
In reply to @JanvierUK

@JanvierUK Now you've said it, I realise I'm the same!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Is this normal? Is Zuul about to appear?

2 favourites 0 retweets

First day back at work, and I'm instantly reminded my office chair broke last year 😧

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @Alby

@Alby @peterrowlett @stecks points deducted for typesetting the formula clearly. A list of variable names with no context would be more authentic

2 favourites 0 retweets

I can comfortably say that child CP would *not* have been able to put up with the dark side boss battles #SuperMarioOdyssey #NintendoSwitch

3 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @JanvierUK

@JanvierUK happy birthday! 🎂

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @worrydream

@worrydream maybe that came from asking "what still uses COBOL?"

19 favourites 0 retweets

Pro move from this survey: data protection statement *after* you've submitted your response

0 favourites 0 retweets

Time for more griping about online journal interfaces. This time, Wiley.
Does it look to you like actually reading the article is among the least prominent things on this page? Greyed-out, looks almost deprecated to me, compared to "related content"

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

at least this time, there's a nice, *labelled* PDF link floating aside from the rest of the interconnectedness-of-all-things cruft

0 favourites 0 retweets

Imagine being as useless as Theresa May

0 favourites 0 retweets

Uhh, @My_Metro? I think @drummondcentral
might need the toilet.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @tombutton

@tombutton @icecolbeveridge ooh, not sure how I feel about that. It's in the uncanny valley of presidential autonyms

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @margaretwerth

@margaretwerth @evelynjlamb reminded me of "Officially, home plate doesn't exist": gosper.org/homeplate.html

1 favourite 0 retweets

Sometimes MS Office is extra helpful

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @helenarney

@helenarney We're going to do the same in a bit. Already given our remaining first-size nappies, and this baby won't stop smashing her growth targets!

1 favourite 0 retweets

AMBIGUOUS PHRASING OF ODDS KLAXON twitter.com/qikipedia/stat…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @d_spiegel

@d_spiegel is it alright if I send you an email with a question about communication of odds in the news, for a piece on @aperiodical?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Does anyone know if there's a dataset of UK national lottery jackpot amounts going back to when it started somewhere on the web? Surely someone was noting them down each week?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @timstirrup

@timstirrup ta!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett ooh, lovely

0 favourites 0 retweets

Current status: just been told edf energy's communications department is an internal department and doesn't communicate with customers

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @benorlin

@benorlin Happy birthday! One year minus two days after me 🎂

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @benorlin

@benorlin Then pass on my heartiest congratulations

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @Bluebirdlouise

@Bluebirdlouise @ShonaDav That is such a good way of thinking about it!

3 favourites 0 retweets

The dog is deeply unimpressed with the baby's farts. I told her that's very much like the pot calling the kettle black, but my dog has trouble with idioms

12 favourites 0 retweets

Turing-complete mechanical linkages!!!
This will appeal to @standupmaths and @sangwinc

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @JanvierUK

@JanvierUK Thanks!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @FOTSN

@FOTSN @stecks When did she do that?! I don't have any direct evidence that she sleeps, and plenty of circumstantial evidence to suggest she doesn't.

1 favourite 0 retweets

I'm visiting Dublin tomorrow and Wednesday. Will almost def fail again to make it to Broom Bridge, but what other maths things can I see near UCD?

0 favourites 0 retweets

NEWS: Conservative in favour of keeping things as he currently perceives they are twitter.com/estwebber/stat…

1 favourite 0 retweets

Challenge: date this fridge by inferring that its name apparently didn't provoke a trademark infringement case

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DavidKButlerUoA

@DavidKButlerUoA @rak_1507 here's one: ssf!ssf!ssf, where s is square root, f is floor, and ! is factorial, evaluated from left to right

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@DavidKButlerUoA @rak_1507 here's the python script I wrote to play about with this: gist.github.com/christianp/2bd…

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge @MrChaconMath @DavidKButlerUoA @rak_1507 I've crunched the numbers and can do 4 in 28 steps: ssf!sf!ssssf!sssssf!sssssssf
By the way, I'm also delivering a workshop so you're all slowpokes

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@icecolbeveridge @MrChaconMath @DavidKButlerUoA @rak_1507 It looks like no new values < (100000!) after 64 steps, unless some gimongous factorial would eventually collapse

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @DavidKButlerUoA

@DavidKButlerUoA @icecolbeveridge @MrChaconMath @rak_1507 here's my python notebook:
basically, keep track of shortest sequences to produce unique values, and try adding operations to the end

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @DavidKButlerUoA

@DavidKButlerUoA @icecolbeveridge @MrChaconMath @rak_1507 Yep. And only show values less than 10^5

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DavidKButlerUoA

@DavidKButlerUoA @icecolbeveridge @MrChaconMath @rak_1507 I have a sequence of operations to apply, e.g. "sf!" is "square root then floor then factorial".
If a long sequence produces a result I've already made with a shorter sequence, obviously no point in looking at it any more.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @DavidKButlerUoA

@DavidKButlerUoA Fairly easily done, since you've got the list of steps for each number. Missing cycles of course

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @rak_1507old

@rak_1507 @DavidKButlerUoA @MrChaconMath @icecolbeveridge Ah, you're allowing non-integer factorials, aka the gamma function. Lots shorter solutions if you do that

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @MrChaconMath

@MrChaconMath @icecolbeveridge @DavidKButlerUoA @rak_1507 About to get on a plane in literally 10 minutes. Will check tomorrow

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @rak_1507old

@rak_1507 @MrChaconMath @icecolbeveridge @DavidKButlerUoA Home!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Fancy some lunchtime turbonerdery?
Play MatchTheNet, where you have to match 3d polytopes to their nets: matchthenet.de

13 favourites 7 retweets

In reply to @BTNMathsJam

@BTNMathsJam we discovered last night that the Italian cafe round the corner from my mum's stocks chinotto san pellegrino! The lady who ordered it was *not* impressed

2 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @BTNMathsJam

@BTNMathsJam She said she thought it looked like diet coke 🤨

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @fermatslibrary

@fermatslibrary here's a sequence of 10, computed with @cocalc_com

13 favourites 0 retweets

Over on mathstodon.xyz, I see @dudeney_puzzles@mathstodon.xyz has reached another classic: mathstodon.xyz/@dudeney_puzzl…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Hah! Nice: someone categorising games based on their (sometimes incorrectly assessed) computational complexity.
I've collected some papers on that topic: read.somethingorotherwhatever.com/collection/com… twitter.com/ZenoRogue/stat…

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jamestanton

@jamestanton Let one short side be a.
hypotenuse = ½(1 ± √5)a
Second short side is the geometric mean of the other two.
Can't have the hypotenuse be the geometric mean of the two short sides.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @JP_Mc_C

@JP_Mc_C @jamestanton yes, I should've checked...

1 favourite 0 retweets

😠🤯 twitter.com/CounterOfSheep…

0 favourites 0 retweets


2 favourites 0 retweets

Compound interest at 2% is about twice as quick to double your investment as compound interest at 1%.
5% is about 5 times as quick.

But not exactly! 10% is only about 9.5 times as quick.

Does this count as a rule of thumb?

1 favourite 0 retweets

I imagined some accountants must have already spotted it.
When was the last time computing logs was difficult, though? twitter.com/ptwiddle/statu…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Today's conventions and concepts question: does a 0×0 matrix exist? How about 0×m? If yes to both, are they different objects?

(Interpret 'does' and 'exist' as you wish)

1 favourite 0 retweets

Academia in 2018: trying to remember if a site is one of those skeezy content aggregators or a real journal publisher's necessarily-generic name for their online offering.
See: sciencedirect.com, researchgate.net, academia.edu

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @darrenjw

@darrenjw interestingly, this (ftp.cs.wisc.edu/Approx/empty.p…) claims Bourbaki only defined a single 'empty matrix'. I can see people fudging the distinction pre-computers

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@darrenjw I can make a devil's advocate case for them all being the same thing if you only look at multiplication: the product of any matrix with the empty matrix is the empty matrix

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @darrenjw

@darrenjw Only so that the result is well-defined. But here it is: it's always the empty matrix

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @MathsInspiratn

@MathsInspiratn @ChrisMaslanka I'll see you next Tuesday 😉

1 favourite 0 retweets

Emails from two colleagues in my inbox this morning. One called me Chris, the other Christine.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Steve_Perfect

@Steve_Perfect really? Do people misspell it?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Yeah, why not cross a magic square with the fifteen puzzle?

1 favourite 1 retweet

Welp, there went my morning. Here's an interactive version of the puzzle: christianp.github.io/Dudeney403/
I got to play with CSS grids, so can I count it as professional development? twitter.com/christianp/sta…

3 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @christianp

on reflection, setting up a bot with the express intention of nerdsniping myself was a bad idea

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @chalkdustmag

@chalkdustmag can I be really pedantic and say that "a phenomena" makes my hackles raise?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge @chalkdustmag yes, that one

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge @chalkdustmag as I was writing it, I was thinking "isn't it normally 'raise my hackles'"?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @benorlin

@benorlin oh man, that reminds me that @TweetsofCushing used to try to get to my blog with weird phrases constructed from unusual words I'd used in my posts, in the hope I'd see them in the logs. Things like "Nathan in the zero-knowledge hall of fame"

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ChrisHazell72

@ChrisHazell72 @ajk_44 @icecolbeveridge @chalkdustmag well, this went about as well as I expected

0 favourites 0 retweets

@efrataitel Hey, on Fridays I literally just sit in a chair and eat whatever's nearby. Not every day can be a winner!

0 favourites 0 retweets

@efrataitel Me!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Five years ago today was the most rock-n-roll my mathematical career has got so far: I was pretty pleased I'd made an origami icosahedron.

8 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo yes

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @aPaulTaylor

@aPaulTaylor @ColinTheMathmo challenge: assuming the answer to Colin's question is "yes", find the siblings-in-law equivalence class that spans the most generations

2 favourites 1 retweet

My barber's has a new barber and a fish tank has replaced the old coffee table of out-of-date magazines. I've read too many Robert Rankin books to see this as anything other than an omen of Ragnarok

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @BTNMathsJam

@BTNMathsJam @ColinTheMathmo @aPaulTaylor I hope so! My first thought was that the family tree(s) of Europe's royal families would be a good starting point

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Aoife_Hunt

@Aoife_Hunt @robeastaway @ColinTheMathmo what are your plans around the @MathsInspiratn shows tomorrow? I'd like to pop into the first show and see you afterwards if poss but I've got a meeting 2-4pm

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge @CounterOfSheep I think it's more of a friends-with-penefits situation

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @elcaborotativo

@elcaborotativo That's @TweetsofCushing and pals!

1 favourite 1 retweet


How can you write a whole article about 'shrinkflation' and not look at price per gram?
Just saying that some products are smaller and some have gone up/down in price and joining the two misses the point entirely.

13 favourites 6 retweets

In reply to @christianp


3 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @christianp

This took me 15 minutes, including the formatting!

10 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @christianp

"While price cuts for products are not always in proportion to size reductions - it is not the case that customers are being short-changed all the time."

15 out of 19 sweets are worse value now. So by and large, customers *are* being 'short-changed'.

6 favourites 1 retweet

Victory, of a sort: @stecks has pointed out that the article now has a chart showing price per gram, and they've got rid of the "not being short-changed" bit twitter.com/christianp/sta…

4 favourites 0 retweets

I'm an hour and a half into trying to submit a one-line code fix to @moodledev. A lot of yak-shaving to get MDK to run and give me an instance based on the latest stable version.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Are you kidding.

4 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DavidKButlerUoA

@DavidKButlerUoA @mathequalslove ooh, I got addicted to Undead for a long time. It's just the right amount of thinking.

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Still kidding?
This has been on the screen for like 3 minutes

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett Congratulations! I've checked, and my first post on checkmyworking.com was in 2010: checkmyworking.com/2010/02/whats-….
I feel like that can't have been my first blog post ever though.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Currently reading: sigaccess.org/welcome-to-sig…

0 favourites 0 retweets

I'd be amazed if anyone can beat that. twitter.com/DrSMJames/stat…

0 favourites 0 retweets

I think my new office chair wanted to be the USS Enterprise instead

6 favourites 0 retweets

I've just discovered that Pearson have renamed "MyMathLab" to "MyLab Math".

I eagerly await "MathMyLab".

3 favourites 0 retweets

Never stop partying! 🥞🥞🥞🥞
It's fat American ones this morning, so that counts as a different meal, right?

5 favourites 0 retweets

Have YOU ever told a story so exciting your daughter spontaneously barfed?

6 favourites 0 retweets

On my way to #devacuk to talk about @NclNumbas and @MathJax, and learn about other spoddy coding things.

1 favourite 0 retweets

Just passed someone waving a chequered flag at my train. We... won?

5 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @erickratamero

@erickratamero should say: this is a fork of stackedit.io adapted for a particular student. The original site is best for everyone else.

1 favourite 0 retweets

Ooooooh! twitter.com/jtmaths/status…

7 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @BTNMathsJam

@BTNMathsJam @peterrowlett @SOSMathsJam a*f(a-1) if a>0 else 1

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @BTNMathsJam

@BTNMathsJam @peterrowlett @SOSMathsJam I think there's a language with a single command, 'compute n!'

0 favourites 0 retweets

Just saw an actual butcher's van with "Pleased to meet you, meat to please you" on the side!!!
My favourite chiasmus!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Frozen canal!
(coming from the North East, canals are a novelty, OK?)

2 favourites 0 retweets

I've just set up a separate presentation account on my laptop for my #devacuk talk.
Windows 10 has filled the start menu up with an astounding quantity of nonsense.

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @statto

@statto Every time I need to check I've got write permission in a directory, I type 'touch poo'. Every single time.

1 favourite 0 retweets

BRB, printing that koala photo at A3 for my bedroom wall twitter.com/kitttenqueen/s…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mathpunk

@mathpunk @tweetsauce I'd guess it goes by checking everything up to the first power of 10 bigger than 9!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Parcly_Taxel

@Parcly_Taxel Ooh, nice! Thanks for pointing it out

0 favourites 0 retweets

Spotted a book with a nice title in the @NCLMathsStats library: "Plane answers to complex questions".
Can't work out if "complex" is punning on anything good though.

0 favourites 0 retweets

I love translations, me.
Very gratifying to see Numbas being used around the world.

Now getting sucked down the rabbit-hole of adapting the interface for right-to-left languages. twitter.com/NclNumbas/stat…

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks nice to see the computers-go-wrong-near-Katie symbol go wrong. #wrongception

0 favourites 0 retweets

What is "one month after January 31"?
I want answers you can justify, not "tool X says it's Y"

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @miclugo

@miclugo What's one month after January 30?

0 favourites 0 retweets

@efrataitel More than that

0 favourites 0 retweets

The votes are in: the majority seem to reckon you go to the last day of the next month. Hardly anyone went for what was my favourite answer, "just February". I feel that's most accurate, if not most precise. twitter.com/christianp/sta…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @RobJLow

@RobJLow anyone can insert words to make a (stupid) point

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ruimvieira

@ruimvieira Congratulations!

0 favourites 0 retweets

*makes copious notes* twitter.com/JSEllenberg/st…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @NewcastleUniUCU

@NewcastleUniUCU @UniofNewcastle ooh, I was planning on doing some baking this weekend, and on picketing on Monday. Let's see if I can get it together to do both!

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb sadly, none of 456789, 456987, 456123 or 456321 are prime

0 favourites 0 retweets

And this is why we're on strike.
DB (defined benefit) is how the pension currently works. DC (defined contribution) is how they want it to work.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @jonpenguin

@jonpenguin 1.5% did seem a bit high!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aap03102

@aap03102 Ooh, that's a nice one!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths A more robust hash that could cope with minor copy-edits might be to take all the nouns and adjectives, optionally sort them alphabetically, and convert to lower-case.

4 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@standupmaths (then run through your hash of choice)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ToonLibraries

@ToonLibraries Ooh, dixit and mysterium!

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @NewcastleUniUCU

@NewcastleUniUCU sorry, I don't think there's going to be any left tomorrow...

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mathforge

@mathforge @standupmaths I've heard the same story.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jamestanton

@jamestanton I'd love a concise way of saying "you're getting hung up on fitting this into one of the categories you already know about, why not just look at what it does?"

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @solidangles

@solidangles @jamestanton But if it was called something like "a Lawson-Perfect error", I could just say "you're making a Lawson-Perfect error" and be on my way

0 favourites 0 retweets

I have known true fear: a tube of superglue exploded on my hand.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Wow, @NewcastleUniUCU have run out of armbands for picketers. It's a huge showing!

0 favourites 0 retweets

I see this prime number every time I walk upstairs and for ages I've been meaning to take a photo of it.
It doesn't *look* prime

5 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @robotmaths

@AdamCreen Sure about that?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @elinoroberts

@elinoroberts That's to take to messy play, right?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @GameAssistYT

@Criptacular @ucu @verbal_remedy Great article. I'm autistic and have dyspraxia and I picketed yesterday, for the first time. It knackered me.
Striking isn't just picketing - staying at home is also withholding your labour.
(Is there still an NCL autism group? Used to meet in a pub when I was a student 🙄)

1 favourite 0 retweets

Fairly sure I'm not a soccer wunderkind. twitter.com/RyanDeto/statu…

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @CmonMattTHINK

@CmonMattTHINK I'm very interested, but not sure how much time I have to give detailed feedback

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Andrew_Taylor

@Andrew_Taylor Ooh, I like that one! A subtle variation on the usual innumeracy

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @sangwinc

@sangwinc That's much closer than I was expecting!

2 favourites 0 retweets

I've spent my #ucu #strike days working on this toy language for computing with dates. It can finally work out MathsJam dates! It's approximately as efficient as Peano arithmetic 😬

1 favourite 0 retweets


In reply to @RobJLow

@RobJLow @sangwinc I think it's one of those things whose exact meaning only becomes apparent from context after it's used

0 favourites 0 retweets

This video by @Ayliean is the nerdiest thing I've seen in weeks: solving the Towers of Hanoi to a beat, with a different note for each colour of disk.
(on what looks like an ironing board, in her PJs)

23 favourites 6 retweets

I bought a print of this years ago, when I visited the National Gallery. Never decided what to do it, but it's a cracking picture. twitter.com/NationalGaller…

0 favourites 0 retweets

I'm looking for a reference about how students with things like dyslexia use calculators even when doing high-level pure maths, for basic arithmetic. My google-fu is failing me. Anyone? @DrSMJames

0 favourites 2 retweets

"According to a regulatory filing Icahn was able to sell his shares for $32 to $34. On Friday morning Manitowoc’s shares had fallen 5.48% to $26.37."

$26.37 is 17.59% less than $32.

So is 5.48% a single-day drop? Percentages are hard enough to report!


0 favourites 0 retweets


1 favourite 0 retweets

Sorry, I've forgotten - can someone remind me whose this fog is?

2 favourites 0 retweets

WHY AYE! twitter.com/njj4/status/97…

2 favourites 0 retweets

What are some straightforward-ish things you can do to integers to produce another integer, and has at least 2 parameters?
I've got add/subtract/multiply by n; remainder when dividing by n; digit sum; gcd with n; lcm with n.
Not interested in square root - only one param!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @SparksMaths

@SparksMaths ooh, that's a good one

0 favourites 0 retweets

grows a bit too quickly - I'd like things that end about the same order of magnitude or smaller twitter.com/WoollyBenguin/…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @SparksMaths

@SparksMaths nice!

0 favourites 0 retweets

too easy - I want things that will take a couple of seconds of thinking, at least twitter.com/darrenjw/statu…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

one avenue I'm particularly interested in: what can you do with the base-10 digits of an integer?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @BTNMathsJam

@BTNMathsJam nice!

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've made a little game to occupy my mind in a non-challenging way:
The Never-Ending Sum
It's like a colouring-in book, but for people who like doing sums.
I'm interested in ideas for other kinds of sums.

6 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Oh, forgot to say: it uses some disgracefully new browser features, so wont work on anything more than a year old

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett ?!?!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@peterrowlett Ohh, I see what's happening. Thanks for your continuing pedantry. Will fix.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @miclugo

@miclugo My wife agrees with you it's 'colouring book'

0 favourites 0 retweets

"snicker-snack went the vorpal sword into the jabberwocky's creamed truffled spelt with buttered girolles"
(this menu is trying too hard)

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Plattsc

@Plattsc Thanks! Yes, see you then

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robeastaway

@robeastaway @furthermaths The second one

2 favourites 0 retweets

If I've done things right, it should now be possible to add christianp.github.io/the-neverendin… to your phone's homescreen, for maximum idle summage

0 favourites 0 retweets

#superfan twitter.com/efrataitel/sta…

1 favourite 0 retweets

Snow is over (if you want it)

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @statto

@statto the more crispy and extracted my chocolate, the better

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @DrLucyRogers

@DrLucyRogers @standupmaths Graphemica's maths symbols section has 949 symbols - graphemica.com/categories/mat…
A few duplicates with different weights/sizes, and a lot that are just combinations of others. But "about 1000" is a decent order of magnitude for "symbols in use". Of course, anyone can make new ones

2 favourites 2 retweets

I can't not do this, now that I've noticed I've got four bottles, each made up of four parts

17 favourites 1 retweet

I've got an answer for this puzzle and it's absolutely done my noggin in.
Feels similar to that one about tying your shoelaces on a travelator

2 favourites 1 retweet

I've been trying to think of things to add to three.onefouronefivenine.com for this year's π day.
Anyone got any ideas? Maybe the continued fraction? twitter.com/aap03102/statu…

4 favourites 1 retweet

I'm picketing outside the Robinson library (currently on my own!) because it's not just lecturers who stand to lose out with the #uss changes

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

And just handed a leaflet about joining @ucu to a chap who says he's just starting his job this week. Hope he does!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @lyd_w

@lyd_w @NewcastleUniUCU @UCUNorthern I love your strike comics! Cheered up a few students on their way into the library today too

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge it's this little @aperiodical knock-off edited by young people

3 favourites 1 retweet

Just realised that if I accept the proposed #USS model of life expectancy growing 1.5%/year, then when I retire in 40-odd years, life expectancy will be double what it is now, i.e. about 160 🤨 #USSstrike

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jonpenguin

@jonpenguin Phew!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Andrew_Taylor

@Andrew_Taylor But I bet avocado is an absolute knacker to scrub out of train seat upholstery

1 favourite 0 retweets

It's #piday again! For reference, here are all the digits of π:

11 favourites 6 retweets

In reply to @OlafDoschke

@OlafDoschke Yes, the hard part is putting them in order

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

little Easter egg: you can keep adding digits to the URL - three.onefouronefivenine.com/twosixfivethre… - but it'll give you a 404 if you get it wrong - three.onefouronefivenine.com/twosixfivethre…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

I also made these slides to go with a talk for #piday 2016, about different ways of calculating π: checkmyworking.com/misc/pi-day-20…

2 favourites 0 retweets

Rounding 49.7% to 50% shouldn't raise any eyebrows.
Rounding 99.7% to 100% is 😲

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @jjaron

@jjaron Passover starts on the 30th

1 favourite 0 retweets

This post has existed in draft form since 2014. I've now been on #USSstrike for so long that I got round to finishing it off. Every cloud has a silver etc. twitter.com/aperiodical/st…

1 favourite 2 retweets

Reckon I can claim it on expenses, @NewcastleUniUCU? #USSstrike

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks @bechillcomedian @AEOUD If you get the list of available items, we could knock up a script which picks a random combo for you to order each morning

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@stecks @bechillcomedian @AEOUD Oooh, here's a terrible app startup idea: an app that automatically downloads the menu of the restaurant you're in and suggests a randomly picked order. Bonus points if it can make the order for you (eg at wetherspoons)

0 favourites 0 retweets

Back in Expiremont again. What scoince should I do while I'm here?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @AklMathsJam

@AklMathsJam It's interesting but needs a MASSIVE table

1 favourite 0 retweets

This part of the world's like a misspelled geek paradise.

3 favourites 0 retweets

A puzzle castle! I wish we had something like this at home

0 favourites 0 retweets

Hands of bananas helpfully labelled for those who can't count?

3 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @JSEllenberg

@JSEllenberg Will you also enjoy a method that does not exist? read.somethingorotherwhatever.com/entry/Akritas1…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @TheHaitorean

@TheHaitorean This was in a Leclerc in France

0 favourites 0 retweets

I wonder if l'expert comes from Les Mathes

4 favourites 0 retweets

Yet another geeky place name near Expiremont: there's a commune called Matha a bit north of here. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matha,_Ch…

0 favourites 0 retweets

A list of mathematical concepts named after places! twitter.com/drvinceknight/…

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @TheTomGannon

@TheTomGannon The @aperiodical has thousands of followers and always welcomes guest posts...

1 favourite 0 retweets

A Firefox extension which automatically puts Facebook in its own container, isolated from the rest of your browsing. Nice!
I suppose the other option is to prevent non-facebook sites from loading Facebook content blog.mozilla.org/firefox/facebo…

2 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @Parcly_Taxel

@Parcly_Taxel As a picture?

0 favourites 0 retweets


In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett V satisfying. Much more satisfying than my nephew's sorting toy, which has a hole at the top that all the pieces fit through 😣

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @miclugo

@miclugo I have no suggestions, I just want to say you're definitely doing the right thing. Cook as much food as you can possibly fit in your freezer!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @FryRsquared

@FryRsquared @oliviawalch oh wow, that is spectacular!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@FryRsquared @oliviawalch brb, printing out the page with the moon god

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @NewcastleUniUCU

@NewcastleUniUCU Weird, the options were displayed the other way round for me.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @My_Metro

@My_Metro one of the doors on carriage 4021 is refusing to open. Will the driver be aware?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @My_Metro

@My_Metro Front

0 favourites 0 retweets


That's the sound of my brain being simultaneously nerdsniped and screeching to a halt on reading today's Dudeney puzzle: mathstodon.xyz/@dudeney_puzzl…

0 favourites 0 retweets

100% truth twitter.com/benorlin/statu…

7 favourites 0 retweets

@mikegibson2010 Unfortunately, cooler heads prevailed and it's 'trits' en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trit

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @matheknitician

@matheknitician I have that book!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @BTNMathsJam

@BTNMathsJam @SmartGames_eu ooh, that looks interesting! What's it called?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @sxpmaths

@sxpmaths I saw that magic square and immediately went round the corner to the gift shop to buy a t-shirt of it!

3 favourites 0 retweets

I see Northumbria Uni have now got a crest instead of that silly swoosh in their logo: northumbria.ac.uk/about-us/our-n…
Their new site looks way better than ours!
What with this, and the pensions, the poly is looking quite appealing!

0 favourites 0 retweets

When I was assessed for DLA (never mind PIP!) I broke down in tears at having to list all the ways I struggled.
The doctor said "are you sure you're not just depressed?" twitter.com/LoomesGill/sta…

7 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @smorgasbord


0 favourites 0 retweets

I know I said this months ago, but it's more true now: the end is in sight for my work on @NclNumbas v3. I'm at the end of my "must-have" feature list, and I've spent today writing documentation. Next: lots and lots of testing. 😅

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @FOTSN

@FOTSN I cannot allow a misspelling of the word 'Perfect' to stand uncorrected.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robeastaway

@robeastaway a while ago I read something about pre-metric units that persist in continental Europe. I wish I could remember what they were! Lots were to do with food

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robeastaway

@robeastaway I wonder if that's been translated from American - it also has references to cups and tablespoons.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@robeastaway I'll consult my foodie mum, who is also a linguist and French teacher!

1 favourite 0 retweets

I love marbled paper so much twitter.com/MarshsLibrary/…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @jjsanderson

@jjsanderson need a hand?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jjsanderson

@jjsanderson I've never used uwsgi, sorry.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jjsanderson

@jjsanderson have you tried any of flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.12/depl… ?

In the past I've either used Apache+mod_wsgi, or supervisor to run the Python app on port 8000-ish and nginx as a reverse proxy. Reverse proxies will defo take a day or two of head-bashing though.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @theoremoftheday

@theoremoftheday you know, the formula for conversion between degrees and radians might be enough to push me over into preferring τ over π

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @statto

@statto or, more pertinently, on the order of 100,000,000,000,000,000 for every transistor that's ever been produced

1 favourite 0 retweets

A masterpiece of the "gather a few people from the office and put your nicest figures all on one slide for the marketing photo" form twitter.com/ConnectomeLab/…

0 favourites 0 retweets

I assume that some text in this paragraph on the @UKLabour disability access page is a different colour to hint that it's a link, but my colourblind eyes can't see it!
The contact page didn't make it clear how to get this comment to them either, hence this tweet.

1 favourite 1 retweet

Ah, the noble sound of a mighty Triumph conservethesound.de/en/sound-en/re…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @sangwinc

@sangwinc It was in the IGCSE last time I looked. I agree entirely with that excerpt

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway @JamieTheDyer @BBCNews Eunice?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @theoremoftheday

@theoremoftheday I very nearly misattributed this theorem to Euclid just yesterday!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks Yep that's defo it

1 favourite 0 retweets

Happy 13²-th birthday, Felix Klein!
Happy 5²/2², everybody else!
Happy 6th birthday, @aperiodical!

7 favourites 5 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths there's got to be a "Where's Matt?" in working out what flight you took based on the times of your tweets.

2 favourites 0 retweets

This has just reminded me I made an interactive punchcard simulator christianp.github.io/punchcards/ twitter.com/TeXtip/status/…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks So did you work it out in the end?

0 favourites 0 retweets

@danieltybrown I had the same conversation with my sister-in-law recently. So, don't hold out hope of eating all your cake at any point in the future

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks the Lawson-PerGects receive your thanks.

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @bengoldacre

@bengoldacre is the data that used to be on nerdydaytrips.com still in existence anywhere?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @Parcly_Taxel

@Parcly_Taxel I agree. Still, it got people looking, and sometimes just knowing it's possible is a big help

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge @suedepom @Pecnut No, it's more readily understood as a mixed fraction.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @sangwinc

@sangwinc they haven't finished their big flashy rewrite, then?

0 favourites 0 retweets

"circle the number that is the same as the number of pictures" twitter.com/mafchauffeur/s…

0 favourites 1 retweet


In reply to @csgillespie

@csgillespie It is. Pipenv is supposed to make it better. I haven't looked at it properly yet

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @JimPropp

@JimPropp I think you're supposed to spot that 10 shouldn't be multiplied by x. They're trying to get you to understand when things should have an x next to them - kids often sprinkle them about because they don't understand what it means

5 favourites 0 retweets

Recently I discovered a surprising fact about numbers, so I made an online web thing to give it the recognition it deserves.
Give it a go: somethingorotherwhatever.com/sum-of-3-palin… twitter.com/aperiodical/st…

20 favourites 8 retweets

In reply to @kiramaththan

@kiramaththan ahhh, it looks like it should have rotational symmetry but it doesn't!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @EuclidAcademy

@EuclidAcademy "0 is not a number" went out of fashion in the Renaissance.
I decided adding extra zeros was easier than changin my claim to "up to three palindromes"

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @SparksMaths

@SparksMaths @EuclidAcademy I think the sense @EuclidAcademy is going for is: if I say "there are a number of people in this room", negative numbers, 0 and 1 are all invalid quantities of people satisfying that statement.
That's just one context in which "number" is used, though

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

(slightly embarrassed face: my testing code had bugs, so the code it was testing had undiscovered bugs. I think I've fixed them, and checked every number up to 10^7)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Bishnavitch


2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mathemaniac

@mathemaniac What about the eyes and mouth?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @miclugo

@miclugo Congratulations!

0 favourites 0 retweets

You can always get my attention with a zero knowledge proof. The sudoku one is ace! twitter.com/OddsAndEvening…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Derektionary

@Derektionary @panlepan nice idea!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @jjaron

@jjaron nah, the few millennials who are rich with inherited wealth or otherwise will consolidate their power. Why believe we'll look out for each other as a generation?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jjaron

@jjaron I meant, why assume we'll as a generation attain political power, when we're not getting wealth?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @hnodrog

@hnodrog @mathemaniac I thought that was going to be a link to youtube.com/watch?v=LYs_GC…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jjsanderson

@jjsanderson remember when we all started using google because it didn't put adverts at the top like AltaVista and Yahoo did?

0 favourites 0 retweets

I especially enjoy the LED date display, just in case you (justifiably) think you've timewarped backed to the 1980s twitter.com/My_Metro/statu…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @getnorth2018

@getnorth2018 my colourblind eyes can't see the text in these boxes very well. I had to zoom in and max my screen brightness. Did your designers not consider accessibility while designing the accessibility box?! @colourblindorg

2 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @jasonlikesbikes

@jasonlikesbikes @colourblindorg @getnorth2018 now I'm in my office looking at it on a big screen, I can read it, but it's very low contrast

1 favourite 0 retweets

This looks good twitter.com/MarcusduSautoy…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DanielColquitt

@DanielColquitt your own?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DanielColquitt

@DanielColquitt depends on how much accompanying talking the slides need to be comprehensible. I use a format which lets me write notes alongside, but that's a lot of effort

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @MrTilston

@MrTilston glad it delivered on its promises :)

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @getnorth2018

@getnorth2018 @colourblindorg @jasonlikesbikes it's really good that you've got that page!

1 favourite 0 retweets

it's come to my attention that some new calculators show recurring decimals with a dot above the recurring digit, instead of showing as many digits as possible. Is that true? Any idea what model of calculator does that?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @Mathematical_A

@Mathematical_A ta!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Just had a real 'my hovercraft is full of eels' moment: Mrs L-P asked me "can you take the electric toothbrush to the undertaker and say it's for the tombola?"

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @CounterOfSheep

@CounterOfSheep When I met my wife, my best friend gave me two pieces of advice:
1. Don't be needy.
2. Don't talk about your poos.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Yesterday I played Anomia for the first time. I think of it as "The axiom of choice: the game"

2 favourites 0 retweets

Oh but of course this is an autism thing!
Mrs L-P quite often writes me instructions for things like "when we're putting the baby to bed" and "how to do a washing load".
I'm not stupid, I'm just brilliant at missing a step out or completely forgetting a crucial detail twitter.com/ShonaDav/statu…

4 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Shona_Mu

@ShonaDav is that Google Keep? I use it a lot to keep things I need to remember. Mainly ideas for birthday/Christmas presents for people, so I can just order when the time comes and don't lose a day to shopping stress

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @edsouthall

@solvemymaths @panlepan I'm missing something in Geometry Snacks #7. What fixes the angles in the smaller triangle?

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @edsouthall

@solvemymaths @panlepan phew!

Now I wonder how many people have (a) assumed that, and got the solution, and (b) not fully understood the given solutions, but moved on anyway

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @Andrew_Taylor

@Andrew_Taylor @stecks also very hard to type without then wondering why Nikolai Gogol had a number named after him

0 favourites 0 retweets

The baby's current status:

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @crashMATHS_CM

@crashMATHS_CM Question 1 looks wrong: I think you meant to have x^3 - 100x, not plus, in the numerator.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Yes please! twitter.com/merylkenny/sta…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @MathsTechnology

@MathsTechnology @crashMATHS_CM and don't forget x=0!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @MathsTechnology

@MathsTechnology @crashMATHS_CM 👎

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett it should start with a few questions assessing how pedantic you are, to establish if you're a professional mathematician

2 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @RobJLow

@RobJLow @peterrowlett

0 favourites 0 retweets

First to implement this in a LaTeX package wins a Kit-Kat twitter.com/erik_kwakkel/s…

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @mathforge

@mathforge go on then

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @edsouthall

@solvemymaths @panlepan one more: in the first solution to #16, I think you mean ADB' = 60, not DAB' = 60.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@solvemymaths @panlepan then in the second solution, do you mean MC instead of CN? (there is no N)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @lorentzframe

@lorentzframe is the code for that online anywhere?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @xacobeo2002

@xacobeo2002 @lorentzframe Thanks!

0 favourites 0 retweets

criiiikey, was it really 4 years ago that I last reviewed mathsy games for @aperiodical? aperiodical.com/2014/09/some-m…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Article is about passenger numbers falling on the East Coast main line. To explain, cites people in London cycling more and getting Uber instead of the bus.
🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

1 favourite 0 retweets

So not Brexit, then. twitter.com/JDF/status/998…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @robotmaths

@AdamCreen are you any relation to Malcolm Creen, who works at Newcastle Uni?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @lunasorcery

@willkirkby in the vein of read.somethingorotherwhatever.com/entry/Kahan1998 ?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @C_J_Smith

@C_J_Smith I see Calvin-livetweets-conferences season has begun. Half the stuff I know about teaching I learnt from your conference tweets!

1 favourite 0 retweets

At @NEWCMathsJam I remembered that I'd coded up a version of the "I can name your polynomial" trick I saw @DavidB52s perform at @MathsJam, but never put it online.
It's now at somethingorotherwhatever.com/name-your-poly…
It's quite a nifty trick!

5 favourites 0 retweets

Oooooooooh! twitter.com/ZenoRogue/stat…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Hah, this is an account I can get behind! twitter.com/red_green_plot…

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @rooneyvision

@rooneyvision There's making your tower look like a willy, and then there's naming your tower like a willy. Top marks on both counts here

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @MrHonner

@MrHonner @Desmos I never thought of visualising that function! Nice!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo Would Geogebra work?

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @MrHonner

@MrHonner @JimPropp @Desmos I would expect to see the lines x+y=n more clearly. Maybe they could shift right to (T_n, 0) in one step, then rotate around those points until they lie flat on the x-axis

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo @SparksMaths @k_houston_math @geogebra @Justamathnerd Inkscape is another option, if you just want to draw some shapes. The interface takes some getting used to though, more than Geogebra

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DrBennison

@DrBennison @sxpmaths @NclNumbas @edhall125 I'm happy to answer any questions you've got.
I'm very keen to look at how the interface could change to better suit younger students - at the moment it's mainly used in higher ed

1 favourite 0 retweets

Shopping for stair gates.
"Green and red pressure indicator ensures safety".
Not in this house it doesn't!

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @TimHarford

@TimHarford but now I want a line of Princess Bride inspired Crayola colours. Indigo Montoya, Red Pirate Roberts, Main in Black, etc

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge


1 favourite 0 retweets


In reply to @NewcastleUniUCU

@NewcastleUniUCU @BirkbeckUCU This is a subject I'm passionate about but... I'm mindful of my workload and don't think I can spare the time

1 favourite 0 retweets


1 favourite 0 retweets

On my way to Edinburgh to deliver a @Ri_Science maths masterclass. Twice. My daughter was up all night with her first cold, so I'm feeling tip-top!

6 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @DaveDysonSmith sudden flashbacks to downloading PDFs of Le Monde while doing A-Level French

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @edsouthall

@solvemymaths @panlepan I've picked up your book again. In #29, what am I missing that forces the angle in the small triangle to be 90? It looks like the middle-sized square needs to have side length twice the shaded square. I can maintain the marked equal lengths without that

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @panlepan

@panlepan @solvemymaths Phew! The proof didn't justify it at all, so I thought I was missing something trivial

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @SparksMaths

@SparksMaths I think you'll enjoy this: use the logistic map to get a function which fits any scatter plot perfectly colala.bcs.rochester.edu/papers/piantad…

4 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @SparksMaths

@SparksMaths yes. They pick it to hit given points at integer x, but let it go wild in-between

0 favourites 0 retweets


2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @kyledevans

@kyledevans We're within a week of that happening, I reckon. Thanks for the warning

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @pwr2dppl

@pwr2dppl it's quite common to have an existential crisis when you're tired. If you want to not be having an existential crisis, take deep slow breaths.

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @pwr2dppl

@pwr2dppl Yeah, I get the same, and the same trick works. It's like a slow-burn panic attack

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@pwr2dppl It's funny how I care less about the extremely pressing issue of the uncaring cosmos in the morning

2 favourites 1 retweet

the stars of a very rare 2-term entry in the OEIS! oeis.org/A139410 twitter.com/wilderlab/stat…

4 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Andrew_Taylor

@Andrew_Taylor finally, a counterpoint to all the listings and adverts in Newcastle that refer to "tram stops"

0 favourites 0 retweets

The high-pitched whine being emitted by this metro carriage is the sound of Summer 2018

1 favourite 0 retweets

Lawks! twitter.com/AdamBienkov/st…

2 favourites 0 retweets

Mrs L-P had a very happy accident at the photo printers

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robinhouston

@robinhouston where's that t-shirt from?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Wondering if there's any joy in backronyms: taking the last letter of each word.
For example, ERM = threE letteR backronyM

2 favourites 0 retweets

I really enjoyed the latest episode of @Samuel_Hansen's Relatively Prime, about a maths camp: relprime.com/girlstalkmath/

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @C_J_Smith

@C_J_Smith "budding"

1 favourite 0 retweets

When people move jobs between Durham and Newcastle unis do they have to buy a whole new wardrobe?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @monsoon0

@monsoon0 it's a balmy 18C here today, so not too different!

1 favourite 0 retweets

Got to applaud this international school doing web 1.0-style search engine optimisation in its website's title tag lis.ac.in

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo ooh crikey, that reminds me I need to pay!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Today: writing lots of code, writing tests, discovering code is wrong, fixing code, ad infinitum.

So high confidence and low ability today?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Most helpful statement of the year, from @ColinTheMathmo: "That's a list of 10 (in some base)"

7 favourites 1 retweet

tfw the smallest denomination of currency is way too large for the scale you chose

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

never mind #bigdata, I'm concentrating my efforts on the real future of mathematics: #bigzero

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @edsouthall

@solvemymaths I've just realised I'm in Huddersfield tomorrow and that's where you are! Would be nice to meet up.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@solvemymaths actually, sorry, I've just been told my services are no longer needed in Huddersfield! Oh well!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Getting into a shoebox: The Dog Way™

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Andrew_Taylor

@Andrew_Taylor a span with class="sortkey" style="display:none"

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Andrew_Taylor

@Andrew_Taylor a template for formatting number values, looks like: en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @henryseg

@henryseg @JimPropp Sounds like an opportunity for @MathsGear

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @C_J_Smith

@C_J_Smith "dad bod poldark" is a glorious collection of syllables to roll around your mouth

0 favourites 0 retweets

I'm running a four-round instant knock-out tournament throughout the month of July to basically squeeze a load of fun maths out of my friends.
Let's see if we can make it all come together! Voting starts on the 1st of July. twitter.com/aperiodical/st…

7 favourites 4 retweets

Do you want ants? Because this is how you get ants!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @denmellen

@denmellen yeah, it's a very sugary sweet

0 favourites 0 retweets

This paper shows, among other things, that no hexagonal number is double another hexagonal number: arxiv.org/abs/1806.07981…

5 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @pwr2dppl

@pwr2dppl I don't like getting t-shirts or laptop stickers from events for that reason

1 favourite 0 retweets

Maths lecturers: do you use Maple TA, and can my research scholarship students talk to you about it?

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @DanielColquitt

@DanielColquitt @JoelHaddley Fab, thanks! @JoelHaddley, can my students email you some questions?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @SheckyR

@SheckyR I think @standupmaths will be mightily offended to be called British!

1 favourite 0 retweets

I'd completely forgotten about this visualisation of a proof-without-words of the pizza-cutting theorem (geogebra.org/m/C9kMuwj8), mentioned in a @tweetsauce video that @JoelHaddley (the real pizza expert) just sent me: youtube.com/watch?v=SXgF57…

1 favourite 0 retweets

An interesting piece on mathematically modelling toxic work culture, with interactive simulations, by @mmmaaatttttt: mattlane.us/stories/dishin…

1 favourite 1 retweet

I had an idea about a dynamical system, then had a fun time coding it up in @glitch: resonant-geography.glitch.me

8 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @jamestanton

@jamestanton @knottedbowties @FictionConnect @ch_nira @aperiodical @sphs_maths @Beamathsteacher @Tiescou @FunkyNChunky_ I am greatly enjoying this bowties subplot to the competition.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @Pecnut

@Pecnut This tweet gives me the cold shivers. Rather you than me!

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @nomad_penguin

@nomad_penguin @fyimaths Nice!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @Gelada

@Gelada @curvahedra now cook something on/in it!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @ajk_44

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @alisonkiddle

@ajk_44 @peterrowlett

0 favourites 0 retweets

It's 2AM. Do you know where your yoghurt is? twitter.com/hersenprofesso…

9 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @colmmacc

@colmmacc If you were worried about RAND_MAX mod N earlier, shouldn't you also be worried about how quickly N! overtakes the number of states your RNG can be in?

0 favourites 0 retweets


And they're off! I can't believe I've managed to put this together. Hooray for maths! #bigmathoff twitter.com/aperiodical/st…

16 favourites 3 retweets

Round 2 of #bigmathoff starts in 10 minutes!

2 favourites 0 retweets

Maths: don't sweat the details twitter.com/Tony_Mann/stat…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Meanwhile, round 1 could not be any closer! aperiodical.com/2018/07/the-bi…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo I do!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Samuel_Hansen

@Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett @aPaulTaylor Hah! It's one of the most popular poll plugins for WP. That is a ridiculous bug for it to have

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mscroggs

@mscroggs if I tell you the first poll is at aperiodical.com/wp-json/wp-pol…, can you work out where the rest are?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@mscroggs and please don't do anything silly like fetch that every second

1 favourite 0 retweets

Match 3! twitter.com/aperiodical/st…

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've updated my #bigmathoff wall chart. Have you?

4 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @mscroggs

@mscroggs outstanding!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mscroggs

@mscroggs and it's helped me spot that the Propp/Griffiths poll wasn't set up correctly

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @nrichmaths

@nrichmaths @ajk_44 this is like ENG-BEL all over again - both sides want the other to win!

1 favourite 0 retweets

Another stat to look out for: will @aperiodical pass 10,000 followers before the #bigmathoff finishes?

0 favourites 1 retweet

40 minutes to go in the @Samuel_Hansen v @aPaulTaylor first-round #bigmathoff match, and there are only 8 votes in it. This one's going down to the wire!

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge does everyone else know about n-tuple elimination except me?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge to consider for next year. A bit hard to follow along with, I reckon.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge ... its Only Connect. I don't have Victoria Coren-Mitchell's wit or taste for the whimsical to carry it off

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo it means don't rest on your laurels!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @alisonkiddle

@ajk_44 you manage loads more interaction than I do

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @alisonkiddle

@ajk_44 Yes, it took me a long time to find that balance, and it is heavily weighted towards sitting-quietly

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @Gelada @aperiodical and if the umpire had any say in the matter, he'd get big points for that

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@peterrowlett @Gelada @aperiodical (I just make the rules, I don't enforce them)

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Gelada

@Gelada @peterrowlett @aperiodical Famously named after me, of course

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @mathhombre

@mathhombre @Gelada @peterrowlett @aperiodical He'll have been friends with my great-great-great-great-uncle Notso, right?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @Gelada

@Gelada @mathhombre @peterrowlett @aperiodical I can't believe I'm making jokes about my stupid surname on twitter

0 favourites 0 retweets

Just half an hour to settle the @peterrowlett v @ajk_44 #bigmathoff match. Notebook doodling or notebook folding? Get your vote in!

1 favourite 2 retweets

The @Gelada / @ColinTheMathmo #bigmathoff match is hotly-contested: both have more votes than any other competitor so far, and they're only halfway!
I know Colin loves a graph, so here's one.

6 favourites 2 retweets

The #bigmathoff is paying off: I just showed @ColinTheMathmo's card trick to a student ambassador who'll be wowing kids with it at our primary STEM fest this weekend.

6 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @Gelada

@Gelada @ColinTheMathmo 😉

0 favourites 0 retweets

Loving being able to watch my summer student coding in @glitch while he's sat next door

3 favourites 0 retweets

I just noticed a fact that I hadn't seen before, which I've illustrate with two examples over on Mathstodon, where we have LaTeX rendering:

What's the pattern?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jjc578

@jjc578 @msbjacobs @Lisaqt314 @MathsJam that problem is veeeeery old!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo @aperiodical @Gelada @aPaulTaylor Martha Matics has many tricks up her sleeves

0 favourites 0 retweets

yesssss it's working! Look at those tasty numbers! #bigmathoff

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @aperiodical

@aperiodical @standupmaths @mscroggs guess who forgot to set up a header image and corrected title for this post...

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @Gelada

@Gelada @ColinTheMathmo here's the final graph. Edmund, just how many people did you canvass?!

2 favourites 1 retweet

There's still plenty of time to vote in the @evelynjlamb v Tiago Hirth #bigmathoff match. I really like this one - both things were new to me, a novel rope trick and an unusual holey space. Evelyn currently slightly ahead.

4 favourites 2 retweets

I'm setting up the posts for round 2 of #bigmathoff. The last two are currently in a superposition of states: I've got to write text as if all 4 competitors won their round 1 matches.

4 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Gelada

@Gelada @ColinTheMathmo I think we can all agree that Colin's is the connoisseur's favourite.
However, my love for aperiodic tilings is evident in the name of my website.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @mscroggs

@mscroggs a strange game. The only winning move is not to play.

7 favourites 0 retweets

I've finally enabled HTTPS on aperiodical.com! Phew, my host didn't make that easy. getssl (github.com/srvrco/getssl) saved the day

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb I haven't yet had to employ my Very Scientific method for breaking ties

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @ReadingEuclid

@ReadingEuclid Is the Arabic printed? Would it be typeset, or an engraving?

0 favourites 0 retweets

@robbderkatz @aperiodical @standupmaths @mscroggs That is MASSIVELY intriguing

0 favourites 0 retweets

Half an hour to go in the @evelynjlamb v Tiago Hirth #bigmathoff match, and Evelyn is ahead by 35 votes. There's still time to swing it if rope tricks get you tied up in knots! aperiodical.com/2018/07/the-bi…

0 favourites 0 retweets

And at the halfway point in the Big Internet Matt-Off, @mscroggs is ahead by quite a way, which means @standupmaths will go through to round 2.
Prefer fruity #dataviz to matchbox #ML? Get your #bigmathoff vote in!

3 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @c0mplexnumber

@c0mplexnumber Inkscape's clone tool is erratic as heck but can do basically anything you can think of

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @matheknitician

@matheknitician @mathhombre @stecks @evelynjlamb @aPaulTaylor Katie is forbidden from taking part because we basically need to stage an intervention to stop her doing unpaid work.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @mscroggs

@mscroggs it's alright: the S is silent

0 favourites 0 retweets

At the halfway point in the @JimPropp / @ZoeLGriffiths match, and the airplane seating problem is running away with it!
Is the knot trick too unbelievable? Try it yourself! #bigmathoff

3 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge @mscroggs @Andrew_Taylor @Mrrismithmaths @MathsJam well, that's now my entry. Next year's #bigmathoff needs to be absolutely byzantine

0 favourites 0 retweets

Half an hour left in the @JimPropp v @ZoeLGriffiths #bigmathoff match, and it's looking like a victory for absentminded flyers. Both competitors put a huge amount of effort into their pitches - have a look and a think, and vote!

0 favourites 1 retweet

What does it mean when you've peer-reviewed tons of papers but only published one?
Is there such a thing as PhD-by-standing-in-community?

4 favourites 0 retweets

I've made a thing which draws diagrams to compute divisibility by N in any base, using @glitch.

28 favourites 10 retweets

In reply to @cameronesfahani

@cameronesfahani @theoremoftheday start at 0. Dotted line leads back to 0. First digit 1, move 1 green arrow round to 1. Dotted line leads to 2. Next digit 2, move 2 green arrows round to 0. Dotted line leads to 0. Final digit 0, don't move.
You finished on 0, so 120 is divisible by 4

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @cameronesfahani

@cameronesfahani @theoremoftheday It's awkwardly worded to save space. I'll have another go

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

I think the rectangular pattern in that divisibility by 22 diagram should be much better known. Would you have expected it?

0 favourites 0 retweets

This is divisibility by 98 in base 66. That's an interesting shape!

7 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @cameronesfahani

@cameronesfahani @theoremoftheday I've changed the wording - any clearer now?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @lunasorcery

@willkirkby @glitch like, technically, or the maths?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@willkirkby @glitch you're interested in the remainder when dividing k by N. Start with remainder 0. For each digit in k, multiply your current remainder by 10 (i.e. shift all previous digits left 1 space), then add the digit. Work mod N. If you end up back at 0, you've got a multiple of N

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@willkirkby @glitch Dotted blue lines from space i point to (10*i) mod N. Solid green lines point to (i+1) mod N

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@willkirkby @glitch I've written this, but in more detail, at divisibility-diagrams.glitch.me/what.html

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @Tony_Mann

@Tony_Mann @mathsjem Yellow card: simulation. Play on.

1 favourite 1 retweet

The best part of the #bigmathoff is the top-notch game show host patter I use in emails that only the competitors see.

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @christianp

(If you took part in the #bigmathoff and didn't get an email with a segue performed by a load-bearing pun, you may be entitled to compensation)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Gelada

@Gelada @standupmaths @peterrowlett @aperiodical @mscroggs I'm now thinking about the time we were on Matthew Parker Street and wondering if this is a Talented Mr Ripley situation

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett *may*

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @CPANJGamble

@CPANJGamble The vertices represent remainders. Like divisibility by 12 in base 10 has 12 vertices.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @SamHartburn

@SamHartburn "probably not possible" is like a red rag to a bull at MathsJam

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Gelada

@Gelada @peterrowlett @aperiodical There will be tomorrow

0 favourites 0 retweets

My brain clung on to this illusion until the very last frame. Wow! twitter.com/juliomulero/st…

20 favourites 5 retweets

My #bigmathoff wallchart is up to date. Is yours?

9 favourites 2 retweets

I quite like the look of my divisibility diagrams, collected together. Here are the diagrams for 1 to 12 in base 10.

6 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @alisonkiddle

@ajk_44 *takes a closer look at the accompanying images*

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @ch_nira @ajk_44 technically second place, the best kind

1 favourite 0 retweets

Email from hotel: "would you like to add breakfast to your booking, for just €23.50 per person per night?"
I don't spend that much on dinner! 😂

5 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @MathWithWoody

@MathWithWoody @c0mplexnumber @ngpshth Snap! twitter.com/christianp/sta…

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @OlympicsProf

@OlympicsProf @colourblindorg Pedantry: I'd expect there to be a selection effect leading to that stat being lower. Could say that 1 player on every team *should* be colour blind

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @colourblindorg

@colourblindorg @OlympicsProf I think it's worth looking into. Selection effects in pro sports can be huge - like fencers are roughly 50% left-handed.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @alisonkiddle

@ajk_44 What am I, your magic graph fairy? @ch_nira #bigmathoff

2 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @CounterOfSheep

@CounterOfSheep @samholloway I'm in my early 30s and remember the Italia 90 themed memorabilia at the Happy Eater on the A1

1 favourite 0 retweets

Herringbone patterns are everywhere in The Hague. But that's not my most exciting tiling spot of the day...

7 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @christianp

... this Cairo tiling is! @evelynjlamb @panlepan

9 favourites 1 retweet

We might be out of the football but we're the sand castle champions Of THE WORLD!
(also: "Baldrick Buckle" is such an astoundingly British name it must be fake)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Looks like Baldrick might have won purely for not getting the horn and putting gratuitous totty on his sculpture, like basically all the other entrants

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Although, kudos to the Irish entrant for protesting the prudishness of other nations (that was literally on his artist's statement) with an almighty slab of SAND HUNK

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @panlepan

@panlepan @evelynjlamb @tessellationfan Crowne Plaza Hotel, Den Haag

1 favourite 0 retweets

Just realised I got the order of the #bigmathoff matches wrong and either @evelynjlamb or @ZoeLGriffiths only have 48 hours to write and send me their semi-final pitches. Sorry! All in favour of moving back to the 18th?

1 favourite 0 retweets

tfw when you're in a world heritage site but someone once told you a fun fact about the different ways of laying bricks so that's all you can concentrate on

15 favourites 2 retweets

Be still, my beating heart!

4 favourites 0 retweets

I love this legally mandated symbol at the bottom of an advert showing a person literally weighed down by their debt

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @SheckyR

@SheckyR @ZoeLGriffiths @ch_nira @standupmaths @Gelada How come you used surnames for men and first names for women?

0 favourites 0 retweets

When's the last time mathematical typesetting this good appeared in a newspaper? twitter.com/phalpern/statu…

7 favourites 2 retweets

Just over half an hour until the #bigmathoff gets going again.
Furthermore, I'm back from my holiday, so can return to thinking about FUN MATHS

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @apgox

@apgox he'll be paying tax on some of that $11 million

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @NewcastleCC

@NewcastleCC do you only publish these colour-coded calendars for term dates? Are they in text anywhere? newcastle.gov.uk/education-and-…
Very hard for my colourblind eyes to interpret! @colourblindorg

1 favourite 1 retweet

This gives me the absolute horrors: "let's take Cuisenaire rods, remove all the abstraction, and bolt on the completely arbitrary shapes of digits" touchmath.com/index.cfm?fuse…
But *of course* it's an American product

4 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @christianp

aaarrrrrr, I looked at it again and I'm angry again!

3 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @Pyfagorass

@Pyfagorass breadth-first, depth-first, ... length-first?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett I extremely approve

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Andrew_Taylor

@Andrew_Taylor it is interesting that despite all of the other parts of the constitution going out the window, there's been no talk of the Queen intervening

0 favourites 0 retweets

The second #bigmathoff semi-final is starting in 10 minutes. Meanwhile, we're at the halfway point in the @ch_nira v @ZoeLGriffiths match and it's close! This one could go either way

5 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @mscroggs

@mscroggs @ColinTheMathmo @ZoeLGriffiths there have been a few swapped leads, but most notable was @ch_nira overtaking @jamestanton late in round 1. Was fairly close before that, but James was mostly ahead.

2 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @christianp

@mscroggs @ColinTheMathmo @ZoeLGriffiths @ch_nira @jamestanton the @Gelada v @ColinTheMathmo round 1 match also turned round after about 6 hours, and never really looked back. (This one's a percentage chart because the gradient went crazy)

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ZoeLGriffiths

@ZoeLGriffiths @mscroggs @ColinTheMathmo @ch_nira @jamestanton I see the rumour that I'm a magic graph fairy is spreading. Kiddle v Chamberlain was close, but Nira was basically always in the lead

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @DaliBee67

@AliDaliBee @MathsJam Assuming equal numbers of each colour, and enough sweets to ignore change in proportions, 6/125, or just over 4%. Three 1 in 5 picks, and 6 orders the colours can appear.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Our maths e-assessment conference is fast approaching!
Free for students, reassuringly cheap for everyone else. Two and a bit days in gloriously sunny Newcastle, with some top speakers, and @getnorth2018 will still be on! What's not to like? twitter.com/EAMSConf/statu…

2 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@getnorth2018 (I don't often tweet about work from this account, but when I do, I make rashly optimistic statements about the local weather)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo @ajk_44 @mscroggs @ch_nira @aperiodical I'm glad the #bigmathoff made this conversation happen.
(I won't be at MATRIX because it clashes with the tiniest L-P's birthday. Nira, come to big mathsjam!)

6 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @ajk_44 @ch_nira but Zoe's name has an odd number of letters, while all the others in the semis have an even number. If you care about diversity *at all*, you should vote Zoe.
(Overthinking your vote is strongly encouraged)

0 favourites 0 retweets

I still have yet to break out my Extremely Fair method for breaking ties. Vote underdog if you want to see it! twitter.com/evelynjlamb/st…

1 favourite 1 retweet

As someone who took a pay cut to have a 4-day working week, for health reasons, this both gladdens and saddens me twitter.com/tentivetodetai…

1 favourite 0 retweets

Well, I've found the location for dinner on the first night of #EAMS2018 - chroniclelive.co.uk/whats-on/food-… @sangwinc

0 favourites 0 retweets

Name something that between one half and two thirds of people do.

0 favourites 0 retweets

VERY RELUCTANT RETWEET twitter.com/drvinceknight/…

2 favourites 0 retweets

Here's the final graph of the @ch_nira v @ZoeLGriffiths #bigmathoff semi-final. What a contest!

6 favourites 2 retweets

Not keen on counting this as a thing you 'do', but good stat searching! twitter.com/Kevin_T_42/sta…

1 favourite 0 retweets

*pats head of daughter*

This baby can fit so much rice pudding in her

6 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @nomad_penguin

@nomad_penguin @Gelada Omg, we have an @aperiodical post on exactly that coming out tomorrow morning!

1 favourite 0 retweets

Forgot to post this photo from my holiday, of the saddest item in the toy shop: a pad full of extra sums and spellings to do on your holiday.
God help the kid that's given this.

1 favourite 0 retweets

This is why I married her: in-depth wee wee position knowledge twitter.com/Helen31098957/…

1 favourite 0 retweets

The @aperiodical has just passed 10,000 followers! Thanks for loving maths, everyone! Well done @peterrowlett, @stecks and everyone else who's contributed to the site

20 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @evariste1832

@evariste1832 @aperiodical Number, Colour, Shading and Shape. I've just spotted that I incorrectly changed the "value" column for Number - coordinate 0 should correspond to 3 shapes

1 favourite 0 retweets

I've finally managed to order a 3D printer for @NCLMathsStats! Whoop!

2 favourites 0 retweets

One for @wacnt - Proportion of UK train routes that don't go through London

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @monsoon0

@monsoon0 I take it D_n doesn't refer to the dihedral group here.
TikZ is something I'd gladly spend vast portions of my time on if I could. It's like magic!

1 favourite 0 retweets

Votey McVoteface! twitter.com/aperiodical/st…

4 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @CardColm

@CardColm Looks like pm to me: one reflection, and translations

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @christianp

@CardColm but there's more symmetry if you add "swap colours"

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @NEWCMathsJam

@NEWCMathsJam I'll be celebrating a tiny relative's birthday tonight, but make sure you all look at the #bigmathoff: aperiodical.com/2018/07/the-bi…
30 bits of interesting maths to talk about!

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo @aperiodical well-spotted; fixed

0 favourites 0 retweets

Following discussion of the names that @nrichmaths uses in its puzzles, I've made a standalone version of the tool I made to randomly pick statistically fair names for @NclNumbas, and put it on @glitch:
Randomly pick names following ONS frequency stats!

6 favourites 3 retweets

I just saw a roughly 1 in 1000 event: 10 males in a row, when I was picking any gender! twitter.com/christianp/sta…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

oh no, 1 in 500, because I would've been equally surprised by 10 females

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @reflectivemaths

@reflectivemaths I thought I saw an ad for a Christmas panto yesterday, but it was for... a Summer panto?!?!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @nrichmaths @NclNumbas @glitch I *knew* someone had generated names recently! Not clear from that site if names are picked uniformly

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jjc578

@jjc578 mathpuzzle.com is a classic.

0 favourites 0 retweets

12 and a bit hours to go in the #bigmathoff final, and @ch_nira is over 200 votes ahead!
Is it a done deal for applied maths, or is there a big swing towards fractions waiting to happen?

10 favourites 9 retweets

Just under an hour to go in the #bigmathoff final and @ch_nira is maintaining his lead.
I highly recommend listening to @Samuel_Hansen's #relprime interviews with Nira, me and @standupmaths: relprime.com/bigmathoff
Then vote!

1 favourite 1 retweet

Magic is happening!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @GKStill arg! I forgot it was doing this. I've closed the poll manually

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths @onceoffac @ch_nira I've always been very clear that math-off means math-off

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @ajk_44 I prefer to think of it as joint-second-last

0 favourites 0 retweets

Phew, that was fun! I've so enjoyed running the #bigmathoff, and seeing the 30 bits of fun maths that the competitors came up with.
I really appreciate all the positive comments from people following the competition.
Many thankyous to follow...

25 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @christianp

First of all, thanks to the competitors, who agreed to go along with what began as a very vague idea, and were all such good sports: @jamestanton, @Samuel_Hansen, @peterrowlett, @ColinTheMathmo, Tiago Hirth, @mscroggs, @JimPropp, @Tony_Mann, ... (1/2)

5 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@jamestanton @Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett @ColinTheMathmo @mscroggs @JimPropp @Tony_Mann ... @ajk_44, @aPaulTaylor, @evelynjlamb, @mathsjem, @ZoeLGriffiths, @Gelada, @standupmaths, and of course, the World's Most Interesting Mathematician, @ch_nira!

8 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @christianp

@jamestanton @Samuel_Hansen @peterrowlett @ColinTheMathmo @mscroggs @JimPropp @Tony_Mann @ajk_44 @aPaulTaylor @evelynjlamb @mathsjem @ZoeLGriffiths @Gelada @standupmaths @ch_nira Thanks to @stecks for providing input and her usual superhuman admin powers, @mscroggs (again) for making a ruddy CEEFAX PAGE! of the results, and @Samuel_Hansen for podcasting throughout.

11 favourites 3 retweets

I'm going to assume this happens to me daily now twitter.com/tim_jeffree/st…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @sangwinc

@sangwinc @katemath There's something to think about in the possible combinations of ages you'll see, depending on the order of their birthdays. 2 options for 3 kids, but (n-1)! options for n kids?

0 favourites 0 retweets

it's a year since we bought our house, which means that _everything_ is coming up for renewal. Can I be bothered to shop around for each of the many suppliers involved in making a house habitable?


0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @lyd_w

@lyd_w @ICCE52906275 UEL, the only university located on a runway

0 favourites 0 retweets

Imagining the size of a survey that would justify reporting that percentage to 3 sig figs. How many professional DJs are there in the UK? twitter.com/qikipedia/stat…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @kyledevans

@kyledevans Would POP SONG'S FOR PEDANTS be both acceptable and infuriating?

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

By continued fraction approximation, 23.1% is incredibly close to 76/329 or even 3/13. Those are small samples!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @WoollyBenguin

@WoollyBenguin Good point!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Yes! When I hear colleagues complain about laptops in lectures, I want to say I wouldn't know 10% as much maths if I hadn't been playing FreeCell throughout my entire degree twitter.com/RobertTalbert/…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @denmellen

@denmellen @peterrowlett @aPaulTaylor I googled it: fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-u…
42 out of 182 wedding playlists submitted to fivethirtyeight. Barely enough for 2 sig figs. That fraction does indeed reduce to 3/13. Poor show, @FiveThirtyEight!

1 favourite 0 retweets


2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

The form has gone on to tell me that I've submitted my own personal details incorrectly.

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Ah, the unrecoverable error was to put a space in the middle of my postcode, like I did on the price comparison site, and because that's how postcodes work

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

... and someone hasn't done their GDPR audit properly: opt-out checkboxes for SMS marketing

1 favourite 0 retweets

Oooh, that's annoying of JavaScript:

> 1/0.00001
> 1000/0.01

5 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

it gets worse!


0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett yeah, the problem is with floating point numbers

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway @peterrowlett I suppose the problem in JS is that not using the built-in floats is an absolute slog

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway @peterrowlett 😲

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @RobJLow

@RobJLow @peterrowlett indeed

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jd_p


1 favourite 0 retweets


The motion graphics at #icm2018 are pretty groovy!

1 favourite 0 retweets

Those vignettes about the Fields medal winners are absolutely excellent #ICM2018

4 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Beautiful, humanistic videos about being a mathematician and doing maths. I'm a little bit emosh

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge So it's Augustus' Laws and Abraham's Laws?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge I consider those to be the same thing

0 favourites 0 retweets

I let out an involuntary 'ooooooh!' when I came into the office and saw this. So pretty!
This is @henryseg's "Developing Hilbert curve"

159 favourites 42 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @icecolbeveridge According to this, Leonardo da Vinci called himself Leonardo da Vinci thoughtco.com/what-was-leona…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge @peterrowlett if I say "da Vinci", you know who I'm talking about

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've got a new laptop.
1) I need a new sticker for the lid
2) can I put up with this, or will my left hand become crippled after too much Ctrl+Fn?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@henryseg I downloaded the model from thingiverse and left it printing overnight.
Isn't the future fab!

6 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @GhostMutt

@GhostMutt it's got a numpad, so I'm considering remapping the - and + keys to page up/down

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @GhostMutt

@GhostMutt I've remapped the - and + keys, and as long as I don't look down I think I'll be OK

0 favourites 0 retweets

Ooooh! polysphe.com twitter.com/zellersamuel/s…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aperfect

@aperfect There's a numpad to the side, and I think I'm going to have to get used to using it

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DominiqueMassot

@DominiqueMassot Elles ne sont pas si chers: nous avons dépensé vers €400 (£400, mais c'est la même maintenant) pour la notre.

1 favourite 0 retweets

in "23 kg/m^2", what do you call the "kg/m^2" bit? Units formula, units description, just 'units'?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

I want a word for the bit of notation, not for the abstract dimension/unit it represents

0 favourites 0 retweets

90% of the thinking behind my convoluted surname was a pragmatic strategy to get us and any children past the fascists at border control with less fuss. What's a surname if not a tool of the state, anyway? twitter.com/ukhomeoffice/s…

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ZoeLGriffiths

@ZoeLGriffiths you try saying it quickly

0 favourites 0 retweets

I was just thinking about this yesterday! In short: brand-new Fields medallist Peter Scholze thinks he's spotted a big problem in Mochizuki's abc proof twitter.com/stevenstrogatz…

6 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @benjamindickman

@benjamindickman @QuantaMagazine drama!!!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @joonu75

@joonu75 @stevenstrogatz or this might be like "Is Thompson's group F amenable?" and drag on for decades

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @CounterOfSheep

@CounterOfSheep Is there any other way?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Earlier, I'm not sure if I made a sign or a parity error: I tried to unlock the door of the room I was leaving, instead of the door of the room I was going into

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @CounterOfSheep

@CounterOfSheep The impossible dream. I usually end up delivering postcards by hand

0 favourites 0 retweets

Spontaneous weetabix smiley

5 favourites 0 retweets

I don't keep up with youtube any more, but thanks to @evelynjlamb's newsletter for showing me this video about food labelling shenanigans by @vihartvihart youtube.com/watch?v=mxNPpt…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @aperfect

@aperfect uh-oh! ultimatelenshood.com

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @PaulRodrigo2718

@PaulRodrigo2718 @Mathematical_A @edfringe London has Isaac Newton outside the @britishlibrary, at least.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Is this a standard 3d printer beginner's idea: a cube, and copies with double the volume, surface area, and side length.

19 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge you can't nerdsnipe me into finding numbers which multiply by n=3,4,...,9, I've got real work to do! Not today, Beveridge!

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @carolspringett5

@carolspringett5 absolutely. The one we've got, a Flashforge Finder, took about 20 mins to set up and got printing straight away. The software is v easy to use, download objects from thingiverse.com and press 'print'!
Resulting objects very sturdy.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @apgox

@apgox now I feel bad about not knowing any Galois theory, again

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge still not nerdsniped

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge .... STILL ... not ... nerdsniped ...

1 favourite 0 retweets

I've just discovered that Blackboard have a page listing their patents. Among them is this absurdly broad one for "allowing something to happen based on who's asking to do it" patents.google.com/patent/US87630…

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @lunasorcery

@willkirkby less ranty

1 favourite 0 retweets

Are chemists universally terrible at computers? I'm trying to find a downloadable set of spectroscopic data for the elements, and to call the pages I'm finding "web 1.0" would be to flatter them.
Does everyone just use a commercial package? Where's the open chemistry software?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Earlier on, a butterfly flew alongside me and I was like

Is this a meme?

17 favourites 0 retweets

I will never complain about the way mathematicians name things again: chemists have it way worse.

7 favourites 0 retweets

4 Herschel enneahedra, with parameters from 0.25 to 1. Next job: convince some naive youngsters that somewhere in this range there's a fair nine-sided die.

5 favourites 0 retweets

I'm doing some hard thinking about type systems, and getting serious impostor syndrome. I'm not a computer scientist! Whatever I end up with will doubtless be less than ideal in many ways. Hrm

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @kyledevans

@kyledevans Since the distance is constant, if it was a graph of speed it'd look the same *and* the axes would make sense

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ch_nira

@ch_nira @aperiodical @JJrhule1 @IMAmaths @BB_STEM @GKStill @SophieBays @snezanalawrence Oh my god, the t-shirt!!! 😍
Well done @JJrhule1

1 favourite 0 retweets

The number for reception at this hotel is 1729.
Nobody else here is as excited by that as I am!

133 favourites 28 retweets

There's *quite* sine implied sexism on this sign, isn't there?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks #femaleprivilege

0 favourites 0 retweets

I think of the baby as a black hole, and she's just reached critical mass: if food goes near her, it doesn't escape.

5 favourites 0 retweets

I could watch this all day twitter.com/dhabecker/stat…

1 favourite 0 retweets

Me, a mathematician, overthink things? Perish the thought!

7 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett


0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @OddsAndEvenings

@OddsAndEvenings re the combinations thing in episode #18: massive spoilers, and a cool card trick, here: aperiodical.com/2012/08/davids…
@jamesgrime did a video about the exact lock you were talking about a while ago, but I can't find it

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @jamesgrime

@jamesgrime @OddsAndEvenings That's the one!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @reflectivemaths

@reflectivemaths Price of a pint of milk

1 favourite 0 retweets

There's lots of activity happening over on mathstodon.xyz, the Mastodon instance that @ColinTheMathmo and I run.
One highlight: ways of deriving the formula for the sum of squares without using induction mathstodon.xyz/@karenshancock…

1 favourite 1 retweet

I've been giggling for days at the idea of a Londoner trying to ask for directions to Swalwell

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @Andrew_Taylor

@Andrew_Taylor @matheknitician How often do you divide your dishwasher tablets up evenly?

1 favourite 0 retweets

What's the maximum distance I can orbit the Earth and still respond to an RFC 6238 one-time code challenge? @wacnt

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@wacnt if I do some of the thinking for WolframAlpha, it can do it: just under 11,000 times as far away as the ISS, assuming we're using the default 30 second time step wolframalpha.com/input/?i=(spee…)

0 favourites 0 retweets

Peak waffleheadedness: I've just had to look up the title of the talks I'm giving next week, on the website that I wrote, for the conference I'm organising,

10 favourites 0 retweets

"I know, I'll start the working week with an easy five-minute bug" twitter.com/NclNumbas/stat…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @SamHartburn

@SamHartburn I'd imagine you have two proofreaders read the book, then do something with the number of errors only found by one proofreader

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge @SamHartburn My brilliant plan not to read your blog right now has backfired

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @mathsjem

@mathsjem @aperiodical mainly @stecks' work. Glad you like it!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @jjsanderson

@jjsanderson pretty much exactly my reaction

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've woken up, had a shower, got dressed and eaten my breakfast, and the baby is still asleep.

3 favourites 0 retweets

If neat, handwritten notes about graph theory are what you want, this thread delivers twitter.com/MarkSukaiti/st…

1 favourite 3 retweets

it me twitter.com/PaxsonScience/…

3 favourites 0 retweets

oh wow, gvim renders emoji!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @BarneyMT1

@BarneyMT1 Correct

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett


2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @SallyJordan9

@SallyJordan9 not that I've encountered!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @anniek_p

@anniek_p hey, notation is a cultural object too

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @theoremoftheday

@theoremoftheday yes, that's her. Never had any contact with her, but after she died I was offered her maths library. I had nowhere to keep it and no way of collecting it :(

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @theoremoftheday

@theoremoftheday @LMS @SusanMOakes sorry, I know very little about her! I have a couple of issues of the Mathematical Gazette that she had pieces in.

0 favourites 0 retweets

I *very* nearly responded when Colin called my name in the latest @WrongButUseful podcast.

1 favourite 1 retweet

Crikey, if I'd known how much love the @NclNumbas units extension would get at #vicephec18 I would've implemented it years ago!

2 favourites 0 retweets

I missed this while my RSS reader was broken: the brilliant blog Turismo Matemático has passed 1,000 entries! mateturismo.wordpress.com/2018/08/16/y-l…
I don't know how Ángel gets about so much, but I do appreciate it!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Ohhh, that's so clever! twitter.com/arcticisleteac…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @mscroggs

@mscroggs @emfcamp That's superb!

1 favourite 0 retweets

This fits perfectly. *very* satisfying

4 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @_james_wilsonn

@_james_wilsonn @colourblindorg I tend to awkwardly stand outside the door for half the journey or until someone comes out 🤷‍♂️

3 favourites 1 retweet

About to start a conference, realise there's no clock in the room. A quick bit of @glitch later... a-big-clock.glitch.me

21 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @StackNewcastle

@StackNewcastle hi, what time are the eateries open until today?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Uh oh, it's #hannahssweets again! #EAMS2018

0 favourites 0 retweets

I like the idea of MeLQS, currently being presented at #EAMS2018 - a structure for describing e-assessment questions, but not automatically translating between systems

0 favourites 1 retweet

The baby has learnt to say 'dada', or rather, 'DADAAA!!!!'
Eagerly looking forward to my next quiet moment, in about twenty years' time.

19 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @FryRsquared

@FryRsquared have you heard of the film "The Laws of Thermodynamics"? Looks like your kind of thing: youtube.com/watch?v=NXUtq-…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @aperfect

@aperfect I like this photo a lot supersonicfeet.com/photograph/ove…

0 favourites 0 retweets


In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths Like two diplodoci doing a mind meld

5 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @C_J_Smith

@C_J_Smith I have a secret second life in music at work that my wife knows nothing about

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Parcly_Taxel

@Parcly_Taxel There are several every day

0 favourites 0 retweets

A local school has put up a banner boasting "Best A Level results ever: grades improved by 10%".


3 favourites 1 retweet

Dear web-based Outlook: I never, ever want to continue adding text to a link after a line break.

3 favourites 0 retweets

Write the numbers 1 to N in a list.
Namer names a distance d.
Claimer claims a subset of remaining numbers such that no two are d apart.
How long does it take Claimer to claim every number?
This paper proves it's O(log log n) turns. twitter.com/MathPaper/stat…

0 favourites 0 retweets

A notational conventions question:
It's common to write "sin(x)" as "sin x", omitting the brackets. It's not just laziness: it makes the text less busy. "log log n" is easier to parse than "log(log(n))".
Which functions is it OK to do this for? Is "f x" OK?

5 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @ThomasEWoolley

@ThomasEWoolley @lsinfosec INQUIRING MINDS NEED TO KNOW

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @apgox

@apgox So my question is, under what circumstances is there a unique correct interpretation?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @RealityMinus3

@RealityMinus3 @icecolbeveridge @samholloway so you'd always write "h(x) = f(g(x))" and not "h = f ∘ g"?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Pyfagorass

@Pyfagorass I've been asking for a pay increase for years, with no success. The public sector is less responsive to such things.

0 favourites 0 retweets

I was sure the twitter pedant brigade would be with me on this. Am I wrong? twitter.com/christianp/sta…

0 favourites 0 retweets

@aajohannas @icecolbeveridge @ChrisMaslanka Here's an example of "sin n" in use: users.auth.gr/~siskakis/sin(…

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @Parcly_Taxel

@Parcly_Taxel how does that first one show Beal's conjecture is false? Beal's conjecture is about integers, not matrices. I'd expect to see a counterexample: A,B,C coprime such that A^x+B^y=C^z

0 favourites 0 retweets

Another day, another important committee I'm on has scheduled a meeting for a Friday, when I don't work here 🤷‍♂️

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Parcly_Taxel

@Parcly_Taxel ah, misread your original tweet

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge sneak them into your local IKEA

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @C_J_Smith

@C_J_Smith and you'd travel 400 more...

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @robeastaway

@robeastaway I've long been unsatisfied with that slot, and now I've been asked to submit a puzzle for it. I possibly spent too long thinking about it. I came up with a puzzle that I like, but I'm not sure it'll work when only read out once. I'm very ambivalent about the whole thing.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robeastaway

@robeastaway yes. I'll DM you.

0 favourites 0 retweets

Sumaze is brill, and available on Android as well as iOS: mei.org.uk/sumaze2 twitter.com/kevinsmithsd/s…

3 favourites 1 retweet

Little victory lap down to the chocolate shop because the thing I've spent the week working on now works.

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

I'm working on a pattern-matching syntax and algorithm for mathematical expressions. Like an analogue of regular expressions, but for trees.
I worked out the last few missing pieces while talking with someone at #eams2018 last week.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Ich win ein Berliner

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett ooh, I think I showed Joe that last year!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Saw this lovely, if slightly knacked, adding machine in the Sun Inn, in Morpeth.

5 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett Is 'Notintone' the most disastrous misspelling of Nottingham ever?

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @stecks

@stecks You're too organised for your own good

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @knotunknot

@knotunknot @CoburgHouse @jcrennie1798 Ooh, I like that pattern a lot

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @rooneyvision

@rooneyvision The station that makes you ask, "am I fuel?"

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @monsoon0

@monsoon0 @RobJLow @RowenaBall I was a cool dude who only carried a small backpack, until we had a baby.

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett How would you visually distinguish an engineer from a scientist or a builder?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Now I wonder if these batch numbers are in binary

1 favourite 0 retweets

Finally, the formula for the perfect necklace, and it's not nonsense! twitter.com/theoremoftheda…

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @blatherwick_sam

@blatherwick_sam I think so

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @blatherwick_sam

@blatherwick_sam 10^2+11^2 = 221 = 13*17

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @blatherwick_sam

@blatherwick_sam It's certainly not a coincidence that 1296 = 6^4. Solution is n=3+log(2)/(log(2)+log(3)) (thanks wolfram alpha!), so maybe he meant 648 on the right hand side

0 favourites 0 retweets

Unprecedented levels of style down at my minimum as I've inadvertently bought socks that match my shoes (according to Mrs L-P)

5 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Pyfagorass

@Pyfagorass what a shouty man!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ncl_LTDS

@ncl_LTDS can I pop down with some Numbas stickers and leaflets?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ncl_LTDS

@ncl_LTDS I've left a canvas EAMS bag on your table

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett crikey, and I thought my 1811 textbook was completist for including firkins!

1 favourite 1 retweet

eugh, now I have to prove this algorithm is correct

1 favourite 0 retweets

Write lots of zeros on a pad
fifty, then fifty more - and add
a 1 before them all
a 'googol' we now call
this giant number - not bad!

That's the entry for 'googol' in the Omnificent English Dictionary in English Form.
There are loads more mathsy words at oedilf.com/db/Lim.php?Wor…

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @kyledevans

@kyledevans Was that from one of those print-on-demand sites, or is someone making mandelbrot shirts at scale?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Plattsc

@Plattsc Hah, those are brill!

1 favourite 0 retweets

is there a thing like patreon where I do the fun things I was doing anyway for free, but you pay for the witty domain names I put them on?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Anyway, here's what I've made today: factorisation-list.glitch.me
A never-ending list of factorisations. Turns out that you can't scroll faster than the absolutely most naive algorithm imaginable can keep up with.

15 favourites 9 retweets

@wordisx thanks for that serious answer to a frivolous question. That's quite a name for a company! I'm surprised they don't insist on alphabet-only names.

0 favourites 0 retweets

reciprocals-list.glitch.me twitter.com/OHSMaths/statu…

4 favourites 0 retweets

How did I not know this? The decimal expansion of 1/2017 repeats every 2016 digits!

62 favourites 23 retweets

Fortunately, I've memorised my 97 times table twitter.com/ChrisHazell72/…

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @BarneyMT1

@BarneyMT1 No rule they anyone knows of: oeis.org/A006883

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @sxpmaths

@sxpmaths Why require 4 colours of pen? I can only distinguish two in that photo

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @sxpmaths

@sxpmaths I have protanopia (bad red cones), so basically no combination of colours works for me. I can use labelled pens, but they don't help me. All my schoolwork was in one colour. 1 in 12 boys are colourblind, so expect a couple in each class.

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @soupie66

@soupie66 @sxpmaths Why not? Because *you* try determining the grade of pencil used to draw one side of a polygon

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @ben_nuttall

@ben_nuttall @MiniGirlGeek Crikey! I've attempted many hard things in CS, but never syntax highlighting

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @MiniGirlGeek

@MiniGirlGeek @InDesign @github Ohh, that's a very nice feature!

1 favourite 0 retweets

My beautiful red dualit hand mixer has died. Following a period of mourning, I am now looking covetously at v expensive hand mixers online.
In time, I might have the strength to look at the more feasibly-priced alternatives.

1 favourite 0 retweets

@mikegibson2010 2029

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @FOTSN

@FOTSN that difficult Nth tee after the nerd identity matrix. The only one of my maths t-shirts that continues to get unimpressed blank looks *after* being talked about

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @advance_lunge

@advance_lunge is it an adding machine, or does it do something cleverer?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @GhostMutt

@GhostMutt Oh, it's online!

0 favourites 0 retweets

The new @numberphile video, where @jamesgrime (1) claims to be my friend, and (2) shows off somethingorotherwhatever.com/sum-of-3-palin…, is online!

26 favourites 8 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@numberphile @jamesgrime as a demonstration of our friendship, I will be live-tweeting the number of views of the video throughout the day.
Currently, 2958 = 2002+949+7

6 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@numberphile @jamesgrime It has increased to 3213 = 3003 + 202+8 while I was typing that.
Well, I started it, so I'd better go through with it

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@numberphile @jamesgrime 3612 = 3553 + 55 + 4 (did that one in my head!)

6 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@numberphile @jamesgrime 4641 = 4004 + 636 + 1

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @unhiddenness

@unhiddenness @numberphile @jamesgrime Can you give a bit more detail?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @unhiddenness

@unhiddenness @numberphile @jamesgrime What browser are you using, on what device?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @unhiddenness

@unhiddenness @numberphile @jamesgrime Hm. What numbers did you try?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @unhiddenness

@unhiddenness @numberphile @jamesgrime found it. I introduced a typo while fixing something someone else reported. Try again now.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Back from some real work.
Now at 8204 = 8008 + 191+5

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Last one before I leave work: 14994 = 14941 + 44 + 9

4 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mathforge

@mathforge Oh yes, good point. Thanks!

0 favourites 0 retweets

Since being mentioned on @numberphile a load of randos have sent me friend requests on facebook. What could they want?

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @FOTSN

@FOTSN will you be publishing this series of polls as a choose-your-own-adventure book?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Just flipped Trigg's 'Mathematical Quickies" open and found this lovely puzzle.

1 favourite 2 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge latter

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@icecolbeveridge otherwise you'd be obtuse not to write (ab)^2c

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge oh, good point. It doesn't have to be, but it really looks like it!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @hollykrieger

@hollykrieger Is that a bit spongy to write on with the felt behind it? I had a blackboard sticker on a wall for a few years and you could really feel the texture of the paint behind it!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In addition to the colour problems, the vertical axis is area planted as a percentage of area planted in 2004, right? Otherwise it's a massive coincidence that all four crops had 100 hectares planted in 2004, the inflection point. twitter.com/seanhargrave/s…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @aPaulTaylor

@aPaulTaylor You know, I read that line several times and I never twigged that was what it meant

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @blatherwick_sam

@blatherwick_sam What kind of error is this: in the bottom diagram, my first impression was that the square root is the size of one of the boxes.
Would only labelling the horizontal side have helped? I'm not sure, and I can't think of a clearer way of showing a square root!

0 favourites 0 retweets

What are the circumstances that lead to amazon selling CDs of albums for half as much as they sell the MP3 download version?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @profRoys

@profRoys 1986 also saw Chernobyl, and me. I take your point.

0 favourites 0 retweets

77992 = 444+77377+171. Three palindromes on my dashboard!

2 favourites 0 retweets

Now do 'subtweeting' twitter.com/GermanQuatsch/…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mathforge

@mathforge @BBCTwo 0.05, 0.03 and 0.02 all look the same to me

0 favourites 0 retweets

This is the main reason I don't do pub quizzes twitter.com/mrdavidwhitley…

2 favourites 0 retweets

And in "absurdly precise numbers suspiciously close to 100,000 / 6" news... twitter.com/qikipedia/stat…

11 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @christianp

So, apart from my perennial gripes about @qikipedia's continuing citation-free problems with numeracy, this begs a question: what does a cheeseburger weigh six times as much as, or have six times as many calories as?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@Wolfram_Alpha says a cheeseburger weighs 200g or 7.1oz, which isn't six times anything, but it give 548 calories, which is close to 540 or 600. So a blue whale needs 9 or 10 million calories a day? Wikipedia says it's 1.5 million.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

However, Wikipedia says a blue whale *sometimes* eats up to 3,600kg of krill in one day. 16667*200 is about 3,333kg, so we might be going by weight. But that's not every day!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Assuming krill have roughly the same caloric content as cheeseburgers (@Wolfram_Alpha doesn't know it), it looks like whales can eat 6 or 7 times their daily energy needs in one day. Wikipedia says they eat seasonally.
So that fact looks...



4 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Actually, I'm not done with this yet: is 16,667 cheeseburgers more or less than I'd expect a blue whale to eat? Me to @itabn_andrew, which tells me 3,333kg is a bit more than an adult giraffe and a bit less than a shipping container. Or, excitingly, about 2500 human brains

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

And lots more comparisons besides: isthatabignumber.com/itabn/compare?…
It also tells me that 1 million calories is about 500 times a woman's recommended daily intake. So 10 million is enough for 5,000 women. That does seem like a lot!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DavidKButlerUoA

@DavidKButlerUoA @awconservancy I desperately want a numbat mascot for @NclNumbas

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @TimandraHarknes

@TimandraHarknes @kjm2 @StatsJen @standupmaths @stecks congratulations! I remember my small part in your homework-moaning journey.

1 favourite 0 retweets

That's really clever - this bottle of olive oil also has an expiry date for the prime minister. I wonder how they do that?

2 favourites 1 retweet

A few years ago, the BBC reported that Opeyemi Enoch had proved the Riemann hypothesis, and we (@aperiodical) immediately said "no, he hasn't" - aperiodical.com/2015/11/rieman…
Now, Sir Michael Atiyah claims he's proved it and we said "well, let's see".
Why the difference?

8 favourites 7 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@aperiodical Enoch looked like any crank: went straight to the wrong venue - BBC News, not other mathematicians - didn't publish his proof in the open, and presented it at a very scammy looking conference run by Nina Ringo, who we've encountered before.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@aperiodical And we'd never heard of him. The false-positive rate for "anyone on the planet" with a claimed big proof is much, much higher than for, say, professors of maths in big universities.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@aperiodical So for all those reasons, we were fairly sure he hadn't done it, like I can fairly confidently say you're not holding a winning lottery ticket right now.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@aperiodical Atiyah, on the other hand, has a Fields medal, an Abel prize, and a very long list of publications. We still think he probably hasn't proved it, based on his other recent pronouncements, but he says he's going to present his proof, so we give him the benefit of the doubt.

1 favourite 2 retweets

In reply to @NasdaqCrypto

@NasdaqCrypto @aperiodical nope. But @stecks is there in person

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @aperiodical

@aperiodical @stecks All three of whom lived to nearly 100, corroborating the statement 'if you prove the prime number theorem, you become immortal'

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @aperiodical

@aperiodical @stecks Todd function is a weakly analytic L^2 function of s ∈ ℂ, s≠0.
Maps the Euler equation to Euler-Hamilton.
Gives some properties of T(s).

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @aa42john

@aa42john how about 3≈≈≈?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robeastaway

@robeastaway Determining what's true, and restricting yourself to the times that's a sensible question to ask.

5 favourites 2 retweets

Meanwhile, in other Serious Maths news, the OEIS mailing list is seeing its longest thread in years as the great minds of our age try to come up with the best pun slogan for the site, in French.
First offering was "toutes suites tout de suite", by Neil Sloane.

7 favourites 4 retweets

That Riemann hypothesis proof in full:

30 favourites 11 retweets

In reply to @christianp

By the way, credit for that absolute classic of a cartoon is due to S. Harris of sciencecartoonsplus.com/gallery/math/i…, who I hope won't mind it being copied just one more time.

4 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ZazzyAustin

@ZazzyAustin Good afternoon. Which one?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Very pleased with these Numbas numbers twitter.com/NclNumbas/stat…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Clever maths pals, how easy is it to come up with an integer-valued 5x5 matrix with a given eigenvalue?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

whoops, I mean eigenvector

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robinhouston

@robinhouston had a specific form in mind, for the purposes of a very nerdy joke, now sorted

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @lyd_w

@lyd_w The three genders

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @sangwinc

@sangwinc ooh, that's a very good ref, particularly in actually-accessible form at web.maths.unsw.edu.au/~jds/Papers/li….
I had slightly different requirements, and came up with something which I've posted at mathstodon.xyz/@christianp/10…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @sangwinc

@sangwinc while filing that away in my bib file, I spotted abstractmath.org. Have you seen it before? What do you think of it? I like the idea but actually reading it is quite hard

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @BTNMathsJam

@BTNMathsJam @ColinTheMathmo I dunno, it does a pretty good job of showing there's variance in usage. Though their British definition of 'natural number' includes 0, which I don't think matches common use: collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/eng…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robinhouston

@robinhouston I'm amazed it doesn't use None!

0 favourites 0 retweets

This backfires when you ask the speaker how to pronounce their name, they mishear you and start asking about projector connections, and then you mishear that and very nearly introduce the next speaker , who you're very glad to meet, "veejee-ay".

(May have happened to me) twitter.com/DrRichJohnston…

1 favourite 0 retweets

Let's say that was the intended effect

12 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @RobJLow

@RobJLow @FryRsquared @aperiodical Linked in the post. That's the best look at the mathematical aspect I've seen.

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aperfect

@aperfect just used this. Let's hope it's accurate!

0 favourites 0 retweets

I invented a puzzle for the radio that didn't get used, so of course I put it straight on my blog.
Please have a go at it! twitter.com/aperiodical/st…

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aperfect

@aperfect a new clone of Dinopark Tycoon! rockpapershotgun.com/2018/09/25/par…

1 favourite 0 retweets

I know all but one of the digits of my new debit card.
A quick bit of Luhn algorithm later, I confirmed my hunch that the missing digit is a 2.

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @extremefriday

@extremefriday Worse: it's something nobody else can work out is wrong, so they assume it's a glimpse of genius and have it engraved on your gravestone

1 favourite 0 retweets


In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @MathsJam I see we've both submitted talks about our children's toys

3 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @monsoon0

@monsoon0 the alternative is the way that chemists name things. I think the current way is the lesser evil!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @ZoeLGriffiths

@ZoeLGriffiths look at this! twitter.com/MathPaper/stat…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Just spotted that David H. Bailey has started posting "simple proofs of great theorems" on his blog: mathscholar.org/2018/09/simple…
This proof that π is irrational is about as straightforward as it can be: mathscholar.org/2018/09/simple…

30 favourites 13 retweets

Glaziers turned up at our house this morning with our new window. It's 10cm too wide, because somebody made a mistake converting imperial to metric.


6 favourites 1 retweet

it me I make bad joke twitter.com/aperiodical/st…

9 favourites 0 retweets

Your illuminati codewords for today

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @mscroggs

@mscroggs @chalkdustmag The plot thickens!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @timstirrup

@timstirrup 🤯

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @eleonorasfalcon

@eleonorasfalcon the people who make the windows use metric. You might get a round number in imperial, but they're hardly operating at sub-millimetre precision

1 favourite 0 retweets

How do you feel about lines like this:

a = b < c = d

If you're skim-reading, and the terms a,b,c,d are quite long, you might not notice the < in the middle, and think that a = d.
Is there a better way?

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @nershly

@nershly it's not code. It's the kind of notation commonly used in maths

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @benorlin

@benorlin let's just say I'm enormously thankful that G is only worth 2 points in Scrabble

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @BTNMathsJam

@BTNMathsJam @stecks @benorlin @RobJLow furthermore, I can remember sitting at a table with him and @stecks in the bar

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @FryRsquared

@FryRsquared @sophiechristoph congratulations! I supposed I'd better get myself a copy then

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks @benorlin Ben's a very unassuming chap. Terrible at drawing, though.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo @Fuzzel76 it's like the 112th time for me, and it's still one of my faves (but it's normally Napoleon in my telling)

1 favourite 0 retweets

So many toy shops get this wrong: I select age 0-2 years, and they show me products designed for ages 2-3.
Those intervals should be open!

1 favourite 0 retweets

Me too! I meant to tweet about it, and entirely forgot.

Like any paper I've ever been asked to review. twitter.com/peterrowlett/s…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Just in case you don't know that panic attacks have a pretty much instant cure.
Best thing a doctor ever told me twitter.com/IanColdwater/s…

7 favourites 2 retweets

Graph diameter bants twitter.com/joncstone/stat…

0 favourites 1 retweet

There must be maths in this mistake I just made: I split a poster into a 6×3 grid of A4 pages.
I made the mistake of printing double-sided. I want to salvage as much as possible. I can't make two rows, but I can do every other column.
What's the biggest contiguous area I can do?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

I can do a "comb" -
Any others?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo where's your graph of registrations?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @Shona_Mu

@ShonaDav Every now and then my (android) phone gives me directions to where I 'parked', whether I've driven recently or not. So it may already be able to do what you want, but I have no idea how

1 favourite 0 retweets

Yesss this is the news I need news.com.au/lifestyle/home…

1 favourite 0 retweets

The PhD-by-hanging-around route is starting to catch on: the office staff are on board!
(please, nobody gatecrash these tutorials)

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ColinTheMathmo

@ColinTheMathmo solipsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/MJ_Wik… and solipsys.co.uk/MathsJamRegist…

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've got a conic projection of the UK hanging up at home, but I've never seen a literal conic projection onto a cone before!
Photo at the end of this post:

0 favourites 0 retweets

Planted to commemorate the shortest meeting to decide the new chair of the corporate planting committee in history

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @jjsanderson

@jjsanderson Can't spell mackerel without 'maker'! (where have you moved to?)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @jjsanderson

@jjsanderson Ooh, back at the coast near us! Hooray!

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've just discovered there's a horse called 'Matematica', whose mother was called 'Mathematicienne'. Not sure what to do with this information.
Any other mathematical horse names you can think of?

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge @samholloway sqrt(-1) often gives NaN, for example. Likewise acos(5).

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge @samholloway that would be NaN

1 favourite 0 retweets

I got 108 problems but a warning ain't one

9 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @tessellationfan

@tessellationfan omg: Hypoteneuse has four children: "Maths Prize", "Pythagorean", "Sextant" and "Longside".

... what happened to Shortside?!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @helenarney

@helenarney yeah but when's the jongleur coming to town to deliver the chanson de geste version?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @BarbaraFantechi

@BarbaraFantechi @profkeithdevlin @monsoon0 Compulsory education finishes at 16, so you can't really make any A Level compulsory. We do have a fair few students coming to do STEM-ish subjects without A Level maths. Core Maths (stem.org.uk/core-maths) is meant to fix that.

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @BarbaraFantechi

@BarbaraFantechi @profkeithdevlin @monsoon0 lots of data on the government's website, if you can bear to trawl through all the excel files: gov.uk/government/sta…
The "main text" and "additional text" PDFs present the data fairly reasonably

1 favourite 0 retweets

Today in "the month is not a unit of measurement" twitter.com/GreyAlien/stat…

3 favourites 0 retweets

Currently thinking about this automaton: brindle-bass.glitch.me

1 favourite 0 retweets

Love this! twitter.com/SteevNewman/st…

1 favourite 0 retweets

There's either a set of bagpipes or an angle grinder a couple of streets away.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @FryRsquared

@FryRsquared @insimonated @ceekayell @ITVBe I've seen soft maths porn, and that, madame, was no soft maths porn.

1 favourite 0 retweets

Which numbers are both a power of 3 and a cube?

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @GhostMutt

@GhostMutt a power of 3 is " 3 times 3 times 3 ... times 3" some number of times. A third power, or cube, is "a times a times a" for some number a.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Which numbers are both a power of 1/3 and a cube root?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @j_lanier

@j_lanier @hollykrieger Cars coming from where the kid is standing can't turn left.

1 favourite 0 retweets

Does this look plausible? @itabn_andrew twitter.com/HelAdams/statu…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @itabn_andrew

@itabn_andrew I wonder if it's something like (amount a penguin wees in a year X number of penguins X number of years penguins have existed)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @SheckyR

@SheckyR @evelynjlamb That was my favourite site for a while. I see my top one is at number 69! gaussfacts.com/view/Mathemati…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@FryRsquared I've just caught up with your programme. Is that guy for real?!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @C_J_Smith

@C_J_Smith I love seeing how much you enjoy being a parent

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @C_J_Smith

@C_J_Smith my one got her first proper shoes yesterday. She's so cool!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @C_J_Smith

@C_J_Smith @njj4 I think this was your 23,000th tweet. Made it a good one!

2 favourites 0 retweets

Hey @standupmaths, seen this? Calculator forensics: the result of arcsin(arccos(arctan(tan(cos(sin(9))))) on different makes of calculator rskey.org/~mwsebastian/m…

7 favourites 0 retweets

All in favour of renaming number theory "integerology"?

8 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @hartkp

@hartkp what do you mean?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @hartkp

@hartkp ok

0 favourites 0 retweets

My daily Dudeney puzzle tooter over on mathstodon today picked this absolute whopper of a #FakeContext ratios puzzle: mathstodon.xyz/@dudeney_puzzl…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @suedepom

@suedepom someone on mathstodon commented that in Spanish it'd be 'enterología', which is even more medical-looking

1 favourite 0 retweets

I have received an email requesting tech support written entirely in Comic Sans.

4 favourites 1 retweet

Grumpy @stecks thinks I shouldn't get any credit for making an oblique reference to top Edinburgh restaurant the Ubiquitous Chip in the first line of this post. twitter.com/aperiodical/st…

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @monsoon0

@monsoon0 given how your PM turned out, that might not be worth celebrating

3 favourites 0 retweets

Inspired by a line in a textbook about imagining people standing in circles to show set membership, I've made a @glitch simulation of people spontaneously forming a Venn diagram: spontaneous-venning.glitch.me

18 favourites 5 retweets

In reply to @yet_so_far

@sblgpln @FryRsquared I have some code that can do that...

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @ProfNoodlearms

@ProfNoodlearms @MathProfBill Proof by adhesion!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @yet_so_far

@sblgpln @FryRsquared Not yet, it's part of a current project at work. I hadn't had the idea of applying it to portraits though, so next time I have some spare time I'll see if I can share something usable

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @nillie_kj

@nillie_kj @aperiodical is that a real thing?

0 favourites 0 retweets

That's a nice magic square! mateturismo.wordpress.com/2018/10/15/el-…

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @DavidKButlerUoA

@DavidKButlerUoA @samjshah2 I agree entirely

1 favourite 0 retweets

Ooh, this is pleasingly geometrical. I will make every effort to visit! twitter.com/_Artimage/stat…

6 favourites 2 retweets

I like the absurdity of using the wrong date format to get the wrong value of π to celebrate the subject that has been described as 'the art of not being wrong' twitter.com/aperiodical/st…

4 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @llaisdy

@llaisdy @sassilia12 @aperiodical 22/7 is probably a bit close to the end of the school year for a day that's supposed to be celebrated by teachers and pupils. Where I live, 22/7 is the last day of the school year this year.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @llaisdy

@llaisdy @sassilia12 @aperiodical couldn't agree more

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @miclugo

@miclugo what better day to celebrate counting?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @miclugo

@miclugo another problem with using a mathematician's birthday is stereotype threat

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've just finished "Inventing the Mathematician" by Sara N. Hottinger. It's about how we construct the idea of who can be a mathematician. I didn't need convincing, so I was hoping for some good ideas to counter the straight-white-male norm, which I sadly didn't find!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

There was lots of "in the following chapter/section I will show ..." and "in the previous chapter I showed ...", which felt like it actually made the gist of the book harder to follow. My wife the sociology graduate says this is quite common, and it used to annoy her too.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

The majority of the book is about mathematical 'subjectivity' - for those like me who don't know the way that word's used here, it's not the opposite of 'objectivity', it means "what kind of person we think about when we think about maths"

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

It's made me more aware of all the situations in which we reinforce a fairly exclusive idea of math subjectivity:

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

* textbooks mainly feature famous male mathmos, fine, we already knew that
* exercises rarely feature female/BME characters (I'm on top of that in @NclNumbas: numbas-editor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/exte…)

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@NclNumbas * textbooks specifically aimed at girls and women help to include them as math subjects, never mind "girlification" - I *think* I already agreed with that
* for women, there's a tension between being 'feminine' and being 'mathematical', which is unnecessary

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@NclNumbas That's made me think more about the contexts we use in exercises and examples: 'neutral' contexts are often coded more as 'male' than I had appreciated. We should more often use explicitly 'female' contexts.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

The last couple of chapters, about mathematicians on postage stamps, and ethnomathematics, didn't do much for me. I'm not sure what the point was - just saying "lots of people see stamps, so that's an important factor shaping their impression of mathmos" would've done.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

And I really didn't get the bit about ethnomathematics. She talks about how it's rooted in anthropology and all its colonialist baggage (no surprise), and gives a good example of a more reflective and collaborative study, but doesn't really offer ideas for how it should be done

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Like, how *should* we incorporate maths outside the standard Western narrative in the story of maths?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Spend a month drawing Emmy Noether!

... I'm sorry, have you got something *better* to be doing? twitter.com/aperiodical/st…

11 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @chalkdustmag

@chalkdustmag I love maths magazines and jokes involving the numbers 7 and 9. Will I love your latest issue?

3 favourites 0 retweets

While waiting for the baby to wake up, I'm replaying Caterpillar Logic, a fun game about inductive logic.

4 favourites 0 retweets

Talking of deals you should walk away from... #PeoplesVote

6 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @Bishnavitch

@Bishnavitch Get an oven thermometer

1 favourite 0 retweets

I'm awake before my wife and baby today. I'm selfishly getting ready for work. Here's hoping she knows which end food goes in! twitter.com/manwhohasitall…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @jjaron

@jjaron Same idea as Crown Copyright?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @monsoon0

@monsoon0 I prefer A8: looks like a snowman doing a painting

2 favourites 0 retweets

I'm a big fan of this Dudeney puzzle: mathstodon.xyz/@dudeney_puzzl…

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @christianp

it's very much in "I want to show you this cool thing I found" territory though, rather than something you'd realistically solve entirely yourself

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @nazgar001

@nazgar001 @SparksMaths @OxUniMaths @CardColm @CityLdnSinfonia oh, that tweet is doing a lot of work! Well done!

1 favourite 0 retweets

I had never heard that the standard trigonometric addition formulae have a really long-winded name: the prosthaphaeresis formulas mathworld.wolfram.com/Prosthaphaeres…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @monsoon0

@monsoon0 at least 2

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ajoy_allen

@ajoy_allen @My_Metro I'm on one!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge @Dragon_Dodo @Simon_Gregg @Gelada @mathhombre @chalkdustmag @mathinyourfeet @PuntMat @dandersod @DavidKButlerUoA @csarahj @CcBcnMvd @druizaguilera you nerdsniped me. Nothing like brute-forcing it: here's a page which will make all the Truchet tiles for shapes up to 16 sides: truchet-polygons.glitch.me

10 favourites 5 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@icecolbeveridge @Dragon_Dodo @Simon_Gregg @Gelada @mathhombre @chalkdustmag @mathinyourfeet @PuntMat @dandersod @DavidKButlerUoA @csarahj @CcBcnMvd @druizaguilera looks like it's (spoilers!) this sequence: oeis.org/A054357

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @Simon_Gregg

@Simon_Gregg @icecolbeveridge @DavidKButlerUoA @Dragon_Dodo @Gelada @mathhombre @chalkdustmag @mathinyourfeet @PuntMat @dandersod @csarahj @CcBcnMvd @druizaguilera I think they need to meet the edges of the polygon at right angles

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DavidKButlerUoA

@DavidKButlerUoA @icecolbeveridge They're def circular arcs. I *think* they're at right angles, would need to do some working out to show it

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@DavidKButlerUoA @icecolbeveridge yes, of course they are: the centre of the circle lies on both lines formed by extending the edges

0 favourites 0 retweets

I'm looking in A-Level textbooks for examples of "simplification".

On the first page of content in this EdExcel C1 book, this made me so cross: you're not applying the rule (a^m)^n=a^(mn), you first need (ab)^n=a^n b^n, but that rule isn't even listed!

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @christianp

This is more what I was looking for: in the C3 book, they ask you to simplify "sin(θ)cos(θ)(sec(θ)+cosec(θ))". The answer they give is "sin(θ)+cos(θ)".
So do they mean "put it in terms of sin and cos"?
I suppose @sangwinc has written something about this. Must get his book out...

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @sangwinc

@sangwinc I just had a happy while reading your CAA book, then Carette's paper and a couple of other refs. I've come to the conclusion that I disagree with Carette, and "simplify" in the example above means "write what I'm thinking of".

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @nakamura8

@nakamura8 Hi, I got it, will answer when I have time. Do you have a deadline?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @glitch

@glitch I started a project on one PC, continued on another PC and renamed it, then resumed on the first PC without refreshing. It still used the old subdomain. Changes saved properly. When I remixed it, I got a brand new project, I assume cos the old name doesn't exist any more

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DavidKButlerUoA

@DavidKButlerUoA Go for it! There are no Romans around to stop you any more

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @C_J_Smith

@C_J_Smith Conversely, last week one of my tutees asked me if I'm a postgrad. I'll take it.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @edsouthall

@solvemymaths In case this was a serious question: 39. Here's my working-out: gist.github.com/christianp/2fe…
There's an absolutely unreasonable number of different ways of making them, which implies that the prices are more consistent than they might look

5 favourites 2 retweets

I've spent probably too much of my morning making my Truchet polygons tile the plane: truchet-polygon-tiling.glitch.me
@icecolbeveridge @Gelada @peterrowlett

9 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @robinhouston

@robinhouston @icecolbeveridge @Gelada @peterrowlett yeah, I can believe that. I'll run it through babel and so on later

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Gelada

@Gelada @Simon_Gregg @DavidKButlerUoA @icecolbeveridge @peterrowlett @mathhombre oh yes, that was my next idea!

2 favourites 0 retweets

A = 0
B = 1
C = 10
D = 11

Given a binary number, substitute letters for strings of digits, e.g. 1001 = CAB.

Can you write an algorithm to find the ShortLex minimal letter representation of any number? ShortLex: compare by length, and then alphabetically, e.g. CA<BAA, BC<DA.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @KennyEvil

@KennyEvil @TimHarford I second that, and a spooky apparition thirds it. Extremely enjoyable, and much more accessible for non-boardgamey family members than Pandemic

0 favourites 0 retweets

Very pleased with my week's work: using the new @NclNumbas pattern-matching algorithm to add a "pattern to match" restriction on mathematical expression parts.
I've got lots of use cases, but this one is nice and simple: put fractions over a common denominator

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @christianp

@NclNumbas Here's the editing interface.
The cryptic syntax will, of course, be well-documented!

0 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge Nice!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @JSEllenberg

@JSEllenberg That's a beautiful phrase

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @pwr2dppl

@pwr2dppl @Suibeom Fundamental Gotcha of topology: a set can be both closed and open

6 favourites 0 retweets

I've done a bit more work on my Truchet polygons thing, and moved it over to my own site: somethingorotherwhatever.com/truchet-polygo…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Inspired by an article in @chalkdustmag, I wrote code to generate Truchet tiles for any even number of sides. Then I looked up which tilings of even-sided polygons exist, and here we are: somethingorotherwhatever.com/truchet-polygo…

687 favourites 177 retweets

In reply to @mathforge

@mathforge @chalkdustmag Yes, replaces with another one of the same shape

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @graveolens

@graveolens @Sabetta_ @chalkdustmag 🤷‍♂️

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @jongerlach

@jongerlach @chalkdustmag You need every polygon to have an even number of sides. Other than that, nothing stopping you

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @joshmillard

@joshmillard @jongerlach @HoeflerCo Ooh, where's your version?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @joshmillard

@joshmillard @jongerlach @HoeflerCo That partitions paper is a good one! I now have a feeling I may have seen this on Mastodon, where I already follow you.

1 favourite 0 retweets

We all know that the moon only comes out at night. But when the clocks change, you can catch it out.

6 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @mik3caprio

@mik3caprio Yep: github.com/christianp/tru…

1 favourite 0 retweets

What a treat! Over the weekend I received an unexpected email from a fan, containing proofs of the Riemann hypothesis, Fermat's last theorem, the Beal conjecture *and* the abc conjecture!
Furthermore, they're all proved by the one proof!

14 favourites 0 retweets

Not sure if the straight edges are the Sun's mockups or if the idiots are even in charge of the mint now. twitter.com/nicktolhurst/s…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @mscroggs

@mscroggs @TheSun hah, jinx!

0 favourites 0 retweets

If I ask you to "decompose a fraction into partial fractions", what should you do?

Warning: I'm looking for edge cases and loopholes.

3 favourites 0 retweets

From an email about thefts on campus: "the perpetrators have started dressing to blend in."

Code for: "the perpetrators are charvers"

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @Adobe what sad course of events has led to you interacting with Adobe Captivate?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @CardColm

@CardColm @wolframalphacom If you have the time to learn the syntax, @cocalc_com will tell you, through either GAP or sage

5 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @sangwinc

@sangwinc I'll just say this: it involves a novel interpretation of the equality symbol

0 favourites 0 retweets


In reply to @monsoon0

@monsoon0 @DavidKButlerUoA But if x=-3, you're in luck!

2 favourites 0 retweets

#noethember day 1.
I'm starting exactly as shoddily as I intend to continue

15 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @BarbaraFantechi

@BarbaraFantechi @MathsBooks yes, poor oversight on my part, having seen recently just how much hair newborn babies can have!

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks sounds like you just gave yourself a job

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @soupie66

@soupie66 @tessellationfan your dedication to scanning the Racing Post for mathematical horseys is commendable

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @lyd_w

@lyd_w, you might find #noethember interesting

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @tessellationfan

@tessellationfan @soupie66 I sense a game of "greyhound, horse, or mathematician?" coming up

0 favourites 0 retweets

Have just asked @stecks if there are any admin jobs she needs me to do, and she can't think of any.
Opportunity: WASTED

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @EsotericCodes

@EsotericCodes @rottytooth Either!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @0rganics

@0rganics @FOTSN I've got no. 181

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @FOTSN

@FOTSN @peterrowlett @0rganics @aperiodical @stecks @Limax7 @DrLucyRogers @edent excellent capitalism, guys. That's three free DVDs for one review!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @BarbaraFantechi

@BarbaraFantechi @theoremoftheday @StA_Maths_Stats It's taught as Bézout's identity here in Newcastle too. May be a British thing?

2 favourites 1 retweet

Ready for a day of responsible geometry, thanks to @FOTSN.
They sent me this t-shirt to review, so I can confirm it is topologically isomorphic to other t-shirts I've enjoyed, and the message it bears remains compelling after application to my dad bod

9 favourites 4 retweets

In reply to @DavidKButlerUoA

@DavidKButlerUoA after shuffling the deck, prob that the top card is red, and prob that the bottom card is red

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@FOTSN I've just spotted tiny Einstein lurking over my shoulder. I feel like there should be an evil physicist on the other one.

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DavidKButlerUoA

@DavidKButlerUoA yeah. But it feels slightly different in some way, doesn't it?

1 favourite 0 retweets

#noethember day 5. Mathematical Noethers in age order.
Turns out when I looked at Fritz's photo all I thought was "big face"

14 favourites 2 retweets

It's turning out to be one of those days where you have to look at an RFC

0 favourites 0 retweets

Outlook logic: write half a line of text, then paste from the clipboard. Notice text has formatting, so press ctrl+z to undo.
The text I'd written before disappeared, and the pasted text remained.

... whaaaaaaaaaaaaatttt?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @jjsanderson

@jjsanderson because of a difference in gravity?

0 favourites 0 retweets

University: *spends ungodly amount on SAP*

HR department: everything we do happens inside Excel files that we pretend are forms

2 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @CmonMattTHINK

@CmonMattTHINK @Desmos ooh, that's really cool!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @apgox

@apgox @ajk_44 That is a solid dad joke, well done

1 favourite 0 retweets

Welp, my work PC won't start and nobody else is due in for 45 minutes, so I suppose I'll just crack open some puzzle books

0 favourites 0 retweets

if I'd got a mathematical object named after me before I double-barrelled my surname, maths would've become a little bit more case-sensitive than before ("Perfect doodad" ≠ "perfect doodad")

Are there any objects named after similarly surnamed people? Like, a Normal subgroup?

8 favourites 0 retweets

I like this one twitter.com/BTNMathsJam/st…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge I'm looking for names that are also adjectives used to describe mathematical properties. As far as I know, none of those are

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths that's the exact page that sparked that thought. The 'Herschel' makes it an imperfect example

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @standupmaths

@standupmaths PS when we're at big mathsjam I want to talk to you about books

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @matheknitician

@matheknitician @standupmaths bums. In January then.

0 favourites 0 retweets

TIL that 0 is a valid order number at McDonald's. I thought they'd skip it to avoid the wrath of the 'counting numbers start at 1' crowd

4 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aa42john

@aa42john Is that a thing?

0 favourites 0 retweets

Ding ding ding! We have a winner, if you're bilingual. It's 'Kleinsche', not just 'Klein', in German though, isn't it? twitter.com/aa42john/statu…

4 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @TimonGutleb

@TimonGutleb There are probably other things named after Klein that are masculine though?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @TimonGutleb

@TimonGutleb Yes, I get that.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @Groteskerie

@Groteskerie @TimonGutleb again, I know how that works

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @drtjwalton

@drtjwalton is 'moody' a property an algebra can have?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @drtjwalton

@drtjwalton that's a case of the adjective following the name

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Kit_Yates_Maths

@Kit_Yates_Maths @AlanTuringYear @UniofBath @MathsatBath @ConversationUK @MailOnline @guardianscience @Telegraph apart from anything else, I'd greatly look forward to buying a cake from those bigoted NI bakers with a big gay fifty

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @drtjwalton

@drtjwalton no prob, I don't think I was particularly clear

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @extremefriday

@extremefriday don't tell him about Doron Zeilberger

4 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @NewcastleCC

@NewcastleCC Is that sentence worded the right way? So 61% are less likely to experience anxiety or depression?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @BeingHumanFest

@BeingHumanFest @EngageNCL @nuhri_ncl @UniofNewcastle I saw one at Monkseaton yesterday. Do you really want photos of your adverts?

1 favourite 0 retweets

#noethember day 8

12 favourites 2 retweets

The inequality relations have the property that x<y iff y>x.
The relation '>' has an opposite, '<', which works the other way round.

Are there any other pairs of operators which work this way?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @Aoife_Hunt

@Aoife_Hunt where is this magical place?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge no, just the usual Riemann ones

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @CmonMattTHINK

@CmonMattTHINK No

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@CmonMattTHINK Oh, you said congruent!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@CmonMattTHINK The answer's no in general anyway, I think: if DEF is a translation of ABC, all three distances will be the length of the translation.

2 favourites 0 retweets

My lovely Nexus 5x phone is cracked even more than it was before. I have no idea what's a comparable phone these days. Are the days of reasonably-priced good phones over?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @evelynjlamb

@evelynjlamb My mum told me it would make me blind

2 favourites 0 retweets

All in favour of renaming elbows 'woulders' and wrists 'coulders'?

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DavidKButlerUoA

@DavidKButlerUoA Shoulders

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @DavidKButlerUoA

@DavidKButlerUoA youtu.be/B3KBiJupqOo

0 favourites 0 retweets

Could this be a thing: lottery arbitrage, exploiting the difference between expected return and maximum reward.

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In reply to @christianp

Someone who was going to spend £5/week on the lottery instead gives that to me. I don't buy lottery tickets, but occasionally they 'win' a prize, with expected value greater than the real lottery. I make sure I stay in profit. Win/win, right?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Alternately, I offer a bigger amount of money than the real lottery, just less likely. Caters to people who play the lottery for the possibility of winning big, not the expected return.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aperfect

@aperfect yep

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @aperfect

@aperfect I think the 'lying to the person who thinks they're buying tickets' part is novel, though

0 favourites 0 retweets

My dad have the tiny one a 'tablet' which is actually some kind of slate - pressure makes marks appear, and the 'bin' button clears it with some kind of electrostatic thing?
Don't trust little L-P not to eat it, but it's good for maths working-out!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett I regret throwing the box away! Will ask my dad. I fancy getting some to go in my fun maths box at work

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@peterrowlett actually, just put "LCD tablet" in amazon and got this: amazon.co.uk/dp/B073XC1ZV6/…

2 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett you can erase everything or nothing on this, so not quite as good as chalk

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett yeah, I reckon P will enjoy this in a year or two. For now, the pen gives me the horrors as a choking hazard

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @michaeljgrove

@michaeljgrove @peterrowlett someone on Mastodon said he had one of those, and it's got a digitiser in for transferring images out, although not very good quality. Mine is much more basic

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @RobJLow

@RobJLow I had one of those, but this isn't it. I suspect a similar principle is at play though

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @DavidB52s

@DavidB52s @robeastaway and the follow-up probability puzzle, "one of David's answers is correct; what's the probability of picking the correct answer at random?" also submits to your method

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @robeastaway

@robeastaway Have you answered the same question for the case when bags come in triples, quadruples, or n-tuples?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robeastaway

@robeastaway I have a solution that is too beautiful for twitter

5 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DavidB52s

@DavidB52s @AJMagicMessage @robeastaway I assumed each conjoined set (i.e., a double or a single) is equally likely. Gives a different answer!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @michaeljgrove

@michaeljgrove @peterrowlett a photo works pretty well. Apparently the boogieboard app just takes a photo, too

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @nhealey

@nhealey @robeastaway my daughter has developed a hobby of 'helping' her grandmas make tea, so it's been on my mind lately too

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've just spotted this question in an Edexcel GCSE maths paper (1MA1/3H from June 2017).
If the table showed 'penis length' v 'number of men', what would your first thought be?

6 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @christianp

oh, and the range of lengths is between, let's say 5 and 7 inches

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

elsewhere in the paper:
* 'Daniel' bakes 420 cakes.
* We compare the amount spent on holiday by males and females, and decide if 'Chris' is correct to say "female students spend more money than the male students"
* 'Naoby' invests £6000
* 'Jeff' is choosing plants for his garden

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

* 'Jake' makes an incorrect assumption about measuring the length of a train track

0 favourites 0 retweets

Years after impishly proposing a 'unary division' operator at big #mathsjam, I find myself actually needing to introduce one in my real work.

2 favourites 0 retweets

Here's an untrue statement:
An even three-digit number is divisible by 6.
What's the best statement like this that *is* true?

7 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @robeastaway

@robeastaway No. Were you of the 'each bag has an equal chance of being' picked school, or 'each n-tuple has an equal chance'?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @DannyKodicek

@DannyKodicek @ChrisMaslanka Just so.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @knightofmaths

@knightofmaths @ChrisMaslanka It's subjective, clearly. I'd interpret it as something like 'most satisfying'

0 favourites 0 retweets

I like this one twitter.com/Ayliean/status…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @WoollyBenguin

@WoollyBenguin @robeastaway I plotted all states the tin (box? What was it?) can be in, like '3 3s, a 2 and a 1', and counted the number of times each n-tuple occurred

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@robeastaway Oh wait, that is what I got! Doh!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @BeingHumanFest

@BeingHumanFest @EngageNCL @nuhri_ncl @UniofNewcastle Here you go, almost a week later. Your advert in Monkseaton metro station

4 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks "A number whose digits are all 1 can only be prime if the number of digits is prime" is decent, yes

1 favourite 0 retweets

Puzzle-ino (the smallest measurable quantity of puzzlement):





0 favourites 0 retweets

Thanks to #noethember I've just discovered @minouette and her brillo prints. They're for sale at etsy.com/shop/minouette and my Christmas list just got bigger

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@minouette I mean, just look at this gurning Turing (Guring?) etsy.com/uk/listing/105…

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@minouette brb filing the necessary paperwork so my name starts with a K and I can use this koala monogram etsy.com/uk/listing/164…

1 favourite 0 retweets

I would like it if there was a 'member of' symbol which doesn't need to name the element in question.
That is, something like x ∈ ℝ but without the 'x'.

Something like '∈ℝ' would be confusing. Maybe above the set instead?

What symbols other than ∈ could I use?

2 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @pippinsboss

@pippinsboss better because it's fewer digits?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @SaucySigma

@SaucySigma For things like:
(∈ℝ)^2 >= 0,
∈ℝ + ∈ℝ ∈ ℝ (hence why I want the symbol above the set's name, not to its left)
But the thing I'm thinking about at the moment is pattern matching, where I want to write something like x^(∈ℤ) or x^(∈ℚ) for integer or rational powers of x

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@SaucySigma so basically statements of the form "f(x,y,z) where x,y,z ∈ ℝ" would be replaced with "f(∈ℝ,∈ℝ,∈ℝ)"

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett it was designed by Tom Flemons, who speaks a lot of tensegrity woo: intensiondesigns.ca

0 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @christianp

@peterrowlett the convex hull is an icosahedron.

0 favourites 1 retweet

We're about to observe for the first time the Planck tory: the smallest measurable unit of matter that can govern a country

3 favourites 0 retweets

From Esther Mcvey's resignation letter:
"With employment over 3.3 million more than in 2010 we have helped 1,000 more people into work each and every day since we took office."
It's possible for that to be true and an individual's likelihood of being in work to go down

1 favourite 0 retweets

It's not a good day when you encounter an integer sequence with such a long OEIS entry: oeis.org/A001147

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ptwiddle

@ptwiddle In this case, I got lucky and the interpretation I was looking for was near the top of the entry. I wasn't looking forward to reading the whole thing!

0 favourites 0 retweets

They're pretty hard not to notice, in my case! twitter.com/utafrith/statu…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @mathsjem

@mathsjem It wasn't me, but I now wish it was. I'm a big fan of discretionary trophy engraving

5 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @Samuel_Hansen I haven't set off yet, and I'm planning on taking a *very* circuitous route

1 favourite 0 retweets

#BigMathsJam attendees, you're in for a treat: my electric razor just ran out of battery halfway through a shave

8 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @nomad_penguin

@nomad_penguin @ajk_44 I'll do a video or something

1 favourite 0 retweets

I've put the SCAD and STL files for my generalised 3d-printable Truchet tiles on thingiverse: thingiverse.com/thing:3223544

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @morethanadodo

@morethanadodo where did you get the statement that 3% of ice in antarctic glaciers is made of penguin urine? twitter.com/HelAdams/statu…

0 favourites 0 retweets

#BigMathsJam I legitimately love Numberblocks!

7 favourites 0 retweets

I forgot to tweet my #noethember day 17, drawn during @Samuel_Hansen's podcastravaganza at #BigMathsJam

10 favourites 2 retweets

#noethember day 18 is this counterfeit note, which is the prize for my #BigMathsJam competition competition competition

15 favourites 1 retweet

Who else caught a cold at #BigMathsJam?

2 favourites 0 retweets

In case anyone's interested, here's the working-out for my lowest-entry-not-in-an-arithmetic-sequence-with-two-other-entries #BigMathsJam competition: gist.github.com/christianp/18d…

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @redmanwinoshoes

@redmanwinoshoes @peterrowlett and if you haven't watched the zero episode yet, make sure you're in a good mood before you do

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @njj4 ooh yes, and consider that worthy of receiving an aperiodical magnet

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett you have a gas oven?!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett I can't remember the last time I saw one

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @nomad_penguin

@nomad_penguin @ajk_44 here you go aperiodical.com/2018/11/zecken…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @stecks

@stecks @ColinTheMathmo That reminds me, I have video of that with just Colin and Tiago in shot. Want to see it?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @JimPropp

@JimPropp Yes, @peterrowlett did in 2011 nature.com/articles/47516…

6 favourites 2 retweets

This tweet is cursed. Three of the four horsemen of the closed-source programming apocalypse. twitter.com/peterrowlett/s…

9 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett Mathematica?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett actually yes, Maple is more cursed than Mathematica

0 favourites 0 retweets

This thought occurred to me in the shower this morning: in a knights and knaves puzzle, where knights always tell the truth and knaves always lie, what is a knave's inner monologue like?

2 favourites 1 retweet

I like my pecorino how I like my women

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @theclairodactyl

@legolasismine I think there's a case for sanitising hand gels near the cake competition

0 favourites 0 retweets

I've just discovered this video by Welch Labs which accompanies bold use of graphics with some iffy maths history

1 favourite 1 retweet

Pretty miffed I wasted valuable dream time last night planning a lesson about symmetry.

9 favourites 0 retweets

Unexpected zero-failing-tests situation this early in the morning. Feel like doing a victory lap.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ireaderinokun

@ireaderinokun there's a space that shouldn't be there in ". bashrc", just under "how to create an alias"

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @pkrautz

@pkrautz yeah, it ran out of space. The 'public' folder is enormous, but the command to remove remote media doesn't remove anything, so I'm trying to work out what's gone wrong

1 favourite 0 retweets

Because of poor choices I have made in my life, today I am using node.js.


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In reply to @MathYourLife

@MathYourLife yeah, seen that. Nothing about the node ecosystem makes sense

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @DaveGorman

@DaveGorman Maybe @aperfect knows?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @blatherwick_sam

@blatherwick_sam Rounding up gives you a bigger number, we want a big number, so choose the biggest number that rounds up to 60.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Sabetta_

@Sabetta_ @kvdspek Ooh, what's the title of that article?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Andrew_Taylor

@Andrew_Taylor it's like vedic maths and trachtenberg arithmetic had an even less impressive baby

0 favourites 0 retweets

You can get a rough idea of if this is fair by modelling it:
Suppose Bercow picked order of questions at random. About 1 in 6 questions on the 26th were supportive. A geometric distribution gives the expected number of non-supportive questions before a supportive one (1/) twitter.com/MattChorley/st…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Probability of success, p = 1/6. The expected number of failures before a success is (1-p)/p = 5. So 31 questions before a supportive MP was called suggests that Bercow wasn't picking questions at random. (2/2)

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Picking at random isn't a good way of doing things, as a speaker. I know next to nothing about parliamentary procedure, but I assume he'd use some judgement to pick questions so as to ensure the range of opinions is heard. There might be lots of competing non-supportive views

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @RachelandDesign

@RachelandDesign I've heard that one of the attendees even does something disgustingly practical with radar

1 favourite 0 retweets

current status: lexicographic parity check matrix hell

0 favourites 0 retweets

Send help

1 favourite 0 retweets

FINALLY! t.co/7AohHA0kIZ

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @Coni777

@Coni777 That's a superb final drawing

3 favourites 0 retweets


In reply to @honeypisquared

@honeypisquared Sweet Straker Straightedge!

3 favourites 0 retweets

😭 twitter.com/DameLEGOVC/sta…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Colleague's email auto-reply says "I have no internet at home". True fact, or blunt way of saying "don't expect anything from me at the weekend"?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @lyd_w


0 favourites 0 retweets

I'm going to Amsterdam next week, so a quick check of the Zwarte Piet situation...

Dutch people still inexplicably happy to black up: dutchnews.nl/news/2018/12/h…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Video player uses arrow keys to jump back and forth: 👍
... in increments of one minute: 😭

0 favourites 0 retweets

Looking for family calendars - ones with a column for each family member - on amazon. So many of them are called things like "Mum's family calendar"!
Literally the one feature they have beyond listing days is that they're for the whole family! Grr

4 favourites 0 retweets

I'm bringing zenzi back

5 favourites 1 retweet

You can just about make Möbius paper chains with a post-it note, if you cut it into very thin slices. @aperiodical

9 favourites 2 retweets

This feels like terrible communication of risk to me:
"Most adults living unhealthy lifestyle"
"The data from the Health Survey for England showed nearly nine in 10 had at least one unhealthy trait."

How unhealthy is unhealthy?

4 favourites 3 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Smoking and drinking too much are some of the traits, as you'd expect, but so are "don't eat 5 fruit or veg a day" and "low rates of physical activity", which are in a completely different league of risk.

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @christianp

No link to more information, of course, because this is BBC News, and the "related internet links" seem to have been picked by a robot: a link to a random GP practice, the YMCA, and a community garden. No explanation of how those are relevant.

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @christianp

I've tracked down the summary of the HSE report; it's at files.digital.nhs.uk/5B/B1297D/HSE%…
As I expected, 71% of adults don't eat five portions of fruit and veg a day. Half of those have one or more other risk factors. Not convinced this categorisation is helpful

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @christianp

Oh, that's not necessarily true - 36% of people have only one risk factor, which I incorrectly assumed was always not enough fruit and veg.

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @pennylongstckng

@pennylongstckng @aperiodical they haven't even stayed stuck together on my desk, so using them as a garland might be asking a bit much of them

0 favourites 0 retweets

. @wacnt least populated timezone

0 favourites 0 retweets

An interesting Dudeney puzzle today over on Mathstodon: mathstodon.xyz/@dudeney_puzzl…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Just passed 1024 unit tests on my development branch of @NclNumbas. That's 126 more than the current released code.
Let's just say I'm being very careful not to break anything.

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @colourblindorg

@colourblindorg I have protanopia and I *think* I can read everything on that sign. What's missing?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @colourblindorg

@colourblindorg They look pretty identical to me, so I don't know what I'm missing!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @JimPropp

@JimPropp Because explaining it in words of four letters or fewer has been done

3 favourites 0 retweets

Keeping the @mathsinthecity dream alive twitter.com/mathcitymap/st…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @BarbaraFantechi

@BarbaraFantechi I have enjoyed that wifi several times. Makes you feel welcome!

0 favourites 0 retweets

If you're struggling to find a present for me this Christmas, hurry down to the Crowne Plaza in Amsterdam where this levitating dodecahedron is a snip at €249

20 favourites 5 retweets

On the eve of the stupid brexit vote, I remember a line of reasoning I first heard @peterrowlett use: "something must be done; this is something; so let's do this".

4 favourites 0 retweets

Seriously considering making one of these for myself twitter.com/christianp/sta…

1 favourite 0 retweets

Plaque reads "In memory of the sticklebricks lost in the great construction toy war"

2 favourites 0 retweets

I'm at a conference where a company is presenting a product with "open" content.
Very generous, but the content is mainly "adapted" from CC-BY licensed material from openstax.org, but they've put a CC-BY-NC-SA licence on it. Is that allowed?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

Since the value the company is adding seems to consist of the automatic marking and LMS interoperability software, which isn't open, what have they added that allows them to put a different licence on the material?

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett @stecks @SHUMaths My long-term plan to have @aperiodical made entirely in the North-East has moved one compass direction closer to completion!

3 favourites 0 retweets

Me, earlier: I've got a couple of spare hours in Amsterdam, so I'll do a spot of shopping and enjoy seeing the city.

The news channel on the TV in my hotel room: watch this absolute car crash.

1 favourite 0 retweets

This pad of paper only has 9 sheets. What's the minimum viable 'pad of paper' in new condition?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @ChrisMaslanka

@ChrisMaslanka Yes cardboard backing; spent longer writing that message than counting the pages

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @CmonMattTHINK

@CmonMattTHINK I had a very interesting chat with David Roberts a while ago, about his work looking at making models of maths where different kinds of continuum hypotheses are true: aperiodical.com/2017/06/the-cu…

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @CmonMattTHINK

@CmonMattTHINK @mathyawp I did?!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @CmonMattTHINK

@CmonMattTHINK @mathyawp Ah!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @ch_nira

@ch_nira @icecolbeveridge I hereby promote you to The Most Interesting Conceivable Mathematician

1 favourite 0 retweets

Today, in JavaScript is tonnes of fun and can be relied on when used carefully: I put a closing bracket in drastically the wrong place yonks ago, and it didn't cause so much as a syntax error. Just caught it while reusing that line of code.

0 favourites 1 retweet

Have just been notified I have 1.5GB of my data allowance left, and it renews tomorrow.
I also have 5 hours until my flight...

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @RobJLow

@RobJLow Challenge noted, let's say

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @Andrew_Taylor

@Andrew_Taylor Curl that cable up a few more times and see if you can levitate some paperclips above it

2 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @benjamin_leis

@benjamin_leis this puzzle might be relevant: aperiodical.com/2018/09/a-puzz…

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @BarneyMT1

@BarneyMT1 @SparksMaths The answer is to print them at a load of different sizes and see what looks good together

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @pimbellinga

@pimbellinga hi Pim, I never got round to showing you the other project on making a specification for maths questions. It's called MeLQS; here's the talk from our @EAMSConf this year: eams.ncl.ac.uk/sessions/light…

0 favourites 0 retweets

Includes my 'spontaneous Venning' toy: spontaneous-venning.glitch.me twitter.com/glitch/status/…

2 favourites 0 retweets

🤨 twitter.com/My_Metro/statu…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp

For those who haven't been to Whitley Bay: imagine a fairly mediocre high street, but without many big chains. That's Whitley Bay.

1 favourite 0 retweets

Look and say: 2444666668888888

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @christianp


2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @robinhouston

@robinhouston That's fascinating. I want to have a good think about it before I read the PDF. My first guess is its doing something like encoding the statement "x is prime"

4 favourites 1 retweet

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge Be still my heart!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @aperiodical

@aperiodical I promise I didn't look at the post queue before putting this jumper on this morning

3 favourites 0 retweets

The maths of Dobble, which if you know me you probably already know, but also some history twitter.com/LinRod/status/…

5 favourites 0 retweets

Help help my cracker hat has the wrong genus

3 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge was it this? youtube.com/watch?v=Myaj1H…

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge Your hardest challenge yet!

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge I think my wifi just died for a bit, but I thought it looked funny

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge I have yet to meet another person whose enjoyment of that song is even on the same side of zero as mine

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @drvinceknight

@drvinceknight where does he stand on tabs v spaces?

2 favourites 0 retweets

Currently converting postscript macros that I didn't write, with no comments, to HTML5 canvas routines.
It might be easier to just reimplement postscript...

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @matheknitician

@matheknitician @aperiodical very good point. Good maths stock imagery is hard to find. One day I'd like to get together people and money to make a bank of good maths stock images

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @sxpmaths

@sxpmaths @MEIMaths the first two questions that occurred to me were: how deep in thr ground will that cube sink, and what will the temperature in the middle be?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge I write Electric Light Orchestra. What are we talking about?

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @icecolbeveridge

@icecolbeveridge As with anyone, write it how he writes it

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett Tangram shark do doo do doo do do

9 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @mscroggs

@mscroggs I'm still assuming I'll have time to blitz the lot on Christmas Eve

2 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @C_J_Smith

@C_J_Smith I follow you for homology and homology alone. Don't start branching out

1 favourite 1 retweet

In reply to @matheknitician

@matheknitician Not in the next few days, that's for sure

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @samholloway

@samholloway It is my longheld opinion that the metro centre consists of a non-euclidean pocket dimension

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @COOLIO_FEAT_LV

@COOLIO_FEAT_LV Stop hanging out at the warhammer shop

0 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @GhostMutt

@GhostMutt Tell me how!

0 favourites 0 retweets


1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @FryRsquared

@FryRsquared I'm concerned someone is going to make a fence post error. Does the schedule finish at 3 or 3.15?

0 favourites 0 retweets

These are exquisite and 100% my jam twitter.com/samira_mian/st…

7 favourites 0 retweets

In reply to @peterrowlett

@peterrowlett I sort of want those as a poster

0 favourites 0 retweets

Pirate Pete has walked the plank!

1 favourite 0 retweets

In reply to @walkingrandomly

@walkingrandomly I'd put an SSD above a faster processor or fancy display

1 favourite 0 retweets

There's got to be a joke involving the ffi ligature and the words 'puffin' and 'pun'.

23 favourites 2 retweets

In reply to @christianp

If there was, for example, a pub with this sign, that'd work, right?