
In reply to @Dabbawal

@Dabbawal is the jesmond restaurant wheelchair accessible?

0 favourites 0 retweets

I have 2 bags of xbox games and dvds
Where's the best place in Newcastle to sell them? I'd rather not support Grainger Games' sketchy owners

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @manutdjax

@manutdjax I'm not feeling that charitable. Three big bags of other stuff just went to the charity shop

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Dabbawal

@Dabbawal thanks. Turns out my dad called to book anyway.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @vickytnz

@vickytnz ooh, you got one. Where from?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @vickytnz

@vickytnz cool. My gf wants to replace her laptop with a tablet, but a chromebook could also work

0 favourites 0 retweets

2014: The Year I Finally Have Enough Micro-USB Cables And Charger Plugs

1 favourite 0 retweets

Dude on the metro stone cold writing in a textbook in pen. Good luck revising, muchacho!

1 favourite 0 retweets

Because I love showing off, I've uploaded pictures of my best bananagrams boards to Flickr. flickr.com/photos/christi…

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In reply to @JanvierUK

@JanvierUK Beenoch, Seenoch, Deenoch...

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Quendus

@Quendus @haggismaths but odd that it gets even "fit a quadratic through (1,1)" wrong

0 favourites 0 retweets

Scorpion Dagger is hilarious scorpiondagger.tumblr.com

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @jamesgrime

@jamesgrime @peterrowlett @Wolfram_Alpha there was 1 silly comment before they realised we knew perfectly well what's going on, since edited

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jamesgrime

@jamesgrime @peterrowlett my guess is, fit assumes the points aren't on the line and interpolate uses something like Chebyshev interpolation

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@jamesgrime @peterrowlett ... and because "quadratic through {X}" is most often used to fit regression models, it uses the "fit" algorithm

0 favourites 0 retweets

Wow, I don't miss downloading packages from sourceforge at all.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths so a baby should live its first day as if it's its entire life?

0 favourites 0 retweets

So @TweetsofCushing is paying $50 to courier a cheque for $30 to UCSD because their graduate office only takes cash or cheques.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Which, for an office which has to deal with international students quite often, seems peculiar. Lucky his supervisor has a US bank account!

0 favourites 0 retweets

(Yes, I've suggested paying someone at UCSD $35 to walk over to the office with $30 cash)

0 favourites 0 retweets

A slow day at work, so I've set up a fabfile to automate @NclNumbas server tasks. It's pretty nice! fabfile.org

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In reply to @miclugo

@madcaptenor we did have an abc channel for a short while a few years ago. It played endless terrible sitcom repeats.

0 favourites 0 retweets

A nice MC Escher-inspired wall in Madrid found by Carlos Dorce themathematicaltourist.wordpress.com/2014/01/08/esc…

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In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb challenge: find the page with the @aperiodical logo

0 favourites 0 retweets

"brown streak on public byway" - Dog. (mixed media, 2014) #contemporarytynemouthartscene

1 favourite 0 retweets

Have an obnoxiously large and slow implementation of a programming language I can't name. (and a Fibonnaci generator) christianp.github.io/bfbf/?+P+pbbPP…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @johndavidread @outofthenorm2 @aperiodical I'm planning on consulting a Russian or two first

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In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths Well done for making your MathsJam conference slides even more awkward than mine. OK if we just offer a zip file?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@standupmaths ... actually, never mind. I assumed the TIFFs were images to go in the slides, but they ARE the slides! #inception

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Moon0nASpoon

@Moon0nASpoon hah! Where's that?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths turns out Katie already had.

0 favourites 0 retweets

This morning: Regex Golf (regex.alf.nu). Not sure why I got such a high score for number 10.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Look on my bananas, ye mighty, and despair! flickr.com/photos/christi…

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In reply to @bengoldacre

@bengoldacre is this just people in work, or all people?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @JanvierUK

@JanvierUK thanks! Did you get my text on your birthday?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Today, my birthday, my age is one less than the sum of the components of the DD/MM/YY date. Does anyone achieve equality on theirs?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Today's dress code MT @ChirurgeonsAppr: this flower is aptly named "Naked Hanging Men."

1 favourite 0 retweets

Cmder is a nice cmd.exe replacement for windows. bliker.github.io/cmder/

1 favourite 1 retweet

So far I'm the closest to being DD+M+YY years old on my birthday. There must be someone out there!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @pelagikat

@hornmaths doiii

0 favourites 0 retweets

Even on my birthday, I can't find a new integer sequence. I'd've been offended if this wasn't already in, though: oeis.org/A131383

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In reply to @DoctorLewney

@DoctorLewney where did 46 come from?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DoctorLewney

@DoctorLewney no, I'm 28 today, which is 14/1/14. 14+1+14 = 29, so I'm one off.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Another @Christiansmas fact: this year, for the last time ever, I'm living up to my name since my age is a perfect number.

0 favourites 1 retweet

Oh, BOO. I'm never going to find a new sequence, am I? oeis.org/A000348 This one was the second article ever in J. Int. Sequences!

0 favourites 0 retweets

This URL describes itself in French …tteadressecomportecinquantesignes.com

0 favourites 0 retweets

Probably not my last @Christiansmas fact: (28!+1)/(28+1) has 28+1 digits and is prime.

0 favourites 0 retweets

!!! The main character from GTAV is modelled on Bill Dana as Jose Jimenez! Creepy eyes and everything! youtu.be/d85gkOXeXG4?t=…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @libraryncl

@nulibrs can I suggest sprinklers as a way of dispersing the cloud of smokers stood outside the library's front door?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @libraryncl

@nulibrs thanks!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Bishnavitch

@Bishnavitch @aperfect some of the mathematicians are doing it. Your mission: DEFEAT THEM

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett Seen this? Someone has made an ox blocks-ish game for android: aperiodical.com/2013/05/ox-blo…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett I think emails are broken for everyone. @aperfect did say he'd look at it as a special birthday treat, though...

0 favourites 0 retweets

Hi there! Hal the friendly peartato here. (discovered by my lovely gal)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Nonam212

@Nonam212 @Tony_Mann @errordiary here in The Enlightened North, our key cards also work as Metro passes. I pity your rude southern ways

0 favourites 0 retweets

Whoah! A croissant-shaped grape!

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @drvinceknight

@drvinceknight tl;dr - the huge pay packets? The adoration of masses, young and old?

0 favourites 0 retweets

This construction gives xy/(x+y). Does it have a name? Is it in Euclid?

1 favourite 0 retweets

Did you know that geometry used to be represented by a woman with a castle on her head? wellcomeimages.org/indexplus/resu…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @MB_Whitworth

@MB_Whitworth I think a coincidence - @TweetsofCushing introduced it with lengths 4 and 6

0 favourites 0 retweets

Polygonal fruit news: five-sided oranges in Japan! designyoutrust.com/in-the-nature/… Can anyone find a primary source that isn't the Daily Mail?

0 favourites 0 retweets

This integer sequence won an award at #jmm14 and is also the shortest entry in the OEIS (I think) oeis.org/A235383

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In reply to @ebuie

@ebuie no - the comments say Carmichael's theorem implies 8 and 144 are the only possible products

0 favourites 0 retweets

OH @TweetsofCushing: "Wow, it's independent of how big 1 is."

0 favourites 1 retweet

Newcastle @MathsJam is in a couple of hours. Charles Grey pub, 7pm, bring your thinkin' bits.

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In reply to @premierian

@encratica very nice!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Hey guys, @TweetsofCushing is so inbred his family tree is nonplanar.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @outofthenorm2

@outofthenorm2 wow, you've got a proper board! Did you make it?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jjaron

@jjaron @NS_headlines that's new to me, so the answer could be 'yes'

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mountain_ghosts

@jcoglan you might want to talk to Andrew Stacey. He's working on a set of tools that do *good* LaTeX->internet github.com/loopspace/late…

1 favourite 0 retweets

Teeheehee! Slurpy yolkfish! youtube.com/watch?v=mRUDZh…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Picture of the world's blandest hipster, above the slogan "Career with an edge." - Northumbria Uni advert. #sillypoly

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In reply to @outofthenorm2

@outofthenorm2 I don't. I think we used gamecabinet.com/rules/Rithmoma… when we played. Maybe a nicely-presented set of rules would be a fun project?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge Ahh, we were going to do one of these for @aperiodical!

0 favourites 0 retweets

knockout.js observables look a lot more like magic when you wrap them in getters and setters: jsfiddle.net/Y855G/embedded…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Finally, I have a sequence in the OEIS! oeis.org/A236322 - number of (potentially overlapping) occurrences of n in n^n. Big day for me

6 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb yeah, but it doesn't matter until n=99. I have a non-overlapping one proposed at oeis.org/draft/A236314

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb The first three differences are at n=99,101,535

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb I tagged the sequence 'easy' at first because the algorithm is simple to write, but apparently computation takes time? #whoknew

0 favourites 0 retweets

Continued adventures in not finding a new integer sequence: oeis.org/A180039

0 favourites 0 retweets

I could tell myself I'm trying too hard, but the fact other people have put these in implies I'm not. oeis.org/A195835 #oeiswhacking

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In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge I've moderated my position on that after my summer students pointed out how often \left( gets the size wrong

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo train joined a gang at its home station, but the following section of track is on the turf of a rival train gang?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge can't remember specifics, but sometimes superscripts don't need as big a bracket round them as \left( wants.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge i.e., technically the box is that big, but visually the bigger bracket seems worse

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge similarly, you might want to force a bigger bracket if you've got a few in a row and only one with small contents

0 favourites 0 retweets

Good news, everyone! The first player wins Pentago: perfect-pentago.net/details.html#i…

1 favourite 0 retweets

I've got a new PC at work. It's called Tynemouth!

1 favourite 0 retweets

New keywords on the OEIS: "look" and "hear" mark sequences with good graphs or worth listening to, respectively. e.g. oeis.org/A007318

1 favourite 0 retweets

Bought some superb sausages from @Geordiebanger at Tynemouth market yesterday. They make a seriously nice breakfast!

2 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @Lucy_Worsley

@Lucy_Worsley If only his poyſon wasn't quite so ſtrong and violent!

0 favourites 0 retweets

OEIS duck well and truly broken. I now have three sequences. The third one is particularly nice :) oeis.org/A236510

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @ben_nuttall

@ben_nuttall @Raspberry_Pi jeeze, I know they're cheap, but using them as business cards is quite decadent

2 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @noneatnamesleft

@noneatnamesleft I think it's seaside towns whose names have fewer than 11 characters, or something like that

0 favourites 0 retweets

Use it for good, not for evil: github.com/christianp/oei…

0 favourites 1 retweet

You can't resize the Developer Tools in IE11 while the javascript debugger is paused. Good decoupling, guys!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Hah, Newcastle Uni (or, the bit of the network I'm on) has been blocked from the arXiv again.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Today: @TweetsofCushing is struggling to do compass constructions on the blackboard

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In reply to @stecks

@stecks this was prompted by @TweetsofCushing reminding me I still haven't bought one

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @GreyAlien

@GreyAlien my brother works for them!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @helenarney

@helenarney No more axolotls! abcnews.go.com/Technology/wir… :(

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @CR_UK

@CR_UK one of your chuggers in Newcastle just wished cancer on my friend who walked past him.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Such dedication RT @TweetsofCushing: Live blog post(I havn't bothered finishing it before publishing so the maths is still going)

0 favourites 0 retweets

There's a new series of Warhorses of Letters and I missed the first episode! Pooooooo bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03…

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've had to use vegetable oil instead of groundnut oil for the past week because it has a higher melting point. #coldworldproblems

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@christianp ... I of course mean lower

0 favourites 0 retweets

Winter is basically the worst time to decide you don't need a bag of ice cubes any more

0 favourites 0 retweets

Ooh, unicodeit.net has had an upgrade! unicodeit.net Exactly the change I thought of adding myself this morning

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett what is your itinerary next Wednesday? Want to meet up somewhere before going to the do?

0 favourites 0 retweets


Valentimes tables! RT @aperiodical: Puzzlebomb - February 2014 aperiodical.com/?p=11461

1 favourite 1 retweet

I have bought the sourest satsumas. Bonanza.

0 favourites 0 retweets

If you peel an orange from pole to pole you get an Euler spiral. What do you get if you peel a doughnut?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ajoy_allen

@ajoy_allen if you do it the natural way, yes, and it flattens to a straight line. But what if you do the other way?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ajoy_allen

@ajoy_allen sounds about right. BTW I'm referring to this paper: arxiv.org/abs/1202.3033. They flatten the peel out but only consider oranges

0 favourites 0 retweets

I'm now a developer-tools-docked-to-the-side man. It makes so much sense, I can see that now! Basically, this comic: achewood.com/index.php?date…

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#wifioutage2014 #neverforget RT @NU_ITservice: #nuitservicemessage Wireless network is now back to normal

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In reply to @plusmathsorg

@plusmathsorg it's like twenty questions for ℕ except you don't mind if they ask more than twenty questions, as long as they eventually stop

0 favourites 0 retweets

I'm in London tomorrow with nothing to do until 3pm. Is anyone around? @standupmaths?

0 favourites 0 retweets

I will never understand people who stand up ten minutes early to get off a train at the stop where it terminates.

0 favourites 0 retweets

All this shuffling! I don't know how Londoners put up with it. I want to STRIDE!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Ancient man just let loose the only expletive older than he is. He missed a train.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge @DanielCove1 depends how good your audience's memory is

0 favourites 0 retweets

I was about to look at my phone to see what time it was and then I realised I'm at the Greenwich observatory.

3 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @vickytnz

@vickytnz there's a travelex concession in the departures lounge, I think it has an ATM

0 favourites 0 retweets

Churchill, Cromwell, Parker. #humblebrag

0 favourites 0 retweets

Unusual: @standupmaths has just demonstrated that the corridors of power are non-Euclidean

0 favourites 0 retweets

Science progresses! Wolfram Alpha has fixed the "fit a quadratic" oddity found by @TweetsofCushing (chronicled at aperiodical.com/2014/01/a-morn… )

2 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @TweetsofCushing Hm yes indeed quite

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @lyd_w

@lyd_w haha. Having fun?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @gingerbeardman

@gingerbeardman I wish they'd make a modern version of rallisport challenge. Best rally game by far

0 favourites 0 retweets

I'm having the worst bananagrams game of my life. So many vowels!

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @Bananagrams_uk

@Bananagrams_uk I may or may not have a problem: flickr.com/photos/christi…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Bananagrams_uk

@Bananagrams_uk you know the 2012 edition is cheaper on Amazon?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Proposal: all trousers made available for sale must declare a "phantom vibration" factor.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Kit_Yates_Maths

@Kit_Yates_Maths that's odd. So they're not adding that much value, it turns out?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @noneatnamesleft

@noneatnamesleft @PuzzledPint I'm pretty terrible at puzzles. I'd come along if you set one up, but not sure if I'd keep going

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @noneatnamesleft

@noneatnamesleft hm, @poveryant might be

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Andrew_Taylor

@Andrew_Taylor is this because NaN is never equal to anything, or because +infty != -infty?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robinhouston

@robinhouston @Andrew_Taylor see p14 of "How Java's floating-point hurts everyone everywhere" cs.berkeley.edu/~wkahan/JAVAhu…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Andrew_Taylor

@Andrew_Taylor @robinhouston wherein CP tries to get away with claiming `false` represents zero.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robinhouston

@robinhouston @Andrew_Taylor exactly. I've got ℵ₀ reasons it's a bad idea

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@robinhouston @Andrew_Taylor by which I mean ℵ₁

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In reply to @robinhouston

@robinhouston let's say I assume it with a probability p ∈ [0,1]

0 favourites 0 retweets

Shift+Arrows to select text doesn't work in Word form boxes. Good job I wasn't planning on writing anything on this grant application

0 favourites 0 retweets

Some I'll-informed bird is trying out its repertoire of car alarm impressions. Cars must be like sexy sirens to it.

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In reply to @tim_hunt

@tim_hunt yeah, but I'd sort of like it to just work properly to start with

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Coke from the uni vending machine is now £1.40. Forget fair pay, *this* is worth going on strike about.

1 favourite 0 retweets

such OCR
so added value

0 favourites 0 retweets

uh oh. New collaborator worse at spotting double-spaces in text than old collaborator. Spotting and fixing them makes me feel like Rain Man

0 favourites 0 retweets

and OF COURSE I did a double-space in that tweet. OF COURSE.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DanielColquitt

@DanielColquitt filling in a restricted-editing Word form. It's literally worse than using nano.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Triple-space! C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths I'd always assumed it was "more dogs!" simpsonsscreenshots.com/2012/08/15/mor…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @GreyAlien

@GreyAlien was it raining while you were out?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway we'll both be at @FOTSN tomorrow night. Are you hanging around for drinks after?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb *mind blown*

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway @FOTSN my thoughts exactly, though I've heard the Head of Steam is good.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @FOTSN

@FOTSN fun story: just found out work owes me many many pounds, so I'm paying for my tickets tomorrow

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've never seen a shape of genus 2 in Simon Tatham's galaxies puzzle before

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @helenarney

@helenarney @elinoroberts @standupmaths hello yes I will take part please

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @helenarney

@helenarney @elinoroberts @standupmaths significantly less enticing, but I'm game

0 favourites 0 retweets

My favourite site that isn't @aperiodical, the OEIS, has got a new banner. Now to update the rest of it... oeis.org

0 favourites 1 retweet

I've got an idea: send me a new article for my Interesting Esoterica collection, and we chat about it for a hangout/podcast. Any takers?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths if you fancy somewhere warm, Leonard's cafe down by the river is nice

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths you have of course admired the bajillion different column styles in the Cathedral, including Frosterley (fossils) marble?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @FOTSN

@FOTSN and I'm going to have a terrible time without my specs

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @FOTSN

@FOTSN I bought a trophy for an integer sequence I thought was really good. I ran a competition to find the best one

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In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway where are you? We're stood a discrete distance from the merch table

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @KSCMaths

@KSCMaths gamma(i+1) is, so... depends on how far you're willing to stretch the definition

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway it was 11:15 on a school night, and the nerds still needed to pack up. So we didn't attempt the hostelry problem.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway I assume the paucity of good pubs in Durham is linked to the wine expenditures of the colleges

0 favourites 0 retweets

Need to 3d print something? Try this Herschel enneahedron designed by @owens_bill: thingiverse.com/thing:248603

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In reply to @owens_bill

@owens_bill a "when I have unlimited time" project is to print enneahedra of varying sizes to find the one that works as a fair 9-sided die

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In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway Someone did FOIA requests for Cambridge colleges recently: telegraph.co.uk/education/univ…

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Buying comfy chairs for my new knitting therapy anger management centre, Cross Stitch.

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In reply to @owens_bill

@owens_bill nope, for non-platonic solids there's no analytical way of working it out. Someone told me even the rolling surface matters!

0 favourites 0 retweets

If you've just woken up and you're catching up on Twitter, I just want to let you know what a nice morning you've missed

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In reply to @Thalesdisciple

@Thalesdisciple do you mean this kind of thing? staff.ncl.ac.uk/christian.perf…

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @helenarney

@helenarney This is a Helen-to-Helen thank you message. My Helen really likes your CD. She says she learnt many science facts!

0 favourites 0 retweets

If only it wasn't such a massive hassle to order things from the US. Otter with a Rubik's cube t-shirt: parklifestore.com/Merchant2/merc…

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It's @MathsJam night tonight. 7pm, in a pub near you. Newcastle's is in the Charles Grey at Monument. mathsjam.com/index.php?cont…

1 favourite 2 retweets

Here's an idea: give a trophy to whoever ends up paying the most national insurance each year.

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In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge @MathsJam rumbled...

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In reply to @SparksMaths

@SparksMaths @icecolbeveridge @MathsJam it's worse for Bombay, with the largest potential constituency of ALL OF ASIA

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In reply to @SparksMaths

@SparksMaths @icecolbeveridge @MathsJam *crow flights on a projection of the globe

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In reply to @debzpi

@debzpi @MathsJam @standupmaths there are a few Durham people at the Newcastle jam. Is it too far for you to go?

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In reply to @debzpi

@debzpi somebody asked about starting a Stockton one a while ago, according to my map. Was it @noneatnamesleft?

0 favourites 0 retweets

I have spent the post-work, pre-@MathsJam hour learning to juggle. Almost there!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @TweetsofCushing

@TweetsofCushing @MathsJam a comment says a(n)/n <= 6

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In reply to @My_Metro

@My_Metro why are the "automatic door close" warning signs on the bit of the door that's hidden when they're open?

0 favourites 2 retweets

Mega high res photos of Babbage's difference engine. I feel bad ogling these at work. xrez.com/case-studies/e…

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @physicsdavid

@physicsdavid @evelynjlamb I noticed this a while ago: mathsinthecity.com/sites/fractal-…

1 favourite 2 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths get your own favourite number!

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In reply to @davidwees

@davidwees @standupmaths all I'm asking for is injectivity...

0 favourites 0 retweets

When I need to think of a few random strings, I always pick words starting with B. I wonder why.

0 favourites 0 retweets

I wrote this capitalisation function: `return str.replace(/[a-z]/,function(c){return c.toUpperCase()});` God I'm bad at coding.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @wiebow

@wiebow not if the word is already capitalised

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aperfect

@aperfect my walking boots have finally died :(

0 favourites 0 retweets

When you need to throw any error to test error-reporting, the line `throw(poo);` works magnificently.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @lyd_w

@lyd_w have they finally got rid of all the blackamores?

0 favourites 0 retweets

what's Barry short for? Barold? Benry?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge really?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Twitter, I've bored everyone else to death, so now I'm telling you how comfy my new shoes are. SO COMFY.

0 favourites 0 retweets

#bootchat RT @ajk_44: @christianp I also have comfy new shoes. But technically they're boots. But they're very comfy!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @LearningMaths

@LearningMaths @ajk_44 if we had a Victorian gentleman handy, we could mark the threshold at the point when he becomes scandalised

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @gingerbeardman

@gingerbeardman is that a Trabi?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Just remembered I did this a couple of weeks ago animalsearches.tumblr.com

0 favourites 0 retweets

Is anyone able to use JSDoc and not have a complete freakout? I don't fancy adding a bajillion tags to tell it how prototypes work

0 favourites 0 retweets

This bottle of coke smells strongly of almonds. I haven't died yet, so it's not cyanide. How unusual!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @gingerbeardman

@gingerbeardman so copying the same thing the Trabant was copying?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @gingerbeardman

@gingerbeardman yeah, but the Trabant is heavily inspired by the Fiat cars the Padmini licensed.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Fermi problem: how many people in the world have had their photo taken by a google street view car?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Upp_Maths

@UppMaths @TesmathS @nrich @aperiodical nobody knows! If there are infinitely many Mersenne primes, then yes en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenstra%E…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @HilariousCow

@HilariousCow yes! That's exactly it! So apt.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aPaulTaylor

@aPaulTaylor seems very high - how often do street view cars pass each place?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aPaulTaylor

@aPaulTaylor let's say no.

0 favourites 0 retweets

ok, now I sort of know how to work jsdoc, it's quite calming to sit down and document all the little things

0 favourites 0 retweets

asciitable.com, old friend, I haven't used you in a while

0 favourites 0 retweets

working from home today would've been a good idea if my internet connection hadn't decided to do a go-slow

0 favourites 0 retweets

Maybe my internet slows down every day but I'm not usually here to see it...

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mountain_ghosts

@jcoglan I wrote one of those a few years ago. It's a terrible idea.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @elinoroberts

@elinoroberts that dvd is hilarious! I bought it for a flatmate who did sex ed a few years ago

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @haggismaths

@haggismaths raid maths-gear.co.uk? A couple of Rubik's cubes never go amiss, either

0 favourites 0 retweets

Science progresses! (Ruler dipped in liquid nitrogen) RT @hughhunt: Done! @WarmlyStrange @karenshancock

0 favourites 1 retweet

Just found donateapc.org.uk. What a nice idea!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks har har

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo @LargeCardinal hooray, it doesn't clash with bonfire night this year!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb it's the closest you can get to cumulonumbers ( pinterest.com/katiesteckles/…) if you need to include a real person

1 favourite 1 retweet


Two hours into my first day managing the grades for the computer-based assessments, I've written scripts to do it all automatically.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @sxpmaths

@sxpmaths I don't want this job. I'm covering the guy who just quit until his replacement is hired

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mathemaniac

@mathemaniac cor! That's a much better cover than my copy

0 favourites 0 retweets

Should my wifi receiver's antenna have to be perpendicular to the router's antenna to get best signal? That seems wrong.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @haggismaths

@haggismaths ooh, what are you doing there?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ben_nuttall

@ben_nuttall yeah, it's very slow

0 favourites 0 retweets

Well done the Indy, hiding their nonsense formula at the end of this otherwise informative "perfect pancake" article independent.co.uk/life-style/foo…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @treasa

@treasa at least the dimensions work out this time. It seems to start from the idea that lever length should be proportional to flip height

0 favourites 0 retweets

Georg Cantor in pancake form to celebrate his birthday! It's all my favourite things in one image! saipancakes.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/happy-…

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @Gelada

@Gelada the maths on your site shows up as really small for me. I suppose we can only blame wordpress.com

0 favourites 0 retweets

San Satiro church in Milan has a pretty rad trompe l'oeil wall: mateturismo.wordpress.com/2014/02/24/el-…

0 favourites 0 retweets

There are some bad dudes skating outside my building. But are they bad enough to save the President?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @Gelada

@Gelada sorry, I've just left work so can't check

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robinhouston

@robinhouston that reminds me that I had an idea for another method of making those from a source image...

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robinhouston

@robinhouston start with all RGB tuples in a bag. Randomly pick pixels from the source image, and pick the closest RGB still in the bag

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robinhouston

@robinhouston ehh, Python can shuffle 2^24 in a couple of seconds

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robinhouston

@robinhouston oh yes, I was thinking of shuffling the pixels

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths apart from waste the rest of your existence at the infinity bridge?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robinhouston

.@robinhouston Here's an image where each component takes values 0-48

0 favourites 1 retweet

More allrgb progress: this picture has every 6-bit RGB triple in it exactly once

1 favourite 2 retweets

Heinz carrot and coriander soup tastes of neither carrot nor coriander. Blech.

1 favourite 0 retweets

How have I only just found the-athenaeum.org ? I will never lack source material for cards ever again

0 favourites 0 retweets

I think I've found the happiest cherub in all of art the-athenaeum.org/art/full.php?I…

0 favourites 0 retweets

A mix between Phobia and Cannon Fodder, you say? store.steampowered.com/app/204530

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @noneatnamesleft

@noneatnamesleft as usual, the North East is a desert

0 favourites 0 retweets

I forgot it takes a full hour to drive out of Tynemouth on a Sunday afternoon.

0 favourites 0 retweets

YES, this is 100% the kind of thing I exist for: chicken telenovela! lindseyolivares.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/super-…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Here in the Anti-Upsilon League, we believe in strength through sharing. By removing Y, your problem becomes our problem.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks I wish I was eating burritos. Instead I'm having sad dinner in Birmingham Uni's conference centre restaurant

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks nope. It's a meeting of a working group that doesn't officially exist, about a subject anyone would struggle to find interesting

0 favourites 0 retweets

This meeting has reached the "let's tag everything... but what tags do we use?" stage. #jeeze

0 favourites 0 retweets

Dude on the train sounds like a Hardthrasher from Bleak Expectations. Are we about to drive into a wall of cheese?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Thalesdisciple

@Thalesdisciple @divbyzero we use Gyre Pagella (I think) on aperiodical.com

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge @reflectivemaths I hope the #mathspolice isn't assuming there exists a group of wingdings. It's more likely to be a monoid

0 favourites 0 retweets

I really don't like waking up at 3am with something in my eye.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mountain_ghosts

@jcoglan are startup names converging on band names?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Advert for sitcom about impoverished north still displayed on metro a year later because north too impoverished to buy new ads. #faithful

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett ooh... a large part of me is struggling not to change that to 'practise'.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Accidentally associated .bat files with vim in windows 8. How long it took to be able to execute them again will shock you.

0 favourites 0 retweets

It's Newcastle @MathsJam tomorrow. 7pm, Charles Grey pub, look for the Rubik’s cube.

0 favourites 0 retweets

35 is interesting because it's the number of interesting numbers that @InterestingNums is running behind @wilderlab.

1 favourite 0 retweets

So far I've been pretty good at just documenting my old code instead of pausing to refactor it, but this file is testing me.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths looks like there's an opportunity for you to shake up business management with a "not every model needs to be linear" book

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @benjamintormey

@BenTormey ahh, cruel! I thought that might be a place in Newcastle until I clicked through. Boo.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @FionaKateM

@FionaKateM @MathsJam no, but your closest Jam is in Falmouth. Can I add your name to our map of potential Jams in case anyone else asks?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @benjamintormey

@BenTormey jolly good!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks which other ones are on hiatus? Did you ask me to fix this last time? Tiny bells are ringing

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've finally got round to making the input box on checkmyworking.com/misc/makebigma… a textarea, so multiline TeX isn't migraine-inducing

1 favourite 0 retweets

@katemath it annoys me that my interns working on outreach last year were both female, while interns working on "serious" projects were male

0 favourites 0 retweets

@katemath hm, I've never thought about whether *my* not doing research maths says anything.

0 favourites 0 retweets

@katemath that sort of applies to me, but more so if you replace "good" with "motivated"

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @MathsJam

@MathsJam get you and your futuristic timezone.

0 favourites 0 retweets

A pint of coke in the Charles Grey is now £2.80. I think this might be the limit of my toleration.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @MathsJam

@MathsJam I think EDI wanted a process that always finishes in finite time

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @MathsJam

@MathsJam do I mean bounded time then?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Either several girls at the end of the carriage have the same laugh, or one girl never needs to breathe.

0 favourites 0 retweets

The long diagonal in a dodecagon is only 3.5% longer than the distance between parallel edges. It's round enough.

5 favourites 13 retweets

"banknotes would be made out of plastic rather than cotton from 2016" - the BoE has a time machine and they use it to fetch cotton?!

1 favourite 0 retweets

If the long diagonal in the new pound coin is the same length as the current coin's diameter, the difference from the short width is 0.7mm

0 favourites 0 retweets

Chrome is doing the fun thing where it crashes when I press space in some input fields

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @BrumRand

@BrumRand @tweetsauce According to thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/ar…, 3d in 1971 is equivalent to 15p now.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @BrumRand

@BrumRand @tweetsauce threepence became 1.25p (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_D…), and then inflation happened

0 favourites 0 retweets

Dodecagonal threepence coins were sent for testing in vending machines, so they must have worked: wiki.answers.com/Q/How_rare_is_…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @BrumRand

@BrumRand huh?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aperfect

@aperfect @jiamins @LWigelsworth the most "handpicking" I can tolerate with my chocolate is when the shopkeeper puts it on the shelf

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aperfect

@aperfect @jiamins @LWigelsworth but I'm just sad because I'm missing an evening of chocolate tasting next month to hear Helen sing.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Wow, people are different on the posh half of the metro line. This dude's on a macbook! Imagine that! Readers, he's really doing it.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Cool macbook dude is getting off at the same stop as me. I've finally done it! I'm part of the 'in' crowd!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Oh no my fillings weren't artisanally handcrafted by an impoverished yet passionate artist/poet, I'll be exposed as a fraud any moment now

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @PapaGanoush1

@PapaGanoush1 Merguez! I haven't had that in a while. You might just have tempted me

1 favourite 1 retweet

Look at this unfinished line hiding out in my code, minding its own business and causing no errors! github.com/numbas/Numbas/…

0 favourites 0 retweets

@katemath @evelynjlamb that reminds me: a 12-year-old I was helping yesterday was unwittingly translating sums into RPN in his head, +

0 favourites 0 retweets

@katemath @evelynjlamb + so couldn't work out how to enter them into his CASIO calculator. Told him the "normal" way rather than explained

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @BritishComedy

@UKComedyNews has a "The <name of person or people> Show" ever worked on the BBC?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @TweetsofCushing

@TweetsofCushing do it!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Having a fun time-out reading my favourite comic book in all the world

0 favourites 0 retweets

Mad props to the bearded dude with the model Chinese junk on the boating lake

1 favourite 0 retweets

Friends, I took on the @aperiodical news queue and failed. The only new post you're getting is an integer sequence review tomorrow. Sorry.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @TweetsofCushing

@TweetsofCushing what is it?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb yesss most definitely we should try to do this. Where will you be visiting?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb btw, we did the last review over skype because Cushing's in San Diego for 6 months, so we could do this right now

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb Cambridge is a full day's travel from Newcastle. It's not far from London, so if I visit there we could meet...

0 favourites 0 retweets

literally just said the words "I got bored with it before you found out about it." It's true, I'm a massive hipster.

1 favourite 0 retweets

Script correctly recognises turtle is not a mathematician. Caption writer unclear on definition of "examine".

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @TheJournalNews

@TheJournalNews I've been saying hello to them every morning! I assumed they'd just fly back over.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @haggismaths

@haggismaths ah yes, the islands which, along with the Inner Hebrides, make up the Auto Hebrides

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb unscrew your hard disk and run to someone with a disk enclosure to plug into their machine?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Ren and Stimpy on 4music! Happy joy!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @InterestingNums

@InterestingNums hey now, you're pushing it a bit there

0 favourites 0 retweets

With programming by me, cp! RT @jamesgrime: Building Houses Problem: youtu.be/YMkziQhJkmM?a via @YouTube

0 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @jamesgrime

@jamesgrime groovy.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @kenfodder

@kenfodder might be worth mentioning to foreigners?

0 favourites 0 retweets

2048 becomes a lot harder when you try to get the lowest score possible

0 favourites 0 retweets

So what we've learned today is that @JSEllenberg didn't have long to prepare the pictures in his slides

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @TweetsofCushing

@TweetsofCushing Conway enumerates starting at zero. Will you disagree even with him?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb this is easily solved by scraping the arXiv and doing a frequency count

0 favourites 0 retweets

Here's a thing: christianp.github.io/regex-fractals/ (not my idea)

0 favourites 0 retweets

Regular expression fractals in JavaScript: christianp.github.io/regex-fractals/

2 favourites 2 retweets

hey, Visual C++ is pretty easy! You just paste bits out of the documentation and it works. #bestprogrammer

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge @ajk_44 @MathsJam *looks up circular slide rule medallion prices on eBay*

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @lyd_w

@lyd_w like, more seriously than train doors normally squash feet? You're not having much luck with your appendages!

0 favourites 0 retweets

The following is a program to produce the Fibonacci numbers which I found in a dusty old book of poetry: plus.google.com/+ChristianPerf…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge whoah, Baader Meinhof madness! I just sent a sarky Limerick whose final rhyme is CERN, and then I saw this!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @nypJeremyC

@nypJeremyC @MathJax @twinethreads it's my day off, so I might have a github repo for you by the end of the day...

0 favourites 0 retweets

Thought I was 15 minutes early for the Shields ferry, instead I missed it by seconds. I looked at the wrong Shields's timetable!

0 favourites 0 retweets

This exercise bike is too small vine.co/v/MOQtgzhAbE2

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @nypJeremyC

@nypJeremyC @MathJax @twinethreads A day later than promised, but here you go: github.com/christianp/twi…

1 favourite 0 retweets

If you've ever wanted to use MathJax with Twine, here are a couple of macros to make it happen: github.com/christianp/twi…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @tynesidecinema

@tynesidecinema will Grand Budapest Hotel still be on next weekend?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @mountain_ghosts

@jcoglan Here's how: sed s/beard/person/g #unhelpfulneckpersonadvice

1 favourite 0 retweets

This apple has a singularity

1 favourite 1 retweet

I think I might be this generation's Ramanujan. Did you know 10pi - sqrt(2) = 30 (to 3 d.p.)? CRAZY!

1 favourite 0 retweets

@debecca I meant 2dp... Maybe I'm not Ramanujan. It's 4sf though, isn't it?

0 favourites 0 retweets

@debecca round both sides to 2dp, and they're equal. Makes sense to me.

0 favourites 0 retweets

At my current rate of repayment my student loan will be paid off in about 400 years. Is this government prepared to keep me alive that long?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks I reckon they're willing to keep some legally-responsible component of me alive in a jar for perpetuity

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks so I'll have to take out a loan to pay for my jar, too? Oh deary me

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks something something foot the bill?

0 favourites 0 retweets


"A true quantum reason for why people fib on April first." arxiv.org/abs/1403.8010 (via @TweetsofCushing)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo are you reading blog.aggregateknowledge.com/2012/10/25/ske… ?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Iowa is ALL SQUARES. I had no idea! maps.google.co.uk/?ll=41.686758,… (official state of the podcast, @stecks?)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @NewcastleCC

@NewcastleCC gosh, there's a lot of chewing gum stuck to Northumberland Street, isn't there?

1 favourite 0 retweets

Get in to work half an hour early. Wait half an hour for the Uni's brokenola network to load any pages. #efficiency

0 favourites 0 retweets

I have 3*7*37 = 777 followers. Both sides of that equation are pretty :)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @MouldS

@MouldS yes, @standupmaths is aware

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jgrahamc

@jgrahamc I can believe that.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths I'm in London the day of your radio recording because my gf's singing in St Paul's earlier that day. Holy good timing Batman!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @rockhyrax

@rockhyrax @ColinTheMathmo Yikes, that was a long time ago!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @lborouniversity

@lborouniversity someone hacked into the site - that post wasn't meant to be published yet. We'll do a proper post soon!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths @stecks @aperiodical noobs. "P455w0rd1!" is way more secure

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo yep. Lots and lots of requests trying to get in, and deleting the offending user account stopped it.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @numberphile

@numberphile who is this impostor @jamesgrime? The face in the thumbnail is only at most 50% silly!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Autism day was yesterday. Which is unlucky for me, because I've failed to find the venue my girlfriend is singing in and could do with help

0 favourites 0 retweets

Today's my first day working on @MathJax, and coincidentally also the start of the "CP breaks everyone's websites" countdown clock.

0 favourites 2 retweets

.@maplesoft how many times do I need to opt out of emails from you before you actually stop?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mike_geogebra

@mike_geogebra it's fine as a proof of concept :)
I may email you about GeoGebra's JavaScript API at some point

0 favourites 0 retweets

Someone in the uni's PR has decided to send a daily global news briefing to all employees.

*** END ***

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In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @jamesgrime instructables.com/id/Dodecahedro… ?

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've always had an affinity for Alsace. "@matamix: Les prénoms les plus portés (...) "

0 favourites 0 retweets

Milkmaids don't look at explosions

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mountain_ghosts

@jcoglan yes. One brute-forced an account on my server a couple of days ago. But your passwords are doubtless more secure than my users'

0 favourites 0 retweets

A request from @TweetsofCushing: a bookmarklet which changes the base of every number on the page. gist.github.com/christianp/100…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths you'd like to read the web in binary, or hexadecimal, or dozenal, wouldn't you? I made a script: plus.google.com/+ChristianPerf…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths (now updated so it adds subscript annotations of the chosen base for readability)

0 favourites 0 retweets

This is why the script exists.

0 favourites 0 retweets

My age is not the end of any aliquot sequence. oeis.org/A063769 I hope my conduct reflects that.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Very tempted to keep the line `Yeah, "the cloud", why not.` in this talk.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Yesterday >100 apparent spambots followed me, all tweeting about giveaways and "sweeps". Turns out they were trying to follow @christianpf

0 favourites 0 retweets

They were all from the southern US, almost all mums, and each a "Jesus freak" or "Jesus addict". They must get paid to tweet about contests

0 favourites 0 retweets

old insurer: "pay us £35 and we'll send your proof of no claims, but we'll only give you 4 years instead of 5, for cancelling early"

0 favourites 0 retweets

new insurer: "ehh, we'll just wait the extra week for your old policy to expire."

0 favourites 0 retweets

No claims discount is just an anti-competitive racket, right? Old insurer led me to believe the cheapest option would be to stay with them

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @sxpmaths

@sxpmaths well, I've bought a new car so the policies overlap, and apparently you can't be a safe driver on two cars at once

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jamesgrime

@jamesgrime @MouldS "what a disgusting mess! But that's part of the fun of having guns."

0 favourites 0 retweets

Problem: ssh on windows doesn't cope with a space in your home directory's path.
Solution: change name of home directory

0 favourites 1 retweet

Problem: It's basically impossible to change the name of your home directory.
Solution: create a new user, and copy everything over

0 favourites 0 retweets

Problem: everything on the system belongs to the old user.
Solution: change the owner of every file

0 favourites 0 retweets

Problem: changing file ownership is a ridiculously convoluted process.
Solution: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @pelagikat

@hornmaths my school served turkey whales.

0 favourites 0 retweets

"Using Outlook Web App or Windows PowerShell to modify your rules will delete any rules that were previously turned off using Outlook."

1 favourite 0 retweets

it's like I'm taking a day trip to Microsoft Hell today.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett yeah yeah, but I have to use windows to test on IE

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett but then the virtualbox would have the same problem my real PC is having

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb yeah, I thought that was a bit iffy

0 favourites 0 retweets

In London buying licences for my new taxi firm with a touch of class, Downton Cabbie

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In reply to @DanielColquitt

@DanielColquitt your office doesn't have 24 hour access to coffee facilities? And you're a *mathematician*, you say?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb yeah, I assumed as much. I would've given up and not had an image, myself

0 favourites 0 retweets

The quintessence of management: using as nouns words which are not nouns.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Corollary quintessence of management: using nouns as verbs

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In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge I certainly didn't!

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths @amateursuman @alexbellos remember that @MarcusduSautoy is a shiney so he's worth like π times as much

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks I've got a middlingly-sized one, a couple of feet long. How long does it need to be?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths looks like the kind of thing used to make the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks "some". I haven't used it in a while.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aperfect

@aperfect maybe you have a brother who maybe specialised in formal languages...

0 favourites 0 retweets

Today's test user: Paul di Testa.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Each time I need to make a code design decision from now on, I'll consult a PHP developer, and do the opposite.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Do I know anyone who works for MyMaths? Surely I must. Can you DM me if you do?

0 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @willigkeit

@Willzp_ @AdamCreen I suspect they haven't updated it in years. Why would you? They're raking it in.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @robotmaths

@AdamCreen @Willzp_ to be fair the activities are quite good, and if anyone's going to be compatible with Flash for a long time it's schools

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Bishnavitch

@Bishnavitch it's the version of beef they eat in Valhalla. In fact, didn't you have some at my crazy barbecue?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Bishnavitch

@Bishnavitch bison defo was on the menu. Maybe you were too busy eating testicles to notice. We went to fat hippo on Friday (oops)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths I'm not sure if your poster is actually there. It looks too crisp, like you've used Photoshop's perspective tool

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths the BBC reproduces press releases far too readily. Of course they know what causes it.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @alisonkiddle

@ajk_44 aha! Here's a question I've been thinking of lately: is there a number in any language which is valid hexadecimal? i.e uses only A-F

0 favourites 0 retweets

Today in regular expressions: a regular expression was not the solution.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jamesgrime

@jamesgrime @njj4 who's up for a "The first three books of Euclid, for babies"? Just taking Byrne and switching to comic sans should suffice

0 favourites 0 retweets

Is there a human being named N. Pytheas Fogg, or is it a pseudonym? springer.com/mathematics/nu…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @walkingrandomly

@walkingrandomly meanwhile, Newcastle is paying for Panopto, which isn't very good

0 favourites 0 retweets

Just watched the ISS for the first time ever. So cool!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ebuie

@ebuie cool!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Heh, nice 404 page on the @maanow website.

1 favourite 0 retweets

Apparently the BT call centre employs cheery old Scottish grannies now

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mathhombre

@mathhombre are you aware of mathematische-basteleien.de/eggcurves.htm?

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @mountain_ghosts

@jcoglan deck.js

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Andrew_Taylor

@Andrew_Taylor because it wasn't proved

0 favourites 1 retweet

2tall.com has started stocking my favourite boxfresh shoes! So long, walktall, your stock policy will remain a mystery forever!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Signed up for a hosting provider. They immediately emailed me my password in plaintext. Oh dear.

0 favourites 0 retweets

"This 10 or 12 digit number is on the reverse side of your photocard licence." Well, this "number" starts with two letters.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett it's at least base 17, but the example image on the website implies it's base 26

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett ... I mean base 36

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Thalesdisciple

@Thalesdisciple Because epsilon is always greater than zero?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Baltzersens in Harrogate has some nice infographics on the walls flickr.com/photos/christi… @mathsinthecity

0 favourites 0 retweets

Off to London for the weekend!

0 favourites 0 retweets

For no apparent reason, a Rubik's boob tube sandiegoreader.com/news/2013/jul/…

0 favourites 0 retweets

This staircase in the 80s building at Disney's Pop Century resort is encased in a huge Rubik's Cube flickr.com/photos/daryl_m…

1 favourite 0 retweets

The geek singularity: balancing 15 books on her head, reciting pi to 100 digits, and solving a Rubik's cube youtube.com/watch?v=bUGjUC…

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths Where's that?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DrSMJames

@sam_james30 you'll be transmuting metals before you know it

1 favourite 0 retweets

If I imagine Cathars to be like PHP developers, I have a lot of sympathy for the Inquisition

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @MathsJam

@MathsJam and I've updated the closest MathsJam map: mathsjam.com/closest-mathsj… New Caledonians may need to change their travel plans

0 favourites 0 retweets

Happy second birthday to the @aperiodical, five days ago. I'm a terrible blogfather.

0 favourites 0 retweets


In reply to @charliesgames

@charliesgames haha, is that the same horsey as mine?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In tribute to Bob Hoskins, I currently have 808 followers.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @charliesgames

@charliesgames that horsey is honestly the reason I stopped making games. I realised I couldn't do any better.

0 favourites 0 retweets

A thing being integrated is called an integrand. What do you call a thing being differentiated?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @divbyzero

@divbyzero @JSEllenberg Monopoly Honey

0 favourites 0 retweets

Newcastle dog breeder trading under the name "Barker and Bone House". Very droll.

0 favourites 0 retweets

So my girlfriend has Sky and I have a question: is it normal for the Chinese channel to show a tech programme apparently from the late 90s?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In Barter Books in Alnwick. One for @peterrowlett?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett when's your birthday? ;)

0 favourites 0 retweets

This is a very interesting book! Another top purchase from Barter Books

1 favourite 0 retweets

Tragedy #469: having it and eating it too is geometrically impossible tragedyseries.tumblr.com/post/848249872…

1 favourite 0 retweets

Struggling valiantly not to rename the folder "cork workshop" to "corkshop"

0 favourites 0 retweets

I got four-twenties-ten-nine problems but French numbering ain't one.

10 favourites 19 retweets

To the anonymous person who tried to post obnoxious LaTeX on my blog: why remain anonymous? checkmyworking.com/2012/01/how-to…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Aha! A .ggb file is just a renamed .zip, and the global javascript is just a file inside it! #sohandy

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @libraryncl

@nclroblib is it usual for the EBL reader to stop working if you don't change the page for a couple of hours?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @libraryncl

@nclroblib the second time I reloaded it, it said it was a book the library doesn't own, so maybe it forgot to show the popup warning

0 favourites 0 retweets

You're in trouble when even the big and tall shop doesn't have sleeves long enough.

0 favourites 0 retweets

To quote the big and tall shop dude: "do you swing through the jungle branches, eh?" #littlebitrude

0 favourites 0 retweets

Phew! Slaters menswear (& zoo supplies) sorted me out. I was beginning to feel like I might be starting in a sequel to Octodad

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks maybe he was establishing rapport. For context, he was taller than me, but didn't have as long arms

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @lyd_w

@lyd_w must be the proliferation of mini supermarkets

0 favourites 0 retweets

Hey, remember when UKIP was just that weird party with Kilroy in it?

1 favourite 1 retweet

High drama as the number of professions involved in installing this new cooker increases to 3

1 favourite 0 retweets

Setting up a blockchain for my new decentralised Premier League sticker-based cryptocurrency, Paul GasCoin

2 favourites 3 retweets

I'm in Cork for a couple of days, so I'm acclimatising myself by rewatching Soupy Norman youtube.com/watch?v=vr5MYw…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @tarim8

@tarim8 @ColinTheMathmo @njj4 William Stein of the Sage Math project recommends bup: github.com/bup/bup

0 favourites 0 retweets

What I'm going to call "crenellated brutalism" at Cork Institute of Technology

2 favourites 0 retweets

In the Blarney Room at this hotel: "Biznetcork Skillnet". I hope I never find out if that's as awful as it sounds.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Andrew_Taylor

@Andrew_Taylor coffee? That's where I'm a viking!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Huh! How come I'm flying via Heathrow, then?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Thalesdisciple

@Thalesdisciple Ooh, nice covers!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Hilary Portmantel

0 favourites 0 retweets

I had no idea this groovy sculpture was in the middle of Birmingham! mateturismo.wordpress.com/2014/05/12/los…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jjaron

@jjaron 1) thanks for linking to my power law post! 2) your Alex Bellos review has been plagiarised: sciencepublication.wordpress.com/2014/05/13/ale…

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've finally become a proper Dirty Socialist by joining a union.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @JanvierUK

@JanvierUK UCU

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @standupmaths Crikey, he didn't even wear a suit and tie for the HoC. That do must be serious business!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Suggestions on how to turn my t-shirt drawer into a FIFO stack gladly accepted.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mathsfeedback

@mathsfeedback it's a drawer, not a wardrobe! I used to use that system with my jumpers when I had a wardrobe

0 favourites 0 retweets

OK, the consensus seems to be to roll them up, and go left-to-right

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aPaulTaylor

@aPaulTaylor that would be a FILO, unless you lift the stack up each time you take one from the bottom

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aPaulTaylor

@aPaulTaylor the terminology varies

0 favourites 0 retweets

Do I know anyone with Mathematica and half an hour to spare to do this for me? blog.wolfram.com/2013/05/17/mak…

0 favourites 1 retweet

In a talk about WebPA. The algorithm seems to have been produced by a random walk on arithmetic operations.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Summary of the talk: "we've never heard of OR"

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @akater

@akater to make a Conchita Wurst equation

0 favourites 0 retweets

The oven repairman has said he'll come "between 12:16 and 3:16" tomorrow. Is that very precise or not at all? @standupmaths?

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths interesting! I have the opposite opinion.

0 favourites 0 retweets

When and why did Lewis Hamilton get a Damon Hill ventriloquist's dummy? news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/7…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @JanvierUK

@JanvierUK my lady!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @JanvierUK

@JanvierUK CBE is the natural next step, I'd say

0 favourites 0 retweets

Wow, that came round quickly! It's May's @MathsJam next Tuesday. Time to send an email...

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @csgillespie

@csgillespie that sounds really interesting!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Oven repairman's mind couldn't hold both an extensive knowledge of oven repair and the concept that a man might use an oven

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This pigeon is trying very hard to domesticate himself. He began by eating rabbit food; now he's sitting close to us

0 favourites 0 retweets

Aperiodical Round Up 10! Featuring Uri Geller, far too much poetry, academic infighting, and clip-art! aperiodical.com/2013/08/aperio…

2 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett haha, has it really been that long? I'll fix it

0 favourites 0 retweets

Oven update: a second repairman is coming on Thursday, which will take us to five professionals involved in the installation. God help us.

0 favourites 0 retweets

I just want to cook some dinner. Is that too much to ask?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @MrHonner

@MrHonner why is it 3d? And what an unintuitive interface! It needs a lot of work

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've been playing around with swirly graphics codepen.io/christianp/pen…

0 favourites 0 retweets

It's Newcastle @MathsJam tonight. 7pm at the Charles Grey pub.

0 favourites 2 retweets

Today I learned: `ls -tralala` lists all files in the current directory in reverse date order. #funwithredundancy

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In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @SparksMaths and I appear to have become Leeds

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aperfect

@aperfect they do up here. In London, I suppose they have no incentive to

0 favourites 0 retweets

Wowzers, Endsleigh have been so unhelpful with sending me my no claims bonus. There's also the fact no claims is an anticompetitive swizz...

0 favourites 0 retweets

The one time my PC manages to go to sleep automatically is when I leave it cloning a disk overnight. Typical!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Help help I looked at this painting the-athenaeum.org/art/full.php?I…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @libraryncl

@nclroblib what'll they do? Recommend you go across town, where the wifi isn't overloaded?

0 favourites 0 retweets

The 1988 Oxford Cambridge boat race, according to Punch (in 1888)

1 favourite 0 retweets

Today's oven repair man is neither precise nor accurate: he's entirely missed the 10:46 - 12:46 window.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DanielColquitt

@DanielColquitt I was on a train once with a woman who appeared to carry on a very flirty conversation with her paramour... through a tunnel

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @AkashiyaViv

@AkashiyaViv @suffolkmaths if it helps: it's not 90 degrees.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Going to Dublin tomorrow! Excited!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett Hooray! Good luck!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Awful! "@DanielColquitt: Okay, the guys @peta are clearly quacks. And insensitive scaremongering quacks at that. pic.twitter.com/lsa3G0Jq1Z"

0 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway oh please no don't let that be a thing

0 favourites 0 retweets

Hahaha: Get Outta Toon! play.google.com/store/apps/det…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @kenfodder

@kenfodder haha, why have you made such a miserable machine?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Today's unexpectedly balmy weather makes my barbecue plans look like a masterpiece of foresight.

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In reply to @C_J_Smith

@C_J_Smith maybe it's clairvoyant?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Flying to Poland to open my new Bond-themed gents' barbers, Beards Poznan

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @alisonkiddle

@ajk_44 make sure you play with the swooshy portraits in the Michael and Lily Atiyah gallery

0 favourites 0 retweets

I'm off to the bank to pay in a decade's worth of change. I'm running a sweepstakes in the office on how much it's worth

2 favourites 0 retweets

If you want to play along at home, see what you can make of this

1 favourite 0 retweets

We were way off! £189.58 in the end. My offer of 2% of the total to the closest guess is retrospectively generous

0 favourites 0 retweets

Another day, another freakout on a JISCmail list because it defaults to reply-to-list and doesn't make reply-to-sender easy

0 favourites 0 retweets

Doing a "ch" shop: cheese, chips, and tuna.

0 favourites 0 retweets

A hangman bot: gist.github.com/christianp/983…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @semiBad

@semiBad steady on, @PeterMolydeux!

1 favourite 0 retweets

Philips advert: "the perfect shaver for any kind of dad". Ad shows four models of shaver. #quantifierabuse

0 favourites 1 retweet

"Surprise him with the ultimate shaving performance." - mum gets breakfast in bed, but dad gets unsolicited shearing?

0 favourites 0 retweets

welp, Newcastle University is banned from the arXiv again. Groundlessly, I speculate a CS student tried to crawl it

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Bishnavitch

@Bishnavitch congratulations! Where are you going?

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've updated my wp-writemaths plugin so you can preview LaTeX maths inside the wordpress post editor: github.com/christianp/wp-…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Just did the National Numeracy challenge with @TweetsofCushing. We're on Level 2 already!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @outofthenorm2

@outofthenorm2 @aperiodical Ahh, poo. I'll see what's up

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @outofthenorm2

@outofthenorm2 @aperiodical good! I *definitely* did something to make that happen. Definitely.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Firefox's debugger doesn't keep breakpoints when you reopen a window. That makes fixing a bug which happens on window open quite hard.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ruimvieira

@ruimvieira I'm debugging on someone else's server, so no

0 favourites 0 retweets

Today in @moodle's broken SCORM module: let's send a 134k character query string. That definitely won't get truncated by the server. Defo.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @sxpmaths

@sxpmaths @guardian and mathematicians everywhere respond with citations of Arrow's theorem

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@sxpmaths @guardian (or, if they're in Operations Research, with cries of "if you make a measurement, someone will game it!")

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @tim_hunt

@tim_hunt marked wontfix a year ago tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-370…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@tim_hunt the solution is to encode the data in one var, not do a var for each datamodel element. Dan's completely unwilling to accept code

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @tim_hunt

@tim_hunt A Numbas test with 20 questions, each with lots of interactions. My experience is he's rejected my code

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett rrr! That post went weird when it was published. I'll fix it

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks @peterrowlett I honestly have no idea what beef WordPress has with you. I thought it was macs, but you did that one on your phone

0 favourites 0 retweets

A Ford Model T just drove past me in Tynemouth!

1 favourite 1 retweet

This is magic! play.google.com/store/apps/det…

2 favourites 0 retweets

I see dyadic numbers are in this year: not just 3/4 but 7/8 length trousers for sale in M&S

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @TweetsofCushing

@TweetsofCushing [citation needed]

0 favourites 0 retweets

Has anyone listened to me and @TweetsofCushing taking on the @Nat_Numeracy challenge? aperiodical.com/2014/06/cp-and…

1 favourite 1 retweet

Finalising the tasting menu at my new restaurant focused on taboo meats, "Horses, Four Courses"

0 favourites 1 retweet

Hey guys, please talk to this boy I've got locked in one of the research rooms codepen.io/christianp/ful…

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb that's like the most mundane, annoying form of culture shock

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb very impressed you got the shower working first go. I would've said that was the most obtuse appliance

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb ... unless it's a proper old-fashioned shower and not a new electric one

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb well done. And have you recognised the timeless brilliance of the British plug design yet? Maybe take a minute to reflect on it

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb they're gloriously over-engineered. It's basically impossible to electrocute yourself: the earth pin opens up the live pins

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@evelynjlamb and once they're in, they don't fall out easily. Oh, and they run at a respectable 230V, not your pansy 120V

0 favourites 0 retweets

Oh dear, @evelynjlamb has accidentally got me tweeting panegyrics about BS 1363, the UK plug standard. It's just... so *good*!

0 favourites 0 retweets

I mean, every plug has its own fuse. That's pessimism about whether the device will function properly that other countries just can't match

0 favourites 0 retweets

This is also a good occasion to point out that "safety socket covers" are the opposite of safe: fatallyflawed.org.uk

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb no, the fuse is in the plug itself. The switch is just a happy feature to turn the supply on or off.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb honestly can't imagine why it isn't standard everywhere. Do you just unplug things when you don't want them to be on any more?

0 favourites 0 retweets

An ostrich running inside a rotating tesseract. I don't know why. publicdomainreview.org/collections/te…

8 favourites 8 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb some houses have them, but yes, mainly hotels

0 favourites 0 retweets

@Sara_Tindall crikey! I hope one is a less pressing concern than the other.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @JPickford

@JPickford they'd have to be kicked out, and I don't think there's ever been a plebiscite to *lose* territory

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aPaulTaylor

@aPaulTaylor @evelynjlamb I'm sure you'll be gratified to learn that your remark is new to the conversation

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @wilderlab

@wilderlab I don't get it. How does addition work? Is KING [11,9,14,7]?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @wilderlab

@wilderlab ahh, so a word's value is just the sum of the letter values

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @wilderlab

@wilderlab CAN+LEAVE = TRIP

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths taking corporate personhood in the other direction, eh?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb and remember that 20% sales tax is included in prices

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mathhombre

@mathhombre yes, we use "and"

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mathhombre

@mathhombre why?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @LearningMaths

@LearningMaths @mathhombre @evelynjlamb @divbyzero whaaa?!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @averypickford

@woutgeo @mathhombre @evelynjlamb @divbyzero @LearningMaths we'd solve that by writing one-hundred-and-seven thousandths for 107/1000

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In reply to @mathhombre

@mathhombre @robinhouston "X hundred and (Y<100)"

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In reply to @LearningMaths

@LearningMaths @mathhombre @woutgeo @evelynjlamb @divbyzero X=Y+Z, Y=100*N, Z<100. Pronounced "Y and Z"

0 favourites 0 retweets

A work-in-progress post about a cool thing I'm doing with pattern-matching syntax trees: checkmyworking.com/2014/06/patter…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @robinhouston

@robinhouston not TimeCube, but unnecessarily obsessed with patents

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robinhouston

@robinhouston like, nonstandard analysis isn't new, and he isn't making any wild claims that I can see, he's just obsessed with awards

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @TimandraHarknes

@TimandraHarknes @elinoroberts As long as it hasn't got "To <student> with love, from ∫ cos(x) dx = sin(x) + C" engraved on the side, yeah

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robinhouston

@robinhouston ahh. That's quite likely, but very different from TimeCube

0 favourites 0 retweets

In Chrome's javascript debugger, is there a more convenient way of breaking on a ReferenceError than "try{thing;false;}catch(e){true}"

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robinhouston

@robinhouston on closer inspection, yes: it's hypercomputation nonsense that doesn't actually say anything

0 favourites 0 retweets

Has it really been ten years since the 80s revival?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @hellogeri

@hellogeri the number 16 is just fine, and it's way cheaper than the Airlink/Aircoach buses

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge you explained what the symbols stand for: instant disqualification

0 favourites 1 retweet

Oh, big sweaty poo! I forgot to commit the code I wrote at home last week. I'd better find something else to do.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Man, I thought this was going to make me rich, but MIT got there before me: museumstore.mit.edu/product/what-h…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Trying to think of a name for my admin user, along the lines of my George Test/Gloria Testefan test users. "Idi Admin" feels inappropriate

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Admin van Buuren

1 favourite 0 retweets

Tonight is @MathsJam night! 7pm in pubs around the world. Find your closest one at mathsjam.com/closest-mathsj… I run the Newcastle one

1 favourite 4 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett I tweeted that a few days ago. Not sure I can add to it, but I should look into resurrecting the questions site!

0 favourites 0 retweets

We have unary minus, i.e. "-2" is the same as "0-2". Why don't we have unary division, i.e. "÷2" could mean the same as "1÷2"?

9 favourites 6 retweets

In reply to @quasicoherence

@sqrtnegative1 @evelynjlamb not really: that still involves another number and a binary operation

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway x = 1x?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @JamesMoosh

@JamesMoosh the notation isn't

0 favourites 0 retweets

To those saying "but x^{-1}": I'm talking about notation! Of course you can make any binary operation unary by filling in one of the numbers

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @samholloway

.@samholloway If we taught kids "÷2 means 'a half'", they'd accept that, like "3½ means 'three and a half'"

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @samholloway

.@samholloway and my point was that '÷x' is not a convention. Just interesting that notation didn't develop that way

0 favourites 0 retweets

OK, duly decided: I'm writing unit fractions as ÷x from now on. Inform any future correspondents.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb no new notation since 1962? This page needs expanding!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Electrokittie

@Electrokittie and what you've squeezed out of you

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @Electrokittie

@Electrokittie in fact, that handle would still be valid if *she* worked for the RAF

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Electrokittie

@Electrokittie yes militarywiveschoirs.org

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've finished my post about pattern-matching syntax trees: checkmyworking.com/2014/06/patter…

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @axiomsofchoice

@axiomsofchoice yeah, it's more complicated than that. I'm familiar with rewriting systems

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @axiomsofchoice

@axiomsofchoice or, it's exactly as complicated as that, but I have further requirements

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @noneatnamesleft

@noneatnamesleft yep, except for 2/3: they only wrote sums of unit fractions maths.surrey.ac.uk/hosted-sites/R…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett unintended impact of your unintended impact article?

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @RealityMinus3

@RealityMinus3 then what's '-x'?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @RealityMinus3

@RealityMinus3 that's what I'm getting at: why didn't the same convention arise for division?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @OddballDave

@OddballDave ow it hurts my brain!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @OddballDave

@OddballDave my best so far is 29

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @OddballDave

@OddballDave 38, and I've just realised the star and circle are supposed to be different colours

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @OddballDave

@OddballDave 44! So are they actually the same colour? I'm colourblind so I have no idea

0 favourites 0 retweets

Wow, google word definitions give a lot more information now!

0 favourites 0 retweets

I scored 0047 in @Psyclic_game. Ow ow ow ow my brains

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @CardColm

@CardColm imagine if he'd peaked at age 3!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ruimvieira

@ruimvieira I believe there are clubs for people into that kind of thing

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @aoibhinn_ni_s

@aoibhinn_ni_s your PhD has a word limit?!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb I once watched my ferry leave as I was walking down the jetty. It's nice to have a bit of variety

1 favourite 0 retweets

@ejectamenta_com @MathsJam @NMSI @plusmathsorg are you aware of aperiodical.com/2012/06/wltm-r… ?

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've discovered the quick print button on the office printer. I reckon that'll save me a cumulative 10 minutes or so by the time I retire

0 favourites 0 retweets

Found a groovy book in the school library

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb be my guest!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb I am prepared for a torrent of "I don't like change!" comments on that post

1 favourite 0 retweets

+1 nail on the head RT @evelynjlamb Yes, it's about notation, though: when we see -2, we think of that as a number, when we see ÷2, we don't

0 favourites 0 retweets

I expect the authors to file a copyright suit: RT @sxpmaths: @christianp 10 PRINT "BASIC statistics " : 20 GOTO 10 !

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @haggismaths

@haggismaths happily, there is! mathprofessorquotes.tumblr.com

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @divbyzero

@divbyzero I can see it!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @jjaron

@jjaron that's quite a low-poly x-ray

0 favourites 0 retweets

Stupid question time: is p^n*q^m ever smaller than p^n+q^m? (p,q primes, n,m natural numbers)

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @tim_hunt

@tim_hunt yeah, I got that but left the tweet up in case I was being doubly stupid. Glad I'm not!

0 favourites 0 retweets

So it turns out writing randomised questions about permutation groups is quite hard.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @LargeCardinal

@LargeCardinal @JamesMoosh none of the MO threads turned up when I searched, only M.SE. I'll look now...

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @LargeCardinal

@LargeCardinal @JamesMoosh yep, couldn't find anything on MO apart from one closed thread with nothing useful in it. Interesting!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Just realised the way I do division in my head is completely different to the way I do it on paper. Maybe the paper method needs more RAM

0 favourites 1 retweet

Considering making a Panini-style maths sticker album

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @LargeCardinal

@LargeCardinal ta!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge currently stuck on which platonic solid to make a shiney

0 favourites 0 retweets

Moving offices, I'm reminded again that recreational maths is a solved problem.

4 favourites 3 retweets

After being asked to improv it at a few minutes' notice, I've put the slides for my ~GCSE-level Herschel talk online staff.ncl.ac.uk/christian.perf…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett yeah, for me too! I wonder what's going on

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett Chrome didn't like something about SVGs not from localhost. Bizarre. I've changed to PNGs

0 favourites 0 retweets

@ncllibsage @nclroblib just in time! We were just saying yesterday we need an updated library video for our first year induction material

0 favourites 0 retweets

@ncllibsage you are correct in your supposition! Thanks

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

.@evelynjlamb that thought could go viral if you make it needlessly specific: every fibonacci number is within 1 of a multiple of 3. Try it!

3 favourites 4 retweets

In reply to @Electrokittie

@Electrokittie ... freckles can be quite nice

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks @aPaulTaylor @evelynjlamb two mancs and a yank... what am I letting myself in for?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Happy birthday Alan! (a little bit late)

1 favourite 3 retweets

Did you know there's more than one Newcastle? Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Newcastle-in-one, Newcastle-versus-Predator...

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @noneatnamesleft

@noneatnamesleft yes, they had a big meeting in our civic centre a couple of years ago

0 favourites 0 retweets

Why can't google resolve DOIs?

0 favourites 0 retweets


In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb Sir John Soane's museum is great soane.org

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb and you'll probably like a choral service at St Martin's in the Fields stmartin-in-the-fields.org

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb not necessarily! St Paul's is a lot bigger, after all...

0 favourites 0 retweets

Coo! A physically universal cellular automaton web.mit.edu/lrs/www/physCA/

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @tim_hunt

@tim_hunt oh no, that's awful! PHP strikes again

0 favourites 0 retweets

Hm. Even though it involves the primes, I thought I might have had a winner with this one. Poo to you, Labos Elemer!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo I dm-ed you, or so I thought. I'll email. Colin@solypsis.co.uk?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Writing worked solutions to randomised questions: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @Derektionary

@Derektionary @OnThisDayinMath @wilderlab there are no numbers such that x^3 = (a)(a+1)(a+2) for x<60000000

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Derektionary

@Derektionary @OnThisDayinMath @wilderlab hm... time to start the Online Encyclopedia of Impossible Sequences

3 favourites 1 retweet

I'm finding it surprisingly tricky to find an x^n that forms an arithmetic sequence when you split it into equal-sized chunks

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @MathJax

@MathJax @janmarthedal oooh! Nice.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @CardColm

@CardColm we've crossed paths! I'm in London today. So sad we couldn't meet up

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jamesgrime

@jamesgrime what's its impact factor?

0 favourites 0 retweets

I'm doing a suspicious amount of work on my day off. Might not get any lounging done before lunch at this rate.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aperfect

@aperfect ah, the old `/fov 150` trick

0 favourites 0 retweets

Email, received today: "hello what is a computer i have lived these past dozen years in a swamp" (paraphrased)

0 favourites 0 retweets

turns out I'm a trendsetter! We should all do four-day weeks, apparently theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @lyd_w

@lyd_w I always wonder how Americans can be so enthusiastic about bacon when they don't even eat real bacon

1 favourite 0 retweets

it's been a while since I unzipped a local copy of MathJax on windows. Takes about 40 minutes!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge I had a similar problem this weekend! Except I have an octagonal bay window into which a hexagonal play pen will fit

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge the playpen is in the post - we'll see!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Most unusual capitalisation of @NclNumbas yet: 'NUMBAs'. What could that stand for?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @MarcusduSautoy

@MarcusduSautoy are you absolutely sure that it's *all* down to that?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths my brother @aperfect has a photo (taken on my instigation), but maybe shouldn't be named in the book?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths @aperfect haha, then I suggest "the least visually appealing of the Perfect brothers, Adam". He's in San Fran at the moment

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths @aperfect and the photo doesn't seem to be on his flickr page, so we'll have to wait for him to wake up!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ashleyhwright

@ashleyhwright I've been watching it with trepidation, but I've never had JISC funding so it doesn't affect me directly

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ashleyhwright

@ashleyhwright indeed!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @kirel

@kirel Hooray! I hoped that sprite earlier meant you were working on detexify again. Feedback: drawing erratic on Android; hard to scroll

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @kirel

@kirel nexus 4. Seems to lose the touch event, maybe as results load. Scrolling hard because the drawing takes up most of the screen width

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @MarcioRdeGMaia Erm.. yes. Why wouldn't it be? It's on his official YouTube channel

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @outofthenorm2

@outofthenorm2 @peterrowlett @MarcioRdeGMaia thanks!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jjaron

@jjaron that's prompted me to do some fun searches on Hansard, e.g. theyworkforyou.com/search/?q=%22I…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @JanvierUK

@JanvierUK if you find it interesting, it's fine

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've updated checkmyworking.com/misc/the-mathj… because the @MathJax CDN finally has the same URL for HTTP and HTTPS

1 favourite 4 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo yes, and I try to when you're near, but that isn't very often!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @plusmathsorg

@plusmathsorg no, I do it too

0 favourites 0 retweets

Twice this week I've received letters from companies telling me they're giving me a discount... on their newly doubled prices

1 favourite 0 retweets

Hooray! I'm paying lots more for the same service, but not as much as you've arbitrarily proclaimed I could pay!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @CardColm

@CardColm that book seems to be everywhere at the moment. It's high up the maths puzzle chart on amazon

0 favourites 0 retweets

I missed 44444 so this'll have to do

2 favourites 0 retweets

Wait! Even better: now it's 3:33

2 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @ChrisMaslanka

@ChrisMaslanka @hughhunt I'm interested in making someone do a big enough fart to get empirical data about this.

0 favourites 1 retweet

Interesting: a plane just dug a tunnel through a cloud. An inverse trail?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @gateslibraries

@GatesheadLibs @nclroblib apart from Quack Kerouac, no.

1 favourite 1 retweet

Waiting in a car park for my girlfriend and this guy decided to join me

3 favourites 0 retweets

Day 2: the cat is back!

2 favourites 0 retweets

Since I'm in a church against my will anyway, an idea: zero-knowledge protocol to allow querying prophecy without revealing what it says

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @haggismaths

@haggismaths you might have a rogue @TweetsofCushing at your mathsjam tomorrow. Please make him feel welcome!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb I may or may not have written a javascript library called lissa.js just for the opportunity to say its name

1 favourite 1 retweet

So when's the post-ironic Quake 1 mod scene going to get going?

1 favourite 0 retweets

Just found this video on the @NCLMathsStats vimeo page: Prof Robin Johnson asks if the Angel of the North could fly vimeo.com/76605407

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @WWMGT

@WWMGT That link didn't quite work because of the space. Try henkxvisser.nl/Three%20square…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Happy ﬨ approximation day!

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @numberphile

@numberphile I just made one: is this what you had in mind? jsfiddle.net/vRWG8/embedded…

4 favourites 1 retweet

Off to @MathsJam. Will anyone else be there? Do mathmos take summer holidays?

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb let dimensionsinfo.com help dimensionsinfo.com/egg-carton-dim… "because size matters"

0 favourites 2 retweets

My new favourite site: dimensionsinfo.com "because size matters"

2 favourites 2 retweets

Can you libel a black hole?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @andy_l_jones

@andyjonescs no, there's just @MathsJam, and the mailing list which sends reminders before each meeting. Email newcastle@mathsjam.com

0 favourites 0 retweets

Delivery company again a paradox of precision: my package will be delivered between 12:24 and 13:24.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @decaf_unicorn

@fumbleweeds ooh, my girlfriend was just asking if we could play the sims!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jamesgrime

@jamesgrime The Adventures of Young Alan Turing

0 favourites 0 retweets

I had no idea so many people felt this strongly about Benedict Cumberbatch.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jamesgrime

@jamesgrime yes! There's often a lot more interesting stuff to talk about when you get past "here's why this is bad"

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @haggismaths

@haggismaths eugh.. I *still* haven't posted about this on the @aperiodical. Can I just say everyone's seen it now, and forget about it?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jamesgrime

@jamesgrime PS your review is very good and thanks for letting us publish it

0 favourites 0 retweets

Working on making it easier to change things like the logo in @NclNumbas tests... #genuinedevelopmentscreenshot

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @jamesgrime

@jamesgrime I have not seen that review

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @haggismaths

@haggismaths ah yes, @TweetsofCushing said you weren't at mathsjam. Back to the fun maths coalface now?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Poppy the puppy is here! She is so beautiful and curly and good and we love her!

3 favourites 0 retweets


0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @sxpmaths

@sxpmaths what book is that?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @outofthenorm2

@outofthenorm2 @stecks I fixed that on Tuesday!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @elinoroberts

@elinoroberts @jjsanderson that's more of a first-album title

0 favourites 0 retweets

OMG the puppy's toy is a dodecahedron. Six-coloured though. Does anyone have a five-coloured dodecahedral dog toy?

1 favourite 2 retweets

Dodecahedral dog toy update: it's already the subject of mathematical study! plus.google.com/u/0/+Christian…

1 favourite 1 retweet

Does anyone make a weather app that gives percentage probabilities of rain and confidence intervals?

2 favourites 0 retweets

Birthday present for my girlfriend: a ukulele so she can finally make use of her @helenarney songbook. It's a hit!

0 favourites 0 retweets


@katemath @LaMinda what would one of those look like, and what equipment would she have? Blackboard and oversized chalk to fit in her hand?

0 favourites 0 retweets

We're gonna need a bigger bowl.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb well, Helen did. I was involved only in a support role

0 favourites 0 retweets

I just saw a bird of prey catch a tiny bird. The victim made pathetic noises as it was dangled about a foot above my head. #teamcarnivores

0 favourites 0 retweets

@Sara_Tindall Aww, oh dear!

0 favourites 0 retweets

This hexagonal daddy long legs loves his symmetry

4 favourites 4 retweets

In reply to @JanvierUK

@JanvierUK m&s do good ones

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @semiBad

@semiBad I use w3totalcache, but made that decision about three years ago

0 favourites 0 retweets

Very pleasing.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo I've just registered and paid!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @sxpmaths

@sxpmaths is that S the right way round?

0 favourites 0 retweets

I'm helping at this! MT @NCLScienceComic: Our free infographics workshop (age 14+) is on Saturday @ToonLibraries

0 favourites 2 retweets

Look at the time we paused the DVD on!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @hughhunt

@hughhunt Normandy has some of the weirdest pizzas I've ever eaten. I once had one with FOUR steak haché on top

0 favourites 0 retweets

Thompson's group F is currently not amenable arxiv.org/abs/1408.2188

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @aperiodical

@aperiodical @stecks is the auto-tweet still not working? I redid the connections

0 favourites 0 retweets

Come join me by the fire. #unnervinglylouchepuppy

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb I have the same thing with "amenable"

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @robinhouston

@robinhouston *shocked face*

0 favourites 0 retweets

Suppose I'd better tell twitter - I'm engaged! (hand belongs to my betrothed)

7 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ben_nuttall

@ben_nuttall Ted's Montana Grill on Larimer St (next to Euclid Hall!) is very good

0 favourites 0 retweets

Cor, I've made a lot of birthday cards over the years flickr.com/photos/christi…

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @JanvierUK

@JanvierUK thanks!

0 favourites 0 retweets

My favourite party trick that never works MT @numberphile: Wobbly table not a problem for mathematicians — youtu.be/OuF-WB7mD6k

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @numberphile

@numberphile I'm not too great at applying the intermediate value theorem by eye

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@numberphile +you normally want to apply it after everyone's sat down, which means they all need to shuffle round. Haven't watched the video

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @numberphile

@numberphile well, I've watched it but with no sound because I'm at work. It *looks* good :)

0 favourites 0 retweets

.gitignore, ignore thyself

0 favourites 0 retweets

Newcastle @MathsJam is TONIGHT, 7pm at the Charles Grey. Look out for the Rubik's cube. Find your closest Jam: mathsjam.com/closest-mathsj…

0 favourites 1 retweet

Theorem statement looks like a line from a bad song

3 favourites 2 retweets

The new version of knockout.js has custom elements. Here's one to do a tex input with @MathJax preview codepen.io/christianp/pen…

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @Bishnavitch

@Bishnavitch maybe: prions can't be killed by cooking, and thrive in the brain. Some think eating brains is what killed the neanderthals

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Bishnavitch

@Bishnavitch (I assume you're eating human brains. Because otherwise you're totally fine)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @stecks @aPaulTaylor there's an ongoing email discussion. I'm going to set up the redirect today

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @stecks @aPaulTaylor (turns out I'm not clever enough to set up the redirect and override wordpress's nonsense)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @C_J_Smith

@C_J_Smith would you say this is the whole equation? checkmyworking.com/misc/makebigma…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @C_J_Smith

@C_J_Smith supplementary beard-stroker question: which gives a lower bound for the date of burial, the equation or the quote?

0 favourites 0 retweets

@AndresCaicedo you have to wonder what such people *think* they're doing.

0 favourites 0 retweets

.nothing-here:before {
content: 'This space intentionally left blank';

0 favourites 0 retweets

Step 1

2 favourites 0 retweets

Step 2

2 favourites 0 retweets

Looks like today's the day I finally learn how LR parsers work

1 favourite 0 retweets

Hmm... which comment to approve?

1 favourite 0 retweets

(context of the previous: the ongoing "I'm (x<18) years old and I don't understand" saga underneath aperiodical.com/2014/03/how-to…)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @C_J_Smith

@C_J_Smith my favourite is the "English *is* consistent" guy

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @eassessscotland

@eassessscotland which Zimmermann? (sorry)

0 favourites 0 retweets

Here's a new God's Number alternative: least complex set of instructions to perform a Hamiltonian cycle on a Rubik's cube

1 favourite 1 retweet

As a starter, you'd be doing well to produce something less than cuBer Bruce's 200mb of instructions: bruce.cubing.net/ham333/rubikha…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @helenarney

@helenarney @FitzMuseum_UK @whereiscampsite for all in tents, and porpoises?

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @stecks yerp

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb related is that AMS Notices cover with the deliberately-wrong 3/4/5 triangle made of pebbles

0 favourites 0 retweets

I am currently banned from using the AMS's mathematical imagery site?! ams.org/mathimagery/di…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb finally found it! It wasn't the Notices, it was the College Mathematical Journal mathtourist.blogspot.co.uk/2009/02/ponder…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Here's a nice puzzle I thought up while in M&S: is there any base where "1248" is a power of 2?

3 favourites 3 retweets

Huge changes to the closest @MathsJam map with the addition of Taipei MathsJam mathsjam.com/closest-mathsj…

0 favourites 3 retweets

(if anyone wants to make a correct, spherical voronoi version of that map, please do!)

0 favourites 0 retweets

@MARitchings correct!

0 favourites 0 retweets

p5.js is very similar to the old Blitz languages, so I'm converting over some of my old things for fun somethingorotherwhatever.com/swirlograph/

0 favourites 0 retweets

@MARitchings no, just came up with the question :)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @haggismaths

@haggismaths gosh! I wish @NCLMathsStats paid as much attention to the interior decor of the maths department

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Gopesh_Krishna

@Gopesh_Krishna @MARitchings in base b, 1248 = 1*b^3+2*b^2+4*b+8 = (b+2)(b^2+4). If that's a power of 2, then each factor must be also.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Gopesh_Krishna

@Gopesh_Krishna @MARitchings yes, what's wrong?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb certain parties abused our free pads of paper policy and now each student gets issued one pad at the start of the year :(

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ben_nuttall

@ben_nuttall all the names up to 2010 sound like things you should consult your doctor about before using

0 favourites 1 retweet


In reply to @robeastaway

@robeastaway arg! What's the point in long division?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @theoremoftheday

@theoremoftheday I learnt poly div having never known long division, and I find it way simpler. Long division needs lots of lookahead

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @theoremoftheday

@theoremoftheday @robeastaway (I mean, I was shown traditional long division in primary, but I did what I think is 'chunking' instead)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo @robeastaway @theoremoftheday for me, it often boils down to "divide 3-digit number by 2-digit number, but in your head"

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo better medium: google+?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Formula for the perfect pizza cheese, non-nonsense edition: youtube.com/watch?v=AZOSTI…

0 favourites 0 retweets

This time I got as far as the "contribute a new sequence" page before realising my sequence was already in but off-by-one. #mathmoproblems

0 favourites 0 retweets

Matemáticos sudamericanos, matemáticos da América do Sul: there isn't a @MathsJam anywhere in South America. Sort it out!

0 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @ruimvieira

@ruimvieira hah, that's great!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @eassessscotland

@eassessscotland did you pass on participant emails to your sponsors? Your registration form doesn't say you will

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths if you wanted a number around 3000, why not pick 3435? Or any of the other numbers on this page: mrob.com/pub/math/numbe…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Best part of waiting for a lift near a hospital: overhearing gnarly phone conversations as sick people walk past

0 favourites 0 retweets

SpringerLink still thinks my university is called "University of Newcastle upon Tyne". If you've already added value once, why add it again?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @plusmathsorg

@plusmathsorg @alexbellos ooh, only £10? I think I'll buy myself a copy

0 favourites 0 retweets

"No animals were harmed in the making of this site" in the footer of the site of a restaurant which serves meat.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb it's the most useful list I've ever kept. Constantly referring to it.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Wow. Bold move to quote the film 'Network' in an advert selling furniture.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Legroom! Glorious, only-moderately-restricted legroom!

0 favourites 0 retweets

On the side of a derelict warehouse: "Dove Building Centre". I don't think doves are very good at building.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @haggismaths

@haggismaths crikey!

0 favourites 0 retweets

There's a second series of Jigsaw?! bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Wedding venue has "very limited availability for 2013". No kidding.

2 favourites 0 retweets

Shop offering help to citizens of new EU states in Edinburgh has a Yes poster in its window. Not sure what their long-term business plan is

1 favourite 0 retweets

What are these mysterious bee images I see in the @aperiodical's media library. Could it be true? Is @outofthenorm2 finishing his bees post?

0 favourites 1 retweet

Instant embedding of videos in the new wordpress editor is the best thing.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mike_geogebra

@mike_geogebra is geogebra 5 the "official" latest geoebra? The main download page still gives you 4.4

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @outofthenorm2

@outofthenorm2 oh alright. Sorry, I'll let you get on.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks I had gripes about the lack of links, and then I forgot all about it

0 favourites 0 retweets

Why did I just work out 17^2 = 16^2+16+17 instead of 17^2 = 10*17+10*7+7*7?

0 favourites 0 retweets

(It's true, I'm shaky on squares above 15^2)

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @theoremoftheday

@theoremoftheday thanks - I've updated a post with a link to your theorem of the day about it. Always handy!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @CCMathResources

@CCMathResources MathsJam isn't really a schools thing, so I don't think it's useful to use the hashtag for your links

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @BrainyMisc

@BrainyMisc @CCMathResources #mathsjam is related to @MathsJam, the monthly maths-in-a-pub meeting. Deliberately nothing to do with schools.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @lyd_w

@lyd_w @MrGrahamPearce oh my god, our school motto of "Ewige Blumenkraft" suddenly makes a lot of sense!

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge you'd have to inset a compass as well, wouldn't you?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Bishnavitch

@Bishnavitch wow, so it's finally gone through? Congratulations!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Worst. Shisen sho. Ever.

0 favourites 0 retweets

checkmyworking.com is knacked for the moment. Poo.

0 favourites 0 retweets

So the A1's never going to be dualled, then.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Now that really is pushing it "@InterestingNums: 214 is interesting. There are 214 divisors in the 11th perfect number."

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've updated my @MathJax bookmarklet to use the new CDN address checkmyworking.com/misc/mathjax-b…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @tim_hunt

@tim_hunt ahhhh, I forgot to set a reminder! Poo

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've just found there's a .xyz TLD. That's the least justifiable new TLD yet

0 favourites 0 retweets

Starting to get into getvau.lt for making up stronger passwords. I just have to remember the settings for each site...

0 favourites 0 retweets

(of course, my passwords become just as hackable as before to someone who knows I use it, but hopefully that's a small subset of hackers)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb excellent explanation in "How to explain zero knowledge protocols to your children" pages.cs.wisc.edu/~mkowalcz/628.…

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @mathsarcade I just did the same thing but I didn't find the induction talk guy in time so none of the freshers knew about it!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway once, it meant "Let's meet at Costa".

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @tim_hunt

@tim_hunt super! And Moodle is the top (not necessarily main) VLE in use. That's why you open source things!

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @CardColm

@CardColm @MathsJam @aperiodical and Ireland's Colm Mulcahy, also of @aperiodical fame

0 favourites 0 retweets

I got to level 33 in this silly colour game! For once, not having working colour vision pays off! game.ioxapp.com/color/

0 favourites 0 retweets

prisencolinensinainciusol in an advert! Ollraight!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Chalky mouse friends! thisiscolossal.com/2014/09/david-…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway will the bus between two of them be the McCartney-Lennon route, or Lennon-McCartney?

2 favourites 0 retweets

Auuggg week 1 of term is just non-stop emailing and bugfixing and meeting. Can we do a staggered start next year?

0 favourites 0 retweets

PDF contains very long URLs split over a couple of lines but they aren't clickable. Useful for neither screen nor print. Bah humbug.

0 favourites 0 retweets

I'm doing another "games to entertain a commutative mathematician" post. Got a favourite maths game you play on your phone? Please tell me!

0 favourites 3 retweets

Contents of my desk-side bin: ostrich egg (smashed); ring of hair pulled from brush; sundry nail clippings. #readysteadycook

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb @MathJax only self-hosted blogs through wordpress.org.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robinhouston

@robinhouston given where he lives, I was thinking more of a Cathar

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robinhouston

@robinhouston I was just doing the same search! Search-by-image has fun results: google.com/search?sa=X&hl…

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge there's a pi with no \ in front of it in the second para

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @j_lanier

@j_lanier that liquid binary counter is so cool!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aperfect

@aperfect are they charging the pavement for their time, and adding unusable interfaces to pedestrian crossings?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett ahh boo. I thought I'd copied everything! Won't be a moment...

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett restored!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Picked a question at random from our DB to test its discrimination index. It's 0.93. Crikey. Now to find a low one!

0 favourites 0 retweets


In reply to @JanvierUK

@JanvierUK whaaa? Seriously? Because you have two passports? You're twice as British as I'll ever be

0 favourites 0 retweets

Finally, my product-moment correlation coefficients make sense! These questions are very discriminating

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @NCLMathsStats

@NCLMathsStats The Maths Arcade runs every Tuesday lunchtime in the Herschel building foyer

0 favourites 1 retweet

Here's an isomorphism between the Set cards and a Sudoku cameroncounts.wordpress.com/2014/09/30/pic…

6 favourites 7 retweets

I wish javascript had keyword arguments. Then I could add an optional argument to this function without breaking everybody's everything

0 favourites 0 retweets

@katemath what if I can't overcome my prejudices about really old webpages?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @tim_hunt

@tim_hunt yeah, but that involves a line of debaggage at the start of each function

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @lyd_w

@lyd_w no matter what band it's for, that director always does the same quick-cuts-naked-ladies-plus-weird-stuff video

0 favourites 0 retweets

Do you think flies have nightmares about eating so much they can't take off? This one is nearly there.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jjsanderson

@jjsanderson I have used that many times when giving presentations on strange uni computers

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jjsanderson

@jjsanderson deck.js - I have a template on github at github.com/christianp/dec…

0 favourites 0 retweets

It's good to see this, but I feel bad for the bad things I had to do to maths to get there. #sloanewhacking

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @DameAllans

@DameAllans I just got an email asking for volunteers to talk to RGS's new maths society. As a DABS alumnus, I couldn't possibly!

1 favourite 0 retweets

Just told @TweetsofCushing to "give maths not blood". Not quite as punchy as "make love not war".

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks @TweetsofCushing it happens at the same time as Maths Arcade

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks @TweetsofCushing I assume he has like an appointment or something

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @FOTSN

@FOTSN interesting date order on that page. Sorted by month?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths @FOTSN or by venue name. You should do some gigs at Aarhus Atletion (capacity 20,032)

0 favourites 0 retweets

Oh man, I let my fourth super-birthday go uncelebrated! oeis.org/A184552 (well, un-super-celebrated)

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths @Dr_JAH my enthusiasm for this project is unmeasurable

0 favourites 0 retweets

mathpuzzle.com has updated!

0 favourites 2 retweets

I'm not a complete doofus! Just solved this junior olympiad problem on @beyondmathsolns fairly quickly beyondmathsolutions.wordpress.com/2014/10/08/201…

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @JPickford

@JPickford no - things fall at the same rate no matter what their mass is. youtube.com/watch?v=5C5_dO…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge boo. Booooo.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @knotunknot

@MadeleineS Pergamon museum!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @libraryncl

@nclroblib whaaaat?! I need to start looking at the sage's programme more often

0 favourites 0 retweets

Wedding booked! Eek!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @JanvierUK

@JanvierUK Middle of the school Easter holiday, since my fiancée is a teacher

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @pelagikat

@hornmaths (small value)^(-large value) will be a very *large* value

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @pelagikat

@hornmaths Yeah. Write more.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @MathJax

@MathJax could mathjax.org/latest.zip point to the latest release?

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've finally got WeBWorK running in a VM. What a massive faff!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @MathJax

@MathJax convenience when I just want "some mathjax". Like wordpress.org/latest.zip gets me the latest wordpress

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway an Alfa Romeo mechanic, yesterday: wired.com/2013/09/absurd…

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @MathJax

@MathJax it works! Thanks!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @eqdynamics

@eqdynamics probably no quicker than me - it just requires a lot of pasting command line stuff because there's no install script

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @michaeljgrove

@michaeljgrove @k_houston_math Allen knutson wondered the same thing on google+ this week: plus.google.com/11046487180196…

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @tim_hunt

@tim_hunt that's why I've dragged my feet on adaptive marking in Numbas - why bother, when you can give immediate feedback and try again?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo @Samuel_Hansen it hasn't for me - I suspect you have a man-in-the-middle!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths Dim fun = 0

1 favourite 0 retweets

Just made a git commit whose hash starts '4444'. I wonder if I can search github for a commit with five repeated characters

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @Andrew_Taylor

@Andrew_Taylor it often seems that headline-writing rules exist in an amoral vacuum

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ben_nuttall

@ben_nuttall have you got a commit with that hash?!

0 favourites 0 retweets

I know I say a lot of bad things about Moodle's SCORM module, but surely this was never a good way of doing things? github.com/moodle/moodle/…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway was it youtube.com/watch?v=Jj6yXx… ?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @sxpmaths

@sxpmaths STACK only works inside moodle these days. But if you want a competition, I make another system: @NclNumbas

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @sxpmaths

@sxpmaths Numbas doesn't need anything installed, so should work

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @sxpmaths

@sxpmaths ... but STACK is perfectly adequate, so try both!

0 favourites 0 retweets

The heating in my office doesn't come on in the morning, when it's cold, but makes up for that with turboheating in the afternoon. Boo.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @benjamintormey

@BenTormey no! You can't be 30 yet! That means I'll be 30 too some day!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @helenarney

@helenarney your page has made an error establishing a database connection. Suggest a book on computer etiquette.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @helenarney

@helenarney it just said "error establishing a database connection". It's working now

0 favourites 0 retweets

The dog is wet and cold. #keswick

2 favourites 0 retweets

Ceiling beam is suffering from vertigo

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @haggismaths

@haggismaths after a house move and office move, I no longer have access to any blackboards :(

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aPaulTaylor

@aPaulTaylor @ColinTheMathmo yeah! Suits me, because I haven't really had time to prepare my talk this year

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @scienceatlife

@scienceatlife where Pumpkin > 1, because the cross-section isn't perfectly circular

1 favourite 1 retweet

The dog is dressed as a spoOoOoOoky traffic warden. (and keeps trotting out after trick-or-treating kids)

0 favourites 0 retweets


We're at 3 for 3 talks overrunning their time so far. #mathsjam

0 favourites 0 retweets

Wahey! @NoelAnn finished on time #mathsjam

1 favourite 0 retweets

Macs are terrible at projecting. #mathsjam

1 favourite 0 retweets

I spent about ÷5 of my #MathsJam talk starting a teeny tiny revolution

2 favourites 6 retweets

In reply to @tombutton

@tombutton @SparksMaths oh boo to that! Boo!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge and what about the Last of the Summer Wine character painted by an Old Master? I'm talking about the Compo Titian

0 favourites 1 retweet

The prize for my "most interesting fact about the number 1426" #mathsjam competition: a stretchy man!

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @Kexie_

@Kex92 @MathsJam not my handwriting!

0 favourites 0 retweets

It's 10:24! Binary dance party! #mathsjam

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @WoollyBenguin

@WoollyBenguin @MathsJam no, exactly the point I made! "-3" means "negate 3". Or, "additive identity minus 3".

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @ajk_44 @KathrynHTaylor I only counted three women: Katie, Alison and Noel-Ann. Who did I miss?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @drbhind

@drbhind @peterrowlett @ajk_44 @KathrynHTaylor @haggismaths ah yes! She isn't on the website because she only offered her talk on the day

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @nikoletta_tk

@nikoletta_tk I've been told you have a "better" solution to the princess in a castle puzzle. Very intrigued!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @drbhind

@drbhind @ajk_44 @pozorvlak you're more than welcome on the @aperiodical :)

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @alisonkiddle

@ajk_44 I'm coping with chocolate

0 favourites 0 retweets

On the side of a van: "We've got the sandwich market wrapped up!" But their screw factory is under the hammer.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @DanielColquitt

@DanielColquitt is it worth giving @writelatex a go? Or do you want it to work offline?

1 favourite 0 retweets

Hey @MyMathLab, your website's broken.

0 favourites 0 retweets

I keep seeing adverts for jobs basically equivalent to mine, but paying way more. Boo hoo hoo.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @PearsonSupport

@PearsonSupport this page: pearsonmylabandmastering.com/northamerica/m… I've never been to the site before today. Your javascript is broken.

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @FOTSN

@FOTSN wot no SCI HARD 4.0 (TO 1DP.)?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @FOTSN

@FOTSN I just hope you can make a t-shirt big enough to cover my, to quote @standupmaths, "ridiculous shape".

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @FOTSN

@FOTSN @standupmaths in that case I demand one made from alpaca wool (but not from the Penrith Alpaca Centre)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @FOTSN

@FOTSN but there was a bit where a fighter jet does a doughnut around a motorway overpass and maybe you could put that in your next show

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @drbhind

@drbhind super! You've already got an account, haven't you?

0 favourites 0 retweets

It's 12:46! Thanks to the #mathsjam attendees for giving me a reason to celebrate it.

2 favourites 0 retweets

My favourite non-maths 1246 fact: it's the country code for Barbados.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DrSMJames

@sam_james30 how many? How many maths?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Wanted: something like git's merge algorithm, but on JSON objects.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @haggismaths

@haggismaths well, 10 is less than 14 so maybe 10^10^10 isn't that far off

0 favourites 0 retweets

Hah, underneath the ISBN in @standupmaths's book is the checksum.

7 favourites 8 retweets

Chocolate Copernicus! Chocpernicus! themathematicaltourist.wordpress.com/2014/11/03/fin…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @alexbellos

@alexbellos have you seen jeff560.tripod.com/stamps.html ? Mentioned in one of my @aperiodical round ups: aperiodical.com/2012/09/aperio…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge nope... you haven't got ASCIIMathML input turned on, have you?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett yeah, I have done, but the decision about how much I'm paid is made many levels up

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge can you show me the page?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge that's a unicode times symbol in the source, not an x.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge markdown? Got any plugins that filter post content?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Statsyman

@Statsyman have a look through my Newcastle @MathsJam recaps checkmyworking.com/category/maths…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @haggismaths

@haggismaths or make the appropriate substitutions in this: snltranscripts.jt.org/90/90mhappyfun…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @TweetsofCushing

@TweetsofCushing !!!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @wstein389

@wstein389 crikey!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths where is Hardcove R? And what's available in Hardcoves A-Q?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @TweetsofCushing

@TweetsofCushing I've told her about mathsjam. Maybe she'll come and have an epic puzzle battle with Ji

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks @aPaulTaylor I made the Braille words thing like a million times faster: gist.github.com/christianp/6bb…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Andrew_Taylor

@Andrew_Taylor wow! That's a new one: took an existing, non-PR bit of research, and turned it into a nonsense formula piece.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @JanvierUK

@JanvierUK even me? Boo.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @hnodrog

@hnodrog ahhh, disaster!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway isn't it an abbreviation of the name of one of the nearby villages?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @satoverma

@satoverma @evelynjlamb 1,000,000,000,000 en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_%28math…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway @ajk_44 @stecks *ahem*! Not everybody

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @alisonkiddle

@ajk_44 @samholloway fortunately, there's a comprehensive troubleshooting section in my operator's manual

1 favourite 0 retweets

Reasons the table in Blackboard Grade Centre doesn't scroll with the mousewheel:

1 favourite 0 retweets

However bad I feel about Moodle's SCORM support, whenever someone asks me about Blackboard I remember it can be much worse

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @CounterOfSheep

@ajkiddle the uni sent a workplace stress questionnaire round. I took one look at it and ran away.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Second email about Blackboard's terrible SCORM support today. Boo.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @CounterOfSheep

@ajkiddle exactly!

0 favourites 0 retweets

I know I'm uncoordinated, but it's pretty bad when Eldon Garden starts putting out warning signs just for me

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway I think ones that can be pronounced get de-capitalised.

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway I bet he's coming up for the hipster food thing this weekend

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @alexbellos

@alexbellos slightly odd request: do you have a link to the video of that time you demoed the cake division problem on Brazilian TV?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Sold the dog a meta-dummy: faked throwing the ball so many times that when I did throw it, she refused to believe it and looked in my hand

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @alexbellos

@alexbellos my line of thought was "fair division problems are hard... didn't Alex Bellos tweet a video of him doing bad things to a cake?"

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Beamish_Museum

@Beamish_Museum worked it out on my correntator. Easy!

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb I liked Godtoddler's debut album, but their recent work has been quite derivative

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb you weren't exaggerating! That's the widest tie I've ever seen

0 favourites 0 retweets

Oops. RT @l_incompletude: 0 = Math.PI-Math.PI #collaborative #art #maths

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @l_incompletude

@l_incompletude your code to verify formulas has a lot of bugs. I can help, if you'd like

0 favourites 0 retweets

The current oeis.org logo is a bit bum

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @l_incompletude

@l_incompletude I've made one myself (github.com/numbas/LissaJS), but that's overkill. You could just strip out everything except +-/* and 0-9

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks web.archive.org/web/2014102502…

0 favourites 0 retweets

There's nothing like writing an arithmetic parser to relax your mind: codepen.io/christianp/pen…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @BruceGrembowski

@BruceGrembowski ehh, it's a very simple grammar.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Crikey, guest posts by three different authors waiting in the @aperiodical post queue! What a delight!

2 favourites 1 retweet

The Imitation Game was REALLY good!

2 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @pelagikat

@hornmaths They Need To Talk About Kevin

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @drbhind

@drbhind @jamesgrime @aperiodical spoiler warning: Alan Turing is actually Benedict Cumberbatch in a costume

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo @StanMaths @aap03102 looking for shortcuts is one of the most satisfying parts of maths. Problem is if it goes wrong

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge I define "going wrong" as "you got the wrong conclusion and didn't notice"

0 favourites 1 retweet

Guess which Russell Group university's IP addresses have been banned from the arXiv again

0 favourites 0 retweets

A case of overpowering intuition: when you can't bear to colour your dots "white" and "black". fr.arxiv.org/pdf/math/06057…

2 favourites 0 retweets

November's Newcastle @MathsJam is tomorrow, 7pm at the Charles Grey pub. All welcome, bring a brain. mathsjam.com/index.php?city…

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @mrob_27

@mrob_27 you have a very intelligent die

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb would "50 hours" be more or less precise?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb I too have nearly done that many a time. See also: cumulonumbers

0 favourites 0 retweets

Oh lor'. My Wordpress cookie expired, but it let me log in again and reassured me I didn't need to leave the page. LIES! ALL IS LOST!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @brittneybean

@brittneybean lord that's an ugly house

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths @MouldS @stecks is "Make your festive party go with a factorial!" a joke about the name of the punctuation mark? Boo!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Andrew_Taylor

@Andrew_Taylor @stecks this solution lets you revoke one of the keys

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks @Andrew_Taylor I think the picture-hanging puzzle has an application here

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge some latex problems just before "ask a computer"

0 favourites 0 retweets

It would be nice if amionstrike.com existed and said "YES" when UCU are doing something. Their emails are hard to read!

0 favourites 0 retweets

arg, wordpress is mangling my minus signs. Is this a v4.0 thing?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @elinoroberts

@elinoroberts you know what, I'd watch a movie with that dude doing science demos

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @elinoroberts

@elinoroberts unsure if there's a smiley for a sufficiently knowing wink

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jgrahamc

@jgrahamc you might enjoy @jamesgrime's Imitation Game FAQs aperiodical.com/2014/11/an-ala…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @JanvierUK

@JanvierUK no, the cool kids don't use the spoken word any more. So second millennium

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks arggggggg!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jjsanderson

@jjsanderson you're disturbing the geological record! I hope everything you uncover is tagged and recorded

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @JanvierUK

@JanvierUK radio 4 iplayer?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks I dunno, I probably made a mistake. Drawing with your finger is hard

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks no, R7

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @miclugo

@madcaptenor I once encountered someone who not only thought "APP" was an acronym, but one that shouldn't be pluralised with an s

0 favourites 0 retweets

These sheet music covers arevreally nice beautifulcentury.tumblr.com/post/102761276…

2 favourites 0 retweets

I'm pretty chuffed with this birthday card

4 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @badmachinery

@badmachinery a Newcastle bus route claims that since it offers free wifi, you can "surf into the heart of the city"

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've just discovered puzzling.stackexchange.com. Looks like a goldmine for #mathsjam!

3 favourites 4 retweets

Today in maths: pack a Large Parcel (according to the Royal Mail) in a larger box so it becomes a Small Parcel aperiodical.com/2014/11/appare…

0 favourites 0 retweets

For some reason, this is the angriest a pricing scheme has yet made me. I think it's the arbitrariness of the prices

0 favourites 0 retweets

And who's going to "rent" a paper for only 48 hours? $6 for something you already don't believe you'll need to refer to later on?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @PumphreysMath

@PumphreysMath @nrichmaths this piece by @CardColm a while ago is a bit more advanced but on the same subject aperiodical.com/2012/05/in-wha…

0 favourites 2 retweets

Guess which Russell Group university's IP addresses are *still* banned from the arXiv...

0 favourites 0 retweets

I noticed that Chrome blocks userscripts now so I've turned my "Everyone's a mathematician" script into a bookmarklet aperiodical.com/2014/03/everyo…

1 favourite 0 retweets

(it does beautiful things, like this)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @gingerbeardman

@gingerbeardman because I didn't know about that!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge because I missed the accented z off my list. I'd already noticed and fixed it :)

0 favourites 0 retweets

Because @icecolbeveridge complained, I've added EVERY POSSIBLE ACCENTED CHARACTER to the bookmark. gist.github.com/christianp/781…

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @gingerbeardman

@gingerbeardman thanks though - I had a couple of userscripts for dealing with a particularly terrible system at work

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks @icecolbeveridge no, I fixed it for him too. And anyone with "of" in their name

0 favourites 0 retweets

Here's a @Raspberry_Pi robotics idea: robot arm equipped with a compass and straight-edge, combined with CV to detect intersections

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @stecks

@stecks @evelynjlamb @aPaulTaylor that pun is a crime under the Misuse of Erudition Act 1967

0 favourites 0 retweets

current test user name: Teston Blumenthal

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aPaulTaylor

@aPaulTaylor @stecks @evelynjlamb I dunno, I think my girlfriend would prefer a RING. #igotnothin

0 favourites 0 retweets

I did some Python (gist.github.com/christianp/aae…) to solve this @nrichmaths puzzle (after doing it by hand first): nrich.maths.org/1138

0 favourites 0 retweets

Help help my dog is the reincarnation of Colonel Sanders

0 favourites 0 retweets

Oh my god, this parametric bum surface is *sublime* mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/6653…

3 favourites 2 retweets

@Sara_Tindall there's no way of thumbing your nose at Neptune more effectively than throwing away tonnes of fresh water out at sea

0 favourites 0 retweets

Hooray for Bex! Best maths pun of 2014, I'm calling it now! RT @debecca: My improper fractions helpline is now open 24/7.

6 favourites 12 retweets

I need to go to Figueres mateturismo.wordpress.com/2014/11/17/maq…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @michaeljgrove

@michaeljgrove @SamLP @UoBSTEM_EC any chance the chemistry examples will make their way onto the maths support wiki?

1 favourite 0 retweets

Whyyyyyyy?! For a brief while, East Coast was a tolerable way of getting around m.bbc.co.uk/news/business-…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @semiBad

@semiBad that's the best description of MGS I've ever read

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @kenfodder

@kenfodder crikey, time *does* fly! But hopefully not your baby

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mjdominus

@mjdominus @stecks @aperiodical that's some poor copy-editing by me, I'm afraid! I'll fix it

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DrSMJames

@sam_james30 have you seen this? youtube.com/watch?v=dBtYXF…

0 favourites 0 retweets


In reply to @haggismaths

@haggismaths you mean you're on a bus-replacement train service?

1 favourite 2 retweets

In reply to @tarim8

@tarim8 @ColinTheMathmo @joindiaspora I've considered setting up a diaspora site for these kinds of conversations

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo @tarim8 @joindiaspora @samholloway mine too! That's why I haven't done it yet

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @tarim8

@tarim8 @ColinTheMathmo @joindiaspora @samholloway I'm sure it's possible, but the resulting tweets would be unreadable.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @tarim8

@tarim8 @ColinTheMathmo @joindiaspora @samholloway anyway, the problem is getting people to write stuff on the diaspora site

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo hah, fun! GraphViz plus a list of URLs? Quite hard to read.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @haggismaths

@haggismaths but on the other hand, as an autistic person I really appreciated how sympathetic the portrayal was

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @FOTSN

@FOTSN oh, bravo!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @FOTSN

@FOTSN but that matrix definitely doesn't do a rotation

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @FOTSN

@FOTSN that pun really SCALES new heights

0 favourites 0 retweets

I'm eating the world's most fertile satsuma. Already in double digits of seeds, now worrying about triple digits.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @WWMGT

@WWMGT what does "folded" mean?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ChrisMaslanka

@ChrisMaslanka @WWMGT yeah, but folded all on top of each other, or will a single fold do?

0 favourites 0 retweets

@katemath I got hooked on Simon Tatham's version with a cairo tiling for a good few years chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/puzz…

1 favourite 1 retweet

I'm having a lovely time with C++11. Maybe I can be a real programmer after all!

0 favourites 0 retweets

So cute RT @aperiodical: It’s bunnies all the way down – GeoBunnies reveals geometry’s hidden rabbits aperiodical.com/?p=12982

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @CounterOfSheep

@ajkiddle what tosh! Work is depression's friend

0 favourites 0 retweets

Got fed up and switched my phone's calculator to RPN. Let's see how that goes.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Samuel_Hansen

@Samuel_Hansen bananagrams!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @gary__thomson

@garyth123 yes thanks!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @libraryncl

@nclroblib I'm informed there was a Frozen singalong somewhere

0 favourites 0 retweets

This is a pretty cool dice-rolling thingy! images.math.cnrs.fr/Comment-lancer…

0 favourites 0 retweets

@HeyCwiss ah, you're watching it too! We switched on halfway in, and I can't remember how he got separated from his family this time

0 favourites 0 retweets

For Boole's 150th death-day: how many boolean operations has my computer performed since I bought it, about a month ago?

1 favourite 0 retweets

Bad news, blackboard connoisseurs: the maker of the world's best chalk is stopping production in February wsj.com/articles/BL-JR…

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @CardColm

@CardColm I saw a Spanish company a while ago, I think. Should be OK, with the common market and all that?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@CardColm never mind, it was this I was thinking of, and most def not aperiodic! notcot.com/archives/2012/…

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @CardColm

@CardColm there is a lobby somewhere with custom-made Penrose tiled floor. I think @standupmaths knows where it is

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @hughster

@hughster @deboracreative @WhovianNet @aperiodical to be precise, they have sixfold symmetry. But daleks probably know a way round that

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @libraryncl

@nclroblib really? I didn't see it over here at the Herschel building

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks @markstaylor what's this about an anus?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks @markstaylor puzzlebum?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Andrew_Taylor

@Andrew_Taylor @qipodcast it's in free fall. It definitely has a weight

1 favourite 0 retweets

Oh my god I've found the BEST SWISS MUSIC VIDEO EVER! youtube.com/watch?v=nbfZ49…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @scienceatlife

@scienceatlife which way do the needles drop?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @GreyAlien

@GreyAlien my fiancée is a nursery teacher. My life can be divided into "got a cold" and "about to get a cold"

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett you should! It's in the aperiodical google drive folder thingy

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @haggismaths

@haggismaths @JaneCo94 I thought he was made to tell the spy chap which things to give to the not-a-Glaswegian Downton Abbey chap

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @LDN_gov

@LDN_gov odd request: can you give me an estimate of the number of baubles and length of lights used on the christmas tree in Trafalgar Sq?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @mathsarcade Hooray! I've been meaning to make some information sheets for my arcade

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @CardColm

@CardColm will this do? christianp.github.io/wordsearch-gen… Either print it out after editing, or it generates LaTeX and HTML.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @CardColm

@CardColm a visit would be great! What dates are you nearby?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @lostinrecursion

@lostinrecursion that was a year or two ago! I've been appreciating your work since then :)

0 favourites 0 retweets

mathematical programmer types: what's your opinion of "setA or setB" as a syntax for set union? Abhorrent? Convenient?

0 favourites 0 retweets

(I'm definitely going to have `union(a,b)`, but thought overloading `and`/`or` as well might look better)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @moko_58

@moko_58 ok, thanks. I knew it was a stretch

0 favourites 0 retweets

Just got my USS pension statement. What a sum! I will live like a king!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge I've got to take issue with your use of \simeq there. What's wrong with \approx?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @knotunknot

@MadeleineS I'm going up to Edinburgh with my girlfriend this Saturday to do some Christmas mooching. Where should we go?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @knotunknot

@MadeleineS sort of shopping but mainly just having a day out. We've seen the main sights many times.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @knotunknot

@MadeleineS thanks!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @knotunknot

@MadeleineS I almost certainly do! Where are you normally?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @futurebird

@futurebird ooh, that's reminded me I want a masonry drill!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @MouldS

@MouldS they look a bit like hospital bracelets?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @MouldS

@MouldS maybe talk to these dudes: theplasticshop.co.uk/gaskets-washer…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @walkingrandomly

@walkingrandomly @UniversitiesUK I once checked into my flight home from Berlin through eduroam by standing outside a university building.

0 favourites 0 retweets

!!!!!!!!!! RT @mathhombre: Oh man. Geobunnies got shirts: redbubble.com/people/2redhea…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @JanvierUK

@JanvierUK if I Google what I think that acronym stands for, will I be put on a list?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @libraryncl

@nclroblib I suppose backup batteries for each cluster would have to be absolutely enormous.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @walkingrandomly

@walkingrandomly that SO question has a lot less argument on it than I was expecting! Well done, internet people

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb best investment you'll ever make. Or you can get blackboard vinyl stickers or blackboard paint

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @missm_books

@missm_books @Thalesdisciple @hannahnpbowman @SciencePorn the knife strongly implies he isn't using only homologies to get it in his mouth

1 favourite 0 retweets

Oh no, algebraic roadworks!

18 favourites 25 retweets

In reply to @jrlarsen

@jrlarsen that would be a strong late entry in the @aperiodical's pun compo!

0 favourites 0 retweets

What's the longest bit of chalk anyone's ever written a whole word with, without it snapping? I sense a Guinness world record attempt

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @knotunknot

@MadeleineS oh well, never mind. Another time!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge @MrHonner oh, boo to that. Boo boo boo!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths @WEMO is it compatible with unofficial plugs?

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @j_lanier

@j_lanier George Orwell's foreword to Animal Farm has a wonderfully pedantic digression about which version is correct

0 favourites 0 retweets

arxiv.org is going to pass 1 million preprints very soon when the admins return to work after Christmas. What a lot of science!

0 favourites 1 retweet

Submissions to the arxiv from the first of January will have 5 digit IDs, because they're soon going to exceed 9,999 submissions per month!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @JanvierUK

@JanvierUK yikes

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jamesgrime

@jamesgrime should we add that video to the bottom of the post?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jamesgrime

@jamesgrime Righto

0 favourites 0 retweets

Wahey! Arxiv.org passed the 1 million papers mark!

0 favourites 1 retweet

Ripping my girlfriend's CD collection. Can't remember my CD drive being this slow. Should be done by 2016.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jjaron

@jjaron that's a good idea, but I fear not many.

0 favourites 0 retweets

They're all going straight up to Google music anyway, so this feels a bit redundant.

0 favourites 0 retweets

I have rediscovered hot weetabix. Yom Yom Yom scoff gnomp