=0
@outofthenorm2 argg, I was looking for a tweet about your new post and misread "blogpast" as "blogpost"! Bumbleshpitz
@outofthenorm2 we considered "blogpast" for the Aperiodical's tweets and rejected it for exactly that reason
living the rugged independent lifestyle of a Solo Dude is a nightmare from a home economics perspective.
maths fact: over the past two years, Cedric Villani has spent as long as three hours not in front of a camera
@EliotBall haha, that's crazy! Unregistered domains go to a page saying "DNS Error!"
rhinoeceros, assemble!
very very clever: computer-generated pareidolia using genetic algorithms and face detection
guess who just tweeted from the wrong account! That guy! (Also this guy)
@plusmathsorg @mathsinthecity I tried the "best not to collapse it into an observable state just yet" excuse with my thesis
@Bishnavitch no thanks. Unenthused.
pretty bummed that seems to be a site selling English lessons in Japanese
@jcoglan is it possible to just cover one's ears and hum until ECMAScript 6 is widespread?
chrome, you are using 200mb of memory with one blank tab open. Explain yourself.
the manufacturers of this chilli have rated it "HOT HOT HOT". Maybe if you were raised on an exclusive diet of milk and yoghurt. Weak.
a more accurate label would be: "This sauce was produced in a factory where chillies are handled"
it has the consistency of puppy sick. I think this'll be the end of bad chilli news.
oh no I discovered the programmable turtle in tekkit
At least be consistent, guy's! (excellent farm, though)
@standupmaths good decision: "standupengineering" is pretty much a tautology. And are you implying you're under-employed?
@jcoglan I use the cursor keys all the time. Because sometimes neckbeards are just wrong.
my little brother hasn't even been to Akbar's. It's like I don't know him any more.
oh my god Wrong Sign Language is the BEST game
@arowx @GreyAlien you are correct to disclaim those claims. If you're coming this far up, might as well go across the Tyne to a REAL place.
@GreyAlien @arowx yeah fine, keep believing that. Just going out for a stroll on the award-winning beach, back later
windows is saving an 8mb bitmap version of my wallpaper to my uni network profile. That'd be fine if I didn't have a tiny allowance of 60mb
@sxpmaths as far as I know, @TraineeGeek organises the Portsmouth MathsJam. She's friendly!
@sxpmaths I think you might be talking about what I called the "worst series in the world" - near the bottom of…
wanted: rich benefactor to fund the acquisition of this fantastic kitchen appliance…
@stecks I would be entirely happy with being a trophy husband who stays at home and bakes with expensive Kenwood appliances all day
@stecks but I don't think I'm up for the silicone pec implants trophy husbandship would entail
@BenTormey you're following the wrong women, dude
@stecks wow, A had almost completely passed from my memory.
@amazingradio re chilli dogs: the diner in Fenwick's does a mean chilli dog
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7.30pm in the Charles Grey pub. New people very welcome.
Oh good, someone's realised the Olympic Security Sand outside the stadium shouldn't block access to the metro station
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett I had the MAA link for flatland 2! Did I forget to use it? Bums.
@peterrowlett yes, I just put it in
@peterrowlett the most I'll commit to is that at least occasionally @Samuel_Hansen tells the truth
it's far too late for the seagulls to be up and about. Can they even see where they're going?
watch my brilliantly-edited holiday video, featuring lots of animals…
@Samuel_Hansen I see your inappropriate twitter comments kickstarter was funded
@Samuel_Hansen and also, other twitterists inform me she was gay, so, probably wasn't gonna happen, buddy
@brittneybean after verifying my email on songdrop and logging in, I got a 404 for /info/dropitbtn&verify=success?cb=1343115078
so does Pearson own the concept of education now? Is there anything they haven't bought?
if I'm responsible for making sure the companies I buy services from pay their tax, I'd better cancel my vodafone subscription
@nulibsage you'll get that tweet right eventually!
@FOTSN challenge: explain to an innumerate friend how big a pizza with twice as much meat would have to be while driving in a one-way system
@stecks we have a problem for tonight: pub has no wifi!
@stecks that might actually be more authentic
@jcoglan I have that all the time with algebraic data types and any language that isn't haskell
not sure what madness caused me to say MathsJam starts at 7.30. It starts at 7. Maybe I'll be alone for half an hour.
@MathsJam NCL->MAN we're having trouble decoding your message
@outofthenorm2 @MathsJam yes, and it's not a bad game. A good mental workout
@FOTSN for the safety of my fellow road-users, I did not account for crusts. Or the fact no pizza technician distributes toppings uniformly.
@FOTSN stuffed crusts introduce another problem - they only accrete linearly with pizza size.
Sportsmen: teammates congratulating you in unwelcome places? Try Matt Parker's Pat Marker. New from Spooner, the Contrivance Company.
@jcoglan do any of the JS module frameworks have relative import paths and namespacing? Or an equivalent of python's `import module as x`?
@jcoglan yes, just looking at the docs now. So the global state you're complaining about is just in naming dependencies?
pretty stoked about how much of my CPU this set of slides is using. Stopping my other programs running means it gets my full attention!
@jcoglan is there any need for global module names? Why not make every `define` anonymous?
@jcoglan I assumed that if you require 'sub/mod', then anything required by `sub/mod.js` would be found relative to `sub/`. Apparently not!
@jcoglan here you go: I'm sure it must be possible. It's mad otherwise.
@jcoglan ah, I didn't try ./ ! Makes sense.
@daveinstpaul @MathsJam what do you mean by "level"?
@daveinstpaul @MathsJam oh never mind, got it now. Good. I thought there'd be a simple solution like that.
@acmescience I see your site. Dude's probably got malware
oh lovely, I just noticed someone's written a nice blog post about my rambling fibonacci grids video:…
well, that was uncomfortable. Followed a women home down a darkened street. Turns out she's my next door neighbour.
@GeoffBath @ColinTheMathmo hence the mathketeers' rallying cry, "one for all and all for 0!"
@daveinstpaul very nice!
I can basically inhale a mcdonalds burger. Watching my Nana eat one is like water torture.
@plusmathsorg it can lead to many an odd phenomenon DOO DOO DE DOO DOO
one day I expect to hear Pearson have bought the times tables. We got a spam at the @aperiodical from a subsidiary offering "maths links"
the first email didn't identify them as from TutorVista (owned by Pearson), but the reply to my email saying "no thanks, I'm not stupid" did
The @aperiodical is listed on google! Finally! cc @peterrowlett @stecks
@madcaptenor it's **. There might be a good reason for that, but there probably isn't.
"as" as a synonym for "because" - pro or con? I'm as con as the conceptual condominium congress of Conrad Black and Martha Stewart
dude just walked past my house with the blingest zimmer frame I've ever seen. Actually, he's still walking past my house.
Dear Jim, Can you fix it for me so my javascript fails in even crazier ways than normal?
two hours ago, I had a really clear idea of what I was going to cook for dinner. Now, nothing. Might starve.
What the actual what.
The only Nelson I want to hear from tonight has one arm and an unbeaten record against the French.
Trevor Nelson hasn't once looked at the right camera during this whole ceremony. Old habits die hard.
You've noticed there are no boys carrying those petal things. Well, mcdonalds picked them, and they delegated to their cattle farmers
@jcoglan oh I forgot about Muse. THANKS A LOT JAMES
Who gardens in a blue shirt and chinos? My mum's gardeners, apparently.
Ah, Teesside. Putting the rough in Middlesbrough.
Rocking my pac a mac in a sac at Stockton
I'll put a snapshot of Stockton's infinity bridge on @mathsinthecity later. It's a nice bridge!
An octagonal church in Yarm...
...sadly, no amount of enthusiasm for octagons can make them tile the plane, so they had to make do with hexagons
Back in Stockton, where the bus shelters haven't had new adverts put up since the release of "Lesbian Vampire Killers"
@Gelada they're methodists. I think they'd frown on that sort of thing.
so I suppose the $171/year registration fee is the reason that doesn't exist. I'm mightily tempted by bonapart.ism too
I of course meant
@icecolbeveridge very good! It could be a mirroring site.
nerds, geeks, and all other categories of poindexters: you've failed me and you've failed the internet. is unregistered
@Gelada just prepend any word ending in -gon in my tweets with "regular"
@Gelada ...meh. I don't care to think that much about it. Saw an octagonal church with a hexagonal tiled pavement.
@Gelada and, the more we discuss this, the more @hexagonbot retweets me
Having some trouble selling my account of a former Newcastle goalie's ascent through the ranks of freemasonry, "Fifty Grades of Shay"
@mathsinthecity if I want to link to another picture on flickr from a MitC snapshot, is that OK? The description field doesn't look HTMLy
@songdropapp There is no jazz category. boo.
me too! (it's the same one) RT @stecks: I did a video! RT @aperiodical: Post: Maths Jam July 2012 - Paper Enigma…
@mathsinthecity thanks. I remembered after uploading that I took some better pics with my nana's camera.
@mathsinthecity because I have a camera obscurer
I've helped Cushing make a pretty excellent card trick using a de Bruijn sequence and a full 52-card deck. Going to do a video tomorrow.
@jcoglan sounds like a pretty compelling argument for a fork of bash
@aperfect where "no Internet" means "copious abuse of a 3g dongle"
I've just remembered I've got chocolate puddings in the fridge. Bonanza!
@CardColm did you see we've reconstructed Diaconis's 6-card de Bruijn red/black trick with all 52 cards? Do you know any better versions?
oh, excellent…
@CardColm we're going to record a video today. Cards as 6-digit binary strings - first 4 face, last 2 suit. Take 64-bit de bruijn sequence..
@CardColm ..take first 52 strings in that sequence, and swap invalid ones (face>12) with valid ones at the end.
@CardColm .. so you only need to remember the rule to generate the de bruijn sequence and 6 6-digit string pairs to swap
@CardColm so is that Diaconis's trick? David reckons Diaconis said there was no easy trick with exactly 52 cards
@stecks best thing about Scotland: they still sell those boxes of cadbury's chocolate milk in corner shops.
@stecks worst thing about Scotland: dirty sheep-stealing Scots.
@stecks no, because they know real money when they see it
@CardColm Cushing is running across to the uni library to get it now
999999999999999934463: the largest integer Chrome doesn't use scientific notation to display
why 999999999999999934463? It's 10^21 - 2^16 - 1.
@ColinTheMathmo press F12 to get the javascript console up. Enter the number. It gets repeated back to you. That number plus 1 gives '1e21'
@ColinTheMathmo actually, to be precise it gets rounded to something a bit lower, but scientific notation isn't used; that's the point
@ColinTheMathmo yes. Of course, chrome can display any number you write in html....
How many people from different departments can sit down in this room before two exchange words, or even eye contact? Current lower bound: 4
@ColinTheMathmo it's for my javascript algebra/eassessment system.
@jcoglan isn't that just a subset of all programmers, though? I've seen plenty of people in many languages that just don't get abstraction
@jcoglan maybe it's more apparent in javascript because it's missing so much due to the lack of a stdlib.
@brittneybean trust the American to go to the event with guns
@icecolbeveridge do you mean an unsolved one?
the letter I is not a separator. The pipe character | is just about acceptable. There is a difference with serif fonts.
@icecolbeveridge oh BRAVO
Oh no, the krankiesque woman who can't stop talking is on the train
Wander Wednesday: have a look at a nice maths blog on a variety of subjects run by @laurentduval passwords can only be 16 chars long, so I had to truncate my hotmail one when signing in. It worked. Paging @jcoglan!
@My_Metro does the "no problems" tweet go out automatically each morning? That's a pretty bad idea.
@My_Metro you tweeted that trains were delayed, then that there were no problems, then another apology for the delays. Why?
@My_Metro ah no, the one I replied to was 8 hours ago
@My_Metro OK. *That* is a bad idea. I have deja vu. Have I complained about this before?
@jcoglan yes
@jcoglan well... "good". Quotes decidedly necessary.
@jcoglan given how often my account has been hacked, I guess the latter
@mathsinthecity can you do some Oxford sleuthing for me? Does Peter Bryant work at your Dept of Education and does he have a web page?
gosh the maths olympiad has a nice logo
google now has a button at the top to turn off personalised results! Mirabile die!
@peterrowlett @Tony_Mann another reason to move to wordpress soon *cough cough*
@KSCMaths go on! Cave to temptation! We can publish it on the aperiodical.
an enjoyable day of thrashing the @aperiodical news queue with @peterrowlett. Some of these stories are so old they're in Roman numerals!
@mathsinthecity never mind, successfully navigated the department's website now. Sleuth-hats off, please.
@peterrowlett @aperiodical my day is basically over by lunchtime, typically.
@peterrowlett I'm very much a morning person. A good six hours before lunch, then my brain switches off when I eat
@qikipedia it's uncopyrightable, which is troublemaking because I could do with earning a few bob.
@qikipedia and if you want a one-tweet Python command to get it: sorted([w for w in words if len(set(w))==len(w)],key=len)[-1]
pretty pleased with this Python for the longest word with no repeated letters: sorted([w for w in words if len(set(w))==len(w)],key=len)[-1]
@ben_nuttall like, ("fizz" if x%7 else "buzz" for x in count()) ?
@ben_nuttall I'm not happy with [(x if x%5 else 'buzz') if x%3 else 'fizz' if x%5 else 'fizzbuzz' for x in count()]
@ColinTheMathmo @icecolbeveridge either they were automatically truncating it and then hashing before, or they never hashed
13:37 - time for clothes! Today wasn't meant to be one of those days.
@qikipedia oi, what about 'troublemaking'?
@HilariousCow <16mb memory, 120 enemies... you haven't just made space invaders again, have you?
@ben_nuttall I spent a while dithering on whether constructing 'fizzbuzz' by concatenation was shorter
oh, the reason "google maps" is always trending on google+ is because it counts people posting links to places. #embedallthemediaitllbefine
@icecolbeveridge @ColinTheMathmo no, because then that's just an encryption: you can recover H(x) for each letter x.
@peterrowlett @mathematicsprof I can't see what distinction you're making, Peter
@jgrahamc what's the other 9%?
@Htbaa to start with
This looks like a lot of fun… @stecks
A light bulb just popped. Hang on...
@CardColm Can you be our Man in Madison? Take lots of pictures and notes and so on.
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon mmyeeeeeeesss.
@mathblogging how is it that vi hart's videos from way in the past are always at the top of your "by date" page?
@mathblogging oh wow, and they're not setting the publication dates properly
@CardColm done
@CardColm ooh! My video with the de Bruijn trick is (secretly) on youtube. Writing words to go with it now but watch at…
@standupmaths @jjsanderson @elinoroberts watch out, if you come to Tynemouth I might trap you and make you write for the aperiodical
@standupmaths our thirst for mathematical witticisms can not be slaked!
@monsoon0 7m! I'd better bump "become an FRS" up my list of ambitions
@peterrowlett @notonlyahatrack @aperiodical @jamesgrime yeesh! I took a quick glance at our twitter avatar, that's all.
@peterrowlett @notonlyahatrack @aperiodical @jamesgrime consider it a special case of the lemma being portrayed.
@IBLMath @maanow the PDF is 8mb! That's a tiny bit inconvenient.
@monsoon0 well, I thought FAA was a bit out of reach for me so I picked the local equivalent
@monsoon0 alright, that's a deal: get me FAA, and I'll visit Australia to collect.
waiting for the MAA MathFest programme to download so I can advertise today's talks. Not sure it'll get here in time: 1400 BYTES per second!
Good golly, the water at Tynemouth is positively warm! So long and thanks for all the icecaps.
@peterrowlett crumbs, that doesn't sound like it was much fun to do
@matthen2 ooh, do all the tricolores cancel each other out? And I expect a strongish ghost of a Union flag in the top-left corner.
Haskell to generate the de Bruijn sequence (6,2): d = 0:0:0:0:0:1:zipWith (\ x y -> (x+y) `mod` 2) d (tail d)
I mean *a* de Bruijn sequence (6,2)
@ColinTheMathmo they're not pegasi, silly!
A long time ago, a young boy called Christian bought a box of pop tarts. The boy grew up and eventually forgot about the pop tarts...
... UNTIL TODAY! I found that box of pop tarts, and I am eating them like a chocoholic Jacquard machine
@Nathan1123 clopen your exercise book!
@elinoroberts so, I suppose that valley's quite hard to refer to when you're speaking Welsh
@haggismaths there's a statue of Desperate Dan somewhere in the town centre that I was gutted to hear about only as I was leaving
@MrHonner likewise!
@Andrew_Taylor Broken News! Somebody else watched it! Let us exchange quotes.
@danaernst finally! Great news.
@IBLMath finally they're doing something about blogging
We need to raise 11 men in complete isolation from society, so they reach adulthood not knowing that England can't win on penalties.
*just* missed! Disheartening
@ben_nuttall @peterrowlett what a quick turnaround! I reckon we've got a shot at the podium in the 4x400 words reportage
@brittneybean's called NAS, and quite a few people already do it? But it's more of a hassle than signing up for google, so most don't?
@brittneybean ok. Searching for "home cloud" turns up a few nice-looking things
@icecolbeveridge nope. Looks Japanese to me!
top tip: use your paper wallet as a damper for your phone so it doesn't make a nasty rattle when it vibrates on your desk.
seeking funders for my new-Romantic fireworks show, "Sturm und Bang".
Writing docs for @NclNumbas on on @pkrautz's recommendation. It looks pretty good so far!
Cushing is busily concocting odd searches to find @aperiodical. Example: "fibonacci went to the friend zone in the least efficient carnival"
@peterrowlett @aperiodical another from Cushing: "fermat's last theorem is precisely the physicist's viewpoint of a hot dog"
@jgrahamc I think it's more a product of a desire to have more flexibility in their stock control, which isn't a bad thing
@peterrowlett yes, I think so.
@peterrowlett Cushing says yours are too long
@peterrowlett I worry that directly asking people to search for the site might incur google's wrath though.
@peterrowlett those are good! David likes fruit dancing robots.
Beating a hasty retreat to my coastal redoubt before Newcastle gets washed away completely
If you're going on holiday in Europe this summer, have a look at the fantastic Turismo Matemático (@mathsinthecity)
my regexp would have worked perfectly if the person who wrote this code last summer hadn't occasionally used tabs to separate words
the tab in question was in such a position that it only produced a one character gap anyway, so I only noticed it when I changed tabwidth
can't stop watching the fractal juggler…
@jamesgrime and instead of moving south he stays up north
@gingerbeardman I'll go with: if you're thinking about that, you've already wasted too much time
the dept has been given a second-hand blackboard on wheels but it won't fit in any of our rooms. Can you think of an imaginative use for it?
@stecks I was thinking along those lines, but weatherproofing is an issue
@panlepan yes, I have several at home, but this one is over 2m tall!
Pythonistas: is it possible to write a file-like object to a ZipFile object without doing zip.writestr(
@panlepan alas, it's a rolly-round one. We've considered cutting off the blackboard material and covering the walls with it.
@acmescience you explicitly asked for more cranks
oh super, the @aperiodical has been slashdotted! Thankfully, nobody reads /. any more so the server is coping fine
number of people who read the proof before speculating wildly: 0. Never change, slashdot! (for balance, reddit is doing equally poorly)
@brittneybean @aperfect Northumberland: also featuring a millennium-old herd of completely inbred super-cattle.
@ColinTheMathmo this one:… (/. thread:…)
has anyone considered town planning as a data structures problem?
@kenfodder I was thinking that quadtrees would allow everyone to pack into a small space, leaving lots of green countryside
@mathsinthecity we've been weighing up whether to report that on @aperiodical because it sounds so fishy. Russia Today isn't a great source
@elinoroberts just looked out the window. Correct.
@MathJax oh, I thought it already was. Here you go:…
@jamesgrime this calls for a public awareness campaign! Can we make a ribbon with a big symmetry group?
@brucel @ben_nuttall wow. Why would they release that with their name attached? It's as bad an advert as a grocer putting out mouldy fruit
@IMAmaths those would look a lot nicer with @MathJax maths.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie yes!
Newcastle Uni is disabling its SOCKS proxy. The 90s are finally over!
Trying ubuntu again: how are you meant to get the proprietary wireless driver so you can connect to the net to download the wireless driver?
it's SIGGRAPH time! I love SIGGRAPH.
cyber panto horse!… I'M HACKING THE GIBSON
@DanielColquitt that's what I normally do, but it's annoying. And free drivers don't work
this lady wants to get where she's going a lot faster than her dog does.
Jeera could give me less curry for the same money, leaving me equally happy *and* less of a porker.
@jsnortheast is there going to be a meeting this month? I've just found out about you
@ben_nuttall but, like the four-billion-and-first coin flip after four billion heads, that's no reason to say you're also going to succeed
Usain Bolt fact: Bolt often gets dirt in his eyes, so at home he's hired a personal eyebath attendant from Grenada Mote-Away Services.
Olympic stats time: who is failing to win the most?…
hypothesis: something really, really bad happens to North Koreans if they get bronze or silver.
oh man, Team GB has moved up the not-winning table after today's sailors, boxers and hockists choked…
(Canada still sits comfortably at the top of the table though. I think that level of almost-achievement will be hard to match)
looking through blogger's javascript for @MathJax integration, it seems blogger has more easter eggs than real features
Moving furniture. Apparently "quaternions don't commute!" is not helpful input when trying to get an armchair through a doorway.
@monsoon0 what's your favourite chalk?
unexpected CP presence at the start of this week's math/maths. You win again, Hansen!
@jcoglan wow! That's like #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice: The Twitter Feed.
@stecks and then your PGP key was in the last place you looked, right?
@stecks toys? I think we're doing mathsjam wrong
just remembered that Sainsbury's was playing Creedence yesterday. I wholeheartedly approve.
I'm watching The Red Shoes. As a keen fan of balletic megacamp, I wish to express my desire that it gets better. Not hopeful so far.
Inability to see the colour red might be hampering my ability to enjoy this film
how is it that nobody has remade Netstorm as a free to play facebook game?
@Andrew_Taylor answer: they do not work
@icecolbeveridge if you put the source to that on github I'll add some nice MathJax to it
@DanielColquitt whence came this thought?
@benkenyon I can do one better: they were playing Alt-J in a mcdonald's I was in last week
@peterrowlett I make it 27. What am I missing? Note Northampton and Birmingham appear twice in the menus
@icecolbeveridge @peterrowlett ........ oh, boo to that! Sit on the naughty chair!
gosh knitting's complicated
@peterrowlett @MathsJam apparently so! Which is why I started the map
@peterrowlett what does that second sentence mean? I can't parse it. Have another go
@peterrowlett I've discussed that @stecks. I think she convinced me she had a good reason not to do that.
@E_I_W are you going to mathsjam tomorrow? I'm off work with exhaustion so probably won't go. Not sure if anyone else is around,
@stecks @peterrowlett by forgetting to type the word "with", I invented new language! Hooray, I'm Shakespeare!
a pox on your house, dictate2us! Not sure why your emails are being let through by the uni's spam filters
@jjaron @aperiodical the dude who posted it claimed he did it by hand:…
@jjaron are you setting up a "but it's only made of points" pun there?
@mathsinthecity far more interestingly: there's a town called Collegeville!
@mathsinthecity then you might do badly up here - we have lots of villages called things like "No Place" and "Pity Me"
@mathsinthecity it's grim up here, you know.
@HELIUM_HEED it's uni resits fortnight
Woke up covered in cuts. I'm worried my house might be infested with Tories.
@CardColm I have a couple in my office, but 1) I'm not there today, and 2) they're not very neat
@CardColm unless by "completed" you meant "all of the hyperbolic plane", in which case I don't have one
@Electrokittie oh man now I want doughnuts too
Email isn't an interactive medium with @peterrowlett. It's more like leaving messages in a time capsule for the benefit of later generations
do I know anyone in academia who runs a programming club for their department or faculty?
looking for angel investors for my new estate agency specialising in flipping run-down urban homes: Quain't.
@outofthenorm2 probability it stops after N goes, or what?
@acmescience what, another one?
@acmescience us?
@outofthenorm2 there's always a chance it will stop, so expected number of rounds until it stops might be better
@peterrowlett yes, it's a result of how much email you receive rather than how much you read
@bucharesttutor @icecolbeveridge I've always had a couple of problems with that, starting with the letter x. There is a best way; use it!
@bucharesttutor @icecolbeveridge no, I mean the x on that page isn't the best.
@bucharesttutor @icecolbeveridge in fact, the X there is how I would write a Greek letter Xi
@bucharesttutor that's the same letter. Don't tell me we have different ways of spelling letters!
@bucharesttutor oh man, it's me who's wrong. Whoops!
@icecolbeveridge @bucharesttutor I think this calls for another #twittorthography survey
@MitchKeller @peterrowlett @aperiodical that's what I was thinking of. So what's common in the US? Surely not no. 1?
@MitchKeller interesting! Does 3 look bad to you, or does the thinking behind it make sense?
@plusmathsorg which one of you tweeted that? I've never known how you do twitter. Anyway: did they try to get you to do 3 at school?
@MitchKeller the thinking is that it looks completely unlike any other x, and especially not like the multiplication symbol.
@pkrautz I have several of these saved in posts on for if I ever get round to writing them up.
@pkrautz though I'll try storify; it's just that every time I've looked at it it's scared me off
@MrHonner @icecolbeveridge @aperiodical @plusmathsorg they should be. Blame my cack-handedness
"@MitchKeller: Once you start using x there is no longer a need for a symbol for multiplication" Vector multiplication:
@MrHonner @icecolbeveridge @aperiodical hang on! I've looked again and they are touching. It just looks like they aren't because of chalk
@MitchKeller handwritten ones, yes. What do you do?
@MitchKeller but arrows take so long! And a hat is for a unit vector.
@icecolbeveridge @MrHonner @aperiodical precisely! Handwriting is different because it's hard to consistently replicate symbols
@jjaron @aperiodical *and* for general writing?! Why?
going to do a reverse-zoolander and write DO SHAVE on my bathroom door so I remember tomorrow morning before my shower
Just had a superb veg samosa chilli chaat from Dabbawal at the mini-mela on Grainger Street. Shockingly, no other takers
@jgrahamc I have a really sturdy Staedtler one. Good ones are normally listed under "architect's supplies"
can anyone explain why this snail was hanging on to the top of a stalk in strong wind?…
The Mad Metal Mosquito of Tynemouth, finally captured and pacified in 1967. Behind, you can see its victims' graves
argggg I *just* missed the hit counter on going past 66,666. I'll have to wait ages for another chance like that!
@Samuel_Hansen re skype video recording: I use SuperTintin, which can do 720p into separate files for each stream.
@nilium yes, I have that book, but what do you need it for? It's not good for learning new things
@nilium look past the title and get this… - it's really good.
Today I am Robin to Robin's Batman. Learning how to deliver lectures from the incumbent champion.
The Mark Wallinger exhibit at the Baltic in Gateshead has a couple of great pieces about randomness and ordering. cc @mathsinthecity
... One is a wall of shuffled, numbered bricks. The other is 2^16 pebbles laid out on chessboards and categorised with a binary code.
@profkeithdevlin I've encountered a similarly annoying Scottish academic who uses "does anyone remember the quadratic formula?" the same way
How annoying. The edit page for the @Storify story I had saved gives a 404 error.
and the wordpress jetpack twitter embedding doesn't seem to be working either. Aaaaa everything is going wrong and I was going to do things!
and now the @Storify link is working. Complaining worked! Or, it didn't not work!
"proud christian livin evry day like its my last YOLO" - you might have misunderstood some core tenets of your faith, dude
"during the closure there will be no trains in both directions" - rats! I use superpositioned trains as the basis of my quantum computer
*golf clap* RT @CardColm: @christianp surely you meant quantum commuter?
5555 messages in my inbox. Take that, you obsessive inbox zero types!
@walkingrandomly oh, these are all read. Might have maybe deliberately by accident forgotten to mention that
@icecolbeveridge if you've got $3m you can see this one in a bit more detail…
@icecolbeveridge (fairly sure there's a legitimate source for that somewhere. Trying to find it now)
@icecolbeveridge ooh, have you found a good example in Newton's notebooks?
@icecolbeveridge I consider that the same as 3. Going for the same shape, in one less stroke
@icecolbeveridge can you post that link as a comment on the post please?
I've made web-compatible versions of the Computer Modern typefaces (the ones LaTeX uses)
@JanvierUK very important, and it's the kind of thing you can't be told. Glad you're feeling OK
@pkrautz I did not. I'll look now.
@FontSquirrel how does the kit generator's backend work? I'm converting 60+ fonts so I'd like to spare your server and my patience...
@FontSquirrel ... by doing the conversion locally, if possible.
@md267 @bluecombats @NoelAnn @peterrowlett well, wikia is popular, and could probably be convinced to do mathjax. See…
@Samuel_Hansen what bands are you already listening to?
@FontSquirrel thought as much. Oh well! I'll sit here pushing fonts through for a while. Thanks for replying.
Sorry dudes, but I just made the best tweet ever from the @aperiodical account. Unless you're RTing it, there's no point using twitter now.
@MrHonner I won't lie, your tweet did prompt mine. But I am pulling muscles patting myself on the back, so I am deaf to your complaints
to anyone who balked at my Computer Modern webfonts because they're too heavy: I've recompiled them to be <100k each
@Samuel_Hansen Alt-J, Becca Stevenson, Django Django, Lianne La Havas, Little Dragon, Sirius Mo, Jhameel, Flight Facilities, Neil Cowley
@disqushelp @pkrautz @ryanvalentin When did Disqus 2012 happen? We're trying to get MathJax to work inside comments. Same-Origin blocks it.
@mathsinthecity if you wear the t-shirt and meet some*one*, that doesn't necessarily mean the t-shirt significantly improved your chances
@mathsinthecity meeting that special dozen or so people would start looking convincing, but correlation is not causation!
@icecolbeveridge famously not!
Brr gosh it's cold!
I didn't expect to hear the "Chinese Healthy Living Choir" singing Edelweiss when I emerged from monument station
#eas2012 are any mathematical types also wandering around Dundee this afternoon?
Whoops, apparently the hashtag is #eas12. So again: are any mathematical types also wandering round Dundee this afternoon?
@stecks I think I've seen very similar words before
@peterrowlett @stecks I've arrived in Dundee. 7 would be best for me.
Dundee has some very nice buildings!
@icecolbeveridge yes!
@stecks @peterrowlett I have dinner booked for 8! Later?
Dundee also has lots of unapologetically mediocre shopping centres
Euclid street!
The vajazzling shop I noticed last year has closed. It seems not even gaudy nethers are safe from the double-dip recession
*and* a wealth of pleasing sculpture? Dundovingians, you're doing OK!
Oh wow, aforementioned bits-blinging shop was on Nethergate! How did it fail?
Dundevarians? Dundorks? Dundeebriates? What are you called?
@Rathematician is this where that "furry boots are comfy?" joke comes from?
@stecks @peterrowlett 9? Hard to say
Gotta be Dapper Dan!
Henry's coffee house just made me an extremely nice hot chocolate
@aperfect as I often say, lonely fun is the only fun
@maanow @plusmathsorg a case of nominative determinism?
@stecks you should be in Dundee!
@geogebra did you tell us about this? Sorry if I forgot to write it up
@geogebra the ipad kickstarter. Looks like twitter didn't realise that's what I was replying to
man, that shower was like being dribbled on by a dehydrated pensioner. 4/10, at least the temperature was consistent.
and the towel smelled like abandoned popcorn
@HilariousCow 0/0 is not infinity. Or, if it is, it's plus or minus infinity
@EIMathematical @peterrowlett @stecks hint taken, it'll be on the Aperiodical shortly I'm sure
@monsoon0 there's probably quite a bit of selection bias
@mathalicious are the weekly videos on youtube the product of the math52 kickstarter? Trying to write you something nice on @aperiodical
@monsoon0 I mean, there was probably a lot of rubbish published in the 1800s that you haven't looked at
@monsoon0 ok, if we're being honest, I also prefer old maths to new. One of my most treasured possessions is an 1811 arithmetic textbook
@monsoon0 "the late William Tinwell" (not an anachronism: it's the sixth edition). "A treatise on practical arithmetic and book-keeping"
@monsoon0 it has a completely different set of concerns to new books, e.g. it tells you how to convert Edinburgh bushels to Newcastle ones
@monsoon0 it's fascinating as a record of how life used to be, and how important arithmetic used to be
Bad tropes in the @EIMathematical weekly challenge video: opens with a cloud of mathsy symbols; people are "obsessed" with the subject.
I nominate @peterrowlett for best sentence on the site this month, for the opener to this post…
going into the database to edit a quip made in an uneditable comment: ultimo sadness. And what I'm currently doing
gdamnsk: just had two ideas. By the time I'd written the first one down, I'd forgotten the second.
I think it's fair to say I'm currently in the "manic" phase
forget Professional White Background, this installer's going for Professional Impact Font on Button Labels.
@Andrew_Taylor that's my favourite one so far
@mathalicious @aperiodical cool. I think they're really really good. Especially when compared with something else we're writing about
@ColinTheMathmo Bart Simpson used to say it weekly on BBC2
tyne tunnel permit topup site has introduced 6-digit passcodes as extra security. If you don't have one, it lets you make one up on login...
but if you've already done that, it lets you log in with just your password and make a new one anyway. Secure!
@standupmaths @UsrBinPRL and it's combinations, not permutations
@standupmaths would it surprise you to learn Mastermind is NP-complete?
@UsrBinPRL yeah, ok.
@LargeCardinal @standupmaths huh?
@BenTormey sometimes people who do that look like they feel it's what society requires of them.
Your suggestions for what CSF could stand for on this dude's bumper sticker. So far I have "Cornish Society of Falkirk"... #csf
... "Carolingian Sovereignty Fund". "Congress of Sweaty Fishermen". "Comfortable Sofa Fortnightly" #csf
Cookie Solicitation Front. That's a #csf I might start myself
oh wow, the interface is actually really nice. I'm using it to send an email for the first time since they switched.
@peterrowlett @stecks hooray, we're popular in the South
@jamesgrime in what way?
oh my god this vim plugin is amazing…
ever so sorry, forgot my #unbearablecodinghipster tag there
this spider has 10 seconds to comply
@standupmaths hey, we had assembly every morning in my primary school.
@DanielColquitt aaaaaa I'd forgotten about sciencedirect's mental scrolling behaviour. Well done, though.
actually, left knee, I'm fairly sure I *didn't* just dislocate you, so buck your ideas up
Kickstarter if I could be bothered: Rubik's cube with internal circuitry.that goes PING when you solve it
More difficult: Rubik's cube that announces number of moves to solution at each step (now that we know God's number it's easy, right?)
on the pinging Rubik's cube idea: would a Hilbert curve through the blocks work, so the circuit is only complete in the initial position?
@jamesgrime excellent cartoon. Remind me to high-five you at the big MathsJam
@jamesgrime yes I was. Young Indie is live-action, isn't it? Not very good, either.
@jamesgrime hmm, hard to decide. How about: you can attempt to high-five me, but I'm at least a foot taller than you, so difficulty: hard
@jamesgrime (I say "at least" in the "I have a rough memory of how tall you are, which time has exaggerated" sense)
@jamesgrime only a few inches off! I never got into Batman: the animated series. I bow before your mid-90s TV expertise
I've really enjoyed sitting in for this Amazon delivery. It's given me time to reevaluate my priorities in life.
mencap chuggers: my face might be blank because I have one of the illnesses your charity helps with. Laughing is not the correct response
@brittneybean like, just a grid to put numbers in?
@brittneybean maybe BC Spreadsheet…
well, my parcel failed to arrive. I could've spent the day on the beach!
@KSCMaths person number 5 went for pi, but the editor chose not to put it in bold
I hate HDNL so much. They've updated the tracking page overnight to say they left me a card at 5:30 yesterday. I've complained to Amazon
@mathsinthecity if you're using a calculator for anything that precise, you're doing it wrong. It's a fun story of international standards!
@mathsinthecity a somewhat interesting intro to floating-point troubles here:…
excellent paper title: "How Java’s Floating-Point Hurts Everyone Everywhere"…
@mathsinthecity really? It's the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon!
@mathsinthecity one of my favourite jokes.
@BenTormey escalators are my cardio exercise. #lazyboy
@BenTormey man, not even
today: was going to continue rewriting @NclNumbas with knockout. Instead: getting it to do pretty things with d3.js
so I've missed the day again, waiting in for this package. "Any time between 8am and 9pm" isn't very precise
This is ridiculous! It's now 48 hours since I last stepped outside the house. And the courier might not come until 9pm!
Fresh air! The parcel has finally arrived so I can leave the house yippeeeee!
@DanielColquitt yeah, but they didn't leave a card yesterday so they sent a courier today
Carrot and houmous club! Who's with me today?
@Bishnavitch get the bus straight back to town. Carrots and houmous is an excellent combination
chrike on a bist this code is badly written
@CardColm the source for that is available online:…
@FOTSN trufax.
@peterrowlett Located under "arts" for the same reason it's "maths" instead of "math"
programming in PHP is like giving instructions to a psychotic 6-year-old who hates you
@peterrowlett sort of, yeah. I was getting at that "mathematics" used to mean the liberal arts
@peterrowlett but on googling, it seems I was wrong to think that
ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! #dyspraxia
@peterrowlett oh man the trouble I get from a tiny quip
A 96-year-old man sat down next to me at the station and told me all about the old times. What a dude.
Say goodbye to pensioner misery with Uncurmudge, new from CPCo! Patented inflatable grandchild can listen for hours on just 2 AA BATTERIES!
@haggismaths rats! I've been saving that for my next Aperiodical Roundup!
following "are scientists...", here's "are mathematicians...". I think "sometimes" answers all four.
there are some pretty science-fiction sounds happening outside. The Venusians might be invading via Tynemouth.
@icecolbeveridge almost a clever joke, but monopoly is non-deterministic
@icecolbeveridge yes, given a stream of dice rolls I can tell you if the corresponding game ends
@icecolbeveridge or maybe I can't! Instant doubt sown.
@mathsinthecity do I recognise the dude on the right of that photo?
@MB_Whitworth @mathsinthecity aha, that's probably it! I'll see you in November
@mathsinthecity never minds caps, I'm still waiting for my umbrella
why are regional tourism websites universally terrible to navigate?
Jesmond Dene hooray! Gonna go grab a gander at the Golden Guernsey goats!
new series of 7 day sunday!…
Podcast with @peterrowlett and @stecks for the @aperiodical. @standupmaths makes a largely inaudible guest appearance.…
@hornmaths what system is it?
A013916: Numbers n such that the sum of the first n primes is prime.
@plusmathsorg I like how Gömböc was de-umlauted for the URL: goumlmboumlc. I'll call it that from now on
@GreyAlien you only have one in space, but you might have several in time
@stecks you could while away the time designing an interlocking pieces puzzle and call it Aburrdeen
@mathsinthecity in tropical arithmetic it's 1, so I assume it's the philosophers who take the conventional view.
@eAssess there's no comments section!
@AMSGradBlog that site has died! It's throwing a PHP error in statpress.php
@AMSGradBlog yes
@AMSGradBlog you've probably got it cached, in fact
@AMSGradBlog yes, working now
@icecolbeveridge it said yesterday that he was leaning out of the car to pick up a parking ticket. Oddly no mention of that now.
@peterrowlett you're a real autodidact!
I think the spiders outnumber me in this flat not just by headcount but also by total body mass
@BrianGonzalez__ thanks, but I'm on windows and I've already done it
@monsoon0 visit mathcentre and tell them to give their tech guy a kick up the backside for me, please
the ADL SCORM test suites are distributed exclusively in a windows installer .exe, for no good reason. They're just static files!
@monsoon0 it isn't!
@Samuel_Hansen I had the thought before that now might be a good time to do the "are there enough maths communicators" idea from a while ago
@Samuel_Hansen man, you were asking for people to interview you, and you say there aren't enough in your press release, so...
@Samuel_Hansen ok. I'm going to email you a short list of stupid questions and we'll see where that goes
@aperfect @LWigelsworth hello that is a very nice biscuit tin back there yes it is mmhmm
@standupmaths (it's really 27, because midlands towns are in both the North and South lists)
@icecolbeveridge ah, then my map is out of date, and Katie decided which side of the border two towns lie on
@icecolbeveridge @standupmaths some python BeautifulSouping later, I agree with you. I don't have Baltimore or Norwich. Is Baltimore real?
@stecks interested to hear your reasons for putting Norwich in the "N England" list on
@icecolbeveridge yes, but does it happen? I've never heard anything from them
@stecks @standupmaths half the towns in "N England" are in the midlands. Don't they deserve their own list now? Or could it be "N&Central"?
@stecks yes!
@stecks girl, ain't need no JS no more! CSS got yo back
@stecks gtalk me when you've got time
@elinoroberts so it isn't just me who has trouble with that trip!
an end to the north/south divide! All English @MathsJams are now under the same menu on
and I recoded the nav menus while I was there
I am weeping as I eat this guacamole, because I know soon it will be just a memory.
created a tortilla shrine around the remaining guacamole. Then committed instant sacrilege by eating it all.
the guacamole's life was short but beautiful. It will live forever in my heart.
@peterrowlett @MathsJam @stecks hm! Works on my phone. I wonder why iphones don't do hover properly. I've added tabindexes, does that work?
@peterrowlett @MathsJam @stecks ok, I'll find someone in the department with an iphone and commandeer it for a bit
@peterrowlett @stecks got hold of an iphone and sorted it. Should be working now, if you'd like to test it
@standupmaths you're on in Stockton! my friend has just moved to Stockton, so I now have two reasons to go there! I may see @FOTSN yet!
.@alexbellos I just tried to send you a dm, but I think tweetdeck would rather I communicated telepathically
@alexbellos and it turns out you're not following me. Oh well.
ended a mathematical yo mamma argument with "yo mamma was too wide to fit in the margin"
@peterrowlett @stecks I think it's half what it used to be. I'll make it shorter. It's only there to copy the old look
@standupmaths @Duncan_Destruct cuboid walks into bar. Barman says, "why the long face?"
@velvlol @burnsidemaths yep, you've got me there. Joke isn't funny any more because it's based on an absurd premise. I have so much to learn
type (some) TeX and (sometimes) get equivalent unicode, for pasting into things like tweets
All these terrible people coming out to Tynemouth to alcoholise themselves
The "oh, who even cares" burger, x2. Mayo, tomato, buffalo, buffala, gherkin, batavia. Not inedible.
@christianp I forgot another B: bacon!
@christianp and bufala has one f. That tweet went about as well as tonight's meal-planning
In Chinatown looking for premises for my new laser hair removal business, Singe-A-Pore
put food in oven. (time passes) remember to put timer on.
Trying to find something to watch while eating my dinner, just heard Robert Webb claim "clopen" isn't a word. Tut tut.
Standing at the start of the great North run, watching everyone gets ready. Best costume so far: a Rubik's cube
Everyone's run through now. Bananas beat Scooby Doos 6-5. Very defensive play from both sides this year. Ostriches out in force
@elinoroberts I very much am not. Going home for a hot cocoa now
I keep noticing people using "this" and "these" instead of "it" and "they" in writing. Have I missed a grammar rule?
@HoeJodgkiss did you retune on the 12th like ALL THE BILLBOARDS IN THE CITY told you?
@HoeJodgkiss truth. There's one literally outside your flat.
@HELIUM_HEED I've missed this entire thing. Is there a krispy kreme shop in town or something?
@raj7desai I've just noticed your name is an anagram of "ideas jar". A nice fit with Maths Jam :)
@kenjilamb hash-sash?
@jgrahamc I don't recognise it now, and I have CDs bought from Tower Records. Did people have trouble opening them?
Knackered myself sprinting for the metro, further validating my decision made at an early age not to become a running back.
@jgrahamc ah! Yes, that would've been useful
here's a fun IE bug: on alternate presses of Ctrl+R to reload the page, font-faces don't load. F5 works fine. #aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@LexicalAnalysis @haggismaths @aperiodical I think things will change pretty soon. For one thing, non-research teachers can be cheaper
@stecks @peterrowlett you do *one* little thing, and from then on... I'll see if I get round to it this afternoon
@ColinTheMathmo @stecks @peterrowlett ha! Did we just fix it at exactly the same time?
@ColinTheMathmo @stecks @peterrowlett then, go team redundant effort!
@aPaulTaylor did you see this comment on your "words to fill space" post?…
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm at the Charles Grey pub. All welcome. I'll be making things with rhombi, and I might have some puzzles
@HELIUM_HEED what if his palsy palsy was caused by too many cigarettes! Karma negated!
@ColinTheMathmo you might be able to start here:
Cushing has been anagramming my name: fish-car intercept; "nice craft, hipster"; first cheap cretin; fit hipster cancer; erect rapist finch.
IE and Chrome regexes disagree about what counts as whitespace. #hateIE
maths modelling with Cushing before MathsJam: what if killing other prisoners got their sentence taken off yours?
message for my last git commit: "More commas for the comma god!"
@peterrowlett can I turn off the "share posts on twitter" option for the mathsjamphotos tumblr? About to upload my pics from last night
@peterrowlett just discovered there's a button to turn tweeting on/off per post, so we can both be happy
@peterrowlett I think it does work on my phone, I just forget to use it.
@peterrowlett and of course I would forget to press the button on the second one
doing with generator expressions in python what should be done with monads in haskell.
The 4-cards-to-24 problem from @MathsJam last night annoyed me, so I brute-forced it with Python:…
it's just occurred to me that that script solves the numbers game on Countdown, too.
@icecolbeveridge it should use all four cards, yes. What numbers did you have?
whoops, my script doesn't rearrange the numbers. Doh
@icecolbeveridge oh right, you mean with your script. Yes, mine insists on all four.
@icecolbeveridge you can get 24.2857, if you don't mind fractions...
stones at various stages of erosion in Tynemouth Priory:…………
(well done to the chap who chose Hardy Basalt for his grave stone)
@CardColm similarly: this on my blog,…, prompted by a tweet by @qikipedia
@CardColm @peterrowlett @MathsJam Ji claimed you can do it "most of the time".
@ColinTheMathmo @CardColm @peterrowlett @MathsJam factorial wasn't part of the game!
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen and it isn't impossible that most of us are listening to relprime in our bombproof hyperbaric chambers
@maanow interesting notation in the solution: (12)(3) instead of 12x3 or 12.3. Is this a US thing, or peculiar to the question setter?
guess which browser didn't parse "\v" as ASCII character 11 until version 9!
PS #hateIE
hoy Platonists, here's a zen koan for you: if nobody agrees with a true statement, is it still true?
@aPaulTaylor did you forget your login for I can reset it if you want.
@aPaulTaylor ah, yes. My sympathies.
@TeaKayB yes
Alice Arnold reading out funny tweets on the radio4 morning news briefing. What have we become?
What happens if you disagree with the sentiment in the Prayer for the Day? Do you spend the rest of the day with an unscratched prayer itch?
@dmh10 ah, that's not the same, god isn't listening.
@MathsCareers they'd look even more beautiful, and be more legible to blind potential mathematicians, if you used MathJax on that page
@peterrowlett anything involving making rectangles
@peterrowlett mega-pedantry?
@peterrowlett I hope so. I was thinking more of of carpentry and landscaping though.
my git repository has a development branch that I get to check out for about 5 minutes each day before another IE bug appears in master.
@kirkpatricke if the multiplication is on quaternions, that might not be nonsense (it is though)
I'm office-naked, which means I've taken my glasses and my shoes off
@mathsinthecity @naomifantabulus here's mine: second shelf from the top…
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett division by zero isn't infinity, it's undefined! #saddestpedant
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett ok, one cooked dinner to whoever comes up with the best golden ratio / email nonsense fact
@nulibrs @nulibsage happy hooray!
@jcoglan yes, it opens my browser.
@mathpunk @qikipedia but you can enumerate the rationals, so the argument works the same way. The reals are where it breaks.
@mathsinthecity could you ask your Devonian followers to take a picture of this window in Great Torrington?…
@divbyzero is it bad that I made a simulation so I could say "right to left"?
there's nothing I enjoy more than writing the Aperiodical Round Up. Could it maybe be my job? Who will pay me to do it?
Pre-dinner: zippy, whip-bang, straight-to-the-point prose. Post-dinner: yawnful, meandering, superfluously florid murbles. Better stop soon.
@vickytnz this is my cool side-project. Thanks to my magnificently stingy part-time contract, I never do proper work on Fridays
@vickytnz CFP?
WANTED: combination slide rule / slide whistle
Finally, Aperiodical Round Up 7! Featuring ternary timesers, timbres, Tuvans, togas, trefoils and tons t'more.…
@wppwah @mathpunk no, but there's one that comes first in the order, and that'll do
@jcoglan where is this marvellous thread?
And then at Cabosse in Warkworth I had this frankly pornographic hot chocolate. It was indecent. Still coming down now!
I've had a lovely day out along the coast. At Barter Books I found some new activities for @MathsJam...
@missradders it's near the back left, first shelf after fiction. I have so many good books from there, including one by an ancestor Perfect!
@missradders better leave it a while. I've pretty much cleared it out.
@missradders another very very good shop for maths books is Westwood Books in Sedburgh
@standupmaths @ajk_44 glad to hear you're not Cowed by punappreciative types
@EliotBall ahh, but they minimise flammability per unit buying power
@wppwah @mathpunk I won't disagree with that, because I don't think "smallest uninteresting number" is an interesting property anyway
my mum is being asked to report statistics as percentages, from a population of size 3. Oh no!
I'm watching Doctor Who, just like a real person! And I might watch the X Factor later. Just watch me watch it.
@Talithin @peterrowlett might it be a DNS problem? works for me. Try
Unplanned impact of pure maths: Joseph Whitworth decided to standardise screw threads after helping Babbage build the Difference Engine
I know how the NAS can raise more money than it will ever be able to spend: show this video… #tankengines! #squeeee!
@monsoon0 we are! But I suppose it's hard to persuade people to move to Australia.
@monsoon0 correct: Australia is too hot.
@monsoon0 where are you at the moment? Are you still in the UK?
@monsoon0 isn't it glorious? Make sure you visit the countryside while you're here (preferably leave Yorkshire. Norther is better)
@pkrautz thanks. Not sure I would've used the word "linkspam" though...
a bloseneed! how annoying!
Progress on my Wieringa roof continues apace. Only another all of it to go!
@vickytnz my grandma brought it back from your homeland. The label (worn out) says something like "©Fromiva"
@vickytnz after some discussion in the office, we now think it says "Frokiwi"
ok IE, which ones are the real ones? #hateIE
unique Scrabble scores: pizazzy(39), oxyphenbutazone(41), pizzazz(45), pizzazzes(47), razzmatazz(48), razzmatazzes(50), razzamatazzes(51)
(I used the complete word list from
Most popular score: 13 (15492 words)
@aPaulTaylor oh man, I didn't think of that! I will recompute
@aPaulTaylor so is oxyphenbutazone's 41 the only unique score?
@aPaulTaylor that's already happened up here. Still marginally cheaper per litre than Sainsbury's own brand, but not by much
If you replace every letter in a word with its Scrabble score, the most common string is '3111111', shared by 1263 words.
@dmh10 the "complete word list" from
@dmh10 do you know where I can get SOWPODS?
@dmh10 404, dude! I tried that before.
my Scrabble score statistifying Python code:
@ColinTheMathmo you should also record an album with someone, so you can have an Erdos-Bacon-Sabbath number
Cushing and I celebrated 16.16pm, aka square-square o'clock, with a high-twenty-five.
@haggismaths that fact is my favourite fact about fibonacci numbers. There's a nice easy proof by induction.
@peterrowlett @aperiodical hah, so I'm the "silly twitter questions guy" now? I'll give it a go.
@mathsinthecity you have palindromically many followers!
@mathsinthecity hahaha, of course two people had to unfollow you while I was writing that...
@mathsinthecity good news! Either they've seen the error of their ways, or some replacements have picked up the slack
@Bishnavitch sorry, going to see Marcus Brigstocke in durham
@vickytnz is it alright if I use this picture in my mathsjam recap blogpost?
@vickytnz cor, that was quick! I noticed you retweeted something of mine before the timer had moved past "now" recently, too!
I've written up last week's Newcastle @MathsJam, just like I used to do:…
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. 25 years ago you killed my father. Prepare to die.…
@Andrew_Taylor but sunshine is not in its preimage. BAD ANALOGY
Best Mitt Romney tumblr? I think so.
@CardColm *you want to write a review for the aperiodical* *wavy jedi fingers*
@peterrowlett @stecks @MathsJam that sounds sort of sordid when you say it that way
12:12! Why do I keep noticing these times? I've almost covered each hour over the past week. WHAT IS GOING ON WITH MY BRAIN
Tomorrow, 27/9, cancels down to an integer. Is that an interesting fact?
@nrichmaths my immediate reaction on seeing the new site: please please use something other than colour to differentiate the house icons
late arrival at the category theorists' ball: Mr and Mrs O'Morphism and their son, End O'Morphism
... and Jack O'Bian, and Adam Ards-Pace, and Kat O'Gory, and all the rest
@elinoroberts that has put a big smile on my face
@elinoroberts is it still here? I thought it was moving to Manchester
@elinoroberts gosh. Well, Maker Faire usually coincides with me getting a completely heinous flu...
@jcoglan wouldn't a pull request mentioning the issue solve that, by alerting both the original author and issue creator that there's a fix?
@jcoglan "fixes lazydude/repo#42" would do it.
@Andrew_Taylor If someone shares something only with their circles, you need to be in their circles. My posts are public by default. I love you, you are my bestest friend
@standupmaths hey, at least you're not one of those self-hating comedians
incredible. The BBC Magazine has led me to a blog I enjoyed reading. Not One-Off Britishisms:
BBC News is doing very well today…
hang on, I've just realised that my… does the same thing as, but with more symbols and instantly
@haggismaths you ate it so quickly you didn't even see what it was? What a pig! And now I want to know what it was too.
12.12! I have a disease, I'm sure!
@icecolbeveridge yes I can. It's called "Simple MathJax"
@ProfKinyon @DanielColquitt I think \( \) can delimit inline maths, or that might only be in some dialects
"one of the region's fastest-growing companies... has gone from 4 staff to 6" - bad percentages on Look North
Sorry, have slandered Look North. It's ITV News.
@EliotBall NI is an anti-punch: it pays for punches to be made better should you receive any later in life
14.14! I saw 12.13 and 13.12 before so I thought I was cured, but it seems it was just a temporary reprieve. O woe!
@icecolbeveridge @standupmaths dude, you need to move to our a PDE and impose a boundary condition v(Leicester square,t) = 0.
You could call my clock-related worries... The Baader-TIMEhof phenomenon! #cleverestmanontwitter
That's it. I'm just going to have to go round the corner and buy a Gareth James brownie. There's no other option.
Good news: I have established Rapport with the girl in the chocolate shop. Said "I'm here for my usual" and she understood.
Bad news: I have a usual in a chocolate shop
"Timothy Gowers" is a phonetic anagram (anaphone?) of "Gimme the towers". The Prof must be a big fan of DotA.
@mayr2 radio watch, in sync with the atomic clock. I definitely have a problem.
@nulibsage I can't work out if Elsevier's 2013 price list for maths matches their claim to go under $11 per article. Do you know if it does?
is there a greasemonkey script that destroys those INSANELY annoying sliding toolbars on ScienceDirect? Or redirects article pages to PDFs?
@Bishnavitch TGI Friday! That is something like poetic justice, or dramatic irony.
@mayr2 anyway, no matter how far ahead or behind my watch is, it only shows xy:xy once per hour
wanted: quick-witted historicalists to help with my 6-minute recreation of WW2, between 19:39 and 19:45 each evening.
@peterrowlett lols. Where's that?
Hilariously, Elsevier has an ethics site.
@peterrowlett it can go wrong if they're using a self-hosted or old version, or if the page does funny things when loading.
@peterrowlett PS I have some hot invective in the post queue that I would love you to publish
guess which one of us left his freezer door open for 15 minutes while his dinner was in the oven
Tragedy #251: shunned by the rest for flaunting math skills instead of pretty plumage…
@brittneybean it isn't one of those tortured euphemism pieces the British press has to put out because of our libel laws, is it?
@jcoglan change to another tab, right click on looping tab, close it. I think chrome chucks in a very rare event check even for running code
I have an inner Charlie Chaplin and he comes out when I'm tired. After baking brownies, I am covered in an amusing amount of chocolate
@peterrowlett @stecks ping! Are you both available?
@peterrowlett @stecks we weren't sure if you were going to appear, so we didn't record. Tomorrow?
I've caught freshers flu AGAIN. They should have to go in quarantine before they're allowed on campus.
@Samuel_Hansen could you hide the smiley stats counter image on It's in the Jetpack Stats settings.
@CardColm reminds me of the cover of this Bayesian stats textbook…
dying of ill.
@outofthenorm2 looks like the OCR is misrecognising "Spain"
@haggismaths I always resented my supervisor telling me to be less conversational.
Who has two thumbs and can't raise them to point at himself because he's so ill? And on what medium does this joke not work anyway?
oh wow, Jamie Lee Curtis has three men's names. Now on a quest to find the standup routine from the 80s that made that observation
is there a way for me to pay money to watch Community online legally while I am waiting out my final hours? Not a fan of skeezy pirate sites
@jjaron that sounds unfair. They're really nice. (I posted the tweet from @aperiodical)
@monsoon0 @MrHonner youtube has a speed setting. That dance is pretty great at 2x playback.
unfortunate that the woman presumably about to have an abortion in the stock photo looks just like the expert beneath…
Just discovered that @nclmathsoc's netball team is called the Denominatrixes. Points deducted for incorrect plural, but A+++ otherwise!
@FOTSN @geekandgoddess Should've remembered e instead of pi. e is more romantic because it's <3. (hope the date went well anyway!)
Are there loads more spiders than normal this year or have they just started following me around?
A reason this is not the best timeline: things are not delivered to my house by pneumatic tube.
Aaaaaaaa Moodle has so much hidden state it's so terrible aaaaaaaaaaaaa
@Andrew_Taylor alas, it doesn't work the other way! Disappointing.…
BEST THING EVER for us Daltonists: a colour picker which names your colour
@divbyzero ooh, it's like a mathematicians-only optical illusion! That's egregious! How did it ever get in print?
@divbyzero ooh, his "Five sculptures (1972)" is about the same thing but is less disagreeable because it demonstrates the problem
The problem with Excellent Fajita Club is it comes with automatic enrolment in Long Stay Toilet Club
I hope BBC News give up on their mad six-word limit for front-page headlines. English grammar is pretty flexible, but not *that* flexible!
Ex 1: "No kitchens 'risk school meals'" turns out not to be the negation of "some kitchens risk school meals".
Ace! Two thumbs up. RT @nulibsage: Power in the palm of your hands - Press Office - Newcastle University…
mixed messages from ISS. Suppose I should've emailed webmaster before tweeting it...
just submitted my talk abstract for the big @MathsJam in November. Won't be anything new to followers of my blog, but it's my fave puzzle
The LMS isn't on Twitter. That's sort of bad, isn't it?
@mathsinthecity -0 is really important in floating point arithmetic (computer number representation) -- see p13 of…
@EliotBall life on the edge, yes, but the long edge or the short edge?
@mathsinthecity is that deliberately a 404?
@mathsinthecity oh, now I can! It's good to be recognised for your work.
to cure my palindromic-time-noticing illness, I've searched for a rarer set of interesting times. Two-way prime-times:
(I do realise there are more of those than palindromic times. Still trying to find a suitable property)
@JanvierUK there are loads here:
I've just worked out why my cakes always come out wonky: my oven is on a tilt
@stecks OR: my asymmetric designs will take the art-baking world by storm
@TimandraHarknes @stecks OK, so, that's what I'm doing, and I usually try rotation, but it doesn't feel right, icing-wise.
@stecks Ratzenberger!
@monsoon0 absolutely! In the past we've written on the Aperiodical about Amazonian studies into the number line and counting systems
@monsoon0 or, some people in my department have a project modelling migration patterns in India
@monsoon0 number line:…, counting:…
@katebook @MathsJam @stecks @standupmaths hint: let n=p_1^a_1*p_2^a_2*...*p_k^a_k. Can you write expr for no. factors in terms of the a_i?
This is a great sequence on the OEIS. So many serious and so many silly representations!
@jjaron You're a writer, so coin one!
David has suggested an excellent sequence: a(n) is the first number in the nth OEIS sequence.
I suggested 1+ the nth number in the nth sequence, to ensure we make a novel sequence, but some of them are finite so it doesn't work
previous tweet is total lies. Of course any number is different from no number, so we're still unique
.@jjaron of course there is! David found it:
@aPaulTaylor paradox klaxon!
@aPaulTaylor (assuming it gets into the OEIS)
@katebook yes, no. of factors is (a_1+1)*(a_2+1)*...*(a_k+1). It's called the tau function, or the divisor function:…
@JanvierUK I died in a dream once! Does that mean I really died? Am I Haley-Joel Osment?
My friend David has started a blog. He's posted an interesting limits fact: …
I was 2 minutes late to get my car out of the car park! Rrrrrr!
checking the social plugin on @aperiodical doesn't pick up this tweet as a comment…
In which @stecks makes me feel unexpectedly positive about the @aperiodical:…
I've got a backpack in my backpack. Amazingly, Xzibit was not involved.
It looks like the "MATH PROBLEMS?" image is going round facebook again. I had 350 hits on my "solution" post today…
I don't know whether or not to feel sad when I find a clearly insane person's time-cube-ish pseudoscience rantings.
Dragging Chrome tabs to the side of the screen snaps them to half-width, as if they were real windows all along! When did they put that in?
@Htbaa yes, that's been there, but they also now snap to edges, which they didn't do before.
how much more broken stuff can I throw in this cupboard before I need to move house?
The Penrose magnets kickstarter has 11 days to go and still needs $1000. Back them so I can be mildly amused for a bit!…
@SellaTheChemist @peterrowlett I haven't seen any. I assume the places that do have dart-and-kite floors had the tiles custom-made
@SellaTheChemist @peterrowlett one dude's written up his experience (and jig-construction diagrams!) in this word doc:…
M&S uninterested in my song praising their "Cool & Fresh" line of boxers. Shame. Dudes: buy some, and get ready to feel comfortable.
Google Reader 0! I have read the entire internet! I suppose I've *got* to clean my flat now.
The Red Bull Stratos livestream is amazing, but the imperial units are putting me off. How can you do science these days not in metric?
oh no, they're not just using imperial! Pressures in psi, but oxygen flow in litres/minute.
@treasa it's pretty scientific extreme sports. They've taken Red Bull sponsorship so they can do their experiment, not the other way round
@treasa the sponsors are Austrian; the space company is American. At least Red Bull insisted on having metric translations of measurements
REDUCING THE DISTANCE TO THE SUN?!?!?! I wish they'd got a narrator with half a clue
I love this jumper. It is my Grey Woollenwear of +1 Snugness
@mathsinthecity that "tetrahedral" church looks more like a prism to me
@mathsinthecity not really, because they're all joined together, and every polyhedron can be decomposed into tetrahedra
@qikipedia does the 1,227 count include the fact that the book contains 1,227 facts?
Mine and Cushing's desk animals are having a stare-off.
@monsoon0 just noticed another maths/anthropology paper in my Mendeley library:…
Welcome @TweetsofCushing to Twitter! Fittingly, he's my 444th follower.
@standupmaths I'm still waiting for someone to shout that on Masterchef
For #adalovelaceday, big up to Hazel Perfect who did group theory, like I do!
I just want to sleep! Stupid tooth.
I wish real people had names as excellent as those used by spammers. Kalervo Whaphams just created an account on the aperiodical.
@icecolbeveridge @jamesgrime good point. We need to go into business making mid-90s nostalgia drinks, as Perfect-Grime-Beveridge.
@icecolbeveridge @jamesgrime PS: Whaphams would take 1st place and you know it.
"Rhabdomancy is a type of divination by means of any rod, wand, staff, stick, arrow, or the like." #goodword
A glimpse of the glamorous life of @TweetsofCushing: "I saw a square today." ……
@outofthenorm2 oh, did that happen? I haven't paid attention to the Nobels. By all means write something if you want to.
Christian Perfect: unable to stick finger in own nose on first attempt. #adventuresinsnotmedication
Hooray! The Penrose fridge magnets kickstarter reached their goal!…
@aperiodical @peterrowlett whoops, replied from the aperiodical account! Tweetdeck is hard.
Seeing so many people smoking on Northumberland Street has reassured me that I'm not living so unhealthily after all.
@Nathan1123 5318008, surely?
22kg of steel, 9 digits of precision, 1 arithmetic operation: it's Ramón Verea's direct multiplier, built in 1878.…
Well I know exactly what I'm going to do today.…
Bachelaxity (n): lessening of attention paid to use-by dates, caused by living alone for a prolonged period of time
I've never walked so briskly in my life! Goodbye, left knee, you sacrificed yourself when I really knee-ded you.
@CardColm @stecks I'm editing it now. Should be up soon.
It's so foggy at the coast! Worried this train might lose its way
@ben_nuttall that's very reassuring, thanks. Sitting at the back anyway, just in case
Foghorn guided us safely into Tynemouth station. Slaughtered a pigeon on the platform as a votive
@elinoroberts really? I went a couple of years ago and it was awful. Has it changed hands?
Yeah, I think I'm going to use that indicator bulb replacement as my entry for Manliest Man this year.
@aPaulTaylor you do? My sympathies to @stecks
@DrMathS the images on don't load
@Thalesdisciple @MrHonner with two words it's called a googlewhack. Never heard of using three words
Koala hospital! That's a thing!… Get better poorly koalas ♥ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ♥
@vickytnz we were just discussing this in the maths dept this week! The pro-B^F3 lobby was surprisingly strong. I say there are only 2 films
@aperfect mum's just given me my tintin t-shirt. Thanks!
Mega unfortunate copy in the latest Living North
having dinner with my good friend Maghetti Speatball
@jjsanderson @MikeTonge yeah, I've never had any trouble in Chrome
@danaernst @MathJax I think Markdown turned your ' characters into the more-correct-for-prose apostrophe character. Try ^{\prime} instead
@danaernst @MathJax oh, it's switched to right quotes, not two apostrophes. I still blame markdown, anyway.
@elinoroberts I think he's done a few. He's just got a nice voice, hasn't he?
everyone-else-is-getting-off-the-train-panic. #germanemotions
I've just had to put on the emergency clean jumper I keep at work. Too proud of my sensible preparedness to feel shame
Instant payback shame: paid £5.14 instead of £3 for fruit at M&S because I mixed clementines with satsumas
@Samuel_Hansen I'm really enjoying the Erdos episode. Worth my kickstarter money on its own. Thanks for collecting these stories
For the first time ever, I'm giving a talk on a subject I can't just talk about off the top of my head on Wednesday. Worrying.
Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight, 7pm,upstairs at the Charles Grey pub. I have polynesian knots, SKI calculus cards and a really hard puzzle
Kids sitting on the metro with his warhammer carry cases. That could've been me, if I'd been more outgoing when I was young. #respect
Aw man autocorrect why do you gotta ruin it all by taking the longest possible word I could've written instead of the one I did
@manytypesoftea hey, I remember you! Wow, you're still following me. I congratulated you last time you tweeted well and I'm doing it again
Can't tell if the stallholder selling sports bras under a banner advertising space hoppers is being satirical
@MathsJam @standupmaths hint: logs and integrals
@C_J_Smith there are no exceptions to fresher's flu!
@MathsJam -> MAN re pascal triangles: poor show not writing down numbers mod n
How is your research useful?…
This javascript function disappears as soon as you call it with anything other than itself: `a = function(b){return a=b}`
@Bishnavitch sorry, too busy
for m'colleague sitting opposite: what's the best way to make "Case N" headers/sections for a proof by cases in LaTeX? \theoremstyle? email is so nice to use. Can't quite bring myself to switch from gmail though.
@Nathan1123 oh no no, it's very different from the outlook web access that institutions use
@vickytnz are you planning on coming to another mathsjam in the future? I think you'd've liked the string patterns we were doing last night
@vickytnz EXCELLENT
buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo paintings…
gosh these slides are good-lookin'. deck.js + mathjax + computer modern bright = mmhmm!
@danaernst in an hour or so once I've given the talk!
There is no classical music octet called Baroquetagon. REMEDY YOURSELVES, MUSICIANS
Slides from a talk about zero-knowledge protocols…
@stecks interesting! They're on the server...
@stecks ah! got the capitals wrong. Rubbish windows case-insensitivity
Right so, 1/0 isn't defined, but is |1/0| ?
@DanielColquitt yes
revelation: ctrl+alt+vowel gives puts an acute accent on in windows 7. There must be something similar for grave, but what is it?
@komiga tried that. It doesn't work. ctrl+alt+` produces ¦ for me.
when you enter the second minute of saying "ummm", it's fair to say you've lost your train of thought
@stecks me too!
Ha. @stecks and I are writing pseud waffle in parallel on a google doc. Too earnest!
@stecks 80s laser noises!
@stecks oh god, and now we're pseuding on twitter too.
It's cho'clockolate!
@alexbellos nope, nope and definitely nope. I was *enormously* annoyed to find this out the hard way
@alexbellos and if you're thinking of doing the "gardens" visit instead: it's OK, but not amazing. Go only if you're already in Granada
@haggismaths run them through…
The site I run with @peterrowlett and @stecks, the @aperiodical, is half a year old today. Cor!…
Sat in the dental hospital waiting to be seen. If it turns out they need to do anything, this afternoon's Maths Aid is going to be fun.
Hah, my phone's picked up the university wifi at the dental hospital. Fantastic.
Let's take a trip straight back to the 90s! I just checked, and still exists. I used to think it was the funniest.
@standupmaths amazon says a cube in its packaging is 5.6 ounces / 150g……
@peterrowlett um....? Really furious chalk-holding?
@standupmaths would I be spending too many pedant points if I raised the question of whether it's "the Rubik's cube" or just "Rubik's cube"?
@Bishnavitch just had a root canal done, so best not
Person I'm sharing this office with has started laughing very loudly at the internet. I think she wants to chat to break the silence...
... but I find her monumentally tedious. Hoping she'll eventually give up.
I'm getting nostalgic for this morning with the nice dental student doing my root canal
North Shields smells really strongly of weed again. I hope they realise "stonefish" isn't just made by getting normal fish stoned.
@DanielColquitt no replies apart from yours. I think you're right.
Watching the latest @numberphile video. It seems @standupmaths used to be able to write ∞ properly, but then he took an arrow to the knee
My mum has just discovered TODAY, AT THE AGE OF 56, that there is such a thing as a pause button. #themindboggles
Her defence: "I've never had cause... to pause. Hey, tweet that!"
Seriously men-dudes, buy some M&S Cool&Fresh pants. Anything else feels like sackcloth now and I will not allow it to touch my bottom.
@standupmaths @apontzen does #lll\_ work as a hashtag?
@HoeJodgkiss the cheap ones are very middling, but nowhere near as bad as tablets can be. Be prepared to be underwhelmed, but they're useful
Wow, the person who presents Money Box looks even more boring than I could have dared imagine
in other radio gripes: why wasn't my list of favourite programmes from the old radio iplayer carried over to the new one?
and another one! Why can't I sort programmes in a category by broadcast date any more? IT'S A RUDDY LIBERTY
today's Geometry Daily is nice…
Beginning to see the favourable aspects of Dorothy Dandridge's Cow Cow Boogie….
Your response, Ella Mae Morse?… #nevermind
@Dr_Lucie @standupmaths so the #domputer has a bandwidth of ~0.0000000004 mbit/s. ALMOST AS SLOW AS AOL AMIRIGHT
@jgrahamc I'm writing a quicky news piece about Plan 28 for @aperiodical. Can I email you some questions?
@icecolbeveridge actually, you're already registered on the site - if you log in to the admin page, can you see the "anyone can edit" posts?
@jgrahamc I don't know your address. Can you dm me?
Nothing fills me with existential dread like the final half-hour of Radio 4 each night. And Something Understood trebles it.
Shine, cosh, than, ar-cosh, arc-shine, arc-than. #letscallthewholethanoff
oh, and sesh, cosesh, coth, of course. #letscallthewholethanoff
@DanaKazim Dangerous Knowledge is very good…
@peterrowlett @KSCMaths @aperiodical aw but I was quite pleased with my hashtag
just realised I could've gone with #thesinhing instead of #letscallthewholethanoff. Maybe we need a #hyperbolicpuns hashtag as well.
"I know what each of those words means individually..." is the response 9/10 times one mathematician describes his work to another
the building manager has taken down the sign which used the word 'egress'. Victory!
Moodle's DB abstraction is terrible, and its SCORM module is even worse. ~600 DB queries each time a student submits an answer!
aaaaaa big mathsjam is less than 3 weeks away aaaaa I haven't prepared anything aaaaaaaa
@hornmaths yes. Frames are layers; put (1000ms) at the end of layer names to set display time. Sth like Plugins->Animation->Play to preview
@Qunchuy @KSCMaths @aperiodical @Shamoquinn oh, rats!
Every time the site gets 386 views in a day I do a tiny smile.
There were 2 ships called MS Windoc and they both hit bridges on the Welland Canal, 60 years apart……
Today's Tynemouth hipster winner is the dude wearing a gendarme cap. Truly didn't expect to see a member of the Foreign Legion today
Difficult for anyone to challenge him now. Only someone having moved out of Tynemouth a year ago because it's gone too mainstream could try.
(standing on the metro platform looking out for just such a person to look down their nose out the window as their train goes past)
now standing on the train listening to Breakbot (it's good to listen to the oldies occasionally) and tweeting about hipsters. #awinnerisme!
ahahahahahahah RT @Kit_Yates_Maths: This article "proves" a link between maths and nature.
moodle's SCORM module: 70 instances of eval() in the JS; ~600 DB queries per save; custom AJAX calls instead of YUI's; ETC AD INFINITUM
Solved a Fresnel integral while peeling my lunchtime clementine. Pretty chuffed.
More food calculus: evaluating double integrals is like picking strawberries; triple integrals are like picking strawberries in a chopper
While discussing what we'd do with our last half-hour of sight, we found "Last of the Brazilians" is not an extant porno spoof. Disappointed
The maths behind my Fresnel integral peel:
@maanow this says it's no longer attributed to Franklin:
#hateie #hateie #hateie #hateie
Just won a vicious maths battle with @TweetsofCushing. Matt has a Russian textbook with ALL the questions in
doing some top githubbing today…
Pretty happy with how my evening's going
@vickytnz I was recently told I have too much tintin merchandise. Impossible!
@DanaKazim Pure: python or Haskell. Applied: MATLAB or maybe Mathematica. Stats: R.
@vickytnz the Tintin Shop in London is the place that makes it all, and well worth a visit. My bro bought me an ace t-shirt for £10 recently
@DanaKazim much nicer syntax, easier to write what you mean without fiddling about with language stuff. If you want speed, haskell is fast.
@DanaKazim python, by far. Try… and
Is anyone interested in taking part in a v casual "recreational maths seminar" g+ hangout? We'd look at papers from my esoterica collection
@icecolbeveridge have you got a bit of time to test the idea now?
@icecolbeveridge ok, ping me when you're ready and I'll start a hangout
In order to be blinded by paintballs, PJ had to be shot in both eyes simultaneously. Ladies and gentlemen, Byker Grove was an inside job!
I'm down the rabbit hole now. Everyone is involved. Where was that fat man from The Machine Gunners on the day PJ was shot?
That went rather well. I think the recreational maths seminar is a goer. Thanks to @icecolbeveridge for sparing time and brainpower.
@TweetsofCushing 874 -
oh no my mind's started pronouncing 'skeleton' as if it's a kind of fundamental particle. Now I can't stop thinking about boogly death rays
arXiv submitters: I love it when you use your home-made LaTeX macros in your abstracts. Deciphering two-character names is my fave hobby
I pledge my patronage to the first clothes shop to put out an advert backed by the song "Jumpers", to the tune of Dizzee Rascal's "Bonkers"
Spent the morning baking instead of working. Can't baking be my job?
Terrified that children will knock on my door and I'll have to give away these choco crinkles before I can give them to my grownup friends
Fenwicks window! Fenwicks window! Winwicks fendow! Fendow wenwicks!
@hornmaths no, more like a cookie crossed with a brownie
I have learnt from the master RT @TweetsofCushing: @christianp is now a fellow aces up master after my tutoring
@Bishnavitch saw it on Sunday, and I'm at a Halloween party tonight, sorry. Pizza on Friday?
@Bishnavitch Ahh, peanuts to you then
it's wednesday and I've just realised I haven't read any comics this week. Not even Dinosaur comics! Re-re-re-rectify!
Why is the new iPlayer radio so totally worse than the old one? They've stripped out loads of useful information and views
Facebook suggests I might like the page for Rethink Mental Illness. Man, I wish I could just reconsider my decision to be mentally ill.
(I'm sure Rethink Mental Illness does good work and I'm going to look at it so thanks Facebook, but I am compelled to misinterpret the name)
Oh no I'm still Gove!
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who turns up for maths-aid on time. (I am)
TIL the symbol produced by \cdot is called an interpunct. More dottery:…
@TweetsofCushing NO WAY
oh man, I copied my local copy's address instead of the one on the web! #meganoob
can someone test a little cellular automaton for me please?
@MuseGarden thanks. I'm not really using d3 properly, or for anything that wouldn't be easier in jquery. Changed what I was doing halfway!
@MuseGarden I will engithub it forthwith
Everyone should talk like Aisling Bea.… That would be just wonderful.
@MuseGarden yeah, Cell.update
@walkingrandomly less of a generalisation and more of an analogue, if you'll excuse the excellent pun
errors caused by whitespace are the hardest errors to find
everyone pick an offensive foreign stereotype card from this old Happy Families pack!… I'm going to be Mr Jham Jhar
If you're interested in taking part in my google+ recreational maths seminar, please tell me what times would suit you:…
@icecolbeveridge can you add +The Aperiodical on google+ so I can add you back, and then mention you in a post?
@TweetsofCushing NO WAY!!! Mine ends in 5 :(
@TweetsofCushing there are quite a few LaTeX errors in your post
INSPIRED!… (but you shouldn't dock tails)
I feel left out with everyone saying their phone number is prime. My mobile number ends in a 5 :(
What's the deal with Americans writing numbers like "one (1)" on forms? Do a significant number of Americans not learn how to read numbers?
hooray slow internet hooraaaaaaaaay
@LargeCardinal would you like to write something about Wow-Cards for @aperiodical? I don't really get the idea, but it's symmetry, right?
well I'm not going to not use the Bourbaki dangerous symbol now I know about it…
Are attitudes to presenting proofs different between France and UK? I've seen lots of French authors point out tricky parts; none in English
@standupmaths they even had a reference to copy on the window next to it!
Oi! Lagabouts and dragalarks, upload your photos of last month's MathsJam to or ELSE
Is it a coincidence that a deck of playing cards is the same size as two alphabets?
@icecolbeveridge ahh, so that's the secret to podcasting success: mention each listener by name. So simple!
@CardColm As I typed: not going to not use. It's very simple, Colm!
@HoeJodgkiss and start a bootleg record label called Ruff Trade
Newcastle MathsJam October 2012 Recap…
@n1vux @peterrowlett @reflectivemaths very interesting!
@peterrowlett @aperiodical hahahaha! If I ever need you to turn your phone off I know what to do
@aperfect Ahh, now I do too!
How the religious manage to listen to Sunday on radio 4 every week and manage not to be bored into apostasy is a real mystery to me.
@peterrowlett what time are you recording? I'm going to post in a bit saying rec. math. seminar will be Sunday 6pm, but need to pick a paper
@peterrowlett (first one next Sunday, not this one, but I'd like you to announce it on mathmaths)
@alexbellos worse: in a woeful display of subediting, they capitalised 'maths'. Hang 'em from lampposts!
@LargeCardinal @aperiodical an intro to what they are and why they're mathematically interesting would be good. Could be text+pics or video
@Samuel_Hansen has anyone else complained about the download for the latest ep of relprime cutting out halfway through?
@Samuel_Hansen would you believe that the 10th attempt, started after I tweeted, has worked?
Please join in with my recreational maths seminar on google+ next Sunday!…
All you haters can do one, Emacs Hart is the best at making maths videos.
@peterrowlett whoops, forgot I had two links!
@BenTormey do have some of that ice cream though. It's amazing
@jcoglan yo dawg, I heard you like writing code while you write code, so switch to python, where you don't need to do that
@jcoglan you seem to be complaining about ruby's module system a lot lately. Python's had a working one since the start.
@LargeCardinal email and I'll send you the "how to write for us" doc. Any length is fine.
watching the tracker for a thing I ordered from the US. How does it take a week to get from Maryland to New York? They're like 4 hours apart
@TweetsofCushing aaaaaaaa it was 08:08 when I read that tweet!
@hornmaths oh yes! I completely forgot
have been re-appraised of the situation vis a vis hurricanes on the east coast of the US. Well done USPS for holding on to my package! #fnar
I've made a huge mistake
@ben_nuttall I need IE for testing!
what was wrong with right-click menus popping up where the mouse is? I quite liked that. It meant I didn't get RSI.
I'm well impressed with how often the interface freezes so far. Gives me time to gather my thoughts.
I've worked out how to close programs! Happy dance!
@gingerbeardman pretty terribly so far. They weren't kidding about metro not being adapted for desktops. No keyboard shortcuts!
oh I give up. I'm going in to work. That's how bad windows 8 is.
Dell "Express Service Tags" out by 1 digit correspond to different PCs. Did nobody teach you Hamming codes, Dell? #angerday
@matthen2 what do tides look like if the moon's orbiting fast enough to be 10m above sea level? Do waves have time to fall?
Following much whinging by @TweetsofCushing, I've edited my MathsJam recap to credit him for more things.…
@vickytnz there are so many other nice coffee places in the city centre!
@alexbellos I interviewed the director for The Aperiodical:…
Congratulations to the family with the bonfire 6 feet from their front door and 3 feet from the public footpath.
hooray, graphics! My mining and crafting days are not yet over
@wormboyslim @aperfect worse: I installed windows 8 on my laptop
@stecks do you have a copy?
Ordering a very particular kind of toothpaste from amazon. #autismlife
@Samuel_Hansen you didn't vote for Nimrod Y.U. Allen, III! Bad voting
@stecks re free time: I play minecraft to clear my mind. I suppose other people would take a nap.
#hateIE #hateIE #hateIE #hateVML #hateIE
potatoes-which-have-been-boiling-for-fifteen-minutes-are-unpeeled-realisation. #germanemotions
@icecolbeveridge what was that idea for an aperiodical post you had last week?
@icecolbeveridge both good ideas
@treasa crumbs! I just about remember that. Were they really that old?
@treasa ahhh, you mean these!…
@treasa that's a good prompt for me to save it in mendeley
@DanielColquitt that's actually a pretty good ratio for proofreading
@vickytnz don't do it! They're all on 4od for free!
No matter how you kern it, reads like a terrible description of what the product does
@aperfect your mission: find this stellated dodecahedron in the church of San Pantalon…
eugh, the raphael.js API is yucky
raphael.js: why is paper.path('a stupid string for stupid people') better than path.move(x,y).line(x,y)... ?
@maanow The solution is rounded incorrectly (or just down to 3 dp).
@robrolfemaths @maanow I was trying to avoid giving the answer in a tweet. Anyway, 30/31 is more like 0.9677419...
@ajk_44 are you familiar with Simon Tatham's portable puzzle collection?
suddenly-remembering-you-do-have-chocolate-hidden-somewhere-after-all-exultation. #germanemotions
aaurggg what's this madness? I had no idea minstrels were coated in hard icing
Decided my walls need some new posters. This Gauss went a bit wrong, but I think I'm on the right track.
Take 2: Turing!
@peterrowlett how are you getting on with Numbas? Have your students handed in that assignment?
@stecks all in good time
The PM has a new app which constantly scans twitter. So let's get "short-term populism is no way to run a country, Mr Cameron" trending.
@peterrowlett just checking up on it!
@peterrowlett another question for the tiny-maths-surveys site I really need to make one day
(actually though, stick some significance figures on the aggregated data and it's a decent idea)
@jgrahamc thank you! My feelings exactly. The end had the structure of a Marvel superhero movie
@KSCMaths that's a rather obtuse 65 degrees!
just computing the volume of the Earth in pecks, nothing crazy.…--
@ajk_44 one of the newest ones, called "Pearl", is very good
@KSCMaths best pun! And since it's a wrong angle, not a length, "not conformal" would be a better disclaimer. I'll stop being pedantic now
@haggismaths ahh, I had a really good one yesterday but I came in today to find the board wiped because of A Scandal.
@aperfect prima!
@Samuel_Hansen I would if your server could stay on task for more than a minute!
@haggismaths alas not.
@standupmaths not even going to email you. Newcastle MathSoc -
@standupmaths while I have your attention: will you be around for drinks before or after the Stockton show on Saturday?
Would it be profitable to set up as a bounty hunter tracking down skiving contract workers? I'd call it A la Recherche des Temps Perdus
@vickytnz Denksführer!
ok, who's going to buy me one of these?…
@JPickford time for me to get back into game dev!
@aPaulTaylor if you haven't already sorted it: can you post the sequence of numbers of lights? It's hard to tell from the video
The marimba solo in the Fenwicks window song is driving me to violence
Does anyone want to do something mathematical with me? RT @ScienceFest: The call for UK Maker Faire is NOW OPEN
@peterrowlett whatever twitter client you're using to send stuff into aperiodical is messing up the URLs since they got rid of the #! bit
has anyone heard of IE, on first loading a page, calling JS object constructors before attaching their prototypes? Doesn't happen on refresh
I also have a problem with the last text node attached to a VML diagram with raphael.js not showing up
PS: in case it wasn't clear, #hateie #hateie #hateie #hateie
@tanurai I've added Sheffield to the MathsJams map:…
wow, vodafone make it cartoonishly hard to leave them.
perfect timing. My phone's screen has just died.
A little reminder: tomorrow at 7pm GMT I'll be hosting the first recreational maths seminar on google+.…
@Dr_Lucie @standupmaths cutting-edge Teesside style. They need something to distract from the industrial horrors out the window
notifications in windows used to be in the bottom-left, where no mission-critical buttons live. Now they're in the top-right, where Close is
@fumbleweeds you'd love England. It's 46F here (if I've done the conversion right) and people think it's warm enough to go surfing.
I have set up a little minecraft server for me and my bro. Twitterists, you can be my bro from another mo! DM me if you'd like to play
Well, the Recreational Maths Seminar was fun! So glad the idea worked. Video up on the @aperiodical soon. Thanks to those who took part.
@Htbaa I meant bottom-right, yes.
today's bug was caused by my stupid brain and not IE's. So, for a one-time only showing, I am obliged to use the tag #hateSelf
@Rosalot you're married? Congratulations!
A big metal box in the lunch room marked "Health and Safety" is beeping. Twitter, should I run away?
@jgrahamc in 3rd form Latin I remember reading about a dude who was pretty pleased with central heating
@HilariousCow Guile theme!… I blame you for the fact I'll have this in my head the rest of the day
New @TweetsofCushing phone number braggadocio: how many square numbers does your phone number have? Best in the office is 3625, which has 3
Trying to get Fearne Cotton to endorse my new back scratcher design. I'll call it the Fearne Itcher.
Why do computer scientists only ever get to second base?
Productive day in the office. I think we've covered all possible π puns.
@jcoglan lamely attempting to join in with a twitter joke as a service
@Sa3eedo reaching sixteenth base sounds like a fun time
Discussing whether the set of yo mama jokes is countable. If I can make one about each of @TweetsofCushing's mum's ex-lovers, it isn't.
(that was yo mama joke ω+1)
@standupmaths did you make your venue bookings through Easyjet? Was Stockton sold as "Newcastle South"?
Does the IRS have an Erdős number of 1?
what do you call the dude in a rap song who fills in the gaps with uh-huhs and aww-yeahs? There is a word for it I know
@HoeJodgkiss I think it might be on the red button
@HoeJodgkiss (but I'm going to bed now so I don't even care if I'm lying)
Woman and her mother, made up like panto dames, facing the wrong door to get off the train. "It's behind you!", I almost shout.
talking to tech support for a phone company is like character generation in an RPG: keep rerolling until you get a good guy
@jjaron now I want to play probabilistic quantum golf and get a hole-in-one-in-four
maths: basically magic.…
@aperfect haha, it's like sixth form all over again
Just sent out the reminder email for Newcastle @MathsJam. (this is the reminder for other MathsJam organisers to send out theirs)
@ColinTheMathmo Asking the University of Waterloo is out of the question?
@ColinTheMathmo coincidentally, I gave a talk on zero-knowledge protocols recently which used three-colouring graphs as an example
@ColinTheMathmo here:… (warning - posh modern browser-based slides which you might have trouble with)
@plusmathsorg the brackets on the last equation aren't balanced.
Unexpectedly vegetarian dinner after I forgot to cook any of the three kinds of meat I just bought
This'll be right up @standupmaths' street: a book about snowflakes, with accurate diagrams, from 1863.…
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen top tagging.
@Samuel_Hansen I assume that signing that as a foreigner would be counter-productive.
@Samuel_Hansen oh. I thought I could remember foreigners being encouraged to sign the open access one.
Dear Diary, I made terrible nachos today. Tonight I'll dream about the nachos I could've made. And it'll make me sad.
So that's what windows 8's BSOD looks like. Wasn't expecting to see it so soon.
@CardColm @pickover did you see it was mentioned on the last episode of QI?
@sfh10 my opinion on STEP maths: I would've loved some proper help with it when I did it.
@CardColm oh, I thought you would've heard of it at least. It's a *fantastic* comedy panel show presented by Stephen Fry
@vickytnz nope. Nope nope nope. No way no how.
@madcaptenor it isn't even our first one. @MarcusduSautoy presented one a while ago. I've forgotten what it was called.
@madcaptenor you've made me go to IMDB now. It was called "Mind Games", and wasn't just maths.…
Already in @MathsJam mode. Students wanting numeracy help tomorrow might learn about woollen applications of group theory instead.
@ajk_44 @samholloway I would follow Sam, but he's following exactly as many people as he's being followed by, and it's a triangular number!
Today's the day when everyone's @-replies end with "will you be at MathsJam tomorrow?"
@mathsinthecity numbergossip says it's evil, deficient, and untouchable.
@DanielColquitt "Lagrange Multiplier" has always sounded to me like a combo move in Maths: The Game
@icecolbeveridge ok, Monday, but I don't get the reference
There's a petition to sign if you think the elected PCCs are a bad idea:
I did not know about this! Multiple user profiles for debugging in Chrome…
@stecks Pudsey's fundraising powers don't stem from his injuries! And even if there's a link, it hasn't been shown to be monotic increasing!
@stecks oh bum. I thought I was so clever getting that in exactly 140 characters and I missed two from "monotonic".
@bluecombats a pair of scissors usually comes in handy.
looking up names for a randomised question. "Blossom. Meaning: Flower Blossom"; "Bluebell. Meaning: Grateful". WAAAAAA?!
@stecks @aperiodical @SciencePunk what to call it?
@SciencePunk @stecks @aperiodical Twiterator? @ccumulator?
Talking about education resources conversation template: "Well, (organisation X) were doing good stuff, but they've been bought by Pearson)"
Did you know that the very first MathsJam took place in Holland in 1690?…
@mathsatschool oooh, glue, I didn't think of that! I do have cards and string though, so the union of our packs probably covers everything
OK, #mathsjam, what have I forgotten? Most of what I own is in this bag.
Right then. To Crewe! #mathsjam
@MathsJam what's yellow and equivalent to the axiom of choice? #mathsjam
Why is the contour integral around western Europe zero? #mathsjam
there aren't many dirty logicians: “Kleeneliness is next to Gödeliness” #mathsjam
@charliesgames you should have a dental hospital nearby
An easy way to get mathematical symbols to paste into tweets: #mathsjam
I had no idea mcdonalds got so busy on Sunday evenings
I'm back at my home. MathsJam was great.
Allen Knutson used to have a webcam pointed at a whiteboard in his office. Its last image is of his hand taking it away…
@standupmaths one of the Bernoullis has created a mechanism to help you draw the infinity symbol properly…
@samholloway not too many records on sale these days. It's a fairly even split between chintzy vintage and semi-professional photographers
@monsoon0 Mockus, mayor of Bogota, is my hero:…
@nulibsage that statistic doesn't make any sense.
@nulibsage more likely a hard-working press officer. I have a collection of gloriously overstated research press releases
@nulibsage actually, I have a question for you! Yesterday I was told of the existence of the Wallis collection. How do I see it?
@icecolbeveridge just putting that at the end of the URL… works
I'm thinking of starting a series on badly overstated popular maths. I would call it poopular maths. Today's example:…
1) claims animals "solve" maths problem. 2) describes problem as "wildly complex", but not in the technical meaning of the phrase.
3) claims mathematicians "discovered" basic fact about graphs. 4) repeats decade-old press release claiming a human has "solved" TSP.
5)finally and worst of all, gives no hint that "hard" for mathematicians has a very different meaning to "hard" for regular people (or bees)
A person called Dana and a person called Daina have favourited my last tweet. I assume one is the imaginary complement of the other.
@icecolbeveridge yes please. Put it in the system!
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm at the Charles Grey pub (outside Monument metro station). All welcome, just bring your brain!
did everyone suddenly agree that the past participle of "lead" is no longer "led"? What's going on?
@monsoon0 I saw "lead" in a newspaper (though I think it might have been the Grauniad) recently, and I've seen it in several articles since
@TweetsofCushing where? The top post is still the prisoners
@TweetsofCushing now so do I. Most peculiar. Gavin says you might be ill. Are you?
@hornmaths 'lead'
@C_J_Smith it's WHAT?! I'm not prepared! HOW WILL I DO ANYTHING ELSE TODAY?
I've lost my rather expensive bluetooth headphones. I'm quite displeased.
'...the use
of "percision" as defined in the SQL specification can be confussing.' I agree, SCORM spec. I am very confussed.
@samholloway there's a hill in Cambridge?
seeds in clementines: basically the worst experience in food
picked my nose, unleashed a pint of blood. Will never pick my nose again.
Helpful definition of notation from the SCORM 1.2 spec: "If not preceded by a minus sign, the number is presumed to be positive."
No mention of required precision, base system, or which character should be used for the decimal point. Hooray!
Found this little curio hiding in the school library. Unfortunate surname, though.
@standupmaths so what does 2,000 Rubik's Cubes being solved at once sound like?
Some lovely geometric wallpapers designed for iPads… (note: many other devices are capable of displaying bitmaps)
The @aperiodical is looking dangerously well-organised at the moment.
@mathsinthecity @icecolbeveridge to paraphrase JFK, we have nothing to fear but vier itself, so 4 should be the sole terrifying number.
"I genuinely love Internet Explorer's debugging tools. They always help me quickly get to the bottom of any problem." - nobody, ever.
@mjdominus oh well. Three letter President: close enough.
Testify! RT @HilariousCow: While there are no Americans around to see this, I'm just gonna say it: I hate America's freedom. Repatriate!
@haggismaths thank that person from me. Typewritten maths is a terrible artefact of the mid-20th century.
@peterrowlett is it constructive to rant about someone's mistakes at length? I think twitter is ok because it's ephemeral
@peterrowlett I also meant "permanently"
@BenTormey Get a pair of boxfresh. They last so much longer than Converse.
@elinoroberts top idea! For lunch, or breakfast?
@standupmaths I was planning on using "Chum-in-Chief" but @stecks wrote the article. Which do you prefer?
@elinoroberts ahhh, I need to get the metro at 11, but you've stirred beachy feelings in me. Mind if I join you?
@peterrowlett @icecolbeveridge @standupmaths would you believe I was literally about to tweet that myself before I saw Col got there first?
Either chewing bubblegum in an otherwise quiet office should be illegal, or it should be a valid extenuating circumstance in murder cases
@altweet_pet what's the record he's attempting to set?
Telling me there's nothing to watch on telly.. I have watched Hot Shots! enough minus infinity times.
Our table number is "a snowman doing a painting".
@helenarney @standupmaths is that Matt's snowfake-fighting superhero costume?
getting back to sleep is exceedingly hard with this hipster nonsense on Peter Day's World Service programme.
Does anyone else own Running with Rifles? It's a good game:…
@AdamCreen really? How so?
@AdamCreen oh, you mean there are 11 more prime minuteses. I use "twin prime" to mean two primes (n,n+2)
@daveowhite if you apply yourself, you can give back 60,000 portions as an Easter present (we did the sums a while ago)…
@daveowhite we didn't dare work that out. Not much longer.
@jjsanderson @elinoroberts well, if you live in Tynemouth, this is what happens. You'll have opinions about on-street parking next
@jjsanderson @elinoroberts depends. Which way round the metro do you go? If you go via Gosforth, it's already too late
Using bootstrap. I give up. Web design is not for me.
@monsoon0 do they have any of that special chalk that is incredibly hard to get outside Japan?
They're selling what now? Coming soon: Epistemologue, your one-stop-shop for mail-order trivialities.
This is a bit iffy, isn't it?…
Anyway, don't buy a theorem or a symmetry group, get yourself a bespoke artisanal hand-crafted integer for free
And lo, with a lightning-quick "works for me" did he smite the bug report, banishing it forever to the cursed land of Won't Fix.
@DanielColquitt nah, sorted it out.
@numberphile now do base 4!…
@jcoglan stacked Unicode diacritics.…
@jcoglan sad, because as yet there's no
@standupmaths @MathsJam do we have MathsJams sufficiently far apart to do some geometrical calculations?
When I close my front door I can either turn left for the metro station or right for the beach. Sometimes it's very hard to turn left.
Thought I had more eggs. Sad little omelette :(
omelette saved with god's own ingredients: bacon and paprika!
@HoeJodgkiss that's the most coherent Newcastle transfer punditry I've ever seen. You should work for the Chronicle, you should.
"Works at: Team Leader at Brewers Fayre". "Works at: cannabis farm lol". I'm not sure which of my mid-range relatives is more underwhelming
Newcastle @MathsJam November 2012 Recap:…
suddenly my flat smells really strongly of eggs. Where is it coming from? Am I in danger? Aaaaaaa going to be killed by Chuckie Egg aaaaaaaa
oh HANG ON, I just ate an omelette. Panic over.
and why did I go for Chuckie Egg instead of Dizzy? Have I ever even played Chuckie Egg? How do I know about it? EGGSTERNAL INFLUENCES
@jcoglan in something like `<a href="[%=str%]">`, where am I asserting that `str` is a URL, or is that not what you're getting at?
@ColinTheMathmo yeah, I thought that was it, but I couldn't remember if Ji had given a different variation
Soupremum. Simpleggs. Identitea. All on the menu at my new mathematical bistrho.
@jcoglan establishing context in arbitrary environments: "parse ALL the strings?"
@elinoroberts yes! Do it!
@MathsJam Newcastle is not happening in December
@Bishnavitch yeah, but the hologram Compaq at CES last year was quite crass. #notoriousbigblue
@jjaron @igblan trace a line from the bit of the hook socket facing you, along the surface. You end up on the other side.
@jjaron @igblan yep, I had the same problem
This nexus 4's screen is so beautiful, I'm going to weep openly
put cocoa in milk before milk was hot. Hyperfailure.
@helenarney that's not my mane!
@helenarney unless you were already going for that double-pun, in which case I apologise
@helenarney @andy_tea that's OK, I know when to swallow my pride.
cooking for slimming world dieters tonight. The recipe they have given me is like a real recipe, minus the ingredients.
@pkrautz my German isn't good enough. It looks fairly innocuous; what's wrong?
@monsoon0 but all chalk is made of ground-up shells!
@standupmaths @Dr_Lucie trees are old hat. I'm going with a Christmas treap this year
I'm hosting another recreational maths seminar tonight, about "seven staggering sequences". 7pm GMT, Google+:…
@outofthenorm2 ooh, that'll go nicely with something I've got saved for the next aperiodical round up. Ta!
@elinoroberts @gjchocolatier it makes me sad to think of all the time you haven't known that. Have you tried the brownie?
Join me in 5 minutes on google+ for the @aperiodical recreational maths seminar:…
With a puzzle by me, CP! RT @aperiodical: Post: Puzzlebomb - December 2012
Oh no, youtube has remembered that day I spent watching Oesch's die Dritten videos. My recommendations page is nonstop yodels.
After posting basically nothing all last week, I fear we may have overdone it with "sort your mess out Monday" at the @aperiodical.
If I see the Newcastle University Login Gateway one more time...
@StudentsNCL @NU_ITservice I don't think there's anything wrong, I just have to go through it each time I go to any of the many sites I use
David filled in a questionnaire online and it turns out I'm the best dad in the office. Ladies.
@jcoglan not a WordPress apologist, but it'll be a plugin causing the crashes. Because of the unique way php works, that's possible!
@jcoglan some combination of turning plugins on and off, and turning on PHP debug logging. Prepare to go back to 90s debugging methods
@jcoglan there might be a plugin that adds a "don't show comments" flag to posts and modifies the get-post-comments function
Just had a filling done. My cheek is still numb, but my tooth absolutely knacks. Do I need to go back?
@TweetsofCushing don't you dare
aaargrggrg python why is installing pip on windows still such a hassle? Just include it with the standard distribution!
Today @TweetsofCushing is looking for the person with the most of one letter in their name. Currently top: Reece Burgess-Creen with 6 Es
where's the GIF for when someone does a test with string operations instead of writing a proper routine to do what they mean?
Useful javascript library implemented as a jquery method. My anger level has risen to 32 milli-@jcoglan.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie Sightseers tomorrow?
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie that would also be a good choice for me, but it doesn't star Alice Lowe, so...
@TweetsofCushing !!!
Trawling amazon for hours looking for a replacement for the lost headphones you spent hours choosing last time. #autismproblems
there's some pretty lovely music on @laRadioNova at the moment
oh great, so they put some 80s nonsense on just after I said that.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie sightseers 2020
If 100 people star JSXGraph on github, it can be hosted on CDNJS:…
@jamesgrime first thing I noticed on audible was this Car Talk compilation, I assume of the puzzles they often pose…
@ajk_44 I don't know how you should celebrate, but you should do it at ten to nine.
Well I'm *trying* to write a really good post for the @aperiodical today but the uni wifi isn't helping
Eureka! Santa only visits one house on Christmas Eve, but infinitely many universes, each containing a different Santa, collapse at midnight
Is it a special autism superpower to spot typos in a page of text at a glance, or does it happen to everyone?
Because I've been editing a very long post and spotting typos in very unusual words just as I scroll past them, not even looking for them
@helenarney yes yes very funny, intentionally misunderstood. Now where's this bar? I'm a huge sporks fan.
If there isn't already a travelator company called Thousand Yard Stairs then I am going straight to Companies House first thing tomorrow
the address of the University of Athens' maths department is Because they couldn't name a Greek mathematician?
@alexbellos whoops, we both made 3d-printing christmas present posts today
There's a version of HyperRogue for android!… FRABJOUS DAY! via @mathpuzzle
@Nathan1123 @MuseGarden I used that page once when in a beds shop with a friend who didn't know what size his bed was!
@Nathan1123 to be fair, he'd just moved in to a rented flat and British bed size names are mental.
Thanks, textbooks!
@My_Metro I'm on one of the new trains, and the lights on the wrong side of the carriage lit up when we stopped. Better look into that!
@elinoroberts the first shop to produce an app which puts your shopping list in order for a shortest traversal will earn my patronage.
@matheknitician posted! Thanks for letting me know
Tonight, we dine... quite well!
@stecks @aPaulTaylor you know, I wasn't going to have it but then I thought since I'm tweeting it someone might complain if it wasn't there
Step 1: cook double meal, so you can have leftovers tomorrow. Step 2: forget you finished the cling film yesterday. Step 3: food bags!!!!
@DanielColquitt @ben_nuttall it's the real thing - pause it, maximise, and draw a pattern
@MouldS @dan_physio @standupmaths hey, that's just the first few digits! "Approximation to pi pie" doesn't sound very appetising
Going to Tynemouth market to look for a secret Santa present. Must make a big effort not to buy anything too ironic
Worst trendy name so far: "Gosforth bakehaus".
Alas, the pewter cowboy hat chip'n'dip tray is outside my budget
youtube's algorithm to make a video unshaky leaves it looking really trippy instead
There was a horrific animatronic koala for sale at the market today. I should've bought it. I didn't. Got to live with that.
@Bishnavitch I didn't dare. I was scared of a Ringu type situation
@Bishnavitch I'll see if it's there again tomorrow
@outofthenorm2 haha, what are you thinking?
@outofthenorm2 go for it
@HilariousCow do a flamboyant loop on the letter O
The internet has taught me to love humanity. Giant Pants of the '30s:
Went back for the eldritch koala. It's been sold! Life is not worth living any more ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
@stecks are The Sinks a new fraternal society, like the masons or the rotary club?
@jcoglan pandoc turns most things into most things
@jcoglan though if you're writing a book, learn LaTeX.
@jcoglan pdflatex comes with any latex distribution. On ubuntu, try tex-live
@jcoglan all these variants exist because almost everyone, after using TeX for a while, thinks "I can do it better!"
@jcoglan the stuff they have in common is basically all you need, so just stick with TeX-live and don't try to be clever with it
@jcoglan TeX is like the English language: nobody uses it perfectly, there are a million ways to say anything, ...
@jcoglan and far too many people who should know better hold very strong opinions about tiny aspects of usage
@Bishnavitch true facts
haha hooray!…
@DainaTaimina I think that's actionable libel
@divbyzero oh man, I need to get into control systems! There could be a "Perfect timing" algorithm
@Dr_Lucie 197th.
general lazy evaluation was too beautiful a dream for someone as uninterested in proper type analysis as I. Oh well...
@standupmaths not impossible: the other hemisphere could be really crazy
@peterrowlett @standupmaths I don't get it
Can't decide if I'm wasting my life or living it exactly how I want.…
@WWMGT c) a quart of pounds
So, ladies and gentlemen of the Academy, in summary: PHP is just the worst and I propose that we throw it into the Sun
Hooray, futurama's on! Oh no, it's Jurassic Bark. Sad evening :'(
@sxpmaths someone else's code I depend on was using '!empty($x–>p)' to test if $x->p is set. Which fails when it's the string "0".
Please tell me I'm not the only one who gets angry about adverts recorded in NTSC
oh snap! Today's Dinosaur Comic says Santa collapses realities to deliver presents!… The evidence mounts!
Favourite picture of the day!…
@jhylmb haven't tested it, but it should be possible
Oh god! All these Top 50 Tracks of 2012 lists mean I have to listen to Gotye again. #whyhastthouforsakenme
@henryseg were you paid for that article? It would cost me £30 to read if I didn't have a uni account
@henryseg super! It's a good article.
@aperfect fog on the Thames is all them's all them's, fog on the Thames is all them's.
@aperfect oh em gee I am going to start a faux-ironic hipster band called Londisfarne. We will gig exclusively in corner shops
@Electrokittie good intel. I will wrap up warm when I head in from the balmy coast
whaaaaaaat. Ctrl+Alt+Tab in windows shows the switchy-window thing even after you let go of the keys.
hey guys it's 10:10. Duodecimalists gonna hate.
I felt quite bad about the @aperiodical's visitor numbers until I looked at the Mathematical Intelligencer's circulation figures
@jamesgrime true fact. I got a good one of you a while ago from the @numberphile Rubik's Cube video:…
@jcoglan CET was the 12th time zone to have 12:12:12 12/12/12. Germans are the chosen people after all!
@outofthenorm2 oh, you could've said! I'll have a look
@ben_nuttall "Although braggadocio doesn't come naturally to most computer programmers, ..."
No chocolate in the kitchen. Spend 10 minutes checking the Secret Chocolate Locations, or go to the shops?
Right. Let's do some things to things until there's food to eat. #homecookin
@outofthenorm2 oh, NOW I get that pun! Sorry for changing the title to an inferior one
@elinoroberts accidentally swallowing a pea is big trouble: you have to swallow a fly to get it, then a frog to catch the fly, ad infinitum
Having a little rage about the Moodle SCORM module. Not a single line of the code is good.
@vickytnz it's free, which is good, and open-source, so I can see *why* it's buggy. We're on Moodle because BB has broken SCORM support
@vickytnz Moodle 2 is considerably less bad than old Moodle. It's barely tolerable now, but still lots of really annoying and bad things
@vickytnz yeah well, it's for academics :P
"Hm, how shall I implement this hierarchical data structure, with well-defined elements and values? I know! Strings and regexps!" #hate
I don't know how it's possible to write this much bad code without Nature itself reacting violently against you.
If a student handed this in as homework I wouldn't mark it wrong. I'd encourage them to join al qaeda or the communist party or something
1) they'd make MI6's job much easier; 2) no self-respecting terrorist would want to be associated with them, and would lay down their arms
@peterrowlett just remembered your Numbas email. Will do that later today.
A scotch egg and a frijj. I operate on the frontiers of cuisine.
Please support the kickstarter for my self-published transvestite medieval epic, "The Song of Roland's Dirndl"
Trying to synopsise that Jim Carrey film where he's a pet detective, but every time I try I get the plot "farce about Ace"
well! Since nobody wants to go christmas shopping with me, I think I'll go for a walk round Tynemouth instead
@treasa believe it
Off to seek my fortune in the tatatoria of Newcastle upon Tyne.
If you spoonerise "Hooke and Wren" the number of bird names increases from one to two. I'm pleased by this but don't know what to do with it
a Kinect physics game where you stack boxes but it's two-player and you each control the other's arms
@standupmaths you are this guy…
This is why I keep trying to introduce German as a second language in the department…
I keep forgetting it's the office christmas lunch today and making plans for work to do and food to eat.
@brittneybean if you keep calling that a biscuit Ed Miliband might try to integrate you
@brittneybean but it does look VERY tasty. What's going on there?
@TweetsofCushing I told you I don't have a suit
@TweetsofCushing I even forgot to wash my jumper so I'm going to look extra scruffy
@TweetsofCushing proving to whom?
@TweetsofCushing that reminds me - I tried to prove the same facts to your momma but she kept asking me if there are any even primes
@JPickford "The games has jumped".
Who hates standing on the metro? CP hates standing on the metro. Is it true? I do I do I do-oo!
@helenarney or you're living in Newcastle 6 years ago
Go ahead. Spell it "chaise lounge". Make my day.
Your reminder that there's no Newcastle @MathsJam tonight.
@HilariousCow just play Just Cause 2 instead.
@HilariousCow I played it on the xbox, so don't know about that.
@jcoglan #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice?
@jcoglan but the problem with instagram isn't 'we own the servers', it's 'you're not the one paying our salaries'.
That sneeze crept up on me completely unnoticed but now it's over, I feel like I've needed to do a sneeze that big for a long time.
@amazingradio I am very much enjoying "Tyrannosaurus Rex For Christmas". It's my new favourite Christmas song.
it's 12:36! Dance about like you've got all your divisors within easy reach.
We're making good use of our last proper work day by playing LAZA KNITEZ
"Cost-per-gigabyte is down more than 300% in three years".… #what
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MathsWorldUK I meant to catch someone at big mathsjam - would anyone like to write about the plans for @aperiodical?
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MathsWorldUK yes! It would be good just to get the name out, wouldn't it?
@jcoglan I'll go with: generics work on objects, and ints aren't objects.
@madcaptenor order a single box of chalk. I haven't dared to do it yet and I've had prime for years
Buying stock for my new kids' clothing shop, Newcastle upon Tiny.
@jamesgrime they're very different films, but I agree.
@peterrowlett quick! Make a Klein bottle!
Watched a video from the ISS. Moved to poetry: I love the Earth / and all the people on it. / You could even say / it's my favourite plonet
@aperfect which company is it?
@aperfect that isn't even a real company.
@aperfect hah, their homepage has a megabyte of stock images
@mutedestro @MathsJam sadly it looks like there isn't one near you -…. Nothing to stop you starting one!
Last night I dreamt about a really fast slug! Is today the day we rethink our metaphors?
@standupmaths so clearly we need to start a campaign to register Unicode codepoints for common English words
This Christmas card's so charming I wish I could send it to myself.
@daveowhite Monetize your front window. Monetize your beard. Monetize smalltalk.
@GhostMutt which cards do you have turned on? I just have the weather and football scores. Is there something more to it I'm missing?
@TweetsofCushing proof or it isn't true!
@TweetsofCushing and by "quintics" do you mean fifth powers?
This is how I roll
Pick a natural number N. Find p_N, the first prime which is the difference of Nth powers. $\ln(p_53)/53 = \ln(p_59)/59$, to 10 dp
@C_J_Smith ternary decimal?
@C_J_Smith next question: 0,1,2 or +,-,0 ?
@C_J_Smith my least favourite ternary representation
-.. .- ... .... -.. --- - -.. --- -/-.. --- - -.. .- ... ..../-.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- -/-.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- -
@DanaKazim did I get it right?
@DanaKazim fantastic
gosh it's grim outside!
It's pretty ridiculous how long it take windows 8 to show the task manager
I'm playing my "justify my obnoxious prejudices with pop psychology I read in a non-scientific outlet" card.…
Whenever I hear about economics, I think of this scene from futurama…
"a third of Men will get their Christmas presents from a service station" - according to a study in a service station on Dec 24th last year?
Pretty much certain you can do better, Woman's Hour
Sorry, it's You and Yours, not Woman's Hour. Disappointment levels back to normal, and I need to look at my watch
The only paper I could find to pad this present with was pages from the LRB. #truestoriesfromupmyownbumhole
I think this year I can do my present wrapping in two or fewer ragequits
@jcoglan isn't it weird how when the economy's good the poor suddenly start trying harder?
@HilariousCow did you have a gravis gamepad? When I saw the graphic of it in the wolf3d options I wondered how it could ever be suitable
Today I learned that a <redacted> needs about 3cm more wrapping paper than you think.
@outofthenorm2 Please finish your bees post!
You don't wrap presents with the wrapping paper you want, you wrap presents with the wrapping paper you've got. - Donald Rumsfeld
oh, so Big Society was always meant to be a pejorative, like Big Tobacco or Big Pharma.
why do journal publishers think it's a good idea to make supplementary material a separate PDF from the article?
Need to eat all the food in the flat before going home for Christmas. My stomach is being marvellously cooperative
Remember, HE KNOWS…
I'm pretty pleased with my Christmas cards this year…
I think Father Christmas might be my favourite thing to draw
@DanielColquitt you've completely inverted the "go away and read a book while your computer is doing something" meme
In case you haven't experienced windows 8 yet, this guy explains what's wrong:…
I've owned for a year and done nothing with it. It expires in 3 days. Has anyone got any ideas?
(The original idea was to have, so my arXiv submission could be from the "Institute of Hot Mathematicians")
@ColinTheMathmo but why? I'm not doing research any more, so no opportunities to use it forthcoming
@ColinTheMathmo selling unused domain names is on my list of Terrible Internet Behaviours. If I let it expire, whoever wants it can have it
@walkingrandomly I thought that was a good idea and then I saw it was by Stardock. I've learnt my lesson with them
@walkingrandomly what I'm doing is: close eyes, press windows key, type program name, press enter, open eyes. It's almost the same
@vickytnz were you around when it was Belle and Herb's? Times were better then
@peterrowlett literally LOL
Leo says I have no neck. Vicious fibs.
I'm in Windsor! The air smells funny down here
Such pleasant people down here
There isn't a craft supplies shop in Windsor?! Surely I'm mistaken.
@apontzen @standupmaths did you work that out by hand, or did you use a script like this: ?
I'm pretty ecstatic about how this 80k file won't upload to my ftp server over this flat's wifi
Let's see if giffgaff throttle ftp connections as well...
hahahaha my phone's connection is so much ridiculously quicker than this Zen broadband
I've added a question to The Aperiodical's Very Important Mathematical Survey about how you eat corn on the cob:…
@alimcg86 chin up, McGlen!
WHERE ARE ALL THE FILMS? I don't want to watch Open All Hours, I want a film!
@standupmaths @Dr_Lucie the dog started melting when he was near the fire. That's way closer to physical realism than I was expecting
@samholloway there definitely used to be one!
@monsoon0 mega jealous!
Pretty unexpectedly radical present
I'm going to see Scrooged! Channel 4 now. I'll have depleted my Christmas film to-watch list by at least one this year.
Round 2. Nobody else wants leg! Excellent crimblus
Scouting for locations for my new concept café with a chess board at every table, "En Croissant".
Try saying "tuna mayo jacket potato". It's wonderful, like the start of a beat poem about my favourite foods.
Congrats to @TweetsofCushing for getting his first integer sequence accepted by the OEIS:…
@standupmaths you can keep going with Step 4: work out how many different patterns you can make by swapping pieces of the same shape
Hiring bar staff for my new underground opera hall, "Grotto Voce"
@JohnAllenPaulos it's a vanity publisher, not a real journal!
@jcoglan there's probably an emacs command 'Cmd-a-t untweet cheap pun'
Beginning to fear I've been trafficked to Slough. Will I ever see my beloved Northumberland again?
What a lovely book…
I can't decide if Planet 51 (channel 4 right now) is alright or terrible
@Rosalot I'm having trouble accepting Dwayne 'the Rock' Johnson as a cowardly ginger man
Etymonline's etymology of 'omelette' is basically to wave the "nobody knows" card:…
A marvel of the last age of austerity - one of the last concrete lampposts in Slough.
The proportion of films on the telly that nana has misidentified as The Gruffalo this Christmas is rapidly approaching Legendre's constant.
Forget about convergence. If a million specific gadgets for each conceivable task was good enough for 60s Batman, it's good enough for me
Wow, sky captain and the world of tomorrow hasn't aged well at all
@standupmaths I've held the patent on that idea since I was 12
@ajk_44 @samholloway how long are you two up North for? I've just arrived back from Slough
@Samuel_Hansen just when I thought I had all your many show formats clear in my head...
wikipedia's picture for the King of the Belgians is ace…
@jcoglan the problem is probably with your router (or OSX's drivers, depending on perspective). OSX takes exception to some brands of router
@jcoglan yeah, it's OSX's problem, but its problem is with the router.
aargrgagrg what is the point in only releasing your EP on iTunes?
@MarcusduSautoy @Kit_Yates_Maths wasn't that famously used by a famous mathematician?
this month's emusicsmas has been so barren I'm going to download the new Sebastien Tellier without even listening to it
This girl's makeup has made her just staggeringly ugly, like a Hogarth caricature or a grown-up from an edgy mid-evening Nicktoon.
Yes yes the male gaze etc etc, but I can't fathom what look she's going for. "Groucho Marx crossed with the Infanta of Castile"?
Was given a free travel mug at Olive and Bean. Much like cash ISAs, this is free stuff just for being middle class and I now feel guilty
@brittneybean wow indeed! This is the first google result for "Lord Ashtar":…
Both I and the tramp who smells of wee think this woman flirting very loudly on the phone is the most annoying thing on the train
@kenfodder what happens if you bing
@kenfodder ah no, I cleverly reversed the letters
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MarcusduSautoy maybe I'm thinking of Smullyan:… (can't believe I just googled "smullyan pickup lines")
@mathpunk that's the kind of logic that leads to things like…
Those who liked the prime factorisation jumper (…) can now buy their own -… (via @ColinTheMathmo)
@pkrautz I do not! I've always been trying to prod my boss to look at European collaboration.
@HoeJodgkiss where's that from?
I think every mathematician aspires to leave a grave as excellent as Boltzmann's:…
@matheknitician just spotted your Aperiodical thread on ravelry. Thanks!
Instead of starting words with tw- because you're on twitter, change words normally starting with tw- to something else in normal speech
if I can just get pelve people to join my campaign it'll be worth it. Until then, I'll be piddling my thumbs and peaking my panger
there are enough Paris streets named after mathematicians to fill a Monopoly board. Let's do this.…
@brittneybean they won't stop finding new ways to assault our senses until teenagers can text Lynx at each other on the train.
this is why chemists should be discouraged…
A probability distribution in the flesh! Like a naturally-occurring Galton board
oh my god, that guy who was in Doctors five years ago is still in Doctors! Is that long enough for a missing persons report?
I finally have some time to catch up on a few weeks' worth of @trackinthebox. This week's picks look good.
@brittneybean can you remember when everyone set up their own front for microsoft's catalogue? It was ridiculous.
having an emotional moment about how useful is.
@haggismaths snarks could be the solutions to a 4-player edge-colouring game?
@JanvierUK yes, just imagine if he'd had an awkwardly long name like Kenneth
why does ctrl-0 set the zoom to 125% in IE? Just... why?
I had a dream last night that I received an awkward amount of change after paying for something with a note. What could it possibly mean?
@standupmaths recommendations for mathsy toys for a toddler? You bought some for your nephew, didn't you?
Boo! RT @NTCouncilTeam: Conservatives hold Cullercoats, St Mary's, Tynemouth & Monkseaton North
this means the tedious parking permit campaign will continue. Get over it, selfish tories!
It's 2012. Why is copying text out of a PDF still so hard? Surely someone's written a PhD on inferring capitalisation, at least?
@danaernst is… the canonical version of your futurama talk?
@danaernst ta!
@danaernst what happened to the Sage Notebook bit, for trying out permutations?
@danaernst well, sagenb is being very slow for me on something else at the moment, so I'd guess not
@ColinTheMathmo "why are there infinitely many infinities, and why are N and R not the same one?"
emusic only has jazz these days, so my library fills with jazz, so recommends more jazz. Help I'm stuck in a loop with a smooth beat
@CardColm @ColinTheMathmo video or it isn't true!
@Gelada @ColinTheMathmo what mathematician doesn't know about groups? Applied? It was in year 2 of my bachelor's.
@Gelada @ColinTheMathmo well, they're on the IGCSE and being talked about for GCSE, so hopefully that won't last much longer
@zetta3pt14face @Kit_Yates_Maths @MarcusduSautoy so I suppose on Absolute Radio pop is bigger?
why do the previews on emusic take 10 seconds to fade up to full volume? They're only 30 seconds long!
@Gelada I think if GCSE maths got split into "functional" and "pure" bits, someone wanted (permutation) group theory in the pure bit.
is this the one yahoo! answers page that excuses the rest?…
I love an opportunity to visit Ian's Shoelace Site - #valueadded @FakeElsevier
@peterrowlett @MouldS it does say 1.2g of salt per portion in very small text just above...
@peterrowlett ah! Now I have parsed your sentence differently and see you knew that
Start then learning young. Might have been outmathsed at this birthday party :(
Nerd cred restored: out of all the mathematicians at the party, one kid said I looked the geekiest.
just drew a perfect 400x400px box freehand. #touchme
@monsoon0 another nice example is that the continued fraction (2,3,5,7,11,13,...) *almost* agrees with one of Renyi's parking constants
@stecks I have coloured in my Word Split. What am I looking at?
compound noun required: the moment when you finally pick up a screwdriver to fix that thing that's been annoying you for months
The Atlantic on Blow - the missing copy…
@standupmaths people like you are the reason so few trains these days have a dedicated record store carriage. Buy local!
Google Reader 0. Forget all you inbox zero types, this is a way bigger achievement.
out now in the BBC Shop: the Today programme baiting people to shout at each other about nonsense topics at 8:58am - the complete collection
@MarcusduSautoy no MC Escher pose? Surely they'll let you pick it up if it's for art.
Microsoft's advice on writing fast javascript or, in other words, "we're not as clever as the v8 people. You fix it." -…
brb, flagellating myself in penance for that design decision causing 1000x slowdown. Stand by my comments about IE's javascript though.
help, I'm watching Austrian folk music videos on youtube and I can't stop. Every video is worse than the last!
@RANIELDANSON can't work out if that's brilliant or stupid
the contagion is spreading!… How are there so many Dutch songs about skiing?
I take it all back! When I have offspring, I will enforce singing of this on all car trips:… EVEN THE SCHOOL RUN
@RANIELDANSON never before has a tweet led to so much happiness
@JanvierUK learnt : learned :: meant : meaned. America : wrong :: UK : right.
@MathWhizz @aperiodical @lostinrecursion oh, thanks! I'm pretty pleased with it myself.
@JanvierUK the argument could be made that they went months without *a* government but they had plenty of others to keep things ticking over
@mathsinthecity The Field Guide to Math on the National Mall -… - from @maanow
I've added a cuboctahedron made of curler units (…) to the touchy-feely zone
I'm open to claims that it isn't a cuboctahedron, by the way. Not sure the symmetries are right.
@pkrautz what's prompted this?
@aperfect GCSE maths fail: equal area on the graph should represent equal measure. 1 year for new team looks bigger than for an older one.
@mathpunk sum(i=1 to 2000, log i). Approximate with an integral if you wish.
@mathpunk so precise answer from Python is 13,206.5. Integral approximation on paper gave 13,202.8.
@mathpunk sorry!! that was base e. Precise: 5735.5; approx: 5733.9
@CardColm I tried that a while ago with our resident card trick fanatic (and a big fan of yours!) We got the angles hilariously wrong.
@RANIELDANSON I always make a point of sitting next to him if I can. Everyone else steers clear, so I get plenty of space.
@RANIELDANSON I am... acquainted... with the smell of old urine, yes.
when I grow up I want to be one of these skeletons…
What's the equivalent of "snail mail" for printed literature like books? I can't think of anything equally cheesy and rhyming.
@Samuel_Hansen fortunately, there seems to be one, and you're part of it.
@pkrautz oh, I suppose there's that. I sort of hate it, though. The beautiful thing about "snail mail" is the mollusk non-sequitur.
@pkrautz @Samuel_Hansen I dunno, we've done pretty well for the last ~3000 years, despite various systems of patronage coming and going
an hour ago, I decided to get up to turn the heating on. Still hasn't happened. Can I actually stand the cold, or might my legs fall off?
@pkrautz yeah, but the uncommunicative mathematician isn't a recent invention.
this might just be it - RT @rmehigan: @christianp e-mail vs snail-mail, e-books vs .....tree-books ?
@pkrautz I think this has boiled down to a question that requires a few years' scholarship and library-usage to answer. So not for twitter.
@CardColm @alexbellos shameless!
@IanMulvany the interface is so bad I'm now using tweetdeck. So, very bad.
@Samuel_Hansen @pkrautz oh absolutely. I'm just not worried about pure maths disappearing due to lack of communication.
Shelf discipline has completely collapsed in this cupboard. No idea where anything is any more. Considering joining the Foreign Legion.
@GPRPichot @pkrautz @Samuel_Hansen Cedric Villani is excellent!
@Samuel_Hansen @pkrautz and I'm not worried that that won't happen. Man, I'm bad at articulating opinions.
@Samuel_Hansen @pkrautz so what I mean is: pure mathmos on the whole are uncommunicative, but there are enough evangelisers to balance out
My prime factorisation t-shirt by @jgrahamc has arrived!…
@aperiodical @Gelada @pkrautz @Samuel_Hansen a point-counterpoint might be fun. Can I find a serious mathematician to back my side, though?
@Samuel_Hansen well, I'm still just a postgrad and my PhD has sort of stalled, so my opinions don't really have the weight of experience
@peterrowlett nooooo! I still have things to do tonight!
why does it take five seconds to paste plain text into windows live mail? Why is there no better free mail client for windows? AGRSGSGFDSAF
@HoeJodgkiss very nice!
@DanielColquitt I really disagree. I've never liked thunderbird.
making myself stay up so there'll be a good program on the radio to fall asleep to later. Feels like bad logic.
The seagulls are either very upset or very excited about this chap fixing the roof they normally sit on
@HoeJodgkiss this might be good reference material for you if you're still mathsing:
@peterrowlett @pkrautz double retweet! Proudest man in Britain?
why would the PDF version of an article cost money while the HTML version is free? HTML is more convenient.
@komiga no, not complaining. Just confused. Maybe I'm missing something.
@peterrowlett it gives you the citation with page numbers in the HTML.
@peterrowlett although, as the HTML is freely-available, I'd cite it with a DOI
@peterrowlett they've put markers for the page numbers on the side of the HTML
oh! Might have solved it! It's possible I loaded the HTML version of the article while at uni, but now I'm back at home. Doiii
I've recorded a pretty OK 10 minutes of maths exposition but video editing on windows is either expensive or doesn't work. Suggestions?
@IanMulvany That looks dire! Are those breadcrumbs?
@aperfect thank god Jayce is at the end of that cavalcade of humdrum. But no Ulysses?!
Made with one cut! (and a lot of folds)
@jurieongames @danielpunkass well, now I know what our US version is going to be called
@Samuel_Hansen less tweeting! more editing! Hyaaa!
@Samuel_Hansen want to know what I did today? 5 games of Company of Heroes and a kirigami butterfly.
@Samuel_Hansen oh, I forgot the enchiladas. I made some OK enchiladas.
@Samuel_Hansen then I must admit defeat.
@haggismaths that would make a good Snapshot on @mathsinthecity
@RANIELDANSON we should envy these people for their ability to enjoy such tedious lives
the documentation for Asymptote is so poor! raaaaaaage!!!
.@CardColm is cooking up something really nice for the @aperiodical. Should be out on Monday. Be there or be square! (or is that circle?)
@jcoglan yes! This is what puts me off using Ruby! You have put it into words which I agree with!
@outofthenorm2 great post! Like appearances of Elvis, appearances of the Fibonacci sequence are massively more satisfying when based in fact
Hamilton is an anagram of "math lion". Didn't help him calculated his fuel yesterday though!
mysteriously, several days later, Windows Movie Maker is now able to open this file. Really need to buy a better program.
You're through to the reality helpdesk. An operator will assist you with your paradox shortly. Please hold.…
@pkrautz umm, apropos what? Getting npm on windows is hard (or was, haven't looked recently) so I haven't done much with node.
@pkrautz thought so. Is this to do with the people who want pre-rendered SVG?
in just before the bell: today is May's first unambiguous date! Join hands with me, America! We can understand each other for 18 more days!
@HoeJodgkiss get it as a tattoo. Can't rely on the t-shirt still being there when it's relevant.
Another Aperiodcast, covering the last almost-fortnight on the @aperiodical, with @stecks and @peterrowlett:…
@Andrew_Taylor your non-transitive dice article has been picked up by Information Week:…
hah! That article available selectively in HTML (tweets passim) is now PDF only. What am I doing wrong, PNAS?
Domino's, Imma let you finish, but Piccante make the best damn takeaway pizza on Tyneside!
I recorded a video about the recent flat torus embedding. It features tori of both the Slinky and plasticine varieties:
@hornmaths at a guess: first one plot y^2 against x, and second one plot 1/y against x
@walkingrandomly @aperiodical we have, and I thought it was in the news queue, but apparently not. I'm no CAS person: why Octave over Sage?
@walkingrandomly as I don't know enough to make an informed decision, would you like your post reposted verbatim on the aperiodical?
@jcoglan *certain* Android browsers don't support it. My Transformer does, but my Desire HD doesn't.
Newcastle @MathsJam is next Tuesday, the 22nd! Charles Grey pub, 7pm. Yaaaaaaay!
.@aperiodical yo dawg I heard I like adding, so I added adding to my adding so I can add while I add... #sorry
@walkingrandomly email
this is the best defence of Nikola Tesla I've ever seen:
discrete and discreet - any more #anagrhomophones?
Yahoo! Answers, you have redeemed yourself:… @MathsJam
I nominate you, woman on the opposite platform, for Best Dressed Person Today. Sartorial excellence deserves to be recognised!
Dude is sitting in his car. Listening to panpipe music. Waiting for his wife to come out of Boots. Silently hating everything.
@walkingrandomly I'm expecting an email from you so I can set you up as a post author on the site
@NoelAnn @IMAmaths it can't, really. There is a project called JSXGraph which does (and uses MathJax for notation):
@NoelAnn @IMAmaths but broadly speaking there isn't a perfect solution for drawing graphs like there is for displaying mathematical notation
dear IE's developer tools: who does '{...}' help? I know it's an object! Literally everything in javascript is!
@ben_nuttall hey, those Pennines aren't going to cross themselves
@elinoroberts I had the same thought in pretty much the same place this afternoon
Thinking "hey, I should shazam this song so I can download it". Realising that I'm listening to my own music. #excellenttaste
@EliotBall nice pictures! Were they made in Mathematica?
@EliotBall I don't have Mathematica. Coming to realise with my recent blogging efforts that I should pick a CAS to learn.
@CardColm very clever!
@EliotBall Look North makes Look North look like a joke
@peterrowlett yes, mission complete. All in favour of closing the site?
@CuriousatLife there's a typo in your bio: "exercice"
I was not sensible with chillies tonight. It's not that they're too hot, it's that I seem to have got them all over my face. #painmoustache
@Plattsc I know! I'm really desperate though!
very nice fact about fibonacci numbers!…
I know the NYT is pretty fruity about house style, but "1 in 3 Americans _are_ obese"?
Amount I am unhappy about the new version of pagelines losing all my widgets: 15 kilofuries.
The fury is defined as the amount of anger required to boil 1g of water just by glaring at it.
@EliotBall fury does not diminish with distance, as evidenced by Nikita Khrushchev's volcanic wobbly thrown during the Cuban missile crisis.
@mathsinthecity larger subway networks tend to a common topology:…
@alexbellos so if P=NP, does that mean we're all diminutive Belgian detectives?
I apparently dropped my payslip on the metro latest week. The driver has posted it back to me! @My_Metro, give J Leigh a pay rise!
@My_Metro or, congratulate yourselves for running such good customer service.
Cushing's evil doppelganger is stalking the halls
@gingerbeardman who are the users? We've just given up on textile because it wasn't worthwhile for the hassle it causes with whitespace
@jamesgrime aww, I printed it out but my non-Pringles tube is *just* too big
@peterrowlett oh, she changed her name! Thanks for pointing that out
@standupmaths yet again, the North East eschews nerdy comedy. We've got a ruddy Science City!
@franklinheath @jamesgrime mine was as big as it could be. I just had a very wide tube. Going to try with avreal pringles tube today
eesh, pagelines needs upgrading AGAIN. Blame me if the @aperiodical disappears for a bit.
wow, it worked! Now watch as I blitz the news queue. Steady yourselves, this might be more maths news than you can comfortably handle.
man, if I had a pound for every time someone has asked me this:…
do you ever get confused about which way an email is going and write your own name in the To: box?
Man, I wish I had the kind of autism that leaves you with the mental ability of a child. This dude is ENJOYING the stairs.
@Samuel_Hansen just remembered I need to arrange those maths communication questions! They're back on the imaginary to-do list.
@alexbellos do you know Philipp Legner? The site does look great but very ambitious for one person!
Dust omelette! It just occurred to me that I've never cleaned my tumble dryer's filter
@JanvierUK because that is what you perceive it to be.
SPACE CORTÉS: a game where the aliens are well-organised and technologically superior, but massively outnumbered by you, the puny humans.
@jamesgrime @franklinheath I'm on attempt no. 3. Turns out my printer needs "borderless printing", not just "normal-size printing", I think.
@Bishnavitch I've just noticed the sound on this maths-aid video is completely out of sync
@GhostMutt excellent quests!
@elinoroberts I have a planetarium question! A colleague was asked to provide JPEGs for a show, not something lossless. Is that normal?
this is how you sell paintbrushes!…
These buffalo burgers smell like cleaning product. I'm very confused.
@standupmaths take lots of pictures for @mathsinthecity!
I earned my PhD in discredited theories at the University of Derby Discarded Learning Centre
Group theory is *not* abstract nonsense, so stop saying it is.
have decided to be the change I want to see in the world and draw some maths to go on the walls of the department. Ideas?
@pkrautz is the new @MathJax https CDN address official yet? It still says cloudfront in the docs…
Tomorrow at Newcastle @MathsJam I will be making some maths propaganda posters to decorate my department's uninspiring walls.
@nulibsage when? Where? I might be able to not miss it this time
@nulibsage well then! Perhaps you can work in a plug for tonight's @MathsJam as a social media science thing
Reminder: Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight, 7pm, at the Charles Grey. I have a paper enigma machine, some fibonacci facts and a lot of puzzles
Danger: mathematicians at work
@nulibsage it has now:!/christianp/…
@hornmaths you might also like to try curler units:…
@MathsJam to CAM: but the deck is still shuffled, right?
@monsoon0 see…. Should end up looking like…
This is pretty excellent…
The uni has put a table tennis table outside my building. I don't think I'm ever going to do any work again.
@peterrowlett I can only think that's the case. Don't mind though.
Tynemouth Knobbly Knee Brigade out on manoeuvres. Visitors are warned that socks may be worn with sandals without warning.
@gingerbeardman yep. The net makes a satisfying CLANG when you hit it
I love the summer so much!…
defenestrating furniture until PHP gets its act together
PHP hate: staring at innocuous-looking lines of code to see if they have any side effects, or if they're exactly as stupid as they appear
@Htbaa the what what now? There's only one way to order parameters, isn't there?
...and now I've found an eval statement in this module's javascript. That's it. Prepare the napalm: this code is going to burn.
@stecks I am with a founder of the Melbourne puzzle hunt!
@HoeJodgkiss that exists? How do I watch it?
going to go down to the beach tomorrow and write the next @aperiodical round up. It's going to be good.
@jamesgrime @numberphile oh no, either you've scooped us or inadvertent synergies are happening. @aperiodical has a similar post brewing.
@jamesgrime @numberphile @aperiodical and we were all scooped by Conway and Guy 14 years ago.
@stecks it was Maurice Chiodo. He's a group theorist now.
@jamesgrime @numberphile & I'm a tiny bit disappointed you didn't fit in a "crore, what a palaver!" joke. Maybe that can be my contribution
New businesses: "It's Rude To Stair" (elevators); "Ply Captain and the World of Tomorrow" (origami)
@MathsJam who presented the folded-paper heart in a single cut at last year's big MathsJam? I'm having a total brain-blank
@stecks thanks!
pretty annoyed that I seem to have lost an entire post's worth of research, on a really interesting subject.
@NTWH @NorthEastNT "deadheading, edging and weeding" sound like the latest ways of wasting youth. eg "I lost my junkie son to deadheading".
and for my next trick, the news queue!
It's the last square day of the year. Previous square days: 16/4, 9/3, 4/2, 1/1.
@sjccmaths 3rd of September? That's the first day of school usually, isn't it?
rainbow origami street art…
@hornmaths it's well worth doing if you're physicsy, anyway.
Tynemouth is eerily empty.
@standupmaths I'm going to the Henry Moore thing at the science museum tomorrow. Are you by any chance around?
Weeping a little tear for unloved maths: the guides at the science museum had never heard of the Henry Moore exhibition in the maths hall
Oh. Maybe this is why: this is the whole exhibit
How recent? #disappointment
@peterrowlett still not clear enough. I reckon "@aperiodical triumvirand" would be better. #lahahahatin
@peterrowlett ...but wikipedia tells me it's just "triumvir". Well, I know what my bio will say, never mind yours.
For the first time in just over five years, my twitter bio has changed.
@peterrowlett @rmathematicus @Talithin I've spent half an hour looking for any information on what he did, and it seems none is available
@peterrowlett I like the "decoding tabloid news" tag
@standupmaths Unhelpful headline territory, right?
@peterrowlett should I comment on that?
mathematicians: how do you add a prime in LaTeX to denote, for example, function derivatives?…
@Nathan1123 it can, but is that an equilibrium solution?
@gingerbeardman I bet there's a sad story behind that lot all being in the charity shop at the same time
@standupmaths I look forward to the Betamax of your contemporary dance interpretation
@standupmaths wouldn't that be a cone?
Had a nice day at Kingston university giving a workshop on @NclNumbas. Now walking along the Thames back to the station.
@stecks that reminds me that I must get round to making a rhythmomachy board
@stevieb don't think so. Bill is probably going, though.
Finally listening to this week's #mathmaths. I hope Sam didn't say anything bad about me.
@monsoon0 it's in French! That's your problem.
@stecks that's the title of our post on the anti-Turingpalooza backlash.
@peterrowlett thanks for plugging the call for the interesting research. Nathan says still no submissions though :(
Bouncy little foals / running round telegraph poles / in a field near Stow-on-the-Wold.
Oh my god, Diana is on the front page of the Express. WHO IS STILL BUYING IT FOR THAT?
WANTED: reordering of the alphabet with the most contiguous words in it
@alexbellos would you like a new random number, or the same one? Because the one I put in before was, I believe, the most random.
Wolf moon sweater: check. Bag with 80s song lyrics scrawled on: check. Face full of contempt for life's bounty: yep. Sort of hate this guy!
A variety of geometric shapes each made with just one HTML element and a lot of CSS:…
@alexbellos whoops, that came from the wrong account! It was me! I've submitted another random number, anyway.
@rob_botch strictly contiguous. So SCAT has SCAT & CAT, but CART doesn't get CAT
I just don't have it in me to write a limerick. I just can't get the rhythm right in my head
@rob_botch not necessarily.
the link between a journal's impact factor and no. of citations of its papers is decreasing: (via Timothy Gowers on g+)
the word in the English language containing the most smaller words has 13 letters and 16 subwords, but is too rude for twitter!
sorry, that's the word with no repeated letters, containing the most contiguous subwords
@CardColm of words which use letters at most once, I have found the one which contains the most contiguous subwords, but it's very rudge
@CardColm I mean rude
Problems with the Mathematical Gazette: costs £99 a year; articles available online only as low-res scanned-in Word documents
Problems cont.: submissions by post only: two typed copies or floppy disk (surely not any more!); no online index of articles past 2008.
@stecks robot makes screen wall, sings happy song while doing so:
Estimated readership of the Mathematical Gazette: 7,000. Unique readers of the @aperiodical this month: >25,000. Apples and oranges, but...
@matheknitician @haggismaths ooh! A knitted version of this interpretation of the hilbert curve would look good:…
@MarcusduSautoy have you got links for the other two? I'll write a post on the @aperiodical about them
@CardColm not sure what you're talking about
@CardColm ah, I wasn't sure what to make of that, because it looked like you were still editing it
If this woman stopped gurning, maybe her train would arrive. #worthatry
@peterrowlett @stecks 1.2million HTTP requests on the aperiodical this month. My analysis tool needs beefing up...
@jfgregg I can assure you that isn't the policy. We've turned down a few things.
starting BlitzMax for the first time in forever. The impulse to create games has reappeared
it is now my life's goal to devalue the US dollar until I can afford one of these…
sumatrapdf opens postscript files on windows! Goodbye, rubbish GhostView! I hope to never see you again!
@Tony_Mann you're going! Excellent! Please write something about it afterwards, I'm so annoyed I can't go.
@monsoon0 not for the purposes of my post about Hay Festival, but if you'd like to say more about what you do, we have a forum for you.
@monsoon0 would you like to write a longer post for the aperiodical about it? And did anything ever come of your Aus maths site idea?
@mickybullock @SparksMaths keep an eye on…
@stecks my brother has some goslings too! We paid them a visit last weekend… (he also has a silly-expensive camera)
@OddballDave I didn't make much progress. I've put it online at if you want to have a look.
@JanvierUK never cancel a barbecue. That's how the weather wins.
Kimya Dawson on a furniture advert. Wasn't expecting that ever.
My greatest challenge as a mathematician is explaining the UK's car licence numbering scheme to my mum. 09,59,10,60,11,... WHAT IS SO HARD
We had to break out diagrams, but she claims to have got it now. #codingtheoryformothers
@icecolbeveridge I just go with "add 50 for the second half of the year"
@haggismaths remind me to send in a photo of princesses being captured by finite state automota living on graphs when it's a work day again
now taking orders for my new range of Provencal crockery, S'il te Plate.
Trying to explain to the dog that he is too old and stupid to be in charge of when he goes out for a poo.
Wow, the @aperiodical blasted past its 300th published post last week. Thanks for reading!
Newcastle Review of the London Review of Books: very good, but sometimes the reviewers don't bother to review the books they're reviewing
now measuring the passage of time in Watts-yawns: the 30-60 seconds at the start of a Reggie Watts track when he sets up his loops
@qikipedia Yo dawg...…
@peterrowlett @MoMath1 now we need to find a wealthy benefactor who will send one of us (me) to New York for opening day.
@acmescience excuse me where is your @aperiodical employee smart card? No, I think the only solution is to send me, expenses paid.
@acmescience I believe that trips to New York, and its associated eateries and museums of math, require the steady hand of an Editor.
@acmescience ...steady hand and healthy appetite of an Editor. Oh well, twitter's enforced brevity enforced the delivery of half a quip!
@SecondRateMinds @Samuel_Hansen best post yet on that blog.
Information Age: searching a PDF of a long article for a keyword. Idiot Age: your keyword contains a digraph for which TeX uses a ligature
@standupmaths I'm finding the progress of your beard much more interesting. Is it chilly up there?
@GeorgeBray @gingerbeardman "In contrast, in Britain many children get to know authority through their social workers." - teLOLograph
@standupmaths for pre-emptively answering that question with a question-begging question, do I get some Nordic tat?
@GeorgeBray @gingerbeardman for a much better essay about Japanese "shame" culture:…
@peterrowlett let's give that a little prod...
@ColinTheMathmo @standupmaths so glad this turned out OK. I was worried Colin was getting prize-crazy.
@standupmaths is #whereML sustainable? You're like parents looking for souvenirs for your kids, but your kids are everyone on the internet
Jessie Ware's songs are nice to listen to, but only when not accompanied by video. Is it her face? That is not a nice thought.
I think I want figure 20(a) of this paper on a t-shirt…
@mike_geogebra wow, what a lot of progress! It seems loads faster - how did that happen?
emailed a mathematician to ask for permission to use one of their figures in a blog post. Got some fantastic 5000x5000px images back. Happy!
@jcoglan but as it's deterministic, storing the program is functionally similar to storing encrypted passwords
@Gelada sort of, but is also keeping up with technology and has all of Sage behind it.
@jcoglan aha! Good point.
The barber's on Eldon Square has closed! But I am like a shaggy ram left out on a hilltop too long! O woe!
I love reading @nulibsage's RSS feed of newly acquired maths books. Lots of interesting ones today:…
just looked down at the prime factorisation t-shirt I'm wearing and decoded a number. It works! (…)
Sat outside Spy wearing a maths t-shirt. Never felt so uncool.
it seems that in wordpress's image insertion interface, the thumbnails are just the original images resized. This is bad when they are 5Kx5K
In final training for the Beard Growing event at the Olympics. Almost there, but my dismount still needs a little work.
@kenfodder particularly markdown parsers
@HELIUM_HEED is this one of those trick statements where it's that you're having an out of body experience?
secure: logging into your terminal with an SSH key. insecure: forgetting that happens, and typing your password into the shell.
does anyone still play Red Dead Redemption on the xbox? Do any of those people fancy a quick round of shooties?
@qikipedia that's assuming that all vampires successfully feed
@jcoglan I take it it's too much effort to write a regexp -> FSA algorithm, then take random walks on that?
@jcoglan something like this, slightly too long for a tweet:
@jcoglan probably not, since nobody says things like "at MOST n uppercase letters".
@jcoglan basically: I'm a mathematician, so I immediately looked for the strings Vault can't generate, never mind if they're not needed.
@jcoglan with loads of zero-width lookahead. eg:…. Better models of computation exist, but regexps are easy to write out
.@FakeElsevier who let Xzibit pimp sciencedirect? What's the deal with the hydraulic header & footer when you scroll? #addedvalue?
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon yes! And I'm having the day off work today, so I'll definitely still have enough energy to play this evening
had a little panic yesterday when I forgot what my favourite number was. It's 3435, because 3^3+4^4+3^3+5^5 = 3435.
@JamesMoosh exactly. 3435 is improbable.
give me $\cos(\arcsin(\sqrt{-3}))$ good reasons why I shouldn't extend the domain of these functions to the complex plane
"part time" and "no fixed hours" are a terrible combination of words in an employment contract.
@icecolbeveridge that was exactly the joke
@icecolbeveridge because cos(arcsin(sqrt(-3))) = 2.
Classless dudes with more Paul Smith shirts than hairs on their heads impeding my progress down Front Street.
@JanvierUK I'll guess the former, since I have no idea what you're talking about
eeee!!!! SO CUTE…
facebook: how am I meant to click the "developers" link at the bottom of the page when infinite scroll keeps punting it downwards?
I've just spent LITERALLY AN HOUR recording myself proving a pretty simple fact about fibonacci numbers. Online later, if youtube can cope.
Seeking investors for my 18th century pleasure palace/hot chocolate bar, "Rococoa".
Talking of which, the co-op's hot chocolate is pretty decent
GRzczxagggg just ruined the grand prix by loading bbc news! Poo!
just blogged some problems I've posed myself but haven't thought very much about. Any input appreciated:…
@standupmaths I bought a very nice winter coat for not very much money in the week that was hot. Inadvertent planning!
wherein CP spends almost an entire hour proving a moderately interesting fact about fibonacci numbers:…
@Nathan1123 does that mean you watched my video all the way through?!
@Nathan1123 wow, jolly good! Another fun fib fact: Fn divides Fm iff n divides m
Sandwich shop: I can have choritzo but they're out of djalapeenos. Crossiants still available. Glad they're better at cooking than spelling
@brittneybean that's either a low number of females for a conference or a very high number for a singles tennis match
If it could stay exactly this temperature and humidity for a while that would be excellent.
No, fewer signatures is more powerful! "@johnnysofhayle: fans of homeopathy - gvnt is trying to restrict it, so please sign this petition"
@jcoglan I can help with this, but on my phone at the moment. Email if you want to work through it
@jcoglan idea which worked on the train does not work when in front of a blackboard. Might email later if I sort it out
@jcoglan ok, I have working python code! Going to write an explanation then send it to you
@plusmathsorg you're doing a frankly unreasonable number of great things. I can barely keep on top of the news queue at the aperiodical!
@jcoglan here you go: I wrote it up on my blog so everyone can benefit -…
not sure what time Marshall's closes. Fear it may be in the past. #chishandfips
@jgrahamc it's an exponential series, but growing more gently than powers of two. That might be why it looks good.
have at you, @aperiodical news queue! en garde!
there is an "Athena SWAN" award for promoting recruitment of women in higher ed. Would the male equivalent be "Rambo GORILLA"? #terriblename
dear Manchester: fairly sure you weren't that far inland last time I looked. Please move back.
I wish windows media player would just quit without me having to drive a stake through its wicked heart every single time.
@jcoglan how were you generating characters before? Using Math.random() and rounding, or what?
If this dude's name isn't Wilfred I will have to report back to my home planet that I have learned nothing of humanity's ways
@jcoglan can make one in 15 minutes when I get into work. A reference implementation in haskell would look great, actually
@jcoglan but really, statistics should verify your implementation, not comparison with my potentially-also-broken version
@jcoglan I've updated the gist with some sample output
have just eaten a very nice spiced cumberland pork pie from the posh pork pie stall in the market at monument
@Bishnavitch not sure. I asked the lady what was in it and she just told me the price. Very confused.
working through these testing reports is going to kill me
@eAssess but that isn't really a blog, because that post doesn't have a unique link. Where will it go when the next article appears?
@stevenstrogatz I wrote up your UK map redrawing paper for @aperiodical but couldn't find what "modularity" means. Is it somewhere in there?
@CardColm yes I did! Thanks.
Am appalled at how good our first year mathematicians' handwriting is. Though volunteers for a UX test might not be a representative sample
@aperfect but then you've made two mistakes
@stevenstrogatz thanks, but [16] refers to [15] and [15] is closed access. Can you give a handwavey description of what it measures?
@stevenstrogatz never mind, got access through VPN to my uni. Would "it's a measure of how much better than random the division is" be fair?
@stevenstrogatz ah, super! It didn't even occur to me to try wikipedia
this album is completely superb: Floreat by Mara Carlyle…:
looking for angel funding for my lactose-free milkshake bar, "Whey Out West"
@peterrowlett at that point I would just forget the whole HT/MT/xT paradigm and have a "via <firstdude>, <seconddude>" at the end
@ben_nuttall 90s road trip! Hope you've got your three quarter-lengths on and a walkman in your pocket.
@CardColm @peterrowlett I couldn't possibly say
@Bishnavitch ehhh, which one's that? Yes provisionally.
@Bishnavitch at 10! No way!
Sprained my knee playing table tennis. I hope it doesn't swell up or do anything more painful than it currently is
@jcoglan four twitter accounts was my limit for finally switching to tweetdeck. I hate it, but it's the easiest option
arg! The next @MathsJam is next week! Where did June go?
wordpress 3.4 does twitter oEmbed, finally!
hahahahahahhaha I've just seen the cover of Catwoman 0 hahahahahahahaaaaa
@sotnasaras secondary challenge: do it in a foreign country. Tried it once on a girl in a Flunch in Brussels. She just handed my coins back.
@jcoglan he's right though, using his name in phrases is fun: "Cameron Up The Khyber", "Cameron Obscura", etc. ad infinitum
@jcoglan I haven't yet! There's some interesting discussion of methods in the comments on my blog, if you want to pass some time.
@jcoglan ok, I might have some time to look in a few hours
@jcoglan I've been meaning to say - did you just copy my code to compute stats? Because mine was very wrong.
@jcoglan good! Because my original code calculated num. samples/num. characters. Was on the verge of handing my degree back when I noticed.
@mathsinthecity only one math? Is the supply running low?
@plusmathsorg I would DM you if you were following me
@plusmathsorg have you got the princess in a castle puzzle already? @standupmaths did a video after I told it to him:…
Day 2 of my knee's separation from its socket. Have brought in Archbishop Desmond Tutu for reconciliation talks.
If that fails, I have a roll of tubigrip. It's a tense moment. (I WISH! do you see what I did there?!?!)
@jcoglan oh, I was exaggerating. It's not too bad, more of a sprain. It happens all the time because I have really weak ligaments.
Eldon Square is a mixed bag: all neatly cut lawns and teenagers giving themselves cancer until their peers love them.
@sotnasaras or International Wechsel. (does 'wechsel' rhyme with 'rescue'? Close enough)
@JanvierUK suppose I wish "cakes" to be a euphemism for something. Which account should I follow?
wanted: indicator, chemical or mechanical or whatever, that I have forgotten to shake a bottle of orangina before taking a swig
Targetted advertising in the Newcastle University student union: we don't have a physics department
I'm sure I catch my site's hit counter on palindromes more often than chance would allow
@mathpunk no. Paste it into or try JSON.parse(document.getElementsByTagName('pre')[0].innerText) in your browser
@mathpunk you need square brackets around the "keywords" array
@ColinTheMathmo wow, defined in terms of circumference not radius! Did that rule start as "must complete a full roll before being touched"?
@nulibsage oh, it's you who's taking over our office! You'll be glad to hear it now gets wifi signal, which wasn't the case last month
@mathpunk but if you're doing this by hand, can I suggest YAML instead of JSON:
@ColinTheMathmo "a full roll" is probably an easier rule to explain, though, don't you think?
@ColinTheMathmo how interesting!
there is a a cure for ebola! Booking my tickets to the Congo straight away.
aaag wordpress! Restored everything in an autosave except the changed permalink
Bad idea: normal users can't submit bug reports to Blackboard. Only administrators can. Maybe that's why there are still so many!
@Bishnavitch we've still got a box of your brother's first edition miniatures somewhere
have found a mega-bizarre @MathJax bug: calling $('*').find('anything') knacks MathJax spacing. Trying to boil down simplest exemplar now.
@elinoroberts I've had the heating on all week.
Trying to convince myself that even though the top and bottom halves of my leg are splitting up, it doesn't mean they don't both love me
R plots can't or don't use LaTeX for labels. Rubbish.
oh my god it has its own nutjob syntax:… Is R the PHP of maths languages?
Blew my mind: NASA has a page with the latest data received from Voyager…
Mum is preaching the gospel of this kipper she just ate at Irvine's on North Shields fish quay
I think today is a day for Interesting Esoterica
I basically can't stop playing this Mara Carlyle album
she knows how to work a dental plosive to her advantage, is all I'm saying.
man, you try and drop some phonetics and then you look on wikipedia and see you meant an alveolar plosive.
I hereby resign my membership of the knows-good-words club
cor, my aunty's photos of her resident giraffe falling in her swimming pool have got online and have 4 million views!
@Bishnavitch well, it lives on her safari park. She showed us those photos last time she was over here.
@Bishnavitch yes, that's her, but she's in Tanzania now.
to clarify: I'm not sure if my aunty took the photos, but they're from her safari park. She's also just a family friend, not a real aunty.
@Rosalot somewhere near Arusha in Tanzania. I've forgotten the name of the company she works for
@elinoroberts can you do mine? I'm colourblind and only realised recently that you can buy socks with patterns on
@elinoroberts one day, I'd like there to be a machine which will make up cotton socks with an arbitrary pattern on
Dinner dilemma: fajitas (tastier) or caesar salad (less effort)?
@Bishnavitch oh, I'm sorry, is chicken and bacon, lathered in puréed anchovies, oil and parmesan not rich enough for you?
@Bishnavitch how about if I remove the lettuce?
@Bishnavitch pasta and cream is for girls and Italians
@Bishnavitch carbs are for people with insecurities. Lettuce is for men who just don't give a damn
can't believe how many people are wrong about dinner choices.
That is how you turn a game of Civilization around!
The secret to my success: a firm policy of appeasing the Germans
electrotelethermometer is the English word with the most Es in it (7)
@jcoglan because Steve Jobs never installed a program that wasn't made by Apple
A huggermuggering nonannouncement of an overinvolved knickknack, or an alliterationist's dream:…
@lizmallard indeed! By the way, you're on the Newcastle mathsjam list, aren't you? Are you going to come on Tuesday?
@lizmallard then there are multiple mathematically-minded Liz Hansons!
@lizmallard well, she's on the list but she's never come!
A round of applause for @peterrowlett, who took on the @aperiodical news queue and won.
@Bishnavitch I refuse to watch that episode now, in case 1) it makes me cry, or worse, 2) I become desensitised to it
I'm hosting the Carnival of Maths this month, so please send in any good maths blogging you've seen:…
@jgrahamc are you aware of the book Making Mathematics with Needlework? I've got it, it's very good…
why do so many journal/scholarly literature sites make it so hard to find the link to go from an abstract to the full paper?
@jcoglan well done keeping that hashtag alive
A sequence with a simple elementary definition which only produces prime numbers
@standupmaths replacing iphone screens is only to be attempted by teams of nanobots or infinitely patient monks. Not sure which Apple have.
@standupmaths and I think £60 probably won't buy you the bits for a new screen
@haggismaths ah, it might be too late! My princesses got hijacked by less serious mathematicians.
@haggismaths relatedly: are you aware of Etienne Ghys told me about it when he visited last week
@LeedsMathsJam I'll have one at Newcastle, and I think @stecks will have one at Manchester. Prepare some secret messages!
@jcoglan echh, no. And got a very busy week.
@jcoglan where was your data?
@ben_nuttall @tgandrews what is Haskell doing in there with PROLOG and FORTRAN? This is an outrage!
@haggismaths waiting until tomorrow, when the student in control of the blackboard next to the white one has his viva and passes it on to me
basically every ingredient in this pizza went off at least a week ago. It's OK once it's cooked though, right?
also: jalapenos have antiseptic properties, don't they? Because I've just checked and those are in date.
there's a lot more sadness in my life since I started playing minecraft on hardcore. Sitting wondering what I could have done to survive
There's a Mongolian throat-singing rap album called Back Tuva Future. You can go to sleep now, today is over.…
@standupmaths @Dr_Lucie you've got the entire McBain movie to look forward to:…
Played the game and lost. It's tipping it down and I'm in just a t-shirt. Must check webcams before coming in to town from Tynemouth
I have an HTML demo page for a project on Github Pages. What do I add to the YAML bit at the start to get syntax highlighting CSS?
I've written a jQuery plugin that gives you an instant @MathJax preview of any LaTeX you write in input boxes:
@mathieuruellan What do you mean?
@pkrautz I've just fixed a bug with IE. See if that was your problem too.
just made a load of maths worked example videos with the legendary Prof Robin Johnson publicly available on vimeo…
I'm going to be late for Newcastle @MathsJam due to a friend's overlong viva. At the very least, Sarah should be there from 7
@mathieuruellan but then you have to solve the reverse problem of turning screen coords into caret position.
@jamesgrime @standupmaths @penguat @KSCMaths @MathsJam Grime Bice? That gives you a colour scheme, too.
@elinoroberts @jjsanderson whatever you're doing: have you worked in a reference to the tidal effects on the LHC? That filled me with awe.
I've made a wordpress plugin which applies my instant LaTeX preview thing to the comment box under posts.…
I'm thinking of doing a piece for the @aperiodical on people's relationships with LaTeX. Do you have a horror story or moment of brilliance?
I'm particularly interested in mathematicians who don't use LaTeX: what's your excuse, you heretics?
@St_Sebas do you write maths often? If so, what do you use?
@CardColm can you say a bit more about how it changed your life?
@pkrautz should do. Can you point me to a site with disqus comments?
@pkrautz no, just with disqus. Never mind, found one of mine!
@danaernst @pkrautz @disqus should work straight away. Disqus just provides a textarea.
@danaernst @pkrautz no, my plugin loads mathjax if it isn't already there. But you should be using Sam's plugin anyway.
@pkrautz @danaernst oh, disqus' textarea is inside an iframe, so I need to add a line to my plugin.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss is it any good?
@danaernst @pkrautz…. Wait a mo while I make it work with disqus though. (unexpectedly complicated!)
@danaernst unzip in your wp-content/plugins directory. Activate in the admin plugins page.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss your excellent argument has convinced me. Yours at 7.30?
@danaernst @pkrautz @disqus revising my earlier opinion: I can't do anything with disqus because of cross-site scripting restrictions
sitting in a hot office waiting for windows to finish unzipping a 500kb file. Truly these are my salad days.
"no, the other 90 degrees!" isn't quite as bad as "no, the other left!", but it's close.
@Bishnavitch Britain's most successful hoover comedian
@Bishnavitch by which I mean two things: 1) Henry is a brand of vacuum cleaner. 2) Lenny Henry sucks.
@EliotBall thanks!
@MuseGarden @Nathan1123 pronounced "secky"?
Another LaTeX question: is there a package that you use but nobody else does? What does it do?
Thanks to @plusmathsorg for these rather fetching mathematical card holders. Wasn't expecting 3!
@disqushelp yeah, I'm running chrome. Trying jQuery selector $('.dsq-textarea-wrapper').find('iframe').contents()
@ma1cal when does the teaching take place? A compulsory module?
@ColinTheMathmo MiKTeX on windows, I assume?
@jcoglan challenge: arrange your finances so that your tax bill is a solution to a 3-SAT problem encoded in your annual earnings
jcoglan can you get your base-whatever hash test data in a plain text file of the form <bits>\n<base>\n<output>?
lunch and then I battle the Stupid Bug Mountain.
@jcoglan commas, spaces, whatever.
@jcoglan my results.txt is now in the same format, at We differ, and I'm pretty sure the error is with you
@jcoglan in base 10, we agree until the subsequence (...,9,8,9,5,3,1,0), and you have an extra digit in your output
@jcoglan sorting this out might be better over IM of some sort
@jcoglan ok, just added you
@pkrautz @aperiodical (answering as myself now) I think I might have seen it before. More grant money being ineffectively spent!
@pkrautz funded by Munich Re, so at least it isn't EU money
@jgrahamc you need more than two data points to conjecture exponential growth
has anyone ever seen IE run an object's constructor function before attaching its prototype? Because I think that just happened to me.
@Samuel_Hansen I can't see what that's a reply to, but if it's about the carnival of maths: you're submitting to me, so send in loads
@haggismaths oh, you know there's been a paper on that…
@ColinTheMathmo man, you have so much more trouble with computers than I do. Did you do something to offend them?
It's Turingsmas Eve! Remember to put your programs on the mantelpiece tonight, and maybe tomorrow morning you'll wake up to a proof it halts
Remember to leave out a pad of paper and a pen for Alan, and a pile of punch cards for his team of hunky computer operators
@PumphreysMaths mathscard looked decent when I tried it:…
@PumphreysMaths and wolfram alpha is, of course, excellent
@Electrokittie really?…
am I to understand that it's raining in less excellent parts of the country? I'm going out for a walk on the beach
And lo, did the Lord God see cp's braggadocio and verily did He send forth innumerable drizzles
@icecolbeveridge what was the other one?
@icecolbeveridge but there've been plenty of big real maths stories: Agol's Virtual Haken proof, Goldbach progress, potential ABC proof...
how odd: @standupmaths's radio 4 documentary on Turing is still on iplayer, but can't be found using the search.
@icecolbeveridge there really wouldn't be much point in the mainstream press reporting those stories.
@icecolbeveridge I disagree completely.
two games of Risk and *then* writing our big Turing post was never a good plan. Moody's has just downgraded it to a Very Bad Plan Indeed
I've collected together some of the best Turing coverage for the @aperiodical at….
what's the easiest way to run a node.js server on a server that uses Apache? Modern app-deployment techniques baffle me
Looking forward to the river of fire along the Thames tonight. A great way to celebrate Turing's centenary and it's never been done before.
@treasa just spent 10 minutes not finding the clip on youtube. I'm sure it used to be there. Anyway, it's an old joke from Broken News
just went round the google sign-in loop four times with my mum on @TripIt. She's given up trying to register.
Looking at the @aperiodical's stats, it seems Shouryya Ray is twice as popular as Alan Turing. Disheartening.
@standupmaths EXCELLENT. Have you seen the description of railway junction logic gates? I saw it when I was 17 but can't remember the author
@standupmaths if you can make use of someone in the Far North East, I'm in.
@standupmaths not emailing because a) I'm too cool for school and b) I have a woman on the inside of your operation, Parker.
@ben_nuttall you must be really mad that Prince William uses that title despite not having been awarded it by the Roman Emperor
@standupmaths my PhD is in computability and exactly this kind of thing, so I can help with design
@goddent83 I think it was two Cambridge postgrads, circa 2003/4, reported in a paper but not sure which. Junction boxes work as logic gates
@goddent83 I have googled long and hard and turned up nothing but people making external, electronic, logic gates for model railways.
@outofthenorm2 @goddent83 @standupmaths that is precisely it! Thank you!
@HilariousCow already done: Prince of Persia refusing to walk off ledges.
@HilariousCow unlike walking into walls, where the character has no mind of his own, in PoP he's visibly struggling against your command
@HilariousCow for a while I've wanted a platformer where "your" actions don't need to be coherently displayed (transition animations etc)...
@HilariousCow ... but the character follows a tiny bit behind, properly animated because the game knows in advance what it's going to do
@HilariousCow yeah. You've got to fiddle things so the character never gets affected by something you don't, breaking the illusion.
@HilariousCow a single-agent Portal-ish environment would do, with you playing the character's "mind's eye"
@HilariousCow yes! Got to make that now!
None of the doors in the student union make sense. There's every combination of handle/button/automatic/signage.
@peterrowlett oh dear! Is that the teaching, or something like what you've done this year?
Wearing my "maths is easy" t-shirt to an interdepartmental meeting.
@ajk_44 thats some serious chutzpah on the part of the Tories, trying to reuse the phrase "back to basics"
crikey o'reilly this is some needlessly cryptic code
"I've just discovered multiline var declarations and lazy evaluation of booleans. Let's write my entire program and logic in one of those!"
@standupmaths is the quiet coach not the naughty coach? People complaining about bad passengers are hardly ever not in the quiet coach.
"lion" is the only English word ending in -ion which is still a word when you swap the I and O.
emusic, why does the "your session has expired so you need to log in" page now redirect to the signup page? That's enormously annoying!
@IanMulvany I have a hashtag I use on occasions like that: #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice
@aperfect my name is extremely common in Catholic countries, particularly the Philippines. I win.
@Sdfahey @mathsinthecity only one face? Which one? Anyway, I'd just say it's a twisted prism:…
@Sdfahey no, it isn't an antiprism because the sides aren't flat faces - they're curved.
@Sdfahey actually, just looked at your picture again and they are. Whoops!
Publishing minified code without a source map is pretty unhelpful.
@dmh10 sadly not. Anyway, my brilliant mental deobfuscation skills have allowed me to find the corresponding point in the source
@FOTSN at my phone's highest volume I can barely hear the podcast. Could you sacrifice some of your glorious hi fidelity and enlouden it?
Twitteraticians: how do you write $\mathbb{Z}$? I've been told I don't follow convention.
follow-up question: how about $\mathbb{N}$? Rotate previous pic 90° anti-clockwise for mine v apparently conventional styles.
@peterrowlett @standupmaths hearing that the weather's better somewhere else is one of those little things that make life less bearable
@aPaulTaylor that's a mega-tenuous reason! My reason is that it can't be mistaken for a really badly drawn mathematical X
The first crazy person outs himself RT @panlepan: I'm crazy! RT @christianp: how do you write $\mathbb{Z}$?
@Talithin @Samuel_Hansen zeds should always have a line through them!
@Samuel_Hansen @Talithin I used to think it was Continental Frippery until I started actually writing maths for a living.
@panlepan alors, il faut que vous demandiez á vos collègues comment ils l'écrivent (how's my French?)
we have patient no. 2 for the Z Madness. There must be more: I know you're out there, you loons!
@ProfNoodlearms do you see Serious People write the other version very often? (ps when did you change your twitter name? It's excellent)
@Talithin so your second stroke is a single line?
@Talithin it actually looks decent.
does anyone else do it this way? RT @Talithin: @christianp By the way, here's mine…
@jgrahamc I now want to book a ticket from Poole to Bagshot.
@MouldS you've assumed that very few of the people who look like you are ticket inspectors. This notice is dispelling that notion.
TIL that Chebyshev's (he of the inequality) first name was Pafnuty.
@axnicho @peterrowlett is this a pun I see before me?
managed to maximise my savings inefficiency at Sainsbury's: every item I bought is part of a multibuy offer, but no two are in the same one
@jcoglan I thought ahead and used the self-service
like voting for the Greens, while it was against my immediate self-interest, I made the statistics register the way I want the world to be
@Samuel_Hansen football! I forgot about the football! O WOE!
not on my nelly bot on my belly dot on my delhi jot on my jelly pot on my pele tot on my telly what on my welly #isthatallofthem
Going on holiday on Friday, leaving these beauties sitting in the queue at the @aperiodical:
@MarcusduSautoy this is relevant to my interests
I believe I am owed some presents. RT @MarcusduSautoy: Happy Perfect Day! 28/6 A number is perfect if it is the sum of its proper divisors.
@jcoglan only module needed: a Turing machine which can simulate all other modules. #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice
@helenarney ahh, I would go if I wasn't setting off on holiday early tomorrow morning
this is a happy little integer sequence: undulating palindromic primes
..which has led me to this magnum opus -… - more top ten lists than you can shake a at!
@aPaulTaylor no - undulating primes are at - includes two-digit non-palindromes
@seanhandley Pancho Villa's on the Royal Mile is excellent
9876543210 followed by 2002 zeroes and then a 1 is prime
@aPaulTaylor now I'm trying to think how to find the most needlessly complicated OEIS definition
just watched a fly spontaneously generate on my wall. Aristotle was right! (or the fly was hiding)
Problem: one could avoid the hateful facebook->guardian login thing by copying and googling the title. Solution: forbid selecting text
@HELIUM_HEED no, I'm going to dissolve! I'd hoped to observe you humans a while longer but now I must return to alka-seltzer-man home planet
I picked a bad day to renounce all gods
@pkrautz @peterrowlett @stecks I know a bit. Email me.
@mathsinthecity I managed to get out just before too many roads closed. My seaside abode is untroubled by mere rain! Thanks for asking
@mathsinthecity no, I live at Tynemouth but today I'm setting off for the Loire valley for my jollies
A glacier would reverse into that space faster. And it wouldn't come out to straighten up three times either.
@mathsinthecity the council has done a brilliant job up here but I'm hearing bad things about the Midlands. But that's nothing new, right?
@ehauke htc desire hd played through sennheiser mm100 headphones. It's lots quieter than other podcasts.
@Samuel_Hansen a follow on google+ has about as much value as a turkish lira
@Samuel_Hansen wow, I picked the wrong kind of lira. Let's go with Italian lira
@ehauke all the episodes have been the same
Gosh, the new google+ app is good! I'm still tweeting this thought though.
Slough: it's not worth the effort
Not sure how I feel about this video tribute to Turing…
@ipnosimmia the backing music's a bit weird
I have internet! Here's a picture of some fabulous French cuisine. We have so much to learn from them.
@monsoon0 have you seen… ? Or do you want to use textmode LaTeX too?
Il fait chaud, fo' sho'.
Me and four bishops in a nissan micra, driving France's autoroutes and reviewing the service stations. Title of the book: Aires and Graces
Koala! Happy day!
And if you want to see a panda, don't even bother going to Edinburgh: come to Beauval, you can get right up to them
@manytypesoftea yes, we can only assume it's an accurate translation given the picture. Excellent twitter avatar, by the way
@MEIMaths @peterrowlett it's in the queue for my next open access round up. Could well merit its own post, though.
@Andrew_Taylor well, you've _got_ to register and fill it with comic sans maths now.
@alexbellos @haggismaths looks like autocorrect has got the right ideas
@jcoglan Turing would be all about the #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice.
Goodbye, France! No thanks to DFDS Seaways, who were an hour late out of port. Watched three P&O ones come and go while we waited.
@stecks yes, δmaths/δt (britain,now) > 0
@stecks and I will be gratified if you notice my correct identification of a partial differential
@standupmaths Matt's Unvirtual Mersenne Prime Search, or #MUMPS
@standupmaths and I've just noticed your twitter username is a pun on your real name when pronounced in a French accent. A reason to move?
Almost everyone on this ferry is reading the Daily Mail. Hypocrites.
Forget meditation, if you want to get in harmony with the world around you just do a wee on a boat. (Men and adventurous ladies only)
it's the world's funniest child!…
Now I can be like @standupmaths and tweet maths symbols ∵ ∃ a character map app for android!…
...but they aren't displayed properly on my PC. Willy poo bums.
.@univofstandrews did you check with Dr Nacenta before writing that tweet? Pie charts represent proportion; "Fatfonts" show arrays of data
where do I sign up to kick the people who wrote TinyMCE? I assume there's already a list.
@helenarney @djfbus @standupmaths @FOTSN I made a video a while ago explaining what's going on in that picture:
One for all and all for 0! #mathspuns
Looks like the metal pushing pad on this door isn't at the right height for anybody else either
if you want a poster of a famous mathematician and don't have working colour vision, this is the site for you!…
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett just listened to m/ms 104. Re economic centre of gravity: how do you average points on a sphere?
@standupmaths similarly: the University of Derby Discarded Learning Centre… doesn't work. does. When Oxford was a waste and Cambridge a bog... Durham set up their DNS.
and hilariously, twitter shortens them both to just
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen I've just read the appendix of the report. It's exactly as rigorous as you'd expect.
misleading infographic news, now:
reaction-diffusion whiz-boffins: please make some stripy paint.
is there a good reason javascript's ternary if assignment goes `b?x:y` instead of something readable like `x if b else y`?
@Nathan1123 yes yes, I get that, but all I did in my better version (python's) was replace the symbols with words
@Nathan1123 oh hang on, I thought that's what I did but I switched b and x. Whoops.
@Nathan1123 I think what I originally wanted was something like `if(b) x else y` as an acceptable expression in an assignment
@icecolbeveridge yes, that's what I was getting at. Quite annoying!
is Ohio the international twitter spam nexus or am I just very popular with people from middling states?
can someone with working colour vision, either skype or gtalk, and 10 minutes to spare help me with a colour scheme please?
Dear Microsoft Word, Thank you so much for noticing how wide my screen is, but I don't actually want you to zoom in so the page fills it.
while I'm pretending to write letters: Dear VMWare, Why does your one-click unsubscribe link go to a page I need to click on two more times?
I don't tweet boring work things much, but the PENS import by @SCORMCloud is amazing!
@JanvierUK that's pretty close to your height as well, isn't it? #everyoneistinytome
I wish right guard would stop changing the names of their deodorants. What's the big idea?
I've said "what rot" so many times in the last 10 minutes browsing this conference's programme that the words have lost all meaning
@stecks I demand less boring tweets! Or fewer boring tweets!
@stecks @diffractionman I am. Why?
@stecks yes, I'll do a talk on something, probably princess/castle. Definitely do aperiodical something. Hosting slides is a good idea.
@stecks though really, should be doing that.
@stecks I worry with the big mathsjam that Colin wants it to be a private party and reporting from it might ruin it a bit.
@Electrokittie you just apply directly to the institution
@HilariousCow manicheanima.
@HilariousCow a portmanteau of manicheanism and machinima?
@HilariousCow it describes basically Peter Molyneux's entire oeuvre
The screen reader JAWS costs $895. Because blind people get the same grants as people who need, like, new doorways built for them.
which makes it hard for me to test, since I don't know any blind people, and don't have $895 lying around to enrich a profiteer with.
@jcoglan so do I fill my HD with noise to make a point, or with "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" so it doesn't look random?
AAAAA I only work part-time that is too many issues AAAAAA
I have an almost uncontrollable urge to write a story about the Mormon grammarian P. Dan Tick
apparently Newcastle University has 4321 postgrads. That's a nice number!
@brittneybean I wouldn't be surprised if you said you were visiting a walmart that had an army base.
@madcaptenor you're mistaken. These enlightened individuals are correcting their wicked foreign ways.
@nulibsage I look at my diary for next week. It is a vast empty nothingness. Except for that exact hour. Typical.
@mendeley_com what's the point of attaching files to my library if it always says "we don't have permission to make this file downloadable"?
@jcoglan just add more classes and rules, then freely-reduce the resulting inheritance tree. #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice
@jcoglan sorry, I meant directed acyclic graph, not tree. Because that would be too simple.
there is a layer of bacon-smelling air about three feet off the floor of my flat. Dare I follow it to its source?
@Nathan1123 a bad programmer would just hack over it until it looks like it works. You're on the right track
deleted the blitzbasic forums from my bookmarks. There's hardly ever anything interesting there any more
It's finally here! After literally a quarter of a year, here's a load more interesting maths esoterica…
@ColinTheMathmo I asked Katie but she's AWOL, so: do you have a picture of last year's MathsJam we can use for an @aperiodical post?
Can't think of a single good reason why Smash wasn't instead called Packet Jotato.
@HoeJodgkiss the aristocrats!
@stecks it isn't great - Colin's all blurred. I'll ask on the @MathsJam twitter
has anyone got a photo of last year's @MathsJam conference that they wouldn't mind being used in a post on the @aperiodical?
@stecks oui
@peterrowlett yep, it can go whenever.
the Irish one from My Life In Film is in everything now. Must have got a better agent.
was Dead Boss given that weird inappropriate piano theme tune just because it was written by women?
or, if the writers specifically asked for that theme: what were you thinking?
It's a lovely sunny day in Tynemouth! Is anyone else out here enjoying the festival?
@peterrowlett it went OK, then? No bugs?
@peterrowlett hah! Excellent.
@acmescience much better!
@ben_nuttall @stecks @aPaulTaylor that's more of a combinatorics and designs problem, surely
TIL that facebook thinks Newcastle University is in New Delhi…
@alexbellos why's it only got one number? You could do that to a normal die. The joke with a mobius one is you can't decide which face is up
@Calibrand do you actually, though? The sentiment is cheapened by your tweet history. I'm now going to make an effort to avoid you.
mathematicians: does anyone else find the misuse of "hence" in a proof really annoying?
@aPaulTaylor I think you mean "no, hence now I am paranoid that..."
@peterrowlett I think we need to submit it to be reviewed by a person. There's a link somewhere in the webmaster tools
duoliteral, juloidea, muroidea, muscoidea, pulmonifera, quodlibetal, subcontinental, subhyoidean, uncomplimentary, uncontinental
.@WWMGT @stevenstrogatz @Wrangler314 see my previous tweet for all words I could find with vowels in reverse order. Excluded "unnoticeably".
also "fulgoroidea" and "uncoincidental" if you allow repeats of vowels.
can't find any words with all vowels + Y in forwards or reverse order. Another reason Y is not a vowel
Omg, just realised Tynemouth Sainsbury's is in walking distance. #sixandtwotwelves
@CardColm gosh! My word list must be missing a lot of words
@CardColm oh hang on, that's in forwards order. Panic over!
@CardColm ah! I see now. Currently walking to the shops so can't check my sums
Ok, further corrections will be ignored unless told facetiously. Clearly I made an error
And that shortcut was more like a six v two 3.1s. My brainwaves are a bubbly froth. Time for dinner.
ok, regexp fixed. adventitiously and pareciously
the usefulness of useless knowledge… cc @peterrowlett
I thank @Samuel_Hansen from the bottom of my heart for introducing me to my new religion…
@Tony_Mann you're wrong, @peterrowlett has always been at war with Eastasia
well punned! Radius of the Lost Arc - a maths game for kids…
Is this white fiat 500 doing really quick laps of the village or does everyone own a white fiat 500 now?
How long do you think I can mingle with the World Congress of Accounting Historians? I need some fun accounting history facts
#accountinghistory "double book-keeping" was originally a euphemism for workplace drunkenness.
#accountinghistory in the Crimean war, the Battle of Balaclava was written off as a clothing expense
@Bishnavitch I'd have to see Dark Knight between now and then
@rmehigan and sadly the last in my series of monodigital time tweets for today
@rmehigan I did not. No Sky!
@Andrew_Taylor to do exactly that and no more, add these to your path
@Andrew_Taylor or you could do it properly on Linux with adventure shell:
Just attended a workshop where I did a SWOT! I've become you!
Oh no. For the first time ever, I tweeted what was meant to be a text. It was a long workshop.
@pkrautz I think not: cross-site scripting problems.
@pkrautz a chrome extension would probably be able to do it
@elinoroberts write it underneath the header "Things for other people to do"
@standupmaths @numberphile or… might give you some ideas
@jcoglan no votes for 'look around'? Dangerously risky behaviour from the go-northers
Descending into the pits of the @aperiodical post queue to hew some maths news from the living rock. Got my undecidability canary with me.
@jcoglan score
@icecolbeveridge well, that's an idea for a new twitter bot. Sadly, @undecidabilitycanary is too long to be a twitter username
today's programming challenge: write a prime number generator in Hindi
@peterrowlett you said you had some big mathsjam photos. Prod.
@TeXtip or, with MathJax magic, you can use one I made:…^{i%20\pi}+1=0
@outofthenorm2 argg, I was looking for a tweet about your new post and misread "blogpast" as "blogpost"! Bumbleshpitz
@outofthenorm2 we considered "blogpast" for the Aperiodical's tweets and rejected it for exactly that reason
living the rugged independent lifestyle of a Solo Dude is a nightmare from a home economics perspective.
maths fact: over the past two years, Cedric Villani has spent as long as three hours not in front of a camera
@EliotBall haha, that's crazy! Unregistered domains go to a page saying "DNS Error!"
rhinoeceros, assemble!
very very clever: computer-generated pareidolia using genetic algorithms and face detection
guess who just tweeted from the wrong account! That guy! (Also this guy)
@plusmathsorg @mathsinthecity I tried the "best not to collapse it into an observable state just yet" excuse with my thesis
@Bishnavitch no thanks. Unenthused.
pretty bummed that seems to be a site selling English lessons in Japanese
@jcoglan is it possible to just cover one's ears and hum until ECMAScript 6 is widespread?
chrome, you are using 200mb of memory with one blank tab open. Explain yourself.
the manufacturers of this chilli have rated it "HOT HOT HOT". Maybe if you were raised on an exclusive diet of milk and yoghurt. Weak.
a more accurate label would be: "This sauce was produced in a factory where chillies are handled"
it has the consistency of puppy sick. I think this'll be the end of bad chilli news.
oh no I discovered the programmable turtle in tekkit
At least be consistent, guy's! (excellent farm, though)
@standupmaths good decision: "standupengineering" is pretty much a tautology. And are you implying you're under-employed?
@jcoglan I use the cursor keys all the time. Because sometimes neckbeards are just wrong.
my little brother hasn't even been to Akbar's. It's like I don't know him any more.
oh my god Wrong Sign Language is the BEST game
@arowx @GreyAlien you are correct to disclaim those claims. If you're coming this far up, might as well go across the Tyne to a REAL place.
@GreyAlien @arowx yeah fine, keep believing that. Just going out for a stroll on the award-winning beach, back later
windows is saving an 8mb bitmap version of my wallpaper to my uni network profile. That'd be fine if I didn't have a tiny allowance of 60mb
@sxpmaths as far as I know, @TraineeGeek organises the Portsmouth MathsJam. She's friendly!
@sxpmaths I think you might be talking about what I called the "worst series in the world" - near the bottom of…
wanted: rich benefactor to fund the acquisition of this fantastic kitchen appliance…
@stecks I would be entirely happy with being a trophy husband who stays at home and bakes with expensive Kenwood appliances all day
@stecks but I don't think I'm up for the silicone pec implants trophy husbandship would entail
@BenTormey you're following the wrong women, dude
@stecks wow, A had almost completely passed from my memory.
@amazingradio re chilli dogs: the diner in Fenwick's does a mean chilli dog
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7.30pm in the Charles Grey pub. New people very welcome.
Oh good, someone's realised the Olympic Security Sand outside the stadium shouldn't block access to the metro station
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett I had the MAA link for flatland 2! Did I forget to use it? Bums.
@peterrowlett yes, I just put it in
@peterrowlett the most I'll commit to is that at least occasionally @Samuel_Hansen tells the truth
it's far too late for the seagulls to be up and about. Can they even see where they're going?
watch my brilliantly-edited holiday video, featuring lots of animals…
@Samuel_Hansen I see your inappropriate twitter comments kickstarter was funded
@Samuel_Hansen and also, other twitterists inform me she was gay, so, probably wasn't gonna happen, buddy
@brittneybean after verifying my email on songdrop and logging in, I got a 404 for /info/dropitbtn&verify=success?cb=1343115078
so does Pearson own the concept of education now? Is there anything they haven't bought?
if I'm responsible for making sure the companies I buy services from pay their tax, I'd better cancel my vodafone subscription
@nulibsage you'll get that tweet right eventually!
@FOTSN challenge: explain to an innumerate friend how big a pizza with twice as much meat would have to be while driving in a one-way system
@stecks we have a problem for tonight: pub has no wifi!
@stecks that might actually be more authentic
@jcoglan I have that all the time with algebraic data types and any language that isn't haskell
not sure what madness caused me to say MathsJam starts at 7.30. It starts at 7. Maybe I'll be alone for half an hour.
@MathsJam NCL->MAN we're having trouble decoding your message
@outofthenorm2 @MathsJam yes, and it's not a bad game. A good mental workout
@FOTSN for the safety of my fellow road-users, I did not account for crusts. Or the fact no pizza technician distributes toppings uniformly.
@FOTSN stuffed crusts introduce another problem - they only accrete linearly with pizza size.
Sportsmen: teammates congratulating you in unwelcome places? Try Matt Parker's Pat Marker. New from Spooner, the Contrivance Company.
@jcoglan do any of the JS module frameworks have relative import paths and namespacing? Or an equivalent of python's `import module as x`?
@jcoglan yes, just looking at the docs now. So the global state you're complaining about is just in naming dependencies?
pretty stoked about how much of my CPU this set of slides is using. Stopping my other programs running means it gets my full attention!
@jcoglan is there any need for global module names? Why not make every `define` anonymous?
@jcoglan I assumed that if you require 'sub/mod', then anything required by `sub/mod.js` would be found relative to `sub/`. Apparently not!
@jcoglan here you go: I'm sure it must be possible. It's mad otherwise.
@jcoglan ah, I didn't try ./ ! Makes sense.
@daveinstpaul @MathsJam what do you mean by "level"?
@daveinstpaul @MathsJam oh never mind, got it now. Good. I thought there'd be a simple solution like that.
@acmescience I see your site. Dude's probably got malware
oh lovely, I just noticed someone's written a nice blog post about my rambling fibonacci grids video:…
well, that was uncomfortable. Followed a women home down a darkened street. Turns out she's my next door neighbour.
@GeoffBath @ColinTheMathmo hence the mathketeers' rallying cry, "one for all and all for 0!"
@daveinstpaul very nice!
I can basically inhale a mcdonalds burger. Watching my Nana eat one is like water torture.
@plusmathsorg it can lead to many an odd phenomenon DOO DOO DE DOO DOO
one day I expect to hear Pearson have bought the times tables. We got a spam at the @aperiodical from a subsidiary offering "maths links"
the first email didn't identify them as from TutorVista (owned by Pearson), but the reply to my email saying "no thanks, I'm not stupid" did
The @aperiodical is listed on google! Finally! cc @peterrowlett @stecks
@madcaptenor it's **. There might be a good reason for that, but there probably isn't.
"as" as a synonym for "because" - pro or con? I'm as con as the conceptual condominium congress of Conrad Black and Martha Stewart
dude just walked past my house with the blingest zimmer frame I've ever seen. Actually, he's still walking past my house.
Dear Jim, Can you fix it for me so my javascript fails in even crazier ways than normal?
two hours ago, I had a really clear idea of what I was going to cook for dinner. Now, nothing. Might starve.
What the actual what.
The only Nelson I want to hear from tonight has one arm and an unbeaten record against the French.
Trevor Nelson hasn't once looked at the right camera during this whole ceremony. Old habits die hard.
You've noticed there are no boys carrying those petal things. Well, mcdonalds picked them, and they delegated to their cattle farmers
@jcoglan oh I forgot about Muse. THANKS A LOT JAMES
Who gardens in a blue shirt and chinos? My mum's gardeners, apparently.
Ah, Teesside. Putting the rough in Middlesbrough.
Rocking my pac a mac in a sac at Stockton
I'll put a snapshot of Stockton's infinity bridge on @mathsinthecity later. It's a nice bridge!
An octagonal church in Yarm...
...sadly, no amount of enthusiasm for octagons can make them tile the plane, so they had to make do with hexagons
Back in Stockton, where the bus shelters haven't had new adverts put up since the release of "Lesbian Vampire Killers"
@Gelada they're methodists. I think they'd frown on that sort of thing.
so I suppose the $171/year registration fee is the reason that doesn't exist. I'm mightily tempted by bonapart.ism too
I of course meant
@icecolbeveridge very good! It could be a mirroring site.
nerds, geeks, and all other categories of poindexters: you've failed me and you've failed the internet. is unregistered
@Gelada just prepend any word ending in -gon in my tweets with "regular"
@Gelada ...meh. I don't care to think that much about it. Saw an octagonal church with a hexagonal tiled pavement.
@Gelada and, the more we discuss this, the more @hexagonbot retweets me
Having some trouble selling my account of a former Newcastle goalie's ascent through the ranks of freemasonry, "Fifty Grades of Shay"
@mathsinthecity if I want to link to another picture on flickr from a MitC snapshot, is that OK? The description field doesn't look HTMLy
@songdropapp There is no jazz category. boo.
me too! (it's the same one) RT @stecks: I did a video! RT @aperiodical: Post: Maths Jam July 2012 - Paper Enigma…
@mathsinthecity thanks. I remembered after uploading that I took some better pics with my nana's camera.
@mathsinthecity because I have a camera obscurer
I've helped Cushing make a pretty excellent card trick using a de Bruijn sequence and a full 52-card deck. Going to do a video tomorrow.
@jcoglan sounds like a pretty compelling argument for a fork of bash
@aperfect where "no Internet" means "copious abuse of a 3g dongle"
I've just remembered I've got chocolate puddings in the fridge. Bonanza!
@CardColm did you see we've reconstructed Diaconis's 6-card de Bruijn red/black trick with all 52 cards? Do you know any better versions?
oh, excellent…
@CardColm we're going to record a video today. Cards as 6-digit binary strings - first 4 face, last 2 suit. Take 64-bit de bruijn sequence..
@CardColm ..take first 52 strings in that sequence, and swap invalid ones (face>12) with valid ones at the end.
@CardColm .. so you only need to remember the rule to generate the de bruijn sequence and 6 6-digit string pairs to swap
@CardColm so is that Diaconis's trick? David reckons Diaconis said there was no easy trick with exactly 52 cards
@stecks best thing about Scotland: they still sell those boxes of cadbury's chocolate milk in corner shops.
@stecks worst thing about Scotland: dirty sheep-stealing Scots.
@stecks no, because they know real money when they see it
@CardColm Cushing is running across to the uni library to get it now
999999999999999934463: the largest integer Chrome doesn't use scientific notation to display
why 999999999999999934463? It's 10^21 - 2^16 - 1.
@ColinTheMathmo press F12 to get the javascript console up. Enter the number. It gets repeated back to you. That number plus 1 gives '1e21'
@ColinTheMathmo actually, to be precise it gets rounded to something a bit lower, but scientific notation isn't used; that's the point
@ColinTheMathmo yes. Of course, chrome can display any number you write in html....
How many people from different departments can sit down in this room before two exchange words, or even eye contact? Current lower bound: 4
@ColinTheMathmo it's for my javascript algebra/eassessment system.
@jcoglan isn't that just a subset of all programmers, though? I've seen plenty of people in many languages that just don't get abstraction
@jcoglan maybe it's more apparent in javascript because it's missing so much due to the lack of a stdlib.
@brittneybean trust the American to go to the event with guns
@icecolbeveridge do you mean an unsolved one?
the letter I is not a separator. The pipe character | is just about acceptable. There is a difference with serif fonts.
@icecolbeveridge oh BRAVO
Oh no, the krankiesque woman who can't stop talking is on the train
Wander Wednesday: have a look at a nice maths blog on a variety of subjects run by @laurentduval passwords can only be 16 chars long, so I had to truncate my hotmail one when signing in. It worked. Paging @jcoglan!
@My_Metro does the "no problems" tweet go out automatically each morning? That's a pretty bad idea.
@My_Metro you tweeted that trains were delayed, then that there were no problems, then another apology for the delays. Why?
@My_Metro ah no, the one I replied to was 8 hours ago
@My_Metro OK. *That* is a bad idea. I have deja vu. Have I complained about this before?
@jcoglan yes
@jcoglan well... "good". Quotes decidedly necessary.
@jcoglan given how often my account has been hacked, I guess the latter
@mathsinthecity can you do some Oxford sleuthing for me? Does Peter Bryant work at your Dept of Education and does he have a web page?
gosh the maths olympiad has a nice logo
google now has a button at the top to turn off personalised results! Mirabile die!
@peterrowlett @Tony_Mann another reason to move to wordpress soon *cough cough*
@KSCMaths go on! Cave to temptation! We can publish it on the aperiodical.
an enjoyable day of thrashing the @aperiodical news queue with @peterrowlett. Some of these stories are so old they're in Roman numerals!
@mathsinthecity never mind, successfully navigated the department's website now. Sleuth-hats off, please.
@peterrowlett @aperiodical my day is basically over by lunchtime, typically.
@peterrowlett I'm very much a morning person. A good six hours before lunch, then my brain switches off when I eat
@qikipedia it's uncopyrightable, which is troublemaking because I could do with earning a few bob.
@qikipedia and if you want a one-tweet Python command to get it: sorted([w for w in words if len(set(w))==len(w)],key=len)[-1]
pretty pleased with this Python for the longest word with no repeated letters: sorted([w for w in words if len(set(w))==len(w)],key=len)[-1]
@ben_nuttall like, ("fizz" if x%7 else "buzz" for x in count()) ?
@ben_nuttall I'm not happy with [(x if x%5 else 'buzz') if x%3 else 'fizz' if x%5 else 'fizzbuzz' for x in count()]
@ColinTheMathmo @icecolbeveridge either they were automatically truncating it and then hashing before, or they never hashed
13:37 - time for clothes! Today wasn't meant to be one of those days.
@qikipedia oi, what about 'troublemaking'?
@HilariousCow <16mb memory, 120 enemies... you haven't just made space invaders again, have you?
@ben_nuttall I spent a while dithering on whether constructing 'fizzbuzz' by concatenation was shorter
oh, the reason "google maps" is always trending on google+ is because it counts people posting links to places. #embedallthemediaitllbefine
@icecolbeveridge @ColinTheMathmo no, because then that's just an encryption: you can recover H(x) for each letter x.
@peterrowlett @mathematicsprof I can't see what distinction you're making, Peter
@jgrahamc what's the other 9%?
@Htbaa to start with
This looks like a lot of fun… @stecks
A light bulb just popped. Hang on...
@CardColm Can you be our Man in Madison? Take lots of pictures and notes and so on.
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon mmyeeeeeeesss.
@mathblogging how is it that vi hart's videos from way in the past are always at the top of your "by date" page?
@mathblogging oh wow, and they're not setting the publication dates properly
@CardColm done
@CardColm ooh! My video with the de Bruijn trick is (secretly) on youtube. Writing words to go with it now but watch at…
@standupmaths @jjsanderson @elinoroberts watch out, if you come to Tynemouth I might trap you and make you write for the aperiodical
@standupmaths our thirst for mathematical witticisms can not be slaked!
@monsoon0 7m! I'd better bump "become an FRS" up my list of ambitions
@peterrowlett @notonlyahatrack @aperiodical @jamesgrime yeesh! I took a quick glance at our twitter avatar, that's all.
@peterrowlett @notonlyahatrack @aperiodical @jamesgrime consider it a special case of the lemma being portrayed.
@IBLMath @maanow the PDF is 8mb! That's a tiny bit inconvenient.
@monsoon0 well, I thought FAA was a bit out of reach for me so I picked the local equivalent
@monsoon0 alright, that's a deal: get me FAA, and I'll visit Australia to collect.
waiting for the MAA MathFest programme to download so I can advertise today's talks. Not sure it'll get here in time: 1400 BYTES per second!
Good golly, the water at Tynemouth is positively warm! So long and thanks for all the icecaps.
@peterrowlett crumbs, that doesn't sound like it was much fun to do
@matthen2 ooh, do all the tricolores cancel each other out? And I expect a strongish ghost of a Union flag in the top-left corner.
Haskell to generate the de Bruijn sequence (6,2): d = 0:0:0:0:0:1:zipWith (\ x y -> (x+y) `mod` 2) d (tail d)
I mean *a* de Bruijn sequence (6,2)
@ColinTheMathmo they're not pegasi, silly!
A long time ago, a young boy called Christian bought a box of pop tarts. The boy grew up and eventually forgot about the pop tarts...
... UNTIL TODAY! I found that box of pop tarts, and I am eating them like a chocoholic Jacquard machine
@Nathan1123 clopen your exercise book!
@elinoroberts so, I suppose that valley's quite hard to refer to when you're speaking Welsh
@haggismaths there's a statue of Desperate Dan somewhere in the town centre that I was gutted to hear about only as I was leaving
@MrHonner likewise!
@Andrew_Taylor Broken News! Somebody else watched it! Let us exchange quotes.
@danaernst finally! Great news.
@IBLMath finally they're doing something about blogging
We need to raise 11 men in complete isolation from society, so they reach adulthood not knowing that England can't win on penalties.
*just* missed! Disheartening
@ben_nuttall @peterrowlett what a quick turnaround! I reckon we've got a shot at the podium in the 4x400 words reportage
@brittneybean's called NAS, and quite a few people already do it? But it's more of a hassle than signing up for google, so most don't?
@brittneybean ok. Searching for "home cloud" turns up a few nice-looking things
@icecolbeveridge nope. Looks Japanese to me!
top tip: use your paper wallet as a damper for your phone so it doesn't make a nasty rattle when it vibrates on your desk.
seeking funders for my new-Romantic fireworks show, "Sturm und Bang".
Writing docs for @NclNumbas on on @pkrautz's recommendation. It looks pretty good so far!
Cushing is busily concocting odd searches to find @aperiodical. Example: "fibonacci went to the friend zone in the least efficient carnival"
@peterrowlett @aperiodical another from Cushing: "fermat's last theorem is precisely the physicist's viewpoint of a hot dog"
@jgrahamc I think it's more a product of a desire to have more flexibility in their stock control, which isn't a bad thing
@peterrowlett yes, I think so.
@peterrowlett Cushing says yours are too long
@peterrowlett I worry that directly asking people to search for the site might incur google's wrath though.
@peterrowlett those are good! David likes fruit dancing robots.
Beating a hasty retreat to my coastal redoubt before Newcastle gets washed away completely
If you're going on holiday in Europe this summer, have a look at the fantastic Turismo Matemático (@mathsinthecity)
my regexp would have worked perfectly if the person who wrote this code last summer hadn't occasionally used tabs to separate words
the tab in question was in such a position that it only produced a one character gap anyway, so I only noticed it when I changed tabwidth
can't stop watching the fractal juggler…
@jamesgrime and instead of moving south he stays up north
@gingerbeardman I'll go with: if you're thinking about that, you've already wasted too much time
the dept has been given a second-hand blackboard on wheels but it won't fit in any of our rooms. Can you think of an imaginative use for it?
@stecks I was thinking along those lines, but weatherproofing is an issue
@panlepan yes, I have several at home, but this one is over 2m tall!
Pythonistas: is it possible to write a file-like object to a ZipFile object without doing zip.writestr(
@panlepan alas, it's a rolly-round one. We've considered cutting off the blackboard material and covering the walls with it.
@acmescience you explicitly asked for more cranks
oh super, the @aperiodical has been slashdotted! Thankfully, nobody reads /. any more so the server is coping fine
number of people who read the proof before speculating wildly: 0. Never change, slashdot! (for balance, reddit is doing equally poorly)
@brittneybean @aperfect Northumberland: also featuring a millennium-old herd of completely inbred super-cattle.
@ColinTheMathmo this one:… (/. thread:…)
has anyone considered town planning as a data structures problem?
@kenfodder I was thinking that quadtrees would allow everyone to pack into a small space, leaving lots of green countryside
@mathsinthecity we've been weighing up whether to report that on @aperiodical because it sounds so fishy. Russia Today isn't a great source
@elinoroberts just looked out the window. Correct.
@MathJax oh, I thought it already was. Here you go:…
@jamesgrime this calls for a public awareness campaign! Can we make a ribbon with a big symmetry group?
@brucel @ben_nuttall wow. Why would they release that with their name attached? It's as bad an advert as a grocer putting out mouldy fruit
@IMAmaths those would look a lot nicer with @MathJax maths.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie yes!
Newcastle Uni is disabling its SOCKS proxy. The 90s are finally over!
Trying ubuntu again: how are you meant to get the proprietary wireless driver so you can connect to the net to download the wireless driver?
it's SIGGRAPH time! I love SIGGRAPH.
cyber panto horse!… I'M HACKING THE GIBSON
@DanielColquitt that's what I normally do, but it's annoying. And free drivers don't work
this lady wants to get where she's going a lot faster than her dog does.
Jeera could give me less curry for the same money, leaving me equally happy *and* less of a porker.
@jsnortheast is there going to be a meeting this month? I've just found out about you
@ben_nuttall but, like the four-billion-and-first coin flip after four billion heads, that's no reason to say you're also going to succeed
Usain Bolt fact: Bolt often gets dirt in his eyes, so at home he's hired a personal eyebath attendant from Grenada Mote-Away Services.
Olympic stats time: who is failing to win the most?…
hypothesis: something really, really bad happens to North Koreans if they get bronze or silver.
oh man, Team GB has moved up the not-winning table after today's sailors, boxers and hockists choked…
(Canada still sits comfortably at the top of the table though. I think that level of almost-achievement will be hard to match)
looking through blogger's javascript for @MathJax integration, it seems blogger has more easter eggs than real features
Moving furniture. Apparently "quaternions don't commute!" is not helpful input when trying to get an armchair through a doorway.
@monsoon0 what's your favourite chalk?
unexpected CP presence at the start of this week's math/maths. You win again, Hansen!
@jcoglan wow! That's like #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice: The Twitter Feed.
@stecks and then your PGP key was in the last place you looked, right?
@stecks toys? I think we're doing mathsjam wrong
just remembered that Sainsbury's was playing Creedence yesterday. I wholeheartedly approve.
I'm watching The Red Shoes. As a keen fan of balletic megacamp, I wish to express my desire that it gets better. Not hopeful so far.
Inability to see the colour red might be hampering my ability to enjoy this film
how is it that nobody has remade Netstorm as a free to play facebook game?
@Andrew_Taylor answer: they do not work
@icecolbeveridge if you put the source to that on github I'll add some nice MathJax to it
@DanielColquitt whence came this thought?
@benkenyon I can do one better: they were playing Alt-J in a mcdonald's I was in last week
@peterrowlett I make it 27. What am I missing? Note Northampton and Birmingham appear twice in the menus
@icecolbeveridge @peterrowlett ........ oh, boo to that! Sit on the naughty chair!
gosh knitting's complicated
@peterrowlett @MathsJam apparently so! Which is why I started the map
@peterrowlett what does that second sentence mean? I can't parse it. Have another go
@peterrowlett I've discussed that @stecks. I think she convinced me she had a good reason not to do that.
@E_I_W are you going to mathsjam tomorrow? I'm off work with exhaustion so probably won't go. Not sure if anyone else is around,
@stecks @peterrowlett by forgetting to type the word "with", I invented new language! Hooray, I'm Shakespeare!
a pox on your house, dictate2us! Not sure why your emails are being let through by the uni's spam filters
@jjaron @aperiodical the dude who posted it claimed he did it by hand:…
@jjaron are you setting up a "but it's only made of points" pun there?
@mathsinthecity far more interestingly: there's a town called Collegeville!
@mathsinthecity then you might do badly up here - we have lots of villages called things like "No Place" and "Pity Me"
@mathsinthecity it's grim up here, you know.
@HELIUM_HEED it's uni resits fortnight
Woke up covered in cuts. I'm worried my house might be infested with Tories.
@CardColm I have a couple in my office, but 1) I'm not there today, and 2) they're not very neat
@CardColm unless by "completed" you meant "all of the hyperbolic plane", in which case I don't have one
@Electrokittie oh man now I want doughnuts too
Email isn't an interactive medium with @peterrowlett. It's more like leaving messages in a time capsule for the benefit of later generations
do I know anyone in academia who runs a programming club for their department or faculty?
looking for angel investors for my new estate agency specialising in flipping run-down urban homes: Quain't.
@outofthenorm2 probability it stops after N goes, or what?
@acmescience what, another one?
@acmescience us?
@outofthenorm2 there's always a chance it will stop, so expected number of rounds until it stops might be better
@peterrowlett yes, it's a result of how much email you receive rather than how much you read
@bucharesttutor @icecolbeveridge I've always had a couple of problems with that, starting with the letter x. There is a best way; use it!
@bucharesttutor @icecolbeveridge no, I mean the x on that page isn't the best.
@bucharesttutor @icecolbeveridge in fact, the X there is how I would write a Greek letter Xi
@bucharesttutor that's the same letter. Don't tell me we have different ways of spelling letters!
@bucharesttutor oh man, it's me who's wrong. Whoops!
@icecolbeveridge @bucharesttutor I think this calls for another #twittorthography survey
@MitchKeller @peterrowlett @aperiodical that's what I was thinking of. So what's common in the US? Surely not no. 1?
@MitchKeller interesting! Does 3 look bad to you, or does the thinking behind it make sense?
@plusmathsorg which one of you tweeted that? I've never known how you do twitter. Anyway: did they try to get you to do 3 at school?
@MitchKeller the thinking is that it looks completely unlike any other x, and especially not like the multiplication symbol.
@pkrautz I have several of these saved in posts on for if I ever get round to writing them up.
@pkrautz though I'll try storify; it's just that every time I've looked at it it's scared me off
@MrHonner @icecolbeveridge @aperiodical @plusmathsorg they should be. Blame my cack-handedness
"@MitchKeller: Once you start using x there is no longer a need for a symbol for multiplication" Vector multiplication:
@MrHonner @icecolbeveridge @aperiodical hang on! I've looked again and they are touching. It just looks like they aren't because of chalk
@MitchKeller handwritten ones, yes. What do you do?
@MitchKeller but arrows take so long! And a hat is for a unit vector.
@icecolbeveridge @MrHonner @aperiodical precisely! Handwriting is different because it's hard to consistently replicate symbols
@jjaron @aperiodical *and* for general writing?! Why?
going to do a reverse-zoolander and write DO SHAVE on my bathroom door so I remember tomorrow morning before my shower
Just had a superb veg samosa chilli chaat from Dabbawal at the mini-mela on Grainger Street. Shockingly, no other takers
@jgrahamc I have a really sturdy Staedtler one. Good ones are normally listed under "architect's supplies"
can anyone explain why this snail was hanging on to the top of a stalk in strong wind?…
The Mad Metal Mosquito of Tynemouth, finally captured and pacified in 1967. Behind, you can see its victims' graves
argggg I *just* missed the hit counter on going past 66,666. I'll have to wait ages for another chance like that!
@Samuel_Hansen re skype video recording: I use SuperTintin, which can do 720p into separate files for each stream.
@nilium yes, I have that book, but what do you need it for? It's not good for learning new things
@nilium look past the title and get this… - it's really good.
Today I am Robin to Robin's Batman. Learning how to deliver lectures from the incumbent champion.
The Mark Wallinger exhibit at the Baltic in Gateshead has a couple of great pieces about randomness and ordering. cc @mathsinthecity
... One is a wall of shuffled, numbered bricks. The other is 2^16 pebbles laid out on chessboards and categorised with a binary code.
@profkeithdevlin I've encountered a similarly annoying Scottish academic who uses "does anyone remember the quadratic formula?" the same way
How annoying. The edit page for the @Storify story I had saved gives a 404 error.
and the wordpress jetpack twitter embedding doesn't seem to be working either. Aaaaa everything is going wrong and I was going to do things!
and now the @Storify link is working. Complaining worked! Or, it didn't not work!
"proud christian livin evry day like its my last YOLO" - you might have misunderstood some core tenets of your faith, dude
"during the closure there will be no trains in both directions" - rats! I use superpositioned trains as the basis of my quantum computer
*golf clap* RT @CardColm: @christianp surely you meant quantum commuter?
5555 messages in my inbox. Take that, you obsessive inbox zero types!
@walkingrandomly oh, these are all read. Might have maybe deliberately by accident forgotten to mention that
@icecolbeveridge if you've got $3m you can see this one in a bit more detail…
@icecolbeveridge (fairly sure there's a legitimate source for that somewhere. Trying to find it now)
@icecolbeveridge ooh, have you found a good example in Newton's notebooks?
@icecolbeveridge I consider that the same as 3. Going for the same shape, in one less stroke
@icecolbeveridge can you post that link as a comment on the post please?
I've made web-compatible versions of the Computer Modern typefaces (the ones LaTeX uses)
@JanvierUK very important, and it's the kind of thing you can't be told. Glad you're feeling OK
@pkrautz I did not. I'll look now.
@FontSquirrel how does the kit generator's backend work? I'm converting 60+ fonts so I'd like to spare your server and my patience...
@FontSquirrel ... by doing the conversion locally, if possible.
@md267 @bluecombats @NoelAnn @peterrowlett well, wikia is popular, and could probably be convinced to do mathjax. See…
@Samuel_Hansen what bands are you already listening to?
@FontSquirrel thought as much. Oh well! I'll sit here pushing fonts through for a while. Thanks for replying.
Sorry dudes, but I just made the best tweet ever from the @aperiodical account. Unless you're RTing it, there's no point using twitter now.
@MrHonner I won't lie, your tweet did prompt mine. But I am pulling muscles patting myself on the back, so I am deaf to your complaints
to anyone who balked at my Computer Modern webfonts because they're too heavy: I've recompiled them to be <100k each
@Samuel_Hansen Alt-J, Becca Stevenson, Django Django, Lianne La Havas, Little Dragon, Sirius Mo, Jhameel, Flight Facilities, Neil Cowley
@disqushelp @pkrautz @ryanvalentin When did Disqus 2012 happen? We're trying to get MathJax to work inside comments. Same-Origin blocks it.
@mathsinthecity if you wear the t-shirt and meet some*one*, that doesn't necessarily mean the t-shirt significantly improved your chances
@mathsinthecity meeting that special dozen or so people would start looking convincing, but correlation is not causation!
@icecolbeveridge famously not!
Brr gosh it's cold!
I didn't expect to hear the "Chinese Healthy Living Choir" singing Edelweiss when I emerged from monument station
#eas2012 are any mathematical types also wandering around Dundee this afternoon?
Whoops, apparently the hashtag is #eas12. So again: are any mathematical types also wandering round Dundee this afternoon?
@stecks I think I've seen very similar words before
@peterrowlett @stecks I've arrived in Dundee. 7 would be best for me.
Dundee has some very nice buildings!
@icecolbeveridge yes!
@stecks @peterrowlett I have dinner booked for 8! Later?
Dundee also has lots of unapologetically mediocre shopping centres
Euclid street!
The vajazzling shop I noticed last year has closed. It seems not even gaudy nethers are safe from the double-dip recession
*and* a wealth of pleasing sculpture? Dundovingians, you're doing OK!
Oh wow, aforementioned bits-blinging shop was on Nethergate! How did it fail?
Dundevarians? Dundorks? Dundeebriates? What are you called?
@Rathematician is this where that "furry boots are comfy?" joke comes from?
@stecks @peterrowlett 9? Hard to say
Gotta be Dapper Dan!
Henry's coffee house just made me an extremely nice hot chocolate
@aperfect as I often say, lonely fun is the only fun
@maanow @plusmathsorg a case of nominative determinism?
@stecks you should be in Dundee!
@geogebra did you tell us about this? Sorry if I forgot to write it up
@geogebra the ipad kickstarter. Looks like twitter didn't realise that's what I was replying to
man, that shower was like being dribbled on by a dehydrated pensioner. 4/10, at least the temperature was consistent.
and the towel smelled like abandoned popcorn
@HilariousCow 0/0 is not infinity. Or, if it is, it's plus or minus infinity
@EIMathematical @peterrowlett @stecks hint taken, it'll be on the Aperiodical shortly I'm sure
@monsoon0 there's probably quite a bit of selection bias
@mathalicious are the weekly videos on youtube the product of the math52 kickstarter? Trying to write you something nice on @aperiodical
@monsoon0 I mean, there was probably a lot of rubbish published in the 1800s that you haven't looked at
@monsoon0 ok, if we're being honest, I also prefer old maths to new. One of my most treasured possessions is an 1811 arithmetic textbook
@monsoon0 "the late William Tinwell" (not an anachronism: it's the sixth edition). "A treatise on practical arithmetic and book-keeping"
@monsoon0 it has a completely different set of concerns to new books, e.g. it tells you how to convert Edinburgh bushels to Newcastle ones
@monsoon0 it's fascinating as a record of how life used to be, and how important arithmetic used to be
Bad tropes in the @EIMathematical weekly challenge video: opens with a cloud of mathsy symbols; people are "obsessed" with the subject.
I nominate @peterrowlett for best sentence on the site this month, for the opener to this post…
going into the database to edit a quip made in an uneditable comment: ultimo sadness. And what I'm currently doing
gdamnsk: just had two ideas. By the time I'd written the first one down, I'd forgotten the second.
I think it's fair to say I'm currently in the "manic" phase
forget Professional White Background, this installer's going for Professional Impact Font on Button Labels.
@Andrew_Taylor that's my favourite one so far
@mathalicious @aperiodical cool. I think they're really really good. Especially when compared with something else we're writing about
@ColinTheMathmo Bart Simpson used to say it weekly on BBC2
tyne tunnel permit topup site has introduced 6-digit passcodes as extra security. If you don't have one, it lets you make one up on login...
but if you've already done that, it lets you log in with just your password and make a new one anyway. Secure!
@standupmaths @UsrBinPRL and it's combinations, not permutations
@standupmaths would it surprise you to learn Mastermind is NP-complete?
@UsrBinPRL yeah, ok.
@LargeCardinal @standupmaths huh?
@BenTormey sometimes people who do that look like they feel it's what society requires of them.
Your suggestions for what CSF could stand for on this dude's bumper sticker. So far I have "Cornish Society of Falkirk"... #csf
... "Carolingian Sovereignty Fund". "Congress of Sweaty Fishermen". "Comfortable Sofa Fortnightly" #csf
Cookie Solicitation Front. That's a #csf I might start myself
oh wow, the interface is actually really nice. I'm using it to send an email for the first time since they switched.
@peterrowlett @stecks hooray, we're popular in the South
@jamesgrime in what way?
oh my god this vim plugin is amazing…
ever so sorry, forgot my #unbearablecodinghipster tag there
this spider has 10 seconds to comply
@standupmaths hey, we had assembly every morning in my primary school.
@DanielColquitt aaaaaa I'd forgotten about sciencedirect's mental scrolling behaviour. Well done, though.
actually, left knee, I'm fairly sure I *didn't* just dislocate you, so buck your ideas up
Kickstarter if I could be bothered: Rubik's cube with internal circuitry.that goes PING when you solve it
More difficult: Rubik's cube that announces number of moves to solution at each step (now that we know God's number it's easy, right?)
on the pinging Rubik's cube idea: would a Hilbert curve through the blocks work, so the circuit is only complete in the initial position?
@jamesgrime excellent cartoon. Remind me to high-five you at the big MathsJam
@jamesgrime yes I was. Young Indie is live-action, isn't it? Not very good, either.
@jamesgrime hmm, hard to decide. How about: you can attempt to high-five me, but I'm at least a foot taller than you, so difficulty: hard
@jamesgrime (I say "at least" in the "I have a rough memory of how tall you are, which time has exaggerated" sense)
@jamesgrime only a few inches off! I never got into Batman: the animated series. I bow before your mid-90s TV expertise
I've really enjoyed sitting in for this Amazon delivery. It's given me time to reevaluate my priorities in life.
mencap chuggers: my face might be blank because I have one of the illnesses your charity helps with. Laughing is not the correct response
@brittneybean like, just a grid to put numbers in?
@brittneybean maybe BC Spreadsheet…
well, my parcel failed to arrive. I could've spent the day on the beach!
@KSCMaths person number 5 went for pi, but the editor chose not to put it in bold
I hate HDNL so much. They've updated the tracking page overnight to say they left me a card at 5:30 yesterday. I've complained to Amazon
@mathsinthecity if you're using a calculator for anything that precise, you're doing it wrong. It's a fun story of international standards!
@mathsinthecity a somewhat interesting intro to floating-point troubles here:…
excellent paper title: "How Java’s Floating-Point Hurts Everyone Everywhere"…
@mathsinthecity really? It's the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon!
@mathsinthecity one of my favourite jokes.
@BenTormey escalators are my cardio exercise. #lazyboy
@BenTormey man, not even
today: was going to continue rewriting @NclNumbas with knockout. Instead: getting it to do pretty things with d3.js
so I've missed the day again, waiting in for this package. "Any time between 8am and 9pm" isn't very precise
This is ridiculous! It's now 48 hours since I last stepped outside the house. And the courier might not come until 9pm!
Fresh air! The parcel has finally arrived so I can leave the house yippeeeee!
@DanielColquitt yeah, but they didn't leave a card yesterday so they sent a courier today
Carrot and houmous club! Who's with me today?
@Bishnavitch get the bus straight back to town. Carrots and houmous is an excellent combination
chrike on a bist this code is badly written
@CardColm the source for that is available online:…
@FOTSN trufax.
@peterrowlett Located under "arts" for the same reason it's "maths" instead of "math"
programming in PHP is like giving instructions to a psychotic 6-year-old who hates you
@peterrowlett sort of, yeah. I was getting at that "mathematics" used to mean the liberal arts
@peterrowlett but on googling, it seems I was wrong to think that
ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! #dyspraxia
@peterrowlett oh man the trouble I get from a tiny quip
A 96-year-old man sat down next to me at the station and told me all about the old times. What a dude.
Say goodbye to pensioner misery with Uncurmudge, new from CPCo! Patented inflatable grandchild can listen for hours on just 2 AA BATTERIES!
@haggismaths rats! I've been saving that for my next Aperiodical Roundup!
following "are scientists...", here's "are mathematicians...". I think "sometimes" answers all four.
there are some pretty science-fiction sounds happening outside. The Venusians might be invading via Tynemouth.
@icecolbeveridge almost a clever joke, but monopoly is non-deterministic
@icecolbeveridge yes, given a stream of dice rolls I can tell you if the corresponding game ends
@icecolbeveridge or maybe I can't! Instant doubt sown.
@mathsinthecity do I recognise the dude on the right of that photo?
@MB_Whitworth @mathsinthecity aha, that's probably it! I'll see you in November
@mathsinthecity never minds caps, I'm still waiting for my umbrella
why are regional tourism websites universally terrible to navigate?
Jesmond Dene hooray! Gonna go grab a gander at the Golden Guernsey goats!
new series of 7 day sunday!…
Podcast with @peterrowlett and @stecks for the @aperiodical. @standupmaths makes a largely inaudible guest appearance.…
@hornmaths what system is it?
A013916: Numbers n such that the sum of the first n primes is prime.
@plusmathsorg I like how Gömböc was de-umlauted for the URL: goumlmboumlc. I'll call it that from now on
@GreyAlien you only have one in space, but you might have several in time
@stecks you could while away the time designing an interlocking pieces puzzle and call it Aburrdeen
@mathsinthecity in tropical arithmetic it's 1, so I assume it's the philosophers who take the conventional view.
@eAssess there's no comments section!
@AMSGradBlog that site has died! It's throwing a PHP error in statpress.php
@AMSGradBlog yes
@AMSGradBlog you've probably got it cached, in fact
@AMSGradBlog yes, working now
@icecolbeveridge it said yesterday that he was leaning out of the car to pick up a parking ticket. Oddly no mention of that now.
@peterrowlett you're a real autodidact!
I think the spiders outnumber me in this flat not just by headcount but also by total body mass
@BrianGonzalez__ thanks, but I'm on windows and I've already done it
@monsoon0 visit mathcentre and tell them to give their tech guy a kick up the backside for me, please
the ADL SCORM test suites are distributed exclusively in a windows installer .exe, for no good reason. They're just static files!
@monsoon0 it isn't!
@Samuel_Hansen I had the thought before that now might be a good time to do the "are there enough maths communicators" idea from a while ago
@Samuel_Hansen man, you were asking for people to interview you, and you say there aren't enough in your press release, so...
@Samuel_Hansen ok. I'm going to email you a short list of stupid questions and we'll see where that goes
@aperfect @LWigelsworth hello that is a very nice biscuit tin back there yes it is mmhmm
@standupmaths (it's really 27, because midlands towns are in both the North and South lists)
@icecolbeveridge ah, then my map is out of date, and Katie decided which side of the border two towns lie on
@icecolbeveridge @standupmaths some python BeautifulSouping later, I agree with you. I don't have Baltimore or Norwich. Is Baltimore real?
@stecks interested to hear your reasons for putting Norwich in the "N England" list on
@icecolbeveridge yes, but does it happen? I've never heard anything from them
@stecks @standupmaths half the towns in "N England" are in the midlands. Don't they deserve their own list now? Or could it be "N&Central"?
@stecks yes!
@stecks girl, ain't need no JS no more! CSS got yo back
@stecks gtalk me when you've got time
@elinoroberts so it isn't just me who has trouble with that trip!
an end to the north/south divide! All English @MathsJams are now under the same menu on
and I recoded the nav menus while I was there
I am weeping as I eat this guacamole, because I know soon it will be just a memory.
created a tortilla shrine around the remaining guacamole. Then committed instant sacrilege by eating it all.
the guacamole's life was short but beautiful. It will live forever in my heart.
@peterrowlett @MathsJam @stecks hm! Works on my phone. I wonder why iphones don't do hover properly. I've added tabindexes, does that work?
@peterrowlett @MathsJam @stecks ok, I'll find someone in the department with an iphone and commandeer it for a bit
@peterrowlett @stecks got hold of an iphone and sorted it. Should be working now, if you'd like to test it
@standupmaths you're on in Stockton! my friend has just moved to Stockton, so I now have two reasons to go there! I may see @FOTSN yet!
.@alexbellos I just tried to send you a dm, but I think tweetdeck would rather I communicated telepathically
@alexbellos and it turns out you're not following me. Oh well.
ended a mathematical yo mamma argument with "yo mamma was too wide to fit in the margin"
@peterrowlett @stecks I think it's half what it used to be. I'll make it shorter. It's only there to copy the old look
@standupmaths @Duncan_Destruct cuboid walks into bar. Barman says, "why the long face?"
@velvlol @burnsidemaths yep, you've got me there. Joke isn't funny any more because it's based on an absurd premise. I have so much to learn
type (some) TeX and (sometimes) get equivalent unicode, for pasting into things like tweets
All these terrible people coming out to Tynemouth to alcoholise themselves
The "oh, who even cares" burger, x2. Mayo, tomato, buffalo, buffala, gherkin, batavia. Not inedible.
@christianp I forgot another B: bacon!
@christianp and bufala has one f. That tweet went about as well as tonight's meal-planning
In Chinatown looking for premises for my new laser hair removal business, Singe-A-Pore
put food in oven. (time passes) remember to put timer on.
Trying to find something to watch while eating my dinner, just heard Robert Webb claim "clopen" isn't a word. Tut tut.
Standing at the start of the great North run, watching everyone gets ready. Best costume so far: a Rubik's cube
Everyone's run through now. Bananas beat Scooby Doos 6-5. Very defensive play from both sides this year. Ostriches out in force
@elinoroberts I very much am not. Going home for a hot cocoa now
I keep noticing people using "this" and "these" instead of "it" and "they" in writing. Have I missed a grammar rule?
@HoeJodgkiss did you retune on the 12th like ALL THE BILLBOARDS IN THE CITY told you?
@HoeJodgkiss truth. There's one literally outside your flat.
@HELIUM_HEED I've missed this entire thing. Is there a krispy kreme shop in town or something?
@raj7desai I've just noticed your name is an anagram of "ideas jar". A nice fit with Maths Jam :)
@kenjilamb hash-sash?
@jgrahamc I don't recognise it now, and I have CDs bought from Tower Records. Did people have trouble opening them?
Knackered myself sprinting for the metro, further validating my decision made at an early age not to become a running back.
@jgrahamc ah! Yes, that would've been useful
here's a fun IE bug: on alternate presses of Ctrl+R to reload the page, font-faces don't load. F5 works fine. #aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@LexicalAnalysis @haggismaths @aperiodical I think things will change pretty soon. For one thing, non-research teachers can be cheaper
@stecks @peterrowlett you do *one* little thing, and from then on... I'll see if I get round to it this afternoon
@ColinTheMathmo @stecks @peterrowlett ha! Did we just fix it at exactly the same time?
@ColinTheMathmo @stecks @peterrowlett then, go team redundant effort!
@aPaulTaylor did you see this comment on your "words to fill space" post?…
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm at the Charles Grey pub. All welcome. I'll be making things with rhombi, and I might have some puzzles
@HELIUM_HEED what if his palsy palsy was caused by too many cigarettes! Karma negated!
@ColinTheMathmo you might be able to start here:
Cushing has been anagramming my name: fish-car intercept; "nice craft, hipster"; first cheap cretin; fit hipster cancer; erect rapist finch.
IE and Chrome regexes disagree about what counts as whitespace. #hateIE
maths modelling with Cushing before MathsJam: what if killing other prisoners got their sentence taken off yours?
message for my last git commit: "More commas for the comma god!"
@peterrowlett can I turn off the "share posts on twitter" option for the mathsjamphotos tumblr? About to upload my pics from last night
@peterrowlett just discovered there's a button to turn tweeting on/off per post, so we can both be happy
@peterrowlett I think it does work on my phone, I just forget to use it.
@peterrowlett and of course I would forget to press the button on the second one
doing with generator expressions in python what should be done with monads in haskell.
The 4-cards-to-24 problem from @MathsJam last night annoyed me, so I brute-forced it with Python:…
it's just occurred to me that that script solves the numbers game on Countdown, too.
@icecolbeveridge it should use all four cards, yes. What numbers did you have?
whoops, my script doesn't rearrange the numbers. Doh
@icecolbeveridge oh right, you mean with your script. Yes, mine insists on all four.
@icecolbeveridge you can get 24.2857, if you don't mind fractions...
stones at various stages of erosion in Tynemouth Priory:…………
(well done to the chap who chose Hardy Basalt for his grave stone)
@CardColm similarly: this on my blog,…, prompted by a tweet by @qikipedia
@CardColm @peterrowlett @MathsJam Ji claimed you can do it "most of the time".
@ColinTheMathmo @CardColm @peterrowlett @MathsJam factorial wasn't part of the game!
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen and it isn't impossible that most of us are listening to relprime in our bombproof hyperbaric chambers
@maanow interesting notation in the solution: (12)(3) instead of 12x3 or 12.3. Is this a US thing, or peculiar to the question setter?
guess which browser didn't parse "\v" as ASCII character 11 until version 9!
PS #hateIE
hoy Platonists, here's a zen koan for you: if nobody agrees with a true statement, is it still true?
@aPaulTaylor did you forget your login for I can reset it if you want.
@aPaulTaylor ah, yes. My sympathies.
@TeaKayB yes
Alice Arnold reading out funny tweets on the radio4 morning news briefing. What have we become?
What happens if you disagree with the sentiment in the Prayer for the Day? Do you spend the rest of the day with an unscratched prayer itch?
@dmh10 ah, that's not the same, god isn't listening.
@MathsCareers they'd look even more beautiful, and be more legible to blind potential mathematicians, if you used MathJax on that page
@peterrowlett anything involving making rectangles
@peterrowlett mega-pedantry?
@peterrowlett I hope so. I was thinking more of of carpentry and landscaping though.
my git repository has a development branch that I get to check out for about 5 minutes each day before another IE bug appears in master.
@kirkpatricke if the multiplication is on quaternions, that might not be nonsense (it is though)
I'm office-naked, which means I've taken my glasses and my shoes off
@mathsinthecity @naomifantabulus here's mine: second shelf from the top…
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett division by zero isn't infinity, it's undefined! #saddestpedant
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett ok, one cooked dinner to whoever comes up with the best golden ratio / email nonsense fact
@nulibrs @nulibsage happy hooray!
@jcoglan yes, it opens my browser.
@mathpunk @qikipedia but you can enumerate the rationals, so the argument works the same way. The reals are where it breaks.
@mathsinthecity could you ask your Devonian followers to take a picture of this window in Great Torrington?…
@divbyzero is it bad that I made a simulation so I could say "right to left"?
there's nothing I enjoy more than writing the Aperiodical Round Up. Could it maybe be my job? Who will pay me to do it?
Pre-dinner: zippy, whip-bang, straight-to-the-point prose. Post-dinner: yawnful, meandering, superfluously florid murbles. Better stop soon.
@vickytnz this is my cool side-project. Thanks to my magnificently stingy part-time contract, I never do proper work on Fridays
@vickytnz CFP?
WANTED: combination slide rule / slide whistle
Finally, Aperiodical Round Up 7! Featuring ternary timesers, timbres, Tuvans, togas, trefoils and tons t'more.…
@wppwah @mathpunk no, but there's one that comes first in the order, and that'll do
@jcoglan where is this marvellous thread?
And then at Cabosse in Warkworth I had this frankly pornographic hot chocolate. It was indecent. Still coming down now!
I've had a lovely day out along the coast. At Barter Books I found some new activities for @MathsJam...
@missradders it's near the back left, first shelf after fiction. I have so many good books from there, including one by an ancestor Perfect!
@missradders better leave it a while. I've pretty much cleared it out.
@missradders another very very good shop for maths books is Westwood Books in Sedburgh
@standupmaths @ajk_44 glad to hear you're not Cowed by punappreciative types
@EliotBall ahh, but they minimise flammability per unit buying power
@wppwah @mathpunk I won't disagree with that, because I don't think "smallest uninteresting number" is an interesting property anyway
my mum is being asked to report statistics as percentages, from a population of size 3. Oh no!
I'm watching Doctor Who, just like a real person! And I might watch the X Factor later. Just watch me watch it.
@Talithin @peterrowlett might it be a DNS problem? works for me. Try
Unplanned impact of pure maths: Joseph Whitworth decided to standardise screw threads after helping Babbage build the Difference Engine
I know how the NAS can raise more money than it will ever be able to spend: show this video… #tankengines! #squeeee!
@monsoon0 we are! But I suppose it's hard to persuade people to move to Australia.
@monsoon0 correct: Australia is too hot.
@monsoon0 where are you at the moment? Are you still in the UK?
@monsoon0 isn't it glorious? Make sure you visit the countryside while you're here (preferably leave Yorkshire. Norther is better)
@pkrautz thanks. Not sure I would've used the word "linkspam" though...
a bloseneed! how annoying!
Progress on my Wieringa roof continues apace. Only another all of it to go!
@vickytnz my grandma brought it back from your homeland. The label (worn out) says something like "©Fromiva"
@vickytnz after some discussion in the office, we now think it says "Frokiwi"
ok IE, which ones are the real ones? #hateIE
unique Scrabble scores: pizazzy(39), oxyphenbutazone(41), pizzazz(45), pizzazzes(47), razzmatazz(48), razzmatazzes(50), razzamatazzes(51)
(I used the complete word list from
Most popular score: 13 (15492 words)
@aPaulTaylor oh man, I didn't think of that! I will recompute
@aPaulTaylor so is oxyphenbutazone's 41 the only unique score?
@aPaulTaylor that's already happened up here. Still marginally cheaper per litre than Sainsbury's own brand, but not by much
If you replace every letter in a word with its Scrabble score, the most common string is '3111111', shared by 1263 words.
@dmh10 the "complete word list" from
@dmh10 do you know where I can get SOWPODS?
@dmh10 404, dude! I tried that before.
my Scrabble score statistifying Python code:
@ColinTheMathmo you should also record an album with someone, so you can have an Erdos-Bacon-Sabbath number
Cushing and I celebrated 16.16pm, aka square-square o'clock, with a high-twenty-five.
@haggismaths that fact is my favourite fact about fibonacci numbers. There's a nice easy proof by induction.
@peterrowlett @aperiodical hah, so I'm the "silly twitter questions guy" now? I'll give it a go.
@mathsinthecity you have palindromically many followers!
@mathsinthecity hahaha, of course two people had to unfollow you while I was writing that...
@mathsinthecity good news! Either they've seen the error of their ways, or some replacements have picked up the slack
@Bishnavitch sorry, going to see Marcus Brigstocke in durham
@vickytnz is it alright if I use this picture in my mathsjam recap blogpost?
@vickytnz cor, that was quick! I noticed you retweeted something of mine before the timer had moved past "now" recently, too!
I've written up last week's Newcastle @MathsJam, just like I used to do:…
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. 25 years ago you killed my father. Prepare to die.…
@Andrew_Taylor but sunshine is not in its preimage. BAD ANALOGY
Best Mitt Romney tumblr? I think so.
@CardColm *you want to write a review for the aperiodical* *wavy jedi fingers*
@peterrowlett @stecks @MathsJam that sounds sort of sordid when you say it that way
12:12! Why do I keep noticing these times? I've almost covered each hour over the past week. WHAT IS GOING ON WITH MY BRAIN
Tomorrow, 27/9, cancels down to an integer. Is that an interesting fact?
@nrichmaths my immediate reaction on seeing the new site: please please use something other than colour to differentiate the house icons
late arrival at the category theorists' ball: Mr and Mrs O'Morphism and their son, End O'Morphism
... and Jack O'Bian, and Adam Ards-Pace, and Kat O'Gory, and all the rest
@elinoroberts that has put a big smile on my face
@elinoroberts is it still here? I thought it was moving to Manchester
@elinoroberts gosh. Well, Maker Faire usually coincides with me getting a completely heinous flu...
@jcoglan wouldn't a pull request mentioning the issue solve that, by alerting both the original author and issue creator that there's a fix?
@jcoglan "fixes lazydude/repo#42" would do it.
@Andrew_Taylor If someone shares something only with their circles, you need to be in their circles. My posts are public by default. I love you, you are my bestest friend
@standupmaths hey, at least you're not one of those self-hating comedians
incredible. The BBC Magazine has led me to a blog I enjoyed reading. Not One-Off Britishisms:
BBC News is doing very well today…
hang on, I've just realised that my… does the same thing as, but with more symbols and instantly
@haggismaths you ate it so quickly you didn't even see what it was? What a pig! And now I want to know what it was too.
12.12! I have a disease, I'm sure!
@icecolbeveridge yes I can. It's called "Simple MathJax"
@ProfKinyon @DanielColquitt I think \( \) can delimit inline maths, or that might only be in some dialects
"one of the region's fastest-growing companies... has gone from 4 staff to 6" - bad percentages on Look North
Sorry, have slandered Look North. It's ITV News.
@EliotBall NI is an anti-punch: it pays for punches to be made better should you receive any later in life
14.14! I saw 12.13 and 13.12 before so I thought I was cured, but it seems it was just a temporary reprieve. O woe!
@icecolbeveridge @standupmaths dude, you need to move to our a PDE and impose a boundary condition v(Leicester square,t) = 0.
You could call my clock-related worries... The Baader-TIMEhof phenomenon! #cleverestmanontwitter
That's it. I'm just going to have to go round the corner and buy a Gareth James brownie. There's no other option.
Good news: I have established Rapport with the girl in the chocolate shop. Said "I'm here for my usual" and she understood.
Bad news: I have a usual in a chocolate shop
"Timothy Gowers" is a phonetic anagram (anaphone?) of "Gimme the towers". The Prof must be a big fan of DotA.
@mayr2 radio watch, in sync with the atomic clock. I definitely have a problem.
@nulibsage I can't work out if Elsevier's 2013 price list for maths matches their claim to go under $11 per article. Do you know if it does?
is there a greasemonkey script that destroys those INSANELY annoying sliding toolbars on ScienceDirect? Or redirects article pages to PDFs?
@Bishnavitch TGI Friday! That is something like poetic justice, or dramatic irony.
@mayr2 anyway, no matter how far ahead or behind my watch is, it only shows xy:xy once per hour
wanted: quick-witted historicalists to help with my 6-minute recreation of WW2, between 19:39 and 19:45 each evening.
@peterrowlett lols. Where's that?
Hilariously, Elsevier has an ethics site.
@peterrowlett it can go wrong if they're using a self-hosted or old version, or if the page does funny things when loading.
@peterrowlett PS I have some hot invective in the post queue that I would love you to publish
guess which one of us left his freezer door open for 15 minutes while his dinner was in the oven
Tragedy #251: shunned by the rest for flaunting math skills instead of pretty plumage…
@brittneybean it isn't one of those tortured euphemism pieces the British press has to put out because of our libel laws, is it?
@jcoglan change to another tab, right click on looping tab, close it. I think chrome chucks in a very rare event check even for running code
I have an inner Charlie Chaplin and he comes out when I'm tired. After baking brownies, I am covered in an amusing amount of chocolate
@peterrowlett @stecks ping! Are you both available?
@peterrowlett @stecks we weren't sure if you were going to appear, so we didn't record. Tomorrow?
I've caught freshers flu AGAIN. They should have to go in quarantine before they're allowed on campus.
@Samuel_Hansen could you hide the smiley stats counter image on It's in the Jetpack Stats settings.
@CardColm reminds me of the cover of this Bayesian stats textbook…
dying of ill.
@outofthenorm2 looks like the OCR is misrecognising "Spain"
@haggismaths I always resented my supervisor telling me to be less conversational.
Who has two thumbs and can't raise them to point at himself because he's so ill? And on what medium does this joke not work anyway?
oh wow, Jamie Lee Curtis has three men's names. Now on a quest to find the standup routine from the 80s that made that observation
is there a way for me to pay money to watch Community online legally while I am waiting out my final hours? Not a fan of skeezy pirate sites
@jjaron that sounds unfair. They're really nice. (I posted the tweet from @aperiodical)
@monsoon0 @MrHonner youtube has a speed setting. That dance is pretty great at 2x playback.
unfortunate that the woman presumably about to have an abortion in the stock photo looks just like the expert beneath…
Just discovered that @nclmathsoc's netball team is called the Denominatrixes. Points deducted for incorrect plural, but A+++ otherwise!
@FOTSN @geekandgoddess Should've remembered e instead of pi. e is more romantic because it's <3. (hope the date went well anyway!)
Are there loads more spiders than normal this year or have they just started following me around?
A reason this is not the best timeline: things are not delivered to my house by pneumatic tube.
Aaaaaaaa Moodle has so much hidden state it's so terrible aaaaaaaaaaaaa
@Andrew_Taylor alas, it doesn't work the other way! Disappointing.…
BEST THING EVER for us Daltonists: a colour picker which names your colour
@divbyzero ooh, it's like a mathematicians-only optical illusion! That's egregious! How did it ever get in print?
@divbyzero ooh, his "Five sculptures (1972)" is about the same thing but is less disagreeable because it demonstrates the problem
The problem with Excellent Fajita Club is it comes with automatic enrolment in Long Stay Toilet Club
I hope BBC News give up on their mad six-word limit for front-page headlines. English grammar is pretty flexible, but not *that* flexible!
Ex 1: "No kitchens 'risk school meals'" turns out not to be the negation of "some kitchens risk school meals".
Ace! Two thumbs up. RT @nulibsage: Power in the palm of your hands - Press Office - Newcastle University…
mixed messages from ISS. Suppose I should've emailed webmaster before tweeting it...
just submitted my talk abstract for the big @MathsJam in November. Won't be anything new to followers of my blog, but it's my fave puzzle
The LMS isn't on Twitter. That's sort of bad, isn't it?
@mathsinthecity -0 is really important in floating point arithmetic (computer number representation) -- see p13 of…
@EliotBall life on the edge, yes, but the long edge or the short edge?
@mathsinthecity is that deliberately a 404?
@mathsinthecity oh, now I can! It's good to be recognised for your work.
to cure my palindromic-time-noticing illness, I've searched for a rarer set of interesting times. Two-way prime-times:
(I do realise there are more of those than palindromic times. Still trying to find a suitable property)
@JanvierUK there are loads here:
I've just worked out why my cakes always come out wonky: my oven is on a tilt
@stecks OR: my asymmetric designs will take the art-baking world by storm
@TimandraHarknes @stecks OK, so, that's what I'm doing, and I usually try rotation, but it doesn't feel right, icing-wise.
@stecks Ratzenberger!
@monsoon0 absolutely! In the past we've written on the Aperiodical about Amazonian studies into the number line and counting systems
@monsoon0 or, some people in my department have a project modelling migration patterns in India
@monsoon0 number line:…, counting:…
@katebook @MathsJam @stecks @standupmaths hint: let n=p_1^a_1*p_2^a_2*...*p_k^a_k. Can you write expr for no. factors in terms of the a_i?
This is a great sequence on the OEIS. So many serious and so many silly representations!
@jjaron You're a writer, so coin one!
David has suggested an excellent sequence: a(n) is the first number in the nth OEIS sequence.
I suggested 1+ the nth number in the nth sequence, to ensure we make a novel sequence, but some of them are finite so it doesn't work
previous tweet is total lies. Of course any number is different from no number, so we're still unique
.@jjaron of course there is! David found it:
@aPaulTaylor paradox klaxon!
@aPaulTaylor (assuming it gets into the OEIS)
@katebook yes, no. of factors is (a_1+1)*(a_2+1)*...*(a_k+1). It's called the tau function, or the divisor function:…
@JanvierUK I died in a dream once! Does that mean I really died? Am I Haley-Joel Osment?
My friend David has started a blog. He's posted an interesting limits fact: …
I was 2 minutes late to get my car out of the car park! Rrrrrr!
checking the social plugin on @aperiodical doesn't pick up this tweet as a comment…
In which @stecks makes me feel unexpectedly positive about the @aperiodical:…
I've got a backpack in my backpack. Amazingly, Xzibit was not involved.
It looks like the "MATH PROBLEMS?" image is going round facebook again. I had 350 hits on my "solution" post today…
I don't know whether or not to feel sad when I find a clearly insane person's time-cube-ish pseudoscience rantings.
Dragging Chrome tabs to the side of the screen snaps them to half-width, as if they were real windows all along! When did they put that in?
@Htbaa yes, that's been there, but they also now snap to edges, which they didn't do before.
how much more broken stuff can I throw in this cupboard before I need to move house?
The Penrose magnets kickstarter has 11 days to go and still needs $1000. Back them so I can be mildly amused for a bit!…
@SellaTheChemist @peterrowlett I haven't seen any. I assume the places that do have dart-and-kite floors had the tiles custom-made
@SellaTheChemist @peterrowlett one dude's written up his experience (and jig-construction diagrams!) in this word doc:…
M&S uninterested in my song praising their "Cool & Fresh" line of boxers. Shame. Dudes: buy some, and get ready to feel comfortable.
Google Reader 0! I have read the entire internet! I suppose I've *got* to clean my flat now.
The Red Bull Stratos livestream is amazing, but the imperial units are putting me off. How can you do science these days not in metric?
oh no, they're not just using imperial! Pressures in psi, but oxygen flow in litres/minute.
@treasa it's pretty scientific extreme sports. They've taken Red Bull sponsorship so they can do their experiment, not the other way round
@treasa the sponsors are Austrian; the space company is American. At least Red Bull insisted on having metric translations of measurements
REDUCING THE DISTANCE TO THE SUN?!?!?! I wish they'd got a narrator with half a clue
I love this jumper. It is my Grey Woollenwear of +1 Snugness
@mathsinthecity that "tetrahedral" church looks more like a prism to me
@mathsinthecity not really, because they're all joined together, and every polyhedron can be decomposed into tetrahedra
@qikipedia does the 1,227 count include the fact that the book contains 1,227 facts?
Mine and Cushing's desk animals are having a stare-off.
@monsoon0 just noticed another maths/anthropology paper in my Mendeley library:…
Welcome @TweetsofCushing to Twitter! Fittingly, he's my 444th follower.
@standupmaths I'm still waiting for someone to shout that on Masterchef
For #adalovelaceday, big up to Hazel Perfect who did group theory, like I do!
I just want to sleep! Stupid tooth.
I wish real people had names as excellent as those used by spammers. Kalervo Whaphams just created an account on the aperiodical.
@icecolbeveridge @jamesgrime good point. We need to go into business making mid-90s nostalgia drinks, as Perfect-Grime-Beveridge.
@icecolbeveridge @jamesgrime PS: Whaphams would take 1st place and you know it.
"Rhabdomancy is a type of divination by means of any rod, wand, staff, stick, arrow, or the like." #goodword
A glimpse of the glamorous life of @TweetsofCushing: "I saw a square today." ……
@outofthenorm2 oh, did that happen? I haven't paid attention to the Nobels. By all means write something if you want to.
Christian Perfect: unable to stick finger in own nose on first attempt. #adventuresinsnotmedication
Hooray! The Penrose fridge magnets kickstarter reached their goal!…
@aperiodical @peterrowlett whoops, replied from the aperiodical account! Tweetdeck is hard.
Seeing so many people smoking on Northumberland Street has reassured me that I'm not living so unhealthily after all.
@Nathan1123 5318008, surely?
22kg of steel, 9 digits of precision, 1 arithmetic operation: it's Ramón Verea's direct multiplier, built in 1878.…
Well I know exactly what I'm going to do today.…
Bachelaxity (n): lessening of attention paid to use-by dates, caused by living alone for a prolonged period of time
I've never walked so briskly in my life! Goodbye, left knee, you sacrificed yourself when I really knee-ded you.
@CardColm @stecks I'm editing it now. Should be up soon.
It's so foggy at the coast! Worried this train might lose its way
@ben_nuttall that's very reassuring, thanks. Sitting at the back anyway, just in case
Foghorn guided us safely into Tynemouth station. Slaughtered a pigeon on the platform as a votive
@elinoroberts really? I went a couple of years ago and it was awful. Has it changed hands?
Yeah, I think I'm going to use that indicator bulb replacement as my entry for Manliest Man this year.
@aPaulTaylor you do? My sympathies to @stecks
@DrMathS the images on don't load
@Thalesdisciple @MrHonner with two words it's called a googlewhack. Never heard of using three words
Koala hospital! That's a thing!… Get better poorly koalas ♥ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ♥
@vickytnz we were just discussing this in the maths dept this week! The pro-B^F3 lobby was surprisingly strong. I say there are only 2 films
@aperfect mum's just given me my tintin t-shirt. Thanks!
Mega unfortunate copy in the latest Living North
having dinner with my good friend Maghetti Speatball
@jjsanderson @MikeTonge yeah, I've never had any trouble in Chrome
@danaernst @MathJax I think Markdown turned your ' characters into the more-correct-for-prose apostrophe character. Try ^{\prime} instead
@danaernst @MathJax oh, it's switched to right quotes, not two apostrophes. I still blame markdown, anyway.
@elinoroberts I think he's done a few. He's just got a nice voice, hasn't he?
everyone-else-is-getting-off-the-train-panic. #germanemotions
I've just had to put on the emergency clean jumper I keep at work. Too proud of my sensible preparedness to feel shame
Instant payback shame: paid £5.14 instead of £3 for fruit at M&S because I mixed clementines with satsumas
@Samuel_Hansen I'm really enjoying the Erdos episode. Worth my kickstarter money on its own. Thanks for collecting these stories
For the first time ever, I'm giving a talk on a subject I can't just talk about off the top of my head on Wednesday. Worrying.
Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight, 7pm,upstairs at the Charles Grey pub. I have polynesian knots, SKI calculus cards and a really hard puzzle
Kids sitting on the metro with his warhammer carry cases. That could've been me, if I'd been more outgoing when I was young. #respect
Aw man autocorrect why do you gotta ruin it all by taking the longest possible word I could've written instead of the one I did
@manytypesoftea hey, I remember you! Wow, you're still following me. I congratulated you last time you tweeted well and I'm doing it again
Can't tell if the stallholder selling sports bras under a banner advertising space hoppers is being satirical
@MathsJam @standupmaths hint: logs and integrals
@C_J_Smith there are no exceptions to fresher's flu!
@MathsJam -> MAN re pascal triangles: poor show not writing down numbers mod n
How is your research useful?…
This javascript function disappears as soon as you call it with anything other than itself: `a = function(b){return a=b}`
@Bishnavitch sorry, too busy
for m'colleague sitting opposite: what's the best way to make "Case N" headers/sections for a proof by cases in LaTeX? \theoremstyle? email is so nice to use. Can't quite bring myself to switch from gmail though.
@Nathan1123 oh no no, it's very different from the outlook web access that institutions use
@vickytnz are you planning on coming to another mathsjam in the future? I think you'd've liked the string patterns we were doing last night
@vickytnz EXCELLENT
buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo paintings…
gosh these slides are good-lookin'. deck.js + mathjax + computer modern bright = mmhmm!
@danaernst in an hour or so once I've given the talk!
There is no classical music octet called Baroquetagon. REMEDY YOURSELVES, MUSICIANS
Slides from a talk about zero-knowledge protocols…
@stecks interesting! They're on the server...
@stecks ah! got the capitals wrong. Rubbish windows case-insensitivity
Right so, 1/0 isn't defined, but is |1/0| ?
@DanielColquitt yes
revelation: ctrl+alt+vowel gives puts an acute accent on in windows 7. There must be something similar for grave, but what is it?
@komiga tried that. It doesn't work. ctrl+alt+` produces ¦ for me.
when you enter the second minute of saying "ummm", it's fair to say you've lost your train of thought
@stecks me too!
Ha. @stecks and I are writing pseud waffle in parallel on a google doc. Too earnest!
@stecks 80s laser noises!
@stecks oh god, and now we're pseuding on twitter too.
It's cho'clockolate!
@alexbellos nope, nope and definitely nope. I was *enormously* annoyed to find this out the hard way
@alexbellos and if you're thinking of doing the "gardens" visit instead: it's OK, but not amazing. Go only if you're already in Granada
@haggismaths run them through…
The site I run with @peterrowlett and @stecks, the @aperiodical, is half a year old today. Cor!…
Sat in the dental hospital waiting to be seen. If it turns out they need to do anything, this afternoon's Maths Aid is going to be fun.
Hah, my phone's picked up the university wifi at the dental hospital. Fantastic.
Let's take a trip straight back to the 90s! I just checked, and still exists. I used to think it was the funniest.
@standupmaths amazon says a cube in its packaging is 5.6 ounces / 150g……
@peterrowlett um....? Really furious chalk-holding?
@standupmaths would I be spending too many pedant points if I raised the question of whether it's "the Rubik's cube" or just "Rubik's cube"?
@Bishnavitch just had a root canal done, so best not
Person I'm sharing this office with has started laughing very loudly at the internet. I think she wants to chat to break the silence...
... but I find her monumentally tedious. Hoping she'll eventually give up.
I'm getting nostalgic for this morning with the nice dental student doing my root canal
North Shields smells really strongly of weed again. I hope they realise "stonefish" isn't just made by getting normal fish stoned.
@DanielColquitt no replies apart from yours. I think you're right.
Watching the latest @numberphile video. It seems @standupmaths used to be able to write ∞ properly, but then he took an arrow to the knee
My mum has just discovered TODAY, AT THE AGE OF 56, that there is such a thing as a pause button. #themindboggles
Her defence: "I've never had cause... to pause. Hey, tweet that!"
Seriously men-dudes, buy some M&S Cool&Fresh pants. Anything else feels like sackcloth now and I will not allow it to touch my bottom.
@standupmaths @apontzen does #lll\_ work as a hashtag?
@HoeJodgkiss the cheap ones are very middling, but nowhere near as bad as tablets can be. Be prepared to be underwhelmed, but they're useful
Wow, the person who presents Money Box looks even more boring than I could have dared imagine
in other radio gripes: why wasn't my list of favourite programmes from the old radio iplayer carried over to the new one?
and another one! Why can't I sort programmes in a category by broadcast date any more? IT'S A RUDDY LIBERTY
today's Geometry Daily is nice…
Beginning to see the favourable aspects of Dorothy Dandridge's Cow Cow Boogie….
Your response, Ella Mae Morse?… #nevermind
@Dr_Lucie @standupmaths so the #domputer has a bandwidth of ~0.0000000004 mbit/s. ALMOST AS SLOW AS AOL AMIRIGHT
@jgrahamc I'm writing a quicky news piece about Plan 28 for @aperiodical. Can I email you some questions?
@icecolbeveridge actually, you're already registered on the site - if you log in to the admin page, can you see the "anyone can edit" posts?
@jgrahamc I don't know your address. Can you dm me?
Nothing fills me with existential dread like the final half-hour of Radio 4 each night. And Something Understood trebles it.
Shine, cosh, than, ar-cosh, arc-shine, arc-than. #letscallthewholethanoff
oh, and sesh, cosesh, coth, of course. #letscallthewholethanoff
@DanaKazim Dangerous Knowledge is very good…
@peterrowlett @KSCMaths @aperiodical aw but I was quite pleased with my hashtag
just realised I could've gone with #thesinhing instead of #letscallthewholethanoff. Maybe we need a #hyperbolicpuns hashtag as well.
"I know what each of those words means individually..." is the response 9/10 times one mathematician describes his work to another
the building manager has taken down the sign which used the word 'egress'. Victory!
Moodle's DB abstraction is terrible, and its SCORM module is even worse. ~600 DB queries each time a student submits an answer!
aaaaaa big mathsjam is less than 3 weeks away aaaaa I haven't prepared anything aaaaaaaa
@hornmaths yes. Frames are layers; put (1000ms) at the end of layer names to set display time. Sth like Plugins->Animation->Play to preview
@Qunchuy @KSCMaths @aperiodical @Shamoquinn oh, rats!
Every time the site gets 386 views in a day I do a tiny smile.
There were 2 ships called MS Windoc and they both hit bridges on the Welland Canal, 60 years apart……
Today's Tynemouth hipster winner is the dude wearing a gendarme cap. Truly didn't expect to see a member of the Foreign Legion today
Difficult for anyone to challenge him now. Only someone having moved out of Tynemouth a year ago because it's gone too mainstream could try.
(standing on the metro platform looking out for just such a person to look down their nose out the window as their train goes past)
now standing on the train listening to Breakbot (it's good to listen to the oldies occasionally) and tweeting about hipsters. #awinnerisme!
ahahahahahahah RT @Kit_Yates_Maths: This article "proves" a link between maths and nature.
moodle's SCORM module: 70 instances of eval() in the JS; ~600 DB queries per save; custom AJAX calls instead of YUI's; ETC AD INFINITUM
Solved a Fresnel integral while peeling my lunchtime clementine. Pretty chuffed.
More food calculus: evaluating double integrals is like picking strawberries; triple integrals are like picking strawberries in a chopper
While discussing what we'd do with our last half-hour of sight, we found "Last of the Brazilians" is not an extant porno spoof. Disappointed
The maths behind my Fresnel integral peel:
@maanow this says it's no longer attributed to Franklin:
#hateie #hateie #hateie #hateie
Just won a vicious maths battle with @TweetsofCushing. Matt has a Russian textbook with ALL the questions in
doing some top githubbing today…
Pretty happy with how my evening's going
@vickytnz I was recently told I have too much tintin merchandise. Impossible!
@DanaKazim Pure: python or Haskell. Applied: MATLAB or maybe Mathematica. Stats: R.
@vickytnz the Tintin Shop in London is the place that makes it all, and well worth a visit. My bro bought me an ace t-shirt for £10 recently
@DanaKazim much nicer syntax, easier to write what you mean without fiddling about with language stuff. If you want speed, haskell is fast.
@DanaKazim python, by far. Try… and
Is anyone interested in taking part in a v casual "recreational maths seminar" g+ hangout? We'd look at papers from my esoterica collection
@icecolbeveridge have you got a bit of time to test the idea now?
@icecolbeveridge ok, ping me when you're ready and I'll start a hangout
In order to be blinded by paintballs, PJ had to be shot in both eyes simultaneously. Ladies and gentlemen, Byker Grove was an inside job!
I'm down the rabbit hole now. Everyone is involved. Where was that fat man from The Machine Gunners on the day PJ was shot?
That went rather well. I think the recreational maths seminar is a goer. Thanks to @icecolbeveridge for sparing time and brainpower.
@TweetsofCushing 874 -
oh no my mind's started pronouncing 'skeleton' as if it's a kind of fundamental particle. Now I can't stop thinking about boogly death rays
arXiv submitters: I love it when you use your home-made LaTeX macros in your abstracts. Deciphering two-character names is my fave hobby
I pledge my patronage to the first clothes shop to put out an advert backed by the song "Jumpers", to the tune of Dizzee Rascal's "Bonkers"
Spent the morning baking instead of working. Can't baking be my job?
Terrified that children will knock on my door and I'll have to give away these choco crinkles before I can give them to my grownup friends
Fenwicks window! Fenwicks window! Winwicks fendow! Fendow wenwicks!
@hornmaths no, more like a cookie crossed with a brownie
I have learnt from the master RT @TweetsofCushing: @christianp is now a fellow aces up master after my tutoring
@Bishnavitch saw it on Sunday, and I'm at a Halloween party tonight, sorry. Pizza on Friday?
@Bishnavitch Ahh, peanuts to you then
it's wednesday and I've just realised I haven't read any comics this week. Not even Dinosaur comics! Re-re-re-rectify!
Why is the new iPlayer radio so totally worse than the old one? They've stripped out loads of useful information and views
Facebook suggests I might like the page for Rethink Mental Illness. Man, I wish I could just reconsider my decision to be mentally ill.
(I'm sure Rethink Mental Illness does good work and I'm going to look at it so thanks Facebook, but I am compelled to misinterpret the name)
Oh no I'm still Gove!
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who turns up for maths-aid on time. (I am)
TIL the symbol produced by \cdot is called an interpunct. More dottery:…
@TweetsofCushing NO WAY
oh man, I copied my local copy's address instead of the one on the web! #meganoob
can someone test a little cellular automaton for me please?
@MuseGarden thanks. I'm not really using d3 properly, or for anything that wouldn't be easier in jquery. Changed what I was doing halfway!
@MuseGarden I will engithub it forthwith
Everyone should talk like Aisling Bea.… That would be just wonderful.
@MuseGarden yeah, Cell.update
@walkingrandomly less of a generalisation and more of an analogue, if you'll excuse the excellent pun
errors caused by whitespace are the hardest errors to find
everyone pick an offensive foreign stereotype card from this old Happy Families pack!… I'm going to be Mr Jham Jhar
If you're interested in taking part in my google+ recreational maths seminar, please tell me what times would suit you:…
@icecolbeveridge can you add +The Aperiodical on google+ so I can add you back, and then mention you in a post?
@TweetsofCushing NO WAY!!! Mine ends in 5 :(
@TweetsofCushing there are quite a few LaTeX errors in your post
INSPIRED!… (but you shouldn't dock tails)
I feel left out with everyone saying their phone number is prime. My mobile number ends in a 5 :(
What's the deal with Americans writing numbers like "one (1)" on forms? Do a significant number of Americans not learn how to read numbers?
hooray slow internet hooraaaaaaaaay
@LargeCardinal would you like to write something about Wow-Cards for @aperiodical? I don't really get the idea, but it's symmetry, right?
well I'm not going to not use the Bourbaki dangerous symbol now I know about it…
Are attitudes to presenting proofs different between France and UK? I've seen lots of French authors point out tricky parts; none in English
@standupmaths they even had a reference to copy on the window next to it!
Oi! Lagabouts and dragalarks, upload your photos of last month's MathsJam to or ELSE
Is it a coincidence that a deck of playing cards is the same size as two alphabets?
@icecolbeveridge ahh, so that's the secret to podcasting success: mention each listener by name. So simple!
@CardColm As I typed: not going to not use. It's very simple, Colm!
@HoeJodgkiss and start a bootleg record label called Ruff Trade
Newcastle MathsJam October 2012 Recap…
@n1vux @peterrowlett @reflectivemaths very interesting!
@peterrowlett @aperiodical hahahaha! If I ever need you to turn your phone off I know what to do
@aperfect Ahh, now I do too!
How the religious manage to listen to Sunday on radio 4 every week and manage not to be bored into apostasy is a real mystery to me.
@peterrowlett what time are you recording? I'm going to post in a bit saying rec. math. seminar will be Sunday 6pm, but need to pick a paper
@peterrowlett (first one next Sunday, not this one, but I'd like you to announce it on mathmaths)
@alexbellos worse: in a woeful display of subediting, they capitalised 'maths'. Hang 'em from lampposts!
@LargeCardinal @aperiodical an intro to what they are and why they're mathematically interesting would be good. Could be text+pics or video
@Samuel_Hansen has anyone else complained about the download for the latest ep of relprime cutting out halfway through?
@Samuel_Hansen would you believe that the 10th attempt, started after I tweeted, has worked?
Please join in with my recreational maths seminar on google+ next Sunday!…
All you haters can do one, Emacs Hart is the best at making maths videos.
@peterrowlett whoops, forgot I had two links!
@BenTormey do have some of that ice cream though. It's amazing
@jcoglan yo dawg, I heard you like writing code while you write code, so switch to python, where you don't need to do that
@jcoglan you seem to be complaining about ruby's module system a lot lately. Python's had a working one since the start.
@LargeCardinal email and I'll send you the "how to write for us" doc. Any length is fine.
watching the tracker for a thing I ordered from the US. How does it take a week to get from Maryland to New York? They're like 4 hours apart
@TweetsofCushing aaaaaaaa it was 08:08 when I read that tweet!
@hornmaths oh yes! I completely forgot
have been re-appraised of the situation vis a vis hurricanes on the east coast of the US. Well done USPS for holding on to my package! #fnar
I've made a huge mistake
@ben_nuttall I need IE for testing!
what was wrong with right-click menus popping up where the mouse is? I quite liked that. It meant I didn't get RSI.
I'm well impressed with how often the interface freezes so far. Gives me time to gather my thoughts.
I've worked out how to close programs! Happy dance!
@gingerbeardman pretty terribly so far. They weren't kidding about metro not being adapted for desktops. No keyboard shortcuts!
oh I give up. I'm going in to work. That's how bad windows 8 is.
Dell "Express Service Tags" out by 1 digit correspond to different PCs. Did nobody teach you Hamming codes, Dell? #angerday
@matthen2 what do tides look like if the moon's orbiting fast enough to be 10m above sea level? Do waves have time to fall?
Following much whinging by @TweetsofCushing, I've edited my MathsJam recap to credit him for more things.…
@vickytnz there are so many other nice coffee places in the city centre!
@alexbellos I interviewed the director for The Aperiodical:…
Congratulations to the family with the bonfire 6 feet from their front door and 3 feet from the public footpath.
hooray, graphics! My mining and crafting days are not yet over
@wormboyslim @aperfect worse: I installed windows 8 on my laptop
@stecks do you have a copy?
Ordering a very particular kind of toothpaste from amazon. #autismlife
@Samuel_Hansen you didn't vote for Nimrod Y.U. Allen, III! Bad voting
@stecks re free time: I play minecraft to clear my mind. I suppose other people would take a nap.
#hateIE #hateIE #hateIE #hateVML #hateIE
potatoes-which-have-been-boiling-for-fifteen-minutes-are-unpeeled-realisation. #germanemotions
@icecolbeveridge what was that idea for an aperiodical post you had last week?
@icecolbeveridge both good ideas
@treasa crumbs! I just about remember that. Were they really that old?
@treasa ahhh, you mean these!…
@treasa that's a good prompt for me to save it in mendeley
@DanielColquitt that's actually a pretty good ratio for proofreading
@vickytnz don't do it! They're all on 4od for free!
No matter how you kern it, reads like a terrible description of what the product does
@aperfect your mission: find this stellated dodecahedron in the church of San Pantalon…
eugh, the raphael.js API is yucky
raphael.js: why is paper.path('a stupid string for stupid people') better than path.move(x,y).line(x,y)... ?
@maanow The solution is rounded incorrectly (or just down to 3 dp).
@robrolfemaths @maanow I was trying to avoid giving the answer in a tweet. Anyway, 30/31 is more like 0.9677419...
@ajk_44 are you familiar with Simon Tatham's portable puzzle collection?
suddenly-remembering-you-do-have-chocolate-hidden-somewhere-after-all-exultation. #germanemotions
aaurggg what's this madness? I had no idea minstrels were coated in hard icing
Decided my walls need some new posters. This Gauss went a bit wrong, but I think I'm on the right track.
Take 2: Turing!
@peterrowlett how are you getting on with Numbas? Have your students handed in that assignment?
@stecks all in good time
The PM has a new app which constantly scans twitter. So let's get "short-term populism is no way to run a country, Mr Cameron" trending.
@peterrowlett just checking up on it!
@peterrowlett another question for the tiny-maths-surveys site I really need to make one day
(actually though, stick some significance figures on the aggregated data and it's a decent idea)
@jgrahamc thank you! My feelings exactly. The end had the structure of a Marvel superhero movie
@KSCMaths that's a rather obtuse 65 degrees!
just computing the volume of the Earth in pecks, nothing crazy.…--
@ajk_44 one of the newest ones, called "Pearl", is very good
@KSCMaths best pun! And since it's a wrong angle, not a length, "not conformal" would be a better disclaimer. I'll stop being pedantic now
@haggismaths ahh, I had a really good one yesterday but I came in today to find the board wiped because of A Scandal.
@aperfect prima!
@Samuel_Hansen I would if your server could stay on task for more than a minute!
@haggismaths alas not.
@standupmaths not even going to email you. Newcastle MathSoc -
@standupmaths while I have your attention: will you be around for drinks before or after the Stockton show on Saturday?
Would it be profitable to set up as a bounty hunter tracking down skiving contract workers? I'd call it A la Recherche des Temps Perdus
@vickytnz Denksführer!
ok, who's going to buy me one of these?…
@JPickford time for me to get back into game dev!
@aPaulTaylor if you haven't already sorted it: can you post the sequence of numbers of lights? It's hard to tell from the video
The marimba solo in the Fenwicks window song is driving me to violence
Does anyone want to do something mathematical with me? RT @ScienceFest: The call for UK Maker Faire is NOW OPEN
@peterrowlett whatever twitter client you're using to send stuff into aperiodical is messing up the URLs since they got rid of the #! bit
has anyone heard of IE, on first loading a page, calling JS object constructors before attaching their prototypes? Doesn't happen on refresh
I also have a problem with the last text node attached to a VML diagram with raphael.js not showing up
PS: in case it wasn't clear, #hateie #hateie #hateie #hateie
@tanurai I've added Sheffield to the MathsJams map:…
wow, vodafone make it cartoonishly hard to leave them.
perfect timing. My phone's screen has just died.
A little reminder: tomorrow at 7pm GMT I'll be hosting the first recreational maths seminar on google+.…
@Dr_Lucie @standupmaths cutting-edge Teesside style. They need something to distract from the industrial horrors out the window
notifications in windows used to be in the bottom-left, where no mission-critical buttons live. Now they're in the top-right, where Close is
@fumbleweeds you'd love England. It's 46F here (if I've done the conversion right) and people think it's warm enough to go surfing.
I have set up a little minecraft server for me and my bro. Twitterists, you can be my bro from another mo! DM me if you'd like to play
Well, the Recreational Maths Seminar was fun! So glad the idea worked. Video up on the @aperiodical soon. Thanks to those who took part.
@Htbaa I meant bottom-right, yes.
today's bug was caused by my stupid brain and not IE's. So, for a one-time only showing, I am obliged to use the tag #hateSelf
@Rosalot you're married? Congratulations!
A big metal box in the lunch room marked "Health and Safety" is beeping. Twitter, should I run away?
@jgrahamc in 3rd form Latin I remember reading about a dude who was pretty pleased with central heating
@HilariousCow Guile theme!… I blame you for the fact I'll have this in my head the rest of the day
New @TweetsofCushing phone number braggadocio: how many square numbers does your phone number have? Best in the office is 3625, which has 3
Trying to get Fearne Cotton to endorse my new back scratcher design. I'll call it the Fearne Itcher.
Why do computer scientists only ever get to second base?
Productive day in the office. I think we've covered all possible π puns.
@jcoglan lamely attempting to join in with a twitter joke as a service
@Sa3eedo reaching sixteenth base sounds like a fun time
Discussing whether the set of yo mama jokes is countable. If I can make one about each of @TweetsofCushing's mum's ex-lovers, it isn't.
(that was yo mama joke ω+1)
@standupmaths did you make your venue bookings through Easyjet? Was Stockton sold as "Newcastle South"?
Does the IRS have an Erdős number of 1?
what do you call the dude in a rap song who fills in the gaps with uh-huhs and aww-yeahs? There is a word for it I know
@HoeJodgkiss I think it might be on the red button
@HoeJodgkiss (but I'm going to bed now so I don't even care if I'm lying)
Woman and her mother, made up like panto dames, facing the wrong door to get off the train. "It's behind you!", I almost shout.
talking to tech support for a phone company is like character generation in an RPG: keep rerolling until you get a good guy
@jjaron now I want to play probabilistic quantum golf and get a hole-in-one-in-four
maths: basically magic.…
@aperfect haha, it's like sixth form all over again
Just sent out the reminder email for Newcastle @MathsJam. (this is the reminder for other MathsJam organisers to send out theirs)
@ColinTheMathmo Asking the University of Waterloo is out of the question?
@ColinTheMathmo coincidentally, I gave a talk on zero-knowledge protocols recently which used three-colouring graphs as an example
@ColinTheMathmo here:… (warning - posh modern browser-based slides which you might have trouble with)
@plusmathsorg the brackets on the last equation aren't balanced.
Unexpectedly vegetarian dinner after I forgot to cook any of the three kinds of meat I just bought
This'll be right up @standupmaths' street: a book about snowflakes, with accurate diagrams, from 1863.…
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen top tagging.
@Samuel_Hansen I assume that signing that as a foreigner would be counter-productive.
@Samuel_Hansen oh. I thought I could remember foreigners being encouraged to sign the open access one.
Dear Diary, I made terrible nachos today. Tonight I'll dream about the nachos I could've made. And it'll make me sad.
So that's what windows 8's BSOD looks like. Wasn't expecting to see it so soon.
@CardColm @pickover did you see it was mentioned on the last episode of QI?
@sfh10 my opinion on STEP maths: I would've loved some proper help with it when I did it.
@CardColm oh, I thought you would've heard of it at least. It's a *fantastic* comedy panel show presented by Stephen Fry
@vickytnz nope. Nope nope nope. No way no how.
@madcaptenor it isn't even our first one. @MarcusduSautoy presented one a while ago. I've forgotten what it was called.
@madcaptenor you've made me go to IMDB now. It was called "Mind Games", and wasn't just maths.…
Already in @MathsJam mode. Students wanting numeracy help tomorrow might learn about woollen applications of group theory instead.
@ajk_44 @samholloway I would follow Sam, but he's following exactly as many people as he's being followed by, and it's a triangular number!
Today's the day when everyone's @-replies end with "will you be at MathsJam tomorrow?"
@mathsinthecity numbergossip says it's evil, deficient, and untouchable.
@DanielColquitt "Lagrange Multiplier" has always sounded to me like a combo move in Maths: The Game
@icecolbeveridge ok, Monday, but I don't get the reference
There's a petition to sign if you think the elected PCCs are a bad idea:
I did not know about this! Multiple user profiles for debugging in Chrome…
@stecks Pudsey's fundraising powers don't stem from his injuries! And even if there's a link, it hasn't been shown to be monotic increasing!
@stecks oh bum. I thought I was so clever getting that in exactly 140 characters and I missed two from "monotonic".
@bluecombats a pair of scissors usually comes in handy.
looking up names for a randomised question. "Blossom. Meaning: Flower Blossom"; "Bluebell. Meaning: Grateful". WAAAAAA?!
@stecks @aperiodical @SciencePunk what to call it?
@SciencePunk @stecks @aperiodical Twiterator? @ccumulator?
Talking about education resources conversation template: "Well, (organisation X) were doing good stuff, but they've been bought by Pearson)"
Did you know that the very first MathsJam took place in Holland in 1690?…
@mathsatschool oooh, glue, I didn't think of that! I do have cards and string though, so the union of our packs probably covers everything
OK, #mathsjam, what have I forgotten? Most of what I own is in this bag.
Right then. To Crewe! #mathsjam
@MathsJam what's yellow and equivalent to the axiom of choice? #mathsjam
Why is the contour integral around western Europe zero? #mathsjam
there aren't many dirty logicians: “Kleeneliness is next to Gödeliness” #mathsjam
@charliesgames you should have a dental hospital nearby
An easy way to get mathematical symbols to paste into tweets: #mathsjam
I had no idea mcdonalds got so busy on Sunday evenings
I'm back at my home. MathsJam was great.
Allen Knutson used to have a webcam pointed at a whiteboard in his office. Its last image is of his hand taking it away…
@standupmaths one of the Bernoullis has created a mechanism to help you draw the infinity symbol properly…
@samholloway not too many records on sale these days. It's a fairly even split between chintzy vintage and semi-professional photographers
@monsoon0 Mockus, mayor of Bogota, is my hero:…
@nulibsage that statistic doesn't make any sense.
@nulibsage more likely a hard-working press officer. I have a collection of gloriously overstated research press releases
@nulibsage actually, I have a question for you! Yesterday I was told of the existence of the Wallis collection. How do I see it?
@icecolbeveridge just putting that at the end of the URL… works
I'm thinking of starting a series on badly overstated popular maths. I would call it poopular maths. Today's example:…
1) claims animals "solve" maths problem. 2) describes problem as "wildly complex", but not in the technical meaning of the phrase.
3) claims mathematicians "discovered" basic fact about graphs. 4) repeats decade-old press release claiming a human has "solved" TSP.
5)finally and worst of all, gives no hint that "hard" for mathematicians has a very different meaning to "hard" for regular people (or bees)
A person called Dana and a person called Daina have favourited my last tweet. I assume one is the imaginary complement of the other.
@icecolbeveridge yes please. Put it in the system!
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm at the Charles Grey pub (outside Monument metro station). All welcome, just bring your brain!
did everyone suddenly agree that the past participle of "lead" is no longer "led"? What's going on?
@monsoon0 I saw "lead" in a newspaper (though I think it might have been the Grauniad) recently, and I've seen it in several articles since
@TweetsofCushing where? The top post is still the prisoners
@TweetsofCushing now so do I. Most peculiar. Gavin says you might be ill. Are you?
@hornmaths 'lead'
@C_J_Smith it's WHAT?! I'm not prepared! HOW WILL I DO ANYTHING ELSE TODAY?
I've lost my rather expensive bluetooth headphones. I'm quite displeased.
'...the use
of "percision" as defined in the SQL specification can be confussing.' I agree, SCORM spec. I am very confussed.
@samholloway there's a hill in Cambridge?
seeds in clementines: basically the worst experience in food
picked my nose, unleashed a pint of blood. Will never pick my nose again.
Helpful definition of notation from the SCORM 1.2 spec: "If not preceded by a minus sign, the number is presumed to be positive."
No mention of required precision, base system, or which character should be used for the decimal point. Hooray!
Found this little curio hiding in the school library. Unfortunate surname, though.
@standupmaths so what does 2,000 Rubik's Cubes being solved at once sound like?
Some lovely geometric wallpapers designed for iPads… (note: many other devices are capable of displaying bitmaps)
The @aperiodical is looking dangerously well-organised at the moment.
@mathsinthecity @icecolbeveridge to paraphrase JFK, we have nothing to fear but vier itself, so 4 should be the sole terrifying number.
"I genuinely love Internet Explorer's debugging tools. They always help me quickly get to the bottom of any problem." - nobody, ever.
@mjdominus oh well. Three letter President: close enough.
Testify! RT @HilariousCow: While there are no Americans around to see this, I'm just gonna say it: I hate America's freedom. Repatriate!
@haggismaths thank that person from me. Typewritten maths is a terrible artefact of the mid-20th century.
@peterrowlett is it constructive to rant about someone's mistakes at length? I think twitter is ok because it's ephemeral
@peterrowlett I also meant "permanently"
@BenTormey Get a pair of boxfresh. They last so much longer than Converse.
@elinoroberts top idea! For lunch, or breakfast?
@standupmaths I was planning on using "Chum-in-Chief" but @stecks wrote the article. Which do you prefer?
@elinoroberts ahhh, I need to get the metro at 11, but you've stirred beachy feelings in me. Mind if I join you?
@peterrowlett @icecolbeveridge @standupmaths would you believe I was literally about to tweet that myself before I saw Col got there first?
Either chewing bubblegum in an otherwise quiet office should be illegal, or it should be a valid extenuating circumstance in murder cases
@altweet_pet what's the record he's attempting to set?
Telling me there's nothing to watch on telly.. I have watched Hot Shots! enough minus infinity times.
Our table number is "a snowman doing a painting".
@helenarney @standupmaths is that Matt's snowfake-fighting superhero costume?
getting back to sleep is exceedingly hard with this hipster nonsense on Peter Day's World Service programme.
Does anyone else own Running with Rifles? It's a good game:…
@AdamCreen really? How so?
@AdamCreen oh, you mean there are 11 more prime minuteses. I use "twin prime" to mean two primes (n,n+2)
@daveowhite if you apply yourself, you can give back 60,000 portions as an Easter present (we did the sums a while ago)…
@daveowhite we didn't dare work that out. Not much longer.
@jjsanderson @elinoroberts well, if you live in Tynemouth, this is what happens. You'll have opinions about on-street parking next
@jjsanderson @elinoroberts depends. Which way round the metro do you go? If you go via Gosforth, it's already too late
Using bootstrap. I give up. Web design is not for me.
@monsoon0 do they have any of that special chalk that is incredibly hard to get outside Japan?
They're selling what now? Coming soon: Epistemologue, your one-stop-shop for mail-order trivialities.
This is a bit iffy, isn't it?…
Anyway, don't buy a theorem or a symmetry group, get yourself a bespoke artisanal hand-crafted integer for free
And lo, with a lightning-quick "works for me" did he smite the bug report, banishing it forever to the cursed land of Won't Fix.
@DanielColquitt nah, sorted it out.
@numberphile now do base 4!…
@jcoglan stacked Unicode diacritics.…
@jcoglan sad, because as yet there's no
@standupmaths @MathsJam do we have MathsJams sufficiently far apart to do some geometrical calculations?
When I close my front door I can either turn left for the metro station or right for the beach. Sometimes it's very hard to turn left.
Thought I had more eggs. Sad little omelette :(
omelette saved with god's own ingredients: bacon and paprika!
@HoeJodgkiss that's the most coherent Newcastle transfer punditry I've ever seen. You should work for the Chronicle, you should.
"Works at: Team Leader at Brewers Fayre". "Works at: cannabis farm lol". I'm not sure which of my mid-range relatives is more underwhelming
Newcastle @MathsJam November 2012 Recap:…
suddenly my flat smells really strongly of eggs. Where is it coming from? Am I in danger? Aaaaaaa going to be killed by Chuckie Egg aaaaaaaa
oh HANG ON, I just ate an omelette. Panic over.
and why did I go for Chuckie Egg instead of Dizzy? Have I ever even played Chuckie Egg? How do I know about it? EGGSTERNAL INFLUENCES
@jcoglan in something like `<a href="[%=str%]">`, where am I asserting that `str` is a URL, or is that not what you're getting at?
@ColinTheMathmo yeah, I thought that was it, but I couldn't remember if Ji had given a different variation
Soupremum. Simpleggs. Identitea. All on the menu at my new mathematical bistrho.
@jcoglan establishing context in arbitrary environments: "parse ALL the strings?"
@elinoroberts yes! Do it!
@MathsJam Newcastle is not happening in December
@Bishnavitch yeah, but the hologram Compaq at CES last year was quite crass. #notoriousbigblue
@jjaron @igblan trace a line from the bit of the hook socket facing you, along the surface. You end up on the other side.
@jjaron @igblan yep, I had the same problem
This nexus 4's screen is so beautiful, I'm going to weep openly
put cocoa in milk before milk was hot. Hyperfailure.
@helenarney that's not my mane!
@helenarney unless you were already going for that double-pun, in which case I apologise
@helenarney @andy_tea that's OK, I know when to swallow my pride.
cooking for slimming world dieters tonight. The recipe they have given me is like a real recipe, minus the ingredients.
@pkrautz my German isn't good enough. It looks fairly innocuous; what's wrong?
@monsoon0 but all chalk is made of ground-up shells!
@standupmaths @Dr_Lucie trees are old hat. I'm going with a Christmas treap this year
I'm hosting another recreational maths seminar tonight, about "seven staggering sequences". 7pm GMT, Google+:…
@outofthenorm2 ooh, that'll go nicely with something I've got saved for the next aperiodical round up. Ta!
@elinoroberts @gjchocolatier it makes me sad to think of all the time you haven't known that. Have you tried the brownie?
Join me in 5 minutes on google+ for the @aperiodical recreational maths seminar:…
With a puzzle by me, CP! RT @aperiodical: Post: Puzzlebomb - December 2012
Oh no, youtube has remembered that day I spent watching Oesch's die Dritten videos. My recommendations page is nonstop yodels.
After posting basically nothing all last week, I fear we may have overdone it with "sort your mess out Monday" at the @aperiodical.
If I see the Newcastle University Login Gateway one more time...
@StudentsNCL @NU_ITservice I don't think there's anything wrong, I just have to go through it each time I go to any of the many sites I use
David filled in a questionnaire online and it turns out I'm the best dad in the office. Ladies.
@jcoglan not a WordPress apologist, but it'll be a plugin causing the crashes. Because of the unique way php works, that's possible!
@jcoglan some combination of turning plugins on and off, and turning on PHP debug logging. Prepare to go back to 90s debugging methods
@jcoglan there might be a plugin that adds a "don't show comments" flag to posts and modifies the get-post-comments function
Just had a filling done. My cheek is still numb, but my tooth absolutely knacks. Do I need to go back?
@TweetsofCushing don't you dare
aaargrggrg python why is installing pip on windows still such a hassle? Just include it with the standard distribution!
Today @TweetsofCushing is looking for the person with the most of one letter in their name. Currently top: Reece Burgess-Creen with 6 Es
where's the GIF for when someone does a test with string operations instead of writing a proper routine to do what they mean?
Useful javascript library implemented as a jquery method. My anger level has risen to 32 milli-@jcoglan.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie Sightseers tomorrow?
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie that would also be a good choice for me, but it doesn't star Alice Lowe, so...
@TweetsofCushing !!!
Trawling amazon for hours looking for a replacement for the lost headphones you spent hours choosing last time. #autismproblems
there's some pretty lovely music on @laRadioNova at the moment
oh great, so they put some 80s nonsense on just after I said that.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie sightseers 2020
If 100 people star JSXGraph on github, it can be hosted on CDNJS:…
@jamesgrime first thing I noticed on audible was this Car Talk compilation, I assume of the puzzles they often pose…
@ajk_44 I don't know how you should celebrate, but you should do it at ten to nine.
Well I'm *trying* to write a really good post for the @aperiodical today but the uni wifi isn't helping
Eureka! Santa only visits one house on Christmas Eve, but infinitely many universes, each containing a different Santa, collapse at midnight
Is it a special autism superpower to spot typos in a page of text at a glance, or does it happen to everyone?
Because I've been editing a very long post and spotting typos in very unusual words just as I scroll past them, not even looking for them
@helenarney yes yes very funny, intentionally misunderstood. Now where's this bar? I'm a huge sporks fan.
If there isn't already a travelator company called Thousand Yard Stairs then I am going straight to Companies House first thing tomorrow
the address of the University of Athens' maths department is Because they couldn't name a Greek mathematician?
@alexbellos whoops, we both made 3d-printing christmas present posts today
There's a version of HyperRogue for android!… FRABJOUS DAY! via @mathpuzzle
@Nathan1123 @MuseGarden I used that page once when in a beds shop with a friend who didn't know what size his bed was!
@Nathan1123 to be fair, he'd just moved in to a rented flat and British bed size names are mental.
Thanks, textbooks!
@My_Metro I'm on one of the new trains, and the lights on the wrong side of the carriage lit up when we stopped. Better look into that!
@elinoroberts the first shop to produce an app which puts your shopping list in order for a shortest traversal will earn my patronage.
@matheknitician posted! Thanks for letting me know
Tonight, we dine... quite well!
@stecks @aPaulTaylor you know, I wasn't going to have it but then I thought since I'm tweeting it someone might complain if it wasn't there
Step 1: cook double meal, so you can have leftovers tomorrow. Step 2: forget you finished the cling film yesterday. Step 3: food bags!!!!
@DanielColquitt @ben_nuttall it's the real thing - pause it, maximise, and draw a pattern
@MouldS @dan_physio @standupmaths hey, that's just the first few digits! "Approximation to pi pie" doesn't sound very appetising
Going to Tynemouth market to look for a secret Santa present. Must make a big effort not to buy anything too ironic
Worst trendy name so far: "Gosforth bakehaus".
Alas, the pewter cowboy hat chip'n'dip tray is outside my budget
youtube's algorithm to make a video unshaky leaves it looking really trippy instead
There was a horrific animatronic koala for sale at the market today. I should've bought it. I didn't. Got to live with that.
@Bishnavitch I didn't dare. I was scared of a Ringu type situation
@Bishnavitch I'll see if it's there again tomorrow
@outofthenorm2 haha, what are you thinking?
@outofthenorm2 go for it
@HilariousCow do a flamboyant loop on the letter O
The internet has taught me to love humanity. Giant Pants of the '30s:
Went back for the eldritch koala. It's been sold! Life is not worth living any more ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
@stecks are The Sinks a new fraternal society, like the masons or the rotary club?
@jcoglan pandoc turns most things into most things
@jcoglan though if you're writing a book, learn LaTeX.
@jcoglan pdflatex comes with any latex distribution. On ubuntu, try tex-live
@jcoglan all these variants exist because almost everyone, after using TeX for a while, thinks "I can do it better!"
@jcoglan the stuff they have in common is basically all you need, so just stick with TeX-live and don't try to be clever with it
@jcoglan TeX is like the English language: nobody uses it perfectly, there are a million ways to say anything, ...
@jcoglan and far too many people who should know better hold very strong opinions about tiny aspects of usage
@Bishnavitch true facts
haha hooray!…
@DainaTaimina I think that's actionable libel
@divbyzero oh man, I need to get into control systems! There could be a "Perfect timing" algorithm
@Dr_Lucie 197th.
general lazy evaluation was too beautiful a dream for someone as uninterested in proper type analysis as I. Oh well...
@standupmaths not impossible: the other hemisphere could be really crazy
@peterrowlett @standupmaths I don't get it
Can't decide if I'm wasting my life or living it exactly how I want.…
@WWMGT c) a quart of pounds
So, ladies and gentlemen of the Academy, in summary: PHP is just the worst and I propose that we throw it into the Sun
Hooray, futurama's on! Oh no, it's Jurassic Bark. Sad evening :'(
@sxpmaths someone else's code I depend on was using '!empty($x–>p)' to test if $x->p is set. Which fails when it's the string "0".
Please tell me I'm not the only one who gets angry about adverts recorded in NTSC
oh snap! Today's Dinosaur Comic says Santa collapses realities to deliver presents!… The evidence mounts!
Favourite picture of the day!…
@jhylmb haven't tested it, but it should be possible
Oh god! All these Top 50 Tracks of 2012 lists mean I have to listen to Gotye again. #whyhastthouforsakenme
@henryseg were you paid for that article? It would cost me £30 to read if I didn't have a uni account
@henryseg super! It's a good article.
@aperfect fog on the Thames is all them's all them's, fog on the Thames is all them's.
@aperfect oh em gee I am going to start a faux-ironic hipster band called Londisfarne. We will gig exclusively in corner shops
@Electrokittie good intel. I will wrap up warm when I head in from the balmy coast
whaaaaaaat. Ctrl+Alt+Tab in windows shows the switchy-window thing even after you let go of the keys.
hey guys it's 10:10. Duodecimalists gonna hate.
I felt quite bad about the @aperiodical's visitor numbers until I looked at the Mathematical Intelligencer's circulation figures
@jamesgrime true fact. I got a good one of you a while ago from the @numberphile Rubik's Cube video:…
@jcoglan CET was the 12th time zone to have 12:12:12 12/12/12. Germans are the chosen people after all!
@outofthenorm2 oh, you could've said! I'll have a look
@ben_nuttall "Although braggadocio doesn't come naturally to most computer programmers, ..."
No chocolate in the kitchen. Spend 10 minutes checking the Secret Chocolate Locations, or go to the shops?
Right. Let's do some things to things until there's food to eat. #homecookin
@outofthenorm2 oh, NOW I get that pun! Sorry for changing the title to an inferior one
@elinoroberts accidentally swallowing a pea is big trouble: you have to swallow a fly to get it, then a frog to catch the fly, ad infinitum
Having a little rage about the Moodle SCORM module. Not a single line of the code is good.
@vickytnz it's free, which is good, and open-source, so I can see *why* it's buggy. We're on Moodle because BB has broken SCORM support
@vickytnz Moodle 2 is considerably less bad than old Moodle. It's barely tolerable now, but still lots of really annoying and bad things
@vickytnz yeah well, it's for academics :P
"Hm, how shall I implement this hierarchical data structure, with well-defined elements and values? I know! Strings and regexps!" #hate
I don't know how it's possible to write this much bad code without Nature itself reacting violently against you.
If a student handed this in as homework I wouldn't mark it wrong. I'd encourage them to join al qaeda or the communist party or something
1) they'd make MI6's job much easier; 2) no self-respecting terrorist would want to be associated with them, and would lay down their arms
@peterrowlett just remembered your Numbas email. Will do that later today.
A scotch egg and a frijj. I operate on the frontiers of cuisine.
Please support the kickstarter for my self-published transvestite medieval epic, "The Song of Roland's Dirndl"
Trying to synopsise that Jim Carrey film where he's a pet detective, but every time I try I get the plot "farce about Ace"
well! Since nobody wants to go christmas shopping with me, I think I'll go for a walk round Tynemouth instead
@treasa believe it
Off to seek my fortune in the tatatoria of Newcastle upon Tyne.
If you spoonerise "Hooke and Wren" the number of bird names increases from one to two. I'm pleased by this but don't know what to do with it
a Kinect physics game where you stack boxes but it's two-player and you each control the other's arms
@standupmaths you are this guy…
This is why I keep trying to introduce German as a second language in the department…
I keep forgetting it's the office christmas lunch today and making plans for work to do and food to eat.
@brittneybean if you keep calling that a biscuit Ed Miliband might try to integrate you
@brittneybean but it does look VERY tasty. What's going on there?
@TweetsofCushing I told you I don't have a suit
@TweetsofCushing I even forgot to wash my jumper so I'm going to look extra scruffy
@TweetsofCushing proving to whom?
@TweetsofCushing that reminds me - I tried to prove the same facts to your momma but she kept asking me if there are any even primes
@JPickford "The games has jumped".
Who hates standing on the metro? CP hates standing on the metro. Is it true? I do I do I do-oo!
@helenarney or you're living in Newcastle 6 years ago
Go ahead. Spell it "chaise lounge". Make my day.
Your reminder that there's no Newcastle @MathsJam tonight.
@HilariousCow just play Just Cause 2 instead.
@HilariousCow I played it on the xbox, so don't know about that.
@jcoglan #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice?
@jcoglan but the problem with instagram isn't 'we own the servers', it's 'you're not the one paying our salaries'.
That sneeze crept up on me completely unnoticed but now it's over, I feel like I've needed to do a sneeze that big for a long time.
@amazingradio I am very much enjoying "Tyrannosaurus Rex For Christmas". It's my new favourite Christmas song.
it's 12:36! Dance about like you've got all your divisors within easy reach.
We're making good use of our last proper work day by playing LAZA KNITEZ
"Cost-per-gigabyte is down more than 300% in three years".… #what
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MathsWorldUK I meant to catch someone at big mathsjam - would anyone like to write about the plans for @aperiodical?
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MathsWorldUK yes! It would be good just to get the name out, wouldn't it?
@jcoglan I'll go with: generics work on objects, and ints aren't objects.
@madcaptenor order a single box of chalk. I haven't dared to do it yet and I've had prime for years
Buying stock for my new kids' clothing shop, Newcastle upon Tiny.
@jamesgrime they're very different films, but I agree.
@peterrowlett quick! Make a Klein bottle!
Watched a video from the ISS. Moved to poetry: I love the Earth / and all the people on it. / You could even say / it's my favourite plonet
@aperfect which company is it?
@aperfect that isn't even a real company.
@aperfect hah, their homepage has a megabyte of stock images
@mutedestro @MathsJam sadly it looks like there isn't one near you -…. Nothing to stop you starting one!
Last night I dreamt about a really fast slug! Is today the day we rethink our metaphors?
@standupmaths so clearly we need to start a campaign to register Unicode codepoints for common English words
This Christmas card's so charming I wish I could send it to myself.
@daveowhite Monetize your front window. Monetize your beard. Monetize smalltalk.
@GhostMutt which cards do you have turned on? I just have the weather and football scores. Is there something more to it I'm missing?
@TweetsofCushing proof or it isn't true!
@TweetsofCushing and by "quintics" do you mean fifth powers?
This is how I roll
Pick a natural number N. Find p_N, the first prime which is the difference of Nth powers. $\ln(p_53)/53 = \ln(p_59)/59$, to 10 dp
@C_J_Smith ternary decimal?
@C_J_Smith next question: 0,1,2 or +,-,0 ?
@C_J_Smith my least favourite ternary representation
-.. .- ... .... -.. --- - -.. --- -/-.. --- - -.. .- ... ..../-.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- -/-.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- -
@DanaKazim did I get it right?
@DanaKazim fantastic
gosh it's grim outside!
It's pretty ridiculous how long it take windows 8 to show the task manager
I'm playing my "justify my obnoxious prejudices with pop psychology I read in a non-scientific outlet" card.…
Whenever I hear about economics, I think of this scene from futurama…
"a third of Men will get their Christmas presents from a service station" - according to a study in a service station on Dec 24th last year?
Pretty much certain you can do better, Woman's Hour
Sorry, it's You and Yours, not Woman's Hour. Disappointment levels back to normal, and I need to look at my watch
The only paper I could find to pad this present with was pages from the LRB. #truestoriesfromupmyownbumhole
I think this year I can do my present wrapping in two or fewer ragequits
@jcoglan isn't it weird how when the economy's good the poor suddenly start trying harder?
@HilariousCow did you have a gravis gamepad? When I saw the graphic of it in the wolf3d options I wondered how it could ever be suitable
Today I learned that a <redacted> needs about 3cm more wrapping paper than you think.
@outofthenorm2 Please finish your bees post!
You don't wrap presents with the wrapping paper you want, you wrap presents with the wrapping paper you've got. - Donald Rumsfeld
oh, so Big Society was always meant to be a pejorative, like Big Tobacco or Big Pharma.
why do journal publishers think it's a good idea to make supplementary material a separate PDF from the article?
Need to eat all the food in the flat before going home for Christmas. My stomach is being marvellously cooperative
Remember, HE KNOWS…
I'm pretty pleased with my Christmas cards this year…
I think Father Christmas might be my favourite thing to draw
@DanielColquitt you've completely inverted the "go away and read a book while your computer is doing something" meme
In case you haven't experienced windows 8 yet, this guy explains what's wrong:…
I've owned for a year and done nothing with it. It expires in 3 days. Has anyone got any ideas?
(The original idea was to have, so my arXiv submission could be from the "Institute of Hot Mathematicians")
@ColinTheMathmo but why? I'm not doing research any more, so no opportunities to use it forthcoming
@ColinTheMathmo selling unused domain names is on my list of Terrible Internet Behaviours. If I let it expire, whoever wants it can have it
@walkingrandomly I thought that was a good idea and then I saw it was by Stardock. I've learnt my lesson with them
@walkingrandomly what I'm doing is: close eyes, press windows key, type program name, press enter, open eyes. It's almost the same
@vickytnz were you around when it was Belle and Herb's? Times were better then
@peterrowlett literally LOL
Leo says I have no neck. Vicious fibs.
I'm in Windsor! The air smells funny down here
Such pleasant people down here
There isn't a craft supplies shop in Windsor?! Surely I'm mistaken.
@apontzen @standupmaths did you work that out by hand, or did you use a script like this: ?
I'm pretty ecstatic about how this 80k file won't upload to my ftp server over this flat's wifi
Let's see if giffgaff throttle ftp connections as well...
hahahaha my phone's connection is so much ridiculously quicker than this Zen broadband
I've added a question to The Aperiodical's Very Important Mathematical Survey about how you eat corn on the cob:…
@alimcg86 chin up, McGlen!
WHERE ARE ALL THE FILMS? I don't want to watch Open All Hours, I want a film!
@standupmaths @Dr_Lucie the dog started melting when he was near the fire. That's way closer to physical realism than I was expecting
@samholloway there definitely used to be one!
@monsoon0 mega jealous!
Pretty unexpectedly radical present
I'm going to see Scrooged! Channel 4 now. I'll have depleted my Christmas film to-watch list by at least one this year.
Round 2. Nobody else wants leg! Excellent crimblus
Scouting for locations for my new concept café with a chess board at every table, "En Croissant".
Try saying "tuna mayo jacket potato". It's wonderful, like the start of a beat poem about my favourite foods.
Congrats to @TweetsofCushing for getting his first integer sequence accepted by the OEIS:…
@standupmaths you can keep going with Step 4: work out how many different patterns you can make by swapping pieces of the same shape
Hiring bar staff for my new underground opera hall, "Grotto Voce"
@JohnAllenPaulos it's a vanity publisher, not a real journal!
@jcoglan there's probably an emacs command 'Cmd-a-t untweet cheap pun'
Beginning to fear I've been trafficked to Slough. Will I ever see my beloved Northumberland again?
What a lovely book…
I can't decide if Planet 51 (channel 4 right now) is alright or terrible
@Rosalot I'm having trouble accepting Dwayne 'the Rock' Johnson as a cowardly ginger man
Etymonline's etymology of 'omelette' is basically to wave the "nobody knows" card:…
A marvel of the last age of austerity - one of the last concrete lampposts in Slough.
The proportion of films on the telly that nana has misidentified as The Gruffalo this Christmas is rapidly approaching Legendre's constant.
Forget about convergence. If a million specific gadgets for each conceivable task was good enough for 60s Batman, it's good enough for me
Wow, sky captain and the world of tomorrow hasn't aged well at all
@standupmaths I've held the patent on that idea since I was 12
@ajk_44 @samholloway how long are you two up North for? I've just arrived back from Slough
@Samuel_Hansen just when I thought I had all your many show formats clear in my head...
wikipedia's picture for the King of the Belgians is ace…
@jcoglan the problem is probably with your router (or OSX's drivers, depending on perspective). OSX takes exception to some brands of router
@jcoglan yeah, it's OSX's problem, but its problem is with the router.
I have internet! Here's a picture of some fabulous French cuisine. We have so much to learn from them.
@monsoon0 have you seen… ? Or do you want to use textmode LaTeX too?
Il fait chaud, fo' sho'.
Me and four bishops in a nissan micra, driving France's autoroutes and reviewing the service stations. Title of the book: Aires and Graces
Koala! Happy day!
And if you want to see a panda, don't even bother going to Edinburgh: come to Beauval, you can get right up to them
@manytypesoftea yes, we can only assume it's an accurate translation given the picture. Excellent twitter avatar, by the way
@MEIMaths @peterrowlett it's in the queue for my next open access round up. Could well merit its own post, though.
@Andrew_Taylor well, you've _got_ to register and fill it with comic sans maths now.
@alexbellos @haggismaths looks like autocorrect has got the right ideas
@jcoglan Turing would be all about the #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice.
Goodbye, France! No thanks to DFDS Seaways, who were an hour late out of port. Watched three P&O ones come and go while we waited.
@stecks yes, δmaths/δt (britain,now) > 0
@stecks and I will be gratified if you notice my correct identification of a partial differential
@standupmaths Matt's Unvirtual Mersenne Prime Search, or #MUMPS
@standupmaths and I've just noticed your twitter username is a pun on your real name when pronounced in a French accent. A reason to move?
Almost everyone on this ferry is reading the Daily Mail. Hypocrites.
Forget meditation, if you want to get in harmony with the world around you just do a wee on a boat. (Men and adventurous ladies only)
it's the world's funniest child!…
Now I can be like @standupmaths and tweet maths symbols ∵ ∃ a character map app for android!…
...but they aren't displayed properly on my PC. Willy poo bums.
.@univofstandrews did you check with Dr Nacenta before writing that tweet? Pie charts represent proportion; "Fatfonts" show arrays of data
where do I sign up to kick the people who wrote TinyMCE? I assume there's already a list.
@helenarney @djfbus @standupmaths @FOTSN I made a video a while ago explaining what's going on in that picture:
One for all and all for 0! #mathspuns
Looks like the metal pushing pad on this door isn't at the right height for anybody else either
if you want a poster of a famous mathematician and don't have working colour vision, this is the site for you!…
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett just listened to m/ms 104. Re economic centre of gravity: how do you average points on a sphere?
@standupmaths similarly: the University of Derby Discarded Learning Centre… doesn't work. does. When Oxford was a waste and Cambridge a bog... Durham set up their DNS.
and hilariously, twitter shortens them both to just
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen I've just read the appendix of the report. It's exactly as rigorous as you'd expect.
misleading infographic news, now:
reaction-diffusion whiz-boffins: please make some stripy paint.
is there a good reason javascript's ternary if assignment goes `b?x:y` instead of something readable like `x if b else y`?
@Nathan1123 yes yes, I get that, but all I did in my better version (python's) was replace the symbols with words
@Nathan1123 oh hang on, I thought that's what I did but I switched b and x. Whoops.
@Nathan1123 I think what I originally wanted was something like `if(b) x else y` as an acceptable expression in an assignment
@icecolbeveridge yes, that's what I was getting at. Quite annoying!
is Ohio the international twitter spam nexus or am I just very popular with people from middling states?
can someone with working colour vision, either skype or gtalk, and 10 minutes to spare help me with a colour scheme please?
Dear Microsoft Word, Thank you so much for noticing how wide my screen is, but I don't actually want you to zoom in so the page fills it.
while I'm pretending to write letters: Dear VMWare, Why does your one-click unsubscribe link go to a page I need to click on two more times?
I don't tweet boring work things much, but the PENS import by @SCORMCloud is amazing!
@JanvierUK that's pretty close to your height as well, isn't it? #everyoneistinytome
I wish right guard would stop changing the names of their deodorants. What's the big idea?
I've said "what rot" so many times in the last 10 minutes browsing this conference's programme that the words have lost all meaning
@stecks I demand less boring tweets! Or fewer boring tweets!
@stecks @diffractionman I am. Why?
@stecks yes, I'll do a talk on something, probably princess/castle. Definitely do aperiodical something. Hosting slides is a good idea.
@stecks though really, should be doing that.
@stecks I worry with the big mathsjam that Colin wants it to be a private party and reporting from it might ruin it a bit.
@Electrokittie you just apply directly to the institution
@HilariousCow manicheanima.
@HilariousCow a portmanteau of manicheanism and machinima?
@HilariousCow it describes basically Peter Molyneux's entire oeuvre
The screen reader JAWS costs $895. Because blind people get the same grants as people who need, like, new doorways built for them.
which makes it hard for me to test, since I don't know any blind people, and don't have $895 lying around to enrich a profiteer with.
@jcoglan so do I fill my HD with noise to make a point, or with "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" so it doesn't look random?
AAAAA I only work part-time that is too many issues AAAAAA
I have an almost uncontrollable urge to write a story about the Mormon grammarian P. Dan Tick
apparently Newcastle University has 4321 postgrads. That's a nice number!
@brittneybean I wouldn't be surprised if you said you were visiting a walmart that had an army base.
@madcaptenor you're mistaken. These enlightened individuals are correcting their wicked foreign ways.
@nulibsage I look at my diary for next week. It is a vast empty nothingness. Except for that exact hour. Typical.
@mendeley_com what's the point of attaching files to my library if it always says "we don't have permission to make this file downloadable"?
@jcoglan just add more classes and rules, then freely-reduce the resulting inheritance tree. #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice
@jcoglan sorry, I meant directed acyclic graph, not tree. Because that would be too simple.
there is a layer of bacon-smelling air about three feet off the floor of my flat. Dare I follow it to its source?
@Nathan1123 a bad programmer would just hack over it until it looks like it works. You're on the right track
deleted the blitzbasic forums from my bookmarks. There's hardly ever anything interesting there any more
It's finally here! After literally a quarter of a year, here's a load more interesting maths esoterica…
@ColinTheMathmo I asked Katie but she's AWOL, so: do you have a picture of last year's MathsJam we can use for an @aperiodical post?
Can't think of a single good reason why Smash wasn't instead called Packet Jotato.
@HoeJodgkiss the aristocrats!
@stecks it isn't great - Colin's all blurred. I'll ask on the @MathsJam twitter
has anyone got a photo of last year's @MathsJam conference that they wouldn't mind being used in a post on the @aperiodical?
@stecks oui
@peterrowlett yep, it can go whenever.
the Irish one from My Life In Film is in everything now. Must have got a better agent.
was Dead Boss given that weird inappropriate piano theme tune just because it was written by women?
or, if the writers specifically asked for that theme: what were you thinking?
It's a lovely sunny day in Tynemouth! Is anyone else out here enjoying the festival?
@peterrowlett it went OK, then? No bugs?
@peterrowlett hah! Excellent.
@acmescience much better!
@ben_nuttall @stecks @aPaulTaylor that's more of a combinatorics and designs problem, surely
TIL that facebook thinks Newcastle University is in New Delhi…
@alexbellos why's it only got one number? You could do that to a normal die. The joke with a mobius one is you can't decide which face is up
@Calibrand do you actually, though? The sentiment is cheapened by your tweet history. I'm now going to make an effort to avoid you.
mathematicians: does anyone else find the misuse of "hence" in a proof really annoying?
@aPaulTaylor I think you mean "no, hence now I am paranoid that..."
@peterrowlett I think we need to submit it to be reviewed by a person. There's a link somewhere in the webmaster tools
duoliteral, juloidea, muroidea, muscoidea, pulmonifera, quodlibetal, subcontinental, subhyoidean, uncomplimentary, uncontinental
.@WWMGT @stevenstrogatz @Wrangler314 see my previous tweet for all words I could find with vowels in reverse order. Excluded "unnoticeably".
also "fulgoroidea" and "uncoincidental" if you allow repeats of vowels.
can't find any words with all vowels + Y in forwards or reverse order. Another reason Y is not a vowel
Omg, just realised Tynemouth Sainsbury's is in walking distance. #sixandtwotwelves
@CardColm gosh! My word list must be missing a lot of words
@CardColm oh hang on, that's in forwards order. Panic over!
@CardColm ah! I see now. Currently walking to the shops so can't check my sums
Ok, further corrections will be ignored unless told facetiously. Clearly I made an error
And that shortcut was more like a six v two 3.1s. My brainwaves are a bubbly froth. Time for dinner.
ok, regexp fixed. adventitiously and pareciously
the usefulness of useless knowledge… cc @peterrowlett
I thank @Samuel_Hansen from the bottom of my heart for introducing me to my new religion…
@Tony_Mann you're wrong, @peterrowlett has always been at war with Eastasia
well punned! Radius of the Lost Arc - a maths game for kids…
Is this white fiat 500 doing really quick laps of the village or does everyone own a white fiat 500 now?
How long do you think I can mingle with the World Congress of Accounting Historians? I need some fun accounting history facts
#accountinghistory "double book-keeping" was originally a euphemism for workplace drunkenness.
#accountinghistory in the Crimean war, the Battle of Balaclava was written off as a clothing expense
@Bishnavitch I'd have to see Dark Knight between now and then
@rmehigan and sadly the last in my series of monodigital time tweets for today
@rmehigan I did not. No Sky!
@Andrew_Taylor to do exactly that and no more, add these to your path
@Andrew_Taylor or you could do it properly on Linux with adventure shell:
Just attended a workshop where I did a SWOT! I've become you!
Oh no. For the first time ever, I tweeted what was meant to be a text. It was a long workshop.
@pkrautz I think not: cross-site scripting problems.
@pkrautz a chrome extension would probably be able to do it
@elinoroberts write it underneath the header "Things for other people to do"
@standupmaths @numberphile or… might give you some ideas
@jcoglan no votes for 'look around'? Dangerously risky behaviour from the go-northers
Descending into the pits of the @aperiodical post queue to hew some maths news from the living rock. Got my undecidability canary with me.
@jcoglan score
@icecolbeveridge well, that's an idea for a new twitter bot. Sadly, @undecidabilitycanary is too long to be a twitter username
today's programming challenge: write a prime number generator in Hindi
@peterrowlett you said you had some big mathsjam photos. Prod.
@TeXtip or, with MathJax magic, you can use one I made:…^{i%20\pi}+1=0
@outofthenorm2 argg, I was looking for a tweet about your new post and misread "blogpast" as "blogpost"! Bumbleshpitz
@outofthenorm2 we considered "blogpast" for the Aperiodical's tweets and rejected it for exactly that reason
living the rugged independent lifestyle of a Solo Dude is a nightmare from a home economics perspective.
maths fact: over the past two years, Cedric Villani has spent as long as three hours not in front of a camera
@EliotBall haha, that's crazy! Unregistered domains go to a page saying "DNS Error!"
rhinoeceros, assemble!
very very clever: computer-generated pareidolia using genetic algorithms and face detection
guess who just tweeted from the wrong account! That guy! (Also this guy)
@plusmathsorg @mathsinthecity I tried the "best not to collapse it into an observable state just yet" excuse with my thesis
@Bishnavitch no thanks. Unenthused.
pretty bummed that seems to be a site selling English lessons in Japanese
@jcoglan is it possible to just cover one's ears and hum until ECMAScript 6 is widespread?
chrome, you are using 200mb of memory with one blank tab open. Explain yourself.
the manufacturers of this chilli have rated it "HOT HOT HOT". Maybe if you were raised on an exclusive diet of milk and yoghurt. Weak.
a more accurate label would be: "This sauce was produced in a factory where chillies are handled"
it has the consistency of puppy sick. I think this'll be the end of bad chilli news.
oh no I discovered the programmable turtle in tekkit
At least be consistent, guy's! (excellent farm, though)
@standupmaths good decision: "standupengineering" is pretty much a tautology. And are you implying you're under-employed?
@jcoglan I use the cursor keys all the time. Because sometimes neckbeards are just wrong.
my little brother hasn't even been to Akbar's. It's like I don't know him any more.
oh my god Wrong Sign Language is the BEST game
@arowx @GreyAlien you are correct to disclaim those claims. If you're coming this far up, might as well go across the Tyne to a REAL place.
@GreyAlien @arowx yeah fine, keep believing that. Just going out for a stroll on the award-winning beach, back later
windows is saving an 8mb bitmap version of my wallpaper to my uni network profile. That'd be fine if I didn't have a tiny allowance of 60mb
@sxpmaths as far as I know, @TraineeGeek organises the Portsmouth MathsJam. She's friendly!
@sxpmaths I think you might be talking about what I called the "worst series in the world" - near the bottom of…
wanted: rich benefactor to fund the acquisition of this fantastic kitchen appliance…
@stecks I would be entirely happy with being a trophy husband who stays at home and bakes with expensive Kenwood appliances all day
@stecks but I don't think I'm up for the silicone pec implants trophy husbandship would entail
@BenTormey you're following the wrong women, dude
@stecks wow, A had almost completely passed from my memory.
@amazingradio re chilli dogs: the diner in Fenwick's does a mean chilli dog
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7.30pm in the Charles Grey pub. New people very welcome.
Oh good, someone's realised the Olympic Security Sand outside the stadium shouldn't block access to the metro station
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett I had the MAA link for flatland 2! Did I forget to use it? Bums.
@peterrowlett yes, I just put it in
@peterrowlett the most I'll commit to is that at least occasionally @Samuel_Hansen tells the truth
it's far too late for the seagulls to be up and about. Can they even see where they're going?
watch my brilliantly-edited holiday video, featuring lots of animals…
@Samuel_Hansen I see your inappropriate twitter comments kickstarter was funded
@Samuel_Hansen and also, other twitterists inform me she was gay, so, probably wasn't gonna happen, buddy
@brittneybean after verifying my email on songdrop and logging in, I got a 404 for /info/dropitbtn&verify=success?cb=1343115078
so does Pearson own the concept of education now? Is there anything they haven't bought?
if I'm responsible for making sure the companies I buy services from pay their tax, I'd better cancel my vodafone subscription
@nulibsage you'll get that tweet right eventually!
@FOTSN challenge: explain to an innumerate friend how big a pizza with twice as much meat would have to be while driving in a one-way system
@stecks we have a problem for tonight: pub has no wifi!
@stecks that might actually be more authentic
@jcoglan I have that all the time with algebraic data types and any language that isn't haskell
not sure what madness caused me to say MathsJam starts at 7.30. It starts at 7. Maybe I'll be alone for half an hour.
@MathsJam NCL->MAN we're having trouble decoding your message
@outofthenorm2 @MathsJam yes, and it's not a bad game. A good mental workout
@FOTSN for the safety of my fellow road-users, I did not account for crusts. Or the fact no pizza technician distributes toppings uniformly.
@FOTSN stuffed crusts introduce another problem - they only accrete linearly with pizza size.
Sportsmen: teammates congratulating you in unwelcome places? Try Matt Parker's Pat Marker. New from Spooner, the Contrivance Company.
@jcoglan do any of the JS module frameworks have relative import paths and namespacing? Or an equivalent of python's `import module as x`?
@jcoglan yes, just looking at the docs now. So the global state you're complaining about is just in naming dependencies?
pretty stoked about how much of my CPU this set of slides is using. Stopping my other programs running means it gets my full attention!
@jcoglan is there any need for global module names? Why not make every `define` anonymous?
@jcoglan I assumed that if you require 'sub/mod', then anything required by `sub/mod.js` would be found relative to `sub/`. Apparently not!
@jcoglan here you go: I'm sure it must be possible. It's mad otherwise.
@jcoglan ah, I didn't try ./ ! Makes sense.
@daveinstpaul @MathsJam what do you mean by "level"?
@daveinstpaul @MathsJam oh never mind, got it now. Good. I thought there'd be a simple solution like that.
@acmescience I see your site. Dude's probably got malware
oh lovely, I just noticed someone's written a nice blog post about my rambling fibonacci grids video:…
well, that was uncomfortable. Followed a women home down a darkened street. Turns out she's my next door neighbour.
@GeoffBath @ColinTheMathmo hence the mathketeers' rallying cry, "one for all and all for 0!"
@daveinstpaul very nice!
I can basically inhale a mcdonalds burger. Watching my Nana eat one is like water torture.
@plusmathsorg it can lead to many an odd phenomenon DOO DOO DE DOO DOO
one day I expect to hear Pearson have bought the times tables. We got a spam at the @aperiodical from a subsidiary offering "maths links"
the first email didn't identify them as from TutorVista (owned by Pearson), but the reply to my email saying "no thanks, I'm not stupid" did
The @aperiodical is listed on google! Finally! cc @peterrowlett @stecks
@madcaptenor it's **. There might be a good reason for that, but there probably isn't.
"as" as a synonym for "because" - pro or con? I'm as con as the conceptual condominium congress of Conrad Black and Martha Stewart
dude just walked past my house with the blingest zimmer frame I've ever seen. Actually, he's still walking past my house.
Dear Jim, Can you fix it for me so my javascript fails in even crazier ways than normal?
two hours ago, I had a really clear idea of what I was going to cook for dinner. Now, nothing. Might starve.
What the actual what.
The only Nelson I want to hear from tonight has one arm and an unbeaten record against the French.
Trevor Nelson hasn't once looked at the right camera during this whole ceremony. Old habits die hard.
You've noticed there are no boys carrying those petal things. Well, mcdonalds picked them, and they delegated to their cattle farmers
@jcoglan oh I forgot about Muse. THANKS A LOT JAMES
Who gardens in a blue shirt and chinos? My mum's gardeners, apparently.
Ah, Teesside. Putting the rough in Middlesbrough.
Rocking my pac a mac in a sac at Stockton
I'll put a snapshot of Stockton's infinity bridge on @mathsinthecity later. It's a nice bridge!
An octagonal church in Yarm...
...sadly, no amount of enthusiasm for octagons can make them tile the plane, so they had to make do with hexagons
Back in Stockton, where the bus shelters haven't had new adverts put up since the release of "Lesbian Vampire Killers"
@Gelada they're methodists. I think they'd frown on that sort of thing.
so I suppose the $171/year registration fee is the reason that doesn't exist. I'm mightily tempted by bonapart.ism too
I of course meant
@icecolbeveridge very good! It could be a mirroring site.
nerds, geeks, and all other categories of poindexters: you've failed me and you've failed the internet. is unregistered
@Gelada just prepend any word ending in -gon in my tweets with "regular"
@Gelada ...meh. I don't care to think that much about it. Saw an octagonal church with a hexagonal tiled pavement.
@Gelada and, the more we discuss this, the more @hexagonbot retweets me
Having some trouble selling my account of a former Newcastle goalie's ascent through the ranks of freemasonry, "Fifty Grades of Shay"
@mathsinthecity if I want to link to another picture on flickr from a MitC snapshot, is that OK? The description field doesn't look HTMLy
@songdropapp There is no jazz category. boo.
me too! (it's the same one) RT @stecks: I did a video! RT @aperiodical: Post: Maths Jam July 2012 - Paper Enigma…
@mathsinthecity thanks. I remembered after uploading that I took some better pics with my nana's camera.
@mathsinthecity because I have a camera obscurer
I've helped Cushing make a pretty excellent card trick using a de Bruijn sequence and a full 52-card deck. Going to do a video tomorrow.
@jcoglan sounds like a pretty compelling argument for a fork of bash
@aperfect where "no Internet" means "copious abuse of a 3g dongle"
I've just remembered I've got chocolate puddings in the fridge. Bonanza!
@CardColm did you see we've reconstructed Diaconis's 6-card de Bruijn red/black trick with all 52 cards? Do you know any better versions?
oh, excellent…
@CardColm we're going to record a video today. Cards as 6-digit binary strings - first 4 face, last 2 suit. Take 64-bit de bruijn sequence..
@CardColm ..take first 52 strings in that sequence, and swap invalid ones (face>12) with valid ones at the end.
@CardColm .. so you only need to remember the rule to generate the de bruijn sequence and 6 6-digit string pairs to swap
@CardColm so is that Diaconis's trick? David reckons Diaconis said there was no easy trick with exactly 52 cards
@stecks best thing about Scotland: they still sell those boxes of cadbury's chocolate milk in corner shops.
@stecks worst thing about Scotland: dirty sheep-stealing Scots.
@stecks no, because they know real money when they see it
@CardColm Cushing is running across to the uni library to get it now
999999999999999934463: the largest integer Chrome doesn't use scientific notation to display
why 999999999999999934463? It's 10^21 - 2^16 - 1.
@ColinTheMathmo press F12 to get the javascript console up. Enter the number. It gets repeated back to you. That number plus 1 gives '1e21'
@ColinTheMathmo actually, to be precise it gets rounded to something a bit lower, but scientific notation isn't used; that's the point
@ColinTheMathmo yes. Of course, chrome can display any number you write in html....
How many people from different departments can sit down in this room before two exchange words, or even eye contact? Current lower bound: 4
@ColinTheMathmo it's for my javascript algebra/eassessment system.
@jcoglan isn't that just a subset of all programmers, though? I've seen plenty of people in many languages that just don't get abstraction
@jcoglan maybe it's more apparent in javascript because it's missing so much due to the lack of a stdlib.
@brittneybean trust the American to go to the event with guns
@icecolbeveridge do you mean an unsolved one?
the letter I is not a separator. The pipe character | is just about acceptable. There is a difference with serif fonts.
@icecolbeveridge oh BRAVO
Oh no, the krankiesque woman who can't stop talking is on the train
Wander Wednesday: have a look at a nice maths blog on a variety of subjects run by @laurentduval passwords can only be 16 chars long, so I had to truncate my hotmail one when signing in. It worked. Paging @jcoglan!
@My_Metro does the "no problems" tweet go out automatically each morning? That's a pretty bad idea.
@My_Metro you tweeted that trains were delayed, then that there were no problems, then another apology for the delays. Why?
@My_Metro ah no, the one I replied to was 8 hours ago
@My_Metro OK. *That* is a bad idea. I have deja vu. Have I complained about this before?
@jcoglan yes
@jcoglan well... "good". Quotes decidedly necessary.
@jcoglan given how often my account has been hacked, I guess the latter
@mathsinthecity can you do some Oxford sleuthing for me? Does Peter Bryant work at your Dept of Education and does he have a web page?
gosh the maths olympiad has a nice logo
google now has a button at the top to turn off personalised results! Mirabile die!
@peterrowlett @Tony_Mann another reason to move to wordpress soon *cough cough*
@KSCMaths go on! Cave to temptation! We can publish it on the aperiodical.
an enjoyable day of thrashing the @aperiodical news queue with @peterrowlett. Some of these stories are so old they're in Roman numerals!
@mathsinthecity never mind, successfully navigated the department's website now. Sleuth-hats off, please.
@peterrowlett @aperiodical my day is basically over by lunchtime, typically.
@peterrowlett I'm very much a morning person. A good six hours before lunch, then my brain switches off when I eat
@qikipedia it's uncopyrightable, which is troublemaking because I could do with earning a few bob.
@qikipedia and if you want a one-tweet Python command to get it: sorted([w for w in words if len(set(w))==len(w)],key=len)[-1]
pretty pleased with this Python for the longest word with no repeated letters: sorted([w for w in words if len(set(w))==len(w)],key=len)[-1]
@ben_nuttall like, ("fizz" if x%7 else "buzz" for x in count()) ?
@ben_nuttall I'm not happy with [(x if x%5 else 'buzz') if x%3 else 'fizz' if x%5 else 'fizzbuzz' for x in count()]
@ColinTheMathmo @icecolbeveridge either they were automatically truncating it and then hashing before, or they never hashed
13:37 - time for clothes! Today wasn't meant to be one of those days.
@qikipedia oi, what about 'troublemaking'?
@HilariousCow <16mb memory, 120 enemies... you haven't just made space invaders again, have you?
@ben_nuttall I spent a while dithering on whether constructing 'fizzbuzz' by concatenation was shorter
oh, the reason "google maps" is always trending on google+ is because it counts people posting links to places. #embedallthemediaitllbefine
@icecolbeveridge @ColinTheMathmo no, because then that's just an encryption: you can recover H(x) for each letter x.
@peterrowlett @mathematicsprof I can't see what distinction you're making, Peter
@jgrahamc what's the other 9%?
@Htbaa to start with
This looks like a lot of fun… @stecks
A light bulb just popped. Hang on...
@CardColm Can you be our Man in Madison? Take lots of pictures and notes and so on.
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon mmyeeeeeeesss.
@mathblogging how is it that vi hart's videos from way in the past are always at the top of your "by date" page?
@mathblogging oh wow, and they're not setting the publication dates properly
@CardColm done
@CardColm ooh! My video with the de Bruijn trick is (secretly) on youtube. Writing words to go with it now but watch at…
@standupmaths @jjsanderson @elinoroberts watch out, if you come to Tynemouth I might trap you and make you write for the aperiodical
@standupmaths our thirst for mathematical witticisms can not be slaked!
@monsoon0 7m! I'd better bump "become an FRS" up my list of ambitions
@peterrowlett @notonlyahatrack @aperiodical @jamesgrime yeesh! I took a quick glance at our twitter avatar, that's all.
@peterrowlett @notonlyahatrack @aperiodical @jamesgrime consider it a special case of the lemma being portrayed.
@IBLMath @maanow the PDF is 8mb! That's a tiny bit inconvenient.
@monsoon0 well, I thought FAA was a bit out of reach for me so I picked the local equivalent
@monsoon0 alright, that's a deal: get me FAA, and I'll visit Australia to collect.
waiting for the MAA MathFest programme to download so I can advertise today's talks. Not sure it'll get here in time: 1400 BYTES per second!
Good golly, the water at Tynemouth is positively warm! So long and thanks for all the icecaps.
@peterrowlett crumbs, that doesn't sound like it was much fun to do
@matthen2 ooh, do all the tricolores cancel each other out? And I expect a strongish ghost of a Union flag in the top-left corner.
Haskell to generate the de Bruijn sequence (6,2): d = 0:0:0:0:0:1:zipWith (\ x y -> (x+y) `mod` 2) d (tail d)
I mean *a* de Bruijn sequence (6,2)
@ColinTheMathmo they're not pegasi, silly!
A long time ago, a young boy called Christian bought a box of pop tarts. The boy grew up and eventually forgot about the pop tarts...
... UNTIL TODAY! I found that box of pop tarts, and I am eating them like a chocoholic Jacquard machine
@Nathan1123 clopen your exercise book!
@elinoroberts so, I suppose that valley's quite hard to refer to when you're speaking Welsh
@haggismaths there's a statue of Desperate Dan somewhere in the town centre that I was gutted to hear about only as I was leaving
@MrHonner likewise!
@Andrew_Taylor Broken News! Somebody else watched it! Let us exchange quotes.
@danaernst finally! Great news.
@IBLMath finally they're doing something about blogging
We need to raise 11 men in complete isolation from society, so they reach adulthood not knowing that England can't win on penalties.
*just* missed! Disheartening
@ben_nuttall @peterrowlett what a quick turnaround! I reckon we've got a shot at the podium in the 4x400 words reportage
@brittneybean's called NAS, and quite a few people already do it? But it's more of a hassle than signing up for google, so most don't?
@brittneybean ok. Searching for "home cloud" turns up a few nice-looking things
@icecolbeveridge nope. Looks Japanese to me!
top tip: use your paper wallet as a damper for your phone so it doesn't make a nasty rattle when it vibrates on your desk.
seeking funders for my new-Romantic fireworks show, "Sturm und Bang".
Writing docs for @NclNumbas on on @pkrautz's recommendation. It looks pretty good so far!
Cushing is busily concocting odd searches to find @aperiodical. Example: "fibonacci went to the friend zone in the least efficient carnival"
@peterrowlett @aperiodical another from Cushing: "fermat's last theorem is precisely the physicist's viewpoint of a hot dog"
@jgrahamc I think it's more a product of a desire to have more flexibility in their stock control, which isn't a bad thing
@peterrowlett yes, I think so.
@peterrowlett Cushing says yours are too long
@peterrowlett I worry that directly asking people to search for the site might incur google's wrath though.
@peterrowlett those are good! David likes fruit dancing robots.
Beating a hasty retreat to my coastal redoubt before Newcastle gets washed away completely
If you're going on holiday in Europe this summer, have a look at the fantastic Turismo Matemático (@mathsinthecity)
my regexp would have worked perfectly if the person who wrote this code last summer hadn't occasionally used tabs to separate words
the tab in question was in such a position that it only produced a one character gap anyway, so I only noticed it when I changed tabwidth
can't stop watching the fractal juggler…
@jamesgrime and instead of moving south he stays up north
@gingerbeardman I'll go with: if you're thinking about that, you've already wasted too much time
the dept has been given a second-hand blackboard on wheels but it won't fit in any of our rooms. Can you think of an imaginative use for it?
@stecks I was thinking along those lines, but weatherproofing is an issue
@panlepan yes, I have several at home, but this one is over 2m tall!
Pythonistas: is it possible to write a file-like object to a ZipFile object without doing zip.writestr(
@panlepan alas, it's a rolly-round one. We've considered cutting off the blackboard material and covering the walls with it.
@acmescience you explicitly asked for more cranks
oh super, the @aperiodical has been slashdotted! Thankfully, nobody reads /. any more so the server is coping fine
number of people who read the proof before speculating wildly: 0. Never change, slashdot! (for balance, reddit is doing equally poorly)
@brittneybean @aperfect Northumberland: also featuring a millennium-old herd of completely inbred super-cattle.
@ColinTheMathmo this one:… (/. thread:…)
has anyone considered town planning as a data structures problem?
@kenfodder I was thinking that quadtrees would allow everyone to pack into a small space, leaving lots of green countryside
@mathsinthecity we've been weighing up whether to report that on @aperiodical because it sounds so fishy. Russia Today isn't a great source
@elinoroberts just looked out the window. Correct.
@MathJax oh, I thought it already was. Here you go:…
@jamesgrime this calls for a public awareness campaign! Can we make a ribbon with a big symmetry group?
@brucel @ben_nuttall wow. Why would they release that with their name attached? It's as bad an advert as a grocer putting out mouldy fruit
@IMAmaths those would look a lot nicer with @MathJax maths.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie yes!
Newcastle Uni is disabling its SOCKS proxy. The 90s are finally over!
Trying ubuntu again: how are you meant to get the proprietary wireless driver so you can connect to the net to download the wireless driver?
it's SIGGRAPH time! I love SIGGRAPH.
cyber panto horse!… I'M HACKING THE GIBSON
@DanielColquitt that's what I normally do, but it's annoying. And free drivers don't work
this lady wants to get where she's going a lot faster than her dog does.
Jeera could give me less curry for the same money, leaving me equally happy *and* less of a porker.
@jsnortheast is there going to be a meeting this month? I've just found out about you
@ben_nuttall but, like the four-billion-and-first coin flip after four billion heads, that's no reason to say you're also going to succeed
Usain Bolt fact: Bolt often gets dirt in his eyes, so at home he's hired a personal eyebath attendant from Grenada Mote-Away Services.
Olympic stats time: who is failing to win the most?…
hypothesis: something really, really bad happens to North Koreans if they get bronze or silver.
oh man, Team GB has moved up the not-winning table after today's sailors, boxers and hockists choked…
(Canada still sits comfortably at the top of the table though. I think that level of almost-achievement will be hard to match)
looking through blogger's javascript for @MathJax integration, it seems blogger has more easter eggs than real features
Moving furniture. Apparently "quaternions don't commute!" is not helpful input when trying to get an armchair through a doorway.
@monsoon0 what's your favourite chalk?
unexpected CP presence at the start of this week's math/maths. You win again, Hansen!
@jcoglan wow! That's like #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice: The Twitter Feed.
@stecks and then your PGP key was in the last place you looked, right?
@stecks toys? I think we're doing mathsjam wrong
just remembered that Sainsbury's was playing Creedence yesterday. I wholeheartedly approve.
I'm watching The Red Shoes. As a keen fan of balletic megacamp, I wish to express my desire that it gets better. Not hopeful so far.
Inability to see the colour red might be hampering my ability to enjoy this film
how is it that nobody has remade Netstorm as a free to play facebook game?
@Andrew_Taylor answer: they do not work
@icecolbeveridge if you put the source to that on github I'll add some nice MathJax to it
@DanielColquitt whence came this thought?
@benkenyon I can do one better: they were playing Alt-J in a mcdonald's I was in last week
@peterrowlett I make it 27. What am I missing? Note Northampton and Birmingham appear twice in the menus
@icecolbeveridge @peterrowlett ........ oh, boo to that! Sit on the naughty chair!
gosh knitting's complicated
@peterrowlett @MathsJam apparently so! Which is why I started the map
@peterrowlett what does that second sentence mean? I can't parse it. Have another go
@peterrowlett I've discussed that @stecks. I think she convinced me she had a good reason not to do that.
@E_I_W are you going to mathsjam tomorrow? I'm off work with exhaustion so probably won't go. Not sure if anyone else is around,
@stecks @peterrowlett by forgetting to type the word "with", I invented new language! Hooray, I'm Shakespeare!
a pox on your house, dictate2us! Not sure why your emails are being let through by the uni's spam filters
@jjaron @aperiodical the dude who posted it claimed he did it by hand:…
@jjaron are you setting up a "but it's only made of points" pun there?
@mathsinthecity far more interestingly: there's a town called Collegeville!
@mathsinthecity then you might do badly up here - we have lots of villages called things like "No Place" and "Pity Me"
@mathsinthecity it's grim up here, you know.
@HELIUM_HEED it's uni resits fortnight
Woke up covered in cuts. I'm worried my house might be infested with Tories.
@CardColm I have a couple in my office, but 1) I'm not there today, and 2) they're not very neat
@CardColm unless by "completed" you meant "all of the hyperbolic plane", in which case I don't have one
@Electrokittie oh man now I want doughnuts too
Email isn't an interactive medium with @peterrowlett. It's more like leaving messages in a time capsule for the benefit of later generations
do I know anyone in academia who runs a programming club for their department or faculty?
looking for angel investors for my new estate agency specialising in flipping run-down urban homes: Quain't.
@outofthenorm2 probability it stops after N goes, or what?
@acmescience what, another one?
@acmescience us?
@outofthenorm2 there's always a chance it will stop, so expected number of rounds until it stops might be better
@peterrowlett yes, it's a result of how much email you receive rather than how much you read
@bucharesttutor @icecolbeveridge I've always had a couple of problems with that, starting with the letter x. There is a best way; use it!
@bucharesttutor @icecolbeveridge no, I mean the x on that page isn't the best.
@bucharesttutor @icecolbeveridge in fact, the X there is how I would write a Greek letter Xi
@bucharesttutor that's the same letter. Don't tell me we have different ways of spelling letters!
@bucharesttutor oh man, it's me who's wrong. Whoops!
@icecolbeveridge @bucharesttutor I think this calls for another #twittorthography survey
@MitchKeller @peterrowlett @aperiodical that's what I was thinking of. So what's common in the US? Surely not no. 1?
@MitchKeller interesting! Does 3 look bad to you, or does the thinking behind it make sense?
@plusmathsorg which one of you tweeted that? I've never known how you do twitter. Anyway: did they try to get you to do 3 at school?
@MitchKeller the thinking is that it looks completely unlike any other x, and especially not like the multiplication symbol.
@pkrautz I have several of these saved in posts on for if I ever get round to writing them up.
@pkrautz though I'll try storify; it's just that every time I've looked at it it's scared me off
@MrHonner @icecolbeveridge @aperiodical @plusmathsorg they should be. Blame my cack-handedness
"@MitchKeller: Once you start using x there is no longer a need for a symbol for multiplication" Vector multiplication:
@MrHonner @icecolbeveridge @aperiodical hang on! I've looked again and they are touching. It just looks like they aren't because of chalk
@MitchKeller handwritten ones, yes. What do you do?
@MitchKeller but arrows take so long! And a hat is for a unit vector.
@icecolbeveridge @MrHonner @aperiodical precisely! Handwriting is different because it's hard to consistently replicate symbols
@jjaron @aperiodical *and* for general writing?! Why?
going to do a reverse-zoolander and write DO SHAVE on my bathroom door so I remember tomorrow morning before my shower
Just had a superb veg samosa chilli chaat from Dabbawal at the mini-mela on Grainger Street. Shockingly, no other takers
@jgrahamc I have a really sturdy Staedtler one. Good ones are normally listed under "architect's supplies"
can anyone explain why this snail was hanging on to the top of a stalk in strong wind?…
The Mad Metal Mosquito of Tynemouth, finally captured and pacified in 1967. Behind, you can see its victims' graves
argggg I *just* missed the hit counter on going past 66,666. I'll have to wait ages for another chance like that!
@Samuel_Hansen re skype video recording: I use SuperTintin, which can do 720p into separate files for each stream.
@nilium yes, I have that book, but what do you need it for? It's not good for learning new things
@nilium look past the title and get this… - it's really good.
Today I am Robin to Robin's Batman. Learning how to deliver lectures from the incumbent champion.
The Mark Wallinger exhibit at the Baltic in Gateshead has a couple of great pieces about randomness and ordering. cc @mathsinthecity
... One is a wall of shuffled, numbered bricks. The other is 2^16 pebbles laid out on chessboards and categorised with a binary code.
@profkeithdevlin I've encountered a similarly annoying Scottish academic who uses "does anyone remember the quadratic formula?" the same way
How annoying. The edit page for the @Storify story I had saved gives a 404 error.
and the wordpress jetpack twitter embedding doesn't seem to be working either. Aaaaa everything is going wrong and I was going to do things!
and now the @Storify link is working. Complaining worked! Or, it didn't not work!
"proud christian livin evry day like its my last YOLO" - you might have misunderstood some core tenets of your faith, dude
"during the closure there will be no trains in both directions" - rats! I use superpositioned trains as the basis of my quantum computer
*golf clap* RT @CardColm: @christianp surely you meant quantum commuter?
5555 messages in my inbox. Take that, you obsessive inbox zero types!
@walkingrandomly oh, these are all read. Might have maybe deliberately by accident forgotten to mention that
@icecolbeveridge if you've got $3m you can see this one in a bit more detail…
@icecolbeveridge (fairly sure there's a legitimate source for that somewhere. Trying to find it now)
@icecolbeveridge ooh, have you found a good example in Newton's notebooks?
@icecolbeveridge I consider that the same as 3. Going for the same shape, in one less stroke
@icecolbeveridge can you post that link as a comment on the post please?
I've made web-compatible versions of the Computer Modern typefaces (the ones LaTeX uses)
@JanvierUK very important, and it's the kind of thing you can't be told. Glad you're feeling OK
@pkrautz I did not. I'll look now.
@FontSquirrel how does the kit generator's backend work? I'm converting 60+ fonts so I'd like to spare your server and my patience...
@FontSquirrel ... by doing the conversion locally, if possible.
@md267 @bluecombats @NoelAnn @peterrowlett well, wikia is popular, and could probably be convinced to do mathjax. See…
@Samuel_Hansen what bands are you already listening to?
@FontSquirrel thought as much. Oh well! I'll sit here pushing fonts through for a while. Thanks for replying.
Sorry dudes, but I just made the best tweet ever from the @aperiodical account. Unless you're RTing it, there's no point using twitter now.
@MrHonner I won't lie, your tweet did prompt mine. But I am pulling muscles patting myself on the back, so I am deaf to your complaints
to anyone who balked at my Computer Modern webfonts because they're too heavy: I've recompiled them to be <100k each
@Samuel_Hansen Alt-J, Becca Stevenson, Django Django, Lianne La Havas, Little Dragon, Sirius Mo, Jhameel, Flight Facilities, Neil Cowley
@disqushelp @pkrautz @ryanvalentin When did Disqus 2012 happen? We're trying to get MathJax to work inside comments. Same-Origin blocks it.
@mathsinthecity if you wear the t-shirt and meet some*one*, that doesn't necessarily mean the t-shirt significantly improved your chances
@mathsinthecity meeting that special dozen or so people would start looking convincing, but correlation is not causation!
@icecolbeveridge famously not!
Brr gosh it's cold!
I didn't expect to hear the "Chinese Healthy Living Choir" singing Edelweiss when I emerged from monument station
#eas2012 are any mathematical types also wandering around Dundee this afternoon?
Whoops, apparently the hashtag is #eas12. So again: are any mathematical types also wandering round Dundee this afternoon?
@stecks I think I've seen very similar words before
@peterrowlett @stecks I've arrived in Dundee. 7 would be best for me.
Dundee has some very nice buildings!
@icecolbeveridge yes!
@stecks @peterrowlett I have dinner booked for 8! Later?
Dundee also has lots of unapologetically mediocre shopping centres
Euclid street!
The vajazzling shop I noticed last year has closed. It seems not even gaudy nethers are safe from the double-dip recession
*and* a wealth of pleasing sculpture? Dundovingians, you're doing OK!
Oh wow, aforementioned bits-blinging shop was on Nethergate! How did it fail?
Dundevarians? Dundorks? Dundeebriates? What are you called?
@Rathematician is this where that "furry boots are comfy?" joke comes from?
@stecks @peterrowlett 9? Hard to say
Gotta be Dapper Dan!
Henry's coffee house just made me an extremely nice hot chocolate
@aperfect as I often say, lonely fun is the only fun
@maanow @plusmathsorg a case of nominative determinism?
@stecks you should be in Dundee!
@geogebra did you tell us about this? Sorry if I forgot to write it up
@geogebra the ipad kickstarter. Looks like twitter didn't realise that's what I was replying to
man, that shower was like being dribbled on by a dehydrated pensioner. 4/10, at least the temperature was consistent.
and the towel smelled like abandoned popcorn
@HilariousCow 0/0 is not infinity. Or, if it is, it's plus or minus infinity
@EIMathematical @peterrowlett @stecks hint taken, it'll be on the Aperiodical shortly I'm sure
@monsoon0 there's probably quite a bit of selection bias
@mathalicious are the weekly videos on youtube the product of the math52 kickstarter? Trying to write you something nice on @aperiodical
@monsoon0 I mean, there was probably a lot of rubbish published in the 1800s that you haven't looked at
@monsoon0 ok, if we're being honest, I also prefer old maths to new. One of my most treasured possessions is an 1811 arithmetic textbook
@monsoon0 "the late William Tinwell" (not an anachronism: it's the sixth edition). "A treatise on practical arithmetic and book-keeping"
@monsoon0 it has a completely different set of concerns to new books, e.g. it tells you how to convert Edinburgh bushels to Newcastle ones
@monsoon0 it's fascinating as a record of how life used to be, and how important arithmetic used to be
Bad tropes in the @EIMathematical weekly challenge video: opens with a cloud of mathsy symbols; people are "obsessed" with the subject.
I nominate @peterrowlett for best sentence on the site this month, for the opener to this post…
going into the database to edit a quip made in an uneditable comment: ultimo sadness. And what I'm currently doing
gdamnsk: just had two ideas. By the time I'd written the first one down, I'd forgotten the second.
I think it's fair to say I'm currently in the "manic" phase
forget Professional White Background, this installer's going for Professional Impact Font on Button Labels.
@Andrew_Taylor that's my favourite one so far
@mathalicious @aperiodical cool. I think they're really really good. Especially when compared with something else we're writing about
@ColinTheMathmo Bart Simpson used to say it weekly on BBC2
tyne tunnel permit topup site has introduced 6-digit passcodes as extra security. If you don't have one, it lets you make one up on login...
but if you've already done that, it lets you log in with just your password and make a new one anyway. Secure!
@standupmaths @UsrBinPRL and it's combinations, not permutations
@standupmaths would it surprise you to learn Mastermind is NP-complete?
@UsrBinPRL yeah, ok.
@LargeCardinal @standupmaths huh?
@BenTormey sometimes people who do that look like they feel it's what society requires of them.
Your suggestions for what CSF could stand for on this dude's bumper sticker. So far I have "Cornish Society of Falkirk"... #csf
... "Carolingian Sovereignty Fund". "Congress of Sweaty Fishermen". "Comfortable Sofa Fortnightly" #csf
Cookie Solicitation Front. That's a #csf I might start myself
oh wow, the interface is actually really nice. I'm using it to send an email for the first time since they switched.
@peterrowlett @stecks hooray, we're popular in the South
@jamesgrime in what way?
oh my god this vim plugin is amazing…
ever so sorry, forgot my #unbearablecodinghipster tag there
this spider has 10 seconds to comply
@standupmaths hey, we had assembly every morning in my primary school.
@DanielColquitt aaaaaa I'd forgotten about sciencedirect's mental scrolling behaviour. Well done, though.
actually, left knee, I'm fairly sure I *didn't* just dislocate you, so buck your ideas up
Kickstarter if I could be bothered: Rubik's cube with internal circuitry.that goes PING when you solve it
More difficult: Rubik's cube that announces number of moves to solution at each step (now that we know God's number it's easy, right?)
on the pinging Rubik's cube idea: would a Hilbert curve through the blocks work, so the circuit is only complete in the initial position?
@jamesgrime excellent cartoon. Remind me to high-five you at the big MathsJam
@jamesgrime yes I was. Young Indie is live-action, isn't it? Not very good, either.
@jamesgrime hmm, hard to decide. How about: you can attempt to high-five me, but I'm at least a foot taller than you, so difficulty: hard
@jamesgrime (I say "at least" in the "I have a rough memory of how tall you are, which time has exaggerated" sense)
@jamesgrime only a few inches off! I never got into Batman: the animated series. I bow before your mid-90s TV expertise
I've really enjoyed sitting in for this Amazon delivery. It's given me time to reevaluate my priorities in life.
mencap chuggers: my face might be blank because I have one of the illnesses your charity helps with. Laughing is not the correct response
@brittneybean like, just a grid to put numbers in?
@brittneybean maybe BC Spreadsheet…
well, my parcel failed to arrive. I could've spent the day on the beach!
@KSCMaths person number 5 went for pi, but the editor chose not to put it in bold
I hate HDNL so much. They've updated the tracking page overnight to say they left me a card at 5:30 yesterday. I've complained to Amazon
@mathsinthecity if you're using a calculator for anything that precise, you're doing it wrong. It's a fun story of international standards!
@mathsinthecity a somewhat interesting intro to floating-point troubles here:…
excellent paper title: "How Java’s Floating-Point Hurts Everyone Everywhere"…
@mathsinthecity really? It's the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon!
@mathsinthecity one of my favourite jokes.
@BenTormey escalators are my cardio exercise. #lazyboy
@BenTormey man, not even
today: was going to continue rewriting @NclNumbas with knockout. Instead: getting it to do pretty things with d3.js
so I've missed the day again, waiting in for this package. "Any time between 8am and 9pm" isn't very precise
This is ridiculous! It's now 48 hours since I last stepped outside the house. And the courier might not come until 9pm!
Fresh air! The parcel has finally arrived so I can leave the house yippeeeee!
@DanielColquitt yeah, but they didn't leave a card yesterday so they sent a courier today
Carrot and houmous club! Who's with me today?
@Bishnavitch get the bus straight back to town. Carrots and houmous is an excellent combination
chrike on a bist this code is badly written
@CardColm the source for that is available online:…
@FOTSN trufax.
@peterrowlett Located under "arts" for the same reason it's "maths" instead of "math"
programming in PHP is like giving instructions to a psychotic 6-year-old who hates you
@peterrowlett sort of, yeah. I was getting at that "mathematics" used to mean the liberal arts
@peterrowlett but on googling, it seems I was wrong to think that
ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! #dyspraxia
@peterrowlett oh man the trouble I get from a tiny quip
A 96-year-old man sat down next to me at the station and told me all about the old times. What a dude.
Say goodbye to pensioner misery with Uncurmudge, new from CPCo! Patented inflatable grandchild can listen for hours on just 2 AA BATTERIES!
@haggismaths rats! I've been saving that for my next Aperiodical Roundup!
following "are scientists...", here's "are mathematicians...". I think "sometimes" answers all four.
there are some pretty science-fiction sounds happening outside. The Venusians might be invading via Tynemouth.
@icecolbeveridge almost a clever joke, but monopoly is non-deterministic
@icecolbeveridge yes, given a stream of dice rolls I can tell you if the corresponding game ends
@icecolbeveridge or maybe I can't! Instant doubt sown.
@mathsinthecity do I recognise the dude on the right of that photo?
@MB_Whitworth @mathsinthecity aha, that's probably it! I'll see you in November
@mathsinthecity never minds caps, I'm still waiting for my umbrella
why are regional tourism websites universally terrible to navigate?
Jesmond Dene hooray! Gonna go grab a gander at the Golden Guernsey goats!
new series of 7 day sunday!…
Podcast with @peterrowlett and @stecks for the @aperiodical. @standupmaths makes a largely inaudible guest appearance.…
@hornmaths what system is it?
A013916: Numbers n such that the sum of the first n primes is prime.
@plusmathsorg I like how Gömböc was de-umlauted for the URL: goumlmboumlc. I'll call it that from now on
@GreyAlien you only have one in space, but you might have several in time
@stecks you could while away the time designing an interlocking pieces puzzle and call it Aburrdeen
@mathsinthecity in tropical arithmetic it's 1, so I assume it's the philosophers who take the conventional view.
@eAssess there's no comments section!
@AMSGradBlog that site has died! It's throwing a PHP error in statpress.php
@AMSGradBlog yes
@AMSGradBlog you've probably got it cached, in fact
@AMSGradBlog yes, working now
@icecolbeveridge it said yesterday that he was leaning out of the car to pick up a parking ticket. Oddly no mention of that now.
@peterrowlett you're a real autodidact!
I think the spiders outnumber me in this flat not just by headcount but also by total body mass
@BrianGonzalez__ thanks, but I'm on windows and I've already done it
@monsoon0 visit mathcentre and tell them to give their tech guy a kick up the backside for me, please
the ADL SCORM test suites are distributed exclusively in a windows installer .exe, for no good reason. They're just static files!
@monsoon0 it isn't!
@Samuel_Hansen I had the thought before that now might be a good time to do the "are there enough maths communicators" idea from a while ago
@Samuel_Hansen man, you were asking for people to interview you, and you say there aren't enough in your press release, so...
@Samuel_Hansen ok. I'm going to email you a short list of stupid questions and we'll see where that goes
@aperfect @LWigelsworth hello that is a very nice biscuit tin back there yes it is mmhmm
@standupmaths (it's really 27, because midlands towns are in both the North and South lists)
@icecolbeveridge ah, then my map is out of date, and Katie decided which side of the border two towns lie on
@icecolbeveridge @standupmaths some python BeautifulSouping later, I agree with you. I don't have Baltimore or Norwich. Is Baltimore real?
@stecks interested to hear your reasons for putting Norwich in the "N England" list on
@icecolbeveridge yes, but does it happen? I've never heard anything from them
@stecks @standupmaths half the towns in "N England" are in the midlands. Don't they deserve their own list now? Or could it be "N&Central"?
@stecks yes!
@stecks girl, ain't need no JS no more! CSS got yo back
@stecks gtalk me when you've got time
@elinoroberts so it isn't just me who has trouble with that trip!
an end to the north/south divide! All English @MathsJams are now under the same menu on
and I recoded the nav menus while I was there
I am weeping as I eat this guacamole, because I know soon it will be just a memory.
created a tortilla shrine around the remaining guacamole. Then committed instant sacrilege by eating it all.
the guacamole's life was short but beautiful. It will live forever in my heart.
@peterrowlett @MathsJam @stecks hm! Works on my phone. I wonder why iphones don't do hover properly. I've added tabindexes, does that work?
@peterrowlett @MathsJam @stecks ok, I'll find someone in the department with an iphone and commandeer it for a bit
@peterrowlett @stecks got hold of an iphone and sorted it. Should be working now, if you'd like to test it
@standupmaths you're on in Stockton! my friend has just moved to Stockton, so I now have two reasons to go there! I may see @FOTSN yet!
.@alexbellos I just tried to send you a dm, but I think tweetdeck would rather I communicated telepathically
@alexbellos and it turns out you're not following me. Oh well.
ended a mathematical yo mamma argument with "yo mamma was too wide to fit in the margin"
@peterrowlett @stecks I think it's half what it used to be. I'll make it shorter. It's only there to copy the old look
@standupmaths @Duncan_Destruct cuboid walks into bar. Barman says, "why the long face?"
@velvlol @burnsidemaths yep, you've got me there. Joke isn't funny any more because it's based on an absurd premise. I have so much to learn
type (some) TeX and (sometimes) get equivalent unicode, for pasting into things like tweets
All these terrible people coming out to Tynemouth to alcoholise themselves
The "oh, who even cares" burger, x2. Mayo, tomato, buffalo, buffala, gherkin, batavia. Not inedible.
@christianp I forgot another B: bacon!
@christianp and bufala has one f. That tweet went about as well as tonight's meal-planning
In Chinatown looking for premises for my new laser hair removal business, Singe-A-Pore
put food in oven. (time passes) remember to put timer on.
Trying to find something to watch while eating my dinner, just heard Robert Webb claim "clopen" isn't a word. Tut tut.
Standing at the start of the great North run, watching everyone gets ready. Best costume so far: a Rubik's cube
Everyone's run through now. Bananas beat Scooby Doos 6-5. Very defensive play from both sides this year. Ostriches out in force
@elinoroberts I very much am not. Going home for a hot cocoa now
I keep noticing people using "this" and "these" instead of "it" and "they" in writing. Have I missed a grammar rule?
@HoeJodgkiss did you retune on the 12th like ALL THE BILLBOARDS IN THE CITY told you?
@HoeJodgkiss truth. There's one literally outside your flat.
@HELIUM_HEED I've missed this entire thing. Is there a krispy kreme shop in town or something?
@raj7desai I've just noticed your name is an anagram of "ideas jar". A nice fit with Maths Jam :)
@kenjilamb hash-sash?
@jgrahamc I don't recognise it now, and I have CDs bought from Tower Records. Did people have trouble opening them?
Knackered myself sprinting for the metro, further validating my decision made at an early age not to become a running back.
@jgrahamc ah! Yes, that would've been useful
here's a fun IE bug: on alternate presses of Ctrl+R to reload the page, font-faces don't load. F5 works fine. #aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@LexicalAnalysis @haggismaths @aperiodical I think things will change pretty soon. For one thing, non-research teachers can be cheaper
@stecks @peterrowlett you do *one* little thing, and from then on... I'll see if I get round to it this afternoon
@ColinTheMathmo @stecks @peterrowlett ha! Did we just fix it at exactly the same time?
@ColinTheMathmo @stecks @peterrowlett then, go team redundant effort!
@aPaulTaylor did you see this comment on your "words to fill space" post?…
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm at the Charles Grey pub. All welcome. I'll be making things with rhombi, and I might have some puzzles
@HELIUM_HEED what if his palsy palsy was caused by too many cigarettes! Karma negated!
@ColinTheMathmo you might be able to start here:
Cushing has been anagramming my name: fish-car intercept; "nice craft, hipster"; first cheap cretin; fit hipster cancer; erect rapist finch.
IE and Chrome regexes disagree about what counts as whitespace. #hateIE
maths modelling with Cushing before MathsJam: what if killing other prisoners got their sentence taken off yours?
message for my last git commit: "More commas for the comma god!"
@peterrowlett can I turn off the "share posts on twitter" option for the mathsjamphotos tumblr? About to upload my pics from last night
@peterrowlett just discovered there's a button to turn tweeting on/off per post, so we can both be happy
@peterrowlett I think it does work on my phone, I just forget to use it.
@peterrowlett and of course I would forget to press the button on the second one
doing with generator expressions in python what should be done with monads in haskell.
The 4-cards-to-24 problem from @MathsJam last night annoyed me, so I brute-forced it with Python:…
it's just occurred to me that that script solves the numbers game on Countdown, too.
@icecolbeveridge it should use all four cards, yes. What numbers did you have?
whoops, my script doesn't rearrange the numbers. Doh
@icecolbeveridge oh right, you mean with your script. Yes, mine insists on all four.
@icecolbeveridge you can get 24.2857, if you don't mind fractions...
stones at various stages of erosion in Tynemouth Priory:…………
(well done to the chap who chose Hardy Basalt for his grave stone)
@CardColm similarly: this on my blog,…, prompted by a tweet by @qikipedia
@CardColm @peterrowlett @MathsJam Ji claimed you can do it "most of the time".
@ColinTheMathmo @CardColm @peterrowlett @MathsJam factorial wasn't part of the game!
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen and it isn't impossible that most of us are listening to relprime in our bombproof hyperbaric chambers
@maanow interesting notation in the solution: (12)(3) instead of 12x3 or 12.3. Is this a US thing, or peculiar to the question setter?
guess which browser didn't parse "\v" as ASCII character 11 until version 9!
PS #hateIE
hoy Platonists, here's a zen koan for you: if nobody agrees with a true statement, is it still true?
@aPaulTaylor did you forget your login for I can reset it if you want.
@aPaulTaylor ah, yes. My sympathies.
@TeaKayB yes
Alice Arnold reading out funny tweets on the radio4 morning news briefing. What have we become?
What happens if you disagree with the sentiment in the Prayer for the Day? Do you spend the rest of the day with an unscratched prayer itch?
@dmh10 ah, that's not the same, god isn't listening.
@MathsCareers they'd look even more beautiful, and be more legible to blind potential mathematicians, if you used MathJax on that page
@peterrowlett anything involving making rectangles
@peterrowlett mega-pedantry?
@peterrowlett I hope so. I was thinking more of of carpentry and landscaping though.
my git repository has a development branch that I get to check out for about 5 minutes each day before another IE bug appears in master.
@kirkpatricke if the multiplication is on quaternions, that might not be nonsense (it is though)
I'm office-naked, which means I've taken my glasses and my shoes off
@mathsinthecity @naomifantabulus here's mine: second shelf from the top…
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett division by zero isn't infinity, it's undefined! #saddestpedant
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett ok, one cooked dinner to whoever comes up with the best golden ratio / email nonsense fact
@nulibrs @nulibsage happy hooray!
@jcoglan yes, it opens my browser.
@mathpunk @qikipedia but you can enumerate the rationals, so the argument works the same way. The reals are where it breaks.
@mathsinthecity could you ask your Devonian followers to take a picture of this window in Great Torrington?…
@divbyzero is it bad that I made a simulation so I could say "right to left"?
there's nothing I enjoy more than writing the Aperiodical Round Up. Could it maybe be my job? Who will pay me to do it?
Pre-dinner: zippy, whip-bang, straight-to-the-point prose. Post-dinner: yawnful, meandering, superfluously florid murbles. Better stop soon.
@vickytnz this is my cool side-project. Thanks to my magnificently stingy part-time contract, I never do proper work on Fridays
@vickytnz CFP?
WANTED: combination slide rule / slide whistle
Finally, Aperiodical Round Up 7! Featuring ternary timesers, timbres, Tuvans, togas, trefoils and tons t'more.…
@wppwah @mathpunk no, but there's one that comes first in the order, and that'll do
@jcoglan where is this marvellous thread?
And then at Cabosse in Warkworth I had this frankly pornographic hot chocolate. It was indecent. Still coming down now!
I've had a lovely day out along the coast. At Barter Books I found some new activities for @MathsJam...
@missradders it's near the back left, first shelf after fiction. I have so many good books from there, including one by an ancestor Perfect!
@missradders better leave it a while. I've pretty much cleared it out.
@missradders another very very good shop for maths books is Westwood Books in Sedburgh
@standupmaths @ajk_44 glad to hear you're not Cowed by punappreciative types
@EliotBall ahh, but they minimise flammability per unit buying power
@wppwah @mathpunk I won't disagree with that, because I don't think "smallest uninteresting number" is an interesting property anyway
my mum is being asked to report statistics as percentages, from a population of size 3. Oh no!
I'm watching Doctor Who, just like a real person! And I might watch the X Factor later. Just watch me watch it.
@Talithin @peterrowlett might it be a DNS problem? works for me. Try
Unplanned impact of pure maths: Joseph Whitworth decided to standardise screw threads after helping Babbage build the Difference Engine
I know how the NAS can raise more money than it will ever be able to spend: show this video… #tankengines! #squeeee!
@monsoon0 we are! But I suppose it's hard to persuade people to move to Australia.
@monsoon0 correct: Australia is too hot.
@monsoon0 where are you at the moment? Are you still in the UK?
@monsoon0 isn't it glorious? Make sure you visit the countryside while you're here (preferably leave Yorkshire. Norther is better)
@pkrautz thanks. Not sure I would've used the word "linkspam" though...
a bloseneed! how annoying!
Progress on my Wieringa roof continues apace. Only another all of it to go!
@vickytnz my grandma brought it back from your homeland. The label (worn out) says something like "©Fromiva"
@vickytnz after some discussion in the office, we now think it says "Frokiwi"
ok IE, which ones are the real ones? #hateIE
unique Scrabble scores: pizazzy(39), oxyphenbutazone(41), pizzazz(45), pizzazzes(47), razzmatazz(48), razzmatazzes(50), razzamatazzes(51)
(I used the complete word list from
Most popular score: 13 (15492 words)
@aPaulTaylor oh man, I didn't think of that! I will recompute
@aPaulTaylor so is oxyphenbutazone's 41 the only unique score?
@aPaulTaylor that's already happened up here. Still marginally cheaper per litre than Sainsbury's own brand, but not by much
If you replace every letter in a word with its Scrabble score, the most common string is '3111111', shared by 1263 words.
@dmh10 the "complete word list" from
@dmh10 do you know where I can get SOWPODS?
@dmh10 404, dude! I tried that before.
my Scrabble score statistifying Python code:
@ColinTheMathmo you should also record an album with someone, so you can have an Erdos-Bacon-Sabbath number
Cushing and I celebrated 16.16pm, aka square-square o'clock, with a high-twenty-five.
@haggismaths that fact is my favourite fact about fibonacci numbers. There's a nice easy proof by induction.
@peterrowlett @aperiodical hah, so I'm the "silly twitter questions guy" now? I'll give it a go.
@mathsinthecity you have palindromically many followers!
@mathsinthecity hahaha, of course two people had to unfollow you while I was writing that...
@mathsinthecity good news! Either they've seen the error of their ways, or some replacements have picked up the slack
@Bishnavitch sorry, going to see Marcus Brigstocke in durham
@vickytnz is it alright if I use this picture in my mathsjam recap blogpost?
@vickytnz cor, that was quick! I noticed you retweeted something of mine before the timer had moved past "now" recently, too!
I've written up last week's Newcastle @MathsJam, just like I used to do:…
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. 25 years ago you killed my father. Prepare to die.…
@Andrew_Taylor but sunshine is not in its preimage. BAD ANALOGY
Best Mitt Romney tumblr? I think so.
@CardColm *you want to write a review for the aperiodical* *wavy jedi fingers*
@peterrowlett @stecks @MathsJam that sounds sort of sordid when you say it that way
12:12! Why do I keep noticing these times? I've almost covered each hour over the past week. WHAT IS GOING ON WITH MY BRAIN
Tomorrow, 27/9, cancels down to an integer. Is that an interesting fact?
@nrichmaths my immediate reaction on seeing the new site: please please use something other than colour to differentiate the house icons
late arrival at the category theorists' ball: Mr and Mrs O'Morphism and their son, End O'Morphism
... and Jack O'Bian, and Adam Ards-Pace, and Kat O'Gory, and all the rest
@elinoroberts that has put a big smile on my face
@elinoroberts is it still here? I thought it was moving to Manchester
@elinoroberts gosh. Well, Maker Faire usually coincides with me getting a completely heinous flu...
@jcoglan wouldn't a pull request mentioning the issue solve that, by alerting both the original author and issue creator that there's a fix?
@jcoglan "fixes lazydude/repo#42" would do it.
@Andrew_Taylor If someone shares something only with their circles, you need to be in their circles. My posts are public by default. I love you, you are my bestest friend
@standupmaths hey, at least you're not one of those self-hating comedians
incredible. The BBC Magazine has led me to a blog I enjoyed reading. Not One-Off Britishisms:
BBC News is doing very well today…
hang on, I've just realised that my… does the same thing as, but with more symbols and instantly
@haggismaths you ate it so quickly you didn't even see what it was? What a pig! And now I want to know what it was too.
12.12! I have a disease, I'm sure!
@icecolbeveridge yes I can. It's called "Simple MathJax"
@ProfKinyon @DanielColquitt I think \( \) can delimit inline maths, or that might only be in some dialects
"one of the region's fastest-growing companies... has gone from 4 staff to 6" - bad percentages on Look North
Sorry, have slandered Look North. It's ITV News.
@EliotBall NI is an anti-punch: it pays for punches to be made better should you receive any later in life
14.14! I saw 12.13 and 13.12 before so I thought I was cured, but it seems it was just a temporary reprieve. O woe!
@icecolbeveridge @standupmaths dude, you need to move to our a PDE and impose a boundary condition v(Leicester square,t) = 0.
You could call my clock-related worries... The Baader-TIMEhof phenomenon! #cleverestmanontwitter
That's it. I'm just going to have to go round the corner and buy a Gareth James brownie. There's no other option.
Good news: I have established Rapport with the girl in the chocolate shop. Said "I'm here for my usual" and she understood.
Bad news: I have a usual in a chocolate shop
"Timothy Gowers" is a phonetic anagram (anaphone?) of "Gimme the towers". The Prof must be a big fan of DotA.
@mayr2 radio watch, in sync with the atomic clock. I definitely have a problem.
@nulibsage I can't work out if Elsevier's 2013 price list for maths matches their claim to go under $11 per article. Do you know if it does?
is there a greasemonkey script that destroys those INSANELY annoying sliding toolbars on ScienceDirect? Or redirects article pages to PDFs?
@Bishnavitch TGI Friday! That is something like poetic justice, or dramatic irony.
@mayr2 anyway, no matter how far ahead or behind my watch is, it only shows xy:xy once per hour
wanted: quick-witted historicalists to help with my 6-minute recreation of WW2, between 19:39 and 19:45 each evening.
@peterrowlett lols. Where's that?
Hilariously, Elsevier has an ethics site.
@peterrowlett it can go wrong if they're using a self-hosted or old version, or if the page does funny things when loading.
@peterrowlett PS I have some hot invective in the post queue that I would love you to publish
guess which one of us left his freezer door open for 15 minutes while his dinner was in the oven
Tragedy #251: shunned by the rest for flaunting math skills instead of pretty plumage…
@brittneybean it isn't one of those tortured euphemism pieces the British press has to put out because of our libel laws, is it?
@jcoglan change to another tab, right click on looping tab, close it. I think chrome chucks in a very rare event check even for running code
I have an inner Charlie Chaplin and he comes out when I'm tired. After baking brownies, I am covered in an amusing amount of chocolate
@peterrowlett @stecks ping! Are you both available?
@peterrowlett @stecks we weren't sure if you were going to appear, so we didn't record. Tomorrow?
I've caught freshers flu AGAIN. They should have to go in quarantine before they're allowed on campus.
@Samuel_Hansen could you hide the smiley stats counter image on It's in the Jetpack Stats settings.
@CardColm reminds me of the cover of this Bayesian stats textbook…
dying of ill.
@outofthenorm2 looks like the OCR is misrecognising "Spain"
@haggismaths I always resented my supervisor telling me to be less conversational.
Who has two thumbs and can't raise them to point at himself because he's so ill? And on what medium does this joke not work anyway?
oh wow, Jamie Lee Curtis has three men's names. Now on a quest to find the standup routine from the 80s that made that observation
is there a way for me to pay money to watch Community online legally while I am waiting out my final hours? Not a fan of skeezy pirate sites
@jjaron that sounds unfair. They're really nice. (I posted the tweet from @aperiodical)
@monsoon0 @MrHonner youtube has a speed setting. That dance is pretty great at 2x playback.
unfortunate that the woman presumably about to have an abortion in the stock photo looks just like the expert beneath…
Just discovered that @nclmathsoc's netball team is called the Denominatrixes. Points deducted for incorrect plural, but A+++ otherwise!
@FOTSN @geekandgoddess Should've remembered e instead of pi. e is more romantic because it's <3. (hope the date went well anyway!)
Are there loads more spiders than normal this year or have they just started following me around?
A reason this is not the best timeline: things are not delivered to my house by pneumatic tube.
Aaaaaaaa Moodle has so much hidden state it's so terrible aaaaaaaaaaaaa
@Andrew_Taylor alas, it doesn't work the other way! Disappointing.…
BEST THING EVER for us Daltonists: a colour picker which names your colour
@divbyzero ooh, it's like a mathematicians-only optical illusion! That's egregious! How did it ever get in print?
@divbyzero ooh, his "Five sculptures (1972)" is about the same thing but is less disagreeable because it demonstrates the problem
The problem with Excellent Fajita Club is it comes with automatic enrolment in Long Stay Toilet Club
I hope BBC News give up on their mad six-word limit for front-page headlines. English grammar is pretty flexible, but not *that* flexible!
Ex 1: "No kitchens 'risk school meals'" turns out not to be the negation of "some kitchens risk school meals".
Ace! Two thumbs up. RT @nulibsage: Power in the palm of your hands - Press Office - Newcastle University…
mixed messages from ISS. Suppose I should've emailed webmaster before tweeting it...
just submitted my talk abstract for the big @MathsJam in November. Won't be anything new to followers of my blog, but it's my fave puzzle
The LMS isn't on Twitter. That's sort of bad, isn't it?
@mathsinthecity -0 is really important in floating point arithmetic (computer number representation) -- see p13 of…
@EliotBall life on the edge, yes, but the long edge or the short edge?
@mathsinthecity is that deliberately a 404?
@mathsinthecity oh, now I can! It's good to be recognised for your work.
to cure my palindromic-time-noticing illness, I've searched for a rarer set of interesting times. Two-way prime-times:
(I do realise there are more of those than palindromic times. Still trying to find a suitable property)
@JanvierUK there are loads here:
I've just worked out why my cakes always come out wonky: my oven is on a tilt
@stecks OR: my asymmetric designs will take the art-baking world by storm
@TimandraHarknes @stecks OK, so, that's what I'm doing, and I usually try rotation, but it doesn't feel right, icing-wise.
@stecks Ratzenberger!
@monsoon0 absolutely! In the past we've written on the Aperiodical about Amazonian studies into the number line and counting systems
@monsoon0 or, some people in my department have a project modelling migration patterns in India
@monsoon0 number line:…, counting:…
@katebook @MathsJam @stecks @standupmaths hint: let n=p_1^a_1*p_2^a_2*...*p_k^a_k. Can you write expr for no. factors in terms of the a_i?
This is a great sequence on the OEIS. So many serious and so many silly representations!
@jjaron You're a writer, so coin one!
David has suggested an excellent sequence: a(n) is the first number in the nth OEIS sequence.
I suggested 1+ the nth number in the nth sequence, to ensure we make a novel sequence, but some of them are finite so it doesn't work
previous tweet is total lies. Of course any number is different from no number, so we're still unique
.@jjaron of course there is! David found it:
@aPaulTaylor paradox klaxon!
@aPaulTaylor (assuming it gets into the OEIS)
@katebook yes, no. of factors is (a_1+1)*(a_2+1)*...*(a_k+1). It's called the tau function, or the divisor function:…
@JanvierUK I died in a dream once! Does that mean I really died? Am I Haley-Joel Osment?
My friend David has started a blog. He's posted an interesting limits fact: …
I was 2 minutes late to get my car out of the car park! Rrrrrr!
checking the social plugin on @aperiodical doesn't pick up this tweet as a comment…
In which @stecks makes me feel unexpectedly positive about the @aperiodical:…
I've got a backpack in my backpack. Amazingly, Xzibit was not involved.
It looks like the "MATH PROBLEMS?" image is going round facebook again. I had 350 hits on my "solution" post today…
I don't know whether or not to feel sad when I find a clearly insane person's time-cube-ish pseudoscience rantings.
Dragging Chrome tabs to the side of the screen snaps them to half-width, as if they were real windows all along! When did they put that in?
@Htbaa yes, that's been there, but they also now snap to edges, which they didn't do before.
how much more broken stuff can I throw in this cupboard before I need to move house?
The Penrose magnets kickstarter has 11 days to go and still needs $1000. Back them so I can be mildly amused for a bit!…
@SellaTheChemist @peterrowlett I haven't seen any. I assume the places that do have dart-and-kite floors had the tiles custom-made
@SellaTheChemist @peterrowlett one dude's written up his experience (and jig-construction diagrams!) in this word doc:…
M&S uninterested in my song praising their "Cool & Fresh" line of boxers. Shame. Dudes: buy some, and get ready to feel comfortable.
Google Reader 0! I have read the entire internet! I suppose I've *got* to clean my flat now.
The Red Bull Stratos livestream is amazing, but the imperial units are putting me off. How can you do science these days not in metric?
oh no, they're not just using imperial! Pressures in psi, but oxygen flow in litres/minute.
@treasa it's pretty scientific extreme sports. They've taken Red Bull sponsorship so they can do their experiment, not the other way round
@treasa the sponsors are Austrian; the space company is American. At least Red Bull insisted on having metric translations of measurements
REDUCING THE DISTANCE TO THE SUN?!?!?! I wish they'd got a narrator with half a clue
I love this jumper. It is my Grey Woollenwear of +1 Snugness
@mathsinthecity that "tetrahedral" church looks more like a prism to me
@mathsinthecity not really, because they're all joined together, and every polyhedron can be decomposed into tetrahedra
@qikipedia does the 1,227 count include the fact that the book contains 1,227 facts?
Mine and Cushing's desk animals are having a stare-off.
@monsoon0 just noticed another maths/anthropology paper in my Mendeley library:…
Welcome @TweetsofCushing to Twitter! Fittingly, he's my 444th follower.
@standupmaths I'm still waiting for someone to shout that on Masterchef
For #adalovelaceday, big up to Hazel Perfect who did group theory, like I do!
I just want to sleep! Stupid tooth.
I wish real people had names as excellent as those used by spammers. Kalervo Whaphams just created an account on the aperiodical.
@icecolbeveridge @jamesgrime good point. We need to go into business making mid-90s nostalgia drinks, as Perfect-Grime-Beveridge.
@icecolbeveridge @jamesgrime PS: Whaphams would take 1st place and you know it.
"Rhabdomancy is a type of divination by means of any rod, wand, staff, stick, arrow, or the like." #goodword
A glimpse of the glamorous life of @TweetsofCushing: "I saw a square today." ……
@outofthenorm2 oh, did that happen? I haven't paid attention to the Nobels. By all means write something if you want to.
Christian Perfect: unable to stick finger in own nose on first attempt. #adventuresinsnotmedication
Hooray! The Penrose fridge magnets kickstarter reached their goal!…
@aperiodical @peterrowlett whoops, replied from the aperiodical account! Tweetdeck is hard.
Seeing so many people smoking on Northumberland Street has reassured me that I'm not living so unhealthily after all.
@Nathan1123 5318008, surely?
22kg of steel, 9 digits of precision, 1 arithmetic operation: it's Ramón Verea's direct multiplier, built in 1878.…
Well I know exactly what I'm going to do today.…
Bachelaxity (n): lessening of attention paid to use-by dates, caused by living alone for a prolonged period of time
I've never walked so briskly in my life! Goodbye, left knee, you sacrificed yourself when I really knee-ded you.
@CardColm @stecks I'm editing it now. Should be up soon.
It's so foggy at the coast! Worried this train might lose its way
@ben_nuttall that's very reassuring, thanks. Sitting at the back anyway, just in case
Foghorn guided us safely into Tynemouth station. Slaughtered a pigeon on the platform as a votive
@elinoroberts really? I went a couple of years ago and it was awful. Has it changed hands?
Yeah, I think I'm going to use that indicator bulb replacement as my entry for Manliest Man this year.
@aPaulTaylor you do? My sympathies to @stecks
@DrMathS the images on don't load
@Thalesdisciple @MrHonner with two words it's called a googlewhack. Never heard of using three words
Koala hospital! That's a thing!… Get better poorly koalas ♥ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ♥
@vickytnz we were just discussing this in the maths dept this week! The pro-B^F3 lobby was surprisingly strong. I say there are only 2 films
@aperfect mum's just given me my tintin t-shirt. Thanks!
Mega unfortunate copy in the latest Living North
having dinner with my good friend Maghetti Speatball
@jjsanderson @MikeTonge yeah, I've never had any trouble in Chrome
@danaernst @MathJax I think Markdown turned your ' characters into the more-correct-for-prose apostrophe character. Try ^{\prime} instead
@danaernst @MathJax oh, it's switched to right quotes, not two apostrophes. I still blame markdown, anyway.
@elinoroberts I think he's done a few. He's just got a nice voice, hasn't he?
everyone-else-is-getting-off-the-train-panic. #germanemotions
I've just had to put on the emergency clean jumper I keep at work. Too proud of my sensible preparedness to feel shame
Instant payback shame: paid £5.14 instead of £3 for fruit at M&S because I mixed clementines with satsumas
@Samuel_Hansen I'm really enjoying the Erdos episode. Worth my kickstarter money on its own. Thanks for collecting these stories
For the first time ever, I'm giving a talk on a subject I can't just talk about off the top of my head on Wednesday. Worrying.
Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight, 7pm,upstairs at the Charles Grey pub. I have polynesian knots, SKI calculus cards and a really hard puzzle
Kids sitting on the metro with his warhammer carry cases. That could've been me, if I'd been more outgoing when I was young. #respect
Aw man autocorrect why do you gotta ruin it all by taking the longest possible word I could've written instead of the one I did
@manytypesoftea hey, I remember you! Wow, you're still following me. I congratulated you last time you tweeted well and I'm doing it again
Can't tell if the stallholder selling sports bras under a banner advertising space hoppers is being satirical
@MathsJam @standupmaths hint: logs and integrals
@C_J_Smith there are no exceptions to fresher's flu!
@MathsJam -> MAN re pascal triangles: poor show not writing down numbers mod n
How is your research useful?…
This javascript function disappears as soon as you call it with anything other than itself: `a = function(b){return a=b}`
@Bishnavitch sorry, too busy
for m'colleague sitting opposite: what's the best way to make "Case N" headers/sections for a proof by cases in LaTeX? \theoremstyle? email is so nice to use. Can't quite bring myself to switch from gmail though.
@Nathan1123 oh no no, it's very different from the outlook web access that institutions use
@vickytnz are you planning on coming to another mathsjam in the future? I think you'd've liked the string patterns we were doing last night
@vickytnz EXCELLENT
buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo paintings…
gosh these slides are good-lookin'. deck.js + mathjax + computer modern bright = mmhmm!
@danaernst in an hour or so once I've given the talk!
There is no classical music octet called Baroquetagon. REMEDY YOURSELVES, MUSICIANS
Slides from a talk about zero-knowledge protocols…
@stecks interesting! They're on the server...
@stecks ah! got the capitals wrong. Rubbish windows case-insensitivity
Right so, 1/0 isn't defined, but is |1/0| ?
@DanielColquitt yes
revelation: ctrl+alt+vowel gives puts an acute accent on in windows 7. There must be something similar for grave, but what is it?
@komiga tried that. It doesn't work. ctrl+alt+` produces ¦ for me.
when you enter the second minute of saying "ummm", it's fair to say you've lost your train of thought
@stecks me too!
Ha. @stecks and I are writing pseud waffle in parallel on a google doc. Too earnest!
@stecks 80s laser noises!
@stecks oh god, and now we're pseuding on twitter too.
It's cho'clockolate!
@alexbellos nope, nope and definitely nope. I was *enormously* annoyed to find this out the hard way
@alexbellos and if you're thinking of doing the "gardens" visit instead: it's OK, but not amazing. Go only if you're already in Granada
@haggismaths run them through…
The site I run with @peterrowlett and @stecks, the @aperiodical, is half a year old today. Cor!…
Sat in the dental hospital waiting to be seen. If it turns out they need to do anything, this afternoon's Maths Aid is going to be fun.
Hah, my phone's picked up the university wifi at the dental hospital. Fantastic.
Let's take a trip straight back to the 90s! I just checked, and still exists. I used to think it was the funniest.
@standupmaths amazon says a cube in its packaging is 5.6 ounces / 150g……
@peterrowlett um....? Really furious chalk-holding?
@standupmaths would I be spending too many pedant points if I raised the question of whether it's "the Rubik's cube" or just "Rubik's cube"?
@Bishnavitch just had a root canal done, so best not
Person I'm sharing this office with has started laughing very loudly at the internet. I think she wants to chat to break the silence...
... but I find her monumentally tedious. Hoping she'll eventually give up.
I'm getting nostalgic for this morning with the nice dental student doing my root canal
North Shields smells really strongly of weed again. I hope they realise "stonefish" isn't just made by getting normal fish stoned.
@DanielColquitt no replies apart from yours. I think you're right.
Watching the latest @numberphile video. It seems @standupmaths used to be able to write ∞ properly, but then he took an arrow to the knee
My mum has just discovered TODAY, AT THE AGE OF 56, that there is such a thing as a pause button. #themindboggles
Her defence: "I've never had cause... to pause. Hey, tweet that!"
Seriously men-dudes, buy some M&S Cool&Fresh pants. Anything else feels like sackcloth now and I will not allow it to touch my bottom.
@standupmaths @apontzen does #lll\_ work as a hashtag?
@HoeJodgkiss the cheap ones are very middling, but nowhere near as bad as tablets can be. Be prepared to be underwhelmed, but they're useful
Wow, the person who presents Money Box looks even more boring than I could have dared imagine
in other radio gripes: why wasn't my list of favourite programmes from the old radio iplayer carried over to the new one?
and another one! Why can't I sort programmes in a category by broadcast date any more? IT'S A RUDDY LIBERTY
today's Geometry Daily is nice…
Beginning to see the favourable aspects of Dorothy Dandridge's Cow Cow Boogie….
Your response, Ella Mae Morse?… #nevermind
@Dr_Lucie @standupmaths so the #domputer has a bandwidth of ~0.0000000004 mbit/s. ALMOST AS SLOW AS AOL AMIRIGHT
@jgrahamc I'm writing a quicky news piece about Plan 28 for @aperiodical. Can I email you some questions?
@icecolbeveridge actually, you're already registered on the site - if you log in to the admin page, can you see the "anyone can edit" posts?
@jgrahamc I don't know your address. Can you dm me?
Nothing fills me with existential dread like the final half-hour of Radio 4 each night. And Something Understood trebles it.
Shine, cosh, than, ar-cosh, arc-shine, arc-than. #letscallthewholethanoff
oh, and sesh, cosesh, coth, of course. #letscallthewholethanoff
@DanaKazim Dangerous Knowledge is very good…
@peterrowlett @KSCMaths @aperiodical aw but I was quite pleased with my hashtag
just realised I could've gone with #thesinhing instead of #letscallthewholethanoff. Maybe we need a #hyperbolicpuns hashtag as well.
"I know what each of those words means individually..." is the response 9/10 times one mathematician describes his work to another
the building manager has taken down the sign which used the word 'egress'. Victory!
Moodle's DB abstraction is terrible, and its SCORM module is even worse. ~600 DB queries each time a student submits an answer!
aaaaaa big mathsjam is less than 3 weeks away aaaaa I haven't prepared anything aaaaaaaa
@hornmaths yes. Frames are layers; put (1000ms) at the end of layer names to set display time. Sth like Plugins->Animation->Play to preview
@Qunchuy @KSCMaths @aperiodical @Shamoquinn oh, rats!
Every time the site gets 386 views in a day I do a tiny smile.
There were 2 ships called MS Windoc and they both hit bridges on the Welland Canal, 60 years apart……
Today's Tynemouth hipster winner is the dude wearing a gendarme cap. Truly didn't expect to see a member of the Foreign Legion today
Difficult for anyone to challenge him now. Only someone having moved out of Tynemouth a year ago because it's gone too mainstream could try.
(standing on the metro platform looking out for just such a person to look down their nose out the window as their train goes past)
now standing on the train listening to Breakbot (it's good to listen to the oldies occasionally) and tweeting about hipsters. #awinnerisme!
ahahahahahahah RT @Kit_Yates_Maths: This article "proves" a link between maths and nature.
moodle's SCORM module: 70 instances of eval() in the JS; ~600 DB queries per save; custom AJAX calls instead of YUI's; ETC AD INFINITUM
Solved a Fresnel integral while peeling my lunchtime clementine. Pretty chuffed.
More food calculus: evaluating double integrals is like picking strawberries; triple integrals are like picking strawberries in a chopper
While discussing what we'd do with our last half-hour of sight, we found "Last of the Brazilians" is not an extant porno spoof. Disappointed
The maths behind my Fresnel integral peel:
@maanow this says it's no longer attributed to Franklin:
#hateie #hateie #hateie #hateie
Just won a vicious maths battle with @TweetsofCushing. Matt has a Russian textbook with ALL the questions in
doing some top githubbing today…
Pretty happy with how my evening's going
@vickytnz I was recently told I have too much tintin merchandise. Impossible!
@DanaKazim Pure: python or Haskell. Applied: MATLAB or maybe Mathematica. Stats: R.
@vickytnz the Tintin Shop in London is the place that makes it all, and well worth a visit. My bro bought me an ace t-shirt for £10 recently
@DanaKazim much nicer syntax, easier to write what you mean without fiddling about with language stuff. If you want speed, haskell is fast.
@DanaKazim python, by far. Try… and
Is anyone interested in taking part in a v casual "recreational maths seminar" g+ hangout? We'd look at papers from my esoterica collection
@icecolbeveridge have you got a bit of time to test the idea now?
@icecolbeveridge ok, ping me when you're ready and I'll start a hangout
In order to be blinded by paintballs, PJ had to be shot in both eyes simultaneously. Ladies and gentlemen, Byker Grove was an inside job!
I'm down the rabbit hole now. Everyone is involved. Where was that fat man from The Machine Gunners on the day PJ was shot?
That went rather well. I think the recreational maths seminar is a goer. Thanks to @icecolbeveridge for sparing time and brainpower.
@TweetsofCushing 874 -
oh no my mind's started pronouncing 'skeleton' as if it's a kind of fundamental particle. Now I can't stop thinking about boogly death rays
arXiv submitters: I love it when you use your home-made LaTeX macros in your abstracts. Deciphering two-character names is my fave hobby
I pledge my patronage to the first clothes shop to put out an advert backed by the song "Jumpers", to the tune of Dizzee Rascal's "Bonkers"
Spent the morning baking instead of working. Can't baking be my job?
Terrified that children will knock on my door and I'll have to give away these choco crinkles before I can give them to my grownup friends
Fenwicks window! Fenwicks window! Winwicks fendow! Fendow wenwicks!
@hornmaths no, more like a cookie crossed with a brownie
I have learnt from the master RT @TweetsofCushing: @christianp is now a fellow aces up master after my tutoring
@Bishnavitch saw it on Sunday, and I'm at a Halloween party tonight, sorry. Pizza on Friday?
@Bishnavitch Ahh, peanuts to you then
it's wednesday and I've just realised I haven't read any comics this week. Not even Dinosaur comics! Re-re-re-rectify!
Why is the new iPlayer radio so totally worse than the old one? They've stripped out loads of useful information and views
Facebook suggests I might like the page for Rethink Mental Illness. Man, I wish I could just reconsider my decision to be mentally ill.
(I'm sure Rethink Mental Illness does good work and I'm going to look at it so thanks Facebook, but I am compelled to misinterpret the name)
Oh no I'm still Gove!
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who turns up for maths-aid on time. (I am)
TIL the symbol produced by \cdot is called an interpunct. More dottery:…
@TweetsofCushing NO WAY
oh man, I copied my local copy's address instead of the one on the web! #meganoob
can someone test a little cellular automaton for me please?
@MuseGarden thanks. I'm not really using d3 properly, or for anything that wouldn't be easier in jquery. Changed what I was doing halfway!
@MuseGarden I will engithub it forthwith
Everyone should talk like Aisling Bea.… That would be just wonderful.
@MuseGarden yeah, Cell.update
@walkingrandomly less of a generalisation and more of an analogue, if you'll excuse the excellent pun
errors caused by whitespace are the hardest errors to find
everyone pick an offensive foreign stereotype card from this old Happy Families pack!… I'm going to be Mr Jham Jhar
If you're interested in taking part in my google+ recreational maths seminar, please tell me what times would suit you:…
@icecolbeveridge can you add +The Aperiodical on google+ so I can add you back, and then mention you in a post?
@TweetsofCushing NO WAY!!! Mine ends in 5 :(
@TweetsofCushing there are quite a few LaTeX errors in your post
INSPIRED!… (but you shouldn't dock tails)
I feel left out with everyone saying their phone number is prime. My mobile number ends in a 5 :(
What's the deal with Americans writing numbers like "one (1)" on forms? Do a significant number of Americans not learn how to read numbers?
hooray slow internet hooraaaaaaaaay
@LargeCardinal would you like to write something about Wow-Cards for @aperiodical? I don't really get the idea, but it's symmetry, right?
well I'm not going to not use the Bourbaki dangerous symbol now I know about it…
Are attitudes to presenting proofs different between France and UK? I've seen lots of French authors point out tricky parts; none in English
@standupmaths they even had a reference to copy on the window next to it!
Oi! Lagabouts and dragalarks, upload your photos of last month's MathsJam to or ELSE
Is it a coincidence that a deck of playing cards is the same size as two alphabets?
@icecolbeveridge ahh, so that's the secret to podcasting success: mention each listener by name. So simple!
@CardColm As I typed: not going to not use. It's very simple, Colm!
@HoeJodgkiss and start a bootleg record label called Ruff Trade
Newcastle MathsJam October 2012 Recap…
@n1vux @peterrowlett @reflectivemaths very interesting!
@peterrowlett @aperiodical hahahaha! If I ever need you to turn your phone off I know what to do
@aperfect Ahh, now I do too!
How the religious manage to listen to Sunday on radio 4 every week and manage not to be bored into apostasy is a real mystery to me.
@peterrowlett what time are you recording? I'm going to post in a bit saying rec. math. seminar will be Sunday 6pm, but need to pick a paper
@peterrowlett (first one next Sunday, not this one, but I'd like you to announce it on mathmaths)
@alexbellos worse: in a woeful display of subediting, they capitalised 'maths'. Hang 'em from lampposts!
@LargeCardinal @aperiodical an intro to what they are and why they're mathematically interesting would be good. Could be text+pics or video
@Samuel_Hansen has anyone else complained about the download for the latest ep of relprime cutting out halfway through?
@Samuel_Hansen would you believe that the 10th attempt, started after I tweeted, has worked?
Please join in with my recreational maths seminar on google+ next Sunday!…
All you haters can do one, Emacs Hart is the best at making maths videos.
@peterrowlett whoops, forgot I had two links!
@BenTormey do have some of that ice cream though. It's amazing
@jcoglan yo dawg, I heard you like writing code while you write code, so switch to python, where you don't need to do that
@jcoglan you seem to be complaining about ruby's module system a lot lately. Python's had a working one since the start.
@LargeCardinal email and I'll send you the "how to write for us" doc. Any length is fine.
watching the tracker for a thing I ordered from the US. How does it take a week to get from Maryland to New York? They're like 4 hours apart
@TweetsofCushing aaaaaaaa it was 08:08 when I read that tweet!
@hornmaths oh yes! I completely forgot
have been re-appraised of the situation vis a vis hurricanes on the east coast of the US. Well done USPS for holding on to my package! #fnar
I've made a huge mistake
@ben_nuttall I need IE for testing!
what was wrong with right-click menus popping up where the mouse is? I quite liked that. It meant I didn't get RSI.
I'm well impressed with how often the interface freezes so far. Gives me time to gather my thoughts.
I've worked out how to close programs! Happy dance!
@gingerbeardman pretty terribly so far. They weren't kidding about metro not being adapted for desktops. No keyboard shortcuts!
oh I give up. I'm going in to work. That's how bad windows 8 is.
Dell "Express Service Tags" out by 1 digit correspond to different PCs. Did nobody teach you Hamming codes, Dell? #angerday
@matthen2 what do tides look like if the moon's orbiting fast enough to be 10m above sea level? Do waves have time to fall?
Following much whinging by @TweetsofCushing, I've edited my MathsJam recap to credit him for more things.…
@vickytnz there are so many other nice coffee places in the city centre!
@alexbellos I interviewed the director for The Aperiodical:…
Congratulations to the family with the bonfire 6 feet from their front door and 3 feet from the public footpath.
hooray, graphics! My mining and crafting days are not yet over
@wormboyslim @aperfect worse: I installed windows 8 on my laptop
@stecks do you have a copy?
Ordering a very particular kind of toothpaste from amazon. #autismlife
@Samuel_Hansen you didn't vote for Nimrod Y.U. Allen, III! Bad voting
@stecks re free time: I play minecraft to clear my mind. I suppose other people would take a nap.
#hateIE #hateIE #hateIE #hateVML #hateIE
potatoes-which-have-been-boiling-for-fifteen-minutes-are-unpeeled-realisation. #germanemotions
@icecolbeveridge what was that idea for an aperiodical post you had last week?
@icecolbeveridge both good ideas
@treasa crumbs! I just about remember that. Were they really that old?
@treasa ahhh, you mean these!…
@treasa that's a good prompt for me to save it in mendeley
@DanielColquitt that's actually a pretty good ratio for proofreading
@vickytnz don't do it! They're all on 4od for free!
No matter how you kern it, reads like a terrible description of what the product does
@aperfect your mission: find this stellated dodecahedron in the church of San Pantalon…
eugh, the raphael.js API is yucky
raphael.js: why is paper.path('a stupid string for stupid people') better than path.move(x,y).line(x,y)... ?
@maanow The solution is rounded incorrectly (or just down to 3 dp).
@robrolfemaths @maanow I was trying to avoid giving the answer in a tweet. Anyway, 30/31 is more like 0.9677419...
@ajk_44 are you familiar with Simon Tatham's portable puzzle collection?
suddenly-remembering-you-do-have-chocolate-hidden-somewhere-after-all-exultation. #germanemotions
aaurggg what's this madness? I had no idea minstrels were coated in hard icing
Decided my walls need some new posters. This Gauss went a bit wrong, but I think I'm on the right track.
Take 2: Turing!
@peterrowlett how are you getting on with Numbas? Have your students handed in that assignment?
@stecks all in good time
The PM has a new app which constantly scans twitter. So let's get "short-term populism is no way to run a country, Mr Cameron" trending.
@peterrowlett just checking up on it!
@peterrowlett another question for the tiny-maths-surveys site I really need to make one day
(actually though, stick some significance figures on the aggregated data and it's a decent idea)
@jgrahamc thank you! My feelings exactly. The end had the structure of a Marvel superhero movie
@KSCMaths that's a rather obtuse 65 degrees!
just computing the volume of the Earth in pecks, nothing crazy.…--
@ajk_44 one of the newest ones, called "Pearl", is very good
@KSCMaths best pun! And since it's a wrong angle, not a length, "not conformal" would be a better disclaimer. I'll stop being pedantic now
@haggismaths ahh, I had a really good one yesterday but I came in today to find the board wiped because of A Scandal.
@aperfect prima!
@Samuel_Hansen I would if your server could stay on task for more than a minute!
@haggismaths alas not.
@standupmaths not even going to email you. Newcastle MathSoc -
@standupmaths while I have your attention: will you be around for drinks before or after the Stockton show on Saturday?
Would it be profitable to set up as a bounty hunter tracking down skiving contract workers? I'd call it A la Recherche des Temps Perdus
@vickytnz Denksführer!
ok, who's going to buy me one of these?…
@JPickford time for me to get back into game dev!
@aPaulTaylor if you haven't already sorted it: can you post the sequence of numbers of lights? It's hard to tell from the video
The marimba solo in the Fenwicks window song is driving me to violence
Does anyone want to do something mathematical with me? RT @ScienceFest: The call for UK Maker Faire is NOW OPEN
@peterrowlett whatever twitter client you're using to send stuff into aperiodical is messing up the URLs since they got rid of the #! bit
has anyone heard of IE, on first loading a page, calling JS object constructors before attaching their prototypes? Doesn't happen on refresh
I also have a problem with the last text node attached to a VML diagram with raphael.js not showing up
PS: in case it wasn't clear, #hateie #hateie #hateie #hateie
@tanurai I've added Sheffield to the MathsJams map:…
wow, vodafone make it cartoonishly hard to leave them.
perfect timing. My phone's screen has just died.
A little reminder: tomorrow at 7pm GMT I'll be hosting the first recreational maths seminar on google+.…
@Dr_Lucie @standupmaths cutting-edge Teesside style. They need something to distract from the industrial horrors out the window
notifications in windows used to be in the bottom-left, where no mission-critical buttons live. Now they're in the top-right, where Close is
@fumbleweeds you'd love England. It's 46F here (if I've done the conversion right) and people think it's warm enough to go surfing.
I have set up a little minecraft server for me and my bro. Twitterists, you can be my bro from another mo! DM me if you'd like to play
Well, the Recreational Maths Seminar was fun! So glad the idea worked. Video up on the @aperiodical soon. Thanks to those who took part.
@Htbaa I meant bottom-right, yes.
today's bug was caused by my stupid brain and not IE's. So, for a one-time only showing, I am obliged to use the tag #hateSelf
@Rosalot you're married? Congratulations!
A big metal box in the lunch room marked "Health and Safety" is beeping. Twitter, should I run away?
@jgrahamc in 3rd form Latin I remember reading about a dude who was pretty pleased with central heating
@HilariousCow Guile theme!… I blame you for the fact I'll have this in my head the rest of the day
New @TweetsofCushing phone number braggadocio: how many square numbers does your phone number have? Best in the office is 3625, which has 3
Trying to get Fearne Cotton to endorse my new back scratcher design. I'll call it the Fearne Itcher.
Why do computer scientists only ever get to second base?
Productive day in the office. I think we've covered all possible π puns.
@jcoglan lamely attempting to join in with a twitter joke as a service
@Sa3eedo reaching sixteenth base sounds like a fun time
Discussing whether the set of yo mama jokes is countable. If I can make one about each of @TweetsofCushing's mum's ex-lovers, it isn't.
(that was yo mama joke ω+1)
@standupmaths did you make your venue bookings through Easyjet? Was Stockton sold as "Newcastle South"?
Does the IRS have an Erdős number of 1?
what do you call the dude in a rap song who fills in the gaps with uh-huhs and aww-yeahs? There is a word for it I know
@HoeJodgkiss I think it might be on the red button
@HoeJodgkiss (but I'm going to bed now so I don't even care if I'm lying)
Woman and her mother, made up like panto dames, facing the wrong door to get off the train. "It's behind you!", I almost shout.
talking to tech support for a phone company is like character generation in an RPG: keep rerolling until you get a good guy
@jjaron now I want to play probabilistic quantum golf and get a hole-in-one-in-four
maths: basically magic.…
@aperfect haha, it's like sixth form all over again
Just sent out the reminder email for Newcastle @MathsJam. (this is the reminder for other MathsJam organisers to send out theirs)
@ColinTheMathmo Asking the University of Waterloo is out of the question?
@ColinTheMathmo coincidentally, I gave a talk on zero-knowledge protocols recently which used three-colouring graphs as an example
@ColinTheMathmo here:… (warning - posh modern browser-based slides which you might have trouble with)
@plusmathsorg the brackets on the last equation aren't balanced.
Unexpectedly vegetarian dinner after I forgot to cook any of the three kinds of meat I just bought
This'll be right up @standupmaths' street: a book about snowflakes, with accurate diagrams, from 1863.…
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen top tagging.
@Samuel_Hansen I assume that signing that as a foreigner would be counter-productive.
@Samuel_Hansen oh. I thought I could remember foreigners being encouraged to sign the open access one.
Dear Diary, I made terrible nachos today. Tonight I'll dream about the nachos I could've made. And it'll make me sad.
So that's what windows 8's BSOD looks like. Wasn't expecting to see it so soon.
@CardColm @pickover did you see it was mentioned on the last episode of QI?
@sfh10 my opinion on STEP maths: I would've loved some proper help with it when I did it.
@CardColm oh, I thought you would've heard of it at least. It's a *fantastic* comedy panel show presented by Stephen Fry
@vickytnz nope. Nope nope nope. No way no how.
@madcaptenor it isn't even our first one. @MarcusduSautoy presented one a while ago. I've forgotten what it was called.
@madcaptenor you've made me go to IMDB now. It was called "Mind Games", and wasn't just maths.…
Already in @MathsJam mode. Students wanting numeracy help tomorrow might learn about woollen applications of group theory instead.
@ajk_44 @samholloway I would follow Sam, but he's following exactly as many people as he's being followed by, and it's a triangular number!
Today's the day when everyone's @-replies end with "will you be at MathsJam tomorrow?"
@mathsinthecity numbergossip says it's evil, deficient, and untouchable.
@DanielColquitt "Lagrange Multiplier" has always sounded to me like a combo move in Maths: The Game
@icecolbeveridge ok, Monday, but I don't get the reference
There's a petition to sign if you think the elected PCCs are a bad idea:
I did not know about this! Multiple user profiles for debugging in Chrome…
@stecks Pudsey's fundraising powers don't stem from his injuries! And even if there's a link, it hasn't been shown to be monotic increasing!
@stecks oh bum. I thought I was so clever getting that in exactly 140 characters and I missed two from "monotonic".
@bluecombats a pair of scissors usually comes in handy.
looking up names for a randomised question. "Blossom. Meaning: Flower Blossom"; "Bluebell. Meaning: Grateful". WAAAAAA?!
@stecks @aperiodical @SciencePunk what to call it?
@SciencePunk @stecks @aperiodical Twiterator? @ccumulator?
Talking about education resources conversation template: "Well, (organisation X) were doing good stuff, but they've been bought by Pearson)"
Did you know that the very first MathsJam took place in Holland in 1690?…
@mathsatschool oooh, glue, I didn't think of that! I do have cards and string though, so the union of our packs probably covers everything
OK, #mathsjam, what have I forgotten? Most of what I own is in this bag.
Right then. To Crewe! #mathsjam
@MathsJam what's yellow and equivalent to the axiom of choice? #mathsjam
Why is the contour integral around western Europe zero? #mathsjam
there aren't many dirty logicians: “Kleeneliness is next to Gödeliness” #mathsjam
@charliesgames you should have a dental hospital nearby
An easy way to get mathematical symbols to paste into tweets: #mathsjam
I had no idea mcdonalds got so busy on Sunday evenings
I'm back at my home. MathsJam was great.
Allen Knutson used to have a webcam pointed at a whiteboard in his office. Its last image is of his hand taking it away…
@standupmaths one of the Bernoullis has created a mechanism to help you draw the infinity symbol properly…
@samholloway not too many records on sale these days. It's a fairly even split between chintzy vintage and semi-professional photographers
@monsoon0 Mockus, mayor of Bogota, is my hero:…
@nulibsage that statistic doesn't make any sense.
@nulibsage more likely a hard-working press officer. I have a collection of gloriously overstated research press releases
@nulibsage actually, I have a question for you! Yesterday I was told of the existence of the Wallis collection. How do I see it?
@icecolbeveridge just putting that at the end of the URL… works
I'm thinking of starting a series on badly overstated popular maths. I would call it poopular maths. Today's example:…
1) claims animals "solve" maths problem. 2) describes problem as "wildly complex", but not in the technical meaning of the phrase.
3) claims mathematicians "discovered" basic fact about graphs. 4) repeats decade-old press release claiming a human has "solved" TSP.
5)finally and worst of all, gives no hint that "hard" for mathematicians has a very different meaning to "hard" for regular people (or bees)
A person called Dana and a person called Daina have favourited my last tweet. I assume one is the imaginary complement of the other.
@icecolbeveridge yes please. Put it in the system!
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm at the Charles Grey pub (outside Monument metro station). All welcome, just bring your brain!
did everyone suddenly agree that the past participle of "lead" is no longer "led"? What's going on?
@monsoon0 I saw "lead" in a newspaper (though I think it might have been the Grauniad) recently, and I've seen it in several articles since
@TweetsofCushing where? The top post is still the prisoners
@TweetsofCushing now so do I. Most peculiar. Gavin says you might be ill. Are you?
@hornmaths 'lead'
@C_J_Smith it's WHAT?! I'm not prepared! HOW WILL I DO ANYTHING ELSE TODAY?
I've lost my rather expensive bluetooth headphones. I'm quite displeased.
'...the use
of "percision" as defined in the SQL specification can be confussing.' I agree, SCORM spec. I am very confussed.
@samholloway there's a hill in Cambridge?
seeds in clementines: basically the worst experience in food
picked my nose, unleashed a pint of blood. Will never pick my nose again.
Helpful definition of notation from the SCORM 1.2 spec: "If not preceded by a minus sign, the number is presumed to be positive."
No mention of required precision, base system, or which character should be used for the decimal point. Hooray!
Found this little curio hiding in the school library. Unfortunate surname, though.
@standupmaths so what does 2,000 Rubik's Cubes being solved at once sound like?
Some lovely geometric wallpapers designed for iPads… (note: many other devices are capable of displaying bitmaps)
The @aperiodical is looking dangerously well-organised at the moment.
@mathsinthecity @icecolbeveridge to paraphrase JFK, we have nothing to fear but vier itself, so 4 should be the sole terrifying number.
"I genuinely love Internet Explorer's debugging tools. They always help me quickly get to the bottom of any problem." - nobody, ever.
@mjdominus oh well. Three letter President: close enough.
Testify! RT @HilariousCow: While there are no Americans around to see this, I'm just gonna say it: I hate America's freedom. Repatriate!
@haggismaths thank that person from me. Typewritten maths is a terrible artefact of the mid-20th century.
@peterrowlett is it constructive to rant about someone's mistakes at length? I think twitter is ok because it's ephemeral
@peterrowlett I also meant "permanently"
@BenTormey Get a pair of boxfresh. They last so much longer than Converse.
@elinoroberts top idea! For lunch, or breakfast?
@standupmaths I was planning on using "Chum-in-Chief" but @stecks wrote the article. Which do you prefer?
@elinoroberts ahhh, I need to get the metro at 11, but you've stirred beachy feelings in me. Mind if I join you?
@peterrowlett @icecolbeveridge @standupmaths would you believe I was literally about to tweet that myself before I saw Col got there first?
Either chewing bubblegum in an otherwise quiet office should be illegal, or it should be a valid extenuating circumstance in murder cases
@altweet_pet what's the record he's attempting to set?
Telling me there's nothing to watch on telly.. I have watched Hot Shots! enough minus infinity times.
Our table number is "a snowman doing a painting".
@helenarney @standupmaths is that Matt's snowfake-fighting superhero costume?
getting back to sleep is exceedingly hard with this hipster nonsense on Peter Day's World Service programme.
Does anyone else own Running with Rifles? It's a good game:…
@AdamCreen really? How so?
@AdamCreen oh, you mean there are 11 more prime minuteses. I use "twin prime" to mean two primes (n,n+2)
@daveowhite if you apply yourself, you can give back 60,000 portions as an Easter present (we did the sums a while ago)…
@daveowhite we didn't dare work that out. Not much longer.
@jjsanderson @elinoroberts well, if you live in Tynemouth, this is what happens. You'll have opinions about on-street parking next
@jjsanderson @elinoroberts depends. Which way round the metro do you go? If you go via Gosforth, it's already too late
Using bootstrap. I give up. Web design is not for me.
@monsoon0 do they have any of that special chalk that is incredibly hard to get outside Japan?
They're selling what now? Coming soon: Epistemologue, your one-stop-shop for mail-order trivialities.
This is a bit iffy, isn't it?…
Anyway, don't buy a theorem or a symmetry group, get yourself a bespoke artisanal hand-crafted integer for free
And lo, with a lightning-quick "works for me" did he smite the bug report, banishing it forever to the cursed land of Won't Fix.
@DanielColquitt nah, sorted it out.
@numberphile now do base 4!…
@jcoglan stacked Unicode diacritics.…
@jcoglan sad, because as yet there's no
@standupmaths @MathsJam do we have MathsJams sufficiently far apart to do some geometrical calculations?
When I close my front door I can either turn left for the metro station or right for the beach. Sometimes it's very hard to turn left.
Thought I had more eggs. Sad little omelette :(
omelette saved with god's own ingredients: bacon and paprika!
@HoeJodgkiss that's the most coherent Newcastle transfer punditry I've ever seen. You should work for the Chronicle, you should.
"Works at: Team Leader at Brewers Fayre". "Works at: cannabis farm lol". I'm not sure which of my mid-range relatives is more underwhelming
Newcastle @MathsJam November 2012 Recap:…
suddenly my flat smells really strongly of eggs. Where is it coming from? Am I in danger? Aaaaaaa going to be killed by Chuckie Egg aaaaaaaa
oh HANG ON, I just ate an omelette. Panic over.
and why did I go for Chuckie Egg instead of Dizzy? Have I ever even played Chuckie Egg? How do I know about it? EGGSTERNAL INFLUENCES
@jcoglan in something like `<a href="[%=str%]">`, where am I asserting that `str` is a URL, or is that not what you're getting at?
@ColinTheMathmo yeah, I thought that was it, but I couldn't remember if Ji had given a different variation
Soupremum. Simpleggs. Identitea. All on the menu at my new mathematical bistrho.
@jcoglan establishing context in arbitrary environments: "parse ALL the strings?"
@elinoroberts yes! Do it!
@MathsJam Newcastle is not happening in December
@Bishnavitch yeah, but the hologram Compaq at CES last year was quite crass. #notoriousbigblue
@jjaron @igblan trace a line from the bit of the hook socket facing you, along the surface. You end up on the other side.
@jjaron @igblan yep, I had the same problem
This nexus 4's screen is so beautiful, I'm going to weep openly
put cocoa in milk before milk was hot. Hyperfailure.
@helenarney that's not my mane!
@helenarney unless you were already going for that double-pun, in which case I apologise
@helenarney @andy_tea that's OK, I know when to swallow my pride.
cooking for slimming world dieters tonight. The recipe they have given me is like a real recipe, minus the ingredients.
@pkrautz my German isn't good enough. It looks fairly innocuous; what's wrong?
@monsoon0 but all chalk is made of ground-up shells!
@standupmaths @Dr_Lucie trees are old hat. I'm going with a Christmas treap this year
I'm hosting another recreational maths seminar tonight, about "seven staggering sequences". 7pm GMT, Google+:…
@outofthenorm2 ooh, that'll go nicely with something I've got saved for the next aperiodical round up. Ta!
@elinoroberts @gjchocolatier it makes me sad to think of all the time you haven't known that. Have you tried the brownie?
Join me in 5 minutes on google+ for the @aperiodical recreational maths seminar:…
With a puzzle by me, CP! RT @aperiodical: Post: Puzzlebomb - December 2012
Oh no, youtube has remembered that day I spent watching Oesch's die Dritten videos. My recommendations page is nonstop yodels.
After posting basically nothing all last week, I fear we may have overdone it with "sort your mess out Monday" at the @aperiodical.
If I see the Newcastle University Login Gateway one more time...
@StudentsNCL @NU_ITservice I don't think there's anything wrong, I just have to go through it each time I go to any of the many sites I use
David filled in a questionnaire online and it turns out I'm the best dad in the office. Ladies.
@jcoglan not a WordPress apologist, but it'll be a plugin causing the crashes. Because of the unique way php works, that's possible!
@jcoglan some combination of turning plugins on and off, and turning on PHP debug logging. Prepare to go back to 90s debugging methods
@jcoglan there might be a plugin that adds a "don't show comments" flag to posts and modifies the get-post-comments function
Just had a filling done. My cheek is still numb, but my tooth absolutely knacks. Do I need to go back?
@TweetsofCushing don't you dare
aaargrggrg python why is installing pip on windows still such a hassle? Just include it with the standard distribution!
Today @TweetsofCushing is looking for the person with the most of one letter in their name. Currently top: Reece Burgess-Creen with 6 Es
where's the GIF for when someone does a test with string operations instead of writing a proper routine to do what they mean?
Useful javascript library implemented as a jquery method. My anger level has risen to 32 milli-@jcoglan.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie Sightseers tomorrow?
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie that would also be a good choice for me, but it doesn't star Alice Lowe, so...
@TweetsofCushing !!!
Trawling amazon for hours looking for a replacement for the lost headphones you spent hours choosing last time. #autismproblems
there's some pretty lovely music on @laRadioNova at the moment
oh great, so they put some 80s nonsense on just after I said that.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie sightseers 2020
If 100 people star JSXGraph on github, it can be hosted on CDNJS:…
@jamesgrime first thing I noticed on audible was this Car Talk compilation, I assume of the puzzles they often pose…
@ajk_44 I don't know how you should celebrate, but you should do it at ten to nine.
Well I'm *trying* to write a really good post for the @aperiodical today but the uni wifi isn't helping
Eureka! Santa only visits one house on Christmas Eve, but infinitely many universes, each containing a different Santa, collapse at midnight
Is it a special autism superpower to spot typos in a page of text at a glance, or does it happen to everyone?
Because I've been editing a very long post and spotting typos in very unusual words just as I scroll past them, not even looking for them
@helenarney yes yes very funny, intentionally misunderstood. Now where's this bar? I'm a huge sporks fan.
If there isn't already a travelator company called Thousand Yard Stairs then I am going straight to Companies House first thing tomorrow
the address of the University of Athens' maths department is Because they couldn't name a Greek mathematician?
@alexbellos whoops, we both made 3d-printing christmas present posts today
There's a version of HyperRogue for android!… FRABJOUS DAY! via @mathpuzzle
@Nathan1123 @MuseGarden I used that page once when in a beds shop with a friend who didn't know what size his bed was!
@Nathan1123 to be fair, he'd just moved in to a rented flat and British bed size names are mental.
Thanks, textbooks!
@My_Metro I'm on one of the new trains, and the lights on the wrong side of the carriage lit up when we stopped. Better look into that!
@elinoroberts the first shop to produce an app which puts your shopping list in order for a shortest traversal will earn my patronage.
@matheknitician posted! Thanks for letting me know
Tonight, we dine... quite well!
@stecks @aPaulTaylor you know, I wasn't going to have it but then I thought since I'm tweeting it someone might complain if it wasn't there
Step 1: cook double meal, so you can have leftovers tomorrow. Step 2: forget you finished the cling film yesterday. Step 3: food bags!!!!
@DanielColquitt @ben_nuttall it's the real thing - pause it, maximise, and draw a pattern
@MouldS @dan_physio @standupmaths hey, that's just the first few digits! "Approximation to pi pie" doesn't sound very appetising
Going to Tynemouth market to look for a secret Santa present. Must make a big effort not to buy anything too ironic
Worst trendy name so far: "Gosforth bakehaus".
Alas, the pewter cowboy hat chip'n'dip tray is outside my budget
youtube's algorithm to make a video unshaky leaves it looking really trippy instead
There was a horrific animatronic koala for sale at the market today. I should've bought it. I didn't. Got to live with that.
@Bishnavitch I didn't dare. I was scared of a Ringu type situation
@Bishnavitch I'll see if it's there again tomorrow
@outofthenorm2 haha, what are you thinking?
@outofthenorm2 go for it
@HilariousCow do a flamboyant loop on the letter O
The internet has taught me to love humanity. Giant Pants of the '30s:
Went back for the eldritch koala. It's been sold! Life is not worth living any more ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
@stecks are The Sinks a new fraternal society, like the masons or the rotary club?
@jcoglan pandoc turns most things into most things
@jcoglan though if you're writing a book, learn LaTeX.
@jcoglan pdflatex comes with any latex distribution. On ubuntu, try tex-live
@jcoglan all these variants exist because almost everyone, after using TeX for a while, thinks "I can do it better!"
@jcoglan the stuff they have in common is basically all you need, so just stick with TeX-live and don't try to be clever with it
@jcoglan TeX is like the English language: nobody uses it perfectly, there are a million ways to say anything, ...
@jcoglan and far too many people who should know better hold very strong opinions about tiny aspects of usage
@Bishnavitch true facts
haha hooray!…
@DainaTaimina I think that's actionable libel
@divbyzero oh man, I need to get into control systems! There could be a "Perfect timing" algorithm
@Dr_Lucie 197th.
general lazy evaluation was too beautiful a dream for someone as uninterested in proper type analysis as I. Oh well...
@standupmaths not impossible: the other hemisphere could be really crazy
@peterrowlett @standupmaths I don't get it
Can't decide if I'm wasting my life or living it exactly how I want.…
@WWMGT c) a quart of pounds
So, ladies and gentlemen of the Academy, in summary: PHP is just the worst and I propose that we throw it into the Sun
Hooray, futurama's on! Oh no, it's Jurassic Bark. Sad evening :'(
@sxpmaths someone else's code I depend on was using '!empty($x–>p)' to test if $x->p is set. Which fails when it's the string "0".
Please tell me I'm not the only one who gets angry about adverts recorded in NTSC
oh snap! Today's Dinosaur Comic says Santa collapses realities to deliver presents!… The evidence mounts!
Favourite picture of the day!…
@jhylmb haven't tested it, but it should be possible
Oh god! All these Top 50 Tracks of 2012 lists mean I have to listen to Gotye again. #whyhastthouforsakenme
@henryseg were you paid for that article? It would cost me £30 to read if I didn't have a uni account
@henryseg super! It's a good article.
@aperfect fog on the Thames is all them's all them's, fog on the Thames is all them's.
@aperfect oh em gee I am going to start a faux-ironic hipster band called Londisfarne. We will gig exclusively in corner shops
@Electrokittie good intel. I will wrap up warm when I head in from the balmy coast
whaaaaaaat. Ctrl+Alt+Tab in windows shows the switchy-window thing even after you let go of the keys.
hey guys it's 10:10. Duodecimalists gonna hate.
I felt quite bad about the @aperiodical's visitor numbers until I looked at the Mathematical Intelligencer's circulation figures
@jamesgrime true fact. I got a good one of you a while ago from the @numberphile Rubik's Cube video:…
@jcoglan CET was the 12th time zone to have 12:12:12 12/12/12. Germans are the chosen people after all!
@outofthenorm2 oh, you could've said! I'll have a look
@ben_nuttall "Although braggadocio doesn't come naturally to most computer programmers, ..."
No chocolate in the kitchen. Spend 10 minutes checking the Secret Chocolate Locations, or go to the shops?
Right. Let's do some things to things until there's food to eat. #homecookin
@outofthenorm2 oh, NOW I get that pun! Sorry for changing the title to an inferior one
@elinoroberts accidentally swallowing a pea is big trouble: you have to swallow a fly to get it, then a frog to catch the fly, ad infinitum
Having a little rage about the Moodle SCORM module. Not a single line of the code is good.
@vickytnz it's free, which is good, and open-source, so I can see *why* it's buggy. We're on Moodle because BB has broken SCORM support
@vickytnz Moodle 2 is considerably less bad than old Moodle. It's barely tolerable now, but still lots of really annoying and bad things
@vickytnz yeah well, it's for academics :P
"Hm, how shall I implement this hierarchical data structure, with well-defined elements and values? I know! Strings and regexps!" #hate
I don't know how it's possible to write this much bad code without Nature itself reacting violently against you.
If a student handed this in as homework I wouldn't mark it wrong. I'd encourage them to join al qaeda or the communist party or something
1) they'd make MI6's job much easier; 2) no self-respecting terrorist would want to be associated with them, and would lay down their arms
@peterrowlett just remembered your Numbas email. Will do that later today.
A scotch egg and a frijj. I operate on the frontiers of cuisine.
Please support the kickstarter for my self-published transvestite medieval epic, "The Song of Roland's Dirndl"
Trying to synopsise that Jim Carrey film where he's a pet detective, but every time I try I get the plot "farce about Ace"
well! Since nobody wants to go christmas shopping with me, I think I'll go for a walk round Tynemouth instead
@treasa believe it
Off to seek my fortune in the tatatoria of Newcastle upon Tyne.
If you spoonerise "Hooke and Wren" the number of bird names increases from one to two. I'm pleased by this but don't know what to do with it
a Kinect physics game where you stack boxes but it's two-player and you each control the other's arms
@standupmaths you are this guy…
This is why I keep trying to introduce German as a second language in the department…
I keep forgetting it's the office christmas lunch today and making plans for work to do and food to eat.
@brittneybean if you keep calling that a biscuit Ed Miliband might try to integrate you
@brittneybean but it does look VERY tasty. What's going on there?
@TweetsofCushing I told you I don't have a suit
@TweetsofCushing I even forgot to wash my jumper so I'm going to look extra scruffy
@TweetsofCushing proving to whom?
@TweetsofCushing that reminds me - I tried to prove the same facts to your momma but she kept asking me if there are any even primes
@JPickford "The games has jumped".
Who hates standing on the metro? CP hates standing on the metro. Is it true? I do I do I do-oo!
@helenarney or you're living in Newcastle 6 years ago
Go ahead. Spell it "chaise lounge". Make my day.
Your reminder that there's no Newcastle @MathsJam tonight.
@HilariousCow just play Just Cause 2 instead.
@HilariousCow I played it on the xbox, so don't know about that.
@jcoglan #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice?
@jcoglan but the problem with instagram isn't 'we own the servers', it's 'you're not the one paying our salaries'.
That sneeze crept up on me completely unnoticed but now it's over, I feel like I've needed to do a sneeze that big for a long time.
@amazingradio I am very much enjoying "Tyrannosaurus Rex For Christmas". It's my new favourite Christmas song.
it's 12:36! Dance about like you've got all your divisors within easy reach.
We're making good use of our last proper work day by playing LAZA KNITEZ
"Cost-per-gigabyte is down more than 300% in three years".… #what
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MathsWorldUK I meant to catch someone at big mathsjam - would anyone like to write about the plans for @aperiodical?
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MathsWorldUK yes! It would be good just to get the name out, wouldn't it?
@jcoglan I'll go with: generics work on objects, and ints aren't objects.
@madcaptenor order a single box of chalk. I haven't dared to do it yet and I've had prime for years
Buying stock for my new kids' clothing shop, Newcastle upon Tiny.
@jamesgrime they're very different films, but I agree.
@peterrowlett quick! Make a Klein bottle!
Watched a video from the ISS. Moved to poetry: I love the Earth / and all the people on it. / You could even say / it's my favourite plonet
@aperfect which company is it?
@aperfect that isn't even a real company.
@aperfect hah, their homepage has a megabyte of stock images
@mutedestro @MathsJam sadly it looks like there isn't one near you -…. Nothing to stop you starting one!
Last night I dreamt about a really fast slug! Is today the day we rethink our metaphors?
@standupmaths so clearly we need to start a campaign to register Unicode codepoints for common English words
This Christmas card's so charming I wish I could send it to myself.
@daveowhite Monetize your front window. Monetize your beard. Monetize smalltalk.
@GhostMutt which cards do you have turned on? I just have the weather and football scores. Is there something more to it I'm missing?
@TweetsofCushing proof or it isn't true!
@TweetsofCushing and by "quintics" do you mean fifth powers?
This is how I roll
Pick a natural number N. Find p_N, the first prime which is the difference of Nth powers. $\ln(p_53)/53 = \ln(p_59)/59$, to 10 dp
@C_J_Smith ternary decimal?
@C_J_Smith next question: 0,1,2 or +,-,0 ?
@C_J_Smith my least favourite ternary representation
-.. .- ... .... -.. --- - -.. --- -/-.. --- - -.. .- ... ..../-.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- -/-.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- -
@DanaKazim did I get it right?
@DanaKazim fantastic
gosh it's grim outside!
It's pretty ridiculous how long it take windows 8 to show the task manager
I'm playing my "justify my obnoxious prejudices with pop psychology I read in a non-scientific outlet" card.…
Whenever I hear about economics, I think of this scene from futurama…
"a third of Men will get their Christmas presents from a service station" - according to a study in a service station on Dec 24th last year?
Pretty much certain you can do better, Woman's Hour
Sorry, it's You and Yours, not Woman's Hour. Disappointment levels back to normal, and I need to look at my watch
The only paper I could find to pad this present with was pages from the LRB. #truestoriesfromupmyownbumhole
I think this year I can do my present wrapping in two or fewer ragequits
@jcoglan isn't it weird how when the economy's good the poor suddenly start trying harder?
@HilariousCow did you have a gravis gamepad? When I saw the graphic of it in the wolf3d options I wondered how it could ever be suitable
Today I learned that a <redacted> needs about 3cm more wrapping paper than you think.
@outofthenorm2 Please finish your bees post!
You don't wrap presents with the wrapping paper you want, you wrap presents with the wrapping paper you've got. - Donald Rumsfeld
oh, so Big Society was always meant to be a pejorative, like Big Tobacco or Big Pharma.
why do journal publishers think it's a good idea to make supplementary material a separate PDF from the article?
Need to eat all the food in the flat before going home for Christmas. My stomach is being marvellously cooperative
Remember, HE KNOWS…
I'm pretty pleased with my Christmas cards this year…
I think Father Christmas might be my favourite thing to draw
@DanielColquitt you've completely inverted the "go away and read a book while your computer is doing something" meme
In case you haven't experienced windows 8 yet, this guy explains what's wrong:…
I've owned for a year and done nothing with it. It expires in 3 days. Has anyone got any ideas?
(The original idea was to have, so my arXiv submission could be from the "Institute of Hot Mathematicians")
@ColinTheMathmo but why? I'm not doing research any more, so no opportunities to use it forthcoming
@ColinTheMathmo selling unused domain names is on my list of Terrible Internet Behaviours. If I let it expire, whoever wants it can have it
@walkingrandomly I thought that was a good idea and then I saw it was by Stardock. I've learnt my lesson with them
@walkingrandomly what I'm doing is: close eyes, press windows key, type program name, press enter, open eyes. It's almost the same
@vickytnz were you around when it was Belle and Herb's? Times were better then
@peterrowlett literally LOL
Leo says I have no neck. Vicious fibs.
I'm in Windsor! The air smells funny down here
Such pleasant people down here
There isn't a craft supplies shop in Windsor?! Surely I'm mistaken.
@apontzen @standupmaths did you work that out by hand, or did you use a script like this: ?
I'm pretty ecstatic about how this 80k file won't upload to my ftp server over this flat's wifi
Let's see if giffgaff throttle ftp connections as well...
hahahaha my phone's connection is so much ridiculously quicker than this Zen broadband
I've added a question to The Aperiodical's Very Important Mathematical Survey about how you eat corn on the cob:…
@alimcg86 chin up, McGlen!
WHERE ARE ALL THE FILMS? I don't want to watch Open All Hours, I want a film!
@standupmaths @Dr_Lucie the dog started melting when he was near the fire. That's way closer to physical realism than I was expecting
@samholloway there definitely used to be one!
@monsoon0 mega jealous!
Pretty unexpectedly radical present
I'm going to see Scrooged! Channel 4 now. I'll have depleted my Christmas film to-watch list by at least one this year.
Round 2. Nobody else wants leg! Excellent crimblus
Scouting for locations for my new concept café with a chess board at every table, "En Croissant".
Try saying "tuna mayo jacket potato". It's wonderful, like the start of a beat poem about my favourite foods.
Congrats to @TweetsofCushing for getting his first integer sequence accepted by the OEIS:…
@standupmaths you can keep going with Step 4: work out how many different patterns you can make by swapping pieces of the same shape
Hiring bar staff for my new underground opera hall, "Grotto Voce"
@JohnAllenPaulos it's a vanity publisher, not a real journal!
@jcoglan there's probably an emacs command 'Cmd-a-t untweet cheap pun'
Beginning to fear I've been trafficked to Slough. Will I ever see my beloved Northumberland again?
What a lovely book…
I can't decide if Planet 51 (channel 4 right now) is alright or terrible
@Rosalot I'm having trouble accepting Dwayne 'the Rock' Johnson as a cowardly ginger man
Etymonline's etymology of 'omelette' is basically to wave the "nobody knows" card:…
A marvel of the last age of austerity - one of the last concrete lampposts in Slough.
The proportion of films on the telly that nana has misidentified as The Gruffalo this Christmas is rapidly approaching Legendre's constant.
Forget about convergence. If a million specific gadgets for each conceivable task was good enough for 60s Batman, it's good enough for me
Wow, sky captain and the world of tomorrow hasn't aged well at all
@standupmaths I've held the patent on that idea since I was 12
@ajk_44 @samholloway how long are you two up North for? I've just arrived back from Slough
@Samuel_Hansen just when I thought I had all your many show formats clear in my head...
wikipedia's picture for the King of the Belgians is ace…
@jcoglan the problem is probably with your router (or OSX's drivers, depending on perspective). OSX takes exception to some brands of router
@jcoglan yeah, it's OSX's problem, but its problem is with the router.
@monsoon0 there's probably quite a bit of selection bias
@mathalicious are the weekly videos on youtube the product of the math52 kickstarter? Trying to write you something nice on @aperiodical
@monsoon0 I mean, there was probably a lot of rubbish published in the 1800s that you haven't looked at
@monsoon0 ok, if we're being honest, I also prefer old maths to new. One of my most treasured possessions is an 1811 arithmetic textbook
@monsoon0 "the late William Tinwell" (not an anachronism: it's the sixth edition). "A treatise on practical arithmetic and book-keeping"
@monsoon0 it has a completely different set of concerns to new books, e.g. it tells you how to convert Edinburgh bushels to Newcastle ones
@monsoon0 it's fascinating as a record of how life used to be, and how important arithmetic used to be
Bad tropes in the @EIMathematical weekly challenge video: opens with a cloud of mathsy symbols; people are "obsessed" with the subject.
I nominate @peterrowlett for best sentence on the site this month, for the opener to this post…
going into the database to edit a quip made in an uneditable comment: ultimo sadness. And what I'm currently doing
gdamnsk: just had two ideas. By the time I'd written the first one down, I'd forgotten the second.
I think it's fair to say I'm currently in the "manic" phase
forget Professional White Background, this installer's going for Professional Impact Font on Button Labels.
@Andrew_Taylor that's my favourite one so far
@mathalicious @aperiodical cool. I think they're really really good. Especially when compared with something else we're writing about
@ColinTheMathmo Bart Simpson used to say it weekly on BBC2
tyne tunnel permit topup site has introduced 6-digit passcodes as extra security. If you don't have one, it lets you make one up on login...
but if you've already done that, it lets you log in with just your password and make a new one anyway. Secure!
@standupmaths @UsrBinPRL and it's combinations, not permutations
@standupmaths would it surprise you to learn Mastermind is NP-complete?
@UsrBinPRL yeah, ok.
@LargeCardinal @standupmaths huh?
@BenTormey sometimes people who do that look like they feel it's what society requires of them.
Your suggestions for what CSF could stand for on this dude's bumper sticker. So far I have "Cornish Society of Falkirk"... #csf
... "Carolingian Sovereignty Fund". "Congress of Sweaty Fishermen". "Comfortable Sofa Fortnightly" #csf
Cookie Solicitation Front. That's a #csf I might start myself
oh wow, the interface is actually really nice. I'm using it to send an email for the first time since they switched.
@peterrowlett @stecks hooray, we're popular in the South
@jamesgrime in what way?
oh my god this vim plugin is amazing…
ever so sorry, forgot my #unbearablecodinghipster tag there
this spider has 10 seconds to comply
@standupmaths hey, we had assembly every morning in my primary school.
@DanielColquitt aaaaaa I'd forgotten about sciencedirect's mental scrolling behaviour. Well done, though.
actually, left knee, I'm fairly sure I *didn't* just dislocate you, so buck your ideas up
Kickstarter if I could be bothered: Rubik's cube with internal circuitry.that goes PING when you solve it
More difficult: Rubik's cube that announces number of moves to solution at each step (now that we know God's number it's easy, right?)
on the pinging Rubik's cube idea: would a Hilbert curve through the blocks work, so the circuit is only complete in the initial position?
@jamesgrime excellent cartoon. Remind me to high-five you at the big MathsJam
@jamesgrime yes I was. Young Indie is live-action, isn't it? Not very good, either.
@jamesgrime hmm, hard to decide. How about: you can attempt to high-five me, but I'm at least a foot taller than you, so difficulty: hard
@jamesgrime (I say "at least" in the "I have a rough memory of how tall you are, which time has exaggerated" sense)
@jamesgrime only a few inches off! I never got into Batman: the animated series. I bow before your mid-90s TV expertise
I've really enjoyed sitting in for this Amazon delivery. It's given me time to reevaluate my priorities in life.
mencap chuggers: my face might be blank because I have one of the illnesses your charity helps with. Laughing is not the correct response
@brittneybean like, just a grid to put numbers in?
@brittneybean maybe BC Spreadsheet…
well, my parcel failed to arrive. I could've spent the day on the beach!
@KSCMaths person number 5 went for pi, but the editor chose not to put it in bold
I hate HDNL so much. They've updated the tracking page overnight to say they left me a card at 5:30 yesterday. I've complained to Amazon
@mathsinthecity if you're using a calculator for anything that precise, you're doing it wrong. It's a fun story of international standards!
@mathsinthecity a somewhat interesting intro to floating-point troubles here:…
excellent paper title: "How Java’s Floating-Point Hurts Everyone Everywhere"…
@mathsinthecity really? It's the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon!
@mathsinthecity one of my favourite jokes.
@BenTormey escalators are my cardio exercise. #lazyboy
@BenTormey man, not even
today: was going to continue rewriting @NclNumbas with knockout. Instead: getting it to do pretty things with d3.js
so I've missed the day again, waiting in for this package. "Any time between 8am and 9pm" isn't very precise
This is ridiculous! It's now 48 hours since I last stepped outside the house. And the courier might not come until 9pm!
Fresh air! The parcel has finally arrived so I can leave the house yippeeeee!
@DanielColquitt yeah, but they didn't leave a card yesterday so they sent a courier today
Carrot and houmous club! Who's with me today?
@Bishnavitch get the bus straight back to town. Carrots and houmous is an excellent combination
chrike on a bist this code is badly written
@CardColm the source for that is available online:…
@FOTSN trufax.
@peterrowlett Located under "arts" for the same reason it's "maths" instead of "math"
programming in PHP is like giving instructions to a psychotic 6-year-old who hates you
@peterrowlett sort of, yeah. I was getting at that "mathematics" used to mean the liberal arts
@peterrowlett but on googling, it seems I was wrong to think that
ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! #dyspraxia
@peterrowlett oh man the trouble I get from a tiny quip
A 96-year-old man sat down next to me at the station and told me all about the old times. What a dude.
Say goodbye to pensioner misery with Uncurmudge, new from CPCo! Patented inflatable grandchild can listen for hours on just 2 AA BATTERIES!
@haggismaths rats! I've been saving that for my next Aperiodical Roundup!
following "are scientists...", here's "are mathematicians...". I think "sometimes" answers all four.
there are some pretty science-fiction sounds happening outside. The Venusians might be invading via Tynemouth.
@icecolbeveridge almost a clever joke, but monopoly is non-deterministic
@icecolbeveridge yes, given a stream of dice rolls I can tell you if the corresponding game ends
@icecolbeveridge or maybe I can't! Instant doubt sown.
@mathsinthecity do I recognise the dude on the right of that photo?
@MB_Whitworth @mathsinthecity aha, that's probably it! I'll see you in November
@mathsinthecity never minds caps, I'm still waiting for my umbrella
why are regional tourism websites universally terrible to navigate?
Jesmond Dene hooray! Gonna go grab a gander at the Golden Guernsey goats!
new series of 7 day sunday!…
Podcast with @peterrowlett and @stecks for the @aperiodical. @standupmaths makes a largely inaudible guest appearance.…
@hornmaths what system is it?
A013916: Numbers n such that the sum of the first n primes is prime.
@plusmathsorg I like how Gömböc was de-umlauted for the URL: goumlmboumlc. I'll call it that from now on
@GreyAlien you only have one in space, but you might have several in time
@stecks you could while away the time designing an interlocking pieces puzzle and call it Aburrdeen
@mathsinthecity in tropical arithmetic it's 1, so I assume it's the philosophers who take the conventional view.
@eAssess there's no comments section!
@AMSGradBlog that site has died! It's throwing a PHP error in statpress.php
@AMSGradBlog yes
@AMSGradBlog you've probably got it cached, in fact
@AMSGradBlog yes, working now
@icecolbeveridge it said yesterday that he was leaning out of the car to pick up a parking ticket. Oddly no mention of that now.
@peterrowlett you're a real autodidact!
I think the spiders outnumber me in this flat not just by headcount but also by total body mass
@BrianGonzalez__ thanks, but I'm on windows and I've already done it
@monsoon0 visit mathcentre and tell them to give their tech guy a kick up the backside for me, please
the ADL SCORM test suites are distributed exclusively in a windows installer .exe, for no good reason. They're just static files!
@monsoon0 it isn't!
@Samuel_Hansen I had the thought before that now might be a good time to do the "are there enough maths communicators" idea from a while ago
@Samuel_Hansen man, you were asking for people to interview you, and you say there aren't enough in your press release, so...
@Samuel_Hansen ok. I'm going to email you a short list of stupid questions and we'll see where that goes
@aperfect @LWigelsworth hello that is a very nice biscuit tin back there yes it is mmhmm
@standupmaths (it's really 27, because midlands towns are in both the North and South lists)
@icecolbeveridge ah, then my map is out of date, and Katie decided which side of the border two towns lie on
@icecolbeveridge @standupmaths some python BeautifulSouping later, I agree with you. I don't have Baltimore or Norwich. Is Baltimore real?
@stecks interested to hear your reasons for putting Norwich in the "N England" list on
@icecolbeveridge yes, but does it happen? I've never heard anything from them
@stecks @standupmaths half the towns in "N England" are in the midlands. Don't they deserve their own list now? Or could it be "N&Central"?
@stecks yes!
@stecks girl, ain't need no JS no more! CSS got yo back
@stecks gtalk me when you've got time
@elinoroberts so it isn't just me who has trouble with that trip!
an end to the north/south divide! All English @MathsJams are now under the same menu on
and I recoded the nav menus while I was there
I am weeping as I eat this guacamole, because I know soon it will be just a memory.
created a tortilla shrine around the remaining guacamole. Then committed instant sacrilege by eating it all.
the guacamole's life was short but beautiful. It will live forever in my heart.
@peterrowlett @MathsJam @stecks hm! Works on my phone. I wonder why iphones don't do hover properly. I've added tabindexes, does that work?
@peterrowlett @MathsJam @stecks ok, I'll find someone in the department with an iphone and commandeer it for a bit
@peterrowlett @stecks got hold of an iphone and sorted it. Should be working now, if you'd like to test it
@standupmaths you're on in Stockton! my friend has just moved to Stockton, so I now have two reasons to go there! I may see @FOTSN yet!
.@alexbellos I just tried to send you a dm, but I think tweetdeck would rather I communicated telepathically
@alexbellos and it turns out you're not following me. Oh well.
ended a mathematical yo mamma argument with "yo mamma was too wide to fit in the margin"
@peterrowlett @stecks I think it's half what it used to be. I'll make it shorter. It's only there to copy the old look
@standupmaths @Duncan_Destruct cuboid walks into bar. Barman says, "why the long face?"
@velvlol @burnsidemaths yep, you've got me there. Joke isn't funny any more because it's based on an absurd premise. I have so much to learn
type (some) TeX and (sometimes) get equivalent unicode, for pasting into things like tweets
All these terrible people coming out to Tynemouth to alcoholise themselves
The "oh, who even cares" burger, x2. Mayo, tomato, buffalo, buffala, gherkin, batavia. Not inedible.
@christianp I forgot another B: bacon!
@christianp and bufala has one f. That tweet went about as well as tonight's meal-planning
In Chinatown looking for premises for my new laser hair removal business, Singe-A-Pore
put food in oven. (time passes) remember to put timer on.
Trying to find something to watch while eating my dinner, just heard Robert Webb claim "clopen" isn't a word. Tut tut.
Standing at the start of the great North run, watching everyone gets ready. Best costume so far: a Rubik's cube
Everyone's run through now. Bananas beat Scooby Doos 6-5. Very defensive play from both sides this year. Ostriches out in force
@elinoroberts I very much am not. Going home for a hot cocoa now
I keep noticing people using "this" and "these" instead of "it" and "they" in writing. Have I missed a grammar rule?
@HoeJodgkiss did you retune on the 12th like ALL THE BILLBOARDS IN THE CITY told you?
@HoeJodgkiss truth. There's one literally outside your flat.
@HELIUM_HEED I've missed this entire thing. Is there a krispy kreme shop in town or something?
@raj7desai I've just noticed your name is an anagram of "ideas jar". A nice fit with Maths Jam :)
@kenjilamb hash-sash?
@jgrahamc I don't recognise it now, and I have CDs bought from Tower Records. Did people have trouble opening them?
Knackered myself sprinting for the metro, further validating my decision made at an early age not to become a running back.
@jgrahamc ah! Yes, that would've been useful
here's a fun IE bug: on alternate presses of Ctrl+R to reload the page, font-faces don't load. F5 works fine. #aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@LexicalAnalysis @haggismaths @aperiodical I think things will change pretty soon. For one thing, non-research teachers can be cheaper
@stecks @peterrowlett you do *one* little thing, and from then on... I'll see if I get round to it this afternoon
@ColinTheMathmo @stecks @peterrowlett ha! Did we just fix it at exactly the same time?
@ColinTheMathmo @stecks @peterrowlett then, go team redundant effort!
@aPaulTaylor did you see this comment on your "words to fill space" post?…
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm at the Charles Grey pub. All welcome. I'll be making things with rhombi, and I might have some puzzles
@HELIUM_HEED what if his palsy palsy was caused by too many cigarettes! Karma negated!
@ColinTheMathmo you might be able to start here:
Cushing has been anagramming my name: fish-car intercept; "nice craft, hipster"; first cheap cretin; fit hipster cancer; erect rapist finch.
IE and Chrome regexes disagree about what counts as whitespace. #hateIE
maths modelling with Cushing before MathsJam: what if killing other prisoners got their sentence taken off yours?
message for my last git commit: "More commas for the comma god!"
@peterrowlett can I turn off the "share posts on twitter" option for the mathsjamphotos tumblr? About to upload my pics from last night
@peterrowlett just discovered there's a button to turn tweeting on/off per post, so we can both be happy
@peterrowlett I think it does work on my phone, I just forget to use it.
@peterrowlett and of course I would forget to press the button on the second one
doing with generator expressions in python what should be done with monads in haskell.
The 4-cards-to-24 problem from @MathsJam last night annoyed me, so I brute-forced it with Python:…
it's just occurred to me that that script solves the numbers game on Countdown, too.
@icecolbeveridge it should use all four cards, yes. What numbers did you have?
whoops, my script doesn't rearrange the numbers. Doh
@icecolbeveridge oh right, you mean with your script. Yes, mine insists on all four.
@icecolbeveridge you can get 24.2857, if you don't mind fractions...
stones at various stages of erosion in Tynemouth Priory:…………
(well done to the chap who chose Hardy Basalt for his grave stone)
@CardColm similarly: this on my blog,…, prompted by a tweet by @qikipedia
@CardColm @peterrowlett @MathsJam Ji claimed you can do it "most of the time".
@ColinTheMathmo @CardColm @peterrowlett @MathsJam factorial wasn't part of the game!
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen and it isn't impossible that most of us are listening to relprime in our bombproof hyperbaric chambers
@maanow interesting notation in the solution: (12)(3) instead of 12x3 or 12.3. Is this a US thing, or peculiar to the question setter?
guess which browser didn't parse "\v" as ASCII character 11 until version 9!
PS #hateIE
hoy Platonists, here's a zen koan for you: if nobody agrees with a true statement, is it still true?
@aPaulTaylor did you forget your login for I can reset it if you want.
@aPaulTaylor ah, yes. My sympathies.
@TeaKayB yes
Alice Arnold reading out funny tweets on the radio4 morning news briefing. What have we become?
What happens if you disagree with the sentiment in the Prayer for the Day? Do you spend the rest of the day with an unscratched prayer itch?
@dmh10 ah, that's not the same, god isn't listening.
@MathsCareers they'd look even more beautiful, and be more legible to blind potential mathematicians, if you used MathJax on that page
@peterrowlett anything involving making rectangles
@peterrowlett mega-pedantry?
@peterrowlett I hope so. I was thinking more of of carpentry and landscaping though.
my git repository has a development branch that I get to check out for about 5 minutes each day before another IE bug appears in master.
@kirkpatricke if the multiplication is on quaternions, that might not be nonsense (it is though)
I'm office-naked, which means I've taken my glasses and my shoes off
@mathsinthecity @naomifantabulus here's mine: second shelf from the top…
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett division by zero isn't infinity, it's undefined! #saddestpedant
@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett ok, one cooked dinner to whoever comes up with the best golden ratio / email nonsense fact
@nulibrs @nulibsage happy hooray!
@jcoglan yes, it opens my browser.
@mathpunk @qikipedia but you can enumerate the rationals, so the argument works the same way. The reals are where it breaks.
@mathsinthecity could you ask your Devonian followers to take a picture of this window in Great Torrington?…
@divbyzero is it bad that I made a simulation so I could say "right to left"?
there's nothing I enjoy more than writing the Aperiodical Round Up. Could it maybe be my job? Who will pay me to do it?
Pre-dinner: zippy, whip-bang, straight-to-the-point prose. Post-dinner: yawnful, meandering, superfluously florid murbles. Better stop soon.
@vickytnz this is my cool side-project. Thanks to my magnificently stingy part-time contract, I never do proper work on Fridays
@vickytnz CFP?
WANTED: combination slide rule / slide whistle
Finally, Aperiodical Round Up 7! Featuring ternary timesers, timbres, Tuvans, togas, trefoils and tons t'more.…
@wppwah @mathpunk no, but there's one that comes first in the order, and that'll do
@jcoglan where is this marvellous thread?
And then at Cabosse in Warkworth I had this frankly pornographic hot chocolate. It was indecent. Still coming down now!
I've had a lovely day out along the coast. At Barter Books I found some new activities for @MathsJam...
@missradders it's near the back left, first shelf after fiction. I have so many good books from there, including one by an ancestor Perfect!
@missradders better leave it a while. I've pretty much cleared it out.
@missradders another very very good shop for maths books is Westwood Books in Sedburgh
@standupmaths @ajk_44 glad to hear you're not Cowed by punappreciative types
@EliotBall ahh, but they minimise flammability per unit buying power
@wppwah @mathpunk I won't disagree with that, because I don't think "smallest uninteresting number" is an interesting property anyway
my mum is being asked to report statistics as percentages, from a population of size 3. Oh no!
I'm watching Doctor Who, just like a real person! And I might watch the X Factor later. Just watch me watch it.
@Talithin @peterrowlett might it be a DNS problem? works for me. Try
Unplanned impact of pure maths: Joseph Whitworth decided to standardise screw threads after helping Babbage build the Difference Engine
I know how the NAS can raise more money than it will ever be able to spend: show this video… #tankengines! #squeeee!
@monsoon0 we are! But I suppose it's hard to persuade people to move to Australia.
@monsoon0 correct: Australia is too hot.
@monsoon0 where are you at the moment? Are you still in the UK?
@monsoon0 isn't it glorious? Make sure you visit the countryside while you're here (preferably leave Yorkshire. Norther is better)
@pkrautz thanks. Not sure I would've used the word "linkspam" though...
a bloseneed! how annoying!
Progress on my Wieringa roof continues apace. Only another all of it to go!
@vickytnz my grandma brought it back from your homeland. The label (worn out) says something like "©Fromiva"
@vickytnz after some discussion in the office, we now think it says "Frokiwi"
ok IE, which ones are the real ones? #hateIE
unique Scrabble scores: pizazzy(39), oxyphenbutazone(41), pizzazz(45), pizzazzes(47), razzmatazz(48), razzmatazzes(50), razzamatazzes(51)
(I used the complete word list from
Most popular score: 13 (15492 words)
@aPaulTaylor oh man, I didn't think of that! I will recompute
@aPaulTaylor so is oxyphenbutazone's 41 the only unique score?
@aPaulTaylor that's already happened up here. Still marginally cheaper per litre than Sainsbury's own brand, but not by much
If you replace every letter in a word with its Scrabble score, the most common string is '3111111', shared by 1263 words.
@dmh10 the "complete word list" from
@dmh10 do you know where I can get SOWPODS?
@dmh10 404, dude! I tried that before.
my Scrabble score statistifying Python code:
@ColinTheMathmo you should also record an album with someone, so you can have an Erdos-Bacon-Sabbath number
Cushing and I celebrated 16.16pm, aka square-square o'clock, with a high-twenty-five.
@haggismaths that fact is my favourite fact about fibonacci numbers. There's a nice easy proof by induction.
@peterrowlett @aperiodical hah, so I'm the "silly twitter questions guy" now? I'll give it a go.
@mathsinthecity you have palindromically many followers!
@mathsinthecity hahaha, of course two people had to unfollow you while I was writing that...
@mathsinthecity good news! Either they've seen the error of their ways, or some replacements have picked up the slack
@Bishnavitch sorry, going to see Marcus Brigstocke in durham
@vickytnz is it alright if I use this picture in my mathsjam recap blogpost?
@vickytnz cor, that was quick! I noticed you retweeted something of mine before the timer had moved past "now" recently, too!
I've written up last week's Newcastle @MathsJam, just like I used to do:…
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. 25 years ago you killed my father. Prepare to die.…
@Andrew_Taylor but sunshine is not in its preimage. BAD ANALOGY
Best Mitt Romney tumblr? I think so.
@CardColm *you want to write a review for the aperiodical* *wavy jedi fingers*
@peterrowlett @stecks @MathsJam that sounds sort of sordid when you say it that way
12:12! Why do I keep noticing these times? I've almost covered each hour over the past week. WHAT IS GOING ON WITH MY BRAIN
Tomorrow, 27/9, cancels down to an integer. Is that an interesting fact?
@nrichmaths my immediate reaction on seeing the new site: please please use something other than colour to differentiate the house icons
late arrival at the category theorists' ball: Mr and Mrs O'Morphism and their son, End O'Morphism
... and Jack O'Bian, and Adam Ards-Pace, and Kat O'Gory, and all the rest
@elinoroberts that has put a big smile on my face
@elinoroberts is it still here? I thought it was moving to Manchester
@elinoroberts gosh. Well, Maker Faire usually coincides with me getting a completely heinous flu...
@jcoglan wouldn't a pull request mentioning the issue solve that, by alerting both the original author and issue creator that there's a fix?
@jcoglan "fixes lazydude/repo#42" would do it.
@Andrew_Taylor If someone shares something only with their circles, you need to be in their circles. My posts are public by default. I love you, you are my bestest friend
@standupmaths hey, at least you're not one of those self-hating comedians
incredible. The BBC Magazine has led me to a blog I enjoyed reading. Not One-Off Britishisms:
BBC News is doing very well today…
hang on, I've just realised that my… does the same thing as, but with more symbols and instantly
@haggismaths you ate it so quickly you didn't even see what it was? What a pig! And now I want to know what it was too.
12.12! I have a disease, I'm sure!
@icecolbeveridge yes I can. It's called "Simple MathJax"
@ProfKinyon @DanielColquitt I think \( \) can delimit inline maths, or that might only be in some dialects
"one of the region's fastest-growing companies... has gone from 4 staff to 6" - bad percentages on Look North
Sorry, have slandered Look North. It's ITV News.
@EliotBall NI is an anti-punch: it pays for punches to be made better should you receive any later in life
14.14! I saw 12.13 and 13.12 before so I thought I was cured, but it seems it was just a temporary reprieve. O woe!
@icecolbeveridge @standupmaths dude, you need to move to our a PDE and impose a boundary condition v(Leicester square,t) = 0.
You could call my clock-related worries... The Baader-TIMEhof phenomenon! #cleverestmanontwitter
That's it. I'm just going to have to go round the corner and buy a Gareth James brownie. There's no other option.
Good news: I have established Rapport with the girl in the chocolate shop. Said "I'm here for my usual" and she understood.
Bad news: I have a usual in a chocolate shop
"Timothy Gowers" is a phonetic anagram (anaphone?) of "Gimme the towers". The Prof must be a big fan of DotA.
@mayr2 radio watch, in sync with the atomic clock. I definitely have a problem.
@nulibsage I can't work out if Elsevier's 2013 price list for maths matches their claim to go under $11 per article. Do you know if it does?
is there a greasemonkey script that destroys those INSANELY annoying sliding toolbars on ScienceDirect? Or redirects article pages to PDFs?
@Bishnavitch TGI Friday! That is something like poetic justice, or dramatic irony.
@mayr2 anyway, no matter how far ahead or behind my watch is, it only shows xy:xy once per hour
wanted: quick-witted historicalists to help with my 6-minute recreation of WW2, between 19:39 and 19:45 each evening.
@peterrowlett lols. Where's that?
Hilariously, Elsevier has an ethics site.
@peterrowlett it can go wrong if they're using a self-hosted or old version, or if the page does funny things when loading.
@peterrowlett PS I have some hot invective in the post queue that I would love you to publish
guess which one of us left his freezer door open for 15 minutes while his dinner was in the oven
Tragedy #251: shunned by the rest for flaunting math skills instead of pretty plumage…
@brittneybean it isn't one of those tortured euphemism pieces the British press has to put out because of our libel laws, is it?
@jcoglan change to another tab, right click on looping tab, close it. I think chrome chucks in a very rare event check even for running code
I have an inner Charlie Chaplin and he comes out when I'm tired. After baking brownies, I am covered in an amusing amount of chocolate
@peterrowlett @stecks ping! Are you both available?
@peterrowlett @stecks we weren't sure if you were going to appear, so we didn't record. Tomorrow?
I've caught freshers flu AGAIN. They should have to go in quarantine before they're allowed on campus.
@Samuel_Hansen could you hide the smiley stats counter image on It's in the Jetpack Stats settings.
@CardColm reminds me of the cover of this Bayesian stats textbook…
dying of ill.
@outofthenorm2 looks like the OCR is misrecognising "Spain"
@haggismaths I always resented my supervisor telling me to be less conversational.
Who has two thumbs and can't raise them to point at himself because he's so ill? And on what medium does this joke not work anyway?
oh wow, Jamie Lee Curtis has three men's names. Now on a quest to find the standup routine from the 80s that made that observation
is there a way for me to pay money to watch Community online legally while I am waiting out my final hours? Not a fan of skeezy pirate sites
@jjaron that sounds unfair. They're really nice. (I posted the tweet from @aperiodical)
@monsoon0 @MrHonner youtube has a speed setting. That dance is pretty great at 2x playback.
unfortunate that the woman presumably about to have an abortion in the stock photo looks just like the expert beneath…
Just discovered that @nclmathsoc's netball team is called the Denominatrixes. Points deducted for incorrect plural, but A+++ otherwise!
@FOTSN @geekandgoddess Should've remembered e instead of pi. e is more romantic because it's <3. (hope the date went well anyway!)
Are there loads more spiders than normal this year or have they just started following me around?
A reason this is not the best timeline: things are not delivered to my house by pneumatic tube.
Aaaaaaaa Moodle has so much hidden state it's so terrible aaaaaaaaaaaaa
@Andrew_Taylor alas, it doesn't work the other way! Disappointing.…
BEST THING EVER for us Daltonists: a colour picker which names your colour
@divbyzero ooh, it's like a mathematicians-only optical illusion! That's egregious! How did it ever get in print?
@divbyzero ooh, his "Five sculptures (1972)" is about the same thing but is less disagreeable because it demonstrates the problem
The problem with Excellent Fajita Club is it comes with automatic enrolment in Long Stay Toilet Club
I hope BBC News give up on their mad six-word limit for front-page headlines. English grammar is pretty flexible, but not *that* flexible!
Ex 1: "No kitchens 'risk school meals'" turns out not to be the negation of "some kitchens risk school meals".
Ace! Two thumbs up. RT @nulibsage: Power in the palm of your hands - Press Office - Newcastle University…
mixed messages from ISS. Suppose I should've emailed webmaster before tweeting it...
just submitted my talk abstract for the big @MathsJam in November. Won't be anything new to followers of my blog, but it's my fave puzzle
The LMS isn't on Twitter. That's sort of bad, isn't it?
@mathsinthecity -0 is really important in floating point arithmetic (computer number representation) -- see p13 of…
@EliotBall life on the edge, yes, but the long edge or the short edge?
@mathsinthecity is that deliberately a 404?
@mathsinthecity oh, now I can! It's good to be recognised for your work.
to cure my palindromic-time-noticing illness, I've searched for a rarer set of interesting times. Two-way prime-times:
(I do realise there are more of those than palindromic times. Still trying to find a suitable property)
@JanvierUK there are loads here:
I've just worked out why my cakes always come out wonky: my oven is on a tilt
@stecks OR: my asymmetric designs will take the art-baking world by storm
@TimandraHarknes @stecks OK, so, that's what I'm doing, and I usually try rotation, but it doesn't feel right, icing-wise.
@stecks Ratzenberger!
@monsoon0 absolutely! In the past we've written on the Aperiodical about Amazonian studies into the number line and counting systems
@monsoon0 or, some people in my department have a project modelling migration patterns in India
@monsoon0 number line:…, counting:…
@katebook @MathsJam @stecks @standupmaths hint: let n=p_1^a_1*p_2^a_2*...*p_k^a_k. Can you write expr for no. factors in terms of the a_i?
This is a great sequence on the OEIS. So many serious and so many silly representations!
@jjaron You're a writer, so coin one!
David has suggested an excellent sequence: a(n) is the first number in the nth OEIS sequence.
I suggested 1+ the nth number in the nth sequence, to ensure we make a novel sequence, but some of them are finite so it doesn't work
previous tweet is total lies. Of course any number is different from no number, so we're still unique
.@jjaron of course there is! David found it:
@aPaulTaylor paradox klaxon!
@aPaulTaylor (assuming it gets into the OEIS)
@katebook yes, no. of factors is (a_1+1)*(a_2+1)*...*(a_k+1). It's called the tau function, or the divisor function:…
@JanvierUK I died in a dream once! Does that mean I really died? Am I Haley-Joel Osment?
My friend David has started a blog. He's posted an interesting limits fact: …
I was 2 minutes late to get my car out of the car park! Rrrrrr!
checking the social plugin on @aperiodical doesn't pick up this tweet as a comment…
In which @stecks makes me feel unexpectedly positive about the @aperiodical:…
I've got a backpack in my backpack. Amazingly, Xzibit was not involved.
It looks like the "MATH PROBLEMS?" image is going round facebook again. I had 350 hits on my "solution" post today…
I don't know whether or not to feel sad when I find a clearly insane person's time-cube-ish pseudoscience rantings.
Dragging Chrome tabs to the side of the screen snaps them to half-width, as if they were real windows all along! When did they put that in?
@Htbaa yes, that's been there, but they also now snap to edges, which they didn't do before.
how much more broken stuff can I throw in this cupboard before I need to move house?
The Penrose magnets kickstarter has 11 days to go and still needs $1000. Back them so I can be mildly amused for a bit!…
@SellaTheChemist @peterrowlett I haven't seen any. I assume the places that do have dart-and-kite floors had the tiles custom-made
@SellaTheChemist @peterrowlett one dude's written up his experience (and jig-construction diagrams!) in this word doc:…
M&S uninterested in my song praising their "Cool & Fresh" line of boxers. Shame. Dudes: buy some, and get ready to feel comfortable.
Google Reader 0! I have read the entire internet! I suppose I've *got* to clean my flat now.
The Red Bull Stratos livestream is amazing, but the imperial units are putting me off. How can you do science these days not in metric?
oh no, they're not just using imperial! Pressures in psi, but oxygen flow in litres/minute.
@treasa it's pretty scientific extreme sports. They've taken Red Bull sponsorship so they can do their experiment, not the other way round
@treasa the sponsors are Austrian; the space company is American. At least Red Bull insisted on having metric translations of measurements
REDUCING THE DISTANCE TO THE SUN?!?!?! I wish they'd got a narrator with half a clue
I love this jumper. It is my Grey Woollenwear of +1 Snugness
@mathsinthecity that "tetrahedral" church looks more like a prism to me
@mathsinthecity not really, because they're all joined together, and every polyhedron can be decomposed into tetrahedra
@qikipedia does the 1,227 count include the fact that the book contains 1,227 facts?
Mine and Cushing's desk animals are having a stare-off.
@monsoon0 just noticed another maths/anthropology paper in my Mendeley library:…
Welcome @TweetsofCushing to Twitter! Fittingly, he's my 444th follower.
@standupmaths I'm still waiting for someone to shout that on Masterchef
For #adalovelaceday, big up to Hazel Perfect who did group theory, like I do!
I just want to sleep! Stupid tooth.
I wish real people had names as excellent as those used by spammers. Kalervo Whaphams just created an account on the aperiodical.
@icecolbeveridge @jamesgrime good point. We need to go into business making mid-90s nostalgia drinks, as Perfect-Grime-Beveridge.
@icecolbeveridge @jamesgrime PS: Whaphams would take 1st place and you know it.
"Rhabdomancy is a type of divination by means of any rod, wand, staff, stick, arrow, or the like." #goodword
A glimpse of the glamorous life of @TweetsofCushing: "I saw a square today." ……
@outofthenorm2 oh, did that happen? I haven't paid attention to the Nobels. By all means write something if you want to.
Christian Perfect: unable to stick finger in own nose on first attempt. #adventuresinsnotmedication
Hooray! The Penrose fridge magnets kickstarter reached their goal!…
@aperiodical @peterrowlett whoops, replied from the aperiodical account! Tweetdeck is hard.
Seeing so many people smoking on Northumberland Street has reassured me that I'm not living so unhealthily after all.
@Nathan1123 5318008, surely?
22kg of steel, 9 digits of precision, 1 arithmetic operation: it's Ramón Verea's direct multiplier, built in 1878.…
Well I know exactly what I'm going to do today.…
Bachelaxity (n): lessening of attention paid to use-by dates, caused by living alone for a prolonged period of time
I've never walked so briskly in my life! Goodbye, left knee, you sacrificed yourself when I really knee-ded you.
@CardColm @stecks I'm editing it now. Should be up soon.
It's so foggy at the coast! Worried this train might lose its way
@ben_nuttall that's very reassuring, thanks. Sitting at the back anyway, just in case
Foghorn guided us safely into Tynemouth station. Slaughtered a pigeon on the platform as a votive
@elinoroberts really? I went a couple of years ago and it was awful. Has it changed hands?
Yeah, I think I'm going to use that indicator bulb replacement as my entry for Manliest Man this year.
@aPaulTaylor you do? My sympathies to @stecks
@DrMathS the images on don't load
@Thalesdisciple @MrHonner with two words it's called a googlewhack. Never heard of using three words
Koala hospital! That's a thing!… Get better poorly koalas ♥ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ♥
@vickytnz we were just discussing this in the maths dept this week! The pro-B^F3 lobby was surprisingly strong. I say there are only 2 films
@aperfect mum's just given me my tintin t-shirt. Thanks!
Mega unfortunate copy in the latest Living North
having dinner with my good friend Maghetti Speatball
@jjsanderson @MikeTonge yeah, I've never had any trouble in Chrome
@danaernst @MathJax I think Markdown turned your ' characters into the more-correct-for-prose apostrophe character. Try ^{\prime} instead
@danaernst @MathJax oh, it's switched to right quotes, not two apostrophes. I still blame markdown, anyway.
@elinoroberts I think he's done a few. He's just got a nice voice, hasn't he?
everyone-else-is-getting-off-the-train-panic. #germanemotions
I've just had to put on the emergency clean jumper I keep at work. Too proud of my sensible preparedness to feel shame
Instant payback shame: paid £5.14 instead of £3 for fruit at M&S because I mixed clementines with satsumas
@Samuel_Hansen I'm really enjoying the Erdos episode. Worth my kickstarter money on its own. Thanks for collecting these stories
For the first time ever, I'm giving a talk on a subject I can't just talk about off the top of my head on Wednesday. Worrying.
Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight, 7pm,upstairs at the Charles Grey pub. I have polynesian knots, SKI calculus cards and a really hard puzzle
Kids sitting on the metro with his warhammer carry cases. That could've been me, if I'd been more outgoing when I was young. #respect
Aw man autocorrect why do you gotta ruin it all by taking the longest possible word I could've written instead of the one I did
@manytypesoftea hey, I remember you! Wow, you're still following me. I congratulated you last time you tweeted well and I'm doing it again
Can't tell if the stallholder selling sports bras under a banner advertising space hoppers is being satirical
@MathsJam @standupmaths hint: logs and integrals
@C_J_Smith there are no exceptions to fresher's flu!
@MathsJam -> MAN re pascal triangles: poor show not writing down numbers mod n
How is your research useful?…
This javascript function disappears as soon as you call it with anything other than itself: `a = function(b){return a=b}`
@Bishnavitch sorry, too busy
for m'colleague sitting opposite: what's the best way to make "Case N" headers/sections for a proof by cases in LaTeX? \theoremstyle? email is so nice to use. Can't quite bring myself to switch from gmail though.
@Nathan1123 oh no no, it's very different from the outlook web access that institutions use
@vickytnz are you planning on coming to another mathsjam in the future? I think you'd've liked the string patterns we were doing last night
@vickytnz EXCELLENT
buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo paintings…
gosh these slides are good-lookin'. deck.js + mathjax + computer modern bright = mmhmm!
@danaernst in an hour or so once I've given the talk!
There is no classical music octet called Baroquetagon. REMEDY YOURSELVES, MUSICIANS
Slides from a talk about zero-knowledge protocols…
@stecks interesting! They're on the server...
@stecks ah! got the capitals wrong. Rubbish windows case-insensitivity
Right so, 1/0 isn't defined, but is |1/0| ?
@DanielColquitt yes
revelation: ctrl+alt+vowel gives puts an acute accent on in windows 7. There must be something similar for grave, but what is it?
@komiga tried that. It doesn't work. ctrl+alt+` produces ¦ for me.
when you enter the second minute of saying "ummm", it's fair to say you've lost your train of thought
@stecks me too!
Ha. @stecks and I are writing pseud waffle in parallel on a google doc. Too earnest!
@stecks 80s laser noises!
@stecks oh god, and now we're pseuding on twitter too.
It's cho'clockolate!
@alexbellos nope, nope and definitely nope. I was *enormously* annoyed to find this out the hard way
@alexbellos and if you're thinking of doing the "gardens" visit instead: it's OK, but not amazing. Go only if you're already in Granada
@haggismaths run them through…
The site I run with @peterrowlett and @stecks, the @aperiodical, is half a year old today. Cor!…
Sat in the dental hospital waiting to be seen. If it turns out they need to do anything, this afternoon's Maths Aid is going to be fun.
Hah, my phone's picked up the university wifi at the dental hospital. Fantastic.
Let's take a trip straight back to the 90s! I just checked, and still exists. I used to think it was the funniest.
@standupmaths amazon says a cube in its packaging is 5.6 ounces / 150g……
@peterrowlett um....? Really furious chalk-holding?
@standupmaths would I be spending too many pedant points if I raised the question of whether it's "the Rubik's cube" or just "Rubik's cube"?
@Bishnavitch just had a root canal done, so best not
Person I'm sharing this office with has started laughing very loudly at the internet. I think she wants to chat to break the silence...
... but I find her monumentally tedious. Hoping she'll eventually give up.
I'm getting nostalgic for this morning with the nice dental student doing my root canal
North Shields smells really strongly of weed again. I hope they realise "stonefish" isn't just made by getting normal fish stoned.
@DanielColquitt no replies apart from yours. I think you're right.
Watching the latest @numberphile video. It seems @standupmaths used to be able to write ∞ properly, but then he took an arrow to the knee
My mum has just discovered TODAY, AT THE AGE OF 56, that there is such a thing as a pause button. #themindboggles
Her defence: "I've never had cause... to pause. Hey, tweet that!"
Seriously men-dudes, buy some M&S Cool&Fresh pants. Anything else feels like sackcloth now and I will not allow it to touch my bottom.
@standupmaths @apontzen does #lll\_ work as a hashtag?
@HoeJodgkiss the cheap ones are very middling, but nowhere near as bad as tablets can be. Be prepared to be underwhelmed, but they're useful
Wow, the person who presents Money Box looks even more boring than I could have dared imagine
in other radio gripes: why wasn't my list of favourite programmes from the old radio iplayer carried over to the new one?
and another one! Why can't I sort programmes in a category by broadcast date any more? IT'S A RUDDY LIBERTY
today's Geometry Daily is nice…
Beginning to see the favourable aspects of Dorothy Dandridge's Cow Cow Boogie….
Your response, Ella Mae Morse?… #nevermind
@Dr_Lucie @standupmaths so the #domputer has a bandwidth of ~0.0000000004 mbit/s. ALMOST AS SLOW AS AOL AMIRIGHT
@jgrahamc I'm writing a quicky news piece about Plan 28 for @aperiodical. Can I email you some questions?
@icecolbeveridge actually, you're already registered on the site - if you log in to the admin page, can you see the "anyone can edit" posts?
@jgrahamc I don't know your address. Can you dm me?
Nothing fills me with existential dread like the final half-hour of Radio 4 each night. And Something Understood trebles it.
Shine, cosh, than, ar-cosh, arc-shine, arc-than. #letscallthewholethanoff
oh, and sesh, cosesh, coth, of course. #letscallthewholethanoff
@DanaKazim Dangerous Knowledge is very good…
@peterrowlett @KSCMaths @aperiodical aw but I was quite pleased with my hashtag
just realised I could've gone with #thesinhing instead of #letscallthewholethanoff. Maybe we need a #hyperbolicpuns hashtag as well.
"I know what each of those words means individually..." is the response 9/10 times one mathematician describes his work to another
the building manager has taken down the sign which used the word 'egress'. Victory!
Moodle's DB abstraction is terrible, and its SCORM module is even worse. ~600 DB queries each time a student submits an answer!
aaaaaa big mathsjam is less than 3 weeks away aaaaa I haven't prepared anything aaaaaaaa
@hornmaths yes. Frames are layers; put (1000ms) at the end of layer names to set display time. Sth like Plugins->Animation->Play to preview
@Qunchuy @KSCMaths @aperiodical @Shamoquinn oh, rats!
Every time the site gets 386 views in a day I do a tiny smile.
There were 2 ships called MS Windoc and they both hit bridges on the Welland Canal, 60 years apart……
Today's Tynemouth hipster winner is the dude wearing a gendarme cap. Truly didn't expect to see a member of the Foreign Legion today
Difficult for anyone to challenge him now. Only someone having moved out of Tynemouth a year ago because it's gone too mainstream could try.
(standing on the metro platform looking out for just such a person to look down their nose out the window as their train goes past)
now standing on the train listening to Breakbot (it's good to listen to the oldies occasionally) and tweeting about hipsters. #awinnerisme!
ahahahahahahah RT @Kit_Yates_Maths: This article "proves" a link between maths and nature.
moodle's SCORM module: 70 instances of eval() in the JS; ~600 DB queries per save; custom AJAX calls instead of YUI's; ETC AD INFINITUM
Solved a Fresnel integral while peeling my lunchtime clementine. Pretty chuffed.
More food calculus: evaluating double integrals is like picking strawberries; triple integrals are like picking strawberries in a chopper
While discussing what we'd do with our last half-hour of sight, we found "Last of the Brazilians" is not an extant porno spoof. Disappointed
The maths behind my Fresnel integral peel:
@maanow this says it's no longer attributed to Franklin:
#hateie #hateie #hateie #hateie
Just won a vicious maths battle with @TweetsofCushing. Matt has a Russian textbook with ALL the questions in
doing some top githubbing today…
Pretty happy with how my evening's going
@vickytnz I was recently told I have too much tintin merchandise. Impossible!
@DanaKazim Pure: python or Haskell. Applied: MATLAB or maybe Mathematica. Stats: R.
@vickytnz the Tintin Shop in London is the place that makes it all, and well worth a visit. My bro bought me an ace t-shirt for £10 recently
@DanaKazim much nicer syntax, easier to write what you mean without fiddling about with language stuff. If you want speed, haskell is fast.
@DanaKazim python, by far. Try… and
Is anyone interested in taking part in a v casual "recreational maths seminar" g+ hangout? We'd look at papers from my esoterica collection
@icecolbeveridge have you got a bit of time to test the idea now?
@icecolbeveridge ok, ping me when you're ready and I'll start a hangout
In order to be blinded by paintballs, PJ had to be shot in both eyes simultaneously. Ladies and gentlemen, Byker Grove was an inside job!
I'm down the rabbit hole now. Everyone is involved. Where was that fat man from The Machine Gunners on the day PJ was shot?
That went rather well. I think the recreational maths seminar is a goer. Thanks to @icecolbeveridge for sparing time and brainpower.
@TweetsofCushing 874 -
oh no my mind's started pronouncing 'skeleton' as if it's a kind of fundamental particle. Now I can't stop thinking about boogly death rays
arXiv submitters: I love it when you use your home-made LaTeX macros in your abstracts. Deciphering two-character names is my fave hobby
I pledge my patronage to the first clothes shop to put out an advert backed by the song "Jumpers", to the tune of Dizzee Rascal's "Bonkers"
Spent the morning baking instead of working. Can't baking be my job?
Terrified that children will knock on my door and I'll have to give away these choco crinkles before I can give them to my grownup friends
Fenwicks window! Fenwicks window! Winwicks fendow! Fendow wenwicks!
@hornmaths no, more like a cookie crossed with a brownie
I have learnt from the master RT @TweetsofCushing: @christianp is now a fellow aces up master after my tutoring
@Bishnavitch saw it on Sunday, and I'm at a Halloween party tonight, sorry. Pizza on Friday?
@Bishnavitch Ahh, peanuts to you then
it's wednesday and I've just realised I haven't read any comics this week. Not even Dinosaur comics! Re-re-re-rectify!
Why is the new iPlayer radio so totally worse than the old one? They've stripped out loads of useful information and views
Facebook suggests I might like the page for Rethink Mental Illness. Man, I wish I could just reconsider my decision to be mentally ill.
(I'm sure Rethink Mental Illness does good work and I'm going to look at it so thanks Facebook, but I am compelled to misinterpret the name)
Oh no I'm still Gove!
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who turns up for maths-aid on time. (I am)
TIL the symbol produced by \cdot is called an interpunct. More dottery:…
@TweetsofCushing NO WAY
oh man, I copied my local copy's address instead of the one on the web! #meganoob
can someone test a little cellular automaton for me please?
@MuseGarden thanks. I'm not really using d3 properly, or for anything that wouldn't be easier in jquery. Changed what I was doing halfway!
@MuseGarden I will engithub it forthwith
Everyone should talk like Aisling Bea.… That would be just wonderful.
@MuseGarden yeah, Cell.update
@walkingrandomly less of a generalisation and more of an analogue, if you'll excuse the excellent pun
errors caused by whitespace are the hardest errors to find
everyone pick an offensive foreign stereotype card from this old Happy Families pack!… I'm going to be Mr Jham Jhar
If you're interested in taking part in my google+ recreational maths seminar, please tell me what times would suit you:…
@icecolbeveridge can you add +The Aperiodical on google+ so I can add you back, and then mention you in a post?
@TweetsofCushing NO WAY!!! Mine ends in 5 :(
@TweetsofCushing there are quite a few LaTeX errors in your post
INSPIRED!… (but you shouldn't dock tails)
I feel left out with everyone saying their phone number is prime. My mobile number ends in a 5 :(
What's the deal with Americans writing numbers like "one (1)" on forms? Do a significant number of Americans not learn how to read numbers?
hooray slow internet hooraaaaaaaaay
@LargeCardinal would you like to write something about Wow-Cards for @aperiodical? I don't really get the idea, but it's symmetry, right?
well I'm not going to not use the Bourbaki dangerous symbol now I know about it…
Are attitudes to presenting proofs different between France and UK? I've seen lots of French authors point out tricky parts; none in English
@standupmaths they even had a reference to copy on the window next to it!
Oi! Lagabouts and dragalarks, upload your photos of last month's MathsJam to or ELSE
Is it a coincidence that a deck of playing cards is the same size as two alphabets?
@icecolbeveridge ahh, so that's the secret to podcasting success: mention each listener by name. So simple!
@CardColm As I typed: not going to not use. It's very simple, Colm!
@HoeJodgkiss and start a bootleg record label called Ruff Trade
Newcastle MathsJam October 2012 Recap…
@n1vux @peterrowlett @reflectivemaths very interesting!
@peterrowlett @aperiodical hahahaha! If I ever need you to turn your phone off I know what to do
@aperfect Ahh, now I do too!
How the religious manage to listen to Sunday on radio 4 every week and manage not to be bored into apostasy is a real mystery to me.
@peterrowlett what time are you recording? I'm going to post in a bit saying rec. math. seminar will be Sunday 6pm, but need to pick a paper
@peterrowlett (first one next Sunday, not this one, but I'd like you to announce it on mathmaths)
@alexbellos worse: in a woeful display of subediting, they capitalised 'maths'. Hang 'em from lampposts!
@LargeCardinal @aperiodical an intro to what they are and why they're mathematically interesting would be good. Could be text+pics or video
@Samuel_Hansen has anyone else complained about the download for the latest ep of relprime cutting out halfway through?
@Samuel_Hansen would you believe that the 10th attempt, started after I tweeted, has worked?
Please join in with my recreational maths seminar on google+ next Sunday!…
All you haters can do one, Emacs Hart is the best at making maths videos.
@peterrowlett whoops, forgot I had two links!
@BenTormey do have some of that ice cream though. It's amazing
@jcoglan yo dawg, I heard you like writing code while you write code, so switch to python, where you don't need to do that
@jcoglan you seem to be complaining about ruby's module system a lot lately. Python's had a working one since the start.
@LargeCardinal email and I'll send you the "how to write for us" doc. Any length is fine.
watching the tracker for a thing I ordered from the US. How does it take a week to get from Maryland to New York? They're like 4 hours apart
@TweetsofCushing aaaaaaaa it was 08:08 when I read that tweet!
@hornmaths oh yes! I completely forgot
have been re-appraised of the situation vis a vis hurricanes on the east coast of the US. Well done USPS for holding on to my package! #fnar
I've made a huge mistake
@ben_nuttall I need IE for testing!
what was wrong with right-click menus popping up where the mouse is? I quite liked that. It meant I didn't get RSI.
I'm well impressed with how often the interface freezes so far. Gives me time to gather my thoughts.
I've worked out how to close programs! Happy dance!
@gingerbeardman pretty terribly so far. They weren't kidding about metro not being adapted for desktops. No keyboard shortcuts!
oh I give up. I'm going in to work. That's how bad windows 8 is.
Dell "Express Service Tags" out by 1 digit correspond to different PCs. Did nobody teach you Hamming codes, Dell? #angerday
@matthen2 what do tides look like if the moon's orbiting fast enough to be 10m above sea level? Do waves have time to fall?
Following much whinging by @TweetsofCushing, I've edited my MathsJam recap to credit him for more things.…
@vickytnz there are so many other nice coffee places in the city centre!
@alexbellos I interviewed the director for The Aperiodical:…
Congratulations to the family with the bonfire 6 feet from their front door and 3 feet from the public footpath.
hooray, graphics! My mining and crafting days are not yet over
@wormboyslim @aperfect worse: I installed windows 8 on my laptop
@stecks do you have a copy?
Ordering a very particular kind of toothpaste from amazon. #autismlife
@Samuel_Hansen you didn't vote for Nimrod Y.U. Allen, III! Bad voting
@stecks re free time: I play minecraft to clear my mind. I suppose other people would take a nap.
#hateIE #hateIE #hateIE #hateVML #hateIE
potatoes-which-have-been-boiling-for-fifteen-minutes-are-unpeeled-realisation. #germanemotions
@icecolbeveridge what was that idea for an aperiodical post you had last week?
@icecolbeveridge both good ideas
@treasa crumbs! I just about remember that. Were they really that old?
@treasa ahhh, you mean these!…
@treasa that's a good prompt for me to save it in mendeley
@DanielColquitt that's actually a pretty good ratio for proofreading
@vickytnz don't do it! They're all on 4od for free!
No matter how you kern it, reads like a terrible description of what the product does
@aperfect your mission: find this stellated dodecahedron in the church of San Pantalon…
eugh, the raphael.js API is yucky
raphael.js: why is paper.path('a stupid string for stupid people') better than path.move(x,y).line(x,y)... ?
@maanow The solution is rounded incorrectly (or just down to 3 dp).
@robrolfemaths @maanow I was trying to avoid giving the answer in a tweet. Anyway, 30/31 is more like 0.9677419...
@ajk_44 are you familiar with Simon Tatham's portable puzzle collection?
suddenly-remembering-you-do-have-chocolate-hidden-somewhere-after-all-exultation. #germanemotions
aaurggg what's this madness? I had no idea minstrels were coated in hard icing
Decided my walls need some new posters. This Gauss went a bit wrong, but I think I'm on the right track.
Take 2: Turing!
@peterrowlett how are you getting on with Numbas? Have your students handed in that assignment?
@stecks all in good time
The PM has a new app which constantly scans twitter. So let's get "short-term populism is no way to run a country, Mr Cameron" trending.
@peterrowlett just checking up on it!
@peterrowlett another question for the tiny-maths-surveys site I really need to make one day
(actually though, stick some significance figures on the aggregated data and it's a decent idea)
@jgrahamc thank you! My feelings exactly. The end had the structure of a Marvel superhero movie
@KSCMaths that's a rather obtuse 65 degrees!
just computing the volume of the Earth in pecks, nothing crazy.…--
@ajk_44 one of the newest ones, called "Pearl", is very good
@KSCMaths best pun! And since it's a wrong angle, not a length, "not conformal" would be a better disclaimer. I'll stop being pedantic now
@haggismaths ahh, I had a really good one yesterday but I came in today to find the board wiped because of A Scandal.
@aperfect prima!
@Samuel_Hansen I would if your server could stay on task for more than a minute!
@haggismaths alas not.
@standupmaths not even going to email you. Newcastle MathSoc -
@standupmaths while I have your attention: will you be around for drinks before or after the Stockton show on Saturday?
Would it be profitable to set up as a bounty hunter tracking down skiving contract workers? I'd call it A la Recherche des Temps Perdus
@vickytnz Denksführer!
ok, who's going to buy me one of these?…
@JPickford time for me to get back into game dev!
@aPaulTaylor if you haven't already sorted it: can you post the sequence of numbers of lights? It's hard to tell from the video
The marimba solo in the Fenwicks window song is driving me to violence
Does anyone want to do something mathematical with me? RT @ScienceFest: The call for UK Maker Faire is NOW OPEN
@peterrowlett whatever twitter client you're using to send stuff into aperiodical is messing up the URLs since they got rid of the #! bit
has anyone heard of IE, on first loading a page, calling JS object constructors before attaching their prototypes? Doesn't happen on refresh
I also have a problem with the last text node attached to a VML diagram with raphael.js not showing up
PS: in case it wasn't clear, #hateie #hateie #hateie #hateie
@tanurai I've added Sheffield to the MathsJams map:…
wow, vodafone make it cartoonishly hard to leave them.
perfect timing. My phone's screen has just died.
A little reminder: tomorrow at 7pm GMT I'll be hosting the first recreational maths seminar on google+.…
@Dr_Lucie @standupmaths cutting-edge Teesside style. They need something to distract from the industrial horrors out the window
notifications in windows used to be in the bottom-left, where no mission-critical buttons live. Now they're in the top-right, where Close is
@fumbleweeds you'd love England. It's 46F here (if I've done the conversion right) and people think it's warm enough to go surfing.
I have set up a little minecraft server for me and my bro. Twitterists, you can be my bro from another mo! DM me if you'd like to play
Well, the Recreational Maths Seminar was fun! So glad the idea worked. Video up on the @aperiodical soon. Thanks to those who took part.
@Htbaa I meant bottom-right, yes.
today's bug was caused by my stupid brain and not IE's. So, for a one-time only showing, I am obliged to use the tag #hateSelf
@Rosalot you're married? Congratulations!
A big metal box in the lunch room marked "Health and Safety" is beeping. Twitter, should I run away?
@jgrahamc in 3rd form Latin I remember reading about a dude who was pretty pleased with central heating
@HilariousCow Guile theme!… I blame you for the fact I'll have this in my head the rest of the day
New @TweetsofCushing phone number braggadocio: how many square numbers does your phone number have? Best in the office is 3625, which has 3
Trying to get Fearne Cotton to endorse my new back scratcher design. I'll call it the Fearne Itcher.
Why do computer scientists only ever get to second base?
Productive day in the office. I think we've covered all possible π puns.
@jcoglan lamely attempting to join in with a twitter joke as a service
@Sa3eedo reaching sixteenth base sounds like a fun time
Discussing whether the set of yo mama jokes is countable. If I can make one about each of @TweetsofCushing's mum's ex-lovers, it isn't.
(that was yo mama joke ω+1)
@standupmaths did you make your venue bookings through Easyjet? Was Stockton sold as "Newcastle South"?
Does the IRS have an Erdős number of 1?
what do you call the dude in a rap song who fills in the gaps with uh-huhs and aww-yeahs? There is a word for it I know
@HoeJodgkiss I think it might be on the red button
@HoeJodgkiss (but I'm going to bed now so I don't even care if I'm lying)
Woman and her mother, made up like panto dames, facing the wrong door to get off the train. "It's behind you!", I almost shout.
talking to tech support for a phone company is like character generation in an RPG: keep rerolling until you get a good guy
@jjaron now I want to play probabilistic quantum golf and get a hole-in-one-in-four
maths: basically magic.…
@aperfect haha, it's like sixth form all over again
Just sent out the reminder email for Newcastle @MathsJam. (this is the reminder for other MathsJam organisers to send out theirs)
@ColinTheMathmo Asking the University of Waterloo is out of the question?
@ColinTheMathmo coincidentally, I gave a talk on zero-knowledge protocols recently which used three-colouring graphs as an example
@ColinTheMathmo here:… (warning - posh modern browser-based slides which you might have trouble with)
@plusmathsorg the brackets on the last equation aren't balanced.
Unexpectedly vegetarian dinner after I forgot to cook any of the three kinds of meat I just bought
This'll be right up @standupmaths' street: a book about snowflakes, with accurate diagrams, from 1863.…
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen top tagging.
@Samuel_Hansen I assume that signing that as a foreigner would be counter-productive.
@Samuel_Hansen oh. I thought I could remember foreigners being encouraged to sign the open access one.
Dear Diary, I made terrible nachos today. Tonight I'll dream about the nachos I could've made. And it'll make me sad.
So that's what windows 8's BSOD looks like. Wasn't expecting to see it so soon.
@CardColm @pickover did you see it was mentioned on the last episode of QI?
@sfh10 my opinion on STEP maths: I would've loved some proper help with it when I did it.
@CardColm oh, I thought you would've heard of it at least. It's a *fantastic* comedy panel show presented by Stephen Fry
@vickytnz nope. Nope nope nope. No way no how.
@madcaptenor it isn't even our first one. @MarcusduSautoy presented one a while ago. I've forgotten what it was called.
@madcaptenor you've made me go to IMDB now. It was called "Mind Games", and wasn't just maths.…
Already in @MathsJam mode. Students wanting numeracy help tomorrow might learn about woollen applications of group theory instead.
@ajk_44 @samholloway I would follow Sam, but he's following exactly as many people as he's being followed by, and it's a triangular number!
Today's the day when everyone's @-replies end with "will you be at MathsJam tomorrow?"
@mathsinthecity numbergossip says it's evil, deficient, and untouchable.
@DanielColquitt "Lagrange Multiplier" has always sounded to me like a combo move in Maths: The Game
@icecolbeveridge ok, Monday, but I don't get the reference
There's a petition to sign if you think the elected PCCs are a bad idea:
I did not know about this! Multiple user profiles for debugging in Chrome…
@stecks Pudsey's fundraising powers don't stem from his injuries! And even if there's a link, it hasn't been shown to be monotic increasing!
@stecks oh bum. I thought I was so clever getting that in exactly 140 characters and I missed two from "monotonic".
@bluecombats a pair of scissors usually comes in handy.
looking up names for a randomised question. "Blossom. Meaning: Flower Blossom"; "Bluebell. Meaning: Grateful". WAAAAAA?!
@stecks @aperiodical @SciencePunk what to call it?
@SciencePunk @stecks @aperiodical Twiterator? @ccumulator?
Talking about education resources conversation template: "Well, (organisation X) were doing good stuff, but they've been bought by Pearson)"
Did you know that the very first MathsJam took place in Holland in 1690?…
@mathsatschool oooh, glue, I didn't think of that! I do have cards and string though, so the union of our packs probably covers everything
OK, #mathsjam, what have I forgotten? Most of what I own is in this bag.
Right then. To Crewe! #mathsjam
@MathsJam what's yellow and equivalent to the axiom of choice? #mathsjam
Why is the contour integral around western Europe zero? #mathsjam
there aren't many dirty logicians: “Kleeneliness is next to Gödeliness” #mathsjam
@charliesgames you should have a dental hospital nearby
An easy way to get mathematical symbols to paste into tweets: #mathsjam
I had no idea mcdonalds got so busy on Sunday evenings
I'm back at my home. MathsJam was great.
Allen Knutson used to have a webcam pointed at a whiteboard in his office. Its last image is of his hand taking it away…
@standupmaths one of the Bernoullis has created a mechanism to help you draw the infinity symbol properly…
@samholloway not too many records on sale these days. It's a fairly even split between chintzy vintage and semi-professional photographers
@monsoon0 Mockus, mayor of Bogota, is my hero:…
@nulibsage that statistic doesn't make any sense.
@nulibsage more likely a hard-working press officer. I have a collection of gloriously overstated research press releases
@nulibsage actually, I have a question for you! Yesterday I was told of the existence of the Wallis collection. How do I see it?
@icecolbeveridge just putting that at the end of the URL… works
I'm thinking of starting a series on badly overstated popular maths. I would call it poopular maths. Today's example:…
1) claims animals "solve" maths problem. 2) describes problem as "wildly complex", but not in the technical meaning of the phrase.
3) claims mathematicians "discovered" basic fact about graphs. 4) repeats decade-old press release claiming a human has "solved" TSP.
5)finally and worst of all, gives no hint that "hard" for mathematicians has a very different meaning to "hard" for regular people (or bees)
A person called Dana and a person called Daina have favourited my last tweet. I assume one is the imaginary complement of the other.
@icecolbeveridge yes please. Put it in the system!
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm at the Charles Grey pub (outside Monument metro station). All welcome, just bring your brain!
did everyone suddenly agree that the past participle of "lead" is no longer "led"? What's going on?
@monsoon0 I saw "lead" in a newspaper (though I think it might have been the Grauniad) recently, and I've seen it in several articles since
@TweetsofCushing where? The top post is still the prisoners
@TweetsofCushing now so do I. Most peculiar. Gavin says you might be ill. Are you?
@hornmaths 'lead'
@C_J_Smith it's WHAT?! I'm not prepared! HOW WILL I DO ANYTHING ELSE TODAY?
I've lost my rather expensive bluetooth headphones. I'm quite displeased.
'...the use
of "percision" as defined in the SQL specification can be confussing.' I agree, SCORM spec. I am very confussed.
@samholloway there's a hill in Cambridge?
seeds in clementines: basically the worst experience in food
picked my nose, unleashed a pint of blood. Will never pick my nose again.
Helpful definition of notation from the SCORM 1.2 spec: "If not preceded by a minus sign, the number is presumed to be positive."
No mention of required precision, base system, or which character should be used for the decimal point. Hooray!
Found this little curio hiding in the school library. Unfortunate surname, though.
@standupmaths so what does 2,000 Rubik's Cubes being solved at once sound like?
Some lovely geometric wallpapers designed for iPads… (note: many other devices are capable of displaying bitmaps)
The @aperiodical is looking dangerously well-organised at the moment.
@mathsinthecity @icecolbeveridge to paraphrase JFK, we have nothing to fear but vier itself, so 4 should be the sole terrifying number.
"I genuinely love Internet Explorer's debugging tools. They always help me quickly get to the bottom of any problem." - nobody, ever.
@mjdominus oh well. Three letter President: close enough.
Testify! RT @HilariousCow: While there are no Americans around to see this, I'm just gonna say it: I hate America's freedom. Repatriate!
@haggismaths thank that person from me. Typewritten maths is a terrible artefact of the mid-20th century.
@peterrowlett is it constructive to rant about someone's mistakes at length? I think twitter is ok because it's ephemeral
@peterrowlett I also meant "permanently"
@BenTormey Get a pair of boxfresh. They last so much longer than Converse.
@elinoroberts top idea! For lunch, or breakfast?
@standupmaths I was planning on using "Chum-in-Chief" but @stecks wrote the article. Which do you prefer?
@elinoroberts ahhh, I need to get the metro at 11, but you've stirred beachy feelings in me. Mind if I join you?
@peterrowlett @icecolbeveridge @standupmaths would you believe I was literally about to tweet that myself before I saw Col got there first?
Either chewing bubblegum in an otherwise quiet office should be illegal, or it should be a valid extenuating circumstance in murder cases
@altweet_pet what's the record he's attempting to set?
Telling me there's nothing to watch on telly.. I have watched Hot Shots! enough minus infinity times.
Our table number is "a snowman doing a painting".
@helenarney @standupmaths is that Matt's snowfake-fighting superhero costume?
getting back to sleep is exceedingly hard with this hipster nonsense on Peter Day's World Service programme.
Does anyone else own Running with Rifles? It's a good game:…
@AdamCreen really? How so?
@AdamCreen oh, you mean there are 11 more prime minuteses. I use "twin prime" to mean two primes (n,n+2)
@daveowhite if you apply yourself, you can give back 60,000 portions as an Easter present (we did the sums a while ago)…
@daveowhite we didn't dare work that out. Not much longer.
@jjsanderson @elinoroberts well, if you live in Tynemouth, this is what happens. You'll have opinions about on-street parking next
@jjsanderson @elinoroberts depends. Which way round the metro do you go? If you go via Gosforth, it's already too late
Using bootstrap. I give up. Web design is not for me.
@monsoon0 do they have any of that special chalk that is incredibly hard to get outside Japan?
They're selling what now? Coming soon: Epistemologue, your one-stop-shop for mail-order trivialities.
This is a bit iffy, isn't it?…
Anyway, don't buy a theorem or a symmetry group, get yourself a bespoke artisanal hand-crafted integer for free
And lo, with a lightning-quick "works for me" did he smite the bug report, banishing it forever to the cursed land of Won't Fix.
@DanielColquitt nah, sorted it out.
@numberphile now do base 4!…
@jcoglan stacked Unicode diacritics.…
@jcoglan sad, because as yet there's no
@standupmaths @MathsJam do we have MathsJams sufficiently far apart to do some geometrical calculations?
When I close my front door I can either turn left for the metro station or right for the beach. Sometimes it's very hard to turn left.
Thought I had more eggs. Sad little omelette :(
omelette saved with god's own ingredients: bacon and paprika!
@HoeJodgkiss that's the most coherent Newcastle transfer punditry I've ever seen. You should work for the Chronicle, you should.
"Works at: Team Leader at Brewers Fayre". "Works at: cannabis farm lol". I'm not sure which of my mid-range relatives is more underwhelming
Newcastle @MathsJam November 2012 Recap:…
suddenly my flat smells really strongly of eggs. Where is it coming from? Am I in danger? Aaaaaaa going to be killed by Chuckie Egg aaaaaaaa
oh HANG ON, I just ate an omelette. Panic over.
and why did I go for Chuckie Egg instead of Dizzy? Have I ever even played Chuckie Egg? How do I know about it? EGGSTERNAL INFLUENCES
@jcoglan in something like `<a href="[%=str%]">`, where am I asserting that `str` is a URL, or is that not what you're getting at?
@ColinTheMathmo yeah, I thought that was it, but I couldn't remember if Ji had given a different variation
Soupremum. Simpleggs. Identitea. All on the menu at my new mathematical bistrho.
@jcoglan establishing context in arbitrary environments: "parse ALL the strings?"
@elinoroberts yes! Do it!
@MathsJam Newcastle is not happening in December
@Bishnavitch yeah, but the hologram Compaq at CES last year was quite crass. #notoriousbigblue
@jjaron @igblan trace a line from the bit of the hook socket facing you, along the surface. You end up on the other side.
@jjaron @igblan yep, I had the same problem
This nexus 4's screen is so beautiful, I'm going to weep openly
put cocoa in milk before milk was hot. Hyperfailure.
@helenarney that's not my mane!
@helenarney unless you were already going for that double-pun, in which case I apologise
@helenarney @andy_tea that's OK, I know when to swallow my pride.
cooking for slimming world dieters tonight. The recipe they have given me is like a real recipe, minus the ingredients.
@pkrautz my German isn't good enough. It looks fairly innocuous; what's wrong?
@monsoon0 but all chalk is made of ground-up shells!
@standupmaths @Dr_Lucie trees are old hat. I'm going with a Christmas treap this year
I'm hosting another recreational maths seminar tonight, about "seven staggering sequences". 7pm GMT, Google+:…
@outofthenorm2 ooh, that'll go nicely with something I've got saved for the next aperiodical round up. Ta!
@elinoroberts @gjchocolatier it makes me sad to think of all the time you haven't known that. Have you tried the brownie?
Join me in 5 minutes on google+ for the @aperiodical recreational maths seminar:…
With a puzzle by me, CP! RT @aperiodical: Post: Puzzlebomb - December 2012
Oh no, youtube has remembered that day I spent watching Oesch's die Dritten videos. My recommendations page is nonstop yodels.
After posting basically nothing all last week, I fear we may have overdone it with "sort your mess out Monday" at the @aperiodical.
If I see the Newcastle University Login Gateway one more time...
@StudentsNCL @NU_ITservice I don't think there's anything wrong, I just have to go through it each time I go to any of the many sites I use
David filled in a questionnaire online and it turns out I'm the best dad in the office. Ladies.
@jcoglan not a WordPress apologist, but it'll be a plugin causing the crashes. Because of the unique way php works, that's possible!
@jcoglan some combination of turning plugins on and off, and turning on PHP debug logging. Prepare to go back to 90s debugging methods
@jcoglan there might be a plugin that adds a "don't show comments" flag to posts and modifies the get-post-comments function
Just had a filling done. My cheek is still numb, but my tooth absolutely knacks. Do I need to go back?
@TweetsofCushing don't you dare
aaargrggrg python why is installing pip on windows still such a hassle? Just include it with the standard distribution!
Today @TweetsofCushing is looking for the person with the most of one letter in their name. Currently top: Reece Burgess-Creen with 6 Es
where's the GIF for when someone does a test with string operations instead of writing a proper routine to do what they mean?
Useful javascript library implemented as a jquery method. My anger level has risen to 32 milli-@jcoglan.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie Sightseers tomorrow?
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie that would also be a good choice for me, but it doesn't star Alice Lowe, so...
@TweetsofCushing !!!
Trawling amazon for hours looking for a replacement for the lost headphones you spent hours choosing last time. #autismproblems
there's some pretty lovely music on @laRadioNova at the moment
oh great, so they put some 80s nonsense on just after I said that.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie sightseers 2020
If 100 people star JSXGraph on github, it can be hosted on CDNJS:…
@jamesgrime first thing I noticed on audible was this Car Talk compilation, I assume of the puzzles they often pose…
@ajk_44 I don't know how you should celebrate, but you should do it at ten to nine.
Well I'm *trying* to write a really good post for the @aperiodical today but the uni wifi isn't helping
Eureka! Santa only visits one house on Christmas Eve, but infinitely many universes, each containing a different Santa, collapse at midnight
Is it a special autism superpower to spot typos in a page of text at a glance, or does it happen to everyone?
Because I've been editing a very long post and spotting typos in very unusual words just as I scroll past them, not even looking for them
@helenarney yes yes very funny, intentionally misunderstood. Now where's this bar? I'm a huge sporks fan.
If there isn't already a travelator company called Thousand Yard Stairs then I am going straight to Companies House first thing tomorrow
the address of the University of Athens' maths department is Because they couldn't name a Greek mathematician?
@alexbellos whoops, we both made 3d-printing christmas present posts today
There's a version of HyperRogue for android!… FRABJOUS DAY! via @mathpuzzle
@Nathan1123 @MuseGarden I used that page once when in a beds shop with a friend who didn't know what size his bed was!
@Nathan1123 to be fair, he'd just moved in to a rented flat and British bed size names are mental.
Thanks, textbooks!
@My_Metro I'm on one of the new trains, and the lights on the wrong side of the carriage lit up when we stopped. Better look into that!
@elinoroberts the first shop to produce an app which puts your shopping list in order for a shortest traversal will earn my patronage.
@matheknitician posted! Thanks for letting me know
Tonight, we dine... quite well!
@stecks @aPaulTaylor you know, I wasn't going to have it but then I thought since I'm tweeting it someone might complain if it wasn't there
Step 1: cook double meal, so you can have leftovers tomorrow. Step 2: forget you finished the cling film yesterday. Step 3: food bags!!!!
@DanielColquitt @ben_nuttall it's the real thing - pause it, maximise, and draw a pattern
@MouldS @dan_physio @standupmaths hey, that's just the first few digits! "Approximation to pi pie" doesn't sound very appetising
Going to Tynemouth market to look for a secret Santa present. Must make a big effort not to buy anything too ironic
Worst trendy name so far: "Gosforth bakehaus".
Alas, the pewter cowboy hat chip'n'dip tray is outside my budget
youtube's algorithm to make a video unshaky leaves it looking really trippy instead
There was a horrific animatronic koala for sale at the market today. I should've bought it. I didn't. Got to live with that.
@Bishnavitch I didn't dare. I was scared of a Ringu type situation
@Bishnavitch I'll see if it's there again tomorrow
@outofthenorm2 haha, what are you thinking?
@outofthenorm2 go for it
@HilariousCow do a flamboyant loop on the letter O
The internet has taught me to love humanity. Giant Pants of the '30s:
Went back for the eldritch koala. It's been sold! Life is not worth living any more ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
@stecks are The Sinks a new fraternal society, like the masons or the rotary club?
@jcoglan pandoc turns most things into most things
@jcoglan though if you're writing a book, learn LaTeX.
@jcoglan pdflatex comes with any latex distribution. On ubuntu, try tex-live
@jcoglan all these variants exist because almost everyone, after using TeX for a while, thinks "I can do it better!"
@jcoglan the stuff they have in common is basically all you need, so just stick with TeX-live and don't try to be clever with it
@jcoglan TeX is like the English language: nobody uses it perfectly, there are a million ways to say anything, ...
@jcoglan and far too many people who should know better hold very strong opinions about tiny aspects of usage
@Bishnavitch true facts
haha hooray!…
@DainaTaimina I think that's actionable libel
@divbyzero oh man, I need to get into control systems! There could be a "Perfect timing" algorithm
@Dr_Lucie 197th.
general lazy evaluation was too beautiful a dream for someone as uninterested in proper type analysis as I. Oh well...
@standupmaths not impossible: the other hemisphere could be really crazy
@peterrowlett @standupmaths I don't get it
Can't decide if I'm wasting my life or living it exactly how I want.…
@WWMGT c) a quart of pounds
So, ladies and gentlemen of the Academy, in summary: PHP is just the worst and I propose that we throw it into the Sun
Hooray, futurama's on! Oh no, it's Jurassic Bark. Sad evening :'(
@sxpmaths someone else's code I depend on was using '!empty($x–>p)' to test if $x->p is set. Which fails when it's the string "0".
Please tell me I'm not the only one who gets angry about adverts recorded in NTSC
oh snap! Today's Dinosaur Comic says Santa collapses realities to deliver presents!… The evidence mounts!
Favourite picture of the day!…
@jhylmb haven't tested it, but it should be possible
Oh god! All these Top 50 Tracks of 2012 lists mean I have to listen to Gotye again. #whyhastthouforsakenme
@henryseg were you paid for that article? It would cost me £30 to read if I didn't have a uni account
@henryseg super! It's a good article.
@aperfect fog on the Thames is all them's all them's, fog on the Thames is all them's.
@aperfect oh em gee I am going to start a faux-ironic hipster band called Londisfarne. We will gig exclusively in corner shops
@Electrokittie good intel. I will wrap up warm when I head in from the balmy coast
whaaaaaaat. Ctrl+Alt+Tab in windows shows the switchy-window thing even after you let go of the keys.
hey guys it's 10:10. Duodecimalists gonna hate.
I felt quite bad about the @aperiodical's visitor numbers until I looked at the Mathematical Intelligencer's circulation figures
@jamesgrime true fact. I got a good one of you a while ago from the @numberphile Rubik's Cube video:…
@jcoglan CET was the 12th time zone to have 12:12:12 12/12/12. Germans are the chosen people after all!
@outofthenorm2 oh, you could've said! I'll have a look
@ben_nuttall "Although braggadocio doesn't come naturally to most computer programmers, ..."
No chocolate in the kitchen. Spend 10 minutes checking the Secret Chocolate Locations, or go to the shops?
Right. Let's do some things to things until there's food to eat. #homecookin
@outofthenorm2 oh, NOW I get that pun! Sorry for changing the title to an inferior one
@elinoroberts accidentally swallowing a pea is big trouble: you have to swallow a fly to get it, then a frog to catch the fly, ad infinitum
Having a little rage about the Moodle SCORM module. Not a single line of the code is good.
@vickytnz it's free, which is good, and open-source, so I can see *why* it's buggy. We're on Moodle because BB has broken SCORM support
@vickytnz Moodle 2 is considerably less bad than old Moodle. It's barely tolerable now, but still lots of really annoying and bad things
@vickytnz yeah well, it's for academics :P
"Hm, how shall I implement this hierarchical data structure, with well-defined elements and values? I know! Strings and regexps!" #hate
I don't know how it's possible to write this much bad code without Nature itself reacting violently against you.
If a student handed this in as homework I wouldn't mark it wrong. I'd encourage them to join al qaeda or the communist party or something
1) they'd make MI6's job much easier; 2) no self-respecting terrorist would want to be associated with them, and would lay down their arms
@peterrowlett just remembered your Numbas email. Will do that later today.
A scotch egg and a frijj. I operate on the frontiers of cuisine.
Please support the kickstarter for my self-published transvestite medieval epic, "The Song of Roland's Dirndl"
Trying to synopsise that Jim Carrey film where he's a pet detective, but every time I try I get the plot "farce about Ace"
well! Since nobody wants to go christmas shopping with me, I think I'll go for a walk round Tynemouth instead
@treasa believe it
Off to seek my fortune in the tatatoria of Newcastle upon Tyne.
If you spoonerise "Hooke and Wren" the number of bird names increases from one to two. I'm pleased by this but don't know what to do with it
a Kinect physics game where you stack boxes but it's two-player and you each control the other's arms
@standupmaths you are this guy…
This is why I keep trying to introduce German as a second language in the department…
I keep forgetting it's the office christmas lunch today and making plans for work to do and food to eat.
@brittneybean if you keep calling that a biscuit Ed Miliband might try to integrate you
@brittneybean but it does look VERY tasty. What's going on there?
@TweetsofCushing I told you I don't have a suit
@TweetsofCushing I even forgot to wash my jumper so I'm going to look extra scruffy
@TweetsofCushing proving to whom?
@TweetsofCushing that reminds me - I tried to prove the same facts to your momma but she kept asking me if there are any even primes
@JPickford "The games has jumped".
Who hates standing on the metro? CP hates standing on the metro. Is it true? I do I do I do-oo!
@helenarney or you're living in Newcastle 6 years ago
Go ahead. Spell it "chaise lounge". Make my day.
Your reminder that there's no Newcastle @MathsJam tonight.
@HilariousCow just play Just Cause 2 instead.
@HilariousCow I played it on the xbox, so don't know about that.
@jcoglan #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice?
@jcoglan but the problem with instagram isn't 'we own the servers', it's 'you're not the one paying our salaries'.
That sneeze crept up on me completely unnoticed but now it's over, I feel like I've needed to do a sneeze that big for a long time.
@amazingradio I am very much enjoying "Tyrannosaurus Rex For Christmas". It's my new favourite Christmas song.
it's 12:36! Dance about like you've got all your divisors within easy reach.
We're making good use of our last proper work day by playing LAZA KNITEZ
"Cost-per-gigabyte is down more than 300% in three years".… #what
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MathsWorldUK I meant to catch someone at big mathsjam - would anyone like to write about the plans for @aperiodical?
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MathsWorldUK yes! It would be good just to get the name out, wouldn't it?
@jcoglan I'll go with: generics work on objects, and ints aren't objects.
@madcaptenor order a single box of chalk. I haven't dared to do it yet and I've had prime for years
Buying stock for my new kids' clothing shop, Newcastle upon Tiny.
@jamesgrime they're very different films, but I agree.
@peterrowlett quick! Make a Klein bottle!
Watched a video from the ISS. Moved to poetry: I love the Earth / and all the people on it. / You could even say / it's my favourite plonet
@aperfect which company is it?
@aperfect that isn't even a real company.
@aperfect hah, their homepage has a megabyte of stock images
@mutedestro @MathsJam sadly it looks like there isn't one near you -…. Nothing to stop you starting one!
Last night I dreamt about a really fast slug! Is today the day we rethink our metaphors?
@standupmaths so clearly we need to start a campaign to register Unicode codepoints for common English words
This Christmas card's so charming I wish I could send it to myself.
@daveowhite Monetize your front window. Monetize your beard. Monetize smalltalk.
@GhostMutt which cards do you have turned on? I just have the weather and football scores. Is there something more to it I'm missing?
@TweetsofCushing proof or it isn't true!
@TweetsofCushing and by "quintics" do you mean fifth powers?
This is how I roll
Pick a natural number N. Find p_N, the first prime which is the difference of Nth powers. $\ln(p_53)/53 = \ln(p_59)/59$, to 10 dp
@C_J_Smith ternary decimal?
@C_J_Smith next question: 0,1,2 or +,-,0 ?
@C_J_Smith my least favourite ternary representation
-.. .- ... .... -.. --- - -.. --- -/-.. --- - -.. .- ... ..../-.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- -/-.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- -
@DanaKazim did I get it right?
@DanaKazim fantastic
gosh it's grim outside!
It's pretty ridiculous how long it take windows 8 to show the task manager
I'm playing my "justify my obnoxious prejudices with pop psychology I read in a non-scientific outlet" card.…
Whenever I hear about economics, I think of this scene from futurama…
"a third of Men will get their Christmas presents from a service station" - according to a study in a service station on Dec 24th last year?
Pretty much certain you can do better, Woman's Hour
Sorry, it's You and Yours, not Woman's Hour. Disappointment levels back to normal, and I need to look at my watch
The only paper I could find to pad this present with was pages from the LRB. #truestoriesfromupmyownbumhole
I think this year I can do my present wrapping in two or fewer ragequits
@jcoglan isn't it weird how when the economy's good the poor suddenly start trying harder?
@HilariousCow did you have a gravis gamepad? When I saw the graphic of it in the wolf3d options I wondered how it could ever be suitable
Today I learned that a <redacted> needs about 3cm more wrapping paper than you think.
@outofthenorm2 Please finish your bees post!
You don't wrap presents with the wrapping paper you want, you wrap presents with the wrapping paper you've got. - Donald Rumsfeld
oh, so Big Society was always meant to be a pejorative, like Big Tobacco or Big Pharma.
why do journal publishers think it's a good idea to make supplementary material a separate PDF from the article?
Need to eat all the food in the flat before going home for Christmas. My stomach is being marvellously cooperative
Remember, HE KNOWS…
I'm pretty pleased with my Christmas cards this year…
I think Father Christmas might be my favourite thing to draw
@DanielColquitt you've completely inverted the "go away and read a book while your computer is doing something" meme
In case you haven't experienced windows 8 yet, this guy explains what's wrong:…
I've owned for a year and done nothing with it. It expires in 3 days. Has anyone got any ideas?
(The original idea was to have, so my arXiv submission could be from the "Institute of Hot Mathematicians")
@ColinTheMathmo but why? I'm not doing research any more, so no opportunities to use it forthcoming
@ColinTheMathmo selling unused domain names is on my list of Terrible Internet Behaviours. If I let it expire, whoever wants it can have it
@walkingrandomly I thought that was a good idea and then I saw it was by Stardock. I've learnt my lesson with them
@walkingrandomly what I'm doing is: close eyes, press windows key, type program name, press enter, open eyes. It's almost the same
@vickytnz were you around when it was Belle and Herb's? Times were better then
@peterrowlett literally LOL
Leo says I have no neck. Vicious fibs.
I'm in Windsor! The air smells funny down here
Such pleasant people down here
There isn't a craft supplies shop in Windsor?! Surely I'm mistaken.
@apontzen @standupmaths did you work that out by hand, or did you use a script like this: ?
I'm pretty ecstatic about how this 80k file won't upload to my ftp server over this flat's wifi
Let's see if giffgaff throttle ftp connections as well...
hahahaha my phone's connection is so much ridiculously quicker than this Zen broadband
I've added a question to The Aperiodical's Very Important Mathematical Survey about how you eat corn on the cob:…
@alimcg86 chin up, McGlen!
WHERE ARE ALL THE FILMS? I don't want to watch Open All Hours, I want a film!
@standupmaths @Dr_Lucie the dog started melting when he was near the fire. That's way closer to physical realism than I was expecting
@samholloway there definitely used to be one!
@monsoon0 mega jealous!
Pretty unexpectedly radical present
I'm going to see Scrooged! Channel 4 now. I'll have depleted my Christmas film to-watch list by at least one this year.
Round 2. Nobody else wants leg! Excellent crimblus
Scouting for locations for my new concept café with a chess board at every table, "En Croissant".
Try saying "tuna mayo jacket potato". It's wonderful, like the start of a beat poem about my favourite foods.
Congrats to @TweetsofCushing for getting his first integer sequence accepted by the OEIS:…
@standupmaths you can keep going with Step 4: work out how many different patterns you can make by swapping pieces of the same shape
Hiring bar staff for my new underground opera hall, "Grotto Voce"
@JohnAllenPaulos it's a vanity publisher, not a real journal!
@jcoglan there's probably an emacs command 'Cmd-a-t untweet cheap pun'
Beginning to fear I've been trafficked to Slough. Will I ever see my beloved Northumberland again?
What a lovely book…
I can't decide if Planet 51 (channel 4 right now) is alright or terrible
@Rosalot I'm having trouble accepting Dwayne 'the Rock' Johnson as a cowardly ginger man
Etymonline's etymology of 'omelette' is basically to wave the "nobody knows" card:…
A marvel of the last age of austerity - one of the last concrete lampposts in Slough.
The proportion of films on the telly that nana has misidentified as The Gruffalo this Christmas is rapidly approaching Legendre's constant.
Forget about convergence. If a million specific gadgets for each conceivable task was good enough for 60s Batman, it's good enough for me
Wow, sky captain and the world of tomorrow hasn't aged well at all
@standupmaths I've held the patent on that idea since I was 12
@ajk_44 @samholloway how long are you two up North for? I've just arrived back from Slough
@Samuel_Hansen just when I thought I had all your many show formats clear in my head...
wikipedia's picture for the King of the Belgians is ace…
@jcoglan the problem is probably with your router (or OSX's drivers, depending on perspective). OSX takes exception to some brands of router
@jcoglan yeah, it's OSX's problem, but its problem is with the router.
Why is the new iPlayer radio so totally worse than the old one? They've stripped out loads of useful information and views
Facebook suggests I might like the page for Rethink Mental Illness. Man, I wish I could just reconsider my decision to be mentally ill.
(I'm sure Rethink Mental Illness does good work and I'm going to look at it so thanks Facebook, but I am compelled to misinterpret the name)
Oh no I'm still Gove!
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who turns up for maths-aid on time. (I am)
TIL the symbol produced by \cdot is called an interpunct. More dottery:…
@TweetsofCushing NO WAY
oh man, I copied my local copy's address instead of the one on the web! #meganoob
can someone test a little cellular automaton for me please?
@MuseGarden thanks. I'm not really using d3 properly, or for anything that wouldn't be easier in jquery. Changed what I was doing halfway!
@MuseGarden I will engithub it forthwith
Everyone should talk like Aisling Bea.… That would be just wonderful.
@MuseGarden yeah, Cell.update
@walkingrandomly less of a generalisation and more of an analogue, if you'll excuse the excellent pun
errors caused by whitespace are the hardest errors to find
everyone pick an offensive foreign stereotype card from this old Happy Families pack!… I'm going to be Mr Jham Jhar
If you're interested in taking part in my google+ recreational maths seminar, please tell me what times would suit you:…
@icecolbeveridge can you add +The Aperiodical on google+ so I can add you back, and then mention you in a post?
@TweetsofCushing NO WAY!!! Mine ends in 5 :(
@TweetsofCushing there are quite a few LaTeX errors in your post
INSPIRED!… (but you shouldn't dock tails)
I feel left out with everyone saying their phone number is prime. My mobile number ends in a 5 :(
What's the deal with Americans writing numbers like "one (1)" on forms? Do a significant number of Americans not learn how to read numbers?
hooray slow internet hooraaaaaaaaay
@LargeCardinal would you like to write something about Wow-Cards for @aperiodical? I don't really get the idea, but it's symmetry, right?
well I'm not going to not use the Bourbaki dangerous symbol now I know about it…
Are attitudes to presenting proofs different between France and UK? I've seen lots of French authors point out tricky parts; none in English
@standupmaths they even had a reference to copy on the window next to it!
Oi! Lagabouts and dragalarks, upload your photos of last month's MathsJam to or ELSE
Is it a coincidence that a deck of playing cards is the same size as two alphabets?
@icecolbeveridge ahh, so that's the secret to podcasting success: mention each listener by name. So simple!
@CardColm As I typed: not going to not use. It's very simple, Colm!
@HoeJodgkiss and start a bootleg record label called Ruff Trade
Newcastle MathsJam October 2012 Recap…
@n1vux @peterrowlett @reflectivemaths very interesting!
@peterrowlett @aperiodical hahahaha! If I ever need you to turn your phone off I know what to do
@aperfect Ahh, now I do too!
How the religious manage to listen to Sunday on radio 4 every week and manage not to be bored into apostasy is a real mystery to me.
@peterrowlett what time are you recording? I'm going to post in a bit saying rec. math. seminar will be Sunday 6pm, but need to pick a paper
@peterrowlett (first one next Sunday, not this one, but I'd like you to announce it on mathmaths)
@alexbellos worse: in a woeful display of subediting, they capitalised 'maths'. Hang 'em from lampposts!
@LargeCardinal @aperiodical an intro to what they are and why they're mathematically interesting would be good. Could be text+pics or video
@Samuel_Hansen has anyone else complained about the download for the latest ep of relprime cutting out halfway through?
@Samuel_Hansen would you believe that the 10th attempt, started after I tweeted, has worked?
Please join in with my recreational maths seminar on google+ next Sunday!…
All you haters can do one, Emacs Hart is the best at making maths videos.
@peterrowlett whoops, forgot I had two links!
@BenTormey do have some of that ice cream though. It's amazing
@jcoglan yo dawg, I heard you like writing code while you write code, so switch to python, where you don't need to do that
@jcoglan you seem to be complaining about ruby's module system a lot lately. Python's had a working one since the start.
@LargeCardinal email and I'll send you the "how to write for us" doc. Any length is fine.
watching the tracker for a thing I ordered from the US. How does it take a week to get from Maryland to New York? They're like 4 hours apart
@TweetsofCushing aaaaaaaa it was 08:08 when I read that tweet!
@hornmaths oh yes! I completely forgot
have been re-appraised of the situation vis a vis hurricanes on the east coast of the US. Well done USPS for holding on to my package! #fnar
I've made a huge mistake
@ben_nuttall I need IE for testing!
what was wrong with right-click menus popping up where the mouse is? I quite liked that. It meant I didn't get RSI.
I'm well impressed with how often the interface freezes so far. Gives me time to gather my thoughts.
I've worked out how to close programs! Happy dance!
@gingerbeardman pretty terribly so far. They weren't kidding about metro not being adapted for desktops. No keyboard shortcuts!
oh I give up. I'm going in to work. That's how bad windows 8 is.
Dell "Express Service Tags" out by 1 digit correspond to different PCs. Did nobody teach you Hamming codes, Dell? #angerday
@matthen2 what do tides look like if the moon's orbiting fast enough to be 10m above sea level? Do waves have time to fall?
Following much whinging by @TweetsofCushing, I've edited my MathsJam recap to credit him for more things.…
@vickytnz there are so many other nice coffee places in the city centre!
@alexbellos I interviewed the director for The Aperiodical:…
Congratulations to the family with the bonfire 6 feet from their front door and 3 feet from the public footpath.
hooray, graphics! My mining and crafting days are not yet over
@wormboyslim @aperfect worse: I installed windows 8 on my laptop
@stecks do you have a copy?
Ordering a very particular kind of toothpaste from amazon. #autismlife
@Samuel_Hansen you didn't vote for Nimrod Y.U. Allen, III! Bad voting
@stecks re free time: I play minecraft to clear my mind. I suppose other people would take a nap.
#hateIE #hateIE #hateIE #hateVML #hateIE
potatoes-which-have-been-boiling-for-fifteen-minutes-are-unpeeled-realisation. #germanemotions
@icecolbeveridge what was that idea for an aperiodical post you had last week?
@icecolbeveridge both good ideas
@treasa crumbs! I just about remember that. Were they really that old?
@treasa ahhh, you mean these!…
@treasa that's a good prompt for me to save it in mendeley
@DanielColquitt that's actually a pretty good ratio for proofreading
@vickytnz don't do it! They're all on 4od for free!
No matter how you kern it, reads like a terrible description of what the product does
@aperfect your mission: find this stellated dodecahedron in the church of San Pantalon…
eugh, the raphael.js API is yucky
raphael.js: why is paper.path('a stupid string for stupid people') better than path.move(x,y).line(x,y)... ?
@maanow The solution is rounded incorrectly (or just down to 3 dp).
@robrolfemaths @maanow I was trying to avoid giving the answer in a tweet. Anyway, 30/31 is more like 0.9677419...
@ajk_44 are you familiar with Simon Tatham's portable puzzle collection?
suddenly-remembering-you-do-have-chocolate-hidden-somewhere-after-all-exultation. #germanemotions
aaurggg what's this madness? I had no idea minstrels were coated in hard icing
Decided my walls need some new posters. This Gauss went a bit wrong, but I think I'm on the right track.
Take 2: Turing!
@peterrowlett how are you getting on with Numbas? Have your students handed in that assignment?
@stecks all in good time
The PM has a new app which constantly scans twitter. So let's get "short-term populism is no way to run a country, Mr Cameron" trending.
@peterrowlett just checking up on it!
@peterrowlett another question for the tiny-maths-surveys site I really need to make one day
(actually though, stick some significance figures on the aggregated data and it's a decent idea)
@jgrahamc thank you! My feelings exactly. The end had the structure of a Marvel superhero movie
@KSCMaths that's a rather obtuse 65 degrees!
just computing the volume of the Earth in pecks, nothing crazy.…--
@ajk_44 one of the newest ones, called "Pearl", is very good
@KSCMaths best pun! And since it's a wrong angle, not a length, "not conformal" would be a better disclaimer. I'll stop being pedantic now
@haggismaths ahh, I had a really good one yesterday but I came in today to find the board wiped because of A Scandal.
@aperfect prima!
@Samuel_Hansen I would if your server could stay on task for more than a minute!
@haggismaths alas not.
@standupmaths not even going to email you. Newcastle MathSoc -
@standupmaths while I have your attention: will you be around for drinks before or after the Stockton show on Saturday?
Would it be profitable to set up as a bounty hunter tracking down skiving contract workers? I'd call it A la Recherche des Temps Perdus
@vickytnz Denksführer!
ok, who's going to buy me one of these?…
@JPickford time for me to get back into game dev!
@aPaulTaylor if you haven't already sorted it: can you post the sequence of numbers of lights? It's hard to tell from the video
The marimba solo in the Fenwicks window song is driving me to violence
Does anyone want to do something mathematical with me? RT @ScienceFest: The call for UK Maker Faire is NOW OPEN
@peterrowlett whatever twitter client you're using to send stuff into aperiodical is messing up the URLs since they got rid of the #! bit
has anyone heard of IE, on first loading a page, calling JS object constructors before attaching their prototypes? Doesn't happen on refresh
I also have a problem with the last text node attached to a VML diagram with raphael.js not showing up
PS: in case it wasn't clear, #hateie #hateie #hateie #hateie
@tanurai I've added Sheffield to the MathsJams map:…
wow, vodafone make it cartoonishly hard to leave them.
perfect timing. My phone's screen has just died.
A little reminder: tomorrow at 7pm GMT I'll be hosting the first recreational maths seminar on google+.…
@Dr_Lucie @standupmaths cutting-edge Teesside style. They need something to distract from the industrial horrors out the window
notifications in windows used to be in the bottom-left, where no mission-critical buttons live. Now they're in the top-right, where Close is
@fumbleweeds you'd love England. It's 46F here (if I've done the conversion right) and people think it's warm enough to go surfing.
I have set up a little minecraft server for me and my bro. Twitterists, you can be my bro from another mo! DM me if you'd like to play
Well, the Recreational Maths Seminar was fun! So glad the idea worked. Video up on the @aperiodical soon. Thanks to those who took part.
@Htbaa I meant bottom-right, yes.
today's bug was caused by my stupid brain and not IE's. So, for a one-time only showing, I am obliged to use the tag #hateSelf
@Rosalot you're married? Congratulations!
A big metal box in the lunch room marked "Health and Safety" is beeping. Twitter, should I run away?
@jgrahamc in 3rd form Latin I remember reading about a dude who was pretty pleased with central heating
@HilariousCow Guile theme!… I blame you for the fact I'll have this in my head the rest of the day
New @TweetsofCushing phone number braggadocio: how many square numbers does your phone number have? Best in the office is 3625, which has 3
Trying to get Fearne Cotton to endorse my new back scratcher design. I'll call it the Fearne Itcher.
Why do computer scientists only ever get to second base?
Productive day in the office. I think we've covered all possible π puns.
@jcoglan lamely attempting to join in with a twitter joke as a service
@Sa3eedo reaching sixteenth base sounds like a fun time
Discussing whether the set of yo mama jokes is countable. If I can make one about each of @TweetsofCushing's mum's ex-lovers, it isn't.
(that was yo mama joke ω+1)
@standupmaths did you make your venue bookings through Easyjet? Was Stockton sold as "Newcastle South"?
Does the IRS have an Erdős number of 1?
what do you call the dude in a rap song who fills in the gaps with uh-huhs and aww-yeahs? There is a word for it I know
@HoeJodgkiss I think it might be on the red button
@HoeJodgkiss (but I'm going to bed now so I don't even care if I'm lying)
Woman and her mother, made up like panto dames, facing the wrong door to get off the train. "It's behind you!", I almost shout.
talking to tech support for a phone company is like character generation in an RPG: keep rerolling until you get a good guy
@jjaron now I want to play probabilistic quantum golf and get a hole-in-one-in-four
maths: basically magic.…
@aperfect haha, it's like sixth form all over again
Just sent out the reminder email for Newcastle @MathsJam. (this is the reminder for other MathsJam organisers to send out theirs)
@ColinTheMathmo Asking the University of Waterloo is out of the question?
@ColinTheMathmo coincidentally, I gave a talk on zero-knowledge protocols recently which used three-colouring graphs as an example
@ColinTheMathmo here:… (warning - posh modern browser-based slides which you might have trouble with)
@plusmathsorg the brackets on the last equation aren't balanced.
Unexpectedly vegetarian dinner after I forgot to cook any of the three kinds of meat I just bought
This'll be right up @standupmaths' street: a book about snowflakes, with accurate diagrams, from 1863.…
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen top tagging.
@Samuel_Hansen I assume that signing that as a foreigner would be counter-productive.
@Samuel_Hansen oh. I thought I could remember foreigners being encouraged to sign the open access one.
Dear Diary, I made terrible nachos today. Tonight I'll dream about the nachos I could've made. And it'll make me sad.
So that's what windows 8's BSOD looks like. Wasn't expecting to see it so soon.
@CardColm @pickover did you see it was mentioned on the last episode of QI?
@sfh10 my opinion on STEP maths: I would've loved some proper help with it when I did it.
@CardColm oh, I thought you would've heard of it at least. It's a *fantastic* comedy panel show presented by Stephen Fry
@vickytnz nope. Nope nope nope. No way no how.
@madcaptenor it isn't even our first one. @MarcusduSautoy presented one a while ago. I've forgotten what it was called.
@madcaptenor you've made me go to IMDB now. It was called "Mind Games", and wasn't just maths.…
Already in @MathsJam mode. Students wanting numeracy help tomorrow might learn about woollen applications of group theory instead.
@ajk_44 @samholloway I would follow Sam, but he's following exactly as many people as he's being followed by, and it's a triangular number!
Today's the day when everyone's @-replies end with "will you be at MathsJam tomorrow?"
@mathsinthecity numbergossip says it's evil, deficient, and untouchable.
@DanielColquitt "Lagrange Multiplier" has always sounded to me like a combo move in Maths: The Game
@icecolbeveridge ok, Monday, but I don't get the reference
There's a petition to sign if you think the elected PCCs are a bad idea:
I did not know about this! Multiple user profiles for debugging in Chrome…
@stecks Pudsey's fundraising powers don't stem from his injuries! And even if there's a link, it hasn't been shown to be monotic increasing!
@stecks oh bum. I thought I was so clever getting that in exactly 140 characters and I missed two from "monotonic".
@bluecombats a pair of scissors usually comes in handy.
looking up names for a randomised question. "Blossom. Meaning: Flower Blossom"; "Bluebell. Meaning: Grateful". WAAAAAA?!
@stecks @aperiodical @SciencePunk what to call it?
@SciencePunk @stecks @aperiodical Twiterator? @ccumulator?
Talking about education resources conversation template: "Well, (organisation X) were doing good stuff, but they've been bought by Pearson)"
Did you know that the very first MathsJam took place in Holland in 1690?…
@mathsatschool oooh, glue, I didn't think of that! I do have cards and string though, so the union of our packs probably covers everything
OK, #mathsjam, what have I forgotten? Most of what I own is in this bag.
Right then. To Crewe! #mathsjam
@MathsJam what's yellow and equivalent to the axiom of choice? #mathsjam
Why is the contour integral around western Europe zero? #mathsjam
there aren't many dirty logicians: “Kleeneliness is next to Gödeliness” #mathsjam
@charliesgames you should have a dental hospital nearby
An easy way to get mathematical symbols to paste into tweets: #mathsjam
I had no idea mcdonalds got so busy on Sunday evenings
I'm back at my home. MathsJam was great.
Allen Knutson used to have a webcam pointed at a whiteboard in his office. Its last image is of his hand taking it away…
@standupmaths one of the Bernoullis has created a mechanism to help you draw the infinity symbol properly…
@samholloway not too many records on sale these days. It's a fairly even split between chintzy vintage and semi-professional photographers
@monsoon0 Mockus, mayor of Bogota, is my hero:…
@nulibsage that statistic doesn't make any sense.
@nulibsage more likely a hard-working press officer. I have a collection of gloriously overstated research press releases
@nulibsage actually, I have a question for you! Yesterday I was told of the existence of the Wallis collection. How do I see it?
@icecolbeveridge just putting that at the end of the URL… works
I'm thinking of starting a series on badly overstated popular maths. I would call it poopular maths. Today's example:…
1) claims animals "solve" maths problem. 2) describes problem as "wildly complex", but not in the technical meaning of the phrase.
3) claims mathematicians "discovered" basic fact about graphs. 4) repeats decade-old press release claiming a human has "solved" TSP.
5)finally and worst of all, gives no hint that "hard" for mathematicians has a very different meaning to "hard" for regular people (or bees)
A person called Dana and a person called Daina have favourited my last tweet. I assume one is the imaginary complement of the other.
@icecolbeveridge yes please. Put it in the system!
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm at the Charles Grey pub (outside Monument metro station). All welcome, just bring your brain!
did everyone suddenly agree that the past participle of "lead" is no longer "led"? What's going on?
@monsoon0 I saw "lead" in a newspaper (though I think it might have been the Grauniad) recently, and I've seen it in several articles since
@TweetsofCushing where? The top post is still the prisoners
@TweetsofCushing now so do I. Most peculiar. Gavin says you might be ill. Are you?
@hornmaths 'lead'
@C_J_Smith it's WHAT?! I'm not prepared! HOW WILL I DO ANYTHING ELSE TODAY?
I've lost my rather expensive bluetooth headphones. I'm quite displeased.
'...the use
of "percision" as defined in the SQL specification can be confussing.' I agree, SCORM spec. I am very confussed.
@samholloway there's a hill in Cambridge?
seeds in clementines: basically the worst experience in food
picked my nose, unleashed a pint of blood. Will never pick my nose again.
Helpful definition of notation from the SCORM 1.2 spec: "If not preceded by a minus sign, the number is presumed to be positive."
No mention of required precision, base system, or which character should be used for the decimal point. Hooray!
Found this little curio hiding in the school library. Unfortunate surname, though.
@standupmaths so what does 2,000 Rubik's Cubes being solved at once sound like?
Some lovely geometric wallpapers designed for iPads… (note: many other devices are capable of displaying bitmaps)
The @aperiodical is looking dangerously well-organised at the moment.
@mathsinthecity @icecolbeveridge to paraphrase JFK, we have nothing to fear but vier itself, so 4 should be the sole terrifying number.
"I genuinely love Internet Explorer's debugging tools. They always help me quickly get to the bottom of any problem." - nobody, ever.
@mjdominus oh well. Three letter President: close enough.
Testify! RT @HilariousCow: While there are no Americans around to see this, I'm just gonna say it: I hate America's freedom. Repatriate!
@haggismaths thank that person from me. Typewritten maths is a terrible artefact of the mid-20th century.
@peterrowlett is it constructive to rant about someone's mistakes at length? I think twitter is ok because it's ephemeral
@peterrowlett I also meant "permanently"
@BenTormey Get a pair of boxfresh. They last so much longer than Converse.
@elinoroberts top idea! For lunch, or breakfast?
@standupmaths I was planning on using "Chum-in-Chief" but @stecks wrote the article. Which do you prefer?
@elinoroberts ahhh, I need to get the metro at 11, but you've stirred beachy feelings in me. Mind if I join you?
@peterrowlett @icecolbeveridge @standupmaths would you believe I was literally about to tweet that myself before I saw Col got there first?
Either chewing bubblegum in an otherwise quiet office should be illegal, or it should be a valid extenuating circumstance in murder cases
@altweet_pet what's the record he's attempting to set?
Telling me there's nothing to watch on telly.. I have watched Hot Shots! enough minus infinity times.
Our table number is "a snowman doing a painting".
@helenarney @standupmaths is that Matt's snowfake-fighting superhero costume?
getting back to sleep is exceedingly hard with this hipster nonsense on Peter Day's World Service programme.
Does anyone else own Running with Rifles? It's a good game:…
@AdamCreen really? How so?
@AdamCreen oh, you mean there are 11 more prime minuteses. I use "twin prime" to mean two primes (n,n+2)
@daveowhite if you apply yourself, you can give back 60,000 portions as an Easter present (we did the sums a while ago)…
@daveowhite we didn't dare work that out. Not much longer.
@jjsanderson @elinoroberts well, if you live in Tynemouth, this is what happens. You'll have opinions about on-street parking next
@jjsanderson @elinoroberts depends. Which way round the metro do you go? If you go via Gosforth, it's already too late
Using bootstrap. I give up. Web design is not for me.
@monsoon0 do they have any of that special chalk that is incredibly hard to get outside Japan?
They're selling what now? Coming soon: Epistemologue, your one-stop-shop for mail-order trivialities.
This is a bit iffy, isn't it?…
Anyway, don't buy a theorem or a symmetry group, get yourself a bespoke artisanal hand-crafted integer for free
And lo, with a lightning-quick "works for me" did he smite the bug report, banishing it forever to the cursed land of Won't Fix.
@DanielColquitt nah, sorted it out.
@numberphile now do base 4!…
@jcoglan stacked Unicode diacritics.…
@jcoglan sad, because as yet there's no
@standupmaths @MathsJam do we have MathsJams sufficiently far apart to do some geometrical calculations?
When I close my front door I can either turn left for the metro station or right for the beach. Sometimes it's very hard to turn left.
Thought I had more eggs. Sad little omelette :(
omelette saved with god's own ingredients: bacon and paprika!
@HoeJodgkiss that's the most coherent Newcastle transfer punditry I've ever seen. You should work for the Chronicle, you should.
"Works at: Team Leader at Brewers Fayre". "Works at: cannabis farm lol". I'm not sure which of my mid-range relatives is more underwhelming
Newcastle @MathsJam November 2012 Recap:…
suddenly my flat smells really strongly of eggs. Where is it coming from? Am I in danger? Aaaaaaa going to be killed by Chuckie Egg aaaaaaaa
oh HANG ON, I just ate an omelette. Panic over.
and why did I go for Chuckie Egg instead of Dizzy? Have I ever even played Chuckie Egg? How do I know about it? EGGSTERNAL INFLUENCES
@jcoglan in something like `<a href="[%=str%]">`, where am I asserting that `str` is a URL, or is that not what you're getting at?
@ColinTheMathmo yeah, I thought that was it, but I couldn't remember if Ji had given a different variation
Soupremum. Simpleggs. Identitea. All on the menu at my new mathematical bistrho.
@jcoglan establishing context in arbitrary environments: "parse ALL the strings?"
@elinoroberts yes! Do it!
@MathsJam Newcastle is not happening in December
@Bishnavitch yeah, but the hologram Compaq at CES last year was quite crass. #notoriousbigblue
@jjaron @igblan trace a line from the bit of the hook socket facing you, along the surface. You end up on the other side.
@jjaron @igblan yep, I had the same problem
This nexus 4's screen is so beautiful, I'm going to weep openly
put cocoa in milk before milk was hot. Hyperfailure.
@helenarney that's not my mane!
@helenarney unless you were already going for that double-pun, in which case I apologise
@helenarney @andy_tea that's OK, I know when to swallow my pride.
cooking for slimming world dieters tonight. The recipe they have given me is like a real recipe, minus the ingredients.
@pkrautz my German isn't good enough. It looks fairly innocuous; what's wrong?
@monsoon0 but all chalk is made of ground-up shells!
@standupmaths @Dr_Lucie trees are old hat. I'm going with a Christmas treap this year
I'm hosting another recreational maths seminar tonight, about "seven staggering sequences". 7pm GMT, Google+:…
@outofthenorm2 ooh, that'll go nicely with something I've got saved for the next aperiodical round up. Ta!
@elinoroberts @gjchocolatier it makes me sad to think of all the time you haven't known that. Have you tried the brownie?
Join me in 5 minutes on google+ for the @aperiodical recreational maths seminar:…
With a puzzle by me, CP! RT @aperiodical: Post: Puzzlebomb - December 2012
Oh no, youtube has remembered that day I spent watching Oesch's die Dritten videos. My recommendations page is nonstop yodels.
After posting basically nothing all last week, I fear we may have overdone it with "sort your mess out Monday" at the @aperiodical.
If I see the Newcastle University Login Gateway one more time...
@StudentsNCL @NU_ITservice I don't think there's anything wrong, I just have to go through it each time I go to any of the many sites I use
David filled in a questionnaire online and it turns out I'm the best dad in the office. Ladies.
@jcoglan not a WordPress apologist, but it'll be a plugin causing the crashes. Because of the unique way php works, that's possible!
@jcoglan some combination of turning plugins on and off, and turning on PHP debug logging. Prepare to go back to 90s debugging methods
@jcoglan there might be a plugin that adds a "don't show comments" flag to posts and modifies the get-post-comments function
Just had a filling done. My cheek is still numb, but my tooth absolutely knacks. Do I need to go back?
@TweetsofCushing don't you dare
aaargrggrg python why is installing pip on windows still such a hassle? Just include it with the standard distribution!
Today @TweetsofCushing is looking for the person with the most of one letter in their name. Currently top: Reece Burgess-Creen with 6 Es
where's the GIF for when someone does a test with string operations instead of writing a proper routine to do what they mean?
Useful javascript library implemented as a jquery method. My anger level has risen to 32 milli-@jcoglan.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie Sightseers tomorrow?
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie that would also be a good choice for me, but it doesn't star Alice Lowe, so...
@TweetsofCushing !!!
Trawling amazon for hours looking for a replacement for the lost headphones you spent hours choosing last time. #autismproblems
there's some pretty lovely music on @laRadioNova at the moment
oh great, so they put some 80s nonsense on just after I said that.
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie sightseers 2020
If 100 people star JSXGraph on github, it can be hosted on CDNJS:…
@jamesgrime first thing I noticed on audible was this Car Talk compilation, I assume of the puzzles they often pose…
@ajk_44 I don't know how you should celebrate, but you should do it at ten to nine.
Well I'm *trying* to write a really good post for the @aperiodical today but the uni wifi isn't helping
Eureka! Santa only visits one house on Christmas Eve, but infinitely many universes, each containing a different Santa, collapse at midnight
Is it a special autism superpower to spot typos in a page of text at a glance, or does it happen to everyone?
Because I've been editing a very long post and spotting typos in very unusual words just as I scroll past them, not even looking for them
@helenarney yes yes very funny, intentionally misunderstood. Now where's this bar? I'm a huge sporks fan.
If there isn't already a travelator company called Thousand Yard Stairs then I am going straight to Companies House first thing tomorrow
the address of the University of Athens' maths department is Because they couldn't name a Greek mathematician?
@alexbellos whoops, we both made 3d-printing christmas present posts today
There's a version of HyperRogue for android!… FRABJOUS DAY! via @mathpuzzle
@Nathan1123 @MuseGarden I used that page once when in a beds shop with a friend who didn't know what size his bed was!
@Nathan1123 to be fair, he'd just moved in to a rented flat and British bed size names are mental.
Thanks, textbooks!
@My_Metro I'm on one of the new trains, and the lights on the wrong side of the carriage lit up when we stopped. Better look into that!
@elinoroberts the first shop to produce an app which puts your shopping list in order for a shortest traversal will earn my patronage.
@matheknitician posted! Thanks for letting me know
Tonight, we dine... quite well!
@stecks @aPaulTaylor you know, I wasn't going to have it but then I thought since I'm tweeting it someone might complain if it wasn't there
Step 1: cook double meal, so you can have leftovers tomorrow. Step 2: forget you finished the cling film yesterday. Step 3: food bags!!!!
@DanielColquitt @ben_nuttall it's the real thing - pause it, maximise, and draw a pattern
@MouldS @dan_physio @standupmaths hey, that's just the first few digits! "Approximation to pi pie" doesn't sound very appetising
Going to Tynemouth market to look for a secret Santa present. Must make a big effort not to buy anything too ironic
Worst trendy name so far: "Gosforth bakehaus".
Alas, the pewter cowboy hat chip'n'dip tray is outside my budget
youtube's algorithm to make a video unshaky leaves it looking really trippy instead
There was a horrific animatronic koala for sale at the market today. I should've bought it. I didn't. Got to live with that.
@Bishnavitch I didn't dare. I was scared of a Ringu type situation
@Bishnavitch I'll see if it's there again tomorrow
@outofthenorm2 haha, what are you thinking?
@outofthenorm2 go for it
@HilariousCow do a flamboyant loop on the letter O
The internet has taught me to love humanity. Giant Pants of the '30s:
Went back for the eldritch koala. It's been sold! Life is not worth living any more ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
@stecks are The Sinks a new fraternal society, like the masons or the rotary club?
@jcoglan pandoc turns most things into most things
@jcoglan though if you're writing a book, learn LaTeX.
@jcoglan pdflatex comes with any latex distribution. On ubuntu, try tex-live
@jcoglan all these variants exist because almost everyone, after using TeX for a while, thinks "I can do it better!"
@jcoglan the stuff they have in common is basically all you need, so just stick with TeX-live and don't try to be clever with it
@jcoglan TeX is like the English language: nobody uses it perfectly, there are a million ways to say anything, ...
@jcoglan and far too many people who should know better hold very strong opinions about tiny aspects of usage
@Bishnavitch true facts
haha hooray!…
@DainaTaimina I think that's actionable libel
@divbyzero oh man, I need to get into control systems! There could be a "Perfect timing" algorithm
@Dr_Lucie 197th.
general lazy evaluation was too beautiful a dream for someone as uninterested in proper type analysis as I. Oh well...
@standupmaths not impossible: the other hemisphere could be really crazy
@peterrowlett @standupmaths I don't get it
Can't decide if I'm wasting my life or living it exactly how I want.…
@WWMGT c) a quart of pounds
So, ladies and gentlemen of the Academy, in summary: PHP is just the worst and I propose that we throw it into the Sun
Hooray, futurama's on! Oh no, it's Jurassic Bark. Sad evening :'(
@sxpmaths someone else's code I depend on was using '!empty($x–>p)' to test if $x->p is set. Which fails when it's the string "0".
Please tell me I'm not the only one who gets angry about adverts recorded in NTSC
oh snap! Today's Dinosaur Comic says Santa collapses realities to deliver presents!… The evidence mounts!
Favourite picture of the day!…
@jhylmb haven't tested it, but it should be possible
Oh god! All these Top 50 Tracks of 2012 lists mean I have to listen to Gotye again. #whyhastthouforsakenme
@henryseg were you paid for that article? It would cost me £30 to read if I didn't have a uni account
@henryseg super! It's a good article.
@aperfect fog on the Thames is all them's all them's, fog on the Thames is all them's.
@aperfect oh em gee I am going to start a faux-ironic hipster band called Londisfarne. We will gig exclusively in corner shops
@Electrokittie good intel. I will wrap up warm when I head in from the balmy coast
whaaaaaaat. Ctrl+Alt+Tab in windows shows the switchy-window thing even after you let go of the keys.
hey guys it's 10:10. Duodecimalists gonna hate.
I felt quite bad about the @aperiodical's visitor numbers until I looked at the Mathematical Intelligencer's circulation figures
@jamesgrime true fact. I got a good one of you a while ago from the @numberphile Rubik's Cube video:…
@jcoglan CET was the 12th time zone to have 12:12:12 12/12/12. Germans are the chosen people after all!
@outofthenorm2 oh, you could've said! I'll have a look
@ben_nuttall "Although braggadocio doesn't come naturally to most computer programmers, ..."
No chocolate in the kitchen. Spend 10 minutes checking the Secret Chocolate Locations, or go to the shops?
Right. Let's do some things to things until there's food to eat. #homecookin
@outofthenorm2 oh, NOW I get that pun! Sorry for changing the title to an inferior one
@elinoroberts accidentally swallowing a pea is big trouble: you have to swallow a fly to get it, then a frog to catch the fly, ad infinitum
Having a little rage about the Moodle SCORM module. Not a single line of the code is good.
@vickytnz it's free, which is good, and open-source, so I can see *why* it's buggy. We're on Moodle because BB has broken SCORM support
@vickytnz Moodle 2 is considerably less bad than old Moodle. It's barely tolerable now, but still lots of really annoying and bad things
@vickytnz yeah well, it's for academics :P
"Hm, how shall I implement this hierarchical data structure, with well-defined elements and values? I know! Strings and regexps!" #hate
I don't know how it's possible to write this much bad code without Nature itself reacting violently against you.
If a student handed this in as homework I wouldn't mark it wrong. I'd encourage them to join al qaeda or the communist party or something
1) they'd make MI6's job much easier; 2) no self-respecting terrorist would want to be associated with them, and would lay down their arms
@peterrowlett just remembered your Numbas email. Will do that later today.
A scotch egg and a frijj. I operate on the frontiers of cuisine.
Please support the kickstarter for my self-published transvestite medieval epic, "The Song of Roland's Dirndl"
Trying to synopsise that Jim Carrey film where he's a pet detective, but every time I try I get the plot "farce about Ace"
well! Since nobody wants to go christmas shopping with me, I think I'll go for a walk round Tynemouth instead
@treasa believe it
Off to seek my fortune in the tatatoria of Newcastle upon Tyne.
If you spoonerise "Hooke and Wren" the number of bird names increases from one to two. I'm pleased by this but don't know what to do with it
a Kinect physics game where you stack boxes but it's two-player and you each control the other's arms
@standupmaths you are this guy…
This is why I keep trying to introduce German as a second language in the department…
I keep forgetting it's the office christmas lunch today and making plans for work to do and food to eat.
@brittneybean if you keep calling that a biscuit Ed Miliband might try to integrate you
@brittneybean but it does look VERY tasty. What's going on there?
@TweetsofCushing I told you I don't have a suit
@TweetsofCushing I even forgot to wash my jumper so I'm going to look extra scruffy
@TweetsofCushing proving to whom?
@TweetsofCushing that reminds me - I tried to prove the same facts to your momma but she kept asking me if there are any even primes
@JPickford "The games has jumped".
Who hates standing on the metro? CP hates standing on the metro. Is it true? I do I do I do-oo!
@helenarney or you're living in Newcastle 6 years ago
Go ahead. Spell it "chaise lounge". Make my day.
Your reminder that there's no Newcastle @MathsJam tonight.
@HilariousCow just play Just Cause 2 instead.
@HilariousCow I played it on the xbox, so don't know about that.
@jcoglan #unhelpfulneckbeardadvice?
@jcoglan but the problem with instagram isn't 'we own the servers', it's 'you're not the one paying our salaries'.
That sneeze crept up on me completely unnoticed but now it's over, I feel like I've needed to do a sneeze that big for a long time.
@amazingradio I am very much enjoying "Tyrannosaurus Rex For Christmas". It's my new favourite Christmas song.
it's 12:36! Dance about like you've got all your divisors within easy reach.
We're making good use of our last proper work day by playing LAZA KNITEZ
"Cost-per-gigabyte is down more than 300% in three years".… #what
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MathsWorldUK I meant to catch someone at big mathsjam - would anyone like to write about the plans for @aperiodical?
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MathsWorldUK yes! It would be good just to get the name out, wouldn't it?
@jcoglan I'll go with: generics work on objects, and ints aren't objects.
@madcaptenor order a single box of chalk. I haven't dared to do it yet and I've had prime for years
Buying stock for my new kids' clothing shop, Newcastle upon Tiny.
@jamesgrime they're very different films, but I agree.
@peterrowlett quick! Make a Klein bottle!
Watched a video from the ISS. Moved to poetry: I love the Earth / and all the people on it. / You could even say / it's my favourite plonet
@aperfect which company is it?
@aperfect that isn't even a real company.
@aperfect hah, their homepage has a megabyte of stock images
@mutedestro @MathsJam sadly it looks like there isn't one near you -…. Nothing to stop you starting one!
Last night I dreamt about a really fast slug! Is today the day we rethink our metaphors?
@standupmaths so clearly we need to start a campaign to register Unicode codepoints for common English words
This Christmas card's so charming I wish I could send it to myself.
@daveowhite Monetize your front window. Monetize your beard. Monetize smalltalk.
@GhostMutt which cards do you have turned on? I just have the weather and football scores. Is there something more to it I'm missing?
@TweetsofCushing proof or it isn't true!
@TweetsofCushing and by "quintics" do you mean fifth powers?
This is how I roll
Pick a natural number N. Find p_N, the first prime which is the difference of Nth powers. $\ln(p_53)/53 = \ln(p_59)/59$, to 10 dp
@C_J_Smith ternary decimal?
@C_J_Smith next question: 0,1,2 or +,-,0 ?
@C_J_Smith my least favourite ternary representation
-.. .- ... .... -.. --- - -.. --- -/-.. --- - -.. .- ... ..../-.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- -/-.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- - -.. --- -
@DanaKazim did I get it right?
@DanaKazim fantastic
gosh it's grim outside!
It's pretty ridiculous how long it take windows 8 to show the task manager
I'm playing my "justify my obnoxious prejudices with pop psychology I read in a non-scientific outlet" card.…
Whenever I hear about economics, I think of this scene from futurama…
"a third of Men will get their Christmas presents from a service station" - according to a study in a service station on Dec 24th last year?
Pretty much certain you can do better, Woman's Hour
Sorry, it's You and Yours, not Woman's Hour. Disappointment levels back to normal, and I need to look at my watch
The only paper I could find to pad this present with was pages from the LRB. #truestoriesfromupmyownbumhole
I think this year I can do my present wrapping in two or fewer ragequits
@jcoglan isn't it weird how when the economy's good the poor suddenly start trying harder?
@HilariousCow did you have a gravis gamepad? When I saw the graphic of it in the wolf3d options I wondered how it could ever be suitable
Today I learned that a <redacted> needs about 3cm more wrapping paper than you think.
@outofthenorm2 Please finish your bees post!
You don't wrap presents with the wrapping paper you want, you wrap presents with the wrapping paper you've got. - Donald Rumsfeld
oh, so Big Society was always meant to be a pejorative, like Big Tobacco or Big Pharma.
why do journal publishers think it's a good idea to make supplementary material a separate PDF from the article?
Need to eat all the food in the flat before going home for Christmas. My stomach is being marvellously cooperative
Remember, HE KNOWS…
I'm pretty pleased with my Christmas cards this year…
I think Father Christmas might be my favourite thing to draw
@DanielColquitt you've completely inverted the "go away and read a book while your computer is doing something" meme
In case you haven't experienced windows 8 yet, this guy explains what's wrong:…
I've owned for a year and done nothing with it. It expires in 3 days. Has anyone got any ideas?
(The original idea was to have, so my arXiv submission could be from the "Institute of Hot Mathematicians")
@ColinTheMathmo but why? I'm not doing research any more, so no opportunities to use it forthcoming
@ColinTheMathmo selling unused domain names is on my list of Terrible Internet Behaviours. If I let it expire, whoever wants it can have it
@walkingrandomly I thought that was a good idea and then I saw it was by Stardock. I've learnt my lesson with them
@walkingrandomly what I'm doing is: close eyes, press windows key, type program name, press enter, open eyes. It's almost the same
@vickytnz were you around when it was Belle and Herb's? Times were better then
@peterrowlett literally LOL
Leo says I have no neck. Vicious fibs.
I'm in Windsor! The air smells funny down here
Such pleasant people down here
There isn't a craft supplies shop in Windsor?! Surely I'm mistaken.
@apontzen @standupmaths did you work that out by hand, or did you use a script like this: ?
I'm pretty ecstatic about how this 80k file won't upload to my ftp server over this flat's wifi
Let's see if giffgaff throttle ftp connections as well...
hahahaha my phone's connection is so much ridiculously quicker than this Zen broadband
I've added a question to The Aperiodical's Very Important Mathematical Survey about how you eat corn on the cob:…
@alimcg86 chin up, McGlen!
WHERE ARE ALL THE FILMS? I don't want to watch Open All Hours, I want a film!
@standupmaths @Dr_Lucie the dog started melting when he was near the fire. That's way closer to physical realism than I was expecting
@samholloway there definitely used to be one!
@monsoon0 mega jealous!
Pretty unexpectedly radical present
I'm going to see Scrooged! Channel 4 now. I'll have depleted my Christmas film to-watch list by at least one this year.
Round 2. Nobody else wants leg! Excellent crimblus
Scouting for locations for my new concept café with a chess board at every table, "En Croissant".
Try saying "tuna mayo jacket potato". It's wonderful, like the start of a beat poem about my favourite foods.
Congrats to @TweetsofCushing for getting his first integer sequence accepted by the OEIS:…
@standupmaths you can keep going with Step 4: work out how many different patterns you can make by swapping pieces of the same shape
Hiring bar staff for my new underground opera hall, "Grotto Voce"
@JohnAllenPaulos it's a vanity publisher, not a real journal!
@jcoglan there's probably an emacs command 'Cmd-a-t untweet cheap pun'
Beginning to fear I've been trafficked to Slough. Will I ever see my beloved Northumberland again?
What a lovely book…
I can't decide if Planet 51 (channel 4 right now) is alright or terrible
@Rosalot I'm having trouble accepting Dwayne 'the Rock' Johnson as a cowardly ginger man
Etymonline's etymology of 'omelette' is basically to wave the "nobody knows" card:…
A marvel of the last age of austerity - one of the last concrete lampposts in Slough.
The proportion of films on the telly that nana has misidentified as The Gruffalo this Christmas is rapidly approaching Legendre's constant.
Forget about convergence. If a million specific gadgets for each conceivable task was good enough for 60s Batman, it's good enough for me
Wow, sky captain and the world of tomorrow hasn't aged well at all
@standupmaths I've held the patent on that idea since I was 12
@ajk_44 @samholloway how long are you two up North for? I've just arrived back from Slough
@Samuel_Hansen just when I thought I had all your many show formats clear in my head...
wikipedia's picture for the King of the Belgians is ace…
@jcoglan the problem is probably with your router (or OSX's drivers, depending on perspective). OSX takes exception to some brands of router
@jcoglan yeah, it's OSX's problem, but its problem is with the router.