A lullaby sequence
My son was born last September. While he doesn’t hate sleep as much as his sister did, he still needs a bit of help to drop off. I’m not at all musically inclined, and I seem unable to …

Christian Lawson-Perfect's homepage
My son was born last September. While he doesn’t hate sleep as much as his sister did, he still needs a bit of help to drop off. I’m not at all musically inclined, and I seem unable to …
For my birthday I got an EleksDraw pen plotter. It’s a cheap and cheerful example of the form: a pair of orthogonal metal rods with a pen on the end, attached to electric motors. The idea is …
Earlier this year, when getting the train to work was still a thing for me, I noticed this statistic: 95% of the time escalators were working in the last four weeks.
If you see me doing a maths thing, I’m probably wearing one of my maths t-shirts. I’ve got quite a few, but the one that reliably produces the much-sought-after look of total indifferen…
A competition to find The World's Most Interesting Mathematician. It's really a way of tricking people into telling me fun maths.
Way back at the end of last year I put out a call to mathematicians I know: hop on Skype and chat to me for a while about the work you’re doing at the moment. The first person to answer was D…
My wife’s school recently sent round a form with questions about “a day in the life” of people working in STEM careers, to show to their year 6 children. My job involves the M in …
Warning: you could make a very strong argument I’ve thought far too much about something inconsequential. If that makes your stomach turn, look away now. This morning in the shower, I had an …
A series of videos about mathematical objects.
Christian Perfect has turned into a one-man plug for the holes in Wolfram|Alpha.
Christian investigates the possibility of a moving whale being able to warn you it’s coming.
Christian investigates the mystery of Hermes’ maximum parcel dimensions.
The Herschel graph has some pretty cool properties. Christian Perfect constructed the associated polyhedron, and it too has some cool properties!
My friend David Cushing and I used to review integer sequences for fun.
Christian was asked to find some art to decorate the walls of the university maths department he works in. Here’s what he found.
This is a sporadic series of posts where I collect links to interesting or unusual maths things.