The Tyne tunnel kiosk made me pay with coins like a peasant last night but I just checked and I have two trips on my pass. #personaloutrage
first day back at work, I'm making rude gestures at MSXML because of its mental attitude to importing nodes. #hateIE #hateIE #hateIE
Quoth the raven, "{...}" #hateIE
Excellent! Google music has a labs feature to give tracks ratings out of 5, which it imports properly from WMP!
Help I've written a strongly-typed DSL in javascript and now I wish I hadn't. I wish I could use Haskell :(
@Htbaa yeah, but it wouldn't be appropriate for what I'm doing
I have no idea why our library has just bought a copy of a GCSE maths textbook from 1987. It's in the "new accessions" list. Weird
Is listening to the same radio 4 programme every night for the whole 7 days it's available because you fall asleep 5 minutes in a thing?
@missradders fantastic! I think it might be time to start the most middle-class petition in history
is it possible to dislike a beard so much it falls off your face? I've been putting off shaving it but it's so terribly itchy now.
@Htbaa it's been there 2 months! Hair is interfering with both eating and nose-breathing
@aperfect I wonder if I can make a profit selling compost to designers as Lorem Gypsum
I've just found the world's most ambivalent mathematical symbol: \gtreqless -…
.@jjaron it's used when you wish to rule out the case where a is not greater than, equal to, or less than b. Such as when b is a banana.
FOR THE FIRST TIME IN RECORDED HISTORY, Springer LaTeX Search is useful:…. Surprise surprise, it's used in economics
@jjaron =/= excludes the case where they're equal
@panlepan it was a good one!
Cor! I hadn't realised quite how long my beard had grown. All gone now. #beardnews
@Bishnavitch I totally was
I remain not understanding the concept of promoting an album months before releasing it for sale.
@stevenstrogatz @MAA oh no, I thought the Hacker thing had finally died down!
I've written about some of my old BlitzMax games on my blog -…
@jcoglan tonight on the news at 10: man has trouble with new system, claims nobody anywhere could use it better than he
@stecks I was Mjolnirly right.
@Bishnavitch will it really tie the room together?
@mathpuzzle did you notice your site's hit counter recently went over five million?
@jcoglan also, the government plans to reintroduce 10,000 grey wolves to northern towns, to encourage more risk-taking
I love the shape of seagulls as they glide, little grey Deloreans cutting a path towards something tasty
By joining the pavement in front of me, this vicar is making bold claims about our relative walking paces
@divbyzero cor, well done for knowing 'apothem'.
nff! It's only 4:30! What am I supposed to do with the rest of today? I've already cleaned the flat, done a big shop and walked on the beach
I love triple town!
Alas, the dream was too beautiful for this world. Palindromic number of turns though, so it ended well.
The size of the unit of measurement changing doesn't make your weight change, John Humphrys!
Apologies to Humphrys. I changed my weighing scales from stones to kg and now I'm stuck in the floor. Someone get the Jerry Springer winch
Hmm, how do I feel today?
Only a week until Christiansmas! Keep an eye on @Christiansmas for info throughout the happy day.
@standupmaths I see you've upgrade yourself from Prof Matt Parks to Sir Matt Parker
I don't want to get sued for libel, so I'll say this definitely doesn't look like a front for academic espionage
"Hm, this unsolicited ad asking me to send them my research looks like a good idea. And that stock photo of a plane makes it legit"
@standupmaths Windows doesn't have cal.
@standupmaths doesn't look like it. And the calendar in the taskbar only goes back to 1900
Came in to work early. Have fiddled about with widget placement for two hours. Productive day.
is there a point at which I can legitimately claim to be offended by the "singles in your area" ads on the side of facebook?
because there are five in a row at the moment. Am I supposed to feel lonely after Christmas?
@arowx ??
@MathsJam NCL -> DC: look at my recaps for ideas -… - and get a good puzzle book, like The Moscow Puzzles
@GhostMutt everything's now.
Not a single student has come into Maths-Aid all day. They've got exams next week! What's going on?
So @stecks and I got a bit carried away: The Aperiodical’s Possibly Annual Awards for Mathematical Achievement
In today's news: computers now less autistic than I am…
@Samuel_Hansen what did I say?
@Samuel_Hansen wow. Clearly the British mind can't conceive of a series of anything more than six episodes
@erik_kwakkel do you know how that background was made? Is it ebru?
@jcoglan why not have normal CSS in <script type="jcoglan/css"> tags and JS that acts on those?
Just discovered you can reorder HTML tags in Chrome's developer tools by pressing ctrl+up/down
IE keeps finding new ways to be more helpful. #hateIE
Oh, it looks like this error is related to the one where objects' constructors are called before they have their prototypes attached.… #teampositivementalattitude
@aperfect fairly sure that's already a thing
Dinner tonight: cream of bad idea "à la mexicaine"
Wow. Emscripten!…
Tried putting sliced banana on my shredded wheat like the adverts say. It just made the shredded wheat taste like sawdust.
It has just, *just*, occurred to me that $\frac 1 2$, or even $\frac12$. is valid LaTeX instead of $\frac{1}{2}$. Bad idea?
So the consensus is that $\frac 1 2$ is an abomination.
I'm surprised about the unanimity concerning $\frac 1 2$, considering the amount of bad LaTeX I've seen in my time.
Do none of those people use Twitter?
Manual written entirely in the first-person plural: do we find this annoying?
The southern rahs smoking in front of both the library doors and several huge no smoking signs are offending me in every possible way
At 18:42 the Duchess of Cambridge can simultaneously tell the time and describe how much she had for dinner
@Bishnavitch it would be like King Canute against the waves
Today, IE is crashing so comprehensively on page load that I can't even look at the script console to see an error message. #hateIE #hateIE!
@aperfect I haven't yet forgiven you for teaching me to slouch
@aperfect yes, when we were at Brat
@jcoglan fun fact: I'm currently battling an IE bug where the constructor gets called before the prototype is attached.
@jcoglan even better: the error dialogue is crashing so hard that either a) it throws its own error dialogue, or b) all of IE crashes
@jcoglan I tried the old delete-stuff-until-what's-left-doesn't-crash tactic, but after enough errors IE10 just refuses to load *any* page
When you have not enough dust on your screen to interfere with work, but enough to make smilies look like winkies
WOW. Just wow. The cause of my IE mega-crash was mismatched tag names. That's, like, a 1995-style crash bug.
@CardColm @mathhombre yeah, we're pretty open with our contempt for marking
@HELIUM_HEED yes, you are the only person
Uh oh, Shpongle has come on the music shuffle. Might not feel like accepting consensus reality when I get off the train. #radcommute
.@TweetsofCushing has confused me
@jjsanderson where?
@jjsanderson is that the spot that used to be the awful grill place?
@jjsanderson the art bar has always been called "Barca", and I think they expanded upstairs when the rubbish grill closed
@jjsanderson while we're talking Tynemouth eateries - have you tried the new restaurant next to Marshall's yet?
Proof by induction until you have enough values to put into the OEIS
@jjsanderson no idea. I could've gone yesterday but I panicked and went to Lui's instead. (belly pork was mmmmm!)
@jjsanderson I still haven't been in Allard's. I was put off by the people I saw with half-litre wine glasses sat outside last summer
@jjsanderson none, sorry. I'm sure I can remember seeing a sign once, but I've completely forgotten what it said. Some sort of club?
gnuplot compiled to javascript with Emscripten! O frabjous day!
@jjaron mmm, smelly books
Advanced mental gymnastics: minimising the time between deciding to get fish and chips, and when you get fish and chips.
Man, that's good fish! Man, those are good chips!
@stecks you've *ordered* fish and chips? What crazy world do you live in?
@stecks O brave new world that has such wonders in it
@vickytnz and you've just reminded me that I seem to have lost it in the upgrade to windows 8!
Looking for a drummer for my new death metal/witch house band, "Internet Explorer 8's Developer Tools"
A spambot called "Pimbley Carithers" with an image of a statue weeping blood as its avatar is offering me 100 RTs. #megacreepy
@vickytnz thanks for the warning. I'm turning my heating on so by the time it gets here I will be cosy warm
@moynihaj you are the last person I expected to see on twitter!
Oh my god is Britain's Brightest even a joke?
"The customer is always right." That's something we strongly believe in at my new pest extermination company, Sick Of Ants
Good news, everyone! I've remembered the password for @Christiansmas just in time
@matheknitician ooooooh!
@stecks @peterrowlett either of you around for a podcast tonight?
@ColinTheMathmo hah! No it isn't. And the scripts that you put in your page are hosted on a CDN which is very reliable
@ColinTheMathmo the docs at are up, so you could read through those
@ColinTheMathmo the HTML on that page is very odd - lots of unclosed and mismatched tags
@ColinTheMathmo ahhh, you've got parentheses set as delimiters! Instead of ['\(','\)'], you should have ['\\(','\\)'] to escape the slashes
@ColinTheMathmo don't have the second bit with the parentheses. The page on has two slashes. Should we switch to email?
@ColinTheMathmo yes, that's right. Yes, you'll need quad slashes if it's going through python, or put an r character before the string
@ColinTheMathmo (the python string, that is)
@ColinTheMathmo there's a <p> inside the last <ul> tag. Not closing <p>s is a rubbish thing to get stickly about, really.
@ColinTheMathmo what's the other browser? It should work on everything back to IE6.
@ColinTheMathmo I couldn't commit any time to it, but I'm happy to answer questions
@ColinTheMathmo yes, I didn't look too closely. Apart from all the unclosed <p>s, but whatever.
@stecks @peterrowlett super. We'll cast pods like it's going out of fashion
@pkrautz not for me. It's always had DNS problems; I need to move it to a different server. I'll prod my hosting provider (my brother)
IF ONLY WE WERE THIS CLEVER! RT @bcpslallen3: @aperiodical article could be improved by the inclusion of a nonsense eqn
@jcoglan umm... lambda calculus?
@vickytnz the first episode was too much for me. I decided I don't need to watch Grim Things on a Sunday evening
@vickytnz I don't even have that consolation. The girl in that episode was nice but she got killed! Double sad :(… !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
@Plattsc thanks. I didn't have deer, I had the single worst mexican of my entire life. Never trust Whitley Bay.
My stomach just jazzed a most incredible bebop beat. Last night's dinner has inspired it.
@DanielColquitt that's the worst!
I hate it when a plan comes together at the last minute. I like leeway! #antihannibal
@jcoglan are you aware of ?
@jcoglan gaussian integers
@icecolbeveridge it's there, but I've had a busy few days and I don't think @stecks has looked at it
@bluecombats yep! The MathJax bookmarklet might help:…
Living the paperless office dream, but it just looks like I haven't prepared for this meeting and I'm playing on my phone (I am now)
@bluecombats @peterrowlett @aperiodical can't do that in RSS,for obvious reasons
@bluecombats @aperiodical @peterrowlett because rss readers filter out scripts.
@bluecombats @christianp @peterrowlett is this really a problem?
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon cafe 21 has been unimpressive the last couple of times. For dinner: Blackfriars; lunch: garden kitchen/21 fenwicks
@alexbellos ooh that's nice! But it doesn't show off the circle's almost-unique topological feature - one roundtrip visits paddington 4x
@alexbellos in fact, the labels for Paddington and Bayswater are completely missing. Map-making must be hard!
@EngageNe that's a nice big blackboard! Where is it? They're very scarce in the school of maths, which I think is a crime
The problem I have with food festivals is that, while one can happily listen to music all day, trying the same with food leads to bad things
The next Newcastle @MathsJam is next Tuesday, the 22nd. 7pm, Charles Grey pub. I have some new puzzle books, and a lot of origami paper.
People who think that fish/crabs/whatever-small-animals don't feel pain: why on earth would you think that?
Have accidentally written the word 'aceademic'. Now have a burning desire to use it, preferably on radio 4's Go4It circa 2002. #ace
How long have you been able to use shift+left/right to move a text selection in chrome, in a non-editable element? Mind blown.
@walkingrandomly but the sandwiches on British Rail were rubbish!
@jcoglan people sending you correspondence retain copyright on that correspondence. It's a terrible thing to insist on, but legal
@walkingrandomly I may be too young to remember what British Rail sandwiches were like.
@walkingrandomly ... but I'm old enough to know that East Coast got loads better after they nationalised it
@jcoglan however you can 'criticise, review, and report', with appropriate excerpts as necessary
@jcoglan I think that's fine but now is an excellent time to say IANAL, I just took a workshop once
Oddly, ISS's response to students maxing out the wifi in the library is not "we should've prepared more capacity", but "students broke it!"
I will concede that goobers who use 3g dongles that clash with channels already in use constitute the worst kind of goober
@peterrowlett Information Systems and Services. Except, I'm sure they rebranded themselves last summer but they seem not to have noticed
@peterrowlett @aperiodical aww, I sneakily de-Oxford-comma-lated it after publication!
@JanvierUK your name isn't Jan Vier-Palmer? I always assumed you were a Flemish man.
Fie! Why fie? Wifi!
That tweet was excellent for two reasons: 1) phonetic palindrome; 2) palindromic number of spare characters
@hornmaths @loch_b is a "peach Melbourne" a thing?
@hornmaths @loch_b I was making a pun?
This is a lovely tumblr - - there's a border collie hiding in each picture
@M1ke @ben_nuttall it's like a random walk but one of the directions is disallowed?
Nooooo! "@BoraZ: Elsevier In Advanced Talks To Buy Mendeley For Around $100M To Beef Up In Social, Open Education Data…"
@vickytnz in Newcastle?!
@vickytnz where is there? Zapatista, and does Las Iguanas count?
@jcoglan @tunixman that's nice, but what problem does it solve? If you can write malformed latex, you can write malformed hatex
@jcoglan never mind, I realised immediately after posting that that it's for programmatically generating latex.
Still waiting for someone to remake Netstorm. Even just reusing the sound effects in something else would do, actually.
just looked up the name of the main character in Good Will Hunting. Going to hand my degree back now.
@vickytnz @ebuie jolly good! See you both on Tuesday?
Acquiring a PRS licence for my new cellar bar under the Newton Institute, "Fermat's Last Beer-Room"
@MarcusduSautoy will one of the twins be shot into space?
Does anyone know how to make a gif from a video easily? I assume there must be a simple way these days
Proofreading Barbarella's new book on woodland conservation in Northern England, "Humber Lumber Number Theory: Yonder Fonda Ponders"
@Andrew_Taylor there's a bisphenol with that phenylalanene. What if they use ascorbic stabilisers to bump Colouring Bs up the glutamates?
Man that was a good sandwich. Good job, past times CP! High fives through time!
@JanvierUK a) the habits make them look like penguins; b) they could be hiding anything under there!; c) nun of the above
@pkrautz what happened to the virtual Kaffeehaus? No spare time?
@Gelada or from another perspective: we're asking to create life in our own image
Busy day in Maths-Aid. I don't miss revising at all!
@Bishnavitch because it reminds you you're not a vampire?
@Bishnavitch yeah, keep telling yourself that
@divbyzero the polynom package might be overkill but it should do it. Can't test because I'm on the metro home
@divbyzero must be possible with normal tex. I'll fiddle when I get home
@divbyzero why is your editor trying to spellcheck command names?
@outofthenorm2 go on then. What do we need to do?
@outofthenorm2 what recreational maths journals are there at the moment?
This beauty costs about the same as my life's deepest desire, a Curta calculator. I'm conflicted now…
@vickytnz I am now!
@outofthenorm2 well googled, that's the one I was thinking of
@outofthenorm2 my dissatisfaction with the mathematical gazette is 90% of the reason the aperiodical exists
@outofthenorm2 ... both?
@aperfect !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@aperfect twitter wouldn't let me send enough exclamations. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@peterrowlett @stecks @outofthenorm2 already in progress, big bear. Ten four, over and out.
"Jump NHS queues with private medical insurance". "Jump literal queues by stepping on the heads of the poor". One of these is a real advert.
Although, if you pay for NI *and* private insurance, I suppose all your NI goes to help other people.
@outofthenorm2 yeah, probably nothing good exists yet, or we would've seen it.
@Samuel_Hansen have you removed the first few aperiodical round ups from acmescience? If so, can I have them?
Is there an HTML tag for "do you see what I did there?"
@Samuel_Hansen what's the URL of the category containing them all?
@Samuel_Hansen yeah, I couldn't find the search box. No hurry.
@Samuel_Hansen nope, can't see it
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen aha! Thanks
After four months! Another round up! RT @aperiodical: Post: Aperiodical Round Up 8: if a bird heard the word 'surd'
Hah. Guess which blog is hit number 2 on google for "episciences project".
How do we have stronger google-fu than Nature?
@HilariousCow do you think? I didn't like it
@jcoglan I have! It's ok though, he didn't know I made it at the time. And he was wrong
Having the focus to install Java without also installing a million junko toolbars should be part of the test to be a brain surgeon
Don't watch this, arachnophobes. Everyone else: cutest spider ever!…
Oh yeah, twitter embeds video thumbnails. Sorry, arachnophobes!
I just want a PDF of this article, ScienceDirect. Is that too much to ask?
I think I'll leave my hair like this today
bums! Big ole bum sandwiches. My xbox is dead.
I've got a box of miniature dairy milks, I've got a bag of 2p coins, but I don't have a little postbox to put them in! O calamity!
Trying to install Moodle and STACK on Ubuntu under Wubi might have been a terrible idea. I hope my hard disk forgives me.
I have STACK running! Victory!
Meanwhile, @NclNumbas is considerably less of a faff to use
@jcoglan I can think of a different all-white shower that's more deserving of the blame
The best dinosaur comic in a long time…
Pineapple juice, my old friend! It's been too long! Come, sit down over here, in my belly.
A message for the snow:…
This was supposed to be a quick game of civ!
And I'll never forget how to type ö again now I've noticed its windows character code is an arithmetic sequence
@dmh10 Civ Rev on the xbox is both a quick and a very good game of civ. I think it's the tightest design of any of them.
@dmh10 but today I was playing civ 5 because my xbox is dead. And getting anything other than military victory needs the patience of a saint
Thought I'd make a javascript version of the up-goer five editor that doesn't need server calls. Turns out, conjugating verbs takes AGES
Since I can't think of anything else to do, I'm going to have a hot chocolate. Right after sending this tweet because that'll pass more time
@HELIUM_HEED that's already a strong contender for Best Grim Tweet of 2013
@HELIUM_HEED this is you:…
@InnerRhythm2012 a what now?
@jcoglan the top line of a commit message is only meant to be max. 50 chars. Short description, then two newlines and expand at length
@jcoglan (but don't be mistaken: I don't know anyone who sticks to that. Certainly not me! So maybe github should be less prescriptivist)
the catalogue number for this OEIS entry about palindromes was just 6 off being a palindrome itself :(
@jcoglan first thing I found on google is…, and the vim syntax highlighting has opinions about it too
Does anyone know how to use NAN-DOS? I'm getting this error: "No peri peri in Drive A: Abort/Retry/Fail?"
Spectacular: TeX Live ported to javascript…
Quod Erat Remonstrandum: proof by heated argument. #proofmethods
I've finally done it. 144 sticks of white chalk are being delivered to my local corner shop by Amazon, whom I have paid £2.97.
I can't see how anyone is turning a profit at any stage of that transaction.
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow! 7pm at the Charles Grey pub. I have a few new puzzle books and lots of origami paper. Join me!
Imagine if snowflakes popped when they hit the ground! We don't live in the best of all possible worlds :(
I thought I had excellent taste in music until I realised I was having a mood swing
@kirkpatricke I've done that before, but it was for a job interview. Didn't get it.
@MathsJam You southern wusses. Newcastle is on! Cold only makes Geordies stronger.
When a clementine looks this much like a boob, you know it's gone bad
@CardColm turned out it was fine, the sole good clementine in a bad box.
In the grim dark future of the 41st millennium there is only work. #stressederic
My form tutor and art teacher from school just walked into my office with a group theory question, not knowing I was here. Surreal 2013!
Definitely going to share it at MathsJam tonight to see if everyone agrees with my proof, or if they can cite a relevant theorem
@divbyzero is there maybe a colon in the middle, like "It's -10: below zero."
Draw the same symbol on six faces of a cube such that you don't break these rules
@JamesMoosh that has two faces on an edge pointing the same way.
@JamesMoosh that has threefold symmetry round a vertex. They all point outwards - that's disallowed too
NCL -> MAN what's unclear?
@MathsJam ahhh, tweet error! Starts at 1000, then goes down when you press a button
@JamesMoosh threefold symmetry
@jcoglan you should make it, and call it the Great Internet Password Kolmogor-Off. With a graph.
People who walk up to the platform edge 2 minutes before the trains due: who are you racing?
People who walk up 3 minutes before: what you're doing there is unsustainable.
Ridiculous chalk order update: delivery estimate 16th-25th February. I paid nearly three whole pounds for this! Unacceptable!
Teachers and lecturers: my day job is to make an e-assessment system for maths. It's called Numbas, and you might like to follow @NclNumbas
@eAssess thanks for the RT!
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie Sorry, already got plans tonight
`v.v.value = value`. I am bad at choosing variable names
Now @TweetsofCushing is trying the Good Will Hunting method to cure me of colourblindness. I think it might actually be my fault.
Identifying wallpaper groups in the Jesmond Holiday Inn. Fun times at the school of maths and stats away day
In other news, I was on the metro with Café 21's maître de. He didn't show me to a seat. Disappointed.
Ridiculous chalk order update: it's in the post! Almost three pounds well-spent
@stecks to python!
Colourblind-proof version of @haggismaths's edge-5-colouring of the dodecahedron, prepared by @TweetsofCushing ...
.... and the finished product! After going off-piste yesterday and getting it wrong, today it's a dodecahedright!
Here's a change: for once I'm filling up the @aperiodical news queue, instead of emptying it.
@MarcusduSautoy Interesting choice of identity. "I am not a number: I am a matrix!"
The new Shugo Tokumaru album is ecstatic
I read the comments on the internet. I'm going to have to take the rest of the day off.
In other good music news, The Staves are lovely.
facebook is showing me adverts for Vans shoes, tiaras for ballet dancers, and Lacoste polo shirts. Just missing some goth leather
@jjaron our Taiwanese visitor asked me to explain the s on the end of 'maths'. He couldn't get his tongue round it. Dude had a point.
@jjaron yeah, and people who want us to say "maths are" all say "mathematics is". My opinion: I don't care!
@jjaron no, they say that to be consistent, we who say "maths" should say "maths are" instead of "maths is"
I am on the page for a figure from a paper. First to find the link to go back to the paper wins a shout-out in my post…
I'm sure I saw a really good HTML paper page layout earlier this week. I don't think they *need* to be as bad as they all are, do they?
Science magazine: thanks for making me RAS into Uni instead of using Shibboleth. It made me rethink how much I want to read this paper
@rmehigan it is, but what link did you use to get it? I of course had the full article already, but it's a terrible page design
@makerfaire_uk not me. I've been collecting arty maths for a while:…
@peterrowlett yeah, that's the only link I found. Crazy. Why doesn't the paper title link back to the paper?
Ridiculous chalk order update: it has arrived! The lady in the shop was very enthusiastic about Collect+.
Apparentheses: punctuation delimiting a supplementary statement casting doubt on the preceding one
hooray, hits from reddit! I like getting hits from reddit. There are usually lots of them
no,, "ten¹⁴" is not an acceptable way to write a number.
@sxpmaths Alt+Gr (the right Alt key) plus a vowel gets you an acute accent. Sadly, it doesn't seem to extend to other accents
Nobody else, when linked to a mobile-only "" page, starts singing "emm dot" to the tune of "mmm bop", right?
Who knows some mathematical eggcorns? I have "Klein bottle" and the "Witch of Agnesi". Any others?
@ColinTheMathmo "Kleinsche Fläche" (Klein surface) was misspelt "Kleinsche Flasche" (Klein bottle) once...
@ColinTheMathmo and Maria Agnesi miswrote "versoria" (curve) as "versiera", which looks like a truncation of "aversiera" (witch)
@quirkycookies @cherrymakes @Frans_facts @giagia go! You'll have loads of fun.
SNAND! If I can just work out how to get rid of the S, it'll be Turing-complete
Walking on the snow! Walking on the sand! Everybody knows! That I love der Strand!
The dream is over. Flooded my shoes being a bit too adventurous with the North Sea
So apparently a good way to keep your feet warm is to fill your boots with seawater? Or are my feet dead?
@rmehigan didn't think of that! I might return with gloves later
@jcoglan you can link to a particular time in iplayer by using the "link to this" button
@stecks Reader, I did not start paradoxically stripping.
@haggismaths Chip Chipperson, News Gazette Courant. What is this rumour? Are you starting it?
accidentally discovered a really cheap fake tilt-shift method: move your phone camera away just as it's finishing taking an HDR photo
@jcoglan I've had to spend the last month convincing a committee of maths PhDs and Profs that javascript crypto is a bad idea.
@haggismaths I don't think that's a millennium problem, is it?
@haggismaths PR at the RSME about the invariant subspace problem solution….
@aperfect Romain Duris! Audrey Tautou! Michel Gondry!… !!!!
A _wobbling map_ on a metric space matches every point with another one a bounded distance away - points wobble under repeated applications
@aperfect ahhh so you have the DVD? Did I give it to you as a present?
@aperfect I remember now! It came in a fantastic envelope from Thailand.
@CardColm any juicy gossip? Was my post acccurate?
@S_A_Thomson à ton avis
Google Reader zero! That's it, I've read the whole internet. I know all of it.
@Tegglington I don't do spoilers
I've done too much today! I'm ready for bed.
Here it is, the World's Most Pretend Car:…
@vickytnz I draw comfort from the fact that I am that loathsomely young person to many other people
@vickytnz aren't we roughly the same age?
Watched a flock of pigeons take off vertically in a high wind, then hover backwards to land in a tree. It amused me
@vickytnz really? That's mad: both Tynemouth and the city centre are really quiet
I've updated the power law story with Mason Porter's excellent Batman & Robin meme…
@stevenstrogatz 12 pages in to that document, I've decided to remain confused
It's so badly written! They're all like "OLDE WORDES!" and I'm all like "That's not period-appropriate!"
@vickytnz it's Ripper Street. Everything about the script is terrible.
@ben_nuttall I just embed github gists.
It's just occurred to me that I haven't done any loci since year 9 maths. That's a shame
@C_J_Smith oh I suppose, but it isn't the same: it's all algebra
yep yep yep…
@Tony_Mann @peterrowlett do you mean blundre? #hamburger
Man why does anybody drive into work? That traffic was rubbish.
It also confirmed my opinion that Byker is non-euclidean
@jcoglan was it about a horse?
Help us make a decent maths news source! RT @aperiodical: Call for volunteers to join the Aperiodical News Team
"Sebastian, for the ads in The North, they all use the tram up there, yah?" "Yah I think so, Belvedere"
Other southern names: Bunty, Armeendo, Trabimbaline, Corky.
@vickytnz good American accent?! It was dire
Feature branch. Feature branch? Feature branch! Say it enough and it sounds like the name of a new Hollywood starlet, Fietscha Branch.
@profkeithdevlin or far more pedantic government
@standupmaths it behooves you to gawk at an original copy of Byrne's Euclid
Does anyone fancy giving this scrabble-with-numbers game a go with me? My username's "christianp"
In single-player number game news, Quento for android is diverting, and pleasing on the eye:…..
Getting security clearance for my new spa strictly for defence officials, Intercontinental Holistic Missile.
@LynnBowie @MathsJam the MathsJams map (…) says that someone else is interested in a Joburg jam. Suggest you start one!
@naomzzb cor, that looks nice!
Aaaarrgggg what is the point in releasing a single for radio play only, months before the album?
@brittneybean but if I haven't forgotten about a track by the time it's out, I've usually grown sick of hearing it so much.
@standupmaths but the way you write the infinity symbol, it looks like you've divided zero (at what point does this become cyberbullying?)
@vickytnz YESSSSS. If you can get hold of it, that is
An afternoon very well spent.
Now it's safely ensconced in its dual
Before I poison myself: pasta doesn't go off. That's pasta's deal, right?
Well, this doesn't really know *what* it wants to be
Pasta con tutto verdict: surprisingly tasty, though I could've just let the chilli go off rather than use it
@reflectivemaths I do not. The Aperiodical has a podcast, but we just chat about the site. There is a gap at the moment
@jcoglan you share more thoughts than you actually have?
This government's single-minded dedication to ruining every aspect of society, to the detriment of any other policy, is quite remarkable
Man, open source is such a good thing. I can quickly make a single-line change to this program to suit my incredibly tiny niche requirement
Fairly sure the head of school has a love/hate relationship with me now. My software: good! My communication ability: not good!
@sxpmaths I see your 72 point move and raise you... one point!
Why does the Windows 8 task manager take so long to appear? It's ridiculous!
I also have opinions about flash adverts using up all of my CPU. I have a newsletter you can subscribe to.
Oh goddddddd, C++ is hard!
@jcoglan gives "a fractal of bad design" a whole new meaning
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie go on then
@sxpmaths you knacked me with that bonus. How do you do it?
My life for the past 10 minutes. What have I become?
@Bishnavitch oi Bish! Sort your life out. Are we seeing this film? Can't get hold of you
@jjsanderson hah, that's excellent! I will try it on the next southerner to visit and see if it's more convincing
Lincoln compares favourably with Ripper Street as a historical drama: many more appropriate moustaches and fewer Americanisms
I'm going to start calling revolving doors cylindoors. I think this is a good life decision.
resisting-the-urge-to-say-that's-a-weight-off-my-mind-after-a-haircut-stress. #germanemotions
Almost got a full house in Tweetdeck Bingo (when a single tweet appears in every single column for all my accounts)
Sad cat poem…
@aperfect do you think? They've got stupid noses.
I have a spreadsheet of module assignments and their due dates. Any sensible grading system would let you import that as CSV. Not ours!
Does the use of dropdown boxes to solve every UI problem correlate with, like, support of the Green Party or Baha'i or something?
@jcoglan oh but of course, that goes without saying.
@vickytnz "a fluid series of multi-device encounters" #websitedesignorwildnightout
@vickytnz wasn't that one of the old b3ta quizzes?
So do birds just stay where they are when it's this windy? I haven't seen any all day
Somebody please tell me something interesting about the number 1246. It's driving me mad.
@samholloway hrmm, they're all pretty lukewarm
I agree, but why is that? RT @sann0638: if the question is what is the next number in the sequence 1,2,4, lots of people would answer 6?
Buying a PRS licence for my new musical instruments shop, "If you've got it: flautist."
Today's algebra seminar, first slide: enumerate words of length N which don't contain a subword SEX. #hotmathematicians
Now we don't want either of the subwords SEX or EXPERT. I think I can see where this is going...
@profkeithdevlin you're in Newcastle?! I'd love to meet
@profkeithdevlin ohh, Newcastle Australia. That makes more sense. Whoops.
What a nice day! Is the universe high-fiveable?
Having a summery morning in the office with @TweetsofCushing, with Glenn Miller on the youtubeophone
It's 12:46 again and still no satisfactory numerical facts about it. Is it the fabled smallest uninteresting number?
@Bishnavitch ahh, I answered the first time and it went beep, so I assumed you'd accidentally called me
@Bishnavitch but yes, kharma
@elinoroberts not to me it isn't.
@elinoroberts so apparently my department is doing a maths festival at Life tomorrow? I wonder why I'm not involved...
@elinoroberts we are. I'm more surprised I wasn't asked by people here. Maybe I was and I've forgotten?
@Bishnavitch nooooope
@edbradshaw wow, you're really getting into the British spirit! Waiting for the BT man is an integral activity of our culture.
@jcoglan you have single-handedly invented the concept of doggerel complexity classes. I hope you're proud
The people upstairs have decided to become the kind of people upstairs who play rubbish music until 3 in the morning. Hmph.
Things just got serious: I want answers on the Aperiodical's Mathematical Survey telling me why 1246 is interesting.…
@icecolbeveridge A: no it wouldn't. B: that's proof by contradiction
@monsoon0 yes. It was one of the better ones, but not completely satisfying
@icecolbeveridge oh, I don't like that formulation, though it does justify my objection to "not interesting => interesting" more
What happens when fantasy worlds with orcs and elves and so on leave the middle ages?
@vickytnz steampunk orcs?
@vickytnz I want elves in precarious beehive wigs and I want them now
@vickytnz oh, I thought of a name for a modern setting one yesterday: Miss LARPle
@edbradshaw that has most of the right ingredients, but it's clinically clean. The secret of good fry-up is grease.
@HilariousCow filenames starting with a dot are hidden in unix
Does anyone know how you buy Gap trousers with a 36 or 38" leg online? I own some, but their site denies all knowledge.
oh I give up. shopstyle will reveal the location of the big troos
and now I discover that shopstyle won't let you filter by leg length. That's it, I'm learning how to make my own trousers.
Forget it all, I'm wearing a dress from now on.
@mathblogging is the "user activity" stream on the front page a good idea? Most of my tweets aren't maths-related
OK, it wouldn't make an interesting ad campaign, but how is not even registered?
First day of full-time work, it's ten to twelve, and I'm still trying to work out how to get Visual Studio to work. #highproductivity
Either a hyphen is missing, or the Metro's in trouble. MT @My_Metro: Calling all 4 weekly MetroSaver holders...
@jcoglan that isn't even a valid question. You write your own cryptographically secure certificate of neckbearditude.
Phew! Two and a half hours later, I'm home. #rushhour!
Blew on samosa to cool it down. Hot air came out the opposite corner and burnt my finger :(
The 20th century really was violent: dance cards went out of fashion, replaced by punch cards.
@jcoglan are you aware of Python's dict.items() ?
The fact that it's physically possible to be awake while the schools programmes are on radio 4 is evidence this isn't the best of all worlds
@evelynjlamb isn't that #ProjectiveRunway?
awhh, "The Testimony of Patience Kershaw" by the Unthanks just destroys me every time it comes on. Such a sad song.
Phases 1 and 2 of @TweetsofCushing's attempt to make an equilateral triangle
@standupmaths that's really quite lovely!
@haggismaths how should we credit you at the @aperiodical? As Haggis, or your real name?
The dude whose computer discovered the new big prime was given $3000 by GIMPS. It's like a lottery with useful side-effects!
@Tegglington @TweetsofCushing already on it, Staggcoach
Unholy! Couscous, chickpeas, mushrooms and bacon, with leftover parsnip and carrot mash on the side.
Wow, green is actually a mental colour for bedsheets! I feel like I'm on the set of a Star Wars porno.
Uh oh, Today is tackling the Mersenne prime. No John Humphrys in sight though, so no reason to be afraid
And, has thou slain the EBac? Come to my arms, my beamish boy! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! He Gove way!
Yo Gove, I'm real happy for you and I'ma let you finish, but Cambridge's IGCSE is one of the best maths syllabuses of all time. OF ALL TIME!
Just got into work and this masterpiece was on my desk. @TweetsofCushing is very talented.
@ebuie and it doesn't catch 90% of CC-licensed material
@ebuie it doesn't show them.
@mathsinthecity yep, going to look at it when my boring work day is over
@mathsinthecity I think you might have missed @icecolbeveridge's pun
@sxpmaths Wolfram alpha reckons the same as water, which can't be right
@evelynjlamb it looks like it's getting headlines and author names from RSS feeds. There are no names attached to the SciAm podcast feed
@EngageNe I haven't decided, but I can make a pretty firm bet: it'll be my usual comfortable mathmo-wear
Back in the green screen bed. Challenge: name a Star Wars scene that couldn't be reshot for a porno spoof.
@standupmaths describing our relation to that requires replacing the tally-based great-great-...-grandma system with a place-value system
@standupmaths ... so a binary system of 'great-' and 'grand-' would mean my grand-great-great-grandmother was 1001 ~= 9 generations back
Going a bit Office Space. Both my sellotape and stapler are missing. Don't make me go to the basement.
@vickytnz Python plus Pancakes is a thing that could happen
@Harsimrat__Kaur like so:
@vickytnz it's right next to central station! Just get the metro.
@vickytnz I reckon it's between 5 and 10 minutes. I always switch to the shorter line, but it doesn't really matter
@KSCMaths that's pretty common, and been in use for a long time
@KSCMaths I don't get your complaint. It's valid but old-fashioned, which suits the torygraph perfectly
Like British colonialism, the effects of last night's curry can still be felt today. #delicatetweets
My friends took me to Brew Dog last night and I drank hipster cola and now I'm addicted but it's £2.50 a bottle :( :( :(
@rmathematicus @peterrowlett @aPaulTaylor @stecks @aperiodical well, if you read the article, @BBCRadio4 didn't do too badly.
@Harsimrat__Kaur @C_J_Smith p starts with the downstroke then comes up to do the loop. \rho is a single anti-clockwise loop stroke
@C_J_Smith @Harsimrat__Kaur burn him!
Currently annoyed that LaTeX's j wears its hat at a jaunty angle:…
@Thalesdisciple I want the hat on top of the dot. \jmath looks horrible to me!
Reminds me that Droid Sans has a ligature for 'fi' that omits the dot on the i. So annoying. RT @Thalesdisciple: have you tried \hat\jmath?
@Thalesdisciple it's the default font on Android phones. I've only noticed the ligature since Android 4.1
Slides and a recording of a seminar presentation using @MathJax, deck.js and computer modern fonts in HTML:…
@vickytnz the link to "making a handcoded one-page site" needs an http:// or a / in front of it
Buying cages for my new exotic birds shop, "Super Mario Plovers"
@JanvierUK am I going to have to start a pro-your-nose faction? You've got a lovely nose!
@JanvierUK unless it's currently full of gunk, in which case I resign to spend more time with my imaginary family
@DanielColquitt @Harsimrat__Kaur @C_J_Smith we were discussing this yesterday: does *anyone* prefer \epsilon to \varepsilon?
Clearing out my room at my mum's house. The teacher who made me keep these randomly appeared in my office last week.
My little brother's lifelong strategy of never putting a CD back in its case has paid off: I no longer own any of the things I own.
Classic cp, circa 2004. Ouais, je parle muy gern il French. T'avais raison d'être impressed, Madame prof.
♪ One of these things is not like the others / One of these is somebody's god♪
@vickytnz you'll be glad to hear that the school now tentatively accepts the existence of New Zealand.
@vickytnz milk+lemon juice+5 minutes = buttermilk
How much hipster cola do you think I can get for these vintage game manuals? They are into vintage, the hipsters?
Beginning to wonder if I had a sex change in sixth form...
This looks like an algorithm for an AI to play Nulac. I ended up writing an MSN messenger bot which would host games
Challenge: reconstruct the Nulac game.
Man, what is the point in skimmed milk? It's like shy milk that doesn't want to inconvenience you by absorbing light or containing nutrients
I've just found a d30. Along with a d6 and a coin, I can generate any whole number of degrees. Might try a random walk...
@GreyAlien I said nothing about how far I would travel.
@HilariousCow hah! That's amazing. I can't think how what would get in print
@HoeJodgkiss or, imagine getting loads of tattoos because you want to be alternative and then all of a sudden tattoos are trendy
Lucy Worsley made a new series and nobody told me? Outrage!…
Hang on... I've seen this one before. iPlayer's "first broadcast" bit lied to me!
That's it. I'm actually actually cancelling my emusic subscription now. They just keep breaking things on the site.
@treasa yep. Since they switched from credits to money prices so many good labels have left. Most stuff I get is from bandcamp or amazon now
@treasa bandcamp is like a service for bands to set up their own shops. Usually expensive, but you're paying the artists (almost) directly
@vickytnz it wasn't one of her best ones, but it was interesting and new to me
@TeXtip much much better:
@vickytnz such a good song!
Carlo Vega's lovely animation inspired by now complete:
"why are all my egg-related utensils yellow and white?" - idiot me, thirty seconds ago
@vickytnz I am grumbling too. I have many many punning business names that I want to collect
@edbradshaw the number of times I've pressed ctrl+w while editing something on a web page...
@vickytnz pancake pancake pancake pancake. I'm having trouble concentrating on anything else
@walkingrandomly people's unwillingness to move from svn to git is baffling
@vickytnz what are your pancake plans? Coming to mine after PyNE?
I think I need to go on a salad-arranging course. Picking ingredients is hard!
The number of people who have booked non-pancake activities on pancake day is astonishing
@phillord you mean like ?
@Bishnavitch that's why you should stick to CP brand pancakes.
@Bishnavitch let them cook for longer. And more oil never hurts
@phillord sounds like a job for a summer student!
Someone please come into maths-aid so I can warm myself up by speaking. #socold
@rmehigan @aoibhinn_ni_s positive quadratic function: distance travelled by a dragster or rocket with constant acceleration
@ebuie ... what else would you say?
@ebuie yuck. I'll stick with fortnightly!
@ebuie hey, at least we can count - the French call it a quinzaine
Booked a quiet room to record some @NclNumbas screencasts. An hour in, I'm still writing code for new features I just thought of.
@aoibhinn_ni_s @rmehigan you sure? Fairly sure it increases. I'm assuming the rocket keeps accelerating
@aoibhinn_ni_s s = ut + (1/2)*a*t^2. If acceleration is upwards or forwards, the t^2 term is positive.
@aoibhinn_ni_s you can make time a space axis, like the cameras for photo-finishes in races. Yes, finding visual examples is hard!
@aoibhinn_ni_s it's called "slit-scan photography" -…. Flatbed scanners do the same thing, so easy demo :)
@peterrowlett @aperiodical @stecks it was really that loud. I didn't do any volume fiddling this time
@DanaKazim even if you're not planning on doing numerics, being able to program is useful no matter what you do. Consider it a life skill
Forgot to push my commits from my laptop yesterday. Replicate them today, or do something else until tomorrow?
Poonikins the magic warrior princess…
This banana tastes green :(
White Range Rover with a single occupant driving the wrong way up a one-way street. #brokenbritain
@vickytnz now I too have a cold. Somebody on pancake day was harbouring DISEASE!
@C_J_Smith @peterrowlett dare to believe! (oddly, I just remembered they hadn't been sent this morning)
I vi. He whacks him vim in emacs. "Fie!" cry I, him dim put vim in emacs. He wax re VAX etc. I deny: Emacs be whack.…
@evelynjlamb @CardColm you missed 0!
@vickytnz imagine if captain Kirk had a fazer!
Just had to explain The Game to my ENTIRE family. Unbelievable! And sorry for making you lose
Because I think I'm brilliant, the first thing I did with my Twitter archive was find all my pun business names:…
@haggismaths that actually looks a lot more like a 3d print by n-e-r-v-o-u-s
Scribblenauts knows 'rightwing' but not 'leftwing'. #classwar!
I was expecting that summoning a "helpful wizard" would solve every puzzle in Scribblenauts. Disappointed.
@vickytnz that is some expert-level lunching! Is that the place on Brentwood Avenue that used to be Stewart and Co?
Reading the latest arXiv additions is a great way to let new words osmose into your brain, even if you don't understand the papers
Buying tiger balm for my new physiotherapy practice in Gosforth, "Knee Bother"
@ben_nuttall @Andrew_Taylor that's also how windows 8 works! Just remove most of the icons
How much harder would it be to solve a Rubik's cube if you could only see one face? @MathsJam
@stecks of course! Silly me
@vickytnz are you mathsjamming tonight?
Yikes! @MathsJam "@TobiasTeo: Here's to screw your brain for the day:"
@vickytnz @TobiasTeo that's what maths is!
Some relevant material for that puzzle: 'Knowable' as 'known after an announcement'… ...
... and "The Muddy Children: a logic for public announcement"…
@monsoon0 much more readable, assuming you're not fluent in scholarly Latin, are his notebooks:…
@vickytnz sounds awful! I think I've got away with only having a bunged up head for the weekend.
Tiny reminder: Newcastle @MathsJam tonight, 7pm, the Charles Grey pub. This month I have puzzles and origami paper.…
@stecks @icecolbeveridge @peterrowlett MathsJam is an organisation? I thought we were at most a loose federation
@icecolbeveridge @edbradshaw @stecks @peterrowlett this is quite possibly the most tedious Twitter conversation I've ever been involved in
@DanielColquitt do you live near a black hole or other nonstationary supermassive object?
Locating premises for my new Newcastle-based cutlery steam-cleaning service, "Fog on the Tine"
Can someone point an infrared camera at me and tell me how well my beard insulates my face? Reluctant to shave until I know
The light covers on the new @My_Metro trains cover the top line of stations on the network maps. Such attention to every design detail!
@standupmaths yeah, so max( d(a,b), d(b,a)) <= 19
@standupmaths to be a dead-end a page would have to have absolutely no links. I'm happy for "anywhere" to mean "practically anywhere"
@Nathan1123 I get "Sorry, downloading went wrong" when I search
@Nathan1123 yeah, every time
@vickytnz but look at their happy little faces! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
When I leave my car, my seatbelt hangs limply out of the doorway like an automotive hernia.
@MarcusduSautoy @sciencemuseum fantastic! The maths room contains loads of fascinating stuff, but it's all so old!
@aperfect graphics card drivers?
@peterrowlett @icecolbeveridge @aperiodical yes, I'm listening... don't have any real internet this weekend though
@hornmaths my least favourite one of those is when they recommend a brand of completely artificial cheese
Monkey seems happy enough in the wardrobe
Outstanding: Outrun by Kavinsky!/album/Outru…
@Harsimrat__Kaur LaTeX on android? Don't do it, your fingers will die!
@rmathematicus do you know any more about the format of those Bologna maths competitions, or where to look?
@Harsimrat__Kaur have you tried
I think my parting and my barber are stuck in a feedback loop. Eventually all my hair will point sideways
I don't even want a parting! Yet every time it seems to get more and more parted.
@Electrokittie more food for thought: 'gandalf' backwards is 'fladnag', which could be a note taking during speed nating ("F: lad (nag)")
Shaved off all my beard except my moustache and took a photo. Nobody must ever see it.
@mathsinthecity @OxUniConnect more strictly: by stretching and squeezing topologists, you can turn them into crazy people
Having interesting maths on the blackboard is a work hazard. Zoned out of listening to a PhD's worries when I glimpsed a curious diagram
@ThomasEWoolley are you aware of the patent and mathematical formality controversies to do with the Gömböc?
@ThomasEWoolley I seem to have lost the stuff I collected about it, but the description here discusses it:
@ThomasEWoolley so that's uncool from an open-access viewpoint (though they got the patent years before OA was a concern)
@ThomasEWoolley and there's still no rigorous proof that their particular shape is mono-monostatic - there's just an existence proof
@elinoroberts "Deadline" immediately leaps out
@woodwormcreates @mathsinthecity is there one?
A particularly auspicious exchange rate
@stecks IT'S A SIGN…
@aPaulTaylor or anti-cheese?
@stecks hahaha
and now it's back. Phew.
@for_the_winn the IE 10 one obeys the rule that all pages on the web referring to a specific version of IE must be out of date
STOP. Jammy time!
@ninjaSiham someone RTd one of your tweets and I just *have* to tell you your avatar pic is fantastic. Is that a real blackboard hat?
@hornmaths @monsoon0 if it helps, I don't do it
Hey! What happened to the Turing pardon?…
Open Notepad. Type 0. Ctrl-A Ctrl-C Ctrl-V Ctrl-V. Repeat.
Endless Amusement, a collection of nearly 400 entertaining experiments in various branches of science…
We find the overuse of the first-person plural in mathematical literature highly annoying.
@JanvierUK that's OK.
Good morning, spider friend! Don't mind if I take my shower, do you? ...... Now where did you go? Spider friend? #aaaaaaaaaaaa
10am. Still nobody else in the office. Eat my lunch and pretend I didn't bring one in? Maybe.
Well, I was already planning on going for a walk, so it isn't too bad that @My_Metro is stopped after North Shields
But I do wish I hadn't brought quite so much stuff into work today
Lots of boats parked outside the Tyne today
Buying jangly things for my new sensory stimulation and meditation chamber, "We have nothing to hear but here itself"
Who else is going to @streetspice_ncl tonight?
It's finally done. I've cancelled my emusic account. What a catastrophe of a site.
@peterrowlett I'm trying to leave a comment but the reCAPTCHA isn't loading :(
@peterrowlett Yeah. And it seems I can't access, so probably a CP's ISP thing
@dr__bag Top-notch paper-pointing there.
Right Guard has changed its "Clean" flavour to smell like BO. I'm not smell-blind as well as colour-blind, am I?
Sat in a seminar given by a speaker who writes his mathematical x as a simple cross. He might be an American spy!
Diarrhoesis: Mötörhead
Best Puzzlebomb yet. RT @aperiodical: It's that time again! Puzzlebomb - March 2013
@ben_nuttall indeed!
@Bishnavitch @aperfect @Electrokittie if I can chip in, my spider friend in my bathroom has been steadily growing for a few months now
Challenge: think up most ridiculous "misogynist X", where X is a profession or activity. Misogynist accountancy?
@noneatnamesleft it was alright. Good food, but very crowded and nothing mind-blowing spicewise
The fridge cow is a sad casualty of the house move
"Imagine... if you could laser renew your skin". Yes, just imagine... if you could laser file your taxes.
@peterrowlett @aperiodical ahh you can get tae heck with the capitalisation-of-units nonsense. I've never had any patience for that.
@vickytnz it's grim! So grim!
@vickytnz stick with it, but it gets nasty (but not graphic)
@DrSaraSantos @drkenfarquhar @NUStreetScience @MathsBusking before you know it you'll be taking logs
@stecks I ordered a pack of 100 googly eyes from amazon for £1.60 delivered. That's got to cost them money, right?
@brittneybean you, and the nation of Australia, have made my life worse. No thanks.
Wow, @stecks and I have discovered the most addictive number game ever. To be revealed in number 3 of the All Squared podcast
@darrenjw the bus moves slower, so the radio waves can keep up
oh, this is very good indeed. I wonder if I can get away with downloading the entire database over the uni connection
@vickytnz any attempt to get any sort of internet-based computation to happen while Wimbledon is on is always doomed to failure
The opposite of a shibboleth is a 'Frisco'…
Goddamn Victorians can't pick an architectural style and stick with it. Just noticed the mix of Roman and Gothic arches at Tynemouth metro
Nice little stories about maths told with animation, in French:…
You know when a paper has a title this short that it contains a decent result.
Because I thrive on disappointment, I'm having another look at Moodle's SCORM code.
Finally finally, my recaps of the last two Newcastle @MathsJam meetings:…
@vickytnz I didn't write it down! I'll work it out again.
@ben_nuttall what are they? I miss my g-u-username from normal twitter
@vickytnz 1/9?
@vickytnz public announcement logic is a thriving field of study! Some fun slides at…
Penne pasta, pesto, pepper, pomodoro, and... if these had been portobellos, that would've been amazing. #mushroomsarentteamplayers
oh wow! The list of all primes was 14gb, not 1.4! Extra bonus fun!
@MrHonner all primes (explicitly discovered so far)
@stecks which one? The next one, or the next next one?
Weighing up whether to double our total expenditure to date on The Aperiodical in order to license the world's greatest stock photo
Never mind, it turns out licensing stock photos is ridiculously expensive. For reference, here it is:…
I haven't listened to arte radio in ages. The site is really nice now:
Nice minimalist scientist logos by Kapil Bhagat.…
You're not spider friend! In fact, what *are* you? Spider friend, you had ONE JOB
@charliesgames oh no! That ain't good! Time for a food hygiene purge
@TwentyThree bummer! I don't use iTunes so I don't know what to do. What happens?
@TwentyThree an iPhone-having friend has just downloaded it successfully. Try again?
@vickytnz yeah, I think that one's lacking some unhinged element the corbis one had. And they're American pancakes!
@vickytnz yes
How did I manage not to notice the metroline hordes until I got off the train?
What they've done is morally wrong, but it's beautiful. Zeroless arithmetic: (via @Gelada)
Is Zeilberger the greatest troll in contemporary mathematics? Viewed as satire, I almost respect his output.
Thanks to some judicious amazon ordering, @TweetsofCushing and I are going loopy with boggly eyes
@vickytnz yes indeed
Trying out @songdropapp now it's a proper real thing.…
Stoker was very good, but this was me on several occasions
@evelynjlamb @aperiodical is the fake formula made up for PR purposes not a thing in the US? Our papers are lousy with them.
@ColinTheMathmo ooh! Can we meet tomorrow for coffee?
@ColinTheMathmo but...?
@monsoon0 that's a great name! Like a character from a series of kids' books
A problem with living alone: no sanity check on your appearance before leaving the house.
@My_Metro why do announcements say "no trains in both directions" instead of "no trains in either direction"? Is the first less ambiguous?
Indulging in a bit of industrial espionage -slash- walking through the Northumbria campus for some exercise
Since everyone's tweeting their female maths heroes, here's mine: Hazel Perfect, my only mathematical relative and a group theorist like me!
@C_J_Smith @peterrowlett to Google Docs!
@nulibrs oh, I get it! Very clever
@peterrowlett @NoelAnn can I talk to you at some point about Maths Arcade? I think we're going to set up something similar here
@ColinTheMathmo @stecks @helenarney is this a "hung/hanged" type situation? Should we say 'drinked' to refer to when a drink is consumed?
@pkrautz there is not, and I hadn't heard of it before! Thanks!
@pkrautz @MathJax @fgdorais I don't know. I could find out...
@pkrautz @MathJax @fgdorais do you have a blog somewhere that uses jetpack comments?
@pkrautz @fgdorais it won't work because the comments are in an iframe. There are plugins to allow social login on normal wordpress though
Form says go to Redirects to, then a link goes to #joinedupIT
I really need to get round to presenting the results to the @aperiodical survey. Some people have given great answers
@brittneybean that's the second one of those I've seen in two days! What's happening? Is this the 90s revival I've heard so much about?
I'm pretty sure there's money to be made in making man-sized household cleaning appliances. My back hurts!
@standupmaths A chum freezer-burnt his hand with an extinguisher during fire warden training. The irony was more delicious than any icecream
@helenarney @jjsanderson Lor' that was a terrible film! If only they had been bloggers, that might have improved it.
In a jigsaw, you apply rotations and translations to the pieces until they fit. Could you make a puzzle with other affine transformations?
@Thalesdisciple I'm thinking of either a computer puzzle, or you could do something with optics
@Thalesdisciple so: start with 2d image; chop into pieces; apply different combinations of affine transforms to each piece
@hornmaths the exact opposite of my current feeling
Christ I just decided I need a spice rack why didn't any of you kill me before this happened
I stalled a yawn! Now I'm stuck in a half-yawn state and I think I might die.
Wow, explorer has just blocked the entire shell, even window-switching. Windows 8, ladies and gents!
@elinoroberts definitely snow at this end of the street.
@standupmaths hUSBris
Successful salad. Succalad.
@DanaKazim oh, you definitely can fail at salad. My last one was a complete nightmare
If ONE more person pronounces it EYEdillic I'm going to TURN this planet round and NOBODY gets ice cream.
This is the best snow we've had all year! It's like icing sugar. Mmmmmm
@DanaKazim it is?
As usual, @TweetsofCushing and I are spending our Monday morning well
@vickytnz well, it's getting warmer. What are you complaining about?
@SherriBurroughs @MathsJam Have a look at my Newcastle MathsJam recaps -… - we've done loads of different things
@SherriBurroughs particular favourites: the princess in a castle puzzle and the card game Mad Abel
@vickytnz I haven't read it, but it's very very highly recommended by mathematicians. It's like the classic text
I've woken up with a strong desire to see a linotype machine running. The printing museum in Lyon was great
@nulibrs it's the last week of term?! We should have a huge laser display board counting down the academic weeks somewhere on campus.
@nulibrs I don't know why it bothers me, I don't get to stop working when the students go home, anyway
@nulibrs what a coincidence! I've just recorded a thing for my maths podcast about my favourite book, an arithmetic textbook from 1811...
@nulibrs ... it's a lot more interesting than it sounds!
Is there such a thing as an Oxford semi-colon?
I think I might be a chatbot
This might be the best I'll ever do at triple town.
What's worse than biting into an apple and finding half a worm?
@vickytnz I mentioned that, and other film maths, in the last aperiodical round up:…
@vickytnz but you always keep your house clean, even when your family aren't visiting, don't you? ;)
@amermathsoc The King and Pi: in the vein of Lincoln, George III's attempt to get a bill defining pi = 3 through Parliament #pimoviepitches
Resisting the temptation to make purchases from this catalogue of blackboard drawing instruments…
@BenTormey that'll be you in a few years, watch out
Pi Light: sparkly vampires do... something. I have no idea what even the basics of the plot are. #pimoviepitches
if you say so! RT @evelynjlamb: @christianp I think they get married? And there are lots of circles there. Cakes and rings and so on.
@HilariousCow there?
@jjaron I was shocked to discover when I got my nexus 4 that Listen had been discontinued in the middle of last year
Glorious! Knitted taxidermy heads.
@OxUniConnect your mission control people are just downstairs from me! I feel an urge to go and interrupt their activities with custard pies
@ProfKinyon except I'm likely to misremember that as "how I wish I could remember pi"
@jjaron @aperiodical well, factoring in peer review...
@jjaron @aperiodical "the chicken wanted to find a vector normal to the road"
@kirkpatricke Are you still doing your PhD or have you finished? One of the mathematicians is transferring to neuroscience and wants advice
@kirkpatricke is it ok if I give her your email address so she can ask herself? Twitter is too terse
@kirkpatricke I do.
@evelynjlamb thanks for the link to All Squared!
@MarcusduSautoy umm... universal computation is definitely maths, and in my opinion a much bigger innovation
@MarcusduSautoy aha! Anyway, my vote, even though I'm a computational group theorist, would go to calculus.
@icecolbeveridge @standupmaths bravo
Very nice! RT @panlepan: Fr!endly numbers.
RT @wilderlab: About 871 and 45361: 8!+7!+1! = 45361
and 4!+5!+3+6!+1! = 871
@standupmaths @wilderlab the next one is very easy to find, but after that...
A lovely little poem…
Those CGI disaster bits in the BBC's F1 intro sequence were a terrible idea
Having top fun mishearing "rookie" as "wookiee" while watching the qualifying.
@vickytnz trying very hard, but I don't have the ready access to Star Wars quotes that is required of a true nerd
@vickytnz oh, that is an EXCELLENT t-shirt
@vickytnz are you planning on taking your family to Cragside?
@vickytnz it's a whole day visit on its own. Not that far to drive - about 40 minutes. Absolutely worth seeing
@DanielColquitt *really*? What's to like?
Knitting and watching the rugby. #mansman #ladiesman... #notantonyms
@helenarney as if that's a bad thing? Quite a few machines give fivers now.
So far this year: Google killed Reader, Sky bought Be, Elsevier in talks to buy Mendeley. Next up: everyone has kidney failure.
@Htbaa oh I'm fine with that. Depending on your choice of axioms, anything can be false.
This dude's facial hair looks like it cane with a free SEGA Dreamcast and a copy of Spaced on VHS
@haggismaths typo: "a 'one-dimensional binary cellular automata'" should be "a 'one-dimensional binary cellular automatON'".
@numberphile yeesh, I'm so tired of all these people saying they did a bit of French at school and loudly declaring how bad they are at it
@numberphile we need more high-profile French speakers who can communicate the beauty of French for its own sake. Maybe in a YouTube channel
@numberphile sorry, I was being ironic. Replace French with maths
@hellobuglers wow, I decided I'd had just about enough of that, and then I noticed I was only twelve minutes into over an hour of punning!
@nulibsage is it ironic that that's published in a closed access journal?
I don't understand wordpress user registration spam. What's the point?
@Andrew_Taylor @mathsfeedback @ColinTheMathmo my ears are burning. Can I add a question to my survey? My vote says 10% = 0.1. It's a ratio!
@helen_keen @scienceatlife oh no! I was planning on going to see you tomorrow but you're on at the same time as @MathsJam!
@Htbaa :set expandtab
@helen_keen if only that were the case! You'll be missing a single-digit number of geeks, most likely
Incredible. A 22-minute rock opera about milk.…
Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight! 7pm at the Charles Grey pub. All welcome. This month I have rational tangles and a permutations machine.
@stecks what is the stuff from the internet?
Where is everybody? I've been in work for an hour and haven't seen anyone other than the cleaner.
People who use correct, and correctly delimited, TeX in their arXiv abstracts are good people.
@Andrew_Taylor Push it to the limit!…
@Andrew_Taylor @ColinTheMathmo now I need to find that page with the many many different ways people think of multiplication, don't I?
@Andrew_Taylor @ColinTheMathmo I can't find it! It was beautiful. It laid out each way of modelling multiplication (and numbers) so clearly
@C_J_Smith @peterrowlett @jan_e_grabowski more fair might be to say every time someone asks what's on the test, what's on the test changes
@ColinTheMathmo yikes. Twitter is not the correct medium for this.
@Jackg00de @LeedsMathsJam I don't know about Leeds, but I write up each Newcastle MathsJam on my blog:…
@ColinTheMathmo it was by something like nRich, but not nRich. Maybe Australian?
@peterrowlett @ColinTheMathmo close, but it was a webpage and had like 12 or 16 models of multiplication
I'm forced to use Powerpoint for this presentation I'm giving over Blackboard Collaborate. How do I make a non-terrible set of slides?
Got a blister from scrubbing pans. It hurts a bit. #edwardianproblems
@Bishnavitch sorry, got a mega-cool LAN party planned already
@ColinTheMathmo I can't remember! That's why I needed to look it up! Everything about this is frustrating.
@Tegglington but I'll know. I'll know. And I'm not convinced Collaborate won't interpolate the bejeezu out of the screenshots.
@peterrowlett where did you do that Numbas worksheet theme homework? Was it Keele?
@ColinTheMathmo YES! You are a winner!
@ColinTheMathmo and the better web-page version at…
The do it yourself till at waitrose worked with my own bag for the first time ever. 21st century living!
@Andrew_Taylor my phone's been having trouble too. Maybe twitpic is broken
Another day, another proof of the Goldbach conjecture uploaded by an engineer to the arXiv.
You know those famously hard Microsoft interview questions? Where did the people who answered those well go? Certainly not the IE team.
(Currently waiting for IE's developer tools to display a few-thousand-line javascript file) #hateIE
@JamesMoosh but the best at what?
Wow, this is a terrible idea.…
@tinymce oh good. The reason I was looking is that IE crashes due to dom.get('mce_marker') returning null here:…
@tinymce the editor doesn't have focus because I'm doing things with a modal dialogue. Any ideas?
If Fermat were alive today: "I have discovered a truly marvellous proof of this, but I can't be bothered to LaTeX it."
@tinymce OK.. tried to register for the forum, didn't get a confirmation email, I've emailed the spam@ address.
@tinymce thanks. I've just submitted my bug report.
@ZaltzCricket as a real mathematician, that line has served me very well over the years when talking to the statisticians next door
@stecks took me a while to parse that as anything other than you telling your cohabiting boyfriend you've moved house.
@stecks it's the dot before @aPaulTaylor that made it right.
@stecks not authentic: it looks more ergonomic than the original
can anyone think of a good symbol to denote "partially correct"? I currently have a percent symbol, which is bad cause it's next to a number
@EliotBall a bit too small. I'd prefer something the same height as a tick or cross
ah! I could use a hollow tick. That would work, wouldn't it?
@stevieb not immediately obvious, though
What I went for was a grey cross instead of a green one. Sorry, monochromats!
@madcaptenor wrong northeast, wrong parmo. You should be eating one of these:…
A+++ would agree with again RT @sciSteve: These things! Anyone around 24+ should recall? They were so much fun.
@Rosalot no way! I don't know what happened to mine. Lost a couple of house
moves ago, maybe.
I'd love Saturday Kitchen if it didn't have all these insufferable chefs on it.
@DanaKazim that is incredible! Scan them all! Where are they from?
I am currently playing A World of Keflings on the xbox. It's lovely. Does anyone want to join me?
"Tip: female keflings are better than males at some tasks, and vice versa"... umm... Why did that need to be part of the game?
@standupmaths and you know he's keeping statistics on how people react to meeting him
Windows keyboard shortcut mind-blown moment: Windows key+<0-9> switches to or opens the item at that position on your taskbar. #kabloom
@ben_nuttall I too have wondered this.
The Holden ratio ♌ arises often in nature, most famously as the proportion of the volume of a real sensible car that an Australian ute fills
An interactive 7-set Venn diagram RT @notemates: Hoy en… dos genios del diseño de datos @infobeautiful y @moebio
@jcoglan a tensor.
People who use the Interrobang are glory-seekers. I'm more of an ACrobang person. #forreals‽
Spider friend update: I hadn't seen her for a week. Yesterday I looked under the bath mat where I step out of the shower. RIP spider friend
Somebody brought hot chocolate on the train! #require
@peterrowlett how does your post-tweeting script work? I have a python thing which replaces HTML escapes with unicode if you want it
Best tragedy in a while…
I'm a huge fan of how long it takes Outlook to import my emails from my old student account. I'm getting so much work done!
@MadeleineS which is why I put the IPA!
@MadeleineS it's that down here too.
@DeucharsIPA that's alright, I'm teetotal. The other IPA is an alphabet to help people from different countries understand each other
@maanow please use the double-acute ő for Erdős - see…
@ColinTheMathmo this one looks a bit physics-oriented…
@ColinTheMathmo this is almost definitely not what you saw, but it's interesting
@EulerLeonhard Some places should subdivide time into more or fewer parts - e.g. it could be 4/11/101/4 in Paris.
@stecks on, pheasant is always an ingredient. It's like nobody lists oxygen for the gas to combust with.
@DrMathS if you're going to use the #MathsJam tag, at least come to one!
Oh wow.
I thought I had a new sequence! I didn't!
that previous tweet was an excerpt from my forthcoming memoir, "How I Fought the OEIS... and Lost"
@vickytnz you're going to be in London? Me too! Museums will be open. I'm going to the British Museum!
@newdiorama do you have any press images for "The Universal Machine"? I'm writing a plug for it on a maths blog
@vickytnz Primark is very much an aspirational shop
I just lost the best minecraft hardcore mode world I've ever had. I might cry.
@ebuie always followed by "O'Reilly", I hope
@DanielColquitt haha. Whoever wrote that didn't do a PhD
@JessWardman @standupmaths we rescued a blackboard as it was being thrown out and put it in our office. It's the Lonesome George of the dept
@ICMS_Edinburgh I love that paper. A member in good standing of my Interesting Esoterica collection
@pkrautz @fgdorais and how would that help with mathjax?
@fgdorais oh right, yes
@pkrautz what's the latest with blackboard and mathjax? A lecturer wants to get students to write TeX in group assignments
@pkrautz BB currently seems to let the script tag through and it's loaded, but seemingly not executed. Any idea?
@standupmaths (don't blame me, blame @TweetsofCushing)
@scienceatlife could you use the Tesla coil as a PC speaker for some old DOS games? Maybe the Monkey Island theme?…
@outofthenorm2 Winkler's book is a masterpiece. Very much a dipping-into book though. My brain overheats otherwise.
Race against time: will my jumper be dry before I get my train? It's properly tense, the Run Lola Run music is playing and everything
Londoners! Would anyone like to meet for a drink or whatever tomorrow or Sunday?
I should just throw away my colourblind-unfriendly socks, shouldn't I?
"Cod Is Dead" would be a terrible name for a chippy, wouldn't it?
Why is it that whenever I need to get a real train, the metro breaks down? Something to do with the time of day?
Have decided from now on to consider trips to London as taking place a year in the future and spend the extra £10 on first class. #legroom!
@DanielColquitt if they try some guesses, algorithms which don't work are not the ones used by ants.
@ColinTheMathmo the pigeonhole chapter in "Proofs from the BOOK" contains some beauties, and is a particularly accessible chapter
I hope this plane photographed above Russell Square on google maps isn't a permanent fixture,-…
Any recommendations for good midprice dinner within 10 mind walk of Euston station? Pulled pork, Mexican or curry preferable
@MatPaterson @JoVanEvery @icecolbeveridge all the reviews say the staff are enormously rude. When did you last go?
Google maps on my phone is showing me floor plans of buildings! So clever!
@Bishnavitch how on earth did that happen?
Adam Goucher is busy proving that 3d chess is Turing-complete on his blog. My inferiority complex grows.…
@ajk_44 ooh, that's a good coincidence! And happy 2^5th birthday for tomorrow
@cbokhove I originally had "quad error demonstrandum" but thought that was too far. Interesting that's the one mistake you picked up on...
Still haven't had any easter eggs. My desire for chocolate has become a gnawing, animal need. I may start howling at the moon
Hey @ColinTheMathmo, somebody else is doing @ProofinaTweet: @tinyproof
@peterrowlett "overly" -> "overtly"?
Blackboard still uses framesets... not sure how to feel. Am I disappointed? Was I not expecting it to be that awful?
@vickytnz all of the links to posts on are broken.
@vickytnz ahah, I've worked it out! is stripping prepositions out of the URLs
For posterity in case anyone sees my Riemann "proof" from yesterday outside an April 1st context: I haven't gone *that* crazy yet.
@haggismaths it's "Wicks form"
@peterrowlett @johndavidread hey! We have no way so far of knowing if my result was wrong as well!
@MarcusduSautoy I was quite worried for a moment until I realised it was the other North-East. I thought we'd been invaded!
Just realised my webinar tomorrow is 7am GMT, which is 8am BST, so I get another hour in bed!
@standupmaths @MissJKDarcy Hey, you forgot these: ⌊ ⌋
@MadeleineS Buckfast in the 25th Century?
Many moons have passed since I played this game.
@peterrowlett thanks! Who were you hiding as? I didn't see your name.
@peterrowlett haha. I was almost the same: Collaborate doesn't work with Windows 8, so I booted to Ubuntu. Had my telly PC on standby...
"Jassology is a global theory on orientable maps which results from artistic experiments." I can't compete.
@peterrowlett you need the Oracle jvm instead of openjdk to start with, and then I think I had to do a bit more fiddling.
@haggismaths is that following the polyhedra with beaded beads paper?
@haggismaths certainly! It's…
@haggismaths @wundalous better than infringing copyright, the authors have a preprint on their site…
Dear Middle English, what happened to the infinitive of 'can'? It seems to have gone missing at this end. Yours sincerely, Modern English
@nulibrs ohh, the things I'd carry in mine... if I had one
@stecks @standupmaths @icecolbeveridge name a discipline it might find a use in... Correct, it's economics!…
@sxpmaths according to etymonline, 'cunnan'.… Same root as modern German können/kennen
@vickytnz I'd like to, but I haven't had an invitation to Editorially yet
@vickytnz @MikePress it works! I'm writing in your document now. Can't see how to add comments or see versions though.
@vickytnz @MikePress we're not writing on the same thing at the same time, are we? I can't see your cursor or a way to add notes on sections
@vickytnz @MikePress ok, but I need to drive my nana to the airport in half an hour
@byrichardpowell I've written a computer algebra system in JS (plus an entire e-assessment system) that does some fun things.
@MrHonner hurrah for equal access to opportunity! That's why I don't do private tuition - I feel I should be helping those who can't pay
Windows 8: Press Ctrl-Shift-Esc. Start doing something else. Maybe browse a few sites. A while later, the task manager appears.
The stock android calendar widget scares me so often by putting things which won't happen for a week right at the top.
@MathsJam "taust" is what Brummies eat, isn't it?
The difference between ignorance and stupidity: while configuring Apache, I'm ignorant, and everyone on StackOverflow is stupid.
Does anyone know what this symbol is called? ⋜ It's like an upside-down \leq, but it isn't in detexify!
@nillie_kj @standupmaths because Matt is Australian, and every now and then he holds his phone like he would back home
@Nathan1123 yeah, I know that. But how is it different to "less than or equal to"? And more importantly: what's its LaTeX command?
@standupmaths as someone with a ridiculous name, I exercise with relish my right to pun on arbitrary properties of other people
@cawhitworth @alexcreid @YoshiDota2 UP HIGH! DOWN LOW! Aww @standupmaths, you got it the wrong way up again!
@Nathan1123 @rockhyrax \eqslantless isn't quite right. If I was taking approximations, I'd go with \bar\lt
@Nathan1123 @rockhyrax spooky! It's in the Computer Modern fonts - I spotted it on my cm webfonts demo page
Font rendering on Ubuntu is so nice, but so tiny! Am I doing something wrong, or is that just how it is?
aha! As I suspected, it's subpixel rendering plus funky fonts…
so "Don't Repeat Yourself" doesn't really work with Wordpress, does it? Such a massive hassle to abstract out repeated bits of this theme!
@icecolbeveridge there's no link to Tanya Khovanova's posts
@robeastaway I feel that a contest to find the worst model which correctly predicts the winner of the Grand National would be fun.
@aPaulTaylor I saw that! What terrible things science has wrought. Can't remember if I bought it as part of the 2-for-1 or not.
@aPaulTaylor @stecks wot no black pudding?
@icecolbeveridge and who comes out as winner with that model?
@Electrokittie don't they teach you to do research on a journalism degree?…
To whoever's job it is to sift the crank submissions to the arXiv into math.GM: I salute you.
@icecolbeveridge incredible! I think you've earned your prize
@BenTormey yeah, that's basically consent.
@nulibrs IT'S WHAT?! I've had more than enough of this now.
@RGS_maths just noticed you followed my maths blog @aperiodical. You should think about coming to Newcastle @MathsJam!
"Hi!" almost has a horizontal axis of symmetry. Not sure whether that's interesting or not, so I am putting it to twitter vote.
Not doing a great job. MT @mathbabbler: I wasn't aware of this until today, but April is Mathematics Awareness Month.
@RGS_maths second-last Tuesday of the month, at the Charles Grey pub -… (I am inviting you the teacher, not the kids)
Want to touch the mammoth! Need to touch the mammoth! Booking tickets to Japan brb…
Talking of Thatcher, there is a cutlery Pinochet at work in the office. My spoons have been disappearing, with no explanation.
@vickytnz nope! There's MIMA, which is mediocre, and a big wire funnel thing, and the transporter bridge
@vickytnz compare with the £200 my department just paid for a peaktime return to Birmingham on Thursday
@josephdancey @vickytnz @refreshteesside it's a t-shirt! And it's from the Durham Miners' Gala!
@josephdancey insulting people on twitter is a cool thing to do now?
@josephdancey nah, no truce. Boro is a hole and I stand by that.
About to shave my rather too long beard off. This is going to hurt.
Late for work. Boss is also late, and on the opposite platform to go the long way round the metro line. Think I'll get away with it.
Adventures in Flexible Working Hours
@TimandraHarknes @jamesgrime turtles swim in the sea. At least, that's what my teacher tortoise.
Oh wow, the National Rail Enquiries android app is so much better than Train Times UK
Just realised that redbrick buildings must have a completely different meaning for people who can see the colour red!
Like, is red brick noticeably red? Like how whitewashed buildings are noticeably white? My mind is blown.
British trains! Does being a daddy long legs count as a special need? Yes, my bum's as far back as it'll go.
Gott in Himmel that's a bad hot chocolate!
Could we kickstart a tunnel through the Pennines? I think it would work; carrying on to Ireland could be a stretch goal.
Very very disappointed that does not do what it says on the tin.
@jgrahamc depends on if you count proper names as words
@vickytnz faint?!
@vickytnz there's probably enough heavy metals in the air to induce a charge if you run around fast enough
@vickytnz so, good day in Middlesbrough then?
@ColinTheMathmo Aww, I'd noticed that too and was going to do an Aperiodical post! Still possible, I suppose
Turns out @TweetsofCushing and I are allergic to Baby Elephant Walk
It's a thing of beauty. RT @TweetsofCushing: My latest failure to find a new integer sequence:
All the cool kids are Sloanewhacking. RT @TweetsofCushing: But that has not deterred me in my integer seqeunce quest! #sloanewhacking
After listening to The Cure for a while, we don't seem to be allergic to Baby Elephant Walk any more.
@ICMS_Edinburgh @elinoroberts I second that vote.
@vickytnz What One-Shot Joke Websites Can Teach You About Career Progression
Clearing out the filing cabinets, we found this. Does it say "CP feeding study"? Was I the subject of an experiment?
@jarofgreen If you don't mind ordering online, I just get mine from
@JusSumChick I like that possibility less
@peterrowlett the documents are MYSTERIOUSLY MISSING
I am 100% with him. RT @maanow: Mathematician Objects to Platonist Patent System #mathnews
Having read the article, I retract my support of the patents dude. I thought he was going to argue maths shouldn't be patented!
@icecolbeveridge @stecks @standupmaths oh, that's a beautiful idea!
@Samuel_Hansen Congratulations! What are you doing?
@ColinTheMathmo @standupmaths @peterrowlett @icecolbeveridge @stecks how about something like… ?
Take an English word. Use its first letter as the key to a Ceasar cipher. Decode that word using that key. Still an English word? Bonza!
THUG -> MANY; GIG -> MOM; HEW -> OLD; NARK -> ANEW; WEAR -> SAWN; PORK -> EDGY. OAF -> COT. There are a few more.
how have I not seen this before? is like the combo HTML+MathJax thing I made a few years ago, but done properly. Superb.
Look what time I ordered my not-getting-home-for-hours misery burger yesterday!
@peterrowlett @ColinTheMathmo @standupmaths @icecolbeveridge @stecks @ColinTGraham ha, have I hilariously ironically misunderstood mathchat?
@Kit_Yates_Maths Not sure if they have a name. The thought just occurred to me last night.
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MathsWorldUK of course they're in the OEIS; I showed @wilderlab this yesterday:
#uksunshine NE30 5/10. Because let's be honest, it's almost as rare as snow.
There's only one thing you can do on a day like this
@vickytnz how long do you need a place for? I know a few people in a similar position.
@Kit_Yates_Maths good thought, but I'd rather save that for something more impressive
I found a program on my computer which composes haiku that evaluate to integers. No idea why I wrote it.…
Y yallso ghuwnd ae bbrhufhryamm wuhecygh myachis a mmoccherw wfg thi wuelsh lyanygwaethi…
The year I was born: 1986 = 489^1 + 2^9 + 2^8 + 3^6.…
What I'm saying is, I've collected all the code I write when my mind goes on an excursion on github:…
@Electrokittie I really want you to have made a pun on station but I can't see it.
@elinoroberts yeah. I honestly have no idea where the map came from. But nobody gets "ghoti" in English first time, either.
@DrClimate oh, the term "policy" is used by the computing people to mean the software is installed automatically on everyone's machine
@DrClimate a decent proportion of people do use version control, but there's no School Policy saying they have to
@ajk_44 bravo !
11:23! Tell a fib!
@standupmaths am I too late to add that you can make your own 3D shape which flattens to a Penrose tiling?…
@jcoglan that's just the worst.
@vickytnz another reason I live out here on the coast. Seagulls don't support football teams.
cor, the forms on are lovely. All ticky boxes and helpful information and... phwoar
Indiamore by Chassol is so good.…
@elinoroberts ooh, that's a good idea! I will do a chocolate marble cake
Today's lesson: never assume you have cocoa powder.
I'ma let you finish Euler, but Gauss had the best birthdate of all time. OF ALL TIME.
Why is the benefits cap being introduced first where there cost of living is highest?
Wearing the deadly comfortable trousers AND comfortable jumper combo today. I might forget to do anything useful at all.
What's that hot new punctuation you've heard all the cool kids talking about? It's the bangocolon!: the sexiest mark.
so Google did just forget to do an Erdős doodle then?
@EATng that's a lot of males!
There is an all-female Duran Duran tribute band called Joanne Joanne. Top tribute-punning. Thanks, @amazingradio!
@jcoglan EmaciateScript
Prepping final designs for my new line of pagers especially for expectant fathers, Justin Beeper. (They go "Baby, baby, baby ohh!")
@jjaron lots of fun maths involved, particularly the fairness verification if they're doing it properly, but I still find bitcoin annoying
Lefties avoid exact numbers?… I'm ~100% sure this isn't true.
My uni's librarians provide an invaluable service RT @nulibrs: “@EmergencyPuppy: Koala, napping. ”
This adventure with mixed pickle might have been a mistake. I'm basically just eating raw chilis by the handful now
In return for dropping the manifesto pledge to reform libel law, wily LibDem negotiators won the right to go next on the Commons pool table
I bought a bum punnet of tomatoes. I reckon I've probably got ergot poisoning now.
So when I type "localhost:8000" into IE's address bar, what does it interpret it as other than "http://localhost:8000"? And why?
@daveowhite I can sympathise! The google account for the @aperiodical's YouTube channel is "aperidoical". We're stuck with that forever.
@jamessocol @TedMielczarek MathJax can and does. It's really good!
Stop being so rubbish, IE! I just want to work out why you're breaking! Your cooperation would help us both!
#hateIE #hateIE #hateIE #hateIE
Well, I give up. A DOM node inexplicably has no contents. Not sure I can do anything about that. I'm going home to cry. #hateIE
@Sa3eedo dude, I have to support IE8. Wouldn't be surprised if this bug still happens in IE10, though.
@moebio @bitcraftlab do you mean this?…
It's been a quiet couple of week for cranks on the arXiv. Do they take the Easter holiday off?
Yes sir, this is how I will be getting around from now on.…
"Dear Christian, Seeing as you've unsubscribed from our email newsletters, you won't have heard about our ultra topical upcoming event".
"You said you didn't want to hear from us any more, but we don't think you meant it".
@jcoglan I gave my email address to a programmer at a conference, they put it on their PR list, I unsubscribed, PR person sent me that email
@profkeithdevlin @stevenstrogatz wow, they did well not to use the letters "NP" at any point in that article. And they got the result wrong!
The commute home is a bad time to get turbo flatulence. Glad I invested in the sphincter upgrade at the last checkpoint. #lifeisamundaneRPG
I actively dislike both Les Mis and but this is incredible…
It's so windy outside that things are falling over in here.
@evelynjlamb it's much easier to find your name in Champernowne's constant, and I can prove it'll definitely be there
What's the most interesting arithmetic (sub)sequence of times? I reckon 12:12; 12:24; 12:36; 12:48 is hard to beat.
@jcoglan well, there are countably many computer programs, so having uncountably many version numbers would be overkill
Tonight Mr Perfect has nominated a Caesar Salad with Steak. Tricky, but if he pulls it off it's a high-tariff meal and would put him on top.
The crowd falls into a hushed silence as he approaches the counter. You could cut the tension with a knife.
The crowd goes wild! Just look at the judges' faces. They've never tasted anything so good. They're unanimous in their verdict.
Now, while the engraver works his magic on the trophy, a short vignette in memory of the cow who gave her life so all this could happen.
When I send an email I wish the universe would split in two, with one half where I don't send it, so I can pick the one that works out best
(Don't worry, I'm not sending any serious emails, I just always get anxious initiating email conversations with people)
@monsoon0 ooh, I have loads of these. "How to explain zero-knowledge protocols to your children"… ...
@monsoon0 'There is no "Uspensky's method"'…
@monsoon0 "Carrots for dessert"
The "I have no idea what I'm going to eat tonight"
It's a lovely warm evening tonight. As the sun slowly sets, a person in a dinosaur costume is getting ready for a dip in the sea. #tynemouth
A happy couple, plus some sand, in wedding gear. Two labs fighting over a tennis ball. A child just old enough to appreciate rockpooling.
I wonder if that balloon will make it to Norway? It's heading in the right direction, I think
As I've been sitting here, various wildlife has come to inspect me. Previously: a large grey gull. Currently: between five and ten flies.
Now the dogs are gone, three boy mallards land in the lido with splashes. Time for their ablutions. Where were they waiting?
For some at the the beach it's the silence that makes them smile. For this man, it's the sound of his Ferrari's engine breaking that silence
Well, the sun can't see the beach any more, so I think neither should I. I'll stop tweeting rubbish now, too
@aperfect I may or may not have eaten a whole melon, gone outside on a sugar rush, and got a bit poetic
@Andrew_Taylor @standupmaths @stecks with NFC, phones can send messages to each other when they bump. Could you use that in a domino setup?
I have generated a rather marvellous minecraft world, the seed for which this tweet is too small to contain
@samholloway maybe it's the ice cream man's birthday?
Huh? @laRadioNova is doing a programme about French pop, in English. I'm confused.
@komiga I have a bamboo. It's very far from the best tablet I've ever used. Not awful, but not great to draw with,
@komiga I don't do any serious drawing, but it just isn't very accurate
This app which simulates and corrects colour blindness through your phone camera is excellent.…
@vickytnz I think you just set a record for quickest response to a tweet
@vickytnz are you mathsjamming tomorrow?
@vickytnz ahh what, is Bright Club the same night? Rrrr, I wanted to go!
@standupmaths I feel that to progress any further in taking terrible photos you'll need to start using like a Game Boy Camera or something
Sweet Jesus of Pizzus that's an attractive pie! Cajun chicken, caramelised onion, jalapeño.
Reader, let me tell you: the pizza delivered. Pity I'm not in Soviet Russia.
Well done, music shuffle, today *does* seem like a Juana Molina day. #positivereinforcement
Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight, 7pm, upstairs at the Charles Grey pub. All welcome. I have a cardboard computer(!) and a big book of puzzles
Today is an IE debugging day. The wobbly dog is poised and ready to help
Getting perilously close to a nice number of emails in my inbox.
@Mathematical_A @ICMS_Edinburgh that's probably true, but GCSE maths 100% speedruns are a fun way to pass time. I'm currently sub-20 minutes
@Mathematical_A @ICMS_Edinburgh (I had to do something to make tutoring prep interesting)
@ICMS_Edinburgh oh yeah, absolutely. But it's fun to do in a few minutes something that took an hour when I was little!
@vickytnz no: you didn't use "chuffed". You might qualify for Southerner, but not generic British.
@vickytnz looks like a scene from Wholander
@icecolbeveridge oh no, not third derivatives again!
@SITP_NCL @kirkpatricke or you could sneak in a cheeky hour of maths before Bright Club starts
If you've ever felt there's a Michael Jackson song title to express anything you want to say: You Are Not Alone.…
I'm So Blue. There's a much more comprehensive list of songs at…. What More Can I Give?
@kirkpatricke I haven't yet worked out how to attend SITP though. I will one day! ... maybe.
@jjaron I clicked on that, but before it loaded I realised I never need to know anything more about Robert Scoble, so I closed the tab
I've mistimed my mathsjam approach. Finished my dinner with 20 minutes to spare. Going to take a short walk around lovely sunny Newcastle
I'm at work for 9am on the morning after a MathsJam. Unprecedented!
@jcoglan definitely go to the Musée Lumière in Lyon if you haven't already.
Definitely didn't accidentally switch the @aperiodical over to the new design a day early. Definitely not.
Fed up with surly sandwich-makers, @TweetsofCushing and I have decided to open a new cafe with polite staff, called Cheese and Thank-you
@ben_nuttall that's also due to PHP's calling convention though, isn't it?
@michaeljgrove @peterrowlett @stephenlee1643 fight the power! #don'tplaybytwitter'srules
@haggismaths "After the viva, which can last anything from 90 minutes to a gruelling five hours" - my friend's took eight. It was ridiculous
just changed the name of my dev server's test user from "Testington Smythe" to "George Test". It's a bold new world.
@ICMS_Edinburgh @haggismaths goats? Goats on the roof! Goats can not be overrated.
@Bishnavitch there's also a herd immunity problem: kids who got the jab are also at risk because of how much measles they're exposed to
@haggismaths @ICMS_Edinburgh similarly, the many many many signs warning us not to run over red squirrels in Northumberland. Never seen one
@elinoroberts I think I'm pro-cucumber, on balance.
Good news everyone! I've been asked to find some arty maths to go on our department's walls. Before I check my archives, any suggestions?
Batman, catwoman, ratchild, gnatfriend.
@evelynjlamb @henryseg would be among my first choices for sculpture, but I'm not sure if head of department just wants wall art, ie paper
@henryseg that would be wonderful, thanks!
@WarrenoN thanks, I'm aware of your nice blog. Are you aware of mine?…
@jcoglan I think the problem people have is seeing the abstract structure that links all those different approaches, though
@Bishnavitch @aperfect I thought I was over 40K, and then I saw this:…
Llama friend!…
could Tynemouth be powered entirely on the heat given off by all the beach weeding fireworks? I think so.
@Electrokittie ah, so maybe I did see Gary Glitter in town a couple of days ago?
@Gelada suppose my department had not a lot but a modest amount of money to commission some 2d art from you. What could you do?
@jcoglan Oh. That's good, then!
@DanielColquitt get github for Windows
@DanielColquitt no. Well, a couple of hours tops. But it's well worthwhile, and no version control is simpler
Very cheeky! "Tyneside Pregnancy Advice Centre" ad on metro offering free advice to pregnant women. Tiny mention they're a Christian charity
Claim: 50% of natural numbers are prime. Proof: checked by computer up to n=8. #lolzeilberger
@My_Metro the modernisation works have taken on human form?! What are you building?
Finally, I understand how to draw a Hilbert curve!…
Looking at my bank statement, my balance was temporarily a palindrome. Pleasing.
@ebuie hey, it's better than an overdraft!
@ebuie that's OK, I did the conversion in my head. Add 32 and divide by 3.2, right?
Using my colourblind-fixing app to find the mixed pickle I accidentally involved with the rest of my curry
@vickytnz MAKE A NEW ONE!
@aperiodical @stecks @peterrowlett oh no, that's a terrible idea! I tweet about my farts way more often than I tweet about maths
Can it not just be an axiom of Amazon's music store that mp3 albums always cost at most as much as the CD version?
Capybaras having a hot bath!!…
Dogsitting in Peterlee for three days. Making a map of my moles, to compare with when I leave.
.@stecks has inadvertently founded the Institute of Mathematics and its Implications. Pure maths only: no applications allowed!
@phillord you empathise rather than emphasise with the publishers, don't you? Should the paper you're talking about be in the bibliography?
@haggismaths @ICMS_Edinburgh Haskell Curry's middle initial was B. It *could* stand for Balti, if we all decide to make it so.
@phillord thanks!
@mathhombre I am because I wasn't aware of him. Thanks! That would work better as a comment on the post itself though
@mathhombre ohhh, it's *that* Tilman! I did know about him, from Geometry Daily. Do you sell anything, @Tilman?
@Tilman super! Thanks.
Are there more people with the title "Prof" than with the title "Sir", or the other way round?
@icecolbeveridge yes he does. I thought of the question after seeing Prof Sir Tim Berners-Lee in an article
@njj4 looking at the US is a bit unfair: they don't have any Sirs
@C_J_Smith @icecolbeveridge yeah, I don't think too many profs are created each year.
.@monsoon0 oh, of course. I suppose I want all regal-conferred titles that go in front of your name but don't get you in the House of Lords
100,000 members of the OBE worldwide, but no breakdown of how many are officers entitled "Sir" or "Dame".…
my dad's toilet has one of those weird disposable plastic toilet scrubber things. I feel like Sly Stallone in Demolition Man
@standupmaths I know how to get a letter of credit from the shopkeeper on Mêlée Island but not from my bank. Common 21st century problem?
yo dawg, your javascript library is sweet but you used for(x in an_array) so we can't be friends any more
@aPaulTaylor it includes all of an_array's methods too. For example, if you're using a polyfill to add map,filter,etc., those get included
Just recorded an *incredible* interview for the next All Squared. INCREDIBLE.
@gingerbeardman as you shouldn't. It's incredible.
@jjaron it does like to say it hasn't found anything while it's still looking. But it's also just bad. So it could be either!
How many things are on sale in the UK priced 1 penny? Could I buy one of each?
@vickytnz oh wow! I just googled myself and only one link on the first page isn't about me! TAKE THAT, RELIGIOUS TYPES
This advert with discount code TRAM1 on @My_Metro is still annoying me. Surely they can target things more precisely than "The North"
@OxUniConnect ha! At least that's technically correct, which is way better than Fox News normally manage.
@DanielColquitt campanology changes the view?!
@DanielColquitt I instantly felt regret at the expression of pedantry. Hope they've stopped ringing the bells!
auuughh I didn't go to the right school I have no idea what valediction to end this email with why am I so common aaaaaaa
@icecolbeveridge I've always gone with "cp". I think it's better aesthetically than a big C.
@icecolbeveridge well, that says something about you
@moebio use patterns instead
@moebio use dashes then!
I've been doing $1\!,\!000$. Turns out you can just do $1{,}000$ to get thousands separators to have the right spacing in TeX,
@DanielColquitt scientific notation for amounts of money seems odd
I'd like to think the girl this busker's staring at is inspiring a melodic flight, but he's just playing the same four notes over and over
@NautilusMag since it looks like you paid so much attention to design: why aren't mathematical variables in italics?…
@tombutton booooo! Get off the stage!
In Barter Books, I saw something that might please @standupmaths
@gingerbeardman where's that?
@peterrowlett :) I've been meaning to do this for a long time.
I love it when people hashtag the rhetorical device they've used, in case the full force of what they said wasn't obvious. #sarcasm
I spent all that effort noticing that the code for ö-umlaut is an arithmetic sequence, and Chrome starts interpreting numpad-4 as back? #poo
@divbyzero ooh, that's very nice! (And our best lecturer starts his first-year course every year with "minimum" and a warning to be careful)
@DanaKazim are you?
I've written up my recap of March and April's Newcastle @MathsJam:…
It both sounded and smells like someone's barbecue just blew up
@elinoroberts no, I'm at my mum's in Washington
Complete low blood pressure moment. I am all wobbly. This hasn't happened in a while.
@stevenstrogatz "math class is tough!" - D. Zeilberger / Teen Talk Barbie.
@PaulWatsonNcl hah, that looks fun! I'll make sure to go
if I had a cybernetic implant, it would be a modular oblongata
There were mitigating circumstances. RT @TweetsofCushing: watching @christianp trying to prove that 19 is prime!
The biggest tie ever was over 4000km long, around Croatia's borders:…
Micro mayhem!
Dude in a taxi outside the strawberry arguing with his driver about the validity of a note from the Clydesdale Bank
Best animal failing to stay awake video yet…
my flat is FREEZING. I should be thankful, considering how hot it is outside.
@ColinTheMathmo @samholloway @ajk_44 For your consideration:
@nulibrs euch, so many undergrads using the wifi! Going to have to spend my maths aid hours making origami again...
@ajk_44 on the subject of fun ages, I'm currently n^n, n ∈ ℤ, for the last time ever
When information mysteriously goes missing from your gmail address book: rrrrrr!
@gingerbeardman it's the alert noise that accomponies the revelation that my old phone wasn't saving *all* my data to gmail.
@gingerbeardman accomponies? A kind of horse? I felt the need to acknowledge the typo.
@gingerbeardman I think it was the custom HTC thing; my contacts are full of <HTCDATA> xml nonsense
Today's vim magic: `:au BufWritePost *.tex make` - recompiles TeX files when you save them
Staying at Birmingham University for the night and I can't connect to eduroam. Nothing else to do apart from go to sleep, then.
Apparently is a "protected resource" on Birmingham's network, for which I need to go through their shibboleth.
but is fine. Weird!
@jcoglan I got 99 data representation problems but ambiguous encoding ain't "1".
@numberphile WHAT?
Look what I found at Tynemouth market:
"Mercedes have annexed the front row". Suspiciously unfortunate phrasing about the German team
This is a great game: from a random street view image, work out where you are
Oh! The episodes of One on iplayer are new! Super.…
Instant retraction, they're five years old. What happened to the (R) on the end of programme descriptions?
@ebuie would have worked better with the letter A. Demand you relive your life accordingly.
@PerudoJedi @TraineeGeek @MathsJam I'm sure we could break out the Geordie enigma machine if you have some messages to send
I haven't remembered what I need from the shops after 10 minutes of thought, so I might as well set off now and see if I remember on the way
PAPER PLATES! Took until I was stood in front of them, but I did remember
@Bishnavitch you know they're just being cosmopolitan and choosing complementary colours to go with the furniture.
Aaaaaa that ford advert where he high-dives through the car gives me the juddering jeebers. Can not handle no no no
@pkrautz have you seen this?… Microsoft people exist in a scary universe
All of @Tilman's Geometry Daily prints have free shipping today:
@numberphile probably best to use infinite scroll, so segments are only loaded if the user scrolls down. I can make something if you want
@numberphile I'll have a go then email you
Talking to @numberphile about a number file
@ColinTheMathmo @icecolbeveridge rather than make all the dollars mathmode, you can do \$ to tell MathJax not to interpret a $ as maths
@icecolbeveridge oh, then you need processEscapes: true in your config. Also, putting dollars inside <span> tags breaks up maths.
Alexey Taktarov has used my deck.js template and added some neato interactive graphs:
(my template is on github at…)
@ThomasEWoolley I thought you'd forgotten about it!
@Bishnavitch see also Channel 4
@standupmaths aka the "Prime cousins-70,000,000-times-removed" conjecture
@numberphile I've just had an idea! If you wanted to show all of that number at once, you could do a gigapan:
Good lord, yet another Sambuca has opened. When's the leveraged buyout?
The back cover of the book this person is reading on the metro looks fascinating. Not sure how to angle myself to see the spine
TeX plod day three: 40 pages down, 380 to go. This had better be worthwhile... #texplod
@icecolbeveridge it's worse: it isn't even my TeX! I'm cleaning up someone's course notes to go on the web
How do we feel about $a/b$ instead of $\frac{a}{b}$ for inline fractions? I'm slightly anti.
@icecolbeveridge even though \frac fractions are tiny tiny in inline mathmode?
@icecolbeveridge good, we agree
@relinde @peterrowlett @aperiodical we stated it as "sum of three ODD primes". 7=2+2+3 is the only one you need an even prime for
@jamesgrime aww, that's the image I was trying to make this morning. I went with infinitely many pears instead
@mathemaniac please allow me to make your day:
the reference number on this letter from my car insurance company is suspiciously short. Am I their only customer?
@vickytnz I will always hold a soft spot in my heart for Austria's insane Latin Kryner fusion entry a few years ago:…
@vickytnz (soft spot may or may not be dirndl-provoked)
@vickytnz but it has yodelling!
Forget eurovision. Austria on its own puts out enough terrible music for the entire continent…
So sorry. That dude is clearly Dutch. And in fact, I can only find foreigners recording terrible music in Tyrol. Worst form of tourism?
Newcastle @MathsJam is next Tuesday! 7pm at the Charles Grey pub. I will have a Correntator, a set of Hex, and a book of logarithms.
Randomly generate a Turing machine on a 2d grid and see it run. This one explodes after a while:…
@peterrowlett I think it either wasn't correct, or I don't understand why it is correct
@peterrowlett I started a comment on the post on the site, but was stricken by doubt
A short guide to LaTeX math: Because I'm a cool dude, I already knew most of it
@peterrowlett yeah, so what I said wasn't true
ChromeVox, a text-to-speech engine for Chrome, now reads out maths! It's not too bad.…
... actually, it does a pretty terrible job of reading anything more complicated than a polynomial. Stretched symbols are particularly poor
@FOTSN Nerds, I haven't seen you give a single Beamer presentation. Can the scientists in the audience even understand what you say?
@Jokerman21 @peterrowlett 11 = 5+3+3; 23 = 11+7+5
@nulibrs @nulibsage converse is not the same as the contrapositive. Opposite of that statement is "people who don't prefer screen are old"
@nulibrs @nulibsage Whoops, I just gave you the contrapositive! Point was, "A implies B" does not mean that "not A implies not B"
@nulibrs @nulibsage unless you were saying you couldn't comment on the story because you're not young. Jeez, what a mess I've made.
wow. The hold music for this company's cancellation department is a funeral march
@madcaptenor that's so illegal!
Today's notation question: $_nC_r$ or $^nC_r$ ?
@Thalesdisciple this might be a British thing, but I've never liked that, and rarely seen it used, because it looks like a column vector.
@samholloway yeah, that's my opinion, but I've seen $_nC_r$ enough times that it made me wonder if there was some justification for it
really quite annoyed that spambots have found and filled the first question with 11,000 horrible sex adverts.
Weirdly, they haven't bothered spamming any of the other questions.
@lostinrecursion is that just the convention you're used to?
@lostinrecursion is there a rationale for either one? I'm used to the superscript one, and I think it looks nicer too
Having fun listening to this album while I work:…
re: $_nC_r$ or $^nC_r$ or $\binom{n}{r}$: Imagine if there were this many different ways of writing exponentiation. We'd all go mad!
I can't find anything in Cajori about choose/pick notations. Dude was an amateur scholar
@ebuie a WHAT? Tell me more!
@tim_hunt haven't read that yet, but yes - zenzizenzizenzic is my favourite maths word
@ebuie @CannyCreative @RichardCarter I think what they're really advertising is the nitrous oxide used to whip the cream.
Where I can normally see the sea from my front door, today I can only see brilliant white. Am I in the Truman Show?
@ebuie @vickytnz I had a debit card in the US and never used a PIN. It can't be very widespread.… Worst colour scale. Here's what I see. (via @moebio)
Does the shape of farfalle make them take longer to cook? WAIT I HAVE A BOOK FOR THAT
@DesktopGamer I think for kitchen measurements, the size of a cup is fairly standard:
@vickytnz did you find anyone to watch Eurovision with?
@vickytnz you can come out to Tynemouth if you like. I was planning on seeing the Late Shows, but I don't have the energy for walking
The best thing about these @aperiodical stickers I made is that now I'm making up excuses to send people things so I can use them.
not a single scientist at CERN has had the wherewithal to set up the "Euro Fission Song Contest". Poor show, science!
Does anyone have an opinion on whether eurovision has got worse or better over the years? Does that concept even apply?
YES! I managed to eat the melon before it went off! #homeeconomics
Like IQ? RT @DanielColquitt: @christianp I think Eurovision has its own scale of terrible-ness. Each year the scale is simply recalibrated.
@standupmaths @aPaulTaylor "modestly viral" - you are the common cold of internet sensations.
@ebuie or, giffgaff do a similarly good deal without a
@DanielColquitt @ColinTheMathmo well, @outhofthenorm2 just said Leibniz used planets:…. Or you could use hieroglyphics
I have reached peak idleness. A hard-fought campaign of doing nothing all weekend has culminated in a powerful case of stir crazies
@icecolbeveridge yes, I saw it mentioned somewhere a few days ago. Can't believe it's a thing.
The scenery painters failed to even get as far as the sea today. I can just about see halfway down the street. It must be the shorter nights
Am I the only one who, whenever it's this foggy, immediately thinks of Turok? #PowerVRrepresent
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm, Charles Grey pub. I have a mechanical calculator from the 1920s and a new boardgame. All welcome!
.@sxpmaths the board game is probably not new to other Jams - it's Hex.
There's a map of all 33 current, and some potential, MathsJams around the world:
@TraineeGeek we have an Enigma, yes.
Who is telling marketers that sending blogs infographics to republish is a good idea? We've had more than a few to The Aperiodical
I love paying big wodges of cash to get packages out of customs, me.
Found a prime-numbered metro carriage! Only took two days of factorising the carriages I've been on. #reasonsIlookmentallytroubledonthetrain
@icecolbeveridge @stecks @MathsJam I'll ask for the wifi password at our pub tonight and we can have a go at a google hangout
Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight, 7pm at the Charles Grey pub! Can we solve 1811 arithmetic problems with a 1920s calculator?
@JanvierUK from?
Today's metro carriage: 3^3*149
@Bishnavitch yes! For once I am able
@outofthenorm2 your bees post has taken so long that metafilter has gazumped you :(…
@haggismaths ant colony. On a huge scale, this guy did some amazing casts of termite colonies:…
@Bishnavitch I'm outside
@MouldS the paper folding one is the most impressive. I want to play with it!
Person before me at the pump bought a palindromic amount of petrol. I like to think that was deliberate.
@DanielColquitt just price. Hard to arrange otherwise
@DanielColquitt I think it's already been a twitter Thing. I have some python code somewhere
@elinoroberts if only you'd looked at our graphs:…
@samheadleand @stecks @MathsJam here you go:…
"Britain's sausage renaissance" is my new name for Downstairs CP.…
@stecks ok, imma let you finish, but @aperfect took the best baby goose photos of all time. OF ALL TIME!…
@evelynjlamb hah, did you like it?
@standupmaths @peterrowlett I think this can be summarised as: mathematician makes joke; other mathematicians spend afternoon explaining it.
@peterrowlett @standupmaths @stecks I was referring to what's been going on on twitter
@icecolbeveridge please, no more maths police, at least for a while
Just used the word 'subtrahend' in a git commit.… #literateprogramming. #notwhatliterateprogrammingmeans
@standupmaths going to assume the obvious pun reply to that tweet was implicit when you sent it
@Rokker816 it was alright. Not as good as nachos though.
Hooraaay, all my friends doing their stupid postgrad degrees have finished their exams. I have friends again!
Bisous Les Copains!…
Diagnosis: algebraist. (cf.…)
@jamesgrime I agree, except: look how big the little professor is!
My beard is at exactly the right length and softness today. If I was fresh out of a people factory, this is what my beard would be like.
Few people mention the consolation provided by a beard when discussing the pros and cons of being a grown up man. I'd say it outweighs taxes
@icecolbeveridge Dave didn't listen to the Aperiodcast, he listened to All Squared
@vickytnz coffee?
@vickytnz I need to be in a seminar at 2.30, so I could meet you in Jesmond on my way home after that?
@vickytnz I'm setting off for jesmond now. Be there in around 15 minutes
@mike_geogebra very nice!
how much is Gap going to spend on showing me ads before they realise I left their site because they don't sell trousers as long as my legs?
@icecolbeveridge that's not a demonstration of the central limit theorem. It's the binomial distribution. I can't see a quincunx either
@icecolbeveridge that's really weird. A Galton machine needs a triangular number of pegs
@icecolbeveridge CLT says the *mean* of the binomial is normally distributed over many samples, like any mean, but the normal approx...
@icecolbeveridge ... Let me retract that halfway. Binomial is repeated Bernoulli tests, so I suppose the normal approx does follow from CLT
JISCMAIL doesn't set the List-Post header. That makes me sad.
@vickytnz typically no
@vickytnz actually, I can read this - - but it's a strain on the eyes
Working in Maths-Aid this afternoon. If one more student points to something on their iPad with the tip of a biro...
@peterrowlett hooray!
Ant battle update: I'M WINNING! The floor is littered with tiny corpses. I'm not cleaning them up, _pour encourager les autres_.
I'd stick their heads on tiny pikes if I could. Who knew I was a mediaeval tyrant? #CPtheterrible
@vickytnz and it hasn't been ruined by a Cliff Richard song, either
@ebuie nah, I just have garden ants somewhere. A line of talc has stopped them. Nowhere near as crazy as the ants you get in the US.
@vickytnz my respect for your country has diminished
Is there just a sea fret here in Tynemouth? Is it sunny in Newcastle? I was promised sunshine!
@vickytnz @ebuie there's a Baha'i tree in Exhibition Park, near the military vehicles museum
gosh I like this a lot…
13:11! Keep your enemies close and your primes closer
Growing to resent the lady on the opposite side of the street who has a front patio which gets sunlight.
@lyd_w you have reminded me that I own a panama for days exactly like this one. Thanks!
@SparksMaths are you a caTENary chap or a CATenary heathen? Or even catEENary?
Considering running a public service campaign to encourage version control at work, titled "Ve Haff Vays of Making you Fork"
Made a little chap. Not sure what he's for but I like his style
WHERE IS EVERYBODY? Is it a bank holiday or have the clocks moved or what? The village is deserted
@jamesgrime yes! I haven't been able to get anybody enthused about the awesome end credits, despite repeated showings
@standupmaths are you sure you're not inadvertently in their new reality show, "Trusses and Tresses"?
@wildaboutmath thanks for the mention. There's a typo: "Aperidical" instead of Aperiodical.
@wildaboutmath ... and the link to Tony Mann's blog has ?m=1 on the end of the URL, which forces the mobile view.
Eee! @TweetsofCushing has made some very cute little elephants
This is what happens when you try to construct a polyhedron without doing any sums
@vickytnz imposed for fear that the BBC had an unfair market advantage
@evelynjlamb I got 99 problems but they all reduce to 1
Aw man.
@jamesgrime @aperiodical @peterrowlett he seems more like a computer scientist than a mathematician to me
Argg, my first week with my summer students next month is turning into faculty committee hell! I don't like being a real member of staff :(
@michaeljgrove hope so. In the first week I have: a university strategy consultation, the school IT committee and a workshop to give in York
Not just my eyes but my whole face is weeping with joy at how good those fajitas were. #aycaramba
@vickytnz seriously? I can't think why anyone would think that would be a good idea.
@vickytnz (an interview in Starbucks, I mean)
@turingfestival githib? There's a typo on your speakers page
Time for a change on my dev server: the test user has changed his name from "George Test" to "Testeban Gutierrez"
#testusers RT @icecolbeveridge: @christianp Teston Blumenhhal?
Gloria Testefan #testusers
Daniella Testbrooke #testusers
@migerh of, that one doesn't rhyme
George Testinghouse #testusers
@rockhyrax I don't get that one
@ColinTheMathmo the specs are usually quite readable. Here's Edexcel's:…
@nulibrs spoilers! I'm following @RealTimeWWII so I've got another three years to wait.
Just walked past a bus stop with an eight letter "short code". Nexus apparently plan to have between 8 and 200 billion bus stops.
Spaces between words in Microsoft Word seem to be decided at random. Is it to do with the font renderer? It's annoying.
@alexbellos change your twitter password and check your approved apps!
@ajk_44 I have a few saved for the next MathsJam:…
@peterrowlett @Andrew_Taylor @aperiodical ... and I put it in the queue a few days before that. We're all busy!
@peterrowlett yeah, I was going to point it out in the editorial comments, but I haven't touched the site all week due to busy times
@peterrowlett @Andrew_Taylor if anyone does write about it, have a look at Google+. David Roberts in particular has been keeping up to date
@ebuie @vickytnz I gave them the benefit of the doubt and assumed they're only using letters. The code was something like twmngjgp
@ebuie @vickytnz yes, as I said...
Middle management Kenneth Branagh is on the train. You might remember him from his role in last year's stationery contract renegotiation
@vickytnz no. Instead: why didn't the word "grrlz" stay in the 90s? There is nothing good about it. It looks like a Polish side-dish
@aperfect it's a good film! I have it on DVD!
@aperfect can't begin to imagine how a radio play version would work.
yessssssss! RT @ajhmurray: BREAKING #notnews! 7 Day Saturday! Tomorrow! #5Live! With @ZaltzCricket @wiggywalsh @kevinhunterday
@aperfect ah, like my mime performance of 4'33"
@mathshistory is that the opposite of working out?
Why you don't even rely on curated tags: boss has consistently misspelt 'auxiliary' as 'auxillary' across the entire database
@monsoon0 yes, very funny. Of course, 13×7 = 13:
@jjsanderson ooh, there's probably some maths you can do on the volume of the packet to decide that
@MadeleineS I've sometimes thought that, but a prescriptivist phone would be way worse to live with than a prescriptivist person!
@jjsanderson I was thinking that intact crisps can hold the sides of the packet apart. So maybe the volume doesn't change but the shape does
@Gelada @divbyzero I didn't! So I've just bought Amazon UK's last copy.
@CardColm excellent! Do you want to arrange a podcasting date now?
Meeting the pope later to discuss my idea for a convent based on an airship, called "Nun of the Above"
@Tegglington because LaTeX is not a formal language, and because MathML exists. @MathJax is trying to get browsers to add MathML support
@Tegglington HTML5 does have a <math> tag, for MathML to go in.
@Tegglington it is. But if mathjax only needed to do the TeX->MathML conversion and the browser did the rendering, that would be way better
At long last the war is over. Meeting the ant queen's legate later to discuss reparations and repatriations.
@henryseg where are you moving to?
The incoming tide has stranded hundreds of humans. Hopefully the coast guard will arrive soon to push them out to sea
Going to ask the family across the street with the garden that gets sunlight if they'll adopt me
The BBC F1 coverage has fallen to bits. Did they forget to write a script?
@vickytnz you'll be pleased to know I fixed the video width thing on
Gron preee!
@ben_nuttall who's your new isp? I don't use TPB, but I'd like not to be on be/sky
I've just ordered rather a lot of toys for our new Maths Arcade. Exciting!
Möbius dudes!
This towers of hanoi set is rather posh…
It's not even the most expensive one I found. Who has £55 for this:… ?!
@lostinrecursion were you inspired by ?
So far this morning I've listened to Louise Attaque and Dionysos. I might go out and buy a denim suit next
There was no integer sequence review yesterday. We did one, but it was a disaster even by our standards, so we didn't publish it. :(
@vickytnz oh no! Does this happen to all New Zealanders if they don't get a haircut often enough:… ?
Yesterday we learned that @TweetsofCushing is a functor on the category of gifts. What will we learn today?
@icecolbeveridge yes, they're just very low.
I believe it was Gauss who introduced "BOOM!" as a more exciting alternative QED to mark the end of a proof. @gaussfacts
@tynesidecinema Talking of Tautou, is Moon Indigo going to be shown in the UK, or has it already, or what?
@lostinrecursion cookie pizza?! What is this magic?
Among many other errors, this posthumous monograph by Erdős spells his name with o-umlaut. Blame Diaconis?…
@stecks well, I'm going to go and sit in a corner now, and never look at the internet again
@vickytnz for some reason, whenever I dm you it comes from @NclNumbas.
This time next week we'll be MathsJamming! I run the Newcastle one (it's the best). Find the nearest one to you:
Day 1 of @mathsarcade deliveries. Fun fun fun!
Challenge: use every one of these number stickers (and any letters) to make 32 as any ways as possible
.@TweetsofCushing came up with a nice integer sequence today:…
Tom has informed me that Wednesday 31st is the least common day/date combination, and we'll have one next month. Slightly rarer than pi day.
(Tom is @Rokker816. 398 Wednesday 31sts in a 400 year cycle; 400 pi days).
Saw "Contest raises students' horizons" on an info screen today. It's still annoying me.
"Rigour" - @CaptainGove
@icecolbeveridge @C_J_Smith I'd need to take my head out of my hands to read that, so I haven't
Double :( RT @charlesrandall: Oh :(…
My new plan for cheap space travel: install a basketball net on the moon. Michael Jordan can dunk it.
@standupmaths I almost bought some off shapeways in my recent toy-buying binge. I'll get them off my fave mathmotainment emporium instead!
@nulibrs what? It's clearly the Iron Giant…
@MouldS @mmaarrow @standupmaths seems to be mainly drawn from…
@MouldS @mmaarrow @standupmaths I also have a proof that there are finitely many funny jokes but this twitter is too small etc etc
When I push excellent code this starts playing. I don't think it's diegetic.…
@nulibrs @HattonGallery ooh, that does look good!
"Missing an indeterminate number of legs" #neverusedtodescribeaperson
"Wearing a come-hither expression." #neverusedtodescribeacentipede
@evelynjlamb @katemath @divbyzero @MrHonner can I make a British bid for "custard cream theorem"?…
@CardColm Zamyatin lived in Newcastle! I discovered this when I was looking for a flat and found his blue plaque
@CardColm probably not - when Zamyatin was in England, Blair was 13
the new google maps is so awful! So unresponsive and unintuitive and un...everything
@monsoon0 omg! Lobsters are exactly the class of solutions to the "princess on a graph" puzzle…
Drawing up a health and safety plan for my new plush toy cleaning service, Teddy Gross Felt
Those who know me know I'm a big fan of novelty plate sets. These are fab: food in my beard plates…
@vickytnz I remembered yesterday that Bagel of the North had closed down, and it made me sad.
AUGHHHH RT @samholloway: @christianp This is to acknowledge safe receipt of your last tweet.
@peterrowlett I thought it would be, but I couldn't find where to set it
@peterrowlett ah! Found it. It was under "subscribe or unsubscribe". JISCMAIL is a UX nightmare
@DainaTaimina is this something you're interested in? I've been trying to find someone to interview about maths+activism for my podcast
WHOAH. Wordpress has a fullscreen editing mode. It's really nice!
Some journals charge weirdly specific prices for individual papers, as if some market force has pushed the price down 25p..
@aperfect I have that paperchase one. I bought it for like a pound when Borders closed. Grids are best anyway.
@MouldS @stecks @FOTSN and if, say, Prince joined FOTSN, you could have a bijection of syllables in your names <--> {1,2,3,4}.
@DainaTaimina ok, maths+politics then. I love the story of Mayor Mockus in Bogota…
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow! 7pm, Charles Grey pub,…. I have many new books and some IDEAS.
Tonight: Cumberland sausages on spicy Mexican rice. Will it work? Should it work? I experiment so you don't have to.
@NautilusMag Joey Comeau wrote a very sexy maths story:
@monsoon0 @aperiodical who is she? I can't find her on the list
@monsoon0 ahh, I misread Carpenter as Carter! dohhh
@monsoon0 you could also have just written a comment on the post...
619 followers! Everybody find your upside-down buddy and rotate a half-turn. #symmetriesofmyfollowers
@monsoon0 can't argue with that
@vickytnz you lucky devil!
@peterrowlett @stecks we're going to cross 200,000 all-time views on the site this week, according to the stats tracker
@standupmaths you really shouldn't wear the same colour as your chroma key screen, Matt. #colourblind
I've written up last month's Newcastle @MathsJam just in time to walk down to the Charles Grey and start the next one…
I found an unloved book of logarithms in Barter Books. Choo choo!
@MathsJam 73
@MathsJam we are ready
@HampshireLawyer @MathsJam black
@aPaulTaylor @MathsJam Black
@JusSumChick @MathsJam all the right colours but in the wrong order! BWWW
@JusSumChick @MathsJam A WINNER! Well done.
@JusSumChick @MathsJam we've had enough mastermind
@peterrowlett go on, I'll do one. I've proofread enough of your stuff already
There should be a day every year to celebrate Peter Ustinov's voice acting in Disney's Robin Hood
Uh oh, @CSIROhelix included a link to my OEIS review in their newsletter. #corruptingtheyouth…]
The scariest founding father by far was Bill O'Frights, but the only guarantee of liberty is saying his name three times in a mirror.
Tipover puzzle no. 12.
Crikey O'Reilly! Vine was lying to me about that video not being uploaded
My keyboard needs a button labelled "none of this is any good" and it should close my browser window and then shoot me into space.
In space, none of the terrible people on the internet can reach me with their opinions about each other's opinions.
@stephenjbrooks @DanielColquitt and java 'programmers' call their dog ClassDogBeanFactorySingleton
@Meliden @Nat_Numeracy that's not what the report says: it says in half of secondary schools, *many* pupils have weak skills.
@Meliden @Nat_Numeracy the way the BBC says it implies that half of schools have no pupils with weak skills
@nulibsage that link goes to the webofknowledge search page
@haggismaths you can be clever at the end and point out it's down to < 60,744.…
I've just uploaded a load of videos from our NUStats DVD to Vimeo. Quality's not great, but they might be useful.
Where do publishers come up with these prices for articles? £32.37 for this one:…
@BParkEd it works. Was it just a sneaky advert?
Flying to Wyoming to scout locations for my new convalescence home for introverts, Cheyenne Retiring
@maanow do non-humans, say, dogs, interpret statistics more correctly?
An easy carriage to factorise today.
Pearson have a desk at the psychology conference downstairs. Suggestions for ways I can add value to it, please
It might take me six months just to gather together all the sources for this post about the HoTT book. #hott
I think I'm actually going to read HoTT. It certainly looks approachable.
@sxpmaths it's way, way beyond that. But thanks for reminding me we should do another recreational maths seminar
@samholloway are you up for long?
@vickytnz is it any good?
@vickytnz actually, mind if I join you?
@tim_hunt thanks for reminding me I still haven't read it. I think our library has a copy...
This old dude is staring at me like he can read my thoughts. If so: hi, old dude! If you can see my shopping list, that'd be great.
Where does Google Now get its weather data? It predicts rain about as accurately, and as often, as the Kaiser Chiefs predict riots
Can I get home before my right shoelace finishes untying itself? Sheesh, this is more intense than Run Lola Run
@sxpmaths the shoelace untied itself while I was writing that tweet. Retied it like a pro, sent the tweet, then wallowed in my dishonesty.
@icecolbeveridge @ChrisHazell72 somewhere in Whitby, a sub-editor is struggling to stop laughing long enough to get to sleep
Was the iPhone named after Jony Ive?
@stecks @Quendus going to assume that's with replacement.
The Creatures games are in a pay-what-you-want bundle!
@Gelada it could go on @aperiodical while you look for a respectable journal?
@icecolbeveridge @aperiodical @Gelada well, @stecks has already coined the Institute of Mathematics and its Implications
grumblebums, Creatures 2 doesn't work on windows 8.
@AlgebraFact it was 69,999,998 away
Wahey! New Hurley/Fraser Bedazzled is on Film4. Nobody say anything: I don't care.
Oh man, it actually is a bad film. Much like Elliot Richards and the secret to happiness, this was something I needed to discover for myself
@mathhombre I hope you make liberal use of @gaussfacts
Auggh! When you Google "christian perfect" (don't ask why I was), the first autocomplete suggestion is "christian perfect eyebrows"
Turns out it's a range of eyebrow stencils for the terminally classless/hairless. I think I'll go with "mysterious"
@GreyAlien Sun "does maths" to position self in sky… links only to elifesciences, not even the journal, and especially not the paper, which seems not to be published yet
Academic PRs join music industry PRs in counter-productively promoting things before they're available. WHERE ARE THEY TAUGHT THIS?
@peterrowlett sadly, it turns out there isn't a site dedicated to finding me, and me alone, a woman.
@peterrowlett @TimHarford haha, that is a sick burn. Anyway Peter, cool kids talk about these things in the @aperiodical news queue ;)
@peterrowlett what? It's the ultimate secret gig!
@ebuie if you've been here longer than six months, you need a UK driving licence to do any driving.
@ebuie whoops, it's 12 months. has a nice flowchart:…
@ColinTheMathmo I didn't see the program. Is it the Ian Knot?…
Hmm, old-timey sums, eh? Time to break out the ol' Correntator
"Download the BBC iPlayer radio app to watch on the go". WHAT IS THIS MODERN HELL?
Turns out only the first 10-15 spoonfuls of butternut squash and bacon soup don't taste like old sick.
Pitch: cut together all the footage of romcom characters running through the streets of New York into an entirely new film about a foot race
Iron chef challenge: chicken nuggets, mozzarella and red peppers. Any ideas, anyone?
@Electrokittie no?
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie but I take the metro through meadow well every day, which you refuse to do
@stecks It's bold, I'll give you that.
@stecks I feel like the bits of chicken need to be a bit longer
@stecks the diameter of my nuggets is too small yo!
Notre Dame cathedral in Bruges has a Reuleaux triangle-shaped window
I've also read that the same shape occurs all over Amsterdam, but can't find any photos.… Anyone? @mathsinthecity?
Is this what you meant, @stecks?
Tonight's findings:…
Exploding Actresses 2: Love Movies…
This is by far the weirdest junk mail I've received since "Open now and free a bear!"
I have knacked my back. So this is what being old is like. I don't like it.
@ajk_44 I wish I'd known the first thing about calculus. I did *not* do well on STEP 2.
@Andrew_Taylor I'm banned from making any more card games after my last one, Proposition, led to some confusion
@Electrokittie you should have a red curtain with a sign reading "PRIORITIES", and when you pull it back there's a picture of poor people
@Gelada I was recently editing some notes handed out to our foundation students which said "there is no function y=f(x) such that y^2=x^2"
@madcaptenor you could rename it NOHOMO?
@elinoroberts @scienceatlife lovely rotational symmetry in the registration number.
How do I convince my researcher colleagues to release their code, no matter how badly written they think it is, for others to see?
Pedantry is alive and well in the school of maths and stats.
Although this sign has so far avoided the wrath of the vigilantes.
Two more posts and I'll have locked out the @aperiodical front page. #aperiodicalfilibuster
"Thumb up your followers". Sorry, I didn't realise Google+ was that kind of website, that's not what I'm into. I'll get my coat.
@My_Metro @NewcastleCC there's been broken glass on the steps outside St James metro station for quite a few weeks now.
@brittneybean "Bean, Brittney" sounds like an imperative
@aoibhinn_ni_s you should send that to @haggismaths for
Today's discovery: @TweetsofCushing's trip wouldn't be much shorter if he flew to my house instead of running
@MrHansSchmidt @MathsJam it's this:… but my copy has a different cover
@vickytnz have you tried ?
@ebuie really? I have a friend who got as far as taking her theory test with no apparent problems
@ebuie I think @DVLAgovuk thinks you want to exchange your licence. You want to take a test from scratch.
@ebuie yes, US student, been here two years
@ebuie she failed it. I think she's going to try again though.
Trufax. RT @TweetsofCushing: Making @christianp mad accidently is very easy
@MouldS @jamesgrime I find youtube commenters to be more stupid than crazy.
@peterrowlett @d_spiegel and instead confuse him with a German newspaper!
@EngageNe I also note the free ice cream stalls all appear to be in for repair today. First time in my lifetime. #NCLVisitDayFacts
@EngageNe and did we move a few degrees north over night? Newcastle used to be in the tropics. #NCLVisitDayFacts
@NewcastleCC thanks!
Actually, 28/6 would be a perfect day for my Official Birthday, since my real one is so close to Christmas. If only I'd thought ahead!
My birthday is almost exactly half a year away from today. Can we celebrate Halfway Day?
I love knights, me. MT @erik_kwakkel: Lovely image from a 16th-c chronicle, when jousting had become rare.
@BParkEd @icecolbeveridge I'm happy having a perfect day every year (or three, if you count 6/1 and 1/6)
@a_cruickshank @icecolbeveridge the Finkbeiner test?… "Would you ask a man that?" is a Hillary Clinton quote.
@icecolbeveridge @C_J_Smith always there with a pun, Colin.
@peterrowlett congratulations!
@StudentsNCL if you're walking around campus holding big signs with the wifi password on, why have a password at all?
@lyd_w ooh, I wasn't aware of its existence. Do they do takeaway?
@lyd_w I will do a reccy!
@qikipedia and 123456789 is the largest number whose digits are in strict ascending order in base 10
Is it a massive coincidence that today's Theorem of the Day is about Khinchin's constant?…
and the winner of this week's round of the Integest Sequence etc etc was Khinchin's constant…
I think the time it takes to bake a potato is the unit geological ages are measured in.
@stecks YES. One of the Maths-Aid tutors uses it and it has made me capable of murder
Name any element of this video - I love it!…
@Tilman will they be shipped from Europe? I'm still smarting from the shipping cost from your prints sale
At the BBC pitching my gritty new crime procedural. Food inspector Jack Cole plays it by the book... the cookery book. Cole's Law, 9pm, BBC2
York is too narrow for me, Le Grand Muzzy! I'm freaking out a bit
I had no idea @TweetsofCushing was so into trains!
It's good to take the bairn out for the day
The token to get me out of the museum car park is a little bit witty
@Tilman oh good. Shipping for the prints was high, but I also had to pay ~£10 to get them out of UK customs
Frantically saving all the stuff I had starred in Google Reader. I thought I had more time!
579 unread items in google reader. One day. Let's do this.
@aperfect yeah I've done takeout, but I need to save images that only Google reader still has cached
@aperfect I've just been through and saved to my pc
"Exponentiating the restricted nullcone" sounds a lot like "immanentising the eschaton".
@MathMunch thanks for sharing it! I saw your post and meant to add a comment, which I will do now...
@MathMunch ... actually, never mind. I got my facts wrong!
@peterrowlett hooray!
@ant590 in what way?
@ant590 I think they switched over to their own system a week or two ago, so they're just using google for credentials now.
@jjaron the warning does say it won't be available *after* July 1st. Maybe it'll switch off tonight.
@aperfect what are you cooking?
@cambUP_books the British site doesn't seem to work at all:…. Am I doing something wrong?
Now that's an eye-catching title! Quantum Computing since Democritus:…
@cambUP_books that's what I did. Tried again in incognito mode too
The mural of Gazza holding a bottle of broon at monument metro amuses me every day
I love you, Chrome Developer Tools source code pretty print.
In the new Hangouts android app, how do you tell if someone's online?
Follow his good advice. RT @jgrahamc: Write good commit messages:…
@ebuie bizarre abbreviation for "location" or "locomotive"?
I bet the Greeks had a word for the satisfaction felt going home when you know you've already got a dinner ready in the fridge.
Difficult line to walk: I need to ensure enough people use my chosen GReader replacement that it stays open, but not so many it falls over
I really like the art that's in tynemouth @My_Metro station bridge at the moment
YESSSSS!… I have waited many moons for this
Have I ever mentioned how much I #hateIE?
Only took four goes but I finally got that tweet out properly.
@Dr_Lucie @stecks to one sig fig, which is enough for anyone, you have
I can finally rest easy, @Rokker816 has told me an interesting fact about 1246: the digits are the smallest integers with 1,2,3,4 divisors!
@haggismaths do you want like, a grid of photos with names underneath?
@lyd_w the only local maths fact I know is that William Shanks, who had the record for calculating pi for years, was from Houghton le Spring
@lyd_w it took til the invention of mechanical calculators 70 years later to find he'd got the last 180 digits wrong!…
@lyd_w the record is the most digits. It's currently at 10 trillion and 50:…
@HilariousCow on the other hand, Jurassic Park: Trespasser
@HilariousCow yes, I was being a bit flippant. I totally agree with you!
Exciting new product from CP Industries: walker for ageing physicists with wraparound parallax star animation: Reference Frame™
@ebuie I did but it reached escape velocity
@ebuie probably the least unusual of their beliefs
@ebuie I think that fad sort of ended, didn't it?
Hoplite is a very fun game.…
Basically a tautology this summer.
It turns out that using Heworth Park and Ride is considerably more expensive than just driving into the centre of town. Thanks Obama.
@lyd_w Weirdly, there is radio 4 but not radio 3. Not sure how that works.
Reading @peterrowlett's thesis chapter. Unputdownable. A work for the ages. A masterpiece. (Disclaimer: it plugs @NclNumbas)
@johndavidread oh yeah, my chapter is the one that details the three quests @peterrowlett completed to earn the favours of the gods
Google Music has cut all the swear words out of my uploaded songs. Everyone knows I never use them myself, but I do enjoy hearing them. #bum
@brittneybean I was just asking @aperfect before if he'd seen anyone lazy enough to get street food brought to them
it's too hot.
@vickytnz can I prod you to reply to my email about the e-assessment site?
Debugging IE. "Don't tell 'em where the error is, Pike!"
Because it takes a 60-second round trip to put a new package on Moodle, I'm having to do the minimum-weighings puzzle with lines of code
Still at work, still trying to find the source of this IE bug. #hateIE #hateIE #hateIE
@sxpmaths it's a bug one of my users has caught!
IE beaten for another day! All I had to do was never ask it if my input fields have focus.… #hateIE
Just pushed a button to make a door open. #doorsquare
This is a nice simple way of quickly rendering Tikz pictures (or any LaTeX) to a PNG:
@ColinTGraham @ColinTheMathmo if you have something you can say in a skype video, I know a certain website that would be happy to host it...
@vickytnz I also used Mendeley. But Zotero has got a lot better since I started using mendeley, and it's not owned by Elsevier
@vickytnz ummm, there's a standalone application now
@tim_hunt that's not many question attempts. We have fewer students at Newcastle but ~18000 *test* attempts. How many exercises did you set?
Apparently 25 degrees counts as "extreme heat" for the metro.
@timchartier to the tetration station!
@lyd_w @NCLScienceComic somebody's already said lucozade, haven't they?
But fees won't put anyone off applying to top unis. "@ucas_online: How much are fees at your chosen uni? Find out using our new search tool"
Woke up with a strong desire to watch Lucky Number Slevin
There's nothing not to like about photos of transgender men in heroic poses in front of happy Bob Ross landscapes:…
@Bishnavitch ten-four, papa bear
@plusmathsorg @QuercusBooks why only integers on the cover?
@plusmathsorg @QuercusBooks phew! I look forward to reading the finished book.
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith also re citations: (Name, Year) isn't a great label, is it? I go with (Name, X) where X is the position in the bib
@C_J_Smith @peterrowlett hmm. Our guide says "Harvard, or as directed by your School", which for us would mean carte blanche, I reckon
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith so we all agree!
@vickytnz are you enjoying the woeful architectural designs?
@icecolbeveridge WOW. That is a terrible article!
These two sequences are eerily close: and
Does project euclid only archive journals which don't know the differences between accented letters? ö vs ø here:…
A very good set of numbers mazes to stretch your thinking bits: (via @mathpuzzle)
There is an area of my mouse mat that my mouse has decided it will no longer work on. I can't see anything different about it. Total mystery
@vickytnz oh man, I should be at the beach! That's a great idea!
@mathpunk can I email you about something frivolous yet mathematical I'm doing for
@vickytnz the owner is a friend of a friend, I could ask for some photos
@AdamThirtle do you have any photos of Pink Lane coffee that a friend could use for a review?
@vickytnz Lui's has both, I think.
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith @scarymum argg, I need to book my place at some point
I am going to eat a lot of ice cream and then sit on the beach.
@samholloway that's an extremely low bar to hop over
@AdamThirtle super! @vickytnz was the one asking
Someone made the regex crossword into a proper thing!
Getting in some quality time on the beach before the hordes arrive
That's some straight up beautiful scenery right there
Such a lovely Mickey Mouse short!…
It's so hot today that I'm wearing The Hat.
Didn't quite manage a full set of repdigits, but they're all palindromes, at least.
@robinhouston that's a moderately clever idea, but all I really want is a Falkplan of the UK with the cut pages.
Can I blame the music festival for the TV reception and wifi problems I've been having all day?
I don't understand radio 4's Sunday schedule. I just heard a repeat of the Alastair Cook documentary, and now Something Understood is on.
Oh! Everything's on later because of summer time! Never mind. Stand down the nuclear deterrent.
@MattPDickinson what's the IP of the new server?
*that* is how you play bananagrams.
@sxpmaths singular of delts, the muscles.
@Rokker816 GO CODE ALPHA. The ball is in play. I repeat: the ball is in play.
@ThomasEWoolley you've got "Andrew Jeffries" instead of "Andrew Jeffrey"
11:23! Tell a fib!
@jjsanderson I hope you do get to do more. I really liked it.
@jjsanderson how much of the cost was time spent doing that frozen wandering shot at the start?
@Rokker816 witty reply
@wilderlab @Derektionary I've got another one: 11²=121 and 11²=121.
@ashleyhwright that's good news! But it's LaTeX, not LATEK
@fumbleweeds bah! It's that hot here in dreary England.
the character 'e' is pretty easy to write as a function in polar co-ordinates:…
"Latarsha Grazioplene" is the best spambot name I've ever seen
The existential moment of self-doubt when you see someone else is editing the same google doc, and it's you.
Wow, I haven't been to in ages. What happened to me? This isn't how life was supposed to be.
I math, you math, he/she maths, we math, they math.
@TimHarford the BBC link said "Are *real* women's bodies still beautiful?", as if previous studies have shown mannequins recover well.
@vickytnz trufax
How can MS Word be so bad at typography? It's a pretty major part of what it does.
@ebuie depends on whether you share it or not
@loch_b @MathsJam that's what the map is for!… Nearest is either Nottingham or Leicester. Yes, next Tuesday, 23rd.
Something about the way this is recorded reminds me of old Popeye cartoons:… (also, how funny it is)
@MoMath1 only 1,000?!
Do I want to buy some "flagstone" coloured shorts? It's quite a step down from "orange sun", but it's all that Gap have left.
wow! Someone got to the site by using "Norton Safe Search, powered by Ask Jeeves". World's biggest noob?
@robinhouston very nice!
@standupmaths it just says 1 discrete and 2 pure studentships. I think the stats section is boilerplate
@mathpunk before it went public, I asked a few people to pick winners for the Integest Sequence 2013 final -….
@mathpunk ... the public vote thing is open now, but if you send me a pick I'd certainly include it in the grand finale post
@mathpunk we're publishing the final post on the 29th, so until then
@mathpunk actually, having re-read your tweet: we're only looking at those six sequences mentioned at the end of bracket 4 for the final...
@mathpunk ... so can you pick a winner from them, and give a reason? If you have another sequence in mind, you could review it later on!
@vickytnz ah! I've been watching your Cardiff Quest tweets and assumed you had reasons for not flying. I should've said something.
oh joy this package is being delivered by Yodel. Anyone want to place a bet on how long before I get my hands on it?
@vickytnz there's a cool observation tower with a camera obscura on the hill overlooking that bridge
@michaeljgrove yes:…
@michaeljgrove good, isn't it? I can highly recommend screencast-o-matic, by the way.
@nulibrs @NUinternational that link doesn't work
@icecolbeveridge bonus credit: find something named after the wrong Bernoulli
@peterrowlett so close to the finish line! Is this you:…?
@IanMulvany NTFS limits you to 255 characters for a file name, so that.
@IanMulvany though, actually, the max total path length in windows is 260.… So considerably less! Maybe a tweetsworth?
Taking 'waiting for the drop' to an extreme… (via @TimHarford)
@Gelada superb! A+++++ would shambolically commission art from again.
@Electrokittie @Bishnavitch that is the most adorable thing I've ever seen
Watch out ladies, these shorts don't even get close to my knees! I'm a moral reprobate
@vickytnz sample bias?
Exciting! RT @Gelada: .@christianp Quick preview of the artworks I will be putting in the post tomorrow!
Is there a service that will hire out a geologist for the day to explain rocks while I walk in the countryside?
It's 14:14 ~= sqrt(2). Act irrational!
@icecolbeveridge dwell on the poor hand Life has dealt us
New cabinet magazine!!
I've had the most middle class product idea ever: a wallet to keep all the annual passes for the stately homes and museums you've visited in
Wahey! Gowers has added the @aperiodical to his blogroll. #bigtime #stalkinggowers
Dilemma: buy just enough food for lunch at the co-op, or do a big shop?
@madeupstats surely the most accurate data on injuries sustained by Tory MPs comes from BUPA.
the BBC Good Food recipes site has a special set of adverts which only show up in the print stylesheet, and use a third of the page width.
And for that reason, I'm out. (and pasting the recipe into Word)
In other news, my printer is a little bit a lot broken
I think "7 slices processed American cheese" is an instruction you can disobey, citing the Geneva conventions.…
@smartgags @the_playce @raj7desai is that the princess in the castle puzzle? How far did you get?
@ben_nuttall @Andrew_Taylor @aPaulTaylor aw, I feel left out
@ben_nuttall @Andrew_Taylor @aPaulTaylor I just tried! It says no updates :(
@vickytnz and I'd never realised how little the Ring of Fire looks like a ring!
I just found out there was a governor of Chile called Ambrose O'Higgins, and there's a national park named after his son, Bernardo O'Higgins
Sitting in a car park waiting to meet some friends. Can't even listen to the radio because it's the Archers omnibus
They reduced this jam so much they even rounded down the brand name
@helenarney I asked Matt and Steve but don't have your email: do you have any thoughts about these integer sequences?…
@divbyzero you seem to have been very conscious of your fingers and toes, but not of how many you have
Searching for "birmingham university" on national rail enquiries doesn't produce "university (birmingham)". Because trains don't commute?
Almost a pie. RT @TweetsofCushing: Happy Pi approximation day! To celebrate i'm having a pasty for lunch
Newcastle @MathsJam is TOMORROW! 7pm, Charles Grey pub, at Monument. Take your mind off the mad humidity with a drink and some maths.
There's a good article in the latest issue of Cabinet magazine about the intersection of beer and maths, but it isn't online :( #mathsjam
@ben_nuttall and demands a refund?
@peterrowlett your uni uses Turnitin on PhD theses?!
when you write a git command name in capitals, you get this fun error!
@poveryant yep! Very exciting!
@timchartier is the controller running on ternary arithmetic?
@standupmaths I feel that varpi would be more appropriate today: ϖ ϖ ϖ ϖ (ref. p8 of…)
@evelynjlamb well put! "Looks like math but not constrained by mathematical meaning" is what I look for in Arty Maths…
@peterrowlett eugh.. I have so many posts I need to do! Probably not.
At the coast, at what point of humidity is it fair to say we've been flooded?
@MrHonner @peterrowlett ooh! Maybe you could report on it for us? Pretty please?
@MrHonner ok, no problem. It was worth asking!
@DrTonyPadilla @numberphile I enjoyed the sequences video greatly. Thanks!
@vickytnz Yes, well done Coke. (Names may or may not have been cynically chosen to suit Coke's brand position)
@vickytnz I did not! Are you saying the names were more homogeneous in NZ?
thinking-so-long-about-how-you're-going-to-start-a-sentence-that-you-turn-on-sticky-keys-moment. #newgermannouns
@peterrowlett spam bots have been copying tweets for a while. Twitter can't check for duplicates, so it's a good way of beating the filters
@DrTonyPadilla @numberphile we think it's Liverpool champion's league wins
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! A new series of The Mysterious Cities of Gold!…
@vickytnz it happened right on top of me, so I most definitely did not sleep through it. #quitetired
"I know it when I see it" is the hardest problem in computer science, and that's why porn blockers don't work.
@vickytnz crocodile eats the bigger number! Draw some teeth in the middle! < < < <
you can select a bit of code in chrome's sources view and press ctrl+shift+e to evaluate it in the console! So useful!
@nataliejpeters @jonathanvswan @vickytnz when you've got as many as we do, one dominion begins to look like another.
Yep, that's SQL being echoed to the client.
@JohnDCook hey, compared to previous progress, it's been slow. And I don't think it's going to pick up speed again.
@vickytnz no! Save yourself!
@vickytnz I think if you'd arrived in a town with a better team it might be a different story. Supporting NUFC is hard enough for the locals
@vickytnz yes: typically your home town, and anyone who plays Man U.
@icecolbeveridge @peterrowlett @aperiodical it is now
@C_J_Smith @mathsarcade hooray! I'm dying to get going with ours
MATHS FACT: mathematicians write QED, short for "Quinoa Eases Digestion", at the end of each proof to remind themselves to eat healthily.
@vickytnz the exception to this rule, of course, is midday misery soap "Doctors".
@Nathan1123 I assume this is how microsoft write their software, so maybe massive profit?
@mike_geogebra is there a way of setting allowRescaling in html5 embeds from geogebratube?
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a man not in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a tenner with Jane Austen on it.
@Jisc no it isn't.
Well done, wifi user hogging half the spectrum with a massive transmitter. You are the worst person.
@DanielColquitt I don't have 5ghz hardware
Thanks for breaking middle-click on links, BBC News. I need the firm hand of the Beeb to correct my new-tab-opening ways.
@jamesgrime a Sony blog has covered your star trek articles, but misattributed them to @peterrowlett!…
@peterrowlett @jamesgrime oh, I forgot to say I posted one too
I propose a new measure on hotel rooms: the minimum total distance you need to move the furniture before you can plug your phone in.
In other news: my laptop connected to eduroam on the first attempt! Unprecedented!
Thought this disability-adapted room was pretty cool until I saw how low the shower head is. #justsittin' #andwishin' #andhopin' #andwashin'
@brittneybean look closely enough and you can see Darth Maul in the bottom half of his face (you might need to be colourblind)
my DSL connection is now too slow even to stream google music, so I'm running it off my phone's 3g connection. Hooray!
@missradders @dmh10 a cabal of groovy people. Don't tweet from it for anything that isn't directly MathsJam related.
Just a picture of JM Barrie and George Bernard Shaw dressed as cowboys, no biggie.…
Plough a thorough furrow: three different words, two different suffixes with, depending on accent, two or three different pronunciations.
@stecks skype!
@Andrew_Taylor @stecks ah! I knew there was a missing bit I meant to mention!
@stecks I didn't because I didn't know where the sentence was going. Should I make something up?
The bird noises they play on BBC HD are way better than the local news they replace
Just a few more votes for the Integest Sequence final would get the total over an interesting number:…
Wahey! Interesting number reached. Thanks!
I picked the wrong day to trust the weather forecast! There's a storm happening outside and I need to go out for lunch without a coat.
@MarcusduSautoy it's hard to see what shape that is from one angle. Is it a snowflake mixed with a tetrahedron? Lots of pointy-out bits.
@vickytnz @ebuie @DollyDiffers Uno's is alright, or El Torero. If it's for next week, look at Restaurant Week:…
New PBF!!!!
"Future your conectivity with USB 2.0 and USB 3.0". This sentence a verb.
@CardColm do you expect they'll reappear, or are they lost? @maanow @profkeithdevlin
@CardColm oh good!
@jamesgrime @peterrowlett that Spanish blog has corrected the Maths of Star Trek attribution:…
@C_J_Smith quite droll, but the only graffiti I'll accept on a motorway bridge is GOURANGA
@ColinTheMathmo yes, I think so
@jamesgrime @ColinTheMathmo I was about to say, I thought you were a group theorist! Can we agree analysts don't do outreach as much?
@ColinTheMathmo I suppose you can mention someone without using their name… The mindset that comes up with this... just... wow.
I've come up with an integer sequence that I refuse to believe isn't already in the OEIS. What am I missing? It's driving me mad.
@MuseGarden numbers which are palindromes when written as sums of non-adjacent fibonacci numbers.
ah! I had the wrong representation. Defeated again by Almighty Oeis.
@vickytnz @jsnortheast I think I've booked for that! Assuming I don't forget, I will be there.
Oeis (n): 'Standing on the shoulders of giants'. E.g., "with a bit of intuition and some oeis, I noticed my problem was equivalent to X"
@icecolbeveridge oh crumbs, that's two episodes you've done since our last All Squared. We had one lined up but it fell through!
@JPickford they moved it to get a bigger audience
Presented without comment.
Has Strictly Come Dancing made the tensegrity dress acceptable for daily wear?
I mean the ones that seem to be supported entirely by the tension in the clasp holding the cups together.
@vickytnz not ruling anything out at this stage
@Gelada can you check your email as soon as possible please?
Opinion seems to be firmly anti tensegrity dresses. I asked because I saw three people wearing them on the way into work. Stay classy, NCL!
@numberphile @mathemaniac that is approaching @jamesgrime levels of freeze-frame gurning excellence. Must be good maths!
@Caro_lann no, I think the ones I saw had too little material to be sun dresses. I am not a dress expert, though.
@robinhouston I've been doing it for a couple of years. You will regret it only if you need to use a module that hasn't been ported yet.
@robinhouston there aren't *too* many incompatibilities. The main one is unicode strings, which you can get round with some preamble
@ebuie yeah, that's not going to stop us.
@ebuie If I mean the poly, I'll say 'the poly'
@ebuie heheheh
@peterrowlett I think so too. The madness is over for now.
What's this! Could it be some art from @Gelada? Exciting!
@JanvierUK wow, is that what it took? You didn't sound too keen when you were here!
Guys, I think I'm ready to give up and just call it math.
@standupmaths they're gliding straight into my heart
The university's cheapest campus parking tariff is "£1 for a minimum stay of 2 hours". What if I only want to stay half an hour?
Sitting and listening to some rather pleasant jazz music at Tynemouth metro while we wait for our train.
@evelynjlamb @MAAthFest @aperiodical !!! Please keep us updated on this IMPORTANT topic!
It's finally here! The prestigious Integest Sequence trophy. Makes you proud to be a mathmo.…
@icecolbeveridge @MrBoffly @aperiodical that's the first rule of Bertrand Russell club. The first rule of Gödel club is 63574137854472380...
Baked a cake. #thingsihavedonewhilewaitingforwindows8staskmanagertostart
@numberphile could you add a link to the integest sequence finale on your video please? The trophy is FABULOUS…
The first law of chillies is wash your hands before touching your jermongler. I broke the law and the law won.
@hornmaths elephants are unscientific. They've never been replicated in the lab.
@hornmaths prove me wrong, science girl!
@hornmaths it's all speculation at this point
That moment, when an automatic door is slow to open, when you try to remember if you've been bitten by a dracula recently
@MouldS I believe @jgrahamc can help you:
@Bishnavitch I went with Adam and my mum to the one a few weeks ago. Distinctly unimpressed.
@Bishnavitch none. Risk?
@Bishnavitch we could
@walkingrandomly well done on the factorial-numbered post!
Indirect Observation of Insects through Bites on Skin, C Perfect 2013. Abstract: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they're everywhere aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@vickytnz well, if you cut your foot then stand on some spit or some blood, that could do it
Lazied out of walking back home from Cullercoats, wandered into the station exactly as the train arrived. Feel like I achieved something.
@MattPDickinson haha, excellent!
@vickytnz looks good! Are you going to JSNE tomorrow?
Where is everybody? Do the Tynemouth Cool Crew get the earlier train on Mondays?
@aperfect I need to play Screamer Rally. Guess which song just came on
@hornmaths I can't see what's wrong with that. The percentages add up, the pieces of the pie are labelled the right way. What am I missing?
@hornmaths ah haha!
This is a pretty good advert…
I just want to draw a fruity polyhedron with my computer! Why is it so hard? Oh yes: my work PC doesn't have accelerated graphics
@standupmaths @tom_kitching or you could temporarily use a 12-hour clock and catch 11:23PM tonight. I also missed it this morning :(
I'm not going to @jsnortheast because they haven't said what's actually going to happen there. (And I have a stomach bug so can't eat pizza)
@MB_Whitworth @standupmaths @tom_kitching very good!
The correct response to LaTeX setting inline fractions very small isn't to use \dfrac everywhere. #students!!!
Aw man! Who walked a mile in my shoes?
@elinoroberts but there might have been two differently-qualified Elin Robertses at your address!
Jessica Enneahedron-Hill. #mathletes
oh wow. King's School had £5m of debts, and Gove paid them off in return for it becoming an academy. Austerity!…
@bitcraftlab clever! What does it look like without that extra line on the bottom edge?
@bmagnanti @stecks huh, M&S is clopen. Who'd've guessed?
@standupmaths I think your Excel thing is nilpotent. I've almost completely faded away after 4 iterations:
@stecks @standupmaths no, I think it's the black text inside the cells
I'll never be as massive a coward as this guy:…
@scarymum you're in Newcastle! Are you visiting the maths department?
@scarymum we could! Knock on Bill's door whenever - room 2.33
.@sxpmaths that's why I like to call the integers "the set of solutions to homework problems".
@Gelada it was my assigned reading for my Cambridge interview. I did not enjoy it either.
@JanvierUK fish
@scarymum my record is 9 minutes between my office mate saying "shouldn't you be in London?" and sitting on the train.
Olympics souvenir bananagrams is 25% cheaper than normal bananagrams, and has five more tiles. Just saying.
After winning Wimbledon, Andy Murray has graduated from human competition onto cereals…
Typing 'every' and then any non-word character in @TweetDeck on chrome makes it crash, every single time. (this tweet written on my phone)
The sickness is in the system! It's a chrome bug, and 'exist' and 'expat' and 'ewert' (?) also trigger it, but not 'ender' or 'eddie'
Trying not to pick thumbnail frames from these videos where it looks like the esteemed professor is waving coyly at the viewer
Frames where it looks like the equations have given him a fright are fine, however.
@vickytnz what about the alcohol section of Fenwick's food hall? Cushing swears by it for his whiskey.
@vickytnz on that subject, Out of This World in Gosforth shopping centre stocked lots of world foods. Not sure if it's still there though!
@vickytnz it's decent, if you're able to ignore hateful middlingly-rich people
I have died. I am dead. This was both the best and the last thing I saw in my whole life.…
@tomwoolway @TweetDeck turns out it's a Chrome issue, for the particular version of Chrome uni's IT service provides.
@numberphile I thought the archive at might have it, but it stops about an order of magnitude too early.
@numberphile they only have 1.4 billion primes though, so maybe 5,500,000,000th is an estimate from the x/ln(x) prime-counting function.
@numberphile I dunno either! The primality test says it's a proven prime, at least
100123456789: the smallest prime number that contains the digits 0-9 in sequence.
[citation needed]:
The house next door is becoming swaddled in scaffolding. Now seems like the perfect time to go to Wales. #holidayhooray!
My car phone charger can't provide as much power as my phone uses when it's doing navigation. Driving into deepest Wales today will be fun!
Phase 1 of @aperiodical performance review complete. @peterrowlett's Q2 figures slipping. The board recommended synergising his throughputs
(or, to put it another way, thanks to @peterrowlett for putting me up for the night)
@samholloway the narrator in the lindisfarne gospels exhibit says chester luh street as if it's French. Inexcusable!
I'm at the very edge of Wales on a tiny farm and I've got HSDPA internet on my phone. I love the future!
Is there a version of Jollyphonics for Welsh?
The mullet is alive and well in Pembroke
The bit in Gremlins 2 where the gremlins stop the film itself, then Hulk Hogan makes them restart it, is the greatest moment in all cinema
@JanvierUK I have nothing but respect for you.
@hulkum you can't have one: one prime would be even, and the other odd. 49 isn't prime, so no dice. Sorry!
Both these crisps and this houmous taste terrible, and they wouldn't have been a good combination anyway. Poor show, CP. Poor show.
Hiatus Koyote is very good music to accompany sitting in the sun and reading a book
@peterrowlett @stecks @alisonatkin meanwhile, "Average Death at Height" is the title of my new book about deep vein thrombosis
@vickytnz I'd like to be present to hear you attempt it. I can't even imagine what it would sound like
@vickytnz I think you might be overthinking this passport photo
@vickytnz typically four at AS (first year) and), then concentrate on three for full A-level (second year). Clever children do four or more
@vickytnz the government requires five minimum. I did 10, eager beavers do more. If you read eg the torygraph, you'll get a wrong impression
@vickytnz well, we need a way to perpetuate the class system...
@elinoroberts on what timescale will this bacon go off?
@lostinrecursion @aperiodical @MathMunch I'm very aware and approving, but on holiday. I'd hoped one of the other two would share it...
@lostinrecursion @aperiodical @MathMunch I'll do a post when I'm back at a computer
@elinoroberts @standupmaths @jamesgrime ooh, can I join in?
Just looked at my RSS reader for the first time since going on holiday. This may take some time.
Here's @TweetsofCushing's epsilon tattoo. Because he's an analyst, it's arbitrarily small.
Got on the metro at monument. Rookie mistake. I've been out of the game too long.
@vickytnz you nailed the "I've just endured a long haul flight and I'm totally over it" look, so you'll have no trouble at passport control
@vickytnz there might be a couple of mathsjammers having dinner at the Charles Grey. (not me though)
@ebuie @vickytnz you did, but I didn't send out the email until this morning because I've been away. Did you get it?
@jamesgrime you'll be able to name at least one former Canadian PM, so you should be able to pass as a local
@ebuie dm me your email address and I'll add you to the list. I thought @vickytnz had already given me it, but maybe not!
@MathsJam -> CHELT: is the idea that casual mathematicians will identify you easily but pro mathmos might have more trouble and need a hint?
There were two new Achewood comics while I was away? I need to go to Wales more!
That is an unreasonable number of Os
@sxpmaths spelltower:
@sxpmaths nooooo it is not
@Boxfresh what happened to the large size Sparkos? I can only see a single pair of 13s on your shop.
@CardColm @aperiodical yes, she supervised my final year project!
@Boxfresh thanks!
What the dirndl, Why link directly to the PDF of an arxiv preprint and not the abstract page?
@ColinTheMathmo do you use chrome? I had a similar problem with words starting with E a while ago
@ColinTheMathmo oh well, must be a different bug.
@peterrowlett nyeehh, I didn't - David Roberts did.
@peterrowlett is that what I wrote? Fair enough, then
Now that is annoying! Just one tile away from spelltower glory
@ebuie @cperfetti !!! I know of a Christiano Perfecto in Nigeria, too.
Fun maths with @TweetsofCushing staying over after pancake party. We're finding arithmetic progressions of squares!
Beards are the best form of hair.…
@profkeithdevlin our new chinese PhD student, studying number theory, actually had to convince border force he can't build nukes
@hornmaths diffing sin(x*y^2) with respect to x: looks like sin(A*x), A constant, so diffs to A*cos(A*x) = y^2*cos(x*y^2), by chain rule.
@hornmaths here's an example video my summer student recorded:
@hornmaths yes, with product rule, all of cos(y) looks like a constant - when you change x, it doesn't change at all
@hornmaths can you post a pic of your working?
@hornmaths ok, you don't need the product rule there - it's like you're just differentiating A*cos(alpha).
@hornmaths i.e. you don't have the product of two things that change with x
@hornmaths (sorry, with alpha)
@hornmaths glad you got it sorted. Alternately, if you were using the product rule, d/dx of cos(y) is 0, not 1.
@Gelada I've come back from holiday to find your art is still not on the walls! I'm going to chase the building manager
Does every house party now have a "searching youtube for videos people have half-remembered" phase?
Ridiculous. RT @jawsew: Now that it's confirmed that these are real promotional images for The Sims 4:…
I've been in Scotland literally 30 seconds and I've already seen a 12 year old kid out the window smoking
I'd love it if the national rail app could use GPS to work out which train I'm on.
Buying a food truck for my new nighttime pancake venture, Crêpe-uscular Activity.
@jd_p are you at #easc13? If you're here tonight, do you fancy having dinner together?
Time for my annual extraordinarily tasty hot chocolate at Henry's in the Caird Hall. #easc13
I'm a big fan of this couple having a fight outside my window at 2 in the morning.
Hotel room review time. Furniture-moving metric: 0. Knees under bureau: also 0.
These tiles only have half as many crossings as it first seems. #betrayedbybraids
@jamesgrime conspicuous paucity of dots in the north east. Do I need to spread the good word?
13:31 seems as good a time as any to leave the house
The whole family is marvelling at how fake this Scottish note looks.
Wake up sheeple!…
@vickytnz I haven't dared watch Punch Drunk Love again since it was so good the first time
Can all twelve thousand of this Spanish tourist family buy metro tickets before the train arrives? Ordenador dice... no.
Therapy llamas!…
Just thinking about the chilli I burnt last night is making my throat hurt. I'm sorry, chilli! You deserved better!
The booksellers in general have worked out that selling £2 editions of classics doesn't make them much profit. To Amazon!
@ColinTheMathmo @Yahoo good news! Hotmail is now called Outlook, because MS decided two products with that name wasn't enough.
Thanks to my summer students and Prof Robin Johnson, NCL Maths's vimeo now has almost 300 videos of worked examples:
my mind was blown until I realised this was a recipe from Ready Steady Cook. Penne arrabiata with avocado and rocket:…
@vickytnz no it isn't?
"Hey, I have an entire book about pasta sauces! Thanks, mum!" ...... "No arrabiata. Thanks rescinded, mum."
Is Chicks On Speed's lesborotic beat poem 'Kaltes Klares Wasser' a reference to aim's seminal trip-hop classic, 'Cold Water Music'?
Regret-on-arriving-at-work-that-you-didn't-have-a-bacon-sandwich-for-breakfast. #newgermanemotions
Ahhh what no film at monument, the day I actually need to hang around monument for a bit? It's make me so mad I grammarn't.
This pigeon really doesn't like being stared at. EVER SO SORRY WAS I INVADING YOUR PERSONAL SPACE MILORD?!?!
@NewcastleNE1 thanks, I just saw the chaps putting the deckchairs out.
Can't click on "Save changes" without internally going "chaaaaaange places!"
@pkrautz I have now. Wow, it's badly written!…
I'm running a computation that has taken longer than five minutes to finish. I feel dirty, almost like an applied mathematician.
@DaleyMaths the applied guy next door is already rewriting it in fortran. I'm safe!
@ebuie I've got an excerpt in an anthology, but it's very hard to get hold of an original copy
@ebuie maybe. I was coincidentally looking at it a couple of days ago, and that sounds familiar
@MouldS Canis Coplin
ok, who set my TERM environment variable to 'dumb'? That's been annoying me for a while.
Going to try the new Front Street Deli. It looks nicer than Deli Bar One did, but will it be as tasty? #tynemouthproblems
@aPaulTaylor it went out of business, if that's any consolation
Well, the pizza slice looked a bit cold and miserable, but this ham and coleslaw sandwich was pretty great
@aPaulTaylor is "a deli bar" a thing? There was a counter, which I suppose could serve as a bar...
@pkrautz the badges on… all link to a URL which gives a "Forbidden" error
Spent 5 mins writing a FB message in French. While typing an e-grave on the numpad, accidentally pressed page-back and lost it. #sacrebleu
Words to be aware of when keming text:…
@TweetsofCushing I'm rocking out / I want the world to know / Got to let it show
Forms which put error messages in red are my worst enemies. I can't see them!
@CardColm how so?
looking-in-the-emergency-chocolate-drawer-and-finding-something-excellent-surprise. #newgermanemotions
"Metro Ken" is an anagram of "me no trek". Coincidence?
Ooh! Meissner tetrahedra from Diametric!…
This decorator is impossibly cheerful. I wonder if it's the paint fumes.
@aperfect hipsterrrrrrrrrs
@HoeJodgkiss truth. After about five sandwiches, I was completely over pulled pork
@standupmaths (though it would've been more helpful for tracking if I'd let you set that up...)
About to record an All Squared podcast but I have no audio tea towels! Where's @stecks when you need her?
@standupmaths while you're twittering, did you see my Meissner tetrahedra video?…
Is it by design that you now have to save a post in wordpress before the preview updates?
@MathsWorldUK just seen you're up in Newcastle for BSF. Fancy meeting for a drink/chat during the week?
This month's Puzzlebomb has a puzzle thought up by me, CP!…
@lostinrecursion Ceilidh Table. I didn't write it - I came up with the idea and was lazy until @stecks and @aPaulTaylor wrote it :P
@lostinrecursion it's a nice easy puzzle, once you work out the rules
I love @TweetsofCushing's idea of 'trivial'
@TweetsofCushing didn't you? Who did?
@Tegglington @TweetsofCushing trufax. If I'd thought for even a second, I would've realised.
I've updated my "how to get nice maths on your blog" post with instructions for those using IntenseDebate comments:…
A hole? In MY sock?! Extraordinary!
This has to be the most dismal work email this September.
When mathematicians leave to work in industry, is this where they go?…
@standupmaths ehh, it's a bit 70s-fabulous. Wasn't someone put in charge of renovating it a while ago?
@standupmaths ah. ha!
Maths people coming to @BritishSciFest! Fancy meeting for drinks on Sunday? @standupmaths @stecks @DrSaraSantos @MathsWorldUK etc.?
@standupmaths I now have the title of my airport easy-reading bestseller: "Finding the Qibla on a Klein Bottle"
@standupmaths forget that, go and ogle the Curta calculator!
@standupmaths PHWOAR #itsnotsizethatmatters
@standupmaths I'd like a gap of at least one cell around that - the 'on' block at the top left means it'll break immediately.
@KSCMaths as a red-green colourblind person, I think I should inform you I can't see half the text on that
'NOUGHT POINT FIVE DOZEN'?! Also known as 'half dozen', or even 'six'. This menu knows how to rile a mathematician.
@ProfNoodlearms @evelynjlamb maplesoft's PR are v annoying. Once sent email saying "you unsubscribed from our emails, so won't have seen.."
Yo dawg, I heard you like rhyming with bridge a smidge, so I put a frijj in your fridge so you can abridge while you ridge a midge
@evelynjlamb happy birthday!
@standupmaths what's your schedule today? I'm free from 4-ish onwards
@DrSaraSantos haha, where's that? I've never seen it before
@vickytnz La Cage aux Folles? Depressing that that's the best I can do
@stecks @standupmaths that suits me. I could meet you at the station, and go to somewhere like the Forth on Pink Lane?
Very very very pleasing…
Every now and then I go to, hoping a hopeless hope that it has returned.
#gintegral "@stecks: who else is in NCL for @BritishSciFest and does maths and wants to join us for a drink tonight? Do we need a hashtag?"
@stecks actually, didn't @standupmaths come up with a good name for when mathematicians meet for drinks a few years ago?
@peterrowlett I've fiddled with the cache plugin's settings and it should keep up to date now
Ah, Coventry: the city of lights.
Sent a text to my girlfriend without pointing out that the current time was a palindrome. So there is hope that I may yet be cured.
I chose... poorly. The legroom allowance in this lecture theatre seems to have been calculated expecting an audience of munchkins.
I'm now sitting on the aisle steps so I can stretch my legs out. I bet this building has won awards
Just realised half the (fixed) seats in this room don't point toward the speaker
@C_J_Smith yes, good to meet you too. Sorry if you were expecting to have time to chat later! Maybe another time
Fixed a stunning omission from yesterday's toast piece, and found a good suggestion from @TweetsofCushing.… #yeahtoast
Finally got my hands on a copy of @NCLScienceComic. It's really good!
@Bishnavitch wednesdays are usually terrible for me. Was meant to be seeing my gf but I'll ask if she wants to see a film
@Bishnavitch yes and no, respectively. Midweek is when I do things!
@Bishnavitch I'm not as keen on films as you are!
@Bishnavitch we have a yes to a film. What film and when?
Adding a tomato and some shredded lettuce to food makes it a salad, right? Because otherwise I'm just eating a box of fajita leftovers.
12:03. An anagram of an arithmetic sequence is still interesting, isn't it?
@ebuie I know a purported proof, which I disagree with
Sent the almost-a-week reminder for Newcastle @MathsJam. Get on the list by saying hello to…
@BritishSciFest Grownups enthused by the maths at the festival might enjoy Newcastle MathsJam, which is next Tuesday…
Another afternoon lost to the mixture of InnoDB and MyISAM database tables. Go home, cp, you should be drunk.
Look! Someone made Arty Maths into a book, and picked a better name, and never had anything to do with Arty Maths:…
@C_J_Smith Pentago! Ace game.
@C_J_Smith why resist?
@daveowhite @plusmathsorg it would have to make metallic grunting noises when it gets in and out of chairs
The Hello World Quiz ( just reminded me about REBOL. I have no idea what I used to use it for, but WOW!
Why does this site have "small text" as an accessibility option? Are there people who find large text intimidating?
@OddballDave @charliesgames a Let's Play might be good
Crikey O'Reilly, my summer students did loads! I keep finding more good stuff on this wiki. #pleasedsupervisor
It was pointed out to me by @Rokker816 that cooking doesn't commute, so maybe people who don't like fish and chips would like chips and fish
The @My_Metro PA system is pumping out some thumpin' next-wave glitchcore beats. Or it's broken.
The best bit about planning a trip to Berlin is that I get to buy a Falkplan! #excited!
help my head melted because Bayes' theorem is exothermic…
@CardColm we just recorded the tops and tails for your episode of All Squared. Should be out in a day or two
@peterrowlett @mathsarcade fancy! I'm still at the cardboard box stage. Might invest in a plastic box if all goes well.
"how likely are you to use this service again?" is a terrible question on a feedback form for a government service you must use
@hornmaths @MathsJam @standupmaths @stecks I can do it. Where's the new location?
@hornmaths righto
@hornmaths but which one are you in this month?
@hornmaths ok, I've updated and the mathsjams map
The need for a word to describe the moment you realise you're getting nothing out a terrible thing you're looking at on the web grows daily
I think 'fehhhhhh' might do it. I will form a committee to decide how many 'h's there should be on the end. What's the limit for a hashtag?
@CloudoidLtd @MathsJam added, ta!
I can't see how labelling one 50g slice of this pack of butter helps me, or if I'm missing something
Yes sir!
.@aperfect only for exactly 50g. They used to have every 50g increment marked
@aperfect nope
@bemyguestberlin this:
This groovy animation explains why I love the Falkplan so much:
Looks like some component of the cabling and gadgetry that gives me internet has been flooded again. Oh well! I'll find something else to do
Newcastle @MathsJam is TOMORROW! 7pm onwards, upstairs at the Charles Grey. Puzzles, games, questions, etc.…
@vickytnz a reasonable thing to do.
.@sxpmaths ooh, good spot. I've updated my mobile maths games page:…
Maths teachers, I need you: where's better than BBC Bitesize for resources on basic numeracy?
Ooh! There's a version for adults called Skillswise
@Nat_Numeracy thanks! I just remembered about your site after tweeting :)
@nrichmaths when I click a topic header in the front page slider, the URL in the browser's address bar doesn't change. Makes linking hard!
@icecolbeveridge I need things I can link to
I had never seen this stupid heraldic creature until today…
When did threadless stop paying UK import tax? The fee was trebled by Royal Mail's handling fee.
Posted a big long comment about running a multi-author blog on Google+ in response to someone asking about it:…
Tonight: Eastenders spin-off starring Ross Kemp, centred on a struggling car-recovery business in Scotland. Grant Heft Auto Fife, BBC 2, 9pm
whaaaaaat?! Since when are games £56?
@ebuie I found the best bit was the zoomy projection of every page at the end. The presentation of the real books was pretty poor.
I thought I was looking forward to MathsJam tonight, but now I'm looking forward to lunch more. Forgot breakfast :(
@icecolbeveridge MathsHamlet
@ebuie yes! I thought that was odd too. I thought maybe they were showing a different page each day, but probably not.
@MathsatDAS hello! I'm a former DABS pupil. Who's doing the twittering?
Looking up and thinking David hasn't written anything on the blackboard, then realising it's all in red, is like seeing the fnords.
@NINETYNINEuk What time are you open until today?
My grocery shop: look at the 1st aisle, leaving the 2nd, then come back and look at the 2nd aisle, leaving the 1st. That's my produce rule.
@vickytnz mathsjam tonight?
@TeachingInDC there used to be / still is a DC @MathsJam! Didn't you go?…
Going to be a little bit late to mathsjam, sorry
@ebuie we've had to move downstairs! The function upstairs isn't us. We're in the alcove to the right of the bar
@MathsJam NCL - MAN: of course we can. Rhymes with 'elephant'
I've made a bookmarklet to replace's rubbish image-based maths with @MathJax…
@ebuie yes, I'm glad you came! It was a particularly busy MathsJam.
hi i've just noticed that angle and angel are one transposition away is this the kind of thing i should put on twitter
Blog post: 6 pieces involving patterns and functions by @Gelada… (Photos:…)
$e^{\Large{f(x)}}$ isn't cool, is it? These people seem to have taken personal offence at small inline-mode characters.
AAAAAARG. That's the second time I've accidentally ordered a girl's t-shirt from threadless.
Following @pkrautz's suggestion, I've made the mathjax bookmarklet a bit better, and now it works on wikipedia too…
@Rosalot wow, good work!
Head of School has told me to go shopping for more art. Hooray!
@aperfect @brittneybean but don't worry, there's still plenty of brutalist rubbish in the rest of Newcastle
@vickytnz The Notebook is a chick flick
I've changed my avatar to a pic of LEGO Babar! Sorry if this is confusing but it reflects my core brand values in a way my face never did.
To my Goodbye Lenin DVD, wherever you are: I love you and I just want to know that you're safe.
@elinoroberts ow ow ow ow ow! Even thinking about that hurts
6:52am, a new record for squeaky car man! Maybe if he gets up really early one day he can take it to a garage and get it fixed
I can do work and snot doesn't fall out of me if I remain horizontal.
Is it ok to set up an auto reply saying "I'm out of the office, but if it's really important I can come in and you can catch this cold"?
@vickytnz I used to do that, but I'm down to just family members now. So much work!
We came up with supervillain names for everyone in the office except me :( #phdcoolgang
a bloo hoo hoo :_( RT @icecolbeveridge: @christianp But you already HAVE a pretty good supervillain name.
@CloudoidLtd but it's RGB clockwise
Thanks to @stecks, you should now call me... THE PERFECT STORM
.@TweetsofCushing (Dave Reckoning)'s supervillain superpower: he can see Daily Mail headlines... from the future!
.@Rokker816 (Automatom)'s supervillain superpower: he can keep time... like clockwork!
.@jiyameng (Sinner-Ji)'s supervillain superpower: when he does good deeds... they're really bad deeds!
My (The Perfect Storm) supervillain superpower: I can control the weather... in a teacup!
I am 50% older than the freshers. Ow.
I've finally made it! The Herschel enneahedron.
@lyd_w it's named after the guy the Herschel building is named after. I'm preparing a poster/activity thing. It has many cool properties!
@vickytnz maybe that photo just has a lot of sentimental value for him so he's less likely to see it's inappropriate for the context?
GTA V is quite a bit harder when you're colourblind. "target the red rectangle" - nnnnnot happening
When I was little I loved cascading emails so much, I directed all my efforts towards getting a job where people ask me to cascade all day
They see me cascadin', they be hatin'. #cascade4lyf
@TweetsofCushing @outofthenorm2 tantric geometry
Working on the news queue / The news queue, yeah! -- The @aperiodical will awaken from its slumber shortly.
Playing music on the radio before it's available to buy should be a crime
I love these colourful polar bears!…
As far as I can tell, this spider caught this earwig and was carrying it away to eat in private. Or they're eloping.
@vickytnz have you seen the dessicated old women on the counter at the front of John Lewis? She is an advert for not wearing makeup
An hour later, I've replaced the student's incorrect gnuplot image with a correct TikZ version. Thank god for StackExchange!
@samholloway yo Imma let you finish but Bajka recorded the best Hunting of the Snark concept album OF ALL TIME.…
@Electrokittie you've... made real progress as a person?
I've just found out that Blunt make a collapsible version of their umbrella. Fantastic!…
Clexample: something which is both an example and a counter-example of a rule. #autonyms
@NoelAnn @peterrowlett @C_J_Smith how do you advertise your Maths Arcades?
"Formule by BNF" posts maths art images at a frankly overwhelming rate on Google+…
It's time to play "semicolon or gunk on my monitor"!!!
Interesting: when you click on a link to a PDF in Internet Explorer, all animated GIFs on the page stop.
The only reference cited in MathWorld's page on ℵ₀ is Dundes et al's compendium of maths jokes. Finally the charade is laid bare!
Conducting a COSHH audit for my new hospital restaurant, Vegetative Korma. (credit to @TweetsofCushing)
I have no idea how @lyd_w consistently manages to beat me into uni by about a minute despite getting the same train
oh, slashdot. What a sorry sight you've become.
@lyd_w I'm just impressed that you're alert enough to be first off the train, or walk very quickly
@vickytnz you managed to get on the one train capable of cooking hot food! I always get a miserable packet sandwich
Well done, the Android Flickr app, for making up your own share method instead of using intents. You made my life a little bit harder.
@haggismaths ooh, that reminds me that I meant to send you this a while ago…
@haggismaths look at "an enneahedron for Herschel" at I'm at the shops at the moment so can't write more
amazon form error messages are in red *and with a thick outline round them*!!!! Thanks, amazon! Thamazon!
Crumbs, it's only four weeks until the big @MathsJam weekend.
@Htbaa texworks, or use your own text editor and the command line tools
Today I saw housing developments called 'Fusion', 'Zest', and 'Opulence'. What is the world coming to?
Ooh, the comfy jumper is the next one in the pile! #autumnthrills
@TweetsofCushing wait until you see the plots @Gelada sent me about the art in the stairwell
"Note: 7 is an arbitrary number, but should be more than sufficient". Uh oh. BAD CODE KLAXON
@CardColm excellent idea! We're on it.
"$sco->title = $sco->title;" -- I'm not in bad code territory any more. This is concept art.
@C_J_Smith @NoelAnn @peterrowlett following up the @mathsarcade, can any of you send me PDFs of the posters you put up, please?
I like the look of the @Nat_Numeracy challenge a lot:
@michaeljgrove @unibirmingham Pro tip: cut that plastic wallet in half so it's easier to get a card out
Paul Zorn shares my distinction between mathsy art and artsy maths:…
Talking of; what's yellow and equivalent to the axiom of choice?
Zorn's lemon!
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith @NoelAnn @mathsarcade so I can ruthlessly plagiarise them
@peterrowlett thanks! That's a nice poster.
I'm particularly pleased with last night's bananagrams board. Connoisseurs will note the two closed loops
I'm in 666 people's circles on Google+. Worried about what the day will bring. On the plus side, I got to make a stinker of a pun. #plusside
Beep Beep…
@Bishnavitch 720
What is it about Mathematica that makes people write enormously long ramblings with very little proper mathematics?
@aPaulTaylor @standupmaths a Bayesian smoke detector would not be good.
@Jisc did you know all students get open-source developer and server products for free via the goodness of their fellow man? #dreamspark
Phwoar. Lovely diagrams.…
Also free for everyone else MT @walkingrandomly: Just joined Manchester Uni? See the software we've released for free
Die Hard + Die Harder = Die Hard With a Vengeance. (Die Harder)^2 = Live Free or Die Hard. #grubermatics
@vickytnz but sometimes it works very well, like this table of the finite simple groups…
Tragedy #425: Betrayed by one of their own…
@HoeJodgkiss there are plenty, but we tend not to make a big deal out of it
@TeXtip would you consider replacing that with ? It's a lot better
Aww, this is a really nice idea: Remote Control Tourist
FINALLY, A COLOUR QUIZ I CAN DO! Name that shade of corporate blue
... but I haven't heard of half the companies. Oh well!
It's time for a sandwich, but do I have the ingredients? BREAD QUEST
@Beamish_Museum have they been trained to act as olden-time kittens did?
@vickytnz it's right next to Manors metro
@Boxfresh What happened to the new large sizes stock you said would appear in September? My feet are getting chilly!
How to tell if your dog is involved in a sex scandal… (via…)
@nulibrs Deepest, Darkest Level 1?
Break out some fresh moves, it's Kurt Reidemeister's birthday… (via @mathshistory)
@stecks yeesh, what does a place have to do to get a 10?
Every time I need an MOT, I have to find my mechanic's garage on Google Street View to remember its name so I can look up its phone number.
Yell has bought a lot of ads on facebook of the form "Need <rarely-used service>? Try <company in Sunderland>!". WHY?
MediaWiki syntax is visually difficult: ''italics'' or "quotes"?
WHAT. RT @adrianshort: London police steal rough sleepers’ property:
... turns out that happened in May. But still. YEESH.
Today I learned that @TweetsofCushing is 'up' on the national lottery. That is a completely appropriate thing to be true about him.
@OddballDave deely boppers?
The only mathematical relative I know about is Hazel Perfect, who was a group theorist like me! I was so happy when I found her book. #ald13
@TwentyThree @TweetsofCushing @aperiodical thanks very much!
@UoBMSC @michaeljgrove that seems a very high number! What time frame was this?
@michaeljgrove @UoBMSC ok! Similar to us then.
Francophones! Can you help me find the French word with the most silent letters? It's not on this list of cool words:…
J'ai quatorze problèmes dont rimer avec quatorze est un.…
@jcoglan are you trying very hard to not use LaTeX?
#Skanavi problem 7.325: Show $\log_3 (2) \cdot \log_4 (3) \cdot \log_5 (4) \cdot \log_6 (5) \cdot \log_7 (6) \cdot \log_8 (7) = \frac{1}{3}$
#Skanavi problem 7.325 in unicode: log₃(2)⋅log₄(3)⋅log₅(4)⋅log₆(5)⋅log₇(6)⋅log₈(7) = ⅓
@CloudoidLtd lazy font design!
@C_J_Smith @DanielColquitt @professor_dave I'm on Round 2. You'd think they could at least all agree on one virus to spread...
Struggling to understand the thought process that led the author to write "matrix of size p$\times$q".
@peterrowlett straightedge and compass construction golf can also be fun. Challenge them to construct shapes in the fewest steps.
@sam_james30 some lost-looking tourists refused my help yesterday. Maybe they were just admiring the craftsmanship that went into their map
'zero','nought','null','nothing'. Does any number have more names, in English? 'Hundred','century','ton', ... ?
I have finished the Canada bit in GTA5's story and I'm sort of sick of it. Is there any point finishing it, or should I not bother?
@MrHonner small beans. The private school in my village got its £5million debts paid off by the government and became a state academy
@ebuie so if I instructed you to immanentise the eschaton, you wouldn't know what I wanted you to do?
These are the weirdest matchbook covers I've ever seen.…
I'll never be this cool. I'll never have a monkey companion who wears glasses and smokes a pipe.…
"I am not smart enough for this book" says Amazon reviewer of maths book. "Another notoriously bad impulse purchase."…
@elinoroberts the funny thing about living in the same village as you is that often I have a thought and then you tweet it
Fed up with Windows 8.1, I've installed Ubuntu again. Now the wifi connection only works for 10 seconds after connecting. Boo.
@DanielColquitt well yes, I was quite surprised it managed to install the drivers at all this time.
Gosh the instant LaTeX preview in's comments box is useful.
@haggismaths I'm giving a talk in Edinburgh Uni on Wednesday. Can I pop in to see you afterwards?
@haggismaths an IOP thing about eassessment. We'll both be at big mathsjam, anyway
@stecks @peterrowlett *waves fingers*
@jcoglan you can do without ^.* at the start, no?
I've put my knockout.js binding handlers for @MathJax on github:… (Demo:…)
Making UI changes to @NclNumbas so it's really hard for students to forget to submit their answers. `> git checkout -b dont-let-them-fail`
"I just want to read this book and lick it and... have fun." - @TweetsofCushing
@peterrowlett I was thinking of…
@peterrowlett and 'golf' because 'code golf' is an established thing where you try to write the shortest program
Alert, Edinbourgeois: can anyone entertain me tomorrow afternoon? I can perform maths if required.
The Michael and Lily Atiyah gallery in the James Clerk Maxwell building at Edinburgh University
@Sara_Tindall @peterrowlett I cleverly caught a cold before term started this year and gave THEM diseases!
When will lecture theatres upgrade from 1024x768 projectors? 2048?
@FOTSN you're doing Stockton again?! Are you mad? Good northern coverage though; I'll book tickets for Durham when TBC becomes C
Couple is having *the most* middle class argument. One insists a third person is very brave for "putting skis on and getting up a mountain"
Where's a nice place to get a hot chocolate near waverley station in Edinburgh?
Friends, I plumped for the Storytelling Café. It's really good! I also had a brownie which was also fantastic.
This old dude across the street is nowhere near as jazzed about buying tartan as his wife is.
@ashleyhwright you're on the next carriage down from me! What a coincidence.
Just added the 500th unit test to the @NclNumbas maths/algebra system.…
My friend @TweetsofCushing wants to know what these error terms are
"DodecaLEDron" mustn't have done well in focus groups.
@poveryant Would you mind sending me the file for the 3d-printed enneahedron please? I'd like to print one for a talk I'm giving
I've written a page to play about with the @MathJax 2.3 beta and its spiffy new fonts.…
I like today's tragedy series…
Ambassadors was good.…
The coast is impossibly good-looking at the moment, with the setting sun and a little bit of fog. God I love Tynemouth.
A lightning storm is starting, and there are people surfing! If only I had a good camera
Wow that plane just did a quick turn to avoid the thunder cloud. It's turned around to have another go further out to sea, I think
Those toddlers I saw ten minutes ago trick-or-treating early to avoid the scary big kids must be having a fun time.
Talking of... a black cat has joined me to watch the storm.
Oh no, that plane's just doing loops. And the cat seems to have caught something in the long grass above the lido. He's off, with his prize
I've just discovered that this iron, which I've owned for two years, has a red light which comes on when it's heating up. #colourblindlife
@standupmaths I prefer to visualise sorting algorithms with Hungarian folk dancers.…
Ubuntu has better driver support for my laptop than windows 8.1 does. What upside-down world is this that we live in?
@jamesgrime @standupmaths you both check your privilege, I'm still on Life Shareware. I can only access the first three months of the year
@hornmaths yes, it is me who likes koalas. #actual #koala #fan
@standupmaths @jamesgrime it would be nice if every day didn't start with a nag screen asking me to send a cheque to a PO box in Jordan.
@standupmaths but descending hardness is the standard way to do it, right?
@poveryant I have space, but it's a back seat. Setting off just before 7am
I just don't understand the Northumberland Street blanket man's business model.
@MrHonner f(x)=1 laughs at their puny attempt at a definition.
Current status: involuntary afternoon off work
This is how you do a blackboard bold N.
When we compute inverses, we do it properly.
(joint work with @TweetsofCushing)
@Bishnavitch we just watched Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 last night.
What should I talk about at the big @MathsJam this weekend: Herschel's enneahedron, or integer sequence reviews?
@aperfect YES
@ben_nuttall great, another pedant! How can we coördinate our efforts?
@standupmaths will the 5 minute countdown computer be making a reappearance at MathsJam?
@standupmaths will it sometimes give us up, and/or occasionally let us down?
I can never crack this many eggs without worrying about the arrival of Zuul the Gatekeeper of Gozer.
Spotted in the Hermitage Inn in Warkworth: another member of the clan!
@jcoglan god yes. JS functions that take a few different types are so annoying. jQuery does "first param might be a bool" very often
@MathsJam Is anyone interested in a calculation contest using a slide rule and log tables in one of the breaks?
@stecks @aPaulTaylor I forgot to say bye to you! It was good to all be in one place again. Until next year! Or any earlier next thing!
A physical anomaly at Wetherby services. How many coins are causing the jam?
@peterrowlett I see your nine, and raise you to ten.
Told @TweetsofCushing he should go to a @MathsJam conference. Response: "I am a MathsJam conference". Can't argue with that.
A marvellously concise proof that 5!/2 is even:…
Gosh this is a lovely idea:
@RGS_maths what textbook is that? It looks similar to a Russian one I have by Skanavi
@RGS_maths aha, more Russians! David Singmaster insisted to me at the weekend that they're not a purely Russian phenomenon. Not convinced!
@gaussfacts does the posting of new facts mean you've sorted out the spam problem? I was disheartened last time I went to moderate
@evelynjlamb my vote is for analyst
Pretending this cold rain is actually congenitally hot snow. It's a winter wonderland!
@profkeithdevlin It's almost at the point where you could use them in a knights and knaves puzzle
The results are in: I have extreme protanomaly! I spent a fun afternoon with neuroscientists doing colour tests.
@evelynjlamb yes, since I was tiny. I have a particularly bad case!
@evelynjlamb I just did the tests today because my friend doing a neuro PhD wanted to see how they're done
Having fun trying to decide how to localise my JS library's error messages.… I know this dude! He's really good at maths. So pleased he's doing something cool.
@Tegglington deduce eyeballs are emitting light; plummet into immediate body horror crisis?
@peterrowlett we haven't even run ours yet, so no for now.
A bit tired and a bit glum, so I'm going to my happy place: e1m1
As the corpse of the monstrous entity CHTHON sinks back into the lava whence it came, I feel a lot better.
5pm today! RT @MathJax: Don't forget: our first MathJax Hangout on Air -- Q&A with Phil Schatz and @christianp
@aperfect I am suddenly more interested in visiting London
@C_J_Smith "Handyman's Ear" sounds like the name of a village in the west country
Attack of the witty till maintenance guy.
A pub near here gives a free pint to any scientist who has a paper published. Nice, but points lost for not calling it the "No-Bill Prize"
Top celeb fact: The reason Ant always stands on Dec's right is that they both walk in to work. That's right: Ant and Dec don't commute.
It would be nice if operators were first-class objects in javascript.
I did a Hangout on air Q&A with @pkrautz and Phil Schatz about @MathJax last Friday. I've posted about it on my blog:…
An anagram of @robinhouston's name is "no enthusiasm or job". An anagram of mine is "erect finch rapist". Thankfully, neither is accurate.
@Boxfresh Any sign of the size 13s you said would be arriving quite a while ago?
@Boxfresh can you be any more specific than "soon"? That plain blue pair is OK, but I'd hate to buy it just before nicer ones arrive
@helenarney another, less sensible, friend of mine posted those exact two points as positives last week during her trip
Oop, just noticed that November @MathsJam is next Tuesday! Time to send my reminder email...
@CloudoidLtd (mod 1000)
@jamesgrime @standupmaths hah, I literally checked the site 20 minutes ago to see if they were up
So many <span> tags. Starting to mistype as <spam>. There should be a preprocessor. To process my <spam>.
@ben_nuttall this springs to mind…
No, this is not a Möbius band! It's a normal loop. Bad architects!…
Ooh, my new parking permit has a pleasing expiry date
I just spent ten minutes looking for good covers of the Monkey Island theme and I didn't find any and now I am sad :(
@haggismaths I might be able to help you... what do you want the LaTeX for?
Why do user ratings get so little attention in music apps? Now everything's streamable, my ratings are the only valuable part of my library
Years ago I had a Python jukebox script that auto-rated songs based on how often you listened to completion or skipped them. It was great!
@haggismaths I have a thing which converts easily-typed calculator syntax to LaTeX, and I could put it in a page you could tweet from
Another thing: since Google Music can't sort by date added, there's all this music I haven't listened to as much as I'd like
"Why should engineers and scientists be worried about colour?"… Studiously ignores inaccessibility to the colourblind
At home midday on Friday freezing to death under a blanket because I saved enough money to be exactly this miserable. No I'm not a pensioner
@BenTormey can you remember the name of that French guy who self-published a mathematical monograph with colour plates of nude women in it?
@standupmaths @QMUL I've always thought QMUL should do a Neal Stephenson Qwghlm tie-in.
@BenTormey superb!
Buying leather and painting everything black for my new wedding parlour for goths, "Doom and Groom".
Breaking up the band to concentrate on my exciting new restaurant venture, Gnocco Ono.
@standupmaths I think it's pteriffic
Because the kiwi kept losing his hat, we've added a chinstrap. Now he can wear it at a jaunty angle!
Fancy earning a fiver? Resolve @TweetsofCushing's conjecture for him. (Difficulty: Erdős) ……
Went to Michael Gove's website to get a link for a story. Saw the picture on the right. brb never sleeping again
@nulibrs good work: you've even got a visible concrete arm in the photo holding the camera
Newcastle's Maths Arcade is finally happening! Open to all students at @STEMNewcastle.
Goddammi!, I thought I'd found a new sequence but the OEIS had to go and enrich my life with facts
(A001595 might be a record for lowest-index sequence found while believing I had a new one)
@stecks whuh?
@stecks Ahh!
@stecks on inspection, the instructions have no such footnote
Projects I am currently involved with: Maths Aid; Maths Jam; Maths Arcade. #nomenclazy
@Andrew_Taylor see also: basketball hoops
Oh yes, and that one. RT @michaeljgrove: @christianp Ahem...Maths Wiki?!
@evelynjlamb Pictures!
I'm off for pre-@MathsJam dinner. Which is at 7pm in the Charles Grey pub, by the way. I'm not doing too well at promotion lately...
A 45 minute wait for food, indeed! Good job I'm already planning on being here that long.
@ColinTheMathmo Yoneda lemma? Igotta lemma!
Inline links coloured in red: ARGGGG!
@My_Metro the position of the card scanners at Tynemouth is terrible for people tapping out. You have to turn round and hold everyone up
Just gave the OEIS some money. They deserve it!…
"2 10^1059002 -1, or 199999...99, is prime. It's the first near-repdigit prime found with over a million digits." via
@songdrop I keep unsubscribing from product update emails, but you keep sending them. What's the deal?
Yes I am very interested sign me up for twelve
Great work guys! (Peeked at the source: nested tables, then an iframe, then a link which didn't set target properly)
Look out for mine and @TweetsofCushing's new project, out next summer: the Pop-Up Book of Integer Sequences (PUBIS)
@fuzzmonkey @jcoglan I've always thought this is something vault could have built-in: a list of settings for popular sites.
@cartazio @pkrautz where's your blog? Can I take a look?
@icecolbeveridge not sure: were you rickrolled or was the shop?
@ben_nuttall yes! I did it once but I don't know what I did to make it happen
I see Flash has reached Java levels of irrelevance: they're now trying to bundle McAfee with updates.
The NOTY competition is back!…
@elinoroberts @jjsanderson congratulations to you both!
@DanielColquitt "I Did It: The Daniel Colquitt Story, Chapter XII"
The queue outside Frankie and Tony's is getting ridiculous. Time to find a different sandwich place!
@C_J_Smith is that a quote from The Tick? It feels like it.
@jcoglan lesson: stop using computers and take up woodwork
Where's the 8.30 cool crew? Is low rail adhesion to be feared more than I thought? This is a lonely platform.
New hobby: mixing Robinson's squash flavours.
Two people with the same name working in quantum mechanics, 60 years apart. Struggling to rule out time travel.
Gauss's doctoral supervisor was called Pfaff. I can't help but start @pfafffacts now.
*wist*… #somuchwist
I did a podcast with @TweetsofCushing. We talked about all sorts of unusual maths…
Idea: minecraft with the minesweeper ruleset.
@AlgebraFact @AnalysisFact if you liked those, I'm about to do an interesting esoterica post which will have loads of fun papers in it
Research top tip: when writing out the price of a closed access paper, don't take your finger off shift. e.g., "this paper costs $"%!"
Considering changing to to have my conception of what knowledge can be smashed to smithereens
... it just returns a blank page, not even a 404. So is knowledge fundamentally consistent? Are there no unknowables? #existentialtypocrisis
@dannytybrown I can do 'free' and 'good', but 'simple' is subjective:
This Chinese poem is palindromic in a ridiculous number of ways.…
@dannytybrown (I'm the developer of Numbas, so can help with any queries or feature requests)
@peterrowlett ssssh! For all they know, @TweetsofCushing is a real person.
The first Newcastle @mathsarcade was a moderate success. Around 8 students took part, but all staff seem to have forgotten it was on.
ShapeJS is an alright tool, now I've worked out how to use it. Here's my favourite shape, the Herschel enneahedron:…
@Boxfresh hi, more than a fortnight since you said "next week" for new size 13 shoes. Are they any closer?
@peterrowlett which day is your viva?
Permutohedron! It's not an instruction, it's a polytope:…
I love race conditions.
My next tweet will be a lie.
Have started tinkering with @MathJax extensions. Stand back, this might work.
@aoibhinn_ni_s do you mean compared to girls in other countries, or compared to boys in Ireland?
An outbreak of * to denote function application among the undergrads in online tests. e.g. `cos*(x)`, `ln*abs(x)`. Wonder who started it.
@infrahumano @ddmeyer it's just a few students in one assignment, so at the moment I assume they've copied off one person or worked together
Least expected combination of words 2013 "@TweetsofCushing: Unicyling Darth Vader Santa Claus Plays Flaming Bagpipes…
I just made @NclNumbas a bajillion times faster by adding a check for the degenerate case to a function. Doiiiii.
@vickytnz if they can be traded, maybe they wait for card issuer refusal to discourage fraudsters buying them with other people's cards
Idea for a twitter bot: get GBP-Euro exchange rate every day, put it through inverse symbolic calculator, tweet when best fit uses <4 ops.
@JanvierUK to give an easy way of converting between currencies (for values of 'easy' that apply to mathematicians)
.@JanvierUK for example, the current exchange rate of £1 = €1.20829 is more easily remembered as ζ(1,2)ᵀʰᵘᵉᴹᵒʳˢᵉ/(Lehmerᵀʰᵘᵉᴹᵒʳˢᵉ)
@JanvierUK Zeta(1,2)^ThueMorse/(Lehmer^ThueMorse)
this textbook for French students elucidates English pronunciation via the phonetic alphabet… (i.e. not at all)
Google Music has got very confused about what songs are in this christmas album. It's playing the right tracks, but labelling them wrong.
So "The Power of Love" is now "Baby It's Cold Outside" by Tom Jones, and "A Spaceman Came Travelling" is now "Angels" by Robbie Williams
@ebuie "Lift entrapment"? I can't think of any crimes a lift could encourage me to commit.
I made this because apparently I need it:…
Wrote this, not sure what to do with it: Every example of a @MathJax extension I could think of was a bad idea.
Finalising the menu for my new fast-food chicken place ZFC, where there are so many options you have to use the axiom of choice to order.
Today on Google+ I asked a stupid question about notation and got some fascinating comments about de Rham cohomology…
@pkrautz go on...
Wondered why my GP appointment was for an hour-long window, until I realised "ten to eleven" meant 10.50.
Can whoever's in charge of such things force sixth form colleges to advertise Prob(pass an A-Level you start) instead of pass rates?
One way of gaming pass rate figures is to tell people who might not pass not to bother sitting the exam.
@sxpmaths good: your assessors are more numerically literate than your prospective students!
Particularly pleased with tonight's bananagrams. #supineyeti
@pkrautz send me an email. I'm away to your homeland for the weekend to visit the Weihnachtsmärkte, but next week I'll have some coding time
@peterrowlett good luck!
King James Programming is pretty funny
@lyd_w where?!
@lyd_w excellent! I will investigate
Berlin packing checklist. So excited!
@helenarney I sad too but no need grammar to forgetting
Just arrived in Berlin, and I have eduroam Internet! I may be able to tweet more than expected
@nulibrs that's a very good book!
.@TweetsofCushing no, you should accept that a calendar invented by the last vestige of the Roman Empire is not acceptable for timekeeping.
@jcoglan I have a vague memory of a chrome extension which put a spectrum analyser on each tab header for exactly that purpose
@evelynjlamb Dr Lamb, I wish to decrease my body's genus. What do you recommend?
Testify! MT @IanHopkinson_: Was surprised how few PhD students who code for their work use source control, let alone testing frameworks
@jcoglan that's especially bad, considering it has so few users to find bugs.
The art by @Gelada looks particularly good in the morning light today.
Lunch today at Spanglish Tiendita was nice and tasty and cheap. And oh my, the ingredients they sell!…
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss @AdamJackzon god no. Didn't watch the first one.
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss you know empire reviews hold no sway with me
@lyd_w a burrito and an arepa. Want to go back and try the paella and empanadas
Going early to the doctor's for my appointment because their waiting room is warmer than my house.
This dude's head is like a D6 of groady tattoos
@gingerbeardman were you in Berlin last weekend? So was I!
Just found out that in Moodle you can drop a SCORM zip file onto a course section to upload it in one go. So useful!
Massive anticlimax as we have a full office for the first time in well over a year.
Less happy Moodle news: debugging the SCORM module makes me want to give up technology and join a monastery
Data model retrieval and storage implemented entirely through eval() and string-replacement. #nononononono
@DrSaraSantos @bostoncyberarts ooh, I'm a big Balint fan. Pity I'm not in Boston!
Have a blast from CP's past: Santa's Freelance Adventure, a game I made.…
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon @Electrokittie sorry, I'm doing family things tomorrow, it turns out
@Dr_Lucie that is such a sci-fi sentence.
@GhostMutt using the 'selector' parameter for .on (…)
A genius tragedy today:…
@ColinTheMathmo mezzalunas are great!
@standupmaths while my GF was decrying apostrophe heretics, I told her about #snowfake. She didn't see a problem. Considering my options.
Which is mis-spotted more: the golden ratio, or a power law? "Simple mathematical formula describes human struggles"…
Correspondent on BBC News having trouble hearing anchor's questions: maybe do your report somewhere quieter than in front of a protest?
If there's a gangsta way of wearing one's kippa, this guy has it
@jcoglan Christ. PHP is like an exquisite corpse programming language. Hacks to fix hacks to fix hacks to fix hacks to fix
I can just about understand why some people think it's worthwhile to go to certain shops on boxing day. But Ryman?!
There's no Newcastle @MathsJam this month because we are purists and the second-last Tuesday is Christmas Eve.
@Bishnavitch that actually sounds delicious
Everyone is telling me to fatten up. Christmas is just over a week away. Am I a goose?
@evelynjlamb Are you aware of ?
@elinoroberts mine's leaking again, if that's any consolation
@icecolbeveridge Congratulations! Going to be an awkward birthday for presents later on, though.
@stecks @standupmaths and I had to get up early because, even though it's my day off, Helen had to go to work so kicked me out :(
@peterrowlett why yes I am, Peter, thanks for asking!
@plusmathsorg your readers might also enjoy pages from my 1811 arithmetic textbook… (still Georgian, just!)
This kid is refusing to speak with real words, despite his nana's demands and threats. Power to him. #habeedareeman
GP surgery's touchscreen check-in thing is inaccessible to the blind; ping to tell you to look at the screen inaccessible to the deaf.
"KEEP CALM AND LOOK AFTER YOURSELF", says NHS leaflet. "I don't want to live in a world with KEEP CALM...", say I.
@Bishnavitch shave a St George's cross into it
I can now play the first four bars of Little Donkey on the piano. #basicallythebest
@lyd_w you've been a hipster for five minutes, and you've already got a phone number nobody else has heard of yet.
@standupmaths looks like some number of intersecting octahedra
@FOTSN your link to buy tickets for Durham is broken
@FOTSN I imagine it changes each time they stoke the fire powering their computer.
Have some animated Victorian Christmas GIFs, courtesy of the lovely Public Domain Review…
Need to think of a way of turning my t-shirts drawer into a FIFO stack.
@jolyonjenkins thanks! Neither do I - I was practising it at mathsjam and couldn't do it anywhere near quickly enough
@JanvierUK hm yes quite…
I'm parked outside Washington's grimmest row of retail units. I can get a tattoo, borrow at usurious rates, or buy "hot food" (unspecified)
@AdamCreen not even the one you're thinking of: this was in Sulgrave village. @TweetsofCushing will appreciate your Peterlee review :)
Who on the Holby City production team decided you can just add snow in post instead of at least making fake stuff?
Phwoar, look at the maths in that! Good Christmas present from the papa Perfect.
That's surprisingly easy!
Pretty pleased with tonight's bananagrams. "Yon man won voodoo rejoinder; opine at ease."
@mutedestro it's a page from "Towers of Hanoi - Myths and Maths"
Forget π=3; apparently my mum's boiler thinks e=5.
My answer to basically all of my Nana's questions re clothes or going out: "You can do whatever you like, you're 82 years old."
"Can I go to church dressed like this?"; "Can I bring this coffee into Homebase?"; etc. etc.
First tweet from my Raspberry Pi. I think I should really keep it in the command line...
@standupmaths if you get a few of these, could it make an aperiodical post?
@peterrowlett @ProfKinyon this:…
What goes up must come down: Isaac Newton's hallowed name used for a shopping centre in Grantham.…
@monsoon0 I haven't, but Carlos has:…
My Pi needed a case, so I used materials on hand post-Christmas
@hughhunt @snapey1979 @MathsJam I want to maximise (tan(θ)-1)/(tan(θ)+(tan(θ))^2). Is there a way to do that without calculus?
End of year cleaning time. Why did I feel the need to keep this many holes?
@peterrowlett @stecks looking at it now, just got a phonecall
first day back at work, I'm making rude gestures at MSXML because of its mental attitude to importing nodes. #hateIE #hateIE #hateIE
Quoth the raven, "{...}" #hateIE
Excellent! Google music has a labs feature to give tracks ratings out of 5, which it imports properly from WMP!
Help I've written a strongly-typed DSL in javascript and now I wish I hadn't. I wish I could use Haskell :(
@Htbaa yeah, but it wouldn't be appropriate for what I'm doing
I have no idea why our library has just bought a copy of a GCSE maths textbook from 1987. It's in the "new accessions" list. Weird
Is listening to the same radio 4 programme every night for the whole 7 days it's available because you fall asleep 5 minutes in a thing?
@missradders fantastic! I think it might be time to start the most middle-class petition in history
is it possible to dislike a beard so much it falls off your face? I've been putting off shaving it but it's so terribly itchy now.
@Htbaa it's been there 2 months! Hair is interfering with both eating and nose-breathing
@aperfect I wonder if I can make a profit selling compost to designers as Lorem Gypsum
I've just found the world's most ambivalent mathematical symbol: \gtreqless -…
.@jjaron it's used when you wish to rule out the case where a is not greater than, equal to, or less than b. Such as when b is a banana.
FOR THE FIRST TIME IN RECORDED HISTORY, Springer LaTeX Search is useful:…. Surprise surprise, it's used in economics
@jjaron =/= excludes the case where they're equal
@panlepan it was a good one!
Cor! I hadn't realised quite how long my beard had grown. All gone now. #beardnews
@Bishnavitch I totally was
I remain not understanding the concept of promoting an album months before releasing it for sale.
@stevenstrogatz @MAA oh no, I thought the Hacker thing had finally died down!
I've written about some of my old BlitzMax games on my blog -…
@jcoglan tonight on the news at 10: man has trouble with new system, claims nobody anywhere could use it better than he
@stecks I was Mjolnirly right.
@Bishnavitch will it really tie the room together?
@mathpuzzle did you notice your site's hit counter recently went over five million?
@jcoglan also, the government plans to reintroduce 10,000 grey wolves to northern towns, to encourage more risk-taking
I love the shape of seagulls as they glide, little grey Deloreans cutting a path towards something tasty
By joining the pavement in front of me, this vicar is making bold claims about our relative walking paces
@divbyzero cor, well done for knowing 'apothem'.
nff! It's only 4:30! What am I supposed to do with the rest of today? I've already cleaned the flat, done a big shop and walked on the beach
I love triple town!
Alas, the dream was too beautiful for this world. Palindromic number of turns though, so it ended well.
The size of the unit of measurement changing doesn't make your weight change, John Humphrys!
Apologies to Humphrys. I changed my weighing scales from stones to kg and now I'm stuck in the floor. Someone get the Jerry Springer winch
Hmm, how do I feel today?
Only a week until Christiansmas! Keep an eye on @Christiansmas for info throughout the happy day.
@standupmaths I see you've upgrade yourself from Prof Matt Parks to Sir Matt Parker
I don't want to get sued for libel, so I'll say this definitely doesn't look like a front for academic espionage
"Hm, this unsolicited ad asking me to send them my research looks like a good idea. And that stock photo of a plane makes it legit"
@standupmaths Windows doesn't have cal.
@standupmaths doesn't look like it. And the calendar in the taskbar only goes back to 1900
Came in to work early. Have fiddled about with widget placement for two hours. Productive day.
is there a point at which I can legitimately claim to be offended by the "singles in your area" ads on the side of facebook?
because there are five in a row at the moment. Am I supposed to feel lonely after Christmas?
@arowx ??
@MathsJam NCL -> DC: look at my recaps for ideas -… - and get a good puzzle book, like The Moscow Puzzles
@GhostMutt everything's now.
Not a single student has come into Maths-Aid all day. They've got exams next week! What's going on?
So @stecks and I got a bit carried away: The Aperiodical’s Possibly Annual Awards for Mathematical Achievement
In today's news: computers now less autistic than I am…
@Samuel_Hansen what did I say?
@Samuel_Hansen wow. Clearly the British mind can't conceive of a series of anything more than six episodes
@erik_kwakkel do you know how that background was made? Is it ebru?
@jcoglan why not have normal CSS in <script type="jcoglan/css"> tags and JS that acts on those?
Just discovered you can reorder HTML tags in Chrome's developer tools by pressing ctrl+up/down
IE keeps finding new ways to be more helpful. #hateIE
Oh, it looks like this error is related to the one where objects' constructors are called before they have their prototypes attached.… #teampositivementalattitude
@aperfect fairly sure that's already a thing
Dinner tonight: cream of bad idea "à la mexicaine"
Wow. Emscripten!…
Tried putting sliced banana on my shredded wheat like the adverts say. It just made the shredded wheat taste like sawdust.
It has just, *just*, occurred to me that $\frac 1 2$, or even $\frac12$. is valid LaTeX instead of $\frac{1}{2}$. Bad idea?
So the consensus is that $\frac 1 2$ is an abomination.
I'm surprised about the unanimity concerning $\frac 1 2$, considering the amount of bad LaTeX I've seen in my time.
Do none of those people use Twitter?
Manual written entirely in the first-person plural: do we find this annoying?
The southern rahs smoking in front of both the library doors and several huge no smoking signs are offending me in every possible way
At 18:42 the Duchess of Cambridge can simultaneously tell the time and describe how much she had for dinner
@Bishnavitch it would be like King Canute against the waves
Today, IE is crashing so comprehensively on page load that I can't even look at the script console to see an error message. #hateIE #hateIE!
@aperfect I haven't yet forgiven you for teaching me to slouch
@aperfect yes, when we were at Brat
@jcoglan fun fact: I'm currently battling an IE bug where the constructor gets called before the prototype is attached.
@jcoglan even better: the error dialogue is crashing so hard that either a) it throws its own error dialogue, or b) all of IE crashes
@jcoglan I tried the old delete-stuff-until-what's-left-doesn't-crash tactic, but after enough errors IE10 just refuses to load *any* page
When you have not enough dust on your screen to interfere with work, but enough to make smilies look like winkies
WOW. Just wow. The cause of my IE mega-crash was mismatched tag names. That's, like, a 1995-style crash bug.
@CardColm @mathhombre yeah, we're pretty open with our contempt for marking
@HELIUM_HEED yes, you are the only person
Uh oh, Shpongle has come on the music shuffle. Might not feel like accepting consensus reality when I get off the train. #radcommute
.@TweetsofCushing has confused me
@jjsanderson where?
@jjsanderson is that the spot that used to be the awful grill place?
@jjsanderson the art bar has always been called "Barca", and I think they expanded upstairs when the rubbish grill closed
@jjsanderson while we're talking Tynemouth eateries - have you tried the new restaurant next to Marshall's yet?
Proof by induction until you have enough values to put into the OEIS
@jjsanderson no idea. I could've gone yesterday but I panicked and went to Lui's instead. (belly pork was mmmmm!)
@jjsanderson I still haven't been in Allard's. I was put off by the people I saw with half-litre wine glasses sat outside last summer
@jjsanderson none, sorry. I'm sure I can remember seeing a sign once, but I've completely forgotten what it said. Some sort of club?
gnuplot compiled to javascript with Emscripten! O frabjous day!
@jjaron mmm, smelly books
Advanced mental gymnastics: minimising the time between deciding to get fish and chips, and when you get fish and chips.
Man, that's good fish! Man, those are good chips!
@stecks you've *ordered* fish and chips? What crazy world do you live in?
@stecks O brave new world that has such wonders in it
@vickytnz and you've just reminded me that I seem to have lost it in the upgrade to windows 8!
Looking for a drummer for my new death metal/witch house band, "Internet Explorer 8's Developer Tools"
A spambot called "Pimbley Carithers" with an image of a statue weeping blood as its avatar is offering me 100 RTs. #megacreepy
@vickytnz thanks for the warning. I'm turning my heating on so by the time it gets here I will be cosy warm
@moynihaj you are the last person I expected to see on twitter!
Oh my god is Britain's Brightest even a joke?
"The customer is always right." That's something we strongly believe in at my new pest extermination company, Sick Of Ants
Good news, everyone! I've remembered the password for @Christiansmas just in time
@matheknitician ooooooh!
@stecks @peterrowlett either of you around for a podcast tonight?
@ColinTheMathmo hah! No it isn't. And the scripts that you put in your page are hosted on a CDN which is very reliable
@ColinTheMathmo the docs at are up, so you could read through those
@ColinTheMathmo the HTML on that page is very odd - lots of unclosed and mismatched tags
@ColinTheMathmo ahhh, you've got parentheses set as delimiters! Instead of ['\(','\)'], you should have ['\\(','\\)'] to escape the slashes
@ColinTheMathmo don't have the second bit with the parentheses. The page on has two slashes. Should we switch to email?
@ColinTheMathmo yes, that's right. Yes, you'll need quad slashes if it's going through python, or put an r character before the string
@ColinTheMathmo (the python string, that is)
@ColinTheMathmo there's a <p> inside the last <ul> tag. Not closing <p>s is a rubbish thing to get stickly about, really.
@ColinTheMathmo what's the other browser? It should work on everything back to IE6.
@ColinTheMathmo I couldn't commit any time to it, but I'm happy to answer questions
@ColinTheMathmo yes, I didn't look too closely. Apart from all the unclosed <p>s, but whatever.
@stecks @peterrowlett super. We'll cast pods like it's going out of fashion
@pkrautz not for me. It's always had DNS problems; I need to move it to a different server. I'll prod my hosting provider (my brother)
IF ONLY WE WERE THIS CLEVER! RT @bcpslallen3: @aperiodical article could be improved by the inclusion of a nonsense eqn
@jcoglan umm... lambda calculus?
@vickytnz the first episode was too much for me. I decided I don't need to watch Grim Things on a Sunday evening
@vickytnz I don't even have that consolation. The girl in that episode was nice but she got killed! Double sad :(… !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
@Plattsc thanks. I didn't have deer, I had the single worst mexican of my entire life. Never trust Whitley Bay.
My stomach just jazzed a most incredible bebop beat. Last night's dinner has inspired it.
@DanielColquitt that's the worst!
I hate it when a plan comes together at the last minute. I like leeway! #antihannibal
@jcoglan are you aware of ?
@jcoglan gaussian integers
@icecolbeveridge it's there, but I've had a busy few days and I don't think @stecks has looked at it
@bluecombats yep! The MathJax bookmarklet might help:…
Living the paperless office dream, but it just looks like I haven't prepared for this meeting and I'm playing on my phone (I am now)
@bluecombats @peterrowlett @aperiodical can't do that in RSS,for obvious reasons
@bluecombats @aperiodical @peterrowlett because rss readers filter out scripts.
@bluecombats @christianp @peterrowlett is this really a problem?
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon cafe 21 has been unimpressive the last couple of times. For dinner: Blackfriars; lunch: garden kitchen/21 fenwicks
@alexbellos ooh that's nice! But it doesn't show off the circle's almost-unique topological feature - one roundtrip visits paddington 4x
@alexbellos in fact, the labels for Paddington and Bayswater are completely missing. Map-making must be hard!
@EngageNe that's a nice big blackboard! Where is it? They're very scarce in the school of maths, which I think is a crime
The problem I have with food festivals is that, while one can happily listen to music all day, trying the same with food leads to bad things
The next Newcastle @MathsJam is next Tuesday, the 22nd. 7pm, Charles Grey pub. I have some new puzzle books, and a lot of origami paper.
People who think that fish/crabs/whatever-small-animals don't feel pain: why on earth would you think that?
Have accidentally written the word 'aceademic'. Now have a burning desire to use it, preferably on radio 4's Go4It circa 2002. #ace
How long have you been able to use shift+left/right to move a text selection in chrome, in a non-editable element? Mind blown.
@walkingrandomly but the sandwiches on British Rail were rubbish!
@jcoglan people sending you correspondence retain copyright on that correspondence. It's a terrible thing to insist on, but legal
@walkingrandomly I may be too young to remember what British Rail sandwiches were like.
@walkingrandomly ... but I'm old enough to know that East Coast got loads better after they nationalised it
@jcoglan however you can 'criticise, review, and report', with appropriate excerpts as necessary
@jcoglan I think that's fine but now is an excellent time to say IANAL, I just took a workshop once
Oddly, ISS's response to students maxing out the wifi in the library is not "we should've prepared more capacity", but "students broke it!"
I will concede that goobers who use 3g dongles that clash with channels already in use constitute the worst kind of goober
@peterrowlett Information Systems and Services. Except, I'm sure they rebranded themselves last summer but they seem not to have noticed
@peterrowlett @aperiodical aww, I sneakily de-Oxford-comma-lated it after publication!
@JanvierUK your name isn't Jan Vier-Palmer? I always assumed you were a Flemish man.
Fie! Why fie? Wifi!
That tweet was excellent for two reasons: 1) phonetic palindrome; 2) palindromic number of spare characters
@hornmaths @loch_b is a "peach Melbourne" a thing?
@hornmaths @loch_b I was making a pun?
This is a lovely tumblr - - there's a border collie hiding in each picture
@M1ke @ben_nuttall it's like a random walk but one of the directions is disallowed?
Nooooo! "@BoraZ: Elsevier In Advanced Talks To Buy Mendeley For Around $100M To Beef Up In Social, Open Education Data…"
@vickytnz in Newcastle?!
@vickytnz where is there? Zapatista, and does Las Iguanas count?
@jcoglan @tunixman that's nice, but what problem does it solve? If you can write malformed latex, you can write malformed hatex
@jcoglan never mind, I realised immediately after posting that that it's for programmatically generating latex.
Still waiting for someone to remake Netstorm. Even just reusing the sound effects in something else would do, actually.
just looked up the name of the main character in Good Will Hunting. Going to hand my degree back now.
@vickytnz @ebuie jolly good! See you both on Tuesday?
Acquiring a PRS licence for my new cellar bar under the Newton Institute, "Fermat's Last Beer-Room"
@MarcusduSautoy will one of the twins be shot into space?
Does anyone know how to make a gif from a video easily? I assume there must be a simple way these days
Proofreading Barbarella's new book on woodland conservation in Northern England, "Humber Lumber Number Theory: Yonder Fonda Ponders"
@Andrew_Taylor there's a bisphenol with that phenylalanene. What if they use ascorbic stabilisers to bump Colouring Bs up the glutamates?
Man that was a good sandwich. Good job, past times CP! High fives through time!
@JanvierUK a) the habits make them look like penguins; b) they could be hiding anything under there!; c) nun of the above
@pkrautz what happened to the virtual Kaffeehaus? No spare time?
@Gelada or from another perspective: we're asking to create life in our own image
Busy day in Maths-Aid. I don't miss revising at all!
@Bishnavitch because it reminds you you're not a vampire?
@Bishnavitch yeah, keep telling yourself that
@divbyzero the polynom package might be overkill but it should do it. Can't test because I'm on the metro home
@divbyzero must be possible with normal tex. I'll fiddle when I get home
@divbyzero why is your editor trying to spellcheck command names?
@outofthenorm2 go on then. What do we need to do?
@outofthenorm2 what recreational maths journals are there at the moment?
This beauty costs about the same as my life's deepest desire, a Curta calculator. I'm conflicted now…
@vickytnz I am now!
@outofthenorm2 well googled, that's the one I was thinking of
@outofthenorm2 my dissatisfaction with the mathematical gazette is 90% of the reason the aperiodical exists
@outofthenorm2 ... both?
@aperfect !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@aperfect twitter wouldn't let me send enough exclamations. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@peterrowlett @stecks @outofthenorm2 already in progress, big bear. Ten four, over and out.
"Jump NHS queues with private medical insurance". "Jump literal queues by stepping on the heads of the poor". One of these is a real advert.
Although, if you pay for NI *and* private insurance, I suppose all your NI goes to help other people.
@outofthenorm2 yeah, probably nothing good exists yet, or we would've seen it.
@Samuel_Hansen have you removed the first few aperiodical round ups from acmescience? If so, can I have them?
Is there an HTML tag for "do you see what I did there?"
@Samuel_Hansen what's the URL of the category containing them all?
@Samuel_Hansen yeah, I couldn't find the search box. No hurry.
@Samuel_Hansen nope, can't see it
@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen aha! Thanks
After four months! Another round up! RT @aperiodical: Post: Aperiodical Round Up 8: if a bird heard the word 'surd'
Hah. Guess which blog is hit number 2 on google for "episciences project".
How do we have stronger google-fu than Nature?
@HilariousCow do you think? I didn't like it
@jcoglan I have! It's ok though, he didn't know I made it at the time. And he was wrong
Having the focus to install Java without also installing a million junko toolbars should be part of the test to be a brain surgeon
Don't watch this, arachnophobes. Everyone else: cutest spider ever!…
Oh yeah, twitter embeds video thumbnails. Sorry, arachnophobes!
I just want a PDF of this article, ScienceDirect. Is that too much to ask?
I think I'll leave my hair like this today
bums! Big ole bum sandwiches. My xbox is dead.
I've got a box of miniature dairy milks, I've got a bag of 2p coins, but I don't have a little postbox to put them in! O calamity!
Trying to install Moodle and STACK on Ubuntu under Wubi might have been a terrible idea. I hope my hard disk forgives me.
I have STACK running! Victory!
Meanwhile, @NclNumbas is considerably less of a faff to use
@jcoglan I can think of a different all-white shower that's more deserving of the blame
The best dinosaur comic in a long time…
Pineapple juice, my old friend! It's been too long! Come, sit down over here, in my belly.
A message for the snow:…
This was supposed to be a quick game of civ!
And I'll never forget how to type ö again now I've noticed its windows character code is an arithmetic sequence
@dmh10 Civ Rev on the xbox is both a quick and a very good game of civ. I think it's the tightest design of any of them.
@dmh10 but today I was playing civ 5 because my xbox is dead. And getting anything other than military victory needs the patience of a saint
Thought I'd make a javascript version of the up-goer five editor that doesn't need server calls. Turns out, conjugating verbs takes AGES
Since I can't think of anything else to do, I'm going to have a hot chocolate. Right after sending this tweet because that'll pass more time
@HELIUM_HEED that's already a strong contender for Best Grim Tweet of 2013
@HELIUM_HEED this is you:…
@InnerRhythm2012 a what now?
@jcoglan the top line of a commit message is only meant to be max. 50 chars. Short description, then two newlines and expand at length
@jcoglan (but don't be mistaken: I don't know anyone who sticks to that. Certainly not me! So maybe github should be less prescriptivist)
the catalogue number for this OEIS entry about palindromes was just 6 off being a palindrome itself :(
@jcoglan first thing I found on google is…, and the vim syntax highlighting has opinions about it too
Does anyone know how to use NAN-DOS? I'm getting this error: "No peri peri in Drive A: Abort/Retry/Fail?"
Spectacular: TeX Live ported to javascript…
Quod Erat Remonstrandum: proof by heated argument. #proofmethods
I've finally done it. 144 sticks of white chalk are being delivered to my local corner shop by Amazon, whom I have paid £2.97.
I can't see how anyone is turning a profit at any stage of that transaction.
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow! 7pm at the Charles Grey pub. I have a few new puzzle books and lots of origami paper. Join me!
Imagine if snowflakes popped when they hit the ground! We don't live in the best of all possible worlds :(
I thought I had excellent taste in music until I realised I was having a mood swing
@kirkpatricke I've done that before, but it was for a job interview. Didn't get it.
@MathsJam You southern wusses. Newcastle is on! Cold only makes Geordies stronger.
When a clementine looks this much like a boob, you know it's gone bad
@CardColm turned out it was fine, the sole good clementine in a bad box.
In the grim dark future of the 41st millennium there is only work. #stressederic
My form tutor and art teacher from school just walked into my office with a group theory question, not knowing I was here. Surreal 2013!
Definitely going to share it at MathsJam tonight to see if everyone agrees with my proof, or if they can cite a relevant theorem
@divbyzero is there maybe a colon in the middle, like "It's -10: below zero."
Draw the same symbol on six faces of a cube such that you don't break these rules
@JamesMoosh that has two faces on an edge pointing the same way.
@JamesMoosh that has threefold symmetry round a vertex. They all point outwards - that's disallowed too
NCL -> MAN what's unclear?
@MathsJam ahhh, tweet error! Starts at 1000, then goes down when you press a button
@JamesMoosh threefold symmetry
@jcoglan you should make it, and call it the Great Internet Password Kolmogor-Off. With a graph.
People who walk up to the platform edge 2 minutes before the trains due: who are you racing?
People who walk up 3 minutes before: what you're doing there is unsustainable.
Ridiculous chalk order update: delivery estimate 16th-25th February. I paid nearly three whole pounds for this! Unacceptable!
Teachers and lecturers: my day job is to make an e-assessment system for maths. It's called Numbas, and you might like to follow @NclNumbas
@eAssess thanks for the RT!
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie Sorry, already got plans tonight
`v.v.value = value`. I am bad at choosing variable names
Now @TweetsofCushing is trying the Good Will Hunting method to cure me of colourblindness. I think it might actually be my fault.
Identifying wallpaper groups in the Jesmond Holiday Inn. Fun times at the school of maths and stats away day
In other news, I was on the metro with Café 21's maître de. He didn't show me to a seat. Disappointed.
Ridiculous chalk order update: it's in the post! Almost three pounds well-spent
@stecks to python!
Colourblind-proof version of @haggismaths's edge-5-colouring of the dodecahedron, prepared by @TweetsofCushing ...
.... and the finished product! After going off-piste yesterday and getting it wrong, today it's a dodecahedright!
Here's a change: for once I'm filling up the @aperiodical news queue, instead of emptying it.
@MarcusduSautoy Interesting choice of identity. "I am not a number: I am a matrix!"
The new Shugo Tokumaru album is ecstatic
I read the comments on the internet. I'm going to have to take the rest of the day off.
In other good music news, The Staves are lovely.
facebook is showing me adverts for Vans shoes, tiaras for ballet dancers, and Lacoste polo shirts. Just missing some goth leather
@jjaron our Taiwanese visitor asked me to explain the s on the end of 'maths'. He couldn't get his tongue round it. Dude had a point.
@jjaron yeah, and people who want us to say "maths are" all say "mathematics is". My opinion: I don't care!
@jjaron no, they say that to be consistent, we who say "maths" should say "maths are" instead of "maths is"
I am on the page for a figure from a paper. First to find the link to go back to the paper wins a shout-out in my post…
I'm sure I saw a really good HTML paper page layout earlier this week. I don't think they *need* to be as bad as they all are, do they?
Science magazine: thanks for making me RAS into Uni instead of using Shibboleth. It made me rethink how much I want to read this paper
@rmehigan it is, but what link did you use to get it? I of course had the full article already, but it's a terrible page design
@makerfaire_uk not me. I've been collecting arty maths for a while:…
@peterrowlett yeah, that's the only link I found. Crazy. Why doesn't the paper title link back to the paper?
Ridiculous chalk order update: it has arrived! The lady in the shop was very enthusiastic about Collect+.
Apparentheses: punctuation delimiting a supplementary statement casting doubt on the preceding one
hooray, hits from reddit! I like getting hits from reddit. There are usually lots of them
no,, "ten¹⁴" is not an acceptable way to write a number.
@sxpmaths Alt+Gr (the right Alt key) plus a vowel gets you an acute accent. Sadly, it doesn't seem to extend to other accents
Nobody else, when linked to a mobile-only "" page, starts singing "emm dot" to the tune of "mmm bop", right?
Who knows some mathematical eggcorns? I have "Klein bottle" and the "Witch of Agnesi". Any others?
@ColinTheMathmo "Kleinsche Fläche" (Klein surface) was misspelt "Kleinsche Flasche" (Klein bottle) once...
@ColinTheMathmo and Maria Agnesi miswrote "versoria" (curve) as "versiera", which looks like a truncation of "aversiera" (witch)
@quirkycookies @cherrymakes @Frans_facts @giagia go! You'll have loads of fun.
SNAND! If I can just work out how to get rid of the S, it'll be Turing-complete
Walking on the snow! Walking on the sand! Everybody knows! That I love der Strand!
The dream is over. Flooded my shoes being a bit too adventurous with the North Sea
So apparently a good way to keep your feet warm is to fill your boots with seawater? Or are my feet dead?
@rmehigan didn't think of that! I might return with gloves later
@jcoglan you can link to a particular time in iplayer by using the "link to this" button
@stecks Reader, I did not start paradoxically stripping.
@haggismaths Chip Chipperson, News Gazette Courant. What is this rumour? Are you starting it?
accidentally discovered a really cheap fake tilt-shift method: move your phone camera away just as it's finishing taking an HDR photo
@jcoglan I've had to spend the last month convincing a committee of maths PhDs and Profs that javascript crypto is a bad idea.
@haggismaths I don't think that's a millennium problem, is it?
@haggismaths PR at the RSME about the invariant subspace problem solution….
@aperfect Romain Duris! Audrey Tautou! Michel Gondry!… !!!!
A _wobbling map_ on a metric space matches every point with another one a bounded distance away - points wobble under repeated applications
@aperfect ahhh so you have the DVD? Did I give it to you as a present?
@aperfect I remember now! It came in a fantastic envelope from Thailand.
@CardColm any juicy gossip? Was my post acccurate?
@S_A_Thomson à ton avis
Google Reader zero! That's it, I've read the whole internet. I know all of it.
@Tegglington I don't do spoilers
I've done too much today! I'm ready for bed.
Here it is, the World's Most Pretend Car:…
@vickytnz I draw comfort from the fact that I am that loathsomely young person to many other people
@vickytnz aren't we roughly the same age?
Watched a flock of pigeons take off vertically in a high wind, then hover backwards to land in a tree. It amused me
@vickytnz really? That's mad: both Tynemouth and the city centre are really quiet
I've updated the power law story with Mason Porter's excellent Batman & Robin meme…
@stevenstrogatz 12 pages in to that document, I've decided to remain confused
It's so badly written! They're all like "OLDE WORDES!" and I'm all like "That's not period-appropriate!"
@vickytnz it's Ripper Street. Everything about the script is terrible.
@ben_nuttall I just embed github gists.
It's just occurred to me that I haven't done any loci since year 9 maths. That's a shame
@C_J_Smith oh I suppose, but it isn't the same: it's all algebra
yep yep yep…
@Tony_Mann @peterrowlett do you mean blundre? #hamburger
Man why does anybody drive into work? That traffic was rubbish.
It also confirmed my opinion that Byker is non-euclidean
@jcoglan was it about a horse?
Help us make a decent maths news source! RT @aperiodical: Call for volunteers to join the Aperiodical News Team
"Sebastian, for the ads in The North, they all use the tram up there, yah?" "Yah I think so, Belvedere"
Other southern names: Bunty, Armeendo, Trabimbaline, Corky.
@vickytnz good American accent?! It was dire
Feature branch. Feature branch? Feature branch! Say it enough and it sounds like the name of a new Hollywood starlet, Fietscha Branch.
@profkeithdevlin or far more pedantic government
@standupmaths it behooves you to gawk at an original copy of Byrne's Euclid
Does anyone fancy giving this scrabble-with-numbers game a go with me? My username's "christianp"
In single-player number game news, Quento for android is diverting, and pleasing on the eye:…..
Getting security clearance for my new spa strictly for defence officials, Intercontinental Holistic Missile.
@LynnBowie @MathsJam the MathsJams map (…) says that someone else is interested in a Joburg jam. Suggest you start one!
@naomzzb cor, that looks nice!
Aaaarrgggg what is the point in releasing a single for radio play only, months before the album?
@brittneybean but if I haven't forgotten about a track by the time it's out, I've usually grown sick of hearing it so much.
@standupmaths but the way you write the infinity symbol, it looks like you've divided zero (at what point does this become cyberbullying?)
@vickytnz YESSSSS. If you can get hold of it, that is
An afternoon very well spent.
Now it's safely ensconced in its dual
Before I poison myself: pasta doesn't go off. That's pasta's deal, right?
Well, this doesn't really know *what* it wants to be
Pasta con tutto verdict: surprisingly tasty, though I could've just let the chilli go off rather than use it
@reflectivemaths I do not. The Aperiodical has a podcast, but we just chat about the site. There is a gap at the moment
@jcoglan you share more thoughts than you actually have?
This government's single-minded dedication to ruining every aspect of society, to the detriment of any other policy, is quite remarkable
Man, open source is such a good thing. I can quickly make a single-line change to this program to suit my incredibly tiny niche requirement
Fairly sure the head of school has a love/hate relationship with me now. My software: good! My communication ability: not good!
@sxpmaths I see your 72 point move and raise you... one point!
Why does the Windows 8 task manager take so long to appear? It's ridiculous!
I also have opinions about flash adverts using up all of my CPU. I have a newsletter you can subscribe to.
Oh goddddddd, C++ is hard!
@jcoglan gives "a fractal of bad design" a whole new meaning
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie go on then
@sxpmaths you knacked me with that bonus. How do you do it?
My life for the past 10 minutes. What have I become?
@Bishnavitch oi Bish! Sort your life out. Are we seeing this film? Can't get hold of you
@jjsanderson hah, that's excellent! I will try it on the next southerner to visit and see if it's more convincing
Lincoln compares favourably with Ripper Street as a historical drama: many more appropriate moustaches and fewer Americanisms
I'm going to start calling revolving doors cylindoors. I think this is a good life decision.
resisting-the-urge-to-say-that's-a-weight-off-my-mind-after-a-haircut-stress. #germanemotions
Almost got a full house in Tweetdeck Bingo (when a single tweet appears in every single column for all my accounts)
Sad cat poem…
@aperfect do you think? They've got stupid noses.
I have a spreadsheet of module assignments and their due dates. Any sensible grading system would let you import that as CSV. Not ours!
Does the use of dropdown boxes to solve every UI problem correlate with, like, support of the Green Party or Baha'i or something?
@jcoglan oh but of course, that goes without saying.
@vickytnz "a fluid series of multi-device encounters" #websitedesignorwildnightout
@vickytnz wasn't that one of the old b3ta quizzes?
So do birds just stay where they are when it's this windy? I haven't seen any all day
Somebody please tell me something interesting about the number 1246. It's driving me mad.
@samholloway hrmm, they're all pretty lukewarm
I agree, but why is that? RT @sann0638: if the question is what is the next number in the sequence 1,2,4, lots of people would answer 6?
Buying a PRS licence for my new musical instruments shop, "If you've got it: flautist."
Today's algebra seminar, first slide: enumerate words of length N which don't contain a subword SEX. #hotmathematicians
Now we don't want either of the subwords SEX or EXPERT. I think I can see where this is going...
@profkeithdevlin you're in Newcastle?! I'd love to meet
@profkeithdevlin ohh, Newcastle Australia. That makes more sense. Whoops.
What a nice day! Is the universe high-fiveable?
Having a summery morning in the office with @TweetsofCushing, with Glenn Miller on the youtubeophone
It's 12:46 again and still no satisfactory numerical facts about it. Is it the fabled smallest uninteresting number?
@Bishnavitch ahh, I answered the first time and it went beep, so I assumed you'd accidentally called me
@Bishnavitch but yes, kharma
@elinoroberts not to me it isn't.
@elinoroberts so apparently my department is doing a maths festival at Life tomorrow? I wonder why I'm not involved...
@elinoroberts we are. I'm more surprised I wasn't asked by people here. Maybe I was and I've forgotten?
@Bishnavitch nooooope
@edbradshaw wow, you're really getting into the British spirit! Waiting for the BT man is an integral activity of our culture.
@jcoglan you have single-handedly invented the concept of doggerel complexity classes. I hope you're proud
The people upstairs have decided to become the kind of people upstairs who play rubbish music until 3 in the morning. Hmph.
Things just got serious: I want answers on the Aperiodical's Mathematical Survey telling me why 1246 is interesting.…
@icecolbeveridge A: no it wouldn't. B: that's proof by contradiction
@monsoon0 yes. It was one of the better ones, but not completely satisfying
@icecolbeveridge oh, I don't like that formulation, though it does justify my objection to "not interesting => interesting" more
What happens when fantasy worlds with orcs and elves and so on leave the middle ages?
@vickytnz steampunk orcs?
@vickytnz I want elves in precarious beehive wigs and I want them now
@vickytnz oh, I thought of a name for a modern setting one yesterday: Miss LARPle
@edbradshaw that has most of the right ingredients, but it's clinically clean. The secret of good fry-up is grease.
@HilariousCow filenames starting with a dot are hidden in unix
Does anyone know how you buy Gap trousers with a 36 or 38" leg online? I own some, but their site denies all knowledge.
oh I give up. shopstyle will reveal the location of the big troos
and now I discover that shopstyle won't let you filter by leg length. That's it, I'm learning how to make my own trousers.
Forget it all, I'm wearing a dress from now on.
@mathblogging is the "user activity" stream on the front page a good idea? Most of my tweets aren't maths-related
OK, it wouldn't make an interesting ad campaign, but how is not even registered?
First day of full-time work, it's ten to twelve, and I'm still trying to work out how to get Visual Studio to work. #highproductivity
Either a hyphen is missing, or the Metro's in trouble. MT @My_Metro: Calling all 4 weekly MetroSaver holders...
@jcoglan that isn't even a valid question. You write your own cryptographically secure certificate of neckbearditude.
Phew! Two and a half hours later, I'm home. #rushhour!
Blew on samosa to cool it down. Hot air came out the opposite corner and burnt my finger :(
The 20th century really was violent: dance cards went out of fashion, replaced by punch cards.
@jcoglan are you aware of Python's dict.items() ?
The fact that it's physically possible to be awake while the schools programmes are on radio 4 is evidence this isn't the best of all worlds
@evelynjlamb isn't that #ProjectiveRunway?
awhh, "The Testimony of Patience Kershaw" by the Unthanks just destroys me every time it comes on. Such a sad song.
Phases 1 and 2 of @TweetsofCushing's attempt to make an equilateral triangle
@standupmaths that's really quite lovely!
@haggismaths how should we credit you at the @aperiodical? As Haggis, or your real name?
The dude whose computer discovered the new big prime was given $3000 by GIMPS. It's like a lottery with useful side-effects!
@Tegglington @TweetsofCushing already on it, Staggcoach
Unholy! Couscous, chickpeas, mushrooms and bacon, with leftover parsnip and carrot mash on the side.
Wow, green is actually a mental colour for bedsheets! I feel like I'm on the set of a Star Wars porno.
Uh oh, Today is tackling the Mersenne prime. No John Humphrys in sight though, so no reason to be afraid
And, has thou slain the EBac? Come to my arms, my beamish boy! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! He Gove way!
Yo Gove, I'm real happy for you and I'ma let you finish, but Cambridge's IGCSE is one of the best maths syllabuses of all time. OF ALL TIME!
Just got into work and this masterpiece was on my desk. @TweetsofCushing is very talented.
@ebuie and it doesn't catch 90% of CC-licensed material
@ebuie it doesn't show them.
@mathsinthecity yep, going to look at it when my boring work day is over
@mathsinthecity I think you might have missed @icecolbeveridge's pun
@sxpmaths Wolfram alpha reckons the same as water, which can't be right
@evelynjlamb it looks like it's getting headlines and author names from RSS feeds. There are no names attached to the SciAm podcast feed
@EngageNe I haven't decided, but I can make a pretty firm bet: it'll be my usual comfortable mathmo-wear
Back in the green screen bed. Challenge: name a Star Wars scene that couldn't be reshot for a porno spoof.
@standupmaths describing our relation to that requires replacing the tally-based great-great-...-grandma system with a place-value system
@standupmaths ... so a binary system of 'great-' and 'grand-' would mean my grand-great-great-grandmother was 1001 ~= 9 generations back
Going a bit Office Space. Both my sellotape and stapler are missing. Don't make me go to the basement.
@vickytnz Python plus Pancakes is a thing that could happen
@Harsimrat__Kaur like so:
@vickytnz it's right next to central station! Just get the metro.
@vickytnz I reckon it's between 5 and 10 minutes. I always switch to the shorter line, but it doesn't really matter
@KSCMaths that's pretty common, and been in use for a long time
@KSCMaths I don't get your complaint. It's valid but old-fashioned, which suits the torygraph perfectly
Like British colonialism, the effects of last night's curry can still be felt today. #delicatetweets
My friends took me to Brew Dog last night and I drank hipster cola and now I'm addicted but it's £2.50 a bottle :( :( :(
@rmathematicus @peterrowlett @aPaulTaylor @stecks @aperiodical well, if you read the article, @BBCRadio4 didn't do too badly.
@Harsimrat__Kaur @C_J_Smith p starts with the downstroke then comes up to do the loop. \rho is a single anti-clockwise loop stroke
@C_J_Smith @Harsimrat__Kaur burn him!
Currently annoyed that LaTeX's j wears its hat at a jaunty angle:…
@Thalesdisciple I want the hat on top of the dot. \jmath looks horrible to me!
Reminds me that Droid Sans has a ligature for 'fi' that omits the dot on the i. So annoying. RT @Thalesdisciple: have you tried \hat\jmath?
@Thalesdisciple it's the default font on Android phones. I've only noticed the ligature since Android 4.1
Slides and a recording of a seminar presentation using @MathJax, deck.js and computer modern fonts in HTML:…
@vickytnz the link to "making a handcoded one-page site" needs an http:// or a / in front of it
Buying cages for my new exotic birds shop, "Super Mario Plovers"
@JanvierUK am I going to have to start a pro-your-nose faction? You've got a lovely nose!
@JanvierUK unless it's currently full of gunk, in which case I resign to spend more time with my imaginary family
@DanielColquitt @Harsimrat__Kaur @C_J_Smith we were discussing this yesterday: does *anyone* prefer \epsilon to \varepsilon?
Clearing out my room at my mum's house. The teacher who made me keep these randomly appeared in my office last week.
My little brother's lifelong strategy of never putting a CD back in its case has paid off: I no longer own any of the things I own.
Classic cp, circa 2004. Ouais, je parle muy gern il French. T'avais raison d'être impressed, Madame prof.
♪ One of these things is not like the others / One of these is somebody's god♪
@vickytnz you'll be glad to hear that the school now tentatively accepts the existence of New Zealand.
@vickytnz milk+lemon juice+5 minutes = buttermilk
How much hipster cola do you think I can get for these vintage game manuals? They are into vintage, the hipsters?
Beginning to wonder if I had a sex change in sixth form...
This looks like an algorithm for an AI to play Nulac. I ended up writing an MSN messenger bot which would host games
Challenge: reconstruct the Nulac game.
Man, what is the point in skimmed milk? It's like shy milk that doesn't want to inconvenience you by absorbing light or containing nutrients
I've just found a d30. Along with a d6 and a coin, I can generate any whole number of degrees. Might try a random walk...
@GreyAlien I said nothing about how far I would travel.
@HilariousCow hah! That's amazing. I can't think how what would get in print
@HoeJodgkiss or, imagine getting loads of tattoos because you want to be alternative and then all of a sudden tattoos are trendy
Lucy Worsley made a new series and nobody told me? Outrage!…
Hang on... I've seen this one before. iPlayer's "first broadcast" bit lied to me!
That's it. I'm actually actually cancelling my emusic subscription now. They just keep breaking things on the site.
@treasa yep. Since they switched from credits to money prices so many good labels have left. Most stuff I get is from bandcamp or amazon now
@treasa bandcamp is like a service for bands to set up their own shops. Usually expensive, but you're paying the artists (almost) directly
@vickytnz it wasn't one of her best ones, but it was interesting and new to me
@TeXtip much much better:
@vickytnz such a good song!
Carlo Vega's lovely animation inspired by now complete:
"why are all my egg-related utensils yellow and white?" - idiot me, thirty seconds ago
@vickytnz I am grumbling too. I have many many punning business names that I want to collect
@edbradshaw the number of times I've pressed ctrl+w while editing something on a web page...
@vickytnz pancake pancake pancake pancake. I'm having trouble concentrating on anything else
@walkingrandomly people's unwillingness to move from svn to git is baffling
@vickytnz what are your pancake plans? Coming to mine after PyNE?
I think I need to go on a salad-arranging course. Picking ingredients is hard!
The number of people who have booked non-pancake activities on pancake day is astonishing
@phillord you mean like ?
@Bishnavitch that's why you should stick to CP brand pancakes.
@Bishnavitch let them cook for longer. And more oil never hurts
@phillord sounds like a job for a summer student!
Someone please come into maths-aid so I can warm myself up by speaking. #socold
@rmehigan @aoibhinn_ni_s positive quadratic function: distance travelled by a dragster or rocket with constant acceleration
@ebuie ... what else would you say?
@ebuie yuck. I'll stick with fortnightly!
@ebuie hey, at least we can count - the French call it a quinzaine
Booked a quiet room to record some @NclNumbas screencasts. An hour in, I'm still writing code for new features I just thought of.
@aoibhinn_ni_s @rmehigan you sure? Fairly sure it increases. I'm assuming the rocket keeps accelerating
@aoibhinn_ni_s s = ut + (1/2)*a*t^2. If acceleration is upwards or forwards, the t^2 term is positive.
@aoibhinn_ni_s you can make time a space axis, like the cameras for photo-finishes in races. Yes, finding visual examples is hard!
@aoibhinn_ni_s it's called "slit-scan photography" -…. Flatbed scanners do the same thing, so easy demo :)
@peterrowlett @aperiodical @stecks it was really that loud. I didn't do any volume fiddling this time
@DanaKazim even if you're not planning on doing numerics, being able to program is useful no matter what you do. Consider it a life skill
Forgot to push my commits from my laptop yesterday. Replicate them today, or do something else until tomorrow?
Poonikins the magic warrior princess…
This banana tastes green :(
White Range Rover with a single occupant driving the wrong way up a one-way street. #brokenbritain
@vickytnz now I too have a cold. Somebody on pancake day was harbouring DISEASE!
@C_J_Smith @peterrowlett dare to believe! (oddly, I just remembered they hadn't been sent this morning)
I vi. He whacks him vim in emacs. "Fie!" cry I, him dim put vim in emacs. He wax re VAX etc. I deny: Emacs be whack.…
@evelynjlamb @CardColm you missed 0!
@vickytnz imagine if captain Kirk had a fazer!
Just had to explain The Game to my ENTIRE family. Unbelievable! And sorry for making you lose
Because I think I'm brilliant, the first thing I did with my Twitter archive was find all my pun business names:…
@haggismaths that actually looks a lot more like a 3d print by n-e-r-v-o-u-s
Scribblenauts knows 'rightwing' but not 'leftwing'. #classwar!
I was expecting that summoning a "helpful wizard" would solve every puzzle in Scribblenauts. Disappointed.
@vickytnz that is some expert-level lunching! Is that the place on Brentwood Avenue that used to be Stewart and Co?
Reading the latest arXiv additions is a great way to let new words osmose into your brain, even if you don't understand the papers
Buying tiger balm for my new physiotherapy practice in Gosforth, "Knee Bother"
@ben_nuttall @Andrew_Taylor that's also how windows 8 works! Just remove most of the icons
How much harder would it be to solve a Rubik's cube if you could only see one face? @MathsJam
@stecks of course! Silly me
@vickytnz are you mathsjamming tonight?
Yikes! @MathsJam "@TobiasTeo: Here's to screw your brain for the day:"
@vickytnz @TobiasTeo that's what maths is!
Some relevant material for that puzzle: 'Knowable' as 'known after an announcement'… ...
... and "The Muddy Children: a logic for public announcement"…
@monsoon0 much more readable, assuming you're not fluent in scholarly Latin, are his notebooks:…
@vickytnz sounds awful! I think I've got away with only having a bunged up head for the weekend.
Tiny reminder: Newcastle @MathsJam tonight, 7pm, the Charles Grey pub. This month I have puzzles and origami paper.…
@stecks @icecolbeveridge @peterrowlett MathsJam is an organisation? I thought we were at most a loose federation
@icecolbeveridge @edbradshaw @stecks @peterrowlett this is quite possibly the most tedious Twitter conversation I've ever been involved in
@DanielColquitt do you live near a black hole or other nonstationary supermassive object?
Locating premises for my new Newcastle-based cutlery steam-cleaning service, "Fog on the Tine"
Can someone point an infrared camera at me and tell me how well my beard insulates my face? Reluctant to shave until I know
The light covers on the new @My_Metro trains cover the top line of stations on the network maps. Such attention to every design detail!
@standupmaths yeah, so max( d(a,b), d(b,a)) <= 19
@standupmaths to be a dead-end a page would have to have absolutely no links. I'm happy for "anywhere" to mean "practically anywhere"
@Nathan1123 I get "Sorry, downloading went wrong" when I search
@Nathan1123 yeah, every time
@vickytnz but look at their happy little faces! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
When I leave my car, my seatbelt hangs limply out of the doorway like an automotive hernia.
@MarcusduSautoy @sciencemuseum fantastic! The maths room contains loads of fascinating stuff, but it's all so old!
@aperfect graphics card drivers?
@peterrowlett @icecolbeveridge @aperiodical yes, I'm listening... don't have any real internet this weekend though
@hornmaths my least favourite one of those is when they recommend a brand of completely artificial cheese
Monkey seems happy enough in the wardrobe
Outstanding: Outrun by Kavinsky!/album/Outru…
@Harsimrat__Kaur LaTeX on android? Don't do it, your fingers will die!
@rmathematicus do you know any more about the format of those Bologna maths competitions, or where to look?
@Harsimrat__Kaur have you tried
I think my parting and my barber are stuck in a feedback loop. Eventually all my hair will point sideways
I don't even want a parting! Yet every time it seems to get more and more parted.
@Electrokittie more food for thought: 'gandalf' backwards is 'fladnag', which could be a note taking during speed nating ("F: lad (nag)")
Shaved off all my beard except my moustache and took a photo. Nobody must ever see it.
@mathsinthecity @OxUniConnect more strictly: by stretching and squeezing topologists, you can turn them into crazy people
Having interesting maths on the blackboard is a work hazard. Zoned out of listening to a PhD's worries when I glimpsed a curious diagram
@ThomasEWoolley are you aware of the patent and mathematical formality controversies to do with the Gömböc?
@ThomasEWoolley I seem to have lost the stuff I collected about it, but the description here discusses it:
@ThomasEWoolley so that's uncool from an open-access viewpoint (though they got the patent years before OA was a concern)
@ThomasEWoolley and there's still no rigorous proof that their particular shape is mono-monostatic - there's just an existence proof
@elinoroberts "Deadline" immediately leaps out
@woodwormcreates @mathsinthecity is there one?
A particularly auspicious exchange rate
@stecks IT'S A SIGN…
@aPaulTaylor or anti-cheese?
@stecks hahaha
and now it's back. Phew.
@for_the_winn the IE 10 one obeys the rule that all pages on the web referring to a specific version of IE must be out of date
STOP. Jammy time!
@ninjaSiham someone RTd one of your tweets and I just *have* to tell you your avatar pic is fantastic. Is that a real blackboard hat?
@hornmaths @monsoon0 if it helps, I don't do it
Hey! What happened to the Turing pardon?…
Open Notepad. Type 0. Ctrl-A Ctrl-C Ctrl-V Ctrl-V. Repeat.
Endless Amusement, a collection of nearly 400 entertaining experiments in various branches of science…
We find the overuse of the first-person plural in mathematical literature highly annoying.
@JanvierUK that's OK.
Good morning, spider friend! Don't mind if I take my shower, do you? ...... Now where did you go? Spider friend? #aaaaaaaaaaaa
10am. Still nobody else in the office. Eat my lunch and pretend I didn't bring one in? Maybe.
Well, I was already planning on going for a walk, so it isn't too bad that @My_Metro is stopped after North Shields
But I do wish I hadn't brought quite so much stuff into work today
Lots of boats parked outside the Tyne today
Buying jangly things for my new sensory stimulation and meditation chamber, "We have nothing to hear but here itself"
Who else is going to @streetspice_ncl tonight?
It's finally done. I've cancelled my emusic account. What a catastrophe of a site.
@peterrowlett I'm trying to leave a comment but the reCAPTCHA isn't loading :(
@peterrowlett Yeah. And it seems I can't access, so probably a CP's ISP thing
@dr__bag Top-notch paper-pointing there.
Right Guard has changed its "Clean" flavour to smell like BO. I'm not smell-blind as well as colour-blind, am I?
Sat in a seminar given by a speaker who writes his mathematical x as a simple cross. He might be an American spy!
Diarrhoesis: Mötörhead
Best Puzzlebomb yet. RT @aperiodical: It's that time again! Puzzlebomb - March 2013
@ben_nuttall indeed!
@Bishnavitch @aperfect @Electrokittie if I can chip in, my spider friend in my bathroom has been steadily growing for a few months now
Challenge: think up most ridiculous "misogynist X", where X is a profession or activity. Misogynist accountancy?
@noneatnamesleft it was alright. Good food, but very crowded and nothing mind-blowing spicewise
The fridge cow is a sad casualty of the house move
"Imagine... if you could laser renew your skin". Yes, just imagine... if you could laser file your taxes.
@peterrowlett @aperiodical ahh you can get tae heck with the capitalisation-of-units nonsense. I've never had any patience for that.
@vickytnz it's grim! So grim!
@vickytnz stick with it, but it gets nasty (but not graphic)
@DrSaraSantos @drkenfarquhar @NUStreetScience @MathsBusking before you know it you'll be taking logs
@stecks I ordered a pack of 100 googly eyes from amazon for £1.60 delivered. That's got to cost them money, right?
@brittneybean you, and the nation of Australia, have made my life worse. No thanks.
Wow, @stecks and I have discovered the most addictive number game ever. To be revealed in number 3 of the All Squared podcast
@darrenjw the bus moves slower, so the radio waves can keep up
oh, this is very good indeed. I wonder if I can get away with downloading the entire database over the uni connection
@vickytnz any attempt to get any sort of internet-based computation to happen while Wimbledon is on is always doomed to failure
The opposite of a shibboleth is a 'Frisco'…
Goddamn Victorians can't pick an architectural style and stick with it. Just noticed the mix of Roman and Gothic arches at Tynemouth metro
Nice little stories about maths told with animation, in French:…
You know when a paper has a title this short that it contains a decent result.
Because I thrive on disappointment, I'm having another look at Moodle's SCORM code.
Finally finally, my recaps of the last two Newcastle @MathsJam meetings:…
@vickytnz I didn't write it down! I'll work it out again.
@ben_nuttall what are they? I miss my g-u-username from normal twitter
@vickytnz 1/9?
@vickytnz public announcement logic is a thriving field of study! Some fun slides at…
Penne pasta, pesto, pepper, pomodoro, and... if these had been portobellos, that would've been amazing. #mushroomsarentteamplayers
oh wow! The list of all primes was 14gb, not 1.4! Extra bonus fun!
@MrHonner all primes (explicitly discovered so far)
@stecks which one? The next one, or the next next one?
Weighing up whether to double our total expenditure to date on The Aperiodical in order to license the world's greatest stock photo
Never mind, it turns out licensing stock photos is ridiculously expensive. For reference, here it is:…
I haven't listened to arte radio in ages. The site is really nice now:
Nice minimalist scientist logos by Kapil Bhagat.…
You're not spider friend! In fact, what *are* you? Spider friend, you had ONE JOB
@charliesgames oh no! That ain't good! Time for a food hygiene purge
@TwentyThree bummer! I don't use iTunes so I don't know what to do. What happens?
@TwentyThree an iPhone-having friend has just downloaded it successfully. Try again?
@vickytnz yeah, I think that one's lacking some unhinged element the corbis one had. And they're American pancakes!
@vickytnz yes
How did I manage not to notice the metroline hordes until I got off the train?
What they've done is morally wrong, but it's beautiful. Zeroless arithmetic: (via @Gelada)
Is Zeilberger the greatest troll in contemporary mathematics? Viewed as satire, I almost respect his output.
Thanks to some judicious amazon ordering, @TweetsofCushing and I are going loopy with boggly eyes
@vickytnz yes indeed
Trying out @songdropapp now it's a proper real thing.…
Stoker was very good, but this was me on several occasions
@evelynjlamb @aperiodical is the fake formula made up for PR purposes not a thing in the US? Our papers are lousy with them.
@ColinTheMathmo ooh! Can we meet tomorrow for coffee?
@ColinTheMathmo but...?
@monsoon0 that's a great name! Like a character from a series of kids' books
A problem with living alone: no sanity check on your appearance before leaving the house.
@My_Metro why do announcements say "no trains in both directions" instead of "no trains in either direction"? Is the first less ambiguous?
Indulging in a bit of industrial espionage -slash- walking through the Northumbria campus for some exercise
Since everyone's tweeting their female maths heroes, here's mine: Hazel Perfect, my only mathematical relative and a group theorist like me!
@C_J_Smith @peterrowlett to Google Docs!
@nulibrs oh, I get it! Very clever
@peterrowlett @NoelAnn can I talk to you at some point about Maths Arcade? I think we're going to set up something similar here
@ColinTheMathmo @stecks @helenarney is this a "hung/hanged" type situation? Should we say 'drinked' to refer to when a drink is consumed?
@pkrautz there is not, and I hadn't heard of it before! Thanks!
@pkrautz @MathJax @fgdorais I don't know. I could find out...
@pkrautz @MathJax @fgdorais do you have a blog somewhere that uses jetpack comments?
@pkrautz @fgdorais it won't work because the comments are in an iframe. There are plugins to allow social login on normal wordpress though
Form says go to Redirects to, then a link goes to #joinedupIT
I really need to get round to presenting the results to the @aperiodical survey. Some people have given great answers
@brittneybean that's the second one of those I've seen in two days! What's happening? Is this the 90s revival I've heard so much about?
I'm pretty sure there's money to be made in making man-sized household cleaning appliances. My back hurts!
@standupmaths A chum freezer-burnt his hand with an extinguisher during fire warden training. The irony was more delicious than any icecream
@helenarney @jjsanderson Lor' that was a terrible film! If only they had been bloggers, that might have improved it.
In a jigsaw, you apply rotations and translations to the pieces until they fit. Could you make a puzzle with other affine transformations?
@Thalesdisciple I'm thinking of either a computer puzzle, or you could do something with optics
@Thalesdisciple so: start with 2d image; chop into pieces; apply different combinations of affine transforms to each piece
@hornmaths the exact opposite of my current feeling
Christ I just decided I need a spice rack why didn't any of you kill me before this happened
I stalled a yawn! Now I'm stuck in a half-yawn state and I think I might die.
Wow, explorer has just blocked the entire shell, even window-switching. Windows 8, ladies and gents!
@elinoroberts definitely snow at this end of the street.
@standupmaths hUSBris
Successful salad. Succalad.
@DanaKazim oh, you definitely can fail at salad. My last one was a complete nightmare
If ONE more person pronounces it EYEdillic I'm going to TURN this planet round and NOBODY gets ice cream.
This is the best snow we've had all year! It's like icing sugar. Mmmmmm
@DanaKazim it is?
As usual, @TweetsofCushing and I are spending our Monday morning well
@vickytnz well, it's getting warmer. What are you complaining about?
@SherriBurroughs @MathsJam Have a look at my Newcastle MathsJam recaps -… - we've done loads of different things
@SherriBurroughs particular favourites: the princess in a castle puzzle and the card game Mad Abel
@vickytnz I haven't read it, but it's very very highly recommended by mathematicians. It's like the classic text
I've woken up with a strong desire to see a linotype machine running. The printing museum in Lyon was great
@nulibrs it's the last week of term?! We should have a huge laser display board counting down the academic weeks somewhere on campus.
@nulibrs I don't know why it bothers me, I don't get to stop working when the students go home, anyway
@nulibrs what a coincidence! I've just recorded a thing for my maths podcast about my favourite book, an arithmetic textbook from 1811...
@nulibrs ... it's a lot more interesting than it sounds!
Is there such a thing as an Oxford semi-colon?
I think I might be a chatbot
This might be the best I'll ever do at triple town.
What's worse than biting into an apple and finding half a worm?
@vickytnz I mentioned that, and other film maths, in the last aperiodical round up:…
@vickytnz but you always keep your house clean, even when your family aren't visiting, don't you? ;)
@amermathsoc The King and Pi: in the vein of Lincoln, George III's attempt to get a bill defining pi = 3 through Parliament #pimoviepitches
Resisting the temptation to make purchases from this catalogue of blackboard drawing instruments…
@BenTormey that'll be you in a few years, watch out
Pi Light: sparkly vampires do... something. I have no idea what even the basics of the plot are. #pimoviepitches
if you say so! RT @evelynjlamb: @christianp I think they get married? And there are lots of circles there. Cakes and rings and so on.
@HilariousCow there?
@jjaron I was shocked to discover when I got my nexus 4 that Listen had been discontinued in the middle of last year
Glorious! Knitted taxidermy heads.
@OxUniConnect your mission control people are just downstairs from me! I feel an urge to go and interrupt their activities with custard pies
@ProfKinyon except I'm likely to misremember that as "how I wish I could remember pi"
@jjaron @aperiodical well, factoring in peer review...
@jjaron @aperiodical "the chicken wanted to find a vector normal to the road"
@kirkpatricke Are you still doing your PhD or have you finished? One of the mathematicians is transferring to neuroscience and wants advice
@kirkpatricke is it ok if I give her your email address so she can ask herself? Twitter is too terse
@kirkpatricke I do.
@evelynjlamb thanks for the link to All Squared!
@MarcusduSautoy umm... universal computation is definitely maths, and in my opinion a much bigger innovation
@MarcusduSautoy aha! Anyway, my vote, even though I'm a computational group theorist, would go to calculus.
@icecolbeveridge @standupmaths bravo
Very nice! RT @panlepan: Fr!endly numbers.
RT @wilderlab: About 871 and 45361: 8!+7!+1! = 45361
and 4!+5!+3+6!+1! = 871
@standupmaths @wilderlab the next one is very easy to find, but after that...
A lovely little poem…
Those CGI disaster bits in the BBC's F1 intro sequence were a terrible idea
Having top fun mishearing "rookie" as "wookiee" while watching the qualifying.
@vickytnz trying very hard, but I don't have the ready access to Star Wars quotes that is required of a true nerd
@vickytnz oh, that is an EXCELLENT t-shirt
@vickytnz are you planning on taking your family to Cragside?
@vickytnz it's a whole day visit on its own. Not that far to drive - about 40 minutes. Absolutely worth seeing
@DanielColquitt *really*? What's to like?
Knitting and watching the rugby. #mansman #ladiesman... #notantonyms
@helenarney as if that's a bad thing? Quite a few machines give fivers now.
So far this year: Google killed Reader, Sky bought Be, Elsevier in talks to buy Mendeley. Next up: everyone has kidney failure.
@Htbaa oh I'm fine with that. Depending on your choice of axioms, anything can be false.
This dude's facial hair looks like it cane with a free SEGA Dreamcast and a copy of Spaced on VHS
@haggismaths typo: "a 'one-dimensional binary cellular automata'" should be "a 'one-dimensional binary cellular automatON'".
@numberphile yeesh, I'm so tired of all these people saying they did a bit of French at school and loudly declaring how bad they are at it
@numberphile we need more high-profile French speakers who can communicate the beauty of French for its own sake. Maybe in a YouTube channel
@numberphile sorry, I was being ironic. Replace French with maths
@hellobuglers wow, I decided I'd had just about enough of that, and then I noticed I was only twelve minutes into over an hour of punning!
@nulibsage is it ironic that that's published in a closed access journal?
I don't understand wordpress user registration spam. What's the point?
@Andrew_Taylor @mathsfeedback @ColinTheMathmo my ears are burning. Can I add a question to my survey? My vote says 10% = 0.1. It's a ratio!
@helen_keen @scienceatlife oh no! I was planning on going to see you tomorrow but you're on at the same time as @MathsJam!
@Htbaa :set expandtab
@helen_keen if only that were the case! You'll be missing a single-digit number of geeks, most likely
Incredible. A 22-minute rock opera about milk.…
Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight! 7pm at the Charles Grey pub. All welcome. This month I have rational tangles and a permutations machine.
@stecks what is the stuff from the internet?
Where is everybody? I've been in work for an hour and haven't seen anyone other than the cleaner.
People who use correct, and correctly delimited, TeX in their arXiv abstracts are good people.
@Andrew_Taylor Push it to the limit!…
@Andrew_Taylor @ColinTheMathmo now I need to find that page with the many many different ways people think of multiplication, don't I?
@Andrew_Taylor @ColinTheMathmo I can't find it! It was beautiful. It laid out each way of modelling multiplication (and numbers) so clearly
@C_J_Smith @peterrowlett @jan_e_grabowski more fair might be to say every time someone asks what's on the test, what's on the test changes
@ColinTheMathmo yikes. Twitter is not the correct medium for this.
@Jackg00de @LeedsMathsJam I don't know about Leeds, but I write up each Newcastle MathsJam on my blog:…
@ColinTheMathmo it was by something like nRich, but not nRich. Maybe Australian?
@peterrowlett @ColinTheMathmo close, but it was a webpage and had like 12 or 16 models of multiplication
I'm forced to use Powerpoint for this presentation I'm giving over Blackboard Collaborate. How do I make a non-terrible set of slides?
Got a blister from scrubbing pans. It hurts a bit. #edwardianproblems
@Bishnavitch sorry, got a mega-cool LAN party planned already
@ColinTheMathmo I can't remember! That's why I needed to look it up! Everything about this is frustrating.
@Tegglington but I'll know. I'll know. And I'm not convinced Collaborate won't interpolate the bejeezu out of the screenshots.
@peterrowlett where did you do that Numbas worksheet theme homework? Was it Keele?
@ColinTheMathmo YES! You are a winner!
@ColinTheMathmo and the better web-page version at…
The do it yourself till at waitrose worked with my own bag for the first time ever. 21st century living!
@Andrew_Taylor my phone's been having trouble too. Maybe twitpic is broken
Another day, another proof of the Goldbach conjecture uploaded by an engineer to the arXiv.
You know those famously hard Microsoft interview questions? Where did the people who answered those well go? Certainly not the IE team.
(Currently waiting for IE's developer tools to display a few-thousand-line javascript file) #hateIE
@JamesMoosh but the best at what?
Wow, this is a terrible idea.…
@tinymce oh good. The reason I was looking is that IE crashes due to dom.get('mce_marker') returning null here:…
@tinymce the editor doesn't have focus because I'm doing things with a modal dialogue. Any ideas?
If Fermat were alive today: "I have discovered a truly marvellous proof of this, but I can't be bothered to LaTeX it."
@tinymce OK.. tried to register for the forum, didn't get a confirmation email, I've emailed the spam@ address.
@tinymce thanks. I've just submitted my bug report.
@ZaltzCricket as a real mathematician, that line has served me very well over the years when talking to the statisticians next door
@stecks took me a while to parse that as anything other than you telling your cohabiting boyfriend you've moved house.
@stecks it's the dot before @aPaulTaylor that made it right.
@stecks not authentic: it looks more ergonomic than the original
can anyone think of a good symbol to denote "partially correct"? I currently have a percent symbol, which is bad cause it's next to a number
@EliotBall a bit too small. I'd prefer something the same height as a tick or cross
ah! I could use a hollow tick. That would work, wouldn't it?
@stevieb not immediately obvious, though
What I went for was a grey cross instead of a green one. Sorry, monochromats!
@madcaptenor wrong northeast, wrong parmo. You should be eating one of these:…
A+++ would agree with again RT @sciSteve: These things! Anyone around 24+ should recall? They were so much fun.
@Rosalot no way! I don't know what happened to mine. Lost a couple of house
moves ago, maybe.
I'd love Saturday Kitchen if it didn't have all these insufferable chefs on it.
@DanaKazim that is incredible! Scan them all! Where are they from?
I am currently playing A World of Keflings on the xbox. It's lovely. Does anyone want to join me?
"Tip: female keflings are better than males at some tasks, and vice versa"... umm... Why did that need to be part of the game?
@standupmaths and you know he's keeping statistics on how people react to meeting him
Windows keyboard shortcut mind-blown moment: Windows key+<0-9> switches to or opens the item at that position on your taskbar. #kabloom
@ben_nuttall I too have wondered this.
The Holden ratio ♌ arises often in nature, most famously as the proportion of the volume of a real sensible car that an Australian ute fills
An interactive 7-set Venn diagram RT @notemates: Hoy en… dos genios del diseño de datos @infobeautiful y @moebio
@jcoglan a tensor.
People who use the Interrobang are glory-seekers. I'm more of an ACrobang person. #forreals‽
Spider friend update: I hadn't seen her for a week. Yesterday I looked under the bath mat where I step out of the shower. RIP spider friend
Somebody brought hot chocolate on the train! #require
@peterrowlett how does your post-tweeting script work? I have a python thing which replaces HTML escapes with unicode if you want it
Best tragedy in a while…
I'm a huge fan of how long it takes Outlook to import my emails from my old student account. I'm getting so much work done!
@MadeleineS which is why I put the IPA!
@MadeleineS it's that down here too.
@DeucharsIPA that's alright, I'm teetotal. The other IPA is an alphabet to help people from different countries understand each other
@maanow please use the double-acute ő for Erdős - see…
@ColinTheMathmo this one looks a bit physics-oriented…
@ColinTheMathmo this is almost definitely not what you saw, but it's interesting
@EulerLeonhard Some places should subdivide time into more or fewer parts - e.g. it could be 4/11/101/4 in Paris.
@stecks on, pheasant is always an ingredient. It's like nobody lists oxygen for the gas to combust with.
@DrMathS if you're going to use the #MathsJam tag, at least come to one!
Oh wow.
I thought I had a new sequence! I didn't!
that previous tweet was an excerpt from my forthcoming memoir, "How I Fought the OEIS... and Lost"
@vickytnz you're going to be in London? Me too! Museums will be open. I'm going to the British Museum!
@newdiorama do you have any press images for "The Universal Machine"? I'm writing a plug for it on a maths blog
@vickytnz Primark is very much an aspirational shop
I just lost the best minecraft hardcore mode world I've ever had. I might cry.
@ebuie always followed by "O'Reilly", I hope
@DanielColquitt haha. Whoever wrote that didn't do a PhD
@JessWardman @standupmaths we rescued a blackboard as it was being thrown out and put it in our office. It's the Lonesome George of the dept
@ICMS_Edinburgh I love that paper. A member in good standing of my Interesting Esoterica collection
@pkrautz @fgdorais and how would that help with mathjax?
@fgdorais oh right, yes
@pkrautz what's the latest with blackboard and mathjax? A lecturer wants to get students to write TeX in group assignments
@pkrautz BB currently seems to let the script tag through and it's loaded, but seemingly not executed. Any idea?
@standupmaths (don't blame me, blame @TweetsofCushing)
@scienceatlife could you use the Tesla coil as a PC speaker for some old DOS games? Maybe the Monkey Island theme?…
@outofthenorm2 Winkler's book is a masterpiece. Very much a dipping-into book though. My brain overheats otherwise.
Race against time: will my jumper be dry before I get my train? It's properly tense, the Run Lola Run music is playing and everything
Londoners! Would anyone like to meet for a drink or whatever tomorrow or Sunday?
I should just throw away my colourblind-unfriendly socks, shouldn't I?
"Cod Is Dead" would be a terrible name for a chippy, wouldn't it?
Why is it that whenever I need to get a real train, the metro breaks down? Something to do with the time of day?
Have decided from now on to consider trips to London as taking place a year in the future and spend the extra £10 on first class. #legroom!
@DanielColquitt if they try some guesses, algorithms which don't work are not the ones used by ants.
@ColinTheMathmo the pigeonhole chapter in "Proofs from the BOOK" contains some beauties, and is a particularly accessible chapter
I hope this plane photographed above Russell Square on google maps isn't a permanent fixture,-…
Any recommendations for good midprice dinner within 10 mind walk of Euston station? Pulled pork, Mexican or curry preferable
@MatPaterson @JoVanEvery @icecolbeveridge all the reviews say the staff are enormously rude. When did you last go?
Google maps on my phone is showing me floor plans of buildings! So clever!
@Bishnavitch how on earth did that happen?
Adam Goucher is busy proving that 3d chess is Turing-complete on his blog. My inferiority complex grows.…
@ajk_44 ooh, that's a good coincidence! And happy 2^5th birthday for tomorrow
@cbokhove I originally had "quad error demonstrandum" but thought that was too far. Interesting that's the one mistake you picked up on...
Still haven't had any easter eggs. My desire for chocolate has become a gnawing, animal need. I may start howling at the moon
Hey @ColinTheMathmo, somebody else is doing @ProofinaTweet: @tinyproof
@peterrowlett "overly" -> "overtly"?
Blackboard still uses framesets... not sure how to feel. Am I disappointed? Was I not expecting it to be that awful?
@vickytnz all of the links to posts on are broken.
@vickytnz ahah, I've worked it out! is stripping prepositions out of the URLs
For posterity in case anyone sees my Riemann "proof" from yesterday outside an April 1st context: I haven't gone *that* crazy yet.
@haggismaths it's "Wicks form"
@peterrowlett @johndavidread hey! We have no way so far of knowing if my result was wrong as well!
@MarcusduSautoy I was quite worried for a moment until I realised it was the other North-East. I thought we'd been invaded!
Just realised my webinar tomorrow is 7am GMT, which is 8am BST, so I get another hour in bed!
@standupmaths @MissJKDarcy Hey, you forgot these: ⌊ ⌋
@MadeleineS Buckfast in the 25th Century?
Many moons have passed since I played this game.
@peterrowlett thanks! Who were you hiding as? I didn't see your name.
@peterrowlett haha. I was almost the same: Collaborate doesn't work with Windows 8, so I booted to Ubuntu. Had my telly PC on standby...
"Jassology is a global theory on orientable maps which results from artistic experiments." I can't compete.
@peterrowlett you need the Oracle jvm instead of openjdk to start with, and then I think I had to do a bit more fiddling.
@haggismaths is that following the polyhedra with beaded beads paper?
@haggismaths certainly! It's…
@haggismaths @wundalous better than infringing copyright, the authors have a preprint on their site…
Dear Middle English, what happened to the infinitive of 'can'? It seems to have gone missing at this end. Yours sincerely, Modern English
@nulibrs ohh, the things I'd carry in mine... if I had one
@stecks @standupmaths @icecolbeveridge name a discipline it might find a use in... Correct, it's economics!…
@sxpmaths according to etymonline, 'cunnan'.… Same root as modern German können/kennen
@vickytnz I'd like to, but I haven't had an invitation to Editorially yet
@vickytnz @MikePress it works! I'm writing in your document now. Can't see how to add comments or see versions though.
@vickytnz @MikePress we're not writing on the same thing at the same time, are we? I can't see your cursor or a way to add notes on sections
@vickytnz @MikePress ok, but I need to drive my nana to the airport in half an hour
@byrichardpowell I've written a computer algebra system in JS (plus an entire e-assessment system) that does some fun things.
@MrHonner hurrah for equal access to opportunity! That's why I don't do private tuition - I feel I should be helping those who can't pay
Windows 8: Press Ctrl-Shift-Esc. Start doing something else. Maybe browse a few sites. A while later, the task manager appears.
The stock android calendar widget scares me so often by putting things which won't happen for a week right at the top.
@MathsJam "taust" is what Brummies eat, isn't it?
The difference between ignorance and stupidity: while configuring Apache, I'm ignorant, and everyone on StackOverflow is stupid.
Does anyone know what this symbol is called? ⋜ It's like an upside-down \leq, but it isn't in detexify!
@nillie_kj @standupmaths because Matt is Australian, and every now and then he holds his phone like he would back home
@Nathan1123 yeah, I know that. But how is it different to "less than or equal to"? And more importantly: what's its LaTeX command?
@standupmaths as someone with a ridiculous name, I exercise with relish my right to pun on arbitrary properties of other people
@cawhitworth @alexcreid @YoshiDota2 UP HIGH! DOWN LOW! Aww @standupmaths, you got it the wrong way up again!
@Nathan1123 @rockhyrax \eqslantless isn't quite right. If I was taking approximations, I'd go with \bar\lt
@Nathan1123 @rockhyrax spooky! It's in the Computer Modern fonts - I spotted it on my cm webfonts demo page
Font rendering on Ubuntu is so nice, but so tiny! Am I doing something wrong, or is that just how it is?
aha! As I suspected, it's subpixel rendering plus funky fonts…
so "Don't Repeat Yourself" doesn't really work with Wordpress, does it? Such a massive hassle to abstract out repeated bits of this theme!
@icecolbeveridge there's no link to Tanya Khovanova's posts
@robeastaway I feel that a contest to find the worst model which correctly predicts the winner of the Grand National would be fun.
@aPaulTaylor I saw that! What terrible things science has wrought. Can't remember if I bought it as part of the 2-for-1 or not.
@aPaulTaylor @stecks wot no black pudding?
@icecolbeveridge and who comes out as winner with that model?
@Electrokittie don't they teach you to do research on a journalism degree?…
To whoever's job it is to sift the crank submissions to the arXiv into math.GM: I salute you.
@icecolbeveridge incredible! I think you've earned your prize
@BenTormey yeah, that's basically consent.
@nulibrs IT'S WHAT?! I've had more than enough of this now.
@RGS_maths just noticed you followed my maths blog @aperiodical. You should think about coming to Newcastle @MathsJam!
"Hi!" almost has a horizontal axis of symmetry. Not sure whether that's interesting or not, so I am putting it to twitter vote.
Not doing a great job. MT @mathbabbler: I wasn't aware of this until today, but April is Mathematics Awareness Month.
@RGS_maths second-last Tuesday of the month, at the Charles Grey pub -… (I am inviting you the teacher, not the kids)
Want to touch the mammoth! Need to touch the mammoth! Booking tickets to Japan brb…
Talking of Thatcher, there is a cutlery Pinochet at work in the office. My spoons have been disappearing, with no explanation.
@vickytnz nope! There's MIMA, which is mediocre, and a big wire funnel thing, and the transporter bridge
@vickytnz compare with the £200 my department just paid for a peaktime return to Birmingham on Thursday
@josephdancey @vickytnz @refreshteesside it's a t-shirt! And it's from the Durham Miners' Gala!
@josephdancey insulting people on twitter is a cool thing to do now?
@josephdancey nah, no truce. Boro is a hole and I stand by that.
About to shave my rather too long beard off. This is going to hurt.
Late for work. Boss is also late, and on the opposite platform to go the long way round the metro line. Think I'll get away with it.
Adventures in Flexible Working Hours
@TimandraHarknes @jamesgrime turtles swim in the sea. At least, that's what my teacher tortoise.
Oh wow, the National Rail Enquiries android app is so much better than Train Times UK
Just realised that redbrick buildings must have a completely different meaning for people who can see the colour red!
Like, is red brick noticeably red? Like how whitewashed buildings are noticeably white? My mind is blown.
British trains! Does being a daddy long legs count as a special need? Yes, my bum's as far back as it'll go.
Gott in Himmel that's a bad hot chocolate!
Could we kickstart a tunnel through the Pennines? I think it would work; carrying on to Ireland could be a stretch goal.
Very very disappointed that does not do what it says on the tin.
@jgrahamc depends on if you count proper names as words
@vickytnz faint?!
@vickytnz there's probably enough heavy metals in the air to induce a charge if you run around fast enough
@vickytnz so, good day in Middlesbrough then?
@ColinTheMathmo Aww, I'd noticed that too and was going to do an Aperiodical post! Still possible, I suppose
Turns out @TweetsofCushing and I are allergic to Baby Elephant Walk
It's a thing of beauty. RT @TweetsofCushing: My latest failure to find a new integer sequence:
All the cool kids are Sloanewhacking. RT @TweetsofCushing: But that has not deterred me in my integer seqeunce quest! #sloanewhacking
After listening to The Cure for a while, we don't seem to be allergic to Baby Elephant Walk any more.
@ICMS_Edinburgh @elinoroberts I second that vote.
@vickytnz What One-Shot Joke Websites Can Teach You About Career Progression
Clearing out the filing cabinets, we found this. Does it say "CP feeding study"? Was I the subject of an experiment?
@jarofgreen If you don't mind ordering online, I just get mine from
@JusSumChick I like that possibility less
@peterrowlett the documents are MYSTERIOUSLY MISSING
I am 100% with him. RT @maanow: Mathematician Objects to Platonist Patent System #mathnews
Having read the article, I retract my support of the patents dude. I thought he was going to argue maths shouldn't be patented!
@icecolbeveridge @stecks @standupmaths oh, that's a beautiful idea!
@Samuel_Hansen Congratulations! What are you doing?
@ColinTheMathmo @standupmaths @peterrowlett @icecolbeveridge @stecks how about something like… ?
Take an English word. Use its first letter as the key to a Ceasar cipher. Decode that word using that key. Still an English word? Bonza!
THUG -> MANY; GIG -> MOM; HEW -> OLD; NARK -> ANEW; WEAR -> SAWN; PORK -> EDGY. OAF -> COT. There are a few more.
how have I not seen this before? is like the combo HTML+MathJax thing I made a few years ago, but done properly. Superb.
Look what time I ordered my not-getting-home-for-hours misery burger yesterday!
@peterrowlett @ColinTheMathmo @standupmaths @icecolbeveridge @stecks @ColinTGraham ha, have I hilariously ironically misunderstood mathchat?
@Kit_Yates_Maths Not sure if they have a name. The thought just occurred to me last night.
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MathsWorldUK of course they're in the OEIS; I showed @wilderlab this yesterday:
#uksunshine NE30 5/10. Because let's be honest, it's almost as rare as snow.
There's only one thing you can do on a day like this
@vickytnz how long do you need a place for? I know a few people in a similar position.
@Kit_Yates_Maths good thought, but I'd rather save that for something more impressive
I found a program on my computer which composes haiku that evaluate to integers. No idea why I wrote it.…
Y yallso ghuwnd ae bbrhufhryamm wuhecygh myachis a mmoccherw wfg thi wuelsh lyanygwaethi…
The year I was born: 1986 = 489^1 + 2^9 + 2^8 + 3^6.…
What I'm saying is, I've collected all the code I write when my mind goes on an excursion on github:…
@Electrokittie I really want you to have made a pun on station but I can't see it.
@elinoroberts yeah. I honestly have no idea where the map came from. But nobody gets "ghoti" in English first time, either.
@DrClimate oh, the term "policy" is used by the computing people to mean the software is installed automatically on everyone's machine
@DrClimate a decent proportion of people do use version control, but there's no School Policy saying they have to
@ajk_44 bravo !
11:23! Tell a fib!
@standupmaths am I too late to add that you can make your own 3D shape which flattens to a Penrose tiling?…
@jcoglan that's just the worst.
@vickytnz another reason I live out here on the coast. Seagulls don't support football teams.
cor, the forms on are lovely. All ticky boxes and helpful information and... phwoar
Indiamore by Chassol is so good.…
@elinoroberts ooh, that's a good idea! I will do a chocolate marble cake
Today's lesson: never assume you have cocoa powder.
I'ma let you finish Euler, but Gauss had the best birthdate of all time. OF ALL TIME.
Why is the benefits cap being introduced first where there cost of living is highest?
Wearing the deadly comfortable trousers AND comfortable jumper combo today. I might forget to do anything useful at all.
What's that hot new punctuation you've heard all the cool kids talking about? It's the bangocolon!: the sexiest mark.
so Google did just forget to do an Erdős doodle then?
@EATng that's a lot of males!
There is an all-female Duran Duran tribute band called Joanne Joanne. Top tribute-punning. Thanks, @amazingradio!
@jcoglan EmaciateScript
Prepping final designs for my new line of pagers especially for expectant fathers, Justin Beeper. (They go "Baby, baby, baby ohh!")
@jjaron lots of fun maths involved, particularly the fairness verification if they're doing it properly, but I still find bitcoin annoying
Lefties avoid exact numbers?… I'm ~100% sure this isn't true.
My uni's librarians provide an invaluable service RT @nulibrs: “@EmergencyPuppy: Koala, napping. ”
This adventure with mixed pickle might have been a mistake. I'm basically just eating raw chilis by the handful now
In return for dropping the manifesto pledge to reform libel law, wily LibDem negotiators won the right to go next on the Commons pool table
I bought a bum punnet of tomatoes. I reckon I've probably got ergot poisoning now.
So when I type "localhost:8000" into IE's address bar, what does it interpret it as other than "http://localhost:8000"? And why?
@daveowhite I can sympathise! The google account for the @aperiodical's YouTube channel is "aperidoical". We're stuck with that forever.
@jamessocol @TedMielczarek MathJax can and does. It's really good!
Stop being so rubbish, IE! I just want to work out why you're breaking! Your cooperation would help us both!
#hateIE #hateIE #hateIE #hateIE
Well, I give up. A DOM node inexplicably has no contents. Not sure I can do anything about that. I'm going home to cry. #hateIE
@Sa3eedo dude, I have to support IE8. Wouldn't be surprised if this bug still happens in IE10, though.
@moebio @bitcraftlab do you mean this?…
It's been a quiet couple of week for cranks on the arXiv. Do they take the Easter holiday off?
Yes sir, this is how I will be getting around from now on.…
"Dear Christian, Seeing as you've unsubscribed from our email newsletters, you won't have heard about our ultra topical upcoming event".
"You said you didn't want to hear from us any more, but we don't think you meant it".
@jcoglan I gave my email address to a programmer at a conference, they put it on their PR list, I unsubscribed, PR person sent me that email
@profkeithdevlin @stevenstrogatz wow, they did well not to use the letters "NP" at any point in that article. And they got the result wrong!
The commute home is a bad time to get turbo flatulence. Glad I invested in the sphincter upgrade at the last checkpoint. #lifeisamundaneRPG
I actively dislike both Les Mis and but this is incredible…
It's so windy outside that things are falling over in here.
@evelynjlamb it's much easier to find your name in Champernowne's constant, and I can prove it'll definitely be there
What's the most interesting arithmetic (sub)sequence of times? I reckon 12:12; 12:24; 12:36; 12:48 is hard to beat.
@jcoglan well, there are countably many computer programs, so having uncountably many version numbers would be overkill
Tonight Mr Perfect has nominated a Caesar Salad with Steak. Tricky, but if he pulls it off it's a high-tariff meal and would put him on top.
The crowd falls into a hushed silence as he approaches the counter. You could cut the tension with a knife.
The crowd goes wild! Just look at the judges' faces. They've never tasted anything so good. They're unanimous in their verdict.
Now, while the engraver works his magic on the trophy, a short vignette in memory of the cow who gave her life so all this could happen.
When I send an email I wish the universe would split in two, with one half where I don't send it, so I can pick the one that works out best
(Don't worry, I'm not sending any serious emails, I just always get anxious initiating email conversations with people)
@monsoon0 ooh, I have loads of these. "How to explain zero-knowledge protocols to your children"… ...
@monsoon0 'There is no "Uspensky's method"'…
@monsoon0 "Carrots for dessert"
The "I have no idea what I'm going to eat tonight"
It's a lovely warm evening tonight. As the sun slowly sets, a person in a dinosaur costume is getting ready for a dip in the sea. #tynemouth
A happy couple, plus some sand, in wedding gear. Two labs fighting over a tennis ball. A child just old enough to appreciate rockpooling.
I wonder if that balloon will make it to Norway? It's heading in the right direction, I think
As I've been sitting here, various wildlife has come to inspect me. Previously: a large grey gull. Currently: between five and ten flies.
Now the dogs are gone, three boy mallards land in the lido with splashes. Time for their ablutions. Where were they waiting?
For some at the the beach it's the silence that makes them smile. For this man, it's the sound of his Ferrari's engine breaking that silence
Well, the sun can't see the beach any more, so I think neither should I. I'll stop tweeting rubbish now, too
@aperfect I may or may not have eaten a whole melon, gone outside on a sugar rush, and got a bit poetic
@Andrew_Taylor @standupmaths @stecks with NFC, phones can send messages to each other when they bump. Could you use that in a domino setup?
I have generated a rather marvellous minecraft world, the seed for which this tweet is too small to contain
@samholloway maybe it's the ice cream man's birthday?
Huh? @laRadioNova is doing a programme about French pop, in English. I'm confused.
@komiga I have a bamboo. It's very far from the best tablet I've ever used. Not awful, but not great to draw with,
@komiga I don't do any serious drawing, but it just isn't very accurate
This app which simulates and corrects colour blindness through your phone camera is excellent.…
@vickytnz I think you just set a record for quickest response to a tweet
@vickytnz are you mathsjamming tomorrow?
@vickytnz ahh what, is Bright Club the same night? Rrrr, I wanted to go!
@standupmaths I feel that to progress any further in taking terrible photos you'll need to start using like a Game Boy Camera or something
Sweet Jesus of Pizzus that's an attractive pie! Cajun chicken, caramelised onion, jalapeño.
Reader, let me tell you: the pizza delivered. Pity I'm not in Soviet Russia.
Well done, music shuffle, today *does* seem like a Juana Molina day. #positivereinforcement
Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight, 7pm, upstairs at the Charles Grey pub. All welcome. I have a cardboard computer(!) and a big book of puzzles
Today is an IE debugging day. The wobbly dog is poised and ready to help
Getting perilously close to a nice number of emails in my inbox.
@Mathematical_A @ICMS_Edinburgh that's probably true, but GCSE maths 100% speedruns are a fun way to pass time. I'm currently sub-20 minutes
@Mathematical_A @ICMS_Edinburgh (I had to do something to make tutoring prep interesting)
@ICMS_Edinburgh oh yeah, absolutely. But it's fun to do in a few minutes something that took an hour when I was little!
@vickytnz no: you didn't use "chuffed". You might qualify for Southerner, but not generic British.
@vickytnz looks like a scene from Wholander
@icecolbeveridge oh no, not third derivatives again!
@SITP_NCL @kirkpatricke or you could sneak in a cheeky hour of maths before Bright Club starts
If you've ever felt there's a Michael Jackson song title to express anything you want to say: You Are Not Alone.…
I'm So Blue. There's a much more comprehensive list of songs at…. What More Can I Give?
@kirkpatricke I haven't yet worked out how to attend SITP though. I will one day! ... maybe.
@jjaron I clicked on that, but before it loaded I realised I never need to know anything more about Robert Scoble, so I closed the tab
I've mistimed my mathsjam approach. Finished my dinner with 20 minutes to spare. Going to take a short walk around lovely sunny Newcastle
I'm at work for 9am on the morning after a MathsJam. Unprecedented!
@jcoglan definitely go to the Musée Lumière in Lyon if you haven't already.
Definitely didn't accidentally switch the @aperiodical over to the new design a day early. Definitely not.
Fed up with surly sandwich-makers, @TweetsofCushing and I have decided to open a new cafe with polite staff, called Cheese and Thank-you
@ben_nuttall that's also due to PHP's calling convention though, isn't it?
@michaeljgrove @peterrowlett @stephenlee1643 fight the power! #don'tplaybytwitter'srules
@haggismaths "After the viva, which can last anything from 90 minutes to a gruelling five hours" - my friend's took eight. It was ridiculous
just changed the name of my dev server's test user from "Testington Smythe" to "George Test". It's a bold new world.
@ICMS_Edinburgh @haggismaths goats? Goats on the roof! Goats can not be overrated.
@Bishnavitch there's also a herd immunity problem: kids who got the jab are also at risk because of how much measles they're exposed to
@haggismaths @ICMS_Edinburgh similarly, the many many many signs warning us not to run over red squirrels in Northumberland. Never seen one
@elinoroberts I think I'm pro-cucumber, on balance.
Good news everyone! I've been asked to find some arty maths to go on our department's walls. Before I check my archives, any suggestions?
Batman, catwoman, ratchild, gnatfriend.
@evelynjlamb @henryseg would be among my first choices for sculpture, but I'm not sure if head of department just wants wall art, ie paper
@henryseg that would be wonderful, thanks!
@WarrenoN thanks, I'm aware of your nice blog. Are you aware of mine?…
@jcoglan I think the problem people have is seeing the abstract structure that links all those different approaches, though
@Bishnavitch @aperfect I thought I was over 40K, and then I saw this:…
Llama friend!…
could Tynemouth be powered entirely on the heat given off by all the beach weeding fireworks? I think so.
@Electrokittie ah, so maybe I did see Gary Glitter in town a couple of days ago?
@Gelada suppose my department had not a lot but a modest amount of money to commission some 2d art from you. What could you do?
@jcoglan Oh. That's good, then!
@DanielColquitt get github for Windows
@DanielColquitt no. Well, a couple of hours tops. But it's well worthwhile, and no version control is simpler
Very cheeky! "Tyneside Pregnancy Advice Centre" ad on metro offering free advice to pregnant women. Tiny mention they're a Christian charity
Claim: 50% of natural numbers are prime. Proof: checked by computer up to n=8. #lolzeilberger
@My_Metro the modernisation works have taken on human form?! What are you building?
Finally, I understand how to draw a Hilbert curve!…
Looking at my bank statement, my balance was temporarily a palindrome. Pleasing.
@ebuie hey, it's better than an overdraft!
@ebuie that's OK, I did the conversion in my head. Add 32 and divide by 3.2, right?
Using my colourblind-fixing app to find the mixed pickle I accidentally involved with the rest of my curry
@vickytnz MAKE A NEW ONE!
@aperiodical @stecks @peterrowlett oh no, that's a terrible idea! I tweet about my farts way more often than I tweet about maths
Can it not just be an axiom of Amazon's music store that mp3 albums always cost at most as much as the CD version?
Capybaras having a hot bath!!…
Dogsitting in Peterlee for three days. Making a map of my moles, to compare with when I leave.
.@stecks has inadvertently founded the Institute of Mathematics and its Implications. Pure maths only: no applications allowed!
@phillord you empathise rather than emphasise with the publishers, don't you? Should the paper you're talking about be in the bibliography?
@haggismaths @ICMS_Edinburgh Haskell Curry's middle initial was B. It *could* stand for Balti, if we all decide to make it so.
@phillord thanks!
@mathhombre I am because I wasn't aware of him. Thanks! That would work better as a comment on the post itself though
@mathhombre ohhh, it's *that* Tilman! I did know about him, from Geometry Daily. Do you sell anything, @Tilman?
@Tilman super! Thanks.
Are there more people with the title "Prof" than with the title "Sir", or the other way round?
@icecolbeveridge yes he does. I thought of the question after seeing Prof Sir Tim Berners-Lee in an article
@njj4 looking at the US is a bit unfair: they don't have any Sirs
@C_J_Smith @icecolbeveridge yeah, I don't think too many profs are created each year.
.@monsoon0 oh, of course. I suppose I want all regal-conferred titles that go in front of your name but don't get you in the House of Lords
100,000 members of the OBE worldwide, but no breakdown of how many are officers entitled "Sir" or "Dame".…
my dad's toilet has one of those weird disposable plastic toilet scrubber things. I feel like Sly Stallone in Demolition Man
@standupmaths I know how to get a letter of credit from the shopkeeper on Mêlée Island but not from my bank. Common 21st century problem?
yo dawg, your javascript library is sweet but you used for(x in an_array) so we can't be friends any more
@aPaulTaylor it includes all of an_array's methods too. For example, if you're using a polyfill to add map,filter,etc., those get included
Just recorded an *incredible* interview for the next All Squared. INCREDIBLE.
@gingerbeardman as you shouldn't. It's incredible.
@jjaron it does like to say it hasn't found anything while it's still looking. But it's also just bad. So it could be either!
How many things are on sale in the UK priced 1 penny? Could I buy one of each?
@vickytnz oh wow! I just googled myself and only one link on the first page isn't about me! TAKE THAT, RELIGIOUS TYPES
This advert with discount code TRAM1 on @My_Metro is still annoying me. Surely they can target things more precisely than "The North"
@OxUniConnect ha! At least that's technically correct, which is way better than Fox News normally manage.
@DanielColquitt campanology changes the view?!
@DanielColquitt I instantly felt regret at the expression of pedantry. Hope they've stopped ringing the bells!
auuughh I didn't go to the right school I have no idea what valediction to end this email with why am I so common aaaaaaa
@icecolbeveridge I've always gone with "cp". I think it's better aesthetically than a big C.
@icecolbeveridge well, that says something about you
@moebio use patterns instead
@moebio use dashes then!
I've been doing $1\!,\!000$. Turns out you can just do $1{,}000$ to get thousands separators to have the right spacing in TeX,
@DanielColquitt scientific notation for amounts of money seems odd
I'd like to think the girl this busker's staring at is inspiring a melodic flight, but he's just playing the same four notes over and over
@NautilusMag since it looks like you paid so much attention to design: why aren't mathematical variables in italics?…
@tombutton booooo! Get off the stage!
In Barter Books, I saw something that might please @standupmaths
@gingerbeardman where's that?
@peterrowlett :) I've been meaning to do this for a long time.
I love it when people hashtag the rhetorical device they've used, in case the full force of what they said wasn't obvious. #sarcasm
I spent all that effort noticing that the code for ö-umlaut is an arithmetic sequence, and Chrome starts interpreting numpad-4 as back? #poo
@divbyzero ooh, that's very nice! (And our best lecturer starts his first-year course every year with "minimum" and a warning to be careful)
@DanaKazim are you?
I've written up my recap of March and April's Newcastle @MathsJam:…
It both sounded and smells like someone's barbecue just blew up
@elinoroberts no, I'm at my mum's in Washington
Complete low blood pressure moment. I am all wobbly. This hasn't happened in a while.
@stevenstrogatz "math class is tough!" - D. Zeilberger / Teen Talk Barbie.
@PaulWatsonNcl hah, that looks fun! I'll make sure to go
if I had a cybernetic implant, it would be a modular oblongata
There were mitigating circumstances. RT @TweetsofCushing: watching @christianp trying to prove that 19 is prime!
The biggest tie ever was over 4000km long, around Croatia's borders:…
Micro mayhem!
Dude in a taxi outside the strawberry arguing with his driver about the validity of a note from the Clydesdale Bank
Best animal failing to stay awake video yet…
my flat is FREEZING. I should be thankful, considering how hot it is outside.
@ColinTheMathmo @samholloway @ajk_44 For your consideration:
@nulibrs euch, so many undergrads using the wifi! Going to have to spend my maths aid hours making origami again...
@ajk_44 on the subject of fun ages, I'm currently n^n, n ∈ ℤ, for the last time ever
When information mysteriously goes missing from your gmail address book: rrrrrr!
@gingerbeardman it's the alert noise that accomponies the revelation that my old phone wasn't saving *all* my data to gmail.
@gingerbeardman accomponies? A kind of horse? I felt the need to acknowledge the typo.
@gingerbeardman I think it was the custom HTC thing; my contacts are full of <HTCDATA> xml nonsense
Today's vim magic: `:au BufWritePost *.tex make` - recompiles TeX files when you save them
Staying at Birmingham University for the night and I can't connect to eduroam. Nothing else to do apart from go to sleep, then.
Apparently is a "protected resource" on Birmingham's network, for which I need to go through their shibboleth.
but is fine. Weird!
@jcoglan I got 99 data representation problems but ambiguous encoding ain't "1".
@numberphile WHAT?
Look what I found at Tynemouth market:
"Mercedes have annexed the front row". Suspiciously unfortunate phrasing about the German team
This is a great game: from a random street view image, work out where you are
Oh! The episodes of One on iplayer are new! Super.…
Instant retraction, they're five years old. What happened to the (R) on the end of programme descriptions?
@ebuie would have worked better with the letter A. Demand you relive your life accordingly.
@PerudoJedi @TraineeGeek @MathsJam I'm sure we could break out the Geordie enigma machine if you have some messages to send
I haven't remembered what I need from the shops after 10 minutes of thought, so I might as well set off now and see if I remember on the way
PAPER PLATES! Took until I was stood in front of them, but I did remember
@Bishnavitch you know they're just being cosmopolitan and choosing complementary colours to go with the furniture.
Aaaaaa that ford advert where he high-dives through the car gives me the juddering jeebers. Can not handle no no no
@pkrautz have you seen this?… Microsoft people exist in a scary universe
All of @Tilman's Geometry Daily prints have free shipping today:
@numberphile probably best to use infinite scroll, so segments are only loaded if the user scrolls down. I can make something if you want
@numberphile I'll have a go then email you
Talking to @numberphile about a number file
@ColinTheMathmo @icecolbeveridge rather than make all the dollars mathmode, you can do \$ to tell MathJax not to interpret a $ as maths
@icecolbeveridge oh, then you need processEscapes: true in your config. Also, putting dollars inside <span> tags breaks up maths.
Alexey Taktarov has used my deck.js template and added some neato interactive graphs:
(my template is on github at…)
@ThomasEWoolley I thought you'd forgotten about it!
@Bishnavitch see also Channel 4
@standupmaths aka the "Prime cousins-70,000,000-times-removed" conjecture
@numberphile I've just had an idea! If you wanted to show all of that number at once, you could do a gigapan:
Good lord, yet another Sambuca has opened. When's the leveraged buyout?
The back cover of the book this person is reading on the metro looks fascinating. Not sure how to angle myself to see the spine
TeX plod day three: 40 pages down, 380 to go. This had better be worthwhile... #texplod
@icecolbeveridge it's worse: it isn't even my TeX! I'm cleaning up someone's course notes to go on the web
How do we feel about $a/b$ instead of $\frac{a}{b}$ for inline fractions? I'm slightly anti.
@icecolbeveridge even though \frac fractions are tiny tiny in inline mathmode?
@icecolbeveridge good, we agree
@relinde @peterrowlett @aperiodical we stated it as "sum of three ODD primes". 7=2+2+3 is the only one you need an even prime for
@jamesgrime aww, that's the image I was trying to make this morning. I went with infinitely many pears instead
@mathemaniac please allow me to make your day:
the reference number on this letter from my car insurance company is suspiciously short. Am I their only customer?
@vickytnz I will always hold a soft spot in my heart for Austria's insane Latin Kryner fusion entry a few years ago:…
@vickytnz (soft spot may or may not be dirndl-provoked)
@vickytnz but it has yodelling!
Forget eurovision. Austria on its own puts out enough terrible music for the entire continent…
So sorry. That dude is clearly Dutch. And in fact, I can only find foreigners recording terrible music in Tyrol. Worst form of tourism?
Newcastle @MathsJam is next Tuesday! 7pm at the Charles Grey pub. I will have a Correntator, a set of Hex, and a book of logarithms.
Randomly generate a Turing machine on a 2d grid and see it run. This one explodes after a while:…
@peterrowlett I think it either wasn't correct, or I don't understand why it is correct
@peterrowlett I started a comment on the post on the site, but was stricken by doubt
A short guide to LaTeX math: Because I'm a cool dude, I already knew most of it
@peterrowlett yeah, so what I said wasn't true
ChromeVox, a text-to-speech engine for Chrome, now reads out maths! It's not too bad.…
... actually, it does a pretty terrible job of reading anything more complicated than a polynomial. Stretched symbols are particularly poor
@FOTSN Nerds, I haven't seen you give a single Beamer presentation. Can the scientists in the audience even understand what you say?
@Jokerman21 @peterrowlett 11 = 5+3+3; 23 = 11+7+5
@nulibrs @nulibsage converse is not the same as the contrapositive. Opposite of that statement is "people who don't prefer screen are old"
@nulibrs @nulibsage Whoops, I just gave you the contrapositive! Point was, "A implies B" does not mean that "not A implies not B"
@nulibrs @nulibsage unless you were saying you couldn't comment on the story because you're not young. Jeez, what a mess I've made.
wow. The hold music for this company's cancellation department is a funeral march
@madcaptenor that's so illegal!
Today's notation question: $_nC_r$ or $^nC_r$ ?
@Thalesdisciple this might be a British thing, but I've never liked that, and rarely seen it used, because it looks like a column vector.
@samholloway yeah, that's my opinion, but I've seen $_nC_r$ enough times that it made me wonder if there was some justification for it
really quite annoyed that spambots have found and filled the first question with 11,000 horrible sex adverts.
Weirdly, they haven't bothered spamming any of the other questions.
@lostinrecursion is that just the convention you're used to?
@lostinrecursion is there a rationale for either one? I'm used to the superscript one, and I think it looks nicer too
Having fun listening to this album while I work:…
re: $_nC_r$ or $^nC_r$ or $\binom{n}{r}$: Imagine if there were this many different ways of writing exponentiation. We'd all go mad!
I can't find anything in Cajori about choose/pick notations. Dude was an amateur scholar
@ebuie a WHAT? Tell me more!
@tim_hunt haven't read that yet, but yes - zenzizenzizenzic is my favourite maths word
@ebuie @CannyCreative @RichardCarter I think what they're really advertising is the nitrous oxide used to whip the cream.
Where I can normally see the sea from my front door, today I can only see brilliant white. Am I in the Truman Show?
@ebuie @vickytnz I had a debit card in the US and never used a PIN. It can't be very widespread.… Worst colour scale. Here's what I see. (via @moebio)
Does the shape of farfalle make them take longer to cook? WAIT I HAVE A BOOK FOR THAT
@DesktopGamer I think for kitchen measurements, the size of a cup is fairly standard:
@vickytnz did you find anyone to watch Eurovision with?
@vickytnz you can come out to Tynemouth if you like. I was planning on seeing the Late Shows, but I don't have the energy for walking
The best thing about these @aperiodical stickers I made is that now I'm making up excuses to send people things so I can use them.
not a single scientist at CERN has had the wherewithal to set up the "Euro Fission Song Contest". Poor show, science!
Does anyone have an opinion on whether eurovision has got worse or better over the years? Does that concept even apply?
YES! I managed to eat the melon before it went off! #homeeconomics
Like IQ? RT @DanielColquitt: @christianp I think Eurovision has its own scale of terrible-ness. Each year the scale is simply recalibrated.
@standupmaths @aPaulTaylor "modestly viral" - you are the common cold of internet sensations.
@ebuie or, giffgaff do a similarly good deal without a
@DanielColquitt @ColinTheMathmo well, @outhofthenorm2 just said Leibniz used planets:…. Or you could use hieroglyphics
I have reached peak idleness. A hard-fought campaign of doing nothing all weekend has culminated in a powerful case of stir crazies
@icecolbeveridge yes, I saw it mentioned somewhere a few days ago. Can't believe it's a thing.
The scenery painters failed to even get as far as the sea today. I can just about see halfway down the street. It must be the shorter nights
Am I the only one who, whenever it's this foggy, immediately thinks of Turok? #PowerVRrepresent
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm, Charles Grey pub. I have a mechanical calculator from the 1920s and a new boardgame. All welcome!
.@sxpmaths the board game is probably not new to other Jams - it's Hex.
There's a map of all 33 current, and some potential, MathsJams around the world:
@TraineeGeek we have an Enigma, yes.
Who is telling marketers that sending blogs infographics to republish is a good idea? We've had more than a few to The Aperiodical
I love paying big wodges of cash to get packages out of customs, me.
Found a prime-numbered metro carriage! Only took two days of factorising the carriages I've been on. #reasonsIlookmentallytroubledonthetrain
@icecolbeveridge @stecks @MathsJam I'll ask for the wifi password at our pub tonight and we can have a go at a google hangout
Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight, 7pm at the Charles Grey pub! Can we solve 1811 arithmetic problems with a 1920s calculator?
@JanvierUK from?
Today's metro carriage: 3^3*149
@Bishnavitch yes! For once I am able
@outofthenorm2 your bees post has taken so long that metafilter has gazumped you :(…
@haggismaths ant colony. On a huge scale, this guy did some amazing casts of termite colonies:…
@Bishnavitch I'm outside
@MouldS the paper folding one is the most impressive. I want to play with it!
Person before me at the pump bought a palindromic amount of petrol. I like to think that was deliberate.
@DanielColquitt just price. Hard to arrange otherwise
@DanielColquitt I think it's already been a twitter Thing. I have some python code somewhere
@elinoroberts if only you'd looked at our graphs:…
@samheadleand @stecks @MathsJam here you go:…
"Britain's sausage renaissance" is my new name for Downstairs CP.…
@stecks ok, imma let you finish, but @aperfect took the best baby goose photos of all time. OF ALL TIME!…
@evelynjlamb hah, did you like it?
@standupmaths @peterrowlett I think this can be summarised as: mathematician makes joke; other mathematicians spend afternoon explaining it.
@peterrowlett @standupmaths @stecks I was referring to what's been going on on twitter
@icecolbeveridge please, no more maths police, at least for a while
Just used the word 'subtrahend' in a git commit.… #literateprogramming. #notwhatliterateprogrammingmeans
@standupmaths going to assume the obvious pun reply to that tweet was implicit when you sent it
@Rokker816 it was alright. Not as good as nachos though.
Hooraaay, all my friends doing their stupid postgrad degrees have finished their exams. I have friends again!
Bisous Les Copains!…
Diagnosis: algebraist. (cf.…)
@jamesgrime I agree, except: look how big the little professor is!
My beard is at exactly the right length and softness today. If I was fresh out of a people factory, this is what my beard would be like.
Few people mention the consolation provided by a beard when discussing the pros and cons of being a grown up man. I'd say it outweighs taxes
@icecolbeveridge Dave didn't listen to the Aperiodcast, he listened to All Squared
@vickytnz coffee?
@vickytnz I need to be in a seminar at 2.30, so I could meet you in Jesmond on my way home after that?
@vickytnz I'm setting off for jesmond now. Be there in around 15 minutes
@mike_geogebra very nice!
how much is Gap going to spend on showing me ads before they realise I left their site because they don't sell trousers as long as my legs?
@icecolbeveridge that's not a demonstration of the central limit theorem. It's the binomial distribution. I can't see a quincunx either
@icecolbeveridge that's really weird. A Galton machine needs a triangular number of pegs
@icecolbeveridge CLT says the *mean* of the binomial is normally distributed over many samples, like any mean, but the normal approx...
@icecolbeveridge ... Let me retract that halfway. Binomial is repeated Bernoulli tests, so I suppose the normal approx does follow from CLT
JISCMAIL doesn't set the List-Post header. That makes me sad.
@vickytnz typically no
@vickytnz actually, I can read this - - but it's a strain on the eyes
Working in Maths-Aid this afternoon. If one more student points to something on their iPad with the tip of a biro...
@peterrowlett hooray!
Ant battle update: I'M WINNING! The floor is littered with tiny corpses. I'm not cleaning them up, _pour encourager les autres_.
I'd stick their heads on tiny pikes if I could. Who knew I was a mediaeval tyrant? #CPtheterrible
@vickytnz and it hasn't been ruined by a Cliff Richard song, either
@ebuie nah, I just have garden ants somewhere. A line of talc has stopped them. Nowhere near as crazy as the ants you get in the US.
@vickytnz my respect for your country has diminished
Is there just a sea fret here in Tynemouth? Is it sunny in Newcastle? I was promised sunshine!
@vickytnz @ebuie there's a Baha'i tree in Exhibition Park, near the military vehicles museum
gosh I like this a lot…
13:11! Keep your enemies close and your primes closer
Growing to resent the lady on the opposite side of the street who has a front patio which gets sunlight.
@lyd_w you have reminded me that I own a panama for days exactly like this one. Thanks!
@SparksMaths are you a caTENary chap or a CATenary heathen? Or even catEENary?
Considering running a public service campaign to encourage version control at work, titled "Ve Haff Vays of Making you Fork"
Made a little chap. Not sure what he's for but I like his style
WHERE IS EVERYBODY? Is it a bank holiday or have the clocks moved or what? The village is deserted
@jamesgrime yes! I haven't been able to get anybody enthused about the awesome end credits, despite repeated showings
@standupmaths are you sure you're not inadvertently in their new reality show, "Trusses and Tresses"?
@wildaboutmath thanks for the mention. There's a typo: "Aperidical" instead of Aperiodical.
@wildaboutmath ... and the link to Tony Mann's blog has ?m=1 on the end of the URL, which forces the mobile view.
Eee! @TweetsofCushing has made some very cute little elephants
This is what happens when you try to construct a polyhedron without doing any sums
@vickytnz imposed for fear that the BBC had an unfair market advantage
@evelynjlamb I got 99 problems but they all reduce to 1
Aw man.
@jamesgrime @aperiodical @peterrowlett he seems more like a computer scientist than a mathematician to me
Argg, my first week with my summer students next month is turning into faculty committee hell! I don't like being a real member of staff :(
@michaeljgrove hope so. In the first week I have: a university strategy consultation, the school IT committee and a workshop to give in York
Not just my eyes but my whole face is weeping with joy at how good those fajitas were. #aycaramba
@vickytnz seriously? I can't think why anyone would think that would be a good idea.
@vickytnz (an interview in Starbucks, I mean)
@turingfestival githib? There's a typo on your speakers page
Time for a change on my dev server: the test user has changed his name from "George Test" to "Testeban Gutierrez"
#testusers RT @icecolbeveridge: @christianp Teston Blumenhhal?
Gloria Testefan #testusers
Daniella Testbrooke #testusers
@migerh of, that one doesn't rhyme
George Testinghouse #testusers
@rockhyrax I don't get that one
@ColinTheMathmo the specs are usually quite readable. Here's Edexcel's:…
@nulibrs spoilers! I'm following @RealTimeWWII so I've got another three years to wait.
Just walked past a bus stop with an eight letter "short code". Nexus apparently plan to have between 8 and 200 billion bus stops.
Spaces between words in Microsoft Word seem to be decided at random. Is it to do with the font renderer? It's annoying.
@alexbellos change your twitter password and check your approved apps!
@ajk_44 I have a few saved for the next MathsJam:…
@peterrowlett @Andrew_Taylor @aperiodical ... and I put it in the queue a few days before that. We're all busy!
@peterrowlett yeah, I was going to point it out in the editorial comments, but I haven't touched the site all week due to busy times
@peterrowlett @Andrew_Taylor if anyone does write about it, have a look at Google+. David Roberts in particular has been keeping up to date
@ebuie @vickytnz I gave them the benefit of the doubt and assumed they're only using letters. The code was something like twmngjgp
@ebuie @vickytnz yes, as I said...
Middle management Kenneth Branagh is on the train. You might remember him from his role in last year's stationery contract renegotiation
@vickytnz no. Instead: why didn't the word "grrlz" stay in the 90s? There is nothing good about it. It looks like a Polish side-dish
@aperfect it's a good film! I have it on DVD!
@aperfect can't begin to imagine how a radio play version would work.
yessssssss! RT @ajhmurray: BREAKING #notnews! 7 Day Saturday! Tomorrow! #5Live! With @ZaltzCricket @wiggywalsh @kevinhunterday
@aperfect ah, like my mime performance of 4'33"
@mathshistory is that the opposite of working out?
Why you don't even rely on curated tags: boss has consistently misspelt 'auxiliary' as 'auxillary' across the entire database
@monsoon0 yes, very funny. Of course, 13×7 = 13:
@jjsanderson ooh, there's probably some maths you can do on the volume of the packet to decide that
@MadeleineS I've sometimes thought that, but a prescriptivist phone would be way worse to live with than a prescriptivist person!
@jjsanderson I was thinking that intact crisps can hold the sides of the packet apart. So maybe the volume doesn't change but the shape does
@Gelada @divbyzero I didn't! So I've just bought Amazon UK's last copy.
@CardColm excellent! Do you want to arrange a podcasting date now?
Meeting the pope later to discuss my idea for a convent based on an airship, called "Nun of the Above"
@Tegglington because LaTeX is not a formal language, and because MathML exists. @MathJax is trying to get browsers to add MathML support
@Tegglington HTML5 does have a <math> tag, for MathML to go in.
@Tegglington it is. But if mathjax only needed to do the TeX->MathML conversion and the browser did the rendering, that would be way better
At long last the war is over. Meeting the ant queen's legate later to discuss reparations and repatriations.
@henryseg where are you moving to?
The incoming tide has stranded hundreds of humans. Hopefully the coast guard will arrive soon to push them out to sea
Going to ask the family across the street with the garden that gets sunlight if they'll adopt me
The BBC F1 coverage has fallen to bits. Did they forget to write a script?
@vickytnz you'll be pleased to know I fixed the video width thing on
Gron preee!
@ben_nuttall who's your new isp? I don't use TPB, but I'd like not to be on be/sky
I've just ordered rather a lot of toys for our new Maths Arcade. Exciting!
Möbius dudes!
This towers of hanoi set is rather posh…
It's not even the most expensive one I found. Who has £55 for this:… ?!
@lostinrecursion were you inspired by ?
So far this morning I've listened to Louise Attaque and Dionysos. I might go out and buy a denim suit next
There was no integer sequence review yesterday. We did one, but it was a disaster even by our standards, so we didn't publish it. :(
@vickytnz oh no! Does this happen to all New Zealanders if they don't get a haircut often enough:… ?
Yesterday we learned that @TweetsofCushing is a functor on the category of gifts. What will we learn today?
@icecolbeveridge yes, they're just very low.
I believe it was Gauss who introduced "BOOM!" as a more exciting alternative QED to mark the end of a proof. @gaussfacts
@tynesidecinema Talking of Tautou, is Moon Indigo going to be shown in the UK, or has it already, or what?
@lostinrecursion cookie pizza?! What is this magic?
Among many other errors, this posthumous monograph by Erdős spells his name with o-umlaut. Blame Diaconis?…
@stecks well, I'm going to go and sit in a corner now, and never look at the internet again
@vickytnz for some reason, whenever I dm you it comes from @NclNumbas.
This time next week we'll be MathsJamming! I run the Newcastle one (it's the best). Find the nearest one to you:
Day 1 of @mathsarcade deliveries. Fun fun fun!
Challenge: use every one of these number stickers (and any letters) to make 32 as any ways as possible
.@TweetsofCushing came up with a nice integer sequence today:…
Tom has informed me that Wednesday 31st is the least common day/date combination, and we'll have one next month. Slightly rarer than pi day.
(Tom is @Rokker816. 398 Wednesday 31sts in a 400 year cycle; 400 pi days).
Saw "Contest raises students' horizons" on an info screen today. It's still annoying me.
"Rigour" - @CaptainGove
@icecolbeveridge @C_J_Smith I'd need to take my head out of my hands to read that, so I haven't
Double :( RT @charlesrandall: Oh :(…
My new plan for cheap space travel: install a basketball net on the moon. Michael Jordan can dunk it.
@standupmaths I almost bought some off shapeways in my recent toy-buying binge. I'll get them off my fave mathmotainment emporium instead!
@nulibrs what? It's clearly the Iron Giant…
@MouldS @mmaarrow @standupmaths seems to be mainly drawn from…
@MouldS @mmaarrow @standupmaths I also have a proof that there are finitely many funny jokes but this twitter is too small etc etc
When I push excellent code this starts playing. I don't think it's diegetic.…
@nulibrs @HattonGallery ooh, that does look good!
"Missing an indeterminate number of legs" #neverusedtodescribeaperson
"Wearing a come-hither expression." #neverusedtodescribeacentipede
@evelynjlamb @katemath @divbyzero @MrHonner can I make a British bid for "custard cream theorem"?…
@CardColm Zamyatin lived in Newcastle! I discovered this when I was looking for a flat and found his blue plaque
@CardColm probably not - when Zamyatin was in England, Blair was 13
the new google maps is so awful! So unresponsive and unintuitive and un...everything
@monsoon0 omg! Lobsters are exactly the class of solutions to the "princess on a graph" puzzle…
Drawing up a health and safety plan for my new plush toy cleaning service, Teddy Gross Felt
Those who know me know I'm a big fan of novelty plate sets. These are fab: food in my beard plates…
@vickytnz I remembered yesterday that Bagel of the North had closed down, and it made me sad.
AUGHHHH RT @samholloway: @christianp This is to acknowledge safe receipt of your last tweet.
@peterrowlett I thought it would be, but I couldn't find where to set it
@peterrowlett ah! Found it. It was under "subscribe or unsubscribe". JISCMAIL is a UX nightmare
@DainaTaimina is this something you're interested in? I've been trying to find someone to interview about maths+activism for my podcast
WHOAH. Wordpress has a fullscreen editing mode. It's really nice!
Some journals charge weirdly specific prices for individual papers, as if some market force has pushed the price down 25p..
@aperfect I have that paperchase one. I bought it for like a pound when Borders closed. Grids are best anyway.
@MouldS @stecks @FOTSN and if, say, Prince joined FOTSN, you could have a bijection of syllables in your names <--> {1,2,3,4}.
@DainaTaimina ok, maths+politics then. I love the story of Mayor Mockus in Bogota…
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow! 7pm, Charles Grey pub,…. I have many new books and some IDEAS.
Tonight: Cumberland sausages on spicy Mexican rice. Will it work? Should it work? I experiment so you don't have to.
@NautilusMag Joey Comeau wrote a very sexy maths story:
@monsoon0 @aperiodical who is she? I can't find her on the list
@monsoon0 ahh, I misread Carpenter as Carter! dohhh
@monsoon0 you could also have just written a comment on the post...
619 followers! Everybody find your upside-down buddy and rotate a half-turn. #symmetriesofmyfollowers
@monsoon0 can't argue with that
@vickytnz you lucky devil!
@peterrowlett @stecks we're going to cross 200,000 all-time views on the site this week, according to the stats tracker
@standupmaths you really shouldn't wear the same colour as your chroma key screen, Matt. #colourblind
I've written up last month's Newcastle @MathsJam just in time to walk down to the Charles Grey and start the next one…
I found an unloved book of logarithms in Barter Books. Choo choo!
@MathsJam 73
@MathsJam we are ready
@HampshireLawyer @MathsJam black
@aPaulTaylor @MathsJam Black
@JusSumChick @MathsJam all the right colours but in the wrong order! BWWW
@JusSumChick @MathsJam A WINNER! Well done.
@JusSumChick @MathsJam we've had enough mastermind
@peterrowlett go on, I'll do one. I've proofread enough of your stuff already
There should be a day every year to celebrate Peter Ustinov's voice acting in Disney's Robin Hood
Uh oh, @CSIROhelix included a link to my OEIS review in their newsletter. #corruptingtheyouth…]
The scariest founding father by far was Bill O'Frights, but the only guarantee of liberty is saying his name three times in a mirror.
Tipover puzzle no. 12.
Crikey O'Reilly! Vine was lying to me about that video not being uploaded
My keyboard needs a button labelled "none of this is any good" and it should close my browser window and then shoot me into space.
In space, none of the terrible people on the internet can reach me with their opinions about each other's opinions.
@stephenjbrooks @DanielColquitt and java 'programmers' call their dog ClassDogBeanFactorySingleton
@Meliden @Nat_Numeracy that's not what the report says: it says in half of secondary schools, *many* pupils have weak skills.
@Meliden @Nat_Numeracy the way the BBC says it implies that half of schools have no pupils with weak skills
@nulibsage that link goes to the webofknowledge search page
@haggismaths you can be clever at the end and point out it's down to < 60,744.…
I've just uploaded a load of videos from our NUStats DVD to Vimeo. Quality's not great, but they might be useful.
Where do publishers come up with these prices for articles? £32.37 for this one:…
@BParkEd it works. Was it just a sneaky advert?
Flying to Wyoming to scout locations for my new convalescence home for introverts, Cheyenne Retiring
@maanow do non-humans, say, dogs, interpret statistics more correctly?
An easy carriage to factorise today.
Pearson have a desk at the psychology conference downstairs. Suggestions for ways I can add value to it, please
It might take me six months just to gather together all the sources for this post about the HoTT book. #hott
I think I'm actually going to read HoTT. It certainly looks approachable.
@sxpmaths it's way, way beyond that. But thanks for reminding me we should do another recreational maths seminar
@samholloway are you up for long?
@vickytnz is it any good?
@vickytnz actually, mind if I join you?
@tim_hunt thanks for reminding me I still haven't read it. I think our library has a copy...
This old dude is staring at me like he can read my thoughts. If so: hi, old dude! If you can see my shopping list, that'd be great.
Where does Google Now get its weather data? It predicts rain about as accurately, and as often, as the Kaiser Chiefs predict riots
Can I get home before my right shoelace finishes untying itself? Sheesh, this is more intense than Run Lola Run
@sxpmaths the shoelace untied itself while I was writing that tweet. Retied it like a pro, sent the tweet, then wallowed in my dishonesty.
@icecolbeveridge @ChrisHazell72 somewhere in Whitby, a sub-editor is struggling to stop laughing long enough to get to sleep
Was the iPhone named after Jony Ive?
@stecks @Quendus going to assume that's with replacement.
The Creatures games are in a pay-what-you-want bundle!
@Gelada it could go on @aperiodical while you look for a respectable journal?
@icecolbeveridge @aperiodical @Gelada well, @stecks has already coined the Institute of Mathematics and its Implications
grumblebums, Creatures 2 doesn't work on windows 8.
@AlgebraFact it was 69,999,998 away
Wahey! New Hurley/Fraser Bedazzled is on Film4. Nobody say anything: I don't care.
Oh man, it actually is a bad film. Much like Elliot Richards and the secret to happiness, this was something I needed to discover for myself
@mathhombre I hope you make liberal use of @gaussfacts
Auggh! When you Google "christian perfect" (don't ask why I was), the first autocomplete suggestion is "christian perfect eyebrows"
Turns out it's a range of eyebrow stencils for the terminally classless/hairless. I think I'll go with "mysterious"
@GreyAlien Sun "does maths" to position self in sky… links only to elifesciences, not even the journal, and especially not the paper, which seems not to be published yet
Academic PRs join music industry PRs in counter-productively promoting things before they're available. WHERE ARE THEY TAUGHT THIS?
@peterrowlett sadly, it turns out there isn't a site dedicated to finding me, and me alone, a woman.
@peterrowlett @TimHarford haha, that is a sick burn. Anyway Peter, cool kids talk about these things in the @aperiodical news queue ;)
@peterrowlett what? It's the ultimate secret gig!
@ebuie if you've been here longer than six months, you need a UK driving licence to do any driving.
@ebuie whoops, it's 12 months. has a nice flowchart:…
@ColinTheMathmo I didn't see the program. Is it the Ian Knot?…
Hmm, old-timey sums, eh? Time to break out the ol' Correntator
"Download the BBC iPlayer radio app to watch on the go". WHAT IS THIS MODERN HELL?
Turns out only the first 10-15 spoonfuls of butternut squash and bacon soup don't taste like old sick.
Pitch: cut together all the footage of romcom characters running through the streets of New York into an entirely new film about a foot race
Iron chef challenge: chicken nuggets, mozzarella and red peppers. Any ideas, anyone?
@Electrokittie no?
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie but I take the metro through meadow well every day, which you refuse to do
@stecks It's bold, I'll give you that.
@stecks I feel like the bits of chicken need to be a bit longer
@stecks the diameter of my nuggets is too small yo!
Notre Dame cathedral in Bruges has a Reuleaux triangle-shaped window
I've also read that the same shape occurs all over Amsterdam, but can't find any photos.… Anyone? @mathsinthecity?
Is this what you meant, @stecks?
Tonight's findings:…
Exploding Actresses 2: Love Movies…
This is by far the weirdest junk mail I've received since "Open now and free a bear!"
I have knacked my back. So this is what being old is like. I don't like it.
@ajk_44 I wish I'd known the first thing about calculus. I did *not* do well on STEP 2.
@Andrew_Taylor I'm banned from making any more card games after my last one, Proposition, led to some confusion
@Electrokittie you should have a red curtain with a sign reading "PRIORITIES", and when you pull it back there's a picture of poor people
@Gelada I was recently editing some notes handed out to our foundation students which said "there is no function y=f(x) such that y^2=x^2"
@madcaptenor you could rename it NOHOMO?
@elinoroberts @scienceatlife lovely rotational symmetry in the registration number.
How do I convince my researcher colleagues to release their code, no matter how badly written they think it is, for others to see?
Pedantry is alive and well in the school of maths and stats.
Although this sign has so far avoided the wrath of the vigilantes.
Two more posts and I'll have locked out the @aperiodical front page. #aperiodicalfilibuster
"Thumb up your followers". Sorry, I didn't realise Google+ was that kind of website, that's not what I'm into. I'll get my coat.
@My_Metro @NewcastleCC there's been broken glass on the steps outside St James metro station for quite a few weeks now.
@brittneybean "Bean, Brittney" sounds like an imperative
@aoibhinn_ni_s you should send that to @haggismaths for
Today's discovery: @TweetsofCushing's trip wouldn't be much shorter if he flew to my house instead of running
@MrHansSchmidt @MathsJam it's this:… but my copy has a different cover
@vickytnz have you tried ?
@ebuie really? I have a friend who got as far as taking her theory test with no apparent problems
@ebuie I think @DVLAgovuk thinks you want to exchange your licence. You want to take a test from scratch.
@ebuie yes, US student, been here two years
@ebuie she failed it. I think she's going to try again though.
Trufax. RT @TweetsofCushing: Making @christianp mad accidently is very easy
@MouldS @jamesgrime I find youtube commenters to be more stupid than crazy.
@peterrowlett @d_spiegel and instead confuse him with a German newspaper!
@EngageNe I also note the free ice cream stalls all appear to be in for repair today. First time in my lifetime. #NCLVisitDayFacts
@EngageNe and did we move a few degrees north over night? Newcastle used to be in the tropics. #NCLVisitDayFacts
@NewcastleCC thanks!
Actually, 28/6 would be a perfect day for my Official Birthday, since my real one is so close to Christmas. If only I'd thought ahead!
My birthday is almost exactly half a year away from today. Can we celebrate Halfway Day?
I love knights, me. MT @erik_kwakkel: Lovely image from a 16th-c chronicle, when jousting had become rare.
@BParkEd @icecolbeveridge I'm happy having a perfect day every year (or three, if you count 6/1 and 1/6)
@a_cruickshank @icecolbeveridge the Finkbeiner test?… "Would you ask a man that?" is a Hillary Clinton quote.
@icecolbeveridge @C_J_Smith always there with a pun, Colin.
@peterrowlett congratulations!
@StudentsNCL if you're walking around campus holding big signs with the wifi password on, why have a password at all?
@lyd_w ooh, I wasn't aware of its existence. Do they do takeaway?
@lyd_w I will do a reccy!
@qikipedia and 123456789 is the largest number whose digits are in strict ascending order in base 10
Is it a massive coincidence that today's Theorem of the Day is about Khinchin's constant?…
and the winner of this week's round of the Integest Sequence etc etc was Khinchin's constant…
I think the time it takes to bake a potato is the unit geological ages are measured in.
@stecks YES. One of the Maths-Aid tutors uses it and it has made me capable of murder
Name any element of this video - I love it!…
@Tilman will they be shipped from Europe? I'm still smarting from the shipping cost from your prints sale
At the BBC pitching my gritty new crime procedural. Food inspector Jack Cole plays it by the book... the cookery book. Cole's Law, 9pm, BBC2
York is too narrow for me, Le Grand Muzzy! I'm freaking out a bit
I had no idea @TweetsofCushing was so into trains!
It's good to take the bairn out for the day
The token to get me out of the museum car park is a little bit witty
@Tilman oh good. Shipping for the prints was high, but I also had to pay ~£10 to get them out of UK customs
Frantically saving all the stuff I had starred in Google Reader. I thought I had more time!
579 unread items in google reader. One day. Let's do this.
@aperfect yeah I've done takeout, but I need to save images that only Google reader still has cached
@aperfect I've just been through and saved to my pc
"Exponentiating the restricted nullcone" sounds a lot like "immanentising the eschaton".
@MathMunch thanks for sharing it! I saw your post and meant to add a comment, which I will do now...
@MathMunch ... actually, never mind. I got my facts wrong!
@peterrowlett hooray!
@ant590 in what way?
@ant590 I think they switched over to their own system a week or two ago, so they're just using google for credentials now.
@jjaron the warning does say it won't be available *after* July 1st. Maybe it'll switch off tonight.
@aperfect what are you cooking?
@cambUP_books the British site doesn't seem to work at all:…. Am I doing something wrong?
Now that's an eye-catching title! Quantum Computing since Democritus:…
@cambUP_books that's what I did. Tried again in incognito mode too
The mural of Gazza holding a bottle of broon at monument metro amuses me every day
I love you, Chrome Developer Tools source code pretty print.
In the new Hangouts android app, how do you tell if someone's online?
Follow his good advice. RT @jgrahamc: Write good commit messages:…
@ebuie bizarre abbreviation for "location" or "locomotive"?
I bet the Greeks had a word for the satisfaction felt going home when you know you've already got a dinner ready in the fridge.
Difficult line to walk: I need to ensure enough people use my chosen GReader replacement that it stays open, but not so many it falls over
I really like the art that's in tynemouth @My_Metro station bridge at the moment
YESSSSS!… I have waited many moons for this
Have I ever mentioned how much I #hateIE?
Only took four goes but I finally got that tweet out properly.
@Dr_Lucie @stecks to one sig fig, which is enough for anyone, you have
I can finally rest easy, @Rokker816 has told me an interesting fact about 1246: the digits are the smallest integers with 1,2,3,4 divisors!
@haggismaths do you want like, a grid of photos with names underneath?
@lyd_w the only local maths fact I know is that William Shanks, who had the record for calculating pi for years, was from Houghton le Spring
@lyd_w it took til the invention of mechanical calculators 70 years later to find he'd got the last 180 digits wrong!…
@lyd_w the record is the most digits. It's currently at 10 trillion and 50:…
@HilariousCow on the other hand, Jurassic Park: Trespasser
@HilariousCow yes, I was being a bit flippant. I totally agree with you!
Exciting new product from CP Industries: walker for ageing physicists with wraparound parallax star animation: Reference Frame™
@ebuie I did but it reached escape velocity
@ebuie probably the least unusual of their beliefs
@ebuie I think that fad sort of ended, didn't it?
Hoplite is a very fun game.…
Basically a tautology this summer.
It turns out that using Heworth Park and Ride is considerably more expensive than just driving into the centre of town. Thanks Obama.
@lyd_w Weirdly, there is radio 4 but not radio 3. Not sure how that works.
Reading @peterrowlett's thesis chapter. Unputdownable. A work for the ages. A masterpiece. (Disclaimer: it plugs @NclNumbas)
@johndavidread oh yeah, my chapter is the one that details the three quests @peterrowlett completed to earn the favours of the gods
Google Music has cut all the swear words out of my uploaded songs. Everyone knows I never use them myself, but I do enjoy hearing them. #bum
@brittneybean I was just asking @aperfect before if he'd seen anyone lazy enough to get street food brought to them
it's too hot.
@vickytnz can I prod you to reply to my email about the e-assessment site?
Debugging IE. "Don't tell 'em where the error is, Pike!"
Because it takes a 60-second round trip to put a new package on Moodle, I'm having to do the minimum-weighings puzzle with lines of code
Still at work, still trying to find the source of this IE bug. #hateIE #hateIE #hateIE
@sxpmaths it's a bug one of my users has caught!
IE beaten for another day! All I had to do was never ask it if my input fields have focus.… #hateIE
Just pushed a button to make a door open. #doorsquare
This is a nice simple way of quickly rendering Tikz pictures (or any LaTeX) to a PNG:
@ColinTGraham @ColinTheMathmo if you have something you can say in a skype video, I know a certain website that would be happy to host it...
@vickytnz I also used Mendeley. But Zotero has got a lot better since I started using mendeley, and it's not owned by Elsevier
@vickytnz ummm, there's a standalone application now
@tim_hunt that's not many question attempts. We have fewer students at Newcastle but ~18000 *test* attempts. How many exercises did you set?
Apparently 25 degrees counts as "extreme heat" for the metro.
@timchartier to the tetration station!
@lyd_w @NCLScienceComic somebody's already said lucozade, haven't they?
But fees won't put anyone off applying to top unis. "@ucas_online: How much are fees at your chosen uni? Find out using our new search tool"
Woke up with a strong desire to watch Lucky Number Slevin
There's nothing not to like about photos of transgender men in heroic poses in front of happy Bob Ross landscapes:…
@Bishnavitch ten-four, papa bear
@plusmathsorg @QuercusBooks why only integers on the cover?
@plusmathsorg @QuercusBooks phew! I look forward to reading the finished book.
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith also re citations: (Name, Year) isn't a great label, is it? I go with (Name, X) where X is the position in the bib
@C_J_Smith @peterrowlett hmm. Our guide says "Harvard, or as directed by your School", which for us would mean carte blanche, I reckon
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith so we all agree!
@vickytnz are you enjoying the woeful architectural designs?
@icecolbeveridge WOW. That is a terrible article!
These two sequences are eerily close: and
Does project euclid only archive journals which don't know the differences between accented letters? ö vs ø here:…
A very good set of numbers mazes to stretch your thinking bits: (via @mathpuzzle)
There is an area of my mouse mat that my mouse has decided it will no longer work on. I can't see anything different about it. Total mystery
@vickytnz oh man, I should be at the beach! That's a great idea!
@mathpunk can I email you about something frivolous yet mathematical I'm doing for
@vickytnz the owner is a friend of a friend, I could ask for some photos
@AdamThirtle do you have any photos of Pink Lane coffee that a friend could use for a review?
@vickytnz Lui's has both, I think.
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith @scarymum argg, I need to book my place at some point
I am going to eat a lot of ice cream and then sit on the beach.
@samholloway that's an extremely low bar to hop over
@AdamThirtle super! @vickytnz was the one asking
Someone made the regex crossword into a proper thing!
Getting in some quality time on the beach before the hordes arrive
That's some straight up beautiful scenery right there
Such a lovely Mickey Mouse short!…
It's so hot today that I'm wearing The Hat.
Didn't quite manage a full set of repdigits, but they're all palindromes, at least.
@robinhouston that's a moderately clever idea, but all I really want is a Falkplan of the UK with the cut pages.
Can I blame the music festival for the TV reception and wifi problems I've been having all day?
I don't understand radio 4's Sunday schedule. I just heard a repeat of the Alastair Cook documentary, and now Something Understood is on.
Oh! Everything's on later because of summer time! Never mind. Stand down the nuclear deterrent.
@MattPDickinson what's the IP of the new server?
*that* is how you play bananagrams.
@sxpmaths singular of delts, the muscles.
@Rokker816 GO CODE ALPHA. The ball is in play. I repeat: the ball is in play.
@ThomasEWoolley you've got "Andrew Jeffries" instead of "Andrew Jeffrey"
11:23! Tell a fib!
@jjsanderson I hope you do get to do more. I really liked it.
@jjsanderson how much of the cost was time spent doing that frozen wandering shot at the start?
@Rokker816 witty reply
@wilderlab @Derektionary I've got another one: 11²=121 and 11²=121.
@ashleyhwright that's good news! But it's LaTeX, not LATEK
@fumbleweeds bah! It's that hot here in dreary England.
the character 'e' is pretty easy to write as a function in polar co-ordinates:…
"Latarsha Grazioplene" is the best spambot name I've ever seen
The existential moment of self-doubt when you see someone else is editing the same google doc, and it's you.
Wow, I haven't been to in ages. What happened to me? This isn't how life was supposed to be.
I math, you math, he/she maths, we math, they math.
@TimHarford the BBC link said "Are *real* women's bodies still beautiful?", as if previous studies have shown mannequins recover well.
@vickytnz trufax
How can MS Word be so bad at typography? It's a pretty major part of what it does.
@ebuie depends on whether you share it or not
@loch_b @MathsJam that's what the map is for!… Nearest is either Nottingham or Leicester. Yes, next Tuesday, 23rd.
Something about the way this is recorded reminds me of old Popeye cartoons:… (also, how funny it is)
@MoMath1 only 1,000?!
Do I want to buy some "flagstone" coloured shorts? It's quite a step down from "orange sun", but it's all that Gap have left.
wow! Someone got to the site by using "Norton Safe Search, powered by Ask Jeeves". World's biggest noob?
@robinhouston very nice!
@standupmaths it just says 1 discrete and 2 pure studentships. I think the stats section is boilerplate
@mathpunk before it went public, I asked a few people to pick winners for the Integest Sequence 2013 final -….
@mathpunk ... the public vote thing is open now, but if you send me a pick I'd certainly include it in the grand finale post
@mathpunk we're publishing the final post on the 29th, so until then
@mathpunk actually, having re-read your tweet: we're only looking at those six sequences mentioned at the end of bracket 4 for the final...
@mathpunk ... so can you pick a winner from them, and give a reason? If you have another sequence in mind, you could review it later on!
@vickytnz ah! I've been watching your Cardiff Quest tweets and assumed you had reasons for not flying. I should've said something.
oh joy this package is being delivered by Yodel. Anyone want to place a bet on how long before I get my hands on it?
@vickytnz there's a cool observation tower with a camera obscura on the hill overlooking that bridge
@michaeljgrove yes:…
@michaeljgrove good, isn't it? I can highly recommend screencast-o-matic, by the way.
@nulibrs @NUinternational that link doesn't work
@icecolbeveridge bonus credit: find something named after the wrong Bernoulli
@peterrowlett so close to the finish line! Is this you:…?
@IanMulvany NTFS limits you to 255 characters for a file name, so that.
@IanMulvany though, actually, the max total path length in windows is 260.… So considerably less! Maybe a tweetsworth?
Taking 'waiting for the drop' to an extreme… (via @TimHarford)
@Gelada superb! A+++++ would shambolically commission art from again.
@Electrokittie @Bishnavitch that is the most adorable thing I've ever seen
Watch out ladies, these shorts don't even get close to my knees! I'm a moral reprobate
@vickytnz sample bias?
Exciting! RT @Gelada: .@christianp Quick preview of the artworks I will be putting in the post tomorrow!
Is there a service that will hire out a geologist for the day to explain rocks while I walk in the countryside?
It's 14:14 ~= sqrt(2). Act irrational!
@icecolbeveridge dwell on the poor hand Life has dealt us
New cabinet magazine!!
I've had the most middle class product idea ever: a wallet to keep all the annual passes for the stately homes and museums you've visited in
Wahey! Gowers has added the @aperiodical to his blogroll. #bigtime #stalkinggowers
Dilemma: buy just enough food for lunch at the co-op, or do a big shop?
@madeupstats surely the most accurate data on injuries sustained by Tory MPs comes from BUPA.
the BBC Good Food recipes site has a special set of adverts which only show up in the print stylesheet, and use a third of the page width.
And for that reason, I'm out. (and pasting the recipe into Word)
In other news, my printer is a little bit a lot broken
I think "7 slices processed American cheese" is an instruction you can disobey, citing the Geneva conventions.…
@smartgags @the_playce @raj7desai is that the princess in the castle puzzle? How far did you get?
@ben_nuttall @Andrew_Taylor @aPaulTaylor aw, I feel left out
@ben_nuttall @Andrew_Taylor @aPaulTaylor I just tried! It says no updates :(
@vickytnz and I'd never realised how little the Ring of Fire looks like a ring!
I just found out there was a governor of Chile called Ambrose O'Higgins, and there's a national park named after his son, Bernardo O'Higgins
Sitting in a car park waiting to meet some friends. Can't even listen to the radio because it's the Archers omnibus
They reduced this jam so much they even rounded down the brand name
@helenarney I asked Matt and Steve but don't have your email: do you have any thoughts about these integer sequences?…
@divbyzero you seem to have been very conscious of your fingers and toes, but not of how many you have
Searching for "birmingham university" on national rail enquiries doesn't produce "university (birmingham)". Because trains don't commute?
Almost a pie. RT @TweetsofCushing: Happy Pi approximation day! To celebrate i'm having a pasty for lunch
Newcastle @MathsJam is TOMORROW! 7pm, Charles Grey pub, at Monument. Take your mind off the mad humidity with a drink and some maths.
There's a good article in the latest issue of Cabinet magazine about the intersection of beer and maths, but it isn't online :( #mathsjam
@ben_nuttall and demands a refund?
@peterrowlett your uni uses Turnitin on PhD theses?!
when you write a git command name in capitals, you get this fun error!
@poveryant yep! Very exciting!
@timchartier is the controller running on ternary arithmetic?
@standupmaths I feel that varpi would be more appropriate today: ϖ ϖ ϖ ϖ (ref. p8 of…)
@evelynjlamb well put! "Looks like math but not constrained by mathematical meaning" is what I look for in Arty Maths…
@peterrowlett eugh.. I have so many posts I need to do! Probably not.
At the coast, at what point of humidity is it fair to say we've been flooded?
@MrHonner @peterrowlett ooh! Maybe you could report on it for us? Pretty please?
@MrHonner ok, no problem. It was worth asking!
@DrTonyPadilla @numberphile I enjoyed the sequences video greatly. Thanks!
@vickytnz Yes, well done Coke. (Names may or may not have been cynically chosen to suit Coke's brand position)
@vickytnz I did not! Are you saying the names were more homogeneous in NZ?
thinking-so-long-about-how-you're-going-to-start-a-sentence-that-you-turn-on-sticky-keys-moment. #newgermannouns
@peterrowlett spam bots have been copying tweets for a while. Twitter can't check for duplicates, so it's a good way of beating the filters
@DrTonyPadilla @numberphile we think it's Liverpool champion's league wins
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! A new series of The Mysterious Cities of Gold!…
@vickytnz it happened right on top of me, so I most definitely did not sleep through it. #quitetired
"I know it when I see it" is the hardest problem in computer science, and that's why porn blockers don't work.
@vickytnz crocodile eats the bigger number! Draw some teeth in the middle! < < < <
you can select a bit of code in chrome's sources view and press ctrl+shift+e to evaluate it in the console! So useful!
@nataliejpeters @jonathanvswan @vickytnz when you've got as many as we do, one dominion begins to look like another.
Yep, that's SQL being echoed to the client.
@JohnDCook hey, compared to previous progress, it's been slow. And I don't think it's going to pick up speed again.
@vickytnz no! Save yourself!
@vickytnz I think if you'd arrived in a town with a better team it might be a different story. Supporting NUFC is hard enough for the locals
@vickytnz yes: typically your home town, and anyone who plays Man U.
@icecolbeveridge @peterrowlett @aperiodical it is now
@C_J_Smith @mathsarcade hooray! I'm dying to get going with ours
MATHS FACT: mathematicians write QED, short for "Quinoa Eases Digestion", at the end of each proof to remind themselves to eat healthily.
@vickytnz the exception to this rule, of course, is midday misery soap "Doctors".
@Nathan1123 I assume this is how microsoft write their software, so maybe massive profit?
@mike_geogebra is there a way of setting allowRescaling in html5 embeds from geogebratube?
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a man not in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a tenner with Jane Austen on it.
@Jisc no it isn't.
Well done, wifi user hogging half the spectrum with a massive transmitter. You are the worst person.
@DanielColquitt I don't have 5ghz hardware
Thanks for breaking middle-click on links, BBC News. I need the firm hand of the Beeb to correct my new-tab-opening ways.
@jamesgrime a Sony blog has covered your star trek articles, but misattributed them to @peterrowlett!…
@peterrowlett @jamesgrime oh, I forgot to say I posted one too
I propose a new measure on hotel rooms: the minimum total distance you need to move the furniture before you can plug your phone in.
In other news: my laptop connected to eduroam on the first attempt! Unprecedented!
Thought this disability-adapted room was pretty cool until I saw how low the shower head is. #justsittin' #andwishin' #andhopin' #andwashin'
@brittneybean look closely enough and you can see Darth Maul in the bottom half of his face (you might need to be colourblind)
my DSL connection is now too slow even to stream google music, so I'm running it off my phone's 3g connection. Hooray!
@missradders @dmh10 a cabal of groovy people. Don't tweet from it for anything that isn't directly MathsJam related.
Just a picture of JM Barrie and George Bernard Shaw dressed as cowboys, no biggie.…
Plough a thorough furrow: three different words, two different suffixes with, depending on accent, two or three different pronunciations.
@stecks skype!
@Andrew_Taylor @stecks ah! I knew there was a missing bit I meant to mention!
@stecks I didn't because I didn't know where the sentence was going. Should I make something up?
The bird noises they play on BBC HD are way better than the local news they replace
Just a few more votes for the Integest Sequence final would get the total over an interesting number:…
Wahey! Interesting number reached. Thanks!
I picked the wrong day to trust the weather forecast! There's a storm happening outside and I need to go out for lunch without a coat.
@MarcusduSautoy it's hard to see what shape that is from one angle. Is it a snowflake mixed with a tetrahedron? Lots of pointy-out bits.
@vickytnz @ebuie @DollyDiffers Uno's is alright, or El Torero. If it's for next week, look at Restaurant Week:…
New PBF!!!!
"Future your conectivity with USB 2.0 and USB 3.0". This sentence a verb.
@CardColm do you expect they'll reappear, or are they lost? @maanow @profkeithdevlin
@CardColm oh good!
@jamesgrime @peterrowlett that Spanish blog has corrected the Maths of Star Trek attribution:…
@C_J_Smith quite droll, but the only graffiti I'll accept on a motorway bridge is GOURANGA
@ColinTheMathmo yes, I think so
@jamesgrime @ColinTheMathmo I was about to say, I thought you were a group theorist! Can we agree analysts don't do outreach as much?
@ColinTheMathmo I suppose you can mention someone without using their name… The mindset that comes up with this... just... wow.
I've come up with an integer sequence that I refuse to believe isn't already in the OEIS. What am I missing? It's driving me mad.
@MuseGarden numbers which are palindromes when written as sums of non-adjacent fibonacci numbers.
ah! I had the wrong representation. Defeated again by Almighty Oeis.
@vickytnz @jsnortheast I think I've booked for that! Assuming I don't forget, I will be there.
Oeis (n): 'Standing on the shoulders of giants'. E.g., "with a bit of intuition and some oeis, I noticed my problem was equivalent to X"
@icecolbeveridge oh crumbs, that's two episodes you've done since our last All Squared. We had one lined up but it fell through!
@JPickford they moved it to get a bigger audience
Presented without comment.
Has Strictly Come Dancing made the tensegrity dress acceptable for daily wear?
I mean the ones that seem to be supported entirely by the tension in the clasp holding the cups together.
@vickytnz not ruling anything out at this stage
@Gelada can you check your email as soon as possible please?
Opinion seems to be firmly anti tensegrity dresses. I asked because I saw three people wearing them on the way into work. Stay classy, NCL!
@numberphile @mathemaniac that is approaching @jamesgrime levels of freeze-frame gurning excellence. Must be good maths!
@Caro_lann no, I think the ones I saw had too little material to be sun dresses. I am not a dress expert, though.
@robinhouston I've been doing it for a couple of years. You will regret it only if you need to use a module that hasn't been ported yet.
@robinhouston there aren't *too* many incompatibilities. The main one is unicode strings, which you can get round with some preamble
@ebuie yeah, that's not going to stop us.
@ebuie If I mean the poly, I'll say 'the poly'
@ebuie heheheh
@peterrowlett I think so too. The madness is over for now.
What's this! Could it be some art from @Gelada? Exciting!
@JanvierUK wow, is that what it took? You didn't sound too keen when you were here!
Guys, I think I'm ready to give up and just call it math.
@standupmaths they're gliding straight into my heart
The university's cheapest campus parking tariff is "£1 for a minimum stay of 2 hours". What if I only want to stay half an hour?
Sitting and listening to some rather pleasant jazz music at Tynemouth metro while we wait for our train.
@evelynjlamb @MAAthFest @aperiodical !!! Please keep us updated on this IMPORTANT topic!
It's finally here! The prestigious Integest Sequence trophy. Makes you proud to be a mathmo.…
@icecolbeveridge @MrBoffly @aperiodical that's the first rule of Bertrand Russell club. The first rule of Gödel club is 63574137854472380...
Baked a cake. #thingsihavedonewhilewaitingforwindows8staskmanagertostart
@numberphile could you add a link to the integest sequence finale on your video please? The trophy is FABULOUS…
The first law of chillies is wash your hands before touching your jermongler. I broke the law and the law won.
@hornmaths elephants are unscientific. They've never been replicated in the lab.
@hornmaths prove me wrong, science girl!
@hornmaths it's all speculation at this point
That moment, when an automatic door is slow to open, when you try to remember if you've been bitten by a dracula recently
@MouldS I believe @jgrahamc can help you:
@Bishnavitch I went with Adam and my mum to the one a few weeks ago. Distinctly unimpressed.
@Bishnavitch none. Risk?
@Bishnavitch we could
@walkingrandomly well done on the factorial-numbered post!
Indirect Observation of Insects through Bites on Skin, C Perfect 2013. Abstract: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they're everywhere aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@vickytnz well, if you cut your foot then stand on some spit or some blood, that could do it
Lazied out of walking back home from Cullercoats, wandered into the station exactly as the train arrived. Feel like I achieved something.
@MattPDickinson haha, excellent!
@vickytnz looks good! Are you going to JSNE tomorrow?
Where is everybody? Do the Tynemouth Cool Crew get the earlier train on Mondays?
@aperfect I need to play Screamer Rally. Guess which song just came on
@hornmaths I can't see what's wrong with that. The percentages add up, the pieces of the pie are labelled the right way. What am I missing?
@hornmaths ah haha!
This is a pretty good advert…
I just want to draw a fruity polyhedron with my computer! Why is it so hard? Oh yes: my work PC doesn't have accelerated graphics
@standupmaths @tom_kitching or you could temporarily use a 12-hour clock and catch 11:23PM tonight. I also missed it this morning :(
I'm not going to @jsnortheast because they haven't said what's actually going to happen there. (And I have a stomach bug so can't eat pizza)
@MB_Whitworth @standupmaths @tom_kitching very good!
The correct response to LaTeX setting inline fractions very small isn't to use \dfrac everywhere. #students!!!
Aw man! Who walked a mile in my shoes?
@elinoroberts but there might have been two differently-qualified Elin Robertses at your address!
Jessica Enneahedron-Hill. #mathletes
oh wow. King's School had £5m of debts, and Gove paid them off in return for it becoming an academy. Austerity!…
@bitcraftlab clever! What does it look like without that extra line on the bottom edge?
@bmagnanti @stecks huh, M&S is clopen. Who'd've guessed?
@standupmaths I think your Excel thing is nilpotent. I've almost completely faded away after 4 iterations:
@stecks @standupmaths no, I think it's the black text inside the cells
I'll never be as massive a coward as this guy:…
@scarymum you're in Newcastle! Are you visiting the maths department?
@scarymum we could! Knock on Bill's door whenever - room 2.33
.@sxpmaths that's why I like to call the integers "the set of solutions to homework problems".
@Gelada it was my assigned reading for my Cambridge interview. I did not enjoy it either.
@JanvierUK fish
@scarymum my record is 9 minutes between my office mate saying "shouldn't you be in London?" and sitting on the train.
Olympics souvenir bananagrams is 25% cheaper than normal bananagrams, and has five more tiles. Just saying.
After winning Wimbledon, Andy Murray has graduated from human competition onto cereals…
Typing 'every' and then any non-word character in @TweetDeck on chrome makes it crash, every single time. (this tweet written on my phone)
The sickness is in the system! It's a chrome bug, and 'exist' and 'expat' and 'ewert' (?) also trigger it, but not 'ender' or 'eddie'
Trying not to pick thumbnail frames from these videos where it looks like the esteemed professor is waving coyly at the viewer
Frames where it looks like the equations have given him a fright are fine, however.
@vickytnz what about the alcohol section of Fenwick's food hall? Cushing swears by it for his whiskey.
@vickytnz on that subject, Out of This World in Gosforth shopping centre stocked lots of world foods. Not sure if it's still there though!
@vickytnz it's decent, if you're able to ignore hateful middlingly-rich people
I have died. I am dead. This was both the best and the last thing I saw in my whole life.…
@tomwoolway @TweetDeck turns out it's a Chrome issue, for the particular version of Chrome uni's IT service provides.
@numberphile I thought the archive at might have it, but it stops about an order of magnitude too early.
@numberphile they only have 1.4 billion primes though, so maybe 5,500,000,000th is an estimate from the x/ln(x) prime-counting function.
@numberphile I dunno either! The primality test says it's a proven prime, at least
100123456789: the smallest prime number that contains the digits 0-9 in sequence.
[citation needed]:
The house next door is becoming swaddled in scaffolding. Now seems like the perfect time to go to Wales. #holidayhooray!
My car phone charger can't provide as much power as my phone uses when it's doing navigation. Driving into deepest Wales today will be fun!
Phase 1 of @aperiodical performance review complete. @peterrowlett's Q2 figures slipping. The board recommended synergising his throughputs
(or, to put it another way, thanks to @peterrowlett for putting me up for the night)
@samholloway the narrator in the lindisfarne gospels exhibit says chester luh street as if it's French. Inexcusable!
I'm at the very edge of Wales on a tiny farm and I've got HSDPA internet on my phone. I love the future!
Is there a version of Jollyphonics for Welsh?
The mullet is alive and well in Pembroke
The bit in Gremlins 2 where the gremlins stop the film itself, then Hulk Hogan makes them restart it, is the greatest moment in all cinema
@JanvierUK I have nothing but respect for you.
@hulkum you can't have one: one prime would be even, and the other odd. 49 isn't prime, so no dice. Sorry!
Both these crisps and this houmous taste terrible, and they wouldn't have been a good combination anyway. Poor show, CP. Poor show.
Hiatus Koyote is very good music to accompany sitting in the sun and reading a book
@peterrowlett @stecks @alisonatkin meanwhile, "Average Death at Height" is the title of my new book about deep vein thrombosis
@vickytnz I'd like to be present to hear you attempt it. I can't even imagine what it would sound like
@vickytnz I think you might be overthinking this passport photo
@vickytnz typically four at AS (first year) and), then concentrate on three for full A-level (second year). Clever children do four or more
@vickytnz the government requires five minimum. I did 10, eager beavers do more. If you read eg the torygraph, you'll get a wrong impression
@vickytnz well, we need a way to perpetuate the class system...
@elinoroberts on what timescale will this bacon go off?
@lostinrecursion @aperiodical @MathMunch I'm very aware and approving, but on holiday. I'd hoped one of the other two would share it...
@lostinrecursion @aperiodical @MathMunch I'll do a post when I'm back at a computer
@elinoroberts @standupmaths @jamesgrime ooh, can I join in?
Just looked at my RSS reader for the first time since going on holiday. This may take some time.
Here's @TweetsofCushing's epsilon tattoo. Because he's an analyst, it's arbitrarily small.
Got on the metro at monument. Rookie mistake. I've been out of the game too long.
@vickytnz you nailed the "I've just endured a long haul flight and I'm totally over it" look, so you'll have no trouble at passport control
@vickytnz there might be a couple of mathsjammers having dinner at the Charles Grey. (not me though)
@ebuie @vickytnz you did, but I didn't send out the email until this morning because I've been away. Did you get it?
@jamesgrime you'll be able to name at least one former Canadian PM, so you should be able to pass as a local
@ebuie dm me your email address and I'll add you to the list. I thought @vickytnz had already given me it, but maybe not!
@MathsJam -> CHELT: is the idea that casual mathematicians will identify you easily but pro mathmos might have more trouble and need a hint?
There were two new Achewood comics while I was away? I need to go to Wales more!
That is an unreasonable number of Os
@sxpmaths spelltower:
@sxpmaths nooooo it is not
@Boxfresh what happened to the large size Sparkos? I can only see a single pair of 13s on your shop.
@CardColm @aperiodical yes, she supervised my final year project!
@Boxfresh thanks!
What the dirndl, Why link directly to the PDF of an arxiv preprint and not the abstract page?
@ColinTheMathmo do you use chrome? I had a similar problem with words starting with E a while ago
@ColinTheMathmo oh well, must be a different bug.
@peterrowlett nyeehh, I didn't - David Roberts did.
@peterrowlett is that what I wrote? Fair enough, then
Now that is annoying! Just one tile away from spelltower glory
@ebuie @cperfetti !!! I know of a Christiano Perfecto in Nigeria, too.
Fun maths with @TweetsofCushing staying over after pancake party. We're finding arithmetic progressions of squares!
Beards are the best form of hair.…
@profkeithdevlin our new chinese PhD student, studying number theory, actually had to convince border force he can't build nukes
@hornmaths diffing sin(x*y^2) with respect to x: looks like sin(A*x), A constant, so diffs to A*cos(A*x) = y^2*cos(x*y^2), by chain rule.
@hornmaths here's an example video my summer student recorded:
@hornmaths yes, with product rule, all of cos(y) looks like a constant - when you change x, it doesn't change at all
@hornmaths can you post a pic of your working?
@hornmaths ok, you don't need the product rule there - it's like you're just differentiating A*cos(alpha).
@hornmaths i.e. you don't have the product of two things that change with x
@hornmaths (sorry, with alpha)
@hornmaths glad you got it sorted. Alternately, if you were using the product rule, d/dx of cos(y) is 0, not 1.
@Gelada I've come back from holiday to find your art is still not on the walls! I'm going to chase the building manager
Does every house party now have a "searching youtube for videos people have half-remembered" phase?
Ridiculous. RT @jawsew: Now that it's confirmed that these are real promotional images for The Sims 4:…
I've been in Scotland literally 30 seconds and I've already seen a 12 year old kid out the window smoking
I'd love it if the national rail app could use GPS to work out which train I'm on.
Buying a food truck for my new nighttime pancake venture, Crêpe-uscular Activity.
@jd_p are you at #easc13? If you're here tonight, do you fancy having dinner together?
Time for my annual extraordinarily tasty hot chocolate at Henry's in the Caird Hall. #easc13
I'm a big fan of this couple having a fight outside my window at 2 in the morning.
Hotel room review time. Furniture-moving metric: 0. Knees under bureau: also 0.
These tiles only have half as many crossings as it first seems. #betrayedbybraids
@jamesgrime conspicuous paucity of dots in the north east. Do I need to spread the good word?
13:31 seems as good a time as any to leave the house
The whole family is marvelling at how fake this Scottish note looks.
Wake up sheeple!…
@vickytnz I haven't dared watch Punch Drunk Love again since it was so good the first time
Can all twelve thousand of this Spanish tourist family buy metro tickets before the train arrives? Ordenador dice... no.
Therapy llamas!…
Just thinking about the chilli I burnt last night is making my throat hurt. I'm sorry, chilli! You deserved better!
The booksellers in general have worked out that selling £2 editions of classics doesn't make them much profit. To Amazon!
@ColinTheMathmo @Yahoo good news! Hotmail is now called Outlook, because MS decided two products with that name wasn't enough.
Thanks to my summer students and Prof Robin Johnson, NCL Maths's vimeo now has almost 300 videos of worked examples:
my mind was blown until I realised this was a recipe from Ready Steady Cook. Penne arrabiata with avocado and rocket:…
@vickytnz no it isn't?
"Hey, I have an entire book about pasta sauces! Thanks, mum!" ...... "No arrabiata. Thanks rescinded, mum."
Is Chicks On Speed's lesborotic beat poem 'Kaltes Klares Wasser' a reference to aim's seminal trip-hop classic, 'Cold Water Music'?
Regret-on-arriving-at-work-that-you-didn't-have-a-bacon-sandwich-for-breakfast. #newgermanemotions
Ahhh what no film at monument, the day I actually need to hang around monument for a bit? It's make me so mad I grammarn't.
This pigeon really doesn't like being stared at. EVER SO SORRY WAS I INVADING YOUR PERSONAL SPACE MILORD?!?!
@NewcastleNE1 thanks, I just saw the chaps putting the deckchairs out.
Can't click on "Save changes" without internally going "chaaaaaange places!"
@pkrautz I have now. Wow, it's badly written!…
I'm running a computation that has taken longer than five minutes to finish. I feel dirty, almost like an applied mathematician.
@DaleyMaths the applied guy next door is already rewriting it in fortran. I'm safe!
@ebuie I've got an excerpt in an anthology, but it's very hard to get hold of an original copy
@ebuie maybe. I was coincidentally looking at it a couple of days ago, and that sounds familiar
@MouldS Canis Coplin
ok, who set my TERM environment variable to 'dumb'? That's been annoying me for a while.
Going to try the new Front Street Deli. It looks nicer than Deli Bar One did, but will it be as tasty? #tynemouthproblems
@aPaulTaylor it went out of business, if that's any consolation
Well, the pizza slice looked a bit cold and miserable, but this ham and coleslaw sandwich was pretty great
@aPaulTaylor is "a deli bar" a thing? There was a counter, which I suppose could serve as a bar...
@pkrautz the badges on… all link to a URL which gives a "Forbidden" error
Spent 5 mins writing a FB message in French. While typing an e-grave on the numpad, accidentally pressed page-back and lost it. #sacrebleu
Words to be aware of when keming text:…
@TweetsofCushing I'm rocking out / I want the world to know / Got to let it show
Forms which put error messages in red are my worst enemies. I can't see them!
@CardColm how so?
looking-in-the-emergency-chocolate-drawer-and-finding-something-excellent-surprise. #newgermanemotions
"Metro Ken" is an anagram of "me no trek". Coincidence?
Ooh! Meissner tetrahedra from Diametric!…
This decorator is impossibly cheerful. I wonder if it's the paint fumes.
@aperfect hipsterrrrrrrrrs
@HoeJodgkiss truth. After about five sandwiches, I was completely over pulled pork
@standupmaths (though it would've been more helpful for tracking if I'd let you set that up...)
About to record an All Squared podcast but I have no audio tea towels! Where's @stecks when you need her?
@standupmaths while you're twittering, did you see my Meissner tetrahedra video?…
Is it by design that you now have to save a post in wordpress before the preview updates?
@MathsWorldUK just seen you're up in Newcastle for BSF. Fancy meeting for a drink/chat during the week?
This month's Puzzlebomb has a puzzle thought up by me, CP!…
@lostinrecursion Ceilidh Table. I didn't write it - I came up with the idea and was lazy until @stecks and @aPaulTaylor wrote it :P
@lostinrecursion it's a nice easy puzzle, once you work out the rules
I love @TweetsofCushing's idea of 'trivial'
@TweetsofCushing didn't you? Who did?
@Tegglington @TweetsofCushing trufax. If I'd thought for even a second, I would've realised.
I've updated my "how to get nice maths on your blog" post with instructions for those using IntenseDebate comments:…
A hole? In MY sock?! Extraordinary!
This has to be the most dismal work email this September.
When mathematicians leave to work in industry, is this where they go?…
@standupmaths ehh, it's a bit 70s-fabulous. Wasn't someone put in charge of renovating it a while ago?
@standupmaths ah. ha!
Maths people coming to @BritishSciFest! Fancy meeting for drinks on Sunday? @standupmaths @stecks @DrSaraSantos @MathsWorldUK etc.?
@standupmaths I now have the title of my airport easy-reading bestseller: "Finding the Qibla on a Klein Bottle"
@standupmaths forget that, go and ogle the Curta calculator!
@standupmaths PHWOAR #itsnotsizethatmatters
@standupmaths I'd like a gap of at least one cell around that - the 'on' block at the top left means it'll break immediately.
@KSCMaths as a red-green colourblind person, I think I should inform you I can't see half the text on that
'NOUGHT POINT FIVE DOZEN'?! Also known as 'half dozen', or even 'six'. This menu knows how to rile a mathematician.
@ProfNoodlearms @evelynjlamb maplesoft's PR are v annoying. Once sent email saying "you unsubscribed from our emails, so won't have seen.."
Yo dawg, I heard you like rhyming with bridge a smidge, so I put a frijj in your fridge so you can abridge while you ridge a midge
@evelynjlamb happy birthday!
@standupmaths what's your schedule today? I'm free from 4-ish onwards
@DrSaraSantos haha, where's that? I've never seen it before
@vickytnz La Cage aux Folles? Depressing that that's the best I can do
@stecks @standupmaths that suits me. I could meet you at the station, and go to somewhere like the Forth on Pink Lane?
Very very very pleasing…
Every now and then I go to, hoping a hopeless hope that it has returned.
#gintegral "@stecks: who else is in NCL for @BritishSciFest and does maths and wants to join us for a drink tonight? Do we need a hashtag?"
@stecks actually, didn't @standupmaths come up with a good name for when mathematicians meet for drinks a few years ago?
@peterrowlett I've fiddled with the cache plugin's settings and it should keep up to date now
Ah, Coventry: the city of lights.
Sent a text to my girlfriend without pointing out that the current time was a palindrome. So there is hope that I may yet be cured.
I chose... poorly. The legroom allowance in this lecture theatre seems to have been calculated expecting an audience of munchkins.
I'm now sitting on the aisle steps so I can stretch my legs out. I bet this building has won awards
Just realised half the (fixed) seats in this room don't point toward the speaker
@C_J_Smith yes, good to meet you too. Sorry if you were expecting to have time to chat later! Maybe another time
Fixed a stunning omission from yesterday's toast piece, and found a good suggestion from @TweetsofCushing.… #yeahtoast
Finally got my hands on a copy of @NCLScienceComic. It's really good!
@Bishnavitch wednesdays are usually terrible for me. Was meant to be seeing my gf but I'll ask if she wants to see a film
@Bishnavitch yes and no, respectively. Midweek is when I do things!
@Bishnavitch I'm not as keen on films as you are!
@Bishnavitch we have a yes to a film. What film and when?
Adding a tomato and some shredded lettuce to food makes it a salad, right? Because otherwise I'm just eating a box of fajita leftovers.
12:03. An anagram of an arithmetic sequence is still interesting, isn't it?
@ebuie I know a purported proof, which I disagree with
Sent the almost-a-week reminder for Newcastle @MathsJam. Get on the list by saying hello to…
@BritishSciFest Grownups enthused by the maths at the festival might enjoy Newcastle MathsJam, which is next Tuesday…
Another afternoon lost to the mixture of InnoDB and MyISAM database tables. Go home, cp, you should be drunk.
Look! Someone made Arty Maths into a book, and picked a better name, and never had anything to do with Arty Maths:…
@C_J_Smith Pentago! Ace game.
@C_J_Smith why resist?
@daveowhite @plusmathsorg it would have to make metallic grunting noises when it gets in and out of chairs
The Hello World Quiz ( just reminded me about REBOL. I have no idea what I used to use it for, but WOW!
Why does this site have "small text" as an accessibility option? Are there people who find large text intimidating?
@OddballDave @charliesgames a Let's Play might be good
Crikey O'Reilly, my summer students did loads! I keep finding more good stuff on this wiki. #pleasedsupervisor
It was pointed out to me by @Rokker816 that cooking doesn't commute, so maybe people who don't like fish and chips would like chips and fish
The @My_Metro PA system is pumping out some thumpin' next-wave glitchcore beats. Or it's broken.
The best bit about planning a trip to Berlin is that I get to buy a Falkplan! #excited!
help my head melted because Bayes' theorem is exothermic…
@CardColm we just recorded the tops and tails for your episode of All Squared. Should be out in a day or two
@peterrowlett @mathsarcade fancy! I'm still at the cardboard box stage. Might invest in a plastic box if all goes well.
"how likely are you to use this service again?" is a terrible question on a feedback form for a government service you must use
@hornmaths @MathsJam @standupmaths @stecks I can do it. Where's the new location?
@hornmaths righto
@hornmaths but which one are you in this month?
@hornmaths ok, I've updated and the mathsjams map
The need for a word to describe the moment you realise you're getting nothing out a terrible thing you're looking at on the web grows daily
I think 'fehhhhhh' might do it. I will form a committee to decide how many 'h's there should be on the end. What's the limit for a hashtag?
@CloudoidLtd @MathsJam added, ta!
I can't see how labelling one 50g slice of this pack of butter helps me, or if I'm missing something
Yes sir!
.@aperfect only for exactly 50g. They used to have every 50g increment marked
@aperfect nope
@bemyguestberlin this:
This groovy animation explains why I love the Falkplan so much:
Looks like some component of the cabling and gadgetry that gives me internet has been flooded again. Oh well! I'll find something else to do
Newcastle @MathsJam is TOMORROW! 7pm onwards, upstairs at the Charles Grey. Puzzles, games, questions, etc.…
@vickytnz a reasonable thing to do.
.@sxpmaths ooh, good spot. I've updated my mobile maths games page:…
Maths teachers, I need you: where's better than BBC Bitesize for resources on basic numeracy?
Ooh! There's a version for adults called Skillswise
@Nat_Numeracy thanks! I just remembered about your site after tweeting :)
@nrichmaths when I click a topic header in the front page slider, the URL in the browser's address bar doesn't change. Makes linking hard!
@icecolbeveridge I need things I can link to
I had never seen this stupid heraldic creature until today…
When did threadless stop paying UK import tax? The fee was trebled by Royal Mail's handling fee.
Posted a big long comment about running a multi-author blog on Google+ in response to someone asking about it:…
Tonight: Eastenders spin-off starring Ross Kemp, centred on a struggling car-recovery business in Scotland. Grant Heft Auto Fife, BBC 2, 9pm
whaaaaaat?! Since when are games £56?
@ebuie I found the best bit was the zoomy projection of every page at the end. The presentation of the real books was pretty poor.
I thought I was looking forward to MathsJam tonight, but now I'm looking forward to lunch more. Forgot breakfast :(
@icecolbeveridge MathsHamlet
@ebuie yes! I thought that was odd too. I thought maybe they were showing a different page each day, but probably not.
@MathsatDAS hello! I'm a former DABS pupil. Who's doing the twittering?
Looking up and thinking David hasn't written anything on the blackboard, then realising it's all in red, is like seeing the fnords.
@NINETYNINEuk What time are you open until today?
My grocery shop: look at the 1st aisle, leaving the 2nd, then come back and look at the 2nd aisle, leaving the 1st. That's my produce rule.
@vickytnz mathsjam tonight?
@TeachingInDC there used to be / still is a DC @MathsJam! Didn't you go?…
Going to be a little bit late to mathsjam, sorry
@ebuie we've had to move downstairs! The function upstairs isn't us. We're in the alcove to the right of the bar
@MathsJam NCL - MAN: of course we can. Rhymes with 'elephant'
I've made a bookmarklet to replace's rubbish image-based maths with @MathJax…
@ebuie yes, I'm glad you came! It was a particularly busy MathsJam.
hi i've just noticed that angle and angel are one transposition away is this the kind of thing i should put on twitter
Blog post: 6 pieces involving patterns and functions by @Gelada… (Photos:…)
$e^{\Large{f(x)}}$ isn't cool, is it? These people seem to have taken personal offence at small inline-mode characters.
AAAAAARG. That's the second time I've accidentally ordered a girl's t-shirt from threadless.
Following @pkrautz's suggestion, I've made the mathjax bookmarklet a bit better, and now it works on wikipedia too…
@Rosalot wow, good work!
Head of School has told me to go shopping for more art. Hooray!
@aperfect @brittneybean but don't worry, there's still plenty of brutalist rubbish in the rest of Newcastle
@vickytnz The Notebook is a chick flick
I've changed my avatar to a pic of LEGO Babar! Sorry if this is confusing but it reflects my core brand values in a way my face never did.
To my Goodbye Lenin DVD, wherever you are: I love you and I just want to know that you're safe.
@elinoroberts ow ow ow ow ow! Even thinking about that hurts
6:52am, a new record for squeaky car man! Maybe if he gets up really early one day he can take it to a garage and get it fixed
I can do work and snot doesn't fall out of me if I remain horizontal.
Is it ok to set up an auto reply saying "I'm out of the office, but if it's really important I can come in and you can catch this cold"?
@vickytnz I used to do that, but I'm down to just family members now. So much work!
We came up with supervillain names for everyone in the office except me :( #phdcoolgang
a bloo hoo hoo :_( RT @icecolbeveridge: @christianp But you already HAVE a pretty good supervillain name.
@CloudoidLtd but it's RGB clockwise
Thanks to @stecks, you should now call me... THE PERFECT STORM
.@TweetsofCushing (Dave Reckoning)'s supervillain superpower: he can see Daily Mail headlines... from the future!
.@Rokker816 (Automatom)'s supervillain superpower: he can keep time... like clockwork!
.@jiyameng (Sinner-Ji)'s supervillain superpower: when he does good deeds... they're really bad deeds!
My (The Perfect Storm) supervillain superpower: I can control the weather... in a teacup!
I am 50% older than the freshers. Ow.
I've finally made it! The Herschel enneahedron.
@lyd_w it's named after the guy the Herschel building is named after. I'm preparing a poster/activity thing. It has many cool properties!
@vickytnz maybe that photo just has a lot of sentimental value for him so he's less likely to see it's inappropriate for the context?
GTA V is quite a bit harder when you're colourblind. "target the red rectangle" - nnnnnot happening
When I was little I loved cascading emails so much, I directed all my efforts towards getting a job where people ask me to cascade all day
They see me cascadin', they be hatin'. #cascade4lyf
@TweetsofCushing @outofthenorm2 tantric geometry
Working on the news queue / The news queue, yeah! -- The @aperiodical will awaken from its slumber shortly.
Playing music on the radio before it's available to buy should be a crime
I love these colourful polar bears!…
As far as I can tell, this spider caught this earwig and was carrying it away to eat in private. Or they're eloping.
@vickytnz have you seen the dessicated old women on the counter at the front of John Lewis? She is an advert for not wearing makeup
An hour later, I've replaced the student's incorrect gnuplot image with a correct TikZ version. Thank god for StackExchange!
@samholloway yo Imma let you finish but Bajka recorded the best Hunting of the Snark concept album OF ALL TIME.…
@Electrokittie you've... made real progress as a person?
I've just found out that Blunt make a collapsible version of their umbrella. Fantastic!…
Clexample: something which is both an example and a counter-example of a rule. #autonyms
@NoelAnn @peterrowlett @C_J_Smith how do you advertise your Maths Arcades?
"Formule by BNF" posts maths art images at a frankly overwhelming rate on Google+…
It's time to play "semicolon or gunk on my monitor"!!!
Interesting: when you click on a link to a PDF in Internet Explorer, all animated GIFs on the page stop.
The only reference cited in MathWorld's page on ℵ₀ is Dundes et al's compendium of maths jokes. Finally the charade is laid bare!
Conducting a COSHH audit for my new hospital restaurant, Vegetative Korma. (credit to @TweetsofCushing)
I have no idea how @lyd_w consistently manages to beat me into uni by about a minute despite getting the same train
oh, slashdot. What a sorry sight you've become.
@lyd_w I'm just impressed that you're alert enough to be first off the train, or walk very quickly
@vickytnz you managed to get on the one train capable of cooking hot food! I always get a miserable packet sandwich
Well done, the Android Flickr app, for making up your own share method instead of using intents. You made my life a little bit harder.
@haggismaths ooh, that reminds me that I meant to send you this a while ago…
@haggismaths look at "an enneahedron for Herschel" at I'm at the shops at the moment so can't write more
amazon form error messages are in red *and with a thick outline round them*!!!! Thanks, amazon! Thamazon!
Crumbs, it's only four weeks until the big @MathsJam weekend.
@Htbaa texworks, or use your own text editor and the command line tools
Today I saw housing developments called 'Fusion', 'Zest', and 'Opulence'. What is the world coming to?
Ooh, the comfy jumper is the next one in the pile! #autumnthrills
@TweetsofCushing wait until you see the plots @Gelada sent me about the art in the stairwell
"Note: 7 is an arbitrary number, but should be more than sufficient". Uh oh. BAD CODE KLAXON
@CardColm excellent idea! We're on it.
"$sco->title = $sco->title;" -- I'm not in bad code territory any more. This is concept art.
@C_J_Smith @NoelAnn @peterrowlett following up the @mathsarcade, can any of you send me PDFs of the posters you put up, please?
I like the look of the @Nat_Numeracy challenge a lot:
@michaeljgrove @unibirmingham Pro tip: cut that plastic wallet in half so it's easier to get a card out
Paul Zorn shares my distinction between mathsy art and artsy maths:…
Talking of; what's yellow and equivalent to the axiom of choice?
Zorn's lemon!
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith @NoelAnn @mathsarcade so I can ruthlessly plagiarise them
@peterrowlett thanks! That's a nice poster.
I'm particularly pleased with last night's bananagrams board. Connoisseurs will note the two closed loops
I'm in 666 people's circles on Google+. Worried about what the day will bring. On the plus side, I got to make a stinker of a pun. #plusside
Beep Beep…
@Bishnavitch 720
What is it about Mathematica that makes people write enormously long ramblings with very little proper mathematics?
@aPaulTaylor @standupmaths a Bayesian smoke detector would not be good.
@Jisc did you know all students get open-source developer and server products for free via the goodness of their fellow man? #dreamspark
Phwoar. Lovely diagrams.…
Also free for everyone else MT @walkingrandomly: Just joined Manchester Uni? See the software we've released for free
Die Hard + Die Harder = Die Hard With a Vengeance. (Die Harder)^2 = Live Free or Die Hard. #grubermatics
@vickytnz but sometimes it works very well, like this table of the finite simple groups…
Tragedy #425: Betrayed by one of their own…
@HoeJodgkiss there are plenty, but we tend not to make a big deal out of it
@TeXtip would you consider replacing that with ? It's a lot better
Aww, this is a really nice idea: Remote Control Tourist
FINALLY, A COLOUR QUIZ I CAN DO! Name that shade of corporate blue
... but I haven't heard of half the companies. Oh well!
It's time for a sandwich, but do I have the ingredients? BREAD QUEST
@Beamish_Museum have they been trained to act as olden-time kittens did?
@vickytnz it's right next to Manors metro
@Boxfresh What happened to the new large sizes stock you said would appear in September? My feet are getting chilly!
How to tell if your dog is involved in a sex scandal… (via…)
@nulibrs Deepest, Darkest Level 1?
Break out some fresh moves, it's Kurt Reidemeister's birthday… (via @mathshistory)
@stecks yeesh, what does a place have to do to get a 10?
Every time I need an MOT, I have to find my mechanic's garage on Google Street View to remember its name so I can look up its phone number.
Yell has bought a lot of ads on facebook of the form "Need <rarely-used service>? Try <company in Sunderland>!". WHY?
MediaWiki syntax is visually difficult: ''italics'' or "quotes"?
WHAT. RT @adrianshort: London police steal rough sleepers’ property:
... turns out that happened in May. But still. YEESH.
Today I learned that @TweetsofCushing is 'up' on the national lottery. That is a completely appropriate thing to be true about him.
@OddballDave deely boppers?
The only mathematical relative I know about is Hazel Perfect, who was a group theorist like me! I was so happy when I found her book. #ald13
@TwentyThree @TweetsofCushing @aperiodical thanks very much!
@UoBMSC @michaeljgrove that seems a very high number! What time frame was this?
@michaeljgrove @UoBMSC ok! Similar to us then.
Francophones! Can you help me find the French word with the most silent letters? It's not on this list of cool words:…
J'ai quatorze problèmes dont rimer avec quatorze est un.…
@jcoglan are you trying very hard to not use LaTeX?
#Skanavi problem 7.325: Show $\log_3 (2) \cdot \log_4 (3) \cdot \log_5 (4) \cdot \log_6 (5) \cdot \log_7 (6) \cdot \log_8 (7) = \frac{1}{3}$
#Skanavi problem 7.325 in unicode: log₃(2)⋅log₄(3)⋅log₅(4)⋅log₆(5)⋅log₇(6)⋅log₈(7) = ⅓
@CloudoidLtd lazy font design!
@C_J_Smith @DanielColquitt @professor_dave I'm on Round 2. You'd think they could at least all agree on one virus to spread...
Struggling to understand the thought process that led the author to write "matrix of size p$\times$q".
@peterrowlett straightedge and compass construction golf can also be fun. Challenge them to construct shapes in the fewest steps.
@sam_james30 some lost-looking tourists refused my help yesterday. Maybe they were just admiring the craftsmanship that went into their map
'zero','nought','null','nothing'. Does any number have more names, in English? 'Hundred','century','ton', ... ?
I have finished the Canada bit in GTA5's story and I'm sort of sick of it. Is there any point finishing it, or should I not bother?
@MrHonner small beans. The private school in my village got its £5million debts paid off by the government and became a state academy
@ebuie so if I instructed you to immanentise the eschaton, you wouldn't know what I wanted you to do?
These are the weirdest matchbook covers I've ever seen.…
I'll never be this cool. I'll never have a monkey companion who wears glasses and smokes a pipe.…
"I am not smart enough for this book" says Amazon reviewer of maths book. "Another notoriously bad impulse purchase."…
@elinoroberts the funny thing about living in the same village as you is that often I have a thought and then you tweet it
Fed up with Windows 8.1, I've installed Ubuntu again. Now the wifi connection only works for 10 seconds after connecting. Boo.
@DanielColquitt well yes, I was quite surprised it managed to install the drivers at all this time.
Gosh the instant LaTeX preview in's comments box is useful.
@haggismaths I'm giving a talk in Edinburgh Uni on Wednesday. Can I pop in to see you afterwards?
@haggismaths an IOP thing about eassessment. We'll both be at big mathsjam, anyway
@stecks @peterrowlett *waves fingers*
@jcoglan you can do without ^.* at the start, no?
I've put my knockout.js binding handlers for @MathJax on github:… (Demo:…)
Making UI changes to @NclNumbas so it's really hard for students to forget to submit their answers. `> git checkout -b dont-let-them-fail`
"I just want to read this book and lick it and... have fun." - @TweetsofCushing
@peterrowlett I was thinking of…
@peterrowlett and 'golf' because 'code golf' is an established thing where you try to write the shortest program
Alert, Edinbourgeois: can anyone entertain me tomorrow afternoon? I can perform maths if required.
The Michael and Lily Atiyah gallery in the James Clerk Maxwell building at Edinburgh University
@Sara_Tindall @peterrowlett I cleverly caught a cold before term started this year and gave THEM diseases!
When will lecture theatres upgrade from 1024x768 projectors? 2048?
@FOTSN you're doing Stockton again?! Are you mad? Good northern coverage though; I'll book tickets for Durham when TBC becomes C
Couple is having *the most* middle class argument. One insists a third person is very brave for "putting skis on and getting up a mountain"
Where's a nice place to get a hot chocolate near waverley station in Edinburgh?
Friends, I plumped for the Storytelling Café. It's really good! I also had a brownie which was also fantastic.
This old dude across the street is nowhere near as jazzed about buying tartan as his wife is.
@ashleyhwright you're on the next carriage down from me! What a coincidence.
Just added the 500th unit test to the @NclNumbas maths/algebra system.…
My friend @TweetsofCushing wants to know what these error terms are
"DodecaLEDron" mustn't have done well in focus groups.
@poveryant Would you mind sending me the file for the 3d-printed enneahedron please? I'd like to print one for a talk I'm giving
I've written a page to play about with the @MathJax 2.3 beta and its spiffy new fonts.…
I like today's tragedy series…
Ambassadors was good.…
The coast is impossibly good-looking at the moment, with the setting sun and a little bit of fog. God I love Tynemouth.
A lightning storm is starting, and there are people surfing! If only I had a good camera
Wow that plane just did a quick turn to avoid the thunder cloud. It's turned around to have another go further out to sea, I think
Those toddlers I saw ten minutes ago trick-or-treating early to avoid the scary big kids must be having a fun time.
Talking of... a black cat has joined me to watch the storm.
Oh no, that plane's just doing loops. And the cat seems to have caught something in the long grass above the lido. He's off, with his prize
I've just discovered that this iron, which I've owned for two years, has a red light which comes on when it's heating up. #colourblindlife
@standupmaths I prefer to visualise sorting algorithms with Hungarian folk dancers.…
Ubuntu has better driver support for my laptop than windows 8.1 does. What upside-down world is this that we live in?
@jamesgrime @standupmaths you both check your privilege, I'm still on Life Shareware. I can only access the first three months of the year
@hornmaths yes, it is me who likes koalas. #actual #koala #fan
@standupmaths @jamesgrime it would be nice if every day didn't start with a nag screen asking me to send a cheque to a PO box in Jordan.
@standupmaths but descending hardness is the standard way to do it, right?
@poveryant I have space, but it's a back seat. Setting off just before 7am
I just don't understand the Northumberland Street blanket man's business model.
@MrHonner f(x)=1 laughs at their puny attempt at a definition.
Current status: involuntary afternoon off work
This is how you do a blackboard bold N.
When we compute inverses, we do it properly.
(joint work with @TweetsofCushing)
@Bishnavitch we just watched Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 last night.
What should I talk about at the big @MathsJam this weekend: Herschel's enneahedron, or integer sequence reviews?
@aperfect YES
@ben_nuttall great, another pedant! How can we coördinate our efforts?
@standupmaths will the 5 minute countdown computer be making a reappearance at MathsJam?
@standupmaths will it sometimes give us up, and/or occasionally let us down?
I can never crack this many eggs without worrying about the arrival of Zuul the Gatekeeper of Gozer.
Spotted in the Hermitage Inn in Warkworth: another member of the clan!
@jcoglan god yes. JS functions that take a few different types are so annoying. jQuery does "first param might be a bool" very often
@MathsJam Is anyone interested in a calculation contest using a slide rule and log tables in one of the breaks?
@stecks @aPaulTaylor I forgot to say bye to you! It was good to all be in one place again. Until next year! Or any earlier next thing!
A physical anomaly at Wetherby services. How many coins are causing the jam?
@peterrowlett I see your nine, and raise you to ten.
Told @TweetsofCushing he should go to a @MathsJam conference. Response: "I am a MathsJam conference". Can't argue with that.
A marvellously concise proof that 5!/2 is even:…
Gosh this is a lovely idea:
@RGS_maths what textbook is that? It looks similar to a Russian one I have by Skanavi
@RGS_maths aha, more Russians! David Singmaster insisted to me at the weekend that they're not a purely Russian phenomenon. Not convinced!
@gaussfacts does the posting of new facts mean you've sorted out the spam problem? I was disheartened last time I went to moderate
@evelynjlamb my vote is for analyst
Pretending this cold rain is actually congenitally hot snow. It's a winter wonderland!
@profkeithdevlin It's almost at the point where you could use them in a knights and knaves puzzle
The results are in: I have extreme protanomaly! I spent a fun afternoon with neuroscientists doing colour tests.
@evelynjlamb yes, since I was tiny. I have a particularly bad case!
@evelynjlamb I just did the tests today because my friend doing a neuro PhD wanted to see how they're done
Having fun trying to decide how to localise my JS library's error messages.… I know this dude! He's really good at maths. So pleased he's doing something cool.
@Tegglington deduce eyeballs are emitting light; plummet into immediate body horror crisis?
@peterrowlett we haven't even run ours yet, so no for now.
A bit tired and a bit glum, so I'm going to my happy place: e1m1
As the corpse of the monstrous entity CHTHON sinks back into the lava whence it came, I feel a lot better.
5pm today! RT @MathJax: Don't forget: our first MathJax Hangout on Air -- Q&A with Phil Schatz and @christianp
@aperfect I am suddenly more interested in visiting London
@C_J_Smith "Handyman's Ear" sounds like the name of a village in the west country
Attack of the witty till maintenance guy.
A pub near here gives a free pint to any scientist who has a paper published. Nice, but points lost for not calling it the "No-Bill Prize"
Top celeb fact: The reason Ant always stands on Dec's right is that they both walk in to work. That's right: Ant and Dec don't commute.
It would be nice if operators were first-class objects in javascript.
I did a Hangout on air Q&A with @pkrautz and Phil Schatz about @MathJax last Friday. I've posted about it on my blog:…
An anagram of @robinhouston's name is "no enthusiasm or job". An anagram of mine is "erect finch rapist". Thankfully, neither is accurate.
@Boxfresh Any sign of the size 13s you said would be arriving quite a while ago?
@Boxfresh can you be any more specific than "soon"? That plain blue pair is OK, but I'd hate to buy it just before nicer ones arrive
@helenarney another, less sensible, friend of mine posted those exact two points as positives last week during her trip
Oop, just noticed that November @MathsJam is next Tuesday! Time to send my reminder email...
@CloudoidLtd (mod 1000)
@jamesgrime @standupmaths hah, I literally checked the site 20 minutes ago to see if they were up
So many <span> tags. Starting to mistype as <spam>. There should be a preprocessor. To process my <spam>.
@ben_nuttall this springs to mind…
No, this is not a Möbius band! It's a normal loop. Bad architects!…
Ooh, my new parking permit has a pleasing expiry date
I just spent ten minutes looking for good covers of the Monkey Island theme and I didn't find any and now I am sad :(
@haggismaths I might be able to help you... what do you want the LaTeX for?
Why do user ratings get so little attention in music apps? Now everything's streamable, my ratings are the only valuable part of my library
Years ago I had a Python jukebox script that auto-rated songs based on how often you listened to completion or skipped them. It was great!
@haggismaths I have a thing which converts easily-typed calculator syntax to LaTeX, and I could put it in a page you could tweet from
Another thing: since Google Music can't sort by date added, there's all this music I haven't listened to as much as I'd like
"Why should engineers and scientists be worried about colour?"… Studiously ignores inaccessibility to the colourblind
At home midday on Friday freezing to death under a blanket because I saved enough money to be exactly this miserable. No I'm not a pensioner
@BenTormey can you remember the name of that French guy who self-published a mathematical monograph with colour plates of nude women in it?
@standupmaths @QMUL I've always thought QMUL should do a Neal Stephenson Qwghlm tie-in.
@BenTormey superb!
Buying leather and painting everything black for my new wedding parlour for goths, "Doom and Groom".
Breaking up the band to concentrate on my exciting new restaurant venture, Gnocco Ono.
@standupmaths I think it's pteriffic
Because the kiwi kept losing his hat, we've added a chinstrap. Now he can wear it at a jaunty angle!
Fancy earning a fiver? Resolve @TweetsofCushing's conjecture for him. (Difficulty: Erdős) ……
Went to Michael Gove's website to get a link for a story. Saw the picture on the right. brb never sleeping again
@nulibrs good work: you've even got a visible concrete arm in the photo holding the camera
Newcastle's Maths Arcade is finally happening! Open to all students at @STEMNewcastle.
Goddammi!, I thought I'd found a new sequence but the OEIS had to go and enrich my life with facts
(A001595 might be a record for lowest-index sequence found while believing I had a new one)
@stecks whuh?
@stecks Ahh!
@stecks on inspection, the instructions have no such footnote
Projects I am currently involved with: Maths Aid; Maths Jam; Maths Arcade. #nomenclazy
@Andrew_Taylor see also: basketball hoops
Oh yes, and that one. RT @michaeljgrove: @christianp Ahem...Maths Wiki?!
@evelynjlamb Pictures!
I'm off for pre-@MathsJam dinner. Which is at 7pm in the Charles Grey pub, by the way. I'm not doing too well at promotion lately...
A 45 minute wait for food, indeed! Good job I'm already planning on being here that long.
@ColinTheMathmo Yoneda lemma? Igotta lemma!
Inline links coloured in red: ARGGGG!
@My_Metro the position of the card scanners at Tynemouth is terrible for people tapping out. You have to turn round and hold everyone up
Just gave the OEIS some money. They deserve it!…
"2 10^1059002 -1, or 199999...99, is prime. It's the first near-repdigit prime found with over a million digits." via
@songdrop I keep unsubscribing from product update emails, but you keep sending them. What's the deal?
Yes I am very interested sign me up for twelve
Great work guys! (Peeked at the source: nested tables, then an iframe, then a link which didn't set target properly)
Look out for mine and @TweetsofCushing's new project, out next summer: the Pop-Up Book of Integer Sequences (PUBIS)
@fuzzmonkey @jcoglan I've always thought this is something vault could have built-in: a list of settings for popular sites.
@cartazio @pkrautz where's your blog? Can I take a look?
@icecolbeveridge not sure: were you rickrolled or was the shop?
@ben_nuttall yes! I did it once but I don't know what I did to make it happen
I see Flash has reached Java levels of irrelevance: they're now trying to bundle McAfee with updates.
The NOTY competition is back!…
@elinoroberts @jjsanderson congratulations to you both!
@DanielColquitt "I Did It: The Daniel Colquitt Story, Chapter XII"
The queue outside Frankie and Tony's is getting ridiculous. Time to find a different sandwich place!
@C_J_Smith is that a quote from The Tick? It feels like it.
@jcoglan lesson: stop using computers and take up woodwork
Where's the 8.30 cool crew? Is low rail adhesion to be feared more than I thought? This is a lonely platform.
New hobby: mixing Robinson's squash flavours.
Two people with the same name working in quantum mechanics, 60 years apart. Struggling to rule out time travel.
Gauss's doctoral supervisor was called Pfaff. I can't help but start @pfafffacts now.
*wist*… #somuchwist
I did a podcast with @TweetsofCushing. We talked about all sorts of unusual maths…
Idea: minecraft with the minesweeper ruleset.
@AlgebraFact @AnalysisFact if you liked those, I'm about to do an interesting esoterica post which will have loads of fun papers in it
Research top tip: when writing out the price of a closed access paper, don't take your finger off shift. e.g., "this paper costs $"%!"
Considering changing to to have my conception of what knowledge can be smashed to smithereens
... it just returns a blank page, not even a 404. So is knowledge fundamentally consistent? Are there no unknowables? #existentialtypocrisis
@dannytybrown I can do 'free' and 'good', but 'simple' is subjective:
This Chinese poem is palindromic in a ridiculous number of ways.…
@dannytybrown (I'm the developer of Numbas, so can help with any queries or feature requests)
@peterrowlett ssssh! For all they know, @TweetsofCushing is a real person.
The first Newcastle @mathsarcade was a moderate success. Around 8 students took part, but all staff seem to have forgotten it was on.
ShapeJS is an alright tool, now I've worked out how to use it. Here's my favourite shape, the Herschel enneahedron:…
@Boxfresh hi, more than a fortnight since you said "next week" for new size 13 shoes. Are they any closer?
@peterrowlett which day is your viva?
Permutohedron! It's not an instruction, it's a polytope:…
I love race conditions.
My next tweet will be a lie.
Have started tinkering with @MathJax extensions. Stand back, this might work.
@aoibhinn_ni_s do you mean compared to girls in other countries, or compared to boys in Ireland?
An outbreak of * to denote function application among the undergrads in online tests. e.g. `cos*(x)`, `ln*abs(x)`. Wonder who started it.
@infrahumano @ddmeyer it's just a few students in one assignment, so at the moment I assume they've copied off one person or worked together
Least expected combination of words 2013 "@TweetsofCushing: Unicyling Darth Vader Santa Claus Plays Flaming Bagpipes…
I just made @NclNumbas a bajillion times faster by adding a check for the degenerate case to a function. Doiiiii.
@vickytnz if they can be traded, maybe they wait for card issuer refusal to discourage fraudsters buying them with other people's cards
Idea for a twitter bot: get GBP-Euro exchange rate every day, put it through inverse symbolic calculator, tweet when best fit uses <4 ops.
@JanvierUK to give an easy way of converting between currencies (for values of 'easy' that apply to mathematicians)
.@JanvierUK for example, the current exchange rate of £1 = €1.20829 is more easily remembered as ζ(1,2)ᵀʰᵘᵉᴹᵒʳˢᵉ/(Lehmerᵀʰᵘᵉᴹᵒʳˢᵉ)
@JanvierUK Zeta(1,2)^ThueMorse/(Lehmer^ThueMorse)
this textbook for French students elucidates English pronunciation via the phonetic alphabet… (i.e. not at all)
Google Music has got very confused about what songs are in this christmas album. It's playing the right tracks, but labelling them wrong.
So "The Power of Love" is now "Baby It's Cold Outside" by Tom Jones, and "A Spaceman Came Travelling" is now "Angels" by Robbie Williams
@ebuie "Lift entrapment"? I can't think of any crimes a lift could encourage me to commit.
I made this because apparently I need it:…
Wrote this, not sure what to do with it: Every example of a @MathJax extension I could think of was a bad idea.
Finalising the menu for my new fast-food chicken place ZFC, where there are so many options you have to use the axiom of choice to order.
Today on Google+ I asked a stupid question about notation and got some fascinating comments about de Rham cohomology…
@pkrautz go on...
Wondered why my GP appointment was for an hour-long window, until I realised "ten to eleven" meant 10.50.
Can whoever's in charge of such things force sixth form colleges to advertise Prob(pass an A-Level you start) instead of pass rates?
One way of gaming pass rate figures is to tell people who might not pass not to bother sitting the exam.
@sxpmaths good: your assessors are more numerically literate than your prospective students!
Particularly pleased with tonight's bananagrams. #supineyeti
@pkrautz send me an email. I'm away to your homeland for the weekend to visit the Weihnachtsmärkte, but next week I'll have some coding time
@peterrowlett good luck!
King James Programming is pretty funny
@lyd_w where?!
@lyd_w excellent! I will investigate
Berlin packing checklist. So excited!
@helenarney I sad too but no need grammar to forgetting
Just arrived in Berlin, and I have eduroam Internet! I may be able to tweet more than expected
@nulibrs that's a very good book!
.@TweetsofCushing no, you should accept that a calendar invented by the last vestige of the Roman Empire is not acceptable for timekeeping.
@jcoglan I have a vague memory of a chrome extension which put a spectrum analyser on each tab header for exactly that purpose
@evelynjlamb Dr Lamb, I wish to decrease my body's genus. What do you recommend?
Testify! MT @IanHopkinson_: Was surprised how few PhD students who code for their work use source control, let alone testing frameworks
@jcoglan that's especially bad, considering it has so few users to find bugs.
The art by @Gelada looks particularly good in the morning light today.
Lunch today at Spanglish Tiendita was nice and tasty and cheap. And oh my, the ingredients they sell!…
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss @AdamJackzon god no. Didn't watch the first one.
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss you know empire reviews hold no sway with me
@lyd_w a burrito and an arepa. Want to go back and try the paella and empanadas
Going early to the doctor's for my appointment because their waiting room is warmer than my house.
This dude's head is like a D6 of groady tattoos
@gingerbeardman were you in Berlin last weekend? So was I!
Just found out that in Moodle you can drop a SCORM zip file onto a course section to upload it in one go. So useful!
Massive anticlimax as we have a full office for the first time in well over a year.
Less happy Moodle news: debugging the SCORM module makes me want to give up technology and join a monastery
Data model retrieval and storage implemented entirely through eval() and string-replacement. #nononononono
@DrSaraSantos @bostoncyberarts ooh, I'm a big Balint fan. Pity I'm not in Boston!
Have a blast from CP's past: Santa's Freelance Adventure, a game I made.…
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon @Electrokittie sorry, I'm doing family things tomorrow, it turns out
@Dr_Lucie that is such a sci-fi sentence.
@GhostMutt using the 'selector' parameter for .on (…)
A genius tragedy today:…
@ColinTheMathmo mezzalunas are great!
@standupmaths while my GF was decrying apostrophe heretics, I told her about #snowfake. She didn't see a problem. Considering my options.
Which is mis-spotted more: the golden ratio, or a power law? "Simple mathematical formula describes human struggles"…
Correspondent on BBC News having trouble hearing anchor's questions: maybe do your report somewhere quieter than in front of a protest?
If there's a gangsta way of wearing one's kippa, this guy has it
@jcoglan Christ. PHP is like an exquisite corpse programming language. Hacks to fix hacks to fix hacks to fix hacks to fix
I can just about understand why some people think it's worthwhile to go to certain shops on boxing day. But Ryman?!
There's no Newcastle @MathsJam this month because we are purists and the second-last Tuesday is Christmas Eve.
@Bishnavitch that actually sounds delicious
Everyone is telling me to fatten up. Christmas is just over a week away. Am I a goose?
@evelynjlamb Are you aware of ?
@elinoroberts mine's leaking again, if that's any consolation
@icecolbeveridge Congratulations! Going to be an awkward birthday for presents later on, though.
@stecks @standupmaths and I had to get up early because, even though it's my day off, Helen had to go to work so kicked me out :(
@peterrowlett why yes I am, Peter, thanks for asking!
@plusmathsorg your readers might also enjoy pages from my 1811 arithmetic textbook… (still Georgian, just!)
This kid is refusing to speak with real words, despite his nana's demands and threats. Power to him. #habeedareeman
GP surgery's touchscreen check-in thing is inaccessible to the blind; ping to tell you to look at the screen inaccessible to the deaf.
"KEEP CALM AND LOOK AFTER YOURSELF", says NHS leaflet. "I don't want to live in a world with KEEP CALM...", say I.
@Bishnavitch shave a St George's cross into it
I can now play the first four bars of Little Donkey on the piano. #basicallythebest
@lyd_w you've been a hipster for five minutes, and you've already got a phone number nobody else has heard of yet.
@standupmaths looks like some number of intersecting octahedra
@FOTSN your link to buy tickets for Durham is broken
@FOTSN I imagine it changes each time they stoke the fire powering their computer.
Have some animated Victorian Christmas GIFs, courtesy of the lovely Public Domain Review…
Need to think of a way of turning my t-shirts drawer into a FIFO stack.
@jolyonjenkins thanks! Neither do I - I was practising it at mathsjam and couldn't do it anywhere near quickly enough
@JanvierUK hm yes quite…
I'm parked outside Washington's grimmest row of retail units. I can get a tattoo, borrow at usurious rates, or buy "hot food" (unspecified)
@AdamCreen not even the one you're thinking of: this was in Sulgrave village. @TweetsofCushing will appreciate your Peterlee review :)
Who on the Holby City production team decided you can just add snow in post instead of at least making fake stuff?
Phwoar, look at the maths in that! Good Christmas present from the papa Perfect.
That's surprisingly easy!
Pretty pleased with tonight's bananagrams. "Yon man won voodoo rejoinder; opine at ease."
@mutedestro it's a page from "Towers of Hanoi - Myths and Maths"
Forget π=3; apparently my mum's boiler thinks e=5.
My answer to basically all of my Nana's questions re clothes or going out: "You can do whatever you like, you're 82 years old."
"Can I go to church dressed like this?"; "Can I bring this coffee into Homebase?"; etc. etc.
First tweet from my Raspberry Pi. I think I should really keep it in the command line...
@standupmaths if you get a few of these, could it make an aperiodical post?
@peterrowlett @ProfKinyon this:…
What goes up must come down: Isaac Newton's hallowed name used for a shopping centre in Grantham.…
@monsoon0 I haven't, but Carlos has:…
My Pi needed a case, so I used materials on hand post-Christmas
@hughhunt @snapey1979 @MathsJam I want to maximise (tan(θ)-1)/(tan(θ)+(tan(θ))^2). Is there a way to do that without calculus?
End of year cleaning time. Why did I feel the need to keep this many holes?
@peterrowlett @stecks looking at it now, just got a phonecall
Best Puzzlebomb yet. RT @aperiodical: It's that time again! Puzzlebomb - March 2013
@ben_nuttall indeed!
@Bishnavitch @aperfect @Electrokittie if I can chip in, my spider friend in my bathroom has been steadily growing for a few months now
Challenge: think up most ridiculous "misogynist X", where X is a profession or activity. Misogynist accountancy?
@noneatnamesleft it was alright. Good food, but very crowded and nothing mind-blowing spicewise
The fridge cow is a sad casualty of the house move
"Imagine... if you could laser renew your skin". Yes, just imagine... if you could laser file your taxes.
@peterrowlett @aperiodical ahh you can get tae heck with the capitalisation-of-units nonsense. I've never had any patience for that.
@vickytnz it's grim! So grim!
@vickytnz stick with it, but it gets nasty (but not graphic)
@DrSaraSantos @drkenfarquhar @NUStreetScience @MathsBusking before you know it you'll be taking logs
@stecks I ordered a pack of 100 googly eyes from amazon for £1.60 delivered. That's got to cost them money, right?
@brittneybean you, and the nation of Australia, have made my life worse. No thanks.
Wow, @stecks and I have discovered the most addictive number game ever. To be revealed in number 3 of the All Squared podcast
@darrenjw the bus moves slower, so the radio waves can keep up
oh, this is very good indeed. I wonder if I can get away with downloading the entire database over the uni connection
@vickytnz any attempt to get any sort of internet-based computation to happen while Wimbledon is on is always doomed to failure
The opposite of a shibboleth is a 'Frisco'…
Goddamn Victorians can't pick an architectural style and stick with it. Just noticed the mix of Roman and Gothic arches at Tynemouth metro
Nice little stories about maths told with animation, in French:…
You know when a paper has a title this short that it contains a decent result.
Because I thrive on disappointment, I'm having another look at Moodle's SCORM code.
Finally finally, my recaps of the last two Newcastle @MathsJam meetings:…
@vickytnz I didn't write it down! I'll work it out again.
@ben_nuttall what are they? I miss my g-u-username from normal twitter
@vickytnz 1/9?
@vickytnz public announcement logic is a thriving field of study! Some fun slides at…
Penne pasta, pesto, pepper, pomodoro, and... if these had been portobellos, that would've been amazing. #mushroomsarentteamplayers
oh wow! The list of all primes was 14gb, not 1.4! Extra bonus fun!
@MrHonner all primes (explicitly discovered so far)
@stecks which one? The next one, or the next next one?
Weighing up whether to double our total expenditure to date on The Aperiodical in order to license the world's greatest stock photo
Never mind, it turns out licensing stock photos is ridiculously expensive. For reference, here it is:…
I haven't listened to arte radio in ages. The site is really nice now:
Nice minimalist scientist logos by Kapil Bhagat.…
You're not spider friend! In fact, what *are* you? Spider friend, you had ONE JOB
@charliesgames oh no! That ain't good! Time for a food hygiene purge
@TwentyThree bummer! I don't use iTunes so I don't know what to do. What happens?
@TwentyThree an iPhone-having friend has just downloaded it successfully. Try again?
@vickytnz yeah, I think that one's lacking some unhinged element the corbis one had. And they're American pancakes!
@vickytnz yes
How did I manage not to notice the metroline hordes until I got off the train?
What they've done is morally wrong, but it's beautiful. Zeroless arithmetic: (via @Gelada)
Is Zeilberger the greatest troll in contemporary mathematics? Viewed as satire, I almost respect his output.
Thanks to some judicious amazon ordering, @TweetsofCushing and I are going loopy with boggly eyes
@vickytnz yes indeed
Trying out @songdropapp now it's a proper real thing.…
Stoker was very good, but this was me on several occasions
@evelynjlamb @aperiodical is the fake formula made up for PR purposes not a thing in the US? Our papers are lousy with them.
@ColinTheMathmo ooh! Can we meet tomorrow for coffee?
@ColinTheMathmo but...?
@monsoon0 that's a great name! Like a character from a series of kids' books
A problem with living alone: no sanity check on your appearance before leaving the house.
@My_Metro why do announcements say "no trains in both directions" instead of "no trains in either direction"? Is the first less ambiguous?
Indulging in a bit of industrial espionage -slash- walking through the Northumbria campus for some exercise
Since everyone's tweeting their female maths heroes, here's mine: Hazel Perfect, my only mathematical relative and a group theorist like me!
@C_J_Smith @peterrowlett to Google Docs!
@nulibrs oh, I get it! Very clever
@peterrowlett @NoelAnn can I talk to you at some point about Maths Arcade? I think we're going to set up something similar here
@ColinTheMathmo @stecks @helenarney is this a "hung/hanged" type situation? Should we say 'drinked' to refer to when a drink is consumed?
@pkrautz there is not, and I hadn't heard of it before! Thanks!
@pkrautz @MathJax @fgdorais I don't know. I could find out...
@pkrautz @MathJax @fgdorais do you have a blog somewhere that uses jetpack comments?
@pkrautz @fgdorais it won't work because the comments are in an iframe. There are plugins to allow social login on normal wordpress though
Form says go to Redirects to, then a link goes to #joinedupIT
I really need to get round to presenting the results to the @aperiodical survey. Some people have given great answers
@brittneybean that's the second one of those I've seen in two days! What's happening? Is this the 90s revival I've heard so much about?
I'm pretty sure there's money to be made in making man-sized household cleaning appliances. My back hurts!
@standupmaths A chum freezer-burnt his hand with an extinguisher during fire warden training. The irony was more delicious than any icecream
@helenarney @jjsanderson Lor' that was a terrible film! If only they had been bloggers, that might have improved it.
In a jigsaw, you apply rotations and translations to the pieces until they fit. Could you make a puzzle with other affine transformations?
@Thalesdisciple I'm thinking of either a computer puzzle, or you could do something with optics
@Thalesdisciple so: start with 2d image; chop into pieces; apply different combinations of affine transforms to each piece
@hornmaths the exact opposite of my current feeling
Christ I just decided I need a spice rack why didn't any of you kill me before this happened
I stalled a yawn! Now I'm stuck in a half-yawn state and I think I might die.
Wow, explorer has just blocked the entire shell, even window-switching. Windows 8, ladies and gents!
@elinoroberts definitely snow at this end of the street.
@standupmaths hUSBris
Successful salad. Succalad.
@DanaKazim oh, you definitely can fail at salad. My last one was a complete nightmare
If ONE more person pronounces it EYEdillic I'm going to TURN this planet round and NOBODY gets ice cream.
This is the best snow we've had all year! It's like icing sugar. Mmmmmm
@DanaKazim it is?
As usual, @TweetsofCushing and I are spending our Monday morning well
@vickytnz well, it's getting warmer. What are you complaining about?
@SherriBurroughs @MathsJam Have a look at my Newcastle MathsJam recaps -… - we've done loads of different things
@SherriBurroughs particular favourites: the princess in a castle puzzle and the card game Mad Abel
@vickytnz I haven't read it, but it's very very highly recommended by mathematicians. It's like the classic text
I've woken up with a strong desire to see a linotype machine running. The printing museum in Lyon was great
@nulibrs it's the last week of term?! We should have a huge laser display board counting down the academic weeks somewhere on campus.
@nulibrs I don't know why it bothers me, I don't get to stop working when the students go home, anyway
@nulibrs what a coincidence! I've just recorded a thing for my maths podcast about my favourite book, an arithmetic textbook from 1811...
@nulibrs ... it's a lot more interesting than it sounds!
Is there such a thing as an Oxford semi-colon?
I think I might be a chatbot
This might be the best I'll ever do at triple town.
What's worse than biting into an apple and finding half a worm?
@vickytnz I mentioned that, and other film maths, in the last aperiodical round up:…
@vickytnz but you always keep your house clean, even when your family aren't visiting, don't you? ;)
@amermathsoc The King and Pi: in the vein of Lincoln, George III's attempt to get a bill defining pi = 3 through Parliament #pimoviepitches
Resisting the temptation to make purchases from this catalogue of blackboard drawing instruments…
@BenTormey that'll be you in a few years, watch out
Pi Light: sparkly vampires do... something. I have no idea what even the basics of the plot are. #pimoviepitches
if you say so! RT @evelynjlamb: @christianp I think they get married? And there are lots of circles there. Cakes and rings and so on.
@HilariousCow there?
@jjaron I was shocked to discover when I got my nexus 4 that Listen had been discontinued in the middle of last year
Glorious! Knitted taxidermy heads.
@OxUniConnect your mission control people are just downstairs from me! I feel an urge to go and interrupt their activities with custard pies
@ProfKinyon except I'm likely to misremember that as "how I wish I could remember pi"
@jjaron @aperiodical well, factoring in peer review...
@jjaron @aperiodical "the chicken wanted to find a vector normal to the road"
@kirkpatricke Are you still doing your PhD or have you finished? One of the mathematicians is transferring to neuroscience and wants advice
@kirkpatricke is it ok if I give her your email address so she can ask herself? Twitter is too terse
@kirkpatricke I do.
@evelynjlamb thanks for the link to All Squared!
@MarcusduSautoy umm... universal computation is definitely maths, and in my opinion a much bigger innovation
@MarcusduSautoy aha! Anyway, my vote, even though I'm a computational group theorist, would go to calculus.
@icecolbeveridge @standupmaths bravo
Very nice! RT @panlepan: Fr!endly numbers.
RT @wilderlab: About 871 and 45361: 8!+7!+1! = 45361
and 4!+5!+3+6!+1! = 871
@standupmaths @wilderlab the next one is very easy to find, but after that...
A lovely little poem…
Those CGI disaster bits in the BBC's F1 intro sequence were a terrible idea
Having top fun mishearing "rookie" as "wookiee" while watching the qualifying.
@vickytnz trying very hard, but I don't have the ready access to Star Wars quotes that is required of a true nerd
@vickytnz oh, that is an EXCELLENT t-shirt
@vickytnz are you planning on taking your family to Cragside?
@vickytnz it's a whole day visit on its own. Not that far to drive - about 40 minutes. Absolutely worth seeing
@DanielColquitt *really*? What's to like?
Knitting and watching the rugby. #mansman #ladiesman... #notantonyms
@helenarney as if that's a bad thing? Quite a few machines give fivers now.
So far this year: Google killed Reader, Sky bought Be, Elsevier in talks to buy Mendeley. Next up: everyone has kidney failure.
@Htbaa oh I'm fine with that. Depending on your choice of axioms, anything can be false.
This dude's facial hair looks like it cane with a free SEGA Dreamcast and a copy of Spaced on VHS
@haggismaths typo: "a 'one-dimensional binary cellular automata'" should be "a 'one-dimensional binary cellular automatON'".
@numberphile yeesh, I'm so tired of all these people saying they did a bit of French at school and loudly declaring how bad they are at it
@numberphile we need more high-profile French speakers who can communicate the beauty of French for its own sake. Maybe in a YouTube channel
@numberphile sorry, I was being ironic. Replace French with maths
@hellobuglers wow, I decided I'd had just about enough of that, and then I noticed I was only twelve minutes into over an hour of punning!
@nulibsage is it ironic that that's published in a closed access journal?
I don't understand wordpress user registration spam. What's the point?
@Andrew_Taylor @mathsfeedback @ColinTheMathmo my ears are burning. Can I add a question to my survey? My vote says 10% = 0.1. It's a ratio!
@helen_keen @scienceatlife oh no! I was planning on going to see you tomorrow but you're on at the same time as @MathsJam!
@Htbaa :set expandtab
@helen_keen if only that were the case! You'll be missing a single-digit number of geeks, most likely
Incredible. A 22-minute rock opera about milk.…
Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight! 7pm at the Charles Grey pub. All welcome. This month I have rational tangles and a permutations machine.
@stecks what is the stuff from the internet?
Where is everybody? I've been in work for an hour and haven't seen anyone other than the cleaner.
People who use correct, and correctly delimited, TeX in their arXiv abstracts are good people.
@Andrew_Taylor Push it to the limit!…
@Andrew_Taylor @ColinTheMathmo now I need to find that page with the many many different ways people think of multiplication, don't I?
@Andrew_Taylor @ColinTheMathmo I can't find it! It was beautiful. It laid out each way of modelling multiplication (and numbers) so clearly
@C_J_Smith @peterrowlett @jan_e_grabowski more fair might be to say every time someone asks what's on the test, what's on the test changes
@ColinTheMathmo yikes. Twitter is not the correct medium for this.
@Jackg00de @LeedsMathsJam I don't know about Leeds, but I write up each Newcastle MathsJam on my blog:…
@ColinTheMathmo it was by something like nRich, but not nRich. Maybe Australian?
@peterrowlett @ColinTheMathmo close, but it was a webpage and had like 12 or 16 models of multiplication
I'm forced to use Powerpoint for this presentation I'm giving over Blackboard Collaborate. How do I make a non-terrible set of slides?
Got a blister from scrubbing pans. It hurts a bit. #edwardianproblems
@Bishnavitch sorry, got a mega-cool LAN party planned already
@ColinTheMathmo I can't remember! That's why I needed to look it up! Everything about this is frustrating.
@Tegglington but I'll know. I'll know. And I'm not convinced Collaborate won't interpolate the bejeezu out of the screenshots.
@peterrowlett where did you do that Numbas worksheet theme homework? Was it Keele?
@ColinTheMathmo YES! You are a winner!
@ColinTheMathmo and the better web-page version at…
The do it yourself till at waitrose worked with my own bag for the first time ever. 21st century living!
@Andrew_Taylor my phone's been having trouble too. Maybe twitpic is broken
Another day, another proof of the Goldbach conjecture uploaded by an engineer to the arXiv.
You know those famously hard Microsoft interview questions? Where did the people who answered those well go? Certainly not the IE team.
(Currently waiting for IE's developer tools to display a few-thousand-line javascript file) #hateIE
@JamesMoosh but the best at what?
Wow, this is a terrible idea.…
@tinymce oh good. The reason I was looking is that IE crashes due to dom.get('mce_marker') returning null here:…
@tinymce the editor doesn't have focus because I'm doing things with a modal dialogue. Any ideas?
If Fermat were alive today: "I have discovered a truly marvellous proof of this, but I can't be bothered to LaTeX it."
@tinymce OK.. tried to register for the forum, didn't get a confirmation email, I've emailed the spam@ address.
@tinymce thanks. I've just submitted my bug report.
@ZaltzCricket as a real mathematician, that line has served me very well over the years when talking to the statisticians next door
@stecks took me a while to parse that as anything other than you telling your cohabiting boyfriend you've moved house.
@stecks it's the dot before @aPaulTaylor that made it right.
@stecks not authentic: it looks more ergonomic than the original
can anyone think of a good symbol to denote "partially correct"? I currently have a percent symbol, which is bad cause it's next to a number
@EliotBall a bit too small. I'd prefer something the same height as a tick or cross
ah! I could use a hollow tick. That would work, wouldn't it?
@stevieb not immediately obvious, though
What I went for was a grey cross instead of a green one. Sorry, monochromats!
@madcaptenor wrong northeast, wrong parmo. You should be eating one of these:…
A+++ would agree with again RT @sciSteve: These things! Anyone around 24+ should recall? They were so much fun.
@Rosalot no way! I don't know what happened to mine. Lost a couple of house
moves ago, maybe.
I'd love Saturday Kitchen if it didn't have all these insufferable chefs on it.
@DanaKazim that is incredible! Scan them all! Where are they from?
I am currently playing A World of Keflings on the xbox. It's lovely. Does anyone want to join me?
"Tip: female keflings are better than males at some tasks, and vice versa"... umm... Why did that need to be part of the game?
@standupmaths and you know he's keeping statistics on how people react to meeting him
Windows keyboard shortcut mind-blown moment: Windows key+<0-9> switches to or opens the item at that position on your taskbar. #kabloom
@ben_nuttall I too have wondered this.
The Holden ratio ♌ arises often in nature, most famously as the proportion of the volume of a real sensible car that an Australian ute fills
An interactive 7-set Venn diagram RT @notemates: Hoy en… dos genios del diseño de datos @infobeautiful y @moebio
@jcoglan a tensor.
People who use the Interrobang are glory-seekers. I'm more of an ACrobang person. #forreals‽
Spider friend update: I hadn't seen her for a week. Yesterday I looked under the bath mat where I step out of the shower. RIP spider friend
Somebody brought hot chocolate on the train! #require
@peterrowlett how does your post-tweeting script work? I have a python thing which replaces HTML escapes with unicode if you want it
Best tragedy in a while…
I'm a huge fan of how long it takes Outlook to import my emails from my old student account. I'm getting so much work done!
@MadeleineS which is why I put the IPA!
@MadeleineS it's that down here too.
@DeucharsIPA that's alright, I'm teetotal. The other IPA is an alphabet to help people from different countries understand each other
@maanow please use the double-acute ő for Erdős - see…
@ColinTheMathmo this one looks a bit physics-oriented…
@ColinTheMathmo this is almost definitely not what you saw, but it's interesting
@EulerLeonhard Some places should subdivide time into more or fewer parts - e.g. it could be 4/11/101/4 in Paris.
@stecks on, pheasant is always an ingredient. It's like nobody lists oxygen for the gas to combust with.
@DrMathS if you're going to use the #MathsJam tag, at least come to one!
Oh wow.
I thought I had a new sequence! I didn't!
that previous tweet was an excerpt from my forthcoming memoir, "How I Fought the OEIS... and Lost"
@vickytnz you're going to be in London? Me too! Museums will be open. I'm going to the British Museum!
@newdiorama do you have any press images for "The Universal Machine"? I'm writing a plug for it on a maths blog
@vickytnz Primark is very much an aspirational shop
I just lost the best minecraft hardcore mode world I've ever had. I might cry.
@ebuie always followed by "O'Reilly", I hope
@DanielColquitt haha. Whoever wrote that didn't do a PhD
@JessWardman @standupmaths we rescued a blackboard as it was being thrown out and put it in our office. It's the Lonesome George of the dept
@ICMS_Edinburgh I love that paper. A member in good standing of my Interesting Esoterica collection
@pkrautz @fgdorais and how would that help with mathjax?
@fgdorais oh right, yes
@pkrautz what's the latest with blackboard and mathjax? A lecturer wants to get students to write TeX in group assignments
@pkrautz BB currently seems to let the script tag through and it's loaded, but seemingly not executed. Any idea?
@standupmaths (don't blame me, blame @TweetsofCushing)
@scienceatlife could you use the Tesla coil as a PC speaker for some old DOS games? Maybe the Monkey Island theme?…
@outofthenorm2 Winkler's book is a masterpiece. Very much a dipping-into book though. My brain overheats otherwise.
Race against time: will my jumper be dry before I get my train? It's properly tense, the Run Lola Run music is playing and everything
Londoners! Would anyone like to meet for a drink or whatever tomorrow or Sunday?
I should just throw away my colourblind-unfriendly socks, shouldn't I?
"Cod Is Dead" would be a terrible name for a chippy, wouldn't it?
Why is it that whenever I need to get a real train, the metro breaks down? Something to do with the time of day?
Have decided from now on to consider trips to London as taking place a year in the future and spend the extra £10 on first class. #legroom!
@DanielColquitt if they try some guesses, algorithms which don't work are not the ones used by ants.
@ColinTheMathmo the pigeonhole chapter in "Proofs from the BOOK" contains some beauties, and is a particularly accessible chapter
I hope this plane photographed above Russell Square on google maps isn't a permanent fixture,-…
Any recommendations for good midprice dinner within 10 mind walk of Euston station? Pulled pork, Mexican or curry preferable
@MatPaterson @JoVanEvery @icecolbeveridge all the reviews say the staff are enormously rude. When did you last go?
Google maps on my phone is showing me floor plans of buildings! So clever!
@Bishnavitch how on earth did that happen?
Adam Goucher is busy proving that 3d chess is Turing-complete on his blog. My inferiority complex grows.…
@ajk_44 ooh, that's a good coincidence! And happy 2^5th birthday for tomorrow
@cbokhove I originally had "quad error demonstrandum" but thought that was too far. Interesting that's the one mistake you picked up on...
Still haven't had any easter eggs. My desire for chocolate has become a gnawing, animal need. I may start howling at the moon
Hey @ColinTheMathmo, somebody else is doing @ProofinaTweet: @tinyproof
@peterrowlett "overly" -> "overtly"?
Blackboard still uses framesets... not sure how to feel. Am I disappointed? Was I not expecting it to be that awful?
@vickytnz all of the links to posts on are broken.
@vickytnz ahah, I've worked it out! is stripping prepositions out of the URLs
For posterity in case anyone sees my Riemann "proof" from yesterday outside an April 1st context: I haven't gone *that* crazy yet.
@haggismaths it's "Wicks form"
@peterrowlett @johndavidread hey! We have no way so far of knowing if my result was wrong as well!
@MarcusduSautoy I was quite worried for a moment until I realised it was the other North-East. I thought we'd been invaded!
Just realised my webinar tomorrow is 7am GMT, which is 8am BST, so I get another hour in bed!
@standupmaths @MissJKDarcy Hey, you forgot these: ⌊ ⌋
@MadeleineS Buckfast in the 25th Century?
Many moons have passed since I played this game.
@peterrowlett thanks! Who were you hiding as? I didn't see your name.
@peterrowlett haha. I was almost the same: Collaborate doesn't work with Windows 8, so I booted to Ubuntu. Had my telly PC on standby...
"Jassology is a global theory on orientable maps which results from artistic experiments." I can't compete.
@peterrowlett you need the Oracle jvm instead of openjdk to start with, and then I think I had to do a bit more fiddling.
@haggismaths is that following the polyhedra with beaded beads paper?
@haggismaths certainly! It's…
@haggismaths @wundalous better than infringing copyright, the authors have a preprint on their site…
Dear Middle English, what happened to the infinitive of 'can'? It seems to have gone missing at this end. Yours sincerely, Modern English
@nulibrs ohh, the things I'd carry in mine... if I had one
@stecks @standupmaths @icecolbeveridge name a discipline it might find a use in... Correct, it's economics!…
@sxpmaths according to etymonline, 'cunnan'.… Same root as modern German können/kennen
@vickytnz I'd like to, but I haven't had an invitation to Editorially yet
@vickytnz @MikePress it works! I'm writing in your document now. Can't see how to add comments or see versions though.
@vickytnz @MikePress we're not writing on the same thing at the same time, are we? I can't see your cursor or a way to add notes on sections
@vickytnz @MikePress ok, but I need to drive my nana to the airport in half an hour
@byrichardpowell I've written a computer algebra system in JS (plus an entire e-assessment system) that does some fun things.
@MrHonner hurrah for equal access to opportunity! That's why I don't do private tuition - I feel I should be helping those who can't pay
Windows 8: Press Ctrl-Shift-Esc. Start doing something else. Maybe browse a few sites. A while later, the task manager appears.
The stock android calendar widget scares me so often by putting things which won't happen for a week right at the top.
@MathsJam "taust" is what Brummies eat, isn't it?
The difference between ignorance and stupidity: while configuring Apache, I'm ignorant, and everyone on StackOverflow is stupid.
Does anyone know what this symbol is called? ⋜ It's like an upside-down \leq, but it isn't in detexify!
@nillie_kj @standupmaths because Matt is Australian, and every now and then he holds his phone like he would back home
@Nathan1123 yeah, I know that. But how is it different to "less than or equal to"? And more importantly: what's its LaTeX command?
@standupmaths as someone with a ridiculous name, I exercise with relish my right to pun on arbitrary properties of other people
@cawhitworth @alexcreid @YoshiDota2 UP HIGH! DOWN LOW! Aww @standupmaths, you got it the wrong way up again!
@Nathan1123 @rockhyrax \eqslantless isn't quite right. If I was taking approximations, I'd go with \bar\lt
@Nathan1123 @rockhyrax spooky! It's in the Computer Modern fonts - I spotted it on my cm webfonts demo page
Font rendering on Ubuntu is so nice, but so tiny! Am I doing something wrong, or is that just how it is?
aha! As I suspected, it's subpixel rendering plus funky fonts…
so "Don't Repeat Yourself" doesn't really work with Wordpress, does it? Such a massive hassle to abstract out repeated bits of this theme!
@icecolbeveridge there's no link to Tanya Khovanova's posts
@robeastaway I feel that a contest to find the worst model which correctly predicts the winner of the Grand National would be fun.
@aPaulTaylor I saw that! What terrible things science has wrought. Can't remember if I bought it as part of the 2-for-1 or not.
@aPaulTaylor @stecks wot no black pudding?
@icecolbeveridge and who comes out as winner with that model?
@Electrokittie don't they teach you to do research on a journalism degree?…
To whoever's job it is to sift the crank submissions to the arXiv into math.GM: I salute you.
@icecolbeveridge incredible! I think you've earned your prize
@BenTormey yeah, that's basically consent.
@nulibrs IT'S WHAT?! I've had more than enough of this now.
@RGS_maths just noticed you followed my maths blog @aperiodical. You should think about coming to Newcastle @MathsJam!
"Hi!" almost has a horizontal axis of symmetry. Not sure whether that's interesting or not, so I am putting it to twitter vote.
Not doing a great job. MT @mathbabbler: I wasn't aware of this until today, but April is Mathematics Awareness Month.
@RGS_maths second-last Tuesday of the month, at the Charles Grey pub -… (I am inviting you the teacher, not the kids)
Want to touch the mammoth! Need to touch the mammoth! Booking tickets to Japan brb…
Talking of Thatcher, there is a cutlery Pinochet at work in the office. My spoons have been disappearing, with no explanation.
@vickytnz nope! There's MIMA, which is mediocre, and a big wire funnel thing, and the transporter bridge
@vickytnz compare with the £200 my department just paid for a peaktime return to Birmingham on Thursday
@josephdancey @vickytnz @refreshteesside it's a t-shirt! And it's from the Durham Miners' Gala!
@josephdancey insulting people on twitter is a cool thing to do now?
@josephdancey nah, no truce. Boro is a hole and I stand by that.
About to shave my rather too long beard off. This is going to hurt.
Late for work. Boss is also late, and on the opposite platform to go the long way round the metro line. Think I'll get away with it.
Adventures in Flexible Working Hours
@TimandraHarknes @jamesgrime turtles swim in the sea. At least, that's what my teacher tortoise.
Oh wow, the National Rail Enquiries android app is so much better than Train Times UK
Just realised that redbrick buildings must have a completely different meaning for people who can see the colour red!
Like, is red brick noticeably red? Like how whitewashed buildings are noticeably white? My mind is blown.
British trains! Does being a daddy long legs count as a special need? Yes, my bum's as far back as it'll go.
Gott in Himmel that's a bad hot chocolate!
Could we kickstart a tunnel through the Pennines? I think it would work; carrying on to Ireland could be a stretch goal.
Very very disappointed that does not do what it says on the tin.
@jgrahamc depends on if you count proper names as words
@vickytnz faint?!
@vickytnz there's probably enough heavy metals in the air to induce a charge if you run around fast enough
@vickytnz so, good day in Middlesbrough then?
@ColinTheMathmo Aww, I'd noticed that too and was going to do an Aperiodical post! Still possible, I suppose
Turns out @TweetsofCushing and I are allergic to Baby Elephant Walk
It's a thing of beauty. RT @TweetsofCushing: My latest failure to find a new integer sequence:
All the cool kids are Sloanewhacking. RT @TweetsofCushing: But that has not deterred me in my integer seqeunce quest! #sloanewhacking
After listening to The Cure for a while, we don't seem to be allergic to Baby Elephant Walk any more.
@ICMS_Edinburgh @elinoroberts I second that vote.
@vickytnz What One-Shot Joke Websites Can Teach You About Career Progression
Clearing out the filing cabinets, we found this. Does it say "CP feeding study"? Was I the subject of an experiment?
@jarofgreen If you don't mind ordering online, I just get mine from
@JusSumChick I like that possibility less
@peterrowlett the documents are MYSTERIOUSLY MISSING
I am 100% with him. RT @maanow: Mathematician Objects to Platonist Patent System #mathnews
Having read the article, I retract my support of the patents dude. I thought he was going to argue maths shouldn't be patented!
@icecolbeveridge @stecks @standupmaths oh, that's a beautiful idea!
@Samuel_Hansen Congratulations! What are you doing?
@ColinTheMathmo @standupmaths @peterrowlett @icecolbeveridge @stecks how about something like… ?
Take an English word. Use its first letter as the key to a Ceasar cipher. Decode that word using that key. Still an English word? Bonza!
THUG -> MANY; GIG -> MOM; HEW -> OLD; NARK -> ANEW; WEAR -> SAWN; PORK -> EDGY. OAF -> COT. There are a few more.
how have I not seen this before? is like the combo HTML+MathJax thing I made a few years ago, but done properly. Superb.
Look what time I ordered my not-getting-home-for-hours misery burger yesterday!
@peterrowlett @ColinTheMathmo @standupmaths @icecolbeveridge @stecks @ColinTGraham ha, have I hilariously ironically misunderstood mathchat?
@Kit_Yates_Maths Not sure if they have a name. The thought just occurred to me last night.
@Kit_Yates_Maths @MathsWorldUK of course they're in the OEIS; I showed @wilderlab this yesterday:
#uksunshine NE30 5/10. Because let's be honest, it's almost as rare as snow.
There's only one thing you can do on a day like this
@vickytnz how long do you need a place for? I know a few people in a similar position.
@Kit_Yates_Maths good thought, but I'd rather save that for something more impressive
I found a program on my computer which composes haiku that evaluate to integers. No idea why I wrote it.…
Y yallso ghuwnd ae bbrhufhryamm wuhecygh myachis a mmoccherw wfg thi wuelsh lyanygwaethi…
The year I was born: 1986 = 489^1 + 2^9 + 2^8 + 3^6.…
What I'm saying is, I've collected all the code I write when my mind goes on an excursion on github:…
@Electrokittie I really want you to have made a pun on station but I can't see it.
@elinoroberts yeah. I honestly have no idea where the map came from. But nobody gets "ghoti" in English first time, either.
@DrClimate oh, the term "policy" is used by the computing people to mean the software is installed automatically on everyone's machine
@DrClimate a decent proportion of people do use version control, but there's no School Policy saying they have to
@ajk_44 bravo !
11:23! Tell a fib!
@standupmaths am I too late to add that you can make your own 3D shape which flattens to a Penrose tiling?…
@jcoglan that's just the worst.
@vickytnz another reason I live out here on the coast. Seagulls don't support football teams.
cor, the forms on are lovely. All ticky boxes and helpful information and... phwoar
Indiamore by Chassol is so good.…
@elinoroberts ooh, that's a good idea! I will do a chocolate marble cake
Today's lesson: never assume you have cocoa powder.
I'ma let you finish Euler, but Gauss had the best birthdate of all time. OF ALL TIME.
Why is the benefits cap being introduced first where there cost of living is highest?
Wearing the deadly comfortable trousers AND comfortable jumper combo today. I might forget to do anything useful at all.
What's that hot new punctuation you've heard all the cool kids talking about? It's the bangocolon!: the sexiest mark.
so Google did just forget to do an Erdős doodle then?
@EATng that's a lot of males!
There is an all-female Duran Duran tribute band called Joanne Joanne. Top tribute-punning. Thanks, @amazingradio!
@jcoglan EmaciateScript
Prepping final designs for my new line of pagers especially for expectant fathers, Justin Beeper. (They go "Baby, baby, baby ohh!")
@jjaron lots of fun maths involved, particularly the fairness verification if they're doing it properly, but I still find bitcoin annoying
Lefties avoid exact numbers?… I'm ~100% sure this isn't true.
My uni's librarians provide an invaluable service RT @nulibrs: “@EmergencyPuppy: Koala, napping. ”
This adventure with mixed pickle might have been a mistake. I'm basically just eating raw chilis by the handful now
In return for dropping the manifesto pledge to reform libel law, wily LibDem negotiators won the right to go next on the Commons pool table
I bought a bum punnet of tomatoes. I reckon I've probably got ergot poisoning now.
So when I type "localhost:8000" into IE's address bar, what does it interpret it as other than "http://localhost:8000"? And why?
@daveowhite I can sympathise! The google account for the @aperiodical's YouTube channel is "aperidoical". We're stuck with that forever.
@jamessocol @TedMielczarek MathJax can and does. It's really good!
Stop being so rubbish, IE! I just want to work out why you're breaking! Your cooperation would help us both!
#hateIE #hateIE #hateIE #hateIE
Well, I give up. A DOM node inexplicably has no contents. Not sure I can do anything about that. I'm going home to cry. #hateIE
@Sa3eedo dude, I have to support IE8. Wouldn't be surprised if this bug still happens in IE10, though.
@moebio @bitcraftlab do you mean this?…
It's been a quiet couple of week for cranks on the arXiv. Do they take the Easter holiday off?
Yes sir, this is how I will be getting around from now on.…
"Dear Christian, Seeing as you've unsubscribed from our email newsletters, you won't have heard about our ultra topical upcoming event".
"You said you didn't want to hear from us any more, but we don't think you meant it".
@jcoglan I gave my email address to a programmer at a conference, they put it on their PR list, I unsubscribed, PR person sent me that email
@profkeithdevlin @stevenstrogatz wow, they did well not to use the letters "NP" at any point in that article. And they got the result wrong!
The commute home is a bad time to get turbo flatulence. Glad I invested in the sphincter upgrade at the last checkpoint. #lifeisamundaneRPG
I actively dislike both Les Mis and but this is incredible…
It's so windy outside that things are falling over in here.
@evelynjlamb it's much easier to find your name in Champernowne's constant, and I can prove it'll definitely be there
What's the most interesting arithmetic (sub)sequence of times? I reckon 12:12; 12:24; 12:36; 12:48 is hard to beat.
@jcoglan well, there are countably many computer programs, so having uncountably many version numbers would be overkill
Tonight Mr Perfect has nominated a Caesar Salad with Steak. Tricky, but if he pulls it off it's a high-tariff meal and would put him on top.
The crowd falls into a hushed silence as he approaches the counter. You could cut the tension with a knife.
The crowd goes wild! Just look at the judges' faces. They've never tasted anything so good. They're unanimous in their verdict.
Now, while the engraver works his magic on the trophy, a short vignette in memory of the cow who gave her life so all this could happen.
When I send an email I wish the universe would split in two, with one half where I don't send it, so I can pick the one that works out best
(Don't worry, I'm not sending any serious emails, I just always get anxious initiating email conversations with people)
@monsoon0 ooh, I have loads of these. "How to explain zero-knowledge protocols to your children"… ...
@monsoon0 'There is no "Uspensky's method"'…
@monsoon0 "Carrots for dessert"
The "I have no idea what I'm going to eat tonight"
It's a lovely warm evening tonight. As the sun slowly sets, a person in a dinosaur costume is getting ready for a dip in the sea. #tynemouth
A happy couple, plus some sand, in wedding gear. Two labs fighting over a tennis ball. A child just old enough to appreciate rockpooling.
I wonder if that balloon will make it to Norway? It's heading in the right direction, I think
As I've been sitting here, various wildlife has come to inspect me. Previously: a large grey gull. Currently: between five and ten flies.
Now the dogs are gone, three boy mallards land in the lido with splashes. Time for their ablutions. Where were they waiting?
For some at the the beach it's the silence that makes them smile. For this man, it's the sound of his Ferrari's engine breaking that silence
Well, the sun can't see the beach any more, so I think neither should I. I'll stop tweeting rubbish now, too
@aperfect I may or may not have eaten a whole melon, gone outside on a sugar rush, and got a bit poetic
@Andrew_Taylor @standupmaths @stecks with NFC, phones can send messages to each other when they bump. Could you use that in a domino setup?
I have generated a rather marvellous minecraft world, the seed for which this tweet is too small to contain
@samholloway maybe it's the ice cream man's birthday?
Huh? @laRadioNova is doing a programme about French pop, in English. I'm confused.
@komiga I have a bamboo. It's very far from the best tablet I've ever used. Not awful, but not great to draw with,
@komiga I don't do any serious drawing, but it just isn't very accurate
This app which simulates and corrects colour blindness through your phone camera is excellent.…
@vickytnz I think you just set a record for quickest response to a tweet
@vickytnz are you mathsjamming tomorrow?
@vickytnz ahh what, is Bright Club the same night? Rrrr, I wanted to go!
@standupmaths I feel that to progress any further in taking terrible photos you'll need to start using like a Game Boy Camera or something
Sweet Jesus of Pizzus that's an attractive pie! Cajun chicken, caramelised onion, jalapeño.
Reader, let me tell you: the pizza delivered. Pity I'm not in Soviet Russia.
Well done, music shuffle, today *does* seem like a Juana Molina day. #positivereinforcement
Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight, 7pm, upstairs at the Charles Grey pub. All welcome. I have a cardboard computer(!) and a big book of puzzles
Today is an IE debugging day. The wobbly dog is poised and ready to help
Getting perilously close to a nice number of emails in my inbox.
@Mathematical_A @ICMS_Edinburgh that's probably true, but GCSE maths 100% speedruns are a fun way to pass time. I'm currently sub-20 minutes
@Mathematical_A @ICMS_Edinburgh (I had to do something to make tutoring prep interesting)
@ICMS_Edinburgh oh yeah, absolutely. But it's fun to do in a few minutes something that took an hour when I was little!
@vickytnz no: you didn't use "chuffed". You might qualify for Southerner, but not generic British.
@vickytnz looks like a scene from Wholander
@icecolbeveridge oh no, not third derivatives again!
@SITP_NCL @kirkpatricke or you could sneak in a cheeky hour of maths before Bright Club starts
If you've ever felt there's a Michael Jackson song title to express anything you want to say: You Are Not Alone.…
I'm So Blue. There's a much more comprehensive list of songs at…. What More Can I Give?
@kirkpatricke I haven't yet worked out how to attend SITP though. I will one day! ... maybe.
@jjaron I clicked on that, but before it loaded I realised I never need to know anything more about Robert Scoble, so I closed the tab
I've mistimed my mathsjam approach. Finished my dinner with 20 minutes to spare. Going to take a short walk around lovely sunny Newcastle
I'm at work for 9am on the morning after a MathsJam. Unprecedented!
@jcoglan definitely go to the Musée Lumière in Lyon if you haven't already.
Definitely didn't accidentally switch the @aperiodical over to the new design a day early. Definitely not.
Fed up with surly sandwich-makers, @TweetsofCushing and I have decided to open a new cafe with polite staff, called Cheese and Thank-you
@ben_nuttall that's also due to PHP's calling convention though, isn't it?
@michaeljgrove @peterrowlett @stephenlee1643 fight the power! #don'tplaybytwitter'srules
@haggismaths "After the viva, which can last anything from 90 minutes to a gruelling five hours" - my friend's took eight. It was ridiculous
just changed the name of my dev server's test user from "Testington Smythe" to "George Test". It's a bold new world.
@ICMS_Edinburgh @haggismaths goats? Goats on the roof! Goats can not be overrated.
@Bishnavitch there's also a herd immunity problem: kids who got the jab are also at risk because of how much measles they're exposed to
@haggismaths @ICMS_Edinburgh similarly, the many many many signs warning us not to run over red squirrels in Northumberland. Never seen one
@elinoroberts I think I'm pro-cucumber, on balance.
Good news everyone! I've been asked to find some arty maths to go on our department's walls. Before I check my archives, any suggestions?
Batman, catwoman, ratchild, gnatfriend.
@evelynjlamb @henryseg would be among my first choices for sculpture, but I'm not sure if head of department just wants wall art, ie paper
@henryseg that would be wonderful, thanks!
@WarrenoN thanks, I'm aware of your nice blog. Are you aware of mine?…
@jcoglan I think the problem people have is seeing the abstract structure that links all those different approaches, though
@Bishnavitch @aperfect I thought I was over 40K, and then I saw this:…
Llama friend!…
could Tynemouth be powered entirely on the heat given off by all the beach weeding fireworks? I think so.
@Electrokittie ah, so maybe I did see Gary Glitter in town a couple of days ago?
@Gelada suppose my department had not a lot but a modest amount of money to commission some 2d art from you. What could you do?
@jcoglan Oh. That's good, then!
@DanielColquitt get github for Windows
@DanielColquitt no. Well, a couple of hours tops. But it's well worthwhile, and no version control is simpler
Very cheeky! "Tyneside Pregnancy Advice Centre" ad on metro offering free advice to pregnant women. Tiny mention they're a Christian charity
Claim: 50% of natural numbers are prime. Proof: checked by computer up to n=8. #lolzeilberger
@My_Metro the modernisation works have taken on human form?! What are you building?
Finally, I understand how to draw a Hilbert curve!…
Looking at my bank statement, my balance was temporarily a palindrome. Pleasing.
@ebuie hey, it's better than an overdraft!
@ebuie that's OK, I did the conversion in my head. Add 32 and divide by 3.2, right?
Using my colourblind-fixing app to find the mixed pickle I accidentally involved with the rest of my curry
@vickytnz MAKE A NEW ONE!
@aperiodical @stecks @peterrowlett oh no, that's a terrible idea! I tweet about my farts way more often than I tweet about maths
Can it not just be an axiom of Amazon's music store that mp3 albums always cost at most as much as the CD version?
Capybaras having a hot bath!!…
Dogsitting in Peterlee for three days. Making a map of my moles, to compare with when I leave.
.@stecks has inadvertently founded the Institute of Mathematics and its Implications. Pure maths only: no applications allowed!
@phillord you empathise rather than emphasise with the publishers, don't you? Should the paper you're talking about be in the bibliography?
@haggismaths @ICMS_Edinburgh Haskell Curry's middle initial was B. It *could* stand for Balti, if we all decide to make it so.
@phillord thanks!
@mathhombre I am because I wasn't aware of him. Thanks! That would work better as a comment on the post itself though
@mathhombre ohhh, it's *that* Tilman! I did know about him, from Geometry Daily. Do you sell anything, @Tilman?
@Tilman super! Thanks.
Are there more people with the title "Prof" than with the title "Sir", or the other way round?
@icecolbeveridge yes he does. I thought of the question after seeing Prof Sir Tim Berners-Lee in an article
@njj4 looking at the US is a bit unfair: they don't have any Sirs
@C_J_Smith @icecolbeveridge yeah, I don't think too many profs are created each year.
.@monsoon0 oh, of course. I suppose I want all regal-conferred titles that go in front of your name but don't get you in the House of Lords
100,000 members of the OBE worldwide, but no breakdown of how many are officers entitled "Sir" or "Dame".…
my dad's toilet has one of those weird disposable plastic toilet scrubber things. I feel like Sly Stallone in Demolition Man
@standupmaths I know how to get a letter of credit from the shopkeeper on Mêlée Island but not from my bank. Common 21st century problem?
yo dawg, your javascript library is sweet but you used for(x in an_array) so we can't be friends any more
@aPaulTaylor it includes all of an_array's methods too. For example, if you're using a polyfill to add map,filter,etc., those get included
Just recorded an *incredible* interview for the next All Squared. INCREDIBLE.
@gingerbeardman as you shouldn't. It's incredible.
@jjaron it does like to say it hasn't found anything while it's still looking. But it's also just bad. So it could be either!
How many things are on sale in the UK priced 1 penny? Could I buy one of each?
@vickytnz oh wow! I just googled myself and only one link on the first page isn't about me! TAKE THAT, RELIGIOUS TYPES
This advert with discount code TRAM1 on @My_Metro is still annoying me. Surely they can target things more precisely than "The North"
@OxUniConnect ha! At least that's technically correct, which is way better than Fox News normally manage.
@DanielColquitt campanology changes the view?!
@DanielColquitt I instantly felt regret at the expression of pedantry. Hope they've stopped ringing the bells!
auuughh I didn't go to the right school I have no idea what valediction to end this email with why am I so common aaaaaaa
@icecolbeveridge I've always gone with "cp". I think it's better aesthetically than a big C.
@icecolbeveridge well, that says something about you
@moebio use patterns instead
@moebio use dashes then!
I've been doing $1\!,\!000$. Turns out you can just do $1{,}000$ to get thousands separators to have the right spacing in TeX,
@DanielColquitt scientific notation for amounts of money seems odd
I'd like to think the girl this busker's staring at is inspiring a melodic flight, but he's just playing the same four notes over and over
@NautilusMag since it looks like you paid so much attention to design: why aren't mathematical variables in italics?…
@tombutton booooo! Get off the stage!
In Barter Books, I saw something that might please @standupmaths
@gingerbeardman where's that?
@peterrowlett :) I've been meaning to do this for a long time.
I love it when people hashtag the rhetorical device they've used, in case the full force of what they said wasn't obvious. #sarcasm
I spent all that effort noticing that the code for ö-umlaut is an arithmetic sequence, and Chrome starts interpreting numpad-4 as back? #poo
@divbyzero ooh, that's very nice! (And our best lecturer starts his first-year course every year with "minimum" and a warning to be careful)
@DanaKazim are you?
I've written up my recap of March and April's Newcastle @MathsJam:…
It both sounded and smells like someone's barbecue just blew up
@elinoroberts no, I'm at my mum's in Washington
Complete low blood pressure moment. I am all wobbly. This hasn't happened in a while.
@stevenstrogatz "math class is tough!" - D. Zeilberger / Teen Talk Barbie.
@PaulWatsonNcl hah, that looks fun! I'll make sure to go
if I had a cybernetic implant, it would be a modular oblongata
There were mitigating circumstances. RT @TweetsofCushing: watching @christianp trying to prove that 19 is prime!
The biggest tie ever was over 4000km long, around Croatia's borders:…
Micro mayhem!
Dude in a taxi outside the strawberry arguing with his driver about the validity of a note from the Clydesdale Bank
Best animal failing to stay awake video yet…
my flat is FREEZING. I should be thankful, considering how hot it is outside.
@ColinTheMathmo @samholloway @ajk_44 For your consideration:
@nulibrs euch, so many undergrads using the wifi! Going to have to spend my maths aid hours making origami again...
@ajk_44 on the subject of fun ages, I'm currently n^n, n ∈ ℤ, for the last time ever
When information mysteriously goes missing from your gmail address book: rrrrrr!
@gingerbeardman it's the alert noise that accomponies the revelation that my old phone wasn't saving *all* my data to gmail.
@gingerbeardman accomponies? A kind of horse? I felt the need to acknowledge the typo.
@gingerbeardman I think it was the custom HTC thing; my contacts are full of <HTCDATA> xml nonsense
Today's vim magic: `:au BufWritePost *.tex make` - recompiles TeX files when you save them
Staying at Birmingham University for the night and I can't connect to eduroam. Nothing else to do apart from go to sleep, then.
Apparently is a "protected resource" on Birmingham's network, for which I need to go through their shibboleth.
but is fine. Weird!
@jcoglan I got 99 data representation problems but ambiguous encoding ain't "1".
@numberphile WHAT?
Look what I found at Tynemouth market:
"Mercedes have annexed the front row". Suspiciously unfortunate phrasing about the German team
This is a great game: from a random street view image, work out where you are
Oh! The episodes of One on iplayer are new! Super.…
Instant retraction, they're five years old. What happened to the (R) on the end of programme descriptions?
@ebuie would have worked better with the letter A. Demand you relive your life accordingly.
@PerudoJedi @TraineeGeek @MathsJam I'm sure we could break out the Geordie enigma machine if you have some messages to send
I haven't remembered what I need from the shops after 10 minutes of thought, so I might as well set off now and see if I remember on the way
PAPER PLATES! Took until I was stood in front of them, but I did remember
@Bishnavitch you know they're just being cosmopolitan and choosing complementary colours to go with the furniture.
Aaaaaa that ford advert where he high-dives through the car gives me the juddering jeebers. Can not handle no no no
@pkrautz have you seen this?… Microsoft people exist in a scary universe
All of @Tilman's Geometry Daily prints have free shipping today:
@numberphile probably best to use infinite scroll, so segments are only loaded if the user scrolls down. I can make something if you want
@numberphile I'll have a go then email you
Talking to @numberphile about a number file
@ColinTheMathmo @icecolbeveridge rather than make all the dollars mathmode, you can do \$ to tell MathJax not to interpret a $ as maths
@icecolbeveridge oh, then you need processEscapes: true in your config. Also, putting dollars inside <span> tags breaks up maths.
Alexey Taktarov has used my deck.js template and added some neato interactive graphs:
(my template is on github at…)
@ThomasEWoolley I thought you'd forgotten about it!
@Bishnavitch see also Channel 4
@standupmaths aka the "Prime cousins-70,000,000-times-removed" conjecture
@numberphile I've just had an idea! If you wanted to show all of that number at once, you could do a gigapan:
Good lord, yet another Sambuca has opened. When's the leveraged buyout?
The back cover of the book this person is reading on the metro looks fascinating. Not sure how to angle myself to see the spine
TeX plod day three: 40 pages down, 380 to go. This had better be worthwhile... #texplod
@icecolbeveridge it's worse: it isn't even my TeX! I'm cleaning up someone's course notes to go on the web
How do we feel about $a/b$ instead of $\frac{a}{b}$ for inline fractions? I'm slightly anti.
@icecolbeveridge even though \frac fractions are tiny tiny in inline mathmode?
@icecolbeveridge good, we agree
@relinde @peterrowlett @aperiodical we stated it as "sum of three ODD primes". 7=2+2+3 is the only one you need an even prime for
@jamesgrime aww, that's the image I was trying to make this morning. I went with infinitely many pears instead
@mathemaniac please allow me to make your day:
the reference number on this letter from my car insurance company is suspiciously short. Am I their only customer?
@vickytnz I will always hold a soft spot in my heart for Austria's insane Latin Kryner fusion entry a few years ago:…
@vickytnz (soft spot may or may not be dirndl-provoked)
@vickytnz but it has yodelling!
Forget eurovision. Austria on its own puts out enough terrible music for the entire continent…
So sorry. That dude is clearly Dutch. And in fact, I can only find foreigners recording terrible music in Tyrol. Worst form of tourism?
Newcastle @MathsJam is next Tuesday! 7pm at the Charles Grey pub. I will have a Correntator, a set of Hex, and a book of logarithms.
Randomly generate a Turing machine on a 2d grid and see it run. This one explodes after a while:…
@peterrowlett I think it either wasn't correct, or I don't understand why it is correct
@peterrowlett I started a comment on the post on the site, but was stricken by doubt
A short guide to LaTeX math: Because I'm a cool dude, I already knew most of it
@peterrowlett yeah, so what I said wasn't true
ChromeVox, a text-to-speech engine for Chrome, now reads out maths! It's not too bad.…
... actually, it does a pretty terrible job of reading anything more complicated than a polynomial. Stretched symbols are particularly poor
@FOTSN Nerds, I haven't seen you give a single Beamer presentation. Can the scientists in the audience even understand what you say?
@Jokerman21 @peterrowlett 11 = 5+3+3; 23 = 11+7+5
@nulibrs @nulibsage converse is not the same as the contrapositive. Opposite of that statement is "people who don't prefer screen are old"
@nulibrs @nulibsage Whoops, I just gave you the contrapositive! Point was, "A implies B" does not mean that "not A implies not B"
@nulibrs @nulibsage unless you were saying you couldn't comment on the story because you're not young. Jeez, what a mess I've made.
wow. The hold music for this company's cancellation department is a funeral march
@madcaptenor that's so illegal!
Today's notation question: $_nC_r$ or $^nC_r$ ?
@Thalesdisciple this might be a British thing, but I've never liked that, and rarely seen it used, because it looks like a column vector.
@samholloway yeah, that's my opinion, but I've seen $_nC_r$ enough times that it made me wonder if there was some justification for it
really quite annoyed that spambots have found and filled the first question with 11,000 horrible sex adverts.
Weirdly, they haven't bothered spamming any of the other questions.
@lostinrecursion is that just the convention you're used to?
@lostinrecursion is there a rationale for either one? I'm used to the superscript one, and I think it looks nicer too
Having fun listening to this album while I work:…
re: $_nC_r$ or $^nC_r$ or $\binom{n}{r}$: Imagine if there were this many different ways of writing exponentiation. We'd all go mad!
I can't find anything in Cajori about choose/pick notations. Dude was an amateur scholar
@ebuie a WHAT? Tell me more!
@tim_hunt haven't read that yet, but yes - zenzizenzizenzic is my favourite maths word
@ebuie @CannyCreative @RichardCarter I think what they're really advertising is the nitrous oxide used to whip the cream.
Where I can normally see the sea from my front door, today I can only see brilliant white. Am I in the Truman Show?
@ebuie @vickytnz I had a debit card in the US and never used a PIN. It can't be very widespread.… Worst colour scale. Here's what I see. (via @moebio)
Does the shape of farfalle make them take longer to cook? WAIT I HAVE A BOOK FOR THAT
@DesktopGamer I think for kitchen measurements, the size of a cup is fairly standard:
@vickytnz did you find anyone to watch Eurovision with?
@vickytnz you can come out to Tynemouth if you like. I was planning on seeing the Late Shows, but I don't have the energy for walking
The best thing about these @aperiodical stickers I made is that now I'm making up excuses to send people things so I can use them.
not a single scientist at CERN has had the wherewithal to set up the "Euro Fission Song Contest". Poor show, science!
Does anyone have an opinion on whether eurovision has got worse or better over the years? Does that concept even apply?
YES! I managed to eat the melon before it went off! #homeeconomics
Like IQ? RT @DanielColquitt: @christianp I think Eurovision has its own scale of terrible-ness. Each year the scale is simply recalibrated.
@standupmaths @aPaulTaylor "modestly viral" - you are the common cold of internet sensations.
@ebuie or, giffgaff do a similarly good deal without a
@DanielColquitt @ColinTheMathmo well, @outhofthenorm2 just said Leibniz used planets:…. Or you could use hieroglyphics
I have reached peak idleness. A hard-fought campaign of doing nothing all weekend has culminated in a powerful case of stir crazies
@icecolbeveridge yes, I saw it mentioned somewhere a few days ago. Can't believe it's a thing.
The scenery painters failed to even get as far as the sea today. I can just about see halfway down the street. It must be the shorter nights
Am I the only one who, whenever it's this foggy, immediately thinks of Turok? #PowerVRrepresent
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm, Charles Grey pub. I have a mechanical calculator from the 1920s and a new boardgame. All welcome!
.@sxpmaths the board game is probably not new to other Jams - it's Hex.
There's a map of all 33 current, and some potential, MathsJams around the world:
@TraineeGeek we have an Enigma, yes.
Who is telling marketers that sending blogs infographics to republish is a good idea? We've had more than a few to The Aperiodical
I love paying big wodges of cash to get packages out of customs, me.
Found a prime-numbered metro carriage! Only took two days of factorising the carriages I've been on. #reasonsIlookmentallytroubledonthetrain
@icecolbeveridge @stecks @MathsJam I'll ask for the wifi password at our pub tonight and we can have a go at a google hangout
Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight, 7pm at the Charles Grey pub! Can we solve 1811 arithmetic problems with a 1920s calculator?
@JanvierUK from?
Today's metro carriage: 3^3*149
@Bishnavitch yes! For once I am able
@outofthenorm2 your bees post has taken so long that metafilter has gazumped you :(…
@haggismaths ant colony. On a huge scale, this guy did some amazing casts of termite colonies:…
@Bishnavitch I'm outside
@MouldS the paper folding one is the most impressive. I want to play with it!
Person before me at the pump bought a palindromic amount of petrol. I like to think that was deliberate.
@DanielColquitt just price. Hard to arrange otherwise
@DanielColquitt I think it's already been a twitter Thing. I have some python code somewhere
@elinoroberts if only you'd looked at our graphs:…
@samheadleand @stecks @MathsJam here you go:…
"Britain's sausage renaissance" is my new name for Downstairs CP.…
@stecks ok, imma let you finish, but @aperfect took the best baby goose photos of all time. OF ALL TIME!…
@evelynjlamb hah, did you like it?
@standupmaths @peterrowlett I think this can be summarised as: mathematician makes joke; other mathematicians spend afternoon explaining it.
@peterrowlett @standupmaths @stecks I was referring to what's been going on on twitter
@icecolbeveridge please, no more maths police, at least for a while
Just used the word 'subtrahend' in a git commit.… #literateprogramming. #notwhatliterateprogrammingmeans
@standupmaths going to assume the obvious pun reply to that tweet was implicit when you sent it
@Rokker816 it was alright. Not as good as nachos though.
Hooraaay, all my friends doing their stupid postgrad degrees have finished their exams. I have friends again!
Bisous Les Copains!…
Diagnosis: algebraist. (cf.…)
@jamesgrime I agree, except: look how big the little professor is!
My beard is at exactly the right length and softness today. If I was fresh out of a people factory, this is what my beard would be like.
Few people mention the consolation provided by a beard when discussing the pros and cons of being a grown up man. I'd say it outweighs taxes
@icecolbeveridge Dave didn't listen to the Aperiodcast, he listened to All Squared
@vickytnz coffee?
@vickytnz I need to be in a seminar at 2.30, so I could meet you in Jesmond on my way home after that?
@vickytnz I'm setting off for jesmond now. Be there in around 15 minutes
@mike_geogebra very nice!
how much is Gap going to spend on showing me ads before they realise I left their site because they don't sell trousers as long as my legs?
@icecolbeveridge that's not a demonstration of the central limit theorem. It's the binomial distribution. I can't see a quincunx either
@icecolbeveridge that's really weird. A Galton machine needs a triangular number of pegs
@icecolbeveridge CLT says the *mean* of the binomial is normally distributed over many samples, like any mean, but the normal approx...
@icecolbeveridge ... Let me retract that halfway. Binomial is repeated Bernoulli tests, so I suppose the normal approx does follow from CLT
JISCMAIL doesn't set the List-Post header. That makes me sad.
@vickytnz typically no
@vickytnz actually, I can read this - - but it's a strain on the eyes
Working in Maths-Aid this afternoon. If one more student points to something on their iPad with the tip of a biro...
@peterrowlett hooray!
Ant battle update: I'M WINNING! The floor is littered with tiny corpses. I'm not cleaning them up, _pour encourager les autres_.
I'd stick their heads on tiny pikes if I could. Who knew I was a mediaeval tyrant? #CPtheterrible
@vickytnz and it hasn't been ruined by a Cliff Richard song, either
@ebuie nah, I just have garden ants somewhere. A line of talc has stopped them. Nowhere near as crazy as the ants you get in the US.
@vickytnz my respect for your country has diminished
Is there just a sea fret here in Tynemouth? Is it sunny in Newcastle? I was promised sunshine!
@vickytnz @ebuie there's a Baha'i tree in Exhibition Park, near the military vehicles museum
gosh I like this a lot…
13:11! Keep your enemies close and your primes closer
Growing to resent the lady on the opposite side of the street who has a front patio which gets sunlight.
@lyd_w you have reminded me that I own a panama for days exactly like this one. Thanks!
@SparksMaths are you a caTENary chap or a CATenary heathen? Or even catEENary?
Considering running a public service campaign to encourage version control at work, titled "Ve Haff Vays of Making you Fork"
Made a little chap. Not sure what he's for but I like his style
WHERE IS EVERYBODY? Is it a bank holiday or have the clocks moved or what? The village is deserted
@jamesgrime yes! I haven't been able to get anybody enthused about the awesome end credits, despite repeated showings
@standupmaths are you sure you're not inadvertently in their new reality show, "Trusses and Tresses"?
@wildaboutmath thanks for the mention. There's a typo: "Aperidical" instead of Aperiodical.
@wildaboutmath ... and the link to Tony Mann's blog has ?m=1 on the end of the URL, which forces the mobile view.
Eee! @TweetsofCushing has made some very cute little elephants
This is what happens when you try to construct a polyhedron without doing any sums
@vickytnz imposed for fear that the BBC had an unfair market advantage
@evelynjlamb I got 99 problems but they all reduce to 1
Aw man.
@jamesgrime @aperiodical @peterrowlett he seems more like a computer scientist than a mathematician to me
Argg, my first week with my summer students next month is turning into faculty committee hell! I don't like being a real member of staff :(
@michaeljgrove hope so. In the first week I have: a university strategy consultation, the school IT committee and a workshop to give in York
Not just my eyes but my whole face is weeping with joy at how good those fajitas were. #aycaramba
@vickytnz seriously? I can't think why anyone would think that would be a good idea.
@vickytnz (an interview in Starbucks, I mean)
@turingfestival githib? There's a typo on your speakers page
Time for a change on my dev server: the test user has changed his name from "George Test" to "Testeban Gutierrez"
#testusers RT @icecolbeveridge: @christianp Teston Blumenhhal?
Gloria Testefan #testusers
Daniella Testbrooke #testusers
@migerh of, that one doesn't rhyme
George Testinghouse #testusers
@rockhyrax I don't get that one
@ColinTheMathmo the specs are usually quite readable. Here's Edexcel's:…
@nulibrs spoilers! I'm following @RealTimeWWII so I've got another three years to wait.
Just walked past a bus stop with an eight letter "short code". Nexus apparently plan to have between 8 and 200 billion bus stops.
Spaces between words in Microsoft Word seem to be decided at random. Is it to do with the font renderer? It's annoying.
@alexbellos change your twitter password and check your approved apps!
@ajk_44 I have a few saved for the next MathsJam:…
@peterrowlett @Andrew_Taylor @aperiodical ... and I put it in the queue a few days before that. We're all busy!
@peterrowlett yeah, I was going to point it out in the editorial comments, but I haven't touched the site all week due to busy times
@peterrowlett @Andrew_Taylor if anyone does write about it, have a look at Google+. David Roberts in particular has been keeping up to date
@ebuie @vickytnz I gave them the benefit of the doubt and assumed they're only using letters. The code was something like twmngjgp
@ebuie @vickytnz yes, as I said...
Middle management Kenneth Branagh is on the train. You might remember him from his role in last year's stationery contract renegotiation
@vickytnz no. Instead: why didn't the word "grrlz" stay in the 90s? There is nothing good about it. It looks like a Polish side-dish
@aperfect it's a good film! I have it on DVD!
@aperfect can't begin to imagine how a radio play version would work.
yessssssss! RT @ajhmurray: BREAKING #notnews! 7 Day Saturday! Tomorrow! #5Live! With @ZaltzCricket @wiggywalsh @kevinhunterday
@aperfect ah, like my mime performance of 4'33"
@mathshistory is that the opposite of working out?
Why you don't even rely on curated tags: boss has consistently misspelt 'auxiliary' as 'auxillary' across the entire database
@monsoon0 yes, very funny. Of course, 13×7 = 13:
@jjsanderson ooh, there's probably some maths you can do on the volume of the packet to decide that
@MadeleineS I've sometimes thought that, but a prescriptivist phone would be way worse to live with than a prescriptivist person!
@jjsanderson I was thinking that intact crisps can hold the sides of the packet apart. So maybe the volume doesn't change but the shape does
@Gelada @divbyzero I didn't! So I've just bought Amazon UK's last copy.
@CardColm excellent! Do you want to arrange a podcasting date now?
Meeting the pope later to discuss my idea for a convent based on an airship, called "Nun of the Above"
@Tegglington because LaTeX is not a formal language, and because MathML exists. @MathJax is trying to get browsers to add MathML support
@Tegglington HTML5 does have a <math> tag, for MathML to go in.
@Tegglington it is. But if mathjax only needed to do the TeX->MathML conversion and the browser did the rendering, that would be way better
At long last the war is over. Meeting the ant queen's legate later to discuss reparations and repatriations.
@henryseg where are you moving to?
The incoming tide has stranded hundreds of humans. Hopefully the coast guard will arrive soon to push them out to sea
Going to ask the family across the street with the garden that gets sunlight if they'll adopt me
The BBC F1 coverage has fallen to bits. Did they forget to write a script?
@vickytnz you'll be pleased to know I fixed the video width thing on
Gron preee!
@ben_nuttall who's your new isp? I don't use TPB, but I'd like not to be on be/sky
I've just ordered rather a lot of toys for our new Maths Arcade. Exciting!
Möbius dudes!
This towers of hanoi set is rather posh…
It's not even the most expensive one I found. Who has £55 for this:… ?!
@lostinrecursion were you inspired by ?
So far this morning I've listened to Louise Attaque and Dionysos. I might go out and buy a denim suit next
There was no integer sequence review yesterday. We did one, but it was a disaster even by our standards, so we didn't publish it. :(
@vickytnz oh no! Does this happen to all New Zealanders if they don't get a haircut often enough:… ?
Yesterday we learned that @TweetsofCushing is a functor on the category of gifts. What will we learn today?
@icecolbeveridge yes, they're just very low.
I believe it was Gauss who introduced "BOOM!" as a more exciting alternative QED to mark the end of a proof. @gaussfacts
@tynesidecinema Talking of Tautou, is Moon Indigo going to be shown in the UK, or has it already, or what?
@lostinrecursion cookie pizza?! What is this magic?
Among many other errors, this posthumous monograph by Erdős spells his name with o-umlaut. Blame Diaconis?…
@stecks well, I'm going to go and sit in a corner now, and never look at the internet again
@vickytnz for some reason, whenever I dm you it comes from @NclNumbas.
This time next week we'll be MathsJamming! I run the Newcastle one (it's the best). Find the nearest one to you:
Day 1 of @mathsarcade deliveries. Fun fun fun!
Challenge: use every one of these number stickers (and any letters) to make 32 as any ways as possible
.@TweetsofCushing came up with a nice integer sequence today:…
Tom has informed me that Wednesday 31st is the least common day/date combination, and we'll have one next month. Slightly rarer than pi day.
(Tom is @Rokker816. 398 Wednesday 31sts in a 400 year cycle; 400 pi days).
Saw "Contest raises students' horizons" on an info screen today. It's still annoying me.
"Rigour" - @CaptainGove
@icecolbeveridge @C_J_Smith I'd need to take my head out of my hands to read that, so I haven't
Double :( RT @charlesrandall: Oh :(…
My new plan for cheap space travel: install a basketball net on the moon. Michael Jordan can dunk it.
@standupmaths I almost bought some off shapeways in my recent toy-buying binge. I'll get them off my fave mathmotainment emporium instead!
@nulibrs what? It's clearly the Iron Giant…
@MouldS @mmaarrow @standupmaths seems to be mainly drawn from…
@MouldS @mmaarrow @standupmaths I also have a proof that there are finitely many funny jokes but this twitter is too small etc etc
When I push excellent code this starts playing. I don't think it's diegetic.…
@nulibrs @HattonGallery ooh, that does look good!
"Missing an indeterminate number of legs" #neverusedtodescribeaperson
"Wearing a come-hither expression." #neverusedtodescribeacentipede
@evelynjlamb @katemath @divbyzero @MrHonner can I make a British bid for "custard cream theorem"?…
@CardColm Zamyatin lived in Newcastle! I discovered this when I was looking for a flat and found his blue plaque
@CardColm probably not - when Zamyatin was in England, Blair was 13
the new google maps is so awful! So unresponsive and unintuitive and un...everything
@monsoon0 omg! Lobsters are exactly the class of solutions to the "princess on a graph" puzzle…
Drawing up a health and safety plan for my new plush toy cleaning service, Teddy Gross Felt
Those who know me know I'm a big fan of novelty plate sets. These are fab: food in my beard plates…
@vickytnz I remembered yesterday that Bagel of the North had closed down, and it made me sad.
AUGHHHH RT @samholloway: @christianp This is to acknowledge safe receipt of your last tweet.
@peterrowlett I thought it would be, but I couldn't find where to set it
@peterrowlett ah! Found it. It was under "subscribe or unsubscribe". JISCMAIL is a UX nightmare
@DainaTaimina is this something you're interested in? I've been trying to find someone to interview about maths+activism for my podcast
WHOAH. Wordpress has a fullscreen editing mode. It's really nice!
Some journals charge weirdly specific prices for individual papers, as if some market force has pushed the price down 25p..
@aperfect I have that paperchase one. I bought it for like a pound when Borders closed. Grids are best anyway.
@MouldS @stecks @FOTSN and if, say, Prince joined FOTSN, you could have a bijection of syllables in your names <--> {1,2,3,4}.
@DainaTaimina ok, maths+politics then. I love the story of Mayor Mockus in Bogota…
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow! 7pm, Charles Grey pub,…. I have many new books and some IDEAS.
Tonight: Cumberland sausages on spicy Mexican rice. Will it work? Should it work? I experiment so you don't have to.
@NautilusMag Joey Comeau wrote a very sexy maths story:
@monsoon0 @aperiodical who is she? I can't find her on the list
@monsoon0 ahh, I misread Carpenter as Carter! dohhh
@monsoon0 you could also have just written a comment on the post...
619 followers! Everybody find your upside-down buddy and rotate a half-turn. #symmetriesofmyfollowers
@monsoon0 can't argue with that
@vickytnz you lucky devil!
@peterrowlett @stecks we're going to cross 200,000 all-time views on the site this week, according to the stats tracker
@standupmaths you really shouldn't wear the same colour as your chroma key screen, Matt. #colourblind
I've written up last month's Newcastle @MathsJam just in time to walk down to the Charles Grey and start the next one…
I found an unloved book of logarithms in Barter Books. Choo choo!
@MathsJam 73
@MathsJam we are ready
@HampshireLawyer @MathsJam black
@aPaulTaylor @MathsJam Black
@JusSumChick @MathsJam all the right colours but in the wrong order! BWWW
@JusSumChick @MathsJam A WINNER! Well done.
@JusSumChick @MathsJam we've had enough mastermind
@peterrowlett go on, I'll do one. I've proofread enough of your stuff already
There should be a day every year to celebrate Peter Ustinov's voice acting in Disney's Robin Hood
Uh oh, @CSIROhelix included a link to my OEIS review in their newsletter. #corruptingtheyouth…]
The scariest founding father by far was Bill O'Frights, but the only guarantee of liberty is saying his name three times in a mirror.
Tipover puzzle no. 12.
Crikey O'Reilly! Vine was lying to me about that video not being uploaded
My keyboard needs a button labelled "none of this is any good" and it should close my browser window and then shoot me into space.
In space, none of the terrible people on the internet can reach me with their opinions about each other's opinions.
@stephenjbrooks @DanielColquitt and java 'programmers' call their dog ClassDogBeanFactorySingleton
@Meliden @Nat_Numeracy that's not what the report says: it says in half of secondary schools, *many* pupils have weak skills.
@Meliden @Nat_Numeracy the way the BBC says it implies that half of schools have no pupils with weak skills
@nulibsage that link goes to the webofknowledge search page
@haggismaths you can be clever at the end and point out it's down to < 60,744.…
I've just uploaded a load of videos from our NUStats DVD to Vimeo. Quality's not great, but they might be useful.
Where do publishers come up with these prices for articles? £32.37 for this one:…
@BParkEd it works. Was it just a sneaky advert?
Flying to Wyoming to scout locations for my new convalescence home for introverts, Cheyenne Retiring
@maanow do non-humans, say, dogs, interpret statistics more correctly?
An easy carriage to factorise today.
Pearson have a desk at the psychology conference downstairs. Suggestions for ways I can add value to it, please
It might take me six months just to gather together all the sources for this post about the HoTT book. #hott
I think I'm actually going to read HoTT. It certainly looks approachable.
@sxpmaths it's way, way beyond that. But thanks for reminding me we should do another recreational maths seminar
@samholloway are you up for long?
@vickytnz is it any good?
@vickytnz actually, mind if I join you?
@tim_hunt thanks for reminding me I still haven't read it. I think our library has a copy...
This old dude is staring at me like he can read my thoughts. If so: hi, old dude! If you can see my shopping list, that'd be great.
Where does Google Now get its weather data? It predicts rain about as accurately, and as often, as the Kaiser Chiefs predict riots
Can I get home before my right shoelace finishes untying itself? Sheesh, this is more intense than Run Lola Run
@sxpmaths the shoelace untied itself while I was writing that tweet. Retied it like a pro, sent the tweet, then wallowed in my dishonesty.
@icecolbeveridge @ChrisHazell72 somewhere in Whitby, a sub-editor is struggling to stop laughing long enough to get to sleep
Was the iPhone named after Jony Ive?
@stecks @Quendus going to assume that's with replacement.
The Creatures games are in a pay-what-you-want bundle!
@Gelada it could go on @aperiodical while you look for a respectable journal?
@icecolbeveridge @aperiodical @Gelada well, @stecks has already coined the Institute of Mathematics and its Implications
grumblebums, Creatures 2 doesn't work on windows 8.
@AlgebraFact it was 69,999,998 away
Wahey! New Hurley/Fraser Bedazzled is on Film4. Nobody say anything: I don't care.
Oh man, it actually is a bad film. Much like Elliot Richards and the secret to happiness, this was something I needed to discover for myself
@mathhombre I hope you make liberal use of @gaussfacts
Auggh! When you Google "christian perfect" (don't ask why I was), the first autocomplete suggestion is "christian perfect eyebrows"
Turns out it's a range of eyebrow stencils for the terminally classless/hairless. I think I'll go with "mysterious"
@GreyAlien Sun "does maths" to position self in sky… links only to elifesciences, not even the journal, and especially not the paper, which seems not to be published yet
Academic PRs join music industry PRs in counter-productively promoting things before they're available. WHERE ARE THEY TAUGHT THIS?
@peterrowlett sadly, it turns out there isn't a site dedicated to finding me, and me alone, a woman.
@peterrowlett @TimHarford haha, that is a sick burn. Anyway Peter, cool kids talk about these things in the @aperiodical news queue ;)
@peterrowlett what? It's the ultimate secret gig!
@ebuie if you've been here longer than six months, you need a UK driving licence to do any driving.
@ebuie whoops, it's 12 months. has a nice flowchart:…
@ColinTheMathmo I didn't see the program. Is it the Ian Knot?…
Hmm, old-timey sums, eh? Time to break out the ol' Correntator
"Download the BBC iPlayer radio app to watch on the go". WHAT IS THIS MODERN HELL?
Turns out only the first 10-15 spoonfuls of butternut squash and bacon soup don't taste like old sick.
Pitch: cut together all the footage of romcom characters running through the streets of New York into an entirely new film about a foot race
Iron chef challenge: chicken nuggets, mozzarella and red peppers. Any ideas, anyone?
@Electrokittie no?
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie but I take the metro through meadow well every day, which you refuse to do
@stecks It's bold, I'll give you that.
@stecks I feel like the bits of chicken need to be a bit longer
@stecks the diameter of my nuggets is too small yo!
Notre Dame cathedral in Bruges has a Reuleaux triangle-shaped window
I've also read that the same shape occurs all over Amsterdam, but can't find any photos.… Anyone? @mathsinthecity?
Is this what you meant, @stecks?
Tonight's findings:…
Exploding Actresses 2: Love Movies…
This is by far the weirdest junk mail I've received since "Open now and free a bear!"
I have knacked my back. So this is what being old is like. I don't like it.
@ajk_44 I wish I'd known the first thing about calculus. I did *not* do well on STEP 2.
@Andrew_Taylor I'm banned from making any more card games after my last one, Proposition, led to some confusion
@Electrokittie you should have a red curtain with a sign reading "PRIORITIES", and when you pull it back there's a picture of poor people
@Gelada I was recently editing some notes handed out to our foundation students which said "there is no function y=f(x) such that y^2=x^2"
@madcaptenor you could rename it NOHOMO?
@elinoroberts @scienceatlife lovely rotational symmetry in the registration number.
How do I convince my researcher colleagues to release their code, no matter how badly written they think it is, for others to see?
Pedantry is alive and well in the school of maths and stats.
Although this sign has so far avoided the wrath of the vigilantes.
Two more posts and I'll have locked out the @aperiodical front page. #aperiodicalfilibuster
"Thumb up your followers". Sorry, I didn't realise Google+ was that kind of website, that's not what I'm into. I'll get my coat.
@My_Metro @NewcastleCC there's been broken glass on the steps outside St James metro station for quite a few weeks now.
@brittneybean "Bean, Brittney" sounds like an imperative
@aoibhinn_ni_s you should send that to @haggismaths for
Today's discovery: @TweetsofCushing's trip wouldn't be much shorter if he flew to my house instead of running
@MrHansSchmidt @MathsJam it's this:… but my copy has a different cover
@vickytnz have you tried ?
@ebuie really? I have a friend who got as far as taking her theory test with no apparent problems
@ebuie I think @DVLAgovuk thinks you want to exchange your licence. You want to take a test from scratch.
@ebuie yes, US student, been here two years
@ebuie she failed it. I think she's going to try again though.
Trufax. RT @TweetsofCushing: Making @christianp mad accidently is very easy
@MouldS @jamesgrime I find youtube commenters to be more stupid than crazy.
@peterrowlett @d_spiegel and instead confuse him with a German newspaper!
@EngageNe I also note the free ice cream stalls all appear to be in for repair today. First time in my lifetime. #NCLVisitDayFacts
@EngageNe and did we move a few degrees north over night? Newcastle used to be in the tropics. #NCLVisitDayFacts
@NewcastleCC thanks!
Actually, 28/6 would be a perfect day for my Official Birthday, since my real one is so close to Christmas. If only I'd thought ahead!
My birthday is almost exactly half a year away from today. Can we celebrate Halfway Day?
I love knights, me. MT @erik_kwakkel: Lovely image from a 16th-c chronicle, when jousting had become rare.
@BParkEd @icecolbeveridge I'm happy having a perfect day every year (or three, if you count 6/1 and 1/6)
@a_cruickshank @icecolbeveridge the Finkbeiner test?… "Would you ask a man that?" is a Hillary Clinton quote.
@icecolbeveridge @C_J_Smith always there with a pun, Colin.
@peterrowlett congratulations!
@StudentsNCL if you're walking around campus holding big signs with the wifi password on, why have a password at all?
@lyd_w ooh, I wasn't aware of its existence. Do they do takeaway?
@lyd_w I will do a reccy!
@qikipedia and 123456789 is the largest number whose digits are in strict ascending order in base 10
Is it a massive coincidence that today's Theorem of the Day is about Khinchin's constant?…
and the winner of this week's round of the Integest Sequence etc etc was Khinchin's constant…
I think the time it takes to bake a potato is the unit geological ages are measured in.
@stecks YES. One of the Maths-Aid tutors uses it and it has made me capable of murder
Name any element of this video - I love it!…
@Tilman will they be shipped from Europe? I'm still smarting from the shipping cost from your prints sale
At the BBC pitching my gritty new crime procedural. Food inspector Jack Cole plays it by the book... the cookery book. Cole's Law, 9pm, BBC2
York is too narrow for me, Le Grand Muzzy! I'm freaking out a bit
I had no idea @TweetsofCushing was so into trains!
It's good to take the bairn out for the day
The token to get me out of the museum car park is a little bit witty
@Tilman oh good. Shipping for the prints was high, but I also had to pay ~£10 to get them out of UK customs
Frantically saving all the stuff I had starred in Google Reader. I thought I had more time!
579 unread items in google reader. One day. Let's do this.
@aperfect yeah I've done takeout, but I need to save images that only Google reader still has cached
@aperfect I've just been through and saved to my pc
"Exponentiating the restricted nullcone" sounds a lot like "immanentising the eschaton".
@MathMunch thanks for sharing it! I saw your post and meant to add a comment, which I will do now...
@MathMunch ... actually, never mind. I got my facts wrong!
@peterrowlett hooray!
@ant590 in what way?
@ant590 I think they switched over to their own system a week or two ago, so they're just using google for credentials now.
@jjaron the warning does say it won't be available *after* July 1st. Maybe it'll switch off tonight.
@aperfect what are you cooking?
@cambUP_books the British site doesn't seem to work at all:…. Am I doing something wrong?
Now that's an eye-catching title! Quantum Computing since Democritus:…
@cambUP_books that's what I did. Tried again in incognito mode too
The mural of Gazza holding a bottle of broon at monument metro amuses me every day
I love you, Chrome Developer Tools source code pretty print.
In the new Hangouts android app, how do you tell if someone's online?
Follow his good advice. RT @jgrahamc: Write good commit messages:…
@ebuie bizarre abbreviation for "location" or "locomotive"?
I bet the Greeks had a word for the satisfaction felt going home when you know you've already got a dinner ready in the fridge.
Difficult line to walk: I need to ensure enough people use my chosen GReader replacement that it stays open, but not so many it falls over
I really like the art that's in tynemouth @My_Metro station bridge at the moment
YESSSSS!… I have waited many moons for this
Have I ever mentioned how much I #hateIE?
Only took four goes but I finally got that tweet out properly.
@Dr_Lucie @stecks to one sig fig, which is enough for anyone, you have
I can finally rest easy, @Rokker816 has told me an interesting fact about 1246: the digits are the smallest integers with 1,2,3,4 divisors!
@haggismaths do you want like, a grid of photos with names underneath?
@lyd_w the only local maths fact I know is that William Shanks, who had the record for calculating pi for years, was from Houghton le Spring
@lyd_w it took til the invention of mechanical calculators 70 years later to find he'd got the last 180 digits wrong!…
@lyd_w the record is the most digits. It's currently at 10 trillion and 50:…
@HilariousCow on the other hand, Jurassic Park: Trespasser
@HilariousCow yes, I was being a bit flippant. I totally agree with you!
Exciting new product from CP Industries: walker for ageing physicists with wraparound parallax star animation: Reference Frame™
@ebuie I did but it reached escape velocity
@ebuie probably the least unusual of their beliefs
@ebuie I think that fad sort of ended, didn't it?
Hoplite is a very fun game.…
Basically a tautology this summer.
It turns out that using Heworth Park and Ride is considerably more expensive than just driving into the centre of town. Thanks Obama.
@lyd_w Weirdly, there is radio 4 but not radio 3. Not sure how that works.
Reading @peterrowlett's thesis chapter. Unputdownable. A work for the ages. A masterpiece. (Disclaimer: it plugs @NclNumbas)
@johndavidread oh yeah, my chapter is the one that details the three quests @peterrowlett completed to earn the favours of the gods
Google Music has cut all the swear words out of my uploaded songs. Everyone knows I never use them myself, but I do enjoy hearing them. #bum
@brittneybean I was just asking @aperfect before if he'd seen anyone lazy enough to get street food brought to them
it's too hot.
@vickytnz can I prod you to reply to my email about the e-assessment site?
Debugging IE. "Don't tell 'em where the error is, Pike!"
Because it takes a 60-second round trip to put a new package on Moodle, I'm having to do the minimum-weighings puzzle with lines of code
Still at work, still trying to find the source of this IE bug. #hateIE #hateIE #hateIE
@sxpmaths it's a bug one of my users has caught!
IE beaten for another day! All I had to do was never ask it if my input fields have focus.… #hateIE
Just pushed a button to make a door open. #doorsquare
This is a nice simple way of quickly rendering Tikz pictures (or any LaTeX) to a PNG:
@ColinTGraham @ColinTheMathmo if you have something you can say in a skype video, I know a certain website that would be happy to host it...
@vickytnz I also used Mendeley. But Zotero has got a lot better since I started using mendeley, and it's not owned by Elsevier
@vickytnz ummm, there's a standalone application now
@tim_hunt that's not many question attempts. We have fewer students at Newcastle but ~18000 *test* attempts. How many exercises did you set?
Apparently 25 degrees counts as "extreme heat" for the metro.
@timchartier to the tetration station!
@lyd_w @NCLScienceComic somebody's already said lucozade, haven't they?
But fees won't put anyone off applying to top unis. "@ucas_online: How much are fees at your chosen uni? Find out using our new search tool"
Woke up with a strong desire to watch Lucky Number Slevin
There's nothing not to like about photos of transgender men in heroic poses in front of happy Bob Ross landscapes:…
@Bishnavitch ten-four, papa bear
@plusmathsorg @QuercusBooks why only integers on the cover?
@plusmathsorg @QuercusBooks phew! I look forward to reading the finished book.
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith also re citations: (Name, Year) isn't a great label, is it? I go with (Name, X) where X is the position in the bib
@C_J_Smith @peterrowlett hmm. Our guide says "Harvard, or as directed by your School", which for us would mean carte blanche, I reckon
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith so we all agree!
@vickytnz are you enjoying the woeful architectural designs?
@icecolbeveridge WOW. That is a terrible article!
These two sequences are eerily close: and
Does project euclid only archive journals which don't know the differences between accented letters? ö vs ø here:…
A very good set of numbers mazes to stretch your thinking bits: (via @mathpuzzle)
There is an area of my mouse mat that my mouse has decided it will no longer work on. I can't see anything different about it. Total mystery
@vickytnz oh man, I should be at the beach! That's a great idea!
@mathpunk can I email you about something frivolous yet mathematical I'm doing for
@vickytnz the owner is a friend of a friend, I could ask for some photos
@AdamThirtle do you have any photos of Pink Lane coffee that a friend could use for a review?
@vickytnz Lui's has both, I think.
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith @scarymum argg, I need to book my place at some point
I am going to eat a lot of ice cream and then sit on the beach.
@samholloway that's an extremely low bar to hop over
@AdamThirtle super! @vickytnz was the one asking
Someone made the regex crossword into a proper thing!
Getting in some quality time on the beach before the hordes arrive
That's some straight up beautiful scenery right there
Such a lovely Mickey Mouse short!…
It's so hot today that I'm wearing The Hat.
Didn't quite manage a full set of repdigits, but they're all palindromes, at least.
@robinhouston that's a moderately clever idea, but all I really want is a Falkplan of the UK with the cut pages.
Can I blame the music festival for the TV reception and wifi problems I've been having all day?
I don't understand radio 4's Sunday schedule. I just heard a repeat of the Alastair Cook documentary, and now Something Understood is on.
Oh! Everything's on later because of summer time! Never mind. Stand down the nuclear deterrent.
@MattPDickinson what's the IP of the new server?
*that* is how you play bananagrams.
@sxpmaths singular of delts, the muscles.
@Rokker816 GO CODE ALPHA. The ball is in play. I repeat: the ball is in play.
@ThomasEWoolley you've got "Andrew Jeffries" instead of "Andrew Jeffrey"
11:23! Tell a fib!
@jjsanderson I hope you do get to do more. I really liked it.
@jjsanderson how much of the cost was time spent doing that frozen wandering shot at the start?
@Rokker816 witty reply
@wilderlab @Derektionary I've got another one: 11²=121 and 11²=121.
@ashleyhwright that's good news! But it's LaTeX, not LATEK
@fumbleweeds bah! It's that hot here in dreary England.
the character 'e' is pretty easy to write as a function in polar co-ordinates:…
"Latarsha Grazioplene" is the best spambot name I've ever seen
The existential moment of self-doubt when you see someone else is editing the same google doc, and it's you.
Wow, I haven't been to in ages. What happened to me? This isn't how life was supposed to be.
I math, you math, he/she maths, we math, they math.
@TimHarford the BBC link said "Are *real* women's bodies still beautiful?", as if previous studies have shown mannequins recover well.
@vickytnz trufax
How can MS Word be so bad at typography? It's a pretty major part of what it does.
@ebuie depends on whether you share it or not
@loch_b @MathsJam that's what the map is for!… Nearest is either Nottingham or Leicester. Yes, next Tuesday, 23rd.
Something about the way this is recorded reminds me of old Popeye cartoons:… (also, how funny it is)
@MoMath1 only 1,000?!
Do I want to buy some "flagstone" coloured shorts? It's quite a step down from "orange sun", but it's all that Gap have left.
wow! Someone got to the site by using "Norton Safe Search, powered by Ask Jeeves". World's biggest noob?
@robinhouston very nice!
@standupmaths it just says 1 discrete and 2 pure studentships. I think the stats section is boilerplate
@mathpunk before it went public, I asked a few people to pick winners for the Integest Sequence 2013 final -….
@mathpunk ... the public vote thing is open now, but if you send me a pick I'd certainly include it in the grand finale post
@mathpunk we're publishing the final post on the 29th, so until then
@mathpunk actually, having re-read your tweet: we're only looking at those six sequences mentioned at the end of bracket 4 for the final...
@mathpunk ... so can you pick a winner from them, and give a reason? If you have another sequence in mind, you could review it later on!
@vickytnz ah! I've been watching your Cardiff Quest tweets and assumed you had reasons for not flying. I should've said something.
oh joy this package is being delivered by Yodel. Anyone want to place a bet on how long before I get my hands on it?
@vickytnz there's a cool observation tower with a camera obscura on the hill overlooking that bridge
@michaeljgrove yes:…
@michaeljgrove good, isn't it? I can highly recommend screencast-o-matic, by the way.
@nulibrs @NUinternational that link doesn't work
@icecolbeveridge bonus credit: find something named after the wrong Bernoulli
@peterrowlett so close to the finish line! Is this you:…?
@IanMulvany NTFS limits you to 255 characters for a file name, so that.
@IanMulvany though, actually, the max total path length in windows is 260.… So considerably less! Maybe a tweetsworth?
Taking 'waiting for the drop' to an extreme… (via @TimHarford)
@Gelada superb! A+++++ would shambolically commission art from again.
@Electrokittie @Bishnavitch that is the most adorable thing I've ever seen
Watch out ladies, these shorts don't even get close to my knees! I'm a moral reprobate
@vickytnz sample bias?
Exciting! RT @Gelada: .@christianp Quick preview of the artworks I will be putting in the post tomorrow!
Is there a service that will hire out a geologist for the day to explain rocks while I walk in the countryside?
It's 14:14 ~= sqrt(2). Act irrational!
@icecolbeveridge dwell on the poor hand Life has dealt us
New cabinet magazine!!
I've had the most middle class product idea ever: a wallet to keep all the annual passes for the stately homes and museums you've visited in
Wahey! Gowers has added the @aperiodical to his blogroll. #bigtime #stalkinggowers
Dilemma: buy just enough food for lunch at the co-op, or do a big shop?
@madeupstats surely the most accurate data on injuries sustained by Tory MPs comes from BUPA.
the BBC Good Food recipes site has a special set of adverts which only show up in the print stylesheet, and use a third of the page width.
And for that reason, I'm out. (and pasting the recipe into Word)
In other news, my printer is a little bit a lot broken
I think "7 slices processed American cheese" is an instruction you can disobey, citing the Geneva conventions.…
@smartgags @the_playce @raj7desai is that the princess in the castle puzzle? How far did you get?
@ben_nuttall @Andrew_Taylor @aPaulTaylor aw, I feel left out
@ben_nuttall @Andrew_Taylor @aPaulTaylor I just tried! It says no updates :(
@vickytnz and I'd never realised how little the Ring of Fire looks like a ring!
I just found out there was a governor of Chile called Ambrose O'Higgins, and there's a national park named after his son, Bernardo O'Higgins
Sitting in a car park waiting to meet some friends. Can't even listen to the radio because it's the Archers omnibus
They reduced this jam so much they even rounded down the brand name
@helenarney I asked Matt and Steve but don't have your email: do you have any thoughts about these integer sequences?…
@divbyzero you seem to have been very conscious of your fingers and toes, but not of how many you have
Searching for "birmingham university" on national rail enquiries doesn't produce "university (birmingham)". Because trains don't commute?
Almost a pie. RT @TweetsofCushing: Happy Pi approximation day! To celebrate i'm having a pasty for lunch
Newcastle @MathsJam is TOMORROW! 7pm, Charles Grey pub, at Monument. Take your mind off the mad humidity with a drink and some maths.
There's a good article in the latest issue of Cabinet magazine about the intersection of beer and maths, but it isn't online :( #mathsjam
@ben_nuttall and demands a refund?
@peterrowlett your uni uses Turnitin on PhD theses?!
when you write a git command name in capitals, you get this fun error!
@poveryant yep! Very exciting!
@timchartier is the controller running on ternary arithmetic?
@standupmaths I feel that varpi would be more appropriate today: ϖ ϖ ϖ ϖ (ref. p8 of…)
@evelynjlamb well put! "Looks like math but not constrained by mathematical meaning" is what I look for in Arty Maths…
@peterrowlett eugh.. I have so many posts I need to do! Probably not.
At the coast, at what point of humidity is it fair to say we've been flooded?
@MrHonner @peterrowlett ooh! Maybe you could report on it for us? Pretty please?
@MrHonner ok, no problem. It was worth asking!
@DrTonyPadilla @numberphile I enjoyed the sequences video greatly. Thanks!
@vickytnz Yes, well done Coke. (Names may or may not have been cynically chosen to suit Coke's brand position)
@vickytnz I did not! Are you saying the names were more homogeneous in NZ?
thinking-so-long-about-how-you're-going-to-start-a-sentence-that-you-turn-on-sticky-keys-moment. #newgermannouns
@peterrowlett spam bots have been copying tweets for a while. Twitter can't check for duplicates, so it's a good way of beating the filters
@DrTonyPadilla @numberphile we think it's Liverpool champion's league wins
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! A new series of The Mysterious Cities of Gold!…
@vickytnz it happened right on top of me, so I most definitely did not sleep through it. #quitetired
"I know it when I see it" is the hardest problem in computer science, and that's why porn blockers don't work.
@vickytnz crocodile eats the bigger number! Draw some teeth in the middle! < < < <
you can select a bit of code in chrome's sources view and press ctrl+shift+e to evaluate it in the console! So useful!
@nataliejpeters @jonathanvswan @vickytnz when you've got as many as we do, one dominion begins to look like another.
Yep, that's SQL being echoed to the client.
@JohnDCook hey, compared to previous progress, it's been slow. And I don't think it's going to pick up speed again.
@vickytnz no! Save yourself!
@vickytnz I think if you'd arrived in a town with a better team it might be a different story. Supporting NUFC is hard enough for the locals
@vickytnz yes: typically your home town, and anyone who plays Man U.
@icecolbeveridge @peterrowlett @aperiodical it is now
@C_J_Smith @mathsarcade hooray! I'm dying to get going with ours
MATHS FACT: mathematicians write QED, short for "Quinoa Eases Digestion", at the end of each proof to remind themselves to eat healthily.
@vickytnz the exception to this rule, of course, is midday misery soap "Doctors".
@Nathan1123 I assume this is how microsoft write their software, so maybe massive profit?
@mike_geogebra is there a way of setting allowRescaling in html5 embeds from geogebratube?
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a man not in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a tenner with Jane Austen on it.
@Jisc no it isn't.
Well done, wifi user hogging half the spectrum with a massive transmitter. You are the worst person.
@DanielColquitt I don't have 5ghz hardware
Thanks for breaking middle-click on links, BBC News. I need the firm hand of the Beeb to correct my new-tab-opening ways.
@jamesgrime a Sony blog has covered your star trek articles, but misattributed them to @peterrowlett!…
@peterrowlett @jamesgrime oh, I forgot to say I posted one too
I propose a new measure on hotel rooms: the minimum total distance you need to move the furniture before you can plug your phone in.
In other news: my laptop connected to eduroam on the first attempt! Unprecedented!
Thought this disability-adapted room was pretty cool until I saw how low the shower head is. #justsittin' #andwishin' #andhopin' #andwashin'
@brittneybean look closely enough and you can see Darth Maul in the bottom half of his face (you might need to be colourblind)
my DSL connection is now too slow even to stream google music, so I'm running it off my phone's 3g connection. Hooray!
@missradders @dmh10 a cabal of groovy people. Don't tweet from it for anything that isn't directly MathsJam related.
Just a picture of JM Barrie and George Bernard Shaw dressed as cowboys, no biggie.…
Plough a thorough furrow: three different words, two different suffixes with, depending on accent, two or three different pronunciations.
@stecks skype!
@Andrew_Taylor @stecks ah! I knew there was a missing bit I meant to mention!
@stecks I didn't because I didn't know where the sentence was going. Should I make something up?
The bird noises they play on BBC HD are way better than the local news they replace
Just a few more votes for the Integest Sequence final would get the total over an interesting number:…
Wahey! Interesting number reached. Thanks!
I picked the wrong day to trust the weather forecast! There's a storm happening outside and I need to go out for lunch without a coat.
@MarcusduSautoy it's hard to see what shape that is from one angle. Is it a snowflake mixed with a tetrahedron? Lots of pointy-out bits.
@vickytnz @ebuie @DollyDiffers Uno's is alright, or El Torero. If it's for next week, look at Restaurant Week:…
New PBF!!!!
"Future your conectivity with USB 2.0 and USB 3.0". This sentence a verb.
@CardColm do you expect they'll reappear, or are they lost? @maanow @profkeithdevlin
@CardColm oh good!
@jamesgrime @peterrowlett that Spanish blog has corrected the Maths of Star Trek attribution:…
@C_J_Smith quite droll, but the only graffiti I'll accept on a motorway bridge is GOURANGA
@ColinTheMathmo yes, I think so
@jamesgrime @ColinTheMathmo I was about to say, I thought you were a group theorist! Can we agree analysts don't do outreach as much?
@ColinTheMathmo I suppose you can mention someone without using their name… The mindset that comes up with this... just... wow.
I've come up with an integer sequence that I refuse to believe isn't already in the OEIS. What am I missing? It's driving me mad.
@MuseGarden numbers which are palindromes when written as sums of non-adjacent fibonacci numbers.
ah! I had the wrong representation. Defeated again by Almighty Oeis.
@vickytnz @jsnortheast I think I've booked for that! Assuming I don't forget, I will be there.
Oeis (n): 'Standing on the shoulders of giants'. E.g., "with a bit of intuition and some oeis, I noticed my problem was equivalent to X"
@icecolbeveridge oh crumbs, that's two episodes you've done since our last All Squared. We had one lined up but it fell through!
@JPickford they moved it to get a bigger audience
Presented without comment.
Has Strictly Come Dancing made the tensegrity dress acceptable for daily wear?
I mean the ones that seem to be supported entirely by the tension in the clasp holding the cups together.
@vickytnz not ruling anything out at this stage
@Gelada can you check your email as soon as possible please?
Opinion seems to be firmly anti tensegrity dresses. I asked because I saw three people wearing them on the way into work. Stay classy, NCL!
@numberphile @mathemaniac that is approaching @jamesgrime levels of freeze-frame gurning excellence. Must be good maths!
@Caro_lann no, I think the ones I saw had too little material to be sun dresses. I am not a dress expert, though.
@robinhouston I've been doing it for a couple of years. You will regret it only if you need to use a module that hasn't been ported yet.
@robinhouston there aren't *too* many incompatibilities. The main one is unicode strings, which you can get round with some preamble
@ebuie yeah, that's not going to stop us.
@ebuie If I mean the poly, I'll say 'the poly'
@ebuie heheheh
@peterrowlett I think so too. The madness is over for now.
What's this! Could it be some art from @Gelada? Exciting!
@JanvierUK wow, is that what it took? You didn't sound too keen when you were here!
Guys, I think I'm ready to give up and just call it math.
@standupmaths they're gliding straight into my heart
The university's cheapest campus parking tariff is "£1 for a minimum stay of 2 hours". What if I only want to stay half an hour?
Sitting and listening to some rather pleasant jazz music at Tynemouth metro while we wait for our train.
@evelynjlamb @MAAthFest @aperiodical !!! Please keep us updated on this IMPORTANT topic!
It's finally here! The prestigious Integest Sequence trophy. Makes you proud to be a mathmo.…
@icecolbeveridge @MrBoffly @aperiodical that's the first rule of Bertrand Russell club. The first rule of Gödel club is 63574137854472380...
Baked a cake. #thingsihavedonewhilewaitingforwindows8staskmanagertostart
@numberphile could you add a link to the integest sequence finale on your video please? The trophy is FABULOUS…
The first law of chillies is wash your hands before touching your jermongler. I broke the law and the law won.
@hornmaths elephants are unscientific. They've never been replicated in the lab.
@hornmaths prove me wrong, science girl!
@hornmaths it's all speculation at this point
That moment, when an automatic door is slow to open, when you try to remember if you've been bitten by a dracula recently
@MouldS I believe @jgrahamc can help you:
@Bishnavitch I went with Adam and my mum to the one a few weeks ago. Distinctly unimpressed.
@Bishnavitch none. Risk?
@Bishnavitch we could
@walkingrandomly well done on the factorial-numbered post!
Indirect Observation of Insects through Bites on Skin, C Perfect 2013. Abstract: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they're everywhere aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@vickytnz well, if you cut your foot then stand on some spit or some blood, that could do it
Lazied out of walking back home from Cullercoats, wandered into the station exactly as the train arrived. Feel like I achieved something.
@MattPDickinson haha, excellent!
@vickytnz looks good! Are you going to JSNE tomorrow?
Where is everybody? Do the Tynemouth Cool Crew get the earlier train on Mondays?
@aperfect I need to play Screamer Rally. Guess which song just came on
@hornmaths I can't see what's wrong with that. The percentages add up, the pieces of the pie are labelled the right way. What am I missing?
@hornmaths ah haha!
This is a pretty good advert…
I just want to draw a fruity polyhedron with my computer! Why is it so hard? Oh yes: my work PC doesn't have accelerated graphics
@standupmaths @tom_kitching or you could temporarily use a 12-hour clock and catch 11:23PM tonight. I also missed it this morning :(
I'm not going to @jsnortheast because they haven't said what's actually going to happen there. (And I have a stomach bug so can't eat pizza)
@MB_Whitworth @standupmaths @tom_kitching very good!
The correct response to LaTeX setting inline fractions very small isn't to use \dfrac everywhere. #students!!!
Aw man! Who walked a mile in my shoes?
@elinoroberts but there might have been two differently-qualified Elin Robertses at your address!
Jessica Enneahedron-Hill. #mathletes
oh wow. King's School had £5m of debts, and Gove paid them off in return for it becoming an academy. Austerity!…
@bitcraftlab clever! What does it look like without that extra line on the bottom edge?
@bmagnanti @stecks huh, M&S is clopen. Who'd've guessed?
@standupmaths I think your Excel thing is nilpotent. I've almost completely faded away after 4 iterations:
@stecks @standupmaths no, I think it's the black text inside the cells
I'll never be as massive a coward as this guy:…
@scarymum you're in Newcastle! Are you visiting the maths department?
@scarymum we could! Knock on Bill's door whenever - room 2.33
.@sxpmaths that's why I like to call the integers "the set of solutions to homework problems".
@Gelada it was my assigned reading for my Cambridge interview. I did not enjoy it either.
@JanvierUK fish
@scarymum my record is 9 minutes between my office mate saying "shouldn't you be in London?" and sitting on the train.
Olympics souvenir bananagrams is 25% cheaper than normal bananagrams, and has five more tiles. Just saying.
After winning Wimbledon, Andy Murray has graduated from human competition onto cereals…
Typing 'every' and then any non-word character in @TweetDeck on chrome makes it crash, every single time. (this tweet written on my phone)
The sickness is in the system! It's a chrome bug, and 'exist' and 'expat' and 'ewert' (?) also trigger it, but not 'ender' or 'eddie'
Trying not to pick thumbnail frames from these videos where it looks like the esteemed professor is waving coyly at the viewer
Frames where it looks like the equations have given him a fright are fine, however.
@vickytnz what about the alcohol section of Fenwick's food hall? Cushing swears by it for his whiskey.
@vickytnz on that subject, Out of This World in Gosforth shopping centre stocked lots of world foods. Not sure if it's still there though!
@vickytnz it's decent, if you're able to ignore hateful middlingly-rich people
I have died. I am dead. This was both the best and the last thing I saw in my whole life.…
@tomwoolway @TweetDeck turns out it's a Chrome issue, for the particular version of Chrome uni's IT service provides.
@numberphile I thought the archive at might have it, but it stops about an order of magnitude too early.
@numberphile they only have 1.4 billion primes though, so maybe 5,500,000,000th is an estimate from the x/ln(x) prime-counting function.
@numberphile I dunno either! The primality test says it's a proven prime, at least
100123456789: the smallest prime number that contains the digits 0-9 in sequence.
[citation needed]:
The house next door is becoming swaddled in scaffolding. Now seems like the perfect time to go to Wales. #holidayhooray!
My car phone charger can't provide as much power as my phone uses when it's doing navigation. Driving into deepest Wales today will be fun!
Phase 1 of @aperiodical performance review complete. @peterrowlett's Q2 figures slipping. The board recommended synergising his throughputs
(or, to put it another way, thanks to @peterrowlett for putting me up for the night)
@samholloway the narrator in the lindisfarne gospels exhibit says chester luh street as if it's French. Inexcusable!
I'm at the very edge of Wales on a tiny farm and I've got HSDPA internet on my phone. I love the future!
Is there a version of Jollyphonics for Welsh?
The mullet is alive and well in Pembroke
The bit in Gremlins 2 where the gremlins stop the film itself, then Hulk Hogan makes them restart it, is the greatest moment in all cinema
@JanvierUK I have nothing but respect for you.
@hulkum you can't have one: one prime would be even, and the other odd. 49 isn't prime, so no dice. Sorry!
Both these crisps and this houmous taste terrible, and they wouldn't have been a good combination anyway. Poor show, CP. Poor show.
Hiatus Koyote is very good music to accompany sitting in the sun and reading a book
@peterrowlett @stecks @alisonatkin meanwhile, "Average Death at Height" is the title of my new book about deep vein thrombosis
@vickytnz I'd like to be present to hear you attempt it. I can't even imagine what it would sound like
@vickytnz I think you might be overthinking this passport photo
@vickytnz typically four at AS (first year) and), then concentrate on three for full A-level (second year). Clever children do four or more
@vickytnz the government requires five minimum. I did 10, eager beavers do more. If you read eg the torygraph, you'll get a wrong impression
@vickytnz well, we need a way to perpetuate the class system...
@elinoroberts on what timescale will this bacon go off?
@lostinrecursion @aperiodical @MathMunch I'm very aware and approving, but on holiday. I'd hoped one of the other two would share it...
@lostinrecursion @aperiodical @MathMunch I'll do a post when I'm back at a computer
@elinoroberts @standupmaths @jamesgrime ooh, can I join in?
Just looked at my RSS reader for the first time since going on holiday. This may take some time.
Here's @TweetsofCushing's epsilon tattoo. Because he's an analyst, it's arbitrarily small.
Got on the metro at monument. Rookie mistake. I've been out of the game too long.
@vickytnz you nailed the "I've just endured a long haul flight and I'm totally over it" look, so you'll have no trouble at passport control
@vickytnz there might be a couple of mathsjammers having dinner at the Charles Grey. (not me though)
@ebuie @vickytnz you did, but I didn't send out the email until this morning because I've been away. Did you get it?
@jamesgrime you'll be able to name at least one former Canadian PM, so you should be able to pass as a local
@ebuie dm me your email address and I'll add you to the list. I thought @vickytnz had already given me it, but maybe not!
@MathsJam -> CHELT: is the idea that casual mathematicians will identify you easily but pro mathmos might have more trouble and need a hint?
There were two new Achewood comics while I was away? I need to go to Wales more!
That is an unreasonable number of Os
@sxpmaths spelltower:
@sxpmaths nooooo it is not
@Boxfresh what happened to the large size Sparkos? I can only see a single pair of 13s on your shop.
@CardColm @aperiodical yes, she supervised my final year project!
@Boxfresh thanks!
What the dirndl, Why link directly to the PDF of an arxiv preprint and not the abstract page?
@ColinTheMathmo do you use chrome? I had a similar problem with words starting with E a while ago
@ColinTheMathmo oh well, must be a different bug.
@peterrowlett nyeehh, I didn't - David Roberts did.
@peterrowlett is that what I wrote? Fair enough, then
Now that is annoying! Just one tile away from spelltower glory
@ebuie @cperfetti !!! I know of a Christiano Perfecto in Nigeria, too.
Fun maths with @TweetsofCushing staying over after pancake party. We're finding arithmetic progressions of squares!
Beards are the best form of hair.…
@profkeithdevlin our new chinese PhD student, studying number theory, actually had to convince border force he can't build nukes
@hornmaths diffing sin(x*y^2) with respect to x: looks like sin(A*x), A constant, so diffs to A*cos(A*x) = y^2*cos(x*y^2), by chain rule.
@hornmaths here's an example video my summer student recorded:
@hornmaths yes, with product rule, all of cos(y) looks like a constant - when you change x, it doesn't change at all
@hornmaths can you post a pic of your working?
@hornmaths ok, you don't need the product rule there - it's like you're just differentiating A*cos(alpha).
@hornmaths i.e. you don't have the product of two things that change with x
@hornmaths (sorry, with alpha)
@hornmaths glad you got it sorted. Alternately, if you were using the product rule, d/dx of cos(y) is 0, not 1.
@Gelada I've come back from holiday to find your art is still not on the walls! I'm going to chase the building manager
Does every house party now have a "searching youtube for videos people have half-remembered" phase?
Ridiculous. RT @jawsew: Now that it's confirmed that these are real promotional images for The Sims 4:…
I've been in Scotland literally 30 seconds and I've already seen a 12 year old kid out the window smoking
I'd love it if the national rail app could use GPS to work out which train I'm on.
Buying a food truck for my new nighttime pancake venture, Crêpe-uscular Activity.
@jd_p are you at #easc13? If you're here tonight, do you fancy having dinner together?
Time for my annual extraordinarily tasty hot chocolate at Henry's in the Caird Hall. #easc13
I'm a big fan of this couple having a fight outside my window at 2 in the morning.
Hotel room review time. Furniture-moving metric: 0. Knees under bureau: also 0.
These tiles only have half as many crossings as it first seems. #betrayedbybraids
@jamesgrime conspicuous paucity of dots in the north east. Do I need to spread the good word?
13:31 seems as good a time as any to leave the house
The whole family is marvelling at how fake this Scottish note looks.
Wake up sheeple!…
@vickytnz I haven't dared watch Punch Drunk Love again since it was so good the first time
Can all twelve thousand of this Spanish tourist family buy metro tickets before the train arrives? Ordenador dice... no.
Therapy llamas!…
Just thinking about the chilli I burnt last night is making my throat hurt. I'm sorry, chilli! You deserved better!
The booksellers in general have worked out that selling £2 editions of classics doesn't make them much profit. To Amazon!
@ColinTheMathmo @Yahoo good news! Hotmail is now called Outlook, because MS decided two products with that name wasn't enough.
Thanks to my summer students and Prof Robin Johnson, NCL Maths's vimeo now has almost 300 videos of worked examples:
my mind was blown until I realised this was a recipe from Ready Steady Cook. Penne arrabiata with avocado and rocket:…
@vickytnz no it isn't?
"Hey, I have an entire book about pasta sauces! Thanks, mum!" ...... "No arrabiata. Thanks rescinded, mum."
Is Chicks On Speed's lesborotic beat poem 'Kaltes Klares Wasser' a reference to aim's seminal trip-hop classic, 'Cold Water Music'?
Regret-on-arriving-at-work-that-you-didn't-have-a-bacon-sandwich-for-breakfast. #newgermanemotions
Ahhh what no film at monument, the day I actually need to hang around monument for a bit? It's make me so mad I grammarn't.
This pigeon really doesn't like being stared at. EVER SO SORRY WAS I INVADING YOUR PERSONAL SPACE MILORD?!?!
@NewcastleNE1 thanks, I just saw the chaps putting the deckchairs out.
Can't click on "Save changes" without internally going "chaaaaaange places!"
@pkrautz I have now. Wow, it's badly written!…
I'm running a computation that has taken longer than five minutes to finish. I feel dirty, almost like an applied mathematician.
@DaleyMaths the applied guy next door is already rewriting it in fortran. I'm safe!
@ebuie I've got an excerpt in an anthology, but it's very hard to get hold of an original copy
@ebuie maybe. I was coincidentally looking at it a couple of days ago, and that sounds familiar
@MouldS Canis Coplin
ok, who set my TERM environment variable to 'dumb'? That's been annoying me for a while.
Going to try the new Front Street Deli. It looks nicer than Deli Bar One did, but will it be as tasty? #tynemouthproblems
@aPaulTaylor it went out of business, if that's any consolation
Well, the pizza slice looked a bit cold and miserable, but this ham and coleslaw sandwich was pretty great
@aPaulTaylor is "a deli bar" a thing? There was a counter, which I suppose could serve as a bar...
@pkrautz the badges on… all link to a URL which gives a "Forbidden" error
Spent 5 mins writing a FB message in French. While typing an e-grave on the numpad, accidentally pressed page-back and lost it. #sacrebleu
Words to be aware of when keming text:…
@TweetsofCushing I'm rocking out / I want the world to know / Got to let it show
Forms which put error messages in red are my worst enemies. I can't see them!
@CardColm how so?
looking-in-the-emergency-chocolate-drawer-and-finding-something-excellent-surprise. #newgermanemotions
"Metro Ken" is an anagram of "me no trek". Coincidence?
Ooh! Meissner tetrahedra from Diametric!…
This decorator is impossibly cheerful. I wonder if it's the paint fumes.
@aperfect hipsterrrrrrrrrs
@HoeJodgkiss truth. After about five sandwiches, I was completely over pulled pork
@standupmaths (though it would've been more helpful for tracking if I'd let you set that up...)
About to record an All Squared podcast but I have no audio tea towels! Where's @stecks when you need her?
@standupmaths while you're twittering, did you see my Meissner tetrahedra video?…
Is it by design that you now have to save a post in wordpress before the preview updates?
@MathsWorldUK just seen you're up in Newcastle for BSF. Fancy meeting for a drink/chat during the week?
This month's Puzzlebomb has a puzzle thought up by me, CP!…
@lostinrecursion Ceilidh Table. I didn't write it - I came up with the idea and was lazy until @stecks and @aPaulTaylor wrote it :P
@lostinrecursion it's a nice easy puzzle, once you work out the rules
I love @TweetsofCushing's idea of 'trivial'
@TweetsofCushing didn't you? Who did?
@Tegglington @TweetsofCushing trufax. If I'd thought for even a second, I would've realised.
I've updated my "how to get nice maths on your blog" post with instructions for those using IntenseDebate comments:…
A hole? In MY sock?! Extraordinary!
This has to be the most dismal work email this September.
When mathematicians leave to work in industry, is this where they go?…
@standupmaths ehh, it's a bit 70s-fabulous. Wasn't someone put in charge of renovating it a while ago?
@standupmaths ah. ha!
Maths people coming to @BritishSciFest! Fancy meeting for drinks on Sunday? @standupmaths @stecks @DrSaraSantos @MathsWorldUK etc.?
@standupmaths I now have the title of my airport easy-reading bestseller: "Finding the Qibla on a Klein Bottle"
@standupmaths forget that, go and ogle the Curta calculator!
@standupmaths PHWOAR #itsnotsizethatmatters
@standupmaths I'd like a gap of at least one cell around that - the 'on' block at the top left means it'll break immediately.
@KSCMaths as a red-green colourblind person, I think I should inform you I can't see half the text on that
'NOUGHT POINT FIVE DOZEN'?! Also known as 'half dozen', or even 'six'. This menu knows how to rile a mathematician.
@ProfNoodlearms @evelynjlamb maplesoft's PR are v annoying. Once sent email saying "you unsubscribed from our emails, so won't have seen.."
Yo dawg, I heard you like rhyming with bridge a smidge, so I put a frijj in your fridge so you can abridge while you ridge a midge
@evelynjlamb happy birthday!
@standupmaths what's your schedule today? I'm free from 4-ish onwards
@DrSaraSantos haha, where's that? I've never seen it before
@vickytnz La Cage aux Folles? Depressing that that's the best I can do
@stecks @standupmaths that suits me. I could meet you at the station, and go to somewhere like the Forth on Pink Lane?
Very very very pleasing…
Every now and then I go to, hoping a hopeless hope that it has returned.
#gintegral "@stecks: who else is in NCL for @BritishSciFest and does maths and wants to join us for a drink tonight? Do we need a hashtag?"
@stecks actually, didn't @standupmaths come up with a good name for when mathematicians meet for drinks a few years ago?
@peterrowlett I've fiddled with the cache plugin's settings and it should keep up to date now
Ah, Coventry: the city of lights.
Sent a text to my girlfriend without pointing out that the current time was a palindrome. So there is hope that I may yet be cured.
I chose... poorly. The legroom allowance in this lecture theatre seems to have been calculated expecting an audience of munchkins.
I'm now sitting on the aisle steps so I can stretch my legs out. I bet this building has won awards
Just realised half the (fixed) seats in this room don't point toward the speaker
@C_J_Smith yes, good to meet you too. Sorry if you were expecting to have time to chat later! Maybe another time
Fixed a stunning omission from yesterday's toast piece, and found a good suggestion from @TweetsofCushing.… #yeahtoast
Finally got my hands on a copy of @NCLScienceComic. It's really good!
@Bishnavitch wednesdays are usually terrible for me. Was meant to be seeing my gf but I'll ask if she wants to see a film
@Bishnavitch yes and no, respectively. Midweek is when I do things!
@Bishnavitch I'm not as keen on films as you are!
@Bishnavitch we have a yes to a film. What film and when?
Adding a tomato and some shredded lettuce to food makes it a salad, right? Because otherwise I'm just eating a box of fajita leftovers.
12:03. An anagram of an arithmetic sequence is still interesting, isn't it?
@ebuie I know a purported proof, which I disagree with
Sent the almost-a-week reminder for Newcastle @MathsJam. Get on the list by saying hello to…
@BritishSciFest Grownups enthused by the maths at the festival might enjoy Newcastle MathsJam, which is next Tuesday…
Another afternoon lost to the mixture of InnoDB and MyISAM database tables. Go home, cp, you should be drunk.
Look! Someone made Arty Maths into a book, and picked a better name, and never had anything to do with Arty Maths:…
@C_J_Smith Pentago! Ace game.
@C_J_Smith why resist?
@daveowhite @plusmathsorg it would have to make metallic grunting noises when it gets in and out of chairs
The Hello World Quiz ( just reminded me about REBOL. I have no idea what I used to use it for, but WOW!
Why does this site have "small text" as an accessibility option? Are there people who find large text intimidating?
@OddballDave @charliesgames a Let's Play might be good
Crikey O'Reilly, my summer students did loads! I keep finding more good stuff on this wiki. #pleasedsupervisor
It was pointed out to me by @Rokker816 that cooking doesn't commute, so maybe people who don't like fish and chips would like chips and fish
The @My_Metro PA system is pumping out some thumpin' next-wave glitchcore beats. Or it's broken.
The best bit about planning a trip to Berlin is that I get to buy a Falkplan! #excited!
help my head melted because Bayes' theorem is exothermic…
@CardColm we just recorded the tops and tails for your episode of All Squared. Should be out in a day or two
@peterrowlett @mathsarcade fancy! I'm still at the cardboard box stage. Might invest in a plastic box if all goes well.
"how likely are you to use this service again?" is a terrible question on a feedback form for a government service you must use
@hornmaths @MathsJam @standupmaths @stecks I can do it. Where's the new location?
@hornmaths righto
@hornmaths but which one are you in this month?
@hornmaths ok, I've updated and the mathsjams map
The need for a word to describe the moment you realise you're getting nothing out a terrible thing you're looking at on the web grows daily
I think 'fehhhhhh' might do it. I will form a committee to decide how many 'h's there should be on the end. What's the limit for a hashtag?
@CloudoidLtd @MathsJam added, ta!
I can't see how labelling one 50g slice of this pack of butter helps me, or if I'm missing something
Yes sir!
.@aperfect only for exactly 50g. They used to have every 50g increment marked
@aperfect nope
@bemyguestberlin this:
This groovy animation explains why I love the Falkplan so much:
Looks like some component of the cabling and gadgetry that gives me internet has been flooded again. Oh well! I'll find something else to do
Newcastle @MathsJam is TOMORROW! 7pm onwards, upstairs at the Charles Grey. Puzzles, games, questions, etc.…
@vickytnz a reasonable thing to do.
.@sxpmaths ooh, good spot. I've updated my mobile maths games page:…
Maths teachers, I need you: where's better than BBC Bitesize for resources on basic numeracy?
Ooh! There's a version for adults called Skillswise
@Nat_Numeracy thanks! I just remembered about your site after tweeting :)
@nrichmaths when I click a topic header in the front page slider, the URL in the browser's address bar doesn't change. Makes linking hard!
@icecolbeveridge I need things I can link to
I had never seen this stupid heraldic creature until today…
When did threadless stop paying UK import tax? The fee was trebled by Royal Mail's handling fee.
Posted a big long comment about running a multi-author blog on Google+ in response to someone asking about it:…
Tonight: Eastenders spin-off starring Ross Kemp, centred on a struggling car-recovery business in Scotland. Grant Heft Auto Fife, BBC 2, 9pm
whaaaaaat?! Since when are games £56?
@ebuie I found the best bit was the zoomy projection of every page at the end. The presentation of the real books was pretty poor.
I thought I was looking forward to MathsJam tonight, but now I'm looking forward to lunch more. Forgot breakfast :(
@icecolbeveridge MathsHamlet
@ebuie yes! I thought that was odd too. I thought maybe they were showing a different page each day, but probably not.
@MathsatDAS hello! I'm a former DABS pupil. Who's doing the twittering?
Looking up and thinking David hasn't written anything on the blackboard, then realising it's all in red, is like seeing the fnords.
@NINETYNINEuk What time are you open until today?
My grocery shop: look at the 1st aisle, leaving the 2nd, then come back and look at the 2nd aisle, leaving the 1st. That's my produce rule.
@vickytnz mathsjam tonight?
@TeachingInDC there used to be / still is a DC @MathsJam! Didn't you go?…
Going to be a little bit late to mathsjam, sorry
@ebuie we've had to move downstairs! The function upstairs isn't us. We're in the alcove to the right of the bar
@MathsJam NCL - MAN: of course we can. Rhymes with 'elephant'
I've made a bookmarklet to replace's rubbish image-based maths with @MathJax…
@ebuie yes, I'm glad you came! It was a particularly busy MathsJam.
hi i've just noticed that angle and angel are one transposition away is this the kind of thing i should put on twitter
Blog post: 6 pieces involving patterns and functions by @Gelada… (Photos:…)
$e^{\Large{f(x)}}$ isn't cool, is it? These people seem to have taken personal offence at small inline-mode characters.
AAAAAARG. That's the second time I've accidentally ordered a girl's t-shirt from threadless.
Following @pkrautz's suggestion, I've made the mathjax bookmarklet a bit better, and now it works on wikipedia too…
@Rosalot wow, good work!
Head of School has told me to go shopping for more art. Hooray!
@aperfect @brittneybean but don't worry, there's still plenty of brutalist rubbish in the rest of Newcastle
@vickytnz The Notebook is a chick flick
I've changed my avatar to a pic of LEGO Babar! Sorry if this is confusing but it reflects my core brand values in a way my face never did.
To my Goodbye Lenin DVD, wherever you are: I love you and I just want to know that you're safe.
@elinoroberts ow ow ow ow ow! Even thinking about that hurts
6:52am, a new record for squeaky car man! Maybe if he gets up really early one day he can take it to a garage and get it fixed
I can do work and snot doesn't fall out of me if I remain horizontal.
Is it ok to set up an auto reply saying "I'm out of the office, but if it's really important I can come in and you can catch this cold"?
@vickytnz I used to do that, but I'm down to just family members now. So much work!
We came up with supervillain names for everyone in the office except me :( #phdcoolgang
a bloo hoo hoo :_( RT @icecolbeveridge: @christianp But you already HAVE a pretty good supervillain name.
@CloudoidLtd but it's RGB clockwise
Thanks to @stecks, you should now call me... THE PERFECT STORM
.@TweetsofCushing (Dave Reckoning)'s supervillain superpower: he can see Daily Mail headlines... from the future!
.@Rokker816 (Automatom)'s supervillain superpower: he can keep time... like clockwork!
.@jiyameng (Sinner-Ji)'s supervillain superpower: when he does good deeds... they're really bad deeds!
My (The Perfect Storm) supervillain superpower: I can control the weather... in a teacup!
I am 50% older than the freshers. Ow.
I've finally made it! The Herschel enneahedron.
@lyd_w it's named after the guy the Herschel building is named after. I'm preparing a poster/activity thing. It has many cool properties!
@vickytnz maybe that photo just has a lot of sentimental value for him so he's less likely to see it's inappropriate for the context?
GTA V is quite a bit harder when you're colourblind. "target the red rectangle" - nnnnnot happening
When I was little I loved cascading emails so much, I directed all my efforts towards getting a job where people ask me to cascade all day
They see me cascadin', they be hatin'. #cascade4lyf
@TweetsofCushing @outofthenorm2 tantric geometry
Working on the news queue / The news queue, yeah! -- The @aperiodical will awaken from its slumber shortly.
Playing music on the radio before it's available to buy should be a crime
I love these colourful polar bears!…
As far as I can tell, this spider caught this earwig and was carrying it away to eat in private. Or they're eloping.
@vickytnz have you seen the dessicated old women on the counter at the front of John Lewis? She is an advert for not wearing makeup
An hour later, I've replaced the student's incorrect gnuplot image with a correct TikZ version. Thank god for StackExchange!
@samholloway yo Imma let you finish but Bajka recorded the best Hunting of the Snark concept album OF ALL TIME.…
@Electrokittie you've... made real progress as a person?
I've just found out that Blunt make a collapsible version of their umbrella. Fantastic!…
Clexample: something which is both an example and a counter-example of a rule. #autonyms
@NoelAnn @peterrowlett @C_J_Smith how do you advertise your Maths Arcades?
"Formule by BNF" posts maths art images at a frankly overwhelming rate on Google+…
It's time to play "semicolon or gunk on my monitor"!!!
Interesting: when you click on a link to a PDF in Internet Explorer, all animated GIFs on the page stop.
The only reference cited in MathWorld's page on ℵ₀ is Dundes et al's compendium of maths jokes. Finally the charade is laid bare!
Conducting a COSHH audit for my new hospital restaurant, Vegetative Korma. (credit to @TweetsofCushing)
I have no idea how @lyd_w consistently manages to beat me into uni by about a minute despite getting the same train
oh, slashdot. What a sorry sight you've become.
@lyd_w I'm just impressed that you're alert enough to be first off the train, or walk very quickly
@vickytnz you managed to get on the one train capable of cooking hot food! I always get a miserable packet sandwich
Well done, the Android Flickr app, for making up your own share method instead of using intents. You made my life a little bit harder.
@haggismaths ooh, that reminds me that I meant to send you this a while ago…
@haggismaths look at "an enneahedron for Herschel" at I'm at the shops at the moment so can't write more
amazon form error messages are in red *and with a thick outline round them*!!!! Thanks, amazon! Thamazon!
Crumbs, it's only four weeks until the big @MathsJam weekend.
@Htbaa texworks, or use your own text editor and the command line tools
Today I saw housing developments called 'Fusion', 'Zest', and 'Opulence'. What is the world coming to?
Ooh, the comfy jumper is the next one in the pile! #autumnthrills
@TweetsofCushing wait until you see the plots @Gelada sent me about the art in the stairwell
"Note: 7 is an arbitrary number, but should be more than sufficient". Uh oh. BAD CODE KLAXON
@CardColm excellent idea! We're on it.
"$sco->title = $sco->title;" -- I'm not in bad code territory any more. This is concept art.
@C_J_Smith @NoelAnn @peterrowlett following up the @mathsarcade, can any of you send me PDFs of the posters you put up, please?
I like the look of the @Nat_Numeracy challenge a lot:
@michaeljgrove @unibirmingham Pro tip: cut that plastic wallet in half so it's easier to get a card out
Paul Zorn shares my distinction between mathsy art and artsy maths:…
Talking of; what's yellow and equivalent to the axiom of choice?
Zorn's lemon!
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith @NoelAnn @mathsarcade so I can ruthlessly plagiarise them
@peterrowlett thanks! That's a nice poster.
I'm particularly pleased with last night's bananagrams board. Connoisseurs will note the two closed loops
I'm in 666 people's circles on Google+. Worried about what the day will bring. On the plus side, I got to make a stinker of a pun. #plusside
Beep Beep…
@Bishnavitch 720
What is it about Mathematica that makes people write enormously long ramblings with very little proper mathematics?
@aPaulTaylor @standupmaths a Bayesian smoke detector would not be good.
@Jisc did you know all students get open-source developer and server products for free via the goodness of their fellow man? #dreamspark
Phwoar. Lovely diagrams.…
Also free for everyone else MT @walkingrandomly: Just joined Manchester Uni? See the software we've released for free
Die Hard + Die Harder = Die Hard With a Vengeance. (Die Harder)^2 = Live Free or Die Hard. #grubermatics
@vickytnz but sometimes it works very well, like this table of the finite simple groups…
Tragedy #425: Betrayed by one of their own…
@HoeJodgkiss there are plenty, but we tend not to make a big deal out of it
@TeXtip would you consider replacing that with ? It's a lot better
Aww, this is a really nice idea: Remote Control Tourist
FINALLY, A COLOUR QUIZ I CAN DO! Name that shade of corporate blue
... but I haven't heard of half the companies. Oh well!
It's time for a sandwich, but do I have the ingredients? BREAD QUEST
@Beamish_Museum have they been trained to act as olden-time kittens did?
@vickytnz it's right next to Manors metro
@Boxfresh What happened to the new large sizes stock you said would appear in September? My feet are getting chilly!
How to tell if your dog is involved in a sex scandal… (via…)
@nulibrs Deepest, Darkest Level 1?
Break out some fresh moves, it's Kurt Reidemeister's birthday… (via @mathshistory)
@stecks yeesh, what does a place have to do to get a 10?
Every time I need an MOT, I have to find my mechanic's garage on Google Street View to remember its name so I can look up its phone number.
Yell has bought a lot of ads on facebook of the form "Need <rarely-used service>? Try <company in Sunderland>!". WHY?
MediaWiki syntax is visually difficult: ''italics'' or "quotes"?
WHAT. RT @adrianshort: London police steal rough sleepers’ property:
... turns out that happened in May. But still. YEESH.
Today I learned that @TweetsofCushing is 'up' on the national lottery. That is a completely appropriate thing to be true about him.
@OddballDave deely boppers?
The only mathematical relative I know about is Hazel Perfect, who was a group theorist like me! I was so happy when I found her book. #ald13
@TwentyThree @TweetsofCushing @aperiodical thanks very much!
@UoBMSC @michaeljgrove that seems a very high number! What time frame was this?
@michaeljgrove @UoBMSC ok! Similar to us then.
Francophones! Can you help me find the French word with the most silent letters? It's not on this list of cool words:…
J'ai quatorze problèmes dont rimer avec quatorze est un.…
@jcoglan are you trying very hard to not use LaTeX?
#Skanavi problem 7.325: Show $\log_3 (2) \cdot \log_4 (3) \cdot \log_5 (4) \cdot \log_6 (5) \cdot \log_7 (6) \cdot \log_8 (7) = \frac{1}{3}$
#Skanavi problem 7.325 in unicode: log₃(2)⋅log₄(3)⋅log₅(4)⋅log₆(5)⋅log₇(6)⋅log₈(7) = ⅓
@CloudoidLtd lazy font design!
@C_J_Smith @DanielColquitt @professor_dave I'm on Round 2. You'd think they could at least all agree on one virus to spread...
Struggling to understand the thought process that led the author to write "matrix of size p$\times$q".
@peterrowlett straightedge and compass construction golf can also be fun. Challenge them to construct shapes in the fewest steps.
@sam_james30 some lost-looking tourists refused my help yesterday. Maybe they were just admiring the craftsmanship that went into their map
'zero','nought','null','nothing'. Does any number have more names, in English? 'Hundred','century','ton', ... ?
I have finished the Canada bit in GTA5's story and I'm sort of sick of it. Is there any point finishing it, or should I not bother?
@MrHonner small beans. The private school in my village got its £5million debts paid off by the government and became a state academy
@ebuie so if I instructed you to immanentise the eschaton, you wouldn't know what I wanted you to do?
These are the weirdest matchbook covers I've ever seen.…
I'll never be this cool. I'll never have a monkey companion who wears glasses and smokes a pipe.…
"I am not smart enough for this book" says Amazon reviewer of maths book. "Another notoriously bad impulse purchase."…
@elinoroberts the funny thing about living in the same village as you is that often I have a thought and then you tweet it
Fed up with Windows 8.1, I've installed Ubuntu again. Now the wifi connection only works for 10 seconds after connecting. Boo.
@DanielColquitt well yes, I was quite surprised it managed to install the drivers at all this time.
Gosh the instant LaTeX preview in's comments box is useful.
@haggismaths I'm giving a talk in Edinburgh Uni on Wednesday. Can I pop in to see you afterwards?
@haggismaths an IOP thing about eassessment. We'll both be at big mathsjam, anyway
@stecks @peterrowlett *waves fingers*
@jcoglan you can do without ^.* at the start, no?
I've put my knockout.js binding handlers for @MathJax on github:… (Demo:…)
Making UI changes to @NclNumbas so it's really hard for students to forget to submit their answers. `> git checkout -b dont-let-them-fail`
"I just want to read this book and lick it and... have fun." - @TweetsofCushing
@peterrowlett I was thinking of…
@peterrowlett and 'golf' because 'code golf' is an established thing where you try to write the shortest program
Alert, Edinbourgeois: can anyone entertain me tomorrow afternoon? I can perform maths if required.
The Michael and Lily Atiyah gallery in the James Clerk Maxwell building at Edinburgh University
@Sara_Tindall @peterrowlett I cleverly caught a cold before term started this year and gave THEM diseases!
When will lecture theatres upgrade from 1024x768 projectors? 2048?
@FOTSN you're doing Stockton again?! Are you mad? Good northern coverage though; I'll book tickets for Durham when TBC becomes C
Couple is having *the most* middle class argument. One insists a third person is very brave for "putting skis on and getting up a mountain"
Where's a nice place to get a hot chocolate near waverley station in Edinburgh?
Friends, I plumped for the Storytelling Café. It's really good! I also had a brownie which was also fantastic.
This old dude across the street is nowhere near as jazzed about buying tartan as his wife is.
@ashleyhwright you're on the next carriage down from me! What a coincidence.
Just added the 500th unit test to the @NclNumbas maths/algebra system.…
My friend @TweetsofCushing wants to know what these error terms are
"DodecaLEDron" mustn't have done well in focus groups.
@poveryant Would you mind sending me the file for the 3d-printed enneahedron please? I'd like to print one for a talk I'm giving
I've written a page to play about with the @MathJax 2.3 beta and its spiffy new fonts.…
I like today's tragedy series…
Ambassadors was good.…
The coast is impossibly good-looking at the moment, with the setting sun and a little bit of fog. God I love Tynemouth.
A lightning storm is starting, and there are people surfing! If only I had a good camera
Wow that plane just did a quick turn to avoid the thunder cloud. It's turned around to have another go further out to sea, I think
Those toddlers I saw ten minutes ago trick-or-treating early to avoid the scary big kids must be having a fun time.
Talking of... a black cat has joined me to watch the storm.
Oh no, that plane's just doing loops. And the cat seems to have caught something in the long grass above the lido. He's off, with his prize
I've just discovered that this iron, which I've owned for two years, has a red light which comes on when it's heating up. #colourblindlife
@standupmaths I prefer to visualise sorting algorithms with Hungarian folk dancers.…
Ubuntu has better driver support for my laptop than windows 8.1 does. What upside-down world is this that we live in?
@jamesgrime @standupmaths you both check your privilege, I'm still on Life Shareware. I can only access the first three months of the year
@hornmaths yes, it is me who likes koalas. #actual #koala #fan
@standupmaths @jamesgrime it would be nice if every day didn't start with a nag screen asking me to send a cheque to a PO box in Jordan.
@standupmaths but descending hardness is the standard way to do it, right?
@poveryant I have space, but it's a back seat. Setting off just before 7am
I just don't understand the Northumberland Street blanket man's business model.
@MrHonner f(x)=1 laughs at their puny attempt at a definition.
Current status: involuntary afternoon off work
This is how you do a blackboard bold N.
When we compute inverses, we do it properly.
(joint work with @TweetsofCushing)
@Bishnavitch we just watched Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 last night.
What should I talk about at the big @MathsJam this weekend: Herschel's enneahedron, or integer sequence reviews?
@aperfect YES
@ben_nuttall great, another pedant! How can we coördinate our efforts?
@standupmaths will the 5 minute countdown computer be making a reappearance at MathsJam?
@standupmaths will it sometimes give us up, and/or occasionally let us down?
I can never crack this many eggs without worrying about the arrival of Zuul the Gatekeeper of Gozer.
Spotted in the Hermitage Inn in Warkworth: another member of the clan!
@jcoglan god yes. JS functions that take a few different types are so annoying. jQuery does "first param might be a bool" very often
@MathsJam Is anyone interested in a calculation contest using a slide rule and log tables in one of the breaks?
@stecks @aPaulTaylor I forgot to say bye to you! It was good to all be in one place again. Until next year! Or any earlier next thing!
A physical anomaly at Wetherby services. How many coins are causing the jam?
@peterrowlett I see your nine, and raise you to ten.
Told @TweetsofCushing he should go to a @MathsJam conference. Response: "I am a MathsJam conference". Can't argue with that.
A marvellously concise proof that 5!/2 is even:…
Gosh this is a lovely idea:
@RGS_maths what textbook is that? It looks similar to a Russian one I have by Skanavi
@RGS_maths aha, more Russians! David Singmaster insisted to me at the weekend that they're not a purely Russian phenomenon. Not convinced!
@gaussfacts does the posting of new facts mean you've sorted out the spam problem? I was disheartened last time I went to moderate
@evelynjlamb my vote is for analyst
Pretending this cold rain is actually congenitally hot snow. It's a winter wonderland!
@profkeithdevlin It's almost at the point where you could use them in a knights and knaves puzzle
The results are in: I have extreme protanomaly! I spent a fun afternoon with neuroscientists doing colour tests.
@evelynjlamb yes, since I was tiny. I have a particularly bad case!
@evelynjlamb I just did the tests today because my friend doing a neuro PhD wanted to see how they're done
Having fun trying to decide how to localise my JS library's error messages.… I know this dude! He's really good at maths. So pleased he's doing something cool.
@Tegglington deduce eyeballs are emitting light; plummet into immediate body horror crisis?
@peterrowlett we haven't even run ours yet, so no for now.
A bit tired and a bit glum, so I'm going to my happy place: e1m1
As the corpse of the monstrous entity CHTHON sinks back into the lava whence it came, I feel a lot better.
5pm today! RT @MathJax: Don't forget: our first MathJax Hangout on Air -- Q&A with Phil Schatz and @christianp
@aperfect I am suddenly more interested in visiting London
@C_J_Smith "Handyman's Ear" sounds like the name of a village in the west country
Attack of the witty till maintenance guy.
A pub near here gives a free pint to any scientist who has a paper published. Nice, but points lost for not calling it the "No-Bill Prize"
Top celeb fact: The reason Ant always stands on Dec's right is that they both walk in to work. That's right: Ant and Dec don't commute.
It would be nice if operators were first-class objects in javascript.
I did a Hangout on air Q&A with @pkrautz and Phil Schatz about @MathJax last Friday. I've posted about it on my blog:…
An anagram of @robinhouston's name is "no enthusiasm or job". An anagram of mine is "erect finch rapist". Thankfully, neither is accurate.
@Boxfresh Any sign of the size 13s you said would be arriving quite a while ago?
@Boxfresh can you be any more specific than "soon"? That plain blue pair is OK, but I'd hate to buy it just before nicer ones arrive
@helenarney another, less sensible, friend of mine posted those exact two points as positives last week during her trip
Oop, just noticed that November @MathsJam is next Tuesday! Time to send my reminder email...
@CloudoidLtd (mod 1000)
@jamesgrime @standupmaths hah, I literally checked the site 20 minutes ago to see if they were up
So many <span> tags. Starting to mistype as <spam>. There should be a preprocessor. To process my <spam>.
@ben_nuttall this springs to mind…
No, this is not a Möbius band! It's a normal loop. Bad architects!…
Ooh, my new parking permit has a pleasing expiry date
I just spent ten minutes looking for good covers of the Monkey Island theme and I didn't find any and now I am sad :(
@haggismaths I might be able to help you... what do you want the LaTeX for?
Why do user ratings get so little attention in music apps? Now everything's streamable, my ratings are the only valuable part of my library
Years ago I had a Python jukebox script that auto-rated songs based on how often you listened to completion or skipped them. It was great!
@haggismaths I have a thing which converts easily-typed calculator syntax to LaTeX, and I could put it in a page you could tweet from
Another thing: since Google Music can't sort by date added, there's all this music I haven't listened to as much as I'd like
"Why should engineers and scientists be worried about colour?"… Studiously ignores inaccessibility to the colourblind
At home midday on Friday freezing to death under a blanket because I saved enough money to be exactly this miserable. No I'm not a pensioner
@BenTormey can you remember the name of that French guy who self-published a mathematical monograph with colour plates of nude women in it?
@standupmaths @QMUL I've always thought QMUL should do a Neal Stephenson Qwghlm tie-in.
@BenTormey superb!
Buying leather and painting everything black for my new wedding parlour for goths, "Doom and Groom".
Breaking up the band to concentrate on my exciting new restaurant venture, Gnocco Ono.
@standupmaths I think it's pteriffic
Because the kiwi kept losing his hat, we've added a chinstrap. Now he can wear it at a jaunty angle!
Fancy earning a fiver? Resolve @TweetsofCushing's conjecture for him. (Difficulty: Erdős) ……
Went to Michael Gove's website to get a link for a story. Saw the picture on the right. brb never sleeping again
@nulibrs good work: you've even got a visible concrete arm in the photo holding the camera
Newcastle's Maths Arcade is finally happening! Open to all students at @STEMNewcastle.
Goddammi!, I thought I'd found a new sequence but the OEIS had to go and enrich my life with facts
(A001595 might be a record for lowest-index sequence found while believing I had a new one)
@stecks whuh?
@stecks Ahh!
@stecks on inspection, the instructions have no such footnote
Projects I am currently involved with: Maths Aid; Maths Jam; Maths Arcade. #nomenclazy
@Andrew_Taylor see also: basketball hoops
Oh yes, and that one. RT @michaeljgrove: @christianp Ahem...Maths Wiki?!
@evelynjlamb Pictures!
I'm off for pre-@MathsJam dinner. Which is at 7pm in the Charles Grey pub, by the way. I'm not doing too well at promotion lately...
A 45 minute wait for food, indeed! Good job I'm already planning on being here that long.
@ColinTheMathmo Yoneda lemma? Igotta lemma!
Inline links coloured in red: ARGGGG!
@My_Metro the position of the card scanners at Tynemouth is terrible for people tapping out. You have to turn round and hold everyone up
Just gave the OEIS some money. They deserve it!…
"2 10^1059002 -1, or 199999...99, is prime. It's the first near-repdigit prime found with over a million digits." via
@songdrop I keep unsubscribing from product update emails, but you keep sending them. What's the deal?
Yes I am very interested sign me up for twelve
Great work guys! (Peeked at the source: nested tables, then an iframe, then a link which didn't set target properly)
Look out for mine and @TweetsofCushing's new project, out next summer: the Pop-Up Book of Integer Sequences (PUBIS)
@fuzzmonkey @jcoglan I've always thought this is something vault could have built-in: a list of settings for popular sites.
@cartazio @pkrautz where's your blog? Can I take a look?
@icecolbeveridge not sure: were you rickrolled or was the shop?
@ben_nuttall yes! I did it once but I don't know what I did to make it happen
I see Flash has reached Java levels of irrelevance: they're now trying to bundle McAfee with updates.
The NOTY competition is back!…
@elinoroberts @jjsanderson congratulations to you both!
@DanielColquitt "I Did It: The Daniel Colquitt Story, Chapter XII"
The queue outside Frankie and Tony's is getting ridiculous. Time to find a different sandwich place!
@C_J_Smith is that a quote from The Tick? It feels like it.
@jcoglan lesson: stop using computers and take up woodwork
Where's the 8.30 cool crew? Is low rail adhesion to be feared more than I thought? This is a lonely platform.
New hobby: mixing Robinson's squash flavours.
Two people with the same name working in quantum mechanics, 60 years apart. Struggling to rule out time travel.
Gauss's doctoral supervisor was called Pfaff. I can't help but start @pfafffacts now.
*wist*… #somuchwist
I did a podcast with @TweetsofCushing. We talked about all sorts of unusual maths…
Idea: minecraft with the minesweeper ruleset.
@AlgebraFact @AnalysisFact if you liked those, I'm about to do an interesting esoterica post which will have loads of fun papers in it
Research top tip: when writing out the price of a closed access paper, don't take your finger off shift. e.g., "this paper costs $"%!"
Considering changing to to have my conception of what knowledge can be smashed to smithereens
... it just returns a blank page, not even a 404. So is knowledge fundamentally consistent? Are there no unknowables? #existentialtypocrisis
@dannytybrown I can do 'free' and 'good', but 'simple' is subjective:
This Chinese poem is palindromic in a ridiculous number of ways.…
@dannytybrown (I'm the developer of Numbas, so can help with any queries or feature requests)
@peterrowlett ssssh! For all they know, @TweetsofCushing is a real person.
The first Newcastle @mathsarcade was a moderate success. Around 8 students took part, but all staff seem to have forgotten it was on.
ShapeJS is an alright tool, now I've worked out how to use it. Here's my favourite shape, the Herschel enneahedron:…
@Boxfresh hi, more than a fortnight since you said "next week" for new size 13 shoes. Are they any closer?
@peterrowlett which day is your viva?
Permutohedron! It's not an instruction, it's a polytope:…
I love race conditions.
My next tweet will be a lie.
Have started tinkering with @MathJax extensions. Stand back, this might work.
@aoibhinn_ni_s do you mean compared to girls in other countries, or compared to boys in Ireland?
An outbreak of * to denote function application among the undergrads in online tests. e.g. `cos*(x)`, `ln*abs(x)`. Wonder who started it.
@infrahumano @ddmeyer it's just a few students in one assignment, so at the moment I assume they've copied off one person or worked together
Least expected combination of words 2013 "@TweetsofCushing: Unicyling Darth Vader Santa Claus Plays Flaming Bagpipes…
I just made @NclNumbas a bajillion times faster by adding a check for the degenerate case to a function. Doiiiii.
@vickytnz if they can be traded, maybe they wait for card issuer refusal to discourage fraudsters buying them with other people's cards
Idea for a twitter bot: get GBP-Euro exchange rate every day, put it through inverse symbolic calculator, tweet when best fit uses <4 ops.
@JanvierUK to give an easy way of converting between currencies (for values of 'easy' that apply to mathematicians)
.@JanvierUK for example, the current exchange rate of £1 = €1.20829 is more easily remembered as ζ(1,2)ᵀʰᵘᵉᴹᵒʳˢᵉ/(Lehmerᵀʰᵘᵉᴹᵒʳˢᵉ)
@JanvierUK Zeta(1,2)^ThueMorse/(Lehmer^ThueMorse)
this textbook for French students elucidates English pronunciation via the phonetic alphabet… (i.e. not at all)
Google Music has got very confused about what songs are in this christmas album. It's playing the right tracks, but labelling them wrong.
So "The Power of Love" is now "Baby It's Cold Outside" by Tom Jones, and "A Spaceman Came Travelling" is now "Angels" by Robbie Williams
@ebuie "Lift entrapment"? I can't think of any crimes a lift could encourage me to commit.
I made this because apparently I need it:…
Wrote this, not sure what to do with it: Every example of a @MathJax extension I could think of was a bad idea.
Finalising the menu for my new fast-food chicken place ZFC, where there are so many options you have to use the axiom of choice to order.
Today on Google+ I asked a stupid question about notation and got some fascinating comments about de Rham cohomology…
@pkrautz go on...
Wondered why my GP appointment was for an hour-long window, until I realised "ten to eleven" meant 10.50.
Can whoever's in charge of such things force sixth form colleges to advertise Prob(pass an A-Level you start) instead of pass rates?
One way of gaming pass rate figures is to tell people who might not pass not to bother sitting the exam.
@sxpmaths good: your assessors are more numerically literate than your prospective students!
Particularly pleased with tonight's bananagrams. #supineyeti
@pkrautz send me an email. I'm away to your homeland for the weekend to visit the Weihnachtsmärkte, but next week I'll have some coding time
@peterrowlett good luck!
King James Programming is pretty funny
@lyd_w where?!
@lyd_w excellent! I will investigate
Berlin packing checklist. So excited!
@helenarney I sad too but no need grammar to forgetting
Just arrived in Berlin, and I have eduroam Internet! I may be able to tweet more than expected
@nulibrs that's a very good book!
.@TweetsofCushing no, you should accept that a calendar invented by the last vestige of the Roman Empire is not acceptable for timekeeping.
@jcoglan I have a vague memory of a chrome extension which put a spectrum analyser on each tab header for exactly that purpose
@evelynjlamb Dr Lamb, I wish to decrease my body's genus. What do you recommend?
Testify! MT @IanHopkinson_: Was surprised how few PhD students who code for their work use source control, let alone testing frameworks
@jcoglan that's especially bad, considering it has so few users to find bugs.
The art by @Gelada looks particularly good in the morning light today.
Lunch today at Spanglish Tiendita was nice and tasty and cheap. And oh my, the ingredients they sell!…
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss @AdamJackzon god no. Didn't watch the first one.
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss you know empire reviews hold no sway with me
@lyd_w a burrito and an arepa. Want to go back and try the paella and empanadas
Going early to the doctor's for my appointment because their waiting room is warmer than my house.
This dude's head is like a D6 of groady tattoos
@gingerbeardman were you in Berlin last weekend? So was I!
Just found out that in Moodle you can drop a SCORM zip file onto a course section to upload it in one go. So useful!
Massive anticlimax as we have a full office for the first time in well over a year.
Less happy Moodle news: debugging the SCORM module makes me want to give up technology and join a monastery
Data model retrieval and storage implemented entirely through eval() and string-replacement. #nononononono
@DrSaraSantos @bostoncyberarts ooh, I'm a big Balint fan. Pity I'm not in Boston!
Have a blast from CP's past: Santa's Freelance Adventure, a game I made.…
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon @Electrokittie sorry, I'm doing family things tomorrow, it turns out
@Dr_Lucie that is such a sci-fi sentence.
@GhostMutt using the 'selector' parameter for .on (…)
A genius tragedy today:…
@ColinTheMathmo mezzalunas are great!
@standupmaths while my GF was decrying apostrophe heretics, I told her about #snowfake. She didn't see a problem. Considering my options.
Which is mis-spotted more: the golden ratio, or a power law? "Simple mathematical formula describes human struggles"…
Correspondent on BBC News having trouble hearing anchor's questions: maybe do your report somewhere quieter than in front of a protest?
If there's a gangsta way of wearing one's kippa, this guy has it
@jcoglan Christ. PHP is like an exquisite corpse programming language. Hacks to fix hacks to fix hacks to fix hacks to fix
I can just about understand why some people think it's worthwhile to go to certain shops on boxing day. But Ryman?!
There's no Newcastle @MathsJam this month because we are purists and the second-last Tuesday is Christmas Eve.
@Bishnavitch that actually sounds delicious
Everyone is telling me to fatten up. Christmas is just over a week away. Am I a goose?
@evelynjlamb Are you aware of ?
@elinoroberts mine's leaking again, if that's any consolation
@icecolbeveridge Congratulations! Going to be an awkward birthday for presents later on, though.
@stecks @standupmaths and I had to get up early because, even though it's my day off, Helen had to go to work so kicked me out :(
@peterrowlett why yes I am, Peter, thanks for asking!
@plusmathsorg your readers might also enjoy pages from my 1811 arithmetic textbook… (still Georgian, just!)
This kid is refusing to speak with real words, despite his nana's demands and threats. Power to him. #habeedareeman
GP surgery's touchscreen check-in thing is inaccessible to the blind; ping to tell you to look at the screen inaccessible to the deaf.
"KEEP CALM AND LOOK AFTER YOURSELF", says NHS leaflet. "I don't want to live in a world with KEEP CALM...", say I.
@Bishnavitch shave a St George's cross into it
I can now play the first four bars of Little Donkey on the piano. #basicallythebest
@lyd_w you've been a hipster for five minutes, and you've already got a phone number nobody else has heard of yet.
@standupmaths looks like some number of intersecting octahedra
@FOTSN your link to buy tickets for Durham is broken
@FOTSN I imagine it changes each time they stoke the fire powering their computer.
Have some animated Victorian Christmas GIFs, courtesy of the lovely Public Domain Review…
Need to think of a way of turning my t-shirts drawer into a FIFO stack.
@jolyonjenkins thanks! Neither do I - I was practising it at mathsjam and couldn't do it anywhere near quickly enough
@JanvierUK hm yes quite…
I'm parked outside Washington's grimmest row of retail units. I can get a tattoo, borrow at usurious rates, or buy "hot food" (unspecified)
@AdamCreen not even the one you're thinking of: this was in Sulgrave village. @TweetsofCushing will appreciate your Peterlee review :)
Who on the Holby City production team decided you can just add snow in post instead of at least making fake stuff?
Phwoar, look at the maths in that! Good Christmas present from the papa Perfect.
That's surprisingly easy!
Pretty pleased with tonight's bananagrams. "Yon man won voodoo rejoinder; opine at ease."
@mutedestro it's a page from "Towers of Hanoi - Myths and Maths"
Forget π=3; apparently my mum's boiler thinks e=5.
My answer to basically all of my Nana's questions re clothes or going out: "You can do whatever you like, you're 82 years old."
"Can I go to church dressed like this?"; "Can I bring this coffee into Homebase?"; etc. etc.
First tweet from my Raspberry Pi. I think I should really keep it in the command line...
@standupmaths if you get a few of these, could it make an aperiodical post?
@peterrowlett @ProfKinyon this:…
What goes up must come down: Isaac Newton's hallowed name used for a shopping centre in Grantham.…
@monsoon0 I haven't, but Carlos has:…
My Pi needed a case, so I used materials on hand post-Christmas
@hughhunt @snapey1979 @MathsJam I want to maximise (tan(θ)-1)/(tan(θ)+(tan(θ))^2). Is there a way to do that without calculus?
End of year cleaning time. Why did I feel the need to keep this many holes?
@peterrowlett @stecks looking at it now, just got a phonecall
@jjaron it does like to say it hasn't found anything while it's still looking. But it's also just bad. So it could be either!
How many things are on sale in the UK priced 1 penny? Could I buy one of each?
@vickytnz oh wow! I just googled myself and only one link on the first page isn't about me! TAKE THAT, RELIGIOUS TYPES
This advert with discount code TRAM1 on @My_Metro is still annoying me. Surely they can target things more precisely than "The North"
@OxUniConnect ha! At least that's technically correct, which is way better than Fox News normally manage.
@DanielColquitt campanology changes the view?!
@DanielColquitt I instantly felt regret at the expression of pedantry. Hope they've stopped ringing the bells!
auuughh I didn't go to the right school I have no idea what valediction to end this email with why am I so common aaaaaaa
@icecolbeveridge I've always gone with "cp". I think it's better aesthetically than a big C.
@icecolbeveridge well, that says something about you
@moebio use patterns instead
@moebio use dashes then!
I've been doing $1\!,\!000$. Turns out you can just do $1{,}000$ to get thousands separators to have the right spacing in TeX,
@DanielColquitt scientific notation for amounts of money seems odd
I'd like to think the girl this busker's staring at is inspiring a melodic flight, but he's just playing the same four notes over and over
@NautilusMag since it looks like you paid so much attention to design: why aren't mathematical variables in italics?…
@tombutton booooo! Get off the stage!
In Barter Books, I saw something that might please @standupmaths
@gingerbeardman where's that?
@peterrowlett :) I've been meaning to do this for a long time.
I love it when people hashtag the rhetorical device they've used, in case the full force of what they said wasn't obvious. #sarcasm
I spent all that effort noticing that the code for ö-umlaut is an arithmetic sequence, and Chrome starts interpreting numpad-4 as back? #poo
@divbyzero ooh, that's very nice! (And our best lecturer starts his first-year course every year with "minimum" and a warning to be careful)
@DanaKazim are you?
I've written up my recap of March and April's Newcastle @MathsJam:…
It both sounded and smells like someone's barbecue just blew up
@elinoroberts no, I'm at my mum's in Washington
Complete low blood pressure moment. I am all wobbly. This hasn't happened in a while.
@stevenstrogatz "math class is tough!" - D. Zeilberger / Teen Talk Barbie.
@PaulWatsonNcl hah, that looks fun! I'll make sure to go
if I had a cybernetic implant, it would be a modular oblongata
There were mitigating circumstances. RT @TweetsofCushing: watching @christianp trying to prove that 19 is prime!
The biggest tie ever was over 4000km long, around Croatia's borders:…
Micro mayhem!
Dude in a taxi outside the strawberry arguing with his driver about the validity of a note from the Clydesdale Bank
Best animal failing to stay awake video yet…
my flat is FREEZING. I should be thankful, considering how hot it is outside.
@ColinTheMathmo @samholloway @ajk_44 For your consideration:
@nulibrs euch, so many undergrads using the wifi! Going to have to spend my maths aid hours making origami again...
@ajk_44 on the subject of fun ages, I'm currently n^n, n ∈ ℤ, for the last time ever
When information mysteriously goes missing from your gmail address book: rrrrrr!
@gingerbeardman it's the alert noise that accomponies the revelation that my old phone wasn't saving *all* my data to gmail.
@gingerbeardman accomponies? A kind of horse? I felt the need to acknowledge the typo.
@gingerbeardman I think it was the custom HTC thing; my contacts are full of <HTCDATA> xml nonsense
Today's vim magic: `:au BufWritePost *.tex make` - recompiles TeX files when you save them
Staying at Birmingham University for the night and I can't connect to eduroam. Nothing else to do apart from go to sleep, then.
Apparently is a "protected resource" on Birmingham's network, for which I need to go through their shibboleth.
but is fine. Weird!
@jcoglan I got 99 data representation problems but ambiguous encoding ain't "1".
@numberphile WHAT?
Look what I found at Tynemouth market:
"Mercedes have annexed the front row". Suspiciously unfortunate phrasing about the German team
This is a great game: from a random street view image, work out where you are
Oh! The episodes of One on iplayer are new! Super.…
Instant retraction, they're five years old. What happened to the (R) on the end of programme descriptions?
@ebuie would have worked better with the letter A. Demand you relive your life accordingly.
@PerudoJedi @TraineeGeek @MathsJam I'm sure we could break out the Geordie enigma machine if you have some messages to send
I haven't remembered what I need from the shops after 10 minutes of thought, so I might as well set off now and see if I remember on the way
PAPER PLATES! Took until I was stood in front of them, but I did remember
@Bishnavitch you know they're just being cosmopolitan and choosing complementary colours to go with the furniture.
Aaaaaa that ford advert where he high-dives through the car gives me the juddering jeebers. Can not handle no no no
@pkrautz have you seen this?… Microsoft people exist in a scary universe
All of @Tilman's Geometry Daily prints have free shipping today:
@numberphile probably best to use infinite scroll, so segments are only loaded if the user scrolls down. I can make something if you want
@numberphile I'll have a go then email you
Talking to @numberphile about a number file
@ColinTheMathmo @icecolbeveridge rather than make all the dollars mathmode, you can do \$ to tell MathJax not to interpret a $ as maths
@icecolbeveridge oh, then you need processEscapes: true in your config. Also, putting dollars inside <span> tags breaks up maths.
Alexey Taktarov has used my deck.js template and added some neato interactive graphs:
(my template is on github at…)
@ThomasEWoolley I thought you'd forgotten about it!
@Bishnavitch see also Channel 4
@standupmaths aka the "Prime cousins-70,000,000-times-removed" conjecture
@numberphile I've just had an idea! If you wanted to show all of that number at once, you could do a gigapan:
Good lord, yet another Sambuca has opened. When's the leveraged buyout?
The back cover of the book this person is reading on the metro looks fascinating. Not sure how to angle myself to see the spine
TeX plod day three: 40 pages down, 380 to go. This had better be worthwhile... #texplod
@icecolbeveridge it's worse: it isn't even my TeX! I'm cleaning up someone's course notes to go on the web
How do we feel about $a/b$ instead of $\frac{a}{b}$ for inline fractions? I'm slightly anti.
@icecolbeveridge even though \frac fractions are tiny tiny in inline mathmode?
@icecolbeveridge good, we agree
@relinde @peterrowlett @aperiodical we stated it as "sum of three ODD primes". 7=2+2+3 is the only one you need an even prime for
@jamesgrime aww, that's the image I was trying to make this morning. I went with infinitely many pears instead
@mathemaniac please allow me to make your day:
the reference number on this letter from my car insurance company is suspiciously short. Am I their only customer?
@vickytnz I will always hold a soft spot in my heart for Austria's insane Latin Kryner fusion entry a few years ago:…
@vickytnz (soft spot may or may not be dirndl-provoked)
@vickytnz but it has yodelling!
Forget eurovision. Austria on its own puts out enough terrible music for the entire continent…
So sorry. That dude is clearly Dutch. And in fact, I can only find foreigners recording terrible music in Tyrol. Worst form of tourism?
Newcastle @MathsJam is next Tuesday! 7pm at the Charles Grey pub. I will have a Correntator, a set of Hex, and a book of logarithms.
Randomly generate a Turing machine on a 2d grid and see it run. This one explodes after a while:…
@peterrowlett I think it either wasn't correct, or I don't understand why it is correct
@peterrowlett I started a comment on the post on the site, but was stricken by doubt
A short guide to LaTeX math: Because I'm a cool dude, I already knew most of it
@peterrowlett yeah, so what I said wasn't true
ChromeVox, a text-to-speech engine for Chrome, now reads out maths! It's not too bad.…
... actually, it does a pretty terrible job of reading anything more complicated than a polynomial. Stretched symbols are particularly poor
@FOTSN Nerds, I haven't seen you give a single Beamer presentation. Can the scientists in the audience even understand what you say?
@Jokerman21 @peterrowlett 11 = 5+3+3; 23 = 11+7+5
@nulibrs @nulibsage converse is not the same as the contrapositive. Opposite of that statement is "people who don't prefer screen are old"
@nulibrs @nulibsage Whoops, I just gave you the contrapositive! Point was, "A implies B" does not mean that "not A implies not B"
@nulibrs @nulibsage unless you were saying you couldn't comment on the story because you're not young. Jeez, what a mess I've made.
wow. The hold music for this company's cancellation department is a funeral march
@madcaptenor that's so illegal!
Today's notation question: $_nC_r$ or $^nC_r$ ?
@Thalesdisciple this might be a British thing, but I've never liked that, and rarely seen it used, because it looks like a column vector.
@samholloway yeah, that's my opinion, but I've seen $_nC_r$ enough times that it made me wonder if there was some justification for it
really quite annoyed that spambots have found and filled the first question with 11,000 horrible sex adverts.
Weirdly, they haven't bothered spamming any of the other questions.
@lostinrecursion is that just the convention you're used to?
@lostinrecursion is there a rationale for either one? I'm used to the superscript one, and I think it looks nicer too
Having fun listening to this album while I work:…
re: $_nC_r$ or $^nC_r$ or $\binom{n}{r}$: Imagine if there were this many different ways of writing exponentiation. We'd all go mad!
I can't find anything in Cajori about choose/pick notations. Dude was an amateur scholar
@ebuie a WHAT? Tell me more!
@tim_hunt haven't read that yet, but yes - zenzizenzizenzic is my favourite maths word
@ebuie @CannyCreative @RichardCarter I think what they're really advertising is the nitrous oxide used to whip the cream.
Where I can normally see the sea from my front door, today I can only see brilliant white. Am I in the Truman Show?
@ebuie @vickytnz I had a debit card in the US and never used a PIN. It can't be very widespread.… Worst colour scale. Here's what I see. (via @moebio)
Does the shape of farfalle make them take longer to cook? WAIT I HAVE A BOOK FOR THAT
@DesktopGamer I think for kitchen measurements, the size of a cup is fairly standard:
@vickytnz did you find anyone to watch Eurovision with?
@vickytnz you can come out to Tynemouth if you like. I was planning on seeing the Late Shows, but I don't have the energy for walking
The best thing about these @aperiodical stickers I made is that now I'm making up excuses to send people things so I can use them.
not a single scientist at CERN has had the wherewithal to set up the "Euro Fission Song Contest". Poor show, science!
Does anyone have an opinion on whether eurovision has got worse or better over the years? Does that concept even apply?
YES! I managed to eat the melon before it went off! #homeeconomics
Like IQ? RT @DanielColquitt: @christianp I think Eurovision has its own scale of terrible-ness. Each year the scale is simply recalibrated.
@standupmaths @aPaulTaylor "modestly viral" - you are the common cold of internet sensations.
@ebuie or, giffgaff do a similarly good deal without a
@DanielColquitt @ColinTheMathmo well, @outhofthenorm2 just said Leibniz used planets:…. Or you could use hieroglyphics
I have reached peak idleness. A hard-fought campaign of doing nothing all weekend has culminated in a powerful case of stir crazies
@icecolbeveridge yes, I saw it mentioned somewhere a few days ago. Can't believe it's a thing.
The scenery painters failed to even get as far as the sea today. I can just about see halfway down the street. It must be the shorter nights
Am I the only one who, whenever it's this foggy, immediately thinks of Turok? #PowerVRrepresent
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm, Charles Grey pub. I have a mechanical calculator from the 1920s and a new boardgame. All welcome!
.@sxpmaths the board game is probably not new to other Jams - it's Hex.
There's a map of all 33 current, and some potential, MathsJams around the world:
@TraineeGeek we have an Enigma, yes.
Who is telling marketers that sending blogs infographics to republish is a good idea? We've had more than a few to The Aperiodical
I love paying big wodges of cash to get packages out of customs, me.
Found a prime-numbered metro carriage! Only took two days of factorising the carriages I've been on. #reasonsIlookmentallytroubledonthetrain
@icecolbeveridge @stecks @MathsJam I'll ask for the wifi password at our pub tonight and we can have a go at a google hangout
Newcastle @MathsJam is tonight, 7pm at the Charles Grey pub! Can we solve 1811 arithmetic problems with a 1920s calculator?
@JanvierUK from?
Today's metro carriage: 3^3*149
@Bishnavitch yes! For once I am able
@outofthenorm2 your bees post has taken so long that metafilter has gazumped you :(…
@haggismaths ant colony. On a huge scale, this guy did some amazing casts of termite colonies:…
@Bishnavitch I'm outside
@MouldS the paper folding one is the most impressive. I want to play with it!
Person before me at the pump bought a palindromic amount of petrol. I like to think that was deliberate.
@DanielColquitt just price. Hard to arrange otherwise
@DanielColquitt I think it's already been a twitter Thing. I have some python code somewhere
@elinoroberts if only you'd looked at our graphs:…
@samheadleand @stecks @MathsJam here you go:…
"Britain's sausage renaissance" is my new name for Downstairs CP.…
@stecks ok, imma let you finish, but @aperfect took the best baby goose photos of all time. OF ALL TIME!…
@evelynjlamb hah, did you like it?
@standupmaths @peterrowlett I think this can be summarised as: mathematician makes joke; other mathematicians spend afternoon explaining it.
@peterrowlett @standupmaths @stecks I was referring to what's been going on on twitter
@icecolbeveridge please, no more maths police, at least for a while
Just used the word 'subtrahend' in a git commit.… #literateprogramming. #notwhatliterateprogrammingmeans
@standupmaths going to assume the obvious pun reply to that tweet was implicit when you sent it
@Rokker816 it was alright. Not as good as nachos though.
Hooraaay, all my friends doing their stupid postgrad degrees have finished their exams. I have friends again!
Bisous Les Copains!…
Diagnosis: algebraist. (cf.…)
@jamesgrime I agree, except: look how big the little professor is!
My beard is at exactly the right length and softness today. If I was fresh out of a people factory, this is what my beard would be like.
Few people mention the consolation provided by a beard when discussing the pros and cons of being a grown up man. I'd say it outweighs taxes
@icecolbeveridge Dave didn't listen to the Aperiodcast, he listened to All Squared
@vickytnz coffee?
@vickytnz I need to be in a seminar at 2.30, so I could meet you in Jesmond on my way home after that?
@vickytnz I'm setting off for jesmond now. Be there in around 15 minutes
@mike_geogebra very nice!
how much is Gap going to spend on showing me ads before they realise I left their site because they don't sell trousers as long as my legs?
@icecolbeveridge that's not a demonstration of the central limit theorem. It's the binomial distribution. I can't see a quincunx either
@icecolbeveridge that's really weird. A Galton machine needs a triangular number of pegs
@icecolbeveridge CLT says the *mean* of the binomial is normally distributed over many samples, like any mean, but the normal approx...
@icecolbeveridge ... Let me retract that halfway. Binomial is repeated Bernoulli tests, so I suppose the normal approx does follow from CLT
JISCMAIL doesn't set the List-Post header. That makes me sad.
@vickytnz typically no
@vickytnz actually, I can read this - - but it's a strain on the eyes
Working in Maths-Aid this afternoon. If one more student points to something on their iPad with the tip of a biro...
@peterrowlett hooray!
Ant battle update: I'M WINNING! The floor is littered with tiny corpses. I'm not cleaning them up, _pour encourager les autres_.
I'd stick their heads on tiny pikes if I could. Who knew I was a mediaeval tyrant? #CPtheterrible
@vickytnz and it hasn't been ruined by a Cliff Richard song, either
@ebuie nah, I just have garden ants somewhere. A line of talc has stopped them. Nowhere near as crazy as the ants you get in the US.
@vickytnz my respect for your country has diminished
Is there just a sea fret here in Tynemouth? Is it sunny in Newcastle? I was promised sunshine!
@vickytnz @ebuie there's a Baha'i tree in Exhibition Park, near the military vehicles museum
gosh I like this a lot…
13:11! Keep your enemies close and your primes closer
Growing to resent the lady on the opposite side of the street who has a front patio which gets sunlight.
@lyd_w you have reminded me that I own a panama for days exactly like this one. Thanks!
@SparksMaths are you a caTENary chap or a CATenary heathen? Or even catEENary?
Considering running a public service campaign to encourage version control at work, titled "Ve Haff Vays of Making you Fork"
Made a little chap. Not sure what he's for but I like his style
WHERE IS EVERYBODY? Is it a bank holiday or have the clocks moved or what? The village is deserted
@jamesgrime yes! I haven't been able to get anybody enthused about the awesome end credits, despite repeated showings
@standupmaths are you sure you're not inadvertently in their new reality show, "Trusses and Tresses"?
@wildaboutmath thanks for the mention. There's a typo: "Aperidical" instead of Aperiodical.
@wildaboutmath ... and the link to Tony Mann's blog has ?m=1 on the end of the URL, which forces the mobile view.
Eee! @TweetsofCushing has made some very cute little elephants
This is what happens when you try to construct a polyhedron without doing any sums
@vickytnz imposed for fear that the BBC had an unfair market advantage
@evelynjlamb I got 99 problems but they all reduce to 1
Aw man.
@jamesgrime @aperiodical @peterrowlett he seems more like a computer scientist than a mathematician to me
Argg, my first week with my summer students next month is turning into faculty committee hell! I don't like being a real member of staff :(
@michaeljgrove hope so. In the first week I have: a university strategy consultation, the school IT committee and a workshop to give in York
Not just my eyes but my whole face is weeping with joy at how good those fajitas were. #aycaramba
@vickytnz seriously? I can't think why anyone would think that would be a good idea.
@vickytnz (an interview in Starbucks, I mean)
@turingfestival githib? There's a typo on your speakers page
Time for a change on my dev server: the test user has changed his name from "George Test" to "Testeban Gutierrez"
#testusers RT @icecolbeveridge: @christianp Teston Blumenhhal?
Gloria Testefan #testusers
Daniella Testbrooke #testusers
@migerh of, that one doesn't rhyme
George Testinghouse #testusers
@rockhyrax I don't get that one
@ColinTheMathmo the specs are usually quite readable. Here's Edexcel's:…
@nulibrs spoilers! I'm following @RealTimeWWII so I've got another three years to wait.
Just walked past a bus stop with an eight letter "short code". Nexus apparently plan to have between 8 and 200 billion bus stops.
Spaces between words in Microsoft Word seem to be decided at random. Is it to do with the font renderer? It's annoying.
@alexbellos change your twitter password and check your approved apps!
@ajk_44 I have a few saved for the next MathsJam:…
@peterrowlett @Andrew_Taylor @aperiodical ... and I put it in the queue a few days before that. We're all busy!
@peterrowlett yeah, I was going to point it out in the editorial comments, but I haven't touched the site all week due to busy times
@peterrowlett @Andrew_Taylor if anyone does write about it, have a look at Google+. David Roberts in particular has been keeping up to date
@ebuie @vickytnz I gave them the benefit of the doubt and assumed they're only using letters. The code was something like twmngjgp
@ebuie @vickytnz yes, as I said...
Middle management Kenneth Branagh is on the train. You might remember him from his role in last year's stationery contract renegotiation
@vickytnz no. Instead: why didn't the word "grrlz" stay in the 90s? There is nothing good about it. It looks like a Polish side-dish
@aperfect it's a good film! I have it on DVD!
@aperfect can't begin to imagine how a radio play version would work.
yessssssss! RT @ajhmurray: BREAKING #notnews! 7 Day Saturday! Tomorrow! #5Live! With @ZaltzCricket @wiggywalsh @kevinhunterday
@aperfect ah, like my mime performance of 4'33"
@mathshistory is that the opposite of working out?
Why you don't even rely on curated tags: boss has consistently misspelt 'auxiliary' as 'auxillary' across the entire database
@monsoon0 yes, very funny. Of course, 13×7 = 13:
@jjsanderson ooh, there's probably some maths you can do on the volume of the packet to decide that
@MadeleineS I've sometimes thought that, but a prescriptivist phone would be way worse to live with than a prescriptivist person!
@jjsanderson I was thinking that intact crisps can hold the sides of the packet apart. So maybe the volume doesn't change but the shape does
@Gelada @divbyzero I didn't! So I've just bought Amazon UK's last copy.
@CardColm excellent! Do you want to arrange a podcasting date now?
Meeting the pope later to discuss my idea for a convent based on an airship, called "Nun of the Above"
@Tegglington because LaTeX is not a formal language, and because MathML exists. @MathJax is trying to get browsers to add MathML support
@Tegglington HTML5 does have a <math> tag, for MathML to go in.
@Tegglington it is. But if mathjax only needed to do the TeX->MathML conversion and the browser did the rendering, that would be way better
At long last the war is over. Meeting the ant queen's legate later to discuss reparations and repatriations.
@henryseg where are you moving to?
The incoming tide has stranded hundreds of humans. Hopefully the coast guard will arrive soon to push them out to sea
Going to ask the family across the street with the garden that gets sunlight if they'll adopt me
The BBC F1 coverage has fallen to bits. Did they forget to write a script?
@vickytnz you'll be pleased to know I fixed the video width thing on
Gron preee!
@ben_nuttall who's your new isp? I don't use TPB, but I'd like not to be on be/sky
I've just ordered rather a lot of toys for our new Maths Arcade. Exciting!
Möbius dudes!
This towers of hanoi set is rather posh…
It's not even the most expensive one I found. Who has £55 for this:… ?!
@lostinrecursion were you inspired by ?
So far this morning I've listened to Louise Attaque and Dionysos. I might go out and buy a denim suit next
There was no integer sequence review yesterday. We did one, but it was a disaster even by our standards, so we didn't publish it. :(
@vickytnz oh no! Does this happen to all New Zealanders if they don't get a haircut often enough:… ?
Yesterday we learned that @TweetsofCushing is a functor on the category of gifts. What will we learn today?
@icecolbeveridge yes, they're just very low.
I believe it was Gauss who introduced "BOOM!" as a more exciting alternative QED to mark the end of a proof. @gaussfacts
@tynesidecinema Talking of Tautou, is Moon Indigo going to be shown in the UK, or has it already, or what?
@lostinrecursion cookie pizza?! What is this magic?
Among many other errors, this posthumous monograph by Erdős spells his name with o-umlaut. Blame Diaconis?…
@stecks well, I'm going to go and sit in a corner now, and never look at the internet again
@vickytnz for some reason, whenever I dm you it comes from @NclNumbas.
This time next week we'll be MathsJamming! I run the Newcastle one (it's the best). Find the nearest one to you:
Day 1 of @mathsarcade deliveries. Fun fun fun!
Challenge: use every one of these number stickers (and any letters) to make 32 as any ways as possible
.@TweetsofCushing came up with a nice integer sequence today:…
Tom has informed me that Wednesday 31st is the least common day/date combination, and we'll have one next month. Slightly rarer than pi day.
(Tom is @Rokker816. 398 Wednesday 31sts in a 400 year cycle; 400 pi days).
Saw "Contest raises students' horizons" on an info screen today. It's still annoying me.
"Rigour" - @CaptainGove
@icecolbeveridge @C_J_Smith I'd need to take my head out of my hands to read that, so I haven't
Double :( RT @charlesrandall: Oh :(…
My new plan for cheap space travel: install a basketball net on the moon. Michael Jordan can dunk it.
@standupmaths I almost bought some off shapeways in my recent toy-buying binge. I'll get them off my fave mathmotainment emporium instead!
@nulibrs what? It's clearly the Iron Giant…
@MouldS @mmaarrow @standupmaths seems to be mainly drawn from…
@MouldS @mmaarrow @standupmaths I also have a proof that there are finitely many funny jokes but this twitter is too small etc etc
When I push excellent code this starts playing. I don't think it's diegetic.…
@nulibrs @HattonGallery ooh, that does look good!
"Missing an indeterminate number of legs" #neverusedtodescribeaperson
"Wearing a come-hither expression." #neverusedtodescribeacentipede
@evelynjlamb @katemath @divbyzero @MrHonner can I make a British bid for "custard cream theorem"?…
@CardColm Zamyatin lived in Newcastle! I discovered this when I was looking for a flat and found his blue plaque
@CardColm probably not - when Zamyatin was in England, Blair was 13
the new google maps is so awful! So unresponsive and unintuitive and un...everything
@monsoon0 omg! Lobsters are exactly the class of solutions to the "princess on a graph" puzzle…
Drawing up a health and safety plan for my new plush toy cleaning service, Teddy Gross Felt
Those who know me know I'm a big fan of novelty plate sets. These are fab: food in my beard plates…
@vickytnz I remembered yesterday that Bagel of the North had closed down, and it made me sad.
AUGHHHH RT @samholloway: @christianp This is to acknowledge safe receipt of your last tweet.
@peterrowlett I thought it would be, but I couldn't find where to set it
@peterrowlett ah! Found it. It was under "subscribe or unsubscribe". JISCMAIL is a UX nightmare
@DainaTaimina is this something you're interested in? I've been trying to find someone to interview about maths+activism for my podcast
WHOAH. Wordpress has a fullscreen editing mode. It's really nice!
Some journals charge weirdly specific prices for individual papers, as if some market force has pushed the price down 25p..
@aperfect I have that paperchase one. I bought it for like a pound when Borders closed. Grids are best anyway.
@MouldS @stecks @FOTSN and if, say, Prince joined FOTSN, you could have a bijection of syllables in your names <--> {1,2,3,4}.
@DainaTaimina ok, maths+politics then. I love the story of Mayor Mockus in Bogota…
Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow! 7pm, Charles Grey pub,…. I have many new books and some IDEAS.
Tonight: Cumberland sausages on spicy Mexican rice. Will it work? Should it work? I experiment so you don't have to.
@NautilusMag Joey Comeau wrote a very sexy maths story:
@monsoon0 @aperiodical who is she? I can't find her on the list
@monsoon0 ahh, I misread Carpenter as Carter! dohhh
@monsoon0 you could also have just written a comment on the post...
619 followers! Everybody find your upside-down buddy and rotate a half-turn. #symmetriesofmyfollowers
@monsoon0 can't argue with that
@vickytnz you lucky devil!
@peterrowlett @stecks we're going to cross 200,000 all-time views on the site this week, according to the stats tracker
@standupmaths you really shouldn't wear the same colour as your chroma key screen, Matt. #colourblind
I've written up last month's Newcastle @MathsJam just in time to walk down to the Charles Grey and start the next one…
I found an unloved book of logarithms in Barter Books. Choo choo!
@MathsJam 73
@MathsJam we are ready
@HampshireLawyer @MathsJam black
@aPaulTaylor @MathsJam Black
@JusSumChick @MathsJam all the right colours but in the wrong order! BWWW
@JusSumChick @MathsJam A WINNER! Well done.
@JusSumChick @MathsJam we've had enough mastermind
@peterrowlett go on, I'll do one. I've proofread enough of your stuff already
There should be a day every year to celebrate Peter Ustinov's voice acting in Disney's Robin Hood
Uh oh, @CSIROhelix included a link to my OEIS review in their newsletter. #corruptingtheyouth…]
The scariest founding father by far was Bill O'Frights, but the only guarantee of liberty is saying his name three times in a mirror.
Tipover puzzle no. 12.
Crikey O'Reilly! Vine was lying to me about that video not being uploaded
My keyboard needs a button labelled "none of this is any good" and it should close my browser window and then shoot me into space.
In space, none of the terrible people on the internet can reach me with their opinions about each other's opinions.
@stephenjbrooks @DanielColquitt and java 'programmers' call their dog ClassDogBeanFactorySingleton
@Meliden @Nat_Numeracy that's not what the report says: it says in half of secondary schools, *many* pupils have weak skills.
@Meliden @Nat_Numeracy the way the BBC says it implies that half of schools have no pupils with weak skills
@nulibsage that link goes to the webofknowledge search page
@haggismaths you can be clever at the end and point out it's down to < 60,744.…
I've just uploaded a load of videos from our NUStats DVD to Vimeo. Quality's not great, but they might be useful.
Where do publishers come up with these prices for articles? £32.37 for this one:…
@BParkEd it works. Was it just a sneaky advert?
Flying to Wyoming to scout locations for my new convalescence home for introverts, Cheyenne Retiring
@maanow do non-humans, say, dogs, interpret statistics more correctly?
An easy carriage to factorise today.
Pearson have a desk at the psychology conference downstairs. Suggestions for ways I can add value to it, please
It might take me six months just to gather together all the sources for this post about the HoTT book. #hott
I think I'm actually going to read HoTT. It certainly looks approachable.
@sxpmaths it's way, way beyond that. But thanks for reminding me we should do another recreational maths seminar
@samholloway are you up for long?
@vickytnz is it any good?
@vickytnz actually, mind if I join you?
@tim_hunt thanks for reminding me I still haven't read it. I think our library has a copy...
This old dude is staring at me like he can read my thoughts. If so: hi, old dude! If you can see my shopping list, that'd be great.
Where does Google Now get its weather data? It predicts rain about as accurately, and as often, as the Kaiser Chiefs predict riots
Can I get home before my right shoelace finishes untying itself? Sheesh, this is more intense than Run Lola Run
@sxpmaths the shoelace untied itself while I was writing that tweet. Retied it like a pro, sent the tweet, then wallowed in my dishonesty.
@icecolbeveridge @ChrisHazell72 somewhere in Whitby, a sub-editor is struggling to stop laughing long enough to get to sleep
Was the iPhone named after Jony Ive?
@stecks @Quendus going to assume that's with replacement.
The Creatures games are in a pay-what-you-want bundle!
@Gelada it could go on @aperiodical while you look for a respectable journal?
@icecolbeveridge @aperiodical @Gelada well, @stecks has already coined the Institute of Mathematics and its Implications
grumblebums, Creatures 2 doesn't work on windows 8.
@AlgebraFact it was 69,999,998 away
Wahey! New Hurley/Fraser Bedazzled is on Film4. Nobody say anything: I don't care.
Oh man, it actually is a bad film. Much like Elliot Richards and the secret to happiness, this was something I needed to discover for myself
@mathhombre I hope you make liberal use of @gaussfacts
Auggh! When you Google "christian perfect" (don't ask why I was), the first autocomplete suggestion is "christian perfect eyebrows"
Turns out it's a range of eyebrow stencils for the terminally classless/hairless. I think I'll go with "mysterious"
@GreyAlien Sun "does maths" to position self in sky… links only to elifesciences, not even the journal, and especially not the paper, which seems not to be published yet
Academic PRs join music industry PRs in counter-productively promoting things before they're available. WHERE ARE THEY TAUGHT THIS?
@peterrowlett sadly, it turns out there isn't a site dedicated to finding me, and me alone, a woman.
@peterrowlett @TimHarford haha, that is a sick burn. Anyway Peter, cool kids talk about these things in the @aperiodical news queue ;)
@peterrowlett what? It's the ultimate secret gig!
@ebuie if you've been here longer than six months, you need a UK driving licence to do any driving.
@ebuie whoops, it's 12 months. has a nice flowchart:…
@ColinTheMathmo I didn't see the program. Is it the Ian Knot?…
Hmm, old-timey sums, eh? Time to break out the ol' Correntator
"Download the BBC iPlayer radio app to watch on the go". WHAT IS THIS MODERN HELL?
Turns out only the first 10-15 spoonfuls of butternut squash and bacon soup don't taste like old sick.
Pitch: cut together all the footage of romcom characters running through the streets of New York into an entirely new film about a foot race
Iron chef challenge: chicken nuggets, mozzarella and red peppers. Any ideas, anyone?
@Electrokittie no?
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie but I take the metro through meadow well every day, which you refuse to do
@stecks It's bold, I'll give you that.
@stecks I feel like the bits of chicken need to be a bit longer
@stecks the diameter of my nuggets is too small yo!
Notre Dame cathedral in Bruges has a Reuleaux triangle-shaped window
I've also read that the same shape occurs all over Amsterdam, but can't find any photos.… Anyone? @mathsinthecity?
Is this what you meant, @stecks?
Tonight's findings:…
Exploding Actresses 2: Love Movies…
This is by far the weirdest junk mail I've received since "Open now and free a bear!"
I have knacked my back. So this is what being old is like. I don't like it.
@ajk_44 I wish I'd known the first thing about calculus. I did *not* do well on STEP 2.
@Andrew_Taylor I'm banned from making any more card games after my last one, Proposition, led to some confusion
@Electrokittie you should have a red curtain with a sign reading "PRIORITIES", and when you pull it back there's a picture of poor people
@Gelada I was recently editing some notes handed out to our foundation students which said "there is no function y=f(x) such that y^2=x^2"
@madcaptenor you could rename it NOHOMO?
@elinoroberts @scienceatlife lovely rotational symmetry in the registration number.
How do I convince my researcher colleagues to release their code, no matter how badly written they think it is, for others to see?
Pedantry is alive and well in the school of maths and stats.
Although this sign has so far avoided the wrath of the vigilantes.
Two more posts and I'll have locked out the @aperiodical front page. #aperiodicalfilibuster
"Thumb up your followers". Sorry, I didn't realise Google+ was that kind of website, that's not what I'm into. I'll get my coat.
@My_Metro @NewcastleCC there's been broken glass on the steps outside St James metro station for quite a few weeks now.
@brittneybean "Bean, Brittney" sounds like an imperative
@aoibhinn_ni_s you should send that to @haggismaths for
Today's discovery: @TweetsofCushing's trip wouldn't be much shorter if he flew to my house instead of running
@MrHansSchmidt @MathsJam it's this:… but my copy has a different cover
@vickytnz have you tried ?
@ebuie really? I have a friend who got as far as taking her theory test with no apparent problems
@ebuie I think @DVLAgovuk thinks you want to exchange your licence. You want to take a test from scratch.
@ebuie yes, US student, been here two years
@ebuie she failed it. I think she's going to try again though.
Trufax. RT @TweetsofCushing: Making @christianp mad accidently is very easy
@MouldS @jamesgrime I find youtube commenters to be more stupid than crazy.
@peterrowlett @d_spiegel and instead confuse him with a German newspaper!
@EngageNe I also note the free ice cream stalls all appear to be in for repair today. First time in my lifetime. #NCLVisitDayFacts
@EngageNe and did we move a few degrees north over night? Newcastle used to be in the tropics. #NCLVisitDayFacts
@NewcastleCC thanks!
Actually, 28/6 would be a perfect day for my Official Birthday, since my real one is so close to Christmas. If only I'd thought ahead!
My birthday is almost exactly half a year away from today. Can we celebrate Halfway Day?
I love knights, me. MT @erik_kwakkel: Lovely image from a 16th-c chronicle, when jousting had become rare.
@BParkEd @icecolbeveridge I'm happy having a perfect day every year (or three, if you count 6/1 and 1/6)
@a_cruickshank @icecolbeveridge the Finkbeiner test?… "Would you ask a man that?" is a Hillary Clinton quote.
@icecolbeveridge @C_J_Smith always there with a pun, Colin.
@peterrowlett congratulations!
@StudentsNCL if you're walking around campus holding big signs with the wifi password on, why have a password at all?
@lyd_w ooh, I wasn't aware of its existence. Do they do takeaway?
@lyd_w I will do a reccy!
@qikipedia and 123456789 is the largest number whose digits are in strict ascending order in base 10
Is it a massive coincidence that today's Theorem of the Day is about Khinchin's constant?…
and the winner of this week's round of the Integest Sequence etc etc was Khinchin's constant…
I think the time it takes to bake a potato is the unit geological ages are measured in.
@stecks YES. One of the Maths-Aid tutors uses it and it has made me capable of murder
Name any element of this video - I love it!…
@Tilman will they be shipped from Europe? I'm still smarting from the shipping cost from your prints sale
At the BBC pitching my gritty new crime procedural. Food inspector Jack Cole plays it by the book... the cookery book. Cole's Law, 9pm, BBC2
York is too narrow for me, Le Grand Muzzy! I'm freaking out a bit
I had no idea @TweetsofCushing was so into trains!
It's good to take the bairn out for the day
The token to get me out of the museum car park is a little bit witty
@Tilman oh good. Shipping for the prints was high, but I also had to pay ~£10 to get them out of UK customs
Frantically saving all the stuff I had starred in Google Reader. I thought I had more time!
579 unread items in google reader. One day. Let's do this.
@aperfect yeah I've done takeout, but I need to save images that only Google reader still has cached
@aperfect I've just been through and saved to my pc
"Exponentiating the restricted nullcone" sounds a lot like "immanentising the eschaton".
@MathMunch thanks for sharing it! I saw your post and meant to add a comment, which I will do now...
@MathMunch ... actually, never mind. I got my facts wrong!
@peterrowlett hooray!
@ant590 in what way?
@ant590 I think they switched over to their own system a week or two ago, so they're just using google for credentials now.
@jjaron the warning does say it won't be available *after* July 1st. Maybe it'll switch off tonight.
@aperfect what are you cooking?
@cambUP_books the British site doesn't seem to work at all:…. Am I doing something wrong?
Now that's an eye-catching title! Quantum Computing since Democritus:…
@cambUP_books that's what I did. Tried again in incognito mode too
The mural of Gazza holding a bottle of broon at monument metro amuses me every day
I love you, Chrome Developer Tools source code pretty print.
In the new Hangouts android app, how do you tell if someone's online?
Follow his good advice. RT @jgrahamc: Write good commit messages:…
@ebuie bizarre abbreviation for "location" or "locomotive"?
I bet the Greeks had a word for the satisfaction felt going home when you know you've already got a dinner ready in the fridge.
Difficult line to walk: I need to ensure enough people use my chosen GReader replacement that it stays open, but not so many it falls over
I really like the art that's in tynemouth @My_Metro station bridge at the moment
YESSSSS!… I have waited many moons for this
Have I ever mentioned how much I #hateIE?
Only took four goes but I finally got that tweet out properly.
@Dr_Lucie @stecks to one sig fig, which is enough for anyone, you have
I can finally rest easy, @Rokker816 has told me an interesting fact about 1246: the digits are the smallest integers with 1,2,3,4 divisors!
@haggismaths do you want like, a grid of photos with names underneath?
@lyd_w the only local maths fact I know is that William Shanks, who had the record for calculating pi for years, was from Houghton le Spring
@lyd_w it took til the invention of mechanical calculators 70 years later to find he'd got the last 180 digits wrong!…
@lyd_w the record is the most digits. It's currently at 10 trillion and 50:…
@HilariousCow on the other hand, Jurassic Park: Trespasser
@HilariousCow yes, I was being a bit flippant. I totally agree with you!
Exciting new product from CP Industries: walker for ageing physicists with wraparound parallax star animation: Reference Frame™
@ebuie I did but it reached escape velocity
@ebuie probably the least unusual of their beliefs
@ebuie I think that fad sort of ended, didn't it?
Hoplite is a very fun game.…
Basically a tautology this summer.
It turns out that using Heworth Park and Ride is considerably more expensive than just driving into the centre of town. Thanks Obama.
@lyd_w Weirdly, there is radio 4 but not radio 3. Not sure how that works.
Reading @peterrowlett's thesis chapter. Unputdownable. A work for the ages. A masterpiece. (Disclaimer: it plugs @NclNumbas)
@johndavidread oh yeah, my chapter is the one that details the three quests @peterrowlett completed to earn the favours of the gods
Google Music has cut all the swear words out of my uploaded songs. Everyone knows I never use them myself, but I do enjoy hearing them. #bum
@brittneybean I was just asking @aperfect before if he'd seen anyone lazy enough to get street food brought to them
it's too hot.
@vickytnz can I prod you to reply to my email about the e-assessment site?
Debugging IE. "Don't tell 'em where the error is, Pike!"
Because it takes a 60-second round trip to put a new package on Moodle, I'm having to do the minimum-weighings puzzle with lines of code
Still at work, still trying to find the source of this IE bug. #hateIE #hateIE #hateIE
@sxpmaths it's a bug one of my users has caught!
IE beaten for another day! All I had to do was never ask it if my input fields have focus.… #hateIE
Just pushed a button to make a door open. #doorsquare
This is a nice simple way of quickly rendering Tikz pictures (or any LaTeX) to a PNG:
@ColinTGraham @ColinTheMathmo if you have something you can say in a skype video, I know a certain website that would be happy to host it...
@vickytnz I also used Mendeley. But Zotero has got a lot better since I started using mendeley, and it's not owned by Elsevier
@vickytnz ummm, there's a standalone application now
@tim_hunt that's not many question attempts. We have fewer students at Newcastle but ~18000 *test* attempts. How many exercises did you set?
Apparently 25 degrees counts as "extreme heat" for the metro.
@timchartier to the tetration station!
@lyd_w @NCLScienceComic somebody's already said lucozade, haven't they?
But fees won't put anyone off applying to top unis. "@ucas_online: How much are fees at your chosen uni? Find out using our new search tool"
Woke up with a strong desire to watch Lucky Number Slevin
There's nothing not to like about photos of transgender men in heroic poses in front of happy Bob Ross landscapes:…
@Bishnavitch ten-four, papa bear
@plusmathsorg @QuercusBooks why only integers on the cover?
@plusmathsorg @QuercusBooks phew! I look forward to reading the finished book.
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith also re citations: (Name, Year) isn't a great label, is it? I go with (Name, X) where X is the position in the bib
@C_J_Smith @peterrowlett hmm. Our guide says "Harvard, or as directed by your School", which for us would mean carte blanche, I reckon
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith so we all agree!
@vickytnz are you enjoying the woeful architectural designs?
@icecolbeveridge WOW. That is a terrible article!
These two sequences are eerily close: and
Does project euclid only archive journals which don't know the differences between accented letters? ö vs ø here:…
A very good set of numbers mazes to stretch your thinking bits: (via @mathpuzzle)
There is an area of my mouse mat that my mouse has decided it will no longer work on. I can't see anything different about it. Total mystery
@vickytnz oh man, I should be at the beach! That's a great idea!
@mathpunk can I email you about something frivolous yet mathematical I'm doing for
@vickytnz the owner is a friend of a friend, I could ask for some photos
@AdamThirtle do you have any photos of Pink Lane coffee that a friend could use for a review?
@vickytnz Lui's has both, I think.
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith @scarymum argg, I need to book my place at some point
I am going to eat a lot of ice cream and then sit on the beach.
@samholloway that's an extremely low bar to hop over
@AdamThirtle super! @vickytnz was the one asking
Someone made the regex crossword into a proper thing!
Getting in some quality time on the beach before the hordes arrive
That's some straight up beautiful scenery right there
Such a lovely Mickey Mouse short!…
It's so hot today that I'm wearing The Hat.
Didn't quite manage a full set of repdigits, but they're all palindromes, at least.
@robinhouston that's a moderately clever idea, but all I really want is a Falkplan of the UK with the cut pages.
Can I blame the music festival for the TV reception and wifi problems I've been having all day?
I don't understand radio 4's Sunday schedule. I just heard a repeat of the Alastair Cook documentary, and now Something Understood is on.
Oh! Everything's on later because of summer time! Never mind. Stand down the nuclear deterrent.
@MattPDickinson what's the IP of the new server?
*that* is how you play bananagrams.
@sxpmaths singular of delts, the muscles.
@Rokker816 GO CODE ALPHA. The ball is in play. I repeat: the ball is in play.
@ThomasEWoolley you've got "Andrew Jeffries" instead of "Andrew Jeffrey"
11:23! Tell a fib!
@jjsanderson I hope you do get to do more. I really liked it.
@jjsanderson how much of the cost was time spent doing that frozen wandering shot at the start?
@Rokker816 witty reply
@wilderlab @Derektionary I've got another one: 11²=121 and 11²=121.
@ashleyhwright that's good news! But it's LaTeX, not LATEK
@fumbleweeds bah! It's that hot here in dreary England.
the character 'e' is pretty easy to write as a function in polar co-ordinates:…
"Latarsha Grazioplene" is the best spambot name I've ever seen
The existential moment of self-doubt when you see someone else is editing the same google doc, and it's you.
Wow, I haven't been to in ages. What happened to me? This isn't how life was supposed to be.
I math, you math, he/she maths, we math, they math.
@TimHarford the BBC link said "Are *real* women's bodies still beautiful?", as if previous studies have shown mannequins recover well.
@vickytnz trufax
How can MS Word be so bad at typography? It's a pretty major part of what it does.
@ebuie depends on whether you share it or not
@loch_b @MathsJam that's what the map is for!… Nearest is either Nottingham or Leicester. Yes, next Tuesday, 23rd.
Something about the way this is recorded reminds me of old Popeye cartoons:… (also, how funny it is)
@MoMath1 only 1,000?!
Do I want to buy some "flagstone" coloured shorts? It's quite a step down from "orange sun", but it's all that Gap have left.
wow! Someone got to the site by using "Norton Safe Search, powered by Ask Jeeves". World's biggest noob?
@robinhouston very nice!
@standupmaths it just says 1 discrete and 2 pure studentships. I think the stats section is boilerplate
@mathpunk before it went public, I asked a few people to pick winners for the Integest Sequence 2013 final -….
@mathpunk ... the public vote thing is open now, but if you send me a pick I'd certainly include it in the grand finale post
@mathpunk we're publishing the final post on the 29th, so until then
@mathpunk actually, having re-read your tweet: we're only looking at those six sequences mentioned at the end of bracket 4 for the final...
@mathpunk ... so can you pick a winner from them, and give a reason? If you have another sequence in mind, you could review it later on!
@vickytnz ah! I've been watching your Cardiff Quest tweets and assumed you had reasons for not flying. I should've said something.
oh joy this package is being delivered by Yodel. Anyone want to place a bet on how long before I get my hands on it?
@vickytnz there's a cool observation tower with a camera obscura on the hill overlooking that bridge
@michaeljgrove yes:…
@michaeljgrove good, isn't it? I can highly recommend screencast-o-matic, by the way.
@nulibrs @NUinternational that link doesn't work
@icecolbeveridge bonus credit: find something named after the wrong Bernoulli
@peterrowlett so close to the finish line! Is this you:…?
@IanMulvany NTFS limits you to 255 characters for a file name, so that.
@IanMulvany though, actually, the max total path length in windows is 260.… So considerably less! Maybe a tweetsworth?
Taking 'waiting for the drop' to an extreme… (via @TimHarford)
@Gelada superb! A+++++ would shambolically commission art from again.
@Electrokittie @Bishnavitch that is the most adorable thing I've ever seen
Watch out ladies, these shorts don't even get close to my knees! I'm a moral reprobate
@vickytnz sample bias?
Exciting! RT @Gelada: .@christianp Quick preview of the artworks I will be putting in the post tomorrow!
Is there a service that will hire out a geologist for the day to explain rocks while I walk in the countryside?
It's 14:14 ~= sqrt(2). Act irrational!
@icecolbeveridge dwell on the poor hand Life has dealt us
New cabinet magazine!!
I've had the most middle class product idea ever: a wallet to keep all the annual passes for the stately homes and museums you've visited in
Wahey! Gowers has added the @aperiodical to his blogroll. #bigtime #stalkinggowers
Dilemma: buy just enough food for lunch at the co-op, or do a big shop?
@madeupstats surely the most accurate data on injuries sustained by Tory MPs comes from BUPA.
the BBC Good Food recipes site has a special set of adverts which only show up in the print stylesheet, and use a third of the page width.
And for that reason, I'm out. (and pasting the recipe into Word)
In other news, my printer is a little bit a lot broken
I think "7 slices processed American cheese" is an instruction you can disobey, citing the Geneva conventions.…
@smartgags @the_playce @raj7desai is that the princess in the castle puzzle? How far did you get?
@ben_nuttall @Andrew_Taylor @aPaulTaylor aw, I feel left out
@ben_nuttall @Andrew_Taylor @aPaulTaylor I just tried! It says no updates :(
@vickytnz and I'd never realised how little the Ring of Fire looks like a ring!
I just found out there was a governor of Chile called Ambrose O'Higgins, and there's a national park named after his son, Bernardo O'Higgins
Sitting in a car park waiting to meet some friends. Can't even listen to the radio because it's the Archers omnibus
They reduced this jam so much they even rounded down the brand name
@helenarney I asked Matt and Steve but don't have your email: do you have any thoughts about these integer sequences?…
@divbyzero you seem to have been very conscious of your fingers and toes, but not of how many you have
Searching for "birmingham university" on national rail enquiries doesn't produce "university (birmingham)". Because trains don't commute?
Almost a pie. RT @TweetsofCushing: Happy Pi approximation day! To celebrate i'm having a pasty for lunch
Newcastle @MathsJam is TOMORROW! 7pm, Charles Grey pub, at Monument. Take your mind off the mad humidity with a drink and some maths.
There's a good article in the latest issue of Cabinet magazine about the intersection of beer and maths, but it isn't online :( #mathsjam
@ben_nuttall and demands a refund?
@peterrowlett your uni uses Turnitin on PhD theses?!
when you write a git command name in capitals, you get this fun error!
@poveryant yep! Very exciting!
@timchartier is the controller running on ternary arithmetic?
@standupmaths I feel that varpi would be more appropriate today: ϖ ϖ ϖ ϖ (ref. p8 of…)
@evelynjlamb well put! "Looks like math but not constrained by mathematical meaning" is what I look for in Arty Maths…
@peterrowlett eugh.. I have so many posts I need to do! Probably not.
At the coast, at what point of humidity is it fair to say we've been flooded?
@MrHonner @peterrowlett ooh! Maybe you could report on it for us? Pretty please?
@MrHonner ok, no problem. It was worth asking!
@DrTonyPadilla @numberphile I enjoyed the sequences video greatly. Thanks!
@vickytnz Yes, well done Coke. (Names may or may not have been cynically chosen to suit Coke's brand position)
@vickytnz I did not! Are you saying the names were more homogeneous in NZ?
thinking-so-long-about-how-you're-going-to-start-a-sentence-that-you-turn-on-sticky-keys-moment. #newgermannouns
@peterrowlett spam bots have been copying tweets for a while. Twitter can't check for duplicates, so it's a good way of beating the filters
@DrTonyPadilla @numberphile we think it's Liverpool champion's league wins
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! A new series of The Mysterious Cities of Gold!…
@vickytnz it happened right on top of me, so I most definitely did not sleep through it. #quitetired
"I know it when I see it" is the hardest problem in computer science, and that's why porn blockers don't work.
@vickytnz crocodile eats the bigger number! Draw some teeth in the middle! < < < <
you can select a bit of code in chrome's sources view and press ctrl+shift+e to evaluate it in the console! So useful!
@nataliejpeters @jonathanvswan @vickytnz when you've got as many as we do, one dominion begins to look like another.
Yep, that's SQL being echoed to the client.
@JohnDCook hey, compared to previous progress, it's been slow. And I don't think it's going to pick up speed again.
@vickytnz no! Save yourself!
@vickytnz I think if you'd arrived in a town with a better team it might be a different story. Supporting NUFC is hard enough for the locals
@vickytnz yes: typically your home town, and anyone who plays Man U.
@icecolbeveridge @peterrowlett @aperiodical it is now
@C_J_Smith @mathsarcade hooray! I'm dying to get going with ours
MATHS FACT: mathematicians write QED, short for "Quinoa Eases Digestion", at the end of each proof to remind themselves to eat healthily.
@vickytnz the exception to this rule, of course, is midday misery soap "Doctors".
@Nathan1123 I assume this is how microsoft write their software, so maybe massive profit?
@mike_geogebra is there a way of setting allowRescaling in html5 embeds from geogebratube?
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a man not in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a tenner with Jane Austen on it.
@Jisc no it isn't.
Well done, wifi user hogging half the spectrum with a massive transmitter. You are the worst person.
@DanielColquitt I don't have 5ghz hardware
Thanks for breaking middle-click on links, BBC News. I need the firm hand of the Beeb to correct my new-tab-opening ways.
@jamesgrime a Sony blog has covered your star trek articles, but misattributed them to @peterrowlett!…
@peterrowlett @jamesgrime oh, I forgot to say I posted one too
I propose a new measure on hotel rooms: the minimum total distance you need to move the furniture before you can plug your phone in.
In other news: my laptop connected to eduroam on the first attempt! Unprecedented!
Thought this disability-adapted room was pretty cool until I saw how low the shower head is. #justsittin' #andwishin' #andhopin' #andwashin'
@brittneybean look closely enough and you can see Darth Maul in the bottom half of his face (you might need to be colourblind)
my DSL connection is now too slow even to stream google music, so I'm running it off my phone's 3g connection. Hooray!
@missradders @dmh10 a cabal of groovy people. Don't tweet from it for anything that isn't directly MathsJam related.
Just a picture of JM Barrie and George Bernard Shaw dressed as cowboys, no biggie.…
Plough a thorough furrow: three different words, two different suffixes with, depending on accent, two or three different pronunciations.
@stecks skype!
@Andrew_Taylor @stecks ah! I knew there was a missing bit I meant to mention!
@stecks I didn't because I didn't know where the sentence was going. Should I make something up?
The bird noises they play on BBC HD are way better than the local news they replace
Just a few more votes for the Integest Sequence final would get the total over an interesting number:…
Wahey! Interesting number reached. Thanks!
I picked the wrong day to trust the weather forecast! There's a storm happening outside and I need to go out for lunch without a coat.
@MarcusduSautoy it's hard to see what shape that is from one angle. Is it a snowflake mixed with a tetrahedron? Lots of pointy-out bits.
@vickytnz @ebuie @DollyDiffers Uno's is alright, or El Torero. If it's for next week, look at Restaurant Week:…
New PBF!!!!
"Future your conectivity with USB 2.0 and USB 3.0". This sentence a verb.
@CardColm do you expect they'll reappear, or are they lost? @maanow @profkeithdevlin
@CardColm oh good!
@jamesgrime @peterrowlett that Spanish blog has corrected the Maths of Star Trek attribution:…
@C_J_Smith quite droll, but the only graffiti I'll accept on a motorway bridge is GOURANGA
@ColinTheMathmo yes, I think so
@jamesgrime @ColinTheMathmo I was about to say, I thought you were a group theorist! Can we agree analysts don't do outreach as much?
@ColinTheMathmo I suppose you can mention someone without using their name… The mindset that comes up with this... just... wow.
I've come up with an integer sequence that I refuse to believe isn't already in the OEIS. What am I missing? It's driving me mad.
@MuseGarden numbers which are palindromes when written as sums of non-adjacent fibonacci numbers.
ah! I had the wrong representation. Defeated again by Almighty Oeis.
@vickytnz @jsnortheast I think I've booked for that! Assuming I don't forget, I will be there.
Oeis (n): 'Standing on the shoulders of giants'. E.g., "with a bit of intuition and some oeis, I noticed my problem was equivalent to X"
@icecolbeveridge oh crumbs, that's two episodes you've done since our last All Squared. We had one lined up but it fell through!
@JPickford they moved it to get a bigger audience
Presented without comment.
Has Strictly Come Dancing made the tensegrity dress acceptable for daily wear?
I mean the ones that seem to be supported entirely by the tension in the clasp holding the cups together.
@vickytnz not ruling anything out at this stage
@Gelada can you check your email as soon as possible please?
Opinion seems to be firmly anti tensegrity dresses. I asked because I saw three people wearing them on the way into work. Stay classy, NCL!
@numberphile @mathemaniac that is approaching @jamesgrime levels of freeze-frame gurning excellence. Must be good maths!
@Caro_lann no, I think the ones I saw had too little material to be sun dresses. I am not a dress expert, though.
@robinhouston I've been doing it for a couple of years. You will regret it only if you need to use a module that hasn't been ported yet.
@robinhouston there aren't *too* many incompatibilities. The main one is unicode strings, which you can get round with some preamble
@ebuie yeah, that's not going to stop us.
@ebuie If I mean the poly, I'll say 'the poly'
@ebuie heheheh
@peterrowlett I think so too. The madness is over for now.
What's this! Could it be some art from @Gelada? Exciting!
@JanvierUK wow, is that what it took? You didn't sound too keen when you were here!
Guys, I think I'm ready to give up and just call it math.
@standupmaths they're gliding straight into my heart
The university's cheapest campus parking tariff is "£1 for a minimum stay of 2 hours". What if I only want to stay half an hour?
Sitting and listening to some rather pleasant jazz music at Tynemouth metro while we wait for our train.
@evelynjlamb @MAAthFest @aperiodical !!! Please keep us updated on this IMPORTANT topic!
It's finally here! The prestigious Integest Sequence trophy. Makes you proud to be a mathmo.…
@icecolbeveridge @MrBoffly @aperiodical that's the first rule of Bertrand Russell club. The first rule of Gödel club is 63574137854472380...
Baked a cake. #thingsihavedonewhilewaitingforwindows8staskmanagertostart
@numberphile could you add a link to the integest sequence finale on your video please? The trophy is FABULOUS…
The first law of chillies is wash your hands before touching your jermongler. I broke the law and the law won.
@hornmaths elephants are unscientific. They've never been replicated in the lab.
@hornmaths prove me wrong, science girl!
@hornmaths it's all speculation at this point
That moment, when an automatic door is slow to open, when you try to remember if you've been bitten by a dracula recently
@MouldS I believe @jgrahamc can help you:
@Bishnavitch I went with Adam and my mum to the one a few weeks ago. Distinctly unimpressed.
@Bishnavitch none. Risk?
@Bishnavitch we could
@walkingrandomly well done on the factorial-numbered post!
Indirect Observation of Insects through Bites on Skin, C Perfect 2013. Abstract: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they're everywhere aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@vickytnz well, if you cut your foot then stand on some spit or some blood, that could do it
Lazied out of walking back home from Cullercoats, wandered into the station exactly as the train arrived. Feel like I achieved something.
@MattPDickinson haha, excellent!
@vickytnz looks good! Are you going to JSNE tomorrow?
Where is everybody? Do the Tynemouth Cool Crew get the earlier train on Mondays?
@aperfect I need to play Screamer Rally. Guess which song just came on
@hornmaths I can't see what's wrong with that. The percentages add up, the pieces of the pie are labelled the right way. What am I missing?
@hornmaths ah haha!
This is a pretty good advert…
I just want to draw a fruity polyhedron with my computer! Why is it so hard? Oh yes: my work PC doesn't have accelerated graphics
@standupmaths @tom_kitching or you could temporarily use a 12-hour clock and catch 11:23PM tonight. I also missed it this morning :(
I'm not going to @jsnortheast because they haven't said what's actually going to happen there. (And I have a stomach bug so can't eat pizza)
@MB_Whitworth @standupmaths @tom_kitching very good!
The correct response to LaTeX setting inline fractions very small isn't to use \dfrac everywhere. #students!!!
Aw man! Who walked a mile in my shoes?
@elinoroberts but there might have been two differently-qualified Elin Robertses at your address!
Jessica Enneahedron-Hill. #mathletes
oh wow. King's School had £5m of debts, and Gove paid them off in return for it becoming an academy. Austerity!…
@bitcraftlab clever! What does it look like without that extra line on the bottom edge?
@bmagnanti @stecks huh, M&S is clopen. Who'd've guessed?
@standupmaths I think your Excel thing is nilpotent. I've almost completely faded away after 4 iterations:
@stecks @standupmaths no, I think it's the black text inside the cells
I'll never be as massive a coward as this guy:…
@scarymum you're in Newcastle! Are you visiting the maths department?
@scarymum we could! Knock on Bill's door whenever - room 2.33
.@sxpmaths that's why I like to call the integers "the set of solutions to homework problems".
@Gelada it was my assigned reading for my Cambridge interview. I did not enjoy it either.
@JanvierUK fish
@scarymum my record is 9 minutes between my office mate saying "shouldn't you be in London?" and sitting on the train.
Olympics souvenir bananagrams is 25% cheaper than normal bananagrams, and has five more tiles. Just saying.
After winning Wimbledon, Andy Murray has graduated from human competition onto cereals…
Typing 'every' and then any non-word character in @TweetDeck on chrome makes it crash, every single time. (this tweet written on my phone)
The sickness is in the system! It's a chrome bug, and 'exist' and 'expat' and 'ewert' (?) also trigger it, but not 'ender' or 'eddie'
Trying not to pick thumbnail frames from these videos where it looks like the esteemed professor is waving coyly at the viewer
Frames where it looks like the equations have given him a fright are fine, however.
@vickytnz what about the alcohol section of Fenwick's food hall? Cushing swears by it for his whiskey.
@vickytnz on that subject, Out of This World in Gosforth shopping centre stocked lots of world foods. Not sure if it's still there though!
@vickytnz it's decent, if you're able to ignore hateful middlingly-rich people
I have died. I am dead. This was both the best and the last thing I saw in my whole life.…
@tomwoolway @TweetDeck turns out it's a Chrome issue, for the particular version of Chrome uni's IT service provides.
@numberphile I thought the archive at might have it, but it stops about an order of magnitude too early.
@numberphile they only have 1.4 billion primes though, so maybe 5,500,000,000th is an estimate from the x/ln(x) prime-counting function.
@numberphile I dunno either! The primality test says it's a proven prime, at least
100123456789: the smallest prime number that contains the digits 0-9 in sequence.
[citation needed]:
The house next door is becoming swaddled in scaffolding. Now seems like the perfect time to go to Wales. #holidayhooray!
My car phone charger can't provide as much power as my phone uses when it's doing navigation. Driving into deepest Wales today will be fun!
Phase 1 of @aperiodical performance review complete. @peterrowlett's Q2 figures slipping. The board recommended synergising his throughputs
(or, to put it another way, thanks to @peterrowlett for putting me up for the night)
@samholloway the narrator in the lindisfarne gospels exhibit says chester luh street as if it's French. Inexcusable!
I'm at the very edge of Wales on a tiny farm and I've got HSDPA internet on my phone. I love the future!
Is there a version of Jollyphonics for Welsh?
The mullet is alive and well in Pembroke
The bit in Gremlins 2 where the gremlins stop the film itself, then Hulk Hogan makes them restart it, is the greatest moment in all cinema
@JanvierUK I have nothing but respect for you.
@hulkum you can't have one: one prime would be even, and the other odd. 49 isn't prime, so no dice. Sorry!
Both these crisps and this houmous taste terrible, and they wouldn't have been a good combination anyway. Poor show, CP. Poor show.
Hiatus Koyote is very good music to accompany sitting in the sun and reading a book
@peterrowlett @stecks @alisonatkin meanwhile, "Average Death at Height" is the title of my new book about deep vein thrombosis
@vickytnz I'd like to be present to hear you attempt it. I can't even imagine what it would sound like
@vickytnz I think you might be overthinking this passport photo
@vickytnz typically four at AS (first year) and), then concentrate on three for full A-level (second year). Clever children do four or more
@vickytnz the government requires five minimum. I did 10, eager beavers do more. If you read eg the torygraph, you'll get a wrong impression
@vickytnz well, we need a way to perpetuate the class system...
@elinoroberts on what timescale will this bacon go off?
@lostinrecursion @aperiodical @MathMunch I'm very aware and approving, but on holiday. I'd hoped one of the other two would share it...
@lostinrecursion @aperiodical @MathMunch I'll do a post when I'm back at a computer
@elinoroberts @standupmaths @jamesgrime ooh, can I join in?
Just looked at my RSS reader for the first time since going on holiday. This may take some time.
Here's @TweetsofCushing's epsilon tattoo. Because he's an analyst, it's arbitrarily small.
Got on the metro at monument. Rookie mistake. I've been out of the game too long.
@vickytnz you nailed the "I've just endured a long haul flight and I'm totally over it" look, so you'll have no trouble at passport control
@vickytnz there might be a couple of mathsjammers having dinner at the Charles Grey. (not me though)
@ebuie @vickytnz you did, but I didn't send out the email until this morning because I've been away. Did you get it?
@jamesgrime you'll be able to name at least one former Canadian PM, so you should be able to pass as a local
@ebuie dm me your email address and I'll add you to the list. I thought @vickytnz had already given me it, but maybe not!
@MathsJam -> CHELT: is the idea that casual mathematicians will identify you easily but pro mathmos might have more trouble and need a hint?
There were two new Achewood comics while I was away? I need to go to Wales more!
That is an unreasonable number of Os
@sxpmaths spelltower:
@sxpmaths nooooo it is not
@Boxfresh what happened to the large size Sparkos? I can only see a single pair of 13s on your shop.
@CardColm @aperiodical yes, she supervised my final year project!
@Boxfresh thanks!
What the dirndl, Why link directly to the PDF of an arxiv preprint and not the abstract page?
@ColinTheMathmo do you use chrome? I had a similar problem with words starting with E a while ago
@ColinTheMathmo oh well, must be a different bug.
@peterrowlett nyeehh, I didn't - David Roberts did.
@peterrowlett is that what I wrote? Fair enough, then
Now that is annoying! Just one tile away from spelltower glory
@ebuie @cperfetti !!! I know of a Christiano Perfecto in Nigeria, too.
Fun maths with @TweetsofCushing staying over after pancake party. We're finding arithmetic progressions of squares!
Beards are the best form of hair.…
@profkeithdevlin our new chinese PhD student, studying number theory, actually had to convince border force he can't build nukes
@hornmaths diffing sin(x*y^2) with respect to x: looks like sin(A*x), A constant, so diffs to A*cos(A*x) = y^2*cos(x*y^2), by chain rule.
@hornmaths here's an example video my summer student recorded:
@hornmaths yes, with product rule, all of cos(y) looks like a constant - when you change x, it doesn't change at all
@hornmaths can you post a pic of your working?
@hornmaths ok, you don't need the product rule there - it's like you're just differentiating A*cos(alpha).
@hornmaths i.e. you don't have the product of two things that change with x
@hornmaths (sorry, with alpha)
@hornmaths glad you got it sorted. Alternately, if you were using the product rule, d/dx of cos(y) is 0, not 1.
@Gelada I've come back from holiday to find your art is still not on the walls! I'm going to chase the building manager
Does every house party now have a "searching youtube for videos people have half-remembered" phase?
Ridiculous. RT @jawsew: Now that it's confirmed that these are real promotional images for The Sims 4:…
I've been in Scotland literally 30 seconds and I've already seen a 12 year old kid out the window smoking
I'd love it if the national rail app could use GPS to work out which train I'm on.
Buying a food truck for my new nighttime pancake venture, Crêpe-uscular Activity.
@jd_p are you at #easc13? If you're here tonight, do you fancy having dinner together?
Time for my annual extraordinarily tasty hot chocolate at Henry's in the Caird Hall. #easc13
I'm a big fan of this couple having a fight outside my window at 2 in the morning.
Hotel room review time. Furniture-moving metric: 0. Knees under bureau: also 0.
These tiles only have half as many crossings as it first seems. #betrayedbybraids
@jamesgrime conspicuous paucity of dots in the north east. Do I need to spread the good word?
13:31 seems as good a time as any to leave the house
The whole family is marvelling at how fake this Scottish note looks.
Wake up sheeple!…
@vickytnz I haven't dared watch Punch Drunk Love again since it was so good the first time
Can all twelve thousand of this Spanish tourist family buy metro tickets before the train arrives? Ordenador dice... no.
Therapy llamas!…
Just thinking about the chilli I burnt last night is making my throat hurt. I'm sorry, chilli! You deserved better!
The booksellers in general have worked out that selling £2 editions of classics doesn't make them much profit. To Amazon!
@ColinTheMathmo @Yahoo good news! Hotmail is now called Outlook, because MS decided two products with that name wasn't enough.
Thanks to my summer students and Prof Robin Johnson, NCL Maths's vimeo now has almost 300 videos of worked examples:
my mind was blown until I realised this was a recipe from Ready Steady Cook. Penne arrabiata with avocado and rocket:…
@vickytnz no it isn't?
"Hey, I have an entire book about pasta sauces! Thanks, mum!" ...... "No arrabiata. Thanks rescinded, mum."
Is Chicks On Speed's lesborotic beat poem 'Kaltes Klares Wasser' a reference to aim's seminal trip-hop classic, 'Cold Water Music'?
Regret-on-arriving-at-work-that-you-didn't-have-a-bacon-sandwich-for-breakfast. #newgermanemotions
Ahhh what no film at monument, the day I actually need to hang around monument for a bit? It's make me so mad I grammarn't.
This pigeon really doesn't like being stared at. EVER SO SORRY WAS I INVADING YOUR PERSONAL SPACE MILORD?!?!
@NewcastleNE1 thanks, I just saw the chaps putting the deckchairs out.
Can't click on "Save changes" without internally going "chaaaaaange places!"
@pkrautz I have now. Wow, it's badly written!…
I'm running a computation that has taken longer than five minutes to finish. I feel dirty, almost like an applied mathematician.
@DaleyMaths the applied guy next door is already rewriting it in fortran. I'm safe!
@ebuie I've got an excerpt in an anthology, but it's very hard to get hold of an original copy
@ebuie maybe. I was coincidentally looking at it a couple of days ago, and that sounds familiar
@MouldS Canis Coplin
ok, who set my TERM environment variable to 'dumb'? That's been annoying me for a while.
Going to try the new Front Street Deli. It looks nicer than Deli Bar One did, but will it be as tasty? #tynemouthproblems
@aPaulTaylor it went out of business, if that's any consolation
Well, the pizza slice looked a bit cold and miserable, but this ham and coleslaw sandwich was pretty great
@aPaulTaylor is "a deli bar" a thing? There was a counter, which I suppose could serve as a bar...
@pkrautz the badges on… all link to a URL which gives a "Forbidden" error
Spent 5 mins writing a FB message in French. While typing an e-grave on the numpad, accidentally pressed page-back and lost it. #sacrebleu
Words to be aware of when keming text:…
@TweetsofCushing I'm rocking out / I want the world to know / Got to let it show
Forms which put error messages in red are my worst enemies. I can't see them!
@CardColm how so?
looking-in-the-emergency-chocolate-drawer-and-finding-something-excellent-surprise. #newgermanemotions
"Metro Ken" is an anagram of "me no trek". Coincidence?
Ooh! Meissner tetrahedra from Diametric!…
This decorator is impossibly cheerful. I wonder if it's the paint fumes.
@aperfect hipsterrrrrrrrrs
@HoeJodgkiss truth. After about five sandwiches, I was completely over pulled pork
@standupmaths (though it would've been more helpful for tracking if I'd let you set that up...)
About to record an All Squared podcast but I have no audio tea towels! Where's @stecks when you need her?
@standupmaths while you're twittering, did you see my Meissner tetrahedra video?…
Is it by design that you now have to save a post in wordpress before the preview updates?
@MathsWorldUK just seen you're up in Newcastle for BSF. Fancy meeting for a drink/chat during the week?
This month's Puzzlebomb has a puzzle thought up by me, CP!…
@lostinrecursion Ceilidh Table. I didn't write it - I came up with the idea and was lazy until @stecks and @aPaulTaylor wrote it :P
@lostinrecursion it's a nice easy puzzle, once you work out the rules
I love @TweetsofCushing's idea of 'trivial'
@TweetsofCushing didn't you? Who did?
@Tegglington @TweetsofCushing trufax. If I'd thought for even a second, I would've realised.
I've updated my "how to get nice maths on your blog" post with instructions for those using IntenseDebate comments:…
A hole? In MY sock?! Extraordinary!
This has to be the most dismal work email this September.
When mathematicians leave to work in industry, is this where they go?…
@standupmaths ehh, it's a bit 70s-fabulous. Wasn't someone put in charge of renovating it a while ago?
@standupmaths ah. ha!
Maths people coming to @BritishSciFest! Fancy meeting for drinks on Sunday? @standupmaths @stecks @DrSaraSantos @MathsWorldUK etc.?
@standupmaths I now have the title of my airport easy-reading bestseller: "Finding the Qibla on a Klein Bottle"
@standupmaths forget that, go and ogle the Curta calculator!
@standupmaths PHWOAR #itsnotsizethatmatters
@standupmaths I'd like a gap of at least one cell around that - the 'on' block at the top left means it'll break immediately.
@KSCMaths as a red-green colourblind person, I think I should inform you I can't see half the text on that
'NOUGHT POINT FIVE DOZEN'?! Also known as 'half dozen', or even 'six'. This menu knows how to rile a mathematician.
@ProfNoodlearms @evelynjlamb maplesoft's PR are v annoying. Once sent email saying "you unsubscribed from our emails, so won't have seen.."
Yo dawg, I heard you like rhyming with bridge a smidge, so I put a frijj in your fridge so you can abridge while you ridge a midge
@evelynjlamb happy birthday!
@standupmaths what's your schedule today? I'm free from 4-ish onwards
@DrSaraSantos haha, where's that? I've never seen it before
@vickytnz La Cage aux Folles? Depressing that that's the best I can do
@stecks @standupmaths that suits me. I could meet you at the station, and go to somewhere like the Forth on Pink Lane?
Very very very pleasing…
Every now and then I go to, hoping a hopeless hope that it has returned.
#gintegral "@stecks: who else is in NCL for @BritishSciFest and does maths and wants to join us for a drink tonight? Do we need a hashtag?"
@stecks actually, didn't @standupmaths come up with a good name for when mathematicians meet for drinks a few years ago?
@peterrowlett I've fiddled with the cache plugin's settings and it should keep up to date now
Ah, Coventry: the city of lights.
Sent a text to my girlfriend without pointing out that the current time was a palindrome. So there is hope that I may yet be cured.
I chose... poorly. The legroom allowance in this lecture theatre seems to have been calculated expecting an audience of munchkins.
I'm now sitting on the aisle steps so I can stretch my legs out. I bet this building has won awards
Just realised half the (fixed) seats in this room don't point toward the speaker
@C_J_Smith yes, good to meet you too. Sorry if you were expecting to have time to chat later! Maybe another time
Fixed a stunning omission from yesterday's toast piece, and found a good suggestion from @TweetsofCushing.… #yeahtoast
Finally got my hands on a copy of @NCLScienceComic. It's really good!
@Bishnavitch wednesdays are usually terrible for me. Was meant to be seeing my gf but I'll ask if she wants to see a film
@Bishnavitch yes and no, respectively. Midweek is when I do things!
@Bishnavitch I'm not as keen on films as you are!
@Bishnavitch we have a yes to a film. What film and when?
Adding a tomato and some shredded lettuce to food makes it a salad, right? Because otherwise I'm just eating a box of fajita leftovers.
12:03. An anagram of an arithmetic sequence is still interesting, isn't it?
@ebuie I know a purported proof, which I disagree with
Sent the almost-a-week reminder for Newcastle @MathsJam. Get on the list by saying hello to…
@BritishSciFest Grownups enthused by the maths at the festival might enjoy Newcastle MathsJam, which is next Tuesday…
Another afternoon lost to the mixture of InnoDB and MyISAM database tables. Go home, cp, you should be drunk.
Look! Someone made Arty Maths into a book, and picked a better name, and never had anything to do with Arty Maths:…
@C_J_Smith Pentago! Ace game.
@C_J_Smith why resist?
@daveowhite @plusmathsorg it would have to make metallic grunting noises when it gets in and out of chairs
The Hello World Quiz ( just reminded me about REBOL. I have no idea what I used to use it for, but WOW!
Why does this site have "small text" as an accessibility option? Are there people who find large text intimidating?
@OddballDave @charliesgames a Let's Play might be good
Crikey O'Reilly, my summer students did loads! I keep finding more good stuff on this wiki. #pleasedsupervisor
It was pointed out to me by @Rokker816 that cooking doesn't commute, so maybe people who don't like fish and chips would like chips and fish
The @My_Metro PA system is pumping out some thumpin' next-wave glitchcore beats. Or it's broken.
The best bit about planning a trip to Berlin is that I get to buy a Falkplan! #excited!
help my head melted because Bayes' theorem is exothermic…
@CardColm we just recorded the tops and tails for your episode of All Squared. Should be out in a day or two
@peterrowlett @mathsarcade fancy! I'm still at the cardboard box stage. Might invest in a plastic box if all goes well.
"how likely are you to use this service again?" is a terrible question on a feedback form for a government service you must use
@hornmaths @MathsJam @standupmaths @stecks I can do it. Where's the new location?
@hornmaths righto
@hornmaths but which one are you in this month?
@hornmaths ok, I've updated and the mathsjams map
The need for a word to describe the moment you realise you're getting nothing out a terrible thing you're looking at on the web grows daily
I think 'fehhhhhh' might do it. I will form a committee to decide how many 'h's there should be on the end. What's the limit for a hashtag?
@CloudoidLtd @MathsJam added, ta!
I can't see how labelling one 50g slice of this pack of butter helps me, or if I'm missing something
Yes sir!
.@aperfect only for exactly 50g. They used to have every 50g increment marked
@aperfect nope
@bemyguestberlin this:
This groovy animation explains why I love the Falkplan so much:
Looks like some component of the cabling and gadgetry that gives me internet has been flooded again. Oh well! I'll find something else to do
Newcastle @MathsJam is TOMORROW! 7pm onwards, upstairs at the Charles Grey. Puzzles, games, questions, etc.…
@vickytnz a reasonable thing to do.
.@sxpmaths ooh, good spot. I've updated my mobile maths games page:…
Maths teachers, I need you: where's better than BBC Bitesize for resources on basic numeracy?
Ooh! There's a version for adults called Skillswise
@Nat_Numeracy thanks! I just remembered about your site after tweeting :)
@nrichmaths when I click a topic header in the front page slider, the URL in the browser's address bar doesn't change. Makes linking hard!
@icecolbeveridge I need things I can link to
I had never seen this stupid heraldic creature until today…
When did threadless stop paying UK import tax? The fee was trebled by Royal Mail's handling fee.
Posted a big long comment about running a multi-author blog on Google+ in response to someone asking about it:…
Tonight: Eastenders spin-off starring Ross Kemp, centred on a struggling car-recovery business in Scotland. Grant Heft Auto Fife, BBC 2, 9pm
whaaaaaat?! Since when are games £56?
@ebuie I found the best bit was the zoomy projection of every page at the end. The presentation of the real books was pretty poor.
I thought I was looking forward to MathsJam tonight, but now I'm looking forward to lunch more. Forgot breakfast :(
@icecolbeveridge MathsHamlet
@ebuie yes! I thought that was odd too. I thought maybe they were showing a different page each day, but probably not.
@MathsatDAS hello! I'm a former DABS pupil. Who's doing the twittering?
Looking up and thinking David hasn't written anything on the blackboard, then realising it's all in red, is like seeing the fnords.
@NINETYNINEuk What time are you open until today?
My grocery shop: look at the 1st aisle, leaving the 2nd, then come back and look at the 2nd aisle, leaving the 1st. That's my produce rule.
@vickytnz mathsjam tonight?
@TeachingInDC there used to be / still is a DC @MathsJam! Didn't you go?…
Going to be a little bit late to mathsjam, sorry
@ebuie we've had to move downstairs! The function upstairs isn't us. We're in the alcove to the right of the bar
@MathsJam NCL - MAN: of course we can. Rhymes with 'elephant'
I've made a bookmarklet to replace's rubbish image-based maths with @MathJax…
@ebuie yes, I'm glad you came! It was a particularly busy MathsJam.
hi i've just noticed that angle and angel are one transposition away is this the kind of thing i should put on twitter
Blog post: 6 pieces involving patterns and functions by @Gelada… (Photos:…)
$e^{\Large{f(x)}}$ isn't cool, is it? These people seem to have taken personal offence at small inline-mode characters.
AAAAAARG. That's the second time I've accidentally ordered a girl's t-shirt from threadless.
Following @pkrautz's suggestion, I've made the mathjax bookmarklet a bit better, and now it works on wikipedia too…
@Rosalot wow, good work!
Head of School has told me to go shopping for more art. Hooray!
@aperfect @brittneybean but don't worry, there's still plenty of brutalist rubbish in the rest of Newcastle
@vickytnz The Notebook is a chick flick
I've changed my avatar to a pic of LEGO Babar! Sorry if this is confusing but it reflects my core brand values in a way my face never did.
To my Goodbye Lenin DVD, wherever you are: I love you and I just want to know that you're safe.
@elinoroberts ow ow ow ow ow! Even thinking about that hurts
6:52am, a new record for squeaky car man! Maybe if he gets up really early one day he can take it to a garage and get it fixed
I can do work and snot doesn't fall out of me if I remain horizontal.
Is it ok to set up an auto reply saying "I'm out of the office, but if it's really important I can come in and you can catch this cold"?
@vickytnz I used to do that, but I'm down to just family members now. So much work!
We came up with supervillain names for everyone in the office except me :( #phdcoolgang
a bloo hoo hoo :_( RT @icecolbeveridge: @christianp But you already HAVE a pretty good supervillain name.
@CloudoidLtd but it's RGB clockwise
Thanks to @stecks, you should now call me... THE PERFECT STORM
.@TweetsofCushing (Dave Reckoning)'s supervillain superpower: he can see Daily Mail headlines... from the future!
.@Rokker816 (Automatom)'s supervillain superpower: he can keep time... like clockwork!
.@jiyameng (Sinner-Ji)'s supervillain superpower: when he does good deeds... they're really bad deeds!
My (The Perfect Storm) supervillain superpower: I can control the weather... in a teacup!
I am 50% older than the freshers. Ow.
I've finally made it! The Herschel enneahedron.
@lyd_w it's named after the guy the Herschel building is named after. I'm preparing a poster/activity thing. It has many cool properties!
@vickytnz maybe that photo just has a lot of sentimental value for him so he's less likely to see it's inappropriate for the context?
GTA V is quite a bit harder when you're colourblind. "target the red rectangle" - nnnnnot happening
When I was little I loved cascading emails so much, I directed all my efforts towards getting a job where people ask me to cascade all day
They see me cascadin', they be hatin'. #cascade4lyf
@TweetsofCushing @outofthenorm2 tantric geometry
Working on the news queue / The news queue, yeah! -- The @aperiodical will awaken from its slumber shortly.
Playing music on the radio before it's available to buy should be a crime
I love these colourful polar bears!…
As far as I can tell, this spider caught this earwig and was carrying it away to eat in private. Or they're eloping.
@vickytnz have you seen the dessicated old women on the counter at the front of John Lewis? She is an advert for not wearing makeup
An hour later, I've replaced the student's incorrect gnuplot image with a correct TikZ version. Thank god for StackExchange!
@samholloway yo Imma let you finish but Bajka recorded the best Hunting of the Snark concept album OF ALL TIME.…
@Electrokittie you've... made real progress as a person?
I've just found out that Blunt make a collapsible version of their umbrella. Fantastic!…
Clexample: something which is both an example and a counter-example of a rule. #autonyms
@NoelAnn @peterrowlett @C_J_Smith how do you advertise your Maths Arcades?
"Formule by BNF" posts maths art images at a frankly overwhelming rate on Google+…
It's time to play "semicolon or gunk on my monitor"!!!
Interesting: when you click on a link to a PDF in Internet Explorer, all animated GIFs on the page stop.
The only reference cited in MathWorld's page on ℵ₀ is Dundes et al's compendium of maths jokes. Finally the charade is laid bare!
Conducting a COSHH audit for my new hospital restaurant, Vegetative Korma. (credit to @TweetsofCushing)
I have no idea how @lyd_w consistently manages to beat me into uni by about a minute despite getting the same train
oh, slashdot. What a sorry sight you've become.
@lyd_w I'm just impressed that you're alert enough to be first off the train, or walk very quickly
@vickytnz you managed to get on the one train capable of cooking hot food! I always get a miserable packet sandwich
Well done, the Android Flickr app, for making up your own share method instead of using intents. You made my life a little bit harder.
@haggismaths ooh, that reminds me that I meant to send you this a while ago…
@haggismaths look at "an enneahedron for Herschel" at I'm at the shops at the moment so can't write more
amazon form error messages are in red *and with a thick outline round them*!!!! Thanks, amazon! Thamazon!
Crumbs, it's only four weeks until the big @MathsJam weekend.
@Htbaa texworks, or use your own text editor and the command line tools
Today I saw housing developments called 'Fusion', 'Zest', and 'Opulence'. What is the world coming to?
Ooh, the comfy jumper is the next one in the pile! #autumnthrills
@TweetsofCushing wait until you see the plots @Gelada sent me about the art in the stairwell
"Note: 7 is an arbitrary number, but should be more than sufficient". Uh oh. BAD CODE KLAXON
@CardColm excellent idea! We're on it.
"$sco->title = $sco->title;" -- I'm not in bad code territory any more. This is concept art.
@C_J_Smith @NoelAnn @peterrowlett following up the @mathsarcade, can any of you send me PDFs of the posters you put up, please?
I like the look of the @Nat_Numeracy challenge a lot:
@michaeljgrove @unibirmingham Pro tip: cut that plastic wallet in half so it's easier to get a card out
Paul Zorn shares my distinction between mathsy art and artsy maths:…
Talking of; what's yellow and equivalent to the axiom of choice?
Zorn's lemon!
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith @NoelAnn @mathsarcade so I can ruthlessly plagiarise them
@peterrowlett thanks! That's a nice poster.
I'm particularly pleased with last night's bananagrams board. Connoisseurs will note the two closed loops
I'm in 666 people's circles on Google+. Worried about what the day will bring. On the plus side, I got to make a stinker of a pun. #plusside
Beep Beep…
@Bishnavitch 720
What is it about Mathematica that makes people write enormously long ramblings with very little proper mathematics?
@aPaulTaylor @standupmaths a Bayesian smoke detector would not be good.
@Jisc did you know all students get open-source developer and server products for free via the goodness of their fellow man? #dreamspark
Phwoar. Lovely diagrams.…
Also free for everyone else MT @walkingrandomly: Just joined Manchester Uni? See the software we've released for free
Die Hard + Die Harder = Die Hard With a Vengeance. (Die Harder)^2 = Live Free or Die Hard. #grubermatics
@vickytnz but sometimes it works very well, like this table of the finite simple groups…
Tragedy #425: Betrayed by one of their own…
@HoeJodgkiss there are plenty, but we tend not to make a big deal out of it
@TeXtip would you consider replacing that with ? It's a lot better
Aww, this is a really nice idea: Remote Control Tourist
FINALLY, A COLOUR QUIZ I CAN DO! Name that shade of corporate blue
... but I haven't heard of half the companies. Oh well!
It's time for a sandwich, but do I have the ingredients? BREAD QUEST
@Beamish_Museum have they been trained to act as olden-time kittens did?
@vickytnz it's right next to Manors metro
@Boxfresh What happened to the new large sizes stock you said would appear in September? My feet are getting chilly!
How to tell if your dog is involved in a sex scandal… (via…)
@nulibrs Deepest, Darkest Level 1?
Break out some fresh moves, it's Kurt Reidemeister's birthday… (via @mathshistory)
@stecks yeesh, what does a place have to do to get a 10?
Every time I need an MOT, I have to find my mechanic's garage on Google Street View to remember its name so I can look up its phone number.
Yell has bought a lot of ads on facebook of the form "Need <rarely-used service>? Try <company in Sunderland>!". WHY?
MediaWiki syntax is visually difficult: ''italics'' or "quotes"?
WHAT. RT @adrianshort: London police steal rough sleepers’ property:
... turns out that happened in May. But still. YEESH.
Today I learned that @TweetsofCushing is 'up' on the national lottery. That is a completely appropriate thing to be true about him.
@OddballDave deely boppers?
The only mathematical relative I know about is Hazel Perfect, who was a group theorist like me! I was so happy when I found her book. #ald13
@TwentyThree @TweetsofCushing @aperiodical thanks very much!
@UoBMSC @michaeljgrove that seems a very high number! What time frame was this?
@michaeljgrove @UoBMSC ok! Similar to us then.
Francophones! Can you help me find the French word with the most silent letters? It's not on this list of cool words:…
J'ai quatorze problèmes dont rimer avec quatorze est un.…
@jcoglan are you trying very hard to not use LaTeX?
#Skanavi problem 7.325: Show $\log_3 (2) \cdot \log_4 (3) \cdot \log_5 (4) \cdot \log_6 (5) \cdot \log_7 (6) \cdot \log_8 (7) = \frac{1}{3}$
#Skanavi problem 7.325 in unicode: log₃(2)⋅log₄(3)⋅log₅(4)⋅log₆(5)⋅log₇(6)⋅log₈(7) = ⅓
@CloudoidLtd lazy font design!
@C_J_Smith @DanielColquitt @professor_dave I'm on Round 2. You'd think they could at least all agree on one virus to spread...
Struggling to understand the thought process that led the author to write "matrix of size p$\times$q".
@peterrowlett straightedge and compass construction golf can also be fun. Challenge them to construct shapes in the fewest steps.
@sam_james30 some lost-looking tourists refused my help yesterday. Maybe they were just admiring the craftsmanship that went into their map
'zero','nought','null','nothing'. Does any number have more names, in English? 'Hundred','century','ton', ... ?
I have finished the Canada bit in GTA5's story and I'm sort of sick of it. Is there any point finishing it, or should I not bother?
@MrHonner small beans. The private school in my village got its £5million debts paid off by the government and became a state academy
@ebuie so if I instructed you to immanentise the eschaton, you wouldn't know what I wanted you to do?
These are the weirdest matchbook covers I've ever seen.…
I'll never be this cool. I'll never have a monkey companion who wears glasses and smokes a pipe.…
"I am not smart enough for this book" says Amazon reviewer of maths book. "Another notoriously bad impulse purchase."…
@elinoroberts the funny thing about living in the same village as you is that often I have a thought and then you tweet it
Fed up with Windows 8.1, I've installed Ubuntu again. Now the wifi connection only works for 10 seconds after connecting. Boo.
@DanielColquitt well yes, I was quite surprised it managed to install the drivers at all this time.
Gosh the instant LaTeX preview in's comments box is useful.
@haggismaths I'm giving a talk in Edinburgh Uni on Wednesday. Can I pop in to see you afterwards?
@haggismaths an IOP thing about eassessment. We'll both be at big mathsjam, anyway
@stecks @peterrowlett *waves fingers*
@jcoglan you can do without ^.* at the start, no?
I've put my knockout.js binding handlers for @MathJax on github:… (Demo:…)
Making UI changes to @NclNumbas so it's really hard for students to forget to submit their answers. `> git checkout -b dont-let-them-fail`
"I just want to read this book and lick it and... have fun." - @TweetsofCushing
@peterrowlett I was thinking of…
@peterrowlett and 'golf' because 'code golf' is an established thing where you try to write the shortest program
Alert, Edinbourgeois: can anyone entertain me tomorrow afternoon? I can perform maths if required.
The Michael and Lily Atiyah gallery in the James Clerk Maxwell building at Edinburgh University
@Sara_Tindall @peterrowlett I cleverly caught a cold before term started this year and gave THEM diseases!
When will lecture theatres upgrade from 1024x768 projectors? 2048?
@FOTSN you're doing Stockton again?! Are you mad? Good northern coverage though; I'll book tickets for Durham when TBC becomes C
Couple is having *the most* middle class argument. One insists a third person is very brave for "putting skis on and getting up a mountain"
Where's a nice place to get a hot chocolate near waverley station in Edinburgh?
Friends, I plumped for the Storytelling Café. It's really good! I also had a brownie which was also fantastic.
This old dude across the street is nowhere near as jazzed about buying tartan as his wife is.
@ashleyhwright you're on the next carriage down from me! What a coincidence.
Just added the 500th unit test to the @NclNumbas maths/algebra system.…
My friend @TweetsofCushing wants to know what these error terms are
"DodecaLEDron" mustn't have done well in focus groups.
@poveryant Would you mind sending me the file for the 3d-printed enneahedron please? I'd like to print one for a talk I'm giving
I've written a page to play about with the @MathJax 2.3 beta and its spiffy new fonts.…
I like today's tragedy series…
Ambassadors was good.…
The coast is impossibly good-looking at the moment, with the setting sun and a little bit of fog. God I love Tynemouth.
A lightning storm is starting, and there are people surfing! If only I had a good camera
Wow that plane just did a quick turn to avoid the thunder cloud. It's turned around to have another go further out to sea, I think
Those toddlers I saw ten minutes ago trick-or-treating early to avoid the scary big kids must be having a fun time.
Talking of... a black cat has joined me to watch the storm.
Oh no, that plane's just doing loops. And the cat seems to have caught something in the long grass above the lido. He's off, with his prize
I've just discovered that this iron, which I've owned for two years, has a red light which comes on when it's heating up. #colourblindlife
@standupmaths I prefer to visualise sorting algorithms with Hungarian folk dancers.…
Ubuntu has better driver support for my laptop than windows 8.1 does. What upside-down world is this that we live in?
@jamesgrime @standupmaths you both check your privilege, I'm still on Life Shareware. I can only access the first three months of the year
@hornmaths yes, it is me who likes koalas. #actual #koala #fan
@standupmaths @jamesgrime it would be nice if every day didn't start with a nag screen asking me to send a cheque to a PO box in Jordan.
@standupmaths but descending hardness is the standard way to do it, right?
@poveryant I have space, but it's a back seat. Setting off just before 7am
I just don't understand the Northumberland Street blanket man's business model.
@MrHonner f(x)=1 laughs at their puny attempt at a definition.
Current status: involuntary afternoon off work
This is how you do a blackboard bold N.
When we compute inverses, we do it properly.
(joint work with @TweetsofCushing)
@Bishnavitch we just watched Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 last night.
What should I talk about at the big @MathsJam this weekend: Herschel's enneahedron, or integer sequence reviews?
@aperfect YES
@ben_nuttall great, another pedant! How can we coördinate our efforts?
@standupmaths will the 5 minute countdown computer be making a reappearance at MathsJam?
@standupmaths will it sometimes give us up, and/or occasionally let us down?
I can never crack this many eggs without worrying about the arrival of Zuul the Gatekeeper of Gozer.
Spotted in the Hermitage Inn in Warkworth: another member of the clan!
@jcoglan god yes. JS functions that take a few different types are so annoying. jQuery does "first param might be a bool" very often
@MathsJam Is anyone interested in a calculation contest using a slide rule and log tables in one of the breaks?
@stecks @aPaulTaylor I forgot to say bye to you! It was good to all be in one place again. Until next year! Or any earlier next thing!
A physical anomaly at Wetherby services. How many coins are causing the jam?
@peterrowlett I see your nine, and raise you to ten.
Told @TweetsofCushing he should go to a @MathsJam conference. Response: "I am a MathsJam conference". Can't argue with that.
A marvellously concise proof that 5!/2 is even:…
Gosh this is a lovely idea:
@RGS_maths what textbook is that? It looks similar to a Russian one I have by Skanavi
@RGS_maths aha, more Russians! David Singmaster insisted to me at the weekend that they're not a purely Russian phenomenon. Not convinced!
@gaussfacts does the posting of new facts mean you've sorted out the spam problem? I was disheartened last time I went to moderate
@evelynjlamb my vote is for analyst
Pretending this cold rain is actually congenitally hot snow. It's a winter wonderland!
@profkeithdevlin It's almost at the point where you could use them in a knights and knaves puzzle
The results are in: I have extreme protanomaly! I spent a fun afternoon with neuroscientists doing colour tests.
@evelynjlamb yes, since I was tiny. I have a particularly bad case!
@evelynjlamb I just did the tests today because my friend doing a neuro PhD wanted to see how they're done
Having fun trying to decide how to localise my JS library's error messages.… I know this dude! He's really good at maths. So pleased he's doing something cool.
@Tegglington deduce eyeballs are emitting light; plummet into immediate body horror crisis?
@peterrowlett we haven't even run ours yet, so no for now.
A bit tired and a bit glum, so I'm going to my happy place: e1m1
As the corpse of the monstrous entity CHTHON sinks back into the lava whence it came, I feel a lot better.
5pm today! RT @MathJax: Don't forget: our first MathJax Hangout on Air -- Q&A with Phil Schatz and @christianp
@aperfect I am suddenly more interested in visiting London
@C_J_Smith "Handyman's Ear" sounds like the name of a village in the west country
Attack of the witty till maintenance guy.
A pub near here gives a free pint to any scientist who has a paper published. Nice, but points lost for not calling it the "No-Bill Prize"
Top celeb fact: The reason Ant always stands on Dec's right is that they both walk in to work. That's right: Ant and Dec don't commute.
It would be nice if operators were first-class objects in javascript.
I did a Hangout on air Q&A with @pkrautz and Phil Schatz about @MathJax last Friday. I've posted about it on my blog:…
An anagram of @robinhouston's name is "no enthusiasm or job". An anagram of mine is "erect finch rapist". Thankfully, neither is accurate.
@Boxfresh Any sign of the size 13s you said would be arriving quite a while ago?
@Boxfresh can you be any more specific than "soon"? That plain blue pair is OK, but I'd hate to buy it just before nicer ones arrive
@helenarney another, less sensible, friend of mine posted those exact two points as positives last week during her trip
Oop, just noticed that November @MathsJam is next Tuesday! Time to send my reminder email...
@CloudoidLtd (mod 1000)
@jamesgrime @standupmaths hah, I literally checked the site 20 minutes ago to see if they were up
So many <span> tags. Starting to mistype as <spam>. There should be a preprocessor. To process my <spam>.
@ben_nuttall this springs to mind…
No, this is not a Möbius band! It's a normal loop. Bad architects!…
Ooh, my new parking permit has a pleasing expiry date
I just spent ten minutes looking for good covers of the Monkey Island theme and I didn't find any and now I am sad :(
@haggismaths I might be able to help you... what do you want the LaTeX for?
Why do user ratings get so little attention in music apps? Now everything's streamable, my ratings are the only valuable part of my library
Years ago I had a Python jukebox script that auto-rated songs based on how often you listened to completion or skipped them. It was great!
@haggismaths I have a thing which converts easily-typed calculator syntax to LaTeX, and I could put it in a page you could tweet from
Another thing: since Google Music can't sort by date added, there's all this music I haven't listened to as much as I'd like
"Why should engineers and scientists be worried about colour?"… Studiously ignores inaccessibility to the colourblind
At home midday on Friday freezing to death under a blanket because I saved enough money to be exactly this miserable. No I'm not a pensioner
@BenTormey can you remember the name of that French guy who self-published a mathematical monograph with colour plates of nude women in it?
@standupmaths @QMUL I've always thought QMUL should do a Neal Stephenson Qwghlm tie-in.
@BenTormey superb!
Buying leather and painting everything black for my new wedding parlour for goths, "Doom and Groom".
Breaking up the band to concentrate on my exciting new restaurant venture, Gnocco Ono.
@standupmaths I think it's pteriffic
Because the kiwi kept losing his hat, we've added a chinstrap. Now he can wear it at a jaunty angle!
Fancy earning a fiver? Resolve @TweetsofCushing's conjecture for him. (Difficulty: Erdős) ……
Went to Michael Gove's website to get a link for a story. Saw the picture on the right. brb never sleeping again
@nulibrs good work: you've even got a visible concrete arm in the photo holding the camera
Newcastle's Maths Arcade is finally happening! Open to all students at @STEMNewcastle.
Goddammi!, I thought I'd found a new sequence but the OEIS had to go and enrich my life with facts
(A001595 might be a record for lowest-index sequence found while believing I had a new one)
@stecks whuh?
@stecks Ahh!
@stecks on inspection, the instructions have no such footnote
Projects I am currently involved with: Maths Aid; Maths Jam; Maths Arcade. #nomenclazy
@Andrew_Taylor see also: basketball hoops
Oh yes, and that one. RT @michaeljgrove: @christianp Ahem...Maths Wiki?!
@evelynjlamb Pictures!
I'm off for pre-@MathsJam dinner. Which is at 7pm in the Charles Grey pub, by the way. I'm not doing too well at promotion lately...
A 45 minute wait for food, indeed! Good job I'm already planning on being here that long.
@ColinTheMathmo Yoneda lemma? Igotta lemma!
Inline links coloured in red: ARGGGG!
@My_Metro the position of the card scanners at Tynemouth is terrible for people tapping out. You have to turn round and hold everyone up
Just gave the OEIS some money. They deserve it!…
"2 10^1059002 -1, or 199999...99, is prime. It's the first near-repdigit prime found with over a million digits." via
@songdrop I keep unsubscribing from product update emails, but you keep sending them. What's the deal?
Yes I am very interested sign me up for twelve
Great work guys! (Peeked at the source: nested tables, then an iframe, then a link which didn't set target properly)
Look out for mine and @TweetsofCushing's new project, out next summer: the Pop-Up Book of Integer Sequences (PUBIS)
@fuzzmonkey @jcoglan I've always thought this is something vault could have built-in: a list of settings for popular sites.
@cartazio @pkrautz where's your blog? Can I take a look?
@icecolbeveridge not sure: were you rickrolled or was the shop?
@ben_nuttall yes! I did it once but I don't know what I did to make it happen
I see Flash has reached Java levels of irrelevance: they're now trying to bundle McAfee with updates.
The NOTY competition is back!…
@elinoroberts @jjsanderson congratulations to you both!
@DanielColquitt "I Did It: The Daniel Colquitt Story, Chapter XII"
The queue outside Frankie and Tony's is getting ridiculous. Time to find a different sandwich place!
@C_J_Smith is that a quote from The Tick? It feels like it.
@jcoglan lesson: stop using computers and take up woodwork
Where's the 8.30 cool crew? Is low rail adhesion to be feared more than I thought? This is a lonely platform.
New hobby: mixing Robinson's squash flavours.
Two people with the same name working in quantum mechanics, 60 years apart. Struggling to rule out time travel.
Gauss's doctoral supervisor was called Pfaff. I can't help but start @pfafffacts now.
*wist*… #somuchwist
I did a podcast with @TweetsofCushing. We talked about all sorts of unusual maths…
Idea: minecraft with the minesweeper ruleset.
@AlgebraFact @AnalysisFact if you liked those, I'm about to do an interesting esoterica post which will have loads of fun papers in it
Research top tip: when writing out the price of a closed access paper, don't take your finger off shift. e.g., "this paper costs $"%!"
Considering changing to to have my conception of what knowledge can be smashed to smithereens
... it just returns a blank page, not even a 404. So is knowledge fundamentally consistent? Are there no unknowables? #existentialtypocrisis
@dannytybrown I can do 'free' and 'good', but 'simple' is subjective:
This Chinese poem is palindromic in a ridiculous number of ways.…
@dannytybrown (I'm the developer of Numbas, so can help with any queries or feature requests)
@peterrowlett ssssh! For all they know, @TweetsofCushing is a real person.
The first Newcastle @mathsarcade was a moderate success. Around 8 students took part, but all staff seem to have forgotten it was on.
ShapeJS is an alright tool, now I've worked out how to use it. Here's my favourite shape, the Herschel enneahedron:…
@Boxfresh hi, more than a fortnight since you said "next week" for new size 13 shoes. Are they any closer?
@peterrowlett which day is your viva?
Permutohedron! It's not an instruction, it's a polytope:…
I love race conditions.
My next tweet will be a lie.
Have started tinkering with @MathJax extensions. Stand back, this might work.
@aoibhinn_ni_s do you mean compared to girls in other countries, or compared to boys in Ireland?
An outbreak of * to denote function application among the undergrads in online tests. e.g. `cos*(x)`, `ln*abs(x)`. Wonder who started it.
@infrahumano @ddmeyer it's just a few students in one assignment, so at the moment I assume they've copied off one person or worked together
Least expected combination of words 2013 "@TweetsofCushing: Unicyling Darth Vader Santa Claus Plays Flaming Bagpipes…
I just made @NclNumbas a bajillion times faster by adding a check for the degenerate case to a function. Doiiiii.
@vickytnz if they can be traded, maybe they wait for card issuer refusal to discourage fraudsters buying them with other people's cards
Idea for a twitter bot: get GBP-Euro exchange rate every day, put it through inverse symbolic calculator, tweet when best fit uses <4 ops.
@JanvierUK to give an easy way of converting between currencies (for values of 'easy' that apply to mathematicians)
.@JanvierUK for example, the current exchange rate of £1 = €1.20829 is more easily remembered as ζ(1,2)ᵀʰᵘᵉᴹᵒʳˢᵉ/(Lehmerᵀʰᵘᵉᴹᵒʳˢᵉ)
@JanvierUK Zeta(1,2)^ThueMorse/(Lehmer^ThueMorse)
this textbook for French students elucidates English pronunciation via the phonetic alphabet… (i.e. not at all)
Google Music has got very confused about what songs are in this christmas album. It's playing the right tracks, but labelling them wrong.
So "The Power of Love" is now "Baby It's Cold Outside" by Tom Jones, and "A Spaceman Came Travelling" is now "Angels" by Robbie Williams
@ebuie "Lift entrapment"? I can't think of any crimes a lift could encourage me to commit.
I made this because apparently I need it:…
Wrote this, not sure what to do with it: Every example of a @MathJax extension I could think of was a bad idea.
Finalising the menu for my new fast-food chicken place ZFC, where there are so many options you have to use the axiom of choice to order.
Today on Google+ I asked a stupid question about notation and got some fascinating comments about de Rham cohomology…
@pkrautz go on...
Wondered why my GP appointment was for an hour-long window, until I realised "ten to eleven" meant 10.50.
Can whoever's in charge of such things force sixth form colleges to advertise Prob(pass an A-Level you start) instead of pass rates?
One way of gaming pass rate figures is to tell people who might not pass not to bother sitting the exam.
@sxpmaths good: your assessors are more numerically literate than your prospective students!
Particularly pleased with tonight's bananagrams. #supineyeti
@pkrautz send me an email. I'm away to your homeland for the weekend to visit the Weihnachtsmärkte, but next week I'll have some coding time
@peterrowlett good luck!
King James Programming is pretty funny
@lyd_w where?!
@lyd_w excellent! I will investigate
Berlin packing checklist. So excited!
@helenarney I sad too but no need grammar to forgetting
Just arrived in Berlin, and I have eduroam Internet! I may be able to tweet more than expected
@nulibrs that's a very good book!
.@TweetsofCushing no, you should accept that a calendar invented by the last vestige of the Roman Empire is not acceptable for timekeeping.
@jcoglan I have a vague memory of a chrome extension which put a spectrum analyser on each tab header for exactly that purpose
@evelynjlamb Dr Lamb, I wish to decrease my body's genus. What do you recommend?
Testify! MT @IanHopkinson_: Was surprised how few PhD students who code for their work use source control, let alone testing frameworks
@jcoglan that's especially bad, considering it has so few users to find bugs.
The art by @Gelada looks particularly good in the morning light today.
Lunch today at Spanglish Tiendita was nice and tasty and cheap. And oh my, the ingredients they sell!…
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss @AdamJackzon god no. Didn't watch the first one.
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss you know empire reviews hold no sway with me
@lyd_w a burrito and an arepa. Want to go back and try the paella and empanadas
Going early to the doctor's for my appointment because their waiting room is warmer than my house.
This dude's head is like a D6 of groady tattoos
@gingerbeardman were you in Berlin last weekend? So was I!
Just found out that in Moodle you can drop a SCORM zip file onto a course section to upload it in one go. So useful!
Massive anticlimax as we have a full office for the first time in well over a year.
Less happy Moodle news: debugging the SCORM module makes me want to give up technology and join a monastery
Data model retrieval and storage implemented entirely through eval() and string-replacement. #nononononono
@DrSaraSantos @bostoncyberarts ooh, I'm a big Balint fan. Pity I'm not in Boston!
Have a blast from CP's past: Santa's Freelance Adventure, a game I made.…
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon @Electrokittie sorry, I'm doing family things tomorrow, it turns out
@Dr_Lucie that is such a sci-fi sentence.
@GhostMutt using the 'selector' parameter for .on (…)
A genius tragedy today:…
@ColinTheMathmo mezzalunas are great!
@standupmaths while my GF was decrying apostrophe heretics, I told her about #snowfake. She didn't see a problem. Considering my options.
Which is mis-spotted more: the golden ratio, or a power law? "Simple mathematical formula describes human struggles"…
Correspondent on BBC News having trouble hearing anchor's questions: maybe do your report somewhere quieter than in front of a protest?
If there's a gangsta way of wearing one's kippa, this guy has it
@jcoglan Christ. PHP is like an exquisite corpse programming language. Hacks to fix hacks to fix hacks to fix hacks to fix
I can just about understand why some people think it's worthwhile to go to certain shops on boxing day. But Ryman?!
There's no Newcastle @MathsJam this month because we are purists and the second-last Tuesday is Christmas Eve.
@Bishnavitch that actually sounds delicious
Everyone is telling me to fatten up. Christmas is just over a week away. Am I a goose?
@evelynjlamb Are you aware of ?
@elinoroberts mine's leaking again, if that's any consolation
@icecolbeveridge Congratulations! Going to be an awkward birthday for presents later on, though.
@stecks @standupmaths and I had to get up early because, even though it's my day off, Helen had to go to work so kicked me out :(
@peterrowlett why yes I am, Peter, thanks for asking!
@plusmathsorg your readers might also enjoy pages from my 1811 arithmetic textbook… (still Georgian, just!)
This kid is refusing to speak with real words, despite his nana's demands and threats. Power to him. #habeedareeman
GP surgery's touchscreen check-in thing is inaccessible to the blind; ping to tell you to look at the screen inaccessible to the deaf.
"KEEP CALM AND LOOK AFTER YOURSELF", says NHS leaflet. "I don't want to live in a world with KEEP CALM...", say I.
@Bishnavitch shave a St George's cross into it
I can now play the first four bars of Little Donkey on the piano. #basicallythebest
@lyd_w you've been a hipster for five minutes, and you've already got a phone number nobody else has heard of yet.
@standupmaths looks like some number of intersecting octahedra
@FOTSN your link to buy tickets for Durham is broken
@FOTSN I imagine it changes each time they stoke the fire powering their computer.
Have some animated Victorian Christmas GIFs, courtesy of the lovely Public Domain Review…
Need to think of a way of turning my t-shirts drawer into a FIFO stack.
@jolyonjenkins thanks! Neither do I - I was practising it at mathsjam and couldn't do it anywhere near quickly enough
@JanvierUK hm yes quite…
I'm parked outside Washington's grimmest row of retail units. I can get a tattoo, borrow at usurious rates, or buy "hot food" (unspecified)
@AdamCreen not even the one you're thinking of: this was in Sulgrave village. @TweetsofCushing will appreciate your Peterlee review :)
Who on the Holby City production team decided you can just add snow in post instead of at least making fake stuff?
Phwoar, look at the maths in that! Good Christmas present from the papa Perfect.
That's surprisingly easy!
Pretty pleased with tonight's bananagrams. "Yon man won voodoo rejoinder; opine at ease."
@mutedestro it's a page from "Towers of Hanoi - Myths and Maths"
Forget π=3; apparently my mum's boiler thinks e=5.
My answer to basically all of my Nana's questions re clothes or going out: "You can do whatever you like, you're 82 years old."
"Can I go to church dressed like this?"; "Can I bring this coffee into Homebase?"; etc. etc.
First tweet from my Raspberry Pi. I think I should really keep it in the command line...
@standupmaths if you get a few of these, could it make an aperiodical post?
@peterrowlett @ProfKinyon this:…
What goes up must come down: Isaac Newton's hallowed name used for a shopping centre in Grantham.…
@monsoon0 I haven't, but Carlos has:…
My Pi needed a case, so I used materials on hand post-Christmas
@hughhunt @snapey1979 @MathsJam I want to maximise (tan(θ)-1)/(tan(θ)+(tan(θ))^2). Is there a way to do that without calculus?
End of year cleaning time. Why did I feel the need to keep this many holes?
@peterrowlett @stecks looking at it now, just got a phonecall
@MathMunch thanks for sharing it! I saw your post and meant to add a comment, which I will do now...
@MathMunch ... actually, never mind. I got my facts wrong!
@peterrowlett hooray!
@ant590 in what way?
@ant590 I think they switched over to their own system a week or two ago, so they're just using google for credentials now.
@jjaron the warning does say it won't be available *after* July 1st. Maybe it'll switch off tonight.
@aperfect what are you cooking?
@cambUP_books the British site doesn't seem to work at all:…. Am I doing something wrong?
Now that's an eye-catching title! Quantum Computing since Democritus:…
@cambUP_books that's what I did. Tried again in incognito mode too
The mural of Gazza holding a bottle of broon at monument metro amuses me every day
I love you, Chrome Developer Tools source code pretty print.
In the new Hangouts android app, how do you tell if someone's online?
Follow his good advice. RT @jgrahamc: Write good commit messages:…
@ebuie bizarre abbreviation for "location" or "locomotive"?
I bet the Greeks had a word for the satisfaction felt going home when you know you've already got a dinner ready in the fridge.
Difficult line to walk: I need to ensure enough people use my chosen GReader replacement that it stays open, but not so many it falls over
I really like the art that's in tynemouth @My_Metro station bridge at the moment
YESSSSS!… I have waited many moons for this
Have I ever mentioned how much I #hateIE?
Only took four goes but I finally got that tweet out properly.
@Dr_Lucie @stecks to one sig fig, which is enough for anyone, you have
I can finally rest easy, @Rokker816 has told me an interesting fact about 1246: the digits are the smallest integers with 1,2,3,4 divisors!
@haggismaths do you want like, a grid of photos with names underneath?
@lyd_w the only local maths fact I know is that William Shanks, who had the record for calculating pi for years, was from Houghton le Spring
@lyd_w it took til the invention of mechanical calculators 70 years later to find he'd got the last 180 digits wrong!…
@lyd_w the record is the most digits. It's currently at 10 trillion and 50:…
@HilariousCow on the other hand, Jurassic Park: Trespasser
@HilariousCow yes, I was being a bit flippant. I totally agree with you!
Exciting new product from CP Industries: walker for ageing physicists with wraparound parallax star animation: Reference Frame™
@ebuie I did but it reached escape velocity
@ebuie probably the least unusual of their beliefs
@ebuie I think that fad sort of ended, didn't it?
Hoplite is a very fun game.…
Basically a tautology this summer.
It turns out that using Heworth Park and Ride is considerably more expensive than just driving into the centre of town. Thanks Obama.
@lyd_w Weirdly, there is radio 4 but not radio 3. Not sure how that works.
Reading @peterrowlett's thesis chapter. Unputdownable. A work for the ages. A masterpiece. (Disclaimer: it plugs @NclNumbas)
@johndavidread oh yeah, my chapter is the one that details the three quests @peterrowlett completed to earn the favours of the gods
Google Music has cut all the swear words out of my uploaded songs. Everyone knows I never use them myself, but I do enjoy hearing them. #bum
@brittneybean I was just asking @aperfect before if he'd seen anyone lazy enough to get street food brought to them
it's too hot.
@vickytnz can I prod you to reply to my email about the e-assessment site?
Debugging IE. "Don't tell 'em where the error is, Pike!"
Because it takes a 60-second round trip to put a new package on Moodle, I'm having to do the minimum-weighings puzzle with lines of code
Still at work, still trying to find the source of this IE bug. #hateIE #hateIE #hateIE
@sxpmaths it's a bug one of my users has caught!
IE beaten for another day! All I had to do was never ask it if my input fields have focus.… #hateIE
Just pushed a button to make a door open. #doorsquare
This is a nice simple way of quickly rendering Tikz pictures (or any LaTeX) to a PNG:
@ColinTGraham @ColinTheMathmo if you have something you can say in a skype video, I know a certain website that would be happy to host it...
@vickytnz I also used Mendeley. But Zotero has got a lot better since I started using mendeley, and it's not owned by Elsevier
@vickytnz ummm, there's a standalone application now
@tim_hunt that's not many question attempts. We have fewer students at Newcastle but ~18000 *test* attempts. How many exercises did you set?
Apparently 25 degrees counts as "extreme heat" for the metro.
@timchartier to the tetration station!
@lyd_w @NCLScienceComic somebody's already said lucozade, haven't they?
But fees won't put anyone off applying to top unis. "@ucas_online: How much are fees at your chosen uni? Find out using our new search tool"
Woke up with a strong desire to watch Lucky Number Slevin
There's nothing not to like about photos of transgender men in heroic poses in front of happy Bob Ross landscapes:…
@Bishnavitch ten-four, papa bear
@plusmathsorg @QuercusBooks why only integers on the cover?
@plusmathsorg @QuercusBooks phew! I look forward to reading the finished book.
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith also re citations: (Name, Year) isn't a great label, is it? I go with (Name, X) where X is the position in the bib
@C_J_Smith @peterrowlett hmm. Our guide says "Harvard, or as directed by your School", which for us would mean carte blanche, I reckon
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith so we all agree!
@vickytnz are you enjoying the woeful architectural designs?
@icecolbeveridge WOW. That is a terrible article!
These two sequences are eerily close: and
Does project euclid only archive journals which don't know the differences between accented letters? ö vs ø here:…
A very good set of numbers mazes to stretch your thinking bits: (via @mathpuzzle)
There is an area of my mouse mat that my mouse has decided it will no longer work on. I can't see anything different about it. Total mystery
@vickytnz oh man, I should be at the beach! That's a great idea!
@mathpunk can I email you about something frivolous yet mathematical I'm doing for
@vickytnz the owner is a friend of a friend, I could ask for some photos
@AdamThirtle do you have any photos of Pink Lane coffee that a friend could use for a review?
@vickytnz Lui's has both, I think.
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith @scarymum argg, I need to book my place at some point
I am going to eat a lot of ice cream and then sit on the beach.
@samholloway that's an extremely low bar to hop over
@AdamThirtle super! @vickytnz was the one asking
Someone made the regex crossword into a proper thing!
Getting in some quality time on the beach before the hordes arrive
That's some straight up beautiful scenery right there
Such a lovely Mickey Mouse short!…
It's so hot today that I'm wearing The Hat.
Didn't quite manage a full set of repdigits, but they're all palindromes, at least.
@robinhouston that's a moderately clever idea, but all I really want is a Falkplan of the UK with the cut pages.
Can I blame the music festival for the TV reception and wifi problems I've been having all day?
I don't understand radio 4's Sunday schedule. I just heard a repeat of the Alastair Cook documentary, and now Something Understood is on.
Oh! Everything's on later because of summer time! Never mind. Stand down the nuclear deterrent.
@MattPDickinson what's the IP of the new server?
*that* is how you play bananagrams.
@sxpmaths singular of delts, the muscles.
@Rokker816 GO CODE ALPHA. The ball is in play. I repeat: the ball is in play.
@ThomasEWoolley you've got "Andrew Jeffries" instead of "Andrew Jeffrey"
11:23! Tell a fib!
@jjsanderson I hope you do get to do more. I really liked it.
@jjsanderson how much of the cost was time spent doing that frozen wandering shot at the start?
@Rokker816 witty reply
@wilderlab @Derektionary I've got another one: 11²=121 and 11²=121.
@ashleyhwright that's good news! But it's LaTeX, not LATEK
@fumbleweeds bah! It's that hot here in dreary England.
the character 'e' is pretty easy to write as a function in polar co-ordinates:…
"Latarsha Grazioplene" is the best spambot name I've ever seen
The existential moment of self-doubt when you see someone else is editing the same google doc, and it's you.
Wow, I haven't been to in ages. What happened to me? This isn't how life was supposed to be.
I math, you math, he/she maths, we math, they math.
@TimHarford the BBC link said "Are *real* women's bodies still beautiful?", as if previous studies have shown mannequins recover well.
@vickytnz trufax
How can MS Word be so bad at typography? It's a pretty major part of what it does.
@ebuie depends on whether you share it or not
@loch_b @MathsJam that's what the map is for!… Nearest is either Nottingham or Leicester. Yes, next Tuesday, 23rd.
Something about the way this is recorded reminds me of old Popeye cartoons:… (also, how funny it is)
@MoMath1 only 1,000?!
Do I want to buy some "flagstone" coloured shorts? It's quite a step down from "orange sun", but it's all that Gap have left.
wow! Someone got to the site by using "Norton Safe Search, powered by Ask Jeeves". World's biggest noob?
@robinhouston very nice!
@standupmaths it just says 1 discrete and 2 pure studentships. I think the stats section is boilerplate
@mathpunk before it went public, I asked a few people to pick winners for the Integest Sequence 2013 final -….
@mathpunk ... the public vote thing is open now, but if you send me a pick I'd certainly include it in the grand finale post
@mathpunk we're publishing the final post on the 29th, so until then
@mathpunk actually, having re-read your tweet: we're only looking at those six sequences mentioned at the end of bracket 4 for the final...
@mathpunk ... so can you pick a winner from them, and give a reason? If you have another sequence in mind, you could review it later on!
@vickytnz ah! I've been watching your Cardiff Quest tweets and assumed you had reasons for not flying. I should've said something.
oh joy this package is being delivered by Yodel. Anyone want to place a bet on how long before I get my hands on it?
@vickytnz there's a cool observation tower with a camera obscura on the hill overlooking that bridge
@michaeljgrove yes:…
@michaeljgrove good, isn't it? I can highly recommend screencast-o-matic, by the way.
@nulibrs @NUinternational that link doesn't work
@icecolbeveridge bonus credit: find something named after the wrong Bernoulli
@peterrowlett so close to the finish line! Is this you:…?
@IanMulvany NTFS limits you to 255 characters for a file name, so that.
@IanMulvany though, actually, the max total path length in windows is 260.… So considerably less! Maybe a tweetsworth?
Taking 'waiting for the drop' to an extreme… (via @TimHarford)
@Gelada superb! A+++++ would shambolically commission art from again.
@Electrokittie @Bishnavitch that is the most adorable thing I've ever seen
Watch out ladies, these shorts don't even get close to my knees! I'm a moral reprobate
@vickytnz sample bias?
Exciting! RT @Gelada: .@christianp Quick preview of the artworks I will be putting in the post tomorrow!
Is there a service that will hire out a geologist for the day to explain rocks while I walk in the countryside?
It's 14:14 ~= sqrt(2). Act irrational!
@icecolbeveridge dwell on the poor hand Life has dealt us
New cabinet magazine!!
I've had the most middle class product idea ever: a wallet to keep all the annual passes for the stately homes and museums you've visited in
Wahey! Gowers has added the @aperiodical to his blogroll. #bigtime #stalkinggowers
Dilemma: buy just enough food for lunch at the co-op, or do a big shop?
@madeupstats surely the most accurate data on injuries sustained by Tory MPs comes from BUPA.
the BBC Good Food recipes site has a special set of adverts which only show up in the print stylesheet, and use a third of the page width.
And for that reason, I'm out. (and pasting the recipe into Word)
In other news, my printer is a little bit a lot broken
I think "7 slices processed American cheese" is an instruction you can disobey, citing the Geneva conventions.…
@smartgags @the_playce @raj7desai is that the princess in the castle puzzle? How far did you get?
@ben_nuttall @Andrew_Taylor @aPaulTaylor aw, I feel left out
@ben_nuttall @Andrew_Taylor @aPaulTaylor I just tried! It says no updates :(
@vickytnz and I'd never realised how little the Ring of Fire looks like a ring!
I just found out there was a governor of Chile called Ambrose O'Higgins, and there's a national park named after his son, Bernardo O'Higgins
Sitting in a car park waiting to meet some friends. Can't even listen to the radio because it's the Archers omnibus
They reduced this jam so much they even rounded down the brand name
@helenarney I asked Matt and Steve but don't have your email: do you have any thoughts about these integer sequences?…
@divbyzero you seem to have been very conscious of your fingers and toes, but not of how many you have
Searching for "birmingham university" on national rail enquiries doesn't produce "university (birmingham)". Because trains don't commute?
Almost a pie. RT @TweetsofCushing: Happy Pi approximation day! To celebrate i'm having a pasty for lunch
Newcastle @MathsJam is TOMORROW! 7pm, Charles Grey pub, at Monument. Take your mind off the mad humidity with a drink and some maths.
There's a good article in the latest issue of Cabinet magazine about the intersection of beer and maths, but it isn't online :( #mathsjam
@ben_nuttall and demands a refund?
@peterrowlett your uni uses Turnitin on PhD theses?!
when you write a git command name in capitals, you get this fun error!
@poveryant yep! Very exciting!
@timchartier is the controller running on ternary arithmetic?
@standupmaths I feel that varpi would be more appropriate today: ϖ ϖ ϖ ϖ (ref. p8 of…)
@evelynjlamb well put! "Looks like math but not constrained by mathematical meaning" is what I look for in Arty Maths…
@peterrowlett eugh.. I have so many posts I need to do! Probably not.
At the coast, at what point of humidity is it fair to say we've been flooded?
@MrHonner @peterrowlett ooh! Maybe you could report on it for us? Pretty please?
@MrHonner ok, no problem. It was worth asking!
@DrTonyPadilla @numberphile I enjoyed the sequences video greatly. Thanks!
@vickytnz Yes, well done Coke. (Names may or may not have been cynically chosen to suit Coke's brand position)
@vickytnz I did not! Are you saying the names were more homogeneous in NZ?
thinking-so-long-about-how-you're-going-to-start-a-sentence-that-you-turn-on-sticky-keys-moment. #newgermannouns
@peterrowlett spam bots have been copying tweets for a while. Twitter can't check for duplicates, so it's a good way of beating the filters
@DrTonyPadilla @numberphile we think it's Liverpool champion's league wins
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! A new series of The Mysterious Cities of Gold!…
@vickytnz it happened right on top of me, so I most definitely did not sleep through it. #quitetired
"I know it when I see it" is the hardest problem in computer science, and that's why porn blockers don't work.
@vickytnz crocodile eats the bigger number! Draw some teeth in the middle! < < < <
you can select a bit of code in chrome's sources view and press ctrl+shift+e to evaluate it in the console! So useful!
@nataliejpeters @jonathanvswan @vickytnz when you've got as many as we do, one dominion begins to look like another.
Yep, that's SQL being echoed to the client.
@JohnDCook hey, compared to previous progress, it's been slow. And I don't think it's going to pick up speed again.
@vickytnz no! Save yourself!
@vickytnz I think if you'd arrived in a town with a better team it might be a different story. Supporting NUFC is hard enough for the locals
@vickytnz yes: typically your home town, and anyone who plays Man U.
@icecolbeveridge @peterrowlett @aperiodical it is now
@C_J_Smith @mathsarcade hooray! I'm dying to get going with ours
MATHS FACT: mathematicians write QED, short for "Quinoa Eases Digestion", at the end of each proof to remind themselves to eat healthily.
@vickytnz the exception to this rule, of course, is midday misery soap "Doctors".
@Nathan1123 I assume this is how microsoft write their software, so maybe massive profit?
@mike_geogebra is there a way of setting allowRescaling in html5 embeds from geogebratube?
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a man not in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a tenner with Jane Austen on it.
@Jisc no it isn't.
Well done, wifi user hogging half the spectrum with a massive transmitter. You are the worst person.
@DanielColquitt I don't have 5ghz hardware
Thanks for breaking middle-click on links, BBC News. I need the firm hand of the Beeb to correct my new-tab-opening ways.
@jamesgrime a Sony blog has covered your star trek articles, but misattributed them to @peterrowlett!…
@peterrowlett @jamesgrime oh, I forgot to say I posted one too
I propose a new measure on hotel rooms: the minimum total distance you need to move the furniture before you can plug your phone in.
In other news: my laptop connected to eduroam on the first attempt! Unprecedented!
Thought this disability-adapted room was pretty cool until I saw how low the shower head is. #justsittin' #andwishin' #andhopin' #andwashin'
@brittneybean look closely enough and you can see Darth Maul in the bottom half of his face (you might need to be colourblind)
my DSL connection is now too slow even to stream google music, so I'm running it off my phone's 3g connection. Hooray!
@missradders @dmh10 a cabal of groovy people. Don't tweet from it for anything that isn't directly MathsJam related.
Just a picture of JM Barrie and George Bernard Shaw dressed as cowboys, no biggie.…
Plough a thorough furrow: three different words, two different suffixes with, depending on accent, two or three different pronunciations.
@stecks skype!
@Andrew_Taylor @stecks ah! I knew there was a missing bit I meant to mention!
@stecks I didn't because I didn't know where the sentence was going. Should I make something up?
The bird noises they play on BBC HD are way better than the local news they replace
Just a few more votes for the Integest Sequence final would get the total over an interesting number:…
Wahey! Interesting number reached. Thanks!
I picked the wrong day to trust the weather forecast! There's a storm happening outside and I need to go out for lunch without a coat.
@MarcusduSautoy it's hard to see what shape that is from one angle. Is it a snowflake mixed with a tetrahedron? Lots of pointy-out bits.
@vickytnz @ebuie @DollyDiffers Uno's is alright, or El Torero. If it's for next week, look at Restaurant Week:…
New PBF!!!!
"Future your conectivity with USB 2.0 and USB 3.0". This sentence a verb.
@CardColm do you expect they'll reappear, or are they lost? @maanow @profkeithdevlin
@CardColm oh good!
@jamesgrime @peterrowlett that Spanish blog has corrected the Maths of Star Trek attribution:…
@C_J_Smith quite droll, but the only graffiti I'll accept on a motorway bridge is GOURANGA
@ColinTheMathmo yes, I think so
@jamesgrime @ColinTheMathmo I was about to say, I thought you were a group theorist! Can we agree analysts don't do outreach as much?
@ColinTheMathmo I suppose you can mention someone without using their name… The mindset that comes up with this... just... wow.
I've come up with an integer sequence that I refuse to believe isn't already in the OEIS. What am I missing? It's driving me mad.
@MuseGarden numbers which are palindromes when written as sums of non-adjacent fibonacci numbers.
ah! I had the wrong representation. Defeated again by Almighty Oeis.
@vickytnz @jsnortheast I think I've booked for that! Assuming I don't forget, I will be there.
Oeis (n): 'Standing on the shoulders of giants'. E.g., "with a bit of intuition and some oeis, I noticed my problem was equivalent to X"
@icecolbeveridge oh crumbs, that's two episodes you've done since our last All Squared. We had one lined up but it fell through!
@JPickford they moved it to get a bigger audience
Presented without comment.
Has Strictly Come Dancing made the tensegrity dress acceptable for daily wear?
I mean the ones that seem to be supported entirely by the tension in the clasp holding the cups together.
@vickytnz not ruling anything out at this stage
@Gelada can you check your email as soon as possible please?
Opinion seems to be firmly anti tensegrity dresses. I asked because I saw three people wearing them on the way into work. Stay classy, NCL!
@numberphile @mathemaniac that is approaching @jamesgrime levels of freeze-frame gurning excellence. Must be good maths!
@Caro_lann no, I think the ones I saw had too little material to be sun dresses. I am not a dress expert, though.
@robinhouston I've been doing it for a couple of years. You will regret it only if you need to use a module that hasn't been ported yet.
@robinhouston there aren't *too* many incompatibilities. The main one is unicode strings, which you can get round with some preamble
@ebuie yeah, that's not going to stop us.
@ebuie If I mean the poly, I'll say 'the poly'
@ebuie heheheh
@peterrowlett I think so too. The madness is over for now.
What's this! Could it be some art from @Gelada? Exciting!
@JanvierUK wow, is that what it took? You didn't sound too keen when you were here!
Guys, I think I'm ready to give up and just call it math.
@standupmaths they're gliding straight into my heart
The university's cheapest campus parking tariff is "£1 for a minimum stay of 2 hours". What if I only want to stay half an hour?
Sitting and listening to some rather pleasant jazz music at Tynemouth metro while we wait for our train.
@evelynjlamb @MAAthFest @aperiodical !!! Please keep us updated on this IMPORTANT topic!
It's finally here! The prestigious Integest Sequence trophy. Makes you proud to be a mathmo.…
@icecolbeveridge @MrBoffly @aperiodical that's the first rule of Bertrand Russell club. The first rule of Gödel club is 63574137854472380...
Baked a cake. #thingsihavedonewhilewaitingforwindows8staskmanagertostart
@numberphile could you add a link to the integest sequence finale on your video please? The trophy is FABULOUS…
The first law of chillies is wash your hands before touching your jermongler. I broke the law and the law won.
@hornmaths elephants are unscientific. They've never been replicated in the lab.
@hornmaths prove me wrong, science girl!
@hornmaths it's all speculation at this point
That moment, when an automatic door is slow to open, when you try to remember if you've been bitten by a dracula recently
@MouldS I believe @jgrahamc can help you:
@Bishnavitch I went with Adam and my mum to the one a few weeks ago. Distinctly unimpressed.
@Bishnavitch none. Risk?
@Bishnavitch we could
@walkingrandomly well done on the factorial-numbered post!
Indirect Observation of Insects through Bites on Skin, C Perfect 2013. Abstract: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they're everywhere aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@vickytnz well, if you cut your foot then stand on some spit or some blood, that could do it
Lazied out of walking back home from Cullercoats, wandered into the station exactly as the train arrived. Feel like I achieved something.
@MattPDickinson haha, excellent!
@vickytnz looks good! Are you going to JSNE tomorrow?
Where is everybody? Do the Tynemouth Cool Crew get the earlier train on Mondays?
@aperfect I need to play Screamer Rally. Guess which song just came on
@hornmaths I can't see what's wrong with that. The percentages add up, the pieces of the pie are labelled the right way. What am I missing?
@hornmaths ah haha!
This is a pretty good advert…
I just want to draw a fruity polyhedron with my computer! Why is it so hard? Oh yes: my work PC doesn't have accelerated graphics
@standupmaths @tom_kitching or you could temporarily use a 12-hour clock and catch 11:23PM tonight. I also missed it this morning :(
I'm not going to @jsnortheast because they haven't said what's actually going to happen there. (And I have a stomach bug so can't eat pizza)
@MB_Whitworth @standupmaths @tom_kitching very good!
The correct response to LaTeX setting inline fractions very small isn't to use \dfrac everywhere. #students!!!
Aw man! Who walked a mile in my shoes?
@elinoroberts but there might have been two differently-qualified Elin Robertses at your address!
Jessica Enneahedron-Hill. #mathletes
oh wow. King's School had £5m of debts, and Gove paid them off in return for it becoming an academy. Austerity!…
@bitcraftlab clever! What does it look like without that extra line on the bottom edge?
@bmagnanti @stecks huh, M&S is clopen. Who'd've guessed?
@standupmaths I think your Excel thing is nilpotent. I've almost completely faded away after 4 iterations:
@stecks @standupmaths no, I think it's the black text inside the cells
I'll never be as massive a coward as this guy:…
@scarymum you're in Newcastle! Are you visiting the maths department?
@scarymum we could! Knock on Bill's door whenever - room 2.33
.@sxpmaths that's why I like to call the integers "the set of solutions to homework problems".
@Gelada it was my assigned reading for my Cambridge interview. I did not enjoy it either.
@JanvierUK fish
@scarymum my record is 9 minutes between my office mate saying "shouldn't you be in London?" and sitting on the train.
Olympics souvenir bananagrams is 25% cheaper than normal bananagrams, and has five more tiles. Just saying.
After winning Wimbledon, Andy Murray has graduated from human competition onto cereals…
Typing 'every' and then any non-word character in @TweetDeck on chrome makes it crash, every single time. (this tweet written on my phone)
The sickness is in the system! It's a chrome bug, and 'exist' and 'expat' and 'ewert' (?) also trigger it, but not 'ender' or 'eddie'
Trying not to pick thumbnail frames from these videos where it looks like the esteemed professor is waving coyly at the viewer
Frames where it looks like the equations have given him a fright are fine, however.
@vickytnz what about the alcohol section of Fenwick's food hall? Cushing swears by it for his whiskey.
@vickytnz on that subject, Out of This World in Gosforth shopping centre stocked lots of world foods. Not sure if it's still there though!
@vickytnz it's decent, if you're able to ignore hateful middlingly-rich people
I have died. I am dead. This was both the best and the last thing I saw in my whole life.…
@tomwoolway @TweetDeck turns out it's a Chrome issue, for the particular version of Chrome uni's IT service provides.
@numberphile I thought the archive at might have it, but it stops about an order of magnitude too early.
@numberphile they only have 1.4 billion primes though, so maybe 5,500,000,000th is an estimate from the x/ln(x) prime-counting function.
@numberphile I dunno either! The primality test says it's a proven prime, at least
100123456789: the smallest prime number that contains the digits 0-9 in sequence.
[citation needed]:
The house next door is becoming swaddled in scaffolding. Now seems like the perfect time to go to Wales. #holidayhooray!
My car phone charger can't provide as much power as my phone uses when it's doing navigation. Driving into deepest Wales today will be fun!
Phase 1 of @aperiodical performance review complete. @peterrowlett's Q2 figures slipping. The board recommended synergising his throughputs
(or, to put it another way, thanks to @peterrowlett for putting me up for the night)
@samholloway the narrator in the lindisfarne gospels exhibit says chester luh street as if it's French. Inexcusable!
I'm at the very edge of Wales on a tiny farm and I've got HSDPA internet on my phone. I love the future!
Is there a version of Jollyphonics for Welsh?
The mullet is alive and well in Pembroke
The bit in Gremlins 2 where the gremlins stop the film itself, then Hulk Hogan makes them restart it, is the greatest moment in all cinema
@JanvierUK I have nothing but respect for you.
@hulkum you can't have one: one prime would be even, and the other odd. 49 isn't prime, so no dice. Sorry!
Both these crisps and this houmous taste terrible, and they wouldn't have been a good combination anyway. Poor show, CP. Poor show.
Hiatus Koyote is very good music to accompany sitting in the sun and reading a book
@peterrowlett @stecks @alisonatkin meanwhile, "Average Death at Height" is the title of my new book about deep vein thrombosis
@vickytnz I'd like to be present to hear you attempt it. I can't even imagine what it would sound like
@vickytnz I think you might be overthinking this passport photo
@vickytnz typically four at AS (first year) and), then concentrate on three for full A-level (second year). Clever children do four or more
@vickytnz the government requires five minimum. I did 10, eager beavers do more. If you read eg the torygraph, you'll get a wrong impression
@vickytnz well, we need a way to perpetuate the class system...
@elinoroberts on what timescale will this bacon go off?
@lostinrecursion @aperiodical @MathMunch I'm very aware and approving, but on holiday. I'd hoped one of the other two would share it...
@lostinrecursion @aperiodical @MathMunch I'll do a post when I'm back at a computer
@elinoroberts @standupmaths @jamesgrime ooh, can I join in?
Just looked at my RSS reader for the first time since going on holiday. This may take some time.
Here's @TweetsofCushing's epsilon tattoo. Because he's an analyst, it's arbitrarily small.
Got on the metro at monument. Rookie mistake. I've been out of the game too long.
@vickytnz you nailed the "I've just endured a long haul flight and I'm totally over it" look, so you'll have no trouble at passport control
@vickytnz there might be a couple of mathsjammers having dinner at the Charles Grey. (not me though)
@ebuie @vickytnz you did, but I didn't send out the email until this morning because I've been away. Did you get it?
@jamesgrime you'll be able to name at least one former Canadian PM, so you should be able to pass as a local
@ebuie dm me your email address and I'll add you to the list. I thought @vickytnz had already given me it, but maybe not!
@MathsJam -> CHELT: is the idea that casual mathematicians will identify you easily but pro mathmos might have more trouble and need a hint?
There were two new Achewood comics while I was away? I need to go to Wales more!
That is an unreasonable number of Os
@sxpmaths spelltower:
@sxpmaths nooooo it is not
@Boxfresh what happened to the large size Sparkos? I can only see a single pair of 13s on your shop.
@CardColm @aperiodical yes, she supervised my final year project!
@Boxfresh thanks!
What the dirndl, Why link directly to the PDF of an arxiv preprint and not the abstract page?
@ColinTheMathmo do you use chrome? I had a similar problem with words starting with E a while ago
@ColinTheMathmo oh well, must be a different bug.
@peterrowlett nyeehh, I didn't - David Roberts did.
@peterrowlett is that what I wrote? Fair enough, then
Now that is annoying! Just one tile away from spelltower glory
@ebuie @cperfetti !!! I know of a Christiano Perfecto in Nigeria, too.
Fun maths with @TweetsofCushing staying over after pancake party. We're finding arithmetic progressions of squares!
Beards are the best form of hair.…
@profkeithdevlin our new chinese PhD student, studying number theory, actually had to convince border force he can't build nukes
@hornmaths diffing sin(x*y^2) with respect to x: looks like sin(A*x), A constant, so diffs to A*cos(A*x) = y^2*cos(x*y^2), by chain rule.
@hornmaths here's an example video my summer student recorded:
@hornmaths yes, with product rule, all of cos(y) looks like a constant - when you change x, it doesn't change at all
@hornmaths can you post a pic of your working?
@hornmaths ok, you don't need the product rule there - it's like you're just differentiating A*cos(alpha).
@hornmaths i.e. you don't have the product of two things that change with x
@hornmaths (sorry, with alpha)
@hornmaths glad you got it sorted. Alternately, if you were using the product rule, d/dx of cos(y) is 0, not 1.
@Gelada I've come back from holiday to find your art is still not on the walls! I'm going to chase the building manager
Does every house party now have a "searching youtube for videos people have half-remembered" phase?
Ridiculous. RT @jawsew: Now that it's confirmed that these are real promotional images for The Sims 4:…
I've been in Scotland literally 30 seconds and I've already seen a 12 year old kid out the window smoking
I'd love it if the national rail app could use GPS to work out which train I'm on.
Buying a food truck for my new nighttime pancake venture, Crêpe-uscular Activity.
@jd_p are you at #easc13? If you're here tonight, do you fancy having dinner together?
Time for my annual extraordinarily tasty hot chocolate at Henry's in the Caird Hall. #easc13
I'm a big fan of this couple having a fight outside my window at 2 in the morning.
Hotel room review time. Furniture-moving metric: 0. Knees under bureau: also 0.
These tiles only have half as many crossings as it first seems. #betrayedbybraids
@jamesgrime conspicuous paucity of dots in the north east. Do I need to spread the good word?
13:31 seems as good a time as any to leave the house
The whole family is marvelling at how fake this Scottish note looks.
Wake up sheeple!…
@vickytnz I haven't dared watch Punch Drunk Love again since it was so good the first time
Can all twelve thousand of this Spanish tourist family buy metro tickets before the train arrives? Ordenador dice... no.
Therapy llamas!…
Just thinking about the chilli I burnt last night is making my throat hurt. I'm sorry, chilli! You deserved better!
The booksellers in general have worked out that selling £2 editions of classics doesn't make them much profit. To Amazon!
@ColinTheMathmo @Yahoo good news! Hotmail is now called Outlook, because MS decided two products with that name wasn't enough.
Thanks to my summer students and Prof Robin Johnson, NCL Maths's vimeo now has almost 300 videos of worked examples:
my mind was blown until I realised this was a recipe from Ready Steady Cook. Penne arrabiata with avocado and rocket:…
@vickytnz no it isn't?
"Hey, I have an entire book about pasta sauces! Thanks, mum!" ...... "No arrabiata. Thanks rescinded, mum."
Is Chicks On Speed's lesborotic beat poem 'Kaltes Klares Wasser' a reference to aim's seminal trip-hop classic, 'Cold Water Music'?
Regret-on-arriving-at-work-that-you-didn't-have-a-bacon-sandwich-for-breakfast. #newgermanemotions
Ahhh what no film at monument, the day I actually need to hang around monument for a bit? It's make me so mad I grammarn't.
This pigeon really doesn't like being stared at. EVER SO SORRY WAS I INVADING YOUR PERSONAL SPACE MILORD?!?!
@NewcastleNE1 thanks, I just saw the chaps putting the deckchairs out.
Can't click on "Save changes" without internally going "chaaaaaange places!"
@pkrautz I have now. Wow, it's badly written!…
I'm running a computation that has taken longer than five minutes to finish. I feel dirty, almost like an applied mathematician.
@DaleyMaths the applied guy next door is already rewriting it in fortran. I'm safe!
@ebuie I've got an excerpt in an anthology, but it's very hard to get hold of an original copy
@ebuie maybe. I was coincidentally looking at it a couple of days ago, and that sounds familiar
@MouldS Canis Coplin
ok, who set my TERM environment variable to 'dumb'? That's been annoying me for a while.
Going to try the new Front Street Deli. It looks nicer than Deli Bar One did, but will it be as tasty? #tynemouthproblems
@aPaulTaylor it went out of business, if that's any consolation
Well, the pizza slice looked a bit cold and miserable, but this ham and coleslaw sandwich was pretty great
@aPaulTaylor is "a deli bar" a thing? There was a counter, which I suppose could serve as a bar...
@pkrautz the badges on… all link to a URL which gives a "Forbidden" error
Spent 5 mins writing a FB message in French. While typing an e-grave on the numpad, accidentally pressed page-back and lost it. #sacrebleu
Words to be aware of when keming text:…
@TweetsofCushing I'm rocking out / I want the world to know / Got to let it show
Forms which put error messages in red are my worst enemies. I can't see them!
@CardColm how so?
looking-in-the-emergency-chocolate-drawer-and-finding-something-excellent-surprise. #newgermanemotions
"Metro Ken" is an anagram of "me no trek". Coincidence?
Ooh! Meissner tetrahedra from Diametric!…
This decorator is impossibly cheerful. I wonder if it's the paint fumes.
@aperfect hipsterrrrrrrrrs
@HoeJodgkiss truth. After about five sandwiches, I was completely over pulled pork
@standupmaths (though it would've been more helpful for tracking if I'd let you set that up...)
About to record an All Squared podcast but I have no audio tea towels! Where's @stecks when you need her?
@standupmaths while you're twittering, did you see my Meissner tetrahedra video?…
Is it by design that you now have to save a post in wordpress before the preview updates?
@MathsWorldUK just seen you're up in Newcastle for BSF. Fancy meeting for a drink/chat during the week?
This month's Puzzlebomb has a puzzle thought up by me, CP!…
@lostinrecursion Ceilidh Table. I didn't write it - I came up with the idea and was lazy until @stecks and @aPaulTaylor wrote it :P
@lostinrecursion it's a nice easy puzzle, once you work out the rules
I love @TweetsofCushing's idea of 'trivial'
@TweetsofCushing didn't you? Who did?
@Tegglington @TweetsofCushing trufax. If I'd thought for even a second, I would've realised.
I've updated my "how to get nice maths on your blog" post with instructions for those using IntenseDebate comments:…
A hole? In MY sock?! Extraordinary!
This has to be the most dismal work email this September.
When mathematicians leave to work in industry, is this where they go?…
@standupmaths ehh, it's a bit 70s-fabulous. Wasn't someone put in charge of renovating it a while ago?
@standupmaths ah. ha!
Maths people coming to @BritishSciFest! Fancy meeting for drinks on Sunday? @standupmaths @stecks @DrSaraSantos @MathsWorldUK etc.?
@standupmaths I now have the title of my airport easy-reading bestseller: "Finding the Qibla on a Klein Bottle"
@standupmaths forget that, go and ogle the Curta calculator!
@standupmaths PHWOAR #itsnotsizethatmatters
@standupmaths I'd like a gap of at least one cell around that - the 'on' block at the top left means it'll break immediately.
@KSCMaths as a red-green colourblind person, I think I should inform you I can't see half the text on that
'NOUGHT POINT FIVE DOZEN'?! Also known as 'half dozen', or even 'six'. This menu knows how to rile a mathematician.
@ProfNoodlearms @evelynjlamb maplesoft's PR are v annoying. Once sent email saying "you unsubscribed from our emails, so won't have seen.."
Yo dawg, I heard you like rhyming with bridge a smidge, so I put a frijj in your fridge so you can abridge while you ridge a midge
@evelynjlamb happy birthday!
@standupmaths what's your schedule today? I'm free from 4-ish onwards
@DrSaraSantos haha, where's that? I've never seen it before
@vickytnz La Cage aux Folles? Depressing that that's the best I can do
@stecks @standupmaths that suits me. I could meet you at the station, and go to somewhere like the Forth on Pink Lane?
Very very very pleasing…
Every now and then I go to, hoping a hopeless hope that it has returned.
#gintegral "@stecks: who else is in NCL for @BritishSciFest and does maths and wants to join us for a drink tonight? Do we need a hashtag?"
@stecks actually, didn't @standupmaths come up with a good name for when mathematicians meet for drinks a few years ago?
@peterrowlett I've fiddled with the cache plugin's settings and it should keep up to date now
Ah, Coventry: the city of lights.
Sent a text to my girlfriend without pointing out that the current time was a palindrome. So there is hope that I may yet be cured.
I chose... poorly. The legroom allowance in this lecture theatre seems to have been calculated expecting an audience of munchkins.
I'm now sitting on the aisle steps so I can stretch my legs out. I bet this building has won awards
Just realised half the (fixed) seats in this room don't point toward the speaker
@C_J_Smith yes, good to meet you too. Sorry if you were expecting to have time to chat later! Maybe another time
Fixed a stunning omission from yesterday's toast piece, and found a good suggestion from @TweetsofCushing.… #yeahtoast
Finally got my hands on a copy of @NCLScienceComic. It's really good!
@Bishnavitch wednesdays are usually terrible for me. Was meant to be seeing my gf but I'll ask if she wants to see a film
@Bishnavitch yes and no, respectively. Midweek is when I do things!
@Bishnavitch I'm not as keen on films as you are!
@Bishnavitch we have a yes to a film. What film and when?
Adding a tomato and some shredded lettuce to food makes it a salad, right? Because otherwise I'm just eating a box of fajita leftovers.
12:03. An anagram of an arithmetic sequence is still interesting, isn't it?
@ebuie I know a purported proof, which I disagree with
Sent the almost-a-week reminder for Newcastle @MathsJam. Get on the list by saying hello to…
@BritishSciFest Grownups enthused by the maths at the festival might enjoy Newcastle MathsJam, which is next Tuesday…
Another afternoon lost to the mixture of InnoDB and MyISAM database tables. Go home, cp, you should be drunk.
Look! Someone made Arty Maths into a book, and picked a better name, and never had anything to do with Arty Maths:…
@C_J_Smith Pentago! Ace game.
@C_J_Smith why resist?
@daveowhite @plusmathsorg it would have to make metallic grunting noises when it gets in and out of chairs
The Hello World Quiz ( just reminded me about REBOL. I have no idea what I used to use it for, but WOW!
Why does this site have "small text" as an accessibility option? Are there people who find large text intimidating?
@OddballDave @charliesgames a Let's Play might be good
Crikey O'Reilly, my summer students did loads! I keep finding more good stuff on this wiki. #pleasedsupervisor
It was pointed out to me by @Rokker816 that cooking doesn't commute, so maybe people who don't like fish and chips would like chips and fish
The @My_Metro PA system is pumping out some thumpin' next-wave glitchcore beats. Or it's broken.
The best bit about planning a trip to Berlin is that I get to buy a Falkplan! #excited!
help my head melted because Bayes' theorem is exothermic…
@CardColm we just recorded the tops and tails for your episode of All Squared. Should be out in a day or two
@peterrowlett @mathsarcade fancy! I'm still at the cardboard box stage. Might invest in a plastic box if all goes well.
"how likely are you to use this service again?" is a terrible question on a feedback form for a government service you must use
@hornmaths @MathsJam @standupmaths @stecks I can do it. Where's the new location?
@hornmaths righto
@hornmaths but which one are you in this month?
@hornmaths ok, I've updated and the mathsjams map
The need for a word to describe the moment you realise you're getting nothing out a terrible thing you're looking at on the web grows daily
I think 'fehhhhhh' might do it. I will form a committee to decide how many 'h's there should be on the end. What's the limit for a hashtag?
@CloudoidLtd @MathsJam added, ta!
I can't see how labelling one 50g slice of this pack of butter helps me, or if I'm missing something
Yes sir!
.@aperfect only for exactly 50g. They used to have every 50g increment marked
@aperfect nope
@bemyguestberlin this:
This groovy animation explains why I love the Falkplan so much:
Looks like some component of the cabling and gadgetry that gives me internet has been flooded again. Oh well! I'll find something else to do
Newcastle @MathsJam is TOMORROW! 7pm onwards, upstairs at the Charles Grey. Puzzles, games, questions, etc.…
@vickytnz a reasonable thing to do.
.@sxpmaths ooh, good spot. I've updated my mobile maths games page:…
Maths teachers, I need you: where's better than BBC Bitesize for resources on basic numeracy?
Ooh! There's a version for adults called Skillswise
@Nat_Numeracy thanks! I just remembered about your site after tweeting :)
@nrichmaths when I click a topic header in the front page slider, the URL in the browser's address bar doesn't change. Makes linking hard!
@icecolbeveridge I need things I can link to
I had never seen this stupid heraldic creature until today…
When did threadless stop paying UK import tax? The fee was trebled by Royal Mail's handling fee.
Posted a big long comment about running a multi-author blog on Google+ in response to someone asking about it:…
Tonight: Eastenders spin-off starring Ross Kemp, centred on a struggling car-recovery business in Scotland. Grant Heft Auto Fife, BBC 2, 9pm
whaaaaaat?! Since when are games £56?
@ebuie I found the best bit was the zoomy projection of every page at the end. The presentation of the real books was pretty poor.
I thought I was looking forward to MathsJam tonight, but now I'm looking forward to lunch more. Forgot breakfast :(
@icecolbeveridge MathsHamlet
@ebuie yes! I thought that was odd too. I thought maybe they were showing a different page each day, but probably not.
@MathsatDAS hello! I'm a former DABS pupil. Who's doing the twittering?
Looking up and thinking David hasn't written anything on the blackboard, then realising it's all in red, is like seeing the fnords.
@NINETYNINEuk What time are you open until today?
My grocery shop: look at the 1st aisle, leaving the 2nd, then come back and look at the 2nd aisle, leaving the 1st. That's my produce rule.
@vickytnz mathsjam tonight?
@TeachingInDC there used to be / still is a DC @MathsJam! Didn't you go?…
Going to be a little bit late to mathsjam, sorry
@ebuie we've had to move downstairs! The function upstairs isn't us. We're in the alcove to the right of the bar
@MathsJam NCL - MAN: of course we can. Rhymes with 'elephant'
I've made a bookmarklet to replace's rubbish image-based maths with @MathJax…
@ebuie yes, I'm glad you came! It was a particularly busy MathsJam.
hi i've just noticed that angle and angel are one transposition away is this the kind of thing i should put on twitter
Blog post: 6 pieces involving patterns and functions by @Gelada… (Photos:…)
$e^{\Large{f(x)}}$ isn't cool, is it? These people seem to have taken personal offence at small inline-mode characters.
AAAAAARG. That's the second time I've accidentally ordered a girl's t-shirt from threadless.
Following @pkrautz's suggestion, I've made the mathjax bookmarklet a bit better, and now it works on wikipedia too…
@Rosalot wow, good work!
Head of School has told me to go shopping for more art. Hooray!
@aperfect @brittneybean but don't worry, there's still plenty of brutalist rubbish in the rest of Newcastle
@vickytnz The Notebook is a chick flick
I've changed my avatar to a pic of LEGO Babar! Sorry if this is confusing but it reflects my core brand values in a way my face never did.
To my Goodbye Lenin DVD, wherever you are: I love you and I just want to know that you're safe.
@elinoroberts ow ow ow ow ow! Even thinking about that hurts
6:52am, a new record for squeaky car man! Maybe if he gets up really early one day he can take it to a garage and get it fixed
I can do work and snot doesn't fall out of me if I remain horizontal.
Is it ok to set up an auto reply saying "I'm out of the office, but if it's really important I can come in and you can catch this cold"?
@vickytnz I used to do that, but I'm down to just family members now. So much work!
We came up with supervillain names for everyone in the office except me :( #phdcoolgang
a bloo hoo hoo :_( RT @icecolbeveridge: @christianp But you already HAVE a pretty good supervillain name.
@CloudoidLtd but it's RGB clockwise
Thanks to @stecks, you should now call me... THE PERFECT STORM
.@TweetsofCushing (Dave Reckoning)'s supervillain superpower: he can see Daily Mail headlines... from the future!
.@Rokker816 (Automatom)'s supervillain superpower: he can keep time... like clockwork!
.@jiyameng (Sinner-Ji)'s supervillain superpower: when he does good deeds... they're really bad deeds!
My (The Perfect Storm) supervillain superpower: I can control the weather... in a teacup!
I am 50% older than the freshers. Ow.
I've finally made it! The Herschel enneahedron.
@lyd_w it's named after the guy the Herschel building is named after. I'm preparing a poster/activity thing. It has many cool properties!
@vickytnz maybe that photo just has a lot of sentimental value for him so he's less likely to see it's inappropriate for the context?
GTA V is quite a bit harder when you're colourblind. "target the red rectangle" - nnnnnot happening
When I was little I loved cascading emails so much, I directed all my efforts towards getting a job where people ask me to cascade all day
They see me cascadin', they be hatin'. #cascade4lyf
@TweetsofCushing @outofthenorm2 tantric geometry
Working on the news queue / The news queue, yeah! -- The @aperiodical will awaken from its slumber shortly.
Playing music on the radio before it's available to buy should be a crime
I love these colourful polar bears!…
As far as I can tell, this spider caught this earwig and was carrying it away to eat in private. Or they're eloping.
@vickytnz have you seen the dessicated old women on the counter at the front of John Lewis? She is an advert for not wearing makeup
An hour later, I've replaced the student's incorrect gnuplot image with a correct TikZ version. Thank god for StackExchange!
@samholloway yo Imma let you finish but Bajka recorded the best Hunting of the Snark concept album OF ALL TIME.…
@Electrokittie you've... made real progress as a person?
I've just found out that Blunt make a collapsible version of their umbrella. Fantastic!…
Clexample: something which is both an example and a counter-example of a rule. #autonyms
@NoelAnn @peterrowlett @C_J_Smith how do you advertise your Maths Arcades?
"Formule by BNF" posts maths art images at a frankly overwhelming rate on Google+…
It's time to play "semicolon or gunk on my monitor"!!!
Interesting: when you click on a link to a PDF in Internet Explorer, all animated GIFs on the page stop.
The only reference cited in MathWorld's page on ℵ₀ is Dundes et al's compendium of maths jokes. Finally the charade is laid bare!
Conducting a COSHH audit for my new hospital restaurant, Vegetative Korma. (credit to @TweetsofCushing)
I have no idea how @lyd_w consistently manages to beat me into uni by about a minute despite getting the same train
oh, slashdot. What a sorry sight you've become.
@lyd_w I'm just impressed that you're alert enough to be first off the train, or walk very quickly
@vickytnz you managed to get on the one train capable of cooking hot food! I always get a miserable packet sandwich
Well done, the Android Flickr app, for making up your own share method instead of using intents. You made my life a little bit harder.
@haggismaths ooh, that reminds me that I meant to send you this a while ago…
@haggismaths look at "an enneahedron for Herschel" at I'm at the shops at the moment so can't write more
amazon form error messages are in red *and with a thick outline round them*!!!! Thanks, amazon! Thamazon!
Crumbs, it's only four weeks until the big @MathsJam weekend.
@Htbaa texworks, or use your own text editor and the command line tools
Today I saw housing developments called 'Fusion', 'Zest', and 'Opulence'. What is the world coming to?
Ooh, the comfy jumper is the next one in the pile! #autumnthrills
@TweetsofCushing wait until you see the plots @Gelada sent me about the art in the stairwell
"Note: 7 is an arbitrary number, but should be more than sufficient". Uh oh. BAD CODE KLAXON
@CardColm excellent idea! We're on it.
"$sco->title = $sco->title;" -- I'm not in bad code territory any more. This is concept art.
@C_J_Smith @NoelAnn @peterrowlett following up the @mathsarcade, can any of you send me PDFs of the posters you put up, please?
I like the look of the @Nat_Numeracy challenge a lot:
@michaeljgrove @unibirmingham Pro tip: cut that plastic wallet in half so it's easier to get a card out
Paul Zorn shares my distinction between mathsy art and artsy maths:…
Talking of; what's yellow and equivalent to the axiom of choice?
Zorn's lemon!
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith @NoelAnn @mathsarcade so I can ruthlessly plagiarise them
@peterrowlett thanks! That's a nice poster.
I'm particularly pleased with last night's bananagrams board. Connoisseurs will note the two closed loops
I'm in 666 people's circles on Google+. Worried about what the day will bring. On the plus side, I got to make a stinker of a pun. #plusside
Beep Beep…
@Bishnavitch 720
What is it about Mathematica that makes people write enormously long ramblings with very little proper mathematics?
@aPaulTaylor @standupmaths a Bayesian smoke detector would not be good.
@Jisc did you know all students get open-source developer and server products for free via the goodness of their fellow man? #dreamspark
Phwoar. Lovely diagrams.…
Also free for everyone else MT @walkingrandomly: Just joined Manchester Uni? See the software we've released for free
Die Hard + Die Harder = Die Hard With a Vengeance. (Die Harder)^2 = Live Free or Die Hard. #grubermatics
@vickytnz but sometimes it works very well, like this table of the finite simple groups…
Tragedy #425: Betrayed by one of their own…
@HoeJodgkiss there are plenty, but we tend not to make a big deal out of it
@TeXtip would you consider replacing that with ? It's a lot better
Aww, this is a really nice idea: Remote Control Tourist
FINALLY, A COLOUR QUIZ I CAN DO! Name that shade of corporate blue
... but I haven't heard of half the companies. Oh well!
It's time for a sandwich, but do I have the ingredients? BREAD QUEST
@Beamish_Museum have they been trained to act as olden-time kittens did?
@vickytnz it's right next to Manors metro
@Boxfresh What happened to the new large sizes stock you said would appear in September? My feet are getting chilly!
How to tell if your dog is involved in a sex scandal… (via…)
@nulibrs Deepest, Darkest Level 1?
Break out some fresh moves, it's Kurt Reidemeister's birthday… (via @mathshistory)
@stecks yeesh, what does a place have to do to get a 10?
Every time I need an MOT, I have to find my mechanic's garage on Google Street View to remember its name so I can look up its phone number.
Yell has bought a lot of ads on facebook of the form "Need <rarely-used service>? Try <company in Sunderland>!". WHY?
MediaWiki syntax is visually difficult: ''italics'' or "quotes"?
WHAT. RT @adrianshort: London police steal rough sleepers’ property:
... turns out that happened in May. But still. YEESH.
Today I learned that @TweetsofCushing is 'up' on the national lottery. That is a completely appropriate thing to be true about him.
@OddballDave deely boppers?
The only mathematical relative I know about is Hazel Perfect, who was a group theorist like me! I was so happy when I found her book. #ald13
@TwentyThree @TweetsofCushing @aperiodical thanks very much!
@UoBMSC @michaeljgrove that seems a very high number! What time frame was this?
@michaeljgrove @UoBMSC ok! Similar to us then.
Francophones! Can you help me find the French word with the most silent letters? It's not on this list of cool words:…
J'ai quatorze problèmes dont rimer avec quatorze est un.…
@jcoglan are you trying very hard to not use LaTeX?
#Skanavi problem 7.325: Show $\log_3 (2) \cdot \log_4 (3) \cdot \log_5 (4) \cdot \log_6 (5) \cdot \log_7 (6) \cdot \log_8 (7) = \frac{1}{3}$
#Skanavi problem 7.325 in unicode: log₃(2)⋅log₄(3)⋅log₅(4)⋅log₆(5)⋅log₇(6)⋅log₈(7) = ⅓
@CloudoidLtd lazy font design!
@C_J_Smith @DanielColquitt @professor_dave I'm on Round 2. You'd think they could at least all agree on one virus to spread...
Struggling to understand the thought process that led the author to write "matrix of size p$\times$q".
@peterrowlett straightedge and compass construction golf can also be fun. Challenge them to construct shapes in the fewest steps.
@sam_james30 some lost-looking tourists refused my help yesterday. Maybe they were just admiring the craftsmanship that went into their map
'zero','nought','null','nothing'. Does any number have more names, in English? 'Hundred','century','ton', ... ?
I have finished the Canada bit in GTA5's story and I'm sort of sick of it. Is there any point finishing it, or should I not bother?
@MrHonner small beans. The private school in my village got its £5million debts paid off by the government and became a state academy
@ebuie so if I instructed you to immanentise the eschaton, you wouldn't know what I wanted you to do?
These are the weirdest matchbook covers I've ever seen.…
I'll never be this cool. I'll never have a monkey companion who wears glasses and smokes a pipe.…
"I am not smart enough for this book" says Amazon reviewer of maths book. "Another notoriously bad impulse purchase."…
@elinoroberts the funny thing about living in the same village as you is that often I have a thought and then you tweet it
Fed up with Windows 8.1, I've installed Ubuntu again. Now the wifi connection only works for 10 seconds after connecting. Boo.
@DanielColquitt well yes, I was quite surprised it managed to install the drivers at all this time.
Gosh the instant LaTeX preview in's comments box is useful.
@haggismaths I'm giving a talk in Edinburgh Uni on Wednesday. Can I pop in to see you afterwards?
@haggismaths an IOP thing about eassessment. We'll both be at big mathsjam, anyway
@stecks @peterrowlett *waves fingers*
@jcoglan you can do without ^.* at the start, no?
I've put my knockout.js binding handlers for @MathJax on github:… (Demo:…)
Making UI changes to @NclNumbas so it's really hard for students to forget to submit their answers. `> git checkout -b dont-let-them-fail`
"I just want to read this book and lick it and... have fun." - @TweetsofCushing
@peterrowlett I was thinking of…
@peterrowlett and 'golf' because 'code golf' is an established thing where you try to write the shortest program
Alert, Edinbourgeois: can anyone entertain me tomorrow afternoon? I can perform maths if required.
The Michael and Lily Atiyah gallery in the James Clerk Maxwell building at Edinburgh University
@Sara_Tindall @peterrowlett I cleverly caught a cold before term started this year and gave THEM diseases!
When will lecture theatres upgrade from 1024x768 projectors? 2048?
@FOTSN you're doing Stockton again?! Are you mad? Good northern coverage though; I'll book tickets for Durham when TBC becomes C
Couple is having *the most* middle class argument. One insists a third person is very brave for "putting skis on and getting up a mountain"
Where's a nice place to get a hot chocolate near waverley station in Edinburgh?
Friends, I plumped for the Storytelling Café. It's really good! I also had a brownie which was also fantastic.
This old dude across the street is nowhere near as jazzed about buying tartan as his wife is.
@ashleyhwright you're on the next carriage down from me! What a coincidence.
Just added the 500th unit test to the @NclNumbas maths/algebra system.…
My friend @TweetsofCushing wants to know what these error terms are
"DodecaLEDron" mustn't have done well in focus groups.
@poveryant Would you mind sending me the file for the 3d-printed enneahedron please? I'd like to print one for a talk I'm giving
I've written a page to play about with the @MathJax 2.3 beta and its spiffy new fonts.…
I like today's tragedy series…
Ambassadors was good.…
The coast is impossibly good-looking at the moment, with the setting sun and a little bit of fog. God I love Tynemouth.
A lightning storm is starting, and there are people surfing! If only I had a good camera
Wow that plane just did a quick turn to avoid the thunder cloud. It's turned around to have another go further out to sea, I think
Those toddlers I saw ten minutes ago trick-or-treating early to avoid the scary big kids must be having a fun time.
Talking of... a black cat has joined me to watch the storm.
Oh no, that plane's just doing loops. And the cat seems to have caught something in the long grass above the lido. He's off, with his prize
I've just discovered that this iron, which I've owned for two years, has a red light which comes on when it's heating up. #colourblindlife
@standupmaths I prefer to visualise sorting algorithms with Hungarian folk dancers.…
Ubuntu has better driver support for my laptop than windows 8.1 does. What upside-down world is this that we live in?
@jamesgrime @standupmaths you both check your privilege, I'm still on Life Shareware. I can only access the first three months of the year
@hornmaths yes, it is me who likes koalas. #actual #koala #fan
@standupmaths @jamesgrime it would be nice if every day didn't start with a nag screen asking me to send a cheque to a PO box in Jordan.
@standupmaths but descending hardness is the standard way to do it, right?
@poveryant I have space, but it's a back seat. Setting off just before 7am
I just don't understand the Northumberland Street blanket man's business model.
@MrHonner f(x)=1 laughs at their puny attempt at a definition.
Current status: involuntary afternoon off work
This is how you do a blackboard bold N.
When we compute inverses, we do it properly.
(joint work with @TweetsofCushing)
@Bishnavitch we just watched Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 last night.
What should I talk about at the big @MathsJam this weekend: Herschel's enneahedron, or integer sequence reviews?
@aperfect YES
@ben_nuttall great, another pedant! How can we coördinate our efforts?
@standupmaths will the 5 minute countdown computer be making a reappearance at MathsJam?
@standupmaths will it sometimes give us up, and/or occasionally let us down?
I can never crack this many eggs without worrying about the arrival of Zuul the Gatekeeper of Gozer.
Spotted in the Hermitage Inn in Warkworth: another member of the clan!
@jcoglan god yes. JS functions that take a few different types are so annoying. jQuery does "first param might be a bool" very often
@MathsJam Is anyone interested in a calculation contest using a slide rule and log tables in one of the breaks?
@stecks @aPaulTaylor I forgot to say bye to you! It was good to all be in one place again. Until next year! Or any earlier next thing!
A physical anomaly at Wetherby services. How many coins are causing the jam?
@peterrowlett I see your nine, and raise you to ten.
Told @TweetsofCushing he should go to a @MathsJam conference. Response: "I am a MathsJam conference". Can't argue with that.
A marvellously concise proof that 5!/2 is even:…
Gosh this is a lovely idea:
@RGS_maths what textbook is that? It looks similar to a Russian one I have by Skanavi
@RGS_maths aha, more Russians! David Singmaster insisted to me at the weekend that they're not a purely Russian phenomenon. Not convinced!
@gaussfacts does the posting of new facts mean you've sorted out the spam problem? I was disheartened last time I went to moderate
@evelynjlamb my vote is for analyst
Pretending this cold rain is actually congenitally hot snow. It's a winter wonderland!
@profkeithdevlin It's almost at the point where you could use them in a knights and knaves puzzle
The results are in: I have extreme protanomaly! I spent a fun afternoon with neuroscientists doing colour tests.
@evelynjlamb yes, since I was tiny. I have a particularly bad case!
@evelynjlamb I just did the tests today because my friend doing a neuro PhD wanted to see how they're done
Having fun trying to decide how to localise my JS library's error messages.… I know this dude! He's really good at maths. So pleased he's doing something cool.
@Tegglington deduce eyeballs are emitting light; plummet into immediate body horror crisis?
@peterrowlett we haven't even run ours yet, so no for now.
A bit tired and a bit glum, so I'm going to my happy place: e1m1
As the corpse of the monstrous entity CHTHON sinks back into the lava whence it came, I feel a lot better.
5pm today! RT @MathJax: Don't forget: our first MathJax Hangout on Air -- Q&A with Phil Schatz and @christianp
@aperfect I am suddenly more interested in visiting London
@C_J_Smith "Handyman's Ear" sounds like the name of a village in the west country
Attack of the witty till maintenance guy.
A pub near here gives a free pint to any scientist who has a paper published. Nice, but points lost for not calling it the "No-Bill Prize"
Top celeb fact: The reason Ant always stands on Dec's right is that they both walk in to work. That's right: Ant and Dec don't commute.
It would be nice if operators were first-class objects in javascript.
I did a Hangout on air Q&A with @pkrautz and Phil Schatz about @MathJax last Friday. I've posted about it on my blog:…
An anagram of @robinhouston's name is "no enthusiasm or job". An anagram of mine is "erect finch rapist". Thankfully, neither is accurate.
@Boxfresh Any sign of the size 13s you said would be arriving quite a while ago?
@Boxfresh can you be any more specific than "soon"? That plain blue pair is OK, but I'd hate to buy it just before nicer ones arrive
@helenarney another, less sensible, friend of mine posted those exact two points as positives last week during her trip
Oop, just noticed that November @MathsJam is next Tuesday! Time to send my reminder email...
@CloudoidLtd (mod 1000)
@jamesgrime @standupmaths hah, I literally checked the site 20 minutes ago to see if they were up
So many <span> tags. Starting to mistype as <spam>. There should be a preprocessor. To process my <spam>.
@ben_nuttall this springs to mind…
No, this is not a Möbius band! It's a normal loop. Bad architects!…
Ooh, my new parking permit has a pleasing expiry date
I just spent ten minutes looking for good covers of the Monkey Island theme and I didn't find any and now I am sad :(
@haggismaths I might be able to help you... what do you want the LaTeX for?
Why do user ratings get so little attention in music apps? Now everything's streamable, my ratings are the only valuable part of my library
Years ago I had a Python jukebox script that auto-rated songs based on how often you listened to completion or skipped them. It was great!
@haggismaths I have a thing which converts easily-typed calculator syntax to LaTeX, and I could put it in a page you could tweet from
Another thing: since Google Music can't sort by date added, there's all this music I haven't listened to as much as I'd like
"Why should engineers and scientists be worried about colour?"… Studiously ignores inaccessibility to the colourblind
At home midday on Friday freezing to death under a blanket because I saved enough money to be exactly this miserable. No I'm not a pensioner
@BenTormey can you remember the name of that French guy who self-published a mathematical monograph with colour plates of nude women in it?
@standupmaths @QMUL I've always thought QMUL should do a Neal Stephenson Qwghlm tie-in.
@BenTormey superb!
Buying leather and painting everything black for my new wedding parlour for goths, "Doom and Groom".
Breaking up the band to concentrate on my exciting new restaurant venture, Gnocco Ono.
@standupmaths I think it's pteriffic
Because the kiwi kept losing his hat, we've added a chinstrap. Now he can wear it at a jaunty angle!
Fancy earning a fiver? Resolve @TweetsofCushing's conjecture for him. (Difficulty: Erdős) ……
Went to Michael Gove's website to get a link for a story. Saw the picture on the right. brb never sleeping again
@nulibrs good work: you've even got a visible concrete arm in the photo holding the camera
Newcastle's Maths Arcade is finally happening! Open to all students at @STEMNewcastle.
Goddammi!, I thought I'd found a new sequence but the OEIS had to go and enrich my life with facts
(A001595 might be a record for lowest-index sequence found while believing I had a new one)
@stecks whuh?
@stecks Ahh!
@stecks on inspection, the instructions have no such footnote
Projects I am currently involved with: Maths Aid; Maths Jam; Maths Arcade. #nomenclazy
@Andrew_Taylor see also: basketball hoops
Oh yes, and that one. RT @michaeljgrove: @christianp Ahem...Maths Wiki?!
@evelynjlamb Pictures!
I'm off for pre-@MathsJam dinner. Which is at 7pm in the Charles Grey pub, by the way. I'm not doing too well at promotion lately...
A 45 minute wait for food, indeed! Good job I'm already planning on being here that long.
@ColinTheMathmo Yoneda lemma? Igotta lemma!
Inline links coloured in red: ARGGGG!
@My_Metro the position of the card scanners at Tynemouth is terrible for people tapping out. You have to turn round and hold everyone up
Just gave the OEIS some money. They deserve it!…
"2 10^1059002 -1, or 199999...99, is prime. It's the first near-repdigit prime found with over a million digits." via
@songdrop I keep unsubscribing from product update emails, but you keep sending them. What's the deal?
Yes I am very interested sign me up for twelve
Great work guys! (Peeked at the source: nested tables, then an iframe, then a link which didn't set target properly)
Look out for mine and @TweetsofCushing's new project, out next summer: the Pop-Up Book of Integer Sequences (PUBIS)
@fuzzmonkey @jcoglan I've always thought this is something vault could have built-in: a list of settings for popular sites.
@cartazio @pkrautz where's your blog? Can I take a look?
@icecolbeveridge not sure: were you rickrolled or was the shop?
@ben_nuttall yes! I did it once but I don't know what I did to make it happen
I see Flash has reached Java levels of irrelevance: they're now trying to bundle McAfee with updates.
The NOTY competition is back!…
@elinoroberts @jjsanderson congratulations to you both!
@DanielColquitt "I Did It: The Daniel Colquitt Story, Chapter XII"
The queue outside Frankie and Tony's is getting ridiculous. Time to find a different sandwich place!
@C_J_Smith is that a quote from The Tick? It feels like it.
@jcoglan lesson: stop using computers and take up woodwork
Where's the 8.30 cool crew? Is low rail adhesion to be feared more than I thought? This is a lonely platform.
New hobby: mixing Robinson's squash flavours.
Two people with the same name working in quantum mechanics, 60 years apart. Struggling to rule out time travel.
Gauss's doctoral supervisor was called Pfaff. I can't help but start @pfafffacts now.
*wist*… #somuchwist
I did a podcast with @TweetsofCushing. We talked about all sorts of unusual maths…
Idea: minecraft with the minesweeper ruleset.
@AlgebraFact @AnalysisFact if you liked those, I'm about to do an interesting esoterica post which will have loads of fun papers in it
Research top tip: when writing out the price of a closed access paper, don't take your finger off shift. e.g., "this paper costs $"%!"
Considering changing to to have my conception of what knowledge can be smashed to smithereens
... it just returns a blank page, not even a 404. So is knowledge fundamentally consistent? Are there no unknowables? #existentialtypocrisis
@dannytybrown I can do 'free' and 'good', but 'simple' is subjective:
This Chinese poem is palindromic in a ridiculous number of ways.…
@dannytybrown (I'm the developer of Numbas, so can help with any queries or feature requests)
@peterrowlett ssssh! For all they know, @TweetsofCushing is a real person.
The first Newcastle @mathsarcade was a moderate success. Around 8 students took part, but all staff seem to have forgotten it was on.
ShapeJS is an alright tool, now I've worked out how to use it. Here's my favourite shape, the Herschel enneahedron:…
@Boxfresh hi, more than a fortnight since you said "next week" for new size 13 shoes. Are they any closer?
@peterrowlett which day is your viva?
Permutohedron! It's not an instruction, it's a polytope:…
I love race conditions.
My next tweet will be a lie.
Have started tinkering with @MathJax extensions. Stand back, this might work.
@aoibhinn_ni_s do you mean compared to girls in other countries, or compared to boys in Ireland?
An outbreak of * to denote function application among the undergrads in online tests. e.g. `cos*(x)`, `ln*abs(x)`. Wonder who started it.
@infrahumano @ddmeyer it's just a few students in one assignment, so at the moment I assume they've copied off one person or worked together
Least expected combination of words 2013 "@TweetsofCushing: Unicyling Darth Vader Santa Claus Plays Flaming Bagpipes…
I just made @NclNumbas a bajillion times faster by adding a check for the degenerate case to a function. Doiiiii.
@vickytnz if they can be traded, maybe they wait for card issuer refusal to discourage fraudsters buying them with other people's cards
Idea for a twitter bot: get GBP-Euro exchange rate every day, put it through inverse symbolic calculator, tweet when best fit uses <4 ops.
@JanvierUK to give an easy way of converting between currencies (for values of 'easy' that apply to mathematicians)
.@JanvierUK for example, the current exchange rate of £1 = €1.20829 is more easily remembered as ζ(1,2)ᵀʰᵘᵉᴹᵒʳˢᵉ/(Lehmerᵀʰᵘᵉᴹᵒʳˢᵉ)
@JanvierUK Zeta(1,2)^ThueMorse/(Lehmer^ThueMorse)
this textbook for French students elucidates English pronunciation via the phonetic alphabet… (i.e. not at all)
Google Music has got very confused about what songs are in this christmas album. It's playing the right tracks, but labelling them wrong.
So "The Power of Love" is now "Baby It's Cold Outside" by Tom Jones, and "A Spaceman Came Travelling" is now "Angels" by Robbie Williams
@ebuie "Lift entrapment"? I can't think of any crimes a lift could encourage me to commit.
I made this because apparently I need it:…
Wrote this, not sure what to do with it: Every example of a @MathJax extension I could think of was a bad idea.
Finalising the menu for my new fast-food chicken place ZFC, where there are so many options you have to use the axiom of choice to order.
Today on Google+ I asked a stupid question about notation and got some fascinating comments about de Rham cohomology…
@pkrautz go on...
Wondered why my GP appointment was for an hour-long window, until I realised "ten to eleven" meant 10.50.
Can whoever's in charge of such things force sixth form colleges to advertise Prob(pass an A-Level you start) instead of pass rates?
One way of gaming pass rate figures is to tell people who might not pass not to bother sitting the exam.
@sxpmaths good: your assessors are more numerically literate than your prospective students!
Particularly pleased with tonight's bananagrams. #supineyeti
@pkrautz send me an email. I'm away to your homeland for the weekend to visit the Weihnachtsmärkte, but next week I'll have some coding time
@peterrowlett good luck!
King James Programming is pretty funny
@lyd_w where?!
@lyd_w excellent! I will investigate
Berlin packing checklist. So excited!
@helenarney I sad too but no need grammar to forgetting
Just arrived in Berlin, and I have eduroam Internet! I may be able to tweet more than expected
@nulibrs that's a very good book!
.@TweetsofCushing no, you should accept that a calendar invented by the last vestige of the Roman Empire is not acceptable for timekeeping.
@jcoglan I have a vague memory of a chrome extension which put a spectrum analyser on each tab header for exactly that purpose
@evelynjlamb Dr Lamb, I wish to decrease my body's genus. What do you recommend?
Testify! MT @IanHopkinson_: Was surprised how few PhD students who code for their work use source control, let alone testing frameworks
@jcoglan that's especially bad, considering it has so few users to find bugs.
The art by @Gelada looks particularly good in the morning light today.
Lunch today at Spanglish Tiendita was nice and tasty and cheap. And oh my, the ingredients they sell!…
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss @AdamJackzon god no. Didn't watch the first one.
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss you know empire reviews hold no sway with me
@lyd_w a burrito and an arepa. Want to go back and try the paella and empanadas
Going early to the doctor's for my appointment because their waiting room is warmer than my house.
This dude's head is like a D6 of groady tattoos
@gingerbeardman were you in Berlin last weekend? So was I!
Just found out that in Moodle you can drop a SCORM zip file onto a course section to upload it in one go. So useful!
Massive anticlimax as we have a full office for the first time in well over a year.
Less happy Moodle news: debugging the SCORM module makes me want to give up technology and join a monastery
Data model retrieval and storage implemented entirely through eval() and string-replacement. #nononononono
@DrSaraSantos @bostoncyberarts ooh, I'm a big Balint fan. Pity I'm not in Boston!
Have a blast from CP's past: Santa's Freelance Adventure, a game I made.…
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon @Electrokittie sorry, I'm doing family things tomorrow, it turns out
@Dr_Lucie that is such a sci-fi sentence.
@GhostMutt using the 'selector' parameter for .on (…)
A genius tragedy today:…
@ColinTheMathmo mezzalunas are great!
@standupmaths while my GF was decrying apostrophe heretics, I told her about #snowfake. She didn't see a problem. Considering my options.
Which is mis-spotted more: the golden ratio, or a power law? "Simple mathematical formula describes human struggles"…
Correspondent on BBC News having trouble hearing anchor's questions: maybe do your report somewhere quieter than in front of a protest?
If there's a gangsta way of wearing one's kippa, this guy has it
@jcoglan Christ. PHP is like an exquisite corpse programming language. Hacks to fix hacks to fix hacks to fix hacks to fix
I can just about understand why some people think it's worthwhile to go to certain shops on boxing day. But Ryman?!
There's no Newcastle @MathsJam this month because we are purists and the second-last Tuesday is Christmas Eve.
@Bishnavitch that actually sounds delicious
Everyone is telling me to fatten up. Christmas is just over a week away. Am I a goose?
@evelynjlamb Are you aware of ?
@elinoroberts mine's leaking again, if that's any consolation
@icecolbeveridge Congratulations! Going to be an awkward birthday for presents later on, though.
@stecks @standupmaths and I had to get up early because, even though it's my day off, Helen had to go to work so kicked me out :(
@peterrowlett why yes I am, Peter, thanks for asking!
@plusmathsorg your readers might also enjoy pages from my 1811 arithmetic textbook… (still Georgian, just!)
This kid is refusing to speak with real words, despite his nana's demands and threats. Power to him. #habeedareeman
GP surgery's touchscreen check-in thing is inaccessible to the blind; ping to tell you to look at the screen inaccessible to the deaf.
"KEEP CALM AND LOOK AFTER YOURSELF", says NHS leaflet. "I don't want to live in a world with KEEP CALM...", say I.
@Bishnavitch shave a St George's cross into it
I can now play the first four bars of Little Donkey on the piano. #basicallythebest
@lyd_w you've been a hipster for five minutes, and you've already got a phone number nobody else has heard of yet.
@standupmaths looks like some number of intersecting octahedra
@FOTSN your link to buy tickets for Durham is broken
@FOTSN I imagine it changes each time they stoke the fire powering their computer.
Have some animated Victorian Christmas GIFs, courtesy of the lovely Public Domain Review…
Need to think of a way of turning my t-shirts drawer into a FIFO stack.
@jolyonjenkins thanks! Neither do I - I was practising it at mathsjam and couldn't do it anywhere near quickly enough
@JanvierUK hm yes quite…
I'm parked outside Washington's grimmest row of retail units. I can get a tattoo, borrow at usurious rates, or buy "hot food" (unspecified)
@AdamCreen not even the one you're thinking of: this was in Sulgrave village. @TweetsofCushing will appreciate your Peterlee review :)
Who on the Holby City production team decided you can just add snow in post instead of at least making fake stuff?
Phwoar, look at the maths in that! Good Christmas present from the papa Perfect.
That's surprisingly easy!
Pretty pleased with tonight's bananagrams. "Yon man won voodoo rejoinder; opine at ease."
@mutedestro it's a page from "Towers of Hanoi - Myths and Maths"
Forget π=3; apparently my mum's boiler thinks e=5.
My answer to basically all of my Nana's questions re clothes or going out: "You can do whatever you like, you're 82 years old."
"Can I go to church dressed like this?"; "Can I bring this coffee into Homebase?"; etc. etc.
First tweet from my Raspberry Pi. I think I should really keep it in the command line...
@standupmaths if you get a few of these, could it make an aperiodical post?
@peterrowlett @ProfKinyon this:…
What goes up must come down: Isaac Newton's hallowed name used for a shopping centre in Grantham.…
@monsoon0 I haven't, but Carlos has:…
My Pi needed a case, so I used materials on hand post-Christmas
@hughhunt @snapey1979 @MathsJam I want to maximise (tan(θ)-1)/(tan(θ)+(tan(θ))^2). Is there a way to do that without calculus?
End of year cleaning time. Why did I feel the need to keep this many holes?
@peterrowlett @stecks looking at it now, just got a phonecall
This decorator is impossibly cheerful. I wonder if it's the paint fumes.
@aperfect hipsterrrrrrrrrs
@HoeJodgkiss truth. After about five sandwiches, I was completely over pulled pork
@standupmaths (though it would've been more helpful for tracking if I'd let you set that up...)
About to record an All Squared podcast but I have no audio tea towels! Where's @stecks when you need her?
@standupmaths while you're twittering, did you see my Meissner tetrahedra video?…
Is it by design that you now have to save a post in wordpress before the preview updates?
@MathsWorldUK just seen you're up in Newcastle for BSF. Fancy meeting for a drink/chat during the week?
This month's Puzzlebomb has a puzzle thought up by me, CP!…
@lostinrecursion Ceilidh Table. I didn't write it - I came up with the idea and was lazy until @stecks and @aPaulTaylor wrote it :P
@lostinrecursion it's a nice easy puzzle, once you work out the rules
I love @TweetsofCushing's idea of 'trivial'
@TweetsofCushing didn't you? Who did?
@Tegglington @TweetsofCushing trufax. If I'd thought for even a second, I would've realised.
I've updated my "how to get nice maths on your blog" post with instructions for those using IntenseDebate comments:…
A hole? In MY sock?! Extraordinary!
This has to be the most dismal work email this September.
When mathematicians leave to work in industry, is this where they go?…
@standupmaths ehh, it's a bit 70s-fabulous. Wasn't someone put in charge of renovating it a while ago?
@standupmaths ah. ha!
Maths people coming to @BritishSciFest! Fancy meeting for drinks on Sunday? @standupmaths @stecks @DrSaraSantos @MathsWorldUK etc.?
@standupmaths I now have the title of my airport easy-reading bestseller: "Finding the Qibla on a Klein Bottle"
@standupmaths forget that, go and ogle the Curta calculator!
@standupmaths PHWOAR #itsnotsizethatmatters
@standupmaths I'd like a gap of at least one cell around that - the 'on' block at the top left means it'll break immediately.
@KSCMaths as a red-green colourblind person, I think I should inform you I can't see half the text on that
'NOUGHT POINT FIVE DOZEN'?! Also known as 'half dozen', or even 'six'. This menu knows how to rile a mathematician.
@ProfNoodlearms @evelynjlamb maplesoft's PR are v annoying. Once sent email saying "you unsubscribed from our emails, so won't have seen.."
Yo dawg, I heard you like rhyming with bridge a smidge, so I put a frijj in your fridge so you can abridge while you ridge a midge
@evelynjlamb happy birthday!
@standupmaths what's your schedule today? I'm free from 4-ish onwards
@DrSaraSantos haha, where's that? I've never seen it before
@vickytnz La Cage aux Folles? Depressing that that's the best I can do
@stecks @standupmaths that suits me. I could meet you at the station, and go to somewhere like the Forth on Pink Lane?
Very very very pleasing…
Every now and then I go to, hoping a hopeless hope that it has returned.
#gintegral "@stecks: who else is in NCL for @BritishSciFest and does maths and wants to join us for a drink tonight? Do we need a hashtag?"
@stecks actually, didn't @standupmaths come up with a good name for when mathematicians meet for drinks a few years ago?
@peterrowlett I've fiddled with the cache plugin's settings and it should keep up to date now
Ah, Coventry: the city of lights.
Sent a text to my girlfriend without pointing out that the current time was a palindrome. So there is hope that I may yet be cured.
I chose... poorly. The legroom allowance in this lecture theatre seems to have been calculated expecting an audience of munchkins.
I'm now sitting on the aisle steps so I can stretch my legs out. I bet this building has won awards
Just realised half the (fixed) seats in this room don't point toward the speaker
@C_J_Smith yes, good to meet you too. Sorry if you were expecting to have time to chat later! Maybe another time
Fixed a stunning omission from yesterday's toast piece, and found a good suggestion from @TweetsofCushing.… #yeahtoast
Finally got my hands on a copy of @NCLScienceComic. It's really good!
@Bishnavitch wednesdays are usually terrible for me. Was meant to be seeing my gf but I'll ask if she wants to see a film
@Bishnavitch yes and no, respectively. Midweek is when I do things!
@Bishnavitch I'm not as keen on films as you are!
@Bishnavitch we have a yes to a film. What film and when?
Adding a tomato and some shredded lettuce to food makes it a salad, right? Because otherwise I'm just eating a box of fajita leftovers.
12:03. An anagram of an arithmetic sequence is still interesting, isn't it?
@ebuie I know a purported proof, which I disagree with
Sent the almost-a-week reminder for Newcastle @MathsJam. Get on the list by saying hello to…
@BritishSciFest Grownups enthused by the maths at the festival might enjoy Newcastle MathsJam, which is next Tuesday…
Another afternoon lost to the mixture of InnoDB and MyISAM database tables. Go home, cp, you should be drunk.
Look! Someone made Arty Maths into a book, and picked a better name, and never had anything to do with Arty Maths:…
@C_J_Smith Pentago! Ace game.
@C_J_Smith why resist?
@daveowhite @plusmathsorg it would have to make metallic grunting noises when it gets in and out of chairs
The Hello World Quiz ( just reminded me about REBOL. I have no idea what I used to use it for, but WOW!
Why does this site have "small text" as an accessibility option? Are there people who find large text intimidating?
@OddballDave @charliesgames a Let's Play might be good
Crikey O'Reilly, my summer students did loads! I keep finding more good stuff on this wiki. #pleasedsupervisor
It was pointed out to me by @Rokker816 that cooking doesn't commute, so maybe people who don't like fish and chips would like chips and fish
The @My_Metro PA system is pumping out some thumpin' next-wave glitchcore beats. Or it's broken.
The best bit about planning a trip to Berlin is that I get to buy a Falkplan! #excited!
help my head melted because Bayes' theorem is exothermic…
@CardColm we just recorded the tops and tails for your episode of All Squared. Should be out in a day or two
@peterrowlett @mathsarcade fancy! I'm still at the cardboard box stage. Might invest in a plastic box if all goes well.
"how likely are you to use this service again?" is a terrible question on a feedback form for a government service you must use
@hornmaths @MathsJam @standupmaths @stecks I can do it. Where's the new location?
@hornmaths righto
@hornmaths but which one are you in this month?
@hornmaths ok, I've updated and the mathsjams map
The need for a word to describe the moment you realise you're getting nothing out a terrible thing you're looking at on the web grows daily
I think 'fehhhhhh' might do it. I will form a committee to decide how many 'h's there should be on the end. What's the limit for a hashtag?
@CloudoidLtd @MathsJam added, ta!
I can't see how labelling one 50g slice of this pack of butter helps me, or if I'm missing something
Yes sir!
.@aperfect only for exactly 50g. They used to have every 50g increment marked
@aperfect nope
@bemyguestberlin this:
This groovy animation explains why I love the Falkplan so much:
Looks like some component of the cabling and gadgetry that gives me internet has been flooded again. Oh well! I'll find something else to do
Newcastle @MathsJam is TOMORROW! 7pm onwards, upstairs at the Charles Grey. Puzzles, games, questions, etc.…
@vickytnz a reasonable thing to do.
.@sxpmaths ooh, good spot. I've updated my mobile maths games page:…
Maths teachers, I need you: where's better than BBC Bitesize for resources on basic numeracy?
Ooh! There's a version for adults called Skillswise
@Nat_Numeracy thanks! I just remembered about your site after tweeting :)
@nrichmaths when I click a topic header in the front page slider, the URL in the browser's address bar doesn't change. Makes linking hard!
@icecolbeveridge I need things I can link to
I had never seen this stupid heraldic creature until today…
When did threadless stop paying UK import tax? The fee was trebled by Royal Mail's handling fee.
Posted a big long comment about running a multi-author blog on Google+ in response to someone asking about it:…
Tonight: Eastenders spin-off starring Ross Kemp, centred on a struggling car-recovery business in Scotland. Grant Heft Auto Fife, BBC 2, 9pm
whaaaaaat?! Since when are games £56?
@ebuie I found the best bit was the zoomy projection of every page at the end. The presentation of the real books was pretty poor.
I thought I was looking forward to MathsJam tonight, but now I'm looking forward to lunch more. Forgot breakfast :(
@icecolbeveridge MathsHamlet
@ebuie yes! I thought that was odd too. I thought maybe they were showing a different page each day, but probably not.
@MathsatDAS hello! I'm a former DABS pupil. Who's doing the twittering?
Looking up and thinking David hasn't written anything on the blackboard, then realising it's all in red, is like seeing the fnords.
@NINETYNINEuk What time are you open until today?
My grocery shop: look at the 1st aisle, leaving the 2nd, then come back and look at the 2nd aisle, leaving the 1st. That's my produce rule.
@vickytnz mathsjam tonight?
@TeachingInDC there used to be / still is a DC @MathsJam! Didn't you go?…
Going to be a little bit late to mathsjam, sorry
@ebuie we've had to move downstairs! The function upstairs isn't us. We're in the alcove to the right of the bar
@MathsJam NCL - MAN: of course we can. Rhymes with 'elephant'
I've made a bookmarklet to replace's rubbish image-based maths with @MathJax…
@ebuie yes, I'm glad you came! It was a particularly busy MathsJam.
hi i've just noticed that angle and angel are one transposition away is this the kind of thing i should put on twitter
Blog post: 6 pieces involving patterns and functions by @Gelada… (Photos:…)
$e^{\Large{f(x)}}$ isn't cool, is it? These people seem to have taken personal offence at small inline-mode characters.
AAAAAARG. That's the second time I've accidentally ordered a girl's t-shirt from threadless.
Following @pkrautz's suggestion, I've made the mathjax bookmarklet a bit better, and now it works on wikipedia too…
@Rosalot wow, good work!
Head of School has told me to go shopping for more art. Hooray!
@aperfect @brittneybean but don't worry, there's still plenty of brutalist rubbish in the rest of Newcastle
@vickytnz The Notebook is a chick flick
I've changed my avatar to a pic of LEGO Babar! Sorry if this is confusing but it reflects my core brand values in a way my face never did.
To my Goodbye Lenin DVD, wherever you are: I love you and I just want to know that you're safe.
@elinoroberts ow ow ow ow ow! Even thinking about that hurts
6:52am, a new record for squeaky car man! Maybe if he gets up really early one day he can take it to a garage and get it fixed
I can do work and snot doesn't fall out of me if I remain horizontal.
Is it ok to set up an auto reply saying "I'm out of the office, but if it's really important I can come in and you can catch this cold"?
@vickytnz I used to do that, but I'm down to just family members now. So much work!
We came up with supervillain names for everyone in the office except me :( #phdcoolgang
a bloo hoo hoo :_( RT @icecolbeveridge: @christianp But you already HAVE a pretty good supervillain name.
@CloudoidLtd but it's RGB clockwise
Thanks to @stecks, you should now call me... THE PERFECT STORM
.@TweetsofCushing (Dave Reckoning)'s supervillain superpower: he can see Daily Mail headlines... from the future!
.@Rokker816 (Automatom)'s supervillain superpower: he can keep time... like clockwork!
.@jiyameng (Sinner-Ji)'s supervillain superpower: when he does good deeds... they're really bad deeds!
My (The Perfect Storm) supervillain superpower: I can control the weather... in a teacup!
I am 50% older than the freshers. Ow.
I've finally made it! The Herschel enneahedron.
@lyd_w it's named after the guy the Herschel building is named after. I'm preparing a poster/activity thing. It has many cool properties!
@vickytnz maybe that photo just has a lot of sentimental value for him so he's less likely to see it's inappropriate for the context?
GTA V is quite a bit harder when you're colourblind. "target the red rectangle" - nnnnnot happening
When I was little I loved cascading emails so much, I directed all my efforts towards getting a job where people ask me to cascade all day
They see me cascadin', they be hatin'. #cascade4lyf
@TweetsofCushing @outofthenorm2 tantric geometry
Working on the news queue / The news queue, yeah! -- The @aperiodical will awaken from its slumber shortly.
Playing music on the radio before it's available to buy should be a crime
I love these colourful polar bears!…
As far as I can tell, this spider caught this earwig and was carrying it away to eat in private. Or they're eloping.
@vickytnz have you seen the dessicated old women on the counter at the front of John Lewis? She is an advert for not wearing makeup
An hour later, I've replaced the student's incorrect gnuplot image with a correct TikZ version. Thank god for StackExchange!
@samholloway yo Imma let you finish but Bajka recorded the best Hunting of the Snark concept album OF ALL TIME.…
@Electrokittie you've... made real progress as a person?
I've just found out that Blunt make a collapsible version of their umbrella. Fantastic!…
Clexample: something which is both an example and a counter-example of a rule. #autonyms
@NoelAnn @peterrowlett @C_J_Smith how do you advertise your Maths Arcades?
"Formule by BNF" posts maths art images at a frankly overwhelming rate on Google+…
It's time to play "semicolon or gunk on my monitor"!!!
Interesting: when you click on a link to a PDF in Internet Explorer, all animated GIFs on the page stop.
The only reference cited in MathWorld's page on ℵ₀ is Dundes et al's compendium of maths jokes. Finally the charade is laid bare!
Conducting a COSHH audit for my new hospital restaurant, Vegetative Korma. (credit to @TweetsofCushing)
I have no idea how @lyd_w consistently manages to beat me into uni by about a minute despite getting the same train
oh, slashdot. What a sorry sight you've become.
@lyd_w I'm just impressed that you're alert enough to be first off the train, or walk very quickly
@vickytnz you managed to get on the one train capable of cooking hot food! I always get a miserable packet sandwich
Well done, the Android Flickr app, for making up your own share method instead of using intents. You made my life a little bit harder.
@haggismaths ooh, that reminds me that I meant to send you this a while ago…
@haggismaths look at "an enneahedron for Herschel" at I'm at the shops at the moment so can't write more
amazon form error messages are in red *and with a thick outline round them*!!!! Thanks, amazon! Thamazon!
Crumbs, it's only four weeks until the big @MathsJam weekend.
@Htbaa texworks, or use your own text editor and the command line tools
Today I saw housing developments called 'Fusion', 'Zest', and 'Opulence'. What is the world coming to?
Ooh, the comfy jumper is the next one in the pile! #autumnthrills
@TweetsofCushing wait until you see the plots @Gelada sent me about the art in the stairwell
"Note: 7 is an arbitrary number, but should be more than sufficient". Uh oh. BAD CODE KLAXON
@CardColm excellent idea! We're on it.
"$sco->title = $sco->title;" -- I'm not in bad code territory any more. This is concept art.
@C_J_Smith @NoelAnn @peterrowlett following up the @mathsarcade, can any of you send me PDFs of the posters you put up, please?
I like the look of the @Nat_Numeracy challenge a lot:
@michaeljgrove @unibirmingham Pro tip: cut that plastic wallet in half so it's easier to get a card out
Paul Zorn shares my distinction between mathsy art and artsy maths:…
Talking of; what's yellow and equivalent to the axiom of choice?
Zorn's lemon!
@peterrowlett @C_J_Smith @NoelAnn @mathsarcade so I can ruthlessly plagiarise them
@peterrowlett thanks! That's a nice poster.
I'm particularly pleased with last night's bananagrams board. Connoisseurs will note the two closed loops
I'm in 666 people's circles on Google+. Worried about what the day will bring. On the plus side, I got to make a stinker of a pun. #plusside
Beep Beep…
@Bishnavitch 720
What is it about Mathematica that makes people write enormously long ramblings with very little proper mathematics?
@aPaulTaylor @standupmaths a Bayesian smoke detector would not be good.
@Jisc did you know all students get open-source developer and server products for free via the goodness of their fellow man? #dreamspark
Phwoar. Lovely diagrams.…
Also free for everyone else MT @walkingrandomly: Just joined Manchester Uni? See the software we've released for free
Die Hard + Die Harder = Die Hard With a Vengeance. (Die Harder)^2 = Live Free or Die Hard. #grubermatics
@vickytnz but sometimes it works very well, like this table of the finite simple groups…
Tragedy #425: Betrayed by one of their own…
@HoeJodgkiss there are plenty, but we tend not to make a big deal out of it
@TeXtip would you consider replacing that with ? It's a lot better
Aww, this is a really nice idea: Remote Control Tourist
FINALLY, A COLOUR QUIZ I CAN DO! Name that shade of corporate blue
... but I haven't heard of half the companies. Oh well!
It's time for a sandwich, but do I have the ingredients? BREAD QUEST
@Beamish_Museum have they been trained to act as olden-time kittens did?
@vickytnz it's right next to Manors metro
@Boxfresh What happened to the new large sizes stock you said would appear in September? My feet are getting chilly!
How to tell if your dog is involved in a sex scandal… (via…)
@nulibrs Deepest, Darkest Level 1?
Break out some fresh moves, it's Kurt Reidemeister's birthday… (via @mathshistory)
@stecks yeesh, what does a place have to do to get a 10?
Every time I need an MOT, I have to find my mechanic's garage on Google Street View to remember its name so I can look up its phone number.
Yell has bought a lot of ads on facebook of the form "Need <rarely-used service>? Try <company in Sunderland>!". WHY?
MediaWiki syntax is visually difficult: ''italics'' or "quotes"?
WHAT. RT @adrianshort: London police steal rough sleepers’ property:
... turns out that happened in May. But still. YEESH.
Today I learned that @TweetsofCushing is 'up' on the national lottery. That is a completely appropriate thing to be true about him.
@OddballDave deely boppers?
The only mathematical relative I know about is Hazel Perfect, who was a group theorist like me! I was so happy when I found her book. #ald13
@TwentyThree @TweetsofCushing @aperiodical thanks very much!
@UoBMSC @michaeljgrove that seems a very high number! What time frame was this?
@michaeljgrove @UoBMSC ok! Similar to us then.
Francophones! Can you help me find the French word with the most silent letters? It's not on this list of cool words:…
J'ai quatorze problèmes dont rimer avec quatorze est un.…
@jcoglan are you trying very hard to not use LaTeX?
#Skanavi problem 7.325: Show $\log_3 (2) \cdot \log_4 (3) \cdot \log_5 (4) \cdot \log_6 (5) \cdot \log_7 (6) \cdot \log_8 (7) = \frac{1}{3}$
#Skanavi problem 7.325 in unicode: log₃(2)⋅log₄(3)⋅log₅(4)⋅log₆(5)⋅log₇(6)⋅log₈(7) = ⅓
@CloudoidLtd lazy font design!
@C_J_Smith @DanielColquitt @professor_dave I'm on Round 2. You'd think they could at least all agree on one virus to spread...
Struggling to understand the thought process that led the author to write "matrix of size p$\times$q".
@peterrowlett straightedge and compass construction golf can also be fun. Challenge them to construct shapes in the fewest steps.
@sam_james30 some lost-looking tourists refused my help yesterday. Maybe they were just admiring the craftsmanship that went into their map
'zero','nought','null','nothing'. Does any number have more names, in English? 'Hundred','century','ton', ... ?
I have finished the Canada bit in GTA5's story and I'm sort of sick of it. Is there any point finishing it, or should I not bother?
@MrHonner small beans. The private school in my village got its £5million debts paid off by the government and became a state academy
@ebuie so if I instructed you to immanentise the eschaton, you wouldn't know what I wanted you to do?
These are the weirdest matchbook covers I've ever seen.…
I'll never be this cool. I'll never have a monkey companion who wears glasses and smokes a pipe.…
"I am not smart enough for this book" says Amazon reviewer of maths book. "Another notoriously bad impulse purchase."…
@elinoroberts the funny thing about living in the same village as you is that often I have a thought and then you tweet it
Fed up with Windows 8.1, I've installed Ubuntu again. Now the wifi connection only works for 10 seconds after connecting. Boo.
@DanielColquitt well yes, I was quite surprised it managed to install the drivers at all this time.
Gosh the instant LaTeX preview in's comments box is useful.
@haggismaths I'm giving a talk in Edinburgh Uni on Wednesday. Can I pop in to see you afterwards?
@haggismaths an IOP thing about eassessment. We'll both be at big mathsjam, anyway
@stecks @peterrowlett *waves fingers*
@jcoglan you can do without ^.* at the start, no?
I've put my knockout.js binding handlers for @MathJax on github:… (Demo:…)
Making UI changes to @NclNumbas so it's really hard for students to forget to submit their answers. `> git checkout -b dont-let-them-fail`
"I just want to read this book and lick it and... have fun." - @TweetsofCushing
@peterrowlett I was thinking of…
@peterrowlett and 'golf' because 'code golf' is an established thing where you try to write the shortest program
Alert, Edinbourgeois: can anyone entertain me tomorrow afternoon? I can perform maths if required.
The Michael and Lily Atiyah gallery in the James Clerk Maxwell building at Edinburgh University
@Sara_Tindall @peterrowlett I cleverly caught a cold before term started this year and gave THEM diseases!
When will lecture theatres upgrade from 1024x768 projectors? 2048?
@FOTSN you're doing Stockton again?! Are you mad? Good northern coverage though; I'll book tickets for Durham when TBC becomes C
Couple is having *the most* middle class argument. One insists a third person is very brave for "putting skis on and getting up a mountain"
Where's a nice place to get a hot chocolate near waverley station in Edinburgh?
Friends, I plumped for the Storytelling Café. It's really good! I also had a brownie which was also fantastic.
This old dude across the street is nowhere near as jazzed about buying tartan as his wife is.
@ashleyhwright you're on the next carriage down from me! What a coincidence.
Just added the 500th unit test to the @NclNumbas maths/algebra system.…
My friend @TweetsofCushing wants to know what these error terms are
"DodecaLEDron" mustn't have done well in focus groups.
@poveryant Would you mind sending me the file for the 3d-printed enneahedron please? I'd like to print one for a talk I'm giving
I've written a page to play about with the @MathJax 2.3 beta and its spiffy new fonts.…
I like today's tragedy series…
Ambassadors was good.…
The coast is impossibly good-looking at the moment, with the setting sun and a little bit of fog. God I love Tynemouth.
A lightning storm is starting, and there are people surfing! If only I had a good camera
Wow that plane just did a quick turn to avoid the thunder cloud. It's turned around to have another go further out to sea, I think
Those toddlers I saw ten minutes ago trick-or-treating early to avoid the scary big kids must be having a fun time.
Talking of... a black cat has joined me to watch the storm.
Oh no, that plane's just doing loops. And the cat seems to have caught something in the long grass above the lido. He's off, with his prize
I've just discovered that this iron, which I've owned for two years, has a red light which comes on when it's heating up. #colourblindlife
@standupmaths I prefer to visualise sorting algorithms with Hungarian folk dancers.…
Ubuntu has better driver support for my laptop than windows 8.1 does. What upside-down world is this that we live in?
@jamesgrime @standupmaths you both check your privilege, I'm still on Life Shareware. I can only access the first three months of the year
@hornmaths yes, it is me who likes koalas. #actual #koala #fan
@standupmaths @jamesgrime it would be nice if every day didn't start with a nag screen asking me to send a cheque to a PO box in Jordan.
@standupmaths but descending hardness is the standard way to do it, right?
@poveryant I have space, but it's a back seat. Setting off just before 7am
I just don't understand the Northumberland Street blanket man's business model.
@MrHonner f(x)=1 laughs at their puny attempt at a definition.
Current status: involuntary afternoon off work
This is how you do a blackboard bold N.
When we compute inverses, we do it properly.
(joint work with @TweetsofCushing)
@Bishnavitch we just watched Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 last night.
What should I talk about at the big @MathsJam this weekend: Herschel's enneahedron, or integer sequence reviews?
@aperfect YES
@ben_nuttall great, another pedant! How can we coördinate our efforts?
@standupmaths will the 5 minute countdown computer be making a reappearance at MathsJam?
@standupmaths will it sometimes give us up, and/or occasionally let us down?
I can never crack this many eggs without worrying about the arrival of Zuul the Gatekeeper of Gozer.
Spotted in the Hermitage Inn in Warkworth: another member of the clan!
@jcoglan god yes. JS functions that take a few different types are so annoying. jQuery does "first param might be a bool" very often
@MathsJam Is anyone interested in a calculation contest using a slide rule and log tables in one of the breaks?
@stecks @aPaulTaylor I forgot to say bye to you! It was good to all be in one place again. Until next year! Or any earlier next thing!
A physical anomaly at Wetherby services. How many coins are causing the jam?
@peterrowlett I see your nine, and raise you to ten.
Told @TweetsofCushing he should go to a @MathsJam conference. Response: "I am a MathsJam conference". Can't argue with that.
A marvellously concise proof that 5!/2 is even:…
Gosh this is a lovely idea:
@RGS_maths what textbook is that? It looks similar to a Russian one I have by Skanavi
@RGS_maths aha, more Russians! David Singmaster insisted to me at the weekend that they're not a purely Russian phenomenon. Not convinced!
@gaussfacts does the posting of new facts mean you've sorted out the spam problem? I was disheartened last time I went to moderate
@evelynjlamb my vote is for analyst
Pretending this cold rain is actually congenitally hot snow. It's a winter wonderland!
@profkeithdevlin It's almost at the point where you could use them in a knights and knaves puzzle
The results are in: I have extreme protanomaly! I spent a fun afternoon with neuroscientists doing colour tests.
@evelynjlamb yes, since I was tiny. I have a particularly bad case!
@evelynjlamb I just did the tests today because my friend doing a neuro PhD wanted to see how they're done
Having fun trying to decide how to localise my JS library's error messages.… I know this dude! He's really good at maths. So pleased he's doing something cool.
@Tegglington deduce eyeballs are emitting light; plummet into immediate body horror crisis?
@peterrowlett we haven't even run ours yet, so no for now.
A bit tired and a bit glum, so I'm going to my happy place: e1m1
As the corpse of the monstrous entity CHTHON sinks back into the lava whence it came, I feel a lot better.
5pm today! RT @MathJax: Don't forget: our first MathJax Hangout on Air -- Q&A with Phil Schatz and @christianp
@aperfect I am suddenly more interested in visiting London
@C_J_Smith "Handyman's Ear" sounds like the name of a village in the west country
Attack of the witty till maintenance guy.
A pub near here gives a free pint to any scientist who has a paper published. Nice, but points lost for not calling it the "No-Bill Prize"
Top celeb fact: The reason Ant always stands on Dec's right is that they both walk in to work. That's right: Ant and Dec don't commute.
It would be nice if operators were first-class objects in javascript.
I did a Hangout on air Q&A with @pkrautz and Phil Schatz about @MathJax last Friday. I've posted about it on my blog:…
An anagram of @robinhouston's name is "no enthusiasm or job". An anagram of mine is "erect finch rapist". Thankfully, neither is accurate.
@Boxfresh Any sign of the size 13s you said would be arriving quite a while ago?
@Boxfresh can you be any more specific than "soon"? That plain blue pair is OK, but I'd hate to buy it just before nicer ones arrive
@helenarney another, less sensible, friend of mine posted those exact two points as positives last week during her trip
Oop, just noticed that November @MathsJam is next Tuesday! Time to send my reminder email...
@CloudoidLtd (mod 1000)
@jamesgrime @standupmaths hah, I literally checked the site 20 minutes ago to see if they were up
So many <span> tags. Starting to mistype as <spam>. There should be a preprocessor. To process my <spam>.
@ben_nuttall this springs to mind…
No, this is not a Möbius band! It's a normal loop. Bad architects!…
Ooh, my new parking permit has a pleasing expiry date
I just spent ten minutes looking for good covers of the Monkey Island theme and I didn't find any and now I am sad :(
@haggismaths I might be able to help you... what do you want the LaTeX for?
Why do user ratings get so little attention in music apps? Now everything's streamable, my ratings are the only valuable part of my library
Years ago I had a Python jukebox script that auto-rated songs based on how often you listened to completion or skipped them. It was great!
@haggismaths I have a thing which converts easily-typed calculator syntax to LaTeX, and I could put it in a page you could tweet from
Another thing: since Google Music can't sort by date added, there's all this music I haven't listened to as much as I'd like
"Why should engineers and scientists be worried about colour?"… Studiously ignores inaccessibility to the colourblind
At home midday on Friday freezing to death under a blanket because I saved enough money to be exactly this miserable. No I'm not a pensioner
@BenTormey can you remember the name of that French guy who self-published a mathematical monograph with colour plates of nude women in it?
@standupmaths @QMUL I've always thought QMUL should do a Neal Stephenson Qwghlm tie-in.
@BenTormey superb!
Buying leather and painting everything black for my new wedding parlour for goths, "Doom and Groom".
Breaking up the band to concentrate on my exciting new restaurant venture, Gnocco Ono.
@standupmaths I think it's pteriffic
Because the kiwi kept losing his hat, we've added a chinstrap. Now he can wear it at a jaunty angle!
Fancy earning a fiver? Resolve @TweetsofCushing's conjecture for him. (Difficulty: Erdős) ……
Went to Michael Gove's website to get a link for a story. Saw the picture on the right. brb never sleeping again
@nulibrs good work: you've even got a visible concrete arm in the photo holding the camera
Newcastle's Maths Arcade is finally happening! Open to all students at @STEMNewcastle.
Goddammi!, I thought I'd found a new sequence but the OEIS had to go and enrich my life with facts
(A001595 might be a record for lowest-index sequence found while believing I had a new one)
@stecks whuh?
@stecks Ahh!
@stecks on inspection, the instructions have no such footnote
Projects I am currently involved with: Maths Aid; Maths Jam; Maths Arcade. #nomenclazy
@Andrew_Taylor see also: basketball hoops
Oh yes, and that one. RT @michaeljgrove: @christianp Ahem...Maths Wiki?!
@evelynjlamb Pictures!
I'm off for pre-@MathsJam dinner. Which is at 7pm in the Charles Grey pub, by the way. I'm not doing too well at promotion lately...
A 45 minute wait for food, indeed! Good job I'm already planning on being here that long.
@ColinTheMathmo Yoneda lemma? Igotta lemma!
Inline links coloured in red: ARGGGG!
@My_Metro the position of the card scanners at Tynemouth is terrible for people tapping out. You have to turn round and hold everyone up
Just gave the OEIS some money. They deserve it!…
"2 10^1059002 -1, or 199999...99, is prime. It's the first near-repdigit prime found with over a million digits." via
@songdrop I keep unsubscribing from product update emails, but you keep sending them. What's the deal?
Yes I am very interested sign me up for twelve
Great work guys! (Peeked at the source: nested tables, then an iframe, then a link which didn't set target properly)
Look out for mine and @TweetsofCushing's new project, out next summer: the Pop-Up Book of Integer Sequences (PUBIS)
@fuzzmonkey @jcoglan I've always thought this is something vault could have built-in: a list of settings for popular sites.
@cartazio @pkrautz where's your blog? Can I take a look?
@icecolbeveridge not sure: were you rickrolled or was the shop?
@ben_nuttall yes! I did it once but I don't know what I did to make it happen
I see Flash has reached Java levels of irrelevance: they're now trying to bundle McAfee with updates.
The NOTY competition is back!…
@elinoroberts @jjsanderson congratulations to you both!
@DanielColquitt "I Did It: The Daniel Colquitt Story, Chapter XII"
The queue outside Frankie and Tony's is getting ridiculous. Time to find a different sandwich place!
@C_J_Smith is that a quote from The Tick? It feels like it.
@jcoglan lesson: stop using computers and take up woodwork
Where's the 8.30 cool crew? Is low rail adhesion to be feared more than I thought? This is a lonely platform.
New hobby: mixing Robinson's squash flavours.
Two people with the same name working in quantum mechanics, 60 years apart. Struggling to rule out time travel.
Gauss's doctoral supervisor was called Pfaff. I can't help but start @pfafffacts now.
*wist*… #somuchwist
I did a podcast with @TweetsofCushing. We talked about all sorts of unusual maths…
Idea: minecraft with the minesweeper ruleset.
@AlgebraFact @AnalysisFact if you liked those, I'm about to do an interesting esoterica post which will have loads of fun papers in it
Research top tip: when writing out the price of a closed access paper, don't take your finger off shift. e.g., "this paper costs $"%!"
Considering changing to to have my conception of what knowledge can be smashed to smithereens
... it just returns a blank page, not even a 404. So is knowledge fundamentally consistent? Are there no unknowables? #existentialtypocrisis
@dannytybrown I can do 'free' and 'good', but 'simple' is subjective:
This Chinese poem is palindromic in a ridiculous number of ways.…
@dannytybrown (I'm the developer of Numbas, so can help with any queries or feature requests)
@peterrowlett ssssh! For all they know, @TweetsofCushing is a real person.
The first Newcastle @mathsarcade was a moderate success. Around 8 students took part, but all staff seem to have forgotten it was on.
ShapeJS is an alright tool, now I've worked out how to use it. Here's my favourite shape, the Herschel enneahedron:…
@Boxfresh hi, more than a fortnight since you said "next week" for new size 13 shoes. Are they any closer?
@peterrowlett which day is your viva?
Permutohedron! It's not an instruction, it's a polytope:…
I love race conditions.
My next tweet will be a lie.
Have started tinkering with @MathJax extensions. Stand back, this might work.
@aoibhinn_ni_s do you mean compared to girls in other countries, or compared to boys in Ireland?
An outbreak of * to denote function application among the undergrads in online tests. e.g. `cos*(x)`, `ln*abs(x)`. Wonder who started it.
@infrahumano @ddmeyer it's just a few students in one assignment, so at the moment I assume they've copied off one person or worked together
Least expected combination of words 2013 "@TweetsofCushing: Unicyling Darth Vader Santa Claus Plays Flaming Bagpipes…
I just made @NclNumbas a bajillion times faster by adding a check for the degenerate case to a function. Doiiiii.
@vickytnz if they can be traded, maybe they wait for card issuer refusal to discourage fraudsters buying them with other people's cards
Idea for a twitter bot: get GBP-Euro exchange rate every day, put it through inverse symbolic calculator, tweet when best fit uses <4 ops.
@JanvierUK to give an easy way of converting between currencies (for values of 'easy' that apply to mathematicians)
.@JanvierUK for example, the current exchange rate of £1 = €1.20829 is more easily remembered as ζ(1,2)ᵀʰᵘᵉᴹᵒʳˢᵉ/(Lehmerᵀʰᵘᵉᴹᵒʳˢᵉ)
@JanvierUK Zeta(1,2)^ThueMorse/(Lehmer^ThueMorse)
this textbook for French students elucidates English pronunciation via the phonetic alphabet… (i.e. not at all)
Google Music has got very confused about what songs are in this christmas album. It's playing the right tracks, but labelling them wrong.
So "The Power of Love" is now "Baby It's Cold Outside" by Tom Jones, and "A Spaceman Came Travelling" is now "Angels" by Robbie Williams
@ebuie "Lift entrapment"? I can't think of any crimes a lift could encourage me to commit.
I made this because apparently I need it:…
Wrote this, not sure what to do with it: Every example of a @MathJax extension I could think of was a bad idea.
Finalising the menu for my new fast-food chicken place ZFC, where there are so many options you have to use the axiom of choice to order.
Today on Google+ I asked a stupid question about notation and got some fascinating comments about de Rham cohomology…
@pkrautz go on...
Wondered why my GP appointment was for an hour-long window, until I realised "ten to eleven" meant 10.50.
Can whoever's in charge of such things force sixth form colleges to advertise Prob(pass an A-Level you start) instead of pass rates?
One way of gaming pass rate figures is to tell people who might not pass not to bother sitting the exam.
@sxpmaths good: your assessors are more numerically literate than your prospective students!
Particularly pleased with tonight's bananagrams. #supineyeti
@pkrautz send me an email. I'm away to your homeland for the weekend to visit the Weihnachtsmärkte, but next week I'll have some coding time
@peterrowlett good luck!
King James Programming is pretty funny
@lyd_w where?!
@lyd_w excellent! I will investigate
Berlin packing checklist. So excited!
@helenarney I sad too but no need grammar to forgetting
Just arrived in Berlin, and I have eduroam Internet! I may be able to tweet more than expected
@nulibrs that's a very good book!
.@TweetsofCushing no, you should accept that a calendar invented by the last vestige of the Roman Empire is not acceptable for timekeeping.
@jcoglan I have a vague memory of a chrome extension which put a spectrum analyser on each tab header for exactly that purpose
@evelynjlamb Dr Lamb, I wish to decrease my body's genus. What do you recommend?
Testify! MT @IanHopkinson_: Was surprised how few PhD students who code for their work use source control, let alone testing frameworks
@jcoglan that's especially bad, considering it has so few users to find bugs.
The art by @Gelada looks particularly good in the morning light today.
Lunch today at Spanglish Tiendita was nice and tasty and cheap. And oh my, the ingredients they sell!…
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss @AdamJackzon god no. Didn't watch the first one.
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss you know empire reviews hold no sway with me
@lyd_w a burrito and an arepa. Want to go back and try the paella and empanadas
Going early to the doctor's for my appointment because their waiting room is warmer than my house.
This dude's head is like a D6 of groady tattoos
@gingerbeardman were you in Berlin last weekend? So was I!
Just found out that in Moodle you can drop a SCORM zip file onto a course section to upload it in one go. So useful!
Massive anticlimax as we have a full office for the first time in well over a year.
Less happy Moodle news: debugging the SCORM module makes me want to give up technology and join a monastery
Data model retrieval and storage implemented entirely through eval() and string-replacement. #nononononono
@DrSaraSantos @bostoncyberarts ooh, I'm a big Balint fan. Pity I'm not in Boston!
Have a blast from CP's past: Santa's Freelance Adventure, a game I made.…
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon @Electrokittie sorry, I'm doing family things tomorrow, it turns out
@Dr_Lucie that is such a sci-fi sentence.
@GhostMutt using the 'selector' parameter for .on (…)
A genius tragedy today:…
@ColinTheMathmo mezzalunas are great!
@standupmaths while my GF was decrying apostrophe heretics, I told her about #snowfake. She didn't see a problem. Considering my options.
Which is mis-spotted more: the golden ratio, or a power law? "Simple mathematical formula describes human struggles"…
Correspondent on BBC News having trouble hearing anchor's questions: maybe do your report somewhere quieter than in front of a protest?
If there's a gangsta way of wearing one's kippa, this guy has it
@jcoglan Christ. PHP is like an exquisite corpse programming language. Hacks to fix hacks to fix hacks to fix hacks to fix
I can just about understand why some people think it's worthwhile to go to certain shops on boxing day. But Ryman?!
There's no Newcastle @MathsJam this month because we are purists and the second-last Tuesday is Christmas Eve.
@Bishnavitch that actually sounds delicious
Everyone is telling me to fatten up. Christmas is just over a week away. Am I a goose?
@evelynjlamb Are you aware of ?
@elinoroberts mine's leaking again, if that's any consolation
@icecolbeveridge Congratulations! Going to be an awkward birthday for presents later on, though.
@stecks @standupmaths and I had to get up early because, even though it's my day off, Helen had to go to work so kicked me out :(
@peterrowlett why yes I am, Peter, thanks for asking!
@plusmathsorg your readers might also enjoy pages from my 1811 arithmetic textbook… (still Georgian, just!)
This kid is refusing to speak with real words, despite his nana's demands and threats. Power to him. #habeedareeman
GP surgery's touchscreen check-in thing is inaccessible to the blind; ping to tell you to look at the screen inaccessible to the deaf.
"KEEP CALM AND LOOK AFTER YOURSELF", says NHS leaflet. "I don't want to live in a world with KEEP CALM...", say I.
@Bishnavitch shave a St George's cross into it
I can now play the first four bars of Little Donkey on the piano. #basicallythebest
@lyd_w you've been a hipster for five minutes, and you've already got a phone number nobody else has heard of yet.
@standupmaths looks like some number of intersecting octahedra
@FOTSN your link to buy tickets for Durham is broken
@FOTSN I imagine it changes each time they stoke the fire powering their computer.
Have some animated Victorian Christmas GIFs, courtesy of the lovely Public Domain Review…
Need to think of a way of turning my t-shirts drawer into a FIFO stack.
@jolyonjenkins thanks! Neither do I - I was practising it at mathsjam and couldn't do it anywhere near quickly enough
@JanvierUK hm yes quite…
I'm parked outside Washington's grimmest row of retail units. I can get a tattoo, borrow at usurious rates, or buy "hot food" (unspecified)
@AdamCreen not even the one you're thinking of: this was in Sulgrave village. @TweetsofCushing will appreciate your Peterlee review :)
Who on the Holby City production team decided you can just add snow in post instead of at least making fake stuff?
Phwoar, look at the maths in that! Good Christmas present from the papa Perfect.
That's surprisingly easy!
Pretty pleased with tonight's bananagrams. "Yon man won voodoo rejoinder; opine at ease."
@mutedestro it's a page from "Towers of Hanoi - Myths and Maths"
Forget π=3; apparently my mum's boiler thinks e=5.
My answer to basically all of my Nana's questions re clothes or going out: "You can do whatever you like, you're 82 years old."
"Can I go to church dressed like this?"; "Can I bring this coffee into Homebase?"; etc. etc.
First tweet from my Raspberry Pi. I think I should really keep it in the command line...
@standupmaths if you get a few of these, could it make an aperiodical post?
@peterrowlett @ProfKinyon this:…
What goes up must come down: Isaac Newton's hallowed name used for a shopping centre in Grantham.…
@monsoon0 I haven't, but Carlos has:…
My Pi needed a case, so I used materials on hand post-Christmas
@hughhunt @snapey1979 @MathsJam I want to maximise (tan(θ)-1)/(tan(θ)+(tan(θ))^2). Is there a way to do that without calculus?
End of year cleaning time. Why did I feel the need to keep this many holes?
@peterrowlett @stecks looking at it now, just got a phonecall
I can never crack this many eggs without worrying about the arrival of Zuul the Gatekeeper of Gozer.
Spotted in the Hermitage Inn in Warkworth: another member of the clan!
@jcoglan god yes. JS functions that take a few different types are so annoying. jQuery does "first param might be a bool" very often
@MathsJam Is anyone interested in a calculation contest using a slide rule and log tables in one of the breaks?
@stecks @aPaulTaylor I forgot to say bye to you! It was good to all be in one place again. Until next year! Or any earlier next thing!
A physical anomaly at Wetherby services. How many coins are causing the jam?
@peterrowlett I see your nine, and raise you to ten.
Told @TweetsofCushing he should go to a @MathsJam conference. Response: "I am a MathsJam conference". Can't argue with that.
A marvellously concise proof that 5!/2 is even:…
Gosh this is a lovely idea:
@RGS_maths what textbook is that? It looks similar to a Russian one I have by Skanavi
@RGS_maths aha, more Russians! David Singmaster insisted to me at the weekend that they're not a purely Russian phenomenon. Not convinced!
@gaussfacts does the posting of new facts mean you've sorted out the spam problem? I was disheartened last time I went to moderate
@evelynjlamb my vote is for analyst
Pretending this cold rain is actually congenitally hot snow. It's a winter wonderland!
@profkeithdevlin It's almost at the point where you could use them in a knights and knaves puzzle
The results are in: I have extreme protanomaly! I spent a fun afternoon with neuroscientists doing colour tests.
@evelynjlamb yes, since I was tiny. I have a particularly bad case!
@evelynjlamb I just did the tests today because my friend doing a neuro PhD wanted to see how they're done
Having fun trying to decide how to localise my JS library's error messages.… I know this dude! He's really good at maths. So pleased he's doing something cool.
@Tegglington deduce eyeballs are emitting light; plummet into immediate body horror crisis?
@peterrowlett we haven't even run ours yet, so no for now.
A bit tired and a bit glum, so I'm going to my happy place: e1m1
As the corpse of the monstrous entity CHTHON sinks back into the lava whence it came, I feel a lot better.
5pm today! RT @MathJax: Don't forget: our first MathJax Hangout on Air -- Q&A with Phil Schatz and @christianp
@aperfect I am suddenly more interested in visiting London
@C_J_Smith "Handyman's Ear" sounds like the name of a village in the west country
Attack of the witty till maintenance guy.
A pub near here gives a free pint to any scientist who has a paper published. Nice, but points lost for not calling it the "No-Bill Prize"
Top celeb fact: The reason Ant always stands on Dec's right is that they both walk in to work. That's right: Ant and Dec don't commute.
It would be nice if operators were first-class objects in javascript.
I did a Hangout on air Q&A with @pkrautz and Phil Schatz about @MathJax last Friday. I've posted about it on my blog:…
An anagram of @robinhouston's name is "no enthusiasm or job". An anagram of mine is "erect finch rapist". Thankfully, neither is accurate.
@Boxfresh Any sign of the size 13s you said would be arriving quite a while ago?
@Boxfresh can you be any more specific than "soon"? That plain blue pair is OK, but I'd hate to buy it just before nicer ones arrive
@helenarney another, less sensible, friend of mine posted those exact two points as positives last week during her trip
Oop, just noticed that November @MathsJam is next Tuesday! Time to send my reminder email...
@CloudoidLtd (mod 1000)
@jamesgrime @standupmaths hah, I literally checked the site 20 minutes ago to see if they were up
So many <span> tags. Starting to mistype as <spam>. There should be a preprocessor. To process my <spam>.
@ben_nuttall this springs to mind…
No, this is not a Möbius band! It's a normal loop. Bad architects!…
Ooh, my new parking permit has a pleasing expiry date
I just spent ten minutes looking for good covers of the Monkey Island theme and I didn't find any and now I am sad :(
@haggismaths I might be able to help you... what do you want the LaTeX for?
Why do user ratings get so little attention in music apps? Now everything's streamable, my ratings are the only valuable part of my library
Years ago I had a Python jukebox script that auto-rated songs based on how often you listened to completion or skipped them. It was great!
@haggismaths I have a thing which converts easily-typed calculator syntax to LaTeX, and I could put it in a page you could tweet from
Another thing: since Google Music can't sort by date added, there's all this music I haven't listened to as much as I'd like
"Why should engineers and scientists be worried about colour?"… Studiously ignores inaccessibility to the colourblind
At home midday on Friday freezing to death under a blanket because I saved enough money to be exactly this miserable. No I'm not a pensioner
@BenTormey can you remember the name of that French guy who self-published a mathematical monograph with colour plates of nude women in it?
@standupmaths @QMUL I've always thought QMUL should do a Neal Stephenson Qwghlm tie-in.
@BenTormey superb!
Buying leather and painting everything black for my new wedding parlour for goths, "Doom and Groom".
Breaking up the band to concentrate on my exciting new restaurant venture, Gnocco Ono.
@standupmaths I think it's pteriffic
Because the kiwi kept losing his hat, we've added a chinstrap. Now he can wear it at a jaunty angle!
Fancy earning a fiver? Resolve @TweetsofCushing's conjecture for him. (Difficulty: Erdős) ……
Went to Michael Gove's website to get a link for a story. Saw the picture on the right. brb never sleeping again
@nulibrs good work: you've even got a visible concrete arm in the photo holding the camera
Newcastle's Maths Arcade is finally happening! Open to all students at @STEMNewcastle.
Goddammi!, I thought I'd found a new sequence but the OEIS had to go and enrich my life with facts
(A001595 might be a record for lowest-index sequence found while believing I had a new one)
@stecks whuh?
@stecks Ahh!
@stecks on inspection, the instructions have no such footnote
Projects I am currently involved with: Maths Aid; Maths Jam; Maths Arcade. #nomenclazy
@Andrew_Taylor see also: basketball hoops
Oh yes, and that one. RT @michaeljgrove: @christianp Ahem...Maths Wiki?!
@evelynjlamb Pictures!
I'm off for pre-@MathsJam dinner. Which is at 7pm in the Charles Grey pub, by the way. I'm not doing too well at promotion lately...
A 45 minute wait for food, indeed! Good job I'm already planning on being here that long.
@ColinTheMathmo Yoneda lemma? Igotta lemma!
Inline links coloured in red: ARGGGG!
@My_Metro the position of the card scanners at Tynemouth is terrible for people tapping out. You have to turn round and hold everyone up
Just gave the OEIS some money. They deserve it!…
"2 10^1059002 -1, or 199999...99, is prime. It's the first near-repdigit prime found with over a million digits." via
@songdrop I keep unsubscribing from product update emails, but you keep sending them. What's the deal?
Yes I am very interested sign me up for twelve
Great work guys! (Peeked at the source: nested tables, then an iframe, then a link which didn't set target properly)
Look out for mine and @TweetsofCushing's new project, out next summer: the Pop-Up Book of Integer Sequences (PUBIS)
@fuzzmonkey @jcoglan I've always thought this is something vault could have built-in: a list of settings for popular sites.
@cartazio @pkrautz where's your blog? Can I take a look?
@icecolbeveridge not sure: were you rickrolled or was the shop?
@ben_nuttall yes! I did it once but I don't know what I did to make it happen
I see Flash has reached Java levels of irrelevance: they're now trying to bundle McAfee with updates.
The NOTY competition is back!…
@elinoroberts @jjsanderson congratulations to you both!
@DanielColquitt "I Did It: The Daniel Colquitt Story, Chapter XII"
The queue outside Frankie and Tony's is getting ridiculous. Time to find a different sandwich place!
@C_J_Smith is that a quote from The Tick? It feels like it.
@jcoglan lesson: stop using computers and take up woodwork
Where's the 8.30 cool crew? Is low rail adhesion to be feared more than I thought? This is a lonely platform.
New hobby: mixing Robinson's squash flavours.
Two people with the same name working in quantum mechanics, 60 years apart. Struggling to rule out time travel.
Gauss's doctoral supervisor was called Pfaff. I can't help but start @pfafffacts now.
*wist*… #somuchwist
I did a podcast with @TweetsofCushing. We talked about all sorts of unusual maths…
Idea: minecraft with the minesweeper ruleset.
@AlgebraFact @AnalysisFact if you liked those, I'm about to do an interesting esoterica post which will have loads of fun papers in it
Research top tip: when writing out the price of a closed access paper, don't take your finger off shift. e.g., "this paper costs $"%!"
Considering changing to to have my conception of what knowledge can be smashed to smithereens
... it just returns a blank page, not even a 404. So is knowledge fundamentally consistent? Are there no unknowables? #existentialtypocrisis
@dannytybrown I can do 'free' and 'good', but 'simple' is subjective:
This Chinese poem is palindromic in a ridiculous number of ways.…
@dannytybrown (I'm the developer of Numbas, so can help with any queries or feature requests)
@peterrowlett ssssh! For all they know, @TweetsofCushing is a real person.
The first Newcastle @mathsarcade was a moderate success. Around 8 students took part, but all staff seem to have forgotten it was on.
ShapeJS is an alright tool, now I've worked out how to use it. Here's my favourite shape, the Herschel enneahedron:…
@Boxfresh hi, more than a fortnight since you said "next week" for new size 13 shoes. Are they any closer?
@peterrowlett which day is your viva?
Permutohedron! It's not an instruction, it's a polytope:…
I love race conditions.
My next tweet will be a lie.
Have started tinkering with @MathJax extensions. Stand back, this might work.
@aoibhinn_ni_s do you mean compared to girls in other countries, or compared to boys in Ireland?
An outbreak of * to denote function application among the undergrads in online tests. e.g. `cos*(x)`, `ln*abs(x)`. Wonder who started it.
@infrahumano @ddmeyer it's just a few students in one assignment, so at the moment I assume they've copied off one person or worked together
Least expected combination of words 2013 "@TweetsofCushing: Unicyling Darth Vader Santa Claus Plays Flaming Bagpipes…
I just made @NclNumbas a bajillion times faster by adding a check for the degenerate case to a function. Doiiiii.
@vickytnz if they can be traded, maybe they wait for card issuer refusal to discourage fraudsters buying them with other people's cards
Idea for a twitter bot: get GBP-Euro exchange rate every day, put it through inverse symbolic calculator, tweet when best fit uses <4 ops.
@JanvierUK to give an easy way of converting between currencies (for values of 'easy' that apply to mathematicians)
.@JanvierUK for example, the current exchange rate of £1 = €1.20829 is more easily remembered as ζ(1,2)ᵀʰᵘᵉᴹᵒʳˢᵉ/(Lehmerᵀʰᵘᵉᴹᵒʳˢᵉ)
@JanvierUK Zeta(1,2)^ThueMorse/(Lehmer^ThueMorse)
this textbook for French students elucidates English pronunciation via the phonetic alphabet… (i.e. not at all)
Google Music has got very confused about what songs are in this christmas album. It's playing the right tracks, but labelling them wrong.
So "The Power of Love" is now "Baby It's Cold Outside" by Tom Jones, and "A Spaceman Came Travelling" is now "Angels" by Robbie Williams
@ebuie "Lift entrapment"? I can't think of any crimes a lift could encourage me to commit.
I made this because apparently I need it:…
Wrote this, not sure what to do with it: Every example of a @MathJax extension I could think of was a bad idea.
Finalising the menu for my new fast-food chicken place ZFC, where there are so many options you have to use the axiom of choice to order.
Today on Google+ I asked a stupid question about notation and got some fascinating comments about de Rham cohomology…
@pkrautz go on...
Wondered why my GP appointment was for an hour-long window, until I realised "ten to eleven" meant 10.50.
Can whoever's in charge of such things force sixth form colleges to advertise Prob(pass an A-Level you start) instead of pass rates?
One way of gaming pass rate figures is to tell people who might not pass not to bother sitting the exam.
@sxpmaths good: your assessors are more numerically literate than your prospective students!
Particularly pleased with tonight's bananagrams. #supineyeti
@pkrautz send me an email. I'm away to your homeland for the weekend to visit the Weihnachtsmärkte, but next week I'll have some coding time
@peterrowlett good luck!
King James Programming is pretty funny
@lyd_w where?!
@lyd_w excellent! I will investigate
Berlin packing checklist. So excited!
@helenarney I sad too but no need grammar to forgetting
Just arrived in Berlin, and I have eduroam Internet! I may be able to tweet more than expected
@nulibrs that's a very good book!
.@TweetsofCushing no, you should accept that a calendar invented by the last vestige of the Roman Empire is not acceptable for timekeeping.
@jcoglan I have a vague memory of a chrome extension which put a spectrum analyser on each tab header for exactly that purpose
@evelynjlamb Dr Lamb, I wish to decrease my body's genus. What do you recommend?
Testify! MT @IanHopkinson_: Was surprised how few PhD students who code for their work use source control, let alone testing frameworks
@jcoglan that's especially bad, considering it has so few users to find bugs.
The art by @Gelada looks particularly good in the morning light today.
Lunch today at Spanglish Tiendita was nice and tasty and cheap. And oh my, the ingredients they sell!…
@Bishnavitch @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss @AdamJackzon god no. Didn't watch the first one.
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon @Electrokittie @HeyCwiss you know empire reviews hold no sway with me
@lyd_w a burrito and an arepa. Want to go back and try the paella and empanadas
Going early to the doctor's for my appointment because their waiting room is warmer than my house.
This dude's head is like a D6 of groady tattoos
@gingerbeardman were you in Berlin last weekend? So was I!
Just found out that in Moodle you can drop a SCORM zip file onto a course section to upload it in one go. So useful!
Massive anticlimax as we have a full office for the first time in well over a year.
Less happy Moodle news: debugging the SCORM module makes me want to give up technology and join a monastery
Data model retrieval and storage implemented entirely through eval() and string-replacement. #nononononono
@DrSaraSantos @bostoncyberarts ooh, I'm a big Balint fan. Pity I'm not in Boston!
Have a blast from CP's past: Santa's Freelance Adventure, a game I made.…
@Bishnavitch @AdamJackzon @Electrokittie sorry, I'm doing family things tomorrow, it turns out
@Dr_Lucie that is such a sci-fi sentence.
@GhostMutt using the 'selector' parameter for .on (…)
A genius tragedy today:…
@ColinTheMathmo mezzalunas are great!
@standupmaths while my GF was decrying apostrophe heretics, I told her about #snowfake. She didn't see a problem. Considering my options.
Which is mis-spotted more: the golden ratio, or a power law? "Simple mathematical formula describes human struggles"…
Correspondent on BBC News having trouble hearing anchor's questions: maybe do your report somewhere quieter than in front of a protest?
If there's a gangsta way of wearing one's kippa, this guy has it
@jcoglan Christ. PHP is like an exquisite corpse programming language. Hacks to fix hacks to fix hacks to fix hacks to fix
I can just about understand why some people think it's worthwhile to go to certain shops on boxing day. But Ryman?!
There's no Newcastle @MathsJam this month because we are purists and the second-last Tuesday is Christmas Eve.
@Bishnavitch that actually sounds delicious
Everyone is telling me to fatten up. Christmas is just over a week away. Am I a goose?
@evelynjlamb Are you aware of ?
@elinoroberts mine's leaking again, if that's any consolation
@icecolbeveridge Congratulations! Going to be an awkward birthday for presents later on, though.
@stecks @standupmaths and I had to get up early because, even though it's my day off, Helen had to go to work so kicked me out :(
@peterrowlett why yes I am, Peter, thanks for asking!
@plusmathsorg your readers might also enjoy pages from my 1811 arithmetic textbook… (still Georgian, just!)
This kid is refusing to speak with real words, despite his nana's demands and threats. Power to him. #habeedareeman
GP surgery's touchscreen check-in thing is inaccessible to the blind; ping to tell you to look at the screen inaccessible to the deaf.
"KEEP CALM AND LOOK AFTER YOURSELF", says NHS leaflet. "I don't want to live in a world with KEEP CALM...", say I.
@Bishnavitch shave a St George's cross into it
I can now play the first four bars of Little Donkey on the piano. #basicallythebest
@lyd_w you've been a hipster for five minutes, and you've already got a phone number nobody else has heard of yet.
@standupmaths looks like some number of intersecting octahedra
@FOTSN your link to buy tickets for Durham is broken
@FOTSN I imagine it changes each time they stoke the fire powering their computer.
Have some animated Victorian Christmas GIFs, courtesy of the lovely Public Domain Review…
Need to think of a way of turning my t-shirts drawer into a FIFO stack.
@jolyonjenkins thanks! Neither do I - I was practising it at mathsjam and couldn't do it anywhere near quickly enough
@JanvierUK hm yes quite…
I'm parked outside Washington's grimmest row of retail units. I can get a tattoo, borrow at usurious rates, or buy "hot food" (unspecified)
@AdamCreen not even the one you're thinking of: this was in Sulgrave village. @TweetsofCushing will appreciate your Peterlee review :)
Who on the Holby City production team decided you can just add snow in post instead of at least making fake stuff?
Phwoar, look at the maths in that! Good Christmas present from the papa Perfect.
That's surprisingly easy!
Pretty pleased with tonight's bananagrams. "Yon man won voodoo rejoinder; opine at ease."
@mutedestro it's a page from "Towers of Hanoi - Myths and Maths"
Forget π=3; apparently my mum's boiler thinks e=5.
My answer to basically all of my Nana's questions re clothes or going out: "You can do whatever you like, you're 82 years old."
"Can I go to church dressed like this?"; "Can I bring this coffee into Homebase?"; etc. etc.
First tweet from my Raspberry Pi. I think I should really keep it in the command line...
@standupmaths if you get a few of these, could it make an aperiodical post?
@peterrowlett @ProfKinyon this:…
What goes up must come down: Isaac Newton's hallowed name used for a shopping centre in Grantham.…
@monsoon0 I haven't, but Carlos has:…
My Pi needed a case, so I used materials on hand post-Christmas
@hughhunt @snapey1979 @MathsJam I want to maximise (tan(θ)-1)/(tan(θ)+(tan(θ))^2). Is there a way to do that without calculus?
End of year cleaning time. Why did I feel the need to keep this many holes?
@peterrowlett @stecks looking at it now, just got a phonecall